HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-03-23, Page 9k. 77 - 774 7 9 ?A' CUMM. law J" TRUMDAY, MAWR Urd, 1#11. ++++* . . . . . . .. . . . . . . CLINTONMAUXBTS + + + KUMAR After March:24 This Store 75. + On, and Oat's -281 29. + + + 5 or S—W.00. 4. Brail­$210. + YOUR AM, U Hou B pj�- 6.200: 21. + o B '612esso''n a 'eT!_ + nches out to d _0 + + ......... 4 'LEFT FOR -WBST. on Saturday last Daqid Craw- �A ford, of town and Raymond Conneill of Hullett, left with a 04 of for tbeo West. RM Adam-..­ LODG)& OF INSTRUCTION,, Come. ud sdd the results of, our 'effort 1, a ThA 0 ddfeI1Qv,q, of Huron 1�ia- WALT. PAPER buying. We have striven to IB'A S t, No. 15, will hold, a Lodg,6 o f P.- ion,'t Goderich,on �Good .... .. .. .. gatherthe popomm n the novei and the effective . .. ..... truct i'k 'a an ienjoy 'Irons in suitable colors. Tell us if you, thin I ay', (whe able tirae pat ill no 'doubt be had, vnd if ()ur prices are we ve gath�r,,wisely . and will, t WRITB, AT' ST. MARYS,' ot in keeping, With the qualities, n We o' rons more value'for heir Money- TJ6 ana , al, bxominatI608 Of Can_ And to. 0 ur Pat' didateis and pr6bationers.for the ministry of the -Methodist church itetallers-ot 11neh WALL PJkPEJt of the Better tu the London Conference will be h 1, in the Methodist church, St. class elc Marys, on April 18, 19 and 20, 1911" SPRING* GOODS commencing. at 9.30 a,in., oil Tueis- I I day, the latli. A large number Veili]nD-s * Laces, EmbrolderieO, oleaudidmteis are expected, Dress Qoods, Dress Trimmings, g + Petticoats BROADVOOT—TURNER, Th, e" W,,. Ds Fair eo Rosiery, Moves, Underwear, Corsets, Top Skirts, .2 Ou JWed-neisday tile, fifteenth a Whitewear, Prints,, kGinghams, Sheetings, Cottons,, Towelings,, quietwedding took. place at the Often the leheal0ast—AiwaYs the Best' llome, Of Mrs, E. 97uraer, Clinton, Shirtings, Sateens'l. Table'Linen, Table Napkins White Vestingp, where her daughter, MISS Emily Aliee,kvas Wariled to Mr. Alexand" in RU 8, X4ttl�, 011cloths, Linoleum$ eir Broadfoot, of Tackersmith. -ear relEutives were . present. Scrims, Mad-ras, Lace Ourta s 9. Only, n same butter issolil to the o Bux. Rev. mi.. Ford, paistor Of 'WeIleY I er. in Toronto, for 40c. T C , A Ws is. to%�* non.y, church colldue! d the. cerel great a difference and Spring .-Ter mn. of leo�operatiou th of, C, IWO OLD 'PAPERS fro CLEAN 'e �Qt . middleman, eould roe liar elint, ANS. pot Cash AND'IP t p . d V I new industries k4relin- Orftred Olothing & Rei%dy-Madle Clothing 5 er cent off S iawted,, Mr. C�ooper als0­0119908 Pol�s and pans arethe, ' bugbear From April 8rd merges into e se era 61 the housekeeper, and clean our Summer Season from July ton,: and �clased his highl�; appre- at the best.i�ft 3rd and affords continous oppor- then� As hard.%vork ciative address by, . speaking , "a, to tunity for bright young people =e -avor of a new patriotic easy, matter however, d is, any 1 0 to -qualify for gbod. 4lifuness In f -IN, BOTH- STORES keep, a sUPPly Of old papers twthe '14T_y TAKEN AS CASH a skillet is tions. O'r school. The g.!eing formed, in Canada, as soon a- - 19, P Treleavenwho opened FARIW PRO kitcherkand lkttia iboiling b(ol decl pour bX-a tral Business Collegq of the 4iocussibu Vii the subject de - u "'r, , out Toronto, the largest and boac 11the work of the High your business', and will allow yo. the =91ee them throw 00 water Aended, TVIRFARMER We wan equipped in Canada. inOtes and, �dlb the iskillertt,,with a -large Your. e Schools. 'Ifel claimed. th.gb -the -plece?,bt. paper. if '�he drying pan consideration. Cata WOTkof the High Schools was not logue mail edon Tequest, highest prices for',your preduce. is Inot do -an add a4tttle more wat- to fit a Perspil for any special call - y with a piece 04 1� - ug . a general ed er and polish dr ,t1n lifiel 'but give be- AV. AL SHALIV Pres. Yong� on -foym a good PrOS14 paper and hang �away and Gerrard Streetv,. ts i 1which would fQTC(ftihe other work is attempted.. 'foundationt.for any calling in life. Toronto "wwwwo WJL�h leavingthe Pots and, pans to.. `Xr. Hartleycoutlinued the � dis the last they, xr6 likely. to bLicome cussion and, euggested.the formg7 .�g depart� I Or 0 Mi- ai burden. The New Bra can aup- ttioig qf'a monual.rtrainin Tent in the U , Airmno pu pV, old popc-rB at the. small noccupie b cent a bundle. lieschool. -The governinent pays 0 LOST. h`4 §&ipr�ent and also :gives 60.0M IN THIS DIOCESE. On', March 11,, a isable ruff, was ant towardstlie'teAqherls Sol- a, Statistics regarclingxthe Ronion lost Oil Huron St. Findek Will ary, 130 - at a manual training closg sr 'London,, c6n- kindly, leave it at the Ne'wEra' of- c6uld be, - beguu with littI4 or no Cotfioll DiOqc e"'of a - f 'Co.. .1 t, expensel to hie to*n. Mr. C taine.� in the, of ficial Citholie'dir %V%s kiven O'hearty vote . oopler �y just'isnued at Xllwauke6, of t a 9 ectox . BANQUET.& SVCCR�S, an Wis., Shows there are 60,000 Cathol- for� his- ad -dress, after whic -0 Fal-' Lost! Friday night -the Shredd(jd appetizingi, lunch was serv.ed'to the 1kro in tlhe� pi; . vinep of Bishop larg-a number - present. IOU. In,, addition there are 72T dio- Wheat Banquet in, Ontario street, cegani-priesto; one bishop and 17 church was, a decided' success. MINOR COCALS. religious orders, I Or a 'The lacltes' tieaied over $49 and all. prtest% of ',�,laispeetbr- 7cnCcelleutisupper ��Voin- idad-e--h tot'al'Of"89_ Was,serVed, After, fn '151ts, 51; *miasion, �vM churches 'tera -a igood, pT-ogram was Tendered spection of Clinton Public School piiL 29; total churches go. Theological iA -th6 atditbrium.. last Monday. Clinton has belonged ertudents, 25; hoapital 2; college, 1, to East Huron inspectorate Siat �TA , MI situdents,`175, academies, 8; �upils', A NICE 'PRESENT. 0. Council . placed Irvet Sanuiry's C, -Paracliial.schools, 85, children i1b �n the: West, interchanging East 668. The Witor iriedto celebrate'his' attending about 11,0oQ; orphan susy birthdayAn a pleasant wa even Wawanoish to East Huron, ' Y1 They are lum�, 1�; grphanS 100. it it did'ha�pen on a: ThImsday, FolloN� 'The Crowdu— ad evetything *as goinj a, goinj��o.bhe County Fair, The� -THE 1. 0. 0. ONTARIO. o.ng iiicedy, (till press thile. After run-. chord o-s(drills, and musical qpe- S cialties, introduced at the *County The achibvements .6f -the .-Grand ningk off ooine, paper and' niaking. FEW B R. StWing, of Porter's Hill, had -t P. diir- i'�change, We staTted again) when Fair -are ljaptictdlarlY attractive. URIAL spring� chickens I arrive. luck Mprtiig Term Yrofil Aim 3 Lodigo of Oirtairio 1., 0 The. best singers in town will'take, His ingL the. year 1010 are set ftorth CLINTON NEW ERA Since NOVEj_nb&-491V1tiU:Mareh1 wmo igTealt for out of a.8 of )ort just ' issuo all of a isudden page. 5 f airly, fletw d oul d OM tUe,1- PTOSW - and,, a "PI" of . the Pait..' Comei. andhave a goodlaug two 3 conclaeayL in a re! 4Careltaker Crich has. li� y 12, he secured 11 barre - 0 UNTRAL a 'J. B. King-,, Worst kind was - to be' seen6 No Meet Your friends at the "COUAlty, buTilsold a raouth,.vIlich is consideir- by, the Grand.Secret yy, vair, rrawn Vall,­Mar6h 23rd. Get. Idwex than, for many -Is ceTtainly rushing th a a an, Toronto. �A Qne SPOkig and a sort of bli id af aW- your, tickets eaTly and avoid' the, years -the. past ear progresa gers" litt everyone. We were 1& q, 'I t e I yonq -else beat this? During 3 tap *,to DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Ucu past. Xarcilx -has hac h I has knarked.tbe*Orlerls courae in deed thankful.,that we had over 4. rushi at the gate of the- c6untyVI.- list, Specialist. will be at W. 8 R HE GREYHOUND tXCURSI STRATFORDoONT- lay, idar" presenti galleys of good readable.. -Fair s Nvork; the I type Holmes'Drug store, on Tuese gent We -have three depart4ent,— every� department of it standing, so that.we'soon had iti!.- Mr. E. H. Ayers, Excursion A. larg,est!number of adInissions by' 6D'M and Tpie- A GOO BE -TING, 28th Glasses �roperty fitted, deafness. KEN THE BUSINESS. -thand catarrh and faiiing eyesight treatedi HAS TA of the White Star Line, wishes thq' Commercial. 13boi Tough IMiTlY 600, the fewest -losses; and a Other Page Inade. Only those . of All courses are tho On Tuedday night at the Literary day. Last week Mr. A, J.Hoiloway, a NOWL Bra ito announce that the 9th graphy. increasing, �.viterest the "Fourth Estate" know what a All constantly tl, The - teaching. is on, of theibest ' meetings was k, own.to . everyone yekr, excursion. of We' 'Greyhound, and practic, manilVslted�by the lodges.*' eDur- tunn3ft,-feealug'.1t ja to.'�ee:a - page hel ' -a' tizenLW01I,, perienced instrue- spill on prseaday. d. Mr,,Thomas Fraser a, � wellw- pilrehased t. g'gtock of will, leave GodeTiall� at 9.30 Q032., dohei by seven exi R. A. andwe place graduates in good taR 18 was paid out in -fiown. in k f Stanley, acldre6s DIVISION COURT. Downs, and is continuing -tbe tail-� I Saturday, June 17th and.returning,'. tor ke of lasbyeltr's stuil- sick. and, Other benefits,. averagiag MR. LTOHN A. COOPER AT THE fed the 'a'e'_ er" 0 on Tax Ret6rm., Mon- j positions. Son the r .$377,98. CLINTON..,CLUB busines's in Mr. leav�gi 'Detroit at 1-0 are' ents are now earn '-AOT( les -ell da 'Of Mi. Pr r tiag ny .8 Holt %S holding court here' oring. business f Ing $1009,00. per Y aTe has for a great ma Judg clay'; Jiine 19th. ,Round.tri One"In elach12 I� 6 it Down's oldstond.,' ip 2 of mOnber- o-day. e sh!pL rece 'Mr. �oii�i A. Coop�er, edlt`�' $i�.50. Fullemi.pattieulars in du 6 annum or b tter. lived, sickbentfitv, been a folldwer of the Tax Studdats are entering each week. r Oft'he Reform� League and gave a good lodges Canadian Courier) gave a Very. addreiss. )tlmd,. Duringi the'year fifteen BEFORE LONG. This is- a good- time for you to enter werei instit-lated the'number' now Tractical and -MORE LIGHT. WE x, oui free 6italogueat once suggestive laddress n1t, t ALL AGREE. Write fo beingl 380 and ;h mbership 44,-a aittlid Clinton Club On . Thursday NOVA GET READY. you S Love' what we,oan do f & ine This, Week a new window was put Though m�puld suspec 1, . or you r -with e. This Week- we Placed a number to -day.— Nd lbettei J�,arrk wa done an . dlearn 400 1with, ipveab6d. funds amounting. evening last. 'He dealt. th -into the worktoomL of A. wa I n - Baseball. aloni, the line of phildnthr6py.' in =* u ties D. A. McLachlin to, inesarly $2,000,000. .,Had the, dffi- depop t o of rural co _u i i of accounts in the hands.of the -way's tailor shop. %j �Count�, than the estitblish­!. I* bills. PRINCIPAL eersl�of thm ldlelli4uent lodges been and soggested as,one reisoli for it Whitney Lalv Corporation for lebl- Drowned while bathinr,. in f theHouse ot Refuge.. Un- e to theirlrii6t, Mt. Xing - says, 0 have -tried in* a pleas- tru the,,character ofthe teaching -in leetion. w. der (its roof hundreft have found, J as Wt, Is. fair . t1o, believe theymight a Colleglati1natitutea afid High ant way, to �nake short 1�kragrq�hs THE COUNTY FAIR TO,NIGHT.. No* Potatoes. bers- Schools. He thought'the ciirrieu� 0 oyoters. e4 Iccoiif6rtable hoine, and had their havei.lbeen, the 45,-000 m6n ir i to the 'fact N I _1L the 'NOW Bra'cdlling County Fair b the hoped to have -now eport- 111% At t4A 09-h Schools should be .1vour subsdri tion h DoAlb forget the in. Rock -the -boat fools. decliningiyeara sweetened Y f(undly, r at ad lot:., N dei �nore pradticall less - Latin ' th-el.t6wil Hall to -night Thar N: FOR MILVERTO ed hvokvld haVe been more nearly, Wa i 'been paid^ TMheftt' aize isouie V,,h6 aday, -Oxford. kindly attention of those interest- NEW STATIO underl'the auspices of 1 -he Pastime edin�OithbodYan&soul. AtPres- realized. end Greek should be taught and Prickly, host. -Reeve Or �Sch, ofMilverton, on Wive(not taken. the hint so as the r 0 Club. SUIVArokeL' 1:� eut there'a e 85 inmates under'the Imore book-keeping, short -hand Inist, resort weUave had - thia Mar& ath, heodea a. deputation of 'A. IWXEKIS RET -�Ad type writing, &c. He also urg- Peekal care. of -Caretaker. Mutch, -a-nil ' his SHMENT. 3oo. �raisfs. the.villag,6 touncil and interviewed agency. to collect the amounts, The SAILING FOR HOME. the formation of clas, Fish Istori6s. Wife The[ Anok sanguine adivocate of the, Middle division sums �nay,be aniallto each one but Sup,7-t. Gillen 'Tho following extra from the ric01turV btad thee�nplo,, vi femr-accourits atiodilted. up to Mr. John Ransford(is once *ore, Shinyt noses. o� & Housq has hail his best ex- O.f the G. T. R. at MfiV,6rton station' dlarY�-of a shepherd some fqrty fe e leat faus. verified. a,her for �that branch.. oieT $225.00 We cail: mak r peetationd more, than of the years ago will strike the reader aa e our Sh. 'a- home readers easy,by statingfliat.: bound� for home and will sooh b BTUBSOI13 Post, a d poirlted.the!necessity 'Th success of a town like Cli A . tati6n. Mi. iurious.- Bub w-hbil it is explained e� 6� amougi his Clinton friendis again. ort, sermons., eiecdoul of a new s ton ldapenOd on the fa -e been handed in _yeit, Olee leold" leoiioliade. rining Coal noncthav Gillen, aamittled the'inadequicy'of that tho. -whiskey of, that time was munfitymirroun4ingit. The citi- onlyj those at adistance.� Don7t be. 'A SPLENDID CALENDAR. 'Small tongregations.'..' NEW, LICENSE - TAX. I prevent building and platform more nourishing than the liquors own -should, take 'an - angry, Wilted bollara the, zens of the,t at khO editor if you receive The NeW Bra has just received a 0 -%v a -bide, and Only half getiveil Interest �n the problems 4.11dunner" but ki0i'yourself that' Tilundersto Several modifications in the. bill and -said 41hatit.new station W uld . a at vreseuvt*i� rms. I . I &ubtedli d valendoT from the Allis- 'uttriTiduced in. the-Legislat -be built, in the near ithe I pAce, it, will -be at, once'evidevt 4 Ispleudi are on . un c confronting; ..farmew., Batter you'did. not send yqui dollar every Circuses r. Hanna, Pro-, Aulture. "W '�r, ICAn7t. Mayor Ta-ylor.: thet the, Shepherd had the best ot Sells - gn Cliu - , for 21C Chambers -Bullock,. Ltd., C6_np n Mohday, lb�r Eon. M . . .. . : I . toix and that YeAr. -the Councillors it. vincial SecrotarYt 0- amqnd, the Reev6,Sniyith and of Montreal. They are the, 'V6 Y OV0 IS THIS 901� k RECORD. the ne-. se act'%Vere proposed by get after Supt.Gfllen, o Monday—a half -gill to wash Avont rer's of All t cessjt�, of a neiwr upto-diate station thet'leffects. o,1 a dry Sermon, I 1-2d ++++*... known, Inanufactu, liquor liedn C plants. About� the 23rd of FebtuakyMr%, the MInister. One (chav tha chinery. for Wills and electri ......... 4+++++1 ................ f the sum io,ver which -the five per for'01inton. uli&day—a� �iglill to, Wet ma lips. or 4. taVer do�g, w)iJklO being out after - -the cenk (Olt 1gtoss receipts of n4i- cense hdldeTs shall -be taken bytho -sheep,'Ild'; joxeg�gthefin) wil the fibe- Govewilment. N raised from $4-0,- a, LBG4L IQEJEBTION, bore two gills 6d'.mah- dog whistlin' Two Dollar Shoes For Ladies + + + dayto $50-u da3r.,. dies, a giiA, 2d—ls, I- 1-2d.'.'. G. R., po'deriell—Qu.—A, Tuoaday---�Al,.wet mornin!, a -!gill, + + BLBCTORS TO VO TE REDtCTION part of - which oil' + leaving. an c-stfite, &thewe� [being, Some holes in ma plaid, + A further clause, in the License consists of a Manufacturing con- at Fre"d- J&ASO"s machinery. dog.whisitlin' th-11uthe dayi'twa gill + Our Sprin Speciats­. Laws of Ontario,providies that the cemn.' The buUding and 6d; tonsollilf wil Jock Macdonald + questifont of licensb reduction shall 'are �nortgaged- The will ' directs over the lass ol M6.wife, fower 91119 + be taken out of the hands Of mun" that 'the� income of the estate is IB—Is$ 9d. idpal Colaucils and left 'with the. Ito! be ol 0 as long. as he lives Wt;dnesday—Ma I rket daly fore- 4 e4ectors. TeAt per cent'. of t,he tl" anal en e dies t e estate is to --rin's, Bak gills, IS; 0 -We ha� + t. s may patill the onnei any -e et een C: and M. whist- e just received a rAnge Of fine -Shoes - equally IdIvid gaft; wi,� st of ' ove .,ber, lin, twa gilllAfred; gillg, �folks I hich' are, + lbefore ell Has the, ootga .6 to be paid oft for Ladies to sell dollars s can be hae. Indi ol Whatever, 1p; gill at Xwo a pair W + ask- for a r uation. of so Many beforo any, of'! e -nrofit . d + nes of the lidearses. e question must wI7 the man that -saiig "Aul Lang the best value.we have ever �be'en able to offer. Sap. -Buckets ;and Spiles, Washin� Rachi be koted,on at paialt to B. ? 2 :11 the iaterest- . is Syne� i3d-3s, 5d.. Clothes Wringers, Step ladders, Daisy Churns- t neid muniel- Tjaidbpon-the,mortga e�caa, the s ape, mad I e -pg eledtion, and- subbitted to a fif� —A 1011 to brinr-to mind They are right up, to dat'e'ln h Test -due ;of the, -profits %e, paid toD ? Thursday of a + Carpet S' tAins Poles. tyj per cent. vote, fti this respect aurlI,peoledl.m knuckles in a + choice selection of Dopiola Xid, blucher pattern + weepers, Cur Ans.—Thq will bannolt affect the wh + followingl1he, liquor license . law the mortgagee. is. poleteiticat argumen � 3d introducing + for Scotland, 'The _ slibmission rights, Of Yocle Macdonald to a likely lass to 9, and are as nice looking as many higher + cutibled to (be paid thi intere t Up- , priced + Dr. Hess Stock Food -and Panacea to make, shall be ICOMPUISOTY on the by-law orA hts mortgage, and- also a the mak' his Becondwife, two gills, 6d; Shoes, teing; adopted. A license Teduc,� principal when st becomes due, --The Sulldrn'dog whidtB11% two gillsi, ad. + Hens lay. tloiN by-law being submitted and Intention, of the testator must �aVd 6d-1,91 Od. We back ihem up and + prmse4 1upon �by the people, the "Zr'L1'* , guarantee satisfactory * . , I -A lbee � give tb B. *only the surplus Friday—Ainon?, the sheel), fOrtifv wear, + questio inc� % the number. of Ii Mel.. ftobi the property after Jn7 mpsell for Jock Macdonald'A DUSTBANE the great SVjeeping compound in censes olvall not be submitted, again + faii a teAn ofthweib yeari, It �s paymout0of the int6liest upon tha WifOlo funeral in the afternoon, t wa -1� Barrels, half Barrels and Cans. gills, 6d 1, anitlier on the road to It will be our pleasure to show these i9ods + mootgago -and, dxpense of kee Ing rT6vidfed -so, that a local ol)tion th4b pTdperty in ft&ir. C. anT D kce,V.Wy�aell fiaegreetint for tile whet4er yottowish to buy or' not. + vote shall be confined, tores I ident have g1,tto Insist that Ahe in'. puio, body, 3d. 1, tSe_ funeral, sax + .for 95c, oters, -.4s, 6di �+ .. . Clothes Horses feg. $1.50 'L,a rig a., 6d. + heritaiiee shall uoit 'be diMinished in gills, Ll AT THE OPERA HOUSE. � buildings to, bed'opme Saturday—To' keepthemolat out + valueA or tht I + Try as for S' + Thor.av6 "remainder ma plaid, tb* hol,68 not- being atiglactory Sfioeg + dllaPidot0d. STRIel L e S S 12 lbs for 25ot; gieing- in - See our job., lot OfNail 0 mendit, a.. 91-11, 3d. the + See 6W they rush-,' away I 1110�jll and therefore haV6'a Tight + ThOYL havc, no time to say. to XAke action to pr6verlt thd Pro- bonito fof Jock -Mae'donald"d mar- + God Save, the King, perty, frohl igoing to "Waste)'. The riage, f4DWOr Mills, IS.;'d'Og WhilItIfil' + A*tbAs the usual way? martgageq knay allso hkve + an foretgath7inls, threeX�, Is, Od-29 a -right od t + Repair whilel you + ltrwly� come to Stay I tolliTisist -aporl tho property being + eel a sbill delays to Bay kept Kn repair, au& olw, to prevent' S day—The. Sawboth, Day, OL *e� + God, Save the' Xiiig. *116 jCutting i&O*n of timber and dro to lelear my throat for crying + All all Oki In th6 Tout— kn-v. Mber opoilation of the raort. 0 i a ftV2 Ell. gill, 3d; anit + nAK IN JJ DKVDo Medium, and thin and trtotit q%*y all take wing. es. and Hardware yoan�o atid W, 9hott and tall plook from seats stud; box and Roll An& leavo Olt mapty ball. )relnlses, 2 1 think it J to kept paid -up on go and- thio property is'l �r Ih4t the surplus froin of tbo J?P�OlDertt 08A be I L C 10'a ho bells aro-riliging 3d, z, somebrany'so, an no, to be, tak. in7 the soiell o whisk6y Into the LordV h*ose, ad. d drop ' Ao diost the semon, twa Z9181 K-101� Ra, ToteA 0& 4 1-2d-.. FR,9D JACKSON W 040.4 -4 6-A. 4-