HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-03-23, Page 6I .J I ­ � � 'W ,7-�­_V.��'-!V' -7171P.7, '!"W i. 77-10 �.­n1-".1TqVV1FF1V1-V1V.� ---w-T. r7w-,-�-"A.r . Xqv,J�r : - � , :� , - � . * . . . I I . , 4 . .11, RPNWWqWW,WWq"TWor3� W' -T -WW :7,�- Xfqli��11:11T� , � -Vry �Alr_171111�.. -,P-,­,­1',,T_0M.Pr,"-. , , 7-7�'JF-Wrlr , I " , - rwp5r , I I I , . 0 "V k . WMP I . I .0 L I I .— I .. I ,., . 11 . , �' . __ - _ - - - � .- � �- ----.. ___ ____ __________ . __ - Tft dLmmftw "W =A.. & . ," I", � 1* - I , ___­ ­ . � I_, - � ­ -_ %P9tT=D,k-1, U*Xkjl 0*11, 1UL 11 . -W,�__ ,; ,;'­;-_­;�__��' ,--"-- I - ­­­-­'-­­­ .... ­ -A....ir I - __ - . . - L � I - .,� I ��Z,;;_ - ;"_"�, .1-111-- -=�; �z ...... �,__­=7_­ �',­:;­ -11r,"I - ­ ______ , . I I .., I I _ __. I � I � - __ -.7 I I.I.-I, ­ ._�_­ -_-1 I — __ _ . __ , � % � F, . ­ — _­__ - I. I 1-1--_' ­' ­­­_ � I . . . I __ . I . . I � - ­ Vind kneat produeers, Or stgue, I oil, *toady ON, Cotton SW '011" HUM . ­_ -- ' _' ­ ­ ­­ L, . I % -,- -- - - - --- I ----,-- ---,--,---- - - . ". . _ _ _ _ . ..... _ , Zymouth sockA, W744 Int ­ �­ ". , "" ­­­ , � I . ..... . -111 I— ­ -1 ­­ ­­ I'll. ­­­­ ­­ .1 I.". ---1 -11 .­ � I � '10 08t*nd renned, Xpot easy, 304F ". �, � I -T--. . 1. 1. 1. ­_ -_ .1 I � W ____ I I - Rhode JAIAnd 4645, *&am have their I London Produciiii. ' � ISTREET CAR WRECK 1 . .. .. I�__, - � ­­ . , admirere. Po ona, ly, I like I - . . 11 I I I Orpington. beat. Iva a big chicken, NI)ON, 'March 18,To-day's %ooat - ___ ___ - I . i ' 1_� . , ,, iii,lar?l,ililtt(ti,ir'lifiti"tllt3ittitilllti*il)ittiliiinilftu(tll,'tR�til;T'l.'I I I . " I ! To I ", F,xcdent worl=awhip and . I . ­ , laye well during t1te -Cold Weather, rom ]Denmark landed 378 bales. Quo- i .-1 - 4 . 1. , . ,I tatlone are; Bacon, reduavd, 2s 4d for Train Cnishoo Into, a Trolley ikt . , I � CRA ACCOM�mOdatO itself to limited Canadian, ,with more doing at 509 to I , , I , ; I I- . - -, __ -,. _ , I . , . .. space. 11 11 a made The � 443" hams, long cut, were Stea0y "T, I Clinton St, Quffalo, , yle � I . ' I �1 I � � . AnYw,27, whatever 1reed -con 'se- Goo to Ggs; cheese was In fair demand I —_ , I .. I rm IM11 V ..� I ME . - -i lect$ -the ibig art Of ChiCkOu Val$- and ruled Arm. fineipt White W44 604 11 �� Shoe I ne pnoe ot �� ____ , . ing,coMes, ax erwaraq. For the to 68s; colored, 62s --to 63s; deep red, - ,.*, I 40F.W."W"M �_ � "! .1 .... . .. ZE" � ..... �.� . ..... �, For Infitnts and Children. . E I .. .11, tv - I 'no VICQ it would be boot if he starts 64s to $Us. TWO PERSONS ARE KILLED' , 4�,;l ­­ � ­ ­ I 1. - I , -1 � I ._ L �_ I $110all. Every . I I I I .. I'll ears, asm 'The shoe Am "Ps . export, poultry r4iser — - 1 31 �_ ­ .. . .,m - . ,_ I - L tin vill, preach that to you clay and CATTLE MARKETS,. I . �� Is � ;; . I IN W VV =. And thexels a remon. You � An Inexperience'd Motorman Was at 0 * ne HoTft RW "isShoe Co,, I I I I -1 - ;� 1-�� ... . � get Practical czVerjencevInust , 17 ­ .. I :, ­ . ,. . --.1 _-_ I - � east Buff alo Cattle Market. the Controller and Regular Man Was 'Ji . YACD0110TONI X. J1114 . - � - ­ �� have ' yotar failures and succeasea ,, 1.6 . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "j -.M"'. i —,. , ,Ta4� 1-11 ..17 P, . 111"ADA, *!;Or I . . I , � I �, W can -think of '. I W � aps before 7ou ,,4 1AST BTJVFALO, March 1& -Re-, Coaching Him When Car Got Out 11 AM ' Bought I making velpto, 75 head; market light and I . 111"IRWAX46410 � I egefAWePxepata4ouforAs- : I .1 . M0001 on a large chicken farm. ,of Hand -Man Res onsible Pays I 11 ts stexdy; prime steers, $6.40 to $0.75; I, 'P. I . . . .." thig I 14- One other thing to remember . 5. - 1. I..'' ". � '. ,-­ .. . - ,- i , - hen Ton etart.with a Particular I I 5 104an4liec", - bu�chergradea, $3.50 to $6.2 1 For .Error .With His Life Nlq%p . ...A A 61. ,w � . � 111-.51,0440L, AS. Of I Calves-Rocelpts, 425 head, market four Others Are Injured, � � I �� ; 1. . I- - - - Bears. thel 4 . � 0 breedi stick to that breed, If, they- . slow, 25o lowW, cull to elioto�. ;5.00 to . % 'n I �? . . . I ., . I I � I MrXIMMUMM 0 1 donWitolme Upto snuff, ai� layvro, . �9.2u. Buffalo, N.Y., March go. -Two per. ' 09W � I , � 4 ", 1. ­ ­ I . I I . ... ­ � I . change theetritih, Imt keep. to tne- fteep' and Lambs­Recelpt4s, 8000 Sons were killed and fou , r were injur. . I . � I I � '.... i . . . . I � R 0­1� � S � breed of vhIch you us,ve. already head; marlwt active, lambs :firmer; I . k � I., - � ­ -,;1 I i I I I Igm ature � learned something. Xore will be sheep steady; choice lambs, $0.75 to $7; ed yesterday aftefhoon when a Laclm­ ... I , , 1�%, I rtW01e$D1,&SfiDTr,V1eeTfW­ , - -- --- - ---- - ---- ­ - wanna .passenger train, running ai I I I � I . said about layersin'later articles. cull 'to I Ir, $5.25J, to $6.0, - - - I 11 . I --- I Uei� andikst.Ciofitalas nelftr - I Bef0c(,you get -the chickens get a. � yearlings.,. high - speed, � crashed inW a stre6t cat [' . -loe � � . . �11 10TIU01,34orpulm W04=4. ; � Of t , in, The 45-60 tp $6; sheep, $3 to $5.35. t at a grade crossing on Clinton street. I . I . - I � 1 . . UiA house for ithem, to live I Hoga­-Reoelpts, 2550 bead; marke '-* - - . I . I I IOT*AX�tCbTIC. � size ipt, that depends altogether up. slow and lower; Ydrkers, $7,30 to $7.40; The dead are: Mrs, Joh I I wan� -to keep, and upon the space , ; motorman, 30 years old. N10%V,%-!4;;=" � I . I rough, $6 to $6.30, IV , . . 0`1 (the size, of the flock you vill p4gs, $7.40 to *,7.60; ml,xed, $T.90 to $7.25; mack, 35 years old, Robert W. Hoehn, - . F"nR � beavyi $7.10 t6'$7.15; � V -J , , . SALE 131. 1 �' I I A-,iV-r0WA_"W=MV= I i . at �your ,disposal. stage, $5 to $0.50. - - - . The injure'd'are; John Fay, vaude.. . 0 . ' 4. 1, I - - I ,The main things to be remember- Chicago Live Stock. . I We, actor, three ribs broken, leg brok. . I AW fm ,rmj- 0, , Vred, . .- A L ecl in -building e icken houses a - Hog,. -R,. en, internal injuries, may.die, 3 -as. .,,Twitche, il & son , � . d&AW;Q -, * I ,re CHICAGO, March 18. tormaa, almost complete, . I - I I., 1. I -0 RVOW&SI'A" . . I a these, "They� imust be dry -well. celpts, 16,000; market Go to 10c lower; Qottman, mo . I . . 17�> . � ,, I � . � Aviia &id , � I V I I n , ventilated, both; winter and . -sum- mixed and butchers, $&55 to $7.10; good, ly scalped, aim broken; Thomas Uhl, I . P—LINTON :­ I . . � . I � . I I . . . 2%Zt1*3V." . I mew, and, room enough for each heavy, *6.75 to $6.95: rough, heavy, $6.59 conductor, slight bruises; unknown I . - . 11 , , .1 I � ps" Seed - I � . flowl; TQ.osts need,notbernore t4gn to $6.70; light., $6.75 to $7.15; pigs, $6.$Q 4nan who -was hurried away in an all- I ----,.-,.- _____ �, _______ . . , �.. � �L 18 ,inches from the floor; plenty to $7.60; bulk, $6.80 to $6,05. tomobile, before the police Could learn .,,, ricareaing a11A -a-I-Ai ­­­-"�, - kie has black hair, oarA moUsmenia- � . � . 1. =&-1P11_?-;_1 � ' Cattle--Recelpts, 500 bead; market his name, � I , . I'� . - I " lb of light is also uecessATY. steady; VeeVes, $5 to $6.80; cows and,. I Winnipeg horse dealer" who was Iru- and marked by a mole on each Cheek, ., . . 11, I Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- I I . Use,, Every', -effort must be made to helters, $2.50 to $6; stockers and feed. The street -cilr was ,outbound on' plicated in a row at thi- Roblin Hotel, bis eyes being dark blue. lie has al- . . : , l prevexi,V drafts, therefore place the o 5 Clint6n street, and being near the . . dt thumb, I � . . � floh, Sour Stomach,Dldrrhoea. I . ers, ;4.25 to $5.85; Texans, $4.9Q t ; In which. M. Giovanni lost his life. so i� Sear on the IL I roosta near the -back of the house . '80; end of the line, there were only three �, it is alleged, quarreled — to ." Worms.Convulsions,fVeri ,5h- , calves, $6.50 to ;8. The two MCI) . . � . I . � . I . ne5s and Loss OF SLEEP. IN *And Oxespit ton real cold nights bur- Sheep -Receipts, 2500 bead; market passengers on board. Gottman, .an in tho bar of the. hotel OWr a WO- . (juarantined the HQspitay. ' . . , 1pip toverings f0r doors and experienced mot6rman, ,was teaching a beat- � I For 0 vier ,- Vin- Steady; native and western, $2.60 to in, and the arojiment.�beeam 1 ort I ..— I I I 'Fresh ir i r William, March 20. -The , : � dows are enough. Can' $$.40; lambs, $4.90 to $6.60. � Hoehn, who was handling the .Qmr m8 � . r" 1, ! . . . ()d, revolverg were drawn. Giovanni . I ' get ,tbxo,UgJa - while draft, I troller, ' - � Niont Ddard of, Health at -it special meeting . . TacSin�de Signhture of i . Sgrinot, . British Cattle Markets. . (retting the'vvorSt Of it, � -osin mdde . 11 . n I . Conductor Vhl was standing on the 11 known . A. bol handy with hamp n AlWft on a previous , 4.�, �."4��, LIVERPOOL, March 1&m-Scib Rogers rear platform prepared to ru Si's escape, but as he� is we of.MeXelliir Hospital. A man recent- :, ,ThAe house need not be expensive � Saturday approved of the quarantine , I . � _EW "YORK. ' 11 I ough to be able- to put up. a good I I ly diseharied.froni the hospital has ' N Thirly Years . I . aer And saw & Co., Liverpool, cable that trade at Id to. the -police, havilig , . I Birkenhead to -day to throw the ,derailin,p switch at the occasiou been arrvsted I Y the moral- I _,. L I I � I . I one. Rough wire neitting can be was firm and last tracks. S_ Uvclop�d Symptoms of smallpox, No I IN . week's quotations ruled, States and - As the car neared the cros ity L , , I It I 1 �in&ce 'his capturn is inlinillvilt He the, latest small- , - � I uEed to terielose a runway ,�Vhere Canadian steers from 12 34c to 13 1-4c Ing, the gates, went (IoNvu for the pas- I ,P, 37 yeal-a (if aWe connection between . , . I" : .. e of Frant I I .. � . the thickens can bavethelp needed .sage of 'the express train� which was )uil(f, NN-eh-Aiing 220 IIoiinds. pox case And thp one which developed' � ."io I . , per lb. .. of heavy 1 - I I . . I : exorebe.. - , I I on in plain view, but to the horror ' - 4-Vout thi-co weq.ks ago has been,estab- . . I- ­ ­ � I 11. � I—, t1i ,�A -4 blell�S -in 110i"ht- I . . baving 1 uilt th:� lio-'ni-se _a'i4_'d­ ' - Te . ,. . I I ­­_­ ­_ ­...­_­­_­­ 11� I , � 1. , I NOM 9 ­ , _ , and -five. f. _A.3 V . ,rrible Ravages of Plague. of every oile fit thd sirkit car, it fail- . I . . 1. lished. - -",. I --- . I— . - . 11.11 �, ____­­­­­ " I.. 11 FXACT COPY OF VIRAPPER, �� ! ,Aded� "pon the,breed, the- next - led to slow, do�vn. - Gottman was Seen . . . '. . ' , , I I'll, � -0,ASTO "I 'thing'. is to, begin. ,This yo � ' London, , March 20�­During the s a at,� .11. I—— _. I , I 1. ­­ _ — - ----- _, ", I u can 0 to �ump forward and wrench thei con- I � � . . , I - Y, 'th,eggs�y6un� chi s, :, month of, PC "' the deaths from � , , , I . THk CENTAUR COMPANY. Hr -,W YORK CITY. do wi� ek or with �bruary, Iler from Hoehn's hauds, It was 1. I I I I I . - . - . . the plague in India reached the en- tro . I 'Of mia-peas - orin S. "': ___ I � . , , - I 11 � Al I h(as. -total of 88,498, too late, howevor, The stropt car I S : - . . . � '.� It Iyou. ldree�de to, buy young- Ous w . It the derailing -switch and leav- masipg . . _ �� . , I . . chicks the problem of indubation is The disease had beco=e such a fix� �trl I . . . - � . . I �. . I - i I 11.1111, ' tare 4ri that country. that its ravages inj the rails, -buttirwd along tho pav6- I � . . . � � . : '.1 I 0 I � . . , . I remo,v4d, buit if you intend to keep .. . . _____ - ­­_"� . — - , I . . _____ __ -...-,---.- ____ ­ ___­ ­­....- ­ I -_.__.._._-1_._7-t__..!! _!���_111* thethicken ho,Use in active opera- are little heard Of except through the nicilt ulitiI it, wa% stopped b�, the rails � . I 1 . �, . I ']JOW to ]MaiSe (; k ' . - . I I siondl official statistics. of - the Stearn rail'road. Beforo a pvr- ,,It t . brlt w t, I ­ . . or years you *.will find it to, . occa . =01 adveftise,12 said Mark' TNivaiu at an advertis-em. ri , � , . ur Interests -to, learn how to L The British Indid offices reports that son on the Street car could nialco afi- . I , "When Iwas editing the,.Virminla City Enterprise, Writ- - X I ., hic eims . . 'Y'90 " ' - I . the epidemic was particularly virulent oth(,r move, tho pligine of the. passon- era' b day andintning ithe lie ' 1. I- . I batch your,own chicks. L , � k<1 tried, to, f orce this truth in �il " . � L . . orashed into it, outting it - ingk'POPY I one., ­ . . . L I " In next week's New Bra the writ- this year, and adds that the most per. ger frain rr - the a y . , . L I , . . I .1 � � I I ,� � erwill ,discuss natufal and artificial Sistent. efforts.,to Stamp it out have comPlOt`ly 'ti two "I'('. ell Nina In 11 ways. 1Vt_1Fr1_Cr_T_6_ef once - *said he hid foLun . d . a I The. New Era Cackle Class .. feet down the, traCk. Mrs. , 19A 'SupersTiffilSuff 'Wr6i'te" and, L ; _,":� . . . I . .. incubation; onattings and ho. -W toLL lailed to effect a.permaneut improv.e� Aebris. 50.0 - 'Wisthis goo ? I -replied to' hb:n In, . ' �, I I � , - � � � I I get the beat layers. ; went in, the situation. ' ­ . , McCormae4 ww;' instaiffl.v' killed. I spider oullis paper.' d *or bitd luck . . . . I .. , . .:,I L . I Hoehn died at �the taf an hour I - _' LESSON 1-A Start in Men Business �,: ' �' I . I liospi . our "'Airawers to Correspondents7, eOlumut �8'folloWs, ' ,"L�` L . � . . I - . I I . . . . � . . .., .. . . . - . . . I . U01d SubseTiber-The -finding , of abider in V.our COPY of the' gnter- I . '. , � It pays to. raise chickens in the lmarket ior your table'lust as if L I . .. 'Politics Too Strenuous. later. . I . . prlie was. nolther gLood luck ri;� bad. T -he spider wils'merely *Iook-in � . -� " - .1 ,.. the . . . I . , I � I . . I . over t d whaf xner, chaulf', Vas n6it advertising so tha � I". . town. There's no doubt about it. theyj Were on -the farm. � Regina, Sask., March 20. -Premier ,a, Wornaril . he pages to fin and -lead a. free and undisturbed . . �.11` - Troubled, With Scott has -collapsed und6r the strain� ; - . v : ,, For long tt -was t,he generally. ac- If the largest plot Nrou can *CIVO to Wds -Killed Fof I It,co,41d, epinits wobb across his door... .. . �� .. I , ,"t', ,,I cepted� theory. that a hen needed , chickens iis only, eight I CIA by four, . � . Winnipeg, 'Marvl.i '20--Thv7 P61icO existence forever After." � I . . I . I . , -, . :, - to which lie has been subjected I -or' . � � . ,� . I ' ' . I . � two hiontbs as the .result of the vigor- - � I "Phe merchant who does not - a& vertise virtually �ays that his judg , ,17- about 0160 acres in which to roam Ahati 1will do for a half -dozen hens ' - I . , .�zl . . . . . �. . . . ment IS bett ut^ 1 4 � % ,-" and -scratch and that a big barn- andi a rooster axid ht care . Mer ., : . - Ous assault of th& Opposition at tl�e' ' " "'.. . . I . . . L N . I I .. I . . . . I I . . or than. that of 95 per ce . ,of the ptrong and successfu ,�, . WA�h Vig eggs a 'L menlin his'field ol activity, He attacks the carnui 0 ­ il�.-�, like house ,was needed for just a yoli aught to get 50 Qzzen . a . Legislature, and will shortly, leave the . . 1;� ! " .". I - - - . .on .ense of the bus- , * . , . ��..'..�'L, , '. . . . I . . . . � iuess vowld.' . I . . . . ., . . " , . I - ..,� , _� medliuml sized flock to roost. . co, MP Icunt. province for. his health. : In his ab. I I I . . .. . ! No, advertisement ii�;.Vet . te I r . thanthat Whieb. tolls some ,, ...... - Wrong. One 1well tested system YO tiply that 'by m6xe space and : senc7c Hon. Mr. Calder will load the , , �_;, � , . ,a,r,, * , , , I . . I thinj aboiit ' -� . . . . . , , - I , ?,�ib gets excellent results both in eggs morel *hens and sed how it 'will cut . . . Goveftiffent. The Premier announc. Electric, Restorer . for .1 ' , ' want them all ' � � , " _ . � nd .how much I I I I 'Am= "A I " CASTORIA elegant Hatt fil�eT! I 1: tol*_j;;� � I I /� %_ '41 , , ,!!". . , arid meat by confining chickens in do," ,You* t6at of1ving. Also it ed Saturday -night ,thit dissolution p11oSphj)nO1 restores every nerve in ff a . . ,�.,:. I For Three'Y epis." , � . "', " I " .ry -close quarters. in little back will knake yon free,.oftbe coldator� � - . . , +, . . I � ve - o I I ) its proper tension 1, t - d does the b�iy- . . * - . would"noV.bo sought this 'Year, and - -premature decay a . , — � , vial and vitality. ad all - 1. 7.,i.. ,;, yards of town lots a flock of 'hens aZ6 produci, and what -is almost as . ' ' ' ' * '. * ' . . . 1, , ?, __", . . supplies Nvore Voted thus ending three weakncss avert�d at, once. Phosphonai . . . . � "I �", wilvig-row and lak and'fatten .for i�db'i'f-to"t,h'.O;,t'o'A'V''n--'�'��'a"ii"I Ahe,laig�r , �Hlbuifils Laxt�u-ver rills will' rev. .* ,%�qeks`deadliick. � � . 1 �. I . ... 6.4. . . , malw oil. -A new man. Price $19 a box. or tv . of th6ir urlwise -' -I � . .i. ., . . I , ,� . - - .I..'..... .... .. I . � _.,� ,:� , V. . Would keep It . . $ 5. a%d1toartyaddresq. Thoftdbolis.�.��kt� . I .'.,:, . . � -the Production -6f p gs. And -Doultry iate the flow ofbi ejo,act- provery..tipon.1 .. � I co., St. , Rithailnes. Onti ... . �.. . . I... . �. I �. � ­ I . . I . .. I . .,., ,:� . -91 � .1 . the less the dia and will tone, renoVato and, . New Lutl�ere,qrj Church.'� , � . . . � � . . � . . . . 1. . N . . .. . ,11. . 9 . . I - . I zf� , 1. — I-- man for pork, beef the . bowels, . .. . ., ­ ­. . . I . . I ., . . . � . .. I . . .%. . I �L. 11 " .. . . . 1. . . I . ... � . I 'L - � . - . ,� . . � .. I .. ­ �, — andmiatton,.and. correspondinglir Ou�ify the liver,' refr1ovitig.every result �Ne*.Harnburg, March 26 ... 4he & - � I , , , �_ � . 1. . _,_-� : ,� . I I � , I lower.prices' for all m6ats. , , . � .., . . di ,� . . . . - I � �, , . 11 . I . I . ­ . . . . . I,. � . a - 0 . I)f liver trouble fron� lile temporary but Dation and installation services of I � . I . . . . . . . � . . . I I . . 1 , 110 A. Anyone Who has tried it will tell ii,svgre,,�,;Ae lie_%""1.0�0 to t�o 60vere-� * . I �. .. .. � . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . t . . . . ',�L . I � you ,that it1s .mighty nice to go.out torais ,�Z* liver coi�,q.,�Llat, . . I . the, new St. Voters Lutheran Church '�� L" � . I . . . . I . 'hero yestenLav wiw the occasion of. ": I WITTLE 1V "I e dats in your'own backyard I 1 I . . . L ". � � . I I , �' I - _.. It 11 r,-, S. Xclwni Nloith'Sy AWo.largely attexideA serVices.-A spe- . , I .1 to ,_ I ii.R' , , somile fine fresh -eggs,. eggs 1 . . , I � dricy, N.S., . � " , I �, to '�' t . . wdl'M':-�J�l l,a%e,11,,,1d y6tii, .Uuxa�Li . - train fwni Berlin, Yetersburg %: V I . 'd g . ­_ cial an , . , � � L I E R tl.,,t are eggs!' 1. . . I . ver *;,_ .__.1 May'bei the: kiddies von?t '� Aike Pills. 1 wris.trauhiod witf) liver .a and Badm. brought 500, in,ludiog the - . k Raw- I ,-1 PILLS. . 'Al Plat& fWthrl- vvans" and could get no MIX4NI-elfull, -of -St. Pet. . ,,, aybe . they . r�iief, I � L� V -P -m -,6f I'll, . I . thOise fr6sh ,eggs I' " i:: . . Won't take to ?1bos;,chi was. pers.ituded bv -nd to , Ws Churcli, D,,flhi', taider Prof. Zeig. - �, :, . _ckcA!Lt . a fric I. . . - _ _ And_ ` . `tT7'TWX­W,'f11�&, and-af6r. taking one i Ier. I 1. . . . I � I - .. I : 1";,�,,, . , I maybei the wife ��)t enjoy the vial I got rolief. ' Alter "11 lia'd tal�eh Or . . I L M22K . 'baby ,chicks and the', huffy g.roWn - -, ect, . . ,t��,�� � kq= . . S eum'd Covwlj�t . . 0`,, HF9D up ,brood-! ' .. . . morel iva ely, and I have ., . . I .. �. . n6t been trhubf,ed siu�e, than" to your ' . . .. . . ..,,!�_, CUREW / Insucceeding articles a'skidy of Valuable Illedicine.11 1. . . . Dr. -de Van's Feinale'Pills !;­�, . . �,�,;'.%� Sick Ucadache sod relieve all the troubl438 inci. chicken raising ibusine'Bs will be I . . �­ , �� . 1.;4�.,,!., � " dent to a bilious State of the system, such aa . . 11 . . A reliable French regulatorruever. falls, Tliesp , ­ "illia q'�""`: Dizzfficss, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after made irmn: iblie-stabilpoint of . the. A111burli's Laxa-Livzr P Are .215? pills are,exceedingly powerful irk regulating tllb ;��,,,, n In the Side &c While thc1T most.' individual Who wants to rail3e them cents per vial, or 5 -,­aN: for S1.00, at all, konerativ6 portion of tip female system. Rdu$ 3 r 2�'.,., "==Ilac, ..c 'ini the limited �gpabe ino,st ' - .toivn � in. r�de`Vanlsare ,old set 1 1 ��,_.. . I bl cess haWlea� shown in curing , . -dealers .or tuailed di:eLb on. receipt X4. all cheap-imitat o s :'j L, . OL r,L,. 95a.box orthreefor*10. Alailedtoanyaddregs A':'�,., I . .peoplet have. , . . . I I . It price by Th .MiL,unt. .Co., LimiteA ne S;4011 Druz.cowst. catuarilleld. out: I.J L I ' I . . I . . � . T" , Now,.befdre; �rou decide upon -any TOWIXW, Ont I . . . � I , , * I . � .. 1. .1. . � � L �,�.;�',�.:L .. S1 A%V . . L L . . ­ I * -: . L .. .1 . . ; . .1 . I . ,�,,.V, %aw 1% piall or anythingg,,In, ,,connection . . L . .. . : , I . LL .. I . . L i . � ... I 11 . . . . . . L I 1. - � "' . . . .. . are , . . . I . ."�I%'," lReadacbe, -yet Carter's Little lAver Pill@ 11VAR, ,chicken ra ng, t this.sink . ., . . . Let 04-W-ith Lecture. � . I . i�,!:;,., � equallrvaluable In Constipation, curingandpre, deep into your craniLUVa. - D6n7t . . ., I . . . � 1. ' ,... . venting this annoylif complaint 0 hava. scrub ,chickens around _1__7-- — _77 . � 2D.-Lurne Arm- 11'j�;: c�7'Uetheya's . . correct all disorders o thostomac ,stimulate.the . . � the- L . Goderialij ., lvfamh . , �.',4, Sil 'R MARRET 310ORT-9- . . 1, . - 'r . I �. . . . — . . . . . . I I I . . . . . . � . . I T,� "I f I ,,:..q . * AM 4 . �� 'Ll- . . I , '. I I G HwL V * `C 0. - , -S �,-,:1,1�7:�,-, e -0 I ' . � 1, ... � .­ I., . � . .. . �, .1 11 . . .. . . I , 1 .1.4 . I . . . '+ o c k - � be"ng, 11_1& W . ' , __.1---__-__4 . - I S- L %J I . I "! 'nd. . * , ­ '14 ." . '.. ... . I . . I . .... . .. . ­. I I .. . 1. . ... . . . . I . . . I.— .1 . . . . . I L . . - . . I .. , - . . . I I . . . 11 . L�. I . . . .. I , . ­.�- 11 , . 0710% 1. 1. ",_ . I.L . .. Ir. 16'. 'L .. I. 11:� . .. I I . . . . . � . . . , fi'��" Vq.- L. � H .- , I . . . , r. - . .. 11 -S � li A ,rl `!�,, � - .'I . . .. .1 . , . ­ . . .1 1. . ., � �L. .. . 1. . I . I I I . .. L . . . ... . . � . '.. . I . .. .- ------ .... . I . . . . . � . . n ". , 11 , ver and regulate the bowels. .. rvy if place. Get irgood chickens, ' good I . . L 0 . I . strong, tiler 20-yolr�ohl Stainey Town- L . . . . . . � . � .L .. � I. ., . . � I . . . . ,.�'t . . . . . , * , . 1. - . . . I . . ''I . . . '. I L. . . . . I . - I � . 11. 1111-2111 � . % I I .. r AO" -4%k romwom"I . , I .. I L �l I . r . . I I it A0""%& I I E . i,`ii,C th ff , - "N7 . . ey� 6r' Chicago Higher -Live -S ock , tew week�**ag * r . .�,._­ , P . It . 6 and old fliciii at Sea-' �, T*#T46 . - . A . ,�,,,!�, ,. " 1wil 'well while. I .. ­ - _A_-1CD1Nq I . �­ � . � tucy on" breedse 01 "course, Ithat will cost a Liverpool L W�.e*a*t -Futures Close .L' G6dvricll liverymen . a - , , L � enied -a =am 111111111111111L . 1hii) .youth, W110 , relitod. rigs from . . Kim ALP IRtlej !rrtore� tobegiii with','but . . Ow' mii oil and S � * . ,rT . - '.,'L. k"..)SAIM 'I"..* .:iiL . . - with � : . . . Nft-llf . . . r . . . . . .. .. . �`,­ scrubs Toli wIII`VaAke:a':faiIurd Vine . I -Laitest th ajid Blyth, obtitining*$15 for ille � I . . . . _. - I . ,,�.' . Quotations. - tot . ,�,� ,Ache they would be almostpriceicesto thosewho : .L L I . . I J :. . I . I . ­ .. . I . . .. . . .. . . ,,�'�'L � - . ` ' , L . * . I foX, I IL I - - - . . . r . , mately tbol r goodness doqsnotend hore,and thoeb * . I �fote Ju.dke Wylv Saturday . C YDESDALBS . . CATTLE. - suffer from tbisdistressingcomplaint; butfortu. tintes oue. of ten.' . ",,cept r a 'wo; wa$ 11c . I. . Dale, Uuli�tt. * I . . Q111CAGO. 2%,treb- ,18._r , ' . . I . ., . .. . I �,,-I,�;', . Tiler a many, good breeds,'of _. Land -kt, -off --ivitiva lc'etUrr.. ­,Hi'4 father -, -Stall.t �JL, T,e I . . . . . . I ing Totam, Team of -- �;,;;:, - ,%vho once try them wilitindthesellitie pills vaig. ej ar( : brIef,IMP during. .ihi'dial tra4es wheat to , . dr ,6,t, , -wifil I Best', .Walk ­,'I'r., ara --over-.A$1"7--$4-+,- ­-�­­ L , &]W' ' - h,M" . !. able In 9G inany ivag thattull Y will not be V1. as, Many POURTY fanciers . IuCt..' . - te I chicke day ruled strong. The reason ja� cliteflY vVent Surety for his future con % . !. . �.. � - . � .. _J� �' �r�­ _Ug�ht­_ACgriCu'1tUr-a1­ ------,---- r , ",�,,�: artor nL in possimistic crop reports f I . .r . ., . I and[ $2 . LL .. . ., . . . , V-­.,.,.;� , Ung to do ivithoatt em. all sick IL014 like the fbegborns,"best a d both rom Nvo%tern � - _. I . L .. 1. , L . I . . let , 2nd, * 3ra ox-'Genetal Puipose, -having -won a i , 111", . - " "d'a'y' by a Cldeago C�Xpei�t, Wbo TLIS- . Will Got a RaiSe" . L . . ttlll,on )ander 6 yeir's 6 4- 2.. . 1""..... S , - 1;..11.1. -white and brown,Legh6rn� � tet sent forward glowlug despatches . L I- ., . . Bual; z j,,ears aiad'olv,er' � $8.. $51 $3 L Pri'Zd At, &6'0; into -11 Spring Vair � r � .have , I L . . ... . I . . . . .. , f"', .�, . their adVocabeg.'. Tlle-j, L say that -the . regal -ding the east lialf of tlie istate. At , itrantfoxd, MArch '21O. -Brantford . . �: . Fkoar's ".... 5 3 2 1911.�,tbi be shown in Nvagon. with- 1. !'�.. .. . Leghorn %Ahe bast layer.and that . the. �loso prices were %C to '40- to "/so- are department - meiiibers aro L likely I . Iyear . I - 5, 3 2 out' . L .:! , ,. . � load. and wheels'froe�-Prizb of I 'i r Is the bane of so many lives that hero Is wbere beingvrnallthey require les,8 triooiii higber than last ntglat. - In corn., there Stallion,, 3 .yearp and , Over 16 6 �', . . 'ol ,Flour given ,by Jas.. Fairt � .. - ..,� .11 .p..., 'we make our great YoasL our pills ourok while r . . A. Was a nb.t galu of uia to %o to %c,, oats et u taise to -night, when the I! . years and over' . 5 3 1 Bagl, L. � ... ;�.,4-:�. � re Stallion, under 3 years 6. 'years . . 1�;.� OthcIrg do not. less food, and produce More egga, niission. �hill submi . 4 2 'E 12 . 5 3 2 61illpri. Clinton'. I L ACHE . . $HIRDS. B , � Ja g . I . t - a p . �RE,l . . , Were tihelianged to 'Ac up, and provisions and light i2om . . . 1. . ... . . Carter's Little Liver rills've very small and In'.11 ,year -than 'any other breed.. . I - . 4 2 1, ., * I e $Sn't MUL . dowu Be to 7%a io 20C. -.1 . favotable .-report on the petition of the , . Heifer, I ,yQax . . . -!nation 'Roads�et, to ' be ,." L Wryenytotake. one or two pills make a dOlic- Btlt ther 1,00 L t lio 8 .4 . Comb I ,..,Y� They are strictly vegetable and do rint I � ch.41esh on Ahe LIVERPOOL, Mar. 18.-'.VVhegLt!L.open- iien. The. raise in Chief - Lewis' sal- ' Best 'Perche ! 6 al n �. . hown ei-ther in harness, in saddl�, ". I , Q Ir . . . . . I '1 ,, Leghor . L . . .. � . . s ' ;.s .;_ pr%bu! by their gentle actionplem-9211110 n afid.as many prerople like. �a ed quiet unchanga�' to 1A powet. Thdre axy will be -fronj r �.1,200 to $1,560 a . � . . . � I 'er, r � I or in halter.�Casl'LpTiZe of $5. don-' , , : . I.. , �2­y,ewls,or ON L , * ' 5 . ,. ,� , . V,. In chicken( 4inner �oince in a while, . a was some realiz'ng account liberal pla- . . : 11 . .. . � .r 'HAICKNEY �. Bull- .. 5 a atedl by. Dr. Chas: VeGregol-, �Con- 1 �7_ L . . - . . I vear. 1. 1. . ,� I . ­ I y4e2ii!S 3, 1 .1 . 1, _ �) VABT0 KrIDIOME CO., NEW 7011L ��, - larger fowl is'beitter � . ta offerings ar.d favorable reports L . r - . . I Stallfon,_6.'ryears ancl over 0 4 . I Bull, �Inderl . I . . �, I ''­, L p6r. 03�eAt -alone �h� Br'sthmas are from India and market declined 8-S.. * . ' Stalli"On. , tandler 6 years . *6 4 ' CIoNV� 3.Iyeaill; and, over , 5 a. Stance, . I I . . ��,� � W IL W11 Dom, S11211 NO% . V,o6d.' F or dood,'all-io%ind layers There Was a qUiet deviiand with larger I Both Much .Improved. :- . . . ... . . . . I -136sit tibree 1iorse6, agricultural, 'or L -.1 � I ' . Heifer, ,under 3 years . � . 5L 3 � 1� ; � . .. . I . .. ... .. . 1 ofierings * and'mostly pressed 'for sale. Ot ear Tag� . � . . 'HEAVY DRAUG11T - .. . . I I . '. ' , . . 's, ages. . .� L -_ I .. . . , --- ' _&a�wa, March 20. -Sir. Elz . . I draught, kfiareo oi, gelding .,. I . . - ___ I I I ­ ­ I ­ - but buyers were holdftiz� off lit anti- ,IiF�eau, former chid justic0-of Can- L . . POLLED ANGUS , ' -considered, Inust be owned by one . , . ' I ' * . !'�', I . - _1 _-9. I . . - I $ties. 0a, who A suffering - from. ii. stroke Te�inl lin hariess, See Special, a 2' Bull, 2 years or over I . L - � .. . I - . . OV6r L ' . 5 - 3; mail and his rightful property on - I .­­ I I . 161pation of bearish -weekly statl Brood blare,, 8 Y�6iia atid 5L 3 - ! Maxelil 15th, 1911, opeij'tg�, jilf cam.�e ' , . __ - .- - ­ I- - . ___; Close theL -market was easy 1-8 A apopfc�'�, and'Mr. Justiee Oftouard' * . . Balli'l y4ar, - . , - L , "�� .� . I . - I At the V See special , - . - 11 . . 2 0 . I � -1 , �,'I, ��: I to �-s lower"than yesterday., ", )f the. Supremo bjured I .3, . ( � . �,,� . . ; . . . . Court, I In a Faii,QYL ,,of - 0 001ts, 19:10 Progeny ,1aw,;.3 oyearis and ov,er' .. 5 s - ers, Stallfous barrerd-0ish pri2�ea �­ 'MEN I -.1 . - . Winnipeg Op-tiors. , runaway aceident two wCck�__ago,� - 0=0�sIve,--gee'Spe6lal - ., , .4 � Helfer,itinder �3-ycars - L 5 3 . giveA 'by the 46sdiciatlon,: Ist $1a, - - - ., WE REPAIR WEAK� .. 1. . ' . . .- .. � 11 I �, L: . I . . L . 3 ye L r� 2nd, $5,. 3rd.$3, . I . _ . . . � I . . . . . ;. - .- - L. .. I:. . . whose condition was seri6us, are both F% Or Gelding, a and BY C(5.WSL�AN]D ]�At CATTID, . . I . .I',- , I ­ . . diose. Open. �119h, Low. Close. , Ca. - I . I I . . - . . . 4, . reT)Orted .a's somawhAt blitirriv . Aly . IbAl . . ,��, . _____ --- --1 . . Whem-, * . .., I . . .. . . o ver. � . , - .1 I 1, I 5 a 2 L , %� eed 4 a.- �_Ve0t'tiaod Mare, heavy draught . . ," �'�L . ­ I li E . , Ma'y '03 927, . . - I Dairy COW, ; , 111111111k��, li E [[. I I . I I U,5% VZ,% ON . -.&- prize� of bi $10'Waterproof Coat I , " , ­ L .... "4 - My. 941A ­ N - . - -Fat Heifer, age considered 3 2 , . , 11 - ­ . . . �� . . I . 'Filly, ,or Gelding, under a 6 S - - � July 94% 94 % . L ars � � 1. I or Itts eq,aivalent,. donated -by The - �_ � ; . . I . �Oats_ . . . . . . .1 . .1 . . 1 ' Z Fat Steer, age consid6red 3 2' , 1. I __ _.... . :=­ __ . I rgg I ye 2 3. 2, r , Y, Clin- . ­ - ", May, '... 331A 331A 34 . 23% 34 , Y�a ai and under Two.. Stock Seers 2 years and - Mar ish. 010.1thing Compgri .. . . . j" : I'll 11 N . JUly. .... U%, 34% 35 34% � 35. I Rorse "It under olie 5rear 9 2 � Q - " r . I,Vn, * , ' � L . I ��� -1 ­­ ­ � ___ . . ell. under, . I .. y . . . ,�, %Vre I 7)' 'a n X * Wo S,toCk I:Ie.if, Beat heavy draught.teani in har- r ; . LL . Toronto Grain Market.' : 4- I �, I . I � . . . FIRY, under lone year, 'Flee LSpdeials' T ers,.2 years anal . . ness,-A oash prize, of $10 in ,Gold . � . . . . . . � . . . I � r_ * . . .. . . . a . : "' � I J , . . Wlt6tt, bushel ... ; ......... $0 SD to V -81 I I- � - . . . I . LTT , * " tinder . 2 ��_ I I - - � Wheat, goose. bushil ...... 078 .. - � , I AGRICU JRAL . . apented by, tWm, Proudfoot, ,Esq., . . . Womaig have kn6re than. -their SWERP9TAKES _' Goderich. . P . _L I � .. I I . RVe. bushel ...... ­ ....L. 41 as 6�a - n harness See 11 8pecial 5 3 - I . . "r .11�� . . . . . I Barley, bilshel- 066 #... . shaxci i0f 1he aches and pains . tha ' T,,aw I . -3 1� I �1,� 141�111 . Oats, busbel .. 087 , L 'i ' Brood Mare, 9 years and over � Beog. �of any. breed, 3 years Mi3pe rem with eq'aiphiejit - X . 11, I 11 I � 11 "..., . ::::,::,:�:: . siffliot' humanity,- They must 'keep I . I I special Prize, Of $5 it. -Gold, is don- , , . , . E Buckwbeat, lifthel .. 4 L . ; 5. � I 1� 3 Lg . .-aiid undeir� with bull See Specials L :. )48 616- xpl bi spite of constantly., ,aching - ' - . Dipld�na ated"by.Majow M. D. MeTaggart, 1. 11. 1; .,:, :­ 'L " . . Lte&t knale any age ' I . -"N, oubliel ...... . ... .. 078 FIIIA or Gelding, 3 years ind I _', . I . I ­ tacks ,or heildhehes, diz�y spells, I . �.. . � I . Tor6nto Dairy Market. . OlVer r I I . 4 3 0 Besid,fe-nialo any age Diplot-h'a ClinitonA for the best Team . and . .1 , I . . ate, Mts. Sdrward C&I'wood, of 123 -Filly io�-Geldlng' under. 3 - -1 I � ­ Cattle Date frOV Sept. 20th. 'outfit reprmenting,thep*iiers re- . I % �� I !Butter,' st6re lots ............ 017 � 019 S. Harold Street, Fort William, Ont. I . speotive business. Examples -Dray I � . Butter, separator, daiiW, lb, 0 22 ,-u z% 'Sayg,� L I . , I . years . r . I . 1 -GRAIN AXD SEEDS. . Team to bei shown with dtay, Var;m, r I . Butter, e banery, - lb. rollai 0 26 028 '23 . . . . . . Butter, orlarnery, solids..... 0 23 024 "I sufforodr whth� dulli - -Wiseri46' Yearling, I yes, ' Ana � L V99B.'nevir-laid .............. 019 , . I L . . r r a Wildpa, ' 2, 1 , . Ist 12nd %, or`Is telain tb be shown with farm L . . 020 pains, soreness across my back �and GENERAL rUIRPOSE F all ,Wheaf, An�r viriety $3 � $2, wagon, oarria,go, team to be .Shown . , __ E990, dold.storage ........... 017 - 6 ... in oly isides for k)IOtitha. They Tc�a L n� In harness .. a. 4 - Oats, black, namee. " . S I Z by' JiVery3nan in carriage. - . I I 6. Cheue, lb . ................ 1.1.913 , 111'a wolalcf featch me so badly at tibhes . Oats, 1whitef liarnied , " . - 3 ,2 Child?s Tarnout� the best child?a ., Honeycombs, doven ......... 2 fay 4'ji thallf I 'could scardely move around. . ROADSTER$ ' L . , 1 -Toney. extracted. lb ........ 010 . I would, havevdizzy spells and alto= StalliqnIA5 1-2 hands and I Over r -BgV;eyJ two -rowed, named 3 2 sittIO turnoult. knust be driven bK ' ' r 11�1 I I . Liv'erpool Grain .and Produce. . . Barley, aix-rowed, named 3 2 a Ic Ad kinder 14. -Prize Of a watc r Id, . I ­ - . gethet, felt 00nerally run 'down. 6 4 2 Peas, hanied, . I I. L 3 2 donated by. Dir, W. R. Counter, Clin. �� � ;,. I 11 ,� _. I L I . LIV4RPOOTA, March IS.-Clos;ng- . L . ". ­ - 11 .- . - __ r 11 , * AttfWt ,using a number of'remedies Stallion lander 1611-g, handa 6 4 2 Timoithy' tgo,,Od . I 3 2 ton, . L L. 4 . . , . . Wheat -Spot, dull, No. P, red vjegterl� vith6u4�finding redlef'I learned of CarriagG horse in harness' Clover Ooed . ... 3 2 BeSt Ore�r rrcab)� heavy draught, , r . � �. L r . r winter, no Stock; futures quiet, M`h Booit,Ws. X id-ney Vills, and - h,Sid,erad 5 3 2 Poitatom, late, named, 3 % AgriculturAl0r General ,Purpose. 3.8d, July 6a SlterL. I il ONE SWRET OF OUR SUCCESS. 9vory casb Submitted to ug tecelves the personai 0.4 8 7-9d; Ja=ary 6p 3 . found equipment F�o '", L ' attentiolf'of our Medical Staff4 Who obbIsider tl)e gy toraq, complicatiotis and obroniolty, . iK, At excellent reinedy. They hoad Proro"a in ,harness ( Pottato-es, early, nAmed 3 2 OP010 I I . . d - eq"fiipmont �_O .5 � 8 9 g 2 of, - Lto all camers.�A cash prize 9 3-8d. Flour -Winter p iiot only relieved me of the )nlisdr , usideved 11 'L " and then decide as to the disease and ourdbility,. %poecifle remedies Are thou prescribe (atents, qui t, � 27s Od. Rops 1h London Pacific CON) lrBottns' Mal-Iro'lVtoUt for the case and Are compoundoa by buk, own 6heinist in.our Mn Zaboratory. Such . i I . $10 tin -Gold given by. the Ssso- . . �:, d to eure the � firm, E4 ft to Z Us, . Able pains and soreness it my back tntrr a o eam in haftess 5 3 I -ans, smii ,whitte, pea 3 � elation, - C� . . . . . 11tto use wbo I - but pured, line of �iy kidneyLtr6uble, Rolals,gtjoam in ,Harness 5 'a 2 113c � . ,1 I Peef-Extra; , rriets -easy, 107a 6d. r . . . (All seeds knust 'be Shown in two Beat -individua! horse, heavy. 1� 11 ated patient Pork -Prime meits western quiet. 92s ­ � 1. f , , . _ Sooth's Xid-' Combin 8 e� I i,m_ dvaught, Agrieul, 8 ption 49oadster Seo P. � L esponsibillty. bushel bag quauthies-exeep,tt , - r tural 6r -auneral . !, . owed. dd. NaIns, Short out, 14 to 11 lbs., quiet .1 I ft6y'PRIS ' 1011re i StPgOIAL, CLASSES F. Othig and olover.) .' I , r PurPos6;16talllons ibapred.--A $15 1 . . � I I 04s, lutoon, eumberland out, 20 to 80 ., . '' ,backaelie),Dull - . . . Silver Cup ig donated by Mr, J. r; ? I , I Es � I k I '' � lb6,, stea4y.58s; short ribs, 16 to -25 lbs -i I � h ft �ial ata I . I Shooting ain-A .Beat Gresy, Teabi ' 8,1?9C-1At'PnIZ McMurray, Clinto ' 1. . L L ' . 11 steady 61s; oleax bellies, 14 to 16 lb4,, . Thick and I . see�apecialp.rizeLigt I prize ,given by,9r. A.. j, , 6'ayt r �: i. . L L 'Terato With equipiJIL ent Beat heavy Ara,dght ,' stallion U - I : . zteady 55s; long 0oar m)dAlesi light, o I Cloudy .Utirie, for thO best ibd.iVidual ho 1� . ., � I 1. '18 to 94 Ibm., dull 600; long clear mid-. ' )Gta�Vel or * I . I ,See Special Prize 1,114t sveepstakes, ally, age, ,any ,Class.- rse Allig " �, . 0 . E . Z . Prize $10 in Goad, given bi Mr. Geo. eomingL spring fair Is open omily to U to .40 lbs,, quiet 69w, � Itoue, RIW-Um- Chfi&s Single' T&nout thetfavrnships of Goderich, Atillett, L ' L "I Cor% Michigan Aw. and Gr*19W01d St., Detro ti ,Mtth, . dles. heavy, . aud OL11 - I S,L�e Special prize T,Igt Hoare And T. McMichael Sbia. 11 . r, . . . 6 - short oleav ba,eks. 10 to 2D lbs., quiet - I At'll sm Stanleyj and Tuckerambli., �Ploase - - 59:9 6d. shoulders, agdare, 11 to 13 Me,# . k1jaeaSea Of the Befat 8 11LOIL'Ses Agrioultural,or 09ynflYk,'Of throe tOlts, colts � Of noltek -this, I . All lettero from Cftbadamust be addremed : dull Us. - - .. 11 ro,Zeny_PTlZe of $8 . f L to,()Uf Canadian I fF&�III`IIII`I""""""`1"`II­ N OT1 C ro .. -Lard,,,prime western, In kidut,V)s and Draught See Special Prile. tist Same Sir0'1910 809V 3 tatle any �ree'd� 3 years , r I � 1 " � I 11 L .1 I- . Corre6pondefice Depart. tletees, easy 481i , Arngr1c4n, r6flAed, I - . Madder. ost Valking rVeam 0,oivou� 'by WT. I kwes Lelpqt� �AeCVC And kinder Nvitil bull, sweop . . -L aw ment In , indsor, Ont. If you desire. to pailimo dull .0a. Oheetw, Catiadlan D I ,fte Special . f, , stilkes" bee Us pers6tially &11 at our'90dIdAl XnstitUte in Detroit ag we gee and treat . ; L All, drugglat§ aud d6alerg.5oc,. box B prito List Of. nullott, - - L -A taah Prize of $5 is given, Ur-mes. ". L. � 66 #AdftJdF ill our Willd86t officetJ Which tire for n6st white, new, firm Os 6d Chris- . Or Post pa%,d from the R. T, Booth 09,U IndiViduAl glor" � Best agrifealt'dral 00A in harness srs, TOzOV & Brown, DrY 06oag And � . . I Correspondence and an, 'fintst. colored, new. firm ago fido See Special Prize List -Cark V&JUed &t $15 j�*,08"t6d[ b Clothing, ,Clfnt6)i. . . . 14ab4atory tot 6nadiau business only. Address all 'letters $is follo-wi§,- Co., Fort Eric, Ont. It youtlibriVe � . r I 1. . DRS. )tENNZDX q$� X,ENNED,Vr W104iii ' , allow) Australian In Lonflon, weak 'no'b6nefit Your Mone�i *111 be rem (Ag'a ftl All dlaoffes'tor'te Cotsid ered, 'Pho ftyal Bank, Clffito'fi; and'The ,pr#gId,fttII ',Lyameg S11eIj,,CIjft.tbA. I .: . - 0 orb,oat. .. 4 I 1-2d. Turpentine sptrits, ,strong M048ons i8ank, Clinton. 4viois-llr I I . tdaross" . 16d, n6sift, common, firm 18il. etro� fuu&d. Could ,W,6 saymore? sold I A9,6 to date frOn 34UURVY� VA.) , ,,,,r_,,,,,, . ,YM, eg.s Geo. 11roare, Oftiton, ._ttfq.6�qo ­­_­ ­�­­­­.­ . _­____ ­ r, — --1 .... �. _ , _ . I . . I kUd 9118ifthiteed by. W, S, R, U.0�jaes (Brood', Mares. kAWt ,b,d 14 foal pie. Beat Dfaught Trbas,4 R. Orahwn '01fton I . � . I ,,, $"^ 4400% .00-4,W-4. ttA,.�A= dtagglot. I I havoredood, a f*.), , [ -4&ah prize of $5 XftA,by,,Xr, Oeq. &,S410, te. 'D. wUiis 6400k " I � r �` � . I I . - L � I . I . I I I I , � r . I , . . � I . . . I . I � . I . . L I . , . . L 1) 1. I r �, I I I I . � M, I . .. . . , * . 0 1 . ��� __,___A.e_'.."..__­-A"-__ ,___A­&I",..aL�­��LL -,"A" 1_!_�_ ­ �A'A.Ahh__,:._,J______­ , 04 � . I I . . . . . . ­__ ­ ­ A, , - - I . � Z . ...� ___ _" ''I -