HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-03-23, Page 3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililillllmq�""I","- I— �. .I 1- I - f - I . , i .. . I . - '1- � %�W,71t _i�. I . _;� I.Wif-117 "'"' - � - F __�"F
0 1, � I � �' - I . VMWI I . . . . . . . . P7 '�'X 'P. "Nor -T,_11, .,,- -"V
rp'�' , 'Tivao"Y' SuWa 2W, loll. , I I , I . 7r I . 7"I", ?"W17. ",?-.M� , 7,-IrW 0 I"
10411:1 I I: 11 I I:: 11111 . 1. .____ -11-1-- � � 11 1. I I M -_ � - _ 1-1 �- . -_ 0 __ - . I - "INOWWW"o- - -"�._ Wqw �,
.. I _. .- � . --I----.- . - - -_ - === - -11-0. -_ . I -- - - _ Pg, ,, . ! I -Ii�;19_ _1_1 I � - - - - ---
RIO, I I - 1. .1 0_.X�=____1__1 _11'..._1�_ �= � .. . V .�, C �� —_ W_- kpk.�, - � WWZ=1;i � ..
" I - 1�._ .. � ", r .. �" . - .,� ',..W,.==_`% ., I . reh vigor anu prepotO gosent4ally an Cherith and ZarepliatIl. "" ince, and fts rapid jxarft" Is tbo '. '
L""s N"ll. - WiPws victory over nuliaber, of tbeodrex, have reovAtod, "
,.1 I . � I 0000,000 1, outdoor bretea, HerefQr& are tile, tbo propbots of I'mal, I Klugs XVIO, ill, th"O'Verumelit t4lcklm thow all
" 1, . . I* , , healthiest cattle in the cQU0tr7- ThIX AT LAST, A CURE - Jos 51 under its controlound passing rog-
. 4 I . 11 a . kRo, means resistance. to the common (9*- 1 2.5,30. Golden Text, 11. XXIY, I ulationa 'governtila the exhibition
, "Ch e. you this day 'whow ye will
� : . � I'll I OF THE HERtr eases which wave success wlt4 other . alur of the- pletlires in all parts of the . I
.1 I rve." lice $50 men ag, A One Mae*
� �, breeds 41ificult Urd In many cases Im- pro-Vinca. Uniformity is settwed in
I . ,but God was with the one man an(l, I
I aj. Ibill introduged Friday by the
� U vial
I . possible. . I against the 850, and a. half millute Ron, A. J.Matlic-son, 'Provi �
� 4 1 � � 11 . I 11 ' Most strains,ot bret"(11119 Produce as ,, FORO RHEUMATISM Re 008
I 41i , I A& �, __ . .11 � .. . . Hereforils, stand 0,100e In their abil- . � prayer to the living and true God ac- . TxcasurET, lby'flic appointment of X
3$ into high class good mllteps� as ,are found in any of
� �, - . . . 1.1; _ v to convert gra - . %Truftra-fives Cured. Me." 8qS Mrs'. 0i Am complished what on all day cryino- and � boardi of censors, of lbrce persons,..'
. S. I I I— _. ,..� It, I r1ler age the bpet breeds. There are no Milk-
� , beef, ' They mature at an ea Some are shallow III was a helpless cripple from Rhou, pleading of the SZO,could not. -whose(.dixty it will beljVo pass up- ,
. taken, ,occasionally tone up the jiver"�Xuove e I . than other cattle. Being the 11304- less Herefords. matism. for nearly a year. All down the LIMON VIII.-Ulliali'a flight and re- on all knoving picture films before I
� milkers because they have been highlY,, - publiely exhibited at any
� � h"ly, cleanse the system and dear ffie brain. 25c. ,, . 'tin was dreadful and I turn, I Kings xlx, :L-16. Guldeu Text, they ar� . I I
11 I I docile of the bovine species' they take ve for tile agquy. I was Isa xl, 31, "They that -wait upon tile � place 'in Ontario. They have pow�
� L specialized to excel us I)eet types, and '19"t side- t`he P�
. a box at an druggW. . ; on flesh ituore readily and give better whatever the 169s of Milk- giving In terocualt4e4noyt UtNlvo .or. altso, to
. . o VIlysiciaus w I filr prohibit or rojipet any
I . I I I . ithout help. ,O��a shall rerlew their strength-." In no, 10'r a
. . , : t result% in feed lots or pastures than such specimens it Is, more than 00tset �
I otional PrOg A Chemical CO. of Canada$ Limited � � I � . , I saw 111P,ruit-a-Vives" advertised in this lesson we see the'weaulless of one ()Pe,ra uspm4the license ofarly.
I rt 46 . -tile repre iy other brkd, by the Increased superiority ot the an, ' "The Tcic� I tor. The Government has au-
.. , . sentatives of al ,ram" and decided to txy .
� . t 'at Of God's'servauts, who WAS tho-rity to Impose licenses
; I - - � . . .1 I I . writes Overton Harris in the lBreedeell imals, as beet.models. "White face" hem, After I had taL-eu one box, I Of tile be and
,� - �� I ... �� I . . .. .... I — ______.,_ , . ___._. -==�__-Z-_.. 1 not afraid of Ahab nor of SW false make regulations, for using I
. � F.Gav,ette. Being uulfOrM in color, they cows are the best of mothers. An ovev was much better- . and op,
, , I - I , When I bad taken three boxes, I could prophets, but who ran, for hig life be- erating.tho ltno,Viaz �ieture ma., I
. - make m.prUet Stock that cRtclids the wbelmlvg majority of them give plea- ,
' the yard buyer. . Depositing , . , use myorm and the pain was almostgone, cause of the threat of a wicked woman. chin0s. I This includes the coluldl-
: . . . 07aildren Gry , eye of I - ty ,of milk properly to raise their 'After taking five boxes, I was entirely Note the augel's ministry arld, the. pg- tionsiPander which the machines .
. I"
. -4 OW- rEETC11 ERIS . I BM theli flesh on those parts: of the Skele, I ea -nurse cows I have , by -ted, the licensing of I
I � , Ives. What few well again. The cure of my case tience and loving ldudues§ of God. shall U3,0 opera
* . .. I , Ids. beals ton from wiliCh the highest. pricec , film ,exchanges,, -the, examination of
' 'i
J 'W
. §1C1A1y# Ridholt cl$119P, 1 for ray show cattle are aerefords. It f1VruIt-artiVes11 was. indeed, splendid ,
4, twa, " d Itinds - 25 vent , I ets Abap In
! 19 ,I 0 e lie doctors failed to even Lrssor; IX.-HOIJah. we
. 'AS "r- 0,R I A A at*n .01 meats are, cutt the back and loln, theY ' a Mau, wants more ralik in a h r3 Of because all t films,,ete. No moving picture, ma,
1 ,.C, . i L 1. I Are specially popular with buteberd Naboth's vinevard, I Kings xxi, 11 -ft ehinri e4u 'be operated without a, I I
- 1. � � ... .. � . ... I - - I . , 1, � . , . I 0 * -me. "Fruit-a-tives"c edm. ,' Textv 1:uk6 xii Z "ThUe heed, license an4, all mus;t
. 11 Rerefor4s lie can 66 a get It through relie,vc. Ur &
� I — . I MRS. IjZZIn 33AXTp on I I � . .
. . ____-f --- - -_ — ,� and killers. breeding; It he wants the, highest type . ,R. Gold bear the stamp
I PN_"=W=_MP==0"W - _. 11 . 1. I �1. . — 2 �.. ., � , - , . , and bew-are"of covetousness.1k How. of the iboard, of ceusors, Iuterer�
. . t,Aal M- Since fat And lean are blended In a of be animal be Can $elect It tWm 4 HoZnt PL&CA, T I
: . . .. . ef _ . ORONT0, Dcc. 15,'09.
� , . . Hereford'earcass nlorcr,eve4aly than lu established herds. I i�;, ... . selfish and cruet tire people apt to be ence by local police officers is for- ,
2 — ,
. �, . . . any other beef "final beef from.0 I . 1. 7 . I *:�., . who live wholly unto themselves! They, bidden, If 'the -stamp, is 64 the fibn'.
i 1. . . - - , One of Ulle =0101t important clauses
: . I . ,
" . , . has a juiciness, a ilavoralid a tender, Care of Young Play. - , . must have their way at any cost, Uct rolates to 'children. No child under
� � , . .0 I ... I I . 10 & 1. ness not to be -,foulld in any othei . "Tilb pigs sboulil be separated from matter who may have to suffer or even fifteex4year.a .of age, -unless accom-
� and .
I .. � I .. breed. Herefordr, are Itbe kings of the .Sows and Mder bogs, since they, die. But there *ill be a.reckoulng,. pailled by an aduit, is permitted to I
. I I rustlers. Their record on the ranges � the feed If .;'.:�,,:i�: the Judge of all the earth will do rIght. attendl a Ino,ving picture, -how , ,
. will not get.their sbare of .:.; ? . I The Lord Jesus said, "real, not them a
. * stand th Ir achievements In 11..:.X;,�...�i�if-,.
� of the we le . all age allowed to run together after �";.,�p.::::,.:;:.:.:"::",.:.., :,, where(IthereAg an admission ' fee.
� � ... "..I , I which kill the body." --. - Thls,Act cowgq_�Jnto to .
I .
...:�:. corn belt Pastures stamp them as the '' . - . ree on thp ,
. �. , , ,
I ..... `1 . next,
. � : . the pigs are weaned, writes an Ohio
I . �� . , I LEssoN X.-Ulljfth goes up by a wbirl- first Q,f june
- � ...... .... . 1, Iva ,under a �R- - :�:t. , -, .
, ..f.. farmer in the AAnerican Agriculturist, * . I. ,,..,. �.� � � . .
I ,..�,, � ..... , . fittest of al� oreeds to tbx. i
................'... :, . . , .., ..W
. I .. :: ::: .1, '...'...........'.... ::,; * . � , .. '-_ . - -18, .
... �.. ..... ..� , �., .- , wind In heaven, 11 Kings 11, I ,
___.....I. I . -1 �: 11131.r..:v. �. ... .:.-Z� to
.1 . 1..i. . .- I __ -1. —911 *..A 11 .1 . . �
. ..
'_t ..
. I
� ..
, � .
4 .
. .
1.3[eeu ground co , III. asep __ I ;�?�::�.:: � "., , � � : , ` . I 0-11
., Golden Text, Gen: v, 24, "EnOch W,01;- I . .
, I I
� I , I
and when theY,caunot get out on the ,,,,: , �11 .',..�:�,_._. . I
�ilk._,. - .. I—— I ed with God, and be,wits not, for God . . I %�,
. .....
.. , 11
ather I I . ;,.; - " a �s
grass I out "nely cut clover or alfalfa, ;1 -1: :, : :. took him.". The man who. wanted to
in -their feed. In the cold, we. .11, I,.:.,:, ,7 g -'at ,cDn Id
". . . . . � :.I L*.,, I pot ..
�'...Z;::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,w die never did die. So It illay be with
like to give them warm slop every. ,w
, ::Z. '
.... . ..... . , 1_ (I Cor. xv, 51). The —, ��
. .
morning, For this purpose nothing Is ...,:.;,.%. 1, .. .... some of us . I .
I better than a f , eed cooker or a boiler %, � ; ... 1. I I . other- notable features of this lesson I Don't let that bald a -pot - grow!
' . are tile devotion of 14311sba to, ti 11jah .. . . I I
. to beat the water. While some authorl- . _____ _____ " * 'and his earnest desire for a double por� � . — — .. I � �
ties say that it does. not pay to cook In hundreds'of othereases Urnntgft�, . Go� to ,you *
'al - t1on of his spirit. .Note "They. two . r druggist at once 'and ,
feed, I think quy.reasonable.man can tives,P has given. exactly the � 6, sati, getJ a b6ttle of -:Parisian Sage and
see that ,wArm Slop wl bell) :F011139 factory results because "Vruit-a-tives" . went oil." .1 I . . it that don't check the fa I . ...
U r. KI Ellsh, re- MO.& 'hair, ." �
i-T� '. .- a . tile prophet .
hogs especially. And they Will. do' is the greatest blood, purifying medicine , L Sao , ,7 anO 'cause new hair to grow; noth. 0 ,�
I much better than on cold slop or dry in, the world, "Orulf-a-tives' I the famous atores li, child to life, II Xings ly, 25.3 , . I A I
, tug�,twfll. . . , .. . . I
-fruit meilicine regulates kidneys, livert ' Golden Text, Rom. vi, 2'3, ,"The gift oi. Diindlluff is 4he cause' of baldness ..
feed. One reason for this is, I think, i_. 11 �- 4-1, . .�I. C-,4-'- 1 11
- .
1. . �,::.;!: �:;::.,*.1,",.',..-.�- I - , ela and ti,an -i)reveu . I -tarOugu Jesus V ,uff 'grerms. ca,;ae Xabdruff I . , ,
. ,:. .: ..; ...... . -P .I,- A� . Afinle DOW I I God Is eternal 11tv AanAl
14 I
that Dogs - U 0 I
enough water during cold weather.
Where the slop is warmed up the hogs
are gIdd to. use more nearly. the proper '
am6unt of"water which. -Is Aecessary to
produce the, most economical gains.
where a warm slop has. be ' en fed in,
the morning ear corn will be all right
-for the evening feed. ' . I . . I
I . �_ ,
. I
Dock the, Lambs Early.
. The animal husbandry division of
& -� A "IN*.. J- min.
mulatign of uric acid, which is ePrimek
cause of Rheumatism. . . .
"Frait-a-tivesti-Vifl--positively cure
everycase'of Rheumatism, whentaken
according to directions, ,5oc. a box 6 for
$2.JoAt all dQers,
r� or trial SiZe, 25c -
or in rruit-a-*ea i4mited; Ottawa-
. .
. . I � .
I I . I .., .
bcd with lemon juice. Should this . fail
to remove the stains, a. g6od plan is
that of adding alittle pearl ash -to, wa-
ter and dinning the hands in the Solu-
our Lord," The woman tvlio eliter-
talued Elisha did not ehterthin ail an-
gel, but one to whom -angels .r;lluls-
lered and who knew the Lord',and thus
Bile *mInistered to the .Lord HimSelf
I I who ;cward6d her
,Ifttt. x, 40, 41),
with a son and also gave him back to
her from the &ad. .
Lr,asoN XII.—Defeat through driluk-
enness, I Klflg� x -.,r, 11.1-21., Golden
Text, rrov. xxxi, 4, .+,It is not for king' -
I to drink wine nor for princes ,;trolig
. ' I
Parisian[ 5age kills the germs; er- .
adieates dandruff.. stops falling, hair
I �
and! Itching scalp. We Vill -refund
youi bnaone�, if it fails to do, this ,
in tWo weeks. Parisian Sale "Will,
,cause the hiir , to grow, if he hair
root be u6t dead. It causes the *.
hair to grow thicker, more luxilr� .
lafit- and puts new lif into it. 1.
Regirl with the AueliurA hair is. - � .
on every package of Parisian Saxe.. ;. -
it is hold for 50c. by alldruggists Or �
,sent postpaid by the. Giroux Mfg.
,^ .
. .- -vr- - ... �� , , I I 1;he depaitmen - -6 C . t , ,h 1 o.j �Fort Brib, Out, on receipt 01 � �.'
I . . . .. =- '. WiCT "', . wide -variety of conditions. . Since they 3t&. suggests the docking of lambs tion, .rubbing thdm well with a piece arlul .' We mi- t associate with. thl. . . ,
. - . I neov price. Sold and ,guaranteed by. �W. '. ;
= �, . lead all breeds in rustling -Qualities. It early age because the undocked 'of flannel. until the marks have dis- esson the drunk n feast,of Belshazzar .
* � .at an I 7 . S R Holmes, druggist. - .�
. �
... ... � � . 1. .
i , , .
. = � . I is Ila ral tilat.-they should also �ttidd not .only . present a 'filthy condition all Care must be taken to and his lords and' -also tile birthday par- .. 1. .1 I � . ., 1.
. tu peared. . . . . I
I . . . _. .
. 32 = :2� . . I Argr np rp,aara$ 1, 1p.q � I .rh� collsbrildon.., . . ling. them with soap for ty of Herod. all ending with, death. . I � . - .
__ IV I � , � . . .1. I I X . . � when turned out'topa6ture, but soon,Tavoid wasl , �ward or the spots will Let its note verqes 13, 2S, and . tile . .. . . , I . .
. .
:: � I . . .� .. I . . ,4 . � get into,an insanitary condition that ,some time af te I . d all Canadian 1101fle Circle. - . - ,
. . . . I . s. - Docked. refil)peur. - " I . Lord's desire -that Ahab and we an .. . . . .11
. . . .. .. . - . . .- I invites disturbance from flie ., I.. . I .." � - . I . . .. . . .
. I I . I . by the sta- � . -..-. ,%thers mlgl& lmdik'Hi= . - . - ,
� � . I .. . .1 I . I .. I . .. . . . I ewe lambs are also shown - ' I . � . . . . I . . � . � . -' -'�-
� I I . . .1, I I I nAl . . 1. I *% I - -_ . -_ . . . . ' avelop into bet- . ot 0 ' . . '_ --- - ,. I . .. . . .. . � .., I
. I . . . ___ I , I ... tion experiments to dp large per Cook'S'COURM, Ro 'G MP064 -� A $50,000,Fire. *- -�--�- I . ..,.
- - , .. - . � . . ter,and.surer breeders. A - . � 11 . � I I
' '
.. .. 1� _� . - - - 'I-, � I . I . . . . cent of. undocke& ew6..lvLmbs utterly I The great Uterine toni%. and ' Pottsville, Pd., Marph 20. -Fire .on . At 13he annual convention of the -
. 11�1 ,,,,�,�, .,�', ol . . I , .. - On. the -et-the only safe, elrectual Montaly - :,
I , . . . . .� - � - ,fall ,to .breed. ..'inark womencan Friday night destroyed the breaker Canadian Home Circle,, hbld last� :
. � . 9 . . "'o .� . I - I Regulator,onwiiiell. . a I -
. . " 1, depend, Sold in three d rces )I the St. Olair'( . �i.
. V tr f . I . docked, sheepi belUg sightly' and cleati, 0__ -11 joal 06; At St. 01 -air, weeK iti Moronto; in Vid-toria -H Ilt' - ,
I �ear herej dauiin�r damage estiniated ail amendment to allow ivbmen.to , ; ;
I � .. � . I I -bring �5 - t6 66 ceutg a hundred pounds . 0 1
. -1 � I . 1 , inoocked. The market ' d $50;000. Much valuable machinery obtain -sick benefits failed of adop-,. � -�'.
' '�'O* '
I , . " "'o ; ,. -
�0' " 8
O 11 I h-
', " o -
. . I � . . .. . i4ore ffian!,the, I . TiAined. - and' 1,2bO me ' .- . . . �;",
. .1n . . . . , . - 3 IM,'o'�,, lr,'.�n�% . .
. , - 8'rong er ii will be, tion. - ( ' . ..
. 6 . . I . � . . . . . . - 0 r ��l c W,
� . ' "'
. . '0 "
for "
- . . . I . �. me' looking S d,- . . . 1.
� . . . . I " . �L .1 . plas ,"
. . I I I .. - . 2 1 �.
. . .
I . .6 I'll I .. . . w denu.Lndj:.-cleauj wholeso old -� all i . g t � � - from.worltin in the mine. , - The( question was reported upon -.2 , �.
11 I .; . . " I 0� r.pal� i on r -'� a rr�.._ . I � '
" I , � . , roe p.n� 'ti r.. prev�nted . 9 . � ..
. . . I I . I s 1K 1.
� . . " . , . I . . . I I . , phl AX .d I : . �. a os,p��qlal temmitt,ce, consisting, :" �
� . stock. . I or I IV" . I . b I
I . . I � � , I -1 'TGROSTS.68T. i . 4 r �. 1q,j, six m6nths. ;. .. . Y. . '
� I . . . �1. . . , . . � � RMEDICIN90 . " . . I .. . . � Of the StLpieme Medical Examiner; �-:-
. 1. . . . . .
. . . . . ... . . . . I ... - . . .. � I .. seveTi , ,.. I �.
. _4z�,_. - , : , 1, -eubeirciulosis Precautions. . .--:I- * al other physicians and wom-1 ,
. �
. � , I .. I . . I . � � ' 11
- I 1. I.. . .. - . . . . . � ""
- :�� I � � 'Every.stable where -tuberculosis lito . . .. . . . %. e1X 1members of the 'order and ' ft: � ""
: I . ' '
I �; �_____ . I � vhttev�ashed I g Relainders, ' : . :%vas decid6dthat if N'vomen were tbv � ,. �,,
11 I � existed, - should be, well. i sprio . . .
: ;
� � . . I six rqouths; also U , . : ot.,1,11%euma � flsn� be allowed sick benefits special. ��.
twice in the 'next . '
.. 11 I I. I I I Id be tuber� - S.-UNDAY SCHOOL �.. 1. I I . I �.. pi-oVision should"be made for thfti� �:�
I � thexemaining cattle *_1 OU � L. . .' _� - . . . .. . .. 1. .to -Foit '�,
I I I . 1� � -1 culin teste'a again in sR j-0onth§ to see I . . � .. — .. .. . .. . I . ---. '1*jart Owing� %Co� his requoval. . . I
I _. . . .1 . , . , 11i,W, �)ffllllp. Weather S K flif, llit�li W, A. Dowler, M. C;,.
- . I, , ... . .1 a, d1sease'still'remains' Xq the cat-: . I �. . . 4 , Willi=, I I'.
. � . -4' .. .. 11 11 .4 , .. , . .- . ,I-* 6-:1- - � if tii -it oqt:afid tb6n, '-XIII --First Quarter, For Pain, Wit tlW Trollblc LiCs J11 whor has',�een the society's splicitor - �, �i '
I . "t . 11- "��', '_ �� � - I � tN that are le&. Get Legson . * � for over fifteen years, resigned -big - ;i
'%R ". ,V%. It-, ,x",% ". ,,�_,Y.- . �,_, - T .. I . . . . .
. �
. _&., � � , P, , ._ L
�rl 'I' i I � od
I .., . fk.!� be -careful how you buy it In again. . .. . . :flle RIO 1 position, His resign ton mras .re- ....
I - _� , 41� 14 -1 - . - - - _ook out for the� dishonest We � who � � . Ma'roh..26,- 1�11 - . . ". � I . . . - a" Vas * �-�,
__ " . , . luctantly stccopt�_ and lie
I .. �4&147k�_ 0 .1 1. . . . . � . .1 u . . * . . . . . , . , .; .1. � . I - - . � .. made an Honorary*Past S reme �'. '
. - � ___ . dopw �tlielr cattle, and th S give YOU I . . ; - - � 7 . . laiY , �
I __ --- W, . . � . ...� .. . . I . 11, 'Leader� of the -society, ,. . : ��
I . - e r ___ � ,another, dose of the disease, , . . . I � . weathe ' r -is bad f6x rhell- . . . . .. 11 11
. .. . 1. �.. . � . . — � THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES.- m SprIng" he , , , Or, VICEAS, ELECTED. - . 11
� . . ��� � . . . . I I .. � atWsuffcrers. .T ,changea from . I were elec- :
� . � . . . I -01ma . .. 11 .. � � I . . . . , . m1ldt6 severa weather, co ' ld rdw) The.following officers 11
. .
.. . . . I . . . . Horse Out of Condition. ' -.. - . . I . . 3 ted."Supremo Leader, T. R. Y6ung - ' � '
-a-,*& 0 - . �� . I I damp.winds following, .wildnesi
I ... S ': . -- 1�or - a - rundown horse thrit Is losing ehon�ive, ' or in Toronto; - Supreme Vice -L. eader, F).
I - I . . Text b.f the Lesson, a.-Com,pr . at -art the aches and twinges., - I I I
A "oYoniftealitze . —I..-- his.130ok Tell .. . . . . -treme eases,the tortureabf D hi; Supreme Secietaryl
I � 13alton, el . .
- . . � . I .. fiesh!and refuses,. big grain.,tre.at as . - rext, Ps. more ex
. ..
I- �11 . 1, I . I . . I . . . � . I .- ... follows I - On ,empty. stomach . In. th , Quarterly Review .P.Olden, , thei trotible going. But it must be ,J. X.Footer, 'Toronto.; * Supreme
. . , e, � � ,
W � . . . . cxllv, 15-Commeritary- Prepared. by . . I
. -iiing gi, -half Quarts .. . . , . not the Chaplain, Rev. Pr. S. Boyle, Trinity .
.. �� . I 1. I . . .. � . - . �. � I bornek',,in mind that it is . , -, ! "":
the Advan . � I, . Uo , '-.0 te mol: ve on,6.and one I .: * Supreme
I W oncre . . . .. - College, Toronto, Soliei
. � . . I Rev. D. M. Stearns . I --wealh-er. tha't ,causes rheiimatiani. .,
. . � . . . . � I . , . kaW linsqed,oll and two ounces tx#pqn-: . I . � . '
. .
. � . . .... I . . . .1 .., , I . I ... � tine well mixed. �, In two or three days, Lnsow, I. -The kirfgdom (11vided,- I thetrouble. is rboted in the.blood- : ** tor,X. Romerville, M,,.A,,-Toro:ato; 1;
I .1 , i . Supreme Marshall, W. E. " Scott, I
tages of Concrete I . Aids. Farw'er's,' � eve foilloVing powder: Sulphat6 of text Prov. the 'chaugeable weather - merely
. . ... .. . � . ., I . . . . . .1 - . I . 0. . . .- .. . . . Kings , x1i, � 0-16. -GOldcllT .. , . starts tha pabis. 'The only wayio Winnipeg; Sixprefiie Warden., Dr. B. - .11
. . I . � . . . . iron two Ounces tpeter, two ouncea; , tiiat walketh .with wise . ble and to cure T. . Bartlett, - --St. - Thomas * �
. *"VHX rising price of lumber has cdmpelled It shows ho�v Concrete . � . I .; so . I � xill,' 20j. �'Tle . 'raachl the ,trou it is ,
.. can be- used to. ad- . .i I pux . vornica, Xpowdered), one ounde. - . Wise, but a companl I Ahrolugh the ' ,Supreme Guard,. C. A6 Xerrifiel ' d'.� '. ' ,
. . .
. . the farmer td look I for a suitablel.;sub. � vantage. on', tlie:.. farm 'in' the cofiAthiction of' 6 in feed men shall be . On of rh6iniatic i blood. The poisonoiia Port Hope;'Supreme Sentinel,'Mrs. 7 '.
stitute. � .. . . .. . . I ` . . . . . Mix. well together, and ,giv , rking acidia must be thro,-Wil off "
- I , : . . . almost every prac6cal, utility. . I - ..fools %hall -be (168ttoYed," ThL Helen. A.'Kerr, 11amilton; Supreme - �.'
. . . . . I . � . I. , . . I . morning and night a heaping teaspoon and.;driven 'out. This Is a solemn 'M6dical Examiner . Dr. A 'T. Robbs, .i 0
, I
Concrete, .because of, its clieapnesi, `durabil-'. Send for this book to -day. You'll find 'ItAn. � �. I ful., it Is possible that -worm's ulaybe dom, was divided. �ecau§e Of S0101uon�s Teedical trxifh every rheumatic wat' 1 .1
. ., - in, due Guelph - .6 . Leader, W.
I ity and the. readiness with which.it can -be . tensely Inte.restft,.e,�en If you don't Intend to - the. cause.of ih-e'trouble. -If so, iivo-74. sins (chapter.xi, 11), but shall , upreme'Past ' I
. ' f erbr should rftilize. Liniments and , I
used for every farm purpose; -has proven itself build for a while. 'It eblitains much useful . .. , time be reunited as tl� Lbrd'ha.s pur� outward application. maY give tem- �B. Grdhaln,froronto; Auditors A.B. "'
I I . , information that I'n the way . I I � ....... . treatment will eradicate..thein.- , - .. . . Back of P$Qli,. Of - Merriton and � A. M. �.
. 'Kill put you . . . C11 I . .. �. � pq%ed,(147ek. xkxvii, 21, 22). poiary� 1!blief ,but they. never did Thain .
to be cheaper than lumber and far more dur- of saving money. Among the subjects I I . . . . . . � '_ �.__' .'� . . - - Tobin, -of Waterford; Trustees Dri ,
. I . I . I ----- --- _ --- - d controlling and over a ure rheumatism .
able. Our Free Bpok- . �- � treated are: Barns, I>s4rles, Pen .0 Posts, I You I I - -7 -� W. -through -an . . nd never .ean:.c uto, F. J. Sah : :
. . .. I . I . � .., . . . . � . . * . . I men, good Any, Idactor Vill tell you this i�. E.,Clouse, of Toro . ine,, . ,:
Feedlfiq Floors, Hifthing Post. CC,.=,. . . � I .ruling all. the actions of ftl . dto, R. it Mo,wbraY, 'Kin- I
I "What the Far=6 Can, D . . Tki a y I . .. . . . Of .Torol Of
. I I .k ..o. � "' Cellarsj 61fos;. Stablet,-'Slalrs, Stalls, send me a and, bad, we must always see God. ,true. The sufferer is.only waafling sale; Committeia.. of Finance.- Reeve ' ,
. - . I , .1 . I Troughs, -W-alks,-W�,611;.CLdrbe�v--and.-- - . . Contra,cte a .tIme and knon-ey,with this.sort -of illaonburg,. M �
With 'Con * * ' ' ' . . - .. . .. py bf 11 What- - I . I . Lussox I.I.-Joroboam m4kesldols for C. R. Denton, of T O.Y... . ;
crete � . -so 'forth. . . . . . co .� � I Israel, to worAllp, I 1cings ...,ifl * 2�5-33. tTdatmeut and all the time , the I or J. S. Scarff, of Wood -stock, R. :,:
.Rr=M,EMBER.Thl.q book Is - . ; the Fmovier edA , Col ' Golde Text, ;nix..xx, 4, "Ti ' le ls'becomingmore ' firmly. W. flaWkinsk of,Br'o\vnsvi1.e � - -
shows the farmer how he" can, do his'own work-,, yoilrs-a, ,�Ostal will bring it . 11 . .1 ion shalt ti`Oub 6u e. ,There. - I ; Com -
without the aid of skilled ffiechafiics. -'It. de- . promptly, Write 'now. . , Do Willi. Concret".., . eaVy . not make unto theo' any 9 .. To . rooted -and harder to r mittee on Laws, Messrs. T. Para- - -;
monstrates the economy 6f Concret ' . . - . I. . � . H � , ,. 4. I - . raven image. - is. just nine sure, .speedy cure for dilie,' -of Hamiltonp.C. . D. Shipley; Of' "
. I e construc- - . . . I . . . � I 41 awscre rb.,edinatism-Dr. Williams' .Pink Northport and Mrs. M. Aladeison, �
I . �
. I
tion as compared .with lum - __Mzme .......... , . .. . . . ,Although ,Terobo,,Im was w(
- - . ........ d ...... 1. . . I .
I . . .
, ber, brick or stone. . 11. . 14 I.. .. . I .- I I . . .— .. . . : en him these ten Pills... They, act directl A �'
. .� I . � I , , - : that -the Lord had giv y on the of Peterborol; Coirmittee on p- I
. '
, � . .
�. -
.1 . I .. . . . .�f, . . Address ... I ....................... V..�.. .1 - . . � . . I I . ttibes and woula On condition of obe. weak,'Impure, and Itainted blood. . '' 'I
. . . . � .0 . -1 t ,Recarhev L n . I (r.1, 31-38) 'They purify' and'stirengthen it And elan, of Ailaherst, W. S., and .
CANADA CEMENTSCO'.. Limited - � I . . . m � . ,peals,,�1�1 -Parks, of.St.- Catharines, `
.1 . I 4 - - -, . I . . U his kingdo f ,
Q1 � a . . I . .9 Alence establish . ' '. C , ' '
- - 51-60 Natioxta.1 111ank. Buil ing, Montreal. . .. . � . ..... I ... I ..................... . ... . I . . . . ' tthe cause'of rheuma- Mrs. -Q. .
- . .. . . . � . . . � ...... 4- .... �.... - 1. . I he could not trust �God, who ba& been th'uE;,rQQt On ,Q. Millard, of Coldwater. � - , I
I I . . .. . . � .. .. � I __. . I . . . plitfing Cough.�. . , tism.. Here is a bit of pro,o:f out df . I . .. �� :; 1:
I ___ � — . �, , . ,.. - - __ ,_ - - ___ . . -S I , . I . .. . . so -kind to him, but! deliberately. listen -o , housands of -niimihir cjs4s - that� - . ,
� _ . __ - ;___ . . � � 1. . . . . n4lacted upon the advlcer�the' t I ,
'. .iva� ---.-,-- . . . q . I � . ,., . _11_____#1 , I . _a . . . � T 0. r i ail, ).l
. I . I . . . ea -to, I iiight 'be given. -Mrs. IF. X.� Bols-� Pr mirient Renfrew County 4U lit -W
. . . I . . I - � . . I I I
- - - - -_ _.- ___.____._-. _ ____. __ . _,___�"__;��__Xz�_ - devil and worshl ed:hIm. . . . . -_ - �ighty Years �
I : ____ . - � .p seau, �$,t.. Jovome, Quo., say$,' 44.V6r - .' ; DI& , I .
� . - I - . q . . . . . .. . . Air. J� 11. Rlpbards,-1852 Seoond Ave.. ,. , . I ,
, .
. � I . . . . I . �, .. .. I . .. I I . � . � . . I � . 1. 0 -- _. .,----I East ancoi1v . . "M I low LEgsorT III. -Mals 1good reign. In J*- a1m6sW,tiwo y,ears �1 wa; a terrible . 'Pembroke.'Ont., -March'20o-Thomw ,
. 11 . . C -7. -, § ..0 . . I.V eri D.C., writes� . & � h, it Chron .45. Golden Text, 11 suff erer rheumatism. The Dbacon, ,,4eiiior - judge of Renfrb* � :
. - i
I t I - -Ps , " , , 0 ine, to write a f�w lines in praise of your. . xv,A _fjom
08 "" - YO.J. N6.t i fig to Te�t . y6hine 1. , Chron. xv, �4-, "Be y6 strong therefore I IT&ublef first located'hT the -right - Ociunty, diod yesterday. He,. was 8( L
� . .. . I -
. . �. . . I leglm�kmg woi,k about the hous'e ' " - . :� I
I . _ � I I . . � . 1. I . .1 %ii I . . Dr. Wood's Norv�ay Pipe Syrup. ,Last nTkd let not *,your hands be veak, - for yoars of. ago. I I . . .
* I
I . ... . '. ." z . .1 .: . . ., 11 . . . . - f 9,11 I c6ntracted a heavy. cold which left, ]EIDW, impossible, and,wallcing very diffi S Honor Thoma-� Deacon was bory :
, I _ . . _yvur work ,shall be rewarded." Hi
. We'll buy d We.'. bottli . from - -your druggist and give it to you free tb.. f)r&VO. me with a backing �cough and eveqr time- . refreshing to find a man ow v�.hosq;be- calt. 31tried to cure myself - �by at Pei-th Oil N�v: 7, i832, where he liv-0
. . I I . I . I I . I I . . ... .1.. ; . ' � . I would get a little more. cd . means.of all sorts of Iffilments .and (,(I during . his childhood and youth. , .
. . . . I . . � . . � I .. I . . � . . ild this hacking half #* Lord can show Himself strong lotions, but twith .no reslilt�it 'was ' tle � wav, cdul�ated at the grammax ,
. I I . . I I.. I I � 'I 9). He I I
. '' � I � . cough would' become a -lung splitting one. (xv is still looking for such. only lmoney, *wasted. *The trouble qcliool. there, and at the age of 30 waa ' s
. . I . . I . I I ' . I The F I
. . This Is a hopeless, cold :wo'rld'to ,the fierbt troin iolii6li FoYohinei 60 -cent bottle bf pachine to be gNA � ,It kept -on getting worse and I. kept on, words that help we most In this constantly, igrq* worse and the called to the Bar. V or many years ho �
y list
, " .1 bpending.mone buying different cough lesson are xiv, 11,-wlth the verse J pains Inore. unbearable, 'Vinally rh I
I 'tade are beneficial to the body be. tO f, whi0k
" many. . . . . 1. , Is . Ybu ftee ot 400t. � -, :.; --,'-4A` ':, ,`V remedies until a'friend asked me if I I. praatice�d tit -Pe broke, o . I
I in yot� ofe496 the humbef and . .-We ' �111'#n&abtedl ' ' ' quoted and xv, 15P seeing, and resting it attacked thie othe'r 1,09, and X was *
., . "A vale of tears" , trua eguse they, In V y- buy@ plid. '4k ,: had. e�er tried Dr Wood's Norway Pine I ..'._," � place lie. removed. A ,
,, I � Strength,of the. -white e6rijumeles Of tribute .in thid mulifier. ,hundred$ ,iii in the Lord alone. I . -all but helpless and co-m-oletely dis-- . Fourteen. years Liter, in .1876, he ,
Sickness, sufferini, sorr6%v. . - . Syrup. 1 told �6 1 was w, ng, to try . ; LL-osoN IV.-Omrl and Ahab lead Is- c0uraged� thinking I would be a -lie Provincial �
- phagoeytes wbielt h da of thd6 .60-edlit bOttldi' -6 .6;ything I thought would cure,, and on
I I 69 blood ,or kho ;� t fin4s t ousan . I was appointed Q.C.,by t I
L $� fferer for �the rest of my lite. �&t
. And sickliess fig ttb C'AUSO Of MOA -devour evbrY gerfil of dised6e a V*6hlne, . .. - , i "'111 ,� �1' o4ti two bottlea.� ]Je. ftel into greater sin, I Kings xyl, 23-33. Ell bly. -A similar distinction was ,.'
. %, of -the 1hisery. - I . . . . ,� ,� . ,�'. the same ditybought -�rov, x1v, 34, "Righteous. IhIg time I read, ift our homo paper Assem' ,d on hfin by th6 Marquis ol " �
I . entrance to the body. . . I , . ,��& lie do that to show oift,Atfie fore half the first one was used my cough Colden Text, I bestowe . I
. . ' Now a good. mauy people tt&ept' Thatl� why-P9yehine Offeg WUOTO confide * 6 Iii.Abid-vond6rfull �ibVaf& . began to got,much easier, and by the time ness exAlteth a nation, but i of the trouble being cured by Dr. Lorl rnor-General, iii. �
I , sin is a re- Ic, then Gove
. . --tickness a - has to -16 no .1 . Williams' ,Pink Pills and I de6lded- 1881. - - - .. . , ''' I
. . a adm6thing that , other oid time remedies fall. ---TfiA'(J tJ6 14.�;,, ,.-44f�%' .'s :A,"��*.r bottle and a half my cough pr6ach to any people." The statdinentkI to� Ittry th6m. After uding -the pills I
A visitation. � � f n I . . I fifid used a -_ About'this time he bo'crlmo deeply %
,why Payehine ,hai stood'the t4of 6 A'confidoif�d dat has"blk b&4d -on was gone. I am keepm`g'the other half concerning thes6 two are that fhey for 66veral weeks -1 could see that interested in local affairs in PeMt
. I 'they may Make Ineffectutt attempts time for th,6 thirdot a 4iAury.- ThEW9 our 36 j66 � I 1. 1. th thlis . bottle in case it, should come again, but each did Worse In the eyes df the Lorld wrote helping me, andi I qon� successively nierat I
. . X0 cure themselves, but they 40fft o&et'*hr we tati afford to buy itnfklve splendid, t It k " I am'sure I have A positive cure, .Let 41'nZe' broke, 'becoming � :
. ., � U flowt thali an� that 'Were before them (forsesk dl takind fligm until -I had '
velL ., . away hundreds of thotiWida & 90-b"t ledie 46f 5 0 . hug#,Uda OZ me ro,commen s ine . used nine or,ten Do,. . Uer of the school bda-rd, town '06=4 ' '
. , 11 4
.. �.. 11 .., P-10.1 15 . SIrup i�o all who suffer fron .1
. . (Now W sue a I ciffeg i a cough -or 25, 88)- it would'bo difficult to' na "'es wilen every cil and offici4l assigneo. 1-10 WAS 490 "
I 0 want , ,1L .h opeless ones t6 bottles. I., P I . 1� I ... I 6 sYmptoW of the trouble had disaf- resident - of the Pembroke Lumbet -;
_ . I;-_.,_ I ..
let us buy fof th66 a W-cdlfif bottle of OL6 to Ind-loAte, " � ... I ..... . � t roat 'on of any kind," , t*o men more gIven'Over to thO devil P
.Now royehli .4, I.A.-CM ..4�1_%.k - ; -_ '.. I I -_ " . irritati . . . . peared, and I could walk as *ell a$, (i "
. - I I . . � . , - -A . _ -reat has bech'the succe . .1 11ad I klid*n of lDr:- & Ppmbroke Railway. - . . I
I tPaycliffia fr6in theii druggl6t, which following diseoAm', , . , 019. , P, . So g as of this than th4sL, t" I iever( I d,id. o., and ii, director of the Xingston . �
.. ;Te'll give tillem, fteo of ahatga to let flien fill , . . 6 .1 .. wonderful remedy) it I$ Only - 11atUral LrssoN.V.�-Johoshaphat o good reign WillDimis' Pink Pills earlier I would ...
'I Read this 16t 6*erull� all -4 -*'w '0-W , that numerous persons Golden Judge Deacon was a Staunch Con.
. I ,q hem klip* that thdg.d Is .at least One out and ongil I w 6 t rt ", �,` A w. have 'tried to in Judah, XI Chron. XVII, 1-13. have saVed blyself �much suffering,
, Is the oodD6n Ithout T, e,l ,% .
. wb" r Y-71t6df ' servative, and was elected member of .
tration thai Is '6p$ 16r the -h60.0 ,delay�L . .., . I A imitate It. .. � , 1. . . the *otl 1�
4 � � I . I Te# matt v.ip 33, ,,Se6k ,ye first; and Imuch �10)noyspent in -Jer the Ontari5 Legislative Assemb fr6w. .
Vyiy , " '%Aw . ' rousneggo ugelesa,Xreathibnt as'Well."
- , # 1. kingdom of God and His right
I . I ui6f! xMi
. � - . I 1 .414 11"', , " upon y taking' . 71871 to 1879, when he -was defeatbill ' ;
_ �
. N1111, that w,ill Melt U4 I . ,;% . q,".4o, r�- _ Don't be . imp�696d-, b
, . '
. I , * th1w, . . . I fa 45 61 It offO th, Ff Me. b6ttlo r, anything but "Dr. Wood a." and al Whetheo,you are ailing oi, not h
. I l those things pball be added unto
., � . . . La GrIppa Bronchial Colighet Of PsyohlO (166r6nol ,SJ keon) ab - 'much belped by ibe prayer fewlyokel; of Dr'. Williams) Pink He also tariked high In -the Oraft94
lit I lial 6, 16,500, . put up In 06 yellow ' throb You." I um
* * W - . - Weak Lunis , , ,5, wrapper ,- Order,' being of the ,Methodist faith -4
I Ctile"507 iplibid tilidge th 6. sltin, pripe 25 of thlsoga6d king and by
_ nonehitiff , ,,Weak ,k ho pi q* wordfj,.. qn pills Vill increase your vitality and In 1864 he married Caroline Rebeos �
. � . . .. He orrbageb V0106 jab treeil the trade mark; to un4 L.
�� I t � Kindly. adygee ry dft t to do iver ceut,3. . givo you. inmeased, strength ix D
I . I 'V. I16 � . .1 61ne .hand Is Power ftild might- We
I., z 1. � 0 1 , wilak6a" this bot 10 = I � .. pa, the eldest -daughter.,of Job I
lideft jjtV401 and 40111119 4e to; I . ,�o �_g, �. :W, thstand the-hocrid summer wew,
. Zl�`, " edilud" " 7` .. have no might, ftithor know we what NVI 1�
I 4-601 f - g k., '. bf Ir"O'Kh bf)rj - , . ;-1, ".. Manufactured oxi"ml Th6 TiVilbum t1ker coming, 'when oVen the strong I of 'Peffilyroke. . 11 I ,
. .�v 'dataff it"botlond Xy XAne. iff", ofiia appointment "Of coulftty coal
re� -�--. , * I k.'....:! 6 4 *.�. ' :
, d JL a * ness to doi Wt Our eY468 41*0 11001% ThOL-"
', 11. 44 14 11 � %14 1 1� '7 - --j prophet 0- call, get.thes6 pills from any jUdcre was m , ot
'r... �, ,�.
. . .- � I - .. , - , - -w . ir
W, -- MW 91 Ig6s . . datavrh & Atodskh 'I t .,; .
, �A � ob a a . AftIr "I ,?� . Co., Limit . . . - . est keel easily fagged out. you,
1 1; t1`1 I LL , 11� .1 ., -- It" Iya � go ... A - I 1-1 *1 . ,aealL .
. , dt% - 11 % , . , I " , ".,A, *_ -----
. � ** " 0 1 Zzwolv Vt.-Mufth tho ade on-lan, 8, 1896
I h t I 1. . ,, f1m, . . To %; r -I* V* � ,� . - r Isram, I Xinsts XV11, 1-10. Lldleinei$i XW by Mail at 50 cents, I ..
, tA-"`� ee'da ,VP ?Z",� _. pears In
I X104bS* . 'Ic r " 1-1 Por Your Hands., - . -
i I PM in 0`11". is L DeflinSte t%� I 1* They that
'r - u T I'. koffew , W:,,��,:. 061den.%lext, Pg. XXXIV, 100 " x, ov,ffix boxes- for $2.50 from . . .
*, h I . . ., 9. � R1 11,4110, L . . .
I I I t# ,I ff,bffWA.f,.� kL '0 I . , : nt a# it fams' Medici .. r
. . � .
� 1 ,,,,4 , nfft 54 O?�, ,, I. 141 LWA � :X cooked potatio to -0=0110" no Co
, at 3
4.� - .. - _.R� f., Seek the Urd 61111111 hot want any good T,he Dr. Witill 1) 0%
;Xrx,aif ." '�I;AoifvWss mean$ Of whitening the,
, r'"61MIr , I- ppp $� 1 �J Icy, rifirs , ..V ' %.#
I '. # , A STO , ,
� � . . f, MO .". 'A", 14 ., , V tW3*.,, No,W we soo ono of the grand- BrotkVMO, Ont. . RIA � :
IndA % - ova SO
, .
I, , _ tio'n
, .�',.
., . , " cleaning and
- 6 6, ., r . 0 #,0d at 0 ... A. A I .
ol� �, ,TL ... . A,QW& 4 , ,� - - � . ,
, ,.f,q . .. .
*dh h Towil. �f� L ,� , 7�j4t,,%p '�,
. M lelt 48 11 .14, hands. The ,potato sh6ul L
. , . 4, .�� � A . AA 0 . ,(1. .In "U .q U 9 and ilibbed over the baeks and eat men tha 6ver lived and Yet a MAU I I Vor Inf4t1i 4ad Childtan, . .
. � -'roMil.. �,*.- , 'e, " I � v , 4. I ,� I"
I i, - K90 � I , "" 11 � bali �� y r ''
. . . "a; VA f A - 4.; .. 4 ". et is, V, M.
- - , at Of , at t. . y a � - r of 1*6 P49W116 With Us- V LL
. VON'r kii. Ila by"o , f"i fingers after they have been soaked R PICTURD T11HAMS WI
'If 6,4 14A. *6 dh,t 007i ou -to .Kq ouls. I His great woa in, "The Lord God of T11 . . 7he Klod ob HaVe AINYS 800 I
I . V V RK . , ;�, " , It' 6 "" 10, 11al !", 1, i for a rfiftlu or two in warm VatAr. , 33PA UVAGULATED, I
, e ,italfiark - 61M I I -1 .
L x6mell . g6r J Vtl 6 in 'Me' 111
� " .. 10 ��
� I ik" 6-1 fMfiA4,,tA, r. , � .L r reth bofoi* wb6m I atandlo
I I .1 11� 16). "q are the first ,Cowlilgiuta ithat have been Made
. ro 911 Aw _ X 11 Potato should be used in this MoAmOt , #Tlfo 1, !* noo,v
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