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TAB Wittr-INI*4.1W- -
oitikOut Busilips.
1e:W.104s up..T4ftygday,-.Mardlsrd•
After Thursday, March 23rd; ail lines of inercihandise carritd by this store go back to regular prices, and
this store launches out to do business on an entirely new method to be announced in the next issue of this paper,
Only Six Days More to buy. your Spring Dry Goods, Carpets and
• •
1 -louse Furnishings at Cost and Less.
We have made great preparations for six of the busieit days in 'our history, Don't fail toicome. Every
article in our immense stock marked down for The last six day sale. • •
WhiteweartSateen Petticoats, Dress Goods, Staples, Gloves,
Hosiery, Underwear, Embroidery, Lace Curtains, Carpets,
Linoleums, Oilcloths, Furs, Etc.
10c Prints for
12ic Prints for
8e Totveliiw for
I00 Toweling for
12e Toweling for
15e Toweling for
10c Shirting for
I2ac Shirting for
15c Weir tin for
19e Shirting for
Sateens for
15c Sateens for
20c Sateens for
25c Ticking
813 Flannelette for
10c Flannelette for
12ic Flanne'ette for
25c Flannels for
Dress Goods
Thousands of yards of Dress Goods
. „
, Hosiery and Gloves
8e ' 25c Hosiery for.. 10e
10c 35e Hosiery for . , 29e
Ge 50e Hosiery. for. • 39c
8o 25e Gloves for ,,, , .. , . , . . , . 19c
10c 50e Gloves for 390
12e ' 75c Moves Kor AR* 11**9 it 9,129 ..•••...14A.' a .• . 59.12
8a 1.00 Gloves for. „ .. ... . . ,, . 79e
10c 1.2,5 Groves for 985-
12c 1,5001oves for. . .
, .L22
• .Corsets
17c 50c Corsets for
25c Ladies Underwear for , , , 19e
35e Ladies ,Underwear for A 2.• • , • .... 9 • . • • • • • .29e
50e Ladies Underwear for; ., . ..... ... ... , . . SOc
75e Ladies Underwear for . 59e
1.00 Ladies Underwear for 70e
L25 Ladies renderwear for. - 98e - •
1,50 Ladies Underwear for I 22
.50e Parasols for • 29c
39c 75c Parasols for ...... . . . ... . .. .. 595
19e 75e Corsets for..59e
(lie 1,00 Corsets for.... ..... 79e
8c L25 Corsets for .......
%1...9c 1.50 Corsets for . ." • , , .... 1.29
19c 2 In Corsets'for -1 di
in all the new and 'popular weaves
and colors reduced as follows -
1.00 Parasols for
1 25 Parafiols for,
1 50 Parasols for...• .1 • 4.. • roc • • ••• ••••01.22
3 00 Parasols for • . .,.2•25
• • 795
. * .. 98e
2.00 Parasols for....
25e Dress Goods 49
50c Dress Goods See
60e Dress Goods . 4,50 ,
75c Dress Goods 4 50e
85c Dress Goods 67c
1.00 Dress Goods 790
1.25 Dress Goods98e
1.50 Dress Goods 1'22
12hc and 15c Dress Oinghams 9c yard
• ... • . • ' .
FUIE1 Coats, Sens azd. Boys Ready '‘ Meng Suits
- • : We have Marked* down .all mens
Suits and. Overcoats to selltng out
'prices, We have ocly been carrying
ready make Clothing ..or a short time
"and all pracitually . new.. Space will
-not perinit us to quote price but an
inspection will convence you of these
Altus �ats •
Made Ciothing and Hats
Now is the time to buy a Fur Coat and new spring Suit or a suit for
the boys duringthis sale. We have marked down the price of Clothing, Fur
Coats and Men's Hats at. cost and less.,. Positively no reserve Come while
the choice is complete. ., • •
• .
Boyg StiitS
Boys two and threer.piece suits
in Worsted and Tweed,•several styles
Hens Fur Coats
Mens Coons, Calf, Dog, Galloway
Lamb,, and Clipped Wambat Coat all
° marked dowl for quick selling, it will
pay you 'wz.11 to look these over. If •
you 9.re intendinz. to buy one next
year now is the Erne to save money..
to choose from marked down to
prices •thlt aught to clear them •our
quickly. so don't be too late in coin-,
ing for these. ' • . • •
Mens hard and. soft Hats in 131aclz
and Grey, marked down to the fol-
lowing prices-,
2.5o Mens Hats.., $1.50
2.00 Mens Hats...-' 1.25 •
1.5o :Hens Hats, ,00 -
• , •I oo Mens Hats -.75
50c Tapestry Carpets for300
60c Tapestry Carpets for 42o
75c Tapestry Carpets for 59e
85c Tapestry Carpets for 69e
1.00 Brussels Carpets for 79e
1.25 Brussels Carpets for 80
t.50 Brussels Carpets for .1,22
75e Wool Carpets for ............ . : 59e
905 Wool Carpets for -69c
1.10 Wool Carpets for.79e
25c Jap Matting for .- 195
12ic ;lap Mattingfor 100
litugS . Lace Curtain
' • 50e. Lace Certains. ,.. ".. ........ . ..... ... 39e.
11 50 Tapestry Rugs foie.... . . ...... . . ...... 8..30. The Lace Cu tains
15 00 Tepestry Rags ror le • 11-25 1.00 Lace -Curtains ...... .... .... „ .... , .. 790
16 50 Tapestry Rugs for 12.50 1 25 Lace ()attains
18,00 Tapestry Rugs for .... ....... ...... 15.00. 1 Al Lace Curtains • . e • . .1,22
20,0 e Brussels Rugs for ' . 157,053 1.75 Lace Cartains.. ...... ... , .. : . . . .... „ ;t3e
22 00 Drussels Rues for ' 2.90 Lace Curtains ," . . .1.62
.25.00 Brussels Rugs for ....: . . . - . ....e.. 10.00 225 Lace Curtains -1., • •1.78
30.00 Axminster R. ugs for .,.... .... .... 24 00 2.50 Lace Curtains 1 98
4 yard wide Linoleum
tinoleums • .0
' 1'75 Lace Curt:Unit:. ,.... ................ ..., "21,92,83
Lai 3;2ti Lace Curtains •
3.e0 Lace Ciert " t 248
• 2 75
4 yard wide Linoleum, best quality 220• 8.50 Lace Curtains .. 1..
2 yard wide Linoleum ' 80e • 4 00 Lace „Curte„ins . •
. . _ .323
. • •
All Classes of Men's and Women's Furs
Selling at Cost and Less
CLINT-1'01N NEW !ERA- - la Menu. for the shredded wheat
banquet on Friday evening :of this
week !will he.-•
Creamed Chicken in Shredded
DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Oen-
list, Specialist. will be at W. S. 11.
Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, Apl.
25th Glasses property fitted. deafness.
catarrh and fai ing eyesight treated.
A.11 day.
On Friday evening, March 17th.,
under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid Society of Ontario street l!ileth-
otlist thureh, a shredded . wheat
banquet will be given in the lee,
ttire\ rooM.
Stepper Will be served from. 0 to' 8
after which an excellent prograta
be githen in the aiidite.rium,
Artangenients are being made b
whitlx those • who are in a hurry.
can( have the six different coarses
(T. A. ci.Jytle Co.) 1401.)
pla,r106 Pork and Beats
Tristuit.and l3utter
sen -o, vvult Sandwich with Whip-
ped Creitin
Wagstaff's Marmalade
• Triscuit and MeLaren's Cheeae
. Shredded Wheat Xe Cream
Chase and Sanborn's Coffee
Salada Vea
On Friday viening last the mem-
bers of the 'Vexing ,Xeros Bible Class
•entertained the members of the
Ladies Bible Class. There was a
program of choruses, instruraental.
and vealtoles etc. IVIiss X.
Wiltsc and Mr. C.,B. Dowding, were tributed vocal solos which were
highly appreciated and piano solos
by, %/fee Lawson, and Miss C. Ford
delighted those present. The
youngrmen. served an appetizing
lunch of sandwiches cake, coffee,
candy, ate., and the young ladies
declared that the coffee made by
Mx, Thomas Ranee and Co, was
bet* Khan they had' for their iao-
idal evening,
Children dry
' Keep iThursday.• April Oth, reser-
ved for Clinton's great spring
Friday of this week wfll be 'St.
Patrick's Day.
•Get ready for a Spring Clean rp.
Maplesytup is laving.
The robins are tetting plentiful
Spring Term From April 3
We have three department -
Commercial, ShOrthand and Tele-
graphy. All courses are thorough
and practical. The teaching is
done by seven experienced instruc-
tor and we place graduates in good
positione. Some of laet year's stud-
ents aro now earning $1000,00 per
annum or better.
Students are entering each week.
This is a good time for you to enter
Write for out free catalogueat once
andIearn what we. can do for you,
D. A. McLachtin
3: Wheat -75, 80.
Peas --70, 75.
Oats -28, 29.
Barley, -59, 55, •,
•'•• ' Shorts -R.3.00.
• Bran --$21.00.
▪ Hags --$6.60,
4.4' Eggs -17-18.
' Butter -19.20.
clarrox SHOW.
Clinton Spring Fair will be held
on April eth, See prize list on,paeLe
5 of this issue.
Friday, evening of this week a
shredded. wheat banquet will be,
-se.tvecl-in Ontario street Ohurch..af
ter which a program will be given.
in the 'auditorium, Everyone
should attend.
The Ispecial prize given by Mr.
A. J. aVialurray,, for Tothe test in-
diVidual horse at t h,e coming spring
fah. is open only to the Townships
of C4ederich, Hallett, Stanley and
Tueleerimeith. Please note this..
Next month Frincipal Hartley,
and his lady assistants expect to
givie a school concert in the fr OW h
Hall about theisecond week in Ap-
ril. 'Practices are notw being held,
particulars will be given later.
lVlonday 'evening of this 'week
Xisses-aiellie and Pearl O'Neil, en-
tertained their friends at the rooens
of the Pastime Club, 'when a very
pleasaret evening was spent by all.
The !guests all wished Clausin and
Miss Belle a safe trip to Moose
Hon. Dr. 1Pugsley, Minister of
Public 'Works, announced in Par-
liament, that the Dotininion flag
will be ordiered to be raised on all
publie buildings as follows.-- Mier.
1, St. Dievielei Day ; March 17, 'St.
Patrick's Deer' 23..et, Geoteees
Day ; May 24, Empire Day ; June 6,
Kingle ,Birthday; June 24, St, Jean
-Baptiste Day;July 1, Dominion
Day; November 30, St. Andrew's
Deer. •
John? A. Cooper, teditor of Can-
adian Courier.. Toronto, delivers an
address before the members of the
Clinton Club, Thursday evening.
During"the past week Edward
Carter has moved -what remains of
deuble house Which 'wasdamaged
by fire last fall, to Me Mime, near
the park. Thereeie Still 'some -good
lumber in the building. -
'WOMANiS:INSTITUTEetee•esee.eee,.- -
The r„eghlar meeting -of the WOM-
ews Institute will be held at the'
home 01 Dunford, next Thurs.-
day afternoon, March 23rd, at three
e7.cloele. • A good attendance is
looked for.
:The 'undersigned wishesto
thank, through the 'New Era,. .01'
the h're.1 neighboes and friendsdur-
ing- the* [illness and' death. of Mr a.
Tiplaey, were 'Constantly at. hand
ltd f„n any way possible: ,The
kitidnese and 'syrnpathyvU1never
be forgatten. . .
•• D. .TIWe.A.DY.
At a tspecial sheeting of the Ves-
try et the Trivitt Manorial church,
held in the Stehool Hall on Tuesday
night last, the Rev. D. W. ,Colhns
was prevailed upon to forego the
Offer of an increase in stipend,
Which had been made hire by the
Clinton ehureh. The members • 01
the Trivitt Memorial and citizens
generally will ebe pleased to know
that the Rev. Collins will eeniain
here. Mr. 'Collins has endeared
himself to his coneregation and the
church has so prospered under his
able administration that the con-
gregation 'unhesitatingly made a
substantial increase in his. stipend.,
-Exeter 'Times.
• If so, there are abundant oppor-
tunities to do so, via Grand Trunk
Railway System to Chicago • and
•thenceconnecting lines, Low rates
each Tuesday, Merch 14th to Ape
ril 25th ,inclusive, to principle
points in Saskatchewan and- Al-
berta, including points on Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway. . Reduced
rates for one-way tickets, .' March
10th to April ,i0th, inclusive to
VancouVer; B. C., Spokane, Wash.,
. Seattle, Wash. Portland, Ore., San
Francisco, Cal., Loa '
'Angeles Cal.,
Mexico' City, etc. 'Refer° deniding
ant your trip, consult any Grand
Trunk Agent, or address A.B. Duff,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto,
VIE ROAD ? • ••
That's a good old question, but it
has nothing to do with the ease
•uncitel discussion at all. Neither
does that other good old conun-
dru:n.-"Why is a Hen ?" The real
conendrinni is .why you don't raise
hen:4? It's easy if you've got a lit-
tle bade lot and if you're willing to
glee' a little time and care to your
chiotens. There are enough serails
threwn into the garbage can from.
your table and pantry with a lit-
tle grain added to. feed a big en-
ough flock of hens to supply your
breakfast eggs and an occasional
roast or steev. lien News for You.
-Por the 'benefit of people who
would' like 'to keep chickens for
family Use and also for those who
wan to start in the poultry •busi-
miss lin it small way , to gain ex-
perience, The New Era has secured
from( an export seVeral articles on
ch!cken raising. These articles,the
first, of which will be printed next
wkek are -a Templet° study, con -
tic used and nomateehnieal, Write
ton foe town people who are con-
minly, to know little or
110 thing about poultry raising.
They have been prepared with
great care purposely for those fam-
Mee who ha've little yard sPac?„,but
pen lance of Cold Storage Hen- 4. •
JerUlt• L
Children Cry I rt(
wily/Ant to declare their inde-
... 4.•I' , • .1.4, istsiry. -.•t.
TurESD.1.1%, MARCH lath, 911.
What One Cent Will Buy,.
Did you take advantage of our last sale?
It was not advertised but proved so popu.
lar that we now give You,another oppor
tunity just to learn it advertising in the
New Era pays us, and for this knowledge
• Ave are willing to pay you in the following
manner. We have selected a number of
articles from our stock, any one of whicp.
costs yQU full price, but buy two and we
0 give you the second of• the same, article for
. • ONE cENT. -
A Quire of Paper regular 1.00 twp for ile
.A. Cabinet of Hair Pins regular De two for . . ' Go
Sheet Music regular 10e two for . ... .. . . . . ; . ..,. .. ; ... . , . - lle
A list of Novels regular 10c two for 110
Cup and Saucer regular 25c two for . gtie
And several- other lines of Goods same way
See Them in Our South Window'
TheW D. Pair Co.
Often the eheapest--A1ways the, Best
each Sgslem
Introduced by us, 'Will prove
a marked success. These prices
on our -goods, which every one
admits to be cheap, is the direct
result cf our cash system, bath -
in our buying' and selling.
There's a sasisfaction in owing
no:mau anything.
All artieles from 5 cents to 25
cents. We h opened up a
new line of goods. in the store
recently occupied by A. J. Grigg
Grand Openitig Saturday
March llth
The 5c, 10c, and 15e Store
. •
Spring Term
From April 3rd merges int° •
• our Summer Season from July •
• '3rd and affords continous oppor-
• Nutty for bright young people •
• to qualify for good business •
• positions. Our echool. The 2
• Central Business College of 3
• Torontthe largest and best •
' •
• equipped in Canada, inviteeyour
g consideration. Catalogue mall-
• ed on request.
: 'it' Yonge
and Gerrard Streets, •
is •
essomswesoos,.. upoiresesseestv
The proposal of A., E. Donovan,
of Brockville, to change the date
of the municipal election to the
• third Monday. in January will not
be ,entertainea, by the Legislature,
having met its death in committee
The lefty toe Hamilton wanted to - „......
make New Years Day the date in
all eitieS of over fifty thousand
population.. This was also throWne '
I out.
The, Pliemer'. e3ank eases have •
'been podtponed until the session Of
tho High Court.in May,
iLita SI)ritig peciaIs
Sap Buckets and Spiles, Washing Machines
Clothes Wringers, Step ladders, Daisy Churns
Carpet Sweepers, •Curtains Poles.
.. • . . •
Dr. Hess Stock Food and Panacea .to make
Hens. lay.
. .
DUSTI3ANE the great Sweeping compound in
13arrels; half Barrels and,„Ca,ns.
•• Clothes Horses reg. Sr.5o for 95c.
See our job lot oftNails 12 lbs for 25ct.
. • ,
Stoves and Hardware
. ,
eel. se e•eeeee--; eeeteteeeeeeletelaleiefeeisialeeieleetee-e-4.4-,441.4.4-+
it Two Dollar Shoes For adie's
At Fred Ja ksmis
We have just received a range of • fine Shoes •
$ for Ladies to sell at two dollars a pair which are." It
the best value we have ever been able to offer. • *
They are right up to date in shape, made of a 4.
choice selection of Dongola Kid, blucher pattern
and are as nice looking as many higher priced *
• Shoes,
We back them up and„ guarantee satisfa,ctory
$ It will be our pleasure to show these goods
• whether Sr oti wish to buy or ricit.-
+ . .
÷ Try, us for Satisfactory Shoes.
:14., „. ,
10pair while you wait
R 1 A 4.46++4,A..*****4.441.044.+0044014444140.*1•04.44444.444,44*
.2. •
.....-2.-•Ja• --._ ............4•24-....,.k._._1•••••Irna.....,-.•••-•..i .0