HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-28, Page 1• THS WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL XXXIII,---NO, 16 4,
No Tailoring
fetter Than Ours
and our prices
begin at $12.00
The man who needs a new
suit; whether for daily, business
wear or for dress, can do no
better than leave his order here.
He will save a great deal in
first cost; be will get his clothes
quickly; and he will get them as
well made and stylishly fashioned
as it is possible to make them; he
will have hundreds of fabrices to
choose from; and he will be saved
the doubtful economy and un-
certain satisfaction of ready-made.
Suits—made to order—made
to measure --made to fit—made
to satisfy,
No fit, no pay;
You know, of course,
that's our way
Summery Toggery is now
on the bill. We have lots of cool
comtort in store for our patrons.
Make your selections now,
Don't wait until the thermometer
says 99° and then rush in madly
for Summer Duds. Now if you
need anything in summer plum-
We're Yogi for Comfort
Summer Hats (Straw and
otherwise)—Our Neglige sbirts—
Our Breezy Underwear — Our
Summer Neckwear -•there's oceans
of comfort.
It will take but little of the
"wherewith" to buy the outfit.
and Just think how contented
you'll be after we have togged
you out for the summer campaign.
IIOffllltll Bros.
j Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
Yenned by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital • paid up, $ 0,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,414,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on nil points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal SOth June and 31st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
B. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,220,980.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00.
Total Assets, $24.7I3,613.07.
Vice -President end
tylt, Grnsox.
General Manager, -- t. Tuarritenas
twits A. tine, John Praetor, A.B. bee,
John S. Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford,
Inspector --.it. M. S4'nrsoiv,
Savings Banlesetiouret 10 to 0• Saturday, 10
041. Deposits of $1 And upwardsreceived. in-
terest allowed, and computed on the 80th No-
vember arid 131st May each year and added to
rMt��41l test bits Aho received 4t outient
Drifts on Great Britten bird the Visited
Suttee Bought and sold.
tra*eilers are notified that theBank of Ran-
llten and its Branches issue Circular lietee of
tletiSnir] Provincial Bank of M RIAM, Limited,
*bids earn be cashed without omega et trout.
bhp 2n buy part ofthe world,
y#I• 0011)30131.0 1, Agent
13tO101113oitt & $c>I[,1ra>E$, Sonoltott.
Fancy China
Our assortment this year is
a "cracker•jaok." You must
see it to appreciate it ! 1 1 !
These lines are our strong
points. We have tweuty dif-
ferent patterns of Dinnerware
to choose from; and by the
number of Toilet Sete we sell
we must have the best value
in town—for they are quick
We have speeial bargains in
these : 44 -piece Sets in China
at $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $(i 00
and $10.75. These prices are
only good for July,
R, A. Hutchison
Goods delivered promptly. Phone b
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nectionr} doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hateis doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live villa6,e. Also a large amount of
money to loan at o per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
7. A. MacKENZIE,
Insuranoe Agent, Holyrood.
rReal !;state Pointers
No platter what kind of a property or busi-
ness you are going to bur, write me before
closing a deal.
I can and shall make it profitable to you to
buy through me. I am constantly, in touch
with property owners in every part of the
country and I can find exactly the property
you want in a very short time.
Has it ever struck you that your ability to
sell your Real Estate is limited by the fact
that you have not the facilities for advertising
1 have the facilities—let me handle it for you.
My plan is founded on the hardest kind of
hard common sence,. It involves the use of the
two greatest business getting machines on
earth—newspaper advertisements and the
nail., to follow them up.
Write for my terms to-day—right now.
Estate and Business Transfer Ap,e ,
Hotel Iprovements.
Mr. Thos. Hil is making some exten-
sive improveme ts in his hotel property.
The interior of the house is being re-
painted and pa • red 'had new furniture
is be ing adde • . The exterior of the
house will be t oroughly overhauled and
repainted. "ith the new granolithie
walk in front .1 the hotel,and the other
repairs Lands„ d Hill will have an up -to
date hotel. .
Go to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate
Agent, if you want to buy a Ouse in
town, he has just what you at.
Dr. Egbert is an exper
es. If y our eyes t
to have him fit yo
August 22, 23 and
t fitting glass -
e you, don't fail
At Queen's Hotel
More Ne
The Forest City
d on, Ont, has bees
of laying the c
Wingham for this
now in course of
south side of Alfr,
to Frances street;
of Alice street, op
later's property,
in front of the Ea
aving Co„ of Lon -
awarded the contract
ucreto sidewalks in
season, Walks are
constru,.tion on the
d street, from Shuter
no on the west side
losite Mr. P. S. Linke
ad un Josephine street
flange Hotel,
$80.00 to California and Return.
Via the Chicago, Union Pacific and
W ester)) Line, from Chicago, Aug. 15th
to Sept. 10th. Choice ofroutes going and
returtsieg. Correspondingly low rates
from all points in Canada. Two trains
a day from Chicago through without
change. Daily and personally conducted
tourist ear excursions. Write for
itinerary and full particulars regarding
special train leaving Chicago Aug. 18th
and 25th. 1i, H. BENNETT, 2 .Last King
St.,'rotonto, Ont.
There was a ha
the hoino of Mr, an
Lower Wingham.
all their children
for the first time
all spent a very
presesent were M
eron and dangh
Mrs. Jackson a
Mr. add Mrs. no
wanosh, Mr. an
and daughter,
M. Rodgers, Wei
Ilea Cameron, Ci
Re -Union.
y family re -union at
Mrs, John Cameron,
Sunday last, when
ere present with them
t fifteen years Their
njoyable day. Those
and Mrs. Al. Cam.
r, Cleveland, Ohio;
d daughter, Toronto;
erttnrrie, East Ws -
Mil. Will Twatnley
ueknow; Mr. Hazlett
sb>irg. W. Ira; Miss
ninneti, Ohio.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Holiday Ne
Wingham': Civic F
Tuesday of next wee
will have a day cif a
advertisers to have o
advt. in the office b
week, We have to
into five, and adve
assist As in this that)
in early.
t Week.
oliday coming on
the Tints* staff
d we would ask all
py for changes of
Saturday of this
Mut six days work
isers can greatly
er if copy Is handed
CLEARING SALE- Our July sale of
drese goods and light summer fabrics
still continues G, E. KING.
Church Im
Messrs. Waltbew
have been awards
decorating the into
tan Cburch and
work next wee
the installing • th
be proceeded with
Co., of St. Thomas
the contract of
or of the Presbyter -
11 commence their
be other repairs and
new pipe organ will
t once. Commeno-
ing on Sunday, Au =ust 7th, the church
services will be be in the Town Hall,
until the alteratio • s and improvements
are completed.
Death of Ja
There died at b
Thursday last a
respected residen
person of Mr. Ja
years and 3 moot
of the early resid
and had been in
months. The fn
urday afternoon
. H. Brandon.
s home in Morris on
ell -known and highly
of the township in the
H. Brandon, aged 60
s Deceased was one
ts of the township,
able health for some
eral took place on Sat.
the Brandon cone -
The Western On
mens is being held
and nearly every t
section of the pro
ed. Wingha
by three rinks,
lowing players:—
Dr. W. T. Holl
Dudley Holmes, sk
B. Cochrane, Ch
Hepburn, skip.
Fred Orr, A. H. M
skip. In the first
match played on
rink won front G
ton rink; score
rink won from Dr
score 20.13. D.
to Dr. Del Marr's
17-16, W. Jacks
winners of the T
beaten by one of t
t London.
ario bowlers tourna-
n London this week
wn in the Western
ace will be represent -
m i s represented
omposed of the fol -
o 1—A. M, Crawford,
ay, R. Vanstone,
p. No 2-0. Dallas,
s. Kuechtel, D. T.
3—Dr. A. J. Irwin,
sgrove, Wm Holmes.
unds of the Trophy
uesday, D. Holmes'
D. Lavery's Harris -
9.18. Wm. Holmes'
Fear's Aylmer rink;
Hepburn's rink lost
idgetowu rink; score
's rink from Clinton,
phy last year, were
e London rinks, score
If you want a very s ell pair of eye
glasses call on Dr • gbert at Queen's
Hotel, August 2 o and 24.
The Wingha
races on Wedn
August 17th and
be given in pu
events will be 2.4
of pace; 2.19 trot
day, 2,28 trot or
2.15 trot of pace.
enough to attract
ham has always
meetings and th
exception to til
one of the best e
in Canada.
The Grand Tr
which is the fin
literature yet i
Purchase Expo
A good supply
one sending f0
McDonald, D
Toronto, can s
Horse Races.
Turf Club will hold
:day and Thursday,
8th, when $1,500 will
es. The first day's
trot or pace; 2.25 trot
f pace, The second
e; 2.22 trot of pace;
The purses are large
he best horses. Wing -
had successful race
s year should „be no
rule. Wingham has
uipped half -mile tracks
te,",e Locating in ratfard.
dr Mr, J. A. Cline has urohased the up
holstering furniture f tory at Stratrord
and will reeve tot t pity in a few
weeke,Winghalnite will be sorry to
see 4ar. Cline leav ng Wingbam and
would have been pl sed to hear of bis
engaging 10 some li a of business here.
This family will le ve many triende in
Wingham who wi l wish then every
success in their new orae.
n De Luxe.
nk World's Fair folder,
t specimen of railway
sued on the Louieiaua
tion, is in great demand.
as been issued, and any
cents in stamps to J. D.
triot Passenger Agent,
cure a copy. •
A very {ilea
of I1ir, and
of Grey, whe
Thornton o
was being p
groom eute
by Mr. C. F
man, and
leaning sipe
Essie Huff
made a v
When the
places ben
Rev. Mr.
ent manner
which mad
ceremony t
where 'neat
partook of
close of whi
in which b
for the fat
bride and g
ite and wi
friends in
dding Bells.
ant event took place on
3th inst., at the residence
s. Jno. Hn€fman, 3rd con,
their de ughter, Edna May,
marria';e to Mr. John G.
this town, formerly of
hile the wedding march
yeti by Miss Frank, the
d the parlor, accompanied
kett, who acted as ttrooms.
ere followed by the bride,
her father's arm, and Miss
an, sister of the bride, who
ry charming bridesmaid.
ridal party had taken their
ath an arch of roses, the 1
ells began in his usual eiliei-
to deliver the mystic words
the twain One. After the
e guests, numbering about
adjourned to the • lawn,
the shade of the trees, they
sumptuous repast, at the
h ttlr. Wells gave an address
expressed his best wishes
e welfare of the young con-
el Standard. Both the.
ppm are former Winghaiii-
have the best wishes of old
is town.
Just received a car load of New Bruns-
wick xxx special white cedar, extra
heavy shingles to sell at $2 per square.
Parties needing shingles should see these
before placing their order.
Decoration Service.
The Oddfelio ws of " Ingham will bold
their decoratiou sery •e on Thursday of
next week, August 4 = • , All members of
the Order will meet the Lodge Room
at 4 o'clock p.m. All members are
asked to bring a bop = b of flowers. It is
expected that a numb • r of Oddfellows
from neighboring towi s will be present.
The Wingham Citizen:' Band will lead
the march. The Odd allows wish all
oitizeus to assist in ma ng the tribute of
respect to the dead a s• cess by visiting
the cemetery and decor ting the graves
of departed friends.
NOTICE—I have arranged with the
Dominion Bauk to manage my business
any a]1 owing me on notes or mortgages,
can pay principal or interest at any
time after falling due, Remember you
need not pay until you are requested to
do so by me, I thank all those who
have done business with me and wish
you all every prosperity.
RORT. McINnoo.
Zetland Bridge
The large wooden br
Maitland river at Zetlan
au unsafe condition and i
for public travel. The
and Bridge Committee
County Councillors Can
Ferguson, Patterson, a
also Warden Bowman an
missioner Ansey visite
Tuesday, with a view to
shape. The bridge is on
the county, being 840 fee
bridge would need to b
long. It is unfortunate
has become unsafe at th
year, as contractors are
season and workmen ar
ge over the
is at present in
not being used
County Road
composed of
lon, Lamont,
Young and
County Com -
the bridge on
putting it into
f the largest in
long. The new
at least 300 feet
bat the bridge
s season of the
11 busy for the
very scarce.
The Kincardine Excursion.
Next Tuesday—W ngbam's Civic
Holiday—will see a arge number of
Winghamites in Kin ardino. The an-
nual Union Sunday School excursion
promises to be mor; largely attended
this year than any • evious year. The
special train will lea e Wingham at 8.45
a.m., arriving at Kincardine at 10
o'clock and will leav Kincardine at 7.15
p.m., thus giving a g od day at the lake
shore. Baskets can • checked through
to Kincardine and wi 1 be conveyed to
and from the park fri: of charge. An
abundance of prepare) tea and coffee
and hot water will be s pplied excursion-
ists free of charge. T • e Wingham Citi-
zens' Band will acco ,pang the excur-
sionists and will enliv:n the day's pleas.
ure with choice musi . Wingham and
Kincardine lacrosse lutes will play a
game and altogeth r, with favorable
weather, a good da' will be spent at the
lake town.
—Times and Weekly Globe till end of
1904 for 65 cents. Good chance for new
subscribers to get cheap read pg -matter.
Dr. Egbert, eye specs , will be at
th a Queen's Hate onday, Tuesday
and Wednesday ugast 22, 23 and 24,
fitting glasses.
English Creen
Try us for Paris Green
and bo convinced that
the best is ....... .
aiton McKibhok Phm18,
Next door to Post Gillett
orse Went r
One of Thos Fief
took fright at an aw
Shortly after one o'c
made a dash across t
the window of Miss
finery store, The
glasses were badly b
Pherson will be at a
on display were spoi
cut in several place
but not seriously,,,,.
ough Window.
'a delivery horses
ling being lowered,
otic yesterday, and
ie street, landing in
(]lac?herson's mil-
indow frame and
ken and Miss Mao -
ss, as some hats
ed. The horse was
on the front legs,
The very latest and swell•.:t styles in
eye glasses, chains : • d pi ' :, carried by
Dr. Egbert, eye se ci' st, At Queen's
Hotel, August 22, 2 : ud 24.
it is Wo
And worth a year's
$50,000,000 Fair at S
comparison the larg
and costly Expositio
the World is interes
in effect, permit stop
Detroit and inter
stations. For ticket
ature and full inform
Agent of Grand Trun
,ducation, the great
Louis, beyond all
t, most complete
ever held. All
d. Reduced fares
over at Chicago,
ediate Canadian
illustrated liter -
tion call on any
Married At
A very pretty wed
tho residence of Mrs,
street, Exeter, Ont.,
21st instant, the brid
youngest daughter
White of The Exete
Mr. Francis J. Wic
time been manager
ceremony was per
Humphry A. Grah
sin of the bride.
ing took place at
obn White, Main
n Thursday, the
being Maggie V.,
of the late John
Times. The groom,
wire, has for some
f The Times. The
ormed by the Rev.
m Of Weiburn, COU -
We wish to inform the ladies . Wing -
ham and vicinity that we hay: added a
dressmaking department to`our store, in
the roams lately oc p p by Mrs. Nixon.
Miss Slade, of G t who comers very
highly recotnmen , will have charge
of this department, and a competent
staff of assistants will be employed, so
that patrons may be sure of getting per-
fect satisfaction. ALEX. RITCHIE,
Scotland's Da
A big day has b
Canadian Nationa
Thursday, Septem
Scotland's Day; an
societies have arra
reception to the
Watch. Excursi
from all parts of
from Chicago, Bos
adelpbia, and otbe
United States that
ties. It is anticipa
there will be a
Scotchmeu, Scotcl
lasses than has eve
continent at any o
not at all be suprisi
numbered one hund
will be Scotch gam
concerts by the baud
a welcome by chiefs
songs and dances, I
most thorough and e
tion in honor of, and
ters of Auld Scotia.
at Toronto Fair.
en arranged for the
Fair at Toronto on
r lst. This will be
the local Scottish
ged to give a grand
and of the Black
s will be arranged
Canada, as well as
ou, New York, Phil.
large cities of the
have Scottish socie-
ed that on this day
eater gathering of
women, lads and
been seen on the
e place. It would
g if the assemblage
d thousand. There
s as well as three
f the Black Watch,
£ clans and Scottish
short, it will be a
ective demonstra-
y, sons and daugh-
The occasion demands i Again I
have to go hack to the hostal for an.
in all linesof
other operation. 8argai
Clothing, Boots,Sl . • es, 5 veralls, Smocks,
everything a man •r .oy wears, for the
next 10 days,
All sizes in Men's, Yonths' and Boys'
Suits. Hats and Boots at one-half price.
Everything well assorted as I was in
Toronto last week buying goods, before
I knew that I would have to go back to
A. R. SMITIi, Chisholm Block.
Miss A. McAlpi of Hepworth is
visiting with Miss P lia Taylor.
Mr, Wm. Armour :ayes this week on a;
business trip to the • i d Country.
Miss Edna Fairfie , of Wallaeeburg
is visiting with the isses Fluety.
Mrs. R. Clegg has beep visiting with
her friend, Mrs. Ke• at Southampton.
Mr. Pbail, jr„ of .rento was visiting
with Mr. J. J. Cunni gham over Sun-
Mr, Stewart Butt •, of Toronto is
spending a few holida ' : with friends in
Mr. Chas. Deans, •r Palmerston is
spending a few holida at his home in
Mrs. Geo, Tedford skid son of Chicago
are visiting with he sister, Mrs. E.
Mr. Horace Benne
Goderich, where be
Mr. and Mrs. Rice
visiting with Mr. an
over Sunday.
Mr. and 11Irs, F. J.
ren, of Toronto are v
Mr. and Mrs. Coo
were visiting at Mr. R.
Thursday last.
Mr. Chester Davis ret
on Monday after spendi
at his home in town,
Mrs. S. B. McCall a
Baying with relatives
tratford and Toronto.
Dr, Campbell and w
N . Y. are spending a
( home of Mr. H. Davis
Miss Hattie Cam
Campbell are spendin,
days with relatives at
Misses Gladys Nio
Jenkins are visiting
Mrs. Jas. Burgess at B
Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
and Miss C. McTavish
a few days with Mrs. Ro.:
left this week for
e secured a good
of Welland were
Mrs. F. J. Carr
Heath and 'child -
siting at Mr. Jas.
er, of Chatham
T. MacMath's on
Weddle at Brussels.
The following 1 taken from the To-
ronto Globe of la: Thursday, and refers
to the Marriage o a former well-known
young man of Wingham:—A very
pretty wedding ' s solemnized at Brus-
sels on Tuesday, hen Mary E., young-
est daughter of , r. and Mrs. William
Ross, became th wife of Mr. Robert
McAlphine of T,ronto. The ceremony
was performed o i the lawn by the Rev.
Dr. McCrea. T e bride looked exceed.
ingly prettily . aired iu a white silk
gown. with pear trimmings and a real
lace berths, whil her two Iittle nieces,
who acted as floe er girls, looked quite
charming in diet dainty gowns Among
the presents was ' handsome china cab.
itiet from the seh .lars and ex -scholars of
her Sunday echo 1 class. Telegrams of
congratulation w re received from Mr.
and Mrs. Rand rd, Clinton; Mr. and
Mrs. Cameron, I teknow, and Mr.
Ross, steamship "acoudah. at Montreal.
Guests were eseut from. Toronto,
Wingham, [,Inde i01i, Luckaaw, Wrox-
eter, Hepworth, Ottawa, Seaforth and
Eressels. After a tour of western On-
tario and the up i er lakes Mr. and Mrs.
McAlpine will t e up their residence i:n)
riled to Toronto
g a few holida3 a
d son are holi- 1
and friends in
of Brooklyn,
f w days at the
1111 and Howard
Part of the holi-
olson and Edna
ith their anut,
reenand family
re visiting for
at MitcbeIl.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Corbet of Teeswater
left Wingham ou Mond for a two
weeks' visit to the World' Fair at St.
Mr A. E. Gibson, for
of the Dominion Bank h
forth last week ou a two n
Mr. Frank McGuire le
for a two weeks holiday t
will spend in Chicago and
Fair in St. Louis.
Mrs. W. J. Elliott, who
ing at the home of Mr. H.
three weeks, returned t
Ingersoll yesterday.
Mr. G. M. Mitchell
Lapeer. Mich., have b
for some time with the
Mr. Wm, Mitchell.
rly Manager
re, left Sea -
oaths' visit to
on Monday
p which he
t the World's
as been visit -
B. Elliott for
her home in
and wife, of
u visiting for
owner's uncle,
Two double �jf�
sheets - - Us
Fly Poison.. •
Insect Powder
insect Powder
Guns, - - I pc,
Felts, p e r
package, -
The best we
can buy, at
per oz. -
A.1.McCa1186 Co
Fall Term
Opens Sept. 6
jGkt:�%%� rrX/
IT PAYS to get a business educa-
tion and it pays to get it in our
school. Our attendance this year has
been the largest in the history of this
college. We have placed more stud
eats in positions this year than in
any previous year.
'Write to the college for a magnifi-
cent Catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, President.
D. A. MCLACHLAN. Principal.
Mr. John Cam
Chesley Public S
of his holidays n
and Mrs Peter Ca
Mr. Robt. Sinai
years ago was in tl
ness in Wiugha
friends in town.
living in the Unit
Wingham over t
ell, Principal of the
fool is spending part
ith his parents, Mr.
who a number of
eblacksmithing busi-
, is calling On old
Jr. Small has been
d States since leaving
nty years ago.
Read Dr. Egbert'- card ou page 8.
T hen go in and a - rim fit 3 ou to glasses
t hat von can s' : with.
Don't forret th dat of Dr. Egbert,
the eye suecsalis' sit at the Queen's
Hotel, August 2' , ..e and 24.
A Money -Saving Store
Our Bargain Tables
One' Bargain Tables are becoming fauinus. Evert/ one knew'
that, when a Shoe goes to our Domain Tables,
It is a Bargain, Indeed
We keep these tablas well snppli.=•i t'i=II h'•niten lines tied the
Man, 'Woman or Child who selects a pair of taro «s trop, tete Bar-
gain Tables gets
More Than Their Money's Worth
The Season's best sellers nways come to short end fire*.
Watch our Shoe Bargain Tables.
W. J. G12EER
the Shoe .Man.