HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-03-09, Page 5I . Itigo 2, . . TUB CLINTON NEW BRA. THURSDAY, XARCH tth"1911. I " I . "I . I I - - I 1 oirths Marriage's a Oeatlas I � " 1 ###+### 4 I I. . ''.. . - I ON I ''. 1.1. �_ I I I .. . . I I 10 � 1 I .1 1 ,,4 - -1, � 21 . , _� I __ # I .4 I I t Sv .- ­ . .. + ,, k BORN I � �� I I . I I Gh4sS(.-& Perfect 0 r11V � # 11 1, " I I �,JULIIOLLAXD, —In Clinton, on' for. ncav # I 0 - � . �. + . Local'Nev.v'.25 ­ I � � .1 I I I., Monaayit o Mr. and Mrs. J. V. , � . Z�n4, JA�,s- �, � ..# . : � . � �_ 1, -Mulhollaud,a daughtQr. i , � # � I 0 � . . T`10 i`11101'1"111�1'�Iro *If 11 ##+#+#*++###++++++##*#++#### C.- I -, I I MARRIED. 111�1 11.1"M to # � ****+#**+# I . .. ­ I 5 ","'r �- and rllatamco I , rn I ... dQ a I I 1IOQGARD-RANDS-ft tbe home 'i 1'. F.de� b.,v our 4 a clou - - ST. PA IAL. .11 I of the brlde'�s paren a on 31 rch btv vipiom elcc_cs, TRICK'S SOC Head. Mrs. Searle. of Clinton, and I WhIch ;�,SD_174 vcrfoct . Mrs. Win, Marshall ,and- Mrs H, Pope I * __.. I I . Ist, by Rev. Dr. Oaten, Mr. ,Tas. So t cow ne'ar worli . , A Shredded Wheat Banquet will , of London.' The old friends, In Own ! . fnavedlers Sample. Overcoats I I W ;:�� Hoggard of Raymore, Sask., to . 15,44 be given In Ontario Street Metho- will lie glad to bear that they are en* . I . P . 64 Cqr ocv�nrj of,;,r- ,� . . I I I Miss Bertha AT., ,eldest ,daughter J I � _. .- ollst0hurch lunder the Auspicei Of : Joying good health 1�t. . I . � . , - -_ I . I %I - ;/ ,,, , , -. � I of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rands, "Sun' , I .&� . I - the Ladies Aid on March 17th '. Ful i . . ___ . ." , IN MEN$ AND BOYS � , nysidell Grey Twp. I 1; ler particulars next week. , . . I '! . I � ''. �� . - I � . , F_1�1­ I 1� " I t � I '�, �1 � _____ .. __� 6 � M � rw, �11 . I. $ALE RE615TER - 1' . . I .. � . ; , - . DIR . , BUSINESS SOLD, , i 11 —4 __1 - 4 oklq, :4 " . . , . I V/ I � ­ # I , . TIPLADY. I IN , . . . . I � i I This week Xas. Hamilton dispos- , � 'At less flian'Mitinidae6irem prices. A few days ogo w e � . ,1:. lfttch-3rd, Oarbara Dawson, be- , 1_ 11 . ed of hIls coalh busincqs t o MV . Friday March iT,-Clearirg aud- � wife of ,]Sfr. David TIpladY, .1. h�' . I , - . ivere fortunate crioagh to, secore tirst choosing from all tbe - � . WY. , , .. -bes, of Sleaforth, who tiou. sale of farm stock and. iM;, . ,, v aged 10 Vears, :P months an d 11 I r7 N Fm takes I sample Overcoats of one of 0ana.dWs largest clothing Malinfact. � , \ "' . possession the first of April, ' plemOnts at -Lot $8, Con. 10, Qode- er ., W 'No AILLVAR loved . � I ures-at a rediculously low price and rather than carry'thern ov - , [,.�.�:,.�, ­ . ( , " �, ­ I We . L. ,� i� I I P . days. ' ,�,,, � I have not hear(I what Mr. flamilt for enother season we will place the entire lot on Sale 0 r menc- " * ,, �, . . \� Z.. _11 � �".��I, '. I . 0111 on % i�,J , _ rich,towaship. No reserve, Win. I 'Y� f".. � " � I , �� t I le, prop., T. Gundry, auct. wal clean up of every coat. .. What's More .' 11 PICKARD -In ITolmesville, on "i t"', .. -intends do,ifig. . . Mo Sal urday at such wouderftilly low prices tilItt a tew days . 1, """ - ", I , I Mary ��eli. 11. Co must see a, gene . . Sunday, March 15til, 1911, t I J(J I... 0, I . �HOUSE BOUGHT. 1 -6- — 1 4% * . I late T� C. . I ..... ?�,_-� . �� ' ' , B. night. . , , . Cantelon, wife of. the .. . .. � � . � - I * � I . I � . . Pickard, aged 67 years. Mrs. Noble, of Rattenbury street, i D; � ' . Remetuber this is not a clearing out of undebirixhle gar , 1( . I I ,- . � — " . purchased,the liome� of Mr. J. A. i FAMILY ARRIVE ' ments but a geniune Sacrifice sale of up to the minute goods� I . �. and attractive to the eye f . McNeil, and the latter -sylil move to Lastweek the family, of ex-po,lice . . � . ;, � olther house, lwhiob. he purchas-' seareent Lawson, of Birmin h , . � � I I his lVed ini town ,,5, am, ' z t and taste than a well kept . J,6. , . . ., 0 X jo G rigq . from Mr,*VrarI4 O'Neil last year I England, arp an the Don't fail to see these couts if need one for the bal- * . . . e ance of this winter or are going to, i� yo" . ' � O', WITIX. TH,P CHURCHES. upled bW flol� fle DOW OccuPYing. the eed one for mext. ": I Jewelry Store 0 . I . . 0 . � and which Is, riow oce ,Is � are I I 0 � I - lvlr.,Tas, Hamilto)14 . . . owned by Mrs, Doherty, on . . . . . . � . I d6006 . Jeweler and.0pticiani, . .. . . Victoria street. , , . . . . . . . I �. 11 The num I . . . I I . I I . -_ . . . �. . . k , � . erous articles WEaLE-Z CHURCH, I BALL CLUB BB-ORCTANIZBD. 9 ­.. --- . 1--l-- ...- I .;­ ... . - I _ I inGcld. Silver and Dia- Rej,.�R. Whiting, of'Lon'donx Ist Issuer of Marrinu,j-%. Licensts . F ROM ONTARIO OAL, '� . _,!!�e__ ____.___.__. - l . I . I - � . On Monday ,evening of this week ' . . I . . . 1. � - -monds glisten and Charm. Methodilst:church, Avill preach an- - I I . I � . 'Clinton Champion Baseball Club re� Editor of New, Era.- . . . . . . � � , 1. I . � niversary soitmoafs on §uridayj organized for thep.coming season Enclosed Md- post office X, 0. , . ! one with their brilliancy. � . Miss Irwin, of Berlin, has been 1 50 paymenif for three years . . ,March 19th. with Miss W. Johnson was in the diair, We un. I � ; The Jeweler is a dealer ', Postmaster Jas� Scott, ii to. ad- ,the guest. the,past wpek ,or umsteel Bros. I I � ' suba`cl�lption for the New Era. We I? I in . T -illy Nott. - . derst"rid that a balance is on - the) should- have remitted long ago -but . . I . I 4-ess the League on -Monday. even- . �ofthebooks. bnt-nodouL)tl,, Was overlooked, Clintoti. is.still . . . - I - I I the valuable metals of t . On Tuesday ,the League held a Wl()Og aide I he 6n 14Sorne Qualifications for Good , - everything will be balanced off before - 1. . I I splbudid Meeting a.b'JWm,' GranVs . � 1 f1back home". -to kils so cannot'get MORE - BUSINE' . I world, and his repal'r, de- Citizenship." , George Layton took the t6pic . - SMALL PIIOF�ITS I I l . I . . Mr, the seasoin opens. It is expected tbat I along without* tho N.6w Era, I I 11 . I . . .� . . " : . � Blyth will eat or the .league again -this .. L � . . . I . . . part6e-iit is a most iralu... , ___._,__ON�T�AF "Pa4l's Se6oild Missionarr J,qurneYl " Yo,urs very, truly,; . .. . I . J9...e..Z CHURCH Year. T,ne6fflcersfo'rrbes-as6h-are- . - . . . . M NextTaesday nigilit-the League R .1 I J. S. ARMST,�RONGI. I �� 7. . � I . . . I able feature of. hls .busi- . onilay.-evening the Epworth. '-T'�'-4e�Wt-,'-CF.*'D-73T6-raggart, I . . . I � I . . I .wIH meet all Frank GrantIs and' onorary r-si . . . . 11 - 1� . . - - I ness. We are making League held,their regular monthly, Mr. Will Falconer will take the Pees., J 'B. ffoover: Vice -Pres., M, D, COOK'S - T-EAMWON, : I . - ..�_"___�__!!��_T____._ - , _ . . . . . _ Consecration meeting and. -three MeTaggart, 2nd Viee, ThoQ. Jacksom . . _,_____,.____-___.__ _ - — 0 good plapers twere read by Miss R. subject "Paul's -thl)rd Mission " See. Trens., H, Twitchell; Manaa, Wednesday evening the f in al . _ � I . I . Pickett, Mrs. Carter and Mis,3 Ern- J'ourney.11 . I ing Coramittee, Mesars, Dr. sh hockey atuatch was betw . I . . . I . I ­ I =MR �_ urbowfor i9ii and ill- I ory '"'; � _-k_-_- . . aw, W. played den . . . .! " I . � *. vite-evierybolo:IyAo .Inspect raa�pickett. Ne-xf!Monday evenin Mr. Whi.-Valco-ner had _4 _PuqcesG-' L Hai,] and, , X_ B. _Roover., , Executive Cook's team -and tlio Bankerls,. 1. - 0014%, I I our host of i-tt tb;n a . a "Cheer 'Up," meeting. will be hell hal wobdibele last week. With a cii ' Committee, Ntie'ssrs. H. Twitchell, j, whi-ch"wks woz%'. 'by 'the formq,r by Q 1z 1Z f% IQ � , , . I I .� , . I �, � !, i I A I i F: \ a rl� I - r, . a good programme. is being pre- .�cular saw theyi cut 7o corqs OX Hartlev, A. J. Morrish,.D. A. McClure a score. of A td 2. The Bankers had - . 'r - '" I pared by the,'Li-terary Committee. short'wood in about six ligurs., He . M. M,p,,%,,,,. W, Ford,. I.Rattenbary, to Supply the oysters for the. win- . I : . -.110 E� E� Lfl W3 . I I W. " F,veryone interested in medicine entertained the .boysL 'to an oyster OroundsCornmittep, Messrtz. W,John- hers, at Bartliff's restaurant, � . I .. I . .... � . , . � . C UILLYAR f or ,the imues, the dump s, and - the supper- . . I I s0n,.31. %IcEwan. 0. Deaver, T. Haw- after,which Mr. 'McClure, of the . . I I . I ­ I . . . . . . � � ClCp_ $ _ 0 * growls,kre especially 1writed, i . � � I . . 11 kins, 11. McCaughey. Mascot, Havol(I losers and manager Tom Cook of . A ­ . � . to . I . . � . . . Kilt.y. Patrons, Mnyor Taylor B' Z4. ,the winners. madO a few remarksi - � Now is your tinte to buY-Wei litive, - Red Alalke and Alfalfa , � Jew . PRIOR . � BAPTIST"CHURbil. ,'-': I ' ' LgWia, MR; W. Proudfoot, M,1? P. . I . . ".. Clover Seed, Timotby� Flax, etd. The indicationsaro. that, the'e,ti-ly, . . I . . ,j _ . Lgndesboro' ' � . I " 'TF '11RPORT'FOR : . I . , I .. I I es as. Usual Oln Sundiiy next 1irs, Reeb of Port Colborne is a visi- I . . ME ,OH6LOCHOAL huye'rewill fare the best . we bays, some gtound, Flax for feading - - . I .Servie I . . . . . � __ - 111 !aing and, evtning,'Rev: , toi at the manse herewith her daugh- SENT UP FORI TRIAL. . . FEBRVARY 1911 kenolum and Sbe-p Dip, and instet powders, Poultry Fcod. Panacea I , 0, � ' I , � . . . and 0 ster -Shell. . � . . . WylIL � . . . I . pastor, Will , have charge of both ter. . � . THA higheft maximnm -Aeroperature . I . . I . � . I LoVne Armstrong, a 18 -year-old .. . 17 I - . .. . . . . . ­ . . . I � . . - - � Iservices., , 1, . . � )Rev. Richardson, of Nippen was a � Was 42 0 on 17th and 24b. tbn lowost, . . . � . . outill Of Wariley township, has got I r7�__ . __ .� . . ,. . Rev. Cameron assistant .1superin- visitor at the manse on Monday. Kimselfinto. a heap of troub ,and rnininjurn tempeiatnee was 00 on 3rd N . I . ------.-7'- ---- " - - - - - - . - --,-- ::r � - , �- - === . . . . Advertise'in the New Era. tendant of'thet- (Baptist -Home MIS— A Radford got. a eat of corn and dis. Ili, and 23ed. the. highest range was 23 0 . . I � ­ . . . . ,tvas arrested- )on Tuesday in addem- I I - ­ V sions will give an address on- Bap- posed of vart to several other farme�a . on SM, the lowest 4 0 on the 25th, the - ., . -.- . � I . . rich Ito,wriship, eharged With horse- 1�1 - . . I tist -Rome Missions'on -Wednesday . � W. Jenkins of WaWanosh has moved Stealing and obtaining �mon � snowfalfwas.10.5 inches'and the ralw. � R. Adams, .Londesboro. W. H. 'WATTS & SON March, 15-th, those twho -m-et .- and unto the farin he iented from Charles der false pretences. , Re L"y U11- fall wits 1 inch. thp meati'max6em was . I . . . . rung, , ". - . brought be . fore Poli6e, was , -28 � 11 4 I . 1. 1. . .� I . . heard Rev. Cam:eifon on f6ronev oc- . Man " ' 29.100 inintern 10.82�O and range 12, 1 ___ . __ ___ . � J. Huttop Magistrate 0 storms ocavired (in 2nd, Oth. 10tb,* - . �.. m. . � . 1. . - . r- I— . Oviposltq Post Office casions will 'be glad to he�ar-him ',.I,'- � shipped a dar of. wLeb.t; Andrews on Wednesday morning 'ndl. � I 1. . . . gain and, all kthose who lia-ve not this week' `6 ­ . .' - . I.. . .. I A 5tb- At the and of the month . . . - ;, . . - . . � . d was sent �ip for'triaf � '. . - profit . The sa; ini)] I 11 be at work in. a an . , Last � . . 11 . I I � . I . . I , - - ______ . ) Shoe Makers and Re � %rd'him, Nvill find it viary - . W! . ., . . the fields Were nearly bare. with drifts I . . I . ' palrers he' fe ,days. . I �. . . Wednesday -lie 'got �a'h6rse from J. at fences. -Orows were out on`25th. . ' I . . . . . able to, s6me. Everybodywelcome. . - w . W. Elliott, liverym - and diOVe .1he firat-two weeks of the month were, reniarkeo 'it Might also �. Mr.. and'Mrs. B. J. Gibbings, made * ' . I . . or I I . . - . ­ . � . ... I . Chas. Hutton has come home for a , aiR . be = by the citizens .using so I a short Visii.ln Lapler, Mich , . I- BAPTIST - CHURCH. few ' eeks to assist in the saw mill. " ,td. Seaforth and there -.gold, the Out- dtill''and cloudy. . I . . n, . . ... . , .. . . . : much rJ r their Sunda�. piorn- thisweek, igu6sts of Vi., and Our stock is complete. and of' the ' R6v. Mi!. Barclay, of � Stratford, The pie social is still- , HhYs, a liveTyWan, . : . I . . irr a. . f'Jt to Adam - . I wate 6 * und . . . -ingbath � :. . --.- . . I t materiial' that money can buy, witl_-,oiccupy fthe pulpit next Sun:- . . . e 'vav an Ing $10,6n the bargain � .1 . . X.J% Kay� - � . . . bee the ladies expect to hate a flrn'e ,Ifair�` getti and .was SISTER .D,EAD. . I . .. ­ . I . . . . 1 . . . . , , , which enables- us to " jto& work and �Uay. .. . I .1 . . Thebox sochil last week WAS asud- to deliver. the horse in a few days. - � .On February Void, Mrs.. Thos, Ford, ,The SmOing, Alley. asked ' -,that , -Milss. Metcalf and ' the Males_ . do it promptlyi b9ng -your shoe repair- . . . . * . . . ;Pess, 611 except that Af the attend,fits 'From there.lie dib'Ve around, th - sister of Rev Mr � WS, e, died at Mit- they *the. 1grinteo a three - months Lo-uise and Dorothy Tierney snow , I I Ing here and prove what we say. � 11 1 4* - , . e . � d . . - . . I I . . - . . . bad'.an up -ser -and. a fe%v were sliliErV, -ed"Untry and landed' In lHoliveoville. dhell. - Following is, taken frolin it Mit- license 1but. thel Council �, dec.ided ghosed'fTom Blkth -torzClinton . -on ' �1* � 6 . . I. I . ., " , injured. I . .. . Saturday Morning leaving it At the bbell pape�-At the' � residence of her that when they, lelotsed: down ' for Wednesday and lonth " ' ' ' ... . .. . . . . ,eir way wele ..: . . ' Lester, on W`6d- -could a pea'r be dif TV1r..,AAq- Mrs. -George * . We also make Boots to orderwhen ,;Distr;c _.: - New. . :hoi6fstable and proi'6eeded to G d!T_ d liter, Mrs, Win. the guests :.%,-- _­­­_ 1 .... � ­ ­ �... I ... I . " - - _h -_-1 ,- ­ - I.. . I I I 0, - --"---M" , -Fo -'o e,ot- th '- - . p � i ' ­- - -e-e--Gaii - t.,.� .: I - __ . on: , an .th6 summer they . . fii fi on 'da, ; B06tSr')th&d#-fWtW -��;r�­­­­ - , ., I -q- ­... ,�� §it �,�--, .�L _­P.-.­­;_� :,..,---,-..'�.-,�.::.,.:I-tiifc -he 1-t-�-oltiotici:t�ain'�wh'tif,Ls�- 4[14N . . I - I . . I 11 . I I 4 . . k Lvi vs,, Thoa� ird, " 0 I fo,ret.lid Council then., . I Thompson wid, , . Mullett; ': . ha -got a bloree - from T. Gundry and most hi residents- of, Mit'_ I .. � . . 1. I the' latter two. ' . One to Nree days notice, - .. . _,� ol� , . I . I - . I . und,10-and aunt,L.Of . ' ' � ' . I � I I . . 11 . . . . .. . litily estee�ied . � They, then a I d , *: , * 8�t�M , r rrive � . , . . . .. . f4rs. Alice )t"aiingb)ut*speni the past diii &e same act " on a -party. in cliell. passed to the "Giest.Bei,ond n 'The Clerk tv�as instructed to col- L re. ;�arga e't son7a hav_- , - . �. . . ,. Goderich Township � I I . . . I the Plax Mills. . .. ' tt. � . h He � ret6ned her 96th year. .Sh Tre. . ledt. the Rent from homp ' ' . . . I , - " ' I �acc pli's T ' � . week with Mrs. 1,1no,Zo 6 was born in - ihed, the, Nvh � � * - . o�l .: .I,,- . Mr. and, ,Mrs. MeRolberts,%f Lon -i. ,,r ' �,thgettin'lk $5.00. .. . .... ole - I . ,� . I Mies Irene,.Mi the guest of M ree ko � odcsr;eb -Mr. Elliatt vena, Tintapel, Cornwall, Englatcl. in Cqiupany� .,. . '. I . . . lourn . . G . . . .. I I I.. . hours. . .� 11 . dou, -Mrs.. 'Fisher, 6f ,Wlnnipeg� and hbr friend Miss. Ruby, Manning. a few cured his'.horsd Mond-.qy rnbriiing , 1825 wad came to Canada in 1818, when ey in a,bo,utf on I , * . . . ' Mr. Roy T- ickard were'here attend- eek' . � �. I . . . I se * . -seve .to dross the At- .-'Thd- 'U'ri,dL,,rwritbra'Asf3o�l.ation are* Mrs'. Evans 'gave a S6cial , . We ie' WAITS & SON I dayi last w' - � somebody else �may Lr,et Into -troub--� , it took' .n oreeke p&ot,to hal�d men here Shortly . OVfting - , � . I Ang. their mo,ther7s funeral,, the late J&% Sbobrook si*-zit FL f ' IL� for . JR-ntie,'. In, 1$49 she married the late e:F- � . to those (who yiihed,to say g.00&� � -. � . . � � ; . , . Ifto. *1!idkaid. : � . . . , , - - 7 . I , ow -days in I ' sup'PlYingttilliq young: Mau. Thdxnas.Ford ard.1hev -resided at to, re-�rate -the town, owliag- to , � us bye'to-Vri.,'Miller�bef ore returning � I 11 I __ . . . Exdter:OrI busitbes' dild ,also visited; ,,qth-liqu6.r.' It is . . . . ­. I - -=. "St. IP I . I I .. , A atriek -Parlor Societl Will friends therew . .. ' . . a Serious charge o having in. Al lwaterworkg systern. 'to.Indian 'Head- Mrs. -and � . - � . W. Pottei�s on Fri 'as. Dbra Riley hat." ' Hamilton. On�.,.till they .removed.t . . '. � . . ---.-- . __ . . � � . Ze hold atl'O. or M, . lNiat no, dbubl the - yoiing . fellow Mitchell ,in 185 51. Mie was 1he 75th ' � tef6Te closing Ulayor I .-.0 . purtice. assiste . d . . Miss T.. � : , . . . h 'b'ouble.of J'As. -La!df; .. return,e(I to the thought it. wiis a:huge joke,. and ' Taylor . . .. . . . .. . I ... I 1. y . . . . I . THE -OLD RELIABLE BUS.XAN-- ..day evening�March 17th, ufider t e Lw after 'spending - arrival among the earliest "ttlers of voiced the -sentiments of - Ahe Mr. and Mrs.'XeEifin' � . auspiceii.,Of the 03othel Bpw6rth threetimriths:-wi-th hoir-gra-rKlmother -,vas atopped.at,,the proper time. the town %ihere -�h;i bRs mgde-hbr . . 9, of' Sea-�.., , , ." __n__ � � . . His trial is .,dx1)eet4:0 to take �Iace . CGuncillors in being glad .to See forth were Yisitors with Mrs.: gil- . 1. . l League, at.twhich, A good. program Mis-Whitoly of*Lnodesboro. ' I .. * bome ever since., For a­numboir- of . . My headquartem -are noW at the . . .. ,� . - In a. ke,%V daye., , �- . I .1 Reevesmyth back again at the bride! on Tueladay. � . � I . . . . I � . . Rattenbury'House. -will -be 'given. , ' � I . M189'13; FidrtserviQe Ru'�dayed­with . . . . ypaikr she has been pifriented' by rbeu- , , . . I . - the phone No. , I .. I . h6adl of the� tablp after his setioua I . I � .. .. her friel)'(34 IMISSElsie. Br 11, , DEATH OP.IVRS; DAVID ' .' � ' niatism1rom undertaking any active .11luess. . . . � . . Mrs. Boles ,enteixlainerX a num- . . . -, ' " , is 46. Ring ,me up"If you. want a - I I I I . . I. ... Mrs. . Walter, Wairs twl;nder the . . �. I .. , . oltitiesll bIA she was in.. fairly jood I . . . . - . ,' her of her old, friends on Filday. � . 1. ., ' . ' ,bus or bagga& call to aiiy' part- - . I doctors eA.111A atpI . TIPLADY. . . q cy I . of thetown. JOhH COOK. . . A.,xibuirim * .MISS 14,' Hoops -esent, . . 1. 1. I. I I I �. � health till stunken with.paralySis. on Council adjourned. - � .* � ., . enini of Jast -week.. - ' , 0 . I � I- is'sponding a.. week 'SOTrOWA I IS Sometimes -so ovei-whelm Monday nioroning. She never rallie,d. . � ..­ . I .. �....,.� . . � � . ... .. I ---- - . Needless (to say' 6,at .the . Rev. with her cousin L. Shohro6k.. " , . r that ,words, faU to, adequately- and passed' peacefully' iway obout � . . . . . I .. We- are sorry to. report. that' Mr. I . .. I . 1. Ing ,. . . I I .� . . .� I Wylie was- very. knuch cheered, 6n Miss. Zel-la Whitely lof Gamic' spent express its depth. -In :su6h cases* ndon on Wednesday. As long as she, . Chas. Hawke, has been Seriously ill . u. good 'Sunday with her cousin M as M-oun- 1. � . for the pastj -week; but- hi frnany ., . . . -iijtiou waiting to hear him �Wn.: � . � . � . . . . . the failling tears best':voice . - the was able. she to.ok an activi iii. , A � q .. . Sunday last ta( findi such. . . Teacher Wanted . coogr" i ... . 8 part . . friends willwish for a tui f . . .. . true, sentiWents Of the riven heart., the,various orgawzqtJ6nA ofthe 31eth- . . � � . . n or the I ' � - . . — .. . , I and � nv,eT.e rwell repaid for his. ' Miss. M-� Appleby'.ppent a few days : .Causes for such expres�ioni..:.,-., bf odist church. of which she WAS a eon- - uklkly.stops roudhs. cures -co bet6oilr. . ... � � . . I . L . I . . . . I . . . I I I -, -dods. . _ . . . . . .. I . . Teacher wanted for S. S. No 6 t,&ck_ addresi was boith -powerful and - With Clinton'fri ,, - . win' - 6 tkiont.'sind lunds . - . 25 cents. ., . - - I feeling. have been, ,sadly- -wimerousl stenti valued member. HqtAeath . . . � I .Mr. and 'kirs, Geo. .L. Walker at- ' ' I � . .i .. . . . . . 11 eremith Male or Feinale, holding Brat iniptessive, gbod.16bngregations is a ' Win. -Jenkins has got m;ved to' the in olar�kiiidlst for'so'nie timemid,,an- .be deeply regi etted, not only by her ' , - ­ � I I .. . . I � .. �. I tended the funeral� oif the latterIs I.. . or second class professional cbrtificate.' source Of inspiratibn to. any min- 1 Ms�nning farm' and will be all settled other casa wav .added to. the list on- -tatWily.-but. also by 1be large circle of.. ... . . 1. ... . . . mother, Mrs. Wllliamson� of,Wal.ton : '. - istier. Rev. W,*4!e Nvill blave,chiige ; down in- their new home�slhorili - Priday,-Miirch 2rd, 1911,, ,,when: afw; . ' % State sidary and experfence, duties to , - � her friends and -acquaintancia among - - ' ' " * onMoliday. 'Particulars 1ma,y -. 'be- . ' - ' Gommence after Easter. 'ApOliciLtions oif the service on Sunday. next,.' 3 , i Miss Viva Mair, attended -the - inilli. _. t & bried jllriess,'Mrs.- lbavid Tip_ whorn, which sbeWas a great fitv(srite Personal dnd, 806'(11 read in itheWalton n * . �l .. � . - will be received up until March 150h. P.M. . . � � . I 0 I nery openhAgJti Toironto last week * er I lent buf living Iter husband predeceased;her 37 years-. I . � . . . . ews. . . . 1 . . . 1, �. . . . Isa,dy.jolnedtAhe--si I I . . . . ­ . ,. . . .1 � .., .,o ". . . . . . ' . JOHN'T. MARTIN. ' - I I . . 11. I . . . I ".. I r I Win. Gray took a carload'of CAttle " . -, - : - - ." . I .. ako. She is stirvioed by ar family of '. . �, ' MV:. W. "[p. 'Chard, � rg,#nizer. of the . I I . 11 majority . ' . - . . . . .. to Toronto Saturos;y and, spent .a fevi : The Subject . a � me�doir: two sons and, three daughter. Thomas . - , . i*W..'O. W. is. renewing.0-1d friendship. 4 �. Bee. Treas. - - I , I I . . O.i - , thil' . Nofts - - Seaforth ;4. . 1011"n Road' ` - - . days there. . � . � . I . I 1� S. and Sohn M.,' of ibe 1. 8. Ford CO..' - - . .. this week.. I '. . . I . ­ . ... . . . I . .. . � I - Miss, M. j. �nrawford has returne4.to whose Maiden tiame -was. Barbara( � Mrs, Win*. Lester and'Mrs. I Ti Bar, ' - " - .. � I . ' I - . I . ..." .� .1 . . . . - I . : . �. Mf.'Arthur Stevenson, had a - Niagara after spending, a three weeks raon, was- (born, in Cumberland,,, . - . -- . I - Misses Louise -an' . . 1. . -.--- . � � _. , I . - Dail . . lev. of Mitebell and Mrs (Dr) Bullis, of. . .. . . . .1. . . I .1 11 " * . d Dorothy Tier- . . I � . I wood -bee on Wednesday - � holidays with tier parents. � England, 14o,vember 12th, 1840 , and. Rochester, X.X. The funeral arrange- Mips Margaret Davis left' We&. ney. are (the(,guests, . of ' their; I I . I I Farms for Sale .. MissPhoible Jerdiisvi� VigitOr - '. Miss..Ada. Brigham .spent Sundr*y came to Canada in. childhood. - merits have. not .'vet been 6omplet I I � greludmolther, .,, Mrs,- -Marge . .1 ..- ' *kth'MI�%s;T1lly, _kott ,over Sunday.. I ' ed, nesday to b'pend- a few Weeks'With � . ret. * � - ' - ' �__ I 1. .1 . I . .. wi r . r _ It. .. Thompson. ( . I I � th her friends Miss R. Wlairs. � He youffiful. years *ere spent it I's Mi. and Mrs."T.8'. Ford 'wereAn TelatiVele a -a in Detro-i . ' - . . . � I - . friend .1 I ... , . qne� 20 Adre �faim two miles from . I ­ � .. 11 W6 Mountsin sold* his -driv6i to ,&' the townsbip -of Whitby, *here ' on Florida,when notifledand.theirarrival OP . d a .1 . I Godench, nine-acres-FriVi"reh, rod . . I .-party.iii 96afortb had :bdoght .one March 9th, -1859, sbe'was nnilted in,, is awaited. � , ' I . . .� , . ., - Miss Isabel .Yohngton c0lebiked- Iv. I W. - E. Kerr h4s. recoive . � . I . , . . . . .. . - . . .. iy and unnainiousinvittation t ' . . -1 � 1, . . I . . . . . 'he . -Or Of " � � Z13 . from .Mr. Archibald. ,' . I .� . the holly bonds, of. matrimony .. 'to - . I . . I I . . .r -Dth' birthday last Mondi o remain as ZWO acre4 Bush, one.5.0 acres six rulaes , 11M I I . . : � I . . I � ., . . . : ,was well rem Patit lfie-Tillsonbiirg Methoo , . , , IN 9113A HILWIVVINAZAN I . I . . her now lonely,husbalitd. . � . . � . - . �erec?.by, 46'r . ma:uy ch . � .. from Goderich, seven other g6od � far. .* - . HIM "' � . . . .. . --:--_. . . y I I 1: . I I . " , , ! ' ' .. . � -t cust Chu for the third year, The ' � . 11 plad . ": I , Tien, S. . . . I - on was accepted,. . ., I . . me, three near' Clinton for between ." ' - . .... . . . I ­ . In 1873 Mr� and Mrs. . Ti . : - : � �", � - , - 11 d I . 4. 1 invititir . . . 1. I - ' . . . . wnsbip Of Hullett . I ' . - - Toronto . . ". . I . I .. � came to ,the .to ' ' ' s . - Rath*eal 'vas ' . . Miss ftarkA returned to to* . . H. -CANTFLON . . . . . . I .. .. - One . . . I I .1 . I Line, .. . ' ' MV" . . n . . . . � n 1661 . four and, flive miles from Clint.ou. � . Reduced Rates for I Nolice, . dfid settled k)u the Base W ounclif oubusiness. . - . . . . . I . _r__ , . Agent , Your years ag* they- moved, to . * To I h . C . last vv -eek . . . . . . . � . . . _T1 t nsion their comfortablo residence* ,. on: .' . '.. . , I - .1 . Mr. -' On for,the - millinery opleging at ', � . . . st Clinton O,w way , 1clobts' -March 10 4 , Those persons desiring an ex e . _-_�_ "—_­� . - 4 � wesler walkerlis U01W the I week nzid is'Oncle rAore Preparing . . . . . .. . .. 0 in- 4 ' I - . . . . . . ' ' . � . of the Goderich MunJelpall Telephone Rattenbury street, Clinton. . . I .1. . . I . . T,6ad'tra , 101-064 I W -4 ' .1th Otore, . . .� . . Syst I era must make .application for No, e.u,iogy of our. � .. .. . I., . . - . , . v�ell all . ,,�r a!V,16r'.tbe I * Qo. - ch & - % . . I . � Apiji 111 incloislie- - - , - 'same Lin Wriji 9 carf fully. ,eN- Monday evening 'council kheeting.' ""r _& Lebming,Piano I lis . in'che . Lr gd . " - - I - . . L .. . . . ng to the Head Office of press the noble qualitiles of our de- was S,hort - . . escuit,Mr, MeMath, Mr -'11. M-cMai;flln. blid-hew- pro - 0, - . 20,00 - L _ 'Vaacouver,R '.O . . . daid System, at Holmosville, - 01) ( r pait'ed- si , andf tweet. Everithing Pr'. . Waljtpv�s store. .�.. � I ri4ftor of �? p- . .. . I before theArst Monday'in April, 19 ster. . * . . . .. . was hurried'through and -all, ..., the 61 Mi' . . his w Won&�ad,� h2it moved . .1 S okane,,Walshi . I. . . U. Hopefully eofiverted 'to -0od . .rs. C' . - returned! home ife And family --to tow I and 1. . � . �. . L in ­ X . C 'Rance" n . .. -- . , � , 0_ChiCiNs - Waold �1,41.15. � Cattiti, Waal]. - . ; .1 . . - G. HOLLAND, L business ended at 9.30. . - .. - We have r6a;fed Mrs, OVerber,r rise - . . . . I . . paily life, she joined the, church of 'L . I . ­ � I from T00.oito oA. Saturday-, . � Y's ho , . . . . - 'chair are.pleased'io learn that laf, L . . . I I . 11 � Portland. Om ., . . . 4 � President. . hoei choice an.d'rnalntained to the .,Mayor Taylor *as in.thme' Clarence fov,,the present' I . � . � . ­ L - . _0--�- . . . ­­­ .1 . 1_ . .. I . . I I _. .11 . . - - len -C a - opnell.lors Rance, 16 *iMPrO,Vin 9. from his ,e -j, Rev. Pr.; 'Alagan, of St.. . .. . . . . . . I * - d a beautiful hristian chitracter. ad Reeve 61myJiN aud,C I � Thomas, . L . . . . . . . - , . ' . . . I - - . � I : . . I .. San Francisco, Ca - . -For Sale or. Rent ­ . Her place'lint (the class meeting, Jackson, Cooper Pord .13eadoln and sickness 'was calling 6nL Rev. �Pr. L Dunn, and . 20.000 Chickens wanted *at - Loa- Angeles, Cal . ­ I .� . � . the I . I . ­ . . prayeYmeeting andpubile icongre-, Cardelloii pres;nl. F3iiheillot Gib- 1r; it W11�6nand'Xiss Olther Old friends Aii t' *ii lag we � * I ­ Holmeaville Poultry yards during the . $41.75. Afexioo City. - ' . � I , . . . . - . kLr,' aiiid W . . 0 t ek, � . . . .. . I . 175 acres being lot 91 part of lot 32 gation-was seldom.vaeajit.. ' binge was tho - loWy -'absent. one he L I . . . . CoMing season. To ealabb the 'f "- , eon.* 10 Tfoivatihip of Hallett, oa the - In litr unaisisumini. *�Y. she was d being q4t.,of. town. . - .. .. :� 11' .1 . May LgEt.odg�erq of Goderich, ` spent- - Miss C4:rie,Shiplley� fwho'As i,., 4t, , ' . mers to raise this oliiantity.and the Above rates are' onel-way seceftd, pr6mises, is a new two story brick faithful: woikeT' . . I . . I.. . '* ''. ' , fiLst Thursday with their aunt, -Mrs., presenif taking a .fe,i ho�jidays 'IS.. L , right quality we are 'selljhg - the eat daas applying.frora*CLINIOW. .. . In the LorOle Vine- ' tario, 6L. - - spending a feW4 � - 'eli Ji b L . . L L p4ntq . in, L Minute's w6rO lrt-acl and'10�111atl`t'O' Geo, NOtt, On diy'S with, her sis� . - z the bounty mous L I I � cottake..tWo k6od bank bar,ne, - two "rd and itook a. dee -rest . . I .. VI ,:. - - . ;0ream ter In WinghaM:L .P . . � Incubator i * alS9 . ULtIli . . be correct. . nt for . ttld niece �. � _. the fa Proportionate.vates to certarin oth4w good befti* orchard, A.good hard- , every thing ,that pektalfti�d- to the Cbminunleditiori'froirt kha.,nuiori' ,e,ra,tor,s, ,hils just received 24 WIS ,Doro�thy. - , � I Prairie State, eggil. for points, � .. � I . virood bush, And_a, pood 812PPIT'of advancement of% 10h Se. P, .L�vls has been Cpqt,q " 1. I I .11' . . . . , I 9, I . . lrlst�s*l king" Co. Spring Show, askilig f0t �iau,ol 1 ill. . , I hatching from sobis of the eat siraino . vrathili 11 milias Londeabore .West and - 9 -hav no,W VA them at the Com- �, . . � '].#�'fj:,­ of Barr6d Robkslin� the ro#Incej H a Vdlll-partt�ubws -and tickete from ' Hot light shoAv brightty in her ; I I Im ,de. LkranIt of $60 Wiis "ad, -and cjli,bjd�.. ,an ', L . t . XkSS 31,l6lea I -.0 - . ". I . Zmle,frams, Seboolh Apply ola.the hoMel life. As a Vife-'she was rri&elal hatel. Vr, Bikker -says .1 sold by the s6tting of Voi by the. IM). ... . . . Gunne, ,of London,,Ig .. . . . tion of jackson 4ind Cooper tm ` , separatorsi thoi 11 I I . . sea, or box 76 Londesboro- IV.. 0, voted, to her busbarrid's interest. * . .. A- - to( sell cream neat Olf qVirs jag. D , I Enquire f or � orlees und, P,*et your orders L . . tf - ;,,was 1kranted. -18 easy � . t of satio� otur oherty'-Land. 'L . . .11 - JOHX HANSPORD. Town Agent . . . JO -HN MAN101% I The swe�-tnciss of'her disposition P OM " ' -%vhen (they 194vet. the -bee . . . old, 'riend� in' toWn. I .. il . . . . I I +0 J? Ul ola,.Da�b% &Pfit- - . - I - at ' r . 0 fa . : � .. Vis ' . � . I I . . in early. 1 . , & 'I mo'Un' th& Muskoka Conadmptiv I I ' I W .., 1. . � A L .0 � I 14ia�""aj6r� A -fender regard- for the 2,11in etion. 8 804es. lape*it a fe*days laot . . .. . . . . � � ofiotherskja&.6heiLb, e' alfav! I Hospital asking for grant, was fil- xr. -William qlownsend,- who has* ,w.eek ,:I . 'L ___ . AT H010 TO,NIGHT..' - gner - .*d, - - . 0 , .. - - . . . . OUR AIX-��Nore Ind better " . I I I L . orike,atfid securosal for , r . ionths with 'Wir. .. .. .L . I Ame vlmroii LodV . - friends,,, V. many - . , �Eg t___'�P%Ultry,� L . ­ 0 . 0,A -F.-& A M . , 11so a lettei fro�n Clerk'Lane+ ,of -been spending thTee'b e. in visit. L, Su*tler, otf G16neve,': 1. - -­ , gs-'sul � , __—.---- ___ �. __VaTW_ . iriendo relturded to; his ho�n was 9, , 11 tice----L��- -bold4theim-amual- Homel--it, Or at his h ' . I !, .., . . -----No . . I I . , The. f,tineral Was Go6erich, askirtg that Coixfieil'join acklins ftsk-i on Saturdftyl last �dd3r. OWe here ovzr. piln- , ' . — . � I . . theiT Lodge Rooms this eV.gning, afltq�eno held .on Ubuday the -Municipal Association.1was idso M . . .. , - . . � . . -6n and- was largely atttind-, . ' I ,_ Vr-q.,T.own0endi' *111 i6fit him hgt6r. , X L I 11. 1. I . 1. N. We Trewaletha , W.''ill not be responsible for any .. . ed After r8yer at the house tho filo-d- . MiSS'A. indree *110,,hab: beela _ , �. . . Phone . 4 ou-, 10 I - .. 'debts contracted In iiiy naine with out . Children �bol4y was ?8 Bylaws No. 4, for khe purpoab of 1&qp, Fred $a.lke,ld( visited ,Wilmer. vi*ilng with he . c . . my written order. . L Cry kem ,to the'Ontario St. � Thursday 'and Prida . Ir sister', Wis. Kit. - . p rallsing'16,000 for the -extension'of Walli1s, last 7 bride on ont I t . bu er,--, for -iGuhn . . Methodist chuirch ,i�herd -an aftro ­ I. gentleman Is " Ird I ario. B reet, for soine� Agent and JAM]@$ W. BtJ'ft9R . - I FOR FLETCHER'S . riateMemorial service Was conduc- water m�"i ' io town for pipes, The YOUng - I - In ,time,Tetlirned to, her h !M at at, . . I Langlois & -CO-6 Zanada!s leadinx . I Seafqrth, Ont 0 A S "r 0 R'l A -ted iby the pastor; Rev, T. for household Purposes was read Itockjiville Saik. . . . ThOmaS Whilie en ro 0 e I ­_ � . 'Wes"y three and ticarrieR. - - - - �X,p. it. Bake � . Egg& nd Poultry HoUxe, Nolatreal Clinton Feb. 22nd . . . I . � CO,sentl�ftasisted; byltOvs.XeVcombl� times r has iok'a very fast - Visit 1012' frionde at (3 Ute ;she will . .. I . . . '. , . Bylaw No. 6, foi, the rebat6 h6roo XUA gave an exhi- 'Stfttfo,,Vd,. * . . Worth .and I ..� I I I . I � 1. - Ford and Greene, Of trotting I I I I . I I ­ .0 1. ...., . I � . -1 - - 1. � I I I . .. ... . FirS;t DiViSiOn 0& ' . Tliewixed 1�!rtefte . furnished , taxes and, set/ assessment on farm bitiod. of its speed on Suriday night. I , , __ � - - . -1 fb I iroTirO.AfAiVix m . I PrqPertY In 0111ritbit. was read and .1 Vcksays ho hastilt 6ame across , ,'Mr. David CaJ[i;t0()1Y attended the .nh q�,.4%fl.J-...._ __ - - 7. . . I r I r � � � , I ; � i � I ! I