HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-03-09, Page 4____ - , . ,. - - - - - - __ - _711"",""T� --rW,TqjF""-WjMW'. VM WIM. P�_Wwmw"", ---r," - -- --'-' - ; � -,___-7-' _ , _.____ _ � _V__'M.11111�7�7--
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11 $%go t . I . � . %, . . -
_ �. ___ . ---.. . � TUB CLINTON NRW =A. I .
It m_�,�� �..;m;�, , ,,;� _; : -,�,, -_ - � � I � _. I . I �- ____.__. - . ,- . ,H oth, jolt.
I - � .. 1. - . � I . I ;.. �..... .1 � �il I ,; 11 -I !!7!!--- THURSDAY, 31ARc I
� _
.— 0Vfto000%0W0A"0"WWWA1V40'W- � .. - I I I - I I 11 . . - � - - I.-. � �, I.. I I 1�1_ I I ��_, _- :, - I � I � - — .. � � ,��_ �� t��X_ '' w ! - N �- - � - I - ". . . _ - -
... . _ L- �:. - . � . -
. 41 . I . , 1. ,� . .,� , ,., ., .,
. , .�_ I
I - ."... . .. - I . I . I., . - ,, . � ThArt.y. -millions $d /as. , 0000000000*0"0400"0""O000"0000"000"oo"*"O0000"0000
�� 11 - � -1_,.11.. What We Advert1se *lv,o 'S,ell, . . - rp -, � � �1. � I., 1. I . - I . _. I � I . _. .. � . "Poo* $#""o I I .
: - Expcc�o# to." thc Yca,r . ' I
I j . I . . �, At -416 &,,A' -qh I
. � . AL.&
. .
I . - 11 I. 0 ttawa, March 3. -When Ron. Mr. ly three kniijions more than forthe I IF�; Room ,.
ch & *e00'' 6- - U M
ou , T
.. Wbat we soil Ailvertises oug =--c k -
I . � Fieldill"r, makes Ills Budget spevell WhOlP Of the preceding fiscal year. 9A — — —
I , I next monthhe will have a wonder- For the.wholo of the esent For"a Lftrge Stock of New. Wall Paper",
fully satisfactory f,tory of financial year it �s estimated -that. th",r
----...----,—.--.--.---,--.---.—,--� _. administration to pro�cjcjit to the rVveoue,will run close 0 �0110`oli i
I t $117 1 - .
. . try. According to present indied- 000 � .0
� j,ons, the surplivi of revenue over Empoliditure will probably be a- I , J Ust Received- ... I
.. all cixpenditure onul consolidated j bout $$6,000,000. -
. ( c I , .1 .
: . tun .c ut silo d be in the On capital account the endl- I We wil I Continu'
.. -
1, I ric. 9111yorhood of ,thirty Willions,or.1 ture, has .been $28,604j)3l. a rease 0 1 .
I .B101 dX11111 : e Our Wall Paper
. I
� ton millions aheaa of last ye,,ir's I of $1,384,601 as compar��d ,with the & Sale till Wednesday, March i th# I 1� .
. -
I x1gli. record. Re will -be able, to I eorrtnipondmg 1wriod of �tlje * pro, 0 5-
$i -tow ,that eve'ry it( in. of capital ex� A saving of fr '
I c0dill1r, fiscal year. Including both : om 2o to 50 per cent, on lines of
& . .----..- - - Wall Paper suitable fOr any f ,
ji.epill,ture for public works, etc., C0115011dirt0d fulid and capital Qx- 0 room. . . . . I � .
, I I
DrCSSA"" 690dS Spea"Pals . 3 been met Out of revenuv,� anti, I pc nill,tures, the total amount spent 0 & . �
� I I . .� nearly the Whole of the year's ex i has been IQS,l than tho revenue by .'a We have also added some spccials lines of ,Small Wares as an inducement :
I �
.. . I : I . . --penditure, of ckbout'' twerity-five- I nclaTli fiNvi?'Million. dollars. : for you to buy. your Wall Paper early. � . I .... - . I I
I -,,--- . I millions on the -National Transcon- ( The nelt debt tof the Dbininion at 0 Attractive bargains .in r minants and odd bundles. All Paper tri 40
, Unental Railway as w0l. , . 0 , . .e
I tho end K)�f 'February 'wito $331,356f-' , 0 � .
I .. For ,the Reven months. of the a I I . . � mined free 5 I
� 5oo yards pure wool dress goods in* all the t fis- "' deereasel of nearly two mil, Is. _� I � . 1 4p 0
. cal year the revoxine has totalled lion'.9 d.uring th6 irrionth, 0 Shield Br -and Pias,'363 - A Pin'for each day I . : .
. popular shades, 44, to 46 inches wide, regular 65 , D1 - : the year, former pr� in Dress Shle,141s-'Shield Brand, -two sizes, reg 25c
I . . . $104,302,705 which Is an increase of February revenue totalled $9.4! -
. and 75c, Saturday price ...... . . , .1.1 .... � ...... 1 3.9c $14,618,245 o\'C�r the corresporld$ng 997, an 'increase Of $1,318,060 v�� 61i'le, too 5C a T)aper, Ivall Piipt�Ar for .......................................... loc I
.. . �� .... .... ' 1 '30 pins for: ...... .r3a *
.. ': * ...""..' -eleven nion-the of 1909-�O, and, near- February of last 7car. 0 * ':' � I . aid-Spec�al for � 6 ya d ends at *
. 300 yards off all w I Price two papers or 7. IV, cather StIteh Br
.111, 1. 001 dress goods in all - good I . Shleld Sraniit 11111S,,- 500 guavanteed'pins on a . r
� � - . I I.. I 1. . I . . __. � . , , sheet, extra lar I ge size, Wall Paper sale I papee ..., .............. � ................. 4, 5c and 10a : -
.. "I shades, Brown, Grey, Green, Red, Wisteria, New- . I I � I � W Yor ............. � .. ......................... 50 Dressing Combs -Unbreakable, extra heavy, 8 * ,,,
kq c,
. . . pr�!.�, l4�qr., �blaok pr white, Wall Paper sale a
1. King Blue, Alice Blue, and Black, width '48 to AA I . 11 11 I , , .*41 Carleton .Safety Pins -Solid brasb, sizes 1, 2 and 3 Joe _ I 1, 0 .
541 4 S 15� . ,a
rqgu I also assorted nn a card, One dozen to a card . � .
.4 forillAr price 5c a card,., Wall Paper sale price t* 4-", ... , , * " * * * , , , "' * , , , � I
t . lar 75 85 and goc, Saturday price ... 1. ..... ....- 55C. 4
:, ' ' t C401.4 Coll, "it, tons -One dozen assorted shapes * .
1: 0 . " 0 cards for . ....... I.... I ...I.... I I ..... k ..... . Uc . _ . each, Wall Paper &
Noiv is the time t6 save money oil ,,I n I . on a card, grand value at 5c ' 46 .
. . . Spring Dress. . ew I 6 ' Goodn sale Price per clezeh., .............. I ....... 100 a
'... . ." -4 D iz-% ; t r i C t Ne"ws' .. I 0 tan's Safety Plus - Solid. brass with guarder Tooth Brushes -Special values t4t ,.5c, loc, and 15o
.., . . . . .1 q Coll, elzes 1, 2, a0 3, reg price loc, Wall Paper I
. I —, . I .4 . e, , . . I , ,en ........................... Ifair Brushes -Chance of several lines formiil�
1�1 1, .4 No. SiLle price perdov 50
., A � I .
.1,1_ � . . I 4 I . . I 111. Pound flair Plus-Ex4astrntig, ingssortedlerigtbi; isoldup.t&$150, solneebony, Wall Vapor sale a
: 4 . 10. . Wall Papei� sale price 4'Roxes for ............ Joe price choice for ........ ; .... 6. .... 4 .. So 0
, * I . Uackaud'Side ConibS-Assorted ....... .... 15a - 0 .
1, The New Emboideries are f . . : . 100 AS�4orted flair Pins In Bo.x-Special values ._v - - '.
" . n , _ - - Holl"esville . .tag r. and' Mrs. Williamson 6ame . I at 5C it box, Wall Popor sale price 4 boxes for loc 0
I I to t� . . Uhrrett's -Special .......... ,4 ....... �_. ...... 150 0 .
: ,. � i ,,, neighborhood purchasing 0 lint Pins -Large beads. six pins in a stylish bax 1), 10 . Skir I I 4� & .
wl for Spring, " � . . . Miss Tillie i'Mccartlic'y 'was 4 vis- 1 Lot 7, Con., 18 Grqy,..�%, they liv and 12 inches, black. or w its, Wall Paper sale I tBelltllig-1 inch' duplex shaped, extra fine 0
.. I . . 11 .here. Ill _. quitlity, grey, black, 'white, blue �rid browl),
I � I ' . ittox over Sunday with friends in . ed until recently, 1vilcin they mov- : . ,, , ,,-'price per -box : ............................. 50 formerly sold at 5c ii. yard, sale price 2 yards : I
, 4L.li;e neighborhood. ' I res t -V .. � I.... I ... I., ............ .. I .... .... � 50 .
This store Emboideries 91I to the . good heaalth until late- style, special .... �' . I
... I
for i hold .1 I ed into Walton 'Deceased had -en .0, , 1) '� 4119 06inbs-Ex ra hea y, gold stain p, - good for... - .
�, � � miss Carrie Wal-ters.is home for joyed :
I I � � I ........ � ........ :---. ....... 5c Turban Plus -�Speclal per pair .... q ........ %...'. �50 : -
. . .
I . same high stafidard of taste and destidetion- as-� has . f�while Owing to the hospital being; I ye.v,3. $he Was only inbed 2 uay,3 : , Tape - Average
� I do I 9_lo,se,d,',fhheTe ,beilig no patients ht I bef oale her )demige, In addition to 0 11ooks anti Eyes .and Rooks ., , - 1:11 � . . width, length .any size, only white .0
. �
- ., . .1 ___ �
I . � I
I 11� I ever been the rule hlere. Hundered-.-. of Ilars worth .. Tre'Rent. - . � 1. her -three sons, Thos.. M., .George : � .Ind Bars -Assorted sizes ' . . . . . .'Wall. Paper sale P'ne - 0 .1 a ""a. 11 I
. . - 0
, I have arrived this week, alT ready for spring sewing -a � Mr, Fre�d Te-bbutt Who has .. been I John all of -Grey township, and 9 I warranted not to rust. two I . 11 bunches -for.. i ......... 5c *
,:. . ja6k,smithing in Wingliam, for daughteis, Mrs. George, L..'Walker . doZen . , - ard, Wall When InakIng yourpurchase Pearl Buttons -2 -and 4 holes,
� . several y6ars 4a at his home on the 0-f'01 . on & 0 � � 1-91 : -
Embroideries, New Cors b :,
. et Cover 0 Paper sale 2,cards for - - 5Q - - i ood pure white buttons, *
Embroideries, New . - in'tell, Mrs. Ruffmant and Mrs, 0 0 , "er ask for a skirt
. r kyall Pap
: . Cambric Inseitiorm; - - New - - 14th eon., qwingg to. ill4lealth. ..W,,e-' Hugh RamsaY, ` of Walton, survive 0 -XCCIUC4.8hield Bjran4,-!3qW._ . ..F Wall Paper sale price for 0 .
. I , , ody req�v- to hold in lo�,ing remembrance tile 0 " - I former t-. I - - , 0 . - ,
," Cambric Flouncings, New Bandin' hope!1to he-ar'of-his spe I .qt�ality, aU sizes, * suppor er giveil kee. .. any size ........... "." ... 50 a
I ings gs bLnd. new Dead- ' ' Godly lifA alldf de-Votion of a -true . , price 56. Thie - needle is . - .. . earl Buttons -Best 0 . .
,. 60 ' ' ' to I 11101theT. 'Mrs.' Willis. - ___ ___.. .. .�
.. . Prices 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, '50� . and 7 1 5 "ry ' -in Gliddoll rb4turned I : , , , , guaranteed; -Wall - Paper . . . f ull ball, . self. , .0 , '
C . Mt el rason 'wasa . , . .. .. .. . t .. quality, 0 1 .
0 Yelj�,,�Va,, � Sask., oil, Saturday,. I bright, kindily .-turned, joyous heart . c4al price 2 Papers for .... %:.. . .....'... 1. 5C 1 shan� U, Walj.,P�per sale price p r dozeri.... Da 0 .
; ChOO-4189 first .is 0100S,ing the. best- . � . ! e 'Lo'44 ts[zes'or as. Thiftiblot Thre silver e 'box for .
, . . I I .after spendin'g three anoliths.iii the I ed AVOP?anwho en.-ILoved the respect . Daraing Needles -Beat quality, 0 1
I ______!!1�b_ � . . . ..east. . i.- . . ( of all who kneNv hei Th�- funeral 1: . , � ' sorted .sizes, for wool or Cotton, Wall Paper - � ,a .plated? thim - bits in a 0 .. 11
" . . I , ...'a .................. ;,. � ... I ................. a 5C 0 �
. - I � .Miss Susy Acheson is � ,visiting took place Morldav* * forenoon to 0 sale price 2 papers far......,..... ... .. .....".. 5 .
, � I I C& Wool Mending Beat quality, all col�is, Lmach -card 0 I 0
. I 0
1 - . : with a darner, Wall Paper , sale price I cards 0
�, wfiffi f-kendo in Toronto. - - . Bruss0s �pemot&rY, Rev. 'Mr. Lundy I 41kitting Needles. Irk Eu*edopes - Nickle plated.
� I Mrs, 0, R'. Forster'.spent a 'few conducted five,riervice at tbe.house, 10 rust Proof, live YiQedles to a sst, former price for_..... . — ..... ............. _ � ....... % ... I... 5C , 0
f athi at -aveside. iarilson - . , .5c per set, Wall Paper We Price -2 sets for :.5c 1 10 ,
fain' y wjlL,.sh= . . I Wool - 2, 4 and 8 foldg, regalar Joe an ounep
.. .
� � Just in This Week I days lat -wo6k at the home.of her And i - ' symp - a�� : Reality Pl�s.-Three pins to it'set, one large. 'two - �
.. I ar, in Goiderich. I-: �, - 1; n 'tVh'e hy Berlin . 0
- i ' I �
: , . of .,�Iwjde_ circle of fl.ie ,�% in at . 'Wall Paper sala price ....... . $c 0 �
.1 . . On Friday eVerling-last the Woirn- , nd their smkll�wlnts revered not soldered, Wall Paper. . '0 .. ..
, . New' Art Muslins . en's Institute'of this place hold an 60rrOW-� 0 or -for ounces for .............. � ........... ". - ..
. New Art Sateen I I I .
I , . - .. I . I 0 , sale price per -tet ....... I .... : ........... — 100 . - . . ................. PC 0
: 1. Cone Spot Mu:31ins 11 A oyster supper ,al the home of Mr. ' ,� . I I . I � . Cushion Tops -" Litho Tinted, Damask Cushion Tops * ...
I Dotted Swiss Musl - ---------- � 0 Dome Fastenerg -shield Wanct, waslitible, silver. a -
, . . . in I Ezra Pickard. , After supper was . . I . . .. � � regular35cancl 50.e lines, some stamped "Vli n ton .
11 Madras . I " a . . : glated, white'ar blackv Wall Paper. .6.al.e.' !ri,, . 0 , - .
Lace Curt i .0 seventy-fiv'e . . , . g e Wall Ptiper sale days cholce'for— .. 250 - 0, -
ains served to abou I . Brutelield: . . - ... �.. I
. .
11 Door' Panels . ' .. pro -gram was tiven consisti , rig of . .. . . . � . : (iozen .*. :. .*_..;.. 1, ...I I........ . . , Nalt-Scrubs - Good size -seiviceable brushes, a ho . use. 0 1
I � flair Nets -Sllk extra.large, correct sho "a *ba I 9 -
I . ' ... . � readiriv.'recitations, tpeeches, Sol-* -JArs.. . Neil., Y-ellontlees prid �daugh_ 0 loc. ,%,, , , one . ' hold necessity, Witil Paper sale price 2 brushf-97- -0 . . I
11 Dimities . . . I be, quartettes,.choruses and music. ter, Miss lft�,len, ha:Ve returned to . . , in an envelope,. former price - . f6r .................... r ............ � .............. 50. & —
71 Dress MUslins . V s'in'ies . by gramaphone. .The mecti-rij of their home In Toronto. sale price ......... � .... 7 ............. I ....... ;... 5 Toilet Soap.4-Laige size'eakes -' 0! . ..
rgan .: C '
� . GE g ha;�ns . . . , G004'ge Turner a,nd wife have. re- . *-' . 011ar I . of Taylor's Toilet 0 .
- - . � . . . . . this soeie�fy Will be held on Thurs- I ... Supports -Celluloid. Shield Brand, six on It . Sbav in pink and white, special for'sale.j ... - . I
. � I 1. . . I . i turliqd! from al.two moiltits �trip.to . -eard from 2 to 3& inches, formerly5c aset, Wall- . . . . 5C: 0 -
11 . . day,'March-16th, at Mrs. Mnlhol- - C pyright books sold at 1.25 and 1.50 : - , -.1 I
,� . . � . . . ,s. 1 * . ' ' R'noand. TheY look- as tho * * ,. Paper sale.price,2.6e.ts for........: ............ 5c. . �Vhoi vj3ooks -CO � I : .
. Make this store j,,6ur he . I land* EveTybody.'welcome . . ugh thii *�- , � . . . ".. . � clearing a't... ... � ............................. 1 500 � 0 . I..
1. ad quatOrs forspri . weather o&',Oi& England ' agreed 0
�, . � � 09, % , .ST. PAUL*S - ' . 1 -*� ' . - . .1 .. . I � ColiarSup orts-Withpin on top. studded with . Cfioieb- Book§ -The Pop6lar Alger books. and stan 0 , -.:.,:
..bifying, . . . .. ..". I .. . - .. " . , . - ldgej of. Huron..' 0grued With thc"ll' �Xt ' -0 Turner.. 40 - , p 3 inche, 0
. .. . . . � _.____.__...___.. -1 - �.. � . ,... _1� ,� .Mi. J. Carta . Col ..%vi, . . - 11 Perris and ehinestohesi - 2j to., ,4�i -- spenial. . . .
. - I-- �� ---.-:0 .. � . . - . .1 . d'. ...7-.111. - . . .
I . . I _; pt 'lt",ni`O'1..nijfg_- , interests O,f th .0 , dard'authors, regular 50 cents, choice -on sale .0- , . �
-1-ege, GeCU'pie ' th'e, ,e - fj-g%:, &- .., .. �- , - Rev sct.,......s.... ..- . � I
I I. . . . 1.01 . . .. � I I—— ...'. I 3, - ... .
I — . � . . I . . dust �-tollfcf*hieh he is,:c , , , � -I- . . . . 1. . . I �. :. . .-I, �...o��. _ .-, ., 41.%Y ''.1 ...................... #...,. .,.,. ....".: 23 a .0 I . I I
. f inellttnY� -.1. " ,,I
- I t . - He made drihei2be'd- "O ! ' -.1 .. . . .I... . - I. . W-1- , ,. --- * �_ 7
I . ----------------- ---------- _�_ I I aiadev,6ning las Sunday:; " ' I 1§1. . . . I -C � I 1. I . - - � �.. ;1 . . _._:: , .
. . _4 .miss Bovey ha-3:1ak6n a p6s�i_ . . . . ..0 I . , � I . I '9. ,
� .0. . �
1. . a good i'mPressioh. 'wilth the. con tion �w �;iiliu , , . Is A"6 [or , � . ,
. � I ex at Dur�sdal ' - 0 or ie.1 .
� 31illifiery Apprentice Wanted- '- . I gl�qgalioai - as to, his gl�ility an . '*� Messrs. John arill Sam. c' r_9S, . V 41% am P 0, . .. : I
I ,, . . . . I :Conling preacher.' . . . - 0
.0 . ,.
are. Ere-tting Illatorial to build a Pon-, 0, - I .
1. � . . � I . . . , �cl . ,. 0.
, I � . SUDDEN DEATH -We ire called , Crete house jjR, the suiiimer. , . 0. , : - � � . . *
- - — - __.. upon to re . .. k I . . *. , - -
� I . i; . p4morow4w - corek stft� dekh of Mrs. : le -a orr ' -0 . N 00pe di - . -1b I . . & 1_
� . am __ . -died sudd.6 y T1 liql'lld t '. of the V armer's' . . . I . . . � .. . � .. . . . - . �. �- ID . . I
. I ..
� � . . .
- . Bank sent. mit niotieds to the' de�- 6 " . . I . . 0
�� . T. C. Tickawd4, who, -ill I 0 , , I . . I , � .
, I : gt'the -home ot her son,.William, on positors last ' I % I � I ,. 0 - , I .
! ! ---*-----,! weeiW 16--be--reetified. %,..� ,; .1 � . . . 1. . . .. , I I
1. Sundiaym.ornklig.' Deceased, whose.. I L, I I � ++ Sk . .. . . 0 .
.: .. I . � . . Harry Poiwel h4s* gone to. - worl a. . , 031JIT OT 9P(Di T 11 . . . . 0 - I
1. , ma,iden name Nvaa� Mary Cantelon, . C I . . .. I .. 1. ad . M� I . I. .. � . . .0, I
.% . . : for Mr. Turnbull -at Mc].Killop he is 0 . � I . �.. � .11 �1� I I I � . . - . . . . .. . . ..
. . I . . . . . . . I 0 .
'.. � ' . was bern -031thd farni that her son a.good workman. . . 0 . . � . . . . ..' . 0 .
. . now.1lives on,Lft-years ago. .She ' I Miss- Analabell, Petrie has' . . 1 * . p
I Terms 42aSh. One Pr1cp 0,111Y I . . ums married, tol her -late husliairld, . . � . re- . . I . ., . . .. . . � I . �. .1 . . . . . .. . .
. � . '
� .
- . . . ' turned to Torpii1to, Norinal-Sci ni, . . - T�.!!� =T==�= , .
�, . . when she' Was 16, ,years old'and . . 11 _ - � �_. - �. . . M;:. 7..� --- - '. - 1_ _,--7�7-7---_,'-__ , ___ .. . .
'' furrilly ot t,h 81' A medicine 'company is holdinkgo a � I . . . I I I . _. . . .
' , , . -reel lboys and . three . meeiting in'Roms, ,Hall th,is we6k. The- architedt-lural desigrk will bb� -30.'Frank Garret -was on the gick ! � , .: I 4 . . .. . , . I � .. - I
1 9 . . ,girls were born,. they b6ing, Ezra -Thlese6d'ghow . *was held -i after the pattern, of St, Anderw's , lj�t last Veek., . ;"." L . I "heese, lb,_........ .......... : , , 013 . 0 13% . . 1.
� :: � village on Friday last. The -ox� manse, we hear. ,** . . I . . . . I Xts � . X. Mort . Hone.vcornbs. dozen ...... :::: 2 so �13 ; .. . . .
,,, . ol Toronto, and '-Mrs. (Rev) Hun -ter' . . -Mr.and ensonj and 9ouey, extracted -lb ......... 0,10 �
I 11 I
I -1 .
I I am
M =
mi�l I 1.1
. I
,!;. I � W I - - .. I _� . , I I . . 031 ! - �,
I., . South Dakota, �&%, Fisher', . - . I . children returned.1dine to Michi- . .
. I hibit-was not as.large as usual the . .
I .
- . . - I I . .. .9 �% Liverpoill Grain and I-rodute. . - . . � 'I
. I � I and- William, lof near here and Roy � n .the! .j 0 .
1� k I.RWIN S - _- i, . in 1� att.�nqance,?was fair. . . .. . . . .. . � .1 all, after spending,10 days with . I �
I . . � . I I . I . .. Goderich To 1. . . � ,her in6ther, sMrs Thp)A�s,,O,ustlu, V h 4.-:- . . I
I . . . . .
. . I
. � Thelate, .Ms. Pickard just the whitet ji)l( the vicinity lef t on . . ..,! .. � .. WIleat, s0ot; dul 2 red vvester& . .1
. ni )eg, and -Mrs. MOtolbbrts, of Lon- - Giiorge McCartney, Wliq- ,spent Wnship
,z , I �. . Ido n. . . . ciesing'.i
� �
1. I . I I . -
I . . I I �
. .
I - I I survived'her - hu9bind by:., 10 year8 Tuesday for khe.Wept where'.- he . . Mr;, Fred 1iiddleton, s6n- of Mr. . I - _� , . . a . vdnte�r, no* abock; �L`N.110�11 quiet; MA'xch; - .
- . . *h4a,died, the same day- as.our late 'has a -gooA-positi-ri ill t John Middleton, Who has been - I �. . . 1 69! S%d;'May 6s. So/,4d ; J,uj:� 'ds 8%(X.. , ' .
I . I . I . I .
. " . I I
I � . . ... :. Queen Victoria. Per the ar shdipp, . S 6, - . 0. - . he. I . car spending a'fejw, d�ays with hissli-' ' . Loudesbiiiiro I � ,Flour minter. patents... easy, - 27s 6d. I . .
' I I I PaM yho I � I in Toron 0,.: � I I . ... � I I � � . . I ..
v, . . I � . dedessed, has been living w h er. Mrs. w1m. View 8 who has been . t returned . .. I - 15o,ps in �,Loi.idan .(Pae.1flc coast), firm. .
�. . . . . a . I n'a" . � I . 66saful bot social wias ' � , .. . . . . . . .
I djaug,hteo And, hi d'conle'froin, . � h=hls week. A very�'suc ' ' s and M I . . . .
.. 0 . I . b � Lons- vitsiting,itt 'Brampton has retlirried . I . �. . .1. - . . P fi � . � . . . . I
1. J .
I . I OK10 *�illks_
I .: -
. .
. � I
. .
_. -
This very popular an I
� d dresa� thatural is alrea
finding a brisk sale because they have such � a srn
and dainty appearance and yet so unexpensive . tf.
they--ar.e*well within the reach of all. They cc'me,
. self colors both plain and figured. - The 's
prise Black, Grey, Navy, Alice' and Sk ' -
I y, Resida R
- and Champaign. . I . I . .�
. I
. I
� I
I �
. .
. �.- .- . .
. I
. 1,
. ,
F New Dress Good . �
I . . ....
� . - .
� . See our specials in 50 inch, all wo'el Pana m'as "
i . 50 and 75C per yard, - . I .. - , - ..
Serges, all wool,, Black and colors,. So' inch
I width at A 75, $1.00 per yard. I . ,� .. I
I . I I
I -1 . . .
. .
I . .
. , ,
I ... New. Embolrderie$ I
I .
,We -have just add'ed a veq, large shipment
I flouncing, emb9idery in 20 27 and 45 inch. good:*91
trimniings insertions, strapping% 0(irset coverings -,,e
great variety, Ladie's will'find it a vatitable pleastj
� I
to exa:mine thise goods, and priceg whether you .1 .wa
. to buy or not. . � I . . . .1
. .
- - . I � .
. .
. . . . �. I .
. .
I .
. . , .
With The' m , .
We show a splendid line, of Victoria an& Lin
Lawns, Namsooks, Cambr;cs, Madapolam, Canadi
and inported Cottons, bleached Linens, Lino
Indian Head etc in great variety. —
.1; !I
�� - ..,
_. I � " I -- ___ . � _1r______=
11 . . _7��
1 I .
� . I �
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.. . The Peoplelis, Sto
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I � .1 � . . . - . I I I . . L , . .1 .1 _. L .' .. . . � __- � 1, .- .
� L . — imi,ow ----- n�_ ,. �, - -
. 11 I . � . �
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� 1,'4FAo...�,,d*,,,,,,,4 !-SailA,,",Il;l§%#&,.,,-�-.I.!""�-t�.,,��,,-. �,.'Sl�"(.. -,
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L � — '__ , _._11____...��_.!!t
.� dun ult,urday InIgint, airter -visi-ting . tb'Our village. She is at . L', pre ent SCHOOL REPORT. -The follow- heau.,all; UnO nOMe Q1- aw. W=Laul, tem, extra India mess. easy, 1209.t - , , - I ...
I ,hei-daughte,r-thelast 4 Woeks and very 411. . � 1. . - .. �O . "ing . is . tho report 'of i -S S Not - - 4 1 Vo-dilteri.ionder itho - auspices of the. Poric,*Prime mess wesb6rn, efiz� 91s M.: I I . .
. Sund�ay morning she got -Up--.-aboui . I Epworth league 6hL Friday evening Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 I,bs, quiet, 65s- �
. . tariley, " - . or the. m6nth � . I
. I . Mr, Smith,' ot'�§ GodeTich tiownshlp'�f * * * I . .
- '
. *, 1 7 o'clock and .,w -.%s partly . dressed. 'work has , gone. - I . . .. . .An etcellent piogram twas - giveir .33a,60n,- CumboTland out, 26 to 30 IN%' . . .
. . . . to. -for ,B. %t. -Hig of February._ . . . . . , quiet, M§;. tbort r�bs, i6 to'24 lbs firm 1, I. I. �
, . .. . . . gins, he(mov- , . owery. ., - . I and every6ne re�oits'a,good. timet �, ., ..
. I "when -she. fell unconscious -to 'the 'ed into, hig house. last 'week lately V�"'aroid'L . Th . e 1 62s, clear bellies, i5 to 19 lbs, duM 56a;;_ . ..
. .- floor and idled allortly afterwards I Vacated jiby (R;irry Vo*611. . i Sr. IV Mae Sin6la'ir,. Isabel Sin- )to-,eeds�of ,t& pvening it., . I
. f aPoplexy., . _m u1i . . . . . long clear mIddles, .11glit, 28 to 34 lbs, , . 1
, S? .
I I . 0 - Deeeased. '.-was. . a ..' Mn. D4,rijel McIntosh hxd 'Clair, Erheiit McOarthey, Lurulobb. � . ao lte,c"O $35 00 weak.. Gig-, long elear fi%lddles, heavy,,'. .
dy: :hlember.ot.khe Methodist church ol -hip driving -horge badly the foot ' �1 rank Lolbb. I I . . MlasMary' Brogden:visited-o-ver 35 to 40 bbb., weak,- ODs 6d; short clear .1 . . . �
Irt * -e while driv- _Jr. IV -Everett Lowery, 11erb�rt .8undlay� with hor, kater, - -,Mrs. . D, backs, 16 to 20 lbs, . ste��, � 54s 6d;*. 1,
here and was a kind- mother and veekw1pi'lbarbed, *4 . -cut'last . . . , .. I . . . . ,
, . 'WAS always'. willing to do her share ing ini St I I , , Stoddlart. . . . . . . Ploody, Myth. I . shoulders, square, 11 to_13- Me, Weak" ' . I - ...
n ey .. . I . .
t - . in the P . I IIL-beTyl Huck, . . ;. I .
a .. jonlotion of her Master's Du-=a7Aike'nhead- and-. I sister . %Uss J. Wbitely,'Gorrie, is spend-' .509, La,ed, prime western in tlerc�lse � .
- - work.. The funerall,took place 'on I Miss 9�0 . Sr -
. - II -Gracie Tebbuft, Joy.t6bb, Ing.. a fe-.,w, tda�ns -with her �nother, - steady, 47s,* Amei4c%n refined In.-Pall%1I '
.in , Tuesday and, Rev Wf, ss, Aikenhead yisited rela' . . I . I .
I . -doA, -tives irl"London last week. - Morgan Jones, Olive St6ddiirt. . - Mr . . � . . I
. . Sno'W . . O.Wm. Whiltely. I . steady, 48s%.d. Meese, Cano.dlaa, fln-. .
M. . pastor took ch-ar e of the, services, � F611lowing ar'o ithe . . I " Jr.. 11-�-Emlly Ford, Harty, Ford.., , . 1&,. G:e*rg4:McVtttj.y and, I � esl --h1te, newt firm, 59s 6d; Canwilan,. .
. oA'both homeariff1grave. To the - L Prize winners "ST,Pt'. II -Edgar Stoddart. � , , Miss G. finest oolored, now, firm, 61S. T11116W,
,Se ' at this fflrucefleld�'ISeed, Show held . . . Jr . I Dakee spent, Sundayjt . w4 _-Mrs. Australian In * London, duil, Us 4%d.' I .
� .1 family in thk s�iddion beieavo,- 'Pt. II -Marion Jollep" Shobbrook. ' �t I . Turpentine * Irits, 'strong� 62s 9d-:
* mevtol'thii �mothe h sympathy in-ftss' Bell, last Friday. JR. S Pt I -Roy Basom, , - . I I � I . . .
. . - I .. : . . . . 11. . . � . OP . .
I t 0 Wgrtimer, of. Ron-eyroad. W . I ,; I , Rosin, commoii, firra, -,
. I � Of their friends inrikese parts are jualge _ I �, ae the I -E-.M ."PHILLIPS . I . I - -_ � ..� I 16S4 9d. Petro
.� - ' extended, to them. . . . I . . . . . .1 . . . . I . . . . leurn, refirled, steady, 6%d.. Linseed,
. . . .
. I . ! � ' ' , . Spring .Wheat -1st, It. ,Mod,�lajjd . . : . . Te.a;i.��v, - � I.. . .... . I . I I I I . oll, firth', 61s. *Cotton seed oil, . Hull re.-, . . F
. � . . .
. The oid, friends of Rev. -A. . X- 2nd,.11. Dinsdale,'. . 1. I � : . .., , VANDELtSM ING6DERICHTP. , I MARKET 4it"lidifft,'"' _ Aned, sPOt . -� steady, Sis 3d. . .
I . I Mik's, V ill -�Ibe sorr y to learn that he. Whilte oa,t-s � . u 9 I I . . . 1. . I . . � I . . . ., . : . I
. , - - his work on "Ist- R Modeland '2 lbr,J,4 -,'L' e ,PTOsent winter there I - I I -it
was Un-atile to(tfake, D - bh . � Produce In London.
pn __ I
I . . Sundoy',,eiWingto j114668. �W 140 R-. Dinsdale, .3rd, WA4, Imur hog On a _W opl 'Wh6at Futtires Close Low. ' 11 .
.. sternatic cl . . I LONDON.'Mexcil 4. -To -day ' ig steam- - ... I '
e pe� a . "' - of tunber trees khrough - Goderldh * er from X)enmark -landed 247. bales of
.. .; � '. I ,he will ib(( Q. ]K� shortlyw, .. . - .11BA01oY tWo-rowed.L-:1$t, 4ttihmd6wn . �iYOPP . . .. ..
. ** . . . ., ., . . am - er# Chicago Higher-Livie Stock - I 11-1 . . - . . .
at - . . . . '; 'Raftftbury. .. - . . . . .. toWnsihip'by 1066n. and -honey hunt. : I - � -L .. bacon. Pilces -are: Canadian baco ,: I . - �.
. . .
. �, ;_ , . . - . .. .. . * Za . r .ley bit-ro)wed I -let A. .. El- _10 haveIobt , atest Quotations. There Is only a* anian sup-, . - ; �
- - � ; , .. . , .. l I . I ells. A few tolthom wj . , ., � ,60s to 66s. .
., c0at 2na, (R. Wabsoxi. , , treesare.-�_Tl G, " - C�Iic I . . -
I . . '10 . SAYFIELD,, ' � 1k: - �- , 4rA George 108. mn� Geo.'T,amp- AQO, MaAh 4. -Wheat' clo'sed ply 45flight and m6dlum -hanm Long', . I . .
I . . . I . - " . I . I � ney, W, Wilson, Olfts. Whitly, Beh strong to�daY at the highest, Pric 1. .
es . . . we e of tha cut, 60A to 6.7s. - Chees46 to -more active -
� . The Vothoidist workers Will 'ho Proic,,,,,� Peas-lat'. , Telaz!10�, Sast-Connally, S, e1c. The main reason ,Was tbe-defoo-t at 58o to 609 for wblte;� coloked, 60s - to' % *� � � . .
� .
I I 14 I � I W1111. Murdoch.. � T.,Walk- -Of 811 ChAnCe for Immediate enactrneiat of '62s, and ,dee� red,* 64s. - * . I .
.� I . a. social in the town hall, on ,Thor$. Pield-Beans.-Ist oeo. Hill, . er�Wni-. Gould -Fred Ford,,Co�riefl' . . � . . .
� *day, otli,,iwhen 2ild jor.j.,y,ed, 4n rftciProc1tY. Last trades showed a ne4 ,�. I . I
. R-Waition, 13rd; Joi -� galti,i)f 11?3c to I%c to I%c. Every other * �
. I !.. ,9.o,6d progra"Twe 6 A. MeRwen. a, others, These trees _U
. IWIlUbd arrange -. . C6,inin 'Bar-:-_,tdt, jo,fili �A. , ,Mc�, werob6qt saiPlings, some of the fin- "'ding staple an the board finish6d also � CATTLE MARKET& It . I
I . I The4idies' aid bf St-. .Anare�09 Ewati, 2nd, Wm- RMten-b , I est: -trees In the bush, m -ab , of thetli., , , at all adVance-corn %a to %a to %c, oats I I . I . - I .. . I., 1. �
.. . grgeed 'jat'.J, TITY, . � IAO to JY0. and provistorm 2$4-c to _9ft. A ' . . .
.. Ill h6l, Tim as Aila3j" Worth forby , Or . fifty
I � Wi .d, their -annii.al social ente,3�_ oth 'dollaro, , The better tone in flour over Sunday, WvOrllig raft Butfalo Cattle -Market. 1.
I . if jat;.J,�s. . . 1%
I . � tsihmeut i0ib -the evenijig of St, pgt� Alsike ee - , X118LIJ . parties wag g1('Mddt of th6* Itre , b.Y Shorts and decided activity on -tho tTjVFALO . Match - 4.0a1ve9--PA-. . . ... � � .
I . � tickla. Day, March 17+h. - Excellent POTAT09sj . A . . . .Well kno,W,n sporta)uen, have ad,- part ot bull leader.4 contributed toWard , Celpt,9, So h��d; mark I .1 . . .
- Early. yariety�%$t, �Us. � PAtt.er!. blifted, In s ' foreing.wheat to a lilgher level Small- . y; �,prlmdi
of. I ref reshinents ivill t1be 'iservoil. -said a I Ofte(16�ses, arid in other �ness of Pritnar, t era, $6.50 to but;4ey . grades.i. ..
� v receipts bad � part in s e . .
Qi0rough Irish prograinkne-"wifl be. son. , .k. casee-theie is lenoilgh proof againgt bringing about- -th6 general spampft- by $U0 10 $6-25- . . � I a
so : rbudereds in ihc( vestry ot � St. An- POT G669rbl Crop�LI-4�, qr. - kc - them to toriviet thom, The matter shorig. mills fedid the. northwest led J13 CalVeS—Recelpts, 50 )lead; markeii ' . .
. . . . .
drowls.. , . I Gr%'or, 2nd, 1g. Xoij�oft,, 3j j6hil is ,at Present ,taking shaP6 and, it I ng,'.and there was unnilstakable active and.lower; cut .
' , d � . ,l,jil $6 tal . -
tc I A 1�arty. �of joy 3q&ets infatUated A. I elgwen; . 11 1. I i's to lb� hoped that the guilty part 91vJ.n9 odt of bear pressure. 1,:one of thele $10.50, - ", , OPACP " , .
. .
re I With 66 dancingmver and', tired UNIONS- . � . . . . les Vill'bo brough't t ' - c6nditiont, however,, had full, swing at Sheep and.' Lavibs--Rftelpo, 20 . 00:, , It . �
. O' tustice, for the.katt, During the eurIer -Portlon Of Hiiiiet aetive afid *higher; cholce�, I
nt . I of 'the, knonot6nous ,city life,'ajbout . Diitch�sbta._Jst MXs. -Deihl, 21ad no Mat's pibperty-is ate with sucli th . sessiod, in filot, a weAt feeling pre -
e#. t eo,Wfll. , , I : � . . . . . deeds left tunpunis4e a __ .111ribs, $6.40
1W ' Yin,nubilber,Aited'a furious . d'. � � 4 Vatted, chiefly -because oiN a deenue at to $6.60; 40 to Wr, $5 to i _. o -
. . I I OP&A 04-i hors � Pull Grown on . . I I. I . Llverpool. Varlous theorleg were put for. $6.25, Y-earlings, ss ta $5.06-,sbeep, 43� . .. -_ i � �
.. I ea-ap& an Open likek , st"'JobA 'A. . I . _. krard.to explain the depression in- Brig. to $4,85.
., and'aW4h14PA- PUtf 01-ough Stabley . I I . 0 i I .. . . . I
� , 11 =_ I . Ifind, but nlftnY dealers here seemed Ill- , Iloga-Recelpts, 1700 bead, market
. I CRWq . n I , 2nd-, R.1139; ison, , ,.,. .. , I 1. Tuekditsui . . � I I ..
I .. in 0a,'direc;f-1-o4*or the house ot .� . . , Ith � .. Mined to belleVe th4t manlimlators on. ihis active aild , -stes?dY;'- Yorkdrg, $7.65 -to, - .
. ; b.ne,Xj,...A:j,'X�lstrOng, whexe th,ey"11 � .1 Y - . Sehooi Report for..S,,� . Sld% Were 00t a IR00 re0dt'sible, B4S11119 $7.65;lpfgs, ttft mixed, $7.45 to $7.50;, . .
106i -the ,dealred relief from their I � . 1191 th . � I TockersmitH, foj, ijao S. No.,- 4, forde galtied witli ther rproad of this i&�g heavy, $7.30 to $7.40.: 4�pugb, $4.25 to. .
; -A � .. . .
. -tiop by Ummeing all, pight to � . titki of r, ebi. u - And ltevt the boars on the run, es detally . .
Yestkic . po
I ... - I The quesitiob- f Purchasing ,the ary,- I r'l in the last half-hour. Extreme l6w.an,a $.6-40; stigs, $5 to $5.50. . . I
. . ,
"the. oild- cun .. Electric light ,pl� 0 . bigh flgtites for May- were 8914c atid 911/6C, I I
� a 6f * "We W�n?tgo - t! 1,was left to, a - Class IV-Pomlea 113all, -e , , I I
Homo .71111 orn all 09LI'' 'to' with the lattor tile ruling ones In 010 New York Uva Stock. : I P
en ' 'Berted that ing" And !ijt jis as� COMMitbee, of Reeve, Hill arid : Solin Turner, Prank OPBvien, -Myr. whicii Nktt�s Rt a rise of 14c to 'he, �, I'TE'W YORk, Mar0i -4.-neeves-Re.
604ornon in all his 9 0=
lory COUncillors Outt And Carter by the, t -le Crich, Herman Criell Nelson I)ared with twentv-totir hours beforo telpt,% iino, no trade; feeling 9teady. - . �
an � WA18 WPO,01- Pi0ture, of the happin- public meeting. . . Cri,ah, Wellington Crich.' . I ,,,T1so.TAVer0o6l wheat marlicet olosetj tc,. L'alves-Iteceipts, 49o, norwila,11y stea(ly,. . I
. I e68 atid- gaity, that prevailed, ,un- 1 The Carter sy 3010 rAd lower than yostortlav"Idom _Sh"11.alld Larnbs-necelPts, 4700, quiet, I
-ns fami'lieri'were Called -Class 1tr-Ida Mall, Gracl� St6ph- I 1,�,d to %d loWer. Antwprt),t,j0qea %c low. ,a
I but Is ea'd to firta; slieep, $3 to $4.50; ,
. � UP)m hii.1810r, TkMt under cover of' . jj'i'� . �4 to ,$6.45. �
til t1l"O iiartP Was obliged to beat to Brussels last Tuesday to the onsonlMary Turner, Graeg Walters 1 �,!, on wheat; 13orlin, 11c iowc% � �j
'arter, father Melville Walters, Viola Wise, Elva ,_ Pt0, 998; steAtlY, 1)19!� Sold .
d0kneas occaisloned by ithe funeral OfJohn ,L e,el lk . . . .
dawtj thjrea�o) . gray of Art. and.,John of Illyth,who XOtt, Myrtle Rogerson. I .. Winnipeg Options,_ ' Ut $7,15. . I A
.,..kg to put out . the died I 'lose. Opon, 111gli. T�ow,cloqo. I Chicago Live Stock.'. I
. . I! hitff. ' ', - � - '_ . I TAst Sunday N his 79th year, He Class Sr. 11 -Mabel Vri6h Phyllia wheat- (, . ,to . . I
. 9 had been go failing"health for soine Crich, Bert ,'Walters, Win,ni� -Hunt. . ,9 -18farch 4,-CAttlo recNpts ,
. P
I �� monthi;. I I I AtaY ., r12% 91TA 931A opi '14., CHICAGO, , I .
� . . �� � � ' ClaSs.Zj't-,I1-Wilvcr'Xott, Ally ..... 9314 e 9% 94% 9.3 ,A D4% eatimatL'�cl At 200, maxket steady:, I
. I .-Walton - . MISS J36,111lett Wai at Brussels last Class I -Vera Stetihefton,OcOraO 04ts- I 13f*v0s,_- $5.25 to $7; Texas ste,ft.,-, $4.40 - .
Mrs. Thos. ,Williamson Called to I 8ia,�llr ay gt4th k-ela- r4 Aleoner. . May .. 121/1, "12 . .
: 't . I i2AA lo,2 12% to $5,80. wes'vern steers, $4.75 to $5.85;.
I . ve t� 11. , V. .... 231/4 W4, .-? . r/8 11
,Her Re)vird.-ThL, imperative 61 OC, .. Jul. 1� "a .91 and foodoNra, $4 to $5.90; oow.j
,g ritiering Pointers
. um_: . Telephone operat I . I I . . I . . % stockers ,
Mons to Which hoife can say Nay 1 ions. . . . . I I T096nte'Grain Market. :tnd holfea,s, $2,7o to $a; edjv-,00, $7 to, . I
. atime f0M-rs, q%olnas Williariason, Friday evening of,this. Week tile Hunett Wlitat, bUsbot: ........ :..* so.to's. $6.2;,). . � �
wheat, goose, bush. 78 .:::, Hogs r,(�Cttlpts ('stiniated at 9,000, mar -
an old ancl highly eateemed re'sld� � PeOPte Of,St.c' Andrew's ' Mr. Frank T,rieltott of the 18th nYes bllshtl ........ ..;�.. 0 ca - ..
on -t of thia lotitlit , and Ahe truth- = : ..: ...... 0 , t--mmerally 5 .Centa Alliber. Ilght.,
PurPOISO tgO1hg to Walton to h,A,a oponed. a, lioad. through tho narley, bu�hel . ........ � .... 009 010 $5.95 to $7.25, rAIX(ld, $0.85 to $7 � .95; f
I. Buokwhend, bushL,l� , 0 48 050 -heavy, 56.TO to $7.15;..rougll, $4.70 t0i I . I
fullybtLde GoOd-40 to the earth- vi"ift Duff's'thureh y,o.ulig folk, A sideroad. Frank likes the a . ::*::., 0 is 010 eholte heAvy, $6.85 to I
I lY home With the, asouranto of a debalte Will be :one of the int .ide- lltao, busliel I......." .
Okest- %oadl, t. f I . . OAtij, bushel ........... 4D 39 .16-85; n6od t* I
94e in thO-Talikee ofthe Xing, ill 9 I . Um 6 On the 'program. I v'-,- . 040 $7,16; p1g.4, $0.90 to $!.�5; bulk ot ailles, I
VeT WhIftn barnei ijVas V,11%itb ew lbriolo rebtor, �XISA Verha,0raithwaito ' fA*P'6,rnt . Totonto 10alry Msirk.pt. . $#.9D L . . .
.1 th A n � - y for Trinity Sun"y to VArk. : .
I h"'Millikith ibelng the d�,ku e undiet the p.arental ro6f. ntitter, mom lotx_�,A+ 6 11 010 gh4L*p recdpts -#atlMaW at 1,000,1 I
0 ghter church is ion thv P boix socidloheldi st lft� Wil. n I �
e� utters ,sebArator, da", 1b. 0 2t - 024, w mttrket ,otwdy; native, $9 to $490-1
re of John ��an (4, 91itfl Millikin, of - 1jr efln,"09 aeAson. It Will,bo built on li,aftiVodderilds NVAS a grebit'suceess. utt0l', creaffiellY, 1b, toils.. 0 9 028 ,
��j . lAnd:i Willb, loeatec) it p,jmSj6y t . I B wo.4teft $�,25 to,$4.80; yetwiln", $j.jI 1. �
'I sh'ip"Co.1 46WAI st ',buildllng. L '"O OM6 Miller of ;Clinton, , auttor, creamety. 'fioltdc... 0 22 023 - -
. . -.1-1 . oftieeidsr, on towit B & ji.75 '
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