HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-23, Page 9-__1____1__,_ - I -1 ___11111111� �1111 Ii,--,Vir"w""T1�- -_I.,17.111F!P.1
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. I.A. 1 4 vllxs raurcieress. iNove,rneir 3:14150 a ell
I_, I . I
I � Ood diad tile lAng." What , e
5,1tious of Naboth., OIle blasphemed
� Il" . . '. an, awful
. I �
0 T ,
I � ,
� �`sqaeiatioin, of the living and true God
f .
.1 with one wbo� represented the devil,,
I T n r, 11 .1 and. yet whea Jesus Christ was on
, - flesh, his
, auffest In the
. earth, God m,
disposed of. .
tonemics told Him that He had a devil-
; 1. �
� 1 , . . (John vil, 20; Vill, 52; x,20), They also
. . ralsi:4 up Talse, wltuMses against Him
Fruit-a-Ilves" BrIp9s Natural Results
I T, who laid to His charge things that
In A Wq.
? Ile knew not (Vs. XxXv, 11). We are
OPERA I ION still in,an enemy's country and cannot
"I am a Seventy -nille.,year-old man,
� . expect better treatment than our Alas-
and a great believer in, ,Ind user of,
I -N to� received and must remember that.
"Stricture of Tbe llowels was the
: 0� all wlxo live,godly in Christ Jesus shall
Cored by. Lydia E. pilak Tim. lit. 12).
'Compl-lint I snifered from and I jound
- I suffer persecution (II
that "Fruit-a-tives" didnie morqgooil'
, ham'sVegetableC ound With what seeming triumph Jezebel ,
than, jRny other reined Dly.-dibetior �
I QMP says top Ahab: ,,Arise, take possession
. 0
been i of the vineyard of Nab6tb. * * Ak for
advised me to stick to
and I have done so with best result.
here for
I Canifton, ortt�-111 had a' ge,al
. sufferer for five years. One) d t r .1 Naboth is not, alive. but dead" (verse
115)- But the Word of the Lord came
0 III bave been in business a
. good inany years and have been a rest-
� i uieer�,of the uterus
, . told me it ww for
it war, a AbrofiI t again to L01jah with a message
dent of Otterville for over fifty years. ,
and another told me
_', . tumor, Noone;Ahab and Jezebel: "Thus saith the
I..;::.,.;:!.",..'.'."-...;.,. I; I- -,I,.+. T alif I 1. I S, - A� . IJM,n;1,
Owlmvmrx, ONT., July 8th. I910.
01 I
;:." -'.'. . ': . - - t - .;,F.. . . I . �
- .. ..'...... . I d
. : - i'.'.-`.'-.-.' tiered. I w 0 n
Lord: la t An ,j) ave 1, ... A,
the blood 4 Nabotli. shall dogs lick
1� I I
N47e off --r One flundred Dollars Re
his desk. "For Justance"-scalmiM .,
. ,
the papers 11 don!t thinli; your ftth=
...';..' "......
. m: -*.*.:,
...... . :..... always be worse
- .. .� I . at certain perio(101
thy blood, eve,, thine, Q III 0 Tho
as it to end the Interview.
. .:-. ... - ,�
'. " ,.:.' never was
V 1F :....., and
dogs shall eat Jezebel by the Wall Of
- it lito
11heney for the last 15 yearg, and
� ,
disposed of. .
, , ;.-;:-.
:, * -i - � . ,: regular, and the
JezreelII (verses la -23). And so
isiness trafisactions, and finalaoi;IXIV �
marked, "but I should like to ask Vott
. : .. , 4-11,_) .'. ...., � - .down
erally et=V -TO-'paSSC2a-'39l III 1iings
McHenry indicated,
. .
: .*."-.' - 'W' .... ..:
, .
. .,.....:-...1. . .... fains were terrible:
ill in
ix 36)
Whasoever that shall
I .
ly. acting directly upon tile blood.1
ers,"' answered t e managiJil; editor.
., ..::." -..**. .-..'.'-,. was Very
a man soweth
estlinonl%is-sl-til, free. Prlce,75.-.-�erl
gested to her fhatWbeeler Brand might I
. _P
.. ,.
..., .... , bed, and the doctor
. I �
Ile ,,ISO .ro.,lp. Her sins, have reached
Take Hill's Fam ily.Pills for constip.,
. .
* :
difficult to believe. But she inqst b& I
told me I would
unto beaven,and God hath r�wvmbered
I I �
be city editur. �
visiting the newspaper had been'to �
��� have to have all
operation, and
her inquillet,i: Ilow much she bath .
wo, new corespondents Ia:anied." Ile
was not the author of the new atta*
that I might die
glorifled herself and lived deliciously,
McHenry drew a f6w lines on one
learn the truth from his lips alone.
during the operi tion. I 'Wrote to my
. so much torment and sorrow give her
'Bring pe an - artist, Durkin," - he or-
I'll '. "'
sister about it and she advised me to
.,It" VI, 7-, Ifev, Vill, 5-7). What an
(( -
... I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... ....
............ - . ..�..,` ..,
x i1*11 ;;;
. : :�.
.., I ,
I :'....:
am's Vegetable
take Lydia E. Pinkh,
epitaph upon these two, "Abab, who
but fix tho%e, up d1frerout. Put a
hat oil one and the other in low neck,
. ". -1.1... .
��� ,1.1 ..
Compound. Through )ersonal expe-
did sell himself to work vil6Uedness in
with a dado of hearts around." ,Nlc-
. I
. ,
:V`.��: 1
rience I havefound itilie best medi-
the sight of thn Lord. whom JPze bP.1
it a: big question mark of cupids and
�-.-:,.�;;,.- : , I', ,:..,.
� ...
-:, ..1. . ..
vine in the world for female troubles,
I ?11, wife stirred up" (verse 25). How
Does This Alan Love?' Yes, and frame
. . .1.,
I _.....
, I
�;�*. ::..; , -011'.... 'I,
. I _ I . � .1 . *� ,I ;
I I �.,;:
I . .1 , - _....
.::: . ,. . , ., .. � ...,.,
;�-,.'..,-.,,1 , :; , "'. �
I- �
�;.: 4, ,,:� ::. :; 1 -. -
�,,, ��.':_R-.-, .1
Oul the manner of their Is laxative. 1117ruit-a- pt
*h I for it has cured me, and I did not have inr from Venom
to have the operation after alL The A tives" is ... ade of tlie juices of.apples, a
I. �Vompound also lielped me while pass. ipath, 1.)lit whftt about. their conditl(M� , 'i"ges, f�gs and prunes. "'Fruit-a� Q
" 'r - ce t've", act, on .
Ing through Change of Life.".2.-Mrs. rr - pince? The 'words of Luk xvi, . � . ,Qle human. systent like
LFTITIA BLAIP., (111ilifton, Ontario. '-T-*-",: ltvv. x3v, 10, 11, are fearfully fresh fruit -easily and gently -yet j , list
. '-w"Mstive. . � as effectively as -the ofd -time pill. IV
Lydia F.. 11hikliam's Vegetable Com- ' "I - I I . . . 'ei
I k . 4636ihitia-tives" does not gripe or
pound, made front roots and herbs, . I . - irritate the intestines. It regulates the
. has proved to De the most successful , � � I I I I nd curc.s'Constipatf6n because p,
remedy for curing the worst forms of , I I . . I I � ". bowels a
. female ills, including displacements, ' �. . t � . 4.,Fruit-a-tives" acts directly on theRver. 1)
r � , ,usdt try I IT mit-a-tives ,VvIlen yon lided S1
. inflammation, fibrold tumqrs, jriegu. I if
. am gentle yet effective laxative and , 1)
laritles, periodic pain%, back.lehe, bi�ar AU '"'OR OF THE SNIGN. I .. I
I Ing -down feelhig, flatulenvy, in ges. I . I liver r�gulator. - ' I .
I . :1 - -1 --. 111_'�.� . '. I - -6 for $2.5o�--trlal size, 2.1c.
tion, and ne mqprostration. It 68ts . Soc. abox
- At all dealers, or -from 'r-ruit-a-tives P
, but a trifle tv try it, and the resul has AR14OLD WHITE HAS CAUGHr I , .
been w9rth millilinsto sufferi,ngw en. . I . . . . Limited, Ottawa. , - . V
. 11 .,.,. ,�ENGLANPIS FANOY� ,, .. - -_� � � .. -I
- .------- - , . 06% .' . . . . I % . .. .
.1 . I 1. . . .1tv! AT" I
.. . . r Illin . -111111 N't"NNS mI .U. -
I ' #67 -A, * I . .� . I I 1110111ty 114 . - *
� I ' . wiflo rair!" of f,4,s:.,IxI,r,�4",I in I -
I , Clever Ess`ay'ist Has�Wr:tten a Volume dt�li.,,.rlIt1II1 Far_ 14111. H-. !,,Iwho�� upoll -
. .
I 3` U N 0 A Y S C lil . , OLN I Qf Opinions* of an En -I . ishman 61ardto'lina 6" � �1� tiv� o ll"'. (.11 Fim,- .
" ' . a ' �
. Which He calls, Views 'of Vanoc- 'wil.'rIth �tinl III! Y'w Ain.il ill 111i, - 'i'llit-, ,
- --- i � I I , t1tv Jill? of,a lti;Wo_�,! for�:vll lmlicv�
I s an Authority 'on.. the Nava ll,, A,
I - ,,�,t,j, vour,fo , lii*,1 tic -A putli ),%Iit:n
I - I 0
, I � - U uestion and -Has Travqled Ex- hk�. 'itt,'S jk I)T-1,1111 1)! I,.. ,'iir �t, and
smi I ..-Fircl 2: arter - I .
le I, For . r') . I ... . NY , V,;U t., "..'ric-.1,lor h.)w-inuelt. *
I _17 -:1". ? -, I 19 1 1 . . tcn%ively in Canada., . . . - 110.0oll1fills , - .11 . r,, -line.
� I . ,. � . . . . . is illv�)lvtl in 111;,,� illo G.
. . I, " c(Alitral'Euilqv"
I -
I I � _. " ' .11
iv rei-aarkoblo b0ok liw5 appi-ar, , I runi the Problolyl �r,* ._
I . . . A ve ft� . i v . -1, . I ri-11:1 T�n�:,vmlla,; of 'Ditilv .11
I . . ,.,- -, - ed witliin the ],,At w wt,,�k ,rhich I 1.1', ln,� .-".A I .. . . -
I .
. Il f C. � Q� I ; , I I I'i�t,, IJI, �Nl"jtk�.k (;It IL'JI .
".1 t .. ,I 4,�_,* Ili"' L. 4; 1,.:,5. qf flit- most- tal.kod ,.,�,,ifios allit Oil ...
! T �ti E I " _1 "' _- ',, - A k ...I- - prollli��es to bf, ('11C. I _ - - ,
of Nvorks.of tho soa,4011, 1,111tona the Foe�iiili.-Llli, ".1til.l. J;_-vol,.�. a .chillsfor to.
I - I � _ ,� � f NI .,1?yI:I.,,. �� �' itli,.I. , ni'l-
.. . _�_ . I peof.)le *. NvlIo thillk, it I., �alled?"Tlio Tl1i ' Ms.,idiiiv ')( I f . I - ..
!Text :I'- I'. , - - .,- ., I :,. , . - ,. ','-20. t, pf V, alwe .. . 'kil. 1-inglishill'in"S.. oillor., tAI Sllill.-4,1011'tO i�. I'll" 1;1.;t �,MMI ).
I view - . -
A . I , I -:I -t o�i -
'I ,� :7, . . � 1� --,:. I.; !-, Text, Outlook,'.' and I-- It. volivotimi 4 o�zzsayi I of v.-I.y,;; W ) illo , 1), - & h- 'I't �
. . , : . - -w:l%.t two or '4 Q I': v . - -.1ii"ll .1"N"I'S
. , 1. publi,di,.�d Juri?-)..'r ill,, . I lli,z Mlijv, V A. , , W'.. �... .
, .. . . , , -, :- ". � _ __ c, " 1.11lau. pt,ri .-Ills Tly�, 14,111i'I
f. I . I 1,.,,'�:- . - "-- � , j--1 tllre,-- yenrA Ill Tll(`RVfi'r'; -"VzIllO(-"- .111or - M'I'll'It . .
. . ! . , * "' , , . . .
; 1,y ,�:,� . , I _.... I . I -All *1 --.-11.1 �vas thill -illiplius. .. I . .
. 11 . I 'I., it ,krtl I
. �V. ( . lln , -- . �- ,. . .
i I .,,III Of 'N'Terlin" 1-Z "llo. 11olll d(I pin-niT -i- .� -.-- ... -------,, .
1 1:: .1 - - . , � . - , .!, -1 _* I I
� . . �. .,. � . . � 1.*.N: - ...111,14 - ..O.L)VIrl. Ar.119�111..VVllitp, (1111! (if 410 (avil t- . - � ,. �'. :: , -Kecta r I q lu p In ill a 11. � - � , - - - �.-'- .11
_ . . t . ,Ili 11 ' _'. I '' .
__� , .". �. 1�01,1'.!', . i�, . !'�.`� - . P � ,,I , tlioritl,� �ii� 17,'fwlalid ,on t I,, . ,
* . . - - - -,'-� ' -61i ' - .i.? -_,,�..- I " i�z lwlt.�vc,l illat ,
.1 � � .1 , I"'.1
: 11, -: . ,I " - I I I... !I ll.tv,ll (Iu�,gtit�ll -,,,,I till ,,social In -'. - Loriib.11 .
I . I " . , -,Vouf t1w cffurts
. . - .,i� � . . . . ..". . ..."O ;1!111 leriu,. Hc,has trarefv-.1 -oxtullsivey-y Iii. -Vlo Inst llas be,,il. ho:t, . ` - -
:Iij� : ,,, . . . I ,,If ,I. ,,,,rtion -f ;�t,, 4,iIII, ti- I",vtIll "
. , . I . . :_ I
;11; - I.! : � I . � :,: 1 1: r . !:, 1 - �.:i . - . list Okureli til',
. . , t-_ - I - � .. 11 . ovu� - A. N fi,w if-signi'lio'.11
===11 � I . . tor, ).,,.av, T,
I 1 :(:o , ;, .%. .�, I :: .. :* !'-k:- .:., , 7 w h, !-, I of t1w �'OV . Z V.- mill, hoem-; �
, � ��
I . I . - . . . of 11-11q.1let!wl Ill Jklii6slina his. fl,SiA.
..!_-.: :, ; . '. .onk-__ � - - I
1 : ; ,1,4� lhw " :w I _'r :�:v' �( __ - - - -, : -, I � . . -_ � . . : � ' I � .1
, ',�, I . 117 . It 11 . _-1-111" -
I I.;:., Ili— 1i .,- �: ". :, � ol�,. All' "\t 11 wilh tile . � � . .� , , I -fr.-fyi-(,t.-e-.ft-;fl7r. H,T,- .,
I I .. -1 . I `;&� .11
I I . , S iWay. Ifflorn4lon "I 1114,,"! li,011 Of
. . ' . "' -` ' ,t 'Nir 4-fild waitelt
I . � . . I tii,,.,�!' I
;:I; � 1.;.,�:�; -i !;', - - : LU, i!.ii, 1writhil-, . . . . - ( e.- r,li,� to ou.- � . .
. , ! -
- . . I I .
; A I . I I . � , .
, : � 1): ' * I 1. I . , . I , T I : ! � ' . 1 ' : ' ii, ; I I I whili- n(Iiio of.
. � '_ % I d w":J ;I,'[,,-, . I - " . . [ (in BiRllop.Wilkilin, , ,
, ... . .1 � 1!1 I . , - W;11�. at took
. I 1_1 - tit woulAl. .,., uss NvIl,
.. i. , 1* - -Ito 1.7-,i fellap-_ �� & tlifuso proso
I: ,;;,. 1�1 Z, I. (I 1.�1111;.i,l, it u. . 141 A, . . .&-
. _U;110b placo";ii 14 e.aiii,QiI tliat lii� I'll"d4hili-
- ,
I I vi, .\ I \, I �)-" ; I. ;I 1pl vv,. s1pill ,-;t,l(' 11 st�� . . I V_.;�, . Ailok,a strotig hanAl .in favor of tho ro.
hit"'.1 t4i "lli:11 �,,,Iptiv iie:irimness Ili our "N' . . I th-, -
. 1�� . - .. tention of tlio'rv(�tor, lv)'difig - I lie
w �A 1-.4"nn, 1 . . . .,JCti,41. PlItireiv �NNithin 04e. cations ' of
. I I
I . I . . 4
. ,rii,, stA,.,.-,- (if ,,Iiaptor xx we shall �. ... , . Me Anglivall Churoh. , .
-t� 0 fI,r ;I,h%,�:,ll oil )"arch 10; there- - i .1 11 I \ . .� . . : � . I . . . . . � � � . I . . . - . .
11 -el; .- �, I " . . .. . . 1110 Interference With Engifleer,
. riwo %yO, lin-41it ity,fnr tiit� fit . cut, and Y, I . � - � .
EIIJ1111 flfl(� 11"t ,1Iipv:I;. ill it. . . I I vanvoll-vor. F'Ah �TTlle varivoliver -
. . d"Ad. to onipwge"
� -In tll� li-8:41,11 of loday Nve colll.io to a I 0 1 . c6tilcil vostor(lnv 4,10-,:�; 1 1 1
I -,, I - -lit CitN 011gi�
1;Af,I,3- 1 of tho t,.ivotest possi:)Io cruel ` , �� . I . I F. L. F(,,'i_)w(-- lit P-0 - , ,
I � ;, � �4!tl)ll r)
I . tiverof-W(I.A1114,113II, �I- - r10 i'llmit.
. I hc;�rl lv"!Iv ,; IJIL I 110 li�tl't`,Of J�Ililb and, I'll -!� vf,�,11, III(, a"I'volil.."'t Io ( ox i% a timn of I
; .11,zul,�,I ... v,;III :1.11).4'd . ivlioll of t1w doom , I ... ��� .1 � . fivo yoni� _fmm Ma.v� 1. '.01 I � �vi 01 . a d
A , . , . .
. . . of 0.1-t:1111. t.-oldl*iwJ� and
I .. ... . ! '11, on. h f, "ol V:o I '11-41 through, l'.I1.i;IlI. ) � . . . . . I guarwiti"I
. . I . I 0 . . .1
1, ;e ,
. "Ll lv:;��. It'.." :lH tit,! Lord's preffle- I I .,; I M: � "t `��!A "IlInt " - � 1.1"I t t1:11 .�Ilr.klrvl-lpg� -
I ,� h: . all ailliv:ll -l-o'hIry i- -'.11s, ,",Tll. Tho ,I,_-I'I10-.
. � 4 - - . fl I - . . - Ill .
ii, I:" WI -1-:111'N 1,1111.j;Ied * ...... . I Miili,ei. �s all linvo full utit"trol of tfie
� . .. 1� - � I I . , . .., .. I . 11, .
M�l I'ti . .11, "I K (Ioll"artalk-lit. mul 11-OV"'Ir to i,
; A 111:111 call"d . I h:I(l*TTT. "(, ard ,- , � I 11 V;�rht:,, "' I
-1 . . I , ;9. - , ,
� I . , �All 11 I I 1. .
I hard Ily Hie ,,-:IL� k. (if Altai?, -vvblch � .. " . ... . . . . � . . gagi_% ,ail;'J , (li,sit I i �.-;. all ; , i I ,7,4 i -i I , ( - r.s. ,Ili I f ft .
i thil hill" ,-oveliql. ;,A Iw saiLl; for -a gar- J . W'. AUXOTAYWITITI�- - . - staff. who' aro not to Ito intitfC.'ied '
. � � . ' With i aulleV b� eic ald,-rmen;
I (I(.,, of bvrbs j!A-t-anso. it was near ]its ( Canada, the Unitotl :'Stattss. -Soutli, �, .� - Jn � any in, . . . _ . .. . ;
I ,
a ., . . .. . I .. .
I A IL,1 I'MA'd 'him the worth A frica and Australia, us Well as in * � . �4 �.___ - .. : .., .. .
I bouse. The hit , . Ii,thpr cotintriet.4- and fli.e. result'of ex- - . ,Blaze . 1�ln C-PR--ShOPs- �
! of It in nioney or :1 1)(Ittor vineyard in ' .
. porione�-, syniiathy. and inuch train- North4 11;ty.,* Fflfi.. ,.,Q._'. -Fire. brol;P unt
. its stead, but Naboth i-efilsod to lbt the ed thbught, appear in this little b66k. . af midn;ght L,4t1qUtt.11y iii.thf- C.11,R. .�
. �,ord forbid . ... - I ,
king have it, %aving, "The I Air White hag, the - onviable, gift of car -'repair, shops 1wro, ( oing, kl�Z,111'1013
� -
it me ttiat I should give the inheritance I ,Irr(,.,t'in,,r * attention and coriipelling to the e,xii� ' ut ot $1,(Ifio. The . towa'Z'I'd
of my fathers. unto thee" (v interest, He novel' le,Iv08 YOU cold I Z,quipany'li fire, brlgad(-%� all -T. litiriA '
I sucoeedt,d in prevoiltlil,,r. the -
A . is refreshinK to ineet a man who Seeks , and iridifforent. : * - Yi)u Inay. Oxcla-iin work. I I
no favors P-Oni. and tins no fear of ,'-%Yitli fatuous complacency "Sust what sprdad of t1le flames to other braitel 0S
V even a king. . . I 1. thought W or vem may rage furious. of the, company's vvc�rl- - - .
1�, � d. jolln .NLIC.0;i1luila, -it inviiiber of
is tbl� des- -, aria lmtiginv-�aln thihilis. ,In either . Al . .1
, What a contrast to Naboth . renclin&. j.1(, "llas em- tbe . cj).R, firf� deliartrnt,nt, , whi 6
� c 1%14 Q YOU a4) 4011 , . . I - .
picable king. who, -because he.cannot I , .. I Nvort�ing.at tllo� rjrt,�,, fell .6lid broke his
' . I . . .
have What he wants, goes home and I . . ' ' . . . .. .1 I . . leg: . .. I. . . I . I . . . . I
- . .
. to bed, turn,; away his face and will I - - . . I , . I . .1 ..... , :. . . . I " . , , -
1. . - ... � -
. . not eat! Ylow contemptibly small some I . ...... . .. � . � I Thirte6n. Firerhiin ove.rcome.
I . ',�� I ,
. greaf men are, and bolv;f noble are some 4""V.�. P " . . I .. 0, rmb 20.-Thirtken firemen
. -1 A " ;Perco;;�e*by smoke in a Arp. in'
in lowly cirenrustane - es! A vineyard t,aug r" 'Cold.: 011'eaA' - Saturday. ,
I makes we think of the vine of John .., . fie Union *Stdck Ix'Ods b1n.
. . .. �.. . - .. I t . , -ML8 'confined bp -
xv. and Naboilt's clinging to.tIfe vine- . � . I Whille the lire "itself - I I .
� .
. yard which was I he inheritance of his - Which.,En' d`e-d.in a.: .tiie fourth flb&-,Of the building, .fear.
I that the blaze would be a re etition
fatbers 19 Ili struzing contrast'to the � . 1. . . . ' ' Mh 24
. .. . . of the lire a month ago, in IV 1w.
m.adiness with 'which,many preachers o d
and tet;chers of today give up ,,ill thlit, ve '' Atta'k -of - , Arb . '. ' p 't.fleii the
Se' r'e C in n m,t - * aetl,th, . cause
, , battalion chief' to send ia'a general
their fathers field dear concerning the . . ''. . ,,' I - ' 0 1 . . � alarm and calls for special lapparata . B.
true vine. May we prove ourselves . , . -. *The loss -is $16,000., , . , . �
. .
. . abidin- branches In the vine and jeal- Pneumonlailt -.1 11 '. . 11 ...
. . . . �_
. I I
. . ously ;Bard the vineyard.from all evil I , , I . . --- �� � i . , , �
A olics, even though it cost our life or our . I I - . . : I I I . .
. . . .#.to.�o.'#.,..k",.,..O.."..,Ol�l,o�......Olwl....,......
position to do till,;. Tgo much stress- catmot � be laid on the . �A"i"'k-O.'�!"""" � �, . ,, . -� Z
,� A The garden of herbs for which, ttle ' * . . - . I .. . . . . � S
fact that when a person catches cold -it - -
, _-
king said that lie wanted the vineyard � . 6 . , - X
ust be attended to immediately, or ? -we c8i � PICO It you, ".
brings to mind the Saying eoneerning in . I . F, . . I C
. -
. % .
evildoer% ana wi)rkers of Iniquity in Se'Hous results-4te liable to fo4ow, ; �, I I . I . :
� .
Psalm xx,cvll. 1-2, "They 9" haT'soon be Bronchitis, Pneumonia anA Consump- 1 ---7-7`7-� c
' . . I -
cut down like the grass and wither as tion arb all caused: , by neglecting txi -cure , � I ' , :
I the green herb." . - . I 1- I. - .Vo our regular Stdok we have t ,
. the simplo cold. - . ' added over -400 lines fvoin the :
in Jezebel we sce those Nvbo, I ' lkei . . . I � house of Hobbertill limited. 12'
Herodias, do not scruple to take off . Mrs. C1. W. Bowman, 'Pattullo, Ofit., '*
. I ,. Thojearepatterns to pleas6al- .,
. rkes:-I'Three years ago I caught a -1 .
I the.eftrth any one who happens to be w ,, . . I . most ady fancy, including the -..
* that are very much 1
In their way, true children of the devil, cold which orkded. in -a Severe attack of. 1 neW gra,ys 1.
� " demand this Season. "Rem" -
who has the power of death and was a Pneumonia. Snc6 ':that time at ille . . in
- ember Our roputstion is behind '.-.
. - .
. muriderer from the beginning (Hoh. It, begimanig of each winter I- seem ,to chtch . . ?
14; John vlll, 44). "I will give thee the cold very easily. I have been so hoarse _J . � I .
v1ife-y-ard-of Naboth the Jemeelitell % . Z
1' ,. 0 - -
I (verse' 1) were her wor4s to Ahab, 49 1 Was Unable to speak loyd enough to be. , Spring SaItS and Weil ;1
I . - ..
heard across the room. Last winter, .; . � "I . '31
if she owned It and Naboth, too. arid ? I -
coW do its she pleased. ]act true lord hoi0ever, it friend advised me to try 3?r. 'A eoatq, 'to I Measure $18 ,
and master, the devil, once said to the Wood's Xorwa� Pine Syrup, saying it ,.� � � I I .1 I ,,, 1
. . 1: I .
tord Jesus as he showed 111m Olt the had heilled'her. I bought a bottle and S t6'$;0a � .
ta I . i
kingdoms of the world and the glory before it was half used I was co pletely I , . . �- - I I I -1. I . I � � -
of them. "All these things will I 91VO cured, ' t'hlso find ft a good medicine for )" - I I . . I . ii.U...., I
thee if thou- wilt fall down and wor- to Z . . . I )
the children when they have colds. I- I I � . ,.. . 11
.. -1
ship me"I (Matt. IV. 8, 9). Because He -----.. - , many imitati . ons of Dr. !- - VA SANG I . . . I I
would not worship him he prqdeeded Beware of the % 6 f 4114 CO. I
to kill Him, wbiclv lie finally did, Wood's Xorway Pine -Syrup, ` 'S . � . 14
I ' i
So Jezebel proceeded forthwith to ?, Meichant Thilloirg. :
. I Ask for "Dr. Wood's" and insist on S . � I
- kill Nnbotb, which she did by meang of getting what you ask for, ' ' � E, Agents for lqriti�h ,American J
two sons of 11elial, who lied, like their . -
It is pu�,ujji in a yellow *rapper,' three 21' I ng ana Cleaning Co.. ., 1
. I father, and others who did her bidding. . �
0 - !
. I I :
afraid riot to, I Suppose. lest they, too, Pine trees the trade mark; the price-, r I . moilitteo'l, I
� might lose theIrAlves tit the bands of 25 cents. Manuftictured only tiY The I 1 . . � , J
. I 0 . . IT � I I � I I � 0,.4% No, 101k
.�=buqi Cd, Limited, Toronto 04L , ,-A`.,wA4 ... 4 "It-i"101104--60"I'd � "Ou" a'
ll . I . ...- .'._�..I. � � ... . . . - - I --- . . � . 11 0 . .
I . " I .
I � . .
. .,
. .
� 11
I .
L- ' - - ' , ' I I - - - .
. �
- - 0911 I ,.WWA4W#."pft*M"N ---00 . I -
"-WWA"W"" . ipw.�* WOW , .I I I . I
� �
I - I I
. olu couger dies. for tno, attertioun. pa -
1 I - CHAFTHR L � I pers, We're having rotten luck lateV�f I
, iiurUe 5a% ee hre � s 'Xile telephone rang.
tates to Parliament. out in the re. "Hellol Who,$ tbjs??P cried Neiienry w
porters- gallerY yonder there sat a savagely. - [','lit his voice changed ab. '�'a
Fourth li;state ingre iraportant far rupt4y to Its most sugary .tones. C
t6an they all. --Carlyle. - . I o, . Oh, Mr. Nolan, this, to Mr, Mellon,
I . . . - ii,;� - i�l py. Yes; why, the boy said I'd ,gone to
111B Silence In the manag,ing the, theater. He's new to newspaper b
editor's room of the Daily offices. Yes. indeed. He doesn't 'know at
Advance was abruptly broken I we newspaper men'have little time for. In
m9w I by the erktra. . nee of' Ross Aic- I theaters -no, Indeed -ba, hat I waft &
�nry_ through a ,private door.- His downstairs in the press room all tile
�bteen years, of active ,newspaper tiwe-yes, Indeed; trouble with Alle al
irk In w career extencling froul.,cub roller on ' cylinder ,5 of the -color a
-iorterhood . to his present important 11 press, and I happen, to. have a bit - Ind a T
ice had drilled into him the necessItY, mqebauteal turn of wind -Yes, lindegd. b
, , . .
en the habit, of constant actiont , Anything I can do for you., Sir? Hope .
Jek thou -tit, keen and . ay have the pleasure of showing, !',
P . , .accuratei per- we ru
prtion. and readiness for emergencies. you over the office -your Qfflce--I)rett7. t
� hastily threw off..his coat.glanced soon- Yes, Sir. Tonight? Yes, any
several papers laid on ills desk time. We're always here, Yes,. Sir. 9
ail6l Ile wa . s out at dinnerana seated Thank you." p
msdif in' [its managerial, ,.chair. UA He bung up. the receiver and re-
vote a few rapid wordis on a pad of verted to his natural voice. "It's the I 0
,per tit his rlgb,t hand as .be pushed new boss, bloori3. IS coming down to-
I�Uttou with his left to suwmon an night." , I .� I I I * -
Uee boy, 11 I . "I wonder it that means M To .
..,lily one bere'-while I was gouel" changes?" observed the night editor I
clielixy queried sharply as the boy as be filled his pipe. , . � I .
tere(l. , - - . . McElea ' ry sighed.
-yes, Sir. Woman whose boy was "Ain't a mao who gets into. this
1-chea,wants to R , ut of thl business .1 sucker?" . .1 4 �i -
n , Sell It 0 ' .
I .
apor. Reen -outside - two hours. She's , The night editor smiled grimly. .
ttin' outside.aii, bawls qlnl bawls aW lk'Wdrlder what kind of'a Joke Is thIq..1
. . I . I . . Oked,
a w l"s. " Nolan anyNiay'ill be s
.,Tot! her we're printing a newspa- The night editor's brow wrinkled.
I � . .
or and I've left for the night," "All I Icnow is that he's, a Colorad6
"Then thqre was a few plion0calls. ,miller with 4 hill'6fore all his oNiu.11
e bandled lem all Icept till last. Ale I .ne glanced -over the nig;dlt editof's. .,
. . . I � . . Was. it Wan nam- schedule. !'WIlat is this T-�-T�golf, or
I D I . .;5 . .. .. .. . .
il�'. ' ' " politics PI .
. �,,J;, � �� . ed Nolah, an'. lie lq"aft' botli% golf 2 4owfi-confereuee .
. ilh�WAI I I, .. I � wanted ter *See . � , ' . . .-
.,,[ . .� - Aldrich.'.t. � . 11
...K. 700.11 with � I �
.2 Q I
� �1' , uouvy im- Mellonry snorted, .
�1_1 , M 0 .
N . . . . xto ,,(Iosh, the White Holise Is dead Slnco�,
. . I . inp a I t , ty be- X
, � I . I I came ln<c.�c4ted. 'Tedd�� left!" rie'p9inted. to the sched- .'
. .. I r oi- ,
, l , . \�,h�at,() yell..,. Ule. ,,Wbat,s till,.;? 'Balti-mot o, once
.1 I . : . .1 .. tell �hlrnitl' Lie I unin."t , I I � I .
� , . X I askLd, .6,;ing. , , "Double divorco..',They exchanged
i,� I � / I . I . 1�.. .
A tnells."I .
-, .1 I � "That you was par I .
� I 1. I to tit' t1wayter." "Good people?" � . . .
I—- ,:� .. 1�rtle nianaging ' , "Not muQU." I - . I
.. .
It, -(.:i� . . . . . . . �� . .
I �, � ';.t)r* lack t d
- , ed, ill) "Fitly WoM4 J11 be on�ugh. Dead-,
� *� ;., , 1,gr -
I �,
.. 11 .1 . a . . C o . .
. If, Un
I ,I j., �,. .. 4,nnisional ,ileavy_ptupfdpqer,I, ted the man I
. �. . - . . I
. �Iv ,, . .1, I I .
.. . 11 11 "'.; �,, ". ..� . , Dlre(�Iory ,and xgln- editor. - A.. I
11/ .", I �� I ' -
0, ,� .
L . I �...Il -afig, for the boy, I)urkin,
I , ,,, . ` 1("i -it 'forribly ir
I V�,,- � �;��, It, V:, I h..'d. . 1. Alcilor y, i
11, I lit tll,� .1 to,
. .p I and on ills bdiated arrival sent hill
��!, ,."ILY !'. v '? -j . I I. 11
,.,,&,,. ''A . city editor. ' PWhalt you ,
11!11'.� 11 '. L", "\!'ell, Ilext 11
."', ;t.,�'. �., _� .__
� ."il..., 1, ; I, .,(It. I suminon the, I
"d .,:,i; qltw, .N '13g.nlau, -got?" sainted McIrepry as the editor
. .. P.-�,.,: 4. � . . _
. . i-;!.,.��,42 V06 Ml. ftlial#Vve arrived.**-. - . . . . . .at �
.., I _ , . . ., � �i., � i� Iii - ii�f4lit-
- 8 t- _rim,ff_iv.W - lr, i�7 11 I , , . I I __ -
4f, ffftt I i�tiia -�,jn,4-.�- Q )own he el editor, NF n r
i4� ""c'.6 s t ,
1. I . �, I I � I I
. . lmrr?" d 0 ,,�. n tIV t 11 0 to tile po,int. . . � I , .
. � . . . I . I
ul-lit �,e(lltorls rootn..� N&a'n; rvineml�or, "A re y4 going to use. that follow,up,
. ��_,__' I ". I
his II.1IIj(---XoJ.lII, fle's the new oWuclv� story- about Judge .. Dartelmy thro.*,.Ing
. "Ictieeso it. aliott'Eir owner. * Nobndy - the LabsinA, Iron � . -
.. I " , :
kieeps.us loug.. do they?'., . ronapany into a , '. . I .
- .� .- _ry h (il!�4.�-,..r,et,,t,ive.rahIP2"..ha. .. 11 -
py I -I". r� )
IV Llko. centaln, other luxuritls,.- !1W I., �. .
. , Were ,too- ex- queried. . . . � .K
boilv keeps. Us. long. . I "I dunno. Any , I . I
pensive. lr�)urkln.'.' . .. I . It I ek S . on i. this . I . .
Tlip. boy"gri - nned and hurriqd away morning's story?" !
to Summon �tfie ni'gbt (�dltor at Mefl en� I -I should say . PI
I -
ry's cotrimand' ,Ind to -dispose OtAlle I yes - teteptione � .- �
. - . .. .1 I ...
116awling" won3ah.' � � - I �golng a.11 day.".. ..
McHenry .Seated blijiself nud turned I McHenry. turn- , .....
to -,b(, ever read,y teleptione, at the. ed and pounded .. -
. . I , I-/,- I -A
tfitht hand corner Qt his dosft- a' the desk wl*tl4 1.11b - .
,111ello, .Mtss Stowel , Get in e AI,r I list I I . . ,
Nolan -Mr. �Ulchdel Nolan -on. the wim -If they 1; '
I .
. . . -
right awayi"... .. I. . . . . oil that, i.hey'd get
. 0 . S.",
, As the manag4ng edli;or.1fitm up. the I our jobs on thl .
receiver .NIoQr6,'tb0 flighu eQA1,ur, t:u- I Ile polfited.at the -
' �
teredl �drrylng a. bundle of galley i proof of the new "Double - d4v'071ce.
. . � .
proofs' Ili ills left hand, * a schedule In I I Bart � olmy . st9rY ' 1'hcyc,xalla7lGCd
. � partncrs."' . . .
his vlgbr, * . . I . � .. I (�� 11 ie li be had A . .: I
,jVpii, Aloore, what tla*e 'Von got -6r - akell from ,Nloove. A ' All the same, the
part i' RI. asked AftKefirY. . . 1. 1. I juilicial,ernihie Is gepl;ing ra wer solfed
L Tho- night .editor jetleated. rapidly. In ;. these days. it makes me gore to think
. - . I I . . � I . . . �
, . . of �'what tliey'rg pulling c
a �1%11(1 (lat monotonous voice: . Af on thb -
"I * �
. � - Ild's 'bad all . t6ougl;i,
, "Thirty-fiviel.columns of ads..�.Tcle . sderal. bench.
� .. fe
. � . .
I � editor's hollgring f0t.twenty col- ! tha.t Rarteliny.- Whose story. ,Is It-
gra:rill . , . coulyle .' of nice �. I . ... 1. .4.1 - � ..
umn,q..1_, 110 jIlSt got a � . . . Drand'01" . . I .
tla,-,hies-one, 1rom Pittsburg about a .., ,,yet)," responded the..city editor.-.
man . eloL . )lng',vvIth his daulghter-In-law; " - �,By bea . Veil, be Iwo, news'paper U)"i-lit"
. -
Very title people. . Another first.,class I "That . 's,wby he won"t last ill this of -
murder � from St. nouis. I.1ocal lias * ; ore sarcastically; .
I I .r1cbVII put ill 'Ato
t-Nventy-SIj Scheduled, sports are very ,.,yep.I1 supplemented the .city editor.
heavy, ,,bowling,. I fights, checkers, .and Mel - Ionry's face. took on' a resIgued -
. Kentuaky,s shut .down on �acing; th9Y exi-presSion as..he said: "Well, we'll.
. . I .
Want, two pages. We've gota tip that have to pass It UP." Ile PAuned. "It's.
Moilgan has tile. asCbma, - Stool- will' )11-cly 'to be libelons,!,' 11 . .
. . . . �
probWy; open soft on Monday." .. . . Ile laid aside -the proof sheet tmd re*-"-
. . Menenry.took do he "'i)[110a his 'perit]s,tt',of *.the *schedule 69
recolver.arid held it pxpectantly. Lit his.- ,articles Intended to I ,be dsed 6",the
ear. lie toOkdth6 proo:fg3 from �Joore`s . * uw�t movilfug's tidber. -, ,�_w - I
I .
Iiiind and began' lockijig thew. 'over. . 1114dw about divorcis?.?' -Me.Uenry
, . .
They contained. important -articles 11 ll�slce& 'Suddiln,tv, rai$17-nM� ills hAftii *^
. . ., - � . . . i I .
.which hqd been set'up.,but which be, I i :. . . . , . I ,� I
" � �
' .
had not'6ieVl0.tiw . � . . I., . . ,.. . . ..
� . A a ' -one." he abd- I . . �. ..,
,. .-.,11�110... there 7 q- ve. 1. I I I . . 0, 1. . .
denly ,eXClaIMeif,, glancing- ovior'one of' - . a .. ry"11
,- I . I .. , A _4 A. kP A
. How's; TWO
32.Eo picked up several newspaper$ i:rQiqw
1� I I
N47e off --r One flundred Dollars Re
his desk. "For Justance"-scalmiM .,
. ,
the papers 11 don!t thinli; your ftth=
ard forany'case of Catarrh tha�
Pilot be. curpd bv Hall's Catarrh
will feet Inclined to sue US." aO rOOW I
as it to end the Interview.
We. the undersigned, havo known
Judith, however, was not to be thu$,
11heney for the last 15 yearg, and
� ,
disposed of. .
eve gm perfectly honorable ill Evil
"I don't want to detain you," she Tea
isiness trafisactions, and finalaoi;IXIV �
marked, "but I should like to ask Vott
le to carry out. .any obligations
ado by libi firm. WALDING,KINNAX
' :
W lie was responsible for that art;lcle-r
$Ile seated herself in a chair WhIcIlf
Whi3les4le, I)ru ggists. Toledo; 0.
McHenry indicated,
Hall's Oittgrrli Our 0 is - titkeni-intorn.
11 never tell the name of our wrt-
_ .e. , . I
__W ,
I .
ly. acting directly upon tile blood.1
ers,"' answered t e managiJil; editor.
la rianctills-sairf-illes of tile RV9tem.
gor :father had diplomatically oug-.
estlinonl%is-sl-til, free. Prlce,75.-.-�erl
gested to her fhatWbeeler Brand might I
ottle. Sold bv all J)riu�gists. .
have written the is tory, This she founl �
Take Hill's Fam ily.Pills for constip.,
. .
* :
difficult to believe. But she inqst b& I
tiom. . .
convinced, abd one o f her motives , 12 �
I I �
be city editur. �
visiting the newspaper had been'to �
"Tile Sarrup - divorce - 1% up agala.
ask him-tO ask. him to tell her that be - -
wo, new corespondents Ia:anied." Ile
was not the author of the new atta*
ointed theiii out among the photos.
. On. her. fatheir. She* must see him and,
. .
McHenry drew a f6w lines on one
learn the truth from his lips alone.
f the photos and rang for the boy, .
",is Ut. Brand in the office, now?" 6134 -
, .
'Bring pe an - artist, Durkin," - he or-
asked- . �.
lered. The artist soon appeared.
"Yes I think so," . �
1,11pre," spoke up the managimi ed.1 J'
"Woilid. it be possible for me, to See!
to*r. "take these corespondents, and ,
un eat with the two you h,
ru .1 ad yester-
him?" . . I I I a �
fill. - I'll Send
"Why, yes'. If YOU W .
but fix tho%e, up d1frerout. Put a
hat oil one and the other in low neck,
for him." . . .
summoned the boy and
and .out Sarrup. himselfln the. middle
, told him to --ask. Mr. Brand tocome
with a dado of hearts around." ,Nlc-
� � .
i In." . ..
Ilaury changed his mind. 1ANo;.make
I "We've notleed"-Sbe, I begitated-"aR
it a: big question mark of cupids and
his friends have noticed that be!g b0 -
the caption 'WhIch of These Women
coming very. radied! ,lately,"' 'Judith
Does This Alan Love?' Yes, and frame
rose from.'.tbe chair and stepped nerv.- I
n his wife too. Three columns."
ously toWarti the editor's desk. I I
�'Yes, Sir," 'responded the. artist,
110b," he livaglied. -,,they all'get'that
starting away with the, photos . - ' -
� . when thef.re young. like lbe weasles.1 - - _
But Mcflenr� called him back, I
"And tDat's somethipg they all got
. I'lley!". he cried. "Make that 'Which
over, isn't it?" sho: asked eagerly. � .
of These Beautiful Women Does!"This
'A.Yes," responded Mellenry, stirring.. . I
. �
Man Love?"' I " - . .
as though to'leave the room. I I
.,,The artist ,bowe .
� I , ' 'd in acquiescence,'
Jbdlth stepped squarely in'frout of
I �
and escaped. . . . �� . .
. McHenry .took up another photo-']
his desk. . . . I , .
"But 1 don't- want to distgrb you.
I � . 11�. � I . � I �
I Can't I go to his oMce?"
,rap . I .
IIII4, w1iftt a beall.tyl'! Ile- Sail en- 0
I ii
"He liasn't got any oflice,and they're �
,. I
local room In tholi " I
tbusinstically. "*What's she I�Pel�do.
1 1
. .,
all bunched in the .- 1
Shirt. slqoVes smoking;, You wouldn't I
lug?'� ' . . � I
,�,Iie is Judith tartelmy,, tilt%. j-alge S �
I . '
like it. We haven tt.a � reception rboim." ; :
I&Honry -laughed. as he -spoke. i,
-1 , 'She gave'. .1 reveptioll to-
(I U-1iter.
I "
In Ills shirt.sleoves rolled to Ills iol� A,
(lily," a4swci:izd Downs, the elLy .ca-
. bows, with quick steps ,Ind soitiod 4�
itor. . .. .. .. . I I . .
sboulders, Wheeler' I;rand, ,o.ne ,of the ;
I . e
lligh socfptv� .all th�vo' as uslial, I
. .
I . . .
ablest meA on the. city. 84taff of -the ,
suppose !I I. n )Used Mc(fonr.tr� "The
. . . . lie I
Advance, strode Into the �Alice ok t' -k
Bari��[ ti-ro an ola� faintly, and
ilys . �
managing editor l6hrougli the door lead -t _ �
th,13live hold on to. sonie Ot- their
__ .. . I- - _.
I Ing from the city and telegrapli ro6mS. .111
- - . . . �
. v ,her 111) for 'two -110, lurce. Col- -
I pla.
__ .- -
-1--, . .. - _ -1 , , . 1,
)ped short both in bill
Then be, stor `�
. -
1111111".. M"Iy4e, it will aquarg-It with
. .
' -
steps -and" In Ills Speech, 419, had . I
the J1ld,0_T,pK what ,we did to film In "I
caughi sight of the mana,giulg editor's i
. I
, you,.c.
the paper 01s morning. xplaln
. I .
I Vj�ltor. VW, Judith' I be gas
"k ,pe& ,�,
to all artlSt." - . .
' "What in - ,�
heavou's Dame are you doing
I I .
. 11 Ul rl,iht ". . . . . ..
. � . . .
. . ds fafled ;
here? III-, At this point wor �
I -
. ..The . ,now bo'sts, &OIall, 'is coming'
- hinit and he stood staring at'her, With ',:'
. 1.
down to' 4061t us over tonight." added
. 1. . ,
hK.breast heaving violently As - the re- ��
. .
McUopry. 1. . . . .. ..
. I ... � !�
sult of his surprise. .
I "Wouder wb(�re N6111 Of bo w0ridug
The girl Was also deeply dlMurlied In
next. weekV, Was the city editovs re-
spite of her previous knowledge that�,
flly over. his shoulder as, h47 quickly ,
. I
she was to be confronted bythe, mart -
. .
I inadelbis e%'it. , I � .. . . . I .
she -loved. . I I . - .
". 11
X -he b6:, - came in and"laid'a card on.
I .
I NfeEleniy thought that -the moment
I the tilanaging editor's desk., ,, . ...
� bad arrived when 14 preseuc6 win."
'I ' judith Bartelmylil exdlaimed.
. 191 iss I
. .
no longer lipcossary. -. - I ��
I M I cU.enry as lie *glanced at it. "W611, �
� ,"Miss BarMlmy has asked to see you �
what do.you thinic of that, Mooro?10.
. .
fo , and .�
r' a few minuttes," he said, rising , � I �
"I Vs a kick sure, and!'-. - . �.
starting tQw.ard a door. �. ,,.You may,,,:
. - -
. the way,." interje�cted' McElonlry
-talk. here." � A handful of. proof sheeti; ��
. deliberately ' "this 'girl, Jbdith Bartel-
, - )e disappeared.-,
rustlea,in blig grasp as I � 4
my" Isn,t $110 engaged to Wheeler
. k I . I �
Wheeler Brand staited toward- th6-,�P'
� 11
r3raild? I � I . 1. . . . q
. . -1
girl. , - " � - * , . I � . ..
llscoms't-6 rn6 I've heard .someth1q.
. -, . I
- ,.,, - tile matter?" he,"
� s there anything .
.. -
� 1, It
. of the -sort, assented Moore v, 911ely.
. . . .
queried auxiously. . ., , . I .. . I
I .
. -,lVell, saine .here, and .Brand Wrote
- She hesitated 'befure_'l- answering.; ,,�'
. . .
that Story' tills .worning showing tip
. I i
, . I
Then sbe.spoke dotermiuedl�. '. * .1 . � I
. .
hor father, the JU01%e,:as a trick-ster,ot.
. ',1yes;'t-i�io'thJl1gs. Virst, you did nft ��
�(Lle woi�st, most dangerou,; sort, Now
c6me to my reception this. afternoon; .�.-
. I
tho'girl comes,to tills oTice-probably
secondly, thp.re is . that article about ,
I .., . IZ
.to defend ber dad. ESay, Moore"-tho
fathbr this tuornings-." . . I , I
I . . . .
. I
mptinagIn-.edlitor was becoming excited
,, . ; .
. . ��
.. ;
.13 couldn't get ofr from the bfflce to'J
I .
-"things *,ire. gettbag warm arolnkd,
attend itte ree6ptiort. arid I* ain n.71111 -'-
here. Brand cortainly-had Ills nerve
:. . I . . I � ..
ly sorry." lie protested... "Put as for S.
1. .
I'tbe.story about your fa:tber1we% (IQC�
. I ''. . I
. . ' . . . I
. �
- �ov h(Ireli", . �i
he rond
Witt him to hand, such a roast to his
, . .. .
I A, N�O. 136 didn't send m,e, 1 1111t 't i�
prostipetfve father-in-law.), . . .
. . .
. . '
couldn't ficip seeih�- how - dir'ni rbod heiAl
McEenry turned abruptly to'on e side
reached for his coat, I bich. he
. . . . I
was, andl'--� I I . I I
I -aAa - I I 7
� � . '
quickly'donned.' I
I *
1, ,:Then he knewyoii were conlln��'?" "
. . ,�,
' ��
,Why., yeo." �udlthwas trying hard;.
, I'Show her.1n," he calle%d to the boy.
. . . �,;!
� !
Moore hastily retreated from th6
I to Uhd6v.,zqaod what ne.mennt by R,%em. ,�
I ..
room as Judith BdrtelwY' entitted.
.Ing ont'lier: fillber's -1cnowivd,,,e*.ot74f1r,,j
leaving ..th , O'. Judge's' dau,�ihtef' alone
"present tulssloo�,6ne whibb ' was, to her 11
. I With . the ulanaging editor. hlellenry
decidedly. unpleasapt.___ , .,
. had 16ng flattered himself that he, -had_
. �
Wheeler was plainly Imprelssed, ttbdl'�
1. . i.
met many attrAklVe' �70mell In 111S
� �unfavorably so, tit the girl's,reply. "
. .
time, hut as. he rose. to meet Judith
"'Ohl".1le pJaculated disappointed)Y. !,.
� '
. .
. Bartelmy . and" snrveybd- this. fasb-
I I .
The quickly -thinkilig girl &tectedl.,
. . . ,�l
166bly gowned young woman ... lie
the sIgnifleant tone of the newspaperl.,
. I .
I . I . VF -.
I . . assed 'WritbrIs reply , alad. hastened to ex -0
made a mental -note that She surp . I L
. .
. . or-any'Sidknegs . '.
� I t, .! �--
.thbm *all,., Her blond features were of plait'. . . 1 �7
. �
. . . . I
� . . �; .
Vinol Crgates Strength
distinctly piitrician. cast. Her blue 'IT heard my. father say at - dinner -
' - that he feared there would be another"..
eyes.had the magnetic qualities so en - .
. . . � . �
vled,,by tbe.many less fortnnate we* - attack town r�roiw,ll she said, ,*and 1,
. HERE IS PROOF I ' - - �
men, and the. pure Whiteness of. her [hoped througli.'you'to prevent Its pub'At
. 9! After a attack of Grippe,
I -
finely -curvedp chin and neck was ad- --licatioll ,and to make the Advancoi
. . .long
Mrs. Vaught seeined unable to're-
' vantageously revealed by the low out - apologize -for what1t; said this mora-!,
� A .
cover lier Wength. Sile was' 'Very
collti'r of her princess 'gown of wine Ing. -I.don't.See how your papgr dardltit
I ng to -a , figure to publish such tbinzs.0_11��__: - I . .
colored silk Which C111 I .. _.,
weak and, had no appetite.
. . . .. .
that celebrated ait4sts had pronounced . . . IL .. �
NOL, rapidly. imprb�dd . -her Con&
. . I
I : .
Unusudl in its symmetry. Continued' Kbn !Pazek 7 � I
. tion and. vestored her t6 heafthi I
. "I desire -to complain about the:ar- . -, : l '�, �
. A.
I sincerely recommend its.use during,
., ...
- ticle attacking - my father this � n iorn- " .
. Vitl S . INN SIGE
I convalesc�n6e or� any Tgri� down
Ing," tile girl began. - " I ,�'�
.. . )
condition.' ' .
,,Yes?,O answered McHenry. - . � WILL GROW MORE MIR �
� .
I.. . .
� . JUDGu C, N, VAudnT, -
, - . "I wish an apology for It-" Parisian Sage Will stop fallitt
. I Huntsville, Ala.
. �.
i --Miss
1418 'this it message from your f'L- hair In two weeks -cure dandru
. . I . . I .
. Aber?" . in th� salAe time and stop acalpite
Adelhidd Ganim, of Water. -
"Thafs not th I at oned. It raukes the hair., sot
Q. poluL This, is the I
town, Wis., writes, a sevcre
. 11
rst time in his life that any one has ,ailky and
fi I As a ITair Dressing. I
. attack of the Grippe, my system
was "in a very weakened, nervous, t�
ventured t6 question his honor. Tho Parisian. Sage.1s without peer.
� cle is false, and I think your Ill%- .
arti coutains nothing that cau harld
run-down condition. ' I took V1- -
per should. .apologize for It-'Immedl- hair -it Is not sticky, 011Y or �gre
KOLA with the best of 'regfilfg;'
_ .
ately.�p 11 . . and prevbnts as well as cure4 I ,
*1 ..
. and it made me, feel better and
. . .
strouger than I have been for yeatsit'
1133efoi6 saylig as to ihaVl returned. oases ofthe scalp, I
the mana S a Wo�mefi and ohildren by tth6 tho �
1. Ve have, never sold ih our store
, . '�Jth
to'rofor the matter to the neWpro. I 'Bands use it daily as a dressing at
Mr. Noltin. -Von know,, It Is I lio, home Is complete ,without lit. i
a more valuible, he for
w6ak and run down 'persons than
not gustoniary for a. -iiewspapot to 'Money Back If it 'Palls. I., .
. Druggists and stokes eV .
back It Imys." " i
VINOL, and. we ask itich people in
take what . �guarahtee Parisian Sage
11 ..
The Judgelfi; daughter raised her eye- refund youjWioner af Tt f I I
. AreHdt�v wm,rA to aw tatep4oim
the sheets. "Billp 1*4 like to run that
one. -Senator Doering dead Yet!'* -
,,No. not YOU,
Who majaiging editor was disgMted.
, �;Abitwj"# 0 i#clsLlnle(L..1,11!l1 bet,04
� .� I .
.. --
this vicinity - to -try VINOL with
the ultideistandifig that their money
wift be returned"If it does not do,
all we claim, for it. �
v. s. P.. �WLMOS, Dkugglst, I I
. . Acunton, ont. �
brows in surprise as She drew 01096 to
Matenry's d0k. where he had resum-
, iod.hw seaL .
. - "I should think iote'd have, & good
many lawsuits,,, she suggested. P
1,0h, no; not many, We 90 UP t6,1116
UVA but, we .trv, no , 0
. � I . . . * .Uvt�pv�",#.
dru gi6t W�,&9.,Xolmos at b
thinVIs Of it. Ve sella it at 50 'tent
iper largd boftle, or you eftseoldr
. �jt 'by briall poattaid , frotn GirOU!
I manufac!tUting, o" Vort Erip, Oni
see Ithat the . g�irl with the 11 bur.,
) ,hqlr� is on, eAph aekage, S611 laul
, oaranteed by �Vr. 15.&'00404,
. , I