HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-23, Page 8-
r . qWW 11 I
. .. f - "W WIVI"- �w - I � . — - JP " -sli"M
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I I I . : ,* 1, 11 I � THS MINTON X11W $fix S - TgUNDA. . Y,fBBR-UAAY str I d aft I J
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, .':., - Couacte Root
I ' r"ll
1%, I
: f... .;`. Cellar - Costs Less I 4an
I . .
. I `
I I , � r
I,:- ,� U,
� TV, ood and is Much More
. .
V "I ''
i� .
e 1:1 / .
, .
�� L � Durable
Ir .1 ,.
� I'
I .1 .
�11'. I
.- I _ Cement is particularly adapted to the con4
, I -
11 . �
" , , Struction of Root Cellar floors and walls.
1, . .
1, 1. � -
1- ., � , 'Uxperience proves that for the farmer, Con -
I .
ii i' " r crete is su cri6r to wood in every ,point of
� � -, t � I- con1parison. p .1
P.. �,� - .�
�,�- . . .
I,% I I Concrete permits of a desirable dggree
,� � �, Qf coolness without freezing. There is no
11 . �
11 .
" � I I ,-question as to its dur4bility. Concrete lasts,
I . not for years, but for ages; and needs no
I �
�' , �1- repair. I
I ,
I 1.
I . � I Anvone who has scooped vegetables from
I 11 I , '. ,_ the Q'I'd plank Poor will appreciate the fact that
. '
I �,:. , 1, - off
, Com.rct- .crs a smooth, continuous surface
. I The *arlouo uses to which
,., 0, Concrete may) be profitably, ,
W;lr - '4 , put, on the farin, are plainly
and lAulply in our 160 -page
) book, .
. "What the Former Can-
, Do With Concrete'
which sbow$ how the following
11 , ' farm buildings and utili0est,com
I 11 *, I !�, lk I . loo coustruote4t ot concreo�-
"... 'a I I � Barn*, 01stArns, DaIrlem, Dip -
A, ,
I it. , A- pInp Tanks, Foundation&, Pence
, I jA , 4. - Postes Foo0no Floors. Qutters,
. 14enal Nests.' Hitching Posts,
. I ' Here* Block*, 111".olis, Poul -
Shelter Walls*, $tables, .4tAirs,
- Troughs,
0, =,4tePat Tanks,.
� and to MAN , I
� Sond for It -It's free--tbougli
It regularly sells for 60c. Write
to�44y. .
%*� I - .
�,%.; �
mar send '11111�� . CEMENT CO.,
... . — .
- �S.6,`
Me 4 CM _,N
of W,%at t4 �, I I � bmited
Irarmor Can no , . 51-60 National Rank
,With Concrete.'* . 1� �, Building, .
Name ......... q ........ � ...... . MONTREAL
Address ........... 4 "L .......... '%- I
. , I
hard tbing." Few are filled with the
lispirit Jain for tbat, reason. it I% a hard
� � .
I 'Vinottur tuity Ott regillitteu alovul-041fix
thlug-not bard for God to grant, but
to tho, atuount 9V work they are coliA.
,elted to do. Much of tho risk at foal.
for us to be, willing to receive. accord-
log Is. eliminated by careful feeding.
*lug to Luke xly. 20. 2T. 33. Uany are
called, but few are Clio n. for th
19er supply ot,utllk may be regulated
� .
so that it will .not for m- 4 bard and
salne reason. I
I bave otten tried to Picture lboft
c4kett udder, I bellevo,alt a, role, that
two inea as . they walked ou togetber,
It to safer to withhold 411 rich milli;
We war not know Wh1eh Way 01130
prod"clug foods for st few days bo�
looked, but the" can be no doubt
fore she Is due to foal. After ob* box
foaled, especially It *be give* the
ab**4 =1049L, toe his receiving his
promise ot'beft; sk M*vy milker,she
loomVo desire depended upou tils see-
.01hould be 04 very sparel;r quU4 tier �
WC =J#A when be was taken from
M#k dow to regulated to meet the de -
Ulm How could there be a more stead-
ma,444 of the colt Amd otbawbe It
fast bebolding of it person? It we
. ,
the mare. to a aciluty milker she should
looke4 up u steadfastly into heaven
be 'fed a �ioore libeml. ration of millic
as $tepbou did. (&cts v%, ,55) there
'woo�d Jesus In
proilticitlig food!x.
be more of seen our
lived, I , L .
. colts. should be taught to "t grain
Well the whirlwind, came, and the
wtth their dam before they are wega-
bore" and chariot of fire, And Elijah
ed. Teaeb them to stand tied with a
!MsbA goLw It,, and.,
wa# taken4 and r
balter. About six montbB ot age Is.
reading his own mantle lu. two pieces,
tile proper tlipe'to, wean a strong colit
he took up. the mantle of Elijah that
Many g000l. -horsemen prefer to wean
fell- from him and went back and stood
M" at once, while others wean them
by Jordan. Elijah Is gone, but not
more kradually, allowing them to ancl;
so the God of Elijah. . . -
once or twice a day before they are
With the mantle Of 11111ofi he smote
taken away entirely. When the vol�
the waters 'and said, "Where Ik the -
to taken away the mare, should be
Lord, God of Elijah?" The waters dt.
watched, and her udder obouid.
. .be
vided; ind Ellsba went over, and the �
bathed at 'least once every day with � I
sons of the prophets who ivere watch.
e6ld water and spirits of camphor.
Jug said, "The spirit of Elijah dotb
This-Oles up the mill.- glah ds and pre -
rest on Blisli.a.po Some peoplp took
yento the uddbr from 1�ecomiug caked.
knowledge of Peter and John that they
4nd feverlsAi. i believe that the colt
sliould be trained to do Itg,ht ko'rk
hfid been with Jesusi and there should
be 4 savor of Him In, tile lives of all,
during. the third ye= . . I
Ws, people (Acts ir, 13; IP Cor. It, 14,
. . ., . I .
15). To the sons of the prophets, per-
No Profit In Scrubs. I
sistent plea that they might go and
It Is not eliough to. -raise crops and
search for Mijah, Ellsha. finally yield.
live stock. They must be marketed.
ed. They rkurned'efter three days of
Wben,f Y011 COX%�W�,01119-_thisl hOVrl
vain searching and confessed that they
inuch easier It Is to, sell if these crops
could not find him; There may be
or stock are of' higti quality and how
suA searching when the- church has'
much better prices are realized. It.
been. taken. . We- next I see Zlijah In
really' 'costs but little more to ralse
IX if it 11 is . I
good stuff than it does to ralse-noor.
I 0�
- . . I . �.
. . . I I QFL NO PAY .
. .
. I . -
I I . .. �QEA0ER,1`,LjZFV)u P, victim? 'lave you lost .
, . 0 t�cArej,Otl Intending to MUM? .
. " as your b o een , Iseased? Nave you any I
., . w . 1P � as? Our Now Method Treatmentwill
I I . , CU on. It bas donei for. others it will
I I . � I . or U. ultatign Fro". 'No Matter �
i I - . . wbo as tre on, write for an honest. I .
. 11 . o I Ion re Ch- -
i . . d, F. I a" Frteo - . .
�� d.. llf.&J� I... rz
- .,., . ..,. I I.. ) a I a of en. .
. I . . ,
NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No imaines, on %axes or. envel- . I
opes, Ever�thlnr Confi4lential. estion list and Cost of Treabsent FREE FOR HQMI�
. .
Me _/
.Cor. Michigan Ave. gind Griswold St., Detroit,, Aichs, . .
. , . � � * .
INFI All ietters from Canada must be addressed , I
OINOTICE. to our Canadian. Coxv4spondence Depaft-*
. - . I w ment in.Windsor, Ont. If you desire to �
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat I
no patients in our Windsor. offices which, are for Correspondence and,
Laboratory for Canadian business only, A44.rpss all letters as foll,ows<- I
0 *. DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. 0
Write for our private address, .' . I . .
11 I 1. - . -,. * .�i � , . I I , , I aU. 06Y " V0 a- We � I . . .1 1 - I --- -_ ---
I .�wkh no projecting plank ends or nails to t , .. , t . . .- . . . " and good stull! solls itsele �nV�. . I . . .
.! � . . 4 � �imll( .. .. .- ,-- __ ,. � - . :-1 -.-.-..- ___ �
. . I . _.____... I -_ - � . - -_ -
. I .
I � .
. - 11111 . . � I .
�� 1, �amage the scoop or ruffle the temper of the . � ". I- "� _.
. "n". - � � - 0 I,- � "., f" . I I �. � .1. I � . . .. - 1. .... � I .1 . 1.
. . . — . .
.. . It, , � , _. . . ,. . � .. . . . I _:1 _ .. .,.�. .. I ..,. I.- � .. � � . '
V�V- � scooper. . � - I . . . �. 777777 . ", . f� I � - To Keep HDos- Whore The 8 I eumt.4 ivuwy ruivor,; wem aircuiatea
. I . I .- �,
_ y a ong �
1. , ' renle,ly tho ituation. buV � �, - .
. . - . of rulkVils to
� . - - ... , Biwin,g DoWn. .... . This will 'Illustrate a , atice '
11.1 - =01 I I M", CUM 11. I - , 1. f . .pontriv . appart,utly tl: ! vithout foun- ' �
il 11 MW"� - . . - I . . I I APRIL 4 THE DATE I
I 11 11.1 ___ - I 1K � . I - . I I . .. 141 which I am uVing .' ond- . I : . dation. Tlw niost versistenj..Of all Nlas -
1 14T3;____ - - - - - 1. - ____ __ I � _ .. __ , 4' - 1, s 1. .- . I I I . . .' . I I
, - at Stockman and � r. .
: , _. . � I Pains. ent of the N a tjoo'n' _-__.___11 . . 1, .
,. , 11,41 &%Z 4aight I Kings xyll, 2, 8; xvill, 1; xix, 0, . I I . . . . . ..� ..".4t, . -, . , . . . . . %. I I -011e that- �4:�natfjL' Abirieh, fanwd for , .
, .� __ . . I... �. - . . . . . . ___ . . . .. Variner. -It betcornes ,necessary some- , � I . wlftlilng -leg-i'lativo. b'lit:e,z;, which his I I I .
xkl, I7, 28; It Kings I, 3, 13). In the th,u Ineftlent.; colillected t1wetAvith.. �vhat woman ,it somet.mc Or 0 the, times to inulture tidjoining fields with EXtfa Session WIN Prol:iably'Be collenguee,. thought lbst, was s�eedhig I
;, 'N L i previ(Ills chapter In connection with � . attle and horses, leAving the hogs in � Call I d �* . � .
� SO , DRf UHNI 1 ' W.Washilkgtoll at the ur-0mrsolicita-
. �,. Onik these twQ bay(, ever left tile earth does not experience these dreadful c . . . 6 9; That Dd,y. . . .
1, � . 1 I �
I N't.", ges. from bearen to Ulijab without dying. but it 'went f'orupliny bearing down, pains. Mrs. E, Grif- either fic-ld. MY� Plan J.5 this: Nall Q . . .
M -.�: i the messa � . I —_ . . .tion of Prvslcl�,nt Taft to take charge' ,.; ;
. !:.: I I . . I.. . I
.1t . rres all that is will have tills privilpge . IN*,,) 0 , iltb, Main street. Hepworth, ,out., boards. from tlie. grounil up, any aboui* . . I .. , e , A tile, situation in tile Seftaue. � , .
,, oson X.—Prst Quarter, For notice bow God, obse � n jesils lays, 14A heavy *b6arin�-dowlv pain sixteen, lnehes,-'at or' u . . The Mdrich. rumor, apparently, wis ' .
, I done for or again,st 111m, and -also shall come to the ;ilr for Ills r6urch ,' - . I I Pon the main. 'NOTHING DOINq T11S SITTIM '
, , ,,, -tad. settled across nly � - � . . -ram wbich tbo
�"; , I I ba,cic , and - : . . I . .. . � a distortion of a I.,!,-
'. , - ' . . . � .
,, , ; how I -le tells Ills serv�nts when to'go (I Cor. xv, 5L. 52; I.Thesss. lT 1618).. . . .. -
,", March 5, 191 1. I . � sides. I was qften unable tb'st6op .. I . . I � . 1. . . 'ienator �vnt from Jvkvll Island, Ga.,
11 . . � . _ .--. ,. i -
� . . .
" I., , or stay. **The ways of man are .be-. There Is a fearfut nt-vord'In I'1'ev-;_XIk,. or sialghten myself lui), : Many I. . . ,iiiklng t' 'Idt - a - _.". � I. 1,�� arral6giKlAor . . �'
. .� �� . . I I . — _ , . . . r , .4 � ' I ,
., . - '411,111 be st lntb� tixnes each nikht I would haVe to . . ,ini in f4wor',of t , I .Cid: .h�A i
,� I fore the eyes of .the Lord, and lie pon �2% of t1ro'nlpn i)*ilo . - C"'Cis t I ntb � I It �. t t
t_ , . I � . I . I __m' � . - . Is Now. Too Latio For There to Be .
,�,i.�' I dereth all his'goings" - (ProV. v, 21). . the lake of fire NvIthouf dying., . . I . . .
I .
" I , -H I E INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ' 11 . leave my -bed With the irregular and- I � 1111,11111 , I I Any. *Hppe. That - the ,170ciprocity ,wrl es to a vi -4'. T�,.:� ,.--.,,I ,11, . . I
Note the fire from heaven in chapter This lesson stor.3, of the translation frequeini see�etloqs . of.. -the kid-* .� 1. I - ", - -1 .. Treaty . I - .,A. S! a mattor ,4 ,�,ol� ri,j o n. bt-lieves.
� -` ': " - . , .. I . . Wi I I Go' T,irough- Before the. ,,hat IN, c;wirin-r , f �!,uator Aldrich � � .
�i �,.. , 1,10, 12. and compare Rev. vi. 5. - neys and. just as - done -dut in the . - .
',"'), : of Elijah ind tile beautift.l.derdtion. ' "I'll" - . - - ,.:= � * I
,,�_, , We should bare noticed in. la'st. les'- of Ellsba W one of the indst.fawAriat- morning as"On retiring. I Was g .= ! :: .. End -of the WexIc - Even the Would altvi. 'tho J.'11:-.1;wl ill 1.(,.AT)v:,et 14) �
. I � . .
tm,=�4t . , , � 4, I �: Z1.41) rV
, . . I , ,
Vat the Lesson, 11 Kings ii, 1-18. . -aid and would. . . - ,I . - - �� '. � , �t -1 . . tho MeCall hi!�. - )�. up- . I . I
. . . � =" , �
- so ,rfpturo sind lhtensply 'praC7 . . .,�.��-; � ' -td ,.11!�t -i.. 0%l..;TJ - . . .
n the penitence of Ahab: and the Ing in Sc .. in "=: I . Corhing of 'S..,rintor , Aldrich .
,��,M,;t�uiry Versep, 11, 12 -Golden Text, An"y 1 I ,,.� Or - I)v ,�, Ill �4'-� 13*6,� : . .
"' , ... Lord's forbeaiance and long suffeAtig tica'l. -The * .. aoi�e intillintely . have to let - . . &*-za.. -11 * . . I I I
* .
-_-1111 .V .24--C .y tire ii . . . a , _.rJ%"k,..,._ I .; ....", -,.i- . ood. � tow; Gliml ni.-d ji�;� .1 -i),�r.-r Tnt,urgonli , , I 11 I
� .1 I I., . . .. . . � � . . . . . ,
. 1 4 (I Kings xxi, 27-29). Truly He Is'not socl d" A, ,4:��, . . . )� .
ommentary Prepared by Is' housei �- -stand. Would Do Little ' G
i..", ;�'��i - , ated bore tbah anyvybere else, and stan . . No-- ; I ARamt . . . llepulylivall�. T1.1, ! -,.k ni ol! Mr. Aid- . -.%. I
. . .FOR HOGS. .
, � , -
, ,�.,,�,� . . D. M. Stearns. willing that any should perish (11 Pet. , the'ir names, which are mentioned Over 17 , . . . Waahlngt6n, .Fcb.. 2,,. -So pr6bable rich. an;l vay -t -, ,-N* hiju to force . ...
,�J,- t, � � . thin g I - had -, Errdrh the Na.09nal Stockmau and V&KM-, i . a ;1� . _ , . I . I � I
� - . . . I it that an oxtya ��,ion Vf Congress .tlle ct)l, ',l:4l,t' - bi*l . ..
R !1 '" We Come to Elijah's farewell to ill, 9). . . I . gnify tried . would , .., er.1 . I . _jill, n t,.,4:,i., E vpfj,n-thi-�
. twenty times In our lesson and sf. ___ . - . , ,
. I . . , ,
. ),-�;;7_ .- - . . ... _.�.r....-Ith., .,:_Nyn,Nv .... we.._�aroe,.hi. Qvr.J.q;59Z4_,R� to-,.'_1'M:K God is bene.f it nt;e� I � . . I ; ... �. will be neevs.,ofry ill .ur'der to got -Uc- %&�Jla"", W'O"I I 1"', ":!,p ."Ill!;ill'y a red I I
,,G0. Is Jbildvah" and '%y � . �
- -for the present we inig w - , �,Tp�___ . I .
�. "-W " .�''f _]JIm,. gate poists. .Then plint two stub postsi ti.0
I , %ie in *tfi,e` �'�itfiaiiou, are so SUgge�§tlye o L . . n on the GAiridu:,in r2e.tilr,)eity ugz,,t�_ I �.
.�trth . i, -lear4ed - ,*,of� ('-.It. I. � � , flar, in tile ta""'4 �, ,,I 61liL. It would
I 1- I . . day ,to something wholly uni � , �- 11 . ;; I- %W . !W0116t� -from -gate metur,that ,,I-'re-�',�.1,�--i�t�-.rt2wft'�;4 tjS_:J_fX .. I .
I .1 ew and polader his dl- BoOtli�s'Kldney .. . say 'a out:, 6urt6brl . *s�,I, .; . . 1i .. . - . �: 4 '. *
. out pFofit revi Bible story, for, although Enoch also With whom they both waliced. - :, - I . I 1.1 .�tdl . 4 1. - .. . firifjw'�- .t,�i;,;4-��j-;,O.:.;..-Ii""".)�e�14: ,,of �, , .
." .11, . . .4 I . . �1� . � I
I ' . . Pills and con posts, nallhig boti.Md to them also, . April- 4 as *ibe diale oll. which suQ11.,1 , �fplii:ltl h,!.t4(xti,!`i'.'1, 4olly 10-,lrt�11814, �
. .
ri* . rd, which, 101116ba's oft.re ea;ed "As the.Lord I -Thi . 1 1 ''
., � memiages, from the Lo ww% transIRted.'-wre hnve'no rbedrd'Af .
, 4 � . . I p . . eltided". �d 4ame, height. ' -. principal Is this: session ulay be ead.,d, . � .. I fy th e , 1.1 1 4 11 .� .!"! � ". t., p�rll i - ag�lillst .tile*� .. I �
� I I . -The- April dat' �va-, sp'ectad t r 'orrlv.11l�' , . -
, ,, )Lmve counted comectly, were luat I . � , . liveth and as.tb soul liveth-V-Will t Tnem -4he c4ttle 4nd h1)-se.q-(.-.jiu ste7p,Qver 'r . . af e -Not t1r. but hiq friend. , , I
.. . I � . . . y . ., ry I . I . 0 . . . I tre.
T !.41. I . � . . - . �. not leave tbee", (vers" 2_4, 6) remind" ' - - , . . . I *� I . :1 . .. . betwe;n thesh obstruction.9,- w Itation. wita Cha.nip Clark. whp- . invast r,�io * I
.111 - . bile the e0rlsu ship 10r.the i�lll I ,ii,,stionobly �%,;Dald
XP11__ - . .11 . . . .. I � . W! . Ill be 'Sp - eaker of the iidxt Hous*-, . - I
(7- � - -.! - - . - �!___._T1__ --- - - - _ ____ __._ - _ - . .us of the detQtiou 0 Ruth to Naoint .wh,icb( I did, and . 'soon. found the' hdgs cannot-JutupAhvill. ,Tbey cuu.go . alienate s�oltie .of li`� hoFt frionds,'like,
� I � , '
' * '
,,.,.� . . . .. and of Ittal to David fQr the make of 10,19 .sought . relief. My. back . . alid .PLepresent�ative'U.i.i,d(�rwoi)iI oi Al�- - a -� 'tmib��r, Snwot, and, . . .
- . ,
� - ,_ . . . I 111rou'gh or bftwven. butAu .or&r.to' � enatols Ha'e, .Nlc:(
, I i t . . the. God of Israel .1, 16 i7- 0' streakthened and I began to feel . buma, who will,bt!;ehairriv�m7 of the otbers,who aided.'h;m in framing iho'
% �
I . . . . . (Ruth I " I I . � -t'L , Juilip ou� hogstlip 11111-st ""ll"e" ' hlr-�; ways and meami conintittev, - Nvhi'ch Ulayne-Aldrfel ift I ' . but,who are - - ,
�� . .. ... bet ir'and -stronger. I now..enjoy . , *
� sam. xv, 21). self. as this -last lirraugetnent 1)r(,V(,,ntq 1 1 ' " " ' �
. . .. ' ' ' My sleep without being disturbed . . will ha:vaiellarg�� i)f and rs-Imettlieje- t.)Pposed to- t1 I '8' i ' ' . ., � .
"', The exprewlions ' "So' �hey welet," iv 1( ,'Wiai't' agreeinent__ �. .
.... . . . . . I 'Booth's Kid- him from talcing this square'positIOD.. I - 4 1,
.. 0 1 - and feel grateful to - . I . I ciprocity bilr fi�: 0w *15ouse; . q:, ce agains
i", -.1 - 1. "$o: they came.". ';A,�y tvio went on," ney. Pills f or �what they did fof me'. - .. I .1. �. ..� - I . . . hKenator McC/m1wr spol b :: .
T, , . I 0 .. ."They two stood,", "They 7two went I '_ * � . . I .1 . The'Pm.9ident had hitendeid to con� Llile bill Saturdfiy,'biis.ing his 'IT u.,nent , . 10 . .
'..., . . . . . Booth's Kidney -Pills are a fts, e extra s�r.-;on at oil earlier, upon the dislistrous offect... ,
,,�; a � �� boon , Shutting .Off Dra . Vene th , - . � h5i .he . ,
:1 , I I Qv4r,#1 ko , ' " � wonien. She would know � 'wives C:ark " ",
,;.'-,'.,-: Tbayptill went on and t�lked` boon to I .
?,I�i�g;` . rDv6ry,erncli-. crevi(T.or hole. tn or .,iate, hut Repre�.',, and id its- �,na .unew wo.41d have upon .
� _ . .
" k-`;:� . . .(verses 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11), suggest.to iid; 16ss'ot backabheff if she took raore ftboui the wi.udo*s Ili. whic.-b-'Pil. I tats are . 'ilderwo 1. V the farming i I ndust,y. . - I . . .
11'111� 1. . of these.wonderful pills. They aria - . I I u od told 1� i I.- that they would . I . 1�
..." I . the 'possibiliti . of su6b a . fellowship kelA during winter should be el6sed by like: to have a nionth's tilhe aft r the ..- - I - .. . . .
,i,ll , . . I I , . . I . L. . . .
, I *
I ','�. � with tile Lord Jesus Christ Himself, I natur0a ireatest specific 1or all.. ' Des, present' Congress adjourns iii''which . , . � I I 1. . ... . .
I . seeing no one but Jesus only.with our- . cl�seases of the' kidneys and blad phi;iing baVee.over ifie sHpaller o map out t1w Dentocritti plans for � I . . . I . I 1 . e` .. I .
' - . s(umfig wit h. sort pa lwr� ol- rags -the to .. bir. X Pe.. at r. Sei%fously lit. .. ,,
.. der � A . lt driiggists, 50c. box, or O'st , ' th next�.vssioii. . . . . . I �
selves and so occupied with Rio that � WI;1 from -ger and wherever 1. 'a' -' - - - - I
I I - 1_ Jp__ . P - The R. X, Booth Co.,.ttd. lai t c, a be em There wa,�*iw cl.auge iri_the.situa� Atlantic City, N.J.. Feb. 27. ,Sir At . % ''
, � we shall be blind -and dea'f to all but, -Fort -Hrle, Ont, Sold and guarante- vidyod ilillnz with well beaten nutt.y. . ' pbonse. Pelleti,er: governor of Qtv,be'e, .
.I- . . , . . . tion in the 16enate Saturday r.Vgarding- . . .
I.- . '' to - Ix, .. . . 1. . 1. � .. ou� .
, Him.(HarIc 8; Acts xxii, .11). �'The eed by W. S.:R. H L-nalesi I is Seri , '. ,xea
. ; 1, , �,:- .,,..:. , . . . . . _ . . 9 . � ., . � . .. I . the Canad -; dy Ill at, the Chel, �
. . . I I I . . fail rem; rocity agrtT.nient
. " r
r ',.:�* * , . 6ur places mentloned,are easily pug- , .. . - . I . . . �__ � . I ' .1 . I ' here. Go )el . : -
,:. ... - . I ., I .. . . . . � and the leadvr.,� svo no hope'of bring- vernor tier daine to the .. .
, I ,� �.. . 1-o,v' , . � : � . *. � . . I - , I . � . . I �t I I 6h,r� �boiit ,two " Q�ks ago, He hai . � � .
. , _ ,gestiveof differ t,s ges.of:Chilstlail � . ., �. . I . ., .. � 'to myote 'at'llhis .-;esslo
I ��� .... .:. en tn. . � � . . . :
. . ;;�; m. 11 �W J . .. . " I . .. . I . : I . ing a the Me- 1
�. �.-,,-* ........... I . . I
.... ....,".1, 11 . . . . . ,. E�'.-�� . exp(-rience, Gil � . . . . .. . 11 I., I � :I- : : . . . , . -ry * I into been .Unable to ave Ws � Ilotet folt. . I I * �
� A ',.:.;_.,....... I I . . . . I . - Call* bill 'to (�ai ,liv agre6u ent - . .. : . �
�, . . . . . gal reminding vs,of the. � ' ' . I . . . .1 .1 — . I - y a week. ,
a., i �, .. .%.. . I reproach of Bgvpt rolled' a*av,, the - . - - I .. , . . . �. . � -e I I .. . . . ,nearl �. .. . �� 1. . - . . .1 . 1.
::: .. %.-':...... .,,�.A: I , . � . . . . . .
- ; .:: .., I - . - RAISING DRAFT:HORSES .. :1 . . I � � .1 - ^ , '. I .
: . ;.:� I % � . .
��.. .... .. ...� - . I V E . .. 1 . .
. - % - v, 9, :10)., - - - .-'�� � .. 11 . :"*j � 11 I I .
. , ... . . past*under the blo6d Josh . ,, , . , . -M"THERS! : :" . . . .
I , .. - . . � I . - 4�: 1 . . I I , . I .
... .. ...�� . . I I I ' . - , . . ; . . , . ,� I . . I � . .
...'.. .:. -of visioxis'of.God, Minis- . . I � . .. I . . . . . � .
,:,�",.� .. Bettiel telis . . . . . - . . I. . . . .1 11 .. .. �
". . � � � _7771 , . . I . I I . .. .11 I I � . .
. . I . . . . ..I .
. 1��. .:: .:�'. - -6 1 .Carejul. Handling and* Proper Matitiq ..� . .. . .. I _. _ 11 — 1. . ...... ; ........... �_. I __ 4 , ""' .
N. . , * � t6ring angels, tc�: Jericho was. -wher4 , , . . � . . . . _11 I I _`_ . . . � . "I . .
-... -
.. ...".'... --=k - - Insure 15uc�ie�i . ,Preserve Your Children's air, . . . . : - I . . � �
".""w; . .
'. 'n . � I appeared to Joshua,, . , . S. .. , � . � � . � . .. MI-im. - . 1. . . 6". ,,,, " � 1. . .
, mptaln � .. . � � .
h. �:. "I ; - 7-7�,!�� 1�-`.`- -Alla-mew cl_ , . . . . . . . . I . . . .
. . . . . . I
. -i - . v the averftge farm- � - . ___ . . . .1. . � . . .:
... ",:.. " .,*' - '" . .�b round of ille. city I would not advis 1, ' - ' I ' Inz
. ,+ . .. and the thirteen ' ' . , 12� . -
:..: "' 1. r ., .. . I I .
,�. . . .,
..-:. �,:_. � ' I a "! - .
'. �'._.`. �:_. � 31
. . it ' 'd "I'll"', ,
.... 1. � - - -er-to go 16to ,* ' 'attig, ' tver biother shoi:ad gee that liet .
, � . � I . alls - - , the biminess -of Ordi- s' C . is , dxess6d - -Mc - V -
. ., . - this Indicate - .eluping draft'bur�, i J1, no -f* ..i
1� brought do*n lhe,iw dr Y W h. they, - n .M'r Cie q4
. . - .1 en Is hair�- A -.:, - � er I I .
: 'UY6'vonderful hair - � .
, , . � I � z _� - . . . .. ,
.11 .1.1 . '. All ,s p*rogr6ss In the grow1ug qbddev . � , , . �
"I.; -.4, . �, , i� � � . Fs he 1§ a good ' ' ,- Parksian So e, � gern : . . . . I . . .. . . I I I .
,,. 14',f.-_, . divine life, but there Is always -more for -the Tuilrk6t� iinie' .. I . ., i. . . . I . . 1. . . .. I
"". : . . � I . . .restorer an nicide.', . . . . I .
�-;_�,%_,. .....- ,� -, FLO . 1% A little' . . � a
-;:� .. . . . for us to enjojr, and we will'increas- Ifeedep a n (I ltatnral)� mko, prifie'lli neglect ,on your - pdrt.now. Ina ON .. : C, is 'I .r. * . I
.. "IWCIM� � �17� I 611P -p0Wk'6.SSl01;S 'if WO . . . . . wh y . . . . "
0: �WC771-11N � -ses, writos a corre-. - n1 e o r. . A - ed ".
I __ z" " ,-- 1� f beauty n ' ...-Locot"'' to '.: tam ...�
� . " - ., I Imadfilig tile h4t I can ' muchloss - 4D I ". .. . � t I " . . I .
� . ."*--.1:.. � /' I : wholQ:4eartedly follow on (Obad. xvii,, - I your girl 9�rows up - - . �r'li-.L...":n-7� "t',._'. . . � I � . I . . . . . . . .1
. .", I ,kinan. ' � ,. . .
�, .7i�, .. 1_111� " . - . .. snolld�,lyt. of tile.. Natl6flal '6toi . I I ___..' ' . -- - - . . . 1. I I . . . . .. I
� - .�,�\%� ...... � ',%'A . .. 110S. vi, 3i. . . . . . I .. , � . . 'Prevention Better than Cure . I .., .1 . . . I .. . . . . . . I -
. .
... . I - It ru(1nfN,s.�rbvr,lJL';e . 7- 7 o --! - - � . I .
;: . I I . 11 - I __T(_)_r11r11FftTrs_ (Illestion. "AsIt what I. 1. . I . '(1(lip-g. �6 gri)w n-nd' - - Parlsian.Sage is a rig -idly guaran- . -., I � L. . I- .. . .. . . .
, �7-, . . � . es `hlI The'-,Suffe'rer -H,7'4.B-e'e's".%Giyeh Up .,-..s T Incurdble-by ' '
. 4 1 twolierly develop tho! bigh grado draft ' tceo..liai� restorer,. and cur . .
I 1� . __ A sliall do f(;P'-t hee." - B ,iisha �proinptly rew . . . 8'.1 L .
. .
.�- , . - .111 � I � - i . h1J 1, 6 L, I I and tile, aettMl' dltye�`tlllek, scalp, disease prevents hair fro& * - .5everal Ddcto I rs-": lo §Pilts I Tre,aftnent, AbO Fallod I
, In
., . . .- . ])]led, -"L(,t a dotble,porlion of, thy . . . ,ht- . kind . . falling out and createmrich lux- I , I .. .
- , �
(Z ;,� I __J�_ I . I!,splift, 11o'.1.1ron ine"i (vormp 0y. lvlien' cost *betwoon &owing. tile ri'L., I mt,growth of hair; a glory, to - '_n_Dr. WHIisms' Pink'Pllls.Worhed tile- M i v� C1 o -, .
. .
I 11 ;� � � . .13,114111 _:... -11'.1A 1....'li'4xv'Iv,,d pasl;ed' 11lid..niongrel-4- Is s,) t,!nall trint It is. to -woman and the pride -of man, . I I I . . I I . . . I
"I P I � I . � �
�::k I . '� 11 � I throu�,-WNV(! do lvq,xvolldor that ho sak! �blly .t6-.,-) int(i VIC' bliAllit-sz; -with a , , A pleasa�nthair - dresslng�ladies Befort, 1he dlscqr('1r'y of Dr;'%11- Hinns' Pink Pills, lonoiliolor ,itaxia ' -
. I . . . , ., -
I . .
�' : I I to tile livin 1XI!W'.�_'1:1tod .1 gloul")e P) 'Ives' '1110 e Ice .
1: 4, � �� L . . . r. l(A 00 0113 .q(TIJ) '110. I ( , lep Tid 1i it an , your, drugglst . WA'R, w�x,, considered aA ineura))P- di.4oa se. It has been, full,.- demonqtratvd
Vll,�I% 11. 't .rN.lv4i. n., upon the gviidl qualives. ot. . . Lizjvvevor, that this disZasd can .be mir%,(l, -thrqugj� th nse Of
,� ; �, I 01,�m af 111,; N. I the sullju)u� Holrn�'s guarantees every bottle. these - .
, .1. -
. 1. � .Ar;!. . I 11 '�' .: I .
I I I . I . .. . . 1 . -- MAIV!111 liiid he sells at Me, and stands . pIlls. . �� . � . !. . . .-. ,
I . . to co; "o.et. tbit natural wea that . . . . . 11 ;
I . I I . I
� . . I t -.1. � I .1. - . ... . iq " .. read to refun:a your Inoney if it . ', 1, ci� , ano.tQr- Ataxia' i's a disetow. ot flieVinal �eord and fir,96- , shows, i�
. . . � � I I (infisrullf!0s �C. . . e niares., . 'ill, . wan* , -
. . � . . ..� . . I ' i ,Pet -i�Own'.1he eNe� -ire closed, or ;In .
.1 � - --------- I .1ailaU do its w(3r1c. '13y'mail post� its,-Ifehi ah inability to Atalyd 01 .
-��Z----Z�___ "__.___,__.,�_ .. wh� koo,w.; 1p.�w tb-fet-d avd lrevn,liis - "
. . _. . . . . aaid from Giroux : Manufacturing ' t h,, charact ( rjZ�'(l . I ,y pe(,Wiat. digt�rba:ncas of the galt,� -
. . I dark. IL is ..
F -1 - - I . I .. I ___%V�,rk toalb In ,��.nqqj . - I � I .
-, .
' -,-; Ve'k'l �ll�(li'ai.(.)-O".'.-��t?..(I)n'- Co., Port 1�riO, QAt.' Seo -that. tho '111(l -d ;Vornillo* themotions of thq legi. One.of thi,
. � ,(Ii��t-)-,-C�,1,-D-.4-11;.'-.U�lFc-i " vNV Ill u. . ' I -- ___ -Yu—rn XtA 1 `rx ao n -e -acli- . Vi,:Ailty in gc
I I kt 4 I I � ' Ail wl S_f-Aft-(r-(WV' ' ing.-paxticulai ., .1
. . " ' U0 .11F . .
. * ' IQ I IV(,, - -t , ii -A, - li,ti,-jt. ,5,1;n,;-1s-a-t!r0dfe61 !Jr-lioted Ill
. I ' '_ --- -.-
. Ared'diolltws in a'l,;,,1r.oI 14 o o a urood 0, ,1r,l,k', ' Icl a guaranteed , tll�,. it.,,prg all(l ankl,4.' . Tl�'i'ri �ensar'tioll' 111i prci��Okc,(J by ,sliv.,Ixt exorti . . ,
* - ... 'it- t -e .nd
� ,. . . I . ____ - N . I - - - �_ , , !"es a Ili - I gro . ',V' . twl"ses - y V ['g (� �o . . _ . . I . .
' PROVE PSY CHI - V ' -' * to� tbe -ftihr- . S,R. Holmos. I .. . . -
I a& i!i� , . . , . . ! , '%d'b;v r -it. Q - f- (,��ll it nwnb f coling is .associated .
I. 1. I.
1191 V
I I I I . .. _ I" . , . I I I . . , oil, and is not relit, ' e o i � . I
. I - . I . I , kot '' * .,4 . ., . . . I 1 ,4 10111 it, and, these two 'syrriptoms aro always present in. th ' - rlY�
I (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) . .. . , I , 4 "'�t, , , he rl)il � � � � . m .
I F)�� � .. . .. I ' ' .
,lr*N _11011.1(1 ,It .
. - . . . � . 14' it, " all tll11,0,,1 I. . . I A -it , -�, .
.1 �� . . I . I . . . I . . � . .. :1 . . I .9tagres, . a tilp (li,py,.s(, progrvtq sos, thVro is an. incricaso in the dur , I
.. � .1 . . � I and I . 1. ,xtx-nt �bf the - numb �Pd lings 004ring* at times.010 lQ0 1.
! ,� .. .. I . . . Nv)tll 41 lib.111,11 10.1ollilt 01, cli,an . I ation, -and'L
� � . ' I � ... .. . � I . - 4 is c -A s a slow " - . *
��! . ilulik.-4,hIng fo(As and should [lave 1*4� �20<0,�O- <� �- '. tilwip, then extending tLO the leg -The 113 usuall:� of
" With a 50c. bottle free' from you'r Druggist I I 11 �. I I . plen I "y of, Pure watVr., Oat* and bran, . .1 . " ' ' growtli� and thd increase. 411(l i!40 11sity. 09 the sylaptomg is not not-.
L' I I .
, N � . .. , D- RATION- FOR . ic(-(I,' bat its progrr�sq. is, eo -st, 'fild geradually, apt)roarhog a tot- -
; . - . . .. . I . . � . . A%Ith 1pmrhaps an car of carn, especial- , . 11 ant, t I .
'i, I . � _ I . , � . . .. . '. . �; , . . . . . . .1 r: . I PIGS. I . ..it IQLck 6f fooling in,th'o fogs, eans, big a wobblln�co gait, and an,entire '� - � . .
It.'A not so long ago that the doctors They're kesponsible for fii6 hundrAds We urill ,41'k1-AA14, -..*- A At" I . . � . . — . . . . I inaPility to grovera� tho steps. Antlib diisease. progrenbes the J)atient , * .
� - 9. X
11 , bled, a man to make him strong. of thousan h has cifted bute in WS man
�, � ner, hundreds of thou-
, .. � . 16(05trpff ,a cold and starve a I fever" Is .since that ttmei - - ' ' - , ". I . sands Of thes6.150-cent bottles of Psy.
I . ,
- ' hine., , . . � . . . �
, oilles behind (lur to -day's nowledge It's because of ihe'se fierbs'that we 0 . .
, I �, � I � I , I" -
�;,�, � of curative science, yet o r fAthers -,have - -redeileq�-huudredz--�of-thou-;�&n& , . ' .
�1'1_,httd- It, preached ' - - Aiid we -do that td .show -,oui entire
I �., �. , . to the time and of testImonJal$__attestIng�tO wonderful
�'-r :-. , , I .
31.�,QtWfi, . k I cures that Psychlue has made confidence, In ,this wonderful pr8paraow
�,,,- 1, I_ � , 11 �A I . . I
i::, i-:,� %."", 1�a .taw . . �Ion . . I
. .
., .. ,;` .9 r*,not know it, but to -day -And It's because of thbse very slime . ' I 1.
.1 �.;.Uoire aro '0st as ineffective methods herbs tllkt we will buy within the � A confidence that
I has been based on
.. .1; �, , �,of,m . ire being preacbed.and practised. next twelve mouths hundreds of thou, otir SO years' exDerience with this .
, , '' sands of 50 -cent bottles of Psydaine splendid preparation, with a full Ir o
��,;: ,,.,� All because most Deople do not know and give them away f�ree to ,whomso- Mdge of the hundreds of thousandns of
1- '61iii real ta�se of disease. ever sends us the codpoii In this an -.cures It has made, , , - I
! �- � .
� .
�, �,'. There are two kindi of corpuscles In nouncement., . . 14 . " 11 � .
!�" fte blood -red and w-lifte. 0� pr� . . _i .
v , Now If you wish to relieve ' _"___�__,""___ I __ `
�� vent any of the disorders In t. . COUPO , No. _ 27 .. .
� ' � 'The red corpuscles conta-la nutri-Gon, r IN .
, the white destroy disease germs. sendIn. that coupon: I To the t)r. T. A. SILOCUK Ltd.
If for any cause the white coirpuscl6s* rlOrIPPI . BrOnchle,lCouglis . 193-195, Spadina'Ave., Toronto ,
becow.e depleted and are not sufficiently Br6nohitis WoakLungs I acee your olTer to try a 60c. bottI6
il�i� bb,mi& fA iipafrnv fh� &a,m. �# Al. A 110morrhagda Weak VOW of payetilldo (10611OU110w 8I-koenV1ftf:-, :
- - - ------- Uore Throat) �
I thou ,disease controls fhe body. . OWng Weakness
V Anaoinla - . )Urly Debline .
tour ox&onse, i pave nou nka a,pua.
ottle .
Pay,chine bild6r LthfS
RindlY Ailyled'My di V -
. lO,';c,s all control 0�er bowels andwater, and.beCOMOSL 11tterly 7helpl.o, . 1. .
'. , Female Weakness Catarrhal Areotions
this bottle to Ine, , 41, t; � vor
.1 I I
I . , .
as, and hag -to be Pared lilte a ellild.
In proof: of 016 1)o-we� of Dr..Wh�liarasl Pink Pills to enre. tlii� terri- . -
I I . . Indigestion . . Catarrh Of stomach
1. .. I 1. I
. .
ala .rq. Sa � . or, Sask., says. - Polo*
d rah Sano 'Rul- 1017,'Of Antl
.7 L ,d Nvith l6v- . I
ble m. , � ". .* ,
� W,,,f,4r
140 Veil Y 'a OM400 to 1407, hly son James 'Ivaa; afflietc L
, _W * * Poor Appetite Nightsweats 1
MyNaino ... A.!. 4; 6*. *.� 4.....44.00-64.
I . I
.cohiot,or ataxia, ,During that ,Lime 116 was trefttMi"by several of the I
,f -
J1 1 11 Chills and 1?6*6rio ,, Obstinate Conghs
1 1
. I ,,, ,,�
ilea iot,l)e. of �. an)rL , '
,�est doctors in. theL. West, but tb(.-,Ir � it rklatin tuit a .
,,tettb ago herbs were found Sleeplo0sneAs and tarriigitiff mid.
.0 .
bonefit, and 11(,4te1)t ZroA!ing'u1orsc,A,lld I hadf,to earry him fram� his.
, ,�'Oti " .
1 re 4a sease. . XotvougTtonbles D"pala ..
. I AfttrZ,tftets of Pleurliyl, PneurdiAls, And
Thoy didn't know
, L .
tuvott6ta VUwb6J..b.; .Jo�
. I 0 .o . I A..#0J6#W.*
how or why it, I . .
Gripoo. .�'
� . I
M,y 1>raglllaV8N4M6.$1� $.4*004##J.*'L
'. tlit up,. He was as, lielpItIss as allillifant; 11(f lo -94 all ,66ntrol ot his -
I .th000 days, they do to -day.
� 4 .. L I . NOW, We 4ilan't ask you ,to Uil::6 bai
for ttatheildouslY
. .
I .
St"Gh ,ind gnin�. . . ,...#, .......... 6..
� 'L L " VA beeano these heftbulld uD wori the bettellplal
to .. to ootop!lkell. _ . . evect, of -Phye -Vill aut the t6o.
ThIS4 VolasnotgooAftr `bott)6
,in 3rm 6 it premn to 6 aftgrat
. . I .0611. bel6w"W411 It t6 tie 4nd *L
011 t1vt
1150 MW�be sent of- a Will then dy"
kli6appob ' And and the hb qp1tal N;d fiet' I'll ,Advis('d me to take him ' .1
home, as they: said they could, Ao noth-Ing for hirn." At Una time a
I : Ullfti A4, 6*41ded .101 Psp. Your dft ' Ail drder (for whitall, **
I L . � I # - J11J.1; W - f41411 I
_44*1 *,"OV0011 1014, tho, lhfm 4AAi *A
is lbottl of A 0011146 froth Mir
. , -, .
trot th%. to dallvtr it to
. t
..In.a:geuera1 ,iN . -ny a balab . eed . .
. lO,';c,s all control 0�er bowels andwater, and.beCOMOSL 11tterly 7helpl.o, . 1. .
. 4>
ration for growillga6d tattoning. '
I . , .
as, and hag -to be Pared lilte a ellild.
In proof: of 016 1)o-we� of Dr..Wh�liarasl Pink Pills to enre. tlii� terri- . -
. -
. -1
IftS -May be rnad4 of Corn anid
tankage by using..si-C Pavia of
, � .
. .
ala .rq. Sa � . or, Sask., says. - Polo*
d rah Sano 'Rul- 1017,'Of Antl
.7 L ,d Nvith l6v- . I
ble m. , � ". .* ,
� W,,,f,4r
140 Veil Y 'a OM400 to 1407, hly son James 'Ivaa; afflietc L
coril to one ot tanituge. It the
I . I
.cohiot,or ataxia, ,During that ,Lime 116 was trefttMi"by several of the I
,f -
(,�rn, is ground Into a -tine� meal
� meal I
ilea iot,l)e. of �. an)rL , '
,�est doctors in. theL. West, but tb(.-,Ir � it rklatin tuit a .
and mixed with tank�gt�,ei
bonefit, and 11(,4te1)t ZroA!ing'u1orsc,A,lld I hadf,to earry him fram� his.
ivater sh6nld boadded to this so
av , .
I 'Ced to , a ellair" whore I -wollldht !! tf t'r hini, to cliftbl(" lilrd to
tllht it .iUftkeS it thin slop for, ,
'. tlit up,. He was as, lielpItIss as allillifant; 11(f lo -94 all ,66ntrol ot his -
two Tnont ,
" h �4 ol" ftg6.L ,Xhei
kld�i(%y� aild bowelai arid wt%. daily lookedf ordoatht orplieve him of his .
slop should have about .the eon�
Suffering. In 1,405 Wt� selit hirii tothe Brandon hospital, hoping that . � . i
, tho tr(�atlncllt tlierp would '01bone fit him. Ill thig, though, .',Vo were
. .
-sistency. of buttermilk and at I
any rate be tbla,en6ugb so.�tbat
kli6appob ' And and the hb qp1tal N;d fiet' I'll ,Advis('d me to take him ' .1
home, as they: said they could, Ao noth-Ing for hirn." At Una time a
It will run the entire len,gth of a .
i Being,willing I
I �
sixteen foot trougft As the.pigs
boy�, I bought
get older and fatter the amount
. ovoinnet In 1. �
of water should be reduced. so
e and � .from, -
, I
Lt bat the slot) Is just thin enough ,
s fully, tutect - - .
to pour from d bucket when title
. raii'about the
L .
plgq tire fat and,olgfit months of
I:ra is. trill,y
. � . , - - ____ . I Of
� ge
!k a
Ii mill feed can be used tn ad-
WVRUUK1ULJ -lit- X W_- ,., . - --_______ _____ - � I I
. jor they xftost,certainly savedmyboYls lif-01- -
.. Mr.%. I�uller vuelya, Mi,'A. 10, Steele, the'
In ,qubstantiation of What
. �.' dition' to com and tankage It
fwill make a:better ration be-
. I h - �
. well-kno-,vn lutiber and ,coal deol er of Antlert Writes,. "W t ref or.
Ituller SaYs con '"*"' 'Or'�son'9' cure 'by Znk
to what Mrs. "�
,., cause of variety, and tn such ..
nc&- I
e' � "he says is ibsolute!A
hgvej no lipsitation in.8ay
15ills, I illg 4na , �
�1> ouse a trifler lest tankage would
ly true in every ,Particular, 49 I ATit Inted, wit ,t)je
. . h I
� be suf6telit. in ease milk to
;. Used very little tankage is nedeg. -
I case.",' I . . . �
. . I
,This greiat curd ja not the only One perfornied, by Dr, V.rillis6o
tAry.-�-Wlllftim Diettich, 11110019 .
- 111, Ehporlmebt Station. I
Pink Pills. Thei have ,brought thousalids back t.ct health and ' * ' '
� strenkth 4fter, some lot the Ugtdo ctors �n tho country, have been I.
in curable.' Not
I ''I I I-
forced ,to givel ,ft�p, the caoe as, only in ea'ses of lodo-
- . .
�.1$00< � H4" 4 . ; I 11 - - � -4,-
- . motor Ata.�Klg,, bulb. in ,emses of partial pAriklysis It 6clatica, acute rlteu�
wafitlja� and many, other severe ailrdentg haVe t oy, been RU01608fifUl,
� . . 1�.
-, fuMe whole secret 61 their Won derful, suftesa 09 in thelt power to .
O'hildrem Ory
1.�_wako- .rich, red, health-giving(blood',-:4-ho. oue elsisent(fal fol,'good
I tat T- "It MnAljlbino 0A.t i%6 .4.1 A �. 11, �A� 41
I wri I t. oill , 41 A %R - I S , b, t I* f "W" X " y" 'atw inwr vdtKftwa at. � m1laeartil. 'Kno Viflis 0XV 13%, JT U �& K U J, a%
- a 110 tA U #" ,I= 4 "10* Bad ou"Al ly It they its I*Ibg kept Ott WO* . -FOR FILMUM iat k6o pents a ,bd�t br oixboxes for$2.50, from t�h� Df.,Williatnilll W4-*
* ' ' ' � � , � - 1clue 10o, Bropkvillea 0:11t. , . I . . 1. 1. . .1
I 1. � I ,IN . .. . . ,
""Affi " ', , . Awtd"w -I 61% JIM N 1 14 ratlon. % I., I -
,-.4-41, I ., 11 " oft lu W VC -A . ,t. . j, I
-t L I W�11 _111- 4� __ ift'ftjmii6,6�--1,� imm 'a . .1 A 0 ^ S T '"'k "*' I I
,.I W = 0
1 1 � � -11 � I . � I 11 � . L%% . . 1, . I I
I , . _ ''.. . _ I I .1
.1 I b � I � 0�_ I � I �., 11 . 1. I L I . I I I . . I ____
.' . I . . . I I - 1L_ 1,
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— A -_ - - I - .- r- ------------ - I . . ...... .. �"
_# M11111111116 ft.,- . 1. �.___%k =_ ��l�����������������������li-d6mision&kmmott.r�-�� ._ � .. 1Ld=%"a;ft",bMd_ , " , . ... ., ", .