HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-23, Page 8- r . qWW 11 I . .. f - "W WIVI"- �w - I � . — - JP " -sli"M .T , W . — ­ —_ - - — _F '. . I — �011111111 � - -, Ww"I , .. � . I . � -1 1. T"', I . I I I . : ,* 1, 11 I � THS MINTON X11W $fix S - TgUNDA. . Y,fBBR-UAAY str I d aft I J , ­ ­­. 0, �1�11�11 111111111111 ,0111111!_1 . I I =1 0! 12 I 1111MI 1111 loll! 1111�1111!1�111 �11111111:�l :1 ^*W"0"r Amwoo , -V - - , I �F ­ -h � - .1. . ­ - �, I I ­..� I I � . - I � I - . i I � 01 I N 1 "44.4 V — I.. % "k �:;4�w .�-i '41 750�_AVf'l., - 1�4, r, � "r !% .. ., ,'I,, ,. . k,f- -An. I . . ,, .. . . . ?t '. I � -.1. =­ __- � . _ �_ -T - � ; im . � .. , I . . I , I I , , 1. . , . �. � s , , � e � _ � ,�, � 6 , .z, �k '. ­ , .':., - Couacte Root , .,-. I ' r"ll 1%, I . : f... .;`. Cellar - Costs Less I 4an I . . . I ` I I , � r I,:- ,� U, � TV, ood and is Much More . . V "I '' � i� . . e 1:1 / . , . �� L � Durable Ir .1 ,. I.: � I' I .1 . ­ �11'. I ­ 1. .- I _ Cement is particularly adapted to the con4 , I - 11 . � ­ " , , Struction of Root Cellar floors and walls. 1, . . 1, 1. � - 1- ., � , 'Uxperience proves that for the farmer, Con - I . �, ii i' " r crete is su cri6r to wood in every ,point of , � � -, t � I- con1parison. p .1 P.. �,� - .� �� �,�- . . . I,% I I Concrete permits of a desirable dggree . ,� � �, Qf coolness without freezing. There is no 11 . � 11 . " � I I ,-question as to its dur4bility. Concrete lasts, I . not for years, but for ages; and needs no I � �' , �1- repair. I �. I , I 1. I . � I Anvone who has scooped vegetables from I 11 I , '. ,_ the Q'I'd plank Poor will appreciate the fact that . ' I �,:. , 1, ­ - off , Com.rct- .crs a smooth, continuous surface . I The *arlouo uses to which ,., 0, Concrete may) be profitably, , W;lr - '4 , put, on the farin, are plainly and lAulply in our 160 -page ) book, . I . "What the Former Can- , Do With Concrete' which sbow$ how the following 11 , ' farm buildings and utili0est,com I 11 *, I !�, lk I . loo coustruote4t ot concreo�- "... 'a I I � Barn*, 01stArns, DaIrlem, Dip - A, , I it. , A- pInp Tanks, Foundation&, Pence ,, , I jA , 4. - Postes Foo0no Floors. Qutters, . 14enal Nests.' Hitching Posts, .. . I ' Here* Block*, 1­11".olis, Poul - Shelter Walls*, $tables, .4tAirs, , - Troughs, 0, =,4tePat Tanks,. � and to MAN , I � Sond for It -It's free--tbougli I It regularly sells for 60c. Write to�44y. . I %*� I - . T. CANADA �,%.; � mar send '11111�� . CEMENT CO., ... . — . I - �S.6,` Me 4 CM _,N �. of ­W,%at t4 �, I I � bmited I Irarmor Can no , . 51-60 National Rank ,With Concrete.'* . 1� �, Building, . Name ......... q ........ � ...... . MONTREAL Address ........... 4 "L .......... ­ '%- I � . , I � hard tbing." Few are filled with the lispirit Jain for tbat, reason. it I% a hard � � . I 'Vinottur tuity Ott regillitteu alovul-041fix thlug-not bard for God to grant, but I to tho, atuount 9V work they are coliA. ,elted to do. Much of tho risk at foal. for us to be, willing to receive. accord- , " log Is. eliminated by careful feeding. *lug to Luke xly. 20. 2T. 33. Uany are 00 called, but few are Clio n. for th 19er supply ot,utllk may be regulated � . 14 so that it will .not for m- 4 bard and salne reason. I I bave otten tried to Picture lboft , c4kett udder, I bellevo,alt a, role, that two inea as . they walked ou togetber, It to safer to withhold 411 rich milli; We war not know Wh1eh Way 01130 prod"clug foods for st few days bo� , looked, but the" can be no doubt fore she Is due to foal. After ob* box foaled, especially It *be give* the ab**4 =1049L, toe his receiving his promise ot'beft; sk M*vy milker,she loomVo desire depended upou tils see- .01hould be 04 very sparel;r quU4 tier � I WC =J#A when be was taken from M#k dow to regulated to meet the de - Ulm How could there be a more stead- ma,444 of the colt Amd otbawbe It fast bebolding of it person? It we . , the mare. to a aciluty milker she should looke4 up u steadfastly into heaven . be 'fed a �ioore libeml. ration of millic as $tepbou did. (&cts v%, ,55) there 'woo�d Jesus In i proilticitlig food!x. be more of seen our lived, I , L . . colts. should be taught to "t grain Well the whirlwind, came, and the wtth their dam before they are wega- , bore" and chariot of fire, And Elijah ed. Teaeb them to stand tied with a !MsbA goLw It,, and., wa# taken4 and r balter. About six montbB ot age Is. . reading his own mantle lu. two pieces, tile proper tlipe'to, wean a strong colit he took up. the mantle of Elijah that Many g000l. -horsemen prefer to wean fell- from him and went back and stood M" at once, while others wean them by Jordan. Elijah Is gone, but not more kradually, allowing them to ancl; so the God of Elijah. . . - once or twice a day before they are With the mantle Of 11111ofi he smote taken away entirely. When the vol� - the waters 'and said, "Where Ik the - to taken away the mare, should be Lord, God of Elijah?" The waters dt. watched, and her udder obouid. . .be vided; ind Ellsba went over, and the � bathed at 'least once every day with � I sons of the prophets who ivere watch. e6ld water and spirits of camphor. I Jug said, "The spirit of Elijah dotb This-Oles up the mill.- glah ds and pre - rest on Blisli.a.po Some peoplp took yento the uddbr from 1�ecomiug caked. i knowledge of Peter and John that they 4nd feverlsAi. i believe that the colt sliould be trained to do Itg,ht ko'rk hfid been with Jesusi and there should . be 4 savor of Him In, tile lives of all, during. the third ye= . . I Ws, people (Acts ir, 13; IP Cor. It, 14, . . ., . I . 15). To the sons of the prophets, per- r No Profit In Scrubs. I sistent plea that they might go and It Is not eliough to. -raise crops and search for Mijah, Ellsha. finally yield. live stock. They must be marketed. ed. They rkurned'efter three days of Wben,f Y011 COX%�W�,01119-_thisl hOVrl vain searching and confessed that they inuch easier It Is to, sell if these crops could not find him; There may be or stock are of' higti quality and how suA searching when the- church has' much better prices are realized. It. been. taken. . We- next I see Zlijah In really' 'costs but little more to ralse I IX if it 11 is . I good stuff than it does to ralse-noor. ' NERVOUS, LIFELESS' 0 % DEBILITATED MEN I 0� - . . I . �. . 11 11 CURABLE `CASES GUARANTEW . . . . I I QFL NO PAY . I . . . I . - . I I . .. �QEA0ER,1`,LjZFV)u P, victim? 'lave you lost . , . 0 t�cArej,Otl Intending to MUM? . . " as your b o een , Iseased? Nave you any I ., . w . 1P � as? Our Now Method Treatmentwill I I . , CU on. It bas donei for. others it will . I I . � I . or U. ultatign Fro". 'No Matter � � i I - . . wbo as tre on, write for an honest. I . . 11 . o I Ion re Ch- - i . . d, F. I a" Frteo - . . �� d.. llf.&J� I... rz - .,., . ..,. I I.. ) a I a of en. . . I . . , NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No imaines, on %axes or. envel- . I opes, Ever�thlnr Confi4lential. estion list and Cost of Treabsent FREE FOR HQMI� TREATMENT. . . qu I A . . . . I Me _/ ,M,_,,KENNEDY&KENNEDY I .Cor. Michigan Ave. gind Griswold St., Detroit,, Aichs, . . . , . � � * . INFI All ietters from Canada must be addressed , I OINOTICE. to our Canadian. Coxv4spondence Depaft-* . - . I w ment in.Windsor, Ont. If you desire to � see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat I no patients in our Windsor. offices which, are for Correspondence and, Laboratory for Canadian business only, A44.rpss all letters as foll,ows<- I 0 *. DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. 0 . Write for our private address, .' . I . . 11 I 1. - . -,. * .�i � , . I I , , I aU. 06Y " V0 a- We � I . . .1 1 - I --- -_ --- ­ ­ I .�wkh no projecting plank ends or nails to t , .. , t . . .- . . . " and good stull! solls itsele �nV�. . I . . . .! � . . 4 � �imll( ­ .. .. .- ,-- __ ,. ­­� - ­ . ­ :-1 -.-.-..- ___ ­ � . . I . ­ _.____­... ­ I -_ - � ­ . ­­ -­ -_ - . I . I � . . - 11111 . ­ . � I . �� 1, �amage the scoop or ruffle the temper of the . � ". I- "� _. . "n". - � � - 0 I,- � "., f" . I I �. � ­ .1. I � . . .. - 1. ­ .... ­ � I .1 ­ . 1. . . . — . . .. . It, , � , _. . . ,. . � .. . . . I _:1 _ .. .,.�. .. I ..,. I.- � .. � � . ' V�V- � scooper. . � ­ - I . . . �. 777777 . ", . f� I � - To Keep HDos- Whore The 8 I eumt.4 ivuwy ruivor,; wem aircuiatea , � . I . I .- �, _ y a ong � 1. , ' renle,ly tho ituation. buV � �, - . . . . - . of rulkVils to � . - - ... , Biwin,g DoWn. .... . This will 'Illustrate a , atice ' 11.1 - =01 I I M", CUM 11. I - , 1. f . .pontriv . appart,utly tl: ! vithout foun- ' � il 11 MW"� - . . - I . . I I APRIL 4 THE DATE I I 11 11.1 ___ - I 1K � . I - . I I . .. 141 which I am uVing .' ond- . I : . dation. Tlw niost versistenj..Of all Nlas - 1 14T3;____ - - - - - 1. - ____ __ I � ­_ .. __ , ­ ­ 4' ­ - 1, s 1. .- . I I ­­­ I . . .' . I I , - at Stockman and � r. . : , _. . � I Pains. ent of the N a tjoo'n' _-__.___11 . . 1, . ,. , 11,41 &%Z 4aight I Kings xyll, 2, 8; xvill, 1; xix, 0, . I I . . . . . ..� ..".4t, . -, . , . . . . . %. I I -011e that- �4:�natfjL' Abirieh, fanwd for , . , .� _­_ . . ­ I... �. - . . . . . . ___ . . . .. Variner. -It betcornes ,necessary some- , � I . wlftlilng -leg-i'lativo. b'lit:e,z;, which his I I I . xkl, I7, 28; It Kings I, 3, 13). In the th,u Ineftlent.; colillected t1wetAvith.. �vhat woman ,it somet.mc Or 0 the, times to inulture tidjoining fields with EXtfa Session WIN Prol:iably'Be collenguee,. thought lbst, was s�eedhig I ;, 'N L i previ(Ills chapter In connection with � . attle and horses, leAving the hogs in � Call I d �* . � . � SO , DRf UHNI 1 ' W.Washilkgtoll at the ur-0mrsolicita- . �­,. Onik these twQ bay(, ever left tile earth does not experience these dreadful c . . . 6 9; That Dd,y. . . . 1, � . 1 I � I N't.", ges. from bearen to Ulijab without dying. but it 'went f'orupliny bearing down, pains. Mrs. E, Grif- either fic-ld. MY� Plan J.5 this: Nall Q . . . M -.�: i the messa � . I —_ . . .tion of Prvslcl�,nt Taft to take charge' ,.; ; . !:.: I I . . I.. . I .1t . rres all that is will have tills privilpge . IN*,,) 0 , iltb, Main street. Hepworth, ,out., boards. from tlie. grounil up, any aboui* . . I .. , e , A tile, situation in tile Seftaue. � , . ,, oson X.—Prst Quarter, For notice bow God, obse � n jesils lays, 14A heavy *b6arin�-dowlv pain sixteen, lnehes,-'at or' u . . The Mdrich. rumor, apparently, wis ' . ,­ I done for or again,st 111m, and -also shall come to the ;ilr for Ills r6urch ,' - . I I Pon the main. 'NOTHING DOINq T11S SITTIM ' . , , ,,, -tad. settled across nly � - � . . -ram wbich tbo �"; , I I ba,cic , and - : . . I . .. . � a distortion of a I.,!,- '. , - ' . . . � . ,, , ; how I -le tells Ills serv�nts when to'go (I Cor. xv, 5L. 52; I.Thesss. lT 1618).. . . .. - ,", March 5, 191 1. I . � sides. I was qften unable tb'st6op .. I . . I � . 1. . . 'ienator �vnt from Jvkvll Island, Ga., 11 . . � . _ .--. ,. i - � . . . " I., , or stay. **The ways of man are .be-. There Is a fearfut nt-vord'In I'1'ev-;_XIk,. or sialghten myself lui), : Many I. . . ,iiiklng t' 'Idt - a - _.". � I. 1,�� arral6giKlAor . . �' . .� �� . . I I . ­ — _ , . . . r , .4 � ' I , ., . - '411,111 be st lntb� tixnes each nikht I would haVe to . . ,ini in f4wor',of t , I .Cid: .h�A i ,� I fore the eyes of .the Lord, and lie pon �2% of t1ro'nlpn i)*ilo . - C"'Cis t I ntb � I It �. t t t_ , . I � . I . I __m' � . ­ - . Is Now. Too Latio For There to Be . ,�,i.�' I dereth all his'goings" - (ProV. v, 21). . the lake of fire NvIthouf dying., . . I . . . . I . " I , -H I E INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ' 11 . leave my -bed With the irregular and- I � ­ 1111,11111 , I I Any. *Hppe. That - the ,170ciprocity ,wrl es to a vi -4'. T�­,.:� ,.--.,,I ,11, . . I Note the fire from heaven in chapter This lesson stor.3, of the translation frequeini see�etloqs . of.. -the kid-* .� 1. I - ", - -1 .. Treaty . I - .,A. S! a mattor ,4 ,�,ol� ri,j o n. bt-lieves. � -` ': " - . , .. I . . Wi I I Go' T,irough- Before the. ,,hat IN, c;wirin-r , f �!,uator Aldrich � � . �i �,.. , 1,10, 12. and compare Rev. vi. 5. - neys and. just as - done -dut in the . - . ',"'), : of Elijah ind tile beautift.l.derdtion. ' "I'll" - . - - ,.:= � * I ,,�_, , We should bare noticed in. la'st. les'- of Ellsba W one of the indst.fawAriat- morning as"On retiring. I Was g .= ! :: .. End -of the WexIc - Even the Would altvi. 'tho J.'11:-.1;wl ill 1.(,.AT)v:,et 14) � . I � . . I ­ tm,=�4t . , , � 4, I �: Z1.41) rV , . . ­ I , , Vat the Lesson, 11 Kings ii, 1-18. . -aid and would. . . - ,I . - - �� '. � , ­ �t -1 . . tho MeCall hi!�. - )�. up- . I . I . . . � =" , � - so ,rfpturo sind lhtensply 'praC7 . . .,�.��-; � ' -td ,.11!�t -i.. 0%l..;TJ - . . . n the penitence of Ahab: and the Ing in Sc .. in "=: I . Corhing of 'S..,rintor , Aldrich . ,��,M,;t�uiry Versep, 11, 12 -Golden Text, An"y 1 I ,,.� Or - I)v ,�, Ill �4'-� 13*6,�­ : . . .- "' , ... Lord's forbeaiance and long suffeAtig tica'l. -The * .. aoi�e intillintely . have to let - . . &*-za.. -11 *­ . . I I I * . -_-1111 .V .24--C .y tire ii . . . a , _.rJ%"k,..,._ I .; ....", -,.i- . ood. � tow; Gliml ni.-d ji�;� .1 -i),�r.-r Tnt,urgonli , , I ­ 11 I � .1 I I., . . .. . . � � . . . . . , ­ . 1 4 (I Kings xxi, 27-29). Truly He Is'not socl d" A, ,4:��, . . . )� . ommentary Prepared by Is' housei �- -stand. Would Do Little ' G i..", ;�'��i - , ated bore tbah anyvybere else, and stan . . No-- ; I ARamt . . . llepulylivall�. T1.1, ! -,.k ni ol! Mr. Aid- . -.%. I ­ . . .FOR HOGS. . , � , - , ,�.,,�,� . . D. M. Stearns. willing that any should perish (11 Pet. , the'ir names, which are mentioned Over 17 , . . . Waahlngt6n, .Fcb.. 2,,. -So pr6bable rich. an;l vay ­ -t -, ,-N* hiju to force . ... ,�J,- t, � � . thin g I - had -, Errdrh the Na.09nal Stockmau and V&KM-, i . a ;1� . _ , . I . I � I � - . . . I it that an oxtya ��­,ion Vf Congress .tlle ct)l, ',l:4l,t­' - bi*l . .. R !1 '" We Come to Elijah's farewell to ill, 9). . . I . gnify tried . would , .., er.1 . I . _jill, n t,.,4:,i., E vpfj,n-thi-� . twenty times In our lesson and sf. ­­_­__ . - . , , . I . . , , . ),-�;;7_ .- - . . ... _­.�.r....-Ith., .,:_Nyn,Nv .... we.._�aroe,.hi. Qvr.J.q;59Z4_,R� to-,.'_1'M:K God is bene.f it nt;e� I � . . I ; ... �. will be neevs.,ofry ill .ur'der to got -Uc- %&�Jla"", W'O"I I 1"', ":!,p ."Ill!;ill'y a red I I ,,G0. Is Jbildvah" and '%y � . � - -for the present we inig w - , �,Tp�___ . I . �. "-W " ­­.�­'­­'f _]JIm,. gate poists. .Then plint two stub postsi ti.0 I , %ie in *t­fi,e` �'�itfiaiiou, are so SUgge�§tlye o L . . n on the GAiridu:,in r2e.tilr,)eity ugz,,t�_ I �. .�trth . i, -lear4ed - ,*­,of� ­ ('-.It. I. � � , flar, in tile ta""'4 �, ,,I 61liL. It would I 1- I . . day ,to something wholly uni � , �- 11 . ;; I- %W . !W0116t� -from -gate metur,that ,,I-'re-�',�.1,�--i�t�-.rt2wft'�;4 tjS_:J_fX .. I . I .1 ew and polader his dl- BoOtli�s'Kldney .. . say 'a out:, 6urt6brl . *s�,I, .; . . 1i .. . - . �: 4 '. * . out pFofit revi Bible story, for, although Enoch also With whom they both waliced. - :, - I . I ­ 1.1 .�tdl . 4 1. - .. . firifjw'�- .t,�i;,;4-��j-;,O.:.;..-Ii""".)�e�14: ,,of �, , . ." .11, . . .4 I . . �1� . � I I ' . . Pills and con posts, nallhig boti.Md to them also, . April- 4 as *ibe diale oll. which suQ11.,1 , �fplii:ltl h,!.t4(xti,!`i'.'1­, 4olly 10-,lrt�11814, � . . ri* . rd, which, 101116ba's oft.re ea;ed "As the.Lord I -Thi . 1 1 '' ., � memiages, from the Lo ww% transIRted.'-wre hnve'no rbedrd'Af . ­ . ,. , 4 � . . I p . . eltided". �d 4ame, height. ' -. principal Is this: session ulay be ead.,d, . � .. I fy th e , 1.1 1 4 11 .� .!"! � ". t., p�rll i - ag�lillst .tile*� .. I � � I I . -The- April dat'­ �va-, sp'ectad t r 'orrlv.11l�' , . - , ,, )Lmve counted comectly, were luat I . � , . liveth and as.tb soul liveth-V-Will t Tnem -4he c4ttle 4nd h1)-se.q-(.-.jiu ste7p,Qver 'r . . af e -Not t1r. but hiq friend. , , I .. . I � . . . y . ., ry I . I . 0 . . . I tre. - T !.41. I . � . . - . �. not leave tbee", (vers" 2_4, 6) remind" ' ­ - - , . . . I *� I . :1 . .. . betwe;n thesh obstruction.9,- w Itation. wita Cha.nip Clark. whp- . invast r,�io * I ­ .111 - . bile the e0rlsu ship 10r.the i�lll I ,ii,,stionobly �%,;Dald XP11­__ - . .11 . . . .. I � . W! . Ill be 'Sp - eaker of the iidxt Hous*-, . - I (7- � - -.! - - . - �!___._T1__ --- - ­ - - ­ ­_ ____ __._ - _ - . .us of the detQtiou 0 Ruth to Naoint .wh,icb( I did, and . 'soon. found the' hdgs cannot-JutupAhvill. ,Tbey cuu.go . alienate s�oltie .of li`� hoFt frionds,'like, � I � , ' ' * ' ,,.,.� . . . .. and of Ittal to David fQr the make of 10,19 .sought . relief. My. back . . alid .PLepresent�ative'U.i.i,d(�rwoi)iI oi Al�- - a -� 'tmib��r, Snwot, and, . . . - . , � - ,_ . . . I 111rou'gh or bftwven. butAu .or&r.to' � enatols Ha'e, .Nlc:( 11 , I i t . . the. God of Israel .1, 16 i7- 0' streakthened and I began to feel . buma, who will,bt!;ehairriv�m7 of the otbers,who aided.'h;m in framing iho' % � I . . . . ­ . (Ruth I " I I . � -t'L , Juilip ou� hogstlip 11111-st ""ll"e" ' hlr-�; ways and meami conintittev, - Nvhi'ch Ulayne-Aldrfel ift I ' . but,who are - - , �� . .. ... bet ir'and -stronger. I now..enjoy . , * � sam. xv, 21). self. as this -last lirraugetnent 1)r(,V(,,ntq 1 1 ' " " ' � . . .. ' ' ' My sleep without being disturbed . . will ha:vaiellarg�� i)f and rs-Imettlieje- t.)Pposed to- t1 I '8' i ' ' . ., � . "', The exprewlions ' "So' �hey welet," iv 1( ,'Wiai't' agreeinent__ �. . .... . . . . . I 'Booth's Kid- him from talcing this square'positIOD.. I - 4 1, .. ­ 0 1 - and feel grateful to - . I . I ciprocity bilr fi�: 0w *15ouse; . q:, ce agains i", -.1 - 1. "$o: they came.". ';A,�y tvio went on," ney. Pills f or �what they did fof me'. - .. I .1. �. ..� - I . . . hKenator McC/m1wr spol b :: . T, , . I 0 .. ."They two stood,", "They 7two went I '_ * � . . I .1 . The'Pm.9ident had hitendeid to con� Llile bill Saturdfiy,'biis.ing his 'IT u.,nent , . 10 . . '..., . . . . . Booth's Kidney -Pills are a fts, e extra s�r.-;on at oil earlier, upon the dislistrous offect... , ,,�; a � �� boon , Shutting .Off Dra . Vene th , - . � h5i .he . , 11 :1 , I I Qv4r,#1 ko , ' " � wonien. She would know � 'wives C:ark " ", ,;.'-,'.,-: Tbayptill went on and t�lked` boon to I . ?,I�i�g;` . rDv6ry,erncli-. crevi(T.or hole. tn or .,iate, hut Repre�­.­',, and id its- �,na .unew wo.41d have upon . � _ . . " k-`;:� . . .(verses 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11), suggest.to iid; 16ss'ot backabheff if she took raore ftboui the wi.udo*s Ili. whic.-b-'Pil. I tats are . 'ilderwo 1. V the farming i I ndust,y. . - I . . . 11'111� 1. . of these.wonderful pills. They aria - . I I u od told 1� i I.- that they would . I . 1� ..." I . the 'possibiliti . of su6b a . fellowship kelA during winter should be el6sed by like: to have a nionth's tilhe aft ­r the ..- - I - .. . . . ,i,ll , . . I I , . . I . ­ L. . . . , I * I ','�. � with tile Lord Jesus Christ Himself, I natur0a ireatest specific 1or all.. ' Des, present' Congress adjourns iii''which . , . � I I 1. . ... . . ­ . I . seeing no one but Jesus only.with our- . cl�seases of the' kidneys and blad phi;iing baVee.over ifie sHpaller o map out t1w Dentocritti plans for � I . . . I . I 1 . e` .. I . ' - . s(umfig wit h. sort pa lwr� ol- rags -the to .. bir. X Pe.. at r. Sei%fously lit. .. ,, .. der � A . lt driiggists, 50c. box, or O'st , ' th next�.vssioii. . . . . ­ . I � selves and so occupied with Rio that � WI;1 from -ger and wherever 1. 'a' -' - - - - I . I I - 1_ Jp__ . P - The R. X, Booth Co.,.ttd. lai t c, a be em There wa,�*iw cl.auge iri_the.situa� Atlantic City, N.J.. Feb. 27. ,Sir At . % '' . , � we shall be blind -and dea'f to all but, -Fort -Hrle, Ont, Sold and guarante- vidyod ilillnz with well beaten nutt.y. . ' pbonse. Pelleti,er: governor of Qtv,be'e, . .I- . . , . . . tion in the 16enate Saturday r.Vgarding- . . . I.- . '' to - Ix, .. . . 1. ­. 1. � .. ou� . , Him.(HarIc 8; Acts xxii, .11). �'The eed by W. S.:R. H L-nalesi I is Seri , '. ,xea . ; 1, , �,:- .,,..:. , . . . . . _ . . 9 . � ., . � . .. I . the Canad -; dy Ill at, the Chel, � . . . I I I . . fail rem; rocity agrtT.nient . " r r ',.:�* * , . 6ur places mentloned,are easily pug- , .. . - . I . . . �_­_ � . I ' .1 . I ' here. Go )el . : - ,:. ... - . I ., I .. . . . ­ . � and the leadvr.,� svo no hope'of bring- vernor tier daine to the .. . , I ,� �.. . 1-o,v' , . � : � . *. � . . I - , I . � . . I �t I I 6h,r� �boiit ,two " Q�ks ago, He hai . � � . . , _ ,gestiveof differ t,s ges.of:Chilstlail � . ., �. . I . ., .. � 'to myote 'at'llhis .-;esslo I ­ ��� .... .:. en tn. . � � . . . : . . ;;�; m. 11 �W J . .. . " I . .. . I . : I . ing a the Me- 1 �. ­ �.-,,-* ........... I . . I .... ....,".1, 11 . . . . . ,­. E�'.-�� . exp(-rience, Gil � . . . . .. . 11 I., I � :I- : : . . . , . -ry * I into been .Unable to ave Ws � Ilotet folt. . I I * � � A ­­',.:.;_.,....... I I . . . . I . - Call* bill 'to (�ai ,liv agre6u ent - . .. : . � ­ �, . . ­ . . . gal reminding vs,of the. � ' ' . I . . . .1 .1 — . I - y a week. , ' a., i �, .. .%.. . I reproach of Bgvpt rolled' a*av,, the - . - - I .. , . . . �. . � -e I ­ I .. . . . ,nearl �. .. . �� 1. . - . . .1 . 1. ::: .. %.-':...... .,,�.A: I , . � . . ­ . . . . - ; .:: .., I - . - RAISING DRAFT:HORSES .. :1 . . I � � .1 - ^ , '. I . : . ;.:� I % � . . ��.. .... .. ...� - . I V E . .. 1 . . . - % - v, 9, :10)., - - - .-'�� � .. 11 . :"*j � 11 I I . . , ... . . past*under the blo6d Josh . ,, , . , . -M"THERS! : :" . . . . I , .. - . . � I . - 4�: 1 . . I I , . I . ... .. ...�� . . I I I ' . - , . . ; . . , . ,� I . . I � . . ...'.. .:. -of visioxis'of.God, Minis- . . I � . .. I . . . . . � . ,:,�",.� ­.. Bettiel telis ­ . . . . . - . . I. . . . .1 11 .. .. � ". . � � � _7771 , . . I . I I . .. .11 I I � . . . . I . . . . ..I . . 1��. .:: .:�'. - -6 1 .Carejul. Handling and* Proper Matitiq ..� . .. . .. I _. _ 11 — 1. . ...... ; ........... �_. I __ 4 , ""' . . N. . , * � t6ring angels, tc�: Jericho was. -wher4 , , . . � . . . . _11 I I _`_ . . . � . "I . . -... - .. ...".'... --=k - - Insure 15uc�ie�i . ,Preserve Your Children's air, . . . . : - I . . � � ".""w; . . '. 'n . � I appeared to Joshua,, . , . S. .. , � . � � . � . .. MI-im. - . 1. . . 6". ,,,, " � 1. . . , mptaln � .. . � � . h. �:. "I ­ ; - 7-7�,!�� 1�-`.`- -Alla-mew cl_ , . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . I . -i - . v the averftge farm- � - . ___ . . . .1. . � . . .: _ ... ",:.. " .,*' - '" . .�b round of ille. city I would not advis 1, ' ­ - ' I ' Inz . ,+ . .. and the thirteen ' ' . , 12� . - :..: "' 1. r ., .. . I I . ,�. . . ., ..-:. �­,:_. � ' I a "! - . '. �'._.`. �:_. � 31 . . it ' 'd "I'll"', , .... 1. � - - -er-to go 16to ,* ' 'attig, ' tver biother shoi:ad gee that liet . , � . � I . alls - - , the biminess -of Ordi- s' C . is , dxess6d - -Mc - V - . ., . - this Indicate - .eluping draft'bur�, i J1, no -f* ..i 1� brought do*n lhe,iw dr Y W h. they, - n .M'r Cie q4 . . - .1 en Is hair�- A -.:, - � er I I . : 'UY6'vonderful hair - � . , , . � I � z _� - . . . .. , .11 .1.1 . '. All ,s p*rogr6ss In the grow1ug qbd­dev . � , , . � "I.; -.4, . �, , i� � � . Fs he 1§ a good ' ' ,- Parksian So e, � gern : . . . ­ . I . . .. . . I I I . ­,,. 14',f.-_, . divine life, but there Is always -more for -the Tuilrk6t� iinie' .. I . ., i. . . . I . . 1. . . .. I "". : . . � I . . .restorer an nicide.', . . . . I . �-;_�,%_,. ­­.....- ,� -, FLO . 1% A little' . . � a -;:� .­. . . . for us to enjojr, and we will'increas- Ifeedep a n (I ltatnral)� mko, prifie'lli neglect ,on your - pdrt.now. Ina ON .. : C, is 'I .r. * . I .. "IWCIM� � �17� I 611P -p0Wk'6.SSl01;S 'if WO . . . . . wh y . . . . " 0: �WC771-11N � -ses, writos a corre-. - n1 e o r. . A - ed ". I __ z" " ,-- 1� f beauty n ' ...-Locot"'' to '.: tam ...� � . " - ., ­ I Imadfilig tile h4t I can ' muchloss - 4D I ". .. . � t I " . . I . � . ."*--.1:.. � /' I : wholQ:4eartedly follow on (Obad. xvii,, - I your girl 9�rows up - - . �r'li-.L...":­n-7� "t',._'. . . � I � . I . . . . . . . .1 . .", I ,kinan. ' � ,. . . �, .7i�, .. 1_111� " . - . .. ­ snolld�,lyt. of tile.. Natl6flal '6toi . I I _­­__.­­.' ' . -- - - . . . 1. I I . . . . .. I � - ­.�,�\%� ...... � ',%'A . .. 110S. vi, 3i. . . . . . I .. , � . . 'Prevention Better than Cure . ­ I .., .1 . . . I .. . . . . . . I - . . ... . I - It ru(1nfN,s.�rbvr,lJL';e . 7- 7 o --! - - � . I . ;: . I I . 11 - I __T(_)_r11r11FftTrs_ (Illestion. "AsIt what I. 1. . I . '(1(lip-g. �6 gri)w n-nd' - - Parlsian.Sage is a rig -idly guaran- . -., I � L. . I- .. . .. . . . . , �7-, . . � . es `hlI The'-,Suffe'rer -H,7'4.B-e'e's".%Giyeh Up .,-..s T Incurdble-by ' ' . 4 1 twolierly develop tho! bigh grado draft ' tceo..liai� restorer,. and cur . . I 1� . __ A sliall do f(;P'-t hee." - B ,iisha �proinptly rew . . . 8'.1 L . . . .�- , . - .111 ­ � I � - i . h1J 1, 6 L, I I and tile, aettMl' dltye�`tlllek, scalp, disease prevents hair fro& * - .5everal Ddcto I rs-": lo §Pilts I Tre,aftnent, AbO Fallod I , In - ., . . .- . ])]led, -"L(,t a dotble,porlion of, thy . . . ,ht- . kind . . falling out and createmrich lux- I , I .. . - , � (Z ;,� I __J�_ I . I!,splift, 11o'.1.1ron ine"i (vormp 0y. lvlien' cost *betwoon &owing. tile ri'L., I mt,growth of hair; a glory, to - '_n_Dr. WHIisms' Pink'Pllls.Worhed tile- M i v� C1 o -, . . . I 11 ;� � � . .13,114111 _:... -11'.1A 1....'li'4xv'Iv,,d pasl;ed' 11lid..niongrel-4- Is s,) t,!nall trint It is. to -woman and the pride -of man, . I I I . . I I . . . I "I P I � I . � � �::k I . '� 11 � I throu�,-WNV(! do lvq,xvolldor that ho sak! �blly .t6-.,-) int(i VIC' bliAllit-sz; -with a , , A pleasa�nthair - dresslng�­ladies Befort, 1he dlscqr('1r'y of Dr;'%11- Hinns' Pink Pills, lonoiliolor ,itaxia ' - ­ . I . . . , ., - I . . �' : I I to tile livin 1XI!W'.�_'1:1tod .1 gloul")e P) 'Ives' '1110 e Ice . 1: 4, � �� L . . . r. l(A 00 0113 .q(TIJ) '110. I ( , lep Tid 1i it an , your, drugglst . WA'R, w�x,, considered aA ineura))P- di.4oa se. It has been, full,.- demonqtratvd .. Vll,�I% 11. 't .rN.lv4i. n., upon the gviidl qualives. ot. . . Lizjvvevor, that this disZasd can .be mir%,(l, -thrqugj� th nse Of ­ ,� ; �, I 01,�m af 111,; N. I the sullju)u� Holrn�'s guarantees every bottle. these - . , .1. - . 1. � .Ar;!. ­ . I 11 '�' .: I . I I I . I . .. . . 1 . -- MAIV!111 liiid he sells at Me, and stands . pIlls. . �� . � . !. . . .-. , I . . to co; "o.et. tbit natural wea that . . . . . 11 ; I . I I . I � . . I t -.1. � I .1. - . ... . ­ iq " .. read to refun:a your Inoney if it . ', 1, ci� , ano.tQr- Ataxia' i's a disetow. ot flieVinal �eord and fir,96- , shows, i� . . . � � I I (infisrullf!0s �C. . . e niares., . 'ill, . wan* , - . . � . . ..� . . I ' i ,Pet -i�Own'.1he eNe� -ire closed, or ;In . .1 � - --------- I .1ailaU do its w(3r1c. '13y'mail post� its,-Ifehi ah inability to Atalyd 01 . -��Z---­-Z­�___ "__.___,__.,�_ ­­ .. wh� koo,w.; 1p.�w tb-fet-d avd lrevn,liis - " . . _. . . . . aaid from Giroux : Manufacturing ' t h,, charact ( rjZ�'(l . I ,y pe(,Wiat. digt�rba:ncas of the galt,� - . . I dark. IL is .. F -1 - - I ­ . I .. I ___%V�,rk toalb In ,��.nqqj . - I � I . -, . ' -,-; Ve'k'l �ll�(li'ai.(.)-O".'.-��t?..(I)n'- Co., Port 1�riO, QAt.' Seo -that. tho '111(l -d ;Vornillo* themotions of thq legi. One.of thi, . � ,(Ii��t-)-,-C�,1,-D-.4-11;.'-.U�lFc-i " vNV Ill u. . ' I -- ___ -Yu—rn XtA 1 `rx ao n -e -acli- . Vi,:Ailty in gc I I kt 4 I I � ' Ail wl S_f-Aft-(r-(WV' ' ing.-paxticulai ., .1 . . " ' U0 .11F . . . * ' IQ I IV(,, - -t , ii -A, - li,ti,-jt. ,5,1;n,;-1s-a-t!r0d­fe61 !Jr-lioted Ill . I ­ ' '_ --- -.- . Ared'diolltws in a'l,;,,1r.oI 14 o o a urood 0, ,1r,l,k', ' Icl a guaranteed , tll�,. it.,,prg all(l ankl,4.' . Tl�'i'ri �ensar'tioll' 111i prci��Okc,(J by ,sliv.,Ixt exorti . . , *­ - ... 'it- t -e .nd � ,. . . I . ____ - ­ N . I - - - �_ , , !"es a Ili - I gro . ',V' . twl"ses - y V ['g (� �o . . _ . . I . . ' PROVE PSY CHI - V ' -' * to� tbe -ftihr- . S,R. Holmos. I .. . . - I a& i!i� , . . , . . ! , '%­d'b;v r -it. Q - f- (,��ll it nwnb f coling is .associated . , ! I I. 1. I. 1191 V IN " I I ­ I I . .. _ I" . , . I I I . . , oil, and is not relit, ' e o i � . I . I - . I . I , kot '' * .,4 . ., . . . I 1 ,4 10111 it, and, these two 'syrriptoms aro always present in. th ' - rlY� I (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) . .. . , I , 4 "'�t, , , he rl)il � � � � . m . I F)�� � .. . .. I ' ' . ,lr*N _11011.1(1 ,It . . - . . . � . 14' it, " all tll11,0,,1 I. . . I A -it ­ , -�, . .1 �� . . I . I . . . I . . � . .. :1 . . I .9tagres, . a tilp (li,py,.s(, progrvtq sos, thVro is an. incricaso in the dur , I - .. � .1 . . � I and I . 1. ,xtx-nt �bf the - numb �Pd lings 004ring* at times.010 lQ0 1. ! ,� .. .. I . . . Nv)tll 41 lib.111,11 10.1ollilt 01, cli,an . I ation, -and'L � � . ' I � ... .. . � I . - 4 is c -A s a slow " - . * I ��! . ilulik.-4,hIng fo(As and should [lave 1*4� �20<0,�O- <� �- '. tilwip, then extending tLO the leg -The 113 usuall:� of ........ " With a 50c. bottle free' from you'r Druggist I I 11 �. I I . plen I "y of, Pure watVr., Oat* and bran, . .1 . " ' ' growtli� and thd increase. 411(l i!40 11sity. 09 the sylaptomg is not not-. L' I I . , N � . .. , D- RATION- FOR . ic(-(I,' bat its progrr�sq. is, eo -st, 'fild geradually, apt)roarhog a tot- - ;­ . - . . .. . I . . � . . A%Ith 1pmrhaps an car of carn, especial- , . 11 ant, t I . ' 'i, I . � _ I . , � . . .. . '. . �; , . . . . . . .1 r: . I PIGS. I . ..it IQLck 6f fooling in,th'o fogs, eans, big a wobblln�co gait, and an,entire '� - � . . It.'A not so long ago that the doctors They're kesponsible for fii6 hundrAds We urill ,4­1­'k1-AA14, -..*- A At" I . . � . . — . . . ­. I inaPility to grovera� tho steps. Antlib diisease. progrenbes the J)atient , * . � - 9. X 11 , bled, a man to make him strong. of thousan h has cifted bute in WS man �, � ner, hundreds of thou- , .. � . 16(05trpff ,a cold and starve a I fever" Is .since that ttmei - - ' ' - , ". I . sands Of thes6.150-cent bottles of Psy. I . , I - ' hine., , . . � . . . � , oilles behind (lur to -day's nowledge It's because of ihe'se fierbs'that we 0 . . , I �, � I � I , I" - . �;,�, � of curative science, yet o r fAthers -,have - -redeileq�-huudredz--�of-thou-;�&n& , . ' . �1'1_,httd- It, preached ' - - Aiid we -do that td .show -,oui entire I �., �. , . to the time and of testImonJal$__attestIng�tO wonderful �'-r :-. , , I . 31.�,QtWfi, . k I cures that Psychlue has made confidence, In ,this wonderful pr8paraow �,,,- 1, I_ � , 11 �A I . . I i::, i-:,� %."", 1�a .taw . . �Ion . . I . . ., .. ,;` .9 r*,not know it, but to -day -And It's because of thbse very slime ­ . ' I 1. , .1 �.;.Uoire aro '0st as ineffective methods herbs tllkt we will buy within the � A confidence that I has been based on .. .1; �, , �,of,m . ire being preacbed.and practised. next twelve mouths hundreds of thou, otir SO years' exDerience with this . , , '' sands of 50 -cent bottles of Psydaine splendid preparation, with a full Ir o ��,;: ,,.,� All because most Deople do not know and give them away f�ree to ,whomso- Mdge of the hundreds of thousandns of 1- '61iii real ta�se of disease. ever sends us the codpoii In this an -.cures It has made, , , - I , ! �- � . � . �, �,'. There are two kindi of corpuscles In nouncement., . . 14 . " 11 � . !�" fte blood -red and w-lifte. 0� pr� ­. . _i . v , Now If you wish to relieve ' _­"___�__,""­___ I _­­­­_ ` �� vent any of the disorders In t. . COUPO , No. _ 27 .. . � ' � 'The red corpuscles conta-la nutri-Gon, r IN . , the white destroy disease germs. sendIn. that coupon: I To the t)r. T. A. SILOCUK Ltd. ' If for any cause the white coirpuscl6s* rlOrIPPI . BrOnchle,lCouglis . 193-195, Spadina'Ave., Toronto , becow.e depleted and are not sufficiently Br6nohitis WoakLungs I acee your olTer to try a 60c. bottI6 il�i� bb,mi& fA iipafrnv fh� &a,m. �# Al. ­A 110morrhagda Weak VOW of payetilldo (10611OU110w 8I-koenV1ftf:-, : - - - ------- Uore Throat) � I thou ,disease controls fhe body. . OWng Weakness V Anaoinla - . )Urly Debline . tour ox&onse, i pave nou nka a,pua.­ ottle . Pay,chine bild6r LthfS RindlY Ailyled'My di V - . lO,';c,s all control 0�er bowels andwater, and.beCOMOSL 11tterly 7helpl.o, . 1. . :. '. , Female Weakness Catarrhal Areotions ` . this bottle to Ine, , 41, t; � vor .r, .1 I I , I . , . as, and hag -to be Pared lilte a ellild. I L In proof: of 016 1)o-we� of Dr..Wh�liarasl Pink Pills to enre. tlii� terri- . - I I . . Indigestion . . Catarrh Of stomach 1. .. I 1. I . . ala .rq. Sa � . or, Sask., says. - Polo* d rah Sano 'Rul- 1017,'Of Antl .7 L ,d Nvith l6v- . I ble m. , � ". .* , � W,,,f,4r 140 Veil Y 'a OM400 to 1407, hly son James 'Ivaa; afflietc L , _W * * Poor Appetite Nightsweats 1 MyNaino ... A.!. 4; 6*. *.� 4.....44.00-64. I . I .cohiot,or ataxia, ,During that ,Lime 116 was trefttMi"by several of the I ,f - J1 1 11 Chills and 1?6*6rio ,, Obstinate Conghs �I!Ovm.....�46%..4.d".*..00404. ��'Italn 1 1 . I ,,, ,,� - ilea iot,l)e. of �. an)rL , ' ,�est doctors in. theL. West, but tb(.-,Ir � it rklatin tuit a . ,,tettb ago herbs were found Sleeplo0sneAs and tarriigitiff mid. .Ab* .0 . 4 bonefit, and 11(,4te1)t ZroA!ing'u1orsc,A,lld I hadf,to earry him fram� his. , ,�'Oti " . 1 re 4a sease. . XotvougTtonbles D"pala .. � . I AfttrZ,tftets of Pleurliyl, PneurdiAls, And Thoy didn't know , L . tuvott6ta VUwb6J..b.;­ .­Jo� . I 0 .o . I A..#0J6#W.* I L how or why it, I . . Gripoo. .�' � . I M,y 1>raglllaV8N4M6­­.$1� $.4*004##J.*'L �* '. tlit up,. He was as, lielpItIss as allillifant; 11(f lo -94 all ,66ntrol ot his - �, I .th000 days, they do to -day. � 4 .. L I . NOW, We 4ilan't ask you ,to Uil::6 bai for ttatheildouslY . . I . St"Gh ,ind gnin�. . . ,...#, .......... 6.. . � 'L L " VA beeano these heftbulld uD wori the bettellplal to .. to ootop!lkell. _ . . evect, of -Phye -Vill aut the t6o. ThIS4 VolasnotgooAftr `bott)6 otpM& ,in 3rm 6 it premn to 6 aftgrat 04 : . . I .0611. bel6w"W411 It t6 tie 4nd *L 011 t1vt 1150 MW�be sent of- a Will then dy" I : I kli6appob ' And and the hb qp1tal N;d fiet' I'll ,Advis('d me to take him ' .1 home, as they: said they could, Ao noth-Ing for hirn." At Una time a I : Ullfti A4, 6*41ded .101 Psp. Your dft ' Ail drder (for whitall, ** I L . � I # - J11J.1; W - f41411 I _44*1 *,"OV0011 1014, tho, lhfm 4AAi *A . is lbottl of A 0011146 froth Mir . , -, . trot th%. to dallvtr it to . . t I ..In.a:geuera1 ,iN . -ny a balab . eed . . . lO,';c,s all control 0�er bowels andwater, and.beCOMOSL 11tterly 7helpl.o, . 1. . :. �> . 4> , ration for growillga6d tattoning. ' , I . , . as, and hag -to be Pared lilte a ellild. I L In proof: of 016 1)o-we� of Dr..Wh�liarasl Pink Pills to enre. tlii� terri- . - . - . -1 *1 4 IftS -May be rnad4 of Corn anid I tankage by using..si-C Pavia of I , � . . . ala .rq. Sa � . or, Sask., says. - Polo* d rah Sano 'Rul- 1017,'Of Antl .7 L ,d Nvith l6v- . I ble m. , � ". .* , � W,,,f,4r 140 Veil Y 'a OM400 to 1407, hly son James 'Ivaa; afflietc L �... coril to one ot tanituge. It the I . I .cohiot,or ataxia, ,During that ,Lime 116 was trefttMi"by several of the I ,f - ­ -L I (,�rn, is ground Into a -tine� meal � meal I ilea iot,l)e. of �. an)rL , ' ,�est doctors in. theL. West, but tb(.-,Ir � it rklatin tuit a . � I and mixed with tank�gt�,ei bonefit, and 11(,4te1)t ZroA!ing'u1orsc,A,lld I hadf,to earry him fram� his. ,.,. 'P'L ivater sh6nld boadded to this so , av , . I 'Ced to , a ellair" whore I -wollldht !! tf t'r hini, to cliftbl(" lilrd to I "' tllht it .iUftkeS it thin slop for, , '. tlit up,. He was as, lielpItIss as allillifant; 11(f lo -94 all ,66ntrol ot his - �1pl��S two Tnont , " h �4 ol" ftg6.L ,Xhei kld�i(%y� aild bowelai arid wt%. daily lookedf ordoatht orplieve him of his . 1 � #.. . ' slop should have about .the eon� Suffering. In 1,405 Wt� selit hirii tothe Brandon hospital, hoping that . � . i , tho tr(�atlncllt tlierp would '01bone fit him. Ill thig, though, .',Vo were I . . -sistency. of buttermilk and at I any rate be tbla,en6ugb so.�tbat : I kli6appob ' And and the hb qp1tal N;d fiet' I'll ,Advis('d me to take him ' .1 home, as they: said they could, Ao noth-Ing for hirn." At Una time a . . It will run the entire len,gth of a . i Being,willing I I � L sixteen foot trougft As the.pigs boy�, I bought .-. get older and fatter the amount . ovoinnet In 1. � of water should be reduced. so I e and � .from, - , I Lt bat the slot) Is just thin enough , s fully, tutect - - . to pour from d bucket when title . raii'about the L . plgq tire fat and,olgfit months of - I:ra is. trill,y . � . , ­ - - ____ . ­ I Of � ge !k a Ii mill feed can be used tn ad- WVRUUK1ULJ -lit- X W_- ­­­,., . - -­-_______ ____­_ - � I I . jor they xftost,certainly savedmyboYls lif-01- - .. Mr.%. I�uller vuelya, Mi,'A. 10, Steele, the' In ,qubstantiation of What . �.' dition' to com and tankage It fwill make a:better ration be- . . I h - � . well-kno-,vn lutiber and ,coal deol er of Antlert Writes,. "W t ref or. Ituller SaYs con '"*"' 'Or'�son'9' cure 'by Znk to what Mrs. "� ,., cause of variety, and tn such .. . �* nc&- I e' � "he says is ibsolute!A hgvej no lipsitation in.8ay 15ills, I illg 4na , � ,pv1�s)o1'ftt'ita'1N1V�1r1-qatd �1> ouse a trifler lest tankage would ly true in every ,Particular, 49 I ATit Inted, wit ,t)je . . h I � be suf6telit. in ease milk to ;. Used very little tankage is nedeg. - I - I case.",' I . . . � . . I ,This greiat curd ja not the only One perfornied, by Dr, V.rillis6o tAry.-�-Wlllftim Diettich, 11110019 . - 111, Ehporlmebt Station. I � Pink Pills. Thei have ,brought thousalids back t.ct health and ' * ' ' � strenkth 4fter, some lot the Ugtdo ctors �n tho country, have been I. in curable.' Not I ''I I I- forced ,to givel ,ft�p, the caoe as, only in ea'ses of lodo- - . . �.1$00< � H4" 4 . ; I 11 - - ­ � -4,- - . motor Ata.�Klg,, bulb. in ,emses of partial pAriklysis It 6clatica, acute rlteu� wafitlja� and many, other severe ailrdentg haVe t oy, been RU01608fifUl, � . . 1�. . -, fuMe whole secret 61 their Won derful, suftesa 09 in thelt power to . O'hildrem Ory 1.�_wako- .rich, red, health-giving(blood',-:4-ho. oue elsisent(fal fol,'good I tat T- "It MnAljlbino 0A.t i%6 .4.1 A �. 11, �A� 41 - I wri I t. oill , 41 A %R - I S , b, t I* f "W" X " y" 'atw inwr vdtKftwa at. � m1laeartil. 'Kno Viflis 0XV 13%, JT U �& K U J, a% I - ­ a 110 tA U #" ,I= 4 "10* Bad ou"Al ly It they its I*Ibg kept Ott WO* . -FOR FILMUM iat k6o pents a ,bd�t br oixboxes for$2.50, from t�h� Df.,Williatnilll W4-* * ' ' ­ ' � � , � - 1clue 10o, Bropkvillea 0:11t. , . I . . 1. 1. . .1 I 1. � I ,IN . .. . . , ""Affi " ', , . Awtd"w -I 61% JIM N 1 14 ratlon. % I., I - ,-.4-41, I ., 11 " oft lu W VC -A . ,t. .­ j, I -t ­ L I ­W�11 _111- 4� __ ift'ftjmii6,6�--1,� imm­ 'a . .1 A 0 ^ S T '"'k "*' I I ,.I W = 0 1 1 � � -11 � I . � I 11 � . L%% . . 1, . I I I , . _ ''.. . ­_ I I .1 .1 I b � I � 0�_ I � I �., 11 . 1. I L I . I I I . . I ____ .' . I . . . I I - 1L_ 1, ' , �. _A6. A . I ____ , � bw I ­� &-- I - J i .. �-u . ., — A -_ - - I - .- r- ------------ - I . . ...... .. �" ­ _# M11111111116 ft.,- . 1. �.___%k =_ ��l�����������������������li-d6mision&kmmott.r�-�� ._ � .. 1Ld=%"a;ft",bMd_ , " , ­­ . ­ ... ­., ", .­