HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-23, Page 441011111111•1•1111111111=11 /MO THE CLINTON NEW out of 13usiti....e CatSlaughter Sale, of .$30..,0011.,..Stock• Drygoods:llogafontiOlai,;fitootS: LiOolottios, Ladies 2oats, Furs Eic. Etc Po be sold regardless of Cost -Positively no reserve -Every article marked in plain figures -Store closed .Thursday and 'Frid.4y to mark down prices. SaleSt ris ftird4yi 41141•14•411=4•11•1•1114•11•141148. FTE conducting a successful business in Clinton for the past seven years we have decided to dispose.of our large and .Well asorted stock of dependable merchandise regardless of cost. This means that the people of Clinton and vicinity will be treated to a`Banquet of Bargains such as has never been known in this part of the country before. The stock is in first class condition and nearly all bought for this season's business. It will pay' you well to buy a season ahead at such bargains as yOU will get at -this sale. - - • 111 Lines of Staples Dress *GOods ••Mantles and Coats At. Going Ont of Business Prices. Thousands of yards of staple goods klrattottons:"Sheetings, Fianna- • ettes Towelings, Prints, Shiriings, •Linens, . Sateens, Table Cloths, Wrapperettes, Yarns, Muslins, Mulls, Towels, Etc. We have an immense stock andhave gone at the rejnarking in no halt hearted manner, and you will see at a glance just what the. saving is to you. • At Going Out of Business Prices 11 Going out of Business ,Prlees. Eyealard of Press....g.9.9&..i.i24,14,17413.1.ana Children's Mantles and irdmense Std.& remarked for the do- Ladies Walking Coats in great Va.r- ing out of business sale. Thousands iety of , scyles, all marked down to tf .yardwBroadcloth; Sergesi Tweeds. suchlarices that ought to clean them Panathas,.1roile, Roxana, Lustre and •out quickly. •• . French Worsted in all the poula.r out Furs-uoing of Business -Prices . colorings, re -marked ta pricespthat will 'convince you that..we intend•td • ,Ladies Fur Ruffs, Muffs and Ca - 'run our stock out quickly as possible perines and Fur -lined and Astrachan • Dress trimming't&match all shades • Coats n ark ed d of dress goods at selling Out prices • will insure buping a year ahead. own o ptices hatt • ladies 50e Cashmere dose 25c, Boqs 50e Worsled Hose 25C. - •10C COMBS 6C. Hosiery 'End Gloves• • Cares and Rug;• •• . Wool Blankets At Going out of Business Prices At Going out of Business PriceAC Going out of Business Prices Our immence stock of Cashmere • • 'Thousands, of yds of Carpet,._13rus- • Pure Wool Blankets, Flannelette and 'Woolen I Losiery, Kid and Wool- sels, TaPesti-y. and Wool;.also Tapstry Blanket% Comforters,-- Bedspreads; len Gloves has been gone over and Brussels and Milton Rugs, Linolenrn Tapestry Curtains, Lace Curtains, all ; re -marked, all are well known lines and _rap Ratting every yard' will re marked for quick selling. . • ,, . that we have carried for years and are positively cleared out at 'sale. price,' . •• * - - • favorably known to customers of this now is your chance to buy your plain - Miscellaneaus..• . • . • store, and can be bought while the. covering for house cleaning time, • At Gang oat. of Business Prices • sale lasts at greatly reduced prices. ; - • :• • Underwear . Ladies Belts, Buckles, Parasols, At Going out of Business Prices,• 1t ,Going Out of ustness inct: . •Hat Pins, Waists, Wrappers, Gowns Defiance,'Penniani, Turiabulls and Drawers, Dresses; 'Corsets, •Frillings Thousands of yards of Lace Em- •Peerless Under.ivear for Ladies and • Shawls, Golf Coats, Collar Forms, bordery, some just recived for th...: Childrens, in .all Cizes remarked to :_anditunderedsoof Other articles that . spring trade, marked down for quick prices that ought to induce ail women spade .Willonot permit. an entry, re- selling during this great sale. • 44 : alto buy in astock for next year's wear warked to prices unheard. of. . . • Ladies and Enibordeiy• - Hand bags Collars HanderchiefS 4 B p . • , leezzaccemeaseemeeeeseeseemeegamarmaasese AlTarimpoommoomm......o.„ • 11111111111Mikler.111.41,1111PINEWNSPI4W% CLINTON NEW ERA DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Ocu- list, Specialist. will be at W. S. R. Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, Feb, 28th Glasses property Pitted, deafness. catarrh and faiting eyesight treated. All day. • THE "FOURTH ESTATE." In this issue wo start our new serial story. The "Fourth Estate" The first chapter will be found on Page 0 and 'continued on page I. A GOOD CONCERT. • Last Friday evening Prof. Briwil' gave his farewell concert tinWesley. Church to ani Oexcleillen( audience and he 3,rogratn( givielia( Was well rendetted,- each .o[ne doingf their parts in tOod style, Sonia (changes wer• Made thd prograM, all was gave a 'bass olc( "Asleep in •the Deep," and Miss Green fisting "Good bye Sweet Day" and Miss Guest sang "Who'll buy nay berries," in- stead of theipianot duet lby Prof., and 1VIrs. rown. The young ladies rendered "Sweet and low' to the to the tlelteAt of the audienee.ReV, J. V. Word, rciadd a few opening remarks, Prof. Brown will . be missed in Wesley Church as he has been an excellent organist! and ehofl master and all will wish him. success in his. (new( home. Re left on Monday afternoon to take over his large 'Class at Galt and On Wad- ,fleAday Mrs. Brown and Hope left to Make their new borne in that town, 'The best wishes. goc., °With them. 110111E BURNED ON SUINIDAY, Sunday morning about 0 knin-t riterl 0 1 they O john krier,enb.raraos streetWas disceVer- 9. one saw any signs of smoke in the evaailng-or earlier oni. Sunday morning till the flaines . broke - through the roof. the time the alarm was given,. and the 'fireinen arrived the 13uildina.,was beyond saving and no furniture at all was seemed'. The fire made( at • clean wipe out. The sympathy of the citizens are extended to Mr. Skin- ner and family for their lossi Mr. Skinner had $500 insuraneecin the IVIcKillop Mutual. WILL ASSUME DITTIES APRIL, ,Dr. Viele principal of Goderieh Collegiate, who was appointedln- spector of public tschools (In East Huron, will ..take upihis work on April 1st instead of July 1st as Was stated, Inspector Robbk id $n hhq,rge tO thkfelose of March. AIN011, LOCALS. • smaise dizatoyTRALG STRATFORD, ONT. , Write Us at one ..for etre free Catalogue and learn what is being done in the leading business college in Western Ontario. Our graduates secure good positions, and Meet with success, business men say they are the best. We have three de- partments. Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. We give indivi. dual instruction and you may enter at any time. D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL ' riminielat The Canadian tontiagentt Of Mil - Era 'bringi3 results. Try it and see. 'men. ed SI on fire. Mr. Skinner had The doetoros rita,busy. itia 0 attend( that 'coronation 'of left On Saturdayt aftannoont to An advertiseirtent the. New Xing Edwardi Will tonsieit of 717 Era ladt twrekek. Mr. PoWler spend SulidaY Seafortil ana 1I CP ++++• +41 CLINTON MARKETS 4. Uogs-$0.85. Butter -18-19. 4. Eggs -14-19. t Wheat -75. 80.. Peas -70, 70. osts-28, 30. Barley -50, 95: 4 1. +++++++++++++4.4.1•444.4.4.++++41 • AS MITCHE▪ LL SAW THEM. Mark* ;Bros. played td faii-sized audiences. in the operahouse on. MondaY, (Tuesday and Wednesday igfete.of this week. The), perfor- mances were good, 'every( Member taking his or her part well, They gave a complete) chaeege of pro-, gramme leach'evening. 'BEING CA.LLED The twenty cent. plecte which usedlo he a (great nuisance, is sel- dom seen now, even in a church collection. The reason is that banks and others send all they get their hands an to the Receiver - 'General's office. 'They are then sent to the. mint and' recast into quarters. It is a pity 'that Straits Settlement coin could not be elim- inated in solpet way. WILL BE ABLE TO QUIT. If reports are( true'. McLean and ',McDonald, two 'well-known. hockey • 'Mayers of Goderich will be able to take an 'extended( holiday, as far as the Ontario hockey! asseciation' is •coneerned, foe •if the report is correct they Will be' suspended 'for all timea and the prOfessional door will, ()nip •opon to them. (They 'were supposed to have play- ed 'with Chatham) against London, • • THEY HAVE IT AT LU• CKNOW, y • • Mr.•Rebert Douglas has' •estabe lished general delivery for the grocers. of that town i and weeun- derstand that the,'Majority of the merchants in that line 'have taken .up with it. The arrengekment ef- fects a 'great economy/ as the One dethaey ;outfit now does the work • of 'several; and the merchant is .saved the' expense, awl trouble of lieepinga horse and rig of his oWn. What is the matte!! with Clinton ? MUNICIPAL ELECTION DATE. In his bill to ehealge the date for municipal election., E. Don- ovan, M, P. P.,) of Brockville, pro- poses to make; municipal/ nomina- tion day on the seeond Monday in January and election day the third Monday in the sane month. That •wqiild being • election :day • two weeks later than nOw. If anything ear'. Donovan has stopped a bit short. Another 'week or twof far- ther on would have been better, and make. the holiday season safer from molestation by- eleetion eiternent. LATE SPRING.. . 'Easter Sunday is eemewhat late this year, coming. on April 1,5th,, Easter.day • is one of the movable feasts,; its date -depending upon a please of theinmenr. •is always the first 'Sunday, after. the full Innen which happens upon: or next after the Tiet. da of March; I. • the full- meoni ecenesl on Saturday Easter e day is the( Sunday fol- . lowing. It never . can be earlier than March eend, nor •later than April ‘25-th; It is a, (common notion that Spring is early �r late, accord- ing to .1.11aSter coining early or late. Tleise who 1 elleve this tell•us we will haV&,. a. late spring 'this yc-ar. • Wilt LITTLE BOX. • • W. It .Kerr and Son.--; Dear'Sire--• Please find enclosed;:00 dor . which send me the.'Clinton • Kew' 'Bra for 1911, I was very much. :pleased te sre in the , Christmas number the fillotaof my former '.teaehey, Mr. Bairci,i as 1 'have known him since 1, was .a child its he was the only teacher that ever taeghteehe butethat is some thirty years ago my Imaiden( name Was Annie Dlehl. youe,paper. • comes every Monday as a welcomed :vis- itor am greatly interested in the • Paper as I keit every week • the names of so Many people I used to know .aed even some( of my 'school inates. Wjth (beet wishes for vour fiiture Sligeegfi . . •• MRS. JOHN CATER, • kITSIC EXAMS:- Manitoba • . • • The following eueeessfal report of •stedents, in connection with the recent inidWinter lexaminations of Lonchin. 'COnseevatory of music, is froin the studio of Mr, and Mrs. W. Glenn, Campbell, Ratteirbury' Ste and speaks wen for both pu- pils and teachers, the' entire exam- ination class being successful, Piano forte -let; elass, honorsee. kiss Dorothy Ball. Clinton, Miss Gladys Draper; Clinton,.and Miss Aliee Carbett, Clinton. • .• Maims, - 'Miss Ella Colelough. ,Heirriesville..- Pass; Mr. Harold Xing,. Bayfield. • VNITED HOUSE OF REFUGE. • On Thursday of laat week two sleigh -loads of the members of the Werf.S., f Wesley'. -church, visited the House of Refuge and gave the inmates a PrOgrantmONetinsisting Of opining hyinn. "All Hail the PoWar of Jesus Name."' followed by reciting the Lord's Prayer it Unison. The party sang asChoruses; Old 131aek See and Swanee River. Mr .and Mrs. Ford eaele told a Bible Story,lVliss Guest sang, a couple of songs and delight-. ed •eVerybOCIY. Mrs. Nedigen recit- "The Two Bidders," and( Doreen • Stephenson, "Rain GO Away," The inmates then sang: for the party - Take the name of Jesus with you). Each inmate was presented With an orange and a bag -of candy. Mr. aitd 'Airs. Match and Mrs. Simpson conducted the party through( the building ttvho were, more; than de- lighted (by th:ei well -kept "'House" as Well as theL contented and -the well tared for appearance of the inmates. The regular nieetingi of the W.C. T. U., was held at the home'', of Mrs. JohnStephefason on Friday afternoon of last week: fleing the anniversary of Met home-gOingi Of iss Wallard, the meeting( was a ql1leintrial". The devotional ex- ercises were led by, Wire., Me&tath, and Miss Washington read a PaPer. • -Tau FFBRUART 2 d 1911 THERE IS SOMETHING NEW UNDER 111ESUN Its a, f5c Fountain, Pen Looks like one. at two dollars. Saves the time it takes to -dip, saves • 9 '9 your arra and the interruption of your thought, ou Its a special ata special price. Will ycall and examine it? TheW. D. Fair Co. - Cften• the eheapest-Atways the Best 612, eareessieeseeame eemareameememaeiLeeemeea .....r...............,........rt all that was great in the home, in governmetat in nation. To -day there are bands of ribbon white a- round the world; fifty-nine differ- ent countries aro bound together bythe same plans and purposes, the same pledge and badge, into the Werld's Cheistian. Temperance Union. It has been said Miss Wil- lattd had five tilentee but she traded 'with them and made other five. There is not one of ournun- her but has one talent. And the. Master's Well Done" Was to those who had been\ faithful' in ' few things. on the "Noble Lifa of Miss Wil- lard." by Mrs. McDerthid, of 'Aven- more, Out, froni 'which we cull the following: -In 1874, suddenly with- out 'warning, began the Woman's Temperance Ceusade, when deli- cate, cultured home wornen, walk- ed. in procession through -tem streets of the different cities of Ohio, to the doors of the saloons, singing, praying, pleading with all the eloquence of mother -hearts. The 'rough. treatment of the won - of Chicago, aroused Miss Wil- lard, and she soon declared this is t'eVerybody's war" and assured the women she •was with them heart and hand. Shortly after, she° „be- came Pres., of the Chicago Branch, making great sacrificee•td do so. In 1879 Miss Willard was elefeted Tres. of the( National W. C. T. U., and 'conceived .the great( interna- tional scheme that was to find women the world. over • d "who e si ensymbol isotho eyhite .badge of purity. *The great thought of her heart waseto gather the. Chria- tian Women of the world -together land Make of theid outstretched. arms an orphonage for the World's childhood, and of their throbbing hearts a • bulwark) against the' world's misery and sin and shame, Lady Trenry Somerset .said of her-e-ei --.-the Was a women1 galTed"Zif woman who preached Christ in the home, the equality of th.- 'Purity of men and women, ,thei liberation of the oPpressed, the' destruction of legalized wrong, the upbuilding of MEW •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 1.1 Get Ready • For the position just ahead of • you, Abeut 1500 young leen -.4•11=.11=410MIMallIN11, • and women prepare for• promot- • ion to better.things by spendin • • a few months in our great scheo eo Shaw school. The Central Busi. ness College of Toronto. Our • • neve catalogue will interest' •you. 11). ' • el Yen aye invited .te *Pito for "it.."`.6• ' W. H. SHAW Pres. • Yongc • . • and Gerrard Streets, a • Toroato e • 0 00000000000s--leemeillemem, .• a f. , • 1148.441.14101M1•14.111111. After 6tock. '.Taking Sale Commencing et once and.fot the balance Of•this mon di . please re. Member that many articles in this list'are priced- less than inanufac. turer cost as an inducement not only. to reduce our everphis stock but • to sell other lines as. well. the present advertised prices are .for this month only, anew list again next month and every thing as near as possible will be marked on plain price tickets making it a lot easier for the cuatomere- . • • • , A .good leand saw 20.inches -50c l'Farmers vice.... reg 3.00for...2.00 • . Ste -el elm's, hummers .., ...,...10c . Scissors best quality Wu .. ' .. -.. . 40c ' -Brad claw hammers .:-.....:15e• -•• ' ". . • . 6e....enc Airs Potts' sad irons ..-.......78,1- •ii: • ' , .7.5c .....iiic • Nickle plated hens . , , . . ,•-, ...-.95e .Iiing.outter razOri. ..1.50.......1.25 • Potatoes ricers rtmnd .....;, ..30e. Wade ck: Bp teller special.- 1.00, ... 03e . Peeetoes eieere square.... , .1.20c Brantford special„ .....:1100.:...133e 'Driver egg beaters4(Te ..".... 7.7 ......128,0 Tonstees . . • Nevada table spoon each... , .. ... . , ij)(iTiaePllsitl.A.-las.eits nsP°cial'. ' •1.00., ..03, • .. a . •- • •' t 50 -1.06 •Seheol excite' geetniti: 2 -... . : .. 50 Nevada tea ?peon, each nne .le • School cups Jepited. 2 for.. 5c Nevada.Desspoon each spooeach 3 enlyeeeepees d fl,es i• 2.rinly Cie:4*ra axes '''' 85c ronlyenbber portable. bath',...5.00 1 inch socket chisehl handle ..2)o •A few. angers less than halt price Wonder shine foie:chewing . • , 1 Granite Rice boilers...- •3S geld and silver • e0e 9 .9 • ' i 6 • .. C - 3 5t) See our tinwate barenin lets Vol Peek mends holes in any • 4 thing . e Tea steelier .. . ..... .. e .. . .. ... • 10 10) - .11 15c • c • 1 n stltri t crockery Mender . - .25e -. 3 " . 25c Granite clippers . • 6 ;1 ' • '-' (i0 4 gat galv plunp eil•es,n reg 1.50 • _Preserving keitles ...... Otte 3)5c 25 3i-) and 00e -Mixing bbvt4s ' ...::.reg' tiOe fcr 35 • Filled with oil for -. • • 170 Ten kettles NO 0 1.9..0 '. 7.54 • Handled axes • 75 and 100 . . .. . . e .. 35 -per rent effaloves' •011 Ls tint g.• . Cal' and see a lot. of other lines lian4 sleighs at cost.' , . displayed on tables marked in plain .:!, . Hotwood Cold blest lanterlis • pricer,. tickets. Any stove in the. .., only • - .. .1-8(1 • 'store 10 per cent discount filir °ash. •• twer.-...........maoreara.saunramm......assui..sc.orcipramearmars• es • ' . . • .11 .RLAND. • BROS. - Stoves and hardware .. , ++4 -1 -4 -4 -e -e4.4.4.4 -1-4.4.+4.444•444.4-1.44.4-•4.4.44++++.14 e. e •i4. ++414 •. .ubbers at5oc. ÷ + • • The present' weather conditions force Many e•• if. ▪ people into the purchase_of Rubber Shoes which would be gladly avoided if at all possible, and it is • our aim to assist in making that purchase as easy 3: as we can as•1• regards the trice. $.,. ' We are offering Ladies Rubbers at 50c -and * ' Ge'ritlemens at 75c and while these are not the -best + 4. * qualities made they are good enough to. finish the + f $ season with. •+ .. . . 4. * . Our very best qualities sell at 75c for Ladies * and $t.00 for -Mens. • 4. • h : . They are guaranteed to 3 e the best that are * made. t • 0 + . You will find among our leather lines equally * good values in all departments. *. Try Hs for Satisfactory ShOeS , t Repair While You wait /**FRED JACKSON f +44.+.1.4.+4,04.4..4.44444 +++++4 •. • 9.4 4