HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-23, Page 3I . I— — ­ I -, .. I gVU-U1t5,DA,y.rtp,1P:RXTAU)r 23rd lQn . . . . I I I I ­ . - - . . I - . 0 , '"' . . - . . I . . 4 ,1.11]� CLINTON WSW BRA. I I � . I - ­ -- - 7 , . 1. � I -IV . ­ . TJJQ Rdaly P, - I - --.:. . , ­­ - ivalitti X4.1 111a.v; 4"Oule IN10h SO140 a Farmhouse In That Ice � '� . . I ­ I'll, ptl ,Iway, Milo WillIQ I HOME LIFE IN ICELAND. . tain, rain, I . " � . I I othvr I - A Vioit to The Secret of � I .. tl:,,v.,, livk,d wit ,I!(! tho,sorrovor ,@ I r 0 I I 1 .. ful. dirt, INFANTILE, . I 1 I 11 , I I .. . I III -lys it tile Bound, Lonely Lard. '. go 1. . . . . . . I � . �e, ,,� I hildr4,11 t1i tile Wlt d, . A Ire, e' ' . I ,ro than fifty 'I f I � quil IvIIINVIR, 110 � Inalze rood use of neyed me =I os rom , I I , , .41,11 capital, Reykjavik, "b,ul . , ood Health : I ...... ­ I I 1th'.1111" thor. , ftetful �lud `*' PARALYSIS 111),1.1" a. �� G., , I ci;)ilier of the 4 11i -'Q1 b(- of t, veler : - Iceland says that ho, , . I . " I I NV ti a ... I "a . a ordinary preparations. Thcy Lcoomplish 11 "I 4 . . two or m all Gwt d r1*1 arc new and entl;ely different froxi 0 III tl:11 lii�llt l-1at!v, .1 ralily da'Y 11 0, -- . . tance� I I i . I , ,st of tliQ system, and are thdreforp, tho 11 to teit0i tllr� 1-111!111101 80ITIO ','� .., 1)&0,-1S0 WhiCh I$ Uaffling "During all this time," be says in . lil , -not Aft Everyday Method'Tbat Will � their purpose without disturbing the re �,.,.t(, rs . 'i idCal la4031VO lot the nu ing mother, as they do not affeot the I -1 I lil. The youth's Companion, "I bad ' child; 0 �,!1,1111111 ri ­; 4 the L No I W Of tho . , Compounded, like all NA-DF,.U-�,"O prcpa�atlons, by exirt ChOreWs- It goca p!t­(;-; t -f lt0raturcl will"11 ,VOu41 tile 11, wtav,s and Alarminn, the so Develop a Stirong, Maltby RA . 0 , en it &apling as big as a stalk of , - � I unsatisfactory well) gladly return your money-. , * t*i-iii tliolu rostlo.!,-o when t110 sun dc- . . -tails. Extinct volcanoes I if your druggist has not yet stockod tbcm, send 25c, an'd we ; .It tl'.�Iy co 4111t,�Wo. The I I- I Nople (Rellerally, cat,ol-iul-ae i , liwilaoti ta., , surroundeil us on every side. Dust Body and Preserve It. -' 25c. a box.. . 21V n� --ilid that aocturs are on y IM . . ... . . niother wl'l rilld tliat tho. clitidrou take It in. v bt I -, stor swqpt dowic f roti their scarred ;� . , will mail them. IoF-iota agre(Q tal t%%o Ivilitt,; regaraing this sl&,A. Distant g1pams of glittering ice I ' National Drug unclChen,icalCoxapanr of Can*do. Li-ited. - - , Moatrei�l. nitire rmalb.N to little %"awlng. . .1 " n I . ,ju * -okvep- ,aoletl (h�t,ast)- ' I fro'im the glaciers dazzled us Whe The great strain upon the human . , �l tot IItth:Ia,4ir:wtJPns in hous, tiawli (1r, body In our everyday life natwallY, - � I In oil the other I ----- . � 1. -, 1,11.�-t, �t`oat It is it .-Kin disease, and,.1 zbe %an, shone LIPOU tbPm- .1 I � 11 Aup� on wi't davf4 III . von�l. I'l'o ,I�l gorni disva�av, I. 'an orl Y "Bul � e,,Uln a land where there makes us Interested to know how - .1 . I � - -- . times, Irlien suoh W -ton I , 11� er eI . . � I - ;;-.--- ;; would be se uoa. r1Tj1O,t g 4 1 . . � b- fowilit with'puro. rivh bl� ., , and where feyi crops some people enjoy.such robustbealth. . I 1� � I). wise she will . I- -A 'k-- to revent . Vato'ell I ou !Ulu my . Nyastea L.I. A III0, V r ' ' .' 'bth s!ren, sa�p up her . , and her little Prevt,tition is ahvay�.k tho-better way be,,m'e. hay and turnips can, Do rais- I . -e*aro always. talking pd,% the 1,,jn(I of tho -midnight sun ' an(I ti�,,It, i Nyhy �� I I 1he secret s . V -i� � 4r sickness. WO all can t enjoy Out Of no tho ! you will ruin me." . ,glie Covered her face with her handsi ta.ks on 1100d i)(!Iiavlor for the rainy, ko wih havo lie necessary d she J .tbout, the w6dom of k6ephig the blood. I ,s healVaY and rich and the u­rvo in stunmer and the midday moon in, door life and must therefore use I ad che6rful food and nourishment to make found book s ai I I and her bosom heaved 'convulsively In, I . . her anguish. q ,,�vs, an d. ' . -remilts, f roin liatlent children, who real- . ly appreelate the homes coziness, Of 'a pure and g -y, - , by using Dr. Clia.;e'.; Nerve ; ;i�. - 10 Wrl �,,�tI', . � ,proper onv r"ation, an,outlook On life and up for the lack of frosh air and'sun- e discovery it hmoN�rledgc of current ,events Which shine. This has led to the I . , Aqv , I. rod, VMMI`34­4 deadly foe i 0 q � W-911 1 hava not 11, ways found in Populous I of lif e -giving substances such as, M, Bit; I C11AM, it Ii. BRAND gazed at I railiv . Was Twr6bly Afflicted ' gerra 1 6 � (1VI-ise i,'4irinq whothof t1IPY 'IrO - of lidanffle paralvsi.�z,'uf cold.;, of con. citieg. .. � 49 There are -no sebools. to bo sure, Phosphates,. Food oils and, Tonle Barks., These combined r IW I ,_it .tr) illp l()IIo',y farinl:ouee Y,,. � eq tll,� I, ,,,,,I witil tho inairc-sion. that ErEELER the girl, a,nd #bove his ,own . . . Witfi Lame Sack- , - � ,limptioll (It. ;111%, other disease. Don't lot the liloOd'90t, thl" and' wet- o. - ide ofoReikiavik and une or two 1101 Other small towns, for children can- derful - life-giving elixir called 7 LEW preparation Of BRIQVS TASTE ; t - ill'. v".111 -o -l'.1'.) Itl the tviacal Tarn)" of mi$,ery rose hissympathyand - he . . � cry. Don't 16t the nerves get exbauF.t. , not Nvalk ten miles each way to, a . Cod Liver Oil. This Preparation to I . longed thought for lier whom � e girl of his, to comfort, for tb , Cpuld not Owerep The Floor* . - -k is too g real. Every dose ed.' Tbo ris � (1hase's Nerve Food goes to sebool house, and'oven .such a school- bouse but two or taken evei7 day at meal time in- � bion creaks the appetite, helps diges� choice, whom duty said he must cause It is hard. to do" riousa work with a t)f I)r, tile f6TIT . mtln*1i,of.a certaiii. aniount,�of would accommodate three families, But the itinefaal and insures good health. Make it a , i . to sairer. He yearned to take her 14 , away the tears, but weak and aching back. . I Backaplie comes from sick kidneys, and P ure, rieh b:ond. For this reas,'on. you to benefit by. this treat- Tiedagogue goes about..from house to house, carr�ing his store Of ' ea,r,,,in g p art of the. daify diet and, sce, hdw , , will gain in stfength and weight. you his arms and ,wipe he knew that she Y;ould repulse him. what a lot of troul)le sic1c kidneys cause.. . . are ceI,t,,,,111 . ment, ... . , ith him , - behind ch NVI, and leaving I * . . ­. - . , rr , I HiAbrobbed with the desire to prove I - But they co,n't help it. If more work � � "-i&-put them than the), can stand it is . , you irejad not wait, until you have befora testing al stim rid a desire to intpilectu. Ulu$ a is On beyond the — . .1 � - . . - . . 'Lived to 'her his love by,asSUring her that . � � on not to be wondered that they get out Of . � -SOL I,(!' iorni. (if paralysis . �'. lie warnod by c kno'w wliat going bounds of the island.. . The Shortest 0ity. 4 was ended- the attack on her father , but his duty whispered,, "No." . . � . I . order. I I . Doan's lt4ney Pills are' M' specifie for t1lis gy(qz�t nIt tijoili lle"(1,1`11"", `](�` plesspp.ss, irritabilityN aii(I of coneen- � ., play4prs in ".Thoy were great che-s tho.]Oliolv farmhouse whci�, we lt,g- "WhiblI, of the largo,'cities of The . world had the,shortest life? I . himself he repeated the IrNoilt And to , . - d she must ell- ri or he must, go On, an S -A +h 4-A e ninst.pay the price. and for all lame, weak or aching backs i I � . kidney trouble -4. ' Mrs Napoleon1armour Smith's Falls, . faffipg memory power. . tratijl!� tilp illit),f. liesturt;i ilio system . wllllk� s ,, to .till you have .soniething . , . . ed and thev Nver�e keen to filay'vith y C( 11s, jkltliou�hili ousid- I . I : I; ,w f,'i-Ir ICT.i).,�Tiol)1!111yer, lie ,r in the- ancient world tho answe is Palmyrd �. The period of Its .Pros- perity extended only from.117 to 273 Ir I.. Bui,� juunu," iie anSWered, ..We 11 I uare, a - 0 . an outraged people had . in writ, Oat wrltes.­"l tal;e pleasure ived 'bill:d Oil, � . I 104% 1 ms, (1(q, r1ow onert,y tind vivor.into the wa.i ianoilgiliously beaten by the an-' A. D-1:6 years� In ilie fifth century capital of . couldn't dodge a story as.big as that w We had to It. Tbftt's what �!,re Z6'1'-:J0t,10i-("b,dgb' the, pela of Wheeler I rc ing�ou stating the benelit I havO cc by using D oan's lQoIney Pills. - About a � j)r. Chase'� Ni�rvta ,,,III, e IAIJv ,of �11.,,�. llt)ii.�;-,�Jiold, Tbey �,Y.-Q,vrn by wii,.g , . I i-2.wl; I Tu " : fillp, too, and ,in IeQlalldiO B.C—' Persopolis w4s.'the. , enipire" for thfi;ty years I " Persian i t 10 . . I pyint . . � here for." . I�iaud, and he was onle of - those`men, enoogh to refus e to,take.the ear ago I was tot -ribly afflicta-d with lame I � Mk,'and boid I not even ,-i f:I,. �,;i 11 bt,i*.* 0 11 )., lid -,I , ';f.-I"ate'� & '11vinn book; Nyp jv(�Iit. ,,I%vay freorn our Fowl, 50 (-ell - 4)r - I I ie- 1) . *iit ',Ili Iblil,10r, I.-Aw, i 0111". but this was merely aR acciden 'War Carthage I - But she was still insistent. .1011, -sd, the story, 6ut strong �, price of silence. , Nvas so could sweep my own flool,'..' I was advised to * 06., Tu r* 1 n4o - - ' . I.. .I.short. � - - .. I I ,_it .tr) illp l()IIo',y farinl:ouee Y,,. � eq tll,� I, ,,,,,I witil tho inairc-sion. that (lif atIci politics, . ,we seat of empire.. the qfiorte�s[-Iived I fo , I ? J. I print of couL . - throug 11 - , He led the girl he loved to a. chair, try Doan's Kidney pills, which I'ditol, afid . I - . - ill'. v".111 -o -l'.1'.) Itl the tviacal Tarn)" of it, only endured about 500 years. I . . . I mean the insinuation all . . even a s she sobbed and whisperedt Nvith the greate4 benefit. I only Used . . ' $126,000 Pa' 66fil. Dernande � n � . . 'Al be * 1. 1, 1)5- 4.%Yell- fi­lwt .1 tiliv,lit %N 11 � . would b modoril tIInLN the answ�r I Why, by using such unfair awalis any can bring discredit on , ' "Wheeleri Wheeler, Wheeler," endear-. . , :Urin4 thrp� boxes and I ainas well as ever.* I thei;e to'any- I . 11, v f Oe- Lonl AlII.1,-,'1,,;,,,,*. who vw­n IaN I 11 . .. (T4.111 w(ire.lavort"I clitiles. . " . .�inarapura, the,furn)er. capital 431 Bur Folfriolc1l in. 1783.* it. bad la. 14 . . newspapers .11 -111�v - one. mr. mcf-lenry refused to hL Ingly from her heart's depths. . . I. lo6ked down on her -with.a world of' highly recommend pills sufferer fro ni. lame 'back and kidney - 6VOI it v . I" .*.! br 'a.1t t,t I- h I I, Is; -f(III"!1I tj:r"� -1 iii. -turri�Ilo i,lj]-Z��il - i'.) ISTO, li I ­ --- . nin. . . . 1111pulation. (If 175,000. '' Sixty yi�gr A -Secret. . . ct I I gize. lie wouldn't even tell me'w tio know?" I 3 Ili *his eyes. He well knew.. sadnesi . . . trouble," I Doan's 'Kidney. Pills are 50 cents per gill-t!jI . It i it l.;�r�.­, which in-' 1Z(1tUr'ZIII)9 W! t'L) Mars,- --,�),,11,�.,,-, to"ll 1110., I - �Tr.' Tl�wim§­] -1 Se- -�,,, -A Tllonjj�4(111 (e,I1.x1ous- - I t go;veroroc-�, was -trans Ifitor tlltl�so�flt -0 - ,'tt,d to M n and Arnarapu f tq a cl tjl'ay, 0" , wrote it. Do you . st . Brand gave a violent' art. Atfirst, and the world:w0ould soon know' that in the high pieces biqst box or 3 for $1.25 at stil dealers or inailed 6.1 T. Mll- ,IV. .1r, tt�_(,. 01"Llf-il 1,10Y 1NIuIIQa:zt`r. fi-0111 -n .t. ly by a few TUIT (1j, to ,X.tiIe;,,;-,, ti.i.- .weriI at,!, ekA ' ' ' 'I ' . 11, ., , , I E. , IV). -N\' let NVII.4 it? - Mr.- Tlioiais4gii- i., now represented (in -Londo , I , In tier present mood, he hardly dared 110 sit I those w 1. . pay the 6enalty for sin, even as the* . dire�t on rec cipt, pike by The , burn Co. Limited, Toroni "o' -011t, � , 'd captured by ba�nd ,-t week., Mrs,. Lan. , ,its, who OtoaC,f,11,� ()n(, I v4d.you lii� . I T 11 In- that M 6. Ia I dear otl temples aiia bainboo'huts. . . 1. Arswers, . . answer- the. girl. With a determined . effort he puBed himself together and o more blindly lowliest among us wb I I. I I When I rdering-direct specify 11 Doan!q." 0 . -s %yefe.,-'ro. -.I, - I -cort. T " 1'11wltpz",,,I�-:�O he dif , e (�, I qn. j,lo,,Ij--; 1 tel: I off.. Ili , y "' ieaad. aud Lord Muifca�,tvr Was s . �grlcll atattlerl 1111 never . I . . . . . .. 1, I answered her question. goes astray. . Judith Bartelmy had- been -long . . . - .. I I � . . . . . . . . . I I a rim4onk of 1011t,r ItIiything agai n. - to. Athons, to iiegotiate , z . . . I . . . before - thk was (lone � ­- . . . Dogs' Public Bat hs.' ,,yes, I know who wrote it." "W�011 leaned toward II1111110 . -enough in society to learn the art of . .A New. -Phase. . . . ( . , Ottawa, Feb. 20, -The L)ng Sault .. $112.5,000, . but 1 1 . Or I eek ftoo*z, were, contrary to proni- i Will Lo*k- Fine. . . . Hall tile Vienna dogs are terrier The fox tarrier is a particular-fava . . - Judith . . gazing intently Into his eyes. � and the c9ncealment 01 . the control . 1. . . emotions under many trying clr(!nm-. I - assunied -a ' dam proposition -has I'Aw - be - t G in .( - aq I '. wb7o � if Oluelph .410nover ap- . N-, D,IOVM' ,afrist Ili(, band!ts T.Jac Mayor c '" . . . ed out fli,:.- thipat and . 11rint iii'hi-;­OfllCjaI capacity tit the. thercupon'can-i I pe. . I "" . �ssity of. the"dogi beir ito. The neet ' "' ireauently washed has led W. the o . "I . wrote it," he announced. . . stances. Probably.in any- other situa, -phase, Which will referred the 'Commons to -day -by Mr.' Borden, ' ter ' sho& their prissoners , Mr�- � Herbert,. -eduuZ,:bQa-,4 .will linwif wear A- . . � . . ( . . - I in Vienna of I'dogs�"pu tabli§liment . i ck aghast. Judith started ba . I -you, Wheeler? I Why?" she cried' I tion than ib one where her father 11 . � I the she loved were..s.o dleiiply . I . . Lieut.-G-pryernor Dix of New e York , , State, has writt6n Ron.,'W., P, Frye, . . . I . cousin of.thp late Lord 0arnarvan, 90%111. , - .. . ; . 'the ',ale' I . Mr. V 'I ther-in,low (if - - -1 n,p b'O ' ' 1-4Et . li� baths,". � p b6 seen' li� which are t . - 'b 'it r , One.*,buld thi all of t 0 cl 5 - hysterically. ; . I ile -struggled td "I had no choim . aind man I concerned. present,- 'she as In the ilarker -1 of the United 'States'.com- chairman . statilig ihat in- L r' r. Llo.Nd, and it bonut . .,v . Lord on, M . Vocal Pradtide I -­ ! co n n Singing in 14b small., r6bras is 'rui cc (I wi�h� the lt,�lian Legation at . all parts j6 popular Ino 'a I ng Vie . t, dogs bei tlieY be'everywhere toler , maintain his grip oA himself. . .., would liia�e been tible to retain . � I I. degree, o f self comp6sure. Several mi,tt,L,'e on, commerce, is Opinion the pending bill f aills to' � . I . . Ii 17.0'ivas a- great ouiqy in to 1 ft . Iany voices. : . , - Athens:. The . . . I ou3 � � the . 1?1 weald d. but S t . " 'klclj� is 'no 'the case. "Do , "You' had no choice?" I "Judith, this Lansing Iron case . . ipinutes. passed before she was able- ,. I DV,e erly th e interests of navi- c' ti r rol suggesting that before final .:O ,!a,n and country general- --� Parliament R . . � . - - tbp 'Ile 'eold-iliooded Tnurders, bat � All Kinds. . . . ,,,* .. ' , ted" Ia IbO rule at, eve not ,aidmit , . restaura rit and CaJ6,­while the trai . when broke 16ose," Brand responded ... to speak In ,evenly bilanced'tones. - - . "if ga n taken by Congress 'there aCtIo 11 is �IV �4tlt? (I'down Nvith the 6nP t� agittition (lie. . -He beg all..kinds of money . . . 11 ; . .1 ' ase� are. also fdrbidd and oranibi I ­ first I'l..saw Ot that'it was � -any' I ,, IrMeeler," she.finally saidt . I �hould be a survey of the chhanel and - w , brcf . -F .111 oo-7p.�qtsi � a ar. o;. coin colldet , . 'i of the, . r ,.., . 14Rich,- ehr­.­,',� or. . ..... :_ � .. , I I - I ... ground; iind.in.the p arks and squar I ­!% ,&� �stndght . 0 , thiit tber -­ I - -'-8e of the sllckeZ_Qfi � 4.- OW - it- I didn't kn . - 6 baA told me that yon__�vquld or I .- . ,­­ - ­ on ­­­ - -1 -U T -S-0'. iiWii(iiii against. , 1 1 - ,I iliproval-obtaiiied Vom ftia,§Gcre I � - , �-igg- of War a tile t 0 i ­' . . I an I � D M=*1011- I . .. � I .., - . , . . ­­­­ ­ - . - ==� , , 41 p . -, -, "" - ­ - � I.. ­:­�, -- - ---w- ­ - -u"'ri�,;vviam�'e.. . I , �� ��� . . Bc;ohws, . n I .; . . ..... abq�-�, ni�jst b6 � le4.7,,Lpri�9R. Globe. . T ---- - -- . was a D19 S 1i . . . . , - . ,I, . - - , involved in this git ;my fatber,. aWnst'mY faqW.t-ber. ­ *-- -- - -­­ - � . ., TH 14G. , - ., PearlY teeth ,are not.' the, - fa.rillion I I your father was WILL�B-c GOOD . � . first I just followed the path, and lyoico bftan to, break aply-Pagiftinfilt- . . , � yWhere. Firms of artifidial teeth - I 031% I would not, have befleviId It. -A . nd , .— I .. ever. w1i6 Ainve an export when I saw where It was 1padinit me , ,. Son -in -Law of Earl Grev*,See.q Pros .. manufachirers ,I-. molars - ' , . f you, qou have not t0l(I me that joiS wRL - . - perity In-, Reci-pir"ocity. * trade have to keeg..JT) stop ��. I , , I: , . . . - I � wanted to.turn back because.o . . I . "I , '. . I . 4 . . . I . t�color, from 'Whitol P - - . . but I couldn"L" 'He stopped for a mo* eme YM attack. 1. . . . .,Ottawa, Fe&.- 20.-7That Canada hai ­ of every shadii 0 - I I ­ ment, then went on: "No, no. I . eoiild - I -Braa thouilitJOL palliate he'. He . . t; black. There. i., a ateeoly demand ' I I . . secured.. a good bargain in 06.-r.eci, ' for- b . I I . . , 'in. 3ain . 1, I I * ' �mted himself on a: corner of the man- d lack,44ceth in PSia iata- * not stop -not -even -for -you!" _ . procity agreement with the Unite . via *and- BUrma where 'the natives . _ - ,-But it lin'Pt loyal of.yoq,11 was her ."- edftoes desk and bent 1toward States and thatit:will stimulate raffi. chew. the' bet,el.'Titit wIllch bladkens -F response. "It wasn't like you --to at� as she set in a chair near him. . . er. than check. the inyesiinent 61 Brit- -t . bar . eeth MuL � . : I ­ - I Now,� Judit,h. let ine'try to 41ilaW. :ish capital ---in the.Dorninion' is -the . tba.teeth. For Versiathe t " , r,,,tl-- . . be ti�.)sohftelY. milk N01-ite- Rc�(.­It%' . . I I - said ,ientreatingly. -1 think lean opinion Of A. At., Grenfell, son4n-lavy. 6 I . he � I I -as sivkl -froin Blin-vild � . I �meke y!Du understand. You see., tbet * 6f Earl Grey., member of'the bankhig .,an order u , ie�c I - rpol'imol', . . : ,P�� 4 I . of. Cha�lin, Milne',. Grenfell .& .gar,"in India. for some'lfright � Lansing Iron" com Pabir ,owned alotlof 'firm :ifi,cja�l teeth. SmAters'. teeth I . . . . PQ%k . Co., and ch&irn�an of ihe Ctmadiait bloe art y slipjAied *top dentists''in 1 WN , ' Is �lvaluable properties --ore ,ranges. ma- ,.agency of one,of th . e leading Canadian -are regularl . � which have ' ' chlueryi. ratIr 'bi t h thost; : G I A a.des, to , '12, . . oad *trackagel etc� , " It ,g houses in London, Ilic"o. � I alfway,.ii, would bond issuir been- discolored - � . in" c , * % 1 ,,, . . .. �. had been manageb I . mote dr less.by , � I I a' eilbled'-message which reached - Inc. � *, I .� I . . I I.. . � , , � ( . . -now be a -wealth prodi)eing business, ' ber�, yestcryday., *Mr. Grenfell -is-quoted b - . . . . ­ . . � � . . � . -but some of our spectilathirs 'down., . . iriterview in . � .- , ,. . . --. . - - I . � I . . .. as ,giving the following . b . . �P- . - . � � . I . . P � . I I - f , .. . i1bown were trying to get, hold ot , It. to . regaxd to re4lprocity-­ I � - I -r A ME. . .-% W 16.- = C- — I . .. - . ... . . .gamble' , with.'. They wanted to - milk "From my. recent trip t.o Canad�,- I � .. � q I . - I . ' . d , - the 847t . ag ts, . by � watering IL ! aqu, convinced - that. . Canctaians 'fully . . 41INN11, I W= L jt,� as qp' Agnill �, . ' ' . I . , � L They'did have a. �tock -market biWe 1'reilize, the progress an.4 prosperity 111M - L,V . CM I L I I I . - ` '$ . P . . ��. . nobody btrt the , that hive -accrujil t(5 Canidian ma'nu P� Xli'li. B E T M! E 0 191 N E � .- I Or tWQ,L'Wh'eb' eS.L 'tacturinp. ..and' agricultural industrips , _ , IC -Hs 16 COL.0s � . . profited. . ey. flnai�' . . . laiw e- -L . i I But th I � *;-" I— -6 sent :out at a rate I . P I . � . . y rs on both sid . I I - - — -P I - 0 � seline .. F W, tL ayslReuralgid Wn- . . . . .. Kemus]Headache. , L Cold in. H�ad.,... ' . I , . . . . ' seline Remedies inTub0s. . :amphor.1c7e,13orated, I I :&rbo1atq4.Qvh . . . .. I Nhite,Oxide of Zinc. ek. , . .. . . . I Eachf br,speklal **!ks - � I . . I NrReforFreeVaseliniBookb . ' .. I 1(*JMMFG.C6.k�.dUOBOClkab.tA�14ONTRUL " . I . . . � it into a rece1v­. . .. V J -­- 1-1 . 1. ---L".... ­ . I ­­ . .. I 1. . I ly got it by Juggt!np. , . . of -over $150,000,000perLannum by Eng, I � . ' . I . . . , � -F R��AS'17013.-SALE.­ ,. .1911. , . . . . . erstilp..which. they never could have � ­ . I -am wiffident that. . A M � - I'QJP.S.-4s . . . . I , . l#h invest6ts. -�i& V, I, 11, & V 'A 'R X "�IX5 . . LA- X - . BULLDOG� BRANQ-. . . . . . I . . . I 1. AIMMONW-POWDEF L . . I . . . . I I . . The kind, nuitbe � ... ­ - useC- It 'makes ,tb . - - . . hardest Water so. ULL DOG BRA and does net SMJrt8 -A�the 'hands. ' 1.06I. P packaje at all grocer ORO Po save coupons e ....... - closed in package al . ­ . -- 'i ­ . ... - compete for $5 91 h),LB P�­­­ . . ,��­ _ . .. , piece. $800 .91te'a .: . , paid ' ,out- �- to 111-1 . I I . I . . prize � winners, . . - - i I � . ,, - . 'L 4 MANVI�.&OTURED BY , , The ON O' . PAINE CO.; Ud., Tbi�ofi L . . . _ J . ---ft done-lif a lanited states judge had nub the.fiist ibing taken to considera- NOb-2Lf a irntIllon acre's selected In thp ­ �-- - ==-!— - . I ­—� ..�. .� ' . I . . - ftnetlwL, , Ident . . . I a. a. PAL"ER. vlaelpreal . M. I . . � . been wUllig to eiceed his. tion by the Canadian. Ministers would .1110st fertile. districts.z al inspection' .4. PALMER. PrOs . I L I. .. . I -. .. .. .1 -. I I - . . - . . . .. - I . .. r. , w-iriff I spoio' 11 now. S "0- V- , -* . . . I . . . . ,ph -t- i -A- was your fathe � be whe er-Abe' reoibDrdei arrahge- ..Ai�- in t wr t'. I . .. I . . . . - I ; . , . . . I I . . i"Since the works .shut . downs" he - ment; with the, Unit6d � Ltites might I men are out of - affe&t. securities A ich these went. on dwag1j. "the . � . I I _.., employment, and the kamblers have large inv-ossm�ents have been made... . ., . � ' "I bi�Iie!oe. it *ill, prove of, inestihi- ex'!"' ;;� k10 I Galt, . Ont. , '--- --. . . . . � . . -Agents witnted;' I —EB , . . . ---ALIj 'FH I'll F, .' 4'r . R LS V Q qp, OF Foolu'liv,farms i; central Ohio, 427 1-21 I . . . � 11. . o c nipany's gone gqt rich -because th o able adva.htage to Canada.' -Great ma, Thaei - just what uappenid,. I -be ac�es,,.Iihj�e houses, barns,'two, silos aild it Jobfi E.. r - bargain. I oster� 11 .. I - . . I 1 40' . . . I . broke.. . derived by the. . . , . I terial benefits Will and. that's all I said." . . . . . Ah agrimiltural whole Pozi�n in b4 creftine ry., a .. ont, - �ql�e,� �ine- Ohio-. -1 I I . ­. . - I—— . . . I - I. 1. �, I . . . .. Blit ft. wasn't your facts, -1 tell YOU. and -manrificturing. industries from . . 'r - INTRAL AL. QUARTE,11 1, iWTIO.N (1, E * - : - BERTA-black lbam,;. fifty broken, .. . . / , � insinuation that was I ,of . American markets. It was your . . the - opening ,_o good. wells. 8intill house all fence.cf, r , . I .L . ; I I . ' . - 'I. I I false. I . . The future prosperity of Canada;must , 1. . . , , , I ,four � miles froyn.Vik-hig on I Mid stable*, � . 'u . . `5 ? J. I --tinterpretatlon;I! -Not Insinuation be 1=9elY Used On the soundness Of Gra Vrivilc Pacific; $J,000 q io k na L'. I for L . , , L .1, , L I �' , ., "13ut it wasn"t trqe-tt. wasn't true." agriculture and the, enhanced value , gLjo.' Address Box 306, -Central Press ,.�­..� . . . 11 . I I - I � . t .1 ,� I "Oh, yes, it was true,. and mom'!' . of western Um lands that will'Tesult . . . .. . i from enrocity win Indan gntat6t W.- * Judith r , , I ir. Agency.'Torotito. - ­­ �-L . ­ W ­.. X- 1. - . . ,;Lly:�:-d -1.,> ft-�10 . ALBERTA LA . nili6s from.railway sti ition; main line . . . ' . . -� 11 I . 1 . . I I . L. _* . 'I ,verged .op . I .1. . .1 lirity.,of , glish investors. -,The pe, I 'of again. .. - ' eiproclij .?-U you loved me as.you. pretend to, anl larger markets which re . to. the� farmeft of the West, C. N. R., Lloydmtnster�.dtgbrict; . choice . soil; �$14,� $8 down. balance easy -for Tuick Central '. - . - - � 11 � . . . . . . pi it true or not. will open. no matter it you thought . I wl�ften that- ard_ . � 'will cause great. deinafift for the'pro,. ..bu could not. have A-4 4 4'6. factories the eIast. Candi sale. Address Box' 300, .r�r , 'a . FAgency, Toronto, - - ." . . . I - . ;� - . I � _ I . . .. . I ." I . . . I . . , .. . I I . .. I . -Toronto.-Type FoundrY, 1, . I � . . I I . I I . I 0 . ()Ompanyl Limited-. �.. . I — � - -.-. I - .... . I . "I . ­ - . 1 70 YORK-STREI I F. T I . ' ' . . I - - � --- '. I . TO WONT 0 ' 1. . . ­ . " . �I � ..... I . I ..�.. . - � . . � . 11 . 1� ,. . I . . . .. . Canadian ftents , I . . . .. ... �­ . � . . . . I � ­"­ � t-- � . � I . . I I . . � . . . . . ,miehib printinx PM64411111. I . I I . . . . . . . . . . I I . . I . OolVe Areftory Pr*666411 �'. . L : . � '. 1. .. - a c4rvol� cutters, . . . . . � I qr'*Wn ' . I . . . - . American Type Feunt4o.r'W"i -- �'. ,, - ,,, , -, I . , . The Inland lrype'Foundry Go- .. . I . . . ... Chundler & Price Gardens I . I. . . � . I Faltion Presses - 1�.. � � L - I . . .. . .. wafte We- Presses . I , . .. . I . . . . I I. . . . S60thworth Punches - - . . . I I Hamilton . Mfit. Go.. . I . . I . I I 4 ­ . . I � - larohmelp w1rib'stitehere . . � . I . . I Rosback PekoratOilil, �. ., � . . . ... I . John Royle &Son* * . I . . 11 I . . ­ . . Moller SAW'Tilmoner . . . � . ' . . ... � . . I WALW6.8hooLrd Ruiire . , , . . : . I i .. � � . Mentges Folders . I I . . � glegrlojil Gem Cutteft : . . . - . I . I . - 11 � F.D. Holiop viaelliere . 1. . I . . . . I . . . , . � Chaiienill;6 Machinory Cos . .1 . I � . . H0014 rA�)Clhlne and Xngraving ­ . . � . . . I . . . . . . . . Wctrks . I : s � Our 04n'Sr"s Rule pepattment 1. I . . . . � , . . � .. . I . I . I I AV,, - . . . . . . . . . I . . I I ou I r Machine ROPAIP GhOPO WS thO . . . I larg"t and best 6qulpp*d' . ­ I . ,. . . In COLhAda , � . � . . � � . , � I . . � . or- the, Ilverything f . L I . . I I . printer - . I . � . I Rebuilt Printing MOLChInery Of I .1 DeSarlption .. . � UVOIT . .. send ftr 111"060646d 00s"" . � . .. I . ur wrote it JudW4" he annou"ca. � .. � WN '. . � .. . � .- Ole.00 I... I . d . . . .- diau statesmen hive 'takeJ:L.*dv8`Utd9 . I -- .antt YOU see that I.wasn't Writing of tlic, situation, . . ..0 , li - . about Srduk father; tift dtout - & Uffit.ed m - "It appears to lie they have eecureiil. , , ' . :' Trb: . ., . , - HELP-WAk ., . -- - " . .; - ' - . I . - �' . `� . - .-- , -N "" �WA- N TF,D - -10 OR' TWO A CY131"eNv lilles;, greatest, premiti)n propo- . I I tack him suddenly In this wiYi I L .. almost as it you st.ftek him from be- I . . . . � . ;ple zins for Canada � in .ex .States judge who"-. .. I -ndid " tO -1 She moved farther away from him- change for giving Americans What .. sitfon Jni-C�wtda,. Apply foil 1:artivalars to Sellcry,22& Albert sti uct, Ottawa. : . 1. . . I L L bind. And do you not see, Wheelert . � that you are butting -m as -That,is splitting hairs, Wheeler." Americans eola,d have taken for thom-' her ' s6lves at any time by simply lower, I FA NligfP�--ARD t1ILT711f-G)ROWERS XMIN -why �not sell mirsery stock during - - - - I ' . . vou Iniurp him? I am his dauchter. . � . . � � E16 walked to side. � -ludIth. pleaSe-PI"M dOn't leiVa ing their own tariff wall without ask- I . .ing permission irold ,Canada;. Inve&. ' your speire, time?, You can niako good money with iiS., Our.stook is guaranteed first and true to name. Out- � - . . quarrel abotit thW.* I . tors in xngland will 6pee,(41y realize . . 'he girl turned to blin'ImAdlelvelY. - , , trade' advantages, derived -by� :1 strictly grude � fit free; liberal termq. Th9s. W. Bowinau . � I . . . . . I � � A 50-c6nt bottle of . � Many . � - , ' .11 h, Wheeler, We were on the Canada through the reciprocity agrqs�- . "o - of It, weren!t We?" - � He . cast , ment and willbe-more anxious to'pdr- Tme ' � & Son Co., Limited, Ridgeville, Ont.' . -­­- -- - � - , ,-,- - AGENTS' WAN'TED-1-N-A-Iffi- ]�X-R­T'S* of to sell household remedlik; . . . , . . . . . . I I a 9 nd her. �'ToWre- sor ticipat,e in, opp6ttunities offered by W, arms arou 1. ry, I I ­ b invest-, aren't y9urs She looked fondly into- sound Canadian enterpriset Y %­ — OAnd, you will, take back ing theii IndneY At high rates of ,in., - ,Ontariq - - large profits, t1ulck sa,les, satisfied custom- . I ers;. experience unnccessar�. Henilock Remedy. Co., Halifax, Canada. , . I � - . I - � that article, � woet YOU?, I . tereot, while assisting in the develop- -'-'r"b�ij-,,,N--,rRAVELliN(i-SAIi,kRY '�'.. tNumll b EIRUMIU11. * . "y �t- I ment-of tho British B mpire. . 9A.Vexpenses or commission; must be .. . . . on mustn't ask. me to do the , . - s , . . . . . tic lendid . - . ... I Aoctive, ambiti6iis*&ud energetic; s . ' . can%" looking at her earnestly,' I . . . I 6. ;!fornier experience not neees; given in half -tea . I Opportunity 4 ."You canlilk . .. I . BOIL . I r EL sary. Write for particulars. HI Creo .. . . I . 'C1gArLCo.. London Ont . - , - " , I % ,­­ -.,n ­- ­ .-.-.- . . ' "NoP 4 LIS ANDAMPL S. . � doses four times a, day, . ctupti, 4rev away from him adkv . I .. . . . 'POULTRY. . . . ,� ' I K" _ �i� -*-of &used sltpgether by bad blood, and I a __�T,t - - - - W- "I ­- D8 ' . - , 1 .4 * . or t*o.. She surveyed him coldlY- , Ave a a ..3 Gff0JCN 8 Y A 4' D, RE, pp Will ".Wheeler, I came here thirildin IY urilOss YOU cleallse the system of the bad i -ali'vaorleties, rda;4 Ju�go. brooder, - - mixed in its bottl I . . OAOD es will not di0- I years, p i9ree two hundred egg . - I � Of toy tather, bat I suddenly vv�, . bloo(I sho. W04 or pimO el -old chicks. WP - I up ear, c " stock, � egits, day . oeft fgeft a much more serious QueS, 0 L B16d Ott 33ris � I'll t� � ­ -- t1on­not What " of a tuan'�'ho * L )I -11, - -�' last a year-old'babv near- 96t p�teblood atiA kd�p it pure b* , .1 L � removing every trao6 of inipure morbi . . ANDOTF#L ()O0XX1i1-91;b. . . but what kind of a man aft 3700' ' matter. from the system by ,using the out of c9 hen $5 cach; eogs, ' - Was deeply -cut,by her. manfiet d medichiet *09. litl . nvo. Luthoir ulder, Nspanoo. Ont, I I - ly a month, and four bot stmA . greatest known bloo .�� I - . '. . and' her intollixitloo. , . BURDOCK .211,00D BIT-T0tS- .. 'reACHERS WANTED. � 'Judith. it 70tL only knew the tmtbt L . 1-� fles over three nlOtithst . gl't of it, things IL Can't tell YOU'. Y00% � soniii Cured. � . :)UU jiuX.DRED PROFESSIONAL I I I . . Nor*ood, N.S * 3134 tWhers requited'for SwAmtelievMn be with me beat add 6001 In WbRt I'm Mr. A, J. Saulnier, . he to L ., I I . writew-J"Two . W I tioublea rind'Alberte, Schools Opening dUyi 07 JsP;6gJ tot tomms Of froni four z0oun years a OI . Wto" I and will make the baby . '41th boils on my nect, and L ack, an" III , h MIMI rocured- full , , no caught her in his arms a941no . riend 11 III: est 1- ­-­ . . ­­ .done or w4stever dould'InOt get ti(I.Of is . I =aVroij schools RUPEe0:, 90p% ;6tin ' + k lificatio to lim . o,oh,r,q . strong and well and will -Wb4t8v`r "ve rpab. recommended me to t U es I 1Ji' neII Sdak. . , . . I Way, do t love YOU," he Wistd Bitters, end after usi O , I 'Agency.1 = - . olonately.. L � wa� ,pleased to note the- oils were isa, rrFA10HXBS IMR 15, 54 140, It LAUM L lay the, foundation for at Judith showed eqW fervor an she tiMy gone, and I h&ve not � n troubled - --dufAcs- eomineficitig .Tantia" Bird, � . I I L 191,1; miMt hold fint Or s6b0nd bl"s Oft'lit- . saide. . . . I with any ainftll . 'a * salar �, , $0. 'Apply secrethrY, "And you're mom to me than My � Pimples Cured. IficAt's -Diri P.O., Ont,. . - I healthyt robust boy or thdr but for my ilinke you muilitdlt. , - go Vvt A. Skinner,'Grauby, Qua. Alim. *0�n. U — , fA. # Mil I � I � I Ilow could WO ,Orlteg,iq air Y�Z;w 1­1v� CLIM POR SALE'L ------ . I worm against him. . k pleased to mo a ti�. =- - I " n ON TE9 , , AV , girl. tagatber it You did? Burdock Blood BfW�irs tit it has done me I NAMEtTINSELLED ON T ever be bAPPY'.1 � VIVEs2tiful Ilona po it'% 15a: eight Voulk do thko ft me, Wheeler, Jilat touch gbOd, My face was oqAe)ed with _atom_ _ 14 . ioxg,ft . . oAt your pimpliso and bein � anoyfoldind OMA 154; 411for we Post PDX SALX 18'r AXIto WL00 ,f advised bf a Mend 4 -.--- this? 1 want yod to carry - , MM. Arthur Qge, Simujl0Ai6 IF.O.O. . I Me (,f "Ptr Itild this Id. ft . a Bud live up to iour high por, to, try hurdook 13 6od Bittero "d have go - ­ .. i setid Iftl 131WL "$ &66r. way, but you thd remo"d I did so sAd I nOW 1MV6 10n C'o" 14-S' , .. . L L, . bUt Ue&UdJVJftV,l' 2 , its bauk md child's sktUh- = .i�n 4W nlo'tlgot Oil my tote," d . . 11 . . . . , t Promise me , . I - t,&, Soth U%sk cohtAliW A46" IA& 01M . UtAilk him. . Ilu wk Blood Bitters i's M111Uf&0tuftd � . 1. L, . . **"$f# . . . I . I L 1011, T. 10buft -00, 1AWt4 � I � .. Abw A "*,W Toulhit -(T)1a3;8-.. . I . I ." I ,. toatIA144 46:01; WMiko ­7­­­�­­­­ .­. ­' . I � ,0*W4NJ60%6ft6*W0ft toom* I . I I I I I . ( 1. I . I . . ; Pago 7. . . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER1 CAS'TORIA Vargo on PDA,, , Newport NeW6,I Va., Feb. 20. -Tho, $to. aulhblp Sloterdljk of the HOlIaa4-' , " ,kmerican Ilite r0aebed till$ port ycs� terday irom ItotterolquI with tile =90i in her forward hold on fire. Tu- xad.' fire engines were called andoafter 8treams had been playe(i - upon the burning cargo for, 'hours, thu� flaines . werp extinauished-at 4,30,olclock ye�­ terday aftOrnoon. The fire Was dis- covered at one OIclock yesterday morxx- ing, Tibough it miggbt have been burn-* jug a� 16ng while before its 4jisoovery, as the liaLtelift w4Ire, tightly closed. The I I damago) to the �Qargo has ,not been ascertained. I � . � . F, . 8111/6WAS P ' . '� , nickly, stops coudfis. Qu e !0ld �shea&' q 2r, I , 't 1he *iroat and Wild;& . . con s. . L . . . L �� . ,Before you -Buy � L L � 91, - . *� . . 60 , # I � 0 by Mail 0 . 0 1 . # � � .1 . -1 i .11 �* . I .: 6 . 0 Bring us the ad, that inter- . 6* ests you. If you will do thl's.. ,� L, 0 1 � .. 4, you won t buy by wail, tbat'9 .- , . . ` * oiel-tain. . 01 ; . # , * * : * # i 0 Becauseyou will have no. rea- . . 0 .son to. -Any ai;,tiele of"fewelry or I 0 - % " 0 Watches orSilverware.0hiria, or # 1 4 anything else can bL Loughtllijj�e � #: . . . . 0 1 at prices ever� bit as luw ny- 'O I as I' * I t *' where elbe near oV fai. �#� , s - o. - r 4� And voubaTe this advantage . � a 40 you call see, bandle and exainfrie �f 10 to your heart's content smything' # a16, . .. # - I . . 4, that Jq ofinterokit to you. , L 0 1 Bring.,kis that tbatQat4logue " 0 .0- and let Us plova:lt to you. . - S. 16 . I *' . .- * I . . .. * . , I * . . *, . a . � . . . . I L I- 40 . . : - . I 0 . , , . Z . n . 9-0 . '*0 W. K.L* Counter - # . - .. #. I L . . . . ,o . je,sveler aitd Opticia][19. .,* . ,. . #'. I . . ;. * -.� 10 . . . . # I 5, 1'. , , w... . . IS U ,. , 6f .. . * I I 17- . 8 er . . . +. '. I 9 . .. � . � ... I ­ . Z . S. 0 . . . i .0 Alarrtagge License's.. # � b- # I . 1. . I * . . . 0 . . . I . � ** -1 01 * in. 1. . I � ##*##*###*#+W . . ... I n- . . . I I.. . . . .. - - at. . - rys palroRdIc. 5011CHN 1. -. I . . I .. I i I 3 .. I �, . I. I . I . . . - - . . ... .1 I I ea . ' .. I I . . I es Plu.nibing.and Ti9si.1111011i](1ig.., ; ... I —F . . . ,. Mr-UtC6 IUSURALUM—a—� �-�­.­ L . .-.. .. speclllllly.� .,;, L .... L I I . . 1. . . . �.� . � I, woula respectfully solicit the p0ronage . I . . I . Lbf the Town of. Clinton and vioiiii)Y; . . . Rqiiairiiig oi.til kintis.iro,mptiy - . .. a I - ' I . - L ­ L ­ . .... ­ . ­ . ;kttended to I � I ,. . - , t �... . , - , , . . . "I .All kinds . -offjiove RepaITS.GoL .; I 6111 . f - - .Short Notift .. � . .. . I I " . b� L . . e pipes, Elibows, etc -9 alivaYs A _ j . � hailld. , I . . . ft . . . n . Agent for Berlin Fuel SiVer . ,� - . . . I . . I.. . - .. . . . er Saves frpr I toio pdIls Coal a,daY : I * . . S, Leave order. is . t .. r. � esiaehoev 76 VictO I risk st I . . . . . . . R. ' I ,?Phone No.. 149, * I . . . .. . d - W1. Xi. wlgl�;:113. . ...� . .. - I . I......, . .. I I 11 .. Id'L ' . R-. VW ' . ., I .1 I I y . f. , ,- : . I - d' - ­ Ord. &X,cLe.lod­�..... ..... 11 I -1 � .. . . � I . ,. L . .- . . . I � . � 11 . I - . I I . . - . . L. H' ing secured a, ConamOdiDPS GraiD . �,- - av ing all - Storehouse,, we are now ' buy ' kinds of grvCm for which the highest . - I . . . L I .. . 11 price's.will be yi�ide , . . . I I I . � . . L I - L . . L . . . —. . I Bran, Stoits, Corn anid. �all kinds (it . ' . .. .... wit.. . giain, Seeds and other feeds kePt': 0.111 L I . L . � . hand. at the storehouse- , -. 1-�. I . � . L * I . I .� , " - . : I ' -- L .. . . : . 7 I . . ed ... C I &. I;Uad'.­ . F0 . . .... L . I .. 1.� .., . I � . I I . . . . . - L . ' .. . 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