HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-23, Page 2Jkago % I ­­­ ­ -.--.- _ . I I . . -� Ty ". �� 'r " . IdFl�� � v . I � � ,�11 , ,/ '.`��-, -_-, ".". � - I __ THU OtINTON lqilv Bits. , __ 11 ­­ ____.1_111__________ __1 I . ) �u I I *1 I T an 0 �4 11 v ,ot o azflh A ' f . %� I vorsaryot tho, � 1� i A U th priz, c d Vv�rsion of- til Bi i ! , I 0 , b A.=,. l 1\ . ­ . '11-v- V11. I I h .� _� ___ . . . � . . I - . . � "' 't - ` k I .., _� I 11 . I , , "i- .", ", i � . ,k-,�, L�i Lt�'8, ,�P�`4� � 4BY Cantin, Dynon IlagueA �L011donj I'" """ ell our literature, It has I I I kviamz Leiw, uwgi.y, L� . . Ontario mottloleA110 Pharaoter of tile Brog- I ) I �, . lkj� � - Tiv, year ,1911 is to 11e,'Colebrated ,rhl'�Atxljlt)�C!)�)!e. The,Rolnan ciatholic , ,. Its richness and: exquisite , . - 11 . , . , . Willtci three hundredth anniversary , .t aber ,oneo ,saicrof it. -tilt I � I . - . flavorgrive an addod delicious. lives in;' , �� . Of *tile authorized version of t116 the ear like, music that can - " English �; I , . ness to homemade "sweets" Vible.* Three U01'01' call be forgotten, it is part I I � "" hundred ' " *' "' - e "� � '� ' " 0 , N " 'L , , 6 d", , � "' r $ e f ' I C � n � ' ' �' ' " " � xqu ' A el �rite �' 4ddo $ 1cl Ous_ 0 a 0 ' weets ,� I ` m d d� 11 and dainflos. 13e sure yoU, - jy,`e�tr,z,,ag0 it e4mO into lexistence as Of the national Tnin(X and the an, .� I . I t - AN2�p th � coc(,)4 ble of the Unf,111311 nation,and chor Of the national Feriousness. it � 0 1 - t 91� CGWAVi5 - tha. cOcOiA � it has 1111](IF froll'i t lat I le �, � . If Lj I daylto th 8, is WOrshIPPO(I With a Positive idol, . ; ., with the ,Maple LL,af Label, an itnparall��kj place in t1lo he ' atr-v- Its Intrinsic beauty pleads I N �0 L A� . 7 O', I . I . ij I arts q .` TBE COW�AN Co. jLjAq,,TW,0,, I I of tile English s Caking, pef)plo, of ftelingly with tho scholar. The I . . I - F'OuTo 133 the F., mQmOrY of tile(, dead pass Into it, , I � k ­ T040NTO. 133 . wO:CTd- It's., anguage has sunk . , v 1111 10's 11 I � . I i deep Into the molkal (!O118titution Of The Potent traditions of childhood. I . . _ 010 PQOPl0 as Lord! are stereotyped in.its verses. It is !. I a . Shaftesbuty � , . =_ _- __ _ - ---.-- �__.11... �­ ---.-..I- �._,__­_ _�,.:��Wd� - _;:__Z� _� ... �W= " ­ Once said, Wild tli4 maje .nta _`��_ _:_ Z�Z_:_��Z, ,s t i q an a. the repm�so .tio�n Of ! � a manis best I , I I touching tones of this irondprful XnOnlellts,, All there Is In him ,Of I � . . The New Hra Miss- HVVa (look, *of Blvth, ,was *,crslon haVe been'the stable Of.the Hof t, andgentle, and purp, and ppn.4 I . I i the gu.est or Bust . Waivanosh 'PeoPleps domestle i!ltercourse, 4nd iterit, and 900d, speaks to him.for- I I I Is publish�d"every.Thui,E,.day,.tt friends for al jieuY4 (lays, the exPonlellt,of their joys and sor. vver out iof 1118 H n9lish Bible, it I 11 .1 �he NEw ERA Prinfl' g House, Mr. Robt, Hall, of Blackstock, has rows, . : � I ISA4C STRII:= . - - V3 CLI=ON: been, the'g��st of big unole ' . . 's his tsaere&thlnq Whielt doubt I . . 'Mr. A.'. It -w-a.9 three hunare�,j years and j,avo I , I � 33radburn, . � .r,�Hnimec and controversy � I * . . I I four ago, larLrely owing -to tbq In-! never solled,7? L . I .1 I . To insure publication In current Mr. ana-Afts, V, CoOkaxitertained fluence Of.that prodigious e,-,vOt1.jt * * 0 * . k I I Bile, copy of advertisements should.be A large number. of their friends to. and pedant,King'Jotmes, that a . . _ cut in early. a', social hop one evening recently. .. One has a, kin(T -of feeling that I - I ' , I - . Gontract rates - The tollowingtable 'Mr. Andrew Taylor is company of forty seven . scholar i surely -the workof these great r . . .a- . . geitting ,divided into,six different, ,littise :,-visers raust `hRve ijeen begun, con- , ,., . �hows our rates for specified periods settled In his new ,business Wpile companies, two at Oxford, twq at tirtiled and vmded IA ' � and space.' . Mr. $proutls genial facd,will. be Cambridge, and two in, Westlni ,��r�yer., The I � I I I I yr. 6mo. -9mO,­ ImO missed from the� PAt ffoice. ' 'and ster, ,began tl)a most n- ' billuen,ce of their wor is miracu, I 00111U.111 $7500 $4000 $2500$1000 Ir"POrtRut ; lous when,%, I . , Column 40 0l) .,.,) (K) jr) 00 � ofio store, Mr. Taylor, will no e consider the paucity; I doubt work of a revised, version, of the ; 2500 1.5()() . Boo 3()o make an Wficleat and, obliging iof� bible. Their objeet Of their ,documentary materia �. .. k Column fivial. 9. I I . - was not to make , 1, and 1 4, 1 ,a igood one from a -jbad one, norto larity Ve thg"Ifighest tribute to k Column 18 OU 1000 560 200 , Ittl Pre'ttige."'Its Polver( and popu_� t' . I Inch 600 .360 -200 ' I OL Mr. Hugh McLean has purchased make a good, one better, but to their ,work, L ' .�Wgeneral atore busjne�s in Herisall ta" all the -good oxle,4 therq were I 1. .1 , . 1 Juntract dosplay advertising 10a pqr and Will talte possession � * shortly. and make tli.6 best possible, one for . "There uev(fr1VA5,11 said Thotnag , inch ner islaue. _ is son PA ­­ 4 ^- ,,, I . .11 .- 11 ­ . .-V- . . - I I . � I � , I'll, i 111 - 11 . I . . �� .... T11`UR,Q1j)Ay�j,1jpjj,P,.t7Ap,,y n3rd � 191i __­� 11 -1 �, . . ;CASTORIA . ::!�11%111� 11 I W N - . I . -1. ­_ , WKT,*_,7V1-* �_ � __� 'm I , S \j . 1. pt � '74 , �, % A ic46,R,TAL I � � I . Vor Uftnts a34 childrou, .: I do :­­..., 'JR1,:y!�q(),XjU,t , I The Kind You Ono Alwap,s . ought � %. . uAi,, !, tws=- 50;,101TUA NOTALY . AV . Boars.the % IYUBI.�q, ,F,TC,. - .Fk , Skm,ature of X Z441. �144Q 0:4 zi,�r 0.,1 , , — $ U. 11111LE. REAOMIPXI�Ijr; A -NJ) INsURA-m!", jilW1lr;ftqf 1 ____ . I �1 I.. I I 0111101W . Hurou st" Clinton. I H. T. RANO�E' Great Removaj sale � Xotar3t Publie, Conveyancer, , � of a .$6.opo stoclK I Fjouncial and Real.143stootco 1XSUl?.AXCVqAQBNT-R � _1 _�!? !!no 14 vire jr�� . .r� . . of Sbijes .. . . I D10 -don colirt 0jilee. . Having decided to vacste I i . 1. 1. Mediwal-, I 0111'I'Veeent stand at the end . Of Our leasQ We will start a "N, � OR 0,- W- THOMPSON . I great Slaii4btpr sale [on 8at. urolay )Deo., 10th. . , . 41clan. Simeon. uto - I . 13130cla, attention given to 41heaws 00be . � . Eye- ,H%r,T4i00,t, and Nqlfo, . I I Nve want to clean out every . Eyes carefully ex%mined, and outtmblo giftsae, . pretiorlbed. � I . ]Dollars. worth. of ,stock before moving time, . 0143cs and Residence, b . . TWO 4091P4 W041 of fte vonmor�cAai awer � , , Ever 1 Rubbers Froinu Shae ano: Suit Cases and Xites, . �. . Alurou st. I . . in our stock will be reduced I , I Oro wo suba In price, , D . r, W. Gilma, X. X. C. r., X, 11, 0. &. XMN. , , � There is r .jothing nicer for � (HUCe-Ontarlo Striat,01intolu. Z41 001 . ]a a$ . front door of oface or 2:1#41thury I resiaen . go, k I the money than our Shop$ or Strept" .. ... �. Slippers come early and�.'get the bpatBa ;­ , � * 0111ce hours At svital-I to's V,jut,-. 7 to 11 9 %pl . - r I I . ) 4X ran , v alley, the Englisn People, . I Carlyle, "any book, like( the Bible ii�­, 06iii- ­ - ­__ .- �___ __ � _. .- , .10 . . . . � . W. H. KERR & SON � will-atsiat him. We sliall be porry - At that Unto there ' and, ,there r�e;vej# will 'be 'such an- 1 . Pow"NAMOMPArw. Term Cash. no .Gbods on . � , � were - three . 0111. J. Wit SHAW. ."� - to lose Mr, MeLeaq and his faM. great'versiong of tile linglish'Bibia other," . Wh,eu sit Walter,$ r community. 'The church has made' , Pays I IOLA-N, oup,0130N, ,,.0 I �1, . Ily fr Cott was. appro � � . ;� 0 1 . om this vicinity, Ill use. the 01'enOVa Bjbl(- -of 15,r .116, dying he aske-d -ill w to progress under his charge.an4� tile' I . Val. - - V"llchellr, 00y 011100 and residence grL -bur Jabkson,of Bishop's Bible ,of 1.5US, and -Crax.� lit Of the I)Gok,. $cWhat action,of tbeboard Is 15roof . that . ienbt4j7X6' ., ooDosite W, rs,r3!jjU,s is I Mr, and'Mrs Art , )q,q read him O his son -ja . . -sidence, , .1. , ChIldrg-n's Scalp Sores Axe Clandeboyp, fo'rriaerly of Belgrave, mers,'Bible of 1539 known as the book 111� "The - his services are appreciated. .� -_ __� 4j . . I urn the d-dath,-of tbeir-inf an " Is Onl.r 01-101 Book, .. Try vs for Ropairin — . . �1. . Healetr by Zaln-811k. mo t -son. * Oreat Bible. a -ad f tile Bible. All others '�r ' - I I �4 t'. I I I they, t'OOk those e Were vao Pa A- AXON , , j. � . .11. Alfred George Fredericic aa 1EUT68. fragln(,nt4. 1. . � .. I . I . . gye,d . tmd various oth&, versions. �-the .The Bible is tbA I . i�. . I ,: . _:_ four anonths, twenty�four, .'� Spanish,. German,'Itallon, French his Bible has* talo,en I : I . I I I . DENTIST . . I ­ . Mothers are well aware­,illor Their friends in this vicinity sym-. -and ROmari'Catholic *1RbeniIs*jj t - bolzior th, hAMA, ; - � . P. . U ftown j4iid.l%rAdge,wvokj(a.sl)ecfolly., - 1, ran- 0 HIT911fill sPe�fdnr_-worjd Gluou Ttftps 00 � � � Gra.d.ate . W-411-9- -pathize with them, In tliei� bereav- as 330 Other book, afid Ovei',Profes, 11 the taroat and, wra,4. - -, � ii can% . �. -Toronto, Pen contract seal . slation, and Tor foij only book 1: T I ­V�R --- - . . ,a I 5, -Luently child P me4t., , . . . .r solid years . I gbk dg� heals : of C,(3,D,S­ Chicago, and U,0,121,8. . I , av a I I ­ . . I . . . y ,Ill 011"101lilnV8, May Tht r . . I I -%I — � . They took theh, iinle. And they Y by every I . . � � . . , . 11 Lmmered # aw Xley Pleaded that it be* used. . . .S. Ca R.4thwell . 1=es, ring 7orm, etc., 4# school, 0 t flIQ Work. sor'llu. . lilt oc . Some little sufferer is sent to - . . , I . � I � as, a handbook OP stud . .. . .to Deccutbe �, a I . . . . i I I ,-- , I school with a soxe( 0# this n . wOrked hard. They ,began 14 tile 1�'ugl'sli child on the ground that it Longest Abrial Flight 'Over Sea, - I I . . S . �N -_ _� . . I;, 11 . � At PlaV, the children changescot'ref- Dr. deVan's. Fema e P,111S Y - I ps, I I I tho:r 1601 anct Nvlj,ej�j- jb6­ f is 'Written �jlj th1*:nOblT1st ancj_ . . Da, oi. FOWL ­ r _, inished . " pill- Xey'West, Fla.� jult. 25. 'Tile lonp . . 14 I Bit, . I f, i. and rijht there� i16 infect; A reliable French regulator; never fall Work iR-161:11 they 'h,ifl go d: est 11411911sh dhol, that by, the *stud -est saroplarle fli#ht o,�or sea in the ,. � I I 1011 . is pills are exceedirigly po% a.' T�cse� reason to lbe:pr . 0 Of 'no -Other,b6ol< . X, - Reliable Footwear for IDENTIST. , I I . spread -the damage done. ' verful in regulating the oud'of it, rj"hou� I . 001110 tile chlj� history of avii'tion Avill start from � ) . � � ,�. !. � I-, , - I 01 &en 'be 80 116manized., . . , generative portion of the female system. Refuio three hundted I avo , I , ,."� Some children are Particularlv U- all cheap inlitAtions. Dr. do vawa art sold at since then, tho,,years b . passed . , I hero to -day,, if the'weathor is . I � OMces over.01NEM's r,toro, - 4" r , , ., able,to scalp sores, etc., and 95 a box, or three for $10. lied to any address, tran Wall, then, - i f MV40 r , I all the family, , Bpeoial care taken to make derttell. fteaf. I -, often. slation, of -the May "Canadians joill able, when Alviator.J. A. .D. McCurdy� . , The Soobell Drug Co., Caltbaritkes. Out. I e 'With thd rest. of the & - ". these break out with annoyi f - Al B'bI � they PrIoduc � . . . man� . . ,., re . efl, known go�ner- ragire ifi eel- tile Oanadian aviatok, will commence * I . Its Painless as noodible, �­. linf, , . . . r i -v ed� or . . .1 �,, ::., . . . quency. Such a case ,was t of -1 .... .. � R11Y as tile Autbo: � ebrating tlie three bull rdetl� an, his 110 -mile trip from - X_ A ­ - � . . -----------" . 1: ".. �:. . ,Tames' -KIng nivbrsary of ithistgrefat .. _%:` the daughter of Mrs. Albert Gaed- -tHREE THlWG§'.' ,� I vlei`4011, '0611 stands In sol- Molurne. Hava-zia, Caba. � - ' I � � AUnherst St., Mointreal; ­ I * . OMAS-GUNDRY ,."�: . TH .. I ike, of 485 . ays -CEMY, little 3- I itarY supremacy. It -dispersed all Every part 'Of thel en"pire is hojd�; The final arrangements ivor 00646096100*0 . Live stotik and general Auction 10- �1. Three thiiigs to adraire-intellea- other versions then by its intrin- ing celebrations and, t1lief Tinited pleted by Mr. McCurdy and tho'se 0 . I . 1':_. I � Mui. Gaeolike, a , tual, lio*er,'dignity, and, graceful -k. sical superiority and to -day - - , . States is to � 0 1. ;. ".. I uf f ered' fre- ' . .. ,� , In April. We 3.0, Canada shou sisfing him yesterday. The forpe, 0 . . il I year-old daughter s ness. I I . . i .fO]I;w irl the vaorith of -as ' 1�� I 4uently from scalp,diseasej and' , Spite Of the(1116re. technical I and � Id' not do destroyers and other vQ:isels thii ' ' ' ' k%%M.9tWsz sales 4 spegialS1. I . , ()Idol% At a% - Revised � -gas .., a will be anchored ten miles apart tr 'fB* ERA 01mce, ClintaP, pl*w�z.y a6btenotei ":, try as we wouldk we could not rid ,Three things.to , loVe-m-courage, aota le,d accuracy of the , ,be baind. 11 -ever there. - - . Var�j : . 10 'It hol , 0 - - 1� the little one of this. We . � . own the w a ef ul -to God L ' 0 tried ev. gentleness, and affection.. I ' (Is its. I o0d ,People to lbel gr . or guide the..aviator, depar O.S , to. Terms reasonable. FurmerA, ijuio wo.a I �_- . � I : Over. : , . their national . t�d last night, * I , discounted , . . . . ': � erything we could think.of; - -but . . 9 41 —_ — -_ .. . ,'A- - Three things'tof- hatd'-' Cruelty, . * . * I k" . fo datioby It is h1e, . I 0 . . . . ., � , I fallQ4 to of fec4 Ek ,cure, until we I . . , * Canadian people, � I_ arrogance, Oagr&tkf�ad�N_, . . P, or 'they, ba vd � I . . --- , . . ,_ ."peien laid . . . Love's Young, Dream. -,. - '. �. . were ad�iised to! try 0am-Buk. .� I �.. Writers of �qvery (J(1# and or . eed - - d66V'ftncY broad on the I * 0 G. D. -MeTaggart M. D. McTagg&r ­, - .* I I .lines. of that!'' Windsor, Feb. 20.�Harry Ternbet-' :WA NTE . . . . .1 This balm seemeAf erttireI4 differ- , Thtee things tb,'disspiso - �nean_ have'lavished t Plxrmlous book,,Ahe ., : P 11 . I - negs, affectatiorr and envy -hair eulogjum� ,11,1j- ter ., 0 � . . 0 . !,.,. eut to anything ,we had ever tried, . I - . . I Olt it. UnglishBible; this livin , aged 13, and Esther Xaechal, aged . � : . before, and from; first aPPIiing. it ,�Three things tol revernece Our Popular � historlaW- the li'vinv_Ood; d word 'Of 14, of Wharton, Ohio, 'pT * . . �. � ,fe .MeTaQqa'rc Bros, � . . ,*,In i -supernatural in or" .1 ' I . L . g- re- Greene,,said ,that ao a nio-re liter'-'. , 6ternal in dur ti * - , properly signed -marriage . . AT I . I . � . I I . . ras- . . . I . .. ovement. ligion, justice and -self-denial. ary mollumo-nt Iff remaiiis e nab- slible in value; ,Infi,a "'On; inexp Rev, S. J. Allen,. a MI dist ciorgy� 41 1 : J� I � , * , .. . I 0 , .1� there was a marked inapt isi,:6 'i .". The sores became less infla!med and jqiTea thinlzs to,delijxht lfi_�-b - st example ni.td in , se . etho . .. . � . eltu- , of -tile Bnglis t Ofigue divine in substan . . ope; - man Saturday � night, -and ,were mar- 4LBERT . ST �, ____ and less irritable. After a , few Ay, frankness, freedom . 1. .­ and Re parMfual, usef ba. rt, ce; " rege-ne : rat 70 . I GILINTOIL4 ' , ... -- =-.they- eeaae4td_ttoi�k�e Ahli - - , . , . . . . _ S ' d .it - in Pq . ' tied. % --Thoi .�4ir. 'Erppelkrkd the "proper . a . . . . ma a . war; I STARE . the , standard. of,,oult . parso5hal in. applica loxi;. I . I OR SILT WORD - 0 %P fxeneral , . . 1� language� insj�i d - Banking - . .� -ban a j -lift- ___-11Thra8­jtbinfA 1,QQkXl0,1LfQ1_­_.- allt I , ''... . I _­ I I Jige�; and Mr; Allen had no hesitancy', 0. - .- . � , . tranoactoo DUS180314, ,., � ; and in less. t ro;Fful . - �. I , I .. � It: lr� "Ill.-jetality., . . I . . : . . .. =�Z_ ­ � ­ I . . I . I . I . I . � I f'rom first lcommencing, wjtb[ Zam- peace, purity .9t. heart.. .. %� , I _�__�___________=_ - , " -1 1. I . , , 1. � I in marrying them, -To the " Canso; 0 * ' )4id -0 - 7 ., . . . . � . . . � I I I . I __ - . . I . .�. li . . . . � Buk, they Wbrd completely healed . . . - ___�__�_L_i_ I . . High"t 'prices I . * . . - . . . , I . . � . * 11 - I � . _ � . . I -Th-Fir. ­agehi�a-4-Mlirid-19: ." _11 - - I .---:,- a I I , I � I � . . ThreO thinis 16 e%t'eei-n[, - Rk's, . issulai, : Mrs. - DtMolson tjiey', .gave. 6 . . . I � NOTES DISCOUNzal) - , . . , - I 'h6w . I. I . �� 11 .. . 61b, � Worlk� 4�aelt- od.- - 4'_ - Rraf to ioauel!14 ... 113toke 0 Owed W_ - ;� -duty ,to let Mothers kno ..q , ""ysj1-Swi88 PamllY, Robihson,. , it poire4ts arrived'- here.. Su 101lit . . . . I .. . , I .. I 41 I)— w ' � , I Thai _ I - . . ­dioddfts.� - " � , ,: In view of tfhesO flitets I feel it- MY domi prudenie,, firmnessr.- 177 , � . . -Buk Is I$ � lality � I - � . � . I riday�, . . 0 I � ­_. .:.a �� ­:_ . , . 11 beneficial Zam . .. Eggleston-13008i6r SC9601.60y `- ooking for them.... , I . . : 400"0690O."606 . I . .. Therq is no 'doubt that for scalp' Koo ' I E. B Hale-_ . I . . . 606660000* - 1. . . : , d humor, wfrthfulnegs.. -, , ... y Wo cloaddha, T . 1 - � Kati WithOut a 06 � . . ,. . . . . ito I . . . --- . 1. Thr06',thlngs to, like-��'cord' , . . . N 1". �. . . . I .1 e It reat. . , da...j...j. 't � un- . . .. . � __ I .at. IUqjjS I ry, . 1. .. .. . 0. I - — ' * � . . . � . . . . . . I � . so�rbs, ringworm, ulcers, -khree things to suspect -flattery. . .. ... � ... 2 .,Ill. . � *:. � il Z;ox 'lit- Lachine, - . � 1. P. � alaseess-'. I . . . I . - .. Hughes-Toln brown's, .. School . S�� . t I Vhe MCM110 I . . � I . as, cold cracks, chappedf bands, hypocrisy, sudden affocti`6n. . - I I . ____________�_. - , Tom' Brownj OR SALE P., Matima& - -'. ... . �, . . .. . . I . . 'Pox has), . frost 'bite and( similar, sores, %am-; Three thingi t0i lavoid�-ldloness. . . . . I . . Day'A . ae `Oxfoid. � ' . Montreal, Feb. 20. -Small. Fire Insurance, -eo, , , , , � . . " - Buk is absolutely without equgl,it , loquacity, �Iip . .1 � .. .. oqoarliirth I I I . . XiPlifiix-�-Jurogle Book, Ca-D�ain4 broken out in the coAvent of - St.� Ann) .' � , __ . . I . � . . . . . I is - . pfint. jesting, ' .. The *,anniversary' ftrvices In- coa:1- I at Lachine, a suburb of Mon6eal.' The undersigned bas.a quantity, of . . ated. Town Propir : , 4 .Courageous. . Par= and 1601 I . ; 1. is just as good[ for piles, varloose[ .Three tbin�q t6tultivate -� tvood nection with the bgnio,nd Stevelisoli-Child's 'Garden ' �of Thefe arq.-,275.piipils.-iu the plaoo,j ", Choice Coolar Posts for sale. ­ . I ,­ OrtY OblY Insured.— '.1 � . . . . . Ville -Pres- Versek.Treasurejslarld Xidnappeil mosily 0 ^ and� PRICE8_=�A��tg . " I .. .. OFFICER$, 1. 5" � 'I. sores� Poisoned Wounds, culs,burns books, good friends, good humor. bYterina Church W, ere held Sunday I 'Mark Twain -Tom Si��yer, Thei _ . J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth . and scalds. Rubbed well in , . �tbo 'United States over � ­Threq things to�eontenff'for - arid" I Westerntnada, *Run�qt. in the lown: � . ! the affected part, it cure . Monday, -and 'Were largely� at -4 ,�-Prffice and thA Pa up placed the nimaberof cases ' I i :� - ntry, andf friends. I ,tended. On Sunday'thj _. serOees ry. Mil .1 . at, Vtockleber'*!' a seven . JANES III AXILTON ' Jag. Connolly, Viee Pros., Goderl - . . . . I � matism, sciatica, ete.t,,etc., and rub TI.i . iee.'thin I gs . � to govern- I :-temper, ver& in lcharge� 01�!Rev, Mr. � n. . . I . .,. or pight, bu.t Dr.. Valois, IA46djc�j; . .. -1 . Thos. E. Rays, See.-Treas., . ob ibed into theLphest it relieves the . Arne,s, I , . . . �� � tightness and, feeling of , weight imPAlso th tongue.. ­ I 'of Atwood,who' COWper-Last of thie .afo health officet, of Lachine, states that -- . I � . Seaforth . I I . . . ; I .. e . I I and ,approprqatt Preached, eloquent . h'cans- , there % -only' on I . . ­ � 1� . . . . . . . Leather Stockibg . � . a case of. smaUpciz . � . . . g:g:;,q,3co r . � I Tides. I . . . I . .1 . � 4 . I . . DIRECTORS. . '. � t�nt actinga bad vold.' All.. . a sermons morning,. Cervantes;. -Don quixof land three of chickenpox. A strict' jas. Corineilyl, Holmesville;- J�* .. a . '. .. I � I - . I . 1� I . . e, I .1 -_ - . ha . :,: lid -stores, sell at 5oc. . . . . . and"aning, oil MODda-Y. ovenlAllirl Burnett- ha's ­ been .placed on ths! . . ' - . "O fred from Zabi�­Buk I . the qunual teit W Little L.ord Vauklero Auaramtt'ne .. Wat4 Harlbck, 4. DaI6,- Clinton- M .. ' . - Reting 'was held t4 The Little Princess. . 0 Y�- eonv&t. . . " . j.. lCox,"T"orropin't"o7t, for I?rice. Refuse-im- ' I . . . .the basewlent, followed b�kan,,,exZ WIg . . .. . _. . . I . . Chesne% Seafoith; J. 'Evalls, B4&' �' . . . � , I Y Oliver's Problem: . , woon; J, G. Grieve, Winthrop, 1� Beim.' . I � � itations. . . . par.sla—'sate - I . - . cellent P-togrammle )of m-asicil and - .gjn_p;DIj . . : . . 0.1 0 �&Ij I .1 . . . . �_ I � % , -1, . . � �. I . � . ��. . lit '.IseXe(etlon�, 41 ,, Birds' Christmas Cdrol . . � � Out-and-out - Free Trade. . Before p . lacin . ' : neweis, 'Broolbagen, . X. McRw&n ... tl . -_ - __-1-_ I . � ' , i �_ - ,I,th,( auditor- - , 1. . _. I . An. Ideal Aldr Tohke' . . . . 'g.ar , Ott a ,. Sydney -The *riV6 Litt -10 P - �.'20.��Dr.'M. Clark;— y6hr. orders for , . . , . . Chatham� - Fel . 9� 21 . .. . . . , I ddr6ssea wer6 also de-. �jrjeo.t . - � I ; 1, -.I I . yourse" . Clinton., I . � . I . . I I ... ... I " Dr' Neely,,M.11., addressed. Eacb Director ii inspector of losses to . �# Wkwunderdtanding Caused Collision. . � . . . � . — . .. . . . ,)�', nev..X6 if, � I .k. . . epper . ,. . on's su�pply.6f Opal, get . . . I " - , livered - w I . our prices. - The Val best goods . . .1 I - . . � I. . * , I ...,.. I . f. Kip shrs. Richardson, 1 . �-Gullivetls ::: . t Liberals' yesterday* on reci . I . Pit"urg, Pa., Feb. 20.-Etght per . * I an; Rogers and( - . . Travels., .. , . Seafort . a J, . " 'ity ,.I)r: Qlark expresied hi"If - , .. � � . I .- . . sOns wore seriously injured la _' Parsiazy. 6490 .1b.- _004'P'Q� _�edf bi a � � . Larkinj ,Df , . - Aesop's Pables. , . '.j L I � . tarrled'4WitaAt an sold at the his Ckwn locality.. . L . � - ,00g�e , Un I lq.pala-6r, P _Y� . . .. ... .. I I . 1 fi�; Of& ­ - Re I t' A5.6ott -1vanhae, - Ke -out ftee trader, an(I'do.: . . . �, I : � Ara ,. Satu-9da7 migN when a passE r ced sdi4t! 8,h,­ga:w­­o-ec--u�p­1ed -the chaij.77, -"Xeil hilworth =t possibIq pride. , EXT36 - . � �, --- � I . freight train on the Cbarleroi diflszon' 'PiPles; aniL nothing ion- the �Msirket � . .. I.Quelf-cin-burwa-r-drillie- I-- - -,- 1plwtod that -the' Opposition 'press-- w&s __ - _ . �, �. ... .. . . .. . .. I . . I a.- Thli"'death ocetitrod e. Ta isman. , - __0rddrs3naybQ,l6ftakDavI# :. Robt."Stnith,, Harlo�k,­ jkd, H�nchjjj... 1, ' lot the Pittsburg Railway c6. c4DTlided. 1,0-4a oan.,coknp�are with it, It,, at. I of Elean Wedriesda'y 1 Dickens-I)ivid. . 0 r itst editorials, agaimt - WRovvlafid!� Hi�&Whre,4Eii�e-,-of . gL I. � , I T, O -r' Mas6u, wife of. :Josiah Xicholas,Nick! ov-perflold,_ , , ,Seafort.b;-_jame 'Cummini, jEjmondj­ ... 'at Motiongahelu, Pa., near hero, A; tomp Lobes s64ftch Iuore� thaml- the Tyreman, in -her 69 eby, Old. Turlosity . tile 0. P."R_ a -ad the .. � I f6iii-i- . . . .. _ . �.. . misunderstanding of signals caused. OrdInary tonleo hurk do -es' It' 00 , thyear. Besidgja Shop, TW6 Of Two Cities', . - Ch, iAt:-; . . I . - with I .1 I - '. . . � . 11 J. W. yeg, ii�6,67s.�-111- - I I . vi e; � . ,� I I ..t� I , - . . , a: � ;. �.. . . . 4 1 . s as- . � . r ': I . armailts may be m4de at T6zefr I&' . � ed.' ' ber hu 6and, Wits. Tyroman 49 Sur- 6% . AgA . . , , , , P . � tha� accident. , quickIv that users are astonish , vfved by., onedaughtej�,Krs. j B ,Carol. . . � I I . . � . . � L I . . .1 . ,. . .. I . : VArslau Sage kills the - da. . ... . a ections fro�m` * ' . . � . _�� . W. i. stevellksoll! , 1 BrOwn's, Clintoini O' - . . ndraff Best. Mrs. Tyr - Les Miserables', .1 . I . I . . I ­ . 0 41 .r to :X H; Ciltt, * . . . . daudiuff eman had beeA.. in., Lamb-Tttles frahc ShakeSpeare'. . - . . - I . . . . . ' -1. .. ..., . .. . I I., . . .1 -P,Orms Mid leftollicates. Poor health for . . I . . I : . � .. - Goderich . . I. . —1. It- I . I ,,- ",,','I'll, . .. . .. .. � .. . . . . L, stops,falling. hair, jtc . .. I 11 . seyeral years.:. .,A .� Id I h . I .; I At itfildrW Light Plgonit�', . . I , 1 higgf ot .. the I L . [ .A. Tic -The StOrV '61! CL'Badi Boy . . 'awl .. . . . . .. I . . . . . . . . I ­ ­1700als PIA04hofto ind, splittingi hairi In I ­�­, - *. .- - - '. .- I H'Amlin fxarland-T'h,e' L( I ­ I L -_ . ; Tones and invigorat, , ' L ... .. .... .... .... _. j . I � . � I - . _­ . . . . .. '5& T&e Great Englis& B-imed Its - we vill refund jour �n��_ ., . . . - dew000 klare Trajl:. .. " . A�na '. I I . ILOR , ve� . . JA GO B ' mthowhor, Or .'.1114w,thorue�Tan& I Tales. .1 KTEI -_ - - TAY '' . 1. I nervous a . - . . , '.1 � - I., . .. . .L. . .. 'CLINTON ,. '.: ' ' - toln, m4ked. new . . I I " . ­ `, Woinderbook. � � . - � I . . . 11 I . I I Blood id ord Veins, oareaXerv. . . , . I . I Ruskim-King of the Golo�kA. Ritr I � I I __ . I" - ­ 4 ... I % '-. . L . - 1. . . � I . '.. I . 1� omq Dcbility, Mental and Bmin Sage gives a fascinating . . .1 . .: 0 .... D..ft t � L L . - --- . . . . . ual Weabwas - Daissicn4, Oper_ OV10 a s! cv!es colds. hebts I . -or "Oun - Fire, Li ' � ' ' .1 $4/m#i C W. 'or, powZency, sez H�Qm, DO- -lustre to WomeAlat hiiir( and �nakes, jdavat v ' .. I 6r Sal t 6,hr at sua!,* . . e ualb . I . matwrllm��, 6 a I I ,nd Affectq vf2buse or P�eceseeg. "it beautiful. It maked the! hair T . a -0 - L 25 vents. I I Bible for ' '' . L . fe a nt L .: - Onewillpleaso six Yoling�.ftoplo. .. - . I � nd - Aceide , , Price $1 per box, six for I will cure. brugglats or inatlea* in I - daint- * � . , . . . .. . . — . . I � Sold'by all hair L - � . I B an�'PllgriiAl`s .Progress,' � I a . . . Insurance . . � . � . o most refreshing dres � - ... . UX . . I . . . I WOW luxuriantly; it to the I 1. . plain p - on recolig , t d . L . , Ara lan Sights. . ­ . . I � .1 . ­ . _. . ­ . . . .1 I � . � L .. . . "rho a , madicirlo Co. aDif I I Anderson and Grimbij - ' 11 . . I . . . I 1. . — I 1. : I .. � . I Irorento.ont, -ThP CWHdren - * .. L . Fai . I . : � ., � L vtair.Mglree. Urice. New pavivides '08 all . 1 . vornerly Wi7a&t-) C tbit science has Pi6duced lind WhRt . 0 . . ry ___ — . .. I for .Sak,* . .. . as'not A PaIrt][010 fbf giene or otie- -.- , TAles. . L . R.041 datSte bought a nd,jold -, - � h . . fioq14.P . . I . 1. I . 1. , . - L - O___ . . . . . ' .1 .11 I . - . . , . . . L' ' . -Afiee�s %dVelfftres in - - '. Money to. jo�q. . , Carroll L . ' . I . . . - - - -- . � . . . .1 kiliesslin lit. i'Parsliu, Sajo tostd .6o I " I . 8 . %Cad. ' ... . � i . ..,cents at yodr (drugglif. tor postpaid I -,*.- . ­�_- I r .. .. .� . . . . I Wondcirland,,�, OrhrouXh the %'Ook- - A. house fmd'fOur� ldts�.:one on , I I .— , . . I �. ,,, I. I , I �.: 33elg�irft-vc* from the roprietorg. La%e Giratm .. . . .. .- , . . . H a 1. URE . . . Victoria St. and three)o� St. jah OffiCi Issae ' L � I in&rG ss. , - , , . . ;, . . - Mf . . � 1 s! I . . tn�klr, che and relleveall tho troubles Ine& _WA 4 .. k - � � � d' _ . dent to it, bilious state of ib"yetem, ouch as , 4 atial L - Street, u6xVdOOr :to. Ne , - , - � Vzolnese, Nausea, Drowsiness Distress after . . , . . . - �� � . . on . " I in .1 W ­ I *By Ruthl ameron. ' . ' I .901eu Iluift Xacko ra,. . . . Mr. D. GproaAf % N- Co ).4ort-Mr1.ej.`Ont.. The &�irll 01, . Gask6ll-'Cranfor St" 10011sisting lof.choleet be . able to I* ja, - .' i. is on, L " , � , ourid, again. . .11. . .I. witu, Z Auburn �air : -.2 , fruit, Ltrees, f104 stablej, hard( an - . , r .. i i* - , exery . ,oAs the -twig 14,1b e R,ahiona. , ; . . I i � . . I . I -PAtin afn In the.Bld% . . � , package. . I .. . . .1 . lent, � 130 I's * ih . 5 &a. WhIl6theirmost soft- watek, libuie In good . .L � . . � I I Barbour -For -thb jfo� r of th,,M* lama b) Was Itas coot shown In cftWg - . . hous . . I . . , Miss VeraBradburn was the boo , - . . LLL L. . I I . I � . . .. tree inelineo!12) ' ' . . Schobl. � . . 0 . f IV) I r0air, . ' * L tess at a largo party last'week. I . � . .L, . I � ( �' ....If ( L * . I , ek conalld Of SeVelx-ro6lns With : Grand Tftii Anway, '4yatent" , I . . . , -1 wond,Qr it -ally _other �tpj)lleat, : MiLljl;eod��_lrhfo M, Ok , ' ' ­ . r -- Mr. and, Mrs. Albert MaineS L of . . _. , � *., L' I.— L - good stone tellar. - Por Particulars * - . - . � 'k -:-- . L . � �; � . . Arcola Bask are Visiting IlWte. e �'. L . . I e, 0 of XWe,Ar.,. I L. ` - . .. - . I . - TZrdan, of Drussels, ViS_ L 9:. .. . I � . ,Mr. ;6eo, J - '.L - nights, � I . . ) al%l t , Railway.Time Table, . .. I . : - n ;Ory , -, OL4.0- to a chil&s reading., . 1. _ LOW. lWallace-Ren. Hur. � . I I . . � . . . . I .,I ;81 J�:B , , _ I ­ .�.. I - -iOn- bf that* -Old aftge(tan ilv`nlad' thur and His Noble X . I � Qhild.T , , . . I i III 1111'soo . . __ VY , . -_ . . I . � . iltart a child, tO rbadi Van Dyke �"elyet�lc I is KZIV.,- . 11 . . 111. .. . Y, 1. I � . � the .r !rno of _7% Firit Chrlofinas iOquallY valuablo ns Pat' On, Mir rig andpll&. , - ___ � I I . ... . _- L,ondon,'Hurb I , �'. 1 - , . . 1 7 . . - . � u ancl Brudli, . .. I . I I I . � cortec hIldleorderso thes omac jegnoulatothA, . L I-Passellger . � I . The assehibly jo. the( p6i I '6' Y -Water 'Babjaij. ' L ' � liver and regulat%the WNW% Eveniftheyonj, *94111118t Alid Chair Leader Loudom, depa, ' I I ) I -'children* a�j& 9 laln% �, � . . ioajly find bo,okfj' written for .vontluf this annoyinfooluf ,� I Ited, his uncile,LMr. 9, Jordan, last . FOR, FLEtCHER' rig, so - I , � , . -I- - weialk. . . - - .0 A 9 T OR I A T, el Do , , . !bllet1wWw - . North 10 - . fil Cd tt vir 1, , . . . Ome, Of thd .jeall.y I , . '­ rest-or's ' - L � I I . I . . � L fine boo�s 11016 -espeeiiilly- Kill e . I . . �.; Hall -on Friday, night4 was a 'huge � ; __�. .. L I , L. ". . ,"tlt*n Buliseir Lyttoll-Last Days 101 - cand, . . tt­-, 8-80amCrbpw�. .". � fraccess. . I . 1. � I . ... L� for 1childreii ,6ut simply lt?riough tij. Pompeii. I . . L i! - - WsLuted toi WesliBy C4ntralia.._..... .. i 9.40, ' 5.48' .1. i �erj:l them, 8=1 lb.Vi,afid -by- ye, , �­...q. 9.53, ,.54; , , , . in', - , � , .� . - . Exeter.. 4 .... .5 I Miss Olive Lelshman atteh'd TWO RXICULLEXT BILLS w I V . . . . - L Methodist Church - - : Bjensall I . ...... , A0.08 f�, . ad I .4 I XX . I I 1p , I . . , . 0 a grown mg,ft 6r 'Woman 11 . I .. I ...... Tvar bills fnkrodiiced I O� 0 . , eastothinevotio - . Kippen ............. 10,16 ,. 6.11, - I . I the We4ding of her I Ij D , , -sister here I 6;05'. I weelk. . nto the I ' ,9,04bl Of onjqyjngv good, - 0 prloei Clinton , - .. ast. . , L0116 So, WROtdid geaAs . eal 16148latute by 510U, Mr Voy, are- Ture. * . .. . � , muffer from ti a IstregaingCOMPlaint; butforttu - � - . I Brucefield .... , . oil ry � . iititelythoirgoo0nondoes3lotendriere,andthom, , 1. ��.O.�._ A --.o I0.3D &104 . particularly Worthy of �ttelltlorr4 . Leav FOR FLETCU RIS .1 , I . V110 Once try them will find I . Olin ,�' . j . v' 'Miss H. XeCurdyj left l4st I 4w,ddk I litera� Ohild.r' , .0 hl 'd . . a ltho� suppor I Is Val tort 6 ........ 4- 11,05- , 0.85. - for a three weeks, Visit with Do- afid should receiv t 'Of 0'a �hfld td feed indiscrim;. . , E . oble in so many ,wags that be ... I on Londesboro ..... , . i . . . 0 Pq 1. A - , ...... :.- 11X' , 7.00, " I troit friends. . ,both.sides of th.0,11buse. * 'nately"iP011 a Prfkgelsted diet, of � q,plitations rwill bly 1,0t,l%lyedf. ... 11.18 6.ft . 11 A , ... . . These the aVerage harmleso but valuel6ag 0 A S "r Ang todo %VlthQat - am.. Ituelyfarl all I tto 1 eb. 26th,, for: Organist at, a sal -a Blyth.. _ ,.:1. � . - .. I . arool a Ibill foi, sugPort of.illegiti- ohildl�s booko anck byt and. by you I . I. � . I ,ary of $100 perl (yea ancl - bh,D BelgrAVe ...... �'---- 11-30 - ,Z.I& -1 , . .. — . .. , . ,11 i , 1, mgte 1ch-9dren'-aw dbill, for the Vill hav . . '1� I 11 . . - ., I I . a - . idader. at $100 W year. � pplic wi - 11,50 - ZZ ' "I" � Ai deserted weakenee a-hli'VOX lwolh'an with -a 1: , . . I - I . I I -0 fig4am, arrive.. ' . ".., In ,I �stllon-, lean� , ,quArterly)r4fedting; 404 the . I lfv�ft . Is Wb tions�tdlhdmadQ-ju - Itin to �,t- � $out . h . a I I . I . er 10axitolons Cl ' nger L�;. � ART'T latter, bill 'able 10f onjoying( I "Ingt hearflir . , heic! Tue others do no . . Y. . HAD HE. by their husbands. Tho d literary ,d- I Alt the re tho�, ta e A086 I providoo that th IMA -Mitchell Methodist Boajol, voinitkeoru tell t.61 0 ltw= Bo,ard of Q'Ituot, 0. . .1 �C(Wlfci must 'be thAn the current nOV61 or the ay. day evening. , I 04rb-4 9.43 &m -3,88!p.rA ' . . �t5 . * * , " a" of - Wingham, de e", '01 last, Wbek 4li -�* Jtbo Liver Pills ar, . 'Belgrave.. k ........ 6 6.54 .. .. , . NERVES WRE ALL UNSTRUN9 ' 'paid' A Welekl�r,'sunX not ,exceeding -'MLO Iftiagazine. . .11 Ino le Was exforilltd, to a anx-1, - cater's I a very small 611(1 . - � � . . � 3144 1 '. 5 an.d a kriarried ,wo�mELn shall ,W) And yet hoW ThOr are atrictl make A dose. 13lyth- - ­ - - ---�i ...... 7.08 S56 . '.. I Wherever them is any -weakness of the , raany par!ents k I us all RdVoThis, "'Y'lasytotake. ,0nd6ftW6R1lls . looraed ' , 0�e� I Tjivingstolle to remain a � * folirth K vegetable 0 not I of ....* ... 4 .W . , ., heart or nerveA, figgibg enbrgy o to bd,deseftecl vnq & b eir gentle = 10141166194M, I Landosbow - . 4,04- . . . r phy. when. ut by t , . ShorthoraS tot, $ 7,16 . 1:11, areally ca"ful' OvOrsight Of their � year, Vhis Will b9'90O(X0Wwd not -1 "llift , M.. I I . V" , I sical breakdown, t e use of she eantiot livv( with her husioand,- children's Yeading? - . I . Clinton. �... 4 ...... 4 7.50 4,2g . blilburn's 'because of his cruelty,or . � ' "OntY tO his bongraga� C Q "Ifni QMrs . �., mv X= ko � . . � � . Brucefleld .......... # 8,.12 4.8D , I eart and Nerve Pills will soon peoduet U � ut to, he I . i NO b ' ' .1.1 -refusal to , fdlon�t mjsaj� � plensotio,uo Over. pu:blic,_&e,o as Mr. . . X Do .11 system. , ly, Livingotbae .) WM jil In ,Up& ,Four -Voung bulls fjorn 9 te� 12 Kippen."........*6 &23 4,47 - . , . .. a healthy stro'llij, SUPPbrt hor With fOocl and othfor sight that OftYsj (bo( not read,thid' �jq hold in eral _ Henoall ... * j,; ...... &g2. 4. . Miss 9ZIe Kinsloy, Arkorill, Cut.,. uaftssatigs When abI6 to . do go, oi that," bM4 jj bon,structiV,e, Aug high edteOn ,bv the 'Whol'o . I � Months bid, 6f good quality, 3 roans ft writes:-" It - ij teatest of ty which Id proVided 08tilv,6 Oversight t I I I � HxOtbr-% 0 6 .... . 5.05 :�, I ; with 'the g Ofte filadhino- a -_ . . andared. CrallorwPite. - I easure I -wrW � _hgt tgysl ltwh,� I . =_______=i===____;;�� -r ___ EDWARD 11, WI,QjV , Centralia, .. A ....... 9,00 .5.15, , ,---. . , . ! '. ­ , . I toridon, arrive..... 10 00 �, . for the �control of tho recaleltrant, 'Clonk "U get thIs Or that book out -_ inton Oat . - . ,. I D YOu stating thq benefit huSba.nd_ia'eertain13�. Onple) and of the librarr t Tin% surb CI ftaire received by usihg Your MilbuWd . 0.101 . 1 . , , Heart and Nerve Pills. This spring I `wb"t 18 'betfek, �!tho ttial m I . Ybulll liker 0, phome.xo. 19 on 155 tf I Buftald aud'Obderloh . 1. . ' do Vtivalte Within tht Sky % In lt."� ' to WOWS I . . I . . � the MAgIstr I etioiX Of , I bAVe 006401,0nally, Vaeli a It 0111111110 . waa a sun down and could hardli , 1,41ser . I 11 . �. . , 1, . . 1 3 r - . West , Passenger r . I , _ - I. IbY-knothers wbor�jo seem to. feel.. . . . i I a work. I vent to a doctor and he ate , , . Sked, � . � . r A In 19 pull . - . � Md me I had heart tr-ouble and that my IT -his is the 669f featU4, Of the this tesPollisibli't­ wo vank arviler bak Atka ghl to For Sale - , sti-atf6rd ..... 1 5 25 1.28, .11 to . FREE. ..10.00 .M. � nervq I y to giv, them ,% soll 30 bed'? I . i . . wam all unstrung. I Cate! 'Many, 11'*6ian. th lifflall 3160A Mitchell ..... . I , took hi - Oughf it list Of 'g-oodboolid for ch diren, to .L-- . �, , sk.A..6 11 4 P4114 , 1 10-22 12,45 5,W 10.47 s , long-sufferel., hesitat. it _ , for L r I . �, . Seafokth'. , * " � , medicine, as he ordered me to ,do, but it I [ ,ba is about. teaktind f6r thiew and forther, i r ___ . ___ 0*114 0"X6% 1�4121 ,I -1 . .I D. .101hov,a large house. barn and 0111hton ... ". 6 I * 10-45 1.10 us 11,12 �� , � , did me no good. oil. 01=6 All . !h,144 I . *� thela.0otbule, eltwel ly I . I . I . . garden ob-Ontario 4treet Clint D. -.11-01 '1,25 0.40 11.28 ill ' - gritVaneos beforg thot ef"t Of Any, Oati ed6thfts I , y ir Akdoillsoln janChigf I � uOlmea"i '­ .83 1 1 'Was Work' Yib'V her b 'r , ii I i Printing office at th 9 tro IL court,beeaujib 10f the publicity and -be Awak)ened 'who may, , A* i 0 "Art i., I , , 6' tilnet and -ruy humlliatlon it I i 111 it.#* . Apply at Reuse or clintoo Ile'....11-16 1, a 46 11.6'a I tO thig res ousibility,' 6 ft in 0i rit, 6-py"s . ft P. O. derich ........ 114% 1.80 7.05 11.65 , "Ir oil to !jy�*/,s tj,r , ajd*60 . . .. sel 4 Idd. P6 Rotting ,rather endure in silence and endur, It is r,,,,Pil,, , I C,* k . I .1 I I" 11 . I I doctor said it was the tt, invblves. showould 6 I GO . caused the trbuble, but I t ought hot, foll,owing rNtle list,114 I d"r to Ono, . O'� . I � . i I I submit the. . . .. . Bast - I -Pasoengerj= . , hly f4ther advised role t6 bu ift Pain, The uov4 hiecif,tro jorUght J)j SOV"OVW eXC011with tho assfAithe .:�._ I am, pul P ent t a ; ., 'bildreWo I . your pills no M had deriv:z a bo!k 0" ItO fteOlb* law withoUtj d , 11.6 , . , - " .1111'' % I I Pump for Salo . 00detich ... *..#,-.,*0.* , in, go much Olay, and bitikiiiig. It INDIAN CHIEF Or - 7.10 2,40 -4 undelF ft vi lyl contains booko Bait. . . . I . . H I I .60 r . o0"Obt from them. Deford I had finished �w`RrIP Okn b6liadrion abld tot f0hildroloo fr,Oui)jj.Ve to six .X 0 MosVille,....,..., 1.2(l 9.57 . S.()Ck . _ 11 r " P61164chooj oVers, jijon.pu ' Oliuto*. . I ano box I notic6d a great differcriae). �and Wel""O hivO.nO;b lbeen playinj te,bn Years, bit doe$ nOt .6 I f,coufa,6t " , ?W �8,07' 615 capel . I I could wojrk from m0tzling to night with. tilf"t Pa't *�ill Antr WhO hAVe es. lell@&� to 1ba,',0;KhausfjVej'io . INDIAN HIA "I . fleet Ion U10, 00 -seatoith ........... %': 7*.*52 125 5.82 �, . . WATHA SUIT 11 91 sU'totblO tOr Witidukill or , I 'goStiV'o. r Illy sug- lk # I - �, Y&tdogulnP. Apply to T, COTTL9 &JrWah of Pr koperty. oojfimj� too stalilikA81400#041 Colored lilt- Iteansistabf _ Str*tfottt, � out any smothering feelirig or ht)t flugheg. I tbeir'duo too, 1011q, lbeeguefe Any I \ � I Mitchell ............. aid 3 48 rj,M 4i"Ve, a 16hJ14 One WU twish6o to 0410 - I . 4*06.*. 1 3o 0110 f6e0mbi6lid thm hilpy. to 0,11 I their WIV08 havel hosita.ted, to ex. isaffthed *Mh FabuRed Frioirpo. With Iscod front, ­­ 13-40 4,15 O.W tinio 4 thm6d t6 Inal qfiltat of William _ -.-- . ­ 110tyOus Md run do*n people. I irose thtp�, lbook4f at sigr . = �oh Jocket, WAt i I I , , I ----� ­.*_"'w� , , Price 50 o6ta pott b6x,, or S for $1,25 " thight fin'd the, 116it vtlu* to, as , GWit solit OnWAO of 1316tibe trammed j�jtjr ftecl ... .. . . . . =----------- f 41 "A_-_ they, fto jjjj'jbOok# worth -th lkelld ftonj, Sldrt trig"tadc, to XAM611. Witt -j , r Log WuAted L q,t all d4alor6 r or mail6d diro - . owning. I collited Feat � . ­ I F., WS, I � " . at On f6ceipt I# , ' Zu'luVi'Albott Llttj Little, W st,jt.. Irtnt. iKV1akVb6yajkdXjrlW*jjt*�0fi* ( I .1 5 . . .. d�UTLJRR. bib it Aft 404011 W" id $*j ,44* . vidottir wn 11"Off, 11641),kift Paid tot 'Loora 13Aag. � 1 . "' I � r I a I 0 0 1 41 0 0 i 0 I. 40 1 , I WN I # . r. Id, ,:.4,4 T XW : and , thi KIM pr9c � I an out -and . � , , M'' I �- I I - I r rqftw� - � I � I 8 I I I . t, W66%.86fbj@lm,:H()6kj1IW it . � -1, I e OW1111 t6ot (W 0t 16A* jai I e women f d I Z-" Lfttd, ThgAo _ W 0 if ptiep bt, The T. XUbUrzi Co., 1 ,j GMVr � . , " ' � UND, rik I sAA ;11 h 'r,l'kj to)nsidex-64 figr jj0A 0*nftd1iftn. I . � I �41d. t4wo , I -v "' 1 004 A 10'2' &bU% ­ . . � . . . . Wd lmovoifty jdU00jy "0000L. 4 , ,)0,ha Rod � All Work guarAll doitgr OftftiltO^ it, ; ' ed ,I kj,,I, PA4000 ro"On, i 4:. 1- a 414.1400� , g "' � ""� ant . X: alwar 01114 goll 4 00. * cold i, hwit, "*rkwt gAh6o Lob . , I I I . 1� .,"" _ a aW: 09. 'PIn 0 0 U. , , , I , 4 I A"r � �MhMi � Residencenearly.0L , *,,h r 1� A*66* mt"011allh? tty� � t ,� . ,�Do B1`%T ed . I . 1� . , r PIA 0 4td � . Olt X I . OAS 00 L , pposite th . ", . i � . � I I . I I 6 6 � , . . I . . .0 jWjt04 colleziate histitutell I I I I . I I , , I ; . . . �, . I .1 " - - 11 I - ,&,I I,--- L�. . i I . k I , __,,_j � - � -1 i--- ._ - . __ __ . - . � 7�:�,. . ........ 1-1__1-__-____ .