HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-16, Page 4_. I � . I 11 . . I I I . I TM I � . � . I 11 I I I . . THURSDAY, 9SMUAUT 26ths 11" . - . - � I. . I � TUB MANTON, NOW R". � ­­ I I _. .��­00 __� - ,-. ­ I I � -_ - ,� -- ­ 11 -_ r I.. I � - , - ''. - * �. I V,%,ge A. I I - I ,- ___ - " __ , ,. I , I—— I 1. -1 � -_ _.- � �,. I ­. � I ­ - � ­ ­ - . __, �. , , I . ­ . In im ., , .�_ `;­ -1 V"..". -W � - I ^%X I � . . � I- 7 ­ i - -,-% % r - ; I .. ­__ - I I '.. I %TCK I ­ -1- 11 I.. -to ttm CpUutry t bat- ; 0 TH" c _­­'­­ I.''. . � I , Upon I -- -NO -E - ISM : � - , FX_%r.4E � . - , I I -1 -_-1111... _ , -_ -, 04,mettliant ,own -pr INIE;e ]FOR __, ,.__,b ­QJ _ .- I I . L %31 X A.0" 1 .4 . . I IS . W - MARL 81 . , - 10 I * . I ImPo4ed "Poo the farmer and , - , , - I . I , , - glLst - -y-L toio-- 'Jilwo .. .- ., . In many country I Ar I . . : � "i's ""w" in town an well 10 that 9% .an4 give lk"f" � Usele";4UP11CROM bUY a, 5ft, - boittle- - fr*tM 70" )VU9 , ,,,, . I 'AR'. 1 _0`1'8 � ,"BACK TO towns there, are halt ot dozen grOCOril , NgW CH,tNESE, CONSUL IS AN %At U11 ' � . I L , � ­ .0 . � 9 . where POO could easily 00'RII the bud' . FEXPERIENCFED OFFICIAL. L I I + . . , are our r,eamobs . - . I : 41111 A illiss, Three or tour hardware storo I I'll $11" Yea* I . .. . Ilre tryingLto live where there to trade -_ . It these 'W .re not In below, mail It t0 Us $44 VO . 8PJ[N 1 - THE -FA rt only one. Irbere to I , — Voi nearly tile third of a 0uturr ws L bito corpuscles a . Went ou bers, QrL ll, lot SUMO19pt- druggist ah ordef (for whI4 We P�f , re I ... enough to SUPPO Wang Sze Yu . .tL retill,prica) for a bw ent Who Represents. thq will 40. sum . � - 1, bave kuQwn what Voychlue I t n these dtsftse er-410 him the regular . . to be Oves , I I 1[ti 9' I --- duplIcation to delivery spstems'dupli Colestla Kingdom at Ottawa, Was We bave knowult to care hundreds of IF a rong, � e Ldisesoe hollo the cent bottle Of Psyelifus, ': I I . ud clerk hire and in a thousands 14 that timej of some of the destroy them and. L 4 free of cost. 1. . . "Town. cation in lvnt a farm- , Formerly Consul at Nagasaki, . . ase known body. That's tho, cause of n9arly every YO -will findQubtedir but 4114 Olsbrt` X"I.—The Country dozen other items.. All tblis. the . .Moot desperate t%.8Q0 Of 4180 )raqe. We . I er a . U4 thO town people who Patronize Japan, and Was Before - .That a - . - . disease that afflicts the human i%uuer bulldrada Of thOut I , to medical sele4ce., . IM 'buts In this n , , ., I . thousall c6XIturips, In fact, It L Con"Axiqcj. 1r9pa,page one. 0 :dg of un, 3?,Dr Years, - 0 -cent bottles of Pr,r- I . _ to pay. To t the stores bav , ,o sure �Magii.trate at Kilamsm -and Shang. W lized that -herbs are tho most 00, , 1 5 . , , , 9 'have Tecelvoil -will been r8cogl , '44& of these � . . , � teaclita-, A:$ the natural coAsequellee Of P my C. V. onwo(ORY. . th4t'tbe . Y do Pay Lit there la oft6a an . � a! -Has %on at A I merican College. solicited testivioulals, which we eiit for disease. Culls. . . . the closing of the. model- schools. 97 I � . ih 11 . I over should YOU effective tteatm . . t tifoe* that A.Ad wpo 00. that to vilLow our 9At#* . _ � oug the retailers to hold gladly let, YOU 100k � - . . I was'. an ; agreement am, ' - I It is -only wit'On reCen , I arg=evU years a9* 4 now is, rtain level. Then tbeY The new Chinese consul, Wang Sze deslr%. . I le to tell NO Why ther cot*defto 1W t1lij von4orful PrOWS, , that it was fax - 1/6 iv - L9, by Arnorican Press Apso- prices at a ce , wa,have been ab , A . better , e tea4,;h tcopydxht� IT , - Aaws. , a contury's . �'. � ,,,, . . A . efailoo.] � mpi4in when the farmer sends away Yuen, who recently arrived in Ot Think Of it, a third '01 tiou. , I . )m�Z�6T-Wh6gi­n�A— . I . L . I tion, were so stfictive. L V y r(i.t have had Col that the as . . imperial consul general for Can- experle . ace with One prepara a ncei that has., besA Vtsed, an , Ain, ada, has I be _­ *It d that A His na- , , thir d stre a w 6" * , ,4 this " I Ing. than to adopt & s7stem calling for towris-tiloge . wer two years rhat extraordinary cures it an r' full unow- . C . t . ,a - , . . '% . I ­ . I auing� and remit- cannot sqcceed Unless Japan; JQr f )edge of or pha&OCYteS' L with ousC40 of , 1, . a morg expe hit one . . to be big c1dea and those business man ciples and Uve I place is Ruchgkwa, in the Pro- bas made-RIMOSt R 1116timel - - '-----'- _;� 11 ' ' thr r," pr9fes:.jionaI.',tr ' * ' RE are two kinds, of country - for his gobds; , They forget lisaki, , know- Because certAin of them ineftilBed A oonflide �. , L noVipgLI school HE� Which aspire to farmer is p.busluess man an ell consul at Nag. d Of a century's intimate ' L ngtheued th bite corpuscle L a ' r,r,,ido,d Ypo, pla ar I ratio , -usive, T. . .third of our I 4�X.j 'at the buadx:�s of �� , � in& ij �,jhe fact f L I . prin I . . 11. - r , their V1 ce of Cheking,,C . as it has m _ , ,,, L' ', ' .T_ ecogn . ws business lentral China. hav - emplojed In Coll', ade. _' I , , Ut e4 : which r .Ize Place be follo noer then with that per- Th6sel -herbs are , ; * �S soboDols are in the Ilands of u ram I the cheapest market The ing*been born at Shanghai, He was'' Do you WO , L iPsyehine. that we poulidlut PsYchille. .1 . tk add, Sir, that I have and opportunity as country towns. The buys, In teachers. I may , ,. ( fect knowledge of k I ', LL _____ -----------I I 'L . �' �IL� - I in the.work of tornier have ambition than com- remed is free competition. rKle corn- i . is, -1 I Ig it to the., notice We go all over this world to, obtalt L.0 2 .� ., - Always had great faith, _ - more ,Y me of the -mer- .. I are anxious to brit I s Arabia, South America. Z C01UPON, 1. - * , 1. in, ition. may force so I da suffering from these herb - I I . : our 169.del ochoo,14; they were mon, sense. The 4re still led, by the pet of everyone In. Cana , - * ,L_' rge of competent and 4perienced Ide.% that the best of life- Is represented chauts out of business. This will be I I � . � : . . Y , . I . . ChInd.aud. Japan 0611 contribute. To the Dr. T, A. SLOCUK Ltd. . 1 ch4 . I disease? And the result to a preparation that I . ve I for the whole conimu- I . ­ 193,195 S ad Ahve..., Toronto .- . men. men 'vf A , , ten, fifteen, gLud, . Do -you wonder that *we want tbOse act b er,chaut )nj methods v and, build vitality AS � , , usi ex . y, the city aiad that the best measure the, best thing , I _P_ '04 a 50c� bottle :, twenty yea;Ts� , perience, men rth is its size. . Ulty. Better one prosperous in . to know who are using wr( III restore health ' - - . .- . , , I Is by all Of a. City's wo . I . ' [, and no other preparation will. I acce I Mir offer to -keen) at �.. who were trained in, �Iihat , ow in numbers may than half a dozen who are making ft , of cure, WhOL are not getting well 11, )una Si � 'J ... odds the, best` 91 All universiiles�-040 The destreto* gr I who we kno :will be benefited by That has proven Itself In nearly the I had a Me, . I - The i At � this an. - . ' L 0 13 w .. � I . . x6ity of actual experience. They In extent a laudable am- bare living, ,eal merchant , t 080 L . I , be. to a certa .1 third of a ce: to 4'' Ter � ; .. unive .- ccessful 1. , all ho can run their business etticiently, , PsyqhIne. � , . atury's use as no other V � lofilg efficient, and su , bitiono The-desite to . I can buy s oven itself, MP� � . I I , grow In qu ty w . - . L in in business. , !Xbe others . . vrepafation. ha pr I . werr� 4 ,jilise, school - I will rema. . L .. Do you woudbr that we : "I , worts. i e as r I and the ambition to come into closer at work on � . of thousands of 50 -cent hot- ost effective tre.-M-31. .., ....... r... , , cess to inten;bna teachers.. 4 goo touch with the ,urrounidIng Country would better be the farip, , . I ,hundreds the druggist$ Of That Is a Ill . I MY xam .......... L ............. L . . . man's son or. daughter was not 0 lig- k the country town of the truest Tfie , best lut�rests, of the whole coun- . I ties of �Psychlue.from . 14 for: .. . � �g� f w,r � - ,Canada to give to those Who WI ll to ghe . Town --0 ........ ,-,.w .... , ..... .. 0 ... .. . =4 res, Or usiness be doce trAl- I � L% Griffe i I I I a � U . , I . I . ed to leave home )I the country itself, such try demand that b P . , , .1 $ . *ties toob wn pro. tym Like 4ry It? I 13rovahl Is. L I . year in one of our et . I ,e ized-that I . Hemorrhages $"t and Ximber .... q . . townq have all the advantages of th t. be t�hen -to 4115 great 'an . I , . 9 ... # ....q. -o -w- , I 1, - Instead, however, , � ties to - * * *L . - Bore Throat Less . . � fessional tralxi�Ug, these mode, schools large c.ity,. w th few of Its disadvan- ext6nt,a4 possible from the el I 0 - I � Sir, of continuing , I I To.make this P95- . An"mis -� ...... I :1 ,fildent number of tages. One of the greatest problem$ Lt I I lotions XyDrusgIsV8XamG-'-----; ... - . until at lefi�t a su he country towns -wns must learn to 11 . I psyeblue builds Vitality, Vemalle Weakness SO), , I . .� . I i I ountry to I L Indigestioll . Street and Number.... i% ........... . a.. If, I for the pro- e c. A ppetItO . I , teachers were guaranteed .- tfiat confront the city is its slam dis- I sible tIl . d Inoreades tbs I ,� ,. all the rnOdel . - - . . Iness at the least C70st. '; it ,strengthens an I - . . . . . a . n1a notgood fors, no -bottle . b4pdle this bus 1 . &'a'ud VOTOn This couPQ - , I �the cy I lueos of . vUlto corpuscles. of the blood "�,. T- � e6viessness An , P of ppyabine it presented to the drug �2 . El. isa fib �:. I schools in Old Ontario wore closed, ii ,, ,, �� gsf ,�.;. , " This consolidationot the bus I � I- Mr,ous-Nrou-s Vy I& -it must ue senr, u* --we wul thess V, Y I 1.,-:�%.., .:.; ­ ��,,:':.":::..;:,:�l..:,:i�.;.�._... g p to solve . kago,eytes,,the policemen or sc&VOU to, and. I . J 1, resulta already re- :�..ffl .... ...... .. � ...... L'.. �:.:.:.;,.:1;;.V.,;,;,-,.;.; ;M - . : t pt Aftw3r.61=4 �._,. - : the 50c. bottle or . with the deplorable ._ �g he country towns will bet, . V Irieur P chino from pur . e�f ivieur I ff .. , � the . e 10C I . m to deliver t, to I ferred to. The net result Is that the mail -order proble.m. Tb a . gers, of the blood. I druggi I icts - ..: I o. meet mail These white corpuscles of' the blood -ob and direct . : . . .' a you. this oper may be WithdrAVM At . cost of education in the Tural distr .. L merchant will not have t, . every, Now *a don!t ask YOU. t : Vg.lTe without VIOU00- menck cOupon", . L 1. is increased fifty or seventy -AVO Per " .,.... , js willing to . . when. strong . enough, destroy for,the tremendously beneficial I � . , , - , A - ., .1 ... �,.:: order prices. The former disease germ that gets 1UtQ:thd:bodr, word - I .1 cent and on the average the char ;�Ii�' ., convenience of . effect of pZydblue. Fill out the Coupon . %`.!-,....`..,: - *, , I . I I . .., 1. mething for the . :, .-�:. actei' and quali!� of the teaching is I'*''. ;,...", :. :. I pay'so keeps the body PealthY. " I I 11.1. L ­_ . I .. L. "... I . — � �� ....., -, I I .. . .. I _­ _ .- .... �- -: �etl 4he 4 I 4�--r==Z—_ =;:=� . v _ ower than it was ten Years ago� . getting goods, w I 0 antS them L 1. ... I. 1. �ii��r .11 far I � �,��i.�-'�' -�M-.`.!� - He is willing to� pay the- priv-. , . I , , --�-�_�__ ��_. � , .only by, givilit; to 03aployees, caV - Summary. ::� '&,.j:"$�..-.*.*'., L . I �,�:, , _, "i -M We : I 1, -� . ....*. .1 1.1-1-M 9-,- ' , 117�e,00l=jug what he Is buying He . mouth of arch. figureL that . . - in a cursory . ....0 '.. , . -WANG SzE YUEN. . FEBRVARY. you Command civilkty from em- . i. I � Now, Sir, I have dealt .1 ". � .. , . I I . WEATHEIR FOR . I -the weather will lbd" rrou h and e begets like.- L , , . - �1. - � LIU X. � �'0_'1,t..'.`,1. ployeell - 4A I hich ..'U"t".."Ju ..... . . to iiing to pay xhe Cost Of -a . after i -at man- I luser of iyour � ., ,�� ..� way 'with the leading subjects. w .. "L ... I. L bich he gets np bene, educated in China and was a magla A r6actionarY. storm period I's wmtery continuing goodd - WhO . -1 . � are either mentioned in, ikr omitted .1 : - I -delivery from w trate for some -years at Kianzsu and - r w�lj through the liaoilitli of I B er - . I �. from. the speech from the throne. I .1 - Ot willing to.pay some One centr -M - hich 11, on the other hand, the customer 4�t I I I I The new im Ing with the Ld amWedable tot thle in- I has also"been magistrate of the Mixed s by 'I all on the 2nd and 3rd -blend -lie Igoc� Y. y Dur store-io a p6ssible , , ' , fit. He "' a w,lUUgL to . lercury period w March. on ,�� that I find ju the,speedh ' ' debts, ,Re 16 not. Courts at Shanghai. - , . ., ' ; regret to CRY I I else's bad I general weather and storm c di -i . h4oDwo. Are' - . � L pe com to Fobruary' loth. Vall- tions sn,ould prove to bet deciftly, . I -1 . guarantee,* nay, Sir. not even an- pay store rent -and clerk hire for, twice jul general for Canada is central on January 31st and ex fbieace, of yotir I YOU . , I no 1 ' L 6p � h' - tending Up making your Windows count? . " . 1: ation of a torwaid movement as a trade de- ei,ks English very well. and is evi I IeL in et- ,_. , L. I � indic as many retalfeis s,. the . ... 'ing barometerp rising t6niperature mild and moderate at thid. time, If. YoLla have any troub i ;,') - I ,�, -to the large question of reforestra, 1, . . � . . dently a learned and experienced of- J e same cofiditions . I ".. I , , '' . h the largest the,Govern� maAds. , ' . . 'ficial anst a courteous gentIbmAn. Rd and return,of,,rain, sleet and' snow look for much th I ting enthusiastic, get out and rip'b .. I . ' 'r,, "' ay to deal with. I find L . In tile mbst up to date c6untry com- has taken up his q . uarters . at the may be expected -dn and touching ,antil the end of Mard , 1-nfluenc% up against people who are- not built . ' ' !,, � . the 2nd and 3rd. The mo,owk being late -in March, to ­ �i . 4 __ ind" to'd whatever of the'adop- .�� innoltier, ,the country. -town and the Somersett ,From the 11th on the cold -storage plan.� Buthus- ;J !cation .. ..i 283. . .. . Chinesg ate; �q al equatoll on 'tile 3ra - tile loth, we should havd stdte,d, Is . . .9. " . coniul, In the I I 3110 _­­ est - , . _ _Igq�: iasrn is contagious and yOul Wight :�� �: tion of an aggressive colonization ��ZtW.,. farmel-4 work togetber for the b. street, in Ottiiya, The ae�v imperial 0 Period. I V .. I ­ . . . . '. �11� � , of - e c6antry . Suggests elec6ical'storms.. espec- sLpother marked sels!mle .. e of it. )! . �, " ' .' rd, on, and albout that Behind 'ener � * ' , �em looking to the peopling of our ?1111� . In ll� ih catch a littl -1 ,�, sysl 1R.:,-:�.:­,', . 1; . . al* gpner4 has a son at: Denver , jany, soathwa gil rain and snow , if you will hustle, you� �will have , 11 I .C.��N � good of all. - . cons -I I t - Paso no time t P d in idl' 11 northland. ,Nor do I tiuct .., ---- Colnn, ini. clubs that are e a .course 11 , I ­.. . . *� towns. have M-'-- Col. paring to talc . I - bSr w ich will probably. n, "h' - ' ,. vely - . I . , I doote, to be quickly followec . e wis D35 , . , I own L storms, 'o s 6 , . � coinchens! . ,,)portullity for advance- 'u'lre rsit�-, . L . - .11 have(no -need to open .. indication of dealing the nive . . I Eastwirdly over the country afhout :"' L ' 6ftdj,� ­ ­ 'ON mARK , ' .1 . 'for. ,-rapid . '] . [ systematically with hat 411-im- A COUNTRY DAY. ilv�e to every f the middle . . ____ I sieet,'freeze and blizzard. Theseis and youi wi I . - towns 0 � . tral on January 30th. 19th, 20th, and 21st, loolik . � . (I I I . , . The In in. . , mic , . - I . I . and taut question of industrial is , country melit. tny � V � period, cen - three* dayg into outhe barometer,.attended-by. time so. ' If I . :L por - trio and its pauperism. west these cotume ' relal clubs are the .1 .Realism on tho Sta e. . x6teiids at least I . -rise I . . . Ideas are whakf count. . You . Nor. Sir, do I find any indica . town has no slams, and every one is . Ing short . In "Count Bannibali" 'waich Mr. -Vebruary. The quadrature of XuP- . a wicked, cold Wave� t en 'Ideas . I , I � tion. tion on the part of . � . I foremost agencies. in se�ul . . canno, volve your owri : tion of a,uy inten ad . riod ceh- "� - i EI r 11 3rd , A reactionary storm pe . a 11� a sell. supr� . . -his h a t and Sun on!the , take any A )orting. The red light ai I agriculture for their com wilai M,ss L;ly a I the Government to 131 _L colirses It L. . Oscar Asche amr I iter w t ' . w I make haste to dopt'somel, goo . . I. I i '. whatever to relieve the serious con I- criminal districts.Of the cities are un . e demand for these short. -Brayton, -have pro,iuce4 tit the New ,vill intensify this selsn)ie pbriod, tral on'the 124th . ,25th and 26th,. il ou,es fr.om another source. Ideas' ' ' 1. , , . wus. The munitleS'L Tb . �orts of ',earth -J bring reitufn to rising temperaturo arrington. 114 I , which the rural known to the country to' . Po. L ea, e agricul- Thelitiq%, Lond,,j!1, ail m�eitftig due.l* Nj�te icurrent rep you musthave.-Frink F � , . . , . . , . . tion of affairs in courses is so gr t -that th * bh to, fililing barometer cloudiness, -rain . . . .�. . .school sections find themselves with lice force a.nd the Criminal courts of 'not as yet- have ta-kos place, %�,Ilich rcOal],, a s,,bry t e ..q�'ikes from -Eilbout January 28 - and snow. The moon is ao :griffat- � ' . I . � . . � . . - � . 1. . will � 1. .. . - . .. . !L I;el,erence to teachers. 1. for one, Sir, - the I d the` tural colleges'; do popular dclor. tel, of trio Bo-,;Nvorth �]February 3d,.! A cold wave' . * - .. . . .jecessary, - an. . I' to furnish. as many Ot, - bainate mclof parts of the.country . at this per- -1 tr city are. ulil enough mei . fight in �Jlivlivrd Ill.," when lie wa, doi . . L.- . . esit declination 'South , ­ . . I .. -1 1'�. _. rrgly urge upon the Government, . which tbese- would cost can be - . ' d. , . the �th. ' ' : -iod, callifig for ndrtherly. ,winds . . . money . ' ses as are des! They ill 4th.,to . 1. . . I I 1. . these c6ur . re I Iroill I A i . . I I �� . order to supply a sufficient number d--bulld side-. � . aplpva.rin,,,, in thilt lilay' 80i06.,ye" . . . d -blendin and'ibleak, Winter Weather. ' AnY ' `­ . used to -plant trees an . I I- "Ot - A regular storm perlo It L teachers to reinstate in the mean- . I ,. .. . . .are allottedwjo the towTis willch show 'ago. 011e llig-',it oric (if the .sure , , d in the last, half or . C-2unty - '0i . � � walks. - ' . ln'fe�est and furnisliAlib best I t, .t, in, th(�­,,,i�l.iu"Wttlo', afttl. wao.; . I. -�Iithbth�.Kerdury disturb-ance, ani storm perlo . U_ 2 9-S . - �4:, M . ded almost to the 'the ttlo'tlt,to work wlt . lull . - I -- I - p4Jhg,.M4r9_ pe -ary may bring dangerous .. 11 I... I—. . � . I .1 I - .1 . �1, . �:-­ equipmer h. The efforts L ,,iN,011 11,�If ft,,_),�vieign as_a balm fOl the egi ning- , tropiqal. storm 'SoUlii- - - In, � ­Coujio.-J, , . I .. . e at least the model schools Of & 1. . iriod, Febru rovince in order. that duly qualified :..The cities are,crow C " . A loth. West- a in the I A.$ 701 by -,lVf%'I;r, . . - * , al clubs to,m I . . I Is coverg the 6th ,whieli ',6vent counter -boreal -storms . I ­ �. . . . .. . I . furnis�hed for- the limit, of hm�qpn enclutim e. Tb6 COUJ � 4 1 1 , ept these i 1`1 Lold hi,,� tellows (41, to thb . . . it. . . ': �� o "-,--,. _-,- eachers-,may be' s u the coun- of �he comi�erei, . . 1.1114 Avoe.l. - , (0 I 't jyu s . ections will show rldin*g. tem., � . . . . I -, i :��!, rural' schools.' .1 stand, Mr. Speaker, try towft,has le s room tha ats have belped'the farmers luek," VaVs 101i. A'sulle, �7andlthe:n't,.X icl from the�. Nortliwest Will Prevail . . . , - . . .. I � . . . ' E. Vanst6jxe .. e , - * stood on the try its If but still there 'is Plenty for 'requireme . a�e-.tfi6 agri- . vs,�"4,it'16u of the 11gait was a. mas- P.,jilie, jallini,14arcli'lieter al . . . ts of tho country - old �, - . 1. , so I . . I ' -W . . 11:� , where I 'have always . ­ e I of niany a coxillhunit,T to 11, . . ill., ater- beforel oVer interior par T, uesdaY .: , . . � i food that Is '� ,�u�)ers f6�ig�ht its if do. �6nlng storms', on ar On , �� "three-fifths clause" as to local OP- e. ,.The cost o .. heir doors! sacro., Tho thr6al :A seismic period;. central oxk thei. r . �. I . 6d every. on ,j'%�dnty4lve of.-flic choicest export �,� ' I . . t� . . �, � I it has been claim ge br6ught-t6 t min d that -11 �Ia should,lea-ve the ith, and h the tion Much cred alarming- to the �Ity. dweller is more cultural colle ic�ltb fatmers; Iristi- V , oji(.. of. tho during the ath - 9th a-iid V r � the Provincial 5ec- � . . . I I haof s(ilac iiar ditions 'wili grow g8th .6ov,erq the 26th ta Marc I , I sident of the it sis .tile �anle the rtago alive, and loth, thesle con. . ..k cattle that ha e eve' left Wingliam. �� [or ihe Honorable . , t - , 5th." I 0 ;� Ilorable member for - or less of R joke to the re � ciciall club provides . . - . I Van- � . retary, by the ho 1114'. tlifes. 'Thle ed-olm . . . row o-set"Ws. -. NV,.arined up to their . into activQ,stornis bf,rain urning i . I . . I . The cattle Were f d oil Mr.� , . � . . south Norfolk With reference to the country'.6wri, He has.a garden in, I I [ srio,w, as the ------- � . .Istonelo. f arm. and . averaged a little ' . I , � . , . id helpi bear the expense, wol,1. - i , tha . n 1300 * lbs ' � w in a ildighboring a place at _ tllk,y oid-tijoir best to rander-"i , to'eleet and .y passpro - - I . . . 1. I . ie liquor license lao I . Y, I rombat. itild paid no.hee(Y gressively - from West to- East. - ' better each. -Jolm' - w. bacit yard and a co its prospejity depends , hors, dv' . I - . ANT% * , , ,of Wroxeter was the :. 011foreement of tl ' t of 1lvidg-ma-y­-.ML_ve�- realizing, that - -io. or - C -a- I � POINTE � RS. FOR MERCH . . ., . Hamilton . :.. .�. id he even had r pasture.- The Co.- � �rjty Of the country. alices, I received oi hange to fair and Vef� *cold. -we . - - -. . I .. . . I'll ability to ffiurchase lux- upon' tile prospe my reih6uliti 1)? "in . . . It adopt modern buse- u _ - - .. . 7. 6 . t of the law in New affeeted-his - s fia I ve -plenty . Some of tfie to.wns have . undertakdn - ' alts. aild the curtain had tber, will,follow l5korl �tiy,, -,the t If. You, won ' b ye.ri, . . V'th ,_ � . � to the enf,trep.nien I two svvej,v c, . sh- . back �ancl ' . . Ontario, Doubtless he had in his urie,, but he �will ftlway . . f great value- tO' e% entuillY to be'rung, d)wii to pr('v,'llt- rear of these storms, being pu,,, , iness methods, dofiIt sit Several Morrisites will enter e. .1 � . . I I another' move that Is 0 . ard and ,South byl.an ev�er-dld ho've'QLny* ompetition, � . . , , I - .. . niin,l tile fins' ,O of sending Yankee to eat . . untry. They al'e . further jillsellit.t. No more supors M- ed Bastw . , �talml -that-, you 11 . . Standing Fi�ld Crop C i I � PinkL!rtoil dotectives up int,6 that The country town has a dls�lnctive 'both town -and co I I . -ei=s - wo l5aroxneter� . � *u,ic anyway.. ,V. I - 11 -of-East Huron . ceived half-sovoi fOl Illided' ergefic high the, direeiio ' � . . . . . riTth countr�', wbo collected a con- . in the,development of th'e- gniding up - mid graveling tile main I hal.11i'6atro again." - '- A reactionary storm peHod . re- : I U I . . t under 1, ty of liquor, then il- place to fill I . . . . . . ral miles -0 I ut I - feelings.in t I . I ..-. . ours f rom the 'lath to 16th -begin-i ; . Don't a]JQ'%v volirSelf to be Per- Ag,ricultujal Society,, 5 acres . of . I n' , � .. I It - - pall Wheat i all)s I 131 -tmvpled road$ for sLve . . I �__­­ -7- of last P .*sowing. ; . ­Llt,rcible qualiti . try., So e po . . 1. suacidd, lbaniooiled, or inveigled in ; coun .ople would do away I leive the N,�orl, .. -1 - I . I � Iiing ,with full inoon'on the lath, , ' n - .1 i�nie, and then prosd. . . � ,n , '.On' I . . . . to buyilig goods that YO141. do 'lot. -wIll be the equirelment folf , 1911 ".11:111v sold tile, s I , n1togetber and into. tIlL& c6utitry. 1�1 I r li I'" . I asers for re-sellingI with the Country tov . . . - - , .Jewel. Thief's Ruse-, . and -ending Wfth m.00Xl?s passage of - . � all insists up- . . I . .. . . , . I . I *I1t.,,1 the pure -i . . I the farmer's,lyn'sines'S'.be don,(i ' in many c-lsQs is t,i�e I ii up.by the.farm , A novel .met . I oi defra:uding a Pi- , -equator on the. 16th, . want. If the salesm. I .01 - hulrbug of pretending to let al I d"' * 110( . the celestial ntitf6:s that you want; T. W. Gibson, Deputy Minister .. � � . . 1,11;-, 1101�01% others.,(vould,bave the erg." d-iid' .the.rciAuft Is a system Of goo ­ was successfully'clirriod OUC by . inging storms of- tropical nature, , oil large'r. - qua ,Nlines, under'the.. . Provincial fGovm, . p � U ,I ,kwil the illicit s�le of liqu;7r,in. In the Cities. - . N . . ,elei ove up . in a car- br threatening excuse yo . ric. . I � i all your bu.)r errlmL�nt, has had ;his salary. in -i 11., n(: -,,n country is becoming a scan, farmer patronize his home merchant at roads for ille whole conimunflY.. ursdlf and go to wo � I , _ - P- i"t:ri� tl�'6f- 1-10 dr 4 , ,final decisioll I, " . in nuh3berless other way4,the corn I 1. after several clays of DhL 1. I al. whatever cost. An average .between . I jewel(:rls sholi,with his weather, all �cnding in . viol.ent. � witil your judgment.i. If , creased'froxxi $3j250,to $3,500. -Mr. i I-'%-t:ry Trian knows that if one . ringo to. the - . . . � . . - I Ini, ci,kubs iind tile farmers are. -. ar, i a'sling, and was Osten- ' I. I . l'ing rests -to bcicoin.4'watj�ed Gibsenis -fornlerWroxeterboy..' -) ,official stood on each . . right m in . I change - to. cold - weather. a .1 . _,uod Canadia, those ideiis will represent the attifilde . mere t�tiously tkt -iT- i llow. tnat . . . . majority of th working together to build up the con�q-. . � .Orm period !ker, of the Babylon Line . . .. tended.�by, a footman c, A regular at 6 indi- - , yqix.a if you: neglert to . -John Dec ' ­ . , " train of the Govtrnmos-at road, . by - of the I I � cowninnity can be I Ho selected jaweh; to m Ui6 l7th tij 218t. �.:Tlie', or prejudiced.,. or I - . glet - 11* . Ling and I - . iyIng, a rug - cated, fro , - �. \ e ' to. � - baci pure.hased. thd..dwel: . road -alone- liquor can be 'the *couniry i . . . � the vglu 11 thn, .reactionary pe: .9 use, it I , you. may e, p ct . . . . - from Mri F It �vhich -told at a � . . . - . town, . to. centralize all � iijunity . :' Sue h - 11 t proceedin I W, - .-IcAnce. T w P It. '' �f $1,250, and-wh- clod jus tannery. property - try, he _ sines$. In. tile. large-citl0s. I 0 he coun'try. silo � � I le ' I , tar lioriod -will leave little i ', struck, . ." �­ - . I. -at,Zuricli. �T`116 Pric6 paid. . is 1 brought in to that north coun raereant4le bu Ill smooth roads. and well toPt liimt . fo'r .paynient, asked .this regu. I - if � yoli take, f or examplej nothing -wer - , . feufcios., MO 6nic, "­ ould ab�c*lutely stop tile traffic; but would be an un�-dse policy. The tend- . . I jeNvelin mh&cd him senol:, or* no time. bet -ween thd.two for Lilghoz;r than, yourself how oaxi you ,$1650.0. Vile property has a front- , I . . 4SIlows it. in ,painted whother the: . I . . . � . Tile farmyard I . - ill, or i -111:01 . fair. o -pen that by� thei . . of ab hirteen rods, � and - instead,. Sir, -the liquor; is allowed -to ency-Is rat 6'�In the other dirg;ction i jig; man lidMii . e T Vou. 'will . not age Oat t h r - � h .for t1w I * weather., so - _____ I - - - , _____ -1 s man lidr 1, . � Iler . - � ... . I I C I go in, and then thek*provinc nt of.factories to smrL I �o objectibn 'w . . I. �: 6 is put The moveme I .� .. .. . 19th, falling. . F -, of seh( f s can live - .. . . � ... . . .. ... . I . 'I . ,�vas another re' )raing of r l`Znd snow I stbiTins in - � -9 I I . as taken To-' thtg. �ter­ and the-on�t�-� hope to-impTov, � _ ------ ___­ ­ I - 7,wo-uld make -A--A1%mVer of- -. good . hq0t any higher than'you. aim. to the expefisii ling 6 gang o town$ where the* cm6foyee . . .�� A- , . co-ursc�, and. then there ,C( = vho, ne,�er mwkes. any buiiding sites. . . . . I :1, disreputabI2 d.etectives up to nlake a becoming general. I . ... "..". . 1;1� - . . . .. . . 44est - *"Would you mind writing Jor. th� West will be in progress. This ;. The man.,v n* whd , -neveLt ' * �� , . . _4111d,�'11% �%W' I , . . . ., adIninistration of justice. I .." �, .. . . - . ,�Z_- _. me,11 'asked the customer. period' W . . rs ago Saturd . : - farce of the r molre'comforthiily is -bilsV ,iw � . " I "I have' -111,.be Well intaAhe Mary mistakes Is the ma '' li�, of lag I . Sir, we are told. and the DecentraliziXig of the naercaul"Id ... � .1 ies ,anything. - He is a sfand-pat- -Eight yea . I I . . I _. .. I . i the Ven- doJ Itan Bank i o 1:.. Again, , .. hurt my arn lea �period, blending also ,%Vltl, week the 1q,etropol - I ��.. s must f6llow. '. . .* " ­_ -I----;.- - I., . ' ­ -an the vernal,equin- tei - 'Tied its.cloars iii Brussel§4 . I 1� boast is made by Government sup-, nos , . . .... - � give, RobeTb $1,250,' and us -e UM9x, . mew.her�o in politics, lid Will e 'as t1i . . . . ,.. 1. Just write, 'P , s'; �-, and.-twhile a stand -patter may -oVesent. porters ad nauseam, Orat .the Attor . The grdwth"Of th _'­� i i . get so ., local manager: came . , 8 g 1, influence , . e niffil order bnsto e;�-,�:` the 6te d - 1A business. . :.� 'I 1, . - . 1. " . "I .:'-':�!, . #�k.. Tlenri'." The jeweler wrote bx. o E,arth4 ,The Mars � I - . . I -Genqral's Department is, and has new has been,yegarded as spelling the * ' ,__.,:.�. never .got alitea 11 , ney . , , , - . I : iind in 'fifteen' minutes - Robeiit was. will,be dominant atthisl time - a -rid' 0,en you.,goot -customers into Teller.- A. E.� Me.111sh, now of Toron � . . - � "I - . I y town, That the I'; - ,. I I . . the character of storms andk �Oea-� W] th,your cadvertising -to,"Ibeing the manager. Xr.�Gilro � been extreme y active, because of the doom 0 the countr . :,::.:�:'i':.�i:��:: ..._ .;j:�_t I f �., ....... ��::��:, � . I ; . � back'with the cast'. 'prevailing. at - this periodmay your* store Wi i ,.: -.1:.:1 ...... ­ :�:. �,.: �. I bsent from. town -for sever - isolated fact that years ago they -pat h3all. order -business has: grown to its 1.1:�.I.�,i�i�::::������.,.i;i�i.�,-.'.,i,:..:...,::,�:.:�:�.,��'...�!z...;I . � jeweler went li�me a light - 'ther I f ail tbiliVe k1P1 td Your ad�' was a �� I . . . ... I , .,.;�:::::.::;:'!:::::::. ;�'..._.,.��,*�., � I Whexi tht I apd, then y0U, I . � . is ibe.fialt of the '... .. '. I.: : . particular, years before, his:pfesent , appoint . out of existence a simagle poolroom. .�:��-:ii:�i���!�:�i�i��:.��ii:;:', ,.,,.­,. sked, "did be regardect as indicatingi.ths.kind I . . � I proportions .­-.-­...-.-.-­.­-._ .. dawned. "What," - * nt;-, - . - , - ­ s (A .1 . his wife a. . � , . present I ��; I , . . . . ." I make the statement boldly, I Make 'A. In, * ind weather to be *x vertisement in any . country retailer himself.'' The country �i::��,,,��:��!.�;��:!:.�::i:..:�:::.I�.;:.. . , want $1,250 for? - e .thieves of storms 9 ' mitting:.business :suicide. me 1. , " ".." ected, gene(cally throlikh - thel - ark C6= . . I . . � . . ' . ,'V',::-:-:::;.�.�'­:; .., � ­­,. . you . . . I I : . - I ... A� . I it with a full responsibility of the ,:III&!': 1..;i�... *: : �. ;::. made the jeweleri whose naine p . I town is essebtlal to the'prosPertO Of : .1 .. .. .. . .. .. .::::; had I I . , 11.� . = _ - . ' .�;K , ��­ , :. . . w�,� - '. , � - . -1- . . .- . . . gravity of its nature, when I -say that ore" - ��!�­,_,:,.�;�,A-si:: " . , -gems with his � . . . I . ::::: .. . I ... wag Henri _0ay for the - T_� . . the faTiner, but the farmer Is more' X . , A . . . . 11"11 I 1. !: . there never was a -time in the ..::� � :::", . . .. .. . . . .� . .. history I " " . � � ... . . I . � f of the province when the people Of the essential to the pros�;rlty'of the coutk-., t, 1..,,�R� own money. . . - . . . town. If ln�teajd of a g to: - I 11 .�­:. I-.:,..:,. ­�: : . . . I I . 11 I . . I � . ��'. . had so little faith in the fie- I , ppealin . .. � . . . . .. � �. . . . . i pro . lirhye sentiment ofAbd farmer and trying' � ".. :.'.,*W . - - . . -1 ....04. -O...- . w fill7tyin-1 -rather inactivity, of the, At. I I . , Mysterious Visitor's Bag of Gold. _.. 0 � ` 1, - I . I . . . . - . 1� partment as now. . . . I �been a e - . torne3r-General's De righten him into boycott,. . . . 'Aho d - *�` I '­ ..... ­ - I to ca3ole 01 . . _� - ' . , nymous 'gifts have, cl "I , I . I I . Never, -Sir, since, 0onWeration have lil. order houses the.countxy. . 113usy SCRNBAT A COUNTRY s1tonp- . , -n, Welph 'chapels., A%W . . . � . � . 19W_ - I in ' d1andled . the I jugs and-Ileat.surrow � -:- The � bo.11angol:le . . . � been so many absolute mi e I '. � � . . 1. �, . ";y%.AV , mysterious visi * � �.. ,ill m!trChanTNa . problem In i6niii: . I . tor, whose .1 riaT I I ges of justice, and never have so a businesslike way -there would',havP build' � . it look ok fdentity� i�s 3mknown,, left a bag. conT - . *.-, I . A many scoiiidreTs gone'unwhipped bf . ' 7 � -whole countryside .wears . quantity o6gold cohis . I . � . ing the past fivIs yeaxs. been go mail order sWe� In � thoft ,'� 1. tainiiig a large . :t. . . justice as dur . ' , prosperity. ­ .. with the deicon of Rehoboth Church, I I " I .- ' ' ' * ' ' here the, Importance . . I do not .purpose entering into de. country towns w . . it to ,gerniint sld'-� instructions -being. also given as tO,' . l - - - The -town shows I , .: . 'of the. suiribiinding farmers Is recOg a� streets. - it sfiows it. . 1. '' . ! . . tails, they ,are- familiar.tI6 t -he p0liq-�- pt Inade'tO gl*ji the.,' walks and cle' their distribution among the various. . � . , I>) the Orangeville a",. thi Xhiiaae ln-� - ulzed and ari'attem, . 1. I 11 . ... � . Is, little In large, ,%�e)l jappl�ed stores, mikln;. tfl4j' - town, - -the, L I . . . II. ajj-' 0 ". . ) �. . denerniniktiolis Of a A -1; ,­ � 1<4 V . .1 ?gl"7 t and others. furnish striking. 11. �farmer a. square:. aeal "there lack tw.eumbers, �amount to be giiien to each being set mi. , . I 1�., . . . ., It is up in size what tb�Y . . . . I ., . .�;* . , C I . I 1 ions. '733o Department seemis 'Complaint ofmall order. biyluk- '411 �. .% "' I . I � . . I I I - . . . I . . . 1% I . ;IJ '0 . _ t homes -and large for&. L . I � . . 'I#,, , - I _.. � ;_ .al . . ers It* shows it in nea so g on these instiuctions- the des. .. I 4 65w;�._ .AAA , �1 X . _.. : to be absolutelIr overeome with inerU 'the -merchants wb,6 treat the farm a friendIfile ,Act4n . .— I L . "., How well, Sir. we all recall the, boast -unfairly who are most ready to raise parks. - The town has . oon* ' . $25 to a large . . � I . I � . __ � I . � i �, .. . � al the cry against thi MO 11 order hous6s.,.' and respiltt for .tire. country, and the h" given sums of .. ,-__ I I . 1. I . ". I . I of the Honorable the, Provinci I numbet of religious bodies in the dis- - I . � 0 I li� � Treasourer, dariull & session of 1900i a good many * wili the farmer is country. haj.' ii, high, regard fo� the a heavy'sealed ' -, 'These I 'I, In to I vu is proud 6f everY triet, bathe Still holds I .1. Te - Posts Uke . . that this Goverriment � W actuallY ,ctly discrimusted ligalasL The. towl'. The tov . .. packet tontaining a considerablesum. nce . . . 114 ,�,� dire I, � * Costeriete . .,. L . . . i - I . . . I . . � I I - raised the standsM of the administm Ice for . .jew barn that' goes UP In the country. in Onst for "6,bath Church the . I �. . . .6 mp;y t I" 4, . I 0 . . . �, I . . - . . . 1p , � �w I I . . , � . I , lion of jas$i06. `rho'Kine � stores maintain a dell -very serr I It will be oi�nod " 51 . . I 1. . . .6 L . . . I . . . _s writ VW . goes - kind the couutr�is proud of every new , laigest ill tb0% t0*11- L . , your spare. time, The book carefully and . 4 I . -hroughout " province, about, .their city Patrons. The farmer.. I . -the congregatio2r, 12 . are sightly, strofig,p r,wanent- '- , - i - price o ' :. Aws " t . � In the Ivi, the presence of . tells all. --The ie' lar f the book is 50t. - 2. � 1. � ed t6 distinguished gbotlemsin. Sir. to the store for his gooft The City, blaildipg. that goes up In town I . s jes, elieg:per dian , 9U. I . . L I * nee a WOath__soxoe6 . maunerx and looks Of.the people theri pn ,-_­t#ondou1,-Eng., a Concrete is, in many locauill _We L 4 " I ., the generat public are attongly Of the tnin Usually Pays 0 . . at servi�e more durable ibili . are distributing free,, alimited number, boW- & L . . . I L . . . � I I . . . . a. that it is the other iellowdi ilmes not 00 often. The farmer nearly Is no distinction. . 111L . I I 2 ;mod, for fince pqsti; 1fid . I . . I . . I I I �)Plxao � 8 . . - I ­ -, , . I . the cost 1:6 advertitijag. Vft . '_�_, I that are allow4d to do the runnin always -pays for his goods' in cash Or A , stran r In town On A holiday . .. .. I . , I . k siosle, brick or iroti. our� bo9k . I ever, and charging. up - , , 2 go .ge � ., I . - , a` MI - � . : I Vp . I I . I ; ,, while the King's writ, under the. di- ". the same could 'not tell the town 'people trOlU Not True to Life. I . L. � . I That's why yod get your copy free, if you sigi & L I I L ; , oWduce. Yet -both Must PRY . . . " 6 Irariier Can Do With - - .. i rection. of the IlAkwmey4lenetd'a De. �ry. There is no � - ,wro - - lism," sold th6 , 6 , " Wbat T e e'tid ft� io-day. �, l... -1&�I, o,xi.f.1 rm#r Is hilping .to pay Abose from thb quol sense theV U, talk, about rea . 0 - , ; the coupon and --s .Do, it flow, - to I I .4.--.#.- k6 -ts-0 . prIee. - The fa I I . -_ 4, A -"a r - I is !_ a Vvirr . .11 1. . . I I .L1 V_ . ). ". action. And yet.. Sir, the radver and the cost of a del ivery systhal f to - He Is help- diffe nces for AD 11 .. h- . � all be long to the donutry. They WIVO ear -c"tic bacitelt - 1, 'D a .16 ,7 . . #iI am not supposed to know amt- Z . Concrete so" . I . . . . . I � L . � . seconder sho at *13ehold this ireat . I I Government." The honorable member Which he.gdts no benefit� I Ing to the interest On C rodit ic- . . combined the Culture of the city with, ,ti -thing but money, but t,v(, I. a child .0 I ,% . . it tellsl .how to make, not'only fende posts, but . . . . . .1. � South Norfolk went so far.fu his pay, can Counts and sometimes the tie nts 'the . freedom of the open. air.. TheY Could ispot that ridiculoue, oversight I I Walks, curbs, horse blocks, barh foundations, . , ;., � ,for L adulation as to my "there never 'was a . king ' themselves. It Instead of wOt -have found the beat pilice in ille WO rid of yours-�, : The,stago manager was used to cri- A 'feeding goors, well curbs, drinking troughs, gilosi �". r Goverw6ent like ours in Ahe world."' desperately. against anything that, ' to live, and they are ballpy. I . . I . . 116isin, but he couldn't help squirm- .1 4 I . . i Utilitier ,khere dairies, and many other farm z , - L -I.. Sir, let me assure him that for once _ . I . I unreservedly accept his statement. his . . bears the name of parcels Post On thO grOaAd that it will encourage mail or. . . . . L . . .... L . . I . ini. , I . . , f , Well, wot,s wronglo" he doxnanded. a a I cleanliness, strength and du rability are required. ,., Unfortunately for this province the merchant would turn ' . . . � - "I wouldn't have mentioned it at )Many., of these. things are aimple and inexpen- ,� .. . statement is ,entirely too true. .. I . I . dor bl�jfrcg . I I - ftral�ls 1. . I . -11'- - ludn't put up such a lot of . A 1. A -i -aliv b6 put togrether in � a - 0 � 4% ,� a :2 - , I V q I �i , . CA A t , 8 I . 0 0 F, � .. . . Ila I I 1 Now, Sir, parsuin the edursa in, and work r a low - F . I . I al .. I Le proirioter. "But . sive to 1114M, 13 ".W I , . . . I : I adopted. latt year, this lebate has boieft .post on the rural rbutes he would el- Officers POO the WAvy- r6aligm gXff " said th ard I .. I . 0 . I I . I somewhat enTtailed. The House will. r tu Ily, curb any.Sendeneyothe'coln ottaw,a, pe�.--d.;�A jiumber of reO- when yon bring in that pastebo I CANADA CEMENT � CO., Limited . I I , train, with the -liero tied to e tow- . . . . mail qrdq 14 . ectu -naval sev- TIL .. . not now be divided, but later'during matilaty, might have toward , lations 1A regard to .the I Me 1 MONTREAL . on all them and -other i6- ' It he would deliver certain n ... thii week's issue catcher and then let the fel 1 6 vil- I 4adonal $ajnk RulldinX . I .. I the session, ' n 7 vice are contftinddi . . lain. stop down from the Pullman the ' 01.60 r I., . I . . - I . . I buyl g of g rmers b lruette�I ' , , . . L' . sues, honorable gentlemen of this, -elfatsse; oods to tbe4fa of Tll,e, Canada C - instead of backwatd, I . I . " . I House will have not only AA 6pp0r- - Candidate.s. for the liositil of right "' a . . .1 .. .1 . .. � - ­ I . 11 . I . , .1 such a parcels post be w6uld be giv 3xis help -putting Up a derisiver hol- 1. - ..- . �� 1. I,truction oWt, ­ . . aVai instruetors for, the im, � � 0,.,o ,,,, IN I I tuhity for .cligoassion, but of sitzing - - I . . , . I . and taElig notice while the Diviaipn * Ing them no more thsin a square deal n f- officers ,Airo required Jo be . 14w".. 1 , . I V_ - � , , .." , I..", I . h the iberchants of juii10 .. A . .. .. , I &11 rings; I .. , �, AAothe.r wa,V in whit, , 1�rjt.jsh . . I . . . .- I .. .. � .,ubjects,andl-WIlave I"VN' in .. . � . � . __ . � 1, - I � __ * They should . I/ ! � � ......... in Country towns are Unfair t0 fte Canada for- wo yvars . � , . I I f/// I " Business man Dead. the purcha e of farm Vj)t b(,.o, IN Sax,; ofago. and should . i I 11 I !, I '. Well -Know. 1. . I farmers 16 An . - - ., y( ree in matlicill'a, Wod's rhomphamos 1, -- r"4 / I � London, ont., Feb. 6--Ga�vin 110,wat, p),sest, tin 31o"Or d09 - . . eU Great RAON91b RMEd � I I . produce. A, I good mifiy times the mef* ties. johes&ndbiVigoratesbhowhore me of the best known business men, . b ts will combine to ][661) down the ay range. from w e all er farm , $4 per nervous gratom, makes to ** I The TatO.", Of P ( ,01 W .y t4o $lo.5o per daY, re- . Iflocid. In o clV011113. Ou"O XePt ... I �. . tsicfn Ontario, died in Viotoritt � I ing, aged 66, Ptleds Of Potat"s ano" OTAI day oil enti 1P I ,estordef Mortil ..V in Much aptaln.t1ireetor of llaV�lt otal Debit% X0941 4nd Bloafn..Tvoy", pes. -Wspiw. y lirm products often they will 11 4 t 4 so I I I . . teived by, a 0 . 4U COEXACHtF —11.1 1! . 11 � . ,no wg& at one time hA,,Od Of VIO I ' a (listance, forgetting ion. Travelinn- allywance,A 'of , &*r1.F,r�,Tta9fAbuac6r _C688 - ., 11 .of �'Rowm, . McMahon a0a Gt,SA96rA produets from in favor of bvLvllkg in in. the naval serviee- n $1 bo 0 - I Wfill"fiao al= i 4 1 . " I I . I .. * �V-fr.&1//1­,­ . , 111"tru t "`K�" N or Tile in "I'll" . � - I I I 11I I _,�.,I,s& ood ld wk1h Wil- . M I All � . g1b .. . .. _. .1, __ bo�e s, " thtit arguments ce . �w dry 9 . 11111"r� es of pay of tlec- )a , I � I, found; the home Community. �1 oroaaod and the 'rat k .0131 rob -_ I . I (lied 14A 'wook ricians. in the e.. h - 10"LC�1�"*_'A_�, . If= Una who ilrMa - . - t' modit 41ne of tile dirrbatest WuOtle" wbicb ttkilln and .-ch'el elect - . .1 . .0, a the W�jterri OnfAflO 0OVM I . �vi^o aro. revisod. w0law. 7 av­�_-_ . I . . - I , ' .'' ,,I V�L�He*. ...."I".- I ­ ,. � .1 Sel - - �W--I, �--�­ . . . . I jVMV40s Asociatioli ."",� . 0 �0 ;1 - V ,, .�, - ­ - � , � , . . , . � t I 1� � . I . � � . . ., 0 .. . ", . t . . � I � I' � �, 1. I �.­_ I—- -.1., __ ... .,_�_____­� . - . I � i '. . - I.--- - ­­ .I- _�___ _.____.__.___---_...1 - ­­ " I ­ __ __ . ­ _ - - - - _­­. ­_­�J ___.i.___.___._',_ -.-- � -