HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-16, Page 1",W a I 1! 11 I I. I - .. 4 ,; . I I "I . . I 1 1 101 I el I . I � I . . 11 1, ..-.-- --- . ­ I . .. 1.. - I , � I . . . e,W I . . I I il I * . st ­­­­ 1. . c r . -_1 - . � " . - I - - � I . �� - ­ . , - . . .. . �­ I 11 I .. ,- ­ -, , -- ­ 11 I C , , , � 11 I . Th,,c - ..., .. � 1\., � I � I - - I . . . "' _&L," I a.- . . ...A''. r 11 �Jnlopw W- ; I E --Iim_ I I , I ,� 11 I 11 � I 11 � . " .� I 1".... , I I I': 1,; � . 1. I lr� " . .... 11 � .1. I 11 1 � I � - . . ­ I . . ...."..., ......... ...... �� ....... I'll, �� . � '. ; I M I . . . - � . .. ­ , 11 . . I � - _ i, I -1 - 0. 1- I * . . � . . . . __ - ,. , I . . I I I It 1140:1111 _1 -oil. - - - .1 .1111111001111111111111111111111011 R_ —,— . I , P"_ -Ll i ,. I � I W .., -R._-W"_ - . , . I I., .1 ­ . �f -, I ,,, ­ , *1 � ;., , � q . �-. � � I . ­ .. � . I .. . . I � l� ­_ 1. 1. ­ � li� ... - I I I I - . � . . I 11 . I . . � , I � I - . . I . I I I i , W. H. Kerr & Bon, Ediiors and Publishers I . I I OLINTON ONTARIO TH RY''10 1911 1 . . - I .. I . 0 � .� . � . . ­ ­ - 1. . I . - I . . ­ - __ _;.� ._� ­ _lln-e 1 I �. I . � � ­ . 11r, , , . W#i_" _­, '' ..­­ - ­ , __�_ . --��_- - 11 - - . I 11 . .. I— ., , - I . I . . . � � . 1� I : . I I , � ? , . . . I .. . ; . . . Idgeomik� 11 of . I I . .. A�. . 4W I I . . , , I N . . 11M Aff AF : I , ' . - � : . I .. , '' -a- . ­ e Ir. � � RNWAIFIW e .. . -N K, .., - . . � ­ .'- w ­­ AN'' .1 .� 00 $I I . - � .o .,. I I I _­ . n . � . . 1. .. I 11191"ll � . ­ � , . . � . . � I . . . --- ' -voice ot the majority snould rule. . - ,. � I . ... � . i- ...R.-.1 a14 wa) ompany ec i, e Xf."after having had an experience of ' .�# � . . .�, � r the, Government * '_ —7 ­ d AO a, piallifeal Loaders � ...I. ­ I rand Trunk -l____G0__6_V_' f 44 Id midpqlity de. . 4,46bleme, and., bad The Q R I local option, that mu . . � :, on idarto I itod it ,and appointed a mmis.- . sired, to return to the license system r D9RESS I Speer � . co yiiry build -a new station at Olinton would one like thi . I sion to make the necessary inq, I I S in preference to low option, again . tON THE DEBATE OF THE A � IF ' No. 2 thezaJority should rule. The People . h bI d, re ected. The 4W. ­ and obtain the necessary information, * I t a pu le X] 6 and, 'tile I the re- I picture suit. YOU ? ' - who Uvo under a law for three, years, ' = trm_ 0 01 . . ,something practical 1*ight, be I . i . uj� (From The, Globe, Ja ing of model � . I . I � . ­ 4 . 'Sult'in the immediate futdre. I can- � . . I day in W.. dey outO kpow were abo ii., 97th.), , 4 oil, prospoeyve tiacho . . .� . . I . .- . . 3overnment - -; expenea-entaile ped 0, system, not, at all! a ­.: its workings tb%u shy C The o ' sing leaders in *e Legis ..011 not help thinking, Sir, that'if this TL -;,,r-.:-- .: xx ,,,.�, % VP PPO ers ba4 Produc " - ':!-.'41,�, , �� ��:: I: L-- -'�4 �"� , I . .: " .: .: .: R."!Z I! ..", . X, , I X, X1. , 1. - _ _ _ _ _ _ . ,X - 11 � " , _ . sitting in Qi1een's Park, be that. Gov Government had ." � f, �7 ,; ,�;q.-!� :!�iv . lature made their declarations Of pol- 1 oopted this. pug- ' ' - i,!F,R �; ! ­, rVativet. a U�e,ds of the Pr;o4 . Severe C idsm* -of the 'L",�.��.,:""*..�"""�,,�,,��-.-"-;? ." or Conga a imp000l .�,;? !��,�`�.:��"!-"T. Z� 1'� 1. to V1 'L,��.":""�"",.�..�,,�..;.� __ 1�kl'y, give " , , As . ��,:��',r,',','�",%. -,! ,,, * , , � 'k," ernment, Liberal eb ut A Tesult it W-8 I..";.. �_. ;X,�:. '*.'-.,""��,��.�,��",,*,,.,:��"'r,""�,,,�.., 11 - ��, . us I �, -.!`,'��'��_;�,',',* icy 'in Concluding the d ate on thea t . . geal and had sent a commiss , - "' - �'..'�I�_'.r,-,'�.":�., , ;,,f,�,�'i,1,,','.;,� VJIA� eople, and allow the people a'a a supply of compete nt . lon . . -, .`,`��.-�,,�,,,,-* , I ,�",�"".,��,4�,.�,-,,.,�fr.�i-��--�f,i,,�-&-��', � , Trust the p , ":i ,,, '. � �� �,-� 2- -1 ,­, � iu, K��,,'��, - -'.. . -reply to the, speech from , out to, ascertain all facts pertainin; �-*-.� `�,,�-,?-`,,�,�`,�,`-. . ­ - ,�. . addregs In. � , '­P:',�t �,,,,,��",;",.,I!�,�"";�-,,,c , �, . . .1 I., .4-, :­ " to deal with the'rall,tter fairly. . .-,,� 1-i %,;".,, ,,- and' 'industrial. con- , _._.!_._"__ . .,.. I., . I teachers. Turning to '11118 COMPielel I .1 " -!, �. - ;;�., '�i",,.�,;�Z';. '.. ,� - 4- � � , ,_,�� � . E,?`Z,,, I to'the technical t , . _ . the throne. It is in t1me contesits omissions of J L from '" - " �, ., � ��. , I Government , ditions of this, �roviuce, the informs. � ­­�,- -,�?�',-��i,- ;;"-,.,::,� , - I Edluc#4*M Rhe speed i � , -.�.,. .� 11 "-:�,!,,�!` 'r�­ ','�.,'�.'�' . , I L - . jiiSf ".") ., � " -, ,.,. �� �... . 4-:.! .. �. .. -, �Vl . . �, V��,;,,.� Wil -V .,. In. dealing with the, GdV*rAia"PV6 throne, Ron. Mt. MACKRY Cie . tion -thus obtAined would have fitted .+ , .��e,� I I tbak_ the keen, ght,'scitaud judg, alt, Vith - ,�,,,�, ­_..:�;,�r;,-,,­,,. ... e� . . -any .. . I--,' . in with and would have been Supple- I . . I I _.._;i.,� '..", I 11 :� 11 L and ataleamailike grup, ot the. the continued absence of attempill 1. '� �?�­'�­I�­­ 1.1 �,' . ­ attitude with reference to industrial mqat, � , ,q�,' .'t,,I-_'­� ­,�,: , I � ­ , ­­ ,. ,­,! ; . 4 ,,, .- . , � I ' it� 1'� '��e ,_ .:�",_ .� t * �,­ ­. � , - 4 education I Pointed out th4 this. Gov- Opposition It ��,, ,','�, .,�;',;� ,,,,. n ­�'- _. _.,�.... ,.ader become, me izatiou for I . aental. to, any information that the . at clearly, to form a reforesting-po.DeY 81act Me' . t �.Ail'�.'­j;' " - " I I I M Lot 0 n I Hot 5hot For Mintster"01 report of the Dominion Government 'I',, I I �, 11 .­­ -t.4n% ". . -1 erninent has practically done nothnie, apparent, and hbf Jamillive Strength as lack of ,& syste e to _�. . ... * I ; .';,. �. � .­. � � . :":, L, " ,t, T... elling effect. ' . commission may contain. The latter . . I : that line, Perhaps, Sk, �t is, a debater bag a jl�ost te NCW Ontario. ' . I...., , 1,.' - Z . ' . . ­' , :.. :!! _ ... L L . 4 US W ti, ,,, Ed,itcAtion. . commission does well in ascertaining 1. - � - alon Lions ve during the'. 9PPOSill ., _ ,,I .I we, or Industrial eduqaVon- that 14V.� He was fully *qq,vA ,the Serious. lially at n . - ­ " L. . Conditions here . I . . .". I should never take the.'subloet up. Iri new ob his words wbien , tion leaAarle address, but- A Is in tbei , ,. industrial and L labor .. I I . emplaw.lzing , . � . �' . . . . � !., L no more intelligent direction * i 6 loss of public confidence isi, the province at large that el reviews, , I and elsewhere not only id this coun- 1. 14 Vv P� (he . . - , � ,� � I L � . .... :,.* to the movement by the 11�4 - lion Aral's Department' =4 ot public Allsira have lasting aft ke:!l I - try. -but Several other countries-, but ,:,tli,:: 'At.torno-Gen 3 vigorous -and deter-, . . ­ I ". . ".,� ."".­ � - '­ . . AdilinkAstration of - Justice -1. al we', Sir. priding oursielltes� on being . .- I Department than it has showaX I the pernicious influence �of tbq* easy' Sir James ,Y­�i I . I . -4 -1 1. 1_1,c�� �,L , L I be 0 3 I I I d as, usual. and bxPPY In thol . banner province of the Dominion, "I . �­ ­.. - Education-l.ocaf Option -Refer& the I "I . - "; ; �, . dealing with rural school OducatiOnv�' escape- of, malef t r . mine L r o*ri . '.4 . I repeat, it may 'be a blessing if this The opposing policies as to lool � gene!al good tortuv,q enjoybd by 01101 6_,il might well have acted upon On I �� - - nee, . Hi%'LooAtinned tendency t,91. ,.. , . I .�: I tration-Immigration and cohm. initiative, and as a result of corl . 1 111111111111111 111111111111111111 111111111111 . � . I ill � Government never touelies, the queo car education were broughtinto clear Provu at political I-Astory - sag -i . I . L � ;� . . . 'r, current work ascertained more Ml ' — !ill .. I tion at all. Of all the mismanagement coritrast, although SiS!L James urged the reve,f t to anciei an Ameri- :�,�', -hation, All Dealt With. . . , I -that any Department in the known � ai , --for the finding of the gestea, tblkt-,- &S was said of I ,M, . I utely the requirements of this -par. L III , L neea of w Rink I fu�uro is mainly , 1�1 . L I 4. . . I . !hen, Sir, we could " "' ­ 7" ' " , world ever was guilty of, "I venture commission, The JaCJL that nothing -is cad itidesman his � � %.q i On the resumai,on of the debate i ticular province. I L I ­ . 1. 1. ' I 'Reoul reaa-cutiangrLL h 1. 11 I L L . availed ourselvot of � the . . . . I to say that that of the Education D6- done for:tho; children wh,.) at twelve, bebina him, on I 11 L . I L I : . I . partinent with reference to our rural thitteen, or fourteen, years of R98 never beau his Specialty. When . I I T_ on the address in reply to the ppeech = , of the Dominion commission ' - , 0. LT R. STATION AT - ACTON - -. - tnothing and ... . �. . . from the throne, Hon.. Mr. MacKay, and at .the same time have, -hold the . - 11 . .0 I .1 � - . I �- schools is the most pronounced. Of must leave school for apprenticeships said the PTovince go . I . leader of the Opposition, in a, briWa,zkt . - I I . I . — -ad blundering Was ,Condemned in * ' . � ­ I ,� . .. a. an'internal standpoint . I - I all -,the floundering a ,a strongest terms Donl7niou much in taxatiOla ITO= I . I 1;; speech, gavie *a ecirwipe and- -question fror . r with by our . � I I . ... . . . I . . . . I � . . . . . . 4114 Sinning against device . P ,er '-by. Hon, Mr. MaclKay. Industrial irtigrants he wa� innocent of, the . . . I ' I . � �..­ - review 'of pk6vincial ,prob. dealt more exhaliativeb .. . I I ry ILUPOrt- know . Vr nothing to equal t_hV at ' classes , for - these boys ' that -they Pay 'indirectly their 6 � "­ I ji, I kno . ,. continuation nuer tax L" _ � . women we tina in all our inausmal rtiference wllallevef - W a via I I . 1..X1'..J - �, ipts speech, in part, was 88 own comioission. ,As an incidental . I 11 ant subject, perhaps .one of the larg- of this Government in the'roanner in I � sustain their mintal I pnj ' . " . . of -the supplementatY revei . * . � I 11, follows: � I advantage, the educational, effect of centres. and girls would . . I scarel I I � � , ' . I . - The Hydro-ElectrIc Problem * est question which the Honorable, which it has dealt with our rural' dovel6pinent, perfect them in th�lr. many corporations. and tb( I . J. I. "Mr. Speaker, -It is fitting That the I a Properly selected' -commission mov . , .1. ' inister of Lando and Forests schools, No DepArtmet, Sir, could :, and make them Ul -value given tc Some of the � assets, '44 �'. I I to town -and dty to. . Sir' , I Confess frankly th�t I have the M!, � with, namely, clig"n w6rlt �, society. This form - the Province by incre . 111a, , .w opening sentences of the speech of ing from town � that of re- ases in pop � the LieutenAnt-Governor. which . was citY throughout the province' would �hot *as much Confidence in the sue- bola to- deal ' possibly have been- more mischievous tu eful members of . I ' f technical educa . . 1 � . f6restiatilin. 1, think. Sir, the Gov, t Iis than the Education De- I 08 . lion woulamot, pro- tion., Sir James defended the thrZ . tinctly felt and v!ould oessful working odt of ,this scheme as - workmen iuf­ I fifths clause against Hou. Mr. M&C -1 . I , � , � . . a oi,l this proviiiee. I make agonism of I placed in his hands. by his conal have, been dis . . 61 ernwent has- been- sufficiently long in psart 1 voke the ant I ,the Britil � . ,, have'done very much towards Crystal- has, apparently, the tram the p er and the neet nser- a b - , Kay's sh systeml tional advisers, Should contain g re. er ow tdaity cot tho'co that Sta inent deliberately, I make it feriTig thiougil. competition for em- -demand1for -V. - lizing the views of municipal offIcers. 'sts has been put'BG plainly, with 'the ,full sense of the ployment, ,and . L he ftv-1 ,. .. . . ference, to the demise of King Eftard I 'L .1 .Ap.eech from the throne... There has vation of our foke , would not'deprive obil. of majority rule, and dwelt ou t -1 . I I . ial develop .� VM and to the -far-reaching intl6a ' b6ards of trade, boards of education. or,able features of Provine - . nee, I been 'already so much . misconduct so often. before the Gov- responsibility that the charge implies. I . dren of the full. benefit, of 1hPutall . ,.,Lul . L plainly, and this'aido,of _ . � . I . � for 9 which he exe I and employers of labor ' on 1 this ex- the House , ",h, L n. this dovernment, Sir_ proposed I dr, ' School Yews, -1 ment with. vigorous'* einPhs5ls- b, rted throughout on the part of .. e ,. . . In I during th( � a = and mismanagement ;rnment from I L hole . I traini a; ectifimendably brief.: � - . No British, subjectl tremely important queal .._ . the commission � as not ta justify the. that the public Oight - now expect a . I ,, 0 wipe o't oUr'model schools a, on; I TIfe I meet oof the op* two gpeeche L ' I I . L . reign . . . , - . . _ . . w full persuasive el opposing leaders in the' I knows, no British subject will. evert Contrast With Germany. forest eonsorva- . the House, gave thigm.fair, I no was -felt in -be- ,d the � � .. - highest hopes., with, --reference to the well-dgn,�'Plau - Of . t1lis MdeLof -L ; Ition leader's log .. Alike. in sincerity, ih c0ur-t . influeneet There is A�'ms*ed future. Last Year. we criticized at I. tion i d f .reforestrotioil warning and - told them I .Ph cl fl L*tn balance I � . : know. how great was the difference be I . , L plainly what of the class ... .qf,: �kildreu moal I weiihP I .. exercised by ouif Iatd King, making! twelen our educational. system and . . . 1. ' ; at ten -year-old bhild ' e . determination, and ir, c0llfi� , - I., I langt� .the inequitable tind uhfair Peopling th; Northland. . I .11Y intelligei . need of technical training., 1 leade� showal' , . . . . �, for the peace of the whole . I . nafnely, that if -they I � in other a&el," the Oppositidl L � world. that of other Countries which - have %say in- which the commission-obtabr- I The honorable' member for South : ougbt to - know, ' In educational affairs, as J dee * in eii�bnomic Und0r-I ' I . of industrial edia- 1 aLt-one stroke Wiped 'out the means cf! � impbitant functions of 1�`JoVincial go:r� Clea,rly superior, Ills very extended ties of given -the 4uestiou ad their easements, We have also I the population. of , . , affinity and' . Noijolk Spoke of - for out' stilindi -i0i ­ . consanguinity were doubtles citi heretofore .dealt with the absolutely Ontario ,In that connection, Sir, I ernment, he showed not-culY.4 tbOr': i :�4 raton. Perhaps training qualified teachers ng,- in comprehension of PuV " - a used to; on serious c6naide - ab.i ' � I advantage with all other Europein� in this. province, considering we are . tyrannical legislation ",�vhereby the . . public - schools, there must inevitably ough familiarity with administrStiVO neecls,'amLd,.Jn.aLppreeiS.ti,DU'Of the - 1.� . I a reign - that' li Young, ocountry the - - - desire V raise the question- whether be a d Ti of Qualifted teachers. At-, but with'tber .�Bery *Governiniental lngtitu-i. I .. . , -province All% that ter ,r: principles ,and details. , ie� -they - , monarchs. His was ' ,school *of. cul votes taken in four -teen municipalitie's we' are �doirig'as'a .f ,a ,r tions'to the people for whom ­� made for peac�, that tended to bring ,-ture * has too. much 'predominated, upon one question wer6:made to do., might be done. to obtain desirable , , thek had dete'rulhied tol .r0,r,U)*. "f VqriaUA,3i1#A_Of4)0Q1kV_­1 I I I . , . ion �b�twoen I �our abolish the 14odel 961no6ls, when we� I I . 1. 1. exist. - ­ I . .. . I 1. . . ,, � . I I . about if nt,f the� age itself., at least The niarked. distinct . service for an entiiely -different' immigrants;-whethdr.-'�he province is. found odr efforts- to gave theni were I I I .. . . � I.. . � I :, the spirit of the age, when men shall school system.,ind that'of Germany,. 'I echeme. It recalled.that.by, A --- �� ... ' � hat 'our ' cbritinua- .wIll be � at all doing its duty towards peopling unavailing, t' ,begged of, the ' --. . I .. . I.. . . .. ., ., . . . 11 . �� 11 . i I best their swords into ploughshares . for example, is," t laws were submitted in some filtoeia .our Northlaladl":'Sir, we know what "t� M. 4 . I . . . . I � I and their spears into pruning -hooks; tion classes are still eniGeIY scholas- 11 rhunicipalities in �,Western Ontario; Prehfier of7 -AY11110��Ince_t_bp I a-, - � . . '.... � , " . , . . , . duy says to . . . the- result of a vigorous Dolininion orable the/Mlnister of Educati&i. no � I - --- , . . I I I . later she enf)tured an E uglIsh full �Lrlg­ . * 11, . . and when the nations of the earth fie. whereas 'Germ . I .the question then -submitte migra,tion policy. has done for the.. . Iii,all she took eleven prims- . � . . .. im to. wipe.out the model sebools it one: . ged ship', I . I -shall have learned, to suomit inter- children:- ratepayer was, whettlaor he was will- West aiid I think this Government stroke, We'urge'd tha,4-there sholiW' .,,.,Once she fell a victim to superior force . I . national difficulties rot to the arbit� - '�I will give 701i an eilucat'ou a ' uf- ing to pay a certain' fixed -figure for �migb leaf out of their gill leag,t be a survival of th6 fit�cgst 9f, -of . F.( - �' . . . �, . rament of tlie, sword, but. to the de- to the end, power de]iVeTed.*by the � Ivell take a -'ative, .zea ) f , 'th'a Children. . .Vana was tikell, pilsbner b�'the British ,. ficient, for oydinary life up Be. 4-, Lfter ­ I... ­ 1. comm.is . Sion - book and show .more- inW I .. them, in Order that a supply o pro- , ­�_,�­ .1 . ., -ff,kgaPe,- rbo0e�: -�A,'Ow­dhis. later she ' -- ' , . . ..... � 11 A . .94 ,--o .big town�,br.pitY. .Th I I. . t.. . .1 I . �cision of such Ariburl that of - -at kmr common school cour. ' I te­i . 0 'and energy as id the - ortant ques- rly'qualifte-a teachers might be `e�- ­ .. _. . . 'The Hague, Which reee "�y has d [at belihT 0.1- I � "I t Called. 1!6,u .. . '. pe , ' . .. . wtjs recaptured. by, R. United States . , . "' _rti+.AntLv4-_r. im'th - . I ,. -;,at =_ d --,our si�hoola. Thi%:SIrl . if I ­ "..., P_M;1_f_.a.4ta :[or flip. for;: . . . one that �you mu ­ � I At _nA_qP_ WAS 4_-Ajh"�Wi , Sett . - I . ' . . . - in,Ake.any inquiiy, as,to 6 i5e agricultural � lands of North AOn-, was the.bgrdm of our'plea.. What I '., . A Stanch Little. Ship! ma, 0 . ' * 1. . � ., , _� to -the cost Pf -tarill, Sir, this Goverhmentin that have sai%l o Sion upont J- ', *,'With- a Big -History.' I � I . . auch splendid . . and hag reml its a practical World, . '. e'atidle, . sured-far al - � . .. n- -war and tliiis Nvap �.�pared- for . .forever as bet I " a and the great' will assist you in a Cti I way"So 16'Tpioginailo -cost, or as . I .1 the honor wlitch latels, came to ll�i.. � � , ` I � . . . . . . . . . . -nation to thf6l�-�' 6f . us; a large that you may earn ho at living." - tranamissicin,., but* had only'tb: decide - aken out of its this subject is well known.to honor- 1. __ I . J ­­� . .— , ... , .. � I I is . that ,continuation . respect ought to aw, . .1. . . � . number of .1 4 ,. g and mischief- The result - the very simple question whether sleep, and ought' at once to. institute . . I I . . I I I . .. . . . � . I . � � I I . , imaking Ly become corl r of his . able gentlenien in this House. They' . � . . 1. . . . . . . diffieu. g. That reminds . classes'in-German power delivered at-. the doo ipagauda Jn favor�*of iWill ah�o'reoall a plea'alon I .,!...,:� "o . I . Of thesel. .. -an aktive pr( g. this line' . I-VtRA ,kO%^ I . .. I . I me, Siri that ' ' ilre nearing the edle- tion industrial -schools. 3ipality',41i a *certain pride.- WaB 'own Bin A d.-. We made. by the Ron. Mr. Ha ..'�., _ . . . I munii .pedpling -our te an rcourt an& .. ���l,*��.,..',,*'*'..*�.:!."."f,��..�.�..,.i,':.r":.,�.�'.�:i �0___,���� . . I . 2,W0, attended, by .- .1".1".."'...l.'. ];Zi'.-:.! I . . .. . . . 'between this natioll'und our cousixis* 350,Ooo pupils. . After, a two-year a '- no investigation whatever upon 'the - 'y, for ox�- I I; � ,:"%..-...1. . . I . - . . I .... I . . -bration of the century mark of peace. there - some, , cheap powpar or. not. . :, progress of the West, C416r ' ' , I ... . _C ` adiah Ver'se � are . That callea for know something, -8ii, of the rapid the.Hon. ).fr., Graham; but, Sir, the, . else. J ' -Honorable, the blinistef of Educatift! ".... an . ­ I to the South; a celebration industrial Schools the 3; andAhese by- arn ions I 1"...... , � .. . . . .,. � - . �. ,. _­ � - ­ .. . , in which epursq, in tb 4 -ratepayen . .pl, - &Wct a -PoPuldt'64 -seeniS alwaY ai "N' ---.��R - . - -1 ... . r , at year �40 ..absr,)IuteI,v.'jmpervioui �'$ . 'Z_ I 1. 1. I a ;. � -.1_-_.11 . d ttends ax of ,the . :-y,--: X.�..i' , - . p -.,-... I hav6 no doubt this Provin�e .an man specializes And .4 in .Some, fifteen :%;��:.",;::,f".2�:�,:7i:,.'.., 11 0 ", I , . . . � a ,5 wore.'earried of 30,00r or 35,000., .This year -she to knowlod�,-e. He. seemg,- Sir, unsu's- I " I..... .*V:'�;10 , R , I . . ,. . - wu'utimpu - . `� :��,"� .. .... . .. ,- I I I .. this Dominion *ill take a fitting a�id .technical . ­ . Govern claims 61,006. Similarly Edmontoia'A , ceptible to receiving dveii a single idea! ;��.L: I 11 ;��.L: ;��.L:. ;��.L:.... ;��.L:.... ;��.L:.... ; _ * ?­::.;­'� ..5i I , I �. , .., :1 -- . . I , � I . . . I—— ... _. � . � ' ng . . .. .'entirely eln�le -� Id! .1", .� i:lv �.0-1'kll� -'P. I ­-�,.F.w -1 ii THOSE FAR-OFF FIELDS.. * . : ,�b, 0ji schools, .and . insti-� - - - lities. than, 'iba �,,M , :i!:.:j' " ,g .� g... .�;q j,..'m,:.;;, 4 .. - " . . Ute .. . .�., , 1� 3 prominent part. Notwitfis&ndi .,. ment changed its � sell as about 20, along educational iffies. Nothifig con. . ­­ . . . I - - population last year w " ..'A ..4115111�: 11 � I . : . . N �M I . I . � . . . I the exasperating recollections of the wo believe, it is the' duty of the s and instead.cl delivering, at a cettain, 000 now -it is.claimed that it is 30,- or would permil thinking facul- ..:z 1, $ -fig l . ... 1.1�,..... ; ...Z. . i i -istance Fairbanks. I . War of 1812, .Canada and the United state to Ova to - tI state. ure,, power 'at the gat agric . :: 1: P.i.�: .;..... .­'?... .. .. , * By Coi let child of,the es of the 000' The populattlQn:cA. the, ' ' ul- ty, Session after session' -we &inted ."."*;,�i�:!"�!", :�, "...1. .- ,.. ' ' hereafter I . . ­ � ­'. � __,." .. I -� ' . . .;�� :: . I , [1kriss Con an cs, is a' States have set the world an. excellent such - education - as -may municipalities in . question, it offered . . t must be the inevitable re- ,. . . .., , I stanab FaIA). I ... nee wha. - . !.�. " -.1., . ., _ I.. make hi ' the boat, citizen. of the hat" provi' . is. in- out I . .. .ip :: . �, Sba , ,wai - ' iii . example of how. two nations with a I in gel ower to the municipalities at. . tural lands of t proporA sult of Closing the m ode! � schools; - ' # .....". .,� *;: ,Writer of ,magazine versa. 3,000 -mile non-fortTessed and - vex I F jLt a certain .price and to � nted out what is, a-. known .�.�i::i'� - , uu; 1, �tate',. SIt becomes a 7 gravet and - tNoiag,,a creasing in about the same �?-., Lb� N.S., in 1866. She, - . I in$, th w( ��".,. �--` ,.: -, .born a' Vartmoul , . .. I I garrisoned f1rontier may live at peac th 5 Uon. -This Government; clai at also poi, - . � � "', I .waga co-editor o N...�i... �.. ­.......'­ . " , f the T, nt question * whether I compel Ahe municipalities �p stand ledst, .twenty. possibl, . works of -AIrs. ' ' '. _ Y .�..: Ili - . � bave as fertile la fact that at a . ­ ... I _n:,�.�":.*.a-- .­., I I -nations ought to. . mpo , whether this v the cost of building and mai ' aining we nds in Nbithein -V -------- 7— I.awson thd Xova Scotian authoress.) s' as n.eighbor mce, t not,. . I I I � ir per cent. of our normal traii.m. I . . . . . . . . . . . . �' M i V, not, t.6 - give such ' " . . a found in. thq West, th . . . . I . I . � . . . � . � - I I I . j 'Provi . I t I t 'gat V __ Lack of Content and' I nteht. . ltr,bvince lug 1,'transmission lines, etc., let ha Ontal as wiII It ng'practical ieachers, do not remaw ' ' . ric interest . . . I I I ,.. nee as will enable, I . I in in Ontario. bbt. ' . � 11 practical assista -be: what R might. This -was -an an- In ' b,en is not somethi . An event,of unusual histO Those far-off �133,elds, how fair ,,,they Coming to that portijon' of the W I Y t ' -yo to the we�to I I %in I . � " � . I � youth of the proyinde the better a d ta �ib I rn provinces where re6ently took place .Ne : I I thi tirely . different scheme.-, - Our view.. . le .being done towards se; . . I . . . I w Yori-z liar- . Seemi I .* . I j . I" . - ' I , 'As oft throug I -mlst'4 of years:they �. speech which reviews, We past Ad- and easier �o make. a liveliho0do - MY . then was that when: the Gbvernment � curing epulation. - � Ivithout .any * further tra.,ining, they Are - the. tw I . "' ,rf I . . result 'a -thai Iyor. it Avas the decoratft�g of .10 V . ." ministration and the e2pected legisla. 6ontantfoij is, Sir, thal we: ought Ito ;ualified to teach. The I - .. . . .. ., - I . and tiid commission entirely changed That Thtee-Fifths.Clause. ., . . . . i I I I ­ . I I . � � 1, . . I � , . i -is of masted %chooner 13olly,with-a memo- g eam . . . . . . I I.. � .. s . . 'i tion of the preseut Covernient, I may, - r industrial -con a should � . I'was "' - .have. cut'..off_.'Iarg61y -the bh. I I . elne-ver- ' a- ­.� I I establish in eveT5 . . trearl. iti . scheme, -the. .'new Schein . used with th� ideas - . m ers_for_.�our-a-rural. - abrot-t-flIng ll ..... us . , 11. -P ' .— I . -ial, Sch .ci- express all ­ � rial h a i -of harY I I . . . uchinea a .; . I 9-6---t .a ds 's those'of olden be - be permitted to re* Sir, that the- ,,evenftig Usti 1. � - hnva�- 'beeir submitted- to- th - _�_apcpLy_��f- to - . . mark, , I . edle-, hoiiora-ble­-)n�mbor- , Ontario most noticeable feature of the �vhola_ - - -chools, 'and are spending. :1. _ liad , in the war 6f'J$12. The Polly WaSl eiA__t.t'h`_iiCri_ of the - workshop. the, for. South Norfolk with reference to . We never fin4 a lake or stream , I . I � -speech is its absolute lack-, am 5 a I 15alities and the ratepayers ' , ,rY .large I I s therefe, . re I I . 05 years .6ne.;4ialf so Ic . . I - �- � . - . of content T)T ,bools ought,16 be of such a er; they local optiom. He expressed the idea- money to train teachers, a V? .bli , m4rhs �N`e deem. . These so , trtunity of saying*wbet m. .4o not. -remain . lit In 1805 wid 1 . . . . I I and., particularly 9f intent on, the ... . as.to,-reach but.. to oppc . m Scheme. that a, gi4nd w6rk had -been accom- perceatage� of Who . eat Ion ,..of old 'Th6,ge whichwo piily view in, dream. ` . part of the Government. - - general character a � and voted e,a or nay on tbit� ne . . . "thin the pr;vince. ' A repeat, Sir,, old. sh6- is sixty, one f .9 . . . . all theJads in. the. workshop I I This. iyh . Government :absolutely re- plished fGr.temperauc*e -within.a cerr .wl I � �. . ad is sl engued * Waterjrig tl)6'- AlSIds of memory- '' '. . )ught not to be confined to.those who . because of the. fact tilis. i�Tovernment with', reference: to I fashioned model. -1 . I I I I . Those fdr-off fieldst. ^ . ' t . Jused them, and the vote that was taill 'time Past, . *the rural schoola- of Ontario sinned Ill'tride... tl I ains . . . I . . . . I I With reference to the questio . migh"to Teach a high I was: takem� thut'242 niiiiiiciphlitiLas had in "that - . , -, .I.Li litt. a schooner r6t . � . I . I n of . are. fortunatd­en� given for 'one proposition " . I . I . . I prison labor, wh atus. time adopted,,IocSl option', .1bat 593, � ' us.t.light, si�nad against warningi liar original plank, ing, of three inch oak,.. na we were happy then! Thb.theind : . ' has . nir schoo as a -test for- an �itirely differ6rit one, 'IV nued iga . . � .. .. ile there I or. -ebile0ate institute at - , d I all inst kno*lidge NO � . . . . a: . - or. ,eight inch, ribs 6 t -our existenc it -is a matterbf Ktreme regret that.. 1-totel. licenses :had been cut off, a4d are as ionud .. e, love d6r�me: . doubt ,been a greal deal'of laxidable as no- - and legislation. was, passed m though . ss�of-.pebple.'-ila--tho--wb�61e--prov-m�al -and_h - __.-_-_11..-._._____1. .-___.1_-__.._ ___ __­_.­__-- �olff--­b !k�---E-V,-.td-s�d,66kdo.L4'�--"', work done in the way of employing. this Government. h t. taken more 16' shop liceases reinio Ved.-- - This--un-7 -01a over a Century- And loo ubg ac - 0 a- , th-ei had - '4oted - and favored the � was a aro more anxious to give. the very. as wheii. placed in her , . . .. ... . . . . prisoners, yet, Sir, 1 would like to. - active'steps, that it hag not.put itself Present Scheme � . . Lour contention 1 then -der the presen't law he saidl ,'Iy Can to . . � . -On all tlatLt bapp6yfed yot' and me- - . 'position to take more I active "aplendid result." �est eclucatioil they possib Under comPland of Captain.-Tud � a a � ago' � . . . . . our . . , people I would ike to ".. suggest to the Honorable, the Provin. in Was and' now- is that th, thet ask the honorable geri their children thaii ar% the farmers -of tied from a sigb�for. &ar Souls esteem 1 ps.thaii it has il,one� and that the , I ' tleman. whether . . than ,1UPhtiim, the' rolly sa . . , Thosd far-off fields I - L . cial Secretax , the idea of . been trusted an -1 . the Province of Ontario; but, Sir, . . � Y consider, fate, should hage - is not falling the logical tat. fAlay L . I . . . "., ing. carefully not only those wh6se speech from the throne mi�rely says: -present scheme should have been sub-. he into Salem on Dec. 7, 1812, on the lookout __ .. . ,�.­ ....... � . . . . . . . . . . ,., - . I . ., . . I .. . ,. on- 1. "That the. VeCessity is becoming. . ie of the manieir lacy of proving either too little or too there is a limit beyond which. , for 4briti- . L,JX mp.ro.btintuxen. Two ODTA.L - . . . . . liberty is restrained and who axe c mitted tcl peop F cannot' go.- By Closing .the modil I . . . � � - , uch? ' if it was a spleridid. tWng - arred IL the , . . . . .. I. I .. . L L . I _-_ . Ifined in our public institutions, but more ob - I is day by day for a sysw . ' . . — . - viol . alities' for th r appt�vai 6r disap- in adhobls this Government b I . . - he were prior to their teni.of technical slid industrial eliu- 'P. - % - , , * 1. . 1. I .. under the three-fifths clause to hf_Lvo, door to many' a poor man'i- son and I --Wm ... . __ I , . ., . I - 11. L . , , . , I I proval. . - . ­ ,cut off 596 licenses, would it mot have . .. MM I I also those vi� era . OR . , I .. � I . , . incarceration dependent upon th Cation. I . . . I -There is another Phase Of this ques-; I been a daughter from ever entering the -teach- ' � AAA014AAA ... . much -more splendid thing th . .. . AMMAAMAAAAAAAAAAAA$hAA^^ . .. and whb'i)ossibIy suffer more through Provincial Aid 'for Schools. dous *considerationx . ing, ,.profession. This fact is so well . . % . I 1. . I I . . . . .. I I tion .deserving Be: . ­ . . � .1 their confinement than the actual Last year, Sir, 1 I produced figures as the matter is .being, itt Present have cut off seven or eight hundr.e,d known that.it needs but to be men- 1_�_ I . I 11 . . . . prisoners. Some scheme -might be the I whole' iiindeia majority �otgl?. Whai asks the tioned' to be. recognized as truth in � I . to show -what. the province is doing worked out, the credit of . honorable gentleman? He sits Silent, I I . ��� . -n- by way of aiding in the education of provinci is pledged for the benefit of 'ridictillousnes I . X ' d I .. . . �_,l - - i devised which, woulck -not only ' ' ,the � a aild. the ab- every part of Ontario, I say Sir- the ' ' . ., T o'...Fourth- EstAte , -- Utie - , while . � stupid, stub � I . .. :,.,o .� I courage thrift and fionesty on the cart in classes of., people. -- I then a a in order that result of tlx born an . .� ai few munitipa surdity -of his argument.is appaient � , _:, . .. .. .: I ., part of those confin6di but would . the Piovin-' 'cheap--Powilir ril b� .obtained' f6!1 blundering policy 41 this Gove;��(�;t I?`.. I I . . . . t Nill ftek L fact :that . - . .. � . . . . a, 8.. . ImIlite even to himself. He pledges himself, ' Is 6f L also serve to alleviate the suffering 61 made dear the L and separate' these, municap itie The a '. Was abs6lilitelr4hevillable and was .e4s, . . . ,Y.to Star ­ I I cial granW-tol public to stand where he has always stood., .IYL .. Sill . � t .. . . . , . � , u * ". a. '� . I . . I I . . I .­ . * I those who forjnerly depended upon. I ant annually to $1.38 for , . nfairness ofAhis plan-,% bdt,br seelt namely, for iho tbree-fifthe clause. 1 discernible in aldvance. I )a I 'd ,66ir''New - . . . . . � , . , .1 . � them -if a parl at least of the earn. schools - amol 6ding the - same;.the *e -lake sp , ecific illustrations of how, i We. Sir, on 'this " of the House, to a deplorable-and.1strientable state I .. I I . . . VWVWVVVWYVYYVVWV , .� .1 � . each Pupil att I if " VWWVVWV.W , I ­ I . 'A I a prisoners could be sent i ate of attairp. We' no4 -And twenty -per . WVVVVVVVWWVWVWV . I .. -the fact-th the - UVW, �� .. I; " � . ng of thes . . grants to high' schools and collegi -it works", outi -vor, example.- Br;;'� have ever Stood on -safer ground. We , 5 in a . . ­. . in spite of - a . �, - . ' a I . � . 0 . . cesil ural .'school ' tty � . b olk to their farailies. 4 institut"..to, $4.66 per -p,dpil'- the' bridge the 6ther,day held a baul have maintained Met so long as the.. more of ",;r seldom Is handsome Or US I . .. . ' openin " in ular. munici- I our land in tho, bands of teachers ,Ito 8 t: ti�e� judge,la ftuilatier, Jud -A& * ' : .1 . Technical Education. ­ . ts to normal and model B&ools as a result'of the. successful di . vote taken any r1i *orital tr9n- - Ar . .. - h � gran ' the I . 1 31Y no process& id hab none oi 'charm 0 7k �o act, e ". ­ ; - - i - power -scheme. - .What - has " I with absolub , . - .. .1 , '' I The next paragraph of the Speech amount to $112.43 per pupil, of theii , palAy no As -to remits I . � 4A them with- - '' ih6dide; - . ( ,. Then, when hi lit *ad . i . " I I onto University $126A6 . Biacebridge .. require. to do? Bracilll out I side of tbat m i I ity that it ing whatever, and, mom on-profes- , I r obitrusiV,13- than I-nds -hid course blocked by, the zo-� - deals with a ,0ery important ques. ., groath to, Tor out even a sekabbOA16 at 8, D I (Ae g oft Mot e . . . it is difficult to . bridge was kequirfd to slibmit,wo, should be tr as . - � - " �, per pupil, figure � an ordin I I . . : .�. 1. k.1 ambitions of the Nolan. fal . way aa. . to tion: which I regret to say, 'is toudh. sionil cartinexte. jjA this, Sir. is a V �, gi .11 the &*erage grant -to scheme to the Ont0riO Raill - municipal vote; aud tbal, All majorl � .. ebtatty, ' wif o - and , dAt1f'ht f thell ed very inger y and uncertabily-- .jxacu What I I .1 direct result of.%9 stupidity and- � ' DMOtlMos ,untearlii rude; The I � or o not ' . - .1 that of . at na colleges Per upil 16, Municipal. Board., a � creature of, tho should . rule. Exandne P t ALud,51 or have . technical and indusWal edu. 10 ILK .15 GoveftV 11hill scheme A,ck and. see *he* ani � stiabbonak &&Vi=af tbds' Gov- ' 0 n1tt have hirA "COMO I - naWOPaPer ];- so... 1 cation. The reference to"this ,vM =thovl dome substantial lent, and *ban . d -., n Sir I UT Mothe" W6. . .. iducceeded in llbveakbig intol" .. � i9portaut subject is.as follows: gillili,en ,1 but. Sir. when We come, -to a' hid been approved of by the MW4. calous results it .3keeds; - in a cartain etument. As al a a I . I � Calling. . I ­ .1th, and . . ver dustrial -Board, Bracebridgel obligeit .tol . have - two Voters. , jolin. find in the PubHo, SehioW Report of A as i 'cRtclli c'el 'n spite of theirf " - . #TlUecessity for 'ind the adivill , y dogerving class, the in .elpsl . -001 udeVW9 daugIL- I I ; . i"earthly 9 Bartelm'Y astutaty tile own do,bentures They &DIth y JOhn Breeirn. , Jobi SM1*L are ,pallini, e (by frito .1 . different tiori.ia to sell J . on William 8, Tillftii'. ift, Public , HOS no L ,ilmply. ap - I 11 . tal sing out of the rAcipition of a sehi)d elu t6d 0ouu- ; His Manners ter'.Ju,d1th,tO slid blUctAi" * 'LL' 'nee praictical sclil at 98 1-2. bearing� I I , - ew V * xblaii!3. ' faystetri of technical and industrial- toil. This `Pi;�i ly -Bayou hink,, 4 1-9 .. is &- local opmonm - john Brown is SdIO01,11DOPeettor f*,Qw ni ' usuallir 126teli . wly ri . It . .1 � t fA6 the ties of Northiilld4md DurhIll " Rib finances - Rim-* . I teen I deal I niaL I PrkV ttho-leadors of tash ,tering the ne from'thirteen: to Seven per . oenL bAerOiSt NOW, cil)�� ' - that there were lad year v - , But forme ho I . . . I . Wdl-an, a dei.limorted sbafid and f14 � education we becoming, more obviouts to. the lad 000dure t6wards ob- 1 &: - Min aventy ru 1. thd I�q % ither, to inclined to I day by day, and you Will be asked to years of age who is Perforce -driven, ihis meawd.of pr , . Pion for the, 11112A th" Of I ". . rawl , the , 'a earn a litellhood in taining cheap POVist 68. 1 us, 007, . I " option =Oeiai 80110010ding to ion. - I jo, -Society's vil a,ttaeka on -Bartelm in �'Sqii� .9d" ' � . . and " Who *Sbine the thinlil I et , '60 ra-1 -School W&d"ft in these UWW make an appropXiation .for thn ,pur. , from school to between"areelefMdge W01141111j! the preiiiiiient law Jydlui B16wWo V6* coul Two-havift At" 111 ftrd- I Me , and . 1) whe hlmf '110 . poillto... . the'workshop that it has 40 colfeern _ fitiateg, twenty4ftm with secoh4- 11dat give .. 1, I Vance . n ,Bra-nd tells - ' for him, that it has neither moral nor Th6provitice. 9A & whole, '9--rsm-brid VMS *orth on,e­am-ft-half times J" clas4. twente-two thirds-vadistlY riel L de ... I will force kim to bbllordl that ths I ­, This Indeed is handling an ex. . Indude4, 10, com 0, ammill The moment. however. *-" B YgperWan - ia dishonest: through And tremely importAftt subject, In a very , finan6jal Obligation with. reference to .Pel.led to fund ne%ied, and- not less thdri 7,nineteen Ueh.rined 171 -the nowsl I . . . I . I" - , - , ed 4,500 cheap' mone aud chdap, P"er tor cal option. is carried. noWtbistan& .1 and suggests to the L , non -committal manner. One would him: Sir. IaA Year we assist schools were'being'-il meht by people ! Owed il t1irOugb. Br. . I gather from this vague,teferende to odd public and Separate school.pupili but in turn the piovinft 9A '_ ing -that Viese, samo, two *m6n are livo .. � I . � - . "Burke said there Wertin, .the R&_ judge P )oo &id to hbn Will , . aII7 1 lahA U13,0 having no rfessh,na . training tates In.,patliamentt but � I wat $10,1 Stop ,� Its , I PuP111 we .. does not ing and votibg:ifi 1he same town , per- t ,cause 'The Advance" tot, , . the subject that the gray. down Of at the rate of $1.88 per flwh=�� includihk Wet . gjjuati,og� Aeaching simp y on temporary -on4er,, Owe a& , assisted 3,100 odd high scho6V iltd endorse Bracebridge, and dods. 11106, der similar conditions the' porterts Gallery y t.!, intelligence is at last striking the . SMiWs vote, mits.' Now, Sir. contrast this with ten " Fourth P,state more iMPOVtaut attack0i, and arranog for h )rAec , ­' collegiate institute pupils at the rate Assist Braceblidge it obtaining CbeaP is .reversed, and John . a Isoffice. , t first the.Vat$ With reference to this - ago- From Ahe same tepOilt I IJ11---:CarIyIe. I ing W h pay th� Government. . hni far than thO W his ja kalto I I all_, L Upil. we' assisted 433 . er The T081alt 18 thAt Brace" become worth, One'and-O'half Of Jo years ,. . 1 Jailge islands ' I L 1. mportant question, Contrast this � of $4.66 par p grojW(l loses $1.60 per, hundred oil this, Br,&�s. A SW that produces such learn that in the year 1900, there were I valid refudeb to Sel 11 or I vague, indefinite, ill4efined and normal and wodei School pupils at . -exactly the same number . of rural out now Serial StOryla taken money, but As,R . . -012.43 per ca# Sele-ofitia debentures and pays 414 results would do crellit to -a SIeiqW . Jibe dei lexcoY,t with t . non-commiftal position, Sir,'with the the rate of its. and , .school teachers in these united couti- from a, newspaper, Play that has itle L ' ,ho judge .. ity I we, I " been 1 succe . ,. 1. Students or cent., interest, whereis WelloAftilt 61 -hand Man, Or a, Japan *uggler it has *himself, the old/fox is foreed to we assisted 8,950 uuiverai. & Of these, two as whierever . 4 � '. . stand taken by this side of the'Roliao ilib, and geta ha but it is not at all Creditable to ties,' namely seventy, iwIn&* is 11 '871ft- '60MO, - . I I last year. We. Sit, divided the at A rate Of $126.0 par PuPil- Thus logois nothing on the at had first-class cortifieRtag, twenty-two' been played; - Vollc M tw,V,ile Brand lifts"; "t ' � t: money. at gbout, 31 L : British Legislature. The only -sound! tol be published -ranged, bKjking� the telophondi,off I . . . , House upon this sAihe question IBM. does this province follow from stage. -2 per Cali' position to take, Mr. "iker, it " bad second-elasa and the tenaftini'19 opsis of the -storY� � will, -the tecoi've'r,to-haVestenographCVB, . . I . . I � those who ,tire financittlly There tan be but one result Of this ., one man -, forty-six ias �rofossional thit&. in the New F,ra gaiX which ,. .. . session. The record appears at p. Md to staV Ut schools and co 1, namely,� o --a I stand upon. -namely,' .P Due single permit in commence next "Olt. - . another room take'dowh the I of the Votes and Proceedings, Our able to attend o I- whole Scheme it Sul 0114 vote,, . of ,equiai There was not 4 1 ic"Onversation between 1aftiabelf and � . � motion.was as follows- "That in the n A liberal tduca- that it will, induce intending manu-� =d every vote . �ither county in that year. Last year - ' loges thus to Attai c Wheeler Brand�,a Young V'epOrt �.4 opinion of this Rouge the province �-1-tion- but When it comes to the lad f4ciurets -to locate in the Xi�,il 1 V11,111O." - . we had not less than. nineteen, That or on "The Advance"'getsf hoid. of the ludge, and at the mobsent whell. . whor'd c�ill peauty'at aft 'early ago Peninsula rather than in the diff6rent'l We! have, Sir, divided the Housei Sir, is a fair -iivelrage of what'we M a qtory.g'�out Jrudle BartelMy 'eX-, the 3udge Is handing h e lbri 1 � , . and the municipalities.. shoula unite ' ativeg to the workshop, the pr 1. . hout thal ' for five suecelaive'sessioni upon this. posing politleal an judjci�l Voiten. a flashlight photograph � . in .(a) the establishment of technical OviftcO I towns and cities t�roug, . question, and we -will Continue to di-- all over the Provinee of ,Ontaria,�and the goets off, Brand 'has Pr . I gayfs to him, wo,gtd under no moral � . I 'Co. Nay" Sir, it Dwy 90 go 14 tl11, -) Tog olicy dolib- - nees, and Is discharged -by, 1. " .1, schools .in the towns and cities in or I . iiae it until the trueprindiple, of log�l �%, is t,), �rilt�,of,,th& p -hael No -i point,and-thc_paperio Ontario to supplement the practical nancial responsibility with irefer F,a'r'o78'8' to take A*RY factories already izl&tion is recogniw,d and do ted , erately tl�loptvd by this 0.0verfiment maneLging-eclitor. But Mle irint the story -who - - . I . . and we will mak,e-no pro. eligting in other towns and, Obs,096- ln�t 1�.; a p sull in spite tA all warming we could pos, lan, tI*jA now proprictor.0f the pa- to P ­ , ition, o And Coerce omen back, i 1. "de . . training of thts workshop, (b) An ar. oncto to You , 1, Sit, h&V6 taken takil , ,b,y giv(1*them. in my own riding, . - to 116a . I all, - t Ig hears of the incidieliatf and not . r the r ,4. , leave it -z, � ,. is of support vision whatever .for your further edu, them and to coMinue that po .. t)er, U railgemerit I,say Sir, that until some whether int _si-� ' I with the'GoviernMent, to Say . who 113 S'i r, '� Of l(0 . - the.. cation. , in thp varly J�Tllaftl . . t year, 6hly, takes Brandback,but inakes wife and daughter, forbi � I for Auch schools as bet*eett �e is properly worked I &a reprdgenting the whole province - tion. regardless .,of hit. 116, I, �o 110 les,it thaq fifteen TIP&I ; him babollaging editor on tho spot, lication of t -4e story. Br. . .. , nean local optionist who' there ise ,of o( year7a crusade lisheg the story and the J. � . . proirince, the municipality and the - different sche have duo regaid fo the they. think such a sohnnia, is fair and would ba *a In _(,lipols va�aljt, aind ilie trusteeA And In the tou! . '. . � linterested rinnnufacturors. (a) The I out that will . -would, Ask to have the dice loaded ini . Ity , r d jincls. to leave the country,tut 1, aneg"al responsibility of equitable to the vhble province,- ill,, �jk lg,defePly in- TAging true to her loV60 moral and fin id. he would be iust, Rai ,peetor woril, btt,zy scurrying hither , for political Puir D ark estiblishment in the largar industrial liogti,oft his favor, at 1.j-, tilitlier -,u 9n onde,tivor to secure that Judge BtLttel . � centres of techWhl h1gh schools. this Ptbvinlc - refmnce to the AM this taigo-4 66 further q mean a friend -of the trade who wowdl .8Lk,,.,, Brand& � Sir! -regardless of quo I, d - VOIV td) That th, -owiarA of the municipal- � induatrial classes - the educational whether a Uniform flat rate would' 1111 ed and folloWs lap, hiff att be but not be, more, equitable even within make such a *request. I iepiftt� any perabn "' 4 T A* e h -If# i .9 H, A G V I I - I � I I - I I �11 � 'i aa�11_ 'I I ,;1 7 Itles should be .enlarged so as to on- I that the dice ,should not bet 16 . .011, to WIt f18 It teacher. C - � - is ravine" will in ,onli% frr�nl . - pill ]pall to Read the FirstCbapter of the ., 1. '13 the 11' not bo 06 electric toia& . for or against either party. It a. 11111i :'iver tjie,prov � I --- I Id in the 9 PPOft of " �m *�' '�d P a atito W Adotestration. . % I able them to ai i I�b lanced t, 0 �l - 11 -" -4 'twornit" -a I I � a it what ho do for the large � . t1m, 41., I Audh Work." - n M�6t 6, v6iino ML I Young , L.. owalu, ".Ajrex�tojo 'You W111 WILut to Finish the Stor I za, . A4 was , a, well-ilefinedj � 'n . at( I . 4 �% � "gret that. I <10 not" ftd Ol lie!m . toutiouod '012 page .4 . You do . 1. .1 1 I i r. . I . I . I . I .."', I . 0 1 � I . . . . � I 11 � I . � . . I i �� I 4 I . � . I . . ­­­ - .__..&---1--1 - ._ 1--_-1__L, .1 I .___­­._____­__ —.---- - ._&_�_ .1.