HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-09, Page 6- I � ht� New ,, .ro tereot in foreign VOlItIcAl affairs. �it- We are haviu& A . 4ell btful I lines UPOA 00044 joing.veowle, a
14, In )
' winter tho rose* or* s.41 -o 4f ineasure, whivill too oeight ytaro to
1414bed every Tbuvido,y At ,k�t one time(he Wag a!m�%w k �bloom. and have a beautiful crop of gt tlivough the 3�ritio Rouse of
NNW RRA Printing 110"401 tUe, Gladstone cabinet. . or a. . WishiLig the compliments emmona, and which hanbeen'be,
. 111, . ,eel for fiv,e(
I of U011 season x ours Vespeptfully, fore tho CAxiadjan lion
- 114%A0 4TRURT . . . CLINTOM . I __0_ GEORGIA B. '33BBSLBY PROFESS(M 1$TOPHElIt LEA000K years, was so to-Incide . ut with the
T1. insure publicaltion in - current , -01 cours.4. everybodnis not �, Ontario, California IS WINNINQ FAME ASROAD. announcement that the Xiniotoriot
I a,.. py o�aavertaoewents should be regotia� � I Marine hail, decided[ to accept the
. , I .t Arly . � Pleased over, tbectradi$ __o___ . bill of the same membler,vhich was.
IV' 1.444 rates - The tollowinoMble tions VIt4 Uncle. Sam, As long as W. U. Nerr 4, Son.- introduced last year, andi which is
11 . '810-4 f0V speolfi.ed p6riods tl,,,p wealtib Is �bejng garnered In Pear Sirs. -Please find �pnclosed Economist,on Staff of McGill Univere. gain before( thd Housft this Tear,
b , ,.ILI I . $1.00: for -my subscription for one to compel. the installation 61 Wire
I , ntltle;$ such a tarif Is ity Is Steadily Winning ,His Way
;6 III'Vi.. I Vt. rin.10 fte. Iwo large 04ua . .year to your paper, I must 'con. less telegraphy,upon all passenger
� I .J75 00 $4000 M 00 $10 00, elegant butf let( part of thei inflow gratulate you on your effort put to the Top of the Writer's Profes- steamerselYInV upon th6 great
� to 00 ir, Do 0 iI6 J;e 4ivertqdJ to,l,0,1ot,heiJ,an1d the forth io the publication of the 'Upon tidal waters con.
� lI Co) , 1; 1, " 1, 2� 00 . Sion as 4 Mastar of Satir and lakes an
� - I . I - " 25 (X) 15 W 801) 800 scene is changed at once. Selfish- Chriotmas. Number of your Issue, 11 I t1glous to. Canada, �
� ,1, Ix 00 1000 5 W 200 - that I think it a credit to the old office, Funny Sketches - Is an Upper , 'The acceptance of th,c
I 1 2()e 1 (X ness appeaT4 to�fbe the rule . latter
-1 IN) 1450 actuates. too, peopl. even �n I have been a subscriber to the New I Canada l3oy. - measure is not -only a trlu�nph for
I I , manM all ,
I ,, .1 I, Ill -I V tl,tdvertjsiug too per . . Bra for a Ionic time now and do not . . the principle whIc4', Is involved -
. Canada, The masses as well as the remember ant issue, that I enjoyed , It is a far cry from lecturing on that has Iready, I beeri assured by
. I im-11, per iRstle. c more.than tho one referred to, � economics and political .science ,the deV a
I , lasses havii Tightd thutf Must ,not �n elopments on each, of our ,
. 11 . ? w ti. KF,]Kh & SoN . . . Tours Truly, - McGill University-Moutreal, to wrlt� '
It -_�- be oveilookea. . _VTB0RGB.SWALLoW . ing humorous sketches, However, � coasts since Mr. Lewis first brought
. - __ __0_ I I � . Calgary,. Alberta, these are the dual , it forward five Years ago - It is
: , , - � occupation of Dr. moile than that.. It is a recognition
I .. I . .
I . Stephen Leacock at'the woment. _
l! . .
'" � 090000900000 Guelph, is p;opqsing ito put on - - - - o__ of the fact that wherk. PL good idea
�.� B4ducated at Upper Canada College, is presented to P '
-Mayor, Police, W. H. Kerr & Son,- arliament, no idat.
; I airs byf havingi thek, , Prof. Leacock was on the staff of that ter froux. 'which side, it comes, tho
"I Edita,-Iak NoO S Magistrate and' -Chief iof% 9011ee Dear Sirs. -I have received the cducational institution from 1891 to Government is ready, in -its ,own
� I 0 . Clintogi NeW Bra a good. many I : good time, to accept it as its own,
� . wear robes of" office vhiW years and' I'take great interestAn
___ . _� I 1.� 11 �. .
, I while discharging official duties reading about all the things and I . .The success of Mr. Lewis in this
, � 1%V
11, 94114160*69069 Perhaps thd Mayor 1will ,also wear should'judge that Clinton is boonl_ I I , #@ � I 9. � Irolpss telegraph matter is a sig-
. . Hope that ,thLk,peopleL will I _n1ficant VI-pof crf �%vhat a man with
, Adoul.b .'-bubble Ing . ,
Perth Co. c -)uncil Will hold a spec- 9, gold chain. We bo�st it along. We( are - having an idea-' M the case of E. N. Lewis
� �.,. . ial session in April t,4 deal 'With over Veryl. much) x)n that sort' of g6od'winter weather liere. I en� I It should, be' said' of a man -lvith
�� "' i � � 1, �
�_ . I od Roads question they are( thing -but, believe Clinton Mayor, Plose $1,50 for the New Bra f9r an, _ -_ U I ideas -can accomplish. Ile hasor-
� I
z . the 00 . police Magistrat6 and,VChief could other year. I . - I �� . iginality. Ile knows the. right timp
': -in. I I . 1,
;, interested . " Yours Truly, . - . , I . � . I to bring his ideas to the(public at-
.;� , . _. .I,---- wear robes X)f offfcp witho as much . Mrs. S. Boven, . I : 11 . 4. tention, and he� keeps on,, pegging
__ , . . I . .
.� . Oilikosh, iWis. . away uiitll he, gets there, �,
'' . : , __
, �. .
� A locular cotemporary says.tbat dignity an any( og thom'* About "I I I , W, ; � 011: I
!,:�� I I . �/, Not .only, Ii4s he secured the ad-.
c:_ ent of belated hens fruit , chain round .,Mayor. Taylor's necl;:.. . I �� 1�_,�_ , , P I option'of his,%rirelesg telegraph
.� I consigurn ,We ara no4.;%O sure. I I A I ? . proposal, but' he, has the satisfac
�_ - . I 5 � I 165 ' . . . 11r. I 1, t
.'..' aiez'ed at Monti:eal lately is anoth . .., 9 - tion of knowing that his principal
, . ;1 er in . stance of -the y1ellow Perfl. . . . __O__ . . r & o M I I of mak.ing, the sale of cocaine a
.. . eTrovi ce of Quebec "' clut My Stops . c g S, ( , heals /
" __O__ For years th' On .(;#.? ./ criminal-offexmg�jjpf
.L. n , _;,aftced -..� on
I -
111. , . I tl)O th-.0at aud It-, 9S. 25 ontso .. I � November 25th' has beeii fik__
i � -"7 b- Was pointed to as an Illustration of ' - I . . I a d en ov
.. -il un to $2 000 is now subscri . . . I I � er by the Government n hag al
0-f Oft
I— _1-11 ______'_�__._
I ,
W# JaWrID019F., I
BA03%10=R IsOXITOIT01% VOT,&Ay,
, ". �
PUBT410. =0" I
Cluni"N I
, 01111IRLES U. MAL14
Huron si.; Clinton. . I
I 11
Notary Public, Conveyancer,. .
Vinatnefull and Reall Botate.
I INSUA4110M AGEXT-ROVlre8eati49J4 � Vive ln�-
Osurance Companies.
Vivision Court kofflee'. . I I
Medh.al- , � � Ilk,
I DR O.- W. T110almon .
, 110fan, surgeon. Etc .
special attention given o dipeasea ot:tba
Em Bar, Throat, and Nose,
Eyes carefully examined. and -suitable glasse I
proscribed. I
, ,*Moe and Uesidence, �
Two doors wast ot Ust 409moiercial HaII01
. �,� Huron St. . I � . .
. Dr. W. Gunn ,* .
Dr. W. Guan, X. U. V. P., X. It. V. s.. E,143,1. .
! Office -Ontario Street$ Olinton, Right calls st
. front door 61 omae or residence. , Rattmburp . I
Street. . . .
ftop boars at aviiial-I to 3 v�m',; T to 0 D,m .
I . . . .,
. . DPW. J. W4 8"A* .T
ecoucheur, etc,, office and resIdence On � .
tenbury St., omosite W. FArraWL3 residence, .. .
.1 _- . . � - I � . -
.1� I bad management . . . - . I I . I . . .
� ed by Alontroal People. toward a I I � With prophesiesof . .: I . . - -6 . -ready, received the sanction of the .. . __ . . . � like.. V.A. AXON . ..
li� I af'etab r' s9nicht. ' a`0 I I - . . . � , . ; . � . . . . DIENTIsT .
- . . - I/ .
. . fund to er�ect !a Monument to ti sugh financi ai a . commons by the second readingof I
19 Is un the legislaturp- program, of. .
l�� ' ,Hon. Mr. King ,bill on Thursday ull O'liii"Alag-lBridge lyprk a Speetally. .
- would almost, preclude re4l6rilption * ' TH E ,._$_LF wo , . I the Dominion. _ . . 14 Ct
" M61nory of the, late KinF Ed -ward. . I _EVC IWATCH. last.' . I . Ovadliate Of O.C.D.S., 404icAgo. fLrd'P,0lD,6,' ' - '
. - __o__ � 1910 has given-Ithem, a record year - == . - There is no politics about anyof And while it inight perhaps be Toronto, . . � . '
" . 944,000 is re-. 4 .
1% I a ) and 1i net �surplua of ,$ . . Ic -_ - � Tn7ore flattering to the Lewis pride �Iayficld att'111ondavg, 111AY Ist to Deceitubeit
�`, over 200 cases Of typhoid fev I . 4he'Wears It' No* on . 'I E _. I the -proposals of B, N. -Lewis. They if the -se meaaures'130 passed �In Ift I I � , .
!� � � . are reporte(I at Ottawa. One ,of ported by the 'Proilinelal Treasurer. � . the Cuff of' Hnr,Coat. . I ,� I . I- ... . are all designed for the publie-Weal his name, hel has still the satisfac- - . .. . . . I
I .,.
..,.. . A featurc4 thak,wo-like isthat the . � _1- � 1\�\V)I - -, - -, , - as instance his measureir to pro . DIL U. JPOWLEfto .
.!�; the victims Is F. Carvell, M. P., . I _. . tion of; knowing that he has led the .
:" . I I - ...... ....et aalc('of polsoils, except ,Vay for the, administration of the - .
.�..�� Pro vincial debt hast been decreased :=- . . I . I I �
,!, for Carleton, N. ,13. Jt seems -to be ' . . iP�-,1..e,,:.:44,\ ..:,,,, ,� . ' . rider certain provisions, Ifis bilito day. ppmirlsT. ..
, �,--:::�:i�t:iiii�:�;��� ---.--gV,-, _�?, ,.":,�:,:': . . DR, 1,BACOCK. u . - . . .
: .- borrow- .:': .��:�i'i!.�g . 4' . ., .
� $105,()09 and �.thls-lwithouil,, I .,..�SKM �N*.-, $.,t:�q:�*.'�!:::::!%���,.��f.,�.�.,�...',�,;;?.,.�,;;..e
1:!.`,: his diselise to . . :.,�, , ,:::,:.:7:::i::�:iii�:,�::.:�i��,.,*�,�;�',.,'::,�.1-�-.."...,*&-. . :�!���-�;�!�:�f��!��-".,..,4,,f* - I . a1r,110st ,j.., ., make the crhninal codel more of- I .offices over OINEILIR store, ' .11
.. . .. .... � ...... _ .1. �
, an unusual time for t ,� ..:.: �..' mc,�,-:. '1899 and is cougoquently I .
, . '
:;: :.; ., - :�::j:�:: :;. I ; '1' ivell kno fective as regards. the carrying of ft
, , :;:!.:. _.: ;! :7 . ,,, . O .
�, . Ing duringit the ,year., Exp�nditure . .. " I ;.::_. ::. ::::::. 5 .. �:�:'.'!:--',�% Wil in 11-Nno fir, Ile ts ill
- . ;111,1 . ;:,,.,"r:... 1. 7 : .. , I
* . , ;:...,!r. , . eciall date taken to makedeirital trem
I .
. , , ;:...,!r. -::_;.�,': `,'i;�:,
I -assert it self. :1 I . "; ": , ,,; : :: .:;::::_:r;;:: 1; offensive weapons, 'and other pro- ,
�1' . . ,.. I .: il:�:�:�:�: -, Quebec. In the yf,ni:' 1907 and 1006 . ment, eke Painless ag - posdible.
_ with governments.increases �nuch . , : : . .. ,."'i"'. ., . fl::,:�. 1.1;.: posals ot the same sort. TI -L . a I 0 I .&, I*
- , ': : ; . Oy are , . . I
. . :: , - -, � _;.. i
.. , , ,
a " , - ,:: ,,:..�: ., he toUred the Britizd- Ranpire, loofur-
�. i. . I __0 - "" . ,�:� 1.11 `:,O ", .. I . Ir'r , ; . , strike the 0 -low ,� - .
��f . as % doesjt%,�ithi-ln ividuhla and in . ". ... .. , I not. ideas which would, a. '' . I .
-,: . _ - .;..:. I'�,!". .1� 1; Ing -I?n Ihiperial problvinf, und4n the -
- . .,
_ The inaugural address -of Mayor 11111-il.. ., . average, member of - Parliament a 0CjS I, THOMAS GUNDRY .l I
.1 I es it shbNvilgood .. . I - I
4 . 11 leas ...... I . ; - I
marks either or bot .. ... . ftuSl)lCVs,O . .
i:i;."-: "I . . I -
, .. 11 I ".
,�, -curtaft,theunnec- �ii;,::�' .1 1. � . 3 ' Live btook and general Auction ie� .
Id. G. Cameron, Goderich, ... - : : : 1 � It vil I 1 tllf� Rllo'to� Truqt' 't Wa'�' tvh6 -is too busled with the detail ' 0 L 0 .
, I .:.�, :... I :-:::)'d-, . - , at 0 , / - .
I statesmanshl�,to . 11., I '. It iis return from this nii,siull tIl 6 . 0
-7 out a lively, and optimistic pro- ". I., I.- ::.: 1: ... . of party foll,tics to remember the e #b . . . . . I
,. a ..., -.1i'.1,1 :,: � . .
� . . . :, �,:.. success of o, 0 .
�f , i�:*'-- , . Proft-mor Ldaclock, b'v�yall to Ile RIION�n Its all,; t lings. � B. t the 0
.1, essary,- redO i indobtcdness� . and ;��..-,:�'�i .,.,i . .� In , 11 IQODERIOH ONT- ,
I hing like reach- e_ � _1' :: 1: - " � . rii? this writer- of hi�niorour, arti(lot,, I . � ,
- _
`:, gram for 1911. Not sav6 interest. It this )can be done isg;-: , .. . -,::,::�-,,_: . . Mr. Lewicin getting three of his 0 -ir.sto-,,r sgieff a spetanit, oiceis ,6t aN :- . ..
.1 . li�M,.iiim._?.V� .. . 4 I -;�:....:: _.,;.;_ .. I . some of wbich-appearod as far 0 lit .
.. , - We � . . " . � I.. : *-': .1. .::; .:,;,��';: back , . W,A � N T E D .0 NXW EnA olfte$ Olintion,YMM. Z 3r a0tenototo
: Ing 0 a! Ing the leffi ... . , I I . bills accel)teci in two succe.salvei % .
... ut' fc)v ,whatl you want. - cieney It �i,!,.`,. , I ..��- ��.!;:.,�:_.:,�,i -I- 169 � - , : . armors,. oalu nolia
, ,tithout imp ri � I.."."","", . . I . . 41 to. Ternis reasonable. I . .
�-, .,.,.,, . ."
..... .. ,!:�.: . -'.:!� ,".:.:�' , - . :
. ,
us"will be I ... .......� ,-,.:I�,! ,, a man Nvith q � . . .
. �.-..,: " S. �
I eb! expetctatio .. ":.,;:;, .1 . sc,sslqns?' ShOVVS that I .1 .
,Y,' - hope t 1. ,lbe o vdrlookekd ., :":,;. � ; __ I av'wk f,� just llo.�%- , a* 0 discounted'. � I
. certainly should not ... �.:';_.�;:�' - . Pr0fV.1;Jq)r1 Le, Lideas, no matter- what ilia politics ID, 0 . I . . . � �
, � ' .. ., ,... I , I . .. - - - - - - - - -�__ _- - .- . 1 1.
�.�.:� . � , . .1 .
,,, . . -,:�: : gl- . . i ''; .,: . . 'AT . -
. . . I . I . . �
realized. . . "�. . . , work oix a tlo�v- �,,.lrlqs (if arfl6lo, . I 0 1 . 0 . . .
; -Queblee is,dbing 1well.-and deserves . ;_ ., . I .%:1 . : 1, . be '. . .
- - I
q I __-_0___ . .., . .� , � ... . I ; Z. . 11 . `N vels in, Xut,zholf.,� 1v ealls ilwill, "'"� y I � .can alwaY . a leave hismark W. . a Ta 'q-
lp ; I... � . I . � . .
I . . . ... , . � . I . . . . . a . � I . . 0 0. D. Me ggarc 1, 4 . D. MoTagg". , ,
. . I � I .111, ." -, - -� � . . - I I � .
. )ngratulations: - �. : -e. ,::.e,.,1�,:_ :. .b6dy lovi ." g-wil. Glinall li'l or, � �,'77 1 .. . .
" I . !�'Vdi,N ii'i� = l. ,
� *No wo-Indor we havolliad change . . .. � � ".. . - ".. ,- I .
. , ,e- . ,�.,.;.�. . .� , . I '" im. . �
. q 1:�i: .: ,. ;: 1. .. ,. , .�. , Elverybody'is attr , . I . I I . . ,'.. ,.
'K � .., `.��;,;:.,.,, 11 .i�ii:�_i�!��: - real hurnori't i, a raro .) . " 14. . a , . , . 1, . .. .
. . 11 ''. :j.:::. . .. - , CT&Q-%3 . � - .
� . 1. .. . . . 1!:M!,1;.-: . 1. acted W, it, I"Ll. tho : - VINS-6 � 32 4 ov
� ' balance q,4 fiot . . '41 .- 11 V V. &TAPLE 1 01 SAL - - 11 10
. , I I
, �
.. I ,. ., iX4 , - ,. . . a .
P_ . able weather. The . . i ..... ,,- .,2�, : i._.,:��.:�� dr(l, Illid ;t I a ' I ' . . I111% N it E R S .. . . . - , . f
I.— .. .. . 'J, ,��,�; '�:_-,i.�!:i:lb!�!�� �,:::, ,; 7j. , . '11 tliat out� I; t,iti,ound on , I a I . .
I . . . . . . �_::,; ':. �: � 0 1 � :
� , , vm S.Avll.; . ". - - "TO R I A 0 ' ' ' *
trui� as tlier,� are t h rev �Iacan`cics in- � Goderftfi , - -.1 V. "', .
. .. . , .;;:��.;, .., I
. � I ... r��,, ':.`::: �::.:,.:: .." . IS raror sti .
I . �� . '
, -the Domtuio,n�-'---4rhe, salt industry of'Godbriiah Is , : .. . �t' iL' ::;::_� tho nek rie,litAit ro al hwniv.- Vr6f.r . �� � �i i 'he cc paict O' ..' .
- I . ': ;_. I k st;, Pri S .
1.� - that haven of rest rly ' I :+ ,. .., i 1: .1. . . .., �. . IS' by. his work atIvertising � . CD . - . .1 . .. ALft"iRT 8T# UNT01.'; � - - - I . r
� I to Ile rOvived. Forme i as niany, ;--,-.::. - �. ::.�: . ..:-,1 r� r �. � 1,6at�()(,,k i . For lufatts ,.nad, V,hildren, � ., : ... . 0 . l, . . � (J .. .
� �
" -
. S -nate. A)AI bolong t- tll!s far 'Past . r. r, - I .- r, ;_ . Canada a * fow n ` _ � I .. � , cfistohl� worIc Solicited : luemezaf . Zan I . .*i � . - .
30 gaft ma-ftufacturiQ.5 Were Ill jj':Jj:.1:�,;': �` I ... I.. ; 111�4*11[1,�(.' 'dolIC Z i . kang, I -
- �,.'�':;!,;".1,r.�',.::;',. ,:.r. :_!!�,.�:,::�!! .. .. I . . . . . . -1 * I 0 , �VoInQ.v, .
s _-JIUAKevvil, Prince Ed,,vard Island, af� �oderlch, but ciWing I �- .1.1 ::1 �11�1,,._ . I-— . . I � I . .. .. I Me Kind N,Hafe Alwap flooght QP 4* '") . I t-Zna I .. � ".� .
. �. -..-- " . .., fu,.l sv.,ing,. in' C ���i.'*:��:'..i:�"".:��!�:::�ii'.::��. r .;, .,�+ 1: � "I ,
. . + � � . . acteel - .
. , �''. .. . , I . . .
. I- � � . .
. .1 - � - - -------- - --a-irl-a i�r'....�,.:�...,.:!:,'.�:.!:.,...:!,� .,�. "I". - :. . . r I . � I -1. I I . . . . . I .. I _. .1 1. _ . . I . .
� IS tl ira-it--V�f- i : - r:': : . , I .
� and' iebec.- -n, ) coll .� J�Ad out 3111f . I I . . r� I . , . �. I. I I . . I I -.1r. �
K`�::�,;...:,! . X-ni'V's I �� , -��-.'W - �., . : . . .
I.' Boats -1i,nild 1)*e fillrd mid ecluill- a hylldicate of . i,i�:!, '; -1 --- .... -1 . ,. . - . 4 I . � . . ;_ -NO ,V -' "I'D ` 'Ir " . r. � ..
Nova Scotia. .4
' .... - � ----'7,c;-.F6-:n-eflt:,/,CM-,t-t,',-�;-dta,---���--' ' �-30ats " r7_, -.=t6_,- . , �* . ER DISCOVU111
. English arianufact + . " '' ':."' '" .'..".."; . � � � . .
with a new*procesa ,*.�i-;.,;�-.",-.�i�:l���;i�;:::��; ��:;:�:��"",..,.i.;:��i�i;:��:�:::;i��::�:::�!:. 1 .1 . I .., _: , ` DrXhVi=,M&--1rrt,V-est-0,I, -w
....-.,.1...---- ... 0 . ::Z. 4 ,�. For ouainjnA..,_..,; ',.�%--(W.l J h,, .liv,nl t,) !Rignature of (_J,:;,�a'.O,C�� f6millov�A_,-�_ -_
,, lat f, k;_ , I � :-P-e. _�, . I de�oai,, .r., ' , �
i- ( P wrMaij- 4,13PAR POSTS: FOR S- A 'I .. .. �
� I ,r,j are herL ;.�,0V;.:::,.,:.:....�. , - M, I... I -T_1� .r ,,1,'1.- - , - M =-, �
, I .. r
, ' ",�iji,%,�1::.r �il,:. -� . �.�::i, . . . . - I ..
- .
r briun� restored.' tiiri�g that Will prodti�,:! ��, �% _,
I ot r(I'LlIn1w j:'.,.,..:;�j�:j� _ .� . � l ,.,i tl-fl� '11i,:l i a (13 . . . .
: '. I ft" �'J'i�le,� i..�a��, :;. , , _! boa e, -0rdlet,ri-tip " I-li, . � . . . � . . . b . . . � . . . . . � . , I , , . . .. .
_;�' I .. , . .. , r ... . .
i� "S; r 'I'm"q. ., . r - . . . I .
... .,
� . salt at ai�very,lbx� cost" and have ,,;�;-:"-;%'i.-;Z". +..r. . xP :,M'�; I `.' . ,r , I � . . . + i �_ .� I I ... . r ..--Y- .
.__O__ I '1.,� � .1-11, !.., + 0110 rl - . I .
.. ..'....'. , 1114 `%til Triall 101 .Ill, i� hn't 13-oli to tl:�- . . . ,.
I.,..".".. ._ .. - 11 � ___ I I . .
.".:-...:'�'..��;.:';�+'.'.:.'.'.�.:;:.".:"r'..-. V, . . The ubdersi
� - '...I.I..... V __ . 1. . .
11,_ arrang6d Vx SU t manufacturing . :'.%:.,�.I.�"�:�*�,��l.:...�'I.:,. : � iz, I . K., I . 1.1 --illiat Pawl. - - I � I gb'ed- Ims q'iluantity of . . .
.%" "" , 1,41g,�,14 � , , . .
,,1,._-.. ,;,i,,.;�':%. � tlfwr'� a 1)! �r** ; Vt,.. I � I -
I - "' :-I ,� - � . .
,*',' 1'1'�r'.'." - % � I . M, � . , , r ,
.... .... . , �, , ' ,
... � _ . .. � ", , � ' .. .�', . � ____ __ . .
:"::!;'-- ��i_:,.-� , suage. it �
." 'I , Ila oi fl�r t.,11, I i '- TTu,rk% ' At t K, N I 6 p " utuv'l -
Ir Thiirsllay of last hveck th prom + all �� ,I. � ,� r - T116 +
at 0 ce. The*salt Mds:a.t, Goderich ,;$'.� ip�.,',A',�11,%Z; ,�J,.! ch6ice'C&Iar Postitor salii..j
". *,"rr� - ... " r . ., . Or � 11111. , . . .
,'-:';!:%!:.: _._, ". - `��'�O J , . . ......... MM&_2._4tZ51.__1=1!V_ . - - . . .+ .
"' ' . I �_ ce el �
- � i - � , 0 . ..
11 %, - . . ' - 'I- . . .
,> -1. _.. 't��,,�,%, . . � . .,o
,_ ,.,N
.,,.'..:.r..i""]?�,i.-.�:�!.,.�:.' xp. , & - -; .' � . I I .1 13LIC . .
�:�, . -� - Rl� I V XA'�;.',� ""."..,"K, alt. .* -Lou- .
way ,�i:.".�!�+,.";,., ' _: "�' -�' di ,
' `"" �p 'i . r , , +
sod a rest in the � � _p,.%".� -.0: . +i .i '7 " � � �N `� " , . . Vin
1; . ,* %::,::�;:%,��.,.;�i �ras po othl'r c !e kii_ 'i'ath.," .. . FRICES REASOX,k ��J :, -
�'-, are known to be� the pu I
cut British Statesman pas n ..
, .. .
. X I I . I . �
I . _ ,� ,4. .
I - with.th ,;" ;P.- g,w � . .
.� .dd- r � , ,
-rson of Sit, Chas. Dillm, He world" and e probable �,- C I ... ;`W `�- " ronielt, - ". . . . 17 . I .. . I I . . . - �
' """ , 11 .
Ili the pt I d "." '. ;,.. " . . . . . I -
I'll '�.. .... :kl. � , , . r p qLV4, .
, - -ffll...'�`11.'M_1-31� V111. ". i:�.!.:.'--�1k=:.-1'1 , , . � . .1 . .
. ;`-1 .."' -�., , , . ' '' I , . I . . . .
. �!:i�`,�, '.M. ., I I I �
one of the divisions of Gloucaster- I ��I�;:!,�'..,'.*,���,'.,'�:��:,, .'Z:�,�.� . . . I . . . . . . , r . � . I . . . 4r . ' . ' �
.., - I qrw ' `�"� . ,. . a 4. 1 r . . Q . . � .
., 13M . . Zernoval Sale . . .. .Ffilrw ."" 1--Q;01at"d 'V"�? ' "' I . I I
1-1. �. t. - - .. � . I ...? . . ...
was born. 1843 antl was. AT. P., for vent of free :�alt Vith. the Unite ilI ..'114ft . I
�.,A�;&',,Z'W d,ol, Ch -. , � � 11
_ . I
, '.. R L ". . . -eat R � 15 11
States. a splendid opportunity is in K, � _� �� * Ch IJAN.L1 � 1.111ILTON . . I erty-Only Insured,' 1.
� . .
.. : _ P " - . . . , . � .: r
. , 113o -.,:!. -, 'i ! :-�;jjj , . . � � . . ' " ---77-- ' � . I ... . � . . . - O�FICRR8. . . . , . I I..,
. r ht to once .. ��i:i;: .�?, :�!�:,�,.':.�.,:-',&�,i �,r,- . .
" I Mn- re revive this once �� ' I I a t . . . '.
� , .1 . ::":�.:;.:.;,:.,:,.;;,:'::,�.;::�. -1::'.;1;::;,.,7, �,�`M 4 ,� a , : . ,Cj.f $6.000 StQ ,,� r � . ..
. r prosperous 11, . ;,,:. , % - "..r , . � . . r . . :.. . ... . . ., .J.' -B. McLean, Presid. � ' r . .
t weakness, Nvaty 2
sh�rv. Ilea � tity.' At one 'time , u�,7�--g �'t, � ..,. . . .
adds �.11'i i" . .
I I of death. Sir .Clias. was 10 old � ` �_ , .. .�� '. t - seases . � . . I . . . I � . Ont, SOnforth -
4 daus� thouiands of tons were shipp _ 'in V All Skin' Da ; CAW4141-= -11 , I I
. t��_,,,
'A ;?�
, I'V ,�� , rij�e prL ,,) 1'�trlch I :
, ,I
, . . . � . . - ,1118. Connolly, � -S., (r
. � _ _I . � . . � . .. .,. � C 11 , , .. ; . . . . . � I . .r. .
, _ I - , .- . I
.tgo,,� ar%d vessels. werei. .. . . of " (tes
a literary turn and took a great ill- bulk to Chic! -116" 11-ili . . . , I . _. �,., "_ Tiles. B. Hays, Sea,-Tretm, -Sew fortb7,
/ plying petweo.n Goderich and. Chi- - .. I � l, - . I I . I . , � 1%, A M . . � . I � . t.
. I .%p . . . . . � . . .
'4., __ � I . .. . .'J�,r� lca`n'he Direcd.p�. I I . I ,� ��,Y � . r ,. I . ... .
,�,J�q,� ,J,J
'I ,4
. _AJ, I i
. . 'ill", , J..
" . � cago. � r l, �, 11- . . . I I - . I . �',PIRECTORS. ; I . .1 . .
. .1 I �
� . . .. - -, I . . .1 . I . I - aving noqro . . . . . �qdnnell -11 - - * .
� 41iP!�114! � I . 11, decith"d to V , I
. - I �. -91 , - , . �� Jas. . 7, Holluesivi 0; JOJIJ, .
. 1'. 11, - . � , '1?11;�IIZ , `��Xil . �� , . . I Before placing yoar.orders for .
I � . . I �K 1�li . r 0 1
.,� 6 � � A W 31 -W. 6 . �, ______ - , � , , ,� .:" . :. . Watt -0, D , , .
!,! r, n ,,I, - 'I, .
.. V. 7 . . . I k;g --- T ace d. T i our Prosew. stand m tbe 0xid ' Harlock;
I � . . �- 11". 'k § � . - � � I : . .1.1 . (it onr it�w'e We will I�tal-L a, . � our ,qeLLso&s supply OT'Jotml, get .7 ale, Clintom "If',
:, . . I'll I , .
I . . . . �Ieelio,tlm, . -, , , I'll wk- V .. . . I . ' y I The very best_gouds � .
.. . I ' grent'Slaughtrv� snle. (in, Kit-' . k1ur prices. Chesney, -Spafotth; .J. Ev,,Ins, � iii.,-ci. I
. . , R"t . D
' A J
'VOYIS 11110. "" '�:!:'��jjj�.,`S .... :: '� ': t..11111.�.- t OD. - ` ' � ... . - 1. . . .
: 0 1 ', 1-41 * -P '5y,P .The dange�'-of ither i�nprotdcted :' S::'.iii�.�' . I �
.� �',�,�.':�.? ;;,.D. �
�. C,�, F1'(!,rJ, �� , W ., BAD. BLO . I , � carried in'i9toM and sold at the woon; J_G..Grieve, Winthrop , I .
, , I . rfla� 1, Jol I..
, I -111 I . . I . � .11 . J
V T I 9 ;� i '. . I. . t� I : - ; ; : :` ; : 1 : '-! .. ....:...j�'.. V�4,�,k� �, Q 1 1 � . � . . I 11 - - . I . .
I � �
,W , �- Ir , ,�
:� . issing Was, again in . dvi- - , ,� ., 'IV I I... ,4 . r . . . I I � . . . , .
. .1e.wl erc I .-.,�!�.,��:��Ii�i��i�;�,�;!',�������:"i:��.-,��.'!i.t.Z.,, 'Ex ,
. . - r . . I I . . I lowest P080)le pric0. -n weJs - Brodhagen, - .'tNj, Aral"wa . I
� . . � . . I ,
. R el - �
, lr , , . . �. � I . . NVe N, ant to clean on -t every . . .. I I g I, . . V� � .. . .
�--:,%,xgl .B. ".. . I -, . . lint ,
. n Xvlo,,� g '11, .1 . . � . r . . . .� I
I I, ". ".. - �11- -2 ' .. -s Wo I ly oil s(ock before. . . ,. . . - . I . I r I
� 14 ry 111b"),umalism . d xsday,, but fortu ""�:` ,*_ " oI r
- ft* -A [*:;, ,,f Inf!"irl"".0 1. o' cc here Thu . n- ;; ' . . � � I . . ''. . .
, ately wftliout anlyQ, . acrious-��rqsult " "" , " ,:.. : 1) ; � I
,.�;'::n. ,,:.:....:-1M1- -1.,
, . ". i Ili . Therefore ,. 1.
., a ..�."...... ,,..p, I to, got rid. of thcs�* skin dis- Olt", 11 Orders ulity lieleft at Da�vis I
. ' . . .7". r � .
�' . ... r" 1�',��t"`�. m::;!,;,�.�P,,-�i:i`,'.� � �, . I . ' -lardwaire, st EaA Directoris inspp6t,Or of lm,isz�.. �.� - � .
I - fiat the I 0 rp, o r i I . . .
. nbsolutely hocessary t, . .
11 ot di cutter and ..::.:,,; ... 1�i��:�! _ '�V easesit is . . xioving tinie, . -, I ik"Rowlab(To I I . . :
I .. �
. . :1::.;:;::, ... '' " � . I . � . . I . . . hiu ality . .,r . I .
,...:�:.:,:.��, ... I... : I blood should Ile tbbio�ughly �Icail�iictl r . with . -, - I . � - .
!.:�!�� R I . . .
;::i;;�::]:*17::�:.'�:�,�� .own loc, . .
. �.��,, , .
�.,_ I . . . . . .
I r . r . I . . . I .
.1 perver . `�, . 11 "; 4 . - I 'Evort sllat% .alid I I I r I I . . �. 'AGE XTS., . .
. i:��... of' . . . 1. . .
;'�:;*i�,�i.',_ AN . . I . . . I
" - a r aolced. mail. James ' �Mc- . :-�,-ii�;��... � ' ' . .
� 0, . ,% .-,., I rr'r-1,...,; - , ] I I . : R ubbers r � . . '.. . I
. - T.Tr_ ,�,-.c�.1',�l-�ir,o,(,;k,�.il(Ir.,-Ill,.;,N',.I., Loan. of thgJ Mill Road,, 'Tu&-er- ., �4;N , I eumIllarted poh�w'l'�, and lot fills - - - . . 11 �. . . . � �
. - -- - I'.` i ac
."........ .:;.
; � ,� , ; !'eft I '! . . .",,, :;_�? . R, I-' *
... . . ' pu.
l", . � �
- I I . ,. �` " , * fite, - ,�
. ,_... " � -is n - 0 equal Burm mt:e-; and IN s, I d,' -: Hine -- V . - .
. �Illlf ('
.�. ith Inflawmatury I . . ,...',!'.'"':,'..,....:!� � Trunk ' . . '
,ad . - , �;.: -.--.,-.� :� 1, rpose there othing -. .S ' ' :?- R66t4' Smith, Ha I k le' ' hl * ' ' "
- - �%......'.............., ... . . le'vendon" r6t: ; L ,�
, ...
; 11:111 V 'J,-r;?J,1' 1:�ONV sinith. Was driving into t6qAzn, 16 1 .. P.....".N....... .. : . . � I - . . W. J � . . I .
, litilu;, l Li. in, %-,oii(! -.Vlio-]M-4 M "' . . r. . . . '. I - A - . .r ddek Bloo Bittdrs, ., I . 11 I . I -
:, � 1, An- If' . ing . utter.. . -TffF, DUTTOKEW.- MIMI' U ,� . .a . . I . I o)1lr,atoc'kwiV.be, reduced. . . � I . . r Seafortb; James Cumming, Egrnoa& - � . .
. . �
� . . . . . ,
tliisll():L,,.tillj,,'til(ii.-,t�ii�;cv,-iiiiii-i(lerstall(I freight -�vas, drawne.lip-on the Id- � �. . . I �n pvicei . . I ., . at' P_IeCtr_J_C_W_ffftt_PJ&nt�-" _I siville � ,, . . .
. I � * . . mqr �� I , . . . . I .. . . r . . .
, 41- - i��hLr I she This ilemedy has 4cen& on the I t . . . I . . . . _V . .olme . .
I .- en , "o ad xid'w len.),du I � . I . �ilje�_"��Cq; if' .
__�Nv I - . foi-over thirty-five .years a There fiq nothing' nicer' for ' . . .. �p . ts ra, I � I
" , and whilb Mr. McLean's att N W ays Ono does 116t I Wet, to Virn b . :__ - '
I .. folln I.,; tlit'r Mi,vri:i-cy s c -,--T- :�! � ,� �!, . I I � . aymen tiv 136 made To
I "N '. .", ia�w�.-_�_., . I ft t r Ozer, & . � I
. I 'i, .7 . ,tion ,'aa dibelil i p I .1 . . eR---&r--1w,an. inliar--Cont.i. use it you are -pot experimenting with' � '-the niorley'tha�n our Stwes or, I '.. � . . ..
I , r � . I , ' _. � - _ _ _ r . . . Brown's, Clinton, ' .or to it. , H.'. Outt, - 1%
I cured bor. 6-C S,,�Y,�: . not S�a nor K�a the one - o'clock pxwltvt Tor ,the '.watch. lt'� I"i cal�fled some new and untried reired�.,. . . . 'Goderich- - ' .'' � - , .1 ..
I . . � . . . Ile �
. . . �� �),pc�yts eon;p early, and get - . ,, . . 4 . .1 . ; L Ir . . . 1. r
I .1"tt,-,(-,I,F,�',I,.erlforri,,cy,,�r.-or,rriptioti , ' express coming in. r Fortunately he - convenlently in sigh -t .Ili the. od*de%t . Miss Stella. Eichel, Vaitk,md Forks; ... )ea 1�ar ,dane . . . . � I . I r . . .
. --
.1 fnr I iflanimatory Rlicumatislu. I hat .to__]ge"cr_ass__when_ -Vhttt-"nii,.i,dlls--4,iliT,----.Ir-he�--wmtch--Ie---N-S _wntes.--Jill have ,been' bothered . . I ., .4. . . K - Sale or . Defit, ---- I . .. ..'' ..
- I' .. i just -managed . , _ r--til-il . - . 1, . , . I � K'F- . T A- Y" LO F? - - " '
. su�:t:ted L-vnrything with it, but in three the train sWeptby.. Sl3ectatora de-
; . spocially' sbnl)ed so t:,hnt tho dial.knay r �vitiZSIilt Rheum _on_n__iy-T-- ue -T-vr - J A.00 R
' . t �554VI`15 w- . t'n-(-)as-li.--'D,O"-�Gb�eas---o . ' _ _ . - r . I . I . ... k. . I
- .
,. -wL*r;; ,1110'r StM-tii`I,,,, Vather Morriscy's I c�a ec'thj�� d a ��nost . � - . I � - 1. I ir -, I . I - I . . . �
, r g n h -a buitt6nho]6, the years and it itched so 14idn't know' what � approvah. . ., * I . - _____ - ��___ -
. . . . I . .
Vrt:;crip�,in;, I ,,%,,Ls al)Ic, to do my ,�vork,' m,ra a 'sea rlroinad.!�t d through � . . ..
I _ . be slll)pe It . . " . .. . � . � . A . . . . 1. , . - . � .....
' . _ _ . - -vorything. but nothing r . : . . . r r � . I . . ,. . - . . _. I ..
� am! aftvr takitv,, four dollars worth of . .. body of the (Irileplece refullInIng, Ill tbc. . to do. I tried.ti . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. , �_ . I r I
: I ... . .. . � - . seemed to. be any good. . I beard of, T . . .1. T nd-c �-Want6d . ,. . .. 1. ' . . .
. I 111((Ijoille I Nvaq �yi_ill. I highly recoin- . little hidden pocket innide-the cuff, . � ,,k,r ry xisl for: Repalrill;� I ., ...e' r, rs . Fire
,� , +*+*+*+*+ - 13urd Blood Bitters and bought two :1 . . r' , I , - . . . O' . � __. I . .1 . I . 1. ,.. Life , and , Accide'nt. r - �
� . . The. natty. sul . -is bottles 'of -it � and now I am perfectly . . . . . .
rmhid itany.,a.'ic-rerwith P,heumatism." . . .. I .. I t plctlrred� "wIlteb. . . ,. r . . I nders will be -received -1by thA . , �.t. . I .. .,. ' ' I I .1.,
. . 11 . I I. . � + TO' I Insurance �: � - +
. .
:, . rzheurnati.qm comes froni NO kidneys. - A cloth b6iifid with cured and,Kel.�e, no Salt 11-fieum On my . . . . .. r , . Council ot fiullet for the supply of � . � .
made of satin backc . - - .
� ' .. . . .
-ic Acid which they black 'brald. ,basr�'� -watch buttonlible- hands 4ny wore. I cannot speak too. . . . . . ,.� - . . . . . . .
a .. � ,� . I . I _. 1. . . I I
� . The poii�wioils lit OUR IMIR BOX , I I . ' _ . . . � I . + . I . . I �1. 3000 ft.of Rock -Him 'PJank. to be left - . ' . .. .
I . , Vs Ili the blo .: � I . . 'I -I-ed In the Sle ,,. r, . long a64-Zand a half inches thick to I Real *state boUght and sold - � - �
1. shoiild re-liove sta, od, � N1 01 eve, and the Ome may highly. of Burdock Blood Bitter&;l". . .
11%."Imul-1,,,�_ . I . .. .be told at a glance, 4 ,. . . Manufactdred only by The T. Milbum . �' ' S.. C. RathWeft - . th + , r - . ' ' . . .
I ., ii, joints and muscles, an � d +#+#+#+#+++#+4P1Z-#*#+#+ . ,.. . � I . .. . . I . be (ttflivered' on or before e at. of . . Mofley*tO loan r . � I .
.. I - Father Alorriscy S *+*+* � � Co., Limit6d, Toroato, Oat.' - � . I � I . . � . I . May at the following plaods .' . � ., . . -
c.mses a�,miv. I � - I . - ..
. I I.-
ri 4, -I:'). 7" Puts Oil! kidileys right. relilo-rds I . . . I . .. I . . . . . . . . .. + . ., . I . I r . . I - .. + 1 150 ft at. J,l pingland% , -!� . + I . I ,� . . .
. 11 � I Mr. W. 11. Kerr & Son.- . . -tiaIrTax Law. .. ' r + . . . I . ,r. . .. �+. , - I .. ,r.M,,,,,,, �� �
�' tht- Uric Aci,t froin the blood and i� e . I . � . . I . r + . . I . . 750 ft, at W* Office.Issa,e Str6eli, next door "to r New , I -
. . , .
. I .. . ' - Halifa ifilplied- . � . . _ I . . . I . . . . r . I .- . . . . .. � I ,
I wlir,1.2 -,y%tzm,andcur1_1stlic Rhoumiatism. I Dear Sirs- - `: I . Trlie evil. reputo �f X !I, r . I . . . . - i 500ftat J. Tumblyn's 1, . � t_ '. . ,. Bra .: . . . .
; . � . .. .Ill the adilgo "Go fo Hallfax. "came an Whir , -, R liabl, ' r 609 ft 0't R, 0 . ..J ...... . ' r *, . - .
,,, 5tic. a box -it your &alerls, or from - - A vie.tory For, A -M I (11 e Footwear Jor - . . fatk's . . I ' , -
� Please,find .enclosed post' offic� - to it by* il6heritance irmA Valiflix'. in , . .- . . . . . . I I . ' _�
F it"or 1,Joirkey ,:Nledicine Co., Ltd., I I. !._ � .. . . . . r. . 500 ft at.j"Zisiper's . . - Grand TriinkRallway .System .
. - , .. .. . . . . .
. - .
' � ' , . �_ .1 . , - ' Wnders'svill be bilened at theTown. . . � .. I . , -,
�-a .J. '. . �
� . ( -WAX'.1, N. " 63 1 alifax lalv'r. as , . � . *S :
I � . I tor $4.50 for renew.al for the Clinton, Yorkshire, England. H -1 .. I Ide,vt . ra" the family* I . 1. �
I- . -� -Bra up to - 1912.. We have beeh tak- mfiy be-.gatherod from a letter of -Lora . . . . r . . .iihi ftalll.on Alohday Feb, 6tb. 19171. . t Rail ' TI '&'!fable : �
". -and guaranteed by,',W. S.R... ijig thek-Ne � V-18ra for r twehtyth - - * Leicester. qu(�ed by, Motley, was that - - � I .:. . .--. . . . . .. .. .. . . � .. - � . . I _r . - . I .,. p . JAMES CAMPBELL Clerk : - I` way . .m , 1 _. I I . i . � A�.. r
S�id r��o . - . . , , � �
� I . Holmes. in Clinton. . I ,vears� and call get alogn .thoUt criminals, g�lloilld. b6 "condenined. first.- .. Prom the Otta,wi);Free Piess 0�ib--_ , = I , I I - I Z . . . . �.. 1. - : 1 - � I .. I . � - L ndon,:Huion and Bill ' " .. .
11 :r . I . . I . - , .0 . . �
� I 1. . . , � -..---- . - _. anA inquired upon afttlrward�" erail --%v'e clip thd followink'editorial. � � r I I I � - . � lice. . . . - : ,
- I I � - . � .. ' '
_.. - � - -_-._- ___ -..,--. . __ _ I I - - . I , a -
r ,
I ' I 11� . .. I iy wittlill the fore -t of whid'h refersi to( thel.rnejinber , -of --7-7-- 1 .1-111- I � , Applie nice , - . L..n 1�ortk_ I . : , passenger . - I
� - . 4 . � . H-alifax .11 I . I . . I . . r �,
r . I � � .1tardwick, where the law waiv tbat 'West Huron, Mr; B.,X� LeWis.-�- � I I.M., - : ations for 4) don,'depart.._. 8,86a,nL_4:50 1) in.
. . 4 . �. I.. 1. .
- . . I �.,jr . � . , .. . .
. I I I . if a felon waaAaken with 13 I'0 %c re-intr6ditetion of- the .bill � � 1, . . . . C6intralla, ......... ; . .9.40 5.43 . .
. . . . r , pen(W I . . I - 40D , . Applications addressed t6'the under .
01 worth 01 stolen goods Ile' shoulil be by E. N. Zewis, M. P,, forWe9t Hfir- . , I 11 . . signeiland warked "Applications for *Exeter .............. 968 5.54
1, - �. , I .
- � . I ,r.. , , . 7 � .
- , � W&I by four uv 'on, td compel the placing of load. .. , . .9 I . I r .. nflice" Will be received:by the .Council H�nsall ............. 10.08 �.()5 .r .
I . Al vouw scrVICOV", I Airth. burgers frolm fu . . . . .1_- . 11 . � I - . -Clinton, up to 12o'olc6k Kippen ............. 10,10. . - 611 , . . I .
I. ,if the PTPCinCt t0wilrl 111"d if colldvrlm�. � � .4� . � 11 .. . I , ,of the�Town t)f
:. r � .. . �, I I . . - I I I .. H� - r I I �IA . b - brucefleld .. a. 10.30- - ,6 10 r -
-, '� �� I � . I .. I
r ,,, . ,r ' . I . .
, - 1. Londeaboio ......... 11.18 a ,
. - . 1'�r I ", "i Treasurer ,. - �
I . .. * - , � , . 11
. dayl � After r, I- - - ..., ,0,.�. '-� �A,,Cfl _ � 110013PY. - . I .. � I., Clinton ...... :.. 1 J.'0.5 .r. 0 1 . I I .
' . . cd by them,� be hang, -d t.11(, n(X1 . 0. Feb. 3rd, for t e. position bt
: - I I `�-20- , -", 10-1. , , � Clerk ,- - 11 .::: ** -
Th;0 is ovir Ai,tn�We are. ready to supply you. vOiLh all 'kinds of thil; procoodbl, ild 1� _�� . t .
� gnmis that it goneval bt0re CiLU handIR and also st"ne, -extra4 sdr-11 bs� carried outi V) the. letter the, ea -ii You 0!!ght. � � :��'."'� .* . .662 ,
I r IS Z��,':;�,� '' I I I . 1. r
r %Nrit-0, sIklt, Co . all" and Feed your_ou'liton, asked might be sent to a inrY. I ihiax'- Ir "' .- .1 I . ., . - � , .. . , & 13Iyth....;-_.,...._ 11,27 tok , , , ,
� for ,-� A;0�S-2k_ , I .. Assesq,)v .. .. . .
I �Al, ll.:Lrness, J?I( . .. r ' I I Belgrave - � .......... 11,40 'I.13 r ...
I _t. -_,-,,r,,,, ,-, �', t_jj� -1. . I . 4
- . I � ,�, ..
-.1- . . J
-r- no oil V . KA e. A!,;()- credited With being t'w boine (I , , , .. ��, ----.: ,'�.�:, J '� ,,I. � ��' Chief Conbtable at � � - -' . , Wingliam, arrive. i . 11.50 -7.85 � 1�
as we hre )11,( _ ft _. lz�`� '_� t .
I 1- rotl m g4,-4;7�-.v(--tti-giio-,L,v.Dj-t.l.(i�oi,_yotit- me y P od c 0�1��,�, , 1-1 I .
, - Allow. . - , lzo, , 44% J,;" - , Tax 0olJfttJar__. _-_iiid__X,iV4ta
We will pay cash for Butter V,ggiii Laxa anifT. !'hv �llfflotille, I -!L,E- ,'arl . . .= - , , ", , - ,;` � I .
� . kbich tli� r� � lit, L . . ,;Z� .,'�iv, �<, �_I,!�A�-,�'. � I . -t- ___ _ . . I
. . �
. . . .- , 'i ", / - -_. r AVatchman
-0 I 1. I T . * , . 'Night �. !
- , . . Alorton, introddbed,into Sootlaild only ' r ,o Know .:1 � �__R'�-.,, �- � - - . - . . :. 86tith., � ,Pa"enger ,: r
.,� I_ . .- - . __,� . 1. _. 1� , -, � .- to *have hii own hei'd C119PPOd uff - . I ltt_:;_Z�-�4...'�-.�� - � .. . _1 - Workworks Engineer r . winglIAM, &part.. . 6.43 & m 333 .
� �L=-.�, - -. � -', -.. _ .. I .
zii�i ,�, - -,.-- P W;
� . . . � , . r . . - , , . I Cemetery sup6ridteiAent' . .,
I :� - -
iffli it. , . , � . . . . ' . -�� �_ - , . . r 54 3.44 �
I - I . r. .that unpurc blood WiLh its weak- l ." _.; �_� _* . Pound Keeper �
. ,;;,=;�n�� _ 2 _ .. .Belgrave ........ _., , 0,
� Ifighest Price Cot Produce . I . . .. ..1; . I . r.. . ;1,08 : -
I . .6 I � ,. I I " �_' . .. I I .ks Engineer . Dlyth.,.. ........'_ , 43a,16
:� .
I . . . enii)g results, unplensant breath, . - . NVaterwot
1. � 4 . . .�i, 1`np, Foe Sheop - .. A� - JD�JtieRt')aotuaLenco on Feb% Ifth, Londesb;ra.-, ....... 7A ' 4J)4 .1
5 ' I fir.t adacbes,, unres-t-fill niglits, P(X)P, r 4 W
. � de's looro. ' VII'llb �j.l) WE'r" introdut-.od be.. , VlInton .............. 7,50. .
.. IZ. Ada.mg, Lon I . ' ornwall" 14,11g,land, ',I fiucl� whi"Al appetite, sallo skin, piviph,s all(I I . 1011. and to contirille for, One year, OT [ . Brilceriela.'... I ... "". 8.12 . 41130.
1. � I I . . .. . iol') C . . IV � . until such other time as the Covilic . I] Kippen ............. r 8.2.3 .4.47, * .
� , I - � . I . . ... 1w,l v,trapd frow tho �ui)laiids on to depression,edmes.from constipation We. Want to. Land .- may, detorwiffe. - ,,
. 0 "awitiliaii ,� . .. . 1). L. MACPH13 Hensall .............. 8.82 � 4 52 I
�� I I NUMN3010"NIMMMM A,t;ltjjs�wep� caught there Uy AM - H.n M.98 .1 .1 . . I 1080114�:Clerk Exeter .............. 8,48 . - I
� . I. � . file-tidearld uhilliat6ly varried,illio am : 'Your first Order, beeatisf,. we'kndi# that r. . . �, . 6.05;
1 . . .. I -1 � ". I ._ . ' . Centralia. ..,,.,....... ()(30 , 5.15 .
.--,---..- -_r------ St. IVes 1141Y , .
; -.r.--.-_ _ dul-All"', tho night Thur" � the gittisfnetion you will derive 4from .. - ' . Ar
- r
-i . ----. � . , - C,,,n�, _ . Farm- tor Sale ' I London, arrive..... III 00
. 1 I'- floatillf, Ito wqs obselv`ik RE E U A r that will Open your eyes to the fact 0.10
tim k, Ivew . 1611ing bolit'.4. , whtm� 11 . tbabyou. cannot -da better tunywhem - -a- : . I I Bu do and Ociderich . .
- ' w9e that you can with us. You will, lto ae P I , , West I I Pfasserigpr
(-rows, .never having seen ,4100P, Web - Rud that we am uot "all at sea" In Out . r 'a, Ili Ood stateof cultiv- . . . I
flivin foi, )�lolne Ilow kind o". fish an'l at Dn,'belng lot it m' pro p ni pi, In .
l busillescl, lInit thoroll - to - ilhe 010 Stratford...'.. 0.00 12,20, 5 23 1()2() -
om., 24 and .25 con - 6
� � . .. . . Pi I L L 45% qh1vw �Itlp , .,ch .Tn., Ali fresh 0. 'secaea a.3 ' '
(lifl tlitir.blut to ss-,eure thein both I I "llnute" And watchfu ot the Interests Mitchell ......... I 0.2 2 12.45 5, 55 10'r,
Ity 11(,ol.", luld IIII(VA and by lletfiq. . -it, by ct down, lose tion acres, whIch Is plOW- Seaforth ........ 10.45 1,10 0.18 11.12 . .
, .have been doing good to men and )f our oustonfers, knowing till
I'lloiiti t1joy Iterlured they br-)vUjA �
. .Women formany, many years and " 10ing, We AVe really acting - foi -Alit � ed, On the properly Is it concrete
0 I . house, a bato 65 by 80, ood sta'b- Clinton ......... 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28 I
llollv'� tOXITIlpharaly noxt Illorlull" 10 their value Ix,as been testv(l and Wit, ultimate benefit. . � *'ft-;Imes,,IIlc ..... 11.18 1.33 , 640 11.%
a catch to WbIcli i. -ion pilchurds were' ' .- ' ling well watered. Appely to I
fir, uotltftl�,". , . . proved, Tbcy'r�movc the cause of . JAB, 11AM1I,T0N,, Cilutob. ,Goderich ........ 1145 IM 7.05 11,551- .
. " I . , , Hast, - � I passenger - .4
-e--- physical troubleso A few snyill . -, QC6 'At. .IDOWNS,i� . -1111, ,_ I .1 a m .Pin :p To . . �
� . A bankrupt'6 ilefuge. . doseg Will allow their wife tAic . . I Goderich ............ 0 1.10 2.40 ' 4.60 "
I It Is lian half .a eviltury. .0,111M aet*o " ,. 'B aln's I Merchant Tailor. -, Clinton - .. Pump for Sale . � . Hohnesville ......... 7.26 2.57 5.00
. 11 I n on you* ceell ,ffls . . I
thofir4t-whiumau. ponctratorl t,y J,fg. ill surely. belp ,you to an active I I I ,, I � -.4-1 . I Clinton .............. 1,35 3.07 5, 15,
anda. liti%., a,; Sir Frederick TruncA 1v I . I - I Public Sehon'! offem frori pump, W Seatorth ............ ' 17.52 3.25 5. 812 I
I .
mentionwit k4s now b(X)k oil the eou'l. liver, a good st0imach, a Sweet ' - -1 - EVery WoMag, feet long, suitable for windmill or Miteliell .............. 8.16 848 6.55 �, I
spocialized and complP* I yard pump. Apply to T. COTTL131, a .... 8.40 4.15 * 0.20 .
Ily was "a � breatli,. clear head and refresh- - � . . .
U Intet4p,ted r,nd shotild ktwow 0hairmah of *Property Committee . I ,,�
pLuct of civilization in the form of ingsleep. Inyoungorold tlxey will - I not Lim w6nderful . I I - I ,�, I . I . ,� __ I
an undiseharged bankrupt flooing Milk& Whirling Spr' , - -
from his ered " . .1 . . I I L -
ltors'�-a Balw,ll ioldlp.i, . 0 . ILh,,, ew,V.1j;1np,Iqyringa. 11 og Wanted I, W.- CUTLE R, -
by, naine Isan bin Hussein. - "The ,lost I Vlenlaht. It dnn�spl
Araganda, being fond 41 anything new, R 11 . . 11 .. ANt ntl . 5k your . �. . .� . VAllator ind Oilver Imanaer. ..
ev e ru al, .
I- . . . toe p
*"WiMV006 . . I Hi�boat pr - I yLld fat- tops. Bass. . - All work guatmteed,l .
received this tars avis with effusloti . . eviot i;o I the w, 19111m, Rdek Him alid Rock .
" M RVI, C 6 tn I a "d, matt K 1V n(I
. Wn", , ... Soft h Prices reaalonsiblo,
# sohd g ot ift frood , " btal �60 eapecialig rnte ; bUT411 kinds ,,,,,, 4 - .
and made much of hin-1. 80, highly 11, . . .
ms,��. , -� wgh,6 ure a a �
wero,hi.q qualittea prized that be br. Ati .1 k_S(A . It V S '111 tile ence nearly opposite the .
stio blats ATANd I 800 11% 4 to lidlo-� potnav�r
Con w on 11 if NO a
- - I . , I W, , , . all -
oaw6 a person of Influerlep, Ili tbev *"&N�* =14000a sbpftv toq Ola(4At4 (10.1 r -!Dllegiat�. Institute. ,.
midst wid the poaaet#60t MWO wives."' a" avu"Wo. Ia us" 1100% 0 Onh oftwe"Coft-ft ti)t C '11n1w I 0 .
. I I I �