HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-09, Page 5I . AP4414140 P-MOL&AR"N'50 %V XFV%%&4440 " . �,` � . i I __ — " , " 41M I - 0 . 0 0 WITH TRIO C11URCUBS, mrs. - V9411S Of Couch & Co., 10 COMMAIA 11110M, With pleosure Moran ' V41 � - J BORN .- . * at . this week, ) � � I '! NeILVEEN-In Toronto, on Feb,3, I . I ­ to Ur. and Kre,13ortMel , � liveen, a� 'I I 11 0 'O 00000 The many friends an town lof 0gatollaii Officer Davis, iDf Wing, � $ . daughter. I 'KeTAGO xART-Ia Blyth, on ! i eb,. 8, r I : . r1l I I WIILLIS CHURCII. I 14141 Will Sympathize. with him in the lova 1pf his son, Mr. Chester L, � . , . ,. ! .. to Mr. and Kry. G. B. XcTaggart, � , I . I I (nee Violette Thompson,) al So ii,, . I , , I � Excellent inusle wa tal " a 11 y s renderipd, the 'Choir on Sundav last.. under t e , f Of ' DAIV14 Toronto, qu 1gonday, :61 this week. -'rhe deceased was in I I It . I � . direction of Mr.. W. Glenn Couipbell his 29th year and leaves a i � ife and Y I . '41.L . I � Mr4, Chqwn hang a isolo, at the , child. . A- � f, , C31 , . 4N aOT1,R LA". , � I I . . I :1 morning service In her usual rich � , Many Will leara with pleit;.0 .re I ­ -1. ,flaturdav oveninti, the fr, IT A"'A . .. � , mezzo voice, In the evening in ad- that Miss taurik HichardsOnp oppra-4 . a.. a 14 JA It F ". � 0 ., . . I I -1 . I ii, A dition to an anthe by the choir 4 UO, 01 ZaYfIRLO, Will Sing(An Willis I I I . ..... ­ . " I . � was held up.at Lucan Crossing fo; r1P HE man o car. very tine male quartiette was ren- Presbyterian church on Sunday' � connection and of course, Walk one p., . I'll I . . � I dered byMepors. Saunders, McRae next, at -both services, it will, be� I . hour late arriving in Clinton. nes a HoWARD Raynor, and 'Dr. Gaudier an4 was vemembered t t Miss Richarilp -;;l,.,.T,&--`% . . .. , ha .on , Watch finds himself * highly appreciated by the c0llgriel� assisted at the anniversary aervice � �� � I ­ NEW PASTORIaB", , I I I . . s � In Lration. I last Way, and'that her Singing was Rev. Wylie, who has only. -been in I good company, I . �, Communion service will,be ob,k. highly appreciated by tho � se prea-it � Canada 7 weeks bas acceptecl the, I , Leaders in American affWs since served next Sunday- morning. 11i ent, . I wo no ItLLYAR call given, by the Chaton, and Awl I Lincoln's young manhood, ,have . relied the evening Rev. Mr. Pe . arcy ! urn I Baptist. Mr. Wylie is 0 man I . ,-, of Miss Rose McCaughey returnleck . ro b _ vathtlinoVARD, 111HOWARPTIme" L.ondeaboro? will exchange with Dr. home ion Tuesday,, after oponding Wbat's IMA 0 , at the middle age of life, married lias.been a determinnig factor I Stewart. On. Monday afternoon a 'week , in Goderich I and Blyh. , M , and has a family of four children,, I , m everY Preparaf6r�r service will 1,,Ao held at' Mr% --- W. H. I;Cerr, of Brussels, to I "ir ght whowill come to Canada' shortly, I phase of the riation's advance, whVeh Rev" Mr. Webardoon, of Kip,,,, 'the Iguest'of her son,L -Mr. J, Loslie I . . For the past two years he hasl*en; TheArst Howmw was also the first pen will preaell, Mrs, X. Me- Kerr, of the New Bra., - engaged in the eiangellstic . work Aan ricgu ingdo in Fachern addressed(the YounVPeo- Miss KnIght,'of Seaforth, W48 I in the 61d Country., We bespeak a, I d ttatch. It was pie's Society last* Sunday night at a visitor over Sujiday af the home and attra*ctive t6 the eye . ,484 h . .4! I I I and "taste than a well kept hearty welcome to the new, pastor f , t models cost $Soo. their Ineetin . of MISS Chidley-. n I I*Z al .0 finest .91. . and hope his sojourn berel will be To day the price is lower ­=4 the I V BAPTIST CHIURCU.' . Miss Mary Chant returned to To� . , 11 I Jewelry Store . � ,pleasant and profitable. I watch is better, I ronto this week, to prepare for � I FIRE AT EXBTER� . . I . );Vtry HOWAIM 19 made andadjusted as aAno Rev. W. Wylib who receive4 a the Spring Millineyiy Op6nings, ' '11"tch, Cascd and timed in, its own . unanimous call to the pastorate of Miss Hd�the White, of liehmall, rticles On Tae,94ay morning while the cut) at the both Clinton and.Auburn churches, � The numerous a tl fictory and a printed price ticket attachedi. -was c I ailing On Mrs. MeGar'va, while - ' Jackson 'MaYlufacturing Company Price fixed—$,fa to $1 So, on Sunday,ndict b0th ,lreturning frcm Brantford, . W in Gold. Silver and Dia � . I . � will preach ere ', I -,Vere in operation afire took place Let u sh,hv you this d4tinctive watch, mornin_g and evening. Prayer will she has beep, studying music !1 ' 6 01th . . . � I for � monds gligten and Oharm in, ,the basdment In connectic- . be hold on Thursday evening, of tbe'past year, � � onewith ,,their brilliancy, the engine and dynamo, Mr. Davis ' I this week, instead of Wednesday. Mr. Jordan, of'Buffalo;-18 visit- . ed the _74 w ' fhe manager, who'discoVbr qV ' J � � t ONTARIO ST. C11UitCH in The Jeweler is a dealer in flames notified tbe girls to burr 0 kJTW199 9 at tbe home &of .mr.'andi Mrs. 11 out before they all gr lie L I At the meeting of t,44.6 ,Tunior Jos. Townsend. . � I the valuable metals of the ot out flam,W31 . . � League last Friday evejaing an, ex- Miss Winnie O'Neil I's Visiting in world, and his -repair d'e- . Were sh9ating to the ceiling of the . . cellent Missionary program was Toronto and expects to attend .tt-je . . ­ ., -second floor, The alarm was soundd ., Jeweler and Opticiani, given. , � Mendelssohn Choir Concerts Which artment is a Most. valu- edafidthe firemen were soon ol � P . I the spot but before they arrived the . i 'On Monday evening the Ontario .,are being hold this -We0,k,. Issuer ot MaVVIA"24' IA,, - 1k,q1,g Street Quarterly Board extended - Miss'Libble aibbings, who� has able feature .of his bUS1*- ' flames which were, caused by g'aso- '. , a cordial and unanim6us invitation been attendin.g College atStratf6rd ness AAT� ­� 11,; - 11 - . . � .10 Ir '"r .m I . 1 . I . . 9411M 446 .-.-- . —,..--..- 1, . I 11. Lu .Y. . e ley Cosen% for, the, has returned no e having passed __.. L I � . . ___;W__�__�_­;,­1_­ --,--- , our bow -for i9ii and in- .. . � . ,third year. Mr.Cosenathanketitbe her examinations in stejlog,aph�,, .++++ I . . , . . I .1 . line had died out and the' bulling members for their expressions of: typewrltivg and commercial law. �� I ............... t ........ + ................. +++++ vite everybody to i6spect I Volv for Sale * , w as filled with Smoke wh1eh - was appre6iation and assured t . . . .. heinthat Last Friday .evening, While Mr, . + . I '. +­ . . . . 1. . � .. I . .. I ".. .1 11 V1. . � � � iii-tpossible.tio penetrate, The floar it . gave him pi6asure � � our host of retty things. - . - . to accept It. Plulnst6el�_ was helpin'g to U-11* I . I , I I I . I P .- " Amdernehth ,omcl.of the machines tUe invitation, hitch up a t am of 11orses, onv� of . I . . . I I Milking cow for sale, due to calve and Some of the clotbince was burnt � compliao,ce With the requestof the animals accidently kickedhim 00ft _41L ir . . Aft ' . . In AL -- leg, It ha'�pebed thalt. he Mf � 11V this inont1l, for particulars appik .to but greatest damage *as do -net bv the Upper Canad Bible Soci,ety, 'on the 11 I - T. J, Mar.aghari, 0141ton' sotith ,of Smoke and vlater. The factorylaaa and I with harmony'in the(. de6si,;n -,vas standing in such -a L position . . . I Vio Hit HIILVAR. 1 � . . . I r (a Alk. Flax , � . . th4t he did not get a direct kick or. + ` . . I ..� , , rAilWay track. ' ; le,ii in, dperation a year last.Sat- of the -Executive Committe,4� of ,h3 + . . . � , . :, . I . . T,i J. WAXAGHAN urday. Mr. 'Will ,Tackson,'of Clin- Clinton branch � Feb. 12th. ivill - be lie .might have had a broken -lee. I I i I . � . L ... I Jewder $ oplidan I I . . , ..,. I toil, Was sent for and came down observed as Bible the Ris left.leg Was stiff and sore) X(Yr '. . I .. W . L.: . . . - . 1. . L I .+ - . . . . . � . __ . — --'---- . eddlug, Wells Will . n L I I L. . 1. . � . . I - ­_ : I ,I, I --­A� . � . ___ . - . , I ternobla, The factory will be clos- caeloh and Circulation of the Word shortly ring bfi Ontario St.,-"rhen a L .— e I 1. - ZL wantihg ,. in addition to wb�Lf th y have alread . .. I eid. down about tLliVo weok� to malm. of GoE1,11 The subject of his evekii- popula . . I � , 11 , " , , IL . the sa"m,e afternwm and the insur- morning ReV. T, W. CoSepS L ,,Vill a few days, - . - . I . . L .1 ___ � Wauted ' : . anee ,�'altiator arrived th6 same at- I speak on �'The Translationj Publi- It: U said that w . � . The Cana*dia Flax Mills . LimitedL .of Clinton ,are , "tat.ionary enginet-r- Good ,%"" ;,, 0 ,, es r Young lady willbeconiie the L . a f(_ L AdvertiseIn the New Era. and Steady ettiploy-nient to rigb( P_ekw the' necessary rep�aivj tQ-thei flt;or L jug sermon wilt -be IlTliq Mutilated bride of a well-known and popular Z ,cueed— ,W,More acres' of ']and, fo c(�M etc theif Z : . . . . . . , .. � I . son . .- . � . and the niftchine,3 and, alau to .Fdo " . )3ibIq.11).. . I : 11 .. - ; Ruronian, now.residing inToroto. icpmplem.ent,fo� growing flaxi for the sea�Oh Of 19iT, t .. �� _ �___. __ _ _.____.___ - __ . . Apply'Box N, .some paintiiii'aii(l pape S 19. it i .,khe February meoting of t,ho W'. . . ­. � .. I . . . I . I . . L I . I . . I I . . . 0(jilolon..Ont Was, 110-t long af tor tho rill - ­ . .L ,,, . . I . arm was I IVI. S. will- be held at the'. home * of - I 9_. 0 ... - ber::-p FaSed I .. .... . . . .... L . . . sounded that" the firei . . .( . LL'. We"would theirfore. I' , , , * -tP InQet. at our - L I - I , ' . L L of I nen hacT a 1 Mrs, E, G, -Courtice next Tuesday . � I . . . . . 11 ' L I - - - _____------- . stream Water in op:�ration and ' , . It ­ I . - ..... . . - I " . .'' I . .. I evening at 8,61clock. The program. - cr: ..... . D.Jurrorslafge house. barn and . I was--ir-11-IgIrtribute to tile Excl'ter* Nvill be furni4hed by thi.). young'la- 9.hi I d -r e a .Y ... . ,Offi,c.e any of -the f,irmers who contemplate breaking up -1 . -- . .. L .. .., . .. A i i '' il' ' hat . . I I garden on Ontttrio Street 0 inton. . . . . ITCHER'S old pasturagL land or ne irgin so , sprin � ­ `iltorflt,(ira-&fo*r Wc, , . *%aterworks. , * I ., FOR Ft. I .this "' , . . : ',,% . L k . . I t I . . . ' 'L, .. . , I Ay. The offering - w v 9 .. I r - -.dies of.the Soclic I . I L Apply at House or Clinton P. 0. i � _. �__- L - . �.. T11F DARE. DEVILS. CO -THIN � - arrangt�T,el t W"L be -made. . - 11 L. . . . . . I . . . I L . . L G. - - .-NAA �e4un�ratld,ol the "Rest Fund%.: , � 0 -A s I- t) R 'I A + :i . .ay . .. ­ , ,om , The BrUcefjold, Dare Devils ,,%,III- , " .. . . I . .. - " L .. +. . L . ., L . . & ,Foti- �VOA1119 11MIs fl .(), to. . li�� - I � Th _ e ly servke3 last Sun.� _ ' . '­... _ _ . . + ... * - . I .11 "I . - . . I . - 1. I ... . . . . I ' clash With Blyth. -in d- _ . . .1 .. . ..... + . . ...'', ... . . .. I nklily q 10%ns, . , . " '.. . � � ,.� � L D1. ... +. L . ... . . I hontlls;)Id, r.f. good (I sudden death I d are well attehded. In the .: ' - . " 11 ., I L . ay.w I . 1 Oall or write. . e on Clinton'rink'o'a Friday ev I . . . . I I . '. UNI'A INTLAX '31ILLS Min tic D�'L - - I . . I . . I ... . L . . - - I . 4tChristiafli ConVeroption" The I . . - . � * :1, . , W. H. WATTS. & SON I anit a red. u)WAI� " H i . 9 February Ia. 'The Daredev- ! moTniri - -e 0 n I � -I- ­, L, � I 1. .. . . ­ .. : if, L . � . . 11 � - , � I I . r .1) 11'WI, , . . . I � � . � I . ils"recently Walloped Da I ee I 1", ..� . . . . . . . . = , :i g the pastor spok Coundt. M " - L . , --7.-, ��_ Opposite Post Office - I . . (01int)n Ont - 4111vood -: thenie-of his eveningdiscourse"WaS L 'W � . . . � t f 6. � I � I I .­ ' .. .. -o' ' . . . I . , I L � . . � I . I Phone No. 12 on 155 tf , kut d i e'adily reNize that they qr�, IcGod7s Crown Jewels." ' . .: . . .. ­ .... ++4:++ ...... ++4++++++++ . � � . . . ShoeNctliers aud Repal I ... + . . tip against a . real nOckcY team this - '�' . . � The Fobruary � council. mceting ,=,, . = __._11_:__..__�._ +.. . . . � I . .. . I I 'i . . . . . . I 1 . . . . L. __ . . . I . I .:= ------- - . - . I . . � I . — , I I - _ � , , . I . - ___ I - . , Nvc-ek,., Nevextheloss the 16cals'aro I , . . * I + . . he] Monday evening in the I . I I I I -_ -----. ­_­ . . _�_77­ . . . _ I ". L , , 4'' , � was d.L on , , I . , - ,- . " ­­ ��­ I . ,, � ,­ -not --------'CIIntOn , Council Chain ell." +. ' �' aq td be' don6 unde� the'supev-4 dered.to .be j?aid. , . I " . . � � -, — - �&r quitters, a-,) will go to b - ` � .San . . .. . IIII-111irft. Ah-,, * 'L .' ,h ... I I .1 .. � 1. . . . . . I I , accom . - _ _ ' 'I . - . 'Sw --1T,the�,­aP­1)-,j-1ffrQ-d , il��. . ­­�&.mr­l� .�iu-YA"-4p.-:.tho---C-b,ai,r--N,l�lW y,Committee. . - , ' I 1. .. ta e- O - __G. -�_Griyl - , � _ of ,the Propert I . ! . . I � . L I . , 1 d ' . L � 'A �.____�� A I I n'rA l, ,nni'l. umn _-.td. - . Our stock is con)plete and, ot the I . . . . 4, p dby -a Ccal tans. L L __ ,4ekson" I I L 1L. 11 v- __ - in , I I . � , � - . �.. I , __.L. . ill lar enu b4Lr of I :­ L and ib%unciflor .-:---.. - ce - pf -_ - - I 1, . .. I + I . . all ', .j� f . FOR- F LETC H E R'S -' I .. . a Gibbings, ,T . I 1. I * ed an ac e an was . :1 :- best material that, mcnev can buy ' ,g tnSt'tubl L " u ortli-overy �ffortto - Vord, Beacom and CA'nt ATER*6RXS_- I i . left ' . . whi(!h enubles u3 to do g,jod wor . South lluton Farmetr . I 111 brin the . I A , Cooper, elohV L� REPORT'OF - W . �.. ­ . he ands of the -Pi a ce o - I - , k and ­ '. , ,,, L ' .1 t . ' it ' -b -beld In t1io foltowing .,places. 9 1. oriors -6 t 0: L bui -C �A S TOR . .. were .Prcsent� teeve'Smyth'belylg, _ . I . . . e I �, + as! tbL . ' + , 9. . . . . . -'COT,1tY11lTT%H--7 Ltp,q to:de6id ' as to,, do it promptly, bring yoLar shoe repdir;. a ' ­ 1. . I She par , 0 e 6a 1, *111. an,dle - � . .1 . . - otily absent -one, belhig-Sitill un- - " . . I ­. be printed. � . � + . . L . . '.. I . . . . I � — . . �. . . . I . . . . .., . Ing hefe arA prove what we say.: uampiv- -) . . the, gon . . ... I L . + L . . . tlib , i, - -to power plant has.-beeiX ,oper- - . I.. . � � I . � . L . 11 I 1. . # -able' to leavor, his habse: , I . . + T1 . .. I .. I . Hensall Feb I I � . I . . . .� . I I "' g . I - C. 0 . . . ... 86-ary Hall - .. . I . . . `d.c. n . . . - -'n . - . - . 4 I � Two �ommunicatioAs . Welie' - re- �tL luring t � �i ouncil tho-i adjourned.*, ' Fev 22 11% 4t44+**,`i­,'P+-P4+0,4V - , he-mbnth:�of Jani5ar�;. We also maj� v Bo,)ts t I _L . ..% ­ . . I . ­ -0 .. . ­: . o olid er whe . . . . . . . . L . 4% . c folio Nving results, hverage . . . . . ­ . .. I in nE 61 call oti ni,---13,mrj"--irr,rd-e--from - BrOvIli-H-Veh 28, , .' "-. . I I . ! ' , � . � - -, 4C-1 ceived from, the 0..'C, 1. and Public V0 th Lq 1_2hQuYs, per, day , - 1 - � - - - ------ ­_­ .. � . L . . ­ I 'Londesboro ., . I - �­­­_,tjmd rul . . . id L I - - "li ""' - . , ' ouo to three days nolice. I . ... + . Btkyfield- Fell 21 . . . +, Personal NO t e: 9 I trd anal passed.-- inin-K of Coal USL .. t. ­ _­,_ff1fS77_-, ­ . I . . . I I �A .­­-------­- _ ei�, S,c,hodl- Bo. . olant �PU f JIARM- -'REPOR ;5..-'' . , - . . . . . I . ' . . I . I I . J)"Y"hwond F01 2.) a - - , I AinosSp,;11.;r,,j.­i1,,.( '' . YOR AND COUNCIL ,average am . .� . . I 1. i � " �t­ I.' rblattl7es or..friou TO.THR MA than, - ' . , —1 `. I -1) 27 . . of -1v . If those hAving -: , (10 el- . -or ok CoSt of Idsel . 17.,Xet�W-101. . . L . Ilia mother o l , , av7stv .14- . day, 225 lbs. I :Liverpool and Ohi . . 11 NV:edlwson�, ,� �&, .-,-,s -imin tnwiv nr 0-init Or, CLI3gTOX .. . cago WheWV6turas __ - ------..I',- - �.. _ - - . . I . � .0 . . . . . I . . L . I . . 14 L Will P efl r bau bls'i l,6 0 doi�s . . C ",t!;fi ". ..... � .60C.,per.day. The itvc1!nLgequautitY - . S1111114kKER I I -i '. llp,if, tho ftot -%ch .-Polr. ", 4?. . ' I L 'it ic:doil . Wall (I Anrl�vnrp if in VIA ".,3;- _117111A.- ,ii 'Gentlemen. -I an-Linstru'ated by -6.1 Water w0d+L+p9r Oay �#as.slightly 1 Clote'Lower­ml,ive Stock". . I -ont d I. Yt Far'lil-orli :lyere�lllsf + .. late bisi -,ard - to L .. . �. .. . ,� 0.� P. �*(!., - L ,,,I � pol , NJ, Lpj�i.l .1 ( V. Q, 13111., foy'd P . , L , ( . A� . . ! , . . . " .. ( W(J(�J, . I , an�lo 'a lono. Thelo,west. t 0 . + .. I W. .1. G'ardhons"e, Highhel . . . , - . . . tho Collog, - Llb:ite J�r ,No., , �Latesi QU 'tations. I � . . loss th I L . . . . � . . . . I %, $4, ask oii. to adVance two �thousand . . . I . . �. ,We He WAHS & SON, I A. Xtvita�rd . . . ' A ill, si i. �y of, ti,(;'%, IMeh's T" I I . y ,ns,tal prcssure� incol cfed was' 50. lbs. and. i ci-uc��%O, r. vl,. '4.�-Ct;,�Lnin,�, bY nervous; . . . .: ' . I . I B; 8. PhilliPR , I IS1 it Ill P I . 1. I . . ars in thrila monthly _ I Ve -,­liort se '. . . I � . 14wo I (1611 , . ---. - __ -1 ­- ­ - - " - -- ' " - -­ '_;_-= !1� 131'eb-� . . , , will 1,P 11philli th" tile, IfigheSt.L 56. lbs, but infuture iler,�,, wito i,ilia oyovreaelkd,tlwin- . . . I I . I , t­-Ln,Wj,. b%ll un Mrsi'A-ilmour entertains oLnYriday. inents if preforretI, to e�ablo them (,-,,,,,t *that �the iireAsure Will not � S(,J��'S'ofjate, rtavo wiwal,ait ulmiurd tui,rk,- I . . - � .. - F ddliv-tho IT h .i., I it t li, 2 1) .11. L ' '' t lb L In -till- elld. how(mil".11ze, tode, THE OLD RELIABLE BUS MAN- I . . .- . . I . . . (I've-ning +of this wbek... t(i) I y- salaries for February,. Marth 1)'"J'ssthan53 !i -Ve are now.intt()-(lnY- - , . . - L . I . I . ,Nrx "111111,1W 'A q Vv ­- 0. Norman Ham, sop *of I - �L April, N�,ithout being,compelled c e . wtl'i. Ni � I L . . . .. � . � -�: 1,�>art�or s of 1, 1. . . . (ionsultsition+ NvIth.th6i '� : Property; lealt.. tho till, vlos" NIIN.at a'nei 44- - ­ .. --I')-- . 1,0 K 1, t ; in)pllklorlt /J(l(li(-,o-+. "I'll ln+fL. " L (! a . , I . . ., vance of 1YjQ t( . k'i rg . ,Xa . . . aeo ,e � Akc% C�'(-n finh-hed. %c to L I . . � . . . . ., !. .I. .'-�'. T C. .r. X Montreal, .Was mar- ting -to the securing! t.i(. (3owil. ,0t1_ts.,,(, t)rt,,ti) a ,4iiaLle up, ­and - � - " . , �; I L . ' . . My headquarters are njkwat the . . � L .. _ likhY itiviUdd: to . I i,-rl If. . , ' . lam, - W ' jo. pay interest on.over draft fo'rL &mmittee lool . . I I . . . Rattenbury Hous.e. The f-ilione No. . .... ­ . . 1. I . Tied at St. Thomas, on . .cdnesdaY that timO., . . . .L . ... I -wi-olls 4t 1­'iti. to U'LI (l(lVilro.. . . . 1. 11 f j)&1rc11 I .St. Tho bidfta� ' � ' I . I I . . of.6 sanitary drinking fountain, a fir ` . � � L . . NottiigE� :to I ob lorn ()i' '1;*'� Fjs!llli'r� in-nd 'to Miss R dna Baker Beilson, late of' L. By -granting this.requostyou will P�i,btl,!,c drinkin� tiough-water-con- : . o " P L L lj,i1lg;_1_lj(_,.(?(.j;i'1 , � . . i Tl;p I.Ivetl)ool*ni,,L�i-i'�et.cit)s(,.(I..to�4�,y,,Ad , . . . . . It L6-,Vn ii yLsterday for wheat..'%d. to . . - . Is 46.. Ring me up If you want ' sioveo for sall . Ill � .1 i. .i I ho 1-0i twlll,(� , e C.P.R. p cidpartment. ' - a' vo tbe:116ard-and con�- . n in T �Hall,'ajso- an ad 1- i 14d higber for eorn,� . . .. . . Co:iker4p.4 two, boic , . I ti, .assenger I .- . be able �o I .ne . I d. , � lll*lier tha , . I . . . ,� bus or baggage call to. any a �t I I . .1 IL . ; jltofess'ci- 131�OWN hlJtn)enJll,,n..of;r:1,-l1 l;v.nii.( The. + grooni. is -d Sequent] y the tow,ii, the interest u - . -and . these.i + - , . .+ . " L * . I I . , of the town. JOAH Cook. . . .. . . . 011. . .. .. . . � . 1P I tel* pit- Montreal. ' �Prbmste , 01 " ' .on.. thd c�ver ' , " .. P� tional dedP'well livinp . 11. 5 I 0. __ _:__; 'L � 1. � I .. . . . I . .. � L � - . C�Xt 1. L Wi-r;v,i��. Ontion . . . I . , . -1 � �, - - ___ I , , , " L . .. cousin e'f -Mrs. H ,draft. -yourSL rQspect Nvjll,�be reflorted mfat�.thal I .. .. I � . . . . - __ _ - .; ...... ,—;I thi. R was'a's )I; weld of cri"I"-frorh Mrs. A Elliott ' I : . '' , . , L . Mile. (').pen. ujgh.mo�V*�'C � 100% _� ' L' - .,. I — ----- _ _ -..-- __ ______ _ --- , Tbr-r , , 1, bf erich, was, fully, - � �. L I .- ... ; . . ... ... . I . .. 9 Stati�)Jl 1:1V t- ,Sii I or(lil' . f ON. t. * , . , .( - God �- , , I : me -citing. A..slight brake. it, - the , I ­ . . I. . . I . . . I I - - I . . ­ . I . . . � . I . . I � . . . IYII( her sister Mrs. Joshi C. ook � . . . wlient� L I . ­ . . . - . � . � . I ­ — - I .� . I . I . til�s, , . .. '. . I Y ) P;kl'-. ViSititi'g. ' ' . I + 1. . I . 'Pumpin�g'rods of the C160D weliva: + ATav, ...".., ,96.1,4_ n(l"i 0-fl/4 96-j - . 1/4 - , ;+ . - . . . I L On Morda,v, 'L I . last . -, . : , � ­.,SenretaryColleg the . _go I . � 1; ( ­ + I . . � . . L week. .. -'. ' t. _­ — I Jitte.. Boa',fd., veps:ired at ?L small.cost, For, - iftili- .... ' 07 1�,, 07,�47, , 98',,;� 98t, 98 I . . . . + - -'- - ' - . . I L . I . � P" . . . . . . . . . I . + , � .-. . ! - . I w0lstat(rnni (if il�e ',s:cqtf6h, �),Ibe . +We a port thftt Mrs.+ .�? drL .- �CHOOL inform n or ' L . . I . . I . " (' were I roated It ­ re -sorr��tt -re - - _' B§TA1 I 1"MIC ati(i ' ,+tile CoulVtlland .the , 0ats­7 , ., .� " 1: . . - I . . . .... I . . .� .. 13, . . 1. ng infor-, 1%11Y '..... 343A- 211� - 34% : 3.tj� ,34% - I *-. I . � I . . -1 J;' osh Cook has bedn seriously ill. -a- . --*FOR. I9II_.___ . I . publib we glil,e the Tollowi 35% as . . - I . .. I I .. .. . 1. Gbarles .4i.. M:int;jt,� -.1..1. 113111.0 -g,%1u.W1-th neuralgia+of tho nerves . .. I . . . . . I L . I . J Lily ...! X%, 35% . +,%% - . .1 . . . '+ appv by I Ile -lid"'ili0t) lif h (bi'ligh-ter I laries, of Teachers '_....- _$S964.00. -matioii�' . .. I . - I . ­ h, , . . and hdart. -Her many friends. *ill-...Sa ,.- . . . � I I � .. - Joronto Grafn Market..' .- - , - .. . �. . to bis. fainliv I . . - 'Y ­'­ " -,-,---,,'_ thousand dollars , of - . .. L � . U ­::�­15-0-.90 VV �� ,�, mtur-e-s lVaTT-bemr I � . 1. I _. . on 8l1ndA,.;. . L 0 -rec . L* - -t ..... ...... ...... � - --p-111- lir I I I -_ .- . . - - I . . Snn ar . � . - - f , - . . I - . I . �, _dedy . 44 hop f or a sp oVery I - Pr chopt 4k rililig al e doil"t, A 1,11,141n Caretaker ...... _t_ - _, ... ........ 250.00 atex liv - �iks Debe bush ...... 0 W . . I * L ' I I . . . .. . . I ',+ I . . . bluduess thic.wi , . . Mr. Notmaii Fitzsimons l6ft We'd- . . ­ . . .. .iold. which rgalized:1 cash, the. a.:@+ . , I I . I I . . . I � �.. . . I nler. .. . . . . . . . _____ . . L' 0 69 I 6* -,6 - . " . I ... , I I ' � 0y, L ........ L 0 67 ' . .. 1. X ... - . .1 .Henry Lotiii ha� sola.bis *f,,I,r,d of jq� nesday. for Ridgetowh, where : he. . . . . .. 3iit� of $531480,00 to Dee, 31, 1910 Bar] bushel .:: *:: * , " * . I . . - . . ___ . . .. 1 1.3. has secured a position; -, + .;' 1* + Ail'% 14261-00, .13�1 . i ..... o.' 0 49 4,`jL. . . - 7 I . . acres on the 12 con alsout.,4 A n(l ti, I . we -have spent on hte� Waterworks � - Buckwheat, bushel . . . I . . ­ ­ � . I 1. I . � . . . )�flf Miss Wilkin left for Tordnto.thfi Coal ....... ...... . _74 " ..... ... ". _.'_4250.00 ' I .&. 11y planned the Plans, .bushel .., .,. 078 . Cr. , . : . , . I . . . - em as origins, . I � L ser- - Oats, bushel .... 040 .... . . . VIIJAZO for Khout - to attend thii I brnillinery 0-f, '...''a'- -_.a. 400.00 1 .. . L . . ,:, � . milefioornthli ' $7006 ' ..Printing ... � .. .... '­.__,:­ .... ... 40.00 SYSf :::::: : : : ::I . . . . 'L. In . . I - . � Sum of $50,578,43, .Extras, for tr , �. . _1 I . I The buyer is' willi-A M walso)j * 'In . l;iv netrds, $500, -On I . . L ­ .: I . k .... . I 1. ... . L 00 � . I . .. .. . .of ortibig ... ,. Repairs, new yo ... stoc : I I the 14 erm. . . Openi gs.-. I � Toronto Dairy Marke.. . .,, . I . 4 . . . . . . ' L. . . Painting _L .. ........ I ."., :.. '.� ...... 4-100.40 . .fs $1,500 7 inl� - ry, lb. 0 22 . 0 24: e.�. . . . I . . . . . . . . . Mrs. W. Simpson was i . visitor at, I teiidlai' '4 -'.'.j 266.OQ .hind, $350.-$%�50.00. ,T6tAl . Butfer,'.sepaiator, diLl 0 * .. . .� I . . . Miss -Violet Phillips entertained a . , n S ... ­ .."'..' . .... - . . �;io. Leaving, a balance I . . . . ., . 1. . L . . . fr visitor at Seaforth this week. . . .. � . . I .. .. I .L. 11 , . . .1 ment $5`2 928 � Butter, store'lots ......... ; .... 1018 . 023 ' L ''' ' .� . - . . I . . -of young iends on Fri-�. Mrs.* Jackson who has been. vi . � . 11 � . Ia ��f J561.57, wAich"Wiff-WMt= Butter, creti,mery.- aoildsit .... 0'23+." 0 2* . . . . xiumber . � l3utter_cr.eain�_.lb­r0lls,- 0 26 1 . I .. . . I . day eve ing. - . ..., . sit;1. , . _L �_ ..... �, sm6.�o ,oii hax , . . . . , �. . L .:.,. , I I . n L ' ' ' " I jug. her sisters, rettiroed to( her . � _ � - square the small accounts Still Out- �Mggs, new -laid ........ *......i.. 0 28 - G 31D - ... I . .,. . ,_,_�_ - . ____�. . . L . , . � 0 n ; L .. . . I �� . . . . ­. . I . I . . home In Stratford onWednesda I . . oo st-andi!*. Waterworks Inaintenan.! r,,ggs,,cold storage ............ 0 90 - - . . I I.. .1 . . . 11 . I . + . I I . - I .. . .. $63�0. h . ........ 012 0 US' , . . . . . � . .: , =;k � L. -, .� � .. I L I JlUflett.' L' . : . A sleigh load ,c'omposed of �r. -Less- , . I � � I I , ces a ow surplus of $1919.60 besides _,Choese, 4b . ..... _...' 1 1250 , '. L' "I .. ... I L . .... . . I Mrs. H. Pl' , L ..L I I � I - taxes. Wate.r..l �iorleyeornbs, dozen -200 '... I ­ . 7 and urnsfeel, Mr. and Mrs.- . 0()v7,t. Grant .... . .... . aised. in Honey, oitrattea, . lC::=. -0 10 ou , I -11 1. . . . I . Nr Aibert Carter. of RFd River HaIrtley, Miases �.Wallace and .0. N � I I .. $295.06 . - L 'the 7:60 - r . . . .. . I I . . Albl3rta is Viiiting bla-brother Richard SbiplieY. 'Mr. and Mrs. J . on -Res. Fees ...... I ... 25.00, .. . I Works has added to thet debenture : �- -In London.. � , - .. . I . . ­­ . 'bt of the t I . . I � . Cartok, - _ .. - - . .'L, Kerr, , . I . do own the sum of $54,000 . ' T . . . . Mr Wallace �bf- B . and Mr. Will- Plulusteel spent a. , *1 1! . ... I I . . t two debentures - LONDON,. Veb, C-To-daY'S. b096t - - � . 'I ORONTO. DAILYSTAK, & L I I of this, amoun . . Produce . .�'. � .. jfle�ljd sppnt last . I . _ii7o. _�_ itom Denmark landed 480 likles of bit-pif . I . . . . week with his sisier ru easant -evening. lapt Priday at th�3 . . 11 � -, .. . . . � 00 an, . , no Gariveft.� V1 I , haVe,been paid aniountingto $2;386. *t -has been generalbr� . ­ ---- . I - . . . Moon Bros ,shipped a deflond cit'pcii hom Road.' L ­. Total ". - ­ . ­ I ....... -4 ... ... $5,000,00 18; leaving the net debt at $51,613,82, teady) with a'fair demand." No 00: . . . ...' I ' IN' NEW$-- tatdes one. dav'last week. - ,,,. ., ,. . steel on the. Londo'n ied. L L , I ­ . � e i6f Mr. andMis. Perry pluin. I owing were - n.. The mark - I &FORT 6 L � The i�fi '" the.officers' The above report was carr Jai chahge has fteen made - in- stand--; . L ­_ ' . appointed for' th incobil '� Thethairmian . � . u0tations, _ . . � . � . . . orting L Miss Vv -P�ill�s entertaitiM &'few L Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wallis entermims 6 n-9 year.-�� �S L of SpecialOoknmitiii. q whi6b are as followir .1 . ' . . . .e Star ard cci.nducted , by lop L I t.- e . The ipgrting pages of.ThL . friends Wt Fridav evening '-. Uined -their, friends at their hortici D. tL`McPheirs�u. Clark and Tre 'tee Mak the followingreppr I �,anadlaxi, 58a,to 628; � XC43ptlo"lly; 64s,.� ' ' ' . . � , news writirs who are right in fhe game -men active in ;kthletic' . Moses Brown .hiii -Purch,is*od, jX large on Tuesday evening of thia-weeki I Jos.'Wh6atley,'Chief as. . .Clinton, Threblier Co. ,Works Lbeg f iiams, &3s to 70& Cheese -ruled firm, butp'.... ­ I ..�� . :.. . ­ I . . . gramopbob6, fron, E I tarry Twitchell had, his left etc. , . . Constable, - . I . L I Adamn . - � MT- I I . . , -that. a f n response, julet; finest white 6M to - dow. floesic, � . . - circtes--so that it is not any wonder iliat reported sp:pirtinfl. - . .On TuesdAYL (.If . . to TbpOrt, 0 ar). 3, I - L �olored 61i to '63s; fluest, deep re4 - I I . last woo,k A lexandeir shoulder dis'located'last M ondaSr Jos. Wheatley, Collect L'of­ '�'s to an advertisement of 0 issulOs of . 0 bVerits--no, matter where they are held -.are, . most rtliableiii- HcHvMn A,nd Mi Ra*-Su-iie 0.�Wnhel wdro I . evc,nihf.r while practicing 'hockey ­ Robert Welsh, Night . the Toronto Globe, -12 -enquilries ; Ms to i4s. ' ' . - I ., A. I . - I I I . I . made oh'n by Ary Peltr,i� At. I he manse Said. Will be on-thei ietireAd listIor Constable. oeen made lor full particulars . ' :'-. L " .----;.- � . . 1. I I I . I a their, man`y frien(3s wiHh, th(,m 4, lofig . ' .., . . I . neftyi-aAd the fullest � you will find in any Canadign pap r. the rest of thegatnes.. -Ilia a%.sence and. assistant waterworks engineer. "'ve I whicb. , I , , , L I . . - . . . .. I . Thos. Cottle� assessor. and aetallSiLof the SaM0 Of ' I � . . . . I The . and banpy I --�­­.,­�­i,­iiiii,iii, ..", , . -,. i " Z .: ddpci lifl,. will,.weaken: the Tastiniii k L . . . . Star sporting news i's always reidably written -and you ' we . . I L. Hoc ey. .'Onslow CricIr, Cemetery Superifi- an angw�v -to 'all has,been give,n'so O�St bUffa � . ..L 4 '.. , . I . . . A box social .%vi'll bo' bold on Friday team, .. .. . . I . L. .. .. cEiAions, look f avotable to , , lo, Cattle 1%arkaf- i L I . �� find it f;iir to ive ody. : . . . I , , evpning at, the honle J.f Jim 'Tamblyn Miss Ellacott, Of Wroreter, ,' is tefidont. . I fa:r 4 appli rtain I, BTJPVALd, X. Y . . . ,-. V�b. 4.-Cattl". ,pO always , Lryb , � ,*�, . :, 1. -and a gooa ti , . , Robert. Me�nliel, P rid-ii)(eeper, .Start In -a sinall,iway, if ce � L . ' ' . '0110- jsr.ixrwel�*�(', ­ visiting at the 110me,of ,Mrs. 11, William East, Wateou terms could. be agreed, upon. . We,.,r I 11 ld;' market, trad4 light! � .1 . . . I . . . ' ' ' . I . . rworks Migi- L . ting columns � . I . .= . You will enjoy reaffir�g The Daily Sta'r spor Stevens.' I that our.town , .t�.�, . . . I . -- L 'L , neer, I I . also beg to rOPOrt, ' I . Prime stleers.$6 40 to $6,75; 1 and tilepb is many a. t1me1jr illustration that gives an added — ____ Mrs. Jas, Cornish hag been, very .. u - . I . . J. W. Shaw,''31', 1). 'Medical Tlealth. s0lie-itor has not f6reclosed the utehor grades $3 to t6.25.. ' , . I L. . I . . . I I A Sick ,during the 1p�at we,eX with I I . I I mortiage.juvonnectionL with the C&IV05--necelpts, 15 head; T"et, , - I Interest. -­ � �. . - I . L I I 0 .. I . . L . . .1 Officer. , . . I . � . . - . � . . grippe. pl deal can ,'be Imetive. and lower. Cull, to iiha&l, $I I . . L . C�Ouafy. Deff'-,qS - - Miss Ida Cornish - who is' teaching 011�0_r Johnston, Vngineell. oopeity and that no . , I I . . . . I . . I . . � The Salariqs for the abov,0 are- -closed until this is done. We also to $106- , . - - - -_ - _14000 - . I . -specii L ' school near Belgrave Spent Sunday . e build- Sheep and *Lambs-11welpts,' Subscribe now ima tAe adVantade of our al rate of , Clork, $300; Treasurer, 150, Chlef recommend that si outof th head; niarket. Activp, laanbs 10c hlgMro� - . I I I I I . I � I I I . . I I �t 4 1 1 . .1 I * + 9 + I + Z I - I � --- . r I . I .1 I i, I I I I I I - . I - - , , I L .0 0 tic hid I i I I I � I . . -I. . As Told by Callility papejrg - : at her home here. Constable, $1oo,.ColIector. o ing and ah �. ad be placed iA some o -bee stoady.- Chbice laml5s $6 .to $6A51 I 11 . . . , , I .11 . r . . L . . I A shower WasgiVen at the home $50, Night Constable, $4.5 f Taxes, American'Vade Journal for. ,two P *I I . '. �:. � � - of Mrs. ChIdley, on Saturday' after- O� Assessor s. That the Council would Tie- �ull to fair, $4.75 to $5,75; ymr1ings, $5 . 0-a - , ,to $6.76; sheep, $2.75 io $4.40. . $1.5 War . $85, Cemetery SUP't, $375, Pound- issue . , P I . . I 11 A inink Was shot at, the Goderich .noon in-liontly of Xlss.Copp, wbo is %eeper, fdes,,Hn9Inecrj feas, commend nd endorse to tho peo- Hogs-Recelpts, 3400 head, inarket: . I . 'harbor the other day. 'L . � to be married this weeic to Mr Jas. ,ple for the eyi4orsatiort that � hbtlV,e tLftd strong. Yorkers-, $8.10 t6 . I "ci ( Titis paper and the A new Masonic Temple is to be Doher Y,'Of towh. , *The officers and firom,ohlof -Clin- ' ould be in4he interestK Of ..the� 0.25; Digs, $8.50 to $8.60; mixed, $7.86 1 � . Tor6nio DailyMag- together erected in Goderieh the coining Miss t Jennie Cosens of ' T I �ow..tt ton Fire LBrigade for tfilai'year.-- W, i to acdept the, slimet of $$,000 . .to $7.90; heavy, $7.70 to $7,80; rough, $11 .* . 0 . . , . � � L' L i fol. $2. 100 , . L ­ L . 16 I season. . -bridge, is a visitor at tho Ontario ' . Rolyt. A. Downs,-Chi�Elf, X, it, tOW11 v a fixed assessmarib fof 10 to $7.15; stags, $6 to $6.25. . �. I � L Xerr, and gi e , I - ==��l . 11 � . Chas, Xrwin,. of Bridgeb"j- 4. Street ,Parsonawe . . " I- 11, ,i 'h ,,­ -1A . . I - . I I . $ . captaiu, o3is,, ine , peutonant, Yl, years v a e-Axy niv liv � V w1jaiiii . .. -%�MCRRO L_1VG CITOCK, . . . � . "­­_ ­­___ . ..... � I . � .. . . I . now on thexallway mail cleirk ser.!, . At the regular meeting of - the G laziell, Sberetary, H, Bartliff, treas. . ploy 50 people the fil,94 year, and, CHICAGO, V, eb. 4.-Cia,ttle--Ulacelpts, . % � _____;r1F . vice between Godqvieh and Buffalo, Quartekly Board Of"llarkawle M - 'Afel3i ,15 the s6conil and 10.0. for,10 yzakS.'tstimated At 200,, rnarket-,--",4teady,--.----,-�,---�- . - . ­ 11 I I ,-,:--.1'----E ,4, 100�­­ _ - I I I � "I'll, ....... ....... "I'll, �� �� .. I thodist Church, a unanimous V "s TI, ien, Win. McRae, Win,, I � . . . . � �, __ __ 11-11--1101P.1191i,spill - mqt . - . . Ote Wheatley, . Norman Kennedy, J. J. . �Beeves, $4.80 to $6,8o; Texas steem $4, 1 . I I was passe exPrOSsing apprecia. MeDonal W. Marlowe, L-LAVSOn, TO TnB XA)�OR, REV,'VF, . AND to $5.25; westorn stiters, $4,90 to $5.501# . /lop . ' , stockars and feders, $3,70 to MO; cowil . . 1� I 1, , , ' , . ' B. COLSWell, B. A., an pastor, and W.. il COMS. . I --couxCit -�_ . Wid heifers, $2,60 to $p.76; calves, $6.50; , I __ '&� ow Aurti(w -,ii.... o 01 ii I'Sfll� ,tion -of the services of the Rev W . a. prenili , M McEwen, Jas. Fftir� ... 0-1 . rrenill . �The ChoicestlWoods "I'll, 0 /�, 11 . ,4�.JVSUIlg yoltilgi ftlll� � . I � . .1 , � () , . . .1 . . I I - %. .? '. I ), .. I I .- --- I � I inviting him to return for anothc!r ,Tile firemell 'receive $20,00 and I I ,to K .1 Are used in the making of our �� i - Year. Mr. Cad*611 is a Son ,of I (16itlemah.-YoUr Finactic Coin. Tlo98-ltecolpts, wtimated at 10.000.11 . I tk . I the. ' Tho lindvrsfg� t , h- a received iii. late Rev. James Caswell, who Was . - tl-Le Chief $25.00 a year fox, theirser- market steg f -_ . t,littee to.whom Was referfed, the. .dy. Light, $7.60 to $7.8% . Furniture, hence is beauty and , - I I I - in 0 n e 0 . .­ . . . 1%, question of rebat" to farM lands Inilked, $7,35 to $7,70; heavy, ,$7.05 to . durability. ft 18 rtistioally, dr. . �*� , st"O"i'"n f4c)") �X% 11, l,"11 WO WtV at One ti 0 Pastor f Lo d abdroy vle - good ti) . I , Hinclim -o Sell hv ,110ii-l-'o, Thi.r Methodist church ' ' I .,ionic 0 V " gol " 14 1 11 I r L �$7,11; rough, 47,05 to $7.25; signed, too, and I 11 � b d "I i k to get Into beg to report as followd I - That � eautiruliy:4q). . ; ,I/ day 10eb 16. tile. ln,,i ,.%,(,g. f-tiwk, bboten heavy, $7.26 to $745,vigs, $7.50 to . holatered. - Mhe workmanship . . $ . Rev. W, E. Xer;, late, pastor of trouble I � teing taken out the rebate on, V arm lands AUX, Ituiv $7.90; bulk of Salo, $7.45 fdVX5. . throughout is . . xlr/g/ I -� ,q I teArd of Geldings , py of i vir -� ?;,-Nv Ontario t3treet cliukeh, reports a of the fire ball anO,brought baelt be fixed. 0(t tt 1-12 �nills and that the Sheop--Recelpts, estimated at 150ft " - . a 5 and 0 vprars o�d. I I G"'ditl f-shir great revival in his ��burch at Till- nnd left* on the floor. Theretis a clerk is h6reby-ii � istruettad imy same .triarkt,,t Atfind ' Y. Native, $2.40 to .$4.36,:-,, 1 I positivel H 3- (IV ROV�f 114tv I "�­dln risspk, 2 sonburg. Messrs. Gale and 0011i. by-law that Covers. this uostion. to -all parties. . WO.Atern,*$2.215, to '*C2ff�_YP&tftM�'3"V______ Y PC f . �! [ � byPoyall3ily 1 -Ir -�i1­f­lttg4,ts% son, dhief Whefitley, Is t6 lo6k , into this 2. That all Varin Lands , within �to s:i.o.,); lambs, riative, $4.25 to $4.1k, . . r -0- 0- , -1. , evangelists, conductod sekivi. �l . 1. and will' satisfy th(, in-MAt leHirleci . 'ill I '41innv .11111 I g-�, , I 0 I "MilsO fill', ecs for three Wdeks which resulted question and wake thpF nocesbory the,corporatiQn in block of 20 acres weatoth, $4.25 to $0.05, � .1. 1. I . � and artiatid' tA.9te When . � - rlohlglf, I W(iik i,g.ujIl.Tf 8 I At's (Ill. in great quickening to tile churell charge. . I or over, assessm0lat be fixedt at 45' ". gritish Cattle Market& . . . , you - A J 0 . I ji,1001) 11'.Tae ('Jl*lq' ,14,.-- ,Z8 . note the� quality, also Oompare W - . I -1, f "h0'(!- and a largo'Ingathering, ge�-ajjty Councillor Sackson made a f6w per cent.. reduction as - . . L iT- 4 I " A� I . I -kavddar,, ,,v -Nil present .as- LIVEUVOOL, oVeb. 4.-Yohn Itogleft I out prices with tpo 0 asked else. ,, , . � . " q o( % ill D111 frve persons Were VocelVed last, suggestionli about cemetery wit- sesmant such land not . - .... -'d1n6 A . where. . I ham gr;06 git ii-m-tv ed t +, be tv, c(lif Subbath and in another roe I . to' L 11ftJ & Co., LWorpooli cable to-dtqp that -� �, I 1� I ­ I . I S'ptio* ters. . del, linds entitIdd to rebate' ... 8'."' here was very little buslhew wansactot . . I '. . and of rw Ill ` ,% - '- on - - 1r)"irigOt'. service to. be held nekt. Sun ay, it The chairman of the propl�rty. 3, That the elerkboinstractedto tod in the 1110cenh(md. markot, and thel* 4 � _114 "I . I I e I I the theapelf spot "'n r1o" "' 1-i- ` '��'-%A` V� Od, 5 is oxpettod the number will b n'- tiommitteb made th6 following reiii, trepare a bV-IaAv fixing such .,asi,i, was it general reduction of ont-quar- . . ­ . 11 ". � ., I L . 14 Huro-616 bu.v all kind$ of "Ur'"Itu're. 1. Spring rikilig I -,§,�t I' 8 11. eola' orcaoed beyond one hundred. The port, which was earried,--�That an seammenta fot a term' M04, 6 years. ,tor cont per pound. * The undertono I , ____l. I � I ii M i i%)� - � ... A . ""-*-. 111011ce at I ,04 ­of 1( 11, %. I 11"HAIS. elimch is enjoyllig an eve Of 0,04t elattaft0e be mado froh� theii Council it was oved.by,Oquneillors G& - w" Weak, MO there Ia every prob-,` � , r.r;^, OVE & - vl I I I? S� I I �101 tl,o, 4,111) f 4"Ash or Rpoel) Ital . � It lit 44il oft - ppt'Ov pros aill trW IaAt M016tlao of Chamber through to the.CpWmitte,6 ibingil UJAckaon thatroport 01 :ability that thero will be, a aliglit, re- . . I ed JoNt potes 1­wi,,�, 5 t -pp (4-111, Pf" tho OAr I-tho treasurer reported 'voomt that the tAdVautagea t6 be Vin4ilce Committee on farm liods , � - "U"Y'" " L- -­ —IR , BALL ?I Y. � - � , duetion. Statoa Steers to*day m&4 "'" ' " "'' " I ­ I'll , � _. Y�M AP - - 1".11AI �_0_1,_ .,411, 4kilwit"100V `iV"JJ everything Paid and a bsils,aeo, of , gillned­b�* this araniany cotapAteci bo adopted. . . .Vom 12%e to Igo per pound. � . - �_ - - - "'111111m. T 011 1� . . . . . . . .. ­ ­­___ aud Win 46telAr Prispli . jetors, . $560 in t44 liank. I **th the 0011111,006t of the talAoi tk4, The accounts were PROK,64 $Ind j or- j ___t�� . . I I , . . i V . . I t, . I . � . j A L-- . ...... j .... ­­ ­ .... ­ . ... .. _­ ­.._-­-­­­.._­­­ I _....C_...._. ­­­ ---,.-.-----.�.--�...,-..-����--�.- -.-.-- ­­ ­_­_____..____ .-�!,,.--.-��-,.---,L�,-�----j,.-�-.�.--�--�"%-, . - ­ 1__--._____.__ _____._ - ---,----.-�,,���.".--�-,.-.,�..�..—.�.--.---. . ._M�