HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-02-09, Page 2dftLaasdffiLa� �) A- A ­ ,__,.jLX_ ,AIAIAL��� ,AA.&�, —A,q,#A%&&&d&k_12 I - , k_'LArw�­ .A. 1� I , 101) almkbh�.A _Al� -i,,.-,,,,,��,,Aie.-".."�.jk,-..,-.�,., I 'I - . ­ - ­­­ � .11 � I � I � I I.. I ____ 14� I - � 11 - -, %� larger number or farmors engaged to ___ _ . . 2 HQRB% W1600M. - , . - � I— ;Xq;WQPFM1W.M� " _1 om - 1 6� . - 41.rYlax- Tilt* pr4lit, bowover, b not I . I IN I 11 I . The problew of feeding and nearly xo large,noi does,kit, eveu up- SUNDAY 10HOOLI , I - 11 ,proximate the profit tb - I I .care of the borse is too Impor- ,at would be ob. , I 11 I . � . 1". I tant to It -aye to. average hired talned by the breeding up and improve- , � 4." � 0. jailor. Taut question of watering ment of the dairy t(erd, says the Kansas , 1� I , , Low VII.—First Quarter, For � � C . I M �_� -19 most Important and sbotild Farmer. This c4o, -be done most "o - I L . never -be trusted to Ignorance or tiondcally by the use of 4 pure bred Feb. 12, 191 1. '. L -, dairy sire. With a reasonable degree I k�61., �; " ,. .� "I'll, - . I chance� The owner himself .......... , ­ I '­?�"M .1 �, . �-cl .. . i� _�, I lf� . ., ,�` I "I'll ;.� p il should know how and when 11 . I , , , * 11 I I 1 1 , * i . , -11, I � .. �; , of certainty b6ifers resulting from the ' ' .. 6,��i,� , J. 1 , - , * I �,O�S,,j, � "7" � '.... . first cross -will produce two times as il, M, f _­ . I "I'll � 1- �., " , - ,� �.!�.. .;­�',,­. ,; '. ­ _` "". , each horse is fed. says the Farin THE INTERNATIONAL SERIE . I ., ! _�t . ��, ��L � . �.` ,z �7:�, 'S , . .. .. . . 4 ,4, �� I 11 . � ,,;,�,_ � I , ".. * , . I "I'll, �� I " . I - � " � N �� , , f Journal 11 i much butter fat per year with first calf I � I � I. . , ,., ,in Ignontut. Ill tempered, loud as did their mothers, and, while the , � _� The Mad'Ysa 1 --ave A.Ii,.ays Donglit, r. -.,.l V.-%J1,11i laas beext * Iti; tol- .� Improvement Is not so marked In the Text of the Lesson, I Kings xviii, 25. I . in use fuz ovc�r 40D years, Im.ij I- -, l, r t� volvell ill, Kbolild never be I.- successive crosses, nevertheless each , I ) V,<) f4i miuro, of ­ i '� ' t., Prated in tiny stable, cross should result In an Improvement. 49 -Memory Verses, $8, 39 -Golden I e, �r-,,v, 14 la -1. i N- � -*,-,I 1�nder 1119 per- �,- Do not neglect to give each Dairy herds the foundation of which Text, 4oAh. xxiv, 15 -Commentary , I " - _�­;�. ' .�,z_ .., t�ojir­l :;.::-c:--.' i P��,­ vo !�s 211A.111cy. - horse, a chance to drink tho- lwst arns. I . , �, Propored by Rev. 0. M. Ste . �e " / ­49��;�%` �', .1 have been very common cows have , A.L�)X;r 1.,�_i I_'. �1 .elroj,,04t !iit Uds. I thing at night, even If the . � � All Coalin(. :-.".,': ;, 1in;tn0-..-.2,-i .,t,..t 14k , -ii-goo)(VI-I'lilre blit, �.* wi;, ther Is cool. A -horse that Is been so graded up in tills state in a After ,Elijah's long sojouru at * . it period of ton years as,ito produce $00 Cherith a ,arephath the word 9f . ExIwrirn(,;,: � . *t:�,' j o-;.'%) v. it'Ll - _ I-, -r the 1?(�-altlx oC , ,!q -lit will lose In cop- � ­ '.1 , I, tY all ni tid '7 . I - Pon :" 1"anlid L.v � . . :-*--k, �-f`% WZ'..::. . '� A1..':-.-Xn.-:12X0at% * ditioll its com, rids of butter fat per cow, whIciii Is I - * , - . , , pared with one wq- the Lord came again to him, Compare I � - I . ,$� tered frequently and the last more than three times the amount of Iveme I and chapter. xvil, 2, 8. The . I '. I I ; thing at night. * . * I , , . � butter 'tat produced by the average " ,C - "--, ,�.l - � - � � ; I �.; I_ " . , . ., . . majority *of believers are appointed ,A) , T . - . . .. ­ j � � Irregularlt)"Oh time of feedlog cow Iii . this state, under the present 0 . I I � V"', W 1! .., ,.� I 41.9 . __� -, - - � . 1. .r , I I t glorify God lit a, very quiet, cow- . , 1. . 1. - * I'll ' -/will cause Indiges- method% . nionplace kind of life . i not often so I -t , 11, I ­ . , I flon. A little shelle(I �-oru mixed Who use of a pure bred dairy sire n r. so , . * "" �.'­ . .. . 'P. ' .1 . � Castor! , , ; : " , �--k . . . I �- " quiet a d lonely as, Cherith no , f gork. 1)*-, - ; f -.1 ; , f........ . . - 11- " from a heavy producing cow,warks . 1. 1. I . .. :0.:�,; 11. It ill N�Ith tbo groudil fepd ,you give ' lowly 'as Zarephath and yet very or - Cori,. � :-.i .-V.* -`,4-. ­. . _ , .� ." , � ,�[ Wir bor.etis will belp to keep I only the beginning In the building, up T I ". ­ . , I - :. .. _. 1. Y I . . . . . I . : 1, tbetilfrom swallowing their food I., I t A . , . , 5- . 1; dinary, May the thirty years of Jesus I . istibst,,,�t,t,. -_� � ; .,-,.,: I I j..; ­,.", ,� I . .. . � . I _ .. 1. .1 0? . . I .) . I at Nazareth be a great, encouragement. I . . I . too hist. ,.". � .., ! and ali..,.; '. '� ---i '�--.4. ;. I ', c � I I$ I ,. - to all such, ki. I zl - - I colle. I L rc.-:. .,;",.,(-k.- _.::­.;-, ,:-. .�& . '.. Ili) not put it handful of salt * . . Then, as to knowing whea. to move' , i., I . --'-'- Ill tho ft'vil box. Put a briek or ,!,.) � 1. . � I �', , from where we are, way the pillar �1 � � and Vlat.-.'i ..... .. _- '�- � � i -.!:14m.' --� I . 1. a ,� _ 111!111) of roolt sait In a colivvitit4t 1, , ,z See . . . . . I '�' � I 10 m � of clond and fire be our guide. . stoul.wh 1�?�,',. ';ov-�, ! �� ! , -, : .. , ". -, V* i� .N I 1. Z...,;; . . . :f I � � Vo 11�� vv. Where tilt, lior.90 rutly. -lielp I., !.- '11`% 22.-_��6.�;, Num. Ix, 15-23. nemember also that : - . M-; , . T110 Ch:: �'r �: - i' , i.',,.: -. - . , - .�- �!_­ �- . 4 ... - I - . I 11".w. -elf to It vVilt'll, her walits, it. 0: - ,.; , . 11; 1. " . � . . .1 I F -i; i,...914 .i. ..,.9,65- . I . A, I . � ll., .1;9. M, I when Joseph was sent to � Egypt wit4, !_ Clean -,tables .kll!l gooll Vjiiors,�� . *-.`.'Z".i-1i'F` I I " , . t:-_ ..;. . 1. . . I �, . ;�'. Xary. and the child Jesus It was said .. , . . � - - 1T �> UVV a ne(-(,s,,,,Il,v to sonivi feet ,_ , � 11. . . .� ;;;; 11 � - � - ( , "� "' ` * I. , .. , .. .... : g el . I G E L, U Ar i., L� I..... ,?a . . .,�, .� .1 I ."_,% .- - .. � ,� '-....: '. . . . . I � �4 � vilri le,gs. Few fartners give.the 4, I -, . �.. � I to him, "llo tholi there uhtil I bring, .1 . t� ,.,.;/ . . . . . . . I thee word" Watt. 11, 1�): No will but .1. I - r.. . . f, 16.umau(l I'velt of their horses suf- ,-., . ef_ -T-11- 11 -1 ­ . . . I His and fj prompt obedience to His , �:. � . __; k_�, . , . . "' N 4) - " _­_ � I V .1ent care. . ' , I,- _�,1_10 y 11 - .; (� , word will give us days of heaven -on � . . . . - IV I <1� � . I , . I � '. - � , '.. . . .;. � .: 0 1 - Ile Iflud but firm ivith the ." . ,,�, - .,-) jv. - I I . , . � I . - .<.� . . earth (Dent. xi, 21).- As plainly as he !; I /' j e: A, ..�, _.�i . - * F644 *11)(I tit, theill with stron., ,�) I . I I . . A,,.;; -, �,.�11; "' .., , .. . "" I � .. T hatters. ' Ulroun4 il6or box(stall"s A� i. - � . � . , was told, "Gpt thee hpncc� and Illile �.� . 1-17 � ­­­ , . ,7. , ,,_;n,�� . .1 44- . . . . , �;r .. 1�­­ ;.1 � '.. I . '. .1 � - thyself" (x.vit, 3), so now he is told, ; 4-P, . �,, . 1, aro twitt for' them. .C.Ire tl t I . � I . I I � ': ,; ,,� .. � .:�.. -- 1.,i�� 'y .,�. - I �i ., , - ;.) . him .A , "Go show Allyself unto Alin. .1, -.�" -P ,,�--%. .,� i.. . I ��.-,�`� 'I. b.11 We - . . y , "L � --,. - �. , , , , , �-,� a run InAlle paddock eri" title The illustration shows a fine,11ol. .1 _1�1 � , , %-;�_,,-. ,.:,.: _` ,;. �_,­,;�.,f�`i� .. stein bull whft won first prize at think of E zeldel, who--W1rS"t9�I(j, -"ArAc; . 4 e � ly 3k , � �. . .�; .7 � . , - . . f . . ,,�, day. � . . . I . 4� ,� - - , � I - I Ahe Winols State fair. Re Is a and later, I . � good go f6rill into the plain," . 3�. 77 , I '!­% , _ '? A a specimen or the breed, large and - - , --- ; . , . , r 1� 1�_^ '­'� "S , !,X , � � i . "14"('N... iA , F *14., -4 ': - 114H.,44 C.- .V," "Go shut thyself within thine flousell " , I i - - "11 - - , 'j . , - �, j,:! . .----. I "It' . Wizek.,111,22-24). Perfectacquibsconco, �; - t g l," V .' i h , ` - . wel �., . . I " 4 J ,� � �.: , � vigorous, with the blacli; and w .;.. 'r ! I, - -�_ J. 'i ,,. i. � ; 11 � �, .. 4.,j %, ,U .4 �11 41 a t � - . I difitributed. Ile Is. an excellent � I.., The I'M' �,jy,--,j , �1, -, V - . . breeder and Is good enough to head a4d unquestioulng obedience are the I.. � DAIRY HERD 101PROVEi"VIENT. . � ' ' .. _ . . most any herd. N I. .. . I . In Use P 01- 0 v --- b- ,'�,-100'1, , %,,,Jar.,-�% . ­_ . I I . ­.. . only way of ' rest an(] peace. . I T I . EcQncimyof Plire'Bred Sires arid Care. I I - I . � We 'are now latroJnced"to Obadiah, ,HC 0—TAUR COMPANY, 77 wunw,­�Trmrr. ojewvnaKrim , I . I . . ' , � 'I",- . . ful Milk Testing, of the dalry herd. It Is very neces- the governor of Ahab's house, a good . -j .' -_-_.,..,7,_.', 1 � , - ;. .11 �- - .' . . I- mmmPmx—v , T-il7vp-�.,7 7� 15,-.2-2, .. 47� zzasc-�,A That- there Is -prot-fit. in - tilliking- su�l, - which are mail in a held placii. Butjoseph, and 1 _�=E _ � , sary to kilaw these co# . . — ,, . - wo �, L . .1 - ' ' -_ - ' -j- - '- jj- ­ ` --- - - --Ii)aulel-wexa: sonit1w at- slinthirly sit - i . . . , . co%Vy -as are. found oil, the average - � returning it profit on the fee consjj�a- . . 11 :. I � � . . . . farin at this time Is_at.te,.;.te(I by. tho ed and the labor euiployed. 1i maybe uated, though ,they did not choose � I .�,% -, . . . . . ... .. .. I i 4 . . . that 01vel�y cow in � the Wrol Is � doing their situations. Whether this Oba. . . ; . � .. I I , I � I — . . . �. � ­ - - . --.-...-.- �-;;;;.;;;.��i;;..�------.-,.-,.,----. -11-.. 11, . . . I I this, but the chances are that not I more d-lah did or not we are not told. We I -"-- , ,=-. �---­-­_---- -;- ��, � . �. -1 I - .;.-- I than half,of the cows on the average are giaa to learn * that fie was the, . ­ . . ' , . . � , I . . . i farm, are -paying for tbeir feed find la, means of pre',;ervin- the lives of a . I . : � I bor It .these lie charged against ,the hundred prophets and, that he was a " !� dairy products of .tAe c"o man wha feared the - Lord from .his �, I Try a _50c. Bot t -1 e* ]PREE . W� It Is de'. Youth. His . name Wean§ '145orvant of t . I _ ..... . .... - 1 sirable to know which of the cows arg, � . . . I - . . . I . . . . - . I . .7ollorab," and we trust that as -a good . . I -, returnlng�fbe lariest profit for the ptir' L iserva, 4, weeding; out and digposing of � ut his. aim wa6 to �please .God. I I From Your Druggist: Psychine.. the great ritafiity-Buflii�rl pose o . *yield g ILI,, rather than man ?143ph. TI, 6), 1 1� . . . ,� . .-we cows Which are in � I -_ I . � , When 1111jah would have Obadiah (PRONOUNCED 91-1=N) - � I . � .. . . . . . . smallest profit, which way be very lit- - : . T, . . . I . . . . . I . 1 . � � tle.in e.xcess of the cost of feeding. Toll Ahab that lie bad come he- *as at � ­ " � Ai I . . . � . ' and I .. . � I .. . and 'which cows do not add to the val- fir'st afraid, but of tokward went, . .� YOU know wftt It would mean to us These white corPttsclesi eat arw germ': Now we don?t ask you,to take o *- ue " y . I so Ahab and 1011iiiii inlet, witil. the , i`� Vero Psychine eL preparation without of disease that gains -an entrance to-th werd ur . . of the dair . There - Is only one greeting. frOn 1lic, former,. "Art thou �1 6 . Jor the trenlendousl�,r bellefl:61a, , known. mearls 'of. det.erminlng the rela- ;�, . a definite, benedelal acUbri, ,body, when -they're &n ; large enough effect of Payohlne� Fill out tne cou. - he that tioubleth Isr.ael?" to - which � " . After the first bottle which we would numbers. and sufaclintiy strong. * ''Pon below, inall it to LUb and we'll give tire merit.of"the'r0pective cows, and 14313Jah replied that the gullt',was upoil 1, -buy, no more would be purchased. . . Your -druggist an order (for which we that 1,; by Weighing tilt, milk and test. . , , - i Arid we would go out of business When they're not suMelently strong, I . . � . . him and Ills father'.;-.1iouse, And with. : But we're not going out of bus ness, the disease germs ;devopi them, * Mul PaY him 'the regular retail price). for I= .. .-- . .1 � . . out further talk lib ordered him to .. . . . 3 � . 1. und our confidence thlat we're I , disease -hold's the body. � a 50 -cent bottlp of Psyehine to bb given ' ' Thcr6 ` Is, 'however, , a very -slmplib ' not' Is I . I .. , � � 1 you free of cost, _. . . . . ..standard of determining the relative gittlibr'. to .Mouut .0irmel the 850 based eupon our third of E) eentury's . . * * * . -- . . . . .. �, -_ . I ineritq, and that is'.bj,�.e�vacting frot-4 , propliets.who a,te nt­46/ebells table. .. I .i.� . . -We Vill- -undoubtedly.,buy. aud distri. ' *experience with Psy4ohine. . I . �, - --,- -­ ' �Ahab seems to -have been promptly . the cow a certalil, flow -of m1h, per C-1111-11 ..­� Itell Years after- -Canfederation--we- buts In.this manner hundrt#s of thou-_ . year, . and - to I �airive at - a stlindard. on obedlelit, -and s'doi) -Elfjah Is -face 40, � A , � . . I � , . _ ave w. th . commenced compounding Psychine. _; '6-a­nffs___0T_Udte-5V�dnTt1affes of Psy- *. ­ I.." " " '. 41 _­ Ith . a, j&"j*et&_,0X__j�a, � � -have sold many 0 Fn � chine. , � : � . . . . . iln­ f, Since that time, we ficien . . I . � this btisis it. is necess� y oil y to weigh, cltilllcllgw� theill -tit(], . . .. . . I . .find recorif the milir from'each. cow � a 4116 people. wit . .. I I millions of bottles. . . We . have not kn . own . ve � ry de I finitel I � I 1, . !, . . I � I t1w wArds- ­11ow-law, � � ­�. � Ve have cured many hundreds of - -we do that to. show 'it each milldlig, Thoi­f-,Irme' - halt ye bet*u . y ..And . our' eat4ra -1. r as a . "'10 . � .. , . ; I .1 . .. , ? It Jt�liovalt'be God -to Just how. . . . -et'lils stail a two opillians. . - � thousands of virulent and oftentimes . 4 . .... , �. , conlidence in this waAderfaI'j)repa,rti4 I beginner can s flaroji:" t; .3,000 , . I . - , . . . 1- Ty-, I—— - ­­ ­__ ­­_ "Ayess"o 0,00WOOFF10" I .. -, . �� . . . . . . 11 .A (� � VU45, 1 , � .. . __ ww"""4� * I - ;7 01 a Pi -0), '� ­ . . I I.... I � - - � �. 11 11 r I - , � rRiWA, ­ I C OWA __ �, I - I . pleftcTION I __ . "if, the most econom(cal that I It I you can buy. (11APt C, I$ I I I ,e V Halfatea poonful I WIJI make. a cup , � I LFAF'� . of Cocoa — rich, I � fragrant, nutritious - ".. ­ � —with the delicious " - -1-11 I flavor that ischaracteristic of 0owan"% . 11.1 � ­:Crli �ET,t;­',- " - - 1, - .2�.1;1,447.1,'. 16'15r� HK COWAN co, j.imj,rVp TORONT. ;. I's I 'N y"'.."o .1 . , .�,�,��,'),��,%-,,.. 132 . . � .. ac"40k4 I � ,.,. "I �� ; 11, , , , , - I . �__ - - ___ ��� . . I _Q��__-._ - �__ � . -, . � . - . — I . I GRADING UP, A Heart'Trouble - I . . I ' I Caused Pix4ness, Weakness . . SCRUB SHEEP FLOCK I and Smotbering Spells, �k � . . � _� . I . — I . I . . We ShOuld al�a.vs remembet that - Throrgh one OW190 or arintl I icr a large 114,111 gradt, -,beep cust no more ' to feed majority or the pe�)t)le ,are troul.,led, more . ,,nd keep thall the scrub,"atya, on the Or le.�z.,,,_._Y�41i, some form of heart trouble. t oreviir ifiere ,ire viel-1v lefir)le with hat. WMI; hParta, Alilburilla I! ,'� Other hand, we ultist not forget Wit I _Irt awl,XprVe 1. tile wool and mutton front the better ioin.,vvill i)o jounj to I-,& tilo jjj.)Sl,c.TcUtivo grade�, are tuore valuable. . aaol,�iac oil 013 ularket. � . - We way grado up our herd% by start- Alr.3. F.- Le.410 Crvi?, 11.1 Frij .A.ve., � l. ing with some good cormucit ewes an(] 1'rnntford, out,, yn he -s: f' it i-,�, wil It the ' . � it wire bred, ram at. tile head of tile '"o-tole.it of plcaQurot I wril'e yall r,tiLting, rlocli:. Ili startijig, such a business tile 0j- LO:Wjit I 1=0 lei'610L hy ll,.,inj L , , il � (ipman(is; of tbe, market, tile personal MiPmrst's" 11, ­rt and. Nervo ki.-;. . . ,,;,t�;'e!el,,,reiilvfi-1).,ixl�,!�:�i-i ii,iit#,I(-v,iiich de,,Iret4 orthe breedor and the,ollwatie i ,.ti,�:304 "i,1.:i­,..;,4, wv1l','.nf­-i a -I wiv.,tber- . I - and oth(v couditimm ula6r wiijeh the 1-;A,-� ,a)"lls. ­ . - I u;iQ I it gre.it (.0'4 lit I)r.!3, Nyorl� Is to be t1oue must be considered, v�i�!i..,(­.,110 bat lv�e`vvl vo henvilt. 'k - 41 Let tis relmit oil(-(.% more that ',that. f jwlti a'vis�,.! rICA ) In.- ". I . ., N'.-, of y')ur eTer . breed Is. selected the Ideal on6o' '%"V'% .10,'1119�11 I dil, (1-1 . t beffl-ril I 'h1d � j .let 1, ( set ill) stf,ou [d bg hold to ever aftdrwart1. I li,;', --e 1�1 % I fol" vi) 1111111 4cttvt� I , I eostliozp, I thcir [. -, ov i...'Idn'. 1'..'o b..?xv'm� �. Ill nuildlig future selections. Violent 11 - - . I Ill-'Iti.., r�­Inrltp­ I the'o I)illg to nay . . cliatiges are dunger(ais and should not (­­ C, ' , '* ie'iig ft"ll, 110'..Ut antl 'nerve ' " ' I be attempted uiile,*� tile breeder Is will- Ll.w.1*0if'.." " . , . . Ing �to take large. risks.. Consistent !,IiP)`ii'rti'ii 1Tf'­t ftnit N'ery I e Pills I are ' �� woric jrl jllese operations. will prove 5,; (e Lt'.4 per t.')"., (w ", for S1.25, tit all . - valliable,111 the end . ., (' , en'lir.", fir fw'ilo I i'i­o-t. 1.1y The T. Mil. - . . . We have often beard the ,question .bwji 0),, 1,�Ljxltol, Te,jr(;is1(;. Oat, . - * . . asked"Is it advisable to' use a pure ­_ � ­ ­ - - _­ __.._1--- . . I. I . . . . I - - .., . - .. I I . . . ... ­"�� . � I . _ . ­ I I I 11 . . W t .q- -urart ot willu. fle NN-vt ('all -11 ooltl I .. ,§F._*X0,f,. - � 1. . "W " 1 . . . ,,, I - . very (it �. � '1410"M Lsily, . ,�� .�:,,",�," , I I I . . - - . 14 I Q, �- f , . A eough lit a holy mo� w, �jij * Iri,lift- 1 5 " � I __ . .­­­,%­ .. doll -lit the throat (it, 11111gr,* and illay �� . 't � lead . to "ierlous re,4111N. . . . . . nr,00, - .� ­'.. ,,; ,;. ;,., 4� Ilog itoods blvi .v lllr� :)IV q pace � In. , -1 .. ."', , , - .1 .1 A .1i . ' 11 S3,� ­ _.. I -17.v tl , the . 'I � I A Nil ; I- I proportion to his �, 1! �,. ii f) t w44 11 .., !�:. �. I M - b6r.',e'oV the (1o)V, )'(�t ll�� j.,1�ljlj,jt 4--ftIll(I : � � . ON � . ,, . :j: �ii ........ ..... . . . �...� �.�t�,�!._ i%: , I r: -�..171,1:1 '.:..�� one I 17:�,;­,:_ - � � - , I.1, -Iwf--O,f-�fli�---(W.�pig�,uro-W.�2e-lvu��ua _ . t� - '. ­:.!i�;::�? �. - ��:ii*i: , ". _11'. ��i��. :1 � ';..'.;­.­-,-...T1!�1' , ", , I I... . . . .;:�.:Ifl..;.:!'"':.:�:!��',"�.:,.,.-;.;�:.;�..:.,-,.:.,:7�,:i�ii��� - !�,_ ��:�:�::.K- ��::% 6nd weather. , . . I , , .;,.�.,;..:.­1-;-:.;,�1q. . . � `­`Z`1�1'-; �:� , , I . i��i..-i. I , __ ---------- .. :...;Z�k I ..'....". WO .1. V., i"; I. ,11111� . .- . ( ... � , � �111 ., ��, _�:��;�:--�i:�:11�1'�.','�ii:% ,. . ;. , , . .. ii;:i�;Ii-,'i:!:�5:?.*.�� � -, . ,� .. �:�.,� .:.:: �, �": . lij�i,.,., , . .", .: , 1. . . Liberal Foc�:ing Pi)�s. ;...." ... 1. ::;" :�..; . . 11 s,,;,-�. : ", I I .It never pays to "i-migh" steek ­ .�_ , � ::j - I- , �_�IXZ..,­_:�.6.;:'.., 4��. .-.; '. ,:,�,� ,,1,4 ��,"�­ " , : : I ., ; ,� ;11 I.., ; _- i , .., I I . , d- . -�, �.` . brougli tit& whitcr. "I'lle bpst N.,04 . I " :, . . " Q1. , I . : :: ... ;:!, .,� 0, _ .. -1. I tbat-can be put oil all'y anfill-il 1.1 the . . . ...." '" , ` . , . I I � ���i .......... r .-.....,...._,.: "... " 1. �. - -, "' ", "" " '' ,:..'' � .., : ". ; 1. � .:�. . I __ . , . " �. -, . -pn -(�jp,,,Ijt ,by , _ , `­­` " I. - - .. .. , . . . . . . . �._ ..., ­;,�... ,. . ....-�.,�!!**,.'.-.-.-.-.-.-....-..'..'..'..'..'..'--,-. ---%.-.-�-...�, 1,-_-,-,*�,��.,­.` � . . � :,.��..,."."!..*.,..,...*..'.,-.,. � baby Wer. It, ljos4 1)( it. .� �...,, . . .... . .. .. . . .. 1. . . �. . inally fill-wors" thnt It is it, hialrol, of - I . � Photo by ' , . il- I I I I American. Press. Asqociation. econom,y,to 1.0 ,11 linfilial".tIlhA141) (lit, . . .1� . .. . , I . .. . 1. . �' . . .. � I winter. And then R­111plil w!f 11, the tild . � Shropshire ,sheep shown by'Henry �. , of pasture Ill tile sprilig? T111.1, ht;w� . I I Wardwell, Springf)&1d Center, N. . ever, -simply..sel-ret; to svt V11.1w.1-10C * * . __ 1�,- 4—�­ , - '. .. t * -AI­r_AV&�'cu1u.Lq4_fI-t , I !�ud bag ndver beeii fou-nd *io it, .. J. I . . a�__ I id qecona kizois,'.for A-inerican-' � . .. . . . . 1. I , . - bi"e( CA�2 - Ifi-mbs and two prt2.qs for . ' . I - — I �, , . . iA`XMT).%,, alsoflrk4ni, -got o 'tilre, ' .. __ - ­ - . , I � ..* --.___-r , � ,. % � . .._ �, ; . Ile alsrf Won the' Alueylean s ocl4l , , �. i i . 9 1 1'.1 �� '. ;, �" ., - ,tti.r�lr clmllell�-e . � .. 10, �. . . I .1. _ prize a.nd Ile. . I . I., . , 4 . . . .. I . � � � I-,. 1"CA 49 I= . .. . I 1 . 1. ____=W_Xkq� __ - --------- __ - . . IL i2s prumiule Til'ar 11'any or ,tile -_ ------- -_ ­,;, ­... -,---- ­­ .­­ k�14 I 4jj�UW.�.t�,'�-,"�,' . . I . . of thousands of unsolicited testi- the white corpuscles and theirstrength- 'on our 30 years' experieac�"'jt�­'- tilts amouilt-Is- not profltdlyle� for -obilty , . -it,, %v(n- gl-veii by I hose. who Lit ve . I ", 1. . . . monlals. . . . . I . . � . . 101d prepai w ,this . . I Ifer'plave Ili the herd ' �Peoplp woke.,lit (Ioti4t ifl)out 14nal. hias- Is.the a -, - . . 11 '�' I . I, _,� � . � These.-cortal3a harb4�are-lndorporated sple, , -at!Qn, with a full know. Purl),04e.`, '"- -M11,-1T=-1s­h,e­-(I I -1�14") 1-4-A I ,-on'-thom-im - frli,d it. Thg-re ftre Utility things to' so . . . . � . . - And we have grown from a amaU in Payehine. . - :L , . . ]edge, of the It ildreds of thousands of, be filled bY-tl..ec)V%1 which Will illeut )I'--- mleai7�0-rrz t tie. � 'Nboiop _110,; 1 ila'ss , _'iind it � - . - ., ,, I . I . � beginning to be one of the largest pro- � . - . . I . . u . . I . . . -red ,stad n eratj I r their - olstres.s..* Tile proposition that . . . I I .. . � � I ­.- I � prietary manufacturers In this coun- - . cares it has .made, . . . the rogul ... - . dard at. -a - I* od. . . I . might pay Isetter,to begin and work, . Alti" I . . I �., � I We cD to the: ends of. the eaAh for - � . I . ..Wir. � . I � . (Ile.v atiol Illijah,.�Ilotlhl em -b prepare'a . .1 . I . I . I I � I I I - 4- .,u ,;� % I- 4 4 4 . I � I . " e. I . . ,4T., )p en'.. i v- '-.';-.r , i.- . . . . I jv. . . -. wArat; a, o saouta Aruer-. Hero then Is proof that we have in 1ca, to,phina-and io Japan; . . : � . . . . to (Psychine a preparation with abundant They are compounded In the most 1. and demonstrated effectivenessi more so costly chemical appliances In this coun-m � . than any other preparation we, or.any- try. . . I . I . . � -1. . I one else, ever beard of. . ' � * ' . ­ e . .. . Here then Is the. reason of our unal� And the result Is � Psychine--for "a � terable confidence in Ps�cblne,�that it third of a .ceiatuty ,the most eftective ,� -buitiler the world has known. . . 4s ju fact the greatest preparation of vitality . . ilts kind in the world. . � -1 . . � . The one preparation tba:t.b.g.s cured , I - Here then is why we have Inaugli-many thousands ,of the .following dis I rated a policy of actually buylag,hun- eases: ' I . . , ; � - I dreds 'of thousands of bottles of Psy. � . - - .A,- -I . . I. . p . , chino to give to those who should use. La Grippe . . � , � . Bronchial 'Pougliq * . . . . To those who are blindly groping Bronchitis I � Weak Luop - , - : i In the dark Ior relief from their .1remorrhageo. - Weak Voice ' . � . . . . misery, who may perhaps be ugi4i; Soro Thmab SpringWeakness ''.' wTong methods to Tecover their health Anserria - I . .karly Declln6 . - I , 11 � � and their strength. . . FernaleW,eakilew Catarrhal.Affectlons . ,. * * . kaigestion, s- Catarrh of stonlach . I * - Poor Appetite ­. Nightsweats - . . . , . . LAGRIPP9. - ftMs and Nevers - ObstlitataPoughs . - 1. 819eplessn" and .LaTyrigitiA aiiii, . ... . I . The greatest and i-xitid effeadn jqorvous Troubles Dyspepsia . ' agents for the bodily health an W ,Mter.edrepta of pieuda,' Pneumonia &nd . . White c%TWdkX6Vha9oc7tel� , . - . * I^ Grippe .., . . . . . . . . 1. � � I ,� 0 . I I I .. Clean Milk P.a 6 sott. , 1-9a(-VMQ0 Mill Ill(,,, ol:�'Cldo upon tha.Goa ' - . . . . th,'It 8110uld ,111-INYvi: by fire conituended . , .,­ �� L ... .­ , � IF � handling pure twed rinituals.if we hnpe� .. �. . ' I .., ILI U14 - , , . I � , , PR Fm, - * ` . . ys . .' . Good ii)ilk, elinnot J)e prodilf-pti in a . itself to t1lepo,;ple, and ,ull the people to accomplish the inest ,,ath,factory lm-. sults. It I-, it thisiness, which 'it is be t" . . .. 1, I " - - . . . * Si,;klleadal:h6a.d�'.-�l�ieve�41tlie tionb7eallicl.- ' . ' filthy barn.' ,rho barn sbou)(i bp scrit. I . . I . . l -all."weved and -11(j, "it Is %rellspoken", , fit-. as Ili 'tliv lonrglii, ­tjit� I I . . . tol. to grow Into 01,111 to go,into. The . " , dent to a plijous state tj tho syst�qjj, such as , : , . DIzzInOvs, Niuqta ProNvsluoscr, Distress after . . 4� I plijout5ly clean. alld 1hp InIlker slimild. . hure elotbeR and elcan Illinois. w(:r(i , , - , ­ ls� good," 11.11111 gtivo 1110 prp!)h6bg (;f best 'eild'safesi plati is to* begin,at the � . . eatlhg, Pain 1;ffiff�bLlo, �.' 0. While thetr most" . I I , . .clean . .Von expeet to build lip a trade In ..If* , . . . . � .. dittry it willTay I� , , I . . ;.I'll t nsl I): 1pilrt ull! i -,V, ILdd, Il.lvfj,g lie � I I . � prepare I (I f1l(iIr,!--'a,-1,1lj(-e, we see 1110111 . bottolti and graqually worV uit.b�- gly - . Ing speo-fill linelittoll to -it'very detall; , . .xeivarkablesacc-c��aliasb('L'116fio)ynincurini; ... . _. � . . . . . I . . . "'' I - . . I � . , � . 1 I 1, "' h!1,14 I I jii� - K pioduct,;; �ou .tt) pro. . . . ­ . . . frotil 111ohl'"19 I'llill noolt. and from -it x's, not filke loilK to brill" Q, poor, dt'. I.. I. I * ,,li, ... I *. 1�_ � . �_, _0 I ,,S,§r duce �lean'hajk: . i . . ­_. - .. I : . .: . � � . . � I . , , , -noon until 1,1v tlilioor tilt, evonllllgsa�- rj,WIc to a higit s ,ttiiidard.?�t tile silum ' ' -rls " 11 readaelfe, yet Carle Little Liver r[116 aM . . �. . .. . . . I . . . I I . . . . . I ...- I : . — . . . I . , i(i - 11 'lij i'llive c it ') - up.01.1, illuir.-gods, F. ah. t1me.flieAndividual slicep breeder Is.. , "i, . vittly.vall,:Illlnin(on-itil),qtion,.ctiringaiiapro-.. t' ',,,?,. . . - ­"�, ", I inthigifirsannu . P .: voinli'lah-A, NY411L, they also, , , . - , � . �:1 . 800, NOMY!, , DF- DAIRYING 1�;,111 thow I . , g, _ (.in N00.1, llh;�"Cfy aloud, - k . , . I ' ,fU6 , - Ills 1alowleago of tllE�-� litiVilgilletrilig - I . '(1liv, l'iiv( Ired fe.edin,i, 'I I,- . .. co. ,,re�titililik�,.rtle,t4(.,eil,lostc,,mtz(�,h, s,�j.�jnlatetha . ' " I'l-Aeava,T'Vilatc the 1)o%y0s. Lvvrt If Phqy Oull t �. .. i . . . . . � . . .. . . .. � � . I . , . . � . , " I . I - ju�, is :V god, . Elithcr. lie I.-, 1:11111i 11" . .� , 4 - o?I; he 11,101, a. p1jr.suit; or lie Is , Ill a ,itions' ) -In ., weet ., I . � � . - .1.1d. " jn� . -it care of.bis 11 � gvnen "'k.'s. .110 '.gu I . Carla , � 1� I . � . I . - , .1 , 1�= j 1 '4 . . . -1, F - � .. - 44 R ' ' .� �! . I N - � . . I I I 4 I F ' 10 R, ha' Provides - Most Profitable .Market. 1:�or I I ' * j* I ottriley, or lumtolvoillfire Ile, ,;h,,Q,)eth W.W) gradti.a.11y. -voin n higir, gia(lo - . . . � 1 . ,. . � � .V � . --,I � . � .� . . . . I �:,' -1, .r. - - I. -, � - ., - i . . " Farm �Produdts;-- - . - '. .. itua � roVakcil." . . - Lulust: �L But,' altliougll. to a puie bred flock. 'When the &biiu;,,(., I .. . L . . I I I Ache they i)-milti Ife ni mn�-.t pjie(Ij( I .. I �. who ... .. I I ,The dairy. is the econoulle.need of �-.. . tlio.v qkviod ajoitul nuil,cut, t1lowqeives .. from-brpeding bigh,grados. to 'piirp . . . � I 8',,Avrfl-omtlil,.3t,,I�,tr(�.Iii,ocoz Pan i'l! t. , , h . ��. I r �ror,. 1i,,,,.i (,,n,,.,, Wit . flY6 sma-I I farm. -In - A41t, the, prQVQr- . ' 111) ,,lpjjle(I; (111,, tiler , * t1tv blocid t, e WaI4 breds is gradbul'just as much �;uccoss I ' . ell( k, ., Ill SS' - � : ': � ��lla.11.11,11�lt""I'ttylitur.1-1 - ljlj�f t I hrt�d li :I I ill', Ill-: V I , . . tion, �jlat land beco . Ines Molle -scarce I ,�aluos We: , 1 . . I , -, .11 . 1.10 .. respon.,4e Ivilaturer. tylle; , -ould I -1 - q .puro - sliquid be a W in ell . Ili: . g rowlll� . ' . .� I . . nbl(-, Vo11­trVv'.1.*, 11 thoi 11 (it he NVA. . �. I , -at- .I , U r (" . ling 11(j, clo �fit.,- . I . . .0 .!� � I al bi and land advance dairy-p6j. . . . pqmes it- necessity, tiihO da-Iry COW;J3, * . thIllic, tll,lt tilt, *fj(,j.II. u w6 I(] I -ire - . i. ..done 'e I . solliething 'to vnebura- * lil.w. derotecl bredsas.high adeq� . I . . gr. . :. . .. � . . " � i ,,, .. . I : ... * -11 ­­­­ . I . - , , �j� I . . � t. - - ; . , , , , I f ,!" " � � . 11, . ��, " " " 2 . � - 1�,!Ik�z, - C, 2, the most ecoll6infeal pwducer of* hu- ., . wor'shipers, but t1w baud of the 1:0rtj � . , '' , . ,,, �. ��' . � P, �A* , � -.11 . Lz,�' 'i TE. : man food. . 'After all,' the farme - r is . . Is I . mil.k.11,11ve rostralavd-bilil. , . . , .. , . . ft Wis.do M., �' I ., o , , - �. .. . . . � . I 313 the barre of so I twiii? -es that'hol-c 1, - . . , � jj,, .4 �Fbere .only. ctigaged,iti the prodii�tjon of food' I . I . � -_ , When they liall jjIj(,j*Ii�`fajIcjj tilti:11 - . .� � . --- I . . I .. , . . . . . I . ­r-lu i . . . I .- . , ,%V(I.Iil,xi�o(,tti-t,reatbu'L�Lt. ,0nrjAllbC11r" .. � I pit n U1110 - - othi-ro-la ii, t . . ., . . I . : .. ­ . . . . I . . I - I , � . I . . �. . � . , . . ­ ­ ________­ - I .1 - ­. ­ I- . . __ *— ----.-, --�-- - . for the buman'tamily,.says tile Ka � n- I � I RIIJah'sald unto',ull tho.iwo0e, "Coin e . Oem. wmalix-tutt�ds cno 37"iwer - - , . . . . , 0 - Carter's Ll itle th-or Pills are - . . I.: _�. . Wrycaryto , I . . very suirill ariij I � rign';aild 110 gs fIrst. . . .� . . .�. ___7 � . AI' ; . . I . . . . I � � . -�-_ , sas Farmer. -Dalrying supplies from the.. small farm cheaply a - .. . Ilvar vilto nic 11 W�tll what interest I I . ��, I . - . I The tj`1% C)"(1,�rt%i�il�)IIIiiii,ikukt(l(i�e. . I . Frozen Alfilifil Illay !�, i jV it, a. F-trl,-fly % ....... �toi!a 11'7,1 d not j­`J�e or . . a , ill 11 1109 US well. ; purge, but I their 1�.. �,�_-- - " I I I - - _. . - . .highly �Coucelitrated' food product.which*,al- or perhaps Ili .' . 0.1111(iii-Ilelice they innst ljjl,ve� *%Vatelle � . q, � . -, , . - .11 . Ccuuw o4cojon ( sv. It Ig 6stu Ty indl- , ( 06"'110 . , . ;?1o4:4LLWi %vto. . . ok .it ooAr. or It it it'' . ,in. . , . . I I . , 'I, �, " 1. - ,. ;. . - . . .f. :�: ft __ ___ �_ - - �* ", . I - � ____ �_, - ft � . . . ways basi a aculand and which lie- I , - -mand is liffected less by tile Ifiletud-, a 11;0�. ropairing or- tile nitar� of th.b I,or(l, tile pjachl- of, . � s, ililit � ge, t I . � I . . i . ri�3T�rL,�!��ftDI41yg,c�.§,nwvozL� - I A. - �, , . ` . I , � . 11. . L . . . A .. .. ,.k 1141", ("I 111")t Sj-­ , -,1j1f(.1l,fijMV I W. ; UR SIM 'b 11 '_ . �_ .. .1 - � ­_ . 'andiflous- t�j'cjve t'tolle,. ti) fopfeselit tile twelv . e � 'in I . . . I A., . . . I . N, " &I'll I bw ITIM I - ��� .� - � - _-7- - __ (ions of .finalucial n.d cU-. c 11 . 'in- fi-lbes; tll(.A* dim0n- of.a. trencli and to- I . . .. . . -L -1 -.-- _ - �� �, _�, - , , ,� �,ft!��,_(­._ - I ­ . . -_ - - - , �_ - "I , , . : �_ - - - , . Made, conditions than ally other " I . .tIl,11 t110 P14101114 of -the'savilifice (in the � .. . . . . . 1. .. � I . � . __ _ _� --- - . M, " I — '. ___ - __ - . . 1 %A f .5 � � �_ dustry Ill which the farm6r ca . I I 11 U11, � ; �wood! If tl ey 11 id beoll "at till - Indif - .- -1 ­ : ___ _ . I I - 11 - i 1 ,,, � ,4 . I . _ - . 1�129 1 �� '­'� , 11; . � AFM�� _- — I i �' � ­ �1_ - - - . 0 - .54!c._,�,j­, �_ =-- - .. I Tile torn- gage.. , . go crops and graink . ­ crops of the farm cannot be,�soI4'at . . , so gretif a -profit as when, tad, to: tl.le .1 �fereilt 111) to 1111.� thile dwy would stirf-l' � I I 1. , - ly be amazed at'thp threofold drench ... I . : I . . I . ow . I I . 2 N . 400` OL000131 AINTIE" . I I � I . I. . .=;i ,Z:-- . . I ?,� . . , - . t Wmet! . 4=144"16 . 1� ­ . 1 4002;), 1 . . I I 7 - - 11, . . - I . . I : �' ,� . . . - . . I . . . I - (k 'Ilry cow and that pr(toluct sold in ; : ' 0 in the torn) of inlllc'or r6 '. for imtfer , , , eevivVilirg with I I . ' 1. . Weivoi barrels qf,wator lifittl ovtiff�the trefich was I . 1. filled. Now-, Nybat eould fire. � �. . I 1. . . Ll . 11 '' . . , ­ . . I � I . . . . . I . . I ULCERS, BOILS', SWOLLEN GLANDS -HES, � - - . I - . . . . . � . � ... � . I - .. ­ - I : : ­ — .: " . , . . � . so . 409a, . 11 , .or cllce�e, iltakfug.. � - .... :1 I * . . ' -(16 even . - . . , , ­ if4t,�(1111110? Lietoti,how tb..I,11L� Imlyer . , ,BLOTC - PIMPLES, AND ALL SKINAND BLOOD DISEASES . - . . -.1 � I . I 1, ,. . . - .. - .� - . __ .1 d � .There are- many� Instances. in which . tbo,srn�rtll fitriner with eighty n&esvof . or 0 ) ' 'Iftiv.1' . 0 s(,H 31', '17 �, j, uti;ered illstilut- - I '.jilt . . .. . . . . ­..." ... . ARE COMPLETELY, CURED BY '-THE,.'...' ' . . - �. ,, - I . ... - . land or'ltss, wlt� a berd.of ten to (If- ly .,IdwI,,*, '�Iqvl not oecupy Iral f f . I . ;,; I .� . I . � . KEW -METHOD TREATMENT -. : 1�* - . . . . . � - "I'll I, - 'is realiv 11 -1 Milli. IRV L.110 ot the Lord fell, . ,� ,� ,� ,� , I ,� ...... ...... � QnMamf '. - ­,�,, I teen ,good cows,' ong a. lftrger . - . , 't - --- I . (19asualillf even file 'Aw4les and tile , I . . � I . I ftsh 4 -L .for a lierlod-of I .r I I 1. . c income I)cv i -qr . I , I * . I 7�0;gjj . ten years than 'ilre the faripers with dutyt and the Av-� , I . ' ,:, � Id ` Wilen'tho lif.'-pid". s;jAr it f,ll(,.rlr. fell on il, avr in ti i� tr',�licii. , -' ­ This Feeding Floor Cou -56' " EvAlf in The K throe, or tour jimes as illuch lan . . I I � � . � . I , . . . � . . . . d d(" th.11, f-l"o;3 and Fviel., "Jehovah, 116 N, :1 and it would lielp greatly �o prc�erwc the condition - , .arca and built th" Vail, would pay. for itself next voted exclusively to the iproductiou of '" . � .. . . . I . grtillis .for' sale. I I . I .. I ti,:". Cod!. 'julloov�J11, 14, 10. tilt.* -Geolr�-, I of your live stock in the Spring. , year. Concrete is the only- 1. ! . I I I 'r1l,%u,. lNi 'th. Ill - -ophe .1 , * . material that cart - be . . .. — I .*,. ,d till ih( pj �tg .of . . � 4very farmer knows that in the - Spring o I . � , . , . . ... . .11"."I III-Ew."It 1:1 1 . 1,-'brool: KI. -hon -and � year his barnya-d is almost bottofilless. . I . .. . ---I i. Sheep, Nood Room. I ,,, i* I No' , r Ot f -the - used in this way at a modetate cost. . - ! � it I .'-;% N,o oi­,� tm,vapeol.' Aliq�b I The, live - , Will you''ask. for your,copy of the book (14IN o "lleep -plenty oe'rack"rooln. , "' , . WhIC12 we � I V.4 ;,:� 1,11z') I-) s,�.'; Ond th;7lL, and- 11".11julk ' i i� I stock mire down � into the mud and almol;t; float . I. " have prepared for. you-"'TMat the:1F,a,wj ' Ca Froin elgUmn to twelity Inello's slioiil� _v..."t I.t. ,,I ,."Iii� i!!iy,;-f -0irnitti-4�) tiray, , - - . I around -greatly to the detriment of their pliysical � cr '"?d' -bo allowe'd onob 'slwt�i). Crowding and 1", 1'. '. - I I i I-1!jjv!!'i,, ;,niviv for lire that � b .. . . . Wil�z C01.1crete" ? ' h's fxcd-and, take 'our -word for � vattilig to.got at.the feva will I . . . 4, condition. I . . . � � . ortbn . . - 'I it 1,11(mlhb would , . " . I � . �1!4 0:0% ( ly wn;; ", I . . I � � it, you'll find it 6ne' of the most inteidst- oxaisg, abortion and othor.,,orlonj ti-oni "...1j,),,,. ; I By building .a Concrete fcc*ding nQor .in I ' * I . I I ­ � . . . . I . , , I - '?)iL.,.l) jli'i asked, � , All. . ing picc'es of such literature YOU ever. I It', es. 1 . I ,%i�lwolj' rs ( , 0 . , . , 1. � . . /_ ., _ . - - * . � 1.1111,*.u." "to! I'lliviolf Lilt. to N. lmqwn �, Ahe yard, this trouble t's don6 away with. .*..I ' ' I .. � . . . I . r. 4 I . - . 40v 5 41 . �.. . react. And profitable, too -because A � I . � . , ,11 !!,. 1,, -rd%.- ...,rvailf. (%"31%(,.%ir th" i I A Feeding V loor of comparatively - smal.. ... . I . �.. A 1, ?� Will save -you mo . nay. . . . . Dairy Noto,. .. - ,; , I,o�-(l-­r;-.-'-4,r1I1.t I.N. Cj�t, in Lm% In. L'!� I , 1�, - . . -1 - k * . .- . � . I I � . -,� I . -�.-"_ � . ., , . I . . . - *1,; I 11'."'."ll. ,.;,j,'_'3: 1'. Vl;;,�'11. . . . I " � i.. . I � . . .;! V!, N 1.:2 . I 11 - � . I . . ., , 4 .� ation I , 11 !. " .11, - , I i . V.Voly (11th"y . r. 11111st dolu'lld '� ii. I - r"I I 1­�!vo uo -d )ij")t. la!it tho ,, ,!� 11� 1. _. I. I . -1 � I .1 - , . * - ;! ..... I .­,­ I - . *!, * !'�-i " -, , '. I.."'r, ,Mqm I , .% hill; tillo:.ol the provalling ,)rlqo t.u.-I'A ov t,f .511.0 _lsl 0 !) :lo."J"J." 1 11�1'1'41.­­�', 1 11� -�.. T; "i 11 I P:. ok, �,� ". . - , . � ,tt, .14011h ,v , I'll -� , -,:;,�,� I )") I � . .1, � ­ � .'I '?�,; ; I I I 0. 1.1 � 1 I -1 :...,, � - �;, � �,__!.,;,,�,_ . ". . . ­ I �'., , :,, I "� 4L�1'1�� - ,,�. . ., �­­ I � of f(%V(1,4, - . .. .1 I . ,!v- t,aliw I-,-0.-,- "'.%. fl*,"Id (lit- !414� , �, �*,* Ill � ,. 1�4 I I , 'deu re"whill., o A to tilt, l-;..-r41"(.i,, . . . I III 1,4 thn g(!lIvral avoraf�% bf tho bei(I 1, ! I , - ... . 1. I . I I , �, � , �; .. "o t - - 'I '", ,4F4 , " I "I, I that (lovilleA the 111' , Wit '11A. not t1lo re. %v',i,, -a .1,t4 of., Ting '%Vw,� 11311�1,� 11"ll.- 4 . . I..; . ( I %�ne, !MCEXIM commeng COCO$ 1,11,13,4 fro'll 1".'ar V,'o .111 Ito eowalwl�A %V1111 ,.�,111,11 .. : , I . I I V3110 or two of 411,13 best I ... . . . . . If I . . , lod .1. 1 tiLutioa . � . coav�,. lAwt-'1-1 G . -1 ghill ,mako, it mauve,,;t . . . . � � .. 1. . . Wedr,sireto-call tho attention of all those . .;. .: . 'afiiieft-d With aliv Oloaa or Skin Disease to . . Oill' -Nov? Mothod;rreatmerA as a guaranteed �. 11 .. .0uro -fur tlit'so coniplaltits. � 11 here 1,; no ex- . , I 11 . I ctisef<5rrtuypt,rsollhttvik,rKn(lisfI rLdfaeo fruill erttlKlolis and blutchm ��!110 nuittor � . VIiether beredilary or nequirvd, our spociflor rairiedles and ik,annihic Leutralizo all poi- . . - . I ii,ma; Ili tho blo,),f attd expel thf-in! froin the 11 tw.., tv!in. ( lur vwit e�;pvrieiive In. the treat- . . %�Iw,Wor thoui;and.,4 ot -tho most; 'scrious and I . 11, ec-nul-4161tt-1 raq,q. (inalsles its to pvrfeet a �. ... . I ,Lijl*i.,%�-itl!,lt,t(,-�lit�ril:;(�tttiiig. Wef16Ijll8IijV,�,,s . Oil th'.1 1,1311-pjig, Only. for the nonefft You .. . � , ,Derive, If 1-u kavoany bIwol dJ!,wi;,:e, Coll- __­.. 1, I will till Free* qe'char�o nnd lot u 1, 9 PININ14 -to-- - - T:---, - N'.11 11mv oillieldv our reniedim %ill rt-movo . . .. ., . . ltlli-�"i�l�-rit-L�.,;(,f,!.11!-t�.1,4p,.q Unflei'thoinfluenen . .. . . 1)fAll- Ni!w Method Treatment tbo 0(hi be- I . . ,001116-14 (111,11', ulcon;, paujiliq aud h1oh,hes I . )II -al till. f.11lal"1v,I;?,l;�1) !.,; an4 1,01111ved, fall(, -II I I . .blit lvlir m-owq In mnlbl, the qn% beenrile . 1� llrj�,�ht, till; hi dwn!vdl (-.!t.rj_n" rt-turit, and tile I yk-thu roalPzesa uv%v Jiro has opened ill) 'to 11".111; I . . YOU CAN ARRAF(I ,!' TO PAY AVTER & 11, I . Y6U Af,1E;ClJltED . . I 11 . 00X$kULT.;Vrl0N,r Mr, . � , � I , Sella 16r pooldet on 1)19�awa of merk * - . ., "THrIGOLDEN MONITOR" FRFX. � It uaWc �q call, welto for & �quostlork List I . � . for Horno TreabacA �� A : , I . � . . . I � onfal WW Dring .Tt pr6l3ibilly . 51-00' Natiolkal nnnIk 110"I't E'vlory laittivinahlie sliolild havo two thalL zk,�:,lvi live -,I. , . U�l . 71, 11 ,,, `t� -­:,:,�,,,�a'-­ ---- -- ---". — . , .. ..� , . � 1�11, �, , � I 1, . , , . Y, .;-, , . — . .t ra L -j" , " �v " -. , I I .1 . � � ______ . . . - - -------- - , Lad, blo"Im-AL the other to help i, ., 0 WE _`_X, ki ,*ZyZ rK rdl 9 EWF C�y . . . I . � . " - . . . " ", �7 . 4 .— . , ...... v""'1111 �.­ "­ . � , . 4111114.."011o to Illn!w 1110 bost but"Or rtn& . , I K v_Ee � ' L � � , - _ - -"- 1!14 j).ltr01l',4 I)VOduce '. ow I , I I . . "., ', I I I , . . . ?_v ,,�.i ; , t,%Mn-1;j,_-. . � . I - ' , i'', tp ­T��,_ ­­­.- - . *I the be'd croMil, 4 1 "I'l-v fl.;�!,. ai d �11611141 havo gonix . � I " � � . 1r, . . ",""I'll -­ . 't.11%. -1 w ":--.. _��,_=,�_ . - ,� I Cor. Mlch* h Mo. and Griswold St., Defroiti-Mich. , . . . . . . � ==Z _�' . 011o 1"'IN-naing"o ..11104. I;P(�ong'rect .!�,, .11 Ii.r. L 1-; .� � W . ; . ... ,��-­-_.­� .� I fit 'i, "-oo(l*.N I . . I— 11 �� 11 �� � _., z:�.___Mt�_ , - _ :�! _r��._?. . , -Ili . iirfiwo :, .�-,.,7_"k 11PP . .r All lettem fiont Caunda niust be iddresse& � I : --___,__��71 - I -,Is or Iho Illd vi,111,11.4, of t1w llord 4I dra ml. I'--- , --,-,],, - " -, P -, _­_ , ­ I ­ I— 1- ­ , ,, 1. . ­��- '� . f ,F,5 . I.. , _____ I'l I! ��P, ill,,, !Jyw� 11 .111ANIP it IMM I'll' 1 ,�.��., i , ,4141adiall Correopondence Depart - I I I 11 .,,,� .� _1�1 . . to our I , C- -_7, : % iA�r-t-,-1­-_/,f, W -,-,r.4 _, 4 �V �, _ " , , L -1-1 . .1 2_ C I - ,_4j�'. 1� � . '' li'v,-t,�C%0 , e , �, �;, - . 4 .__ 1�4� Z� ,,,,, " 1, Y � t� - . . . - �� -.,%, \1 , -);- i _7,��, — - ImIll"ovi-alvilt ill'tt, tnIces �; i.,,�, -r , w:* -niv-1 W.,'-4:1,.4I:-j�,.. In livilly 0==r_1A,�=_'-t luk-lit in Whittier, dilt. If yoil (106re to - . L I . ". X.10 � 'v",j), -,V-,! , ,.�'. - ,_ -von .111 th� . I-, . I -, ,�, . ; I , � - * . - �, I , , j, P., , 1� '.,.�P�Z7,;) D',� .� I � ,,�,,Z.1))\­�V,,'��,, . , . t .", ". , � �";; pitivi% fnaill i , . .,- " 1;._,,�� ,,� N � .... , " 1� I yeir-t ) ,%f�nr. 1"I, � -,, kill-in-ty InAolvo*a gl'ont deal see uq peri;onally vall tit our iledical Institute in Detroit as -we see nnil treat zf�K_ - ".., �,;j 1. ,� - , lilz , , , itt q � in._, ,.��-`-& . - . , � , 6T - - r, -"4 1, ls� - - , , � � 11, . , . I Witichior offic�­, which. are for Correspondence and r �"( "� _�;,� � � _� , I. Tlw - (iry vow sllol,ld noveir 1,,o, I, g, "I '-"11.'" i'"'iL �'"'!' If the r.radiii- van. tia patients in onf. 11 Vy 46 V__ , "'C__ -, - � 'A 11 . 14aboratory for Canadian busittem only. Aildrcs,i all letter;4 a,4 follows., I � . - - � � I i ..-t "i � ,�, e , ...... ��­�., , I , , - I -. �,�7,5 "vetod, Ifor alifilty as it 1protit 1'� .1 'I l'o 1!.).10�* In vne year arr.allill(%_ . 1� , ....... � �Ztp� " - "I -�t.,­ - 10. . 1:T al � . , _14- -, L.�.;Z�"tW ­.- ,�.' ,." �,. W - ;, � ]Dr,S ' "' . I 'r " _5 Z'. r�� , , , , _IM�� :11.1�11 I - ", "? " I ,�t,j � . I I , - 1. .7, '. . ". ,­�'i . ,� n_-�_,�Zf-01'.�,�, _ � , y _ ,) -, - diii t,e during the next per od - IMNIUDY & KENNEDY, Wirlidilor, ont. , � - ." "I . , _�Ij 't .11 " - � _ � ,�,4d., "I. - , �j� ""' .. ,!; I 111011t.111 4411 -mill .1w . illilde. I)%, whiell tit , I , , , - - 11 � � - � I � . . ­� ;�=.��_'t­.4--.---.;Z-,-.;,� , �,,­ ­�� . , 11 � _ (11101i her care When dry. . , least liart d jit �1� done p I ,, __1 � _'... . - ., ,. - . I .� 11 " . I f _very � car. . . Write tor our private a4drem I 11 : _ . 4; . . I I . 44&4� . . . . . 1. . I � . 1001 0 . � . I . I I I I . . I . . . I - . . . . I I I I � . . . . . . I . . . . I . . , . . . � � , - � . I I . � . � . .. . . . . . . -4 1 . � I . I . . . . I . I 4 . . 11 I . . I I . . I . . ., . I I . . . . I � . � . . . . I .. �_ . . '�, � . I I . I I I ?� 1, $ 1 I I . . . . � I . . I - � . I I - �� : . . . .. I I . . , " . . 41 I � I 1. . " . 11 . :_:, I— ­­. _­­-, I., �....—L--��-''�,�..�.-I"....'�—.-'',.-� �111 111doubmb— . -11., ­­_ 11-1- -111, I I ­ . ­­_ — ­ --.---.----, ­ ­ - , - - ­ ­­ ---­­-­­­_. . - . . I --.-.-- I - - . I ­ - - ___ - - - ­­­ ­ ­ ­­ . . I- ­_ ­.. � --- ---- -1 1-1. ­. .., I—. ...__.,._­­ ­.._.__­­­-__ - ­­­­ �. I _­