HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-01-26, Page 60 A dvcrtisc Now SUNDAY SCHOOL m,a Puu'Iu,p line„ppprpnr,le,l• IIIIIM„n61,n,n4.a,mn. Erft5filliT -�-rtrrnrr AreeetablePreparcticAforAs- similati4^^Foc:1c:Idl'e.gats- ling the toffieeli5 cf 17, Atteiale Promoles'Digestion,Cheerful- ness and Itest.Contai ns neither Opium.Norphitle nor Mineral. NOT NAcdTIC. • jicmpkens z - Alxtrervin J? elle Salts - /Mise Send . It pcmunt - 112 Cankatezte,raa,+ Oonnfrcd - titonfittd Agar • lirnlayrrW f1a,zr7 A perfec t Remedy. for Constipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,Fevcri site tress and Loss OF SLEEP. TacSimite Signature of NEW YORK. D ,t','0Rr,3jS� 35 osE 4..” g^1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Lesson V, --First Quarter, For Jan, 29, 1911 THE iNT.ERNATIONAL SERIES. STORI 'featt of the. L.esson, 11 Citron. e'vi1,1.13. Memory Verses, 3, 4—Golden Text. ( Matt. vi, 33 ---Commentary Prepared For infants and Children. by'Rev. D. M. Stearns, This week's lesson is Much more. at - The.Kind You Have tractive then that of last week, Inas Always. Bought Bear the. Signature of In ase dor Over fhhiy Yars' N::W YORK CITY. halt,.-•+ THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEED .NEIVEMIEN -YOU EARLY INDISCRETIONS ETION S AND EXCESSES -HAVE UNREF 'MINED YOUR SYSTEM The nerves control ail actions of the body so that any $k htngAhatedebilifaktue lt,@nk�ld..& oakenall,A gap3_. the system. Early Indiscretions and Excesiee 'Davol ruined thousands of promising young .men, Unnatural Drains#3aptheir vigor nndivital' the' never deve10 to a proper condition of ma ood. They remain,�veak- Zings, mentally, physicallyandsexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with, darkcircles under them, weak,back, kidneys irritable; palpitation of the heart, bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, Careworn ex- pression, poor memory,,lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired 'mornings,. restless nights; change- able moods, premature decay, bone Pains, • hair. loose,' etc. This is the conditionour New Method 'Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treated Diseases. of Men for almost a life- time and do nothave to .experiment. Consult tis FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you . whether you .are curable or not% We guarantee .curable 'cases of NERVOUS DEBIi1TY, VARICOSE VEiNS, BLOOD AND' SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Diseases. of Men. If unable, to .cell write for • . . Wonderful Nervous System QUESTION.LiST FOR HOME TREATMENT' RS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold $t., Detroit, Midi. - OT OT 1 C E An letters frons Canada must be addressed - to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-, smsesemirmilma went in Windsor, Ont. If you desire .to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we -see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for _Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. ,Address all letters as follows. : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. much. as we are now introduced to an- other good king of Judah, Jehoshaphat by name, who succeeded his father Asa and reigned twenty -.five years. Last week it waschiefly the devil and his wickedness; .now it is chiefly Je- hovah and Elis ways. We say "chief- ly" because there were some things In, the life of Jehoshaphat which were not ordered by the.,Lord, though they were doubtless overruled by Him for good. I refer to his joining affinity with, Ahab And with Abaziah, kings .f Israel, who both did very wickedly (=viii, 1; xx, 35). God wants a people wholly set apart for Himself "and in no way entapgled by or mixed up.with unbelievers. Aur instructions are plainly written in II Cor. vi, 14-18, the only passage In the New Testament, outside of Revelation where we find, the name "Almighty," the significance of which we will not knowrtin our, ex- perience unless we are -Wholly separat- ed unto Him. . r . Many beautiful things are said of ,Tehosliapliat in our .lesson, such as "The Lord was with him; be sought to - the Lord God of bis father; his heart was lifted up in the way,of'the Lord;" also some grand • things that he said are found in the record of him, Such 'as "Believe le the Lord your God, so shall ye be established;, believe His .prophets, so shall ye prosper" (xx, 20); also his charge to the Levites and priests° in. chapter six, 9-11, and his °•prayer in chapter xx, 0:12. • It was most commendable that he should send throughout .all the'.cities of Judah those who would teach out of the book of the . law, of the Lord (verso 0). So we read that the Lord. established •the kingdom in• his hand, and not only all Judah, but also the Phillstines rand the Arabians, brought , him presents; arid he had riches and honor in abundance •and waxed great exceedingly. (t erses 5, 10-12), a ful --itliment ofebe wordsr "-Them that -bon-_ er me I' will honor" (I Sam. 11,' 30). •i It would have been a::better record if it could have been written that this .good' king never in ..any way turned :t rcon7''doI.rr i' Hh lfr141-e`lipht L :tele,. Lord,, but only one ever lived on earth who ..knew 110 • alis and • did no: sin. Ever sine Ai11rn sinned every • mere man has prop cit .ltimself to be,' a sinner. How woedorfut it Is and what glorious good nays tl.at IIe wbo•never.. sinncd,Jtavingebec(n Made. sin for us, offers to blot out all oi.ir sins and put His rigliieotisneds to out account tie-. fore Goll (II Cor. v, 211. When Jeboshapbat went with .Ahab to battle and alnrost`lost his life there- by, when he in his extremity cried out, the Lord helped• buil, and God moved. them to depart. from Win (xviii, 29-31). It is onlyns•the Lord; or Jehovah. wile by grace becomes '.our righteoaisness, that God. or Elohim, .the Creator, Can do atiythian s for smelt as •we are..`It, was after •3elaoshaphat had been re- buked for Illy shi in the matter of Ahab ,with the memorable and. far .reaching wof(ls, •"SbOuldst' thou help.. the ungodly anti love them that hate • the Lord," that he'stritletce whom he appointed, "Take heed what ye do, for ye judge not for man, belt 1'or. the 'Lord". (ehnpter:,xi*, 2',4.0, 7). When .'ste see --in br l:.,day- those who:, 1 profess to bonor Jostle es God' Jain e.; Minds .in so called good• works with those wile. deny that 'Jesus' 15 'God it ,looks very much like a union. of Christ andantichrist; an impossibility, ' and, therefore ail who ignite lo any way with tbet enemies of Christ are for tete tirae being denylug Ilam, The record of Jehoshaphat's victory over the people of Amnion, Moab, and Mount Belt' In chapter xx is in many respects, the most remarkable part ot his story. Ills confession of utter helplessness and lack of wisdom, with his reliance upon God, as set forth in his prayer (verses 0-12), is very beatt- tiful. The answer to his prayer through. Jahazlel (verses 14-17) was Inst encouraging with its repeated "Be not afraid nor dismayed," and its other words, so like those through Moses, when the Egyptians pursued Israel. Compare Ex. xlv, 13, 14, "I! we are true children of God the bat- tle is always' His, and it is ours to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." On this oernelnn the Ponple went forth singing and praising the Lord, and not only -were the enemies smitten, but they began to destroy themselves. It is always safe to be, Neve God and to praise God, to bless' the Lord at all times. So God gave Jehoshaphat rest round about, and his realm was quiet,, and all the kingdoms feared. God wben they saw how Ile fought for Israel (xx, 29, 30): If' we were to the Lord what Ile would like us to be He woul", fill us with Itis rest and peace and joy, and something of the life of Jesus. would be raanifest in us to ilis glory. In Jeiloshaphat's prayer Abraham is mentioned as the friend of God. and• only 1n. two other places• is he thug mentioned, in Isla. all, S; Jas. But in John xv, 14, Jesus said, "Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever '. command you." Which of, These ,Pictures ,Best .Represents Your Stable ?' + . ryour Stable interior is of wood, you'll do well to tear down those old, unsightly stalls and snangers--and build new ones of Concrete. In fact, the entire Stable—inside and out--• should be built of Concrete. This is the modern material -it has the merits of sightliness, endurance, apd ecorlomyn —and is sanitary. , ' • The farmer himself tan, by its use, snake many little^improvements that, with any other material, would require the employment of skilled labor. IF th You would know .soething,.of the D'osSSI bilities of Concrete, fill out the coupon a send it to us. By return mail, we will e you' a copy of our tree 160 -page book, .''What the Far»:er Can 'Do with Concrete." In this book you'll find complete ,1'nstruc- tions for the construetion ot alrno t every- thing you can. think of, in the wa of farm buildings; floors, vats, troughs,'etc., etC. . Nowadays, for a farmer not to • know hew to mix and "use concrete, dela eo nfese himself away behind the times. "What the Fainter Can Do With Concrete" will not only inform you --it will al.,o interest you, 'What the Farmer Gan Do With Cglicrete'" Telt; you how to Use concrete jtt.constrticLag: ' Stables Stairs stalls ° Steps . Tanks Troughs Walks Well Curbs Etc., etc., eta. Barns Cldtern* Dairies Dipping Tanks Foundations Fence Poste Feeding Floors Gutters Wens' Testi Hitching Poste Horse Blocks Houses . • Poultry 'Howes Root Cellar* Silos '-Shelter Walls Clnada Cetnent e Co., Limited ds ° 51-00 National Bank Iliafildia0 • ' M01exi EAL 11.4 If oil may send me a copy o f "What \ the Falmer Can Do With Conc,cle," Nome "110•1164.4 ***** t. Address' .,. ...............666666 666666 6614666416.6'66116661161.. SNE NAD CONSUMPTONI Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Cured, Her. Weighed 135 Pounds= Now Weighs 112. SIM sawyer. d; Murry a colt bas been spoiled. by 1n- dtecriluinate petting and handling. tet the master pet and govern the young- sters until they -knew (diets tow - - An (WC. ,gnat handful of oilmeal will do the horses good. especially if their Main grain is corn The pea size ell take Is handiest for this purpose, vie to the Wootton, The weeder is a very useful tool in the cultivation of,potatoes wbell prop- erly used. it should be run crosswise of the rows after each cultivation as long as the size .of the plants will per- , mit. It helps to pulverize the surface and destroys many Of the weeds to eee rows where •Otey cannot 4e reached with the cultivator, thus making band haei eperess necessary: 'Some growers continue to use the weeder lengthwise of the rows after the plants areeteo large to permit running it crosswise by removing some of the teeth from di- rectly over the row. --American Cuiti= vator. HANDY LIFTING JACK. Easily. Made Farm Device For Weigh- ing Heavy Articles. Herewith is given an illustration ot a device for weighing cotton;. beef. hogs and any other heavy article that the farmer may want to weighs This was suggested to I"arm and Ranch by a %men who finds it very handy on the farm slice one • tnan ,situ lift with it about as touch as five men without it and with greater ease. It is made as follows: Th timber used is 1 by 4, but for articles weighing more than 400 pounds it will require stouter material, Per the legs take one piece sixteen feet long and cut in three pieces—five, Mrs. Charles McDermott, Bathurst, N.B„ • writes: —"I thought I would write and let you know•the benefit I have received through the use of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, Three years ago I had consumption. I'had three doctors attending me and they were very'mueh alarmed about my conditiqn. I was' so .vi:e`ak..aedra le I' could not' do my housework. ',• While looking_throu h your B.13.13.. almanac I saw that Dr. goods, Norway, Pine Syrup wr43 good for weak . lungs, so I gota bottle at the drug store, anti after taking_ten. battlds.av us. c.01in,; pletely,:ctire•l, At that time 1 weighed 135 poutlds and now weigh 172',. a; goin, i f- 37 pounds in. three years . 1 now keep it in the house all the time end yvould:: t:ot he without if for anything, as .1 owe my life 1.0 it." • Dr, Wood's Norway; Pine .Syrup •con- tains. the lung healing virtues of the Norway pine tree,•whielf,-eom.bined with .other absorbed:t; expdeto "rant and soothing 'medicines, makes it without l doubt Vibe `best remedy for coughs, cello's, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price 25 centsat all dealers:. Beware of imitations. The genttine.is manufac- tared Only by the T. Milburn Co:, Lirnitc,t, • Toronto, Out. " PROTECT. YOUR • FARM MACHINERY]. Farm • machinery, is often sadly neglected when not in use. It is not uncommon to 'see binders, cul-. 'tivators, grain drills, plows, etc., left out all winter in the field 'where they were last used or inthe barn-. yard. .• Here .they are exposed to the sun, rain and snow..The de- preciation from such ..exposure is more than the wear caused by use. • • C OWA we�►I3c1r< MAPLE BUDS- tThe most deliciousof chocolate confections., + o They stand alone in ((!�� their smoothness,. richness and unique o flavor. Insist on 0 having COWAN'S. Name and design patented and registered, ca 1 134 TUE COWiN CO. LIMITED. TORONTO. .,a.srararraME1,.sv A* Your Service Th , one A •, We ar' rerady to supply -you with all kinds of g es rl.:.t :t..Nn«•,:,1 •• ••r• c m handle and also some extras such as 1Vi' 3', *omit, ('oral, Harness. Flour„ arid Feed vont custom is . asked for as ave• r., s prepararl r•, give von good valu'a for,your money or Produce.. We will pay.cneh. for Butter Eggs Lard and Tallow.. FOR LIFTXNO BEAVY AnTIOL1123. ' [From Farm and Ranch.] • MI6 and six feet respectively. The lever is ten feet long and -has n hole bored one-fourth of its length from . one end, or two and one-half feet from -the_enti,—Zn-.the—shorter-;.eiui: ;is...an. wether hole in. which , to fasten a : hool for the scales. Put together with a large''balt, first' putting.' OA, onelive foot leg, then' the • lever, the ..six foot ��"it�Yd-^11193``tti8--'-Elt-h@C�fl�e-_.f�0i0 ' The Sholes In the9ritside uegs should be'. 'etre size larger thfin those in the lever ,find longer leg .ie orderthat they may be 'spread 'alrart at the bottom, s0 drat they will. •not.stand vertical.. Wher it .is desired to weigh or. lift an object pull the lever A B to the. pp-. shier of .0 D, fasten the article on the look and with a rope fastened to the. ong end of the lever pull It down and . hook .under the stob, as shown is the • illustration. • . Keep Strings .Opt .of'Ensilage: Have a Iran stand: beside the' feed table of the ensilage cutter and cut• every band and jerk the string away. ' Those strings cut up in short lengths and carried 'into the silo are not good for stock. A man. not long ago lost four caws that were. fedon etpsilage, and the cut strings .did the busliiess- They are cut so fine and'mix'ed so thor- -•oughly that stock must eat them. ( The time of one mai to do. this would prob ably be well .spent.:Iowa Homestead. Proper . Way to 'Feed a Horse.. The stomach of the horse is •quite small—that is, it wilt hold about- two • galley$. .If the horse is fed his grain tar,t, then hay and than watered.: the 'grain will be pusb©d' out of the stool acli before it Is digested. .The best way is to water -first, tben feed some hay and then the grain. In ease the horse is warm_ it woulii not do to ;give all the vea.terr .it would take, but it should be given a little even •then. Live Stock Notes; Sugar beets have long. been highly valued as a feed for cattle' and espe- cially for milk cows, but it has lately been demonstrated that they have a high feeding value for bogs as well, . Behind the uncurried horse rides a 'worried man.. ' • Little plgs may be kept from danger, of crushing by the mother' when she lies dowel by having a fender made of a scantling, ritil or pole 60015ely fag- '''tened, say, eight inches from the wall and the same' distance from the floor. The silo is..usually+ thought of as an accessory of the dairy, but it is.equal- ly valuable for beef cattle. The cow brute has been trained. . to produce either beef or milk, but her digestive apparatus has not been changed. Pict* out the best lamb in the flock to keep .or' else buy one of some sue- cedsful breeder of sheep, Salt is necessary to the health and thrift' of • the domestic entreats, and they should have it In winter as well Many farmers are -so intent on making money for the money's sake that they take no thought of the great possibilities of perfect living in. 1 the country. - Higlicst'Price for Prottiilce. a• , R. Adams, Londesboro. SIO _ - • TOIL. SALE BY:.B..:A. eMeEW,EN. n re h Reasons- for this Offer so Vitally Im ,ortant to Read °the �Y i� the Sick Psychine .,is thegreatest_ vitality for the recovery of their .wounded as. builder of the age. the Japanese army., ear thirty years Psychine bas been ' And all because the Japanese knew curing almost every disease that is due bow to let the white 'corpuscles cure. to run-down vitality. Fiundreil"s of thousands have used * * '* Psychine with wonderful beneficial res . There are tw.o kinds of corpuscles sults. •• in: your blood, you .know, red and ' ` We have received thousands of un- white'. solicited. testimonials ' from- people The :red carry nutrition, the white Whom Psychine has cured, of in7. ,many are the policemen or scavengers -of the cases, hopeless ailments. There are ,still thousands of. people hene1 of 6, disease germenters the suffering from disease, however, whom body, these 'white corpusclesattack and Psychine tan benefie body. • literally eat • it: ' :There gee still. thousands :who are , A• ' wound thatattracts disease germs ttrthi: o to cure themselves by wrong from the air is cleansed and healed by teds,-who'are using dangerous ,and .billions of phagocytes, 'or. white' cor- dhurt ourtful medicines.puscles, devouring •these unwelcome There are still thousands �vl;o are disease germs. gradually losing: their vitality—from Any disease can .be cured by these whose body the necessary• resisting power to disease is Slowly surely white pbrpus01es if they be in sufficient slipping away. number or strong enough to attack and . There are still those who soo• n will devour the germs that 'cause the dis hear the dread "call in the - night" if eaIf. ,they do not take prompt action: If they are not In .sufficient e, germs rs or strength; then 'the . disease' ger , To these we have the above message, eat them and disease claims the body. '-v': ' ' That's, the pause of every disease to "Let us buy a 50 -cent •bottle of hsy.-' your druggist chine front and give' it which Humanity is 'heir. • . 'rto you, free, to pre its great value." * * * . • tell you more powerfully. than` mere s'or centutsies the eure`ot disease has words can..how tremendously beneficial 'been by means of herbs—nature's reme- Psychine will be for you. , dies. It is only withln recent times• that dicatlon of its wonderful polder to Ili - La have come to khoW how these herbs That 50 -cent bottle of Psychine will It will give y ti an unmista • new the bodily vitality, to strengthen accrTow scientists tell 'us they increase the phagocytes (the white corpuscles),the strength and numbers of the white the policemen or scavengers of the corpuscles Or phagocytes. body. ' In .Psychine we have some of• --the,, the most healing and- beneficial, herbs i The Surgical Department o!' in Japanese Army, in. the dapo-Buss an the world', carcase , and war, first drewthe attention of the strengthen therbs . that cahe white corpusnles. scientific World to the function of the Prom Arabia comes one herb, from white corpnacles•of the 'blood or shag-, South •America another, China andocites. , ,a1apan produce aa third, while the Foreign medical men were astopnded' Jangle •of India y.telds fourth. to see Japanese' solcliera'with wounds All these kerbs are recognized by the that had not been, demised or dresseii medical profession as being the Most for days, that were apparently dirty, beneficial to health that they know. dlt.kept, and hitogetiler' unsanitt}ry. XI why psychinaoul the third of Yet eao'dirty'wounds +Iteisiedanar• .o..tcenttnetAttbas been •made, hasedured Odious :ono•atiyn7thenratid,hade�varr tids•Ot peo$0 dreda..oftihonsawho known oude*,nfondertai ctetentouitered'trozetbe »tamest La Grippe' Bronchial Coughs Bronchitis Weak Lungs Hemorrhages win eak Voice Soreem coat Spring eclkness 'A� ne FemAle Weakness Catarrhal Affections Indigestion° Catarrh of Stomach Poor Appetite Night Sweats Chills and Fevers Obstinate Coughs Sleeplessness and Laryngitis' and Nervous Troubles . Dyspepsia - Aftereffects of Pleurisy, Pneumonia and La Grippe. That's why we • believe it will be' beneficial to you.• - .. Now we don't ask you .to' take our word for the tremendously beneficial effect of Psychine. .Pill out the coupon. below, mail it - to . us, and we'll give you an order ,ort your druggist (for which we ,'pay 'him the regular . retail price)" for a 50 -cent bottle of Psyehine to be- given you••free of cost. We will undoubtedly buy and distri- bute in this manner; hundreds of thou- sands of these.50-pent. bottles of Psy- chine., Aiid we do' that to show our entire confidence In this wonderful prepara- tion. , A 'confidence that has been based on our 30 years' experience with this splendid preparation with a full"know- ledge of the hundreds of thousands of cures it has made.. COUPON No. 27 To . the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Ltd. '193.195 Spading Ave:. . Toronto. I accept your offer to try a 60c. bottle of .Psyobino (pronounced Sl.keen) at Your expense. of hat* not had a 60e. bottle of Psyohine under this plan. Kinthis dly W momy druggist to deliver' My Nemo. Town . Street acid Number. My druggist's Name.... ' tirebtand Number R7dsooupen is notgeed for a 60e. bottle • of Psychine if proeentod to the druggist - ttmnstbo sent ns—we will then -buy the 60e. bottle of Pe no from Your '. drnggistand direct him to deliverIb to ysroiuq. This offer may bo wi wn at Our time witherlt betide. witpQn • O5