HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-01-19, Page 8•••,,
For the Balance of this Niont1,1 we are Clearing all Lines of
Ladies Coats, Furs and Carpets, at 2o per cent of
Regular Prices.
20 per cent off Marmot Ruffs
20 per cent off Marmot Muffs
2o per certreiftl$abella Fax Ruffs
20 per ceet off Isabella Fox Muffs
zo 'percent off Sable Ruffs • • .
20 per cent off Sable Muffs
20 per cent` off Persian Lamb. Ruffs
20 per cent off Persian Larnb Muffs
20 per cent 0ti Grey Squirrel Ruffs
'20 per cent off Grey l..quirrel MUff4
20 per centoff Astrachan Coats •
zo per cent off Fur•lined Coats
zo per cent off Ladies Cloth Ccats •
20 per cent off. Children's. Coats
20 per cent off Coon Coats
20 per cent off Dog Coats
zooper cent off Lamb Coats
20 per cent off Cali CoatS • • -
20 per cent plr Fur lined Coats
20 per cent Off Men's Cloth Coats
20 per cent, off Men's Fur Caps
20 per .„ ent oft Men's Fur Mitts
20 per cent off Men's Fur Gauntlets
20 per cent off Boys Cloth Coats
20 percent off Men's and 'BDys Sweaters
20 percent off Men's and Boyce Mitts
‘" .2.o. per cent ofi Men's and Bays Gloves
• 20 per cent off Wen's 84'Boys Wool Underwear
20 per cent: off Carpets.
2o per cent off Brwsets Ga.rpets
zo Per cent.off Wilton Carpets
20 cent off Tapestry Carpets.
• .
. 2o per cent off Brussels Rugs
20 per cult off Tapestry Rugs
20 pc( net t off Wilton Rug§
2o per cent off. SooIRugS"
' • •
DR. OVENS, London,Surgeon, Ocu-
list, Specialist. will he at W. S. R.
Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, 'Jan,
31st Griloe.s property fitted, deafness.
cheacrit and fairing eyesight treated.
All day.
Butter --:20-21
Wheat -8O-82
Oats -28-30.
Peas -70-75
In order that Work, on the new..
roads may, not be .delayed, eveey
merchant on the frontC street
should apply at one for Water
connection also the residents on
Albert, Huron and Ontario streets.'
Let the waterworks Committee
ave your application early so that
supplies may be ordered fpr you
and the work rushed. to cotnple-
Mayor Taylor has asked the New
:Era to, Make thist 'annouecelnent
that all citizens are requested not
they persist`7113,cgrnfr3Pseoe:tt
and 11
Wheatley will have to give •them:
an inv. itation_ to_eepeer before Poe
lice Magistrate as it is against the
town by-laws to do so. Kindly
bear this in mind. `
There will be a lively hustle •
mon- those eligible for the position
of Public Scheel Inspector it East
Huron, reedereti :.vatatit by the re-
signation of. -1). Robb-B.A. Aniong
the applicante are Messrs. Smith, of
Winghata ;. Field, of Goderieh;_and
Weidenhamer, of Exeter. The se-
lection will be:Made:next :week at
the session of the Co. CouncilLeWcl.
hope whoever receives the appoint
ment that the same success rdiay`at:--
tend the workas has marked the
career of inspector Roble for the
past 21 -years. T . •
ilookEY. .
• St. Marys defeated Goderich • in
• Seaforth. on Wednesday nighti'. by
• a acore of, 7 do 4. •
The fee crop is well. advanced in
this town..
See more local newetein page 2.
Also Inatr"iiitereating ' 'Canadian
items on that. page and page 3.
Look up our Clinton, Market, and
also our Toronto tmarket reports. •
Stock Taking Stove Sale at
• Cost Price -For Cash
We have a surplus stoek.of-Se_Venty stove that
we wantto despose of before February first when
. we finish up our stdck book.- If your old, stove de
Range is not giving good satisfaction, a'Cw is your
chance we will take it in part payand give you some:
thing that will, and allow you .its full value. It will
pay to buy even if not needed for Sometime.
l'Pandora Range with reservior and high closet reg 50.00 for $40
" 41
• high shelf reg. 45.00 far 41
1 ° e•low • " • 40,00 " 80
1 Happy Thought. high eleset• " 64 00 " 48
•e •44 50.00 14 • 44
1. 4.11 " " square low shelf MOO "
1 " steel Range reservior high shelf " 54:00 48
1 -Chief 1C•
" 35 00 " • 30
I No 9 IVIatvel reserviorearid high' shelf
1 No 9 Marvel square " • "
1 No Ideal reservoir
1 No 0 Garland ' 4! 4 t
1 No 9 Magic steel range and reservoir
No 12 Belle Ook, coal or wood heater
" 28,00 " 21
• " 25.00 " 21
„..,. 80.00 itt 27
" 40.00 ii • 85
" 21.00 i• 10
ti 11 moo At few
1 No 15 Special • As el
. " ]2.00 " 9.0
1 Dandy Ooal Heater. , • , % •
.... .. reg mon " sm.
1 Maple Leaf wood Heater ..... ......,,....... - 11.00 " 8.00,
We also wish to announce that in the month of February We
will mit iirralfer stock talilift sarti;---Tnlituding many .novelties in
Hardware, Kitchen intettalis, Granite wake and other specialties
look for it as it will no doubt be interesting and profitable to tha
purchaser. .
Stoves & Hardware
• Guelph, had 'a surplus of $18.000 chen mhe fifstr few we s • of
from its waterworks • last, year. 'which alone, some ninety • souls
Don t put salt on, your icy pave-• 'were saved.'
Rey J. S. Clearivater of the Hol-
•ments. 'Use sand or ashes. ..The . • • • , .
jness Movement Chutch ab Carte
salt disintegrates, the cement and vale, Sask., wee invited to hold'
mins the walk.
Evangelistic Services in the local
Meeting of theWes1K
Varnaer'“ Institute will be held at
Hohnesville, on Tuesday, January
24th and Metall., Wednesday, .Tan.
Yeur friend will appreciateethe -echoel Mese: •The.people '' being
••NeW Era with an the home news. hungry to hear the word of God
Why not ordei! ft; copy td be sent- attended regularly though many
ever t week in the year: ' We pay came miles. After two weeks Re.
. .
the poe ege. . . B. .T: Laing, 'who Went west from
PRESBYTERY MEETS *HERE. 'prching, • • • •
Dreesaden, Ont.., .eseistecr in . the:
The Peestery met ,li*ef Op. 'The truth -preached in all its fide
Tuesday of this weelennd • was. uess NS% 9 a:tt en d'e ci by the chnvict-•
largely attended by' the( ministers ing Power of the Holy Ghost and
and elders.: Church Verna wad one -professed sinners with irtany-Who
er the Chief toPics. The nextmeet- .had thought theinselves Christians
ing rut be .heldi in Blyth.
. . ., 89 iagWh it hop a• Liz p000s.dit. 1 o n , • in the
SOME-FEKtIrla •-N-BVER-Iptita-H- Old time conVjtjo1i •Was fO11oled
Every line of printed matter- in a by old time conversionst and the
ne'wepaper coke its publisher some- converts Were soon conducting
thing.. If it is toLbenefit some in meetings andleading others te 'the
di vidUAl, that individual should ,-
We have reeeived coPY of a
booklet entitled "Beef Raising .in
Canada" from the Dominion'. Agri-
eultural Department, a copyt .of
which should 'be procured by every
-progressive farmer, Write' the
Live Stock Commissioner .A.gricult.
ural Dept., Ottawa.
°Too many cooks spoil the soup"
might also be said about the deliv-
ery serVice in town. Tool many
were after the job and as a result
none got it and the merchants will
do as they haVe,lbeen doing in the
past. •
The regularemeeting of the Wom-
en's Infititate will be held at the.
home of Mrs. Dodds, next Thurs-
day afternoon, at three o'clock, on
January 26th, There Will be a con).
petition in the makingkof button-
holes for which sprizete will be a-
warded. Corapetitien open to
mernbers only.
"The Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir
at the Lyric Theatre last night was
the most exquisite, the best bal-
anced, the most artistic cempany
of singers that we have had in Cal-
gary and: „comparison with(' any-
thing else we have had heretofore
re -
der the conductorship oA Mine. H.
Thomas, the organization achieved
wonders, and the. encores NY/ere-Mr-
erwhelming. We do .not .wonder
that the King eonnuandecl. per-.
forrnances of the chortle; he could
not have been blamed' If he had
irtiertuanentIy attached:them to the
. court. The shading of thd course
was good, and' theevolume.. was
Lamb of Godethat taketli an -ay
pay something for it. Onc. would'. era of the 'world"'IVIrs. • Killough
not go into a, grocery' store to ask found salvation eritli the rest-. • -
the proprietor to hand out ten lbs. Converts vierged to repent of
sugar for 'nothing, even though the inbred 'sin mid( newt joys were ex -
grocer may be a personal friend -o.erienced as they found the exPer-
and even though the gift may not ienee of perfeet love. Many also
be a large one. If the beneficiary received the Baptism: ofe the Holy
of advertising does net Pay for it Ghost for service becoming' them -
cost. People elbenet. seem to 'un- riliall
the proprietor must • shoulder 'the. selves mighty .under God, to the
aown of the etronghelds of
der -stand that a newigaper pays its '
sin an satan.
expenties renthe space -• ancl Students from. the Holiness Move-
ment College irr-Ctystal City- Man-
itoba materially assisted in, the
good work. The revival isf-etill in.
progress. A comfortable -"church
has just, been i e ectock arid •tli
that it is, lust, as ranch entitled to
collect rent for every:day • that
apace is • occupied( as if landlord' is
for the house he renes tot tonant..
OAP TAKEN . ening day waa ,t et first of a series,
• of Evanelisticar services, "The re -
While James' Dunford was eating vivalis iding earned +,s
his dinner at the Ceptral hotel
Brusselselast Mondey-he left • his.
persian lamb' call in his pocket pf
his Overcoat, hung 'up in the public
hallway. On coming from the din-
ing room search was made for the.
•nlissing headgear but me trade
er point& by the •thanVerts andl)e0-
ple of Many, nationalties hayebeen
'11TIT-Timisa.weeseesee. imiew•*18wele.,_ ._ • .
could be found, somebody had eve • •
klently taken it. The hotel, prop- '
rietor is anallingk.diligent search t1/14 •
to find the purloiner. •
• 1' before Tot' • uv-:
: by Mail
The Clinton Juniors goes to St * ' •
laary's, on Friday evening,, o `
f this 4
• •
week. Tho. geniewas ipoStporidd • Bring us ite ad, that inter" •
from Tuesday night on account of i eats you. IC you will do this :
-the St. Marys' intermediates play- ; you won't buy by mail, tliat's 4
ing in Seafortlf on that night. • certain, . •
POSTPONED • Bscauseyoti will have no retie at
. eon to. Any article of Jewelry or j
District Deputy Grand Master /kt. • Watches orSiheirware China, or *
T. rimier, of- Seaforth, was expect. : anything else can be bought here I
ed to install the officers of Clinton' • at prices every bit as low
oclge, No. 83, L. 0..0. F., on Tues
day evening, but telephortalk that
at was itnpossible(tdi, be there and
the meeting ;Was postponed( untill
a future lodge evening.
The Literary Club.will hold their
next Meeting on Tueadayf evening,
in Dr. Shaw Will bei the speaker. is
address Is ont racenif advance drit
of inedieal Science. These Meet.
Ings are free toi ail and ladies aret
particularly inthed to attend.
• where 131senear or •far. ,e• •
• And you have this advantage •
• you can see, handle and mainline
I0) your heart'content anything •
that is of interest to you.
• Bring us that that Catalogue
arid ;et, us prova it to
• yeti.
* cmaormintomontomimitomm.comilommilmimim
• •inicis444
Courifer •
A ••
0 *
*• Jeweler. and Optician.
go •
•4 Issuer of •
A former residenti of 'Clinton , i Marriag.e. Licenses. . ;
porta an( old time revival el Qom,' 04,11•••••••••••••••••••••••
) I
Wire. W. A. Killough% nowf living at - -14• ''''''
GOBehell near 'Glen Ewen Seeker**• . - • t
a odious comicall odious
there when demanded, EverY Paue
sic -lover who does not attend these
Performances deserves to be ex-
ecetenunicated from. the practice of
his , art."--Calgary.111erald,
The- Whitney Governniant will
use the school houses of the prove
?nee in which to deliver leetures on
dairying and farming to the farm-
ers of Ontario. This movement will
Meet. with a 'good( reception and
should prove of inestimable valtle.
Farmers a.re taking' a different
• view of the college profeiscir than
teas common twenty year a age.
• The professor •timself has changed
for till: Vetter, being More scien- •
tifie. And praetleal.. e.. _
ICE4P A MARY it Kelps to
Overcome the *Forget Habtit
Lets you know where you were a year. ago,
the kind and duration of the 'season, ries
you a systematic record of daily eventsand
matters of b portance you'll want to "Keep"
one of our diaries after you have seen them
and their prices.
The Oist of the -
Sunday Schoul •Lta-sson
Is invaluable to the scholar as a lesson help
size is small zi to 51-inehes three pages to
each lesson, a model of condensation and
suggestion, the comments are short, but
every word counts.
C 1NADIAN ALMANAC coitainS about 500 pages
general information in its 64th year of
• publication Does it not wear well?
TtieW D. Fake°,
etten the ehearast-Aiways the Oest
'The town hockey. league •oPens
•up on Friday ev,ening•of this week
when the Banker's and; the Tom
• Cork's team Will commence the ball
arolling. Be on hancli•te( see this
match. • T.Tnder oar hockey notes
will games. seen the schedule of all the
We must issue ouzo -subscription
accouttts to these 'who( are in ar-
rears: In case you happen k to
have neglected the little matter of
paying up wouldn't( itt. be nicer to
• hand us the atnountf before . the
dunner is presented. There are
a few only who are A, number
of years behind. These must bet
settled very soon( orl the Accounts
will be pieced int other hands for
collection at the ratet, of $1.50 per
var. Save money by +giving( the
' matter early attention. 'We wish
at the sate& thine to say that we
UPPreetate the support of those
who. habitually keep paid up. We
ifeel that with all our faults. these
. people- are dein ge -the-brest --they-can
to make. the path 'of the Editorand
staff a- fairly pleasant one. In
• fact, without their promptness
there would be: nce path to follow.
financially speaking -We would,- be
wading thretigh the; inire,all the
year round. As 11 12 We have some
difficult period ET, on. -adcountt_ef -. a
Percentage of delinquents on, our
1.. RlisEtC1LEP.TION TEND. -E -RE. D -II-V, C.
• R. GUNNE. • •
; .reception Was -tendered( Rev.
C. R. Gunne and his 'family last
1Vednesday eight in' the : school-.
1 toom of Christ Church by the mem-
bers and adherentti. Over 250 ad-
ults were presentt and a niost en-
joYable tine Was spent. •Af fine
dinner. was provided byethe ladies
. and when it was completed a pro-
gramme was introduced. Principal
Waller presided, and the new pap -
toe was Nv arm I yr welcomed, by the
-wardens, Messrs. IV. gebinsone W.
Hayden. and R. 'MeMeElheran.-Rev-.
. Mr..- Gentle responded % tot, the. kfria
wishes of his people and hoped that
.tiiey wenild• work. in/ harmony for
the good of -.-thee church. His ad.
dress made a splendid) .frapressiort
Solos Were rendered by Miss Gid....
• ley. Ernest Webster.and Mr. Rid-
dell. Mr. E. Fitzgeraldratist Of
the church, acted as companist
. After the pregrarerne r. end Mrs.-
Gunne .and 'their :two ' daughters
were introduced t� the congrega-
tion. • ' .
CARNIVAL. • '.. •• • • •
The ,first' carnival Ot the season
• •was held last Pridaytnight There:
was a good .crowd and many were
lit eostume, The Citizen's Band
supplied the music. Messrs. Mor-
rish,. Dowding and 13. Kerr were
• the judges and clid? their part well
On Monday evening of this week
Week one of the best hockey;
matches was played in Clinton rink "
when the local chit( and Stratford
played the lase distriCt match here
The playere went at it hard from
tile start and al( half time Stride
. .
An act that will give the associa-
tion cif fall fairs! and exhibitions
right use to part) of, the GoVern-
merit grant as an insuranceagainst
loss threugh unfavorable weather
ill.ptobably be inclUded among
the new legislation to come before
..the Previncial Parliament next ses
i•ta.Tlicel. Good, :of 13erlin, celebrated
his 94th birthday. Ile taugh
school near Berlini in( 1839 'and re-
ceived.$0 a terni for doing so. But
he •paid' ouly Si a 'week _toe •board
an ging •••• '
One of the first inmates to the
House -of Refuge passed away' on
Friday last, in the person of "Mo-
ther" Wallace. who for years prev-
ious t.ad lived in. Brussels. She
formerly lived in Aye and inany
of the old tmers from: that section
who Came te 115.ron remember her
It has been said:after that Mr. and
Mrs...IV-alien(' were the best looking
°duple in .5.Yr. Wit's. 'Wallace pass-
ed peacefillly,,,having 'bsen around
in the morningebult emniileined of
.not. feeling well. Por years she
was an assistant nurse at the Horne
butage beg -an to telt on her.' Heir
body was taken to Brussels for in-
terment Ofi Motday. She le', sur-
vived •by ,one daughter. Mrs. Robt.
TurnbUll, of Ayr, and. Wm, of Lon-
. don; Mudge,' of :Republicy..
Vincent. , of St. Pahl, and Dirs. Chap.
HeImich, of 13erlin.•
• SIICCESspur. sEioricEs. •
We clip the following' fr m e
th •
Gorrie Vidette, which refers to the
jubilee services of ther W. M. S. of
Gorrle, at -which services/ Rev. 1.
Greene preached.-
. It was a happy( thought on the
partot someone. that prompted
the suggestion that Revs- Mr,
Greene, now Of Clintoni and pas-
tor of the present _ Methodist
Chnrch in Gerrie_ at( its dedica-
tion nineteen years age, should
be the seacial preaqhmq on the
eecasion of the twenty-fifth an-
niVersarf.-of the organizationt-of
the • Women's Missionary Society.'
in connection with' thite :church.
Mr. -Greene is If years of age, and
has just eelebrated hl iiilS11r
Write us at once for our free
Catalogue and learn vt that is being
done in the leading business college
in Western Ontario. Our graduates
secure good positions,'• and meet
with succecis, business men say they
are the hest. We have three de,.
partm en ts. Centime) mei, Shorthand
• and Telegraphy. -We igive indivi-
dual instruetion and you may enter
• ,at any time.
D.. A. McLachlin
ford had the advantage by( ii adore
. of 5 to 4. The second half was all
.tOT the White an,c11131ue, Stratford
boys only getting clown near the
home goal four tirnesand_in those
rushes scored twice. The horael
team got going good good and
shoved in six goals While one • of • -
Stratfoedis-playera-scored one him
self making 7 in the last half.' At
• tinies referee Gorrie was fast as-
leep and then 'Would come to life a-
gain and see that each team played
the game. Martin O'Donnell got
hit With the puck over the eye and
game was called. fort few Minutes.
.A.11 the home team•played well and
shouldfinish' strong inthere next
two matches. Following Vat( •the
Stratford-tradshaw Goal,. • • Aid-
dell;point ; :Whyte, cover: Boles,
ver; Thompson, centre; Smith left
McPhihney, right. .
Clinton-IVIcKenzie, goal Ruin- '
ball, point ; O'Donnell, weer ; 07 --
Nell, rover; Kerr, centre* Draper,
left; Grigg, right. e,
Referee% Clarence Gerrie. Toron-
I •
! • • '
ph, merehant in thine hour ole e -I
If anthie papert yqu should e e,
• Take our 'advice and; now . be y y y,
Go straightway out and .advert 1. •
•Von% find the project of setae u u u
, Neglect can offer no ex q.qq,'
Be Wise at once prolong your a a a ••
A silent busines'i ioon,_tt k k k.
;Nrautviooso caziamookatmou
. • • it
Oier Telbegrapili °. and - 5 ••
o•' Railway: Agent's to.
• co
Conrse is a 'safe guarantee to a::
e. goad talary. • top .can master it • ei •
• tia $ix months. he maximmre •
cost is $60, You May pay ftS yon
5 go. Ou graduation. we 6111 you •
• toAeCure employment. Our new e
g Central Telegraph &A "Railway •
• Td.rontaf W. II. SIIIAW, Pre- :
o School, Yonge Gernird Sts.,•
2 catalogue explains. Write for it g
g pident *3. jOIIINSTOINT, •
'0 Principal. • .
• • 41'
• - . - .
+ - 4 .t.. •
'' 4. * • *
fiftieth year in the ministry., As ;
+ ' Annual Stocktaking +
straight'as art arrowe. tind with
physical and mental
abated, Mr,.Greene bids, fair to + +
eive• to •the church( Many •inore + ' +
-and Clearing Sale
.vears of• ;'• useful -service. i Mr ee
atFred Jackson..
Greene told the congregation that 4.
it was 'his desireif he should +
live to see his fiftieth year in the •
ininiatry to preach% upon, the very 4:
spot where he, started/ upon his
ministerial career fifty years ago. +
This wish was, realized for he •
not only preached there, but( used 4..
I3ib1e presented{ to him fifty +
years ago by) te boy then in the *
congregation, and who,. was an 4.
auditor of his when he preached •i.
Itis iubitee sermon., last i • summer
ile also preached, fromthe dame` 4,
text. Ile also had preserVed the +
membership ...roll of ,.his first 3
charge, and out of a total meta- 4.
bershiP of some 126 there was
one slaty ivor, a lady f
nis charge was in 'Eastern Ontaric•.
Mr.; teene's disceurse in the *
.eharacte.r. while his everihie one/
his theme being Heavefl. lIe start- +
morningwee of a missionary +
was of an evangeliatie character. +
cd out by •sayin% that the ' ÷
f_anzionrneylla •-fo p;et a goo
where, he he said a I his auditors ex. ' 4,
thing was to g. et a geed start 1: . Itepate while you wa.i.t
pected to go,. the Important +
.A.a.he amplified ° hist. subject he 4.
became very impressive, especial- ‘e•• • ,, • •
iy when he straightened hinisolf +
up to„,,his full stature and ,said * FRED JACKSON
.... .
that • at his age he anticipated 4.
the Joys of heavekthat mast goon - •• A 7 k e •
t :
be his- with( 411)300 46rnexPreasible. +.1.14414.+44+444.44.4014+4444++.+$4444.1-14++.
Important thing ,in e begirininl *
start. In our llourney) to heaven)
We take .stock on the first day or FebruifY
and are coMpleting arrangements for a big Sale
of first Cli1.83. FoStwear at prices • that will be de-
cidedly inte..resting•.qclds and ends •of stock' Will
accumulate and this is the time .,Of the year we
clean them out, for the balance of this month you
may expect some genuine bargains;
We find it impossible to tabulate a list .of
prices this week but come along and you will n6t
be disappointed.
We are °a for business ap,d the inoucernents
. J
we offer are a saving on every pair. df t;boots You.
• •