HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-01-19, Page 4-
. . - _-%TFq19PF0_1qPPM_ -. �� �17 7-11,49-1w"7, "06"WWW" _Vr__F_1"W_r_ M01 7-. . .
. I � - � � 0
� I I - I - I -"-- .7-7m""Wa-tn,-'31.7"-"qFTPPM�'Wr,,,,
. Thurs0r, .To*. - UtI4 mu, _ , - I . 71 .
I � -
., 1. lw.,� i �. ____ I I I
_______ -- . I Tian CLIN"N Saw X". I
- I .��r" . 1. A 1. __ - .. - - ' / . .
, r I , .. 1. I I
I r1r- - ��rl - -, ,
I - . . .... I'll, . r .., iiopo . &,, . I .-
. - . - -_ Ah�_ - - I . ,.� , ,,, - __ I . I * ,� . Wwoop 1!010* I _ .. . � ftso 41
1 I r . I -1 . MW WFWT81M"1W%_ - - on zrau , r ""M " i ___ _ , - --- � r I - -
. I I I no 1. 11 C1 n"Jal 4L8 URVIOZIolls iti jwr- if"t % 11:� - . - ,r.r 1. _ r. .11..----__--r, -
. tentioU5. 0 1 'rl � -
.. ". 0 t, j .1
. Lindsay wa it '0�7. �ajr,V wben hundreds do thd pline -thing Public Works
', ; a the Mari wbozmas the�' a, Ix yea inpefiften then the, ue*opap -, in vonnet�tjon v,j
,� _ th
411 for 04 for MI 1441CS 411# primo uZOnt in the Sala of the sub. -� cor er In4u, Isuka casu dralvage system affgctiu - OL � . ,
, scription stoe.k. At the, we must bay "Oh tO' Our helP townships, Of Grey 'and 31 g' "the I �
1110 C4411 A11T for our . lz4a. * A-
I I a, � ..
101141rcl Zation Weetino of the djrecj4) was tP00.r, SOPWO Vould bout 14,904 acres 09 land In these
"r I MIS rs "irtg"ni' ask early. at entIOA thl,tuatter of townshipo 4re. at
I 011,011 __ , Couch tic, 0 11411 price found that certain persons supposeil For Bank Manager renewing. , I . fected b I'll
. - . -
. . . - � . . . to bo actively conneetpd with, tile I . I I � flowing Of the xaltJ44 a theavor,
. '. formatloye,of the bank wjtljdrew� and . CA" ' j �, vUere the banks ore Very I Rivor
. . . I . J I - 1,RODUCT -
, this left the subscription list dell -*eat . _ JAYE ADVURTISING. OW. This
!� . V. -MR- ,� i . .1 11 I wlll'll . ci I I r4ro , . st4te of ilftalra
. V, 104L ' Pirs . Is Cauied b
r r_
. _.. - . -11 Rr im -, ilo�aaioant. . 'a ,or t Newsle-Dese big advertis- creASed liumber of drainsirth6lu-
. � . . I 'To overcome this," says Curator V . I W JW�hleh �
. . WrigtuYs mostly don't know how to em tY into tho r1yej,oyertaxing it,
� e f,
� I ClarkSOU, "it is said that Certain -sub- r 4;1'�,- I 4 fetchiU2 ad,� Didju !ever no. It 0 Proposed thj thi river je, , 4!
* . . . . tice. : - ,ared&4 at this Polaht Exud the r4O;,
I fr .Apriptions were added to the list, par. "loud, NewBi,,,_.-t�ot pertial r. P %,
-a 0 . VAA IOU 4ske4 that the a
I Our M-IdWinter Aq1;,a1e it Big I ficularly one of $50,000 and dat.ed WRECKER OF FARMERS' BANK SENTENCED MONBAY MORNING O'W ? I Ineat ra4 0overn.
�._ Ahead so as to make this subserlp. . I , r ke a gralag to assist the
� . 4011 list appear reunlar and permit, d. I . . . I . - . - - '1* First Newsie-WeIll, here's an ox iutereOtO townships in -carrying .1
". � I I the obtaining of the � r __""�� , ample. Pe ,)dder day --I lost In; Out this Pfroiect. The p*omdoj� W
Success bl3tsiuess. I certificate to do In passing sentence on; W. !R. It under dawg and r stuck in an ad in, ,de given that ffie , ,40
. great temptation, . =4tter w
'Travers, who wrecked the V Owing classlile'd like this,- , celve the =QSt faVro . OU14 re-
. I A further eiVIL armers to banks being allowed to carry on .rabI4 Conalao,_
!! I an,�tiorj of the method Bank, Police Magistrate Denison busineBar Without LOST-yaller d4wg answeriAl to AltlOzi Of the X.Iulstor. r, , �
So we have decided to co'ntinUe it the rest OF by which the $250,000 cash from sub. made any, proper Qov� de name 01, swipes, Will -be Down, Ullf I � .
, JeOmr,aents on thQ,need �of- ernmeAt inspedtion.., With an effl- after t,
. I the month for the b6nCht 'Of those who have not " scriptions and $500.000 'subscriptions Government inspection of �raone_ 'llent system, of Governmeatt I . re,e do 0 more by syntltoms_ OR LOCALS' i,
I * dition, ef , a- of Rydropho !a. _ .1-11-1.. Watch Clinton Grow., ,
Icate of the Treas� Sentenced to six years in' thb penk- could not have . r affairs I got him,baeX next 4ay, Youlve � .
taken advantage of the go �, grinting of the certif K
to stock, which is' necessary for the tary Institutions. Travers was � speetion. su6h a coli
� , .. od values following ury Board was obtained, follows, US r existed, But' 41- - .
I will give you an idea of what to expect whea you tentlarY. Radhe received the lim-; though there was Freat telupfation get to understand, human natur
90't ;,r sult:4 from ads.. , .��to� t,QU. our xewLlzra .. subscrip. .
� . come . to this store. ' . made by the curator: it for thet three! Offences which he � there Is rea!ly, nr4,.excuse f�)r Your I I -_
� . . . . . I r The sum of $2ij,000 Iva$ collected pleaded guilty he would have got crime, an4 a severe( �en -must .N1 ll,"H ,0110LO�il(),1L US Poft .V, oR Send the -New Eeik
. . by subscriptions, $41,000. was forth, : twenty-one Years.' The magistrate be inflicted as a ivarnAng4lty � to your absent .
- fl,or with Paid Out for expenses, leaving remarked on the-serioua, nature of,; thers, D40,100 -BR, . . frieUd'a. �
I Our loss is Irwh 9 I . � too . . . lot � .
� �
. U -aver, Sentence Of six y.ears Was th ,
. I . iust $170�000. The surh of $80,000 was the offence to WhIcI4 Tr a con...' On The higbest in., , ,_ � .
1''. I I l then borrowed upon Subscription notes fessed 11,10 guilt. M4n)r trusting' imposed. Travers ,was Very deject- i"MuM was 8,3 O. onr j . 11 ... ,
. r ': : h . ed when b- Came into enur ' " "' 0_e 14t the lowest 111111imum terilpe)t . . � �
I title was , r... - - . .
. . 4 '..., � I udbd to Travers, and the $250,00or - r people, through blo,oriminal ,acts' lookod relleved wbe-a lit- ht4_%-n(11_hb,t . -
p ... r 40 on ttits 13rh, tile highest � - . .
_1 . I I � I r cash necessary was then complete, had lost the savinji. of, a lifetime. I pen ranve was 3or �p OU the 13tb, tba lawout -. � 0 r . I
. . I . I . . This sum W. , alty,whllh is ReuOrally regard- V11 4rd" 154,ti, ltrl(j . . . \
, I � - � I .. V. . was turned over to the re. Jk GREAT THMPTATIO a�'falge C0 . 20th. The . �
. . I . . ceiver-gencraI, and, as is the cuQ,tom, . ji . , ed as being quite, reasonably light., Iii -1,71s for the inouth vvei,o, n � I
� �
. ,� r AlIximam . . I - . . .
.11 . rrr I a turned. The sum Ther& is one thingi in your f.,-, I ,j1thoj4Lgji tile Pills-aner is 57 Vears'of 21.87'--t mininitim 12,3100 And range . . .
� Dress Gingh I ' , 11 is ld the.boagistiate "you did age, . . 4�L .
_. 75a Dress Go -o-&- -39c ams 9- was deposited in jhe Traders' Bank 'Or I' 'a n . � I 13.48 0. The silowfall , r , . I I
I I . 1.'. . to the -credit, and *8o,000 1, . - I . . . Was 42,5 -inches . I I . I . I . .
�� ____ __- I
_, ,�,�� - ------j;�==-_- .
. L ;;6,;;; r ;;,;, 1; 'r -_ --,-- 8. eighing began: ou the 2nd, and good
500 yda of all wool 'dress Several place 0 drawn out by check and transferred' � . � � r I r . � r . . r I 1=40k�luw ' '
� I . f beet ging., � . . . . . . sl(f'Phlng f"Olit 'he 10ch, to 'end of I
I goods in all shades Bale e bain irreheellcs and stripes repy. to the Trusts & Guarantee Co. on de, . . Month, The depth OfRnow at the end' I
r .
%. . . I �
'r .,i� r � I
r I - ,
7 the Farmers". Dan This . was 20 it' . . �
j . I .......... I ............... pac _121'VIRT15-Ule fit -ice ...., � ... 9C . posit for =,�� ****O****+<P# . ofthe month January_ Sale . ' -
. . .
. _. . , i--"O=""Wm".4-"W--"=49;92wlw"�:e 1. -_ � '' L, 7 + For the montrb Of Deceni ber 1900 the . I �
I . . V . was turned over to the Trusts & Guar. 10 . , - - 1014es. 11 I . .
, 0 1 1 � .
11 11 12j Flannelette 9c Flannelette Gowns8gc antee Clo. by thred ,checks and tile 0 1 # highest, niaxivilim teropernturs wits ' . . . �
I . r,"# , 0 '17 0 on I he 5th. the , . . .
. .=,urdn which the money had beew * - - ,, * lowest was To oil �___* - "
� .> , , .. , I . by the irust company were 4' . -ocal New " .. 30th',Tbe mean.4 rop the month we ' . . . . .
., 10 pieces of best 0anadlit, * Plan* L .4 , I . 9 ,
n .14 IN Prelette. then returned to the bank ,& ............. # .. . . . .� *1� . 0 ink),ximurn 264so, tile win;? . . �
. A. re
.I ne,ette 30 inches wide - This. left * - r 0 it , Wits . I .
� I to clear gown in -oluk. and white good the bank- with $170,00, and the sub, # I . I . 18.7fO. The snojvfajlw,a� n"t . I .
. ............. ... I ........... -, gid qualitv Flannelette reg $1.25sale scribers' notes a r I .. ... 0) , 45 5 inches - .. . U,
� I �. I . - ##4tt*. _he gan Olt the Utb, and ' Of small wares .. .
I price ..... ... _ . s its -Odginal capital., ` t*#*##** .^ At"d ... i-ait3f,411 1,12' inches. 81eighing
� . . I ........... $9C - Dr. Beattie Nesbitt still evader r___ I .. . . I . � r
� I , pur", good sle.igbi g .. .. . I . I I
I Crasb Towelling 8c , r . suit.. If Tumor had'virtue the d �W_C,"T. U. WERTINO, ' - Cochrane, Alta., and Tobias. of Cat- Oil the 20th. the pept I . .
. octdr - r . Rno,W att .
11 � 8: HunUin, of Ijullett; , t,e end'�Of t4o months was is -inches
I wduld be a rhodern "Flying, Duteh,� . e regular mee Ini Of A`the 1W . . � I stationary I
1. - � Nina, of Cochrane,. Alto,; Mrs. Jno. I ;�Iid
� Flannelette gOwns 49C 41l;e___--_- ' t - ,borne; Mr
1000 yds of beet English crash . . - man," for'he has been reported a,i� C.. T,'U,,'WII1 be.. held'ht Wesley ` ' .
, I �eing in widely di -.,t--rY*ung, of Loyal,and,grs. LAKE HURQN' F . .
I n I fferent Points both Grigg, � . I , ISH.HRJ�RS., , r I . r .1, . . , '. r, . . . I . r .
all linen reg. 124 sale price .. Se .1 Doz4n Ladies FIR nelette ,parsonake, oit Friday afternoon 4 . of Colborne. .1 . . . .
1, ;-", , gowits;ln pink and -white .wa,g in Canada and the United States'. If 3 o'clock. The tople will be*"The , The faiieral', . tool-, . .. - .
T)Iace t6 Col �Dn Senator SMIth has A 'hil a ware , s .� I .�
.'� 900a value 'it 60a Bale price., 49c r was said yesterday�thlit Lumbermen72 This is T .borne conietoryk settled' 'the . .0 a is , .
I Factory C ' . I � I . Detectives Walter Dunca Inspector of' I -Work among ing r ftesday afternoon.: Rov.-,..W. Cojft- Saginaw B ' . r' -, . ' .. I . . . , I .
- . . ay fisheries! questionj in I I . . I .
otton 8c . I n had gone OL v6ry� important andinterest' an argument reached t6zitativ�ly I
I to Buffalo in sdarch'of him.' Bat the � -o .C.- T. r. ! WAY� Of Nilej 166ndueted&, the - fun- � * ' . * I . * . . ,
. Best English Print 10C . � part of the wm. k � f the W.' ,%,6,ith the Cr anadian authorltlei now being cont ! r
� . I
3 pieces of extra heavy 37 in- . � � . r inspector, when and -we urge. all the mem'biers'to be oral service -9 and the� PaM-boarers - --_inued , .. - I
� rr . sean. r at his office, ill Washington. It practically elint- . I ,_ . ,� . I
� � I ches wide would be good value . Your cholce'o,f* all prints 1 n would not tell where he le present. Visitors - --welcome. Ojj .were Michael Schwanz.. Wn).- Dyrst 4nates Lage Huron from the later- 1. I . . i . I I r . :
� . would he make any Tuesday evening the 24th Inst., 4 1 1 . I
at 12.j sale price ............ . Se store ....... � ............. . i 'the day nor hid been dur to and 5 4-o'slab, -Alln, national agreement fqr the protap-L' ' 4 �'. I . � .
. 10C sn I
ta� 11 e.pheu Butt
, I . action . parlor meeting will be, 4eld at thq r th � Ask y6ur neigh I .
I ement as to tha crown'$ I e old, neighborhood.( and, tion, of t1fe I I
I - -
� n Undefskirts. yq " ', , in the .Pursuit of the doctor or%O of Mrs. N)r, S.. %Urlatid,', An. Andrew Green an4.Wm., ?41cl?hce, lakes. fish and' Ither -great . . . . . I 1. � ) � .1.
�i . Bleached Cofton Sc . . . . thers. . 1101*6 e 11 . . . of Loyal. . , ' " . -The senator met W Bro- r. I . I
Sate �
�11 , . . It is known that Lindsay left'his' ex�elleptptogtftmme -wIllb'b giveii. . .. 'L . . .
I � 'I Do . and -light refreshradrits , served.rF I . .11 I e4 depaitlu;nt, ;r- I I
,V_ . I - .
I . zen'lined S,kte6n Undei-% - apartments in the Elli6tf . I . I- . I bo.r - 4,bolud j1he - '. -. .
3 pieces only extra finerble- . HouseAnnex , TWEIIN'T"' SIX ,IDRyS.?,. . . ranged a-terjt.attvj� agreement ex- .
,, r
ed c a0i-Ali�Irts __Wall good value-. at; 81 0 ` and ,-his ojRoe ill the -Canada Life- eryone interested in -the. woik- 63rnpting ab , out two-thirds of, Lake . . I. I .. ; , . I 11 I
. sale price __ -___________$_j -.:If) 49Temperance" 1,9 inVilted t( . . 'r . . � I
� Otton free froul dressing was . ..... t ... , . Building v6ry shortly afte.r' tR6, 8 . . .1 . 7 - . . I -it, wnship is . - the Interpational, - ' bar& ins
1 vood value at. 12j sale price.. Se . I us.., . : . - .I , : " � , ) attb-n'cl,. ' 1am ster to an6thef of 1'.11uron froiu �a g; r .
I I . . , and - tba 'police- : _41,_- A to carry,jo-_ . - 0 a,, or (-')o)a- - ". . ..
of.the bank, , _' th*d Places, that, failcc I rFem.ent that all ok.-the latite _ I
" 'Pielw",is"t"llope -MORE, tween a 11 a drawn..clea I . . I ,�. I . .
I Ladies White 'Law a d tolteate him in Western TWO . -BILLS ,e ! .041 option on Monday to the thre * _ . I � . I
' * . , . - ' r across it" , � - � . . . .
. � n . 0 d west juBtilorth of Thlin_ . I
, White Quilts � . . . . . . . C4.ua-da.' This effort failed, and. it 'is, Mr. B. W. Lewis. of'West Ruron, fift-ils'pe.(Iuii,ement.."tlle,flgui,es-eiv- n . L .
I '
, 90C Waists .' . I Dow tbought that'he is across th? lind., introduced two bills, oritto make miniort-Allf 'I. ,edast ,�aay I SU week , I .
. ,go rt last - �.
I . exi to th(, Do an.ce. office, ancY. a, line . 8
�_ - 2 Doz,ju . . . I . I yestei;day .'east and. -west I . . I
. ... . honey com)) I � . 14� 'Ill. nT!1A ., , Lindsay 4ai been well-known', n ilia" to deport livanigrants . being 4 r a it well � South of . . . � I
, , quilta I . � I_, I . .
I el'. y (-g j.q -o eir landing � 1.1.11 ,.- - 1. is . '.. ..- ''
. . iound, gpjlt�.r., i6f car-, Of Ift-HI-lictit to carry. the by-lik '!� 1dke ��11`h of t4lp - � �
.. -ears, . Sobi f 7th 1 � ajori ty of 147 'or 20 short - Pt. -i Also 14SU . .
. 3-1)oz�owhita lawn, ,�V,ipjs - eity for a number of: y . 51 fbri'alld .33.1 a-' narbor .. 0
, PriZe 90c reg. , , . 11 e:ainst .% M P10401it should be 'ex-ni
good.size reg $1.1j)sale ILRO111110110111111
I . 011,5j sale price.. ... .... 75c yeara-ago lie was associated with'Her.' 'in Canadq, if' that all-�6,f. t , & .6f * th,
I . . I
. I I . ' _ I .
I - � , . . - bort'�Qapelvell, I .r. jai t _ w L .;" . . 77 . . - . � . . .
11 . . t - . -F0Mt-T11W,tmlty q.andi-' rYing offensive.. weapong.... T.119 I poting 'O 11-4. As for Lochral' sekAdlAM �ieeL.bjj �]J,)�.'!"' "'16 , I . . . � I .
� I I . . .. . �. . . . . ate,i ill ft'T3X%f11Q-qs in Churcli streat., other is to make'the acceptame of tU 0111� other� placq from -1villog I AMIC I - '. - ttflzr - , , � ,� . . . ., .. .. . p ..
11 ii f ,P1, "", Ill' an- fisheries regulations. ,. paper. . .
... I I I I .
.. . � . . - hat connectio wa� aei?ero long secret -com�mlFs!Q.n' a er.minal of. I cOMPli�-61etuvlls had not*)IX. 11iVe agreement,will be . . . . . . I..
il I
. ��� , . . I . I I . . . celved no fi .',,en re'� . . . . � .
I . , - 180Y 5 still in'the cit ! �.' gures yof-�re , turned,-6\r6r to, the international ' . . � . . I
� . a I xti�� T I .
�: � . I ��riibed by (lie poj;,:Q,�, *.- 1. . . � . '... aVallable . - . . . I I I
� . I . . � . . � � . I jfcadalj-�� Commission. This, will leave the � �. _ .
,I , . � k, - . Thil't"': z"'Ot's; I I . f O I, p till, 4h�-S�e-eretary B..11. . I . 4. . , .
I I . . ,-. I �.. �. � as fron,i 0 .. . . I . .. . I . I ,Sj,)eneb lia� �ad wo,cl "Lochlia-litiAl'-Interugtion. . . - __ . 1. . : . : , _ '.' . �
I . . ", . AP.A itAM 01 age, 5 lt;��Ir a' - - ,ts 41-ligrement-In.: �,'effect: _'iV_y.. I �'i .1 . . . . ...._�
I �� .
. . , . - - . I.... . � . a 11 � I I,ETT-0-8 TO .. . . -_ . , 1'-_1X-_1-_1_-,_11 I r, _ _. I ".
. . I __ -7-Ir - .`_ 77 -17 7 '.";�,' �1, - . .. I 11 MR *ds .Lli 1yoiqr1tjt - . . I � _ - 1; '�
. or ei :TjjF, F,DITOR, . dOnjj,j �%rle, and Ontario and in'' . � . . . ,
?..'�,��,:��.,. tall, � duty"' Wbichi l,.e'tRlcvs.:t(; on-Vakes h . I . A - '' �
* - . 'in 1;1.; t. , 'that. , . .
.. I . I %=44F. -Am sh vil fl6rjd* conlp,l(.,xioll.,,C,lt,Lll.c,zfiav' ' . t'Son,� " . . � I 'MN . . u:zjed tbd'b � art. of Laket Vuron above , . . ,. . . �_-Iiim�.___ -.--- 4 %4 � . .
� I - W. H. X h e is' lilfcIn-fl. , I ),-Iaw allel ,g , . . _ .
.' " ' * !�-n, dr9oping * "L fl,0111 allot I'lld1j= 'toy. Lake Mich � . I 1�1
I , `11�.. .,r -
I 41 ,I,e Err & .
I .
I l . . . . . , I
1 Mouthi Yound full face, I have taic,ert yoiir jApor fo� iioer. �b . an Was I .1 .. .. . . I.: It - � .
. ,. �e I � . � - t . .- . � . I .q . . . . that eyery rritinici, I .�p, source wer ln�' the treaty, having be(en . 1� . I I . I . . I 1l, . - .
, .
I � ., � I '_�' Y dre,�ksor. ... . I . . I , , A to , rtenew my : sub- . 01 , eoui3ter-balance.� for ' . I f
. All Ladi 's' and, i C h i"I de r n , _S'14,�YhtlY bald, ' ai;'i t has run ,alit! in, n( . ., . .
- -Ghnl� IL
. � 1 . � 1�a -st-lu . re . $h()tl1dL-r-z? and tA. thirty years �uoylr:an(l i gar�y,ljas carried,40, .,ft Out as. 6. '
� , � . . I . - -it . ption: (:,
I . , B,:4 I ,wia- .., .. . �
�. , At 'tile "iftile L`ildsa7 hai- s'eription"I 4m, sorty,'ta.-Ilaye b.e'en. cept. Laficaster. I I . .. x� �Georgian Bay', �al.-jq lefk' out - . - - : ... I , *e_'&� � � � I I
pi-esent I . � I I . � I . . . ..
' Pre -a' ' In .the YPPOi't's hithc* � ... . " _ � -
11 . I , . I., I .. .
I .q OlAt� MAITLA . 1. . . r .0. �! � I I
_ � ent ' d i ain t th6 b a-welelt late in revewing.'.."Enclosed -4�k'Hill-haff-been ilicit I . ! '. . . ,
42; - . ctiol, qg ai'k for . . rto g!N�ejj. -C6 ' : , , ' '
� - , AM - ., . -
U-11 d e- rwear, R-0-duc ' . . Yankle .XD RIVF.R. DRAINAG9 I
. . . � .
1 ��;, 1 ... d $10,000 -and again.4t Travers",fola $;!,cco x find one'dollar 16i saille. - . mong. tile .villages I Ide-1 a- SCHEME. . . - , ,C000e' . &I .... I � '.. i I "I '.
- .
� . U . . . ; . I .
I I - I . . I 11 .u.nder tile agreeln-ell't by whi,eb fl(� Ni,U4 - MRS. W. 1'. M10,F]FAY-r. - . . was t . . .ut AT.1, Sil6nc .-,. . . I I � I -f �. - , I . .1
. . . * �.Y--Trav6`so fa h� , , ' . . . - . le W Proue 6_-.- . .. . - .1 .
.- 1. , ' - , old ye�tt rday In wli�tter that b , I _.. I.
. p [foot,- K. C., was ameW,. ' I I
. . . . . ;Ag g d . I it '� ' . ' 'L 0 . .
0�,, . rgi ! r t. 6 board td , - . '- i I all ,I . er 6f-a,d'6.putat!o � .. .
I i,. 1,i ill directcrs W --H. Ner.r &§oii� - ' "corporate',,] taj,�n , . U'which was !It , ... J n ft, . .
� I , , � . to sdil *tj . .. � * The . . .Toronto a few days ago Interviewa I . .. � .
_ "010�_ ���� 1141��_ . � _ � . . 1, , le. stoch , . -7- .. . C1 I I I ;
- .1 .
I �_ ___ of.. tj , nan t_ � 1. complete resulfij�n,r��hm lng: 11 I . I I
�, __'. -I enel fi . . of* . I ..� .. . i I , I . I .
____ - . - , __====-=:t__ , a�s begun* by, Ijis Dear Sirs nse a Post, of . ore as f:AIoNj,s._-.j 1C___ on, *Dr. Rl -ume,l Minister ,
. � . ;=�_ - -_ �_, . s6licitoil b Tj Nv, . ce I f car- - . . .4 I' I.. .
Up.mla�- k1064 . M ... .1 I . .. � - - J -,_V--, . Stark, _.�-�. Tuilluiphlities , . .. .
, oj-d'6e for .the Ndw.ErEC-for this y6l�rt rying local OP.tion�_3'to,%Ar _.� . .. ;*��.�_ V
. .
I __ � I 9'r-tv, ana,ft.w 'Eu u.rovers,ror novs r,o.D. T10 usual qilie Of the Farmers' I thank.-ybil for' the... Chdafirias- lagea. 15 - tOwn,gh. 1 13s, 8 vil- - .- _I ---.-- - . . 1.� - - . . I... . I _�
Liverpool at country Pointsr. --: _Ba b_�Ildlng Ni'lls'-dhiturbe(I N -1 I lPs;.totaj 26:*qFojj_ .. � .. ______ I ". , .. . . . . , . . . I
ears . ,, ,ewtpr. . nuinber*and ,%�ais'much leased With- . . � ..&= I . I . . ___� - I . �. .
I Wh6at Futures Close Low. I � . . . . �- --- . P hT -Olnil&tu .. ��, I . - I . .. � .. l. � , I. �_
East Buffalo Cattl' Wag � y tile � ed -to clause; 7 Itow WOMMMEECOMMMM-MMMUcnuMzwsmumnmmm-wwwn ..
I a. Market. . ; .ns. 5 Millaged 18 -town- , .. I . . � . .. _ V .. I .
- F,As,v nur.FALo, Jan. 17--Cattl-_--R4!: it P ,�, . I . . . . . I I . I .
-Live Stoc dre mtoilr' of the now (lefunct gn'oio al jnjad mhny*oId acquaintances,'lilrd.: Ships, total 3 .. efeating lo6al oli- .1 ' - ..
er, Chicago 4ieher k I . dily, o ' ' b- ,,atherin't, `61-tho Mr. -Math"on's letter % call try� Alite'l-41iths . .
. . . ' nid, . M 0 D . . . * . '.
. -Latest Quotations. . I ceiPts, 50; iliaricet, steady, Prime sleers; ingtitut-lon. 'The � l eflu wa� cajl�,J* �oay fr;ien .9: Tayloi, I -have taka tion; 1 city C towni, .j� N�jl I. . I . � I I . I . .
"I'llesday Evenin,q, $6.60 to $0.55,� butobor fOrl- 11 a.m.', . , . . j � . lages, i . I I - . I . . I � .. I ..,..
I . 0- . grades, $3 to $6.25, . but lonz before thattinre eu the. Newl EraL for oye)� �: * forty. .0�vnshi .;,-. .. I I ''I I I I . . _. 1�
,%Vti -lose' wishing��.�rdij'a aLaIng., Y -law liv,-1-ep cps "jus- - . � One Price Only , " - R
. Llvl�.�rpo(jj .%VI-�k.,j. Jan. l7p Calves -Receipts. 175'; inarkL-t active many ckedl-fors.from. al] PaAs of..011. * ..years. . I, 'il P I t . ,ts total� 25.%..Pla Terms Cash., -
t , future.1; felrosaeytj , to -day and fir -in; 'Ch -; -were presen A ' � eal Antest; 11 �' . . . - - . . , . . .. - , . . . . . .
futures JAd to �jcl ipm ves ; corix 4 culls ,to falr, . $5 to $625- yearlin,gs, t, " if P I I �z ,: �;; I I -Villhge,.-.2 toAlriBlilps; -t I . .. , , I . . . . . I I I . . �
N I %d t5 %(j lower ti e d . 01ce lbrnbs, $6.5o to $o.70 'arl'o' o. obtaffi, OR.- 1)rosperous year. _ 4 s F1. . .
1'� Chicago, Ma higher. � I ,s5 to sible, some light in. conne ti . ' ' UNS51)0 . 'klumb6r of pi, otal, . . � . . I . I ..
At ; ahe ' , . 3 to 5.. ' . .. , 0 lon %1,11h .. WILLTAM BE . .1. 11 ,3. . I .
0 .. R . . . 1, _. . . I aces , votinff,L 84. Wun- N .
. . y wheat clol'e.d to-dw,rj gs-R s,.17 the moneys th6� ,had ,pla . .. � .
. I%c higher than �'ec;terday, �jjav COT 2 ;ti) ark , a0tive d . ced in' t1,je . - . � �� . I �
I � b�gher, and n I st&dy; yo I S. - $ 40, ags, . 0 . . . � . ., �. . . . . � . .. . I . . . icilialiVies,already'."ary , 41o. To. . . .. . . _ ;_ "
, May oats %c alniler. . I W. H. Kerr & -Soni- ' .j . �� tal number of municipalities, in On- I . ...
I - t. t hank'. . : 9 ,
I . $6 50; pl , - . . - �
1. .
� WtnniDeg options. ,, : to 8. . ; m , $8, to The creditors listened attentively to u will.find 6n�losed tario, 816. k . 'S - . ..
I . eat ei)sel Tse higlier . $8 30; he 9.10 t . . �; . plifflig, $7.25 P:* 0 1 ,-' Dear Sir -:-Y6 436. Nimilier now:,'to be 'd I yy . . .
" ,
', � 'W I Innipeg �mav wi, . . . $7.40. _' . $ .. I .. . the,,various itenis in All ' s . or . der for-11,vo dollars for ivIiiell you Remaining. "We't," 380., � � -1 ._. � . tRw N, ., . I ..
.:.* I ... . . - 1. . ; . �
. "rat P � ' 'me(tredit., r Sm cionild- .' . - '' .
.. 1han Yesterday. may oats %c higher. . . Chicago - Live.gto�k.. .. . - -lengthy--i-b-terim, Tepbrt - - 27 :1 7?111. ,ii,re � .. ,� , . I _. I . I . .1 . .
I . I. . . I
�, ... When': . ,-Clarkson'Khd cdnclu'ded' el b hind but itE( pure : - care- THE,3FINAN,C1A-V-ST,k `: '' I .. .. .1 1�:, . . I S .1 " 1. " � I I I . . .
ra &
. 'Wheat- Jan. 16. 0P9n. High. Low. Close. CHICAGO,- 'Jazi.' ' i?. -C , Mr. 3 Y e . . I lild R . �, . . "
. . attie"Recelpts, Ili stateinent, Ur. Hami'.toa Ca � . + TE I NT � , - ., . � , . . 1. . I � �
7A . M, zparket steady;' beeves, '.$4.SD to' $7; . �. . ., �isels I lessiless ilthough .1 havd been, a- * - fjnL . I . I I . I . . .. . - - . : 11 . 1. � I . . I .. . . I
, ,� , . May .... * 9S 9% 90% 98% 99% Texas steersi $4,20 to $5.40.,, I... . . The- ancial sta,tem-en4 Ofj , . .. � I . 1. . I �
July ..... 100 I western.steers, ,, , , -i.- ".. I—. _. I Nvay- from: -Ontario fs)r 1.4 yeats yet -'r � I 11
1: . 00% - 1007A 100% 100% .$4.60 to $0-,. sto ' ....- _�. _... I—. I DonlihiblL, fbr D6Cejnberi-- + tile " I . I .. . . I . . .. ''. . .. .. .I. I . .
� Oats- ,cko,rs fLnd, feeders $3 8D to moved. "that the -dourt be recommend' I h ,armj,plac6An my..heart the mo-st �atj6fAce6ryj &.18 one io-f I . . . . .. . . . � . .1�. . . ! '.
+ . I 'A v .a I, - � . . . .. . I I I I I �.. 'I, l 1. . . . .% � .
. I
I . May ... 371/4 37% _.q 7 " erj/4 873A $5 -DO; cows and belfersi . s2.60"to. 'se.4o;, -ed.to appoint -Mr.' Geoffrey, Clarkson' , rat % oll� honie,,hbighboiars-and � n . . .. . � . " . . . . .., ,. .!_. : ,.. I I � - - '. .
I % calves $7.50 -to $9.50. , * + , , fo h .t. � .. ; .. . � . . I �
I . July ... :: I �, " 1 16 ka Tery .", . � . . I - . ,
� I 381A 1, - ..... ..... 88% . as permanept liquidator. .1 ' % line., -The revenue for Dd- . . � .. . � . . " , ' ' . .. � . . I . I I I �
, I . I . . . I
. � ' �
�, , 11094-11-eiPts� -19,000;. market weak. to . .1 frienas. and thrdugh -the,. inedimn deln er.was $6,790�387,14, an inereas . .
.. Tord.nto Grain Market'.... I 6a lower; light, $7.80 to UA; mixed, $7,75 . .Mr. J. W. Gilmore, representing El. of your papei I edii keel) sdmpwhat of $1.105606.0% -while exiiendi- i.. . . I '
. I Wheat, bush . ......... - � to $8.02%; heavy, 17,70 to -4&202A; roii.i% 911 ditors� seconded t& Ili touch With the plaii'o and peo . _ the .e . . . I
t - .... ;Q 3i to $ ... ple. ture for the mouth �vas $5 . . - .
. .
. . Wheat. goose, bijsh . ...... o 8D $7.7Q.to $7AN);- good,to ebolee hogs; t7.80 to Inotioti; Whiell -carfied, unanimously, where-1-ap.dut sa.minylia:ppy yearp . � -an ificreaso ' ,365,286-13 1 - 1. I . .
bushel ' $8.02%; Pigs, .$7.65 to $8.16,:ltulk or sales� ' The naming Of a liduidqtor being the Yet L,Iike�_thisj country- very much: - Of,'- $683 726 46. --Vor' the . . I . . . . ., . .
I Ttlre. ... : - ,I Cbunty ere . .. � LIN.E' -N .'� -.8' '.-''
. ....... � ........ 068 070 I ALE ` '
I ., Barley, bushel .............. o6o $7.85 to $8. * I . 1. I—. . �. _ nine"mouth, , I I . � I � . . . I I I
E. . I tl . .
. Buckwheat, bushel .; ....... 063. . Sheep and Lanibs-Reaelpt�, 18, sole object of the meetifig a -motion a beatitiful-climate and'godd ' s- Of the, fjscal� .vear * , '' . � . .. . . . I . . . .. . . . � . . I . I , . . . ; � . .
. 048 ... , OW; mar. so� ended With thp,l&st day O . . . I . . � I .
. . Pea.s. busbel ................ 078 09 . ket *strong; native, $2.60 to $4.60; western, ).of. adjournment was!',put a�' . L-lety. People in thjs'pa�# t of Wash- endar Year the fthe'cal�. - '. . - �
I I M70 to $4.55; YearllAgs, s4.95 to $5.9D; lambs, At i me'eti . . nd cariled-. . . I ' I L . I I .
7 Oats, bushel .....-I ....... 1. 0 39 .... ng of the Farmers' Bank 1logton -knoW how to run hotels AhA reVenu& W Fahty Linens.'slig'htly rntis�ed' t'h-rou n' onstant, I
! , native, $4.15 to sp.55; west6rn, s5 to $6.50.- bhareh6lders yesterdiy afternoon,,Wil: 1 .833,83,. as against as $85 665 A . I . .. . . .
, .. . . . I . . $73,390 080 g7 , I . . .c I , . I - � I I .
Toronto Dairy Market. - __ . make them pay vithou�. selling. li-. ble'tterm6nt -og� $1 , . a , Ahowing d An , the 0firist 'as. � rade and- ou 11, 0�1
, U I
I . . I - expendjt�r�. . eg. We P m t ,
,.. But�er, -se - � ham Laidlav� K.C.,- renewed lif . poor you don't h,eav the 'old song 2,276,752 A. '� : The , % .
i., � Parator, dairy, lb.. 0 24 � 026 - . -____.,_.4__._-_.-__.-_, I m pro . . ,slig ' 9 - Y, - . � �
7 . 022 , . for'the niji; . m elll'tb clear the'm., out atl. on ce
I Butter, store lots ............. 021 , . osal made at the creditors' meeting , ca u 6tel without a: hows an Increase of *5 4 2110 th . . htly usis J ref ' . . .
. Butter, creamery, lb. Irolls.. 0 % 028 � n the morning,'that a petition be sent � - 3, OT, . �
.. rl bar or it will destroy the business he ,figures lb '460�a at a greatly redilded' pric
11 Butter creamery. solids. 0 25 .... to th , I _ n *tak 'the In t
B99 'new ........... ..... I . .. -U. ..., � . men . ping 2,1964j .. e 'tha le , W . to S Ock, ' . . .
NAN e Dominion' Government, asking Iii, 118,129,51 . at our inventory the ist of February. -ie them .in ou'r
:, .q. -laid :::,.'O 45 . I_ TJ U THOBE of .out town,"',wel say to such 1010 as.-
- � .
I Cheese, -ro . ................... 1� . , I A . .1 I . I ' .e I . ... . � I . .
Eggs, cild storage ........... 027 0 28 " . �_ , the appointment of a royal commj�� Out YOU wilt, not b6 ailOwed to The expencilture on.0 Pital account. _W_i12do_w_:_6n-Rr-iday-�-and. come ' t - 6nce if'
I 0, IN . . sl6n to investigate the bink's affairs, go'ke Yo,urjiv-iug"-O-elLing..-Whisity ,ju.
012, . ma _
1100eYcornbs. dOZen ........ : 2 00 . . . I -AUring Deiemb6r fait w . . . .. . . a YOU.- I . I
� Hon 2160 Creditors- and' It was decided to Sond,MT- Laidlaw� our town. We find dryl to_j�as dl -0- 47, as agains as $34689.305 want bi . I . . -
, . e3r, extracted.. ib ......... olo on- �. Sharehofi�ers � of and Mr, Elliott'to Ottawa *.ith,th - a larger business' hndi are. a X .. ior . e t $3,379,27077. While -for , argaihs. - . . ' . . . . . I
� . v .
I � - - I . , ji 0 . I- Pe' desirable )ilace totnailke a hohibbi. � onths, it was $��,804, 1 . . .. � . . .. . r . ,., . . . � .. : , . � � ... . 11 . . .
, I _ - 247,33 against. $24,06,137,2g ja. I . I I I . .1 " . . . .
, Liverpool Grain and Produce. Farm : rs -Bank Meet. , tition. The menibers of Parlialueni � the nine in _ .. . . I I
:1 I LIVERPOOL, Jan. IT.-Ciosing-Wheat _� e- . - .' in the districts �Wbere" there- ar We also Have,& fine school syqtet�, I the . � t . I I . .. I I : L, ,. .
. --Spot firlm; No. 2 red western win'ter, Ta . . . . .0 : and good churches I *corresponding. period of ! -�stj yeaz:l ' . . I --- I . . I I ., . . . � . . . ., . I .
'r . a March 7s O%d, May -4 � � . . . �. branches of the bank.'will co.operate - The'productj-' ,Ihearly the Whole ofthe amount be�; - . . I . . I I I . .. . . . .
I �
:I. I TWO WAR - 1�k the meantime copiq6s. of the petis of -this Valley are red-app'les 'which. ing eXPeUditure o' � .. .p . .. . . . I .. . . . ... 1.
1. 75 I%d. . - I . .
. . RANTS ARE�JSSUEI) I . . ure ps.ekea Jn 'boxesi . containinsg a T n the). x�tjoaa . �. . I I .-L . .� . . . I . - _.
�, stock. .. I . .1. - '.. I , . . . I . . . . . .L � . 1. . I . L L- I
]Peas- -Canadian, no . 0 I . . _ I I tiOn wilLbe forwarded to e 4dh branch- bushel baid shipped to'43astern cit- ,ranscoritinental- iiallway. - Th I :.,. ' vvith, thlo. EnAroidt:red UnOms , ". L ,.' . . . I . .....� .� ..
. . . I L
I 0 . . . . ........................... :_�... ,. �. a .. !.- . . Shows L
�7. Flour -Winter patents firzb, at 29s Gd. I . . . . . L. . -to obtain signatures - - . les;. I-md' . _IubHe debt . e . I
,�, Hops -in London (Pacific. coast) fiftn, . . . .. . � . . : .. - � ' L . .Xesgr& Laidlaw a' . I )r so�ne? timel give YOU -a . ,, a,. decre , �' . " I '. . I .. . . . ... . I ., I . L . . . . .
�: .. at 14 6s to J5. W. *J. Undsay, a, nd Elliott refused -full iteco $f7680,166199 � OIL 'the - �. . . �, _ . . .. . . 't . . . , � . . . . . .
. j ' L ' 'L - _ 'Toronto Piomotqr�, to accept iny money'lor, expenses. unt' Of- ltd* We hindle:our. thdrith" 1b '' . . I , * " .. . , , . : I . .1 1.
. L
Beef -Extra India mesa dull, 130S. �� and .Geovege Wj fi " - - orchardS 879-66 more t fit it is .. . I � . ... .. . . . I . . I . . . 11
. ]Pork-�-Flrime moss, western, quiet io5s. , ' - �_, ol Int6r, , hali'%,'Dei� COWber We will clear 'out.. - the. bala�ncel 4 ... last * -S6zs0nS;. - - _.: . .
is art,- a 'A - ,t 0 "" 'h il.lghi �b . . .
lew 8;oirk The s6afiment-of-the lnei�tiag .es a 't �,3 t Id tou._ _]- lasti - , -,-- _,-, . . �
r 'Wits Vell attended, , which u ' , __ ', ,,, _ : ', ' . . Awe . . I . : . � . .
. � Hams --short out, 14 to 16 lbs., fjj;r�, 64g. gr*�Z�Ar_d$G!j hA. §y'�oljc6- iro '-seem4ed jo.be in, , rwehacrd S� ' I .1 , I �
I , JO., . mbiciid, . j6StL.'One_dj; efull- of odds, and -dn4 . I . I .. L *--.
' .
. fitviir. Of OPeratifig I T - X, To -it , . . -e erie�j' _ .
. 33acon-CuinberlaDd cut, 26 to 3D -lbs., --_g_ _ . . . . IRDOC . ,
I Stronl9i 62s; Short 103 26 to 24 lbs., steady, Conspirac) -the Keeley min6, . �. I I . . ' ..'' ...; I.,.---..-.-- - .
I .
' --
I � fts Gd; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., dull, 64s I. - , F - No. Word of. D,r.. Wt no voie wag tiken, , - I . . . I L I EAFFOAEST OLD, LIMITS * . - . . -1. . � . ..: .
i I includi o many USe*fUl lenghts . .in.� fr�nti6%s,-..'al lover$ . .. . I....
e NesbitV- P, V . I .. I .. I . . . .. . . - I . ., � . . I .
. . � ro isional _. Mr,� Clarkso . F.A:Tll]@R'D' A D, * " Th'6re aPe'a'fa=,berofsecti , . Car coverings " an ' tri ' . . . . . I .
L Gd; lont clear middles, light, 29 to 49A lb$., aeattl D., Who hills been curator t - .. ng, *mmingL ie I .
. .
. . . : . �
� t[trn, 6 Gd; long clear middles, beavy, 35 1 : Pirectois pl,e�a l,nnocenCe. . of the bank *since its Sgspell 'LSunday; . Ontario ,*hich a- onain* . 00t . d nibroideries, . I . .
t* to 40 lbs,, firm, 66s, sh . . .. I sion, wa, - On -Tanuary 8t�, after an b,tl . re stillund ' � . . . I
. .
4 ort clear backs, . ' I . . lappointW 'liquidator .by unanimptis � Illness Of R' fe%Lwe@js for the a er licens'e . ; L ,_ � '. .. � . .1 I I , . , . ,
an, L . rigofAirnbor Under sale . .. .. . I .. . . . . � . .. . .L I . 4 . .
I to 20 lbs., steady, 61s 6d. shbulders, squam 1# , Tdronto, J I er, one of the - Valentine �igl.sl�? . , Which the , I � 6' --� . , . � . . . I .. .. . . . I . . . . .� I L ,, 1. I .
-refined, 64s Ed.. . L I ,. . . I � 0 - .
- � I . I � . I � . I I .
� -Qulet; western, 62s 6d; American I 8..since Of the -township, Passod( away '.at, hi recent S,o c . . �3 Pair Still Left. . . . .
� 18-Expo.iing ihsAaet , Vote of the sha,reb6lder�:,__The BtAte ish , e 014ist t residents . original wa&, lo, 't
Lard Bank wits went of the. balik's operatilpli
: , I 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 68s 15d. . that the tow, dead Farmers' ,- V made years ago buf . I
, �
11 . " . based upon a fraud qiogn before the its inception was again bresented, but the 'residence Of 'hW Son-in-law, 3'.. a.time ]jailtars 6*416" ire SUL . . . . . I .
. .1 I - . I . I
. . I . - . , I . I .
. . I . .
L. _. I 'A ove e- SlZes are , - - L
ll � Cheese -Steady: Canadian, finest w1ifte, Ing of its charter .fr6ni. the Dona., no discussioh bf its items occurred. Oung, Lo al. Mr. Fisher, who *as bject t� . Of bUr §P.6ciaj: KI - GI ' .�
5% 6d; colored, 60s 6d. I = Government, and y Aftell Which tlj6 p , , .. I .
� , Turpentine -Spirits steady. at 57s 6& V 61irter was - that evenjh4t p - I �*� - .. In 'his elgM-sixth year, was tho atty r1ever.4 t(yL, the cjOWM . Ia, roP,_ s at 5'qc th ' i � ..
. *arrants-aro now known.to beL ' 1. f'th6 Original F�ilxer asp, there . TL' L - . . . .
-, U08in-Common steady,, at 15s. Petroleum '61itained by' -a froud, iWO *. last survivo,r 0 . made twenty-five to fif�t sales - 0 6j 6 6'3 y Mal& -afid[14j�j while they la8t . Fridair I . . ,
!note BRIEFS FROM THE Wines. r. Yeard *a. S ' , S I , I . . . I
-4. -Reflued steady, at 6%d. Lin -seed -oi' . . . . ' .. family in Colhqjrne, com�osed .bf 7 .1j.hO such Provision rd -ay. s' ' * , * . I
I . qq , - . . . .
. .. pam. . . I �. �� . . .
� . _�� ' . sons and -three ddughtersA , apd'holders c inx that, so long aj . . .. � . .. . . . . . I � �
: I Inrm, at 46S. . .1" lessIltda -against those Who, bad to'd w and- atu
, With. th6 institution of the *bank. Tw 0 The mineri L �t the X�eley mine' Are Mr, I .. .. 1. . I
� . (, reported out on Strike, Pisher, was ." ih - - . � . I . � I I .
. . 1. . . new - names, are introduced and two Miss .Anastasia M, �rphy - '. jS26 and "la 1831, .he tame to ,Col. ma c arge Pf $5 per ffiII6, per y0or . . I ., .. .0 , . .1 . - . . I
- ' - ' - . e ay the 'ground( rent, dnob2- . " : , , - . � . . . ... . " .. - I � . : I
I I CATTLE MA�KETS. .�.,-bork'jrv.�Waterlod . .In Y 9 I
. . . ... � . I . . . . . . . . .
. I I . ' further charges against -I)r." Beattie dead at Rarnilton while on dropped bor�l e -with �is father, who. took up 'thgeyj Should be PermittecIr to hof& . .. I I I - . I . . . . l-. .. . ..
. I
..: United -States Exchanges Active and Nesbitt ,ArCutl4arthed, I her, WdY, a laige pdrtionj io th Imits vin' perp 8- Do . AO , � .. .�
.1 - - . t4us . M9111181111 Abd Net Jab&S from. 1540 2 � I
One wartant charges, to a party, . . . 4 land lying east etuit,V ana .
Irm, .., .. Die. . . 11
. Generally Steady to FI . of BeliMiller) Settling doWaL r�ap the ad.rantage of any re-, . I I .1 . I .. � .
. . eorge, Wishart of New york, of body- what was afterWarda known as th, jVrOwth. . I 1
; � Thd:t'-G�.---j-- Mchlorley pleadod jujity ' on , .
, NEW YORK, Jan. 17. -London cattle snatching at Jar ' Tho contention I , eack clearing at .i2j - .
. market lovver for Amexican -cattle, ls%e to Promoier, Dr -7. Of the . . I . . I .1 _ I .. 11 I _ _: ,
W. - Nesbitt ,,,,,.. vis, and will be son- LeTouzel PrdPOrtY. This part of . O.tCrovhi Is, that' leg I t . . I . . . I . , I
I , . and t6n6od on � 31 1. 1. a ly heso it-
� , 14o, dressed weight; refrigerator beef A. Traver�, tia.ttei0onspire, confed. . . - �the country Was. thokit it' . ceases could,be terminated I . . . . 1.
L , - e&Aer at 10%c. Liverpool cattle, joe to erato and agree to steal from the j1i ofpassengers were In vast wild- I . Cat thq I
lie, in'addiflon to offal. - . We havd received an, adivanced deliVery of IbLe .
I r 'Orness. end Of gnyl Noenae, - ear, ',but it'. is - .
I . .the Visherslieng almost the ll - ' - e .
ibraent of CU Owen first settlers.' considemd till$ WOu CT scareelyilobe' . �
Partners' Bank of Canada the'�um of So*d express near Bolton In faef thej?@C was In accordance with, r( , ptirtains,, they Aould not -have e for two. months, . - .
� I . Toronto .Live Stdck. $3M)OW , I . J, caused , equ, �. � Coin . .. ,.
. .1 QJIIY one. other v,hite.family1c ty , I . I .
�� . Olt We Offer them at between e
. . by a broltelt, rail. ,- own _. It( is -yl.
." TORONTO, Jan. 17l-Tbe railways Theoffier charges: Pr6pospd that PrOVISI'* Shall ' be . s agOns, prices.. .Hib is , . .
,� d A bylaw, granting a 30 -Aar frair- to them,' InI tho,jowns.hip. .hen - . . I
I . . ,c cOnlIftenced the atrenuoua,taslo. of the new An Oppbrtunity
" 94 earl -bads of live stock at T4at William J. Lindsay with ,6th T made fdt proteetin.g ' .
� Wt8ity Yards, consisting ot - 1519 . . to get bei rht' new goods at �ery -
ergs 'did -in th - c year 190 i .eon b'$@tO the SeYalOur El"trio ?6wel.' cutting clown Rn(% cleftingf away growth against firOt the :Ctow . , 9 - .. I
. n4 airdeizto�wgthvr to 4b., '�'d In e , I I � �. V 1. I .. .
7 I , - '6i&o'i , spite, 00 WAR attfrIed At PO -rt 14OP6 Mon. the forest -and deviaiuM. means -of tih alf theLeastdof allich ser- . . I .. I ;. �11. ____ ___
eiittle 1672 bogs, 775 sheep and cofiftid ' a special pri'
I lamb; and 85 calves.' . tain the eel,tificitte of 10 Treasury ay�_by -a vote Of 627 to 19. - � - keeping the *Ild animAls ji,om do e I" li . . . ,, � . - . -'I---,-- �. �
� . . I.; k0ard uliderr thel_13aill� Act of Cat. Win _ - viqe,. And taking, halt tile ces I I . . . . . . : . 1.
. 1. I . . L I . �
1.4 settehers . ' AIP�g City Counall has passed stroying their stock. for) thb beai�s . th. If thi's falls the ' , _j, - , ,�, _ � �. . .. I . � I � � . �
,putchaaer of fat cattle, bouglit 415 for tho 'arracrs"'Bank of' Government to iiame the next Ca A- tlr y buy ouo jjUch, . . -_ -_ L I I .
c Geo. Rowntree, who �;as the heaviest ada Pellmitting th6 F a, resblution to Vetition the I)ominion and wolves were nnmerow( atthat J"V . . �
I � rp
� Canada to coibmence banking . 12 1850 the s�iib,jeet.6f. this ' �na MbOje, Men Kave to � I I . . .
'O' such re�
, I !Harris Abattoir Company at the follow- Canada, . in - than battleship 1!Wjnajpog.,, a 0. .Th claims as th . . 'L .. I ��
. !Jng prices : Butchers' steorts and helfors . . Ron. J. G hotice worried Susanila -Waraer. the Vr6pertyO.-' -ti . I I . I � I . .. ; . I I .
Ut $5.40 to $6.2r); cows, $2.-,5 to $5.50; bU11A - 'The dr,&th�srs" mentiotr&a in the last. - Poster, Valted States aud .they settled orb what ,Is now A.BO ., - � , I .0 I . ,- W
2 . . at $4,40 to $6.75. . ., consul in Ca trr S -U
. mentioned warrant is said t6lrej�r to W,,hf,,g,,, nadaj was summoned to ja%own as the Durst,pgtm! on I3S(,1�IPTTOXS- - , .
I . Milkers and SpHngerg. Dr. Beattie� Xesbitt and W;l It., Tray. con ' yesterday ,afternoon. in Mild'.. I'd . � - . I ,. I . '. . .
i*er reportm at $10 per nection With' th(� reciprocity aego,, W IM L'OnC6860h. Mr. V Isher We Want to thOnk the. subscribe . . - - ��_� .- �- - -- F .. ' ' .
th a
. __ .----
- 1 . _ .... ... --1
Pair �c�elpts of niflicers and springeri am, Tho first warrant was issued on AS a staunch Methodistj identify- MEET M.,_. -*...-AT,_,____,.,_ -.1. r . . _�
lieftd l0w(4 , tilitions now on there, . eta who have already rejjows� - .. . i � . .0� .., I �. . . I - . -
1pric'.11 a8 a rule, altho a-9 high as $10 W9A ,flaturday last,. when the othor warrant it has been.- suggested that the Ing himself with this(.bod)r in 1867 their , Subsbrl*ptlons to the X6,w gra . .
11 , ,n�ported. I'lie general run wu from $44 charging the doctor -with sidniag false nation eoro. itud continuing a truej follower of And � , , *
to $05 each. . .. fetufng to the fOU(6 be decorated 'by repre. the blessed Saviour we U049,rateful for.thd-�uauy I .
� . GOYerfllneut was issued. sentative ovorsen d6imi, untik the ,call word s Of UPPieeftttion that havp � .- --.1-11- - 11-1. - - - _ __ �- - .- - ,
. Veal Calves. Tho warrant against lin"dany was I$. tions, -also that cAmd, to, him; tot come ,up higher to -boon glvbn us, oMaeounut,Df th . - �
.. Veal calves were reported at $3 to $S6SQ shed UPOn- information supplied by there be an Empire Way. containing that HOme' W1160 got knany loved newainess, Of the r a . 0 . �
Per owt. arches sb6cf0ing the. dominions. : ones had Pr(leeded, hlro�anjj, laPlAr. Thand We ,. � - I , I
,, I Trailer$ aftq his last arraig I
I Sheep and LaeA'bi, I � to -W-� %%., ,
I nment.be. -ire in the Stotler Hotel, nuftal'o. which ha had longe r ' APPrtclat6- lut t ler,O lit Another , - . I I "-. "
Wesley Dunn ieportea prices aa Z�116w# 190 he pleided guilty on Td d4yt cT - -lbera, whoil ent, bff � . I I l, .
8heop OW0111, $4.25 to $4.75; rnma, $3 to p.go , . - ear yes tday sent 400-'B ntily-clad death o .L since t'hO 'blasA Of Mibmd! - I I ,
, . .1 t8 scurrying to the CA 0 tme of subalribing, " hinking �. . I I , , ,,- " I"
Uffiba" iimo to $6,13" . 0 itig day, This Undsay warrant, lot. I streets Ocourred In 106. loh the t , I �
. Jan 10 It .W�fts sworn ,out the foosllo*- . Th f,'Ills be1O'V6X*1f0, VhI I The ' I
I :
� , .
, ,
- I I I ]�"''"
I .11
I 'I I
i I I
I 'I
* , �j - "
I - .�
i I I
nk -1
di I
1, - . I
, 1�
', .1.
. I
I H6j I I . . irat colif 0 room four oc -Mr. 1411shet leaV.lij that.the newspaper. .peoplo, can . . I tore -
. curator's announcement -a tb Valt for the, dblIarl a A . ., I
I& , ) lowing on the in .d. to the gd1l, )nij and fOurt daughtet � . Nook's 81 "
' 06100. Od 'dlid Waterod ut tho rawlket:4 I fl�a VUA I I . t . f, A. it . Im � "AA 44-Afil, W WN little 16nger. - - . I . . 11
' . .J�the Whole b4nk was founded I—, - 41�w - Mourn his I,oeja.�jtjftc.Of LetkhjjnjX_ Vhoy probAbly p � . - . �
_1U1X*)11 . 141, - ___qWW""P4W"N*k E OuldrIf there was ,. , . 1. __._.____,__. � . " , . �
I . � W 11 . I .. . .., . 1. .- I—', _ �
. I -.-..-. I .. 1. -1 � . ,ton; set % of Clinton; " 'Val., - iol only one whol delaywpaying. But liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill,"W6,��''j 0,WW*
. . , ,
" I . 4 _ , ___�- _ � ..... �
' . I . . __ I
I -----
L I � I . � I . I � I . I L 1� 1. . . . . . � � I . I 9
I . .1 ,1
_' . " "" - . " � ..... ,-- . � --" " _,____ _ - I _-____,___________ . 11__�_.._____..____ ______.__ " 11 It
, " --------- __ -,--- - I
- 1_-__...___,&_1-._ .. __ - .