HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-01-19, Page 1. , . I I 1-1 - _I! T , f-'(�111y%7, �,- , 'P,,PJPW.rN - - - , ­ V,_', '' -111 � � . � � - . ­ ­­�--­ -r-1 ;"r - -., �. I 1W.. : 1 7-1.,.1-, 4 ,�. . . I 1. ­'. .1 .. I - ,�� ,---- - -,-.- --�7q . �)-,r. - -. . I , . - � . No . I . ­ -1 ., . . 1. � !T 7:.- � � - I or . . % . I I � I . - iF ,+ � � 11 I . . I - I I . I . I � 1, . i .! � , � . 1. ,� . I I - I . I I 't . I . - � - � � - � .. ­ - " � -- __ I � -_ I -1 -- - - - - . - I- - - %, - .­ I . � . n I . � - -1 11 ­ - . � 1 � .. . V I � . ­..-,�. I I I I W I I . I . 11 . , . ,,%,,.,-,-,­ - e I . I I I , � . � . .. . - I � . . I . I - . - I I - __ - I . 1.11.11 .... - I 1. _ 1. . 10=401111111!111M - - . .. 1. � _., - -.1 I I I'll 11 X� P -_ . ­ . -1 - ___ --- --- - �� 11 1:�l 11111:11"ISOMMONNONdood =0111 = _ P ­ _. I I . � , I - � I ;;UNN"""`N`r`NN`0NN I ,� . � I . I I 7!1= 11 I " - 1%0& �i� ___­ � I .1 11 I I I 1 9 t� I 0 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Polishers . _. . - , I . 0 VOL 46 NON �1113 I . OLINTON ONTARIO' 7HURSDAY JANUARY, 19 1911 . - t I . � I ­ I I , I � � I 1. . - _. -_ -------- .--- -_ .!, . ­___ ___ _____ . ­oolpow I _____ "I ---------- . .__ - .11 � 11 . . - - ___ ­­ 1111 $ - W01.11 - f 1 __.--_..7-_,-_._, ..-,---��-�---.-,-----------77;;-------,�---.- � .. I I ­ i -1. I _________ _-, 1 $111".. __ _�-_V�M­_,7,__­-­_!_ wpm IN 11101111 � __1 . �1 - ­ 1. . - I . - � . ' I ............. ""`f"A'4o .... %4""10M.ft%d.".d&4 . .. ,pleasant deUvery,, easy to undoro, '"'"a I 'I .. ? -vaid I ),a stand and very, con ev. . . - . . to eitch sbaReholder,after p (loaterich Townslilp -1 0 -nd % , ing for the repairs, completed, ayW Mr, .T " To, Help Our 'PTO wn "' Vinahrloinulird.4 have -1 , , " B ,. qk t ohn Phillips and fa,rally cry you,dg woman '� 11 ., , 1, , '. spent Saturday with friends, here. - e been.there, to understand " Wh ., i " av I , � I _ ,a i .10 � summer. h I :� , V CAN �,, I P: " Ii. . I i I " -ya . ' I? [ . � R. I how to, invefit sraft,11 sumi, .at any ? . .1. . I I.. . 1. slinday and, Monday .Mr. Dick ' Best t�aie to bull an insurance �a- 2 1 %OV . .NTr. Herbert Oakes spent lost . I � I 'OF OANAPA The district Orange Lodge inet , at Become the -46a i . here on 'Tuesday of last week. The ) . I M . I I Carters., owin?, to the severe, snow . gainst. want in Id ake. A P. few - � 00o,Ar3UATDD 1069. following officers were. ..--elected I . , �, . % " ) . D.- storm. , cents a .day will guarantee from . � 1). X., J� B,.young, No. 324; Do No . � . . , .. D � �Copltql , - - ,$60200,000 TJNCIL CTIAMBER. . 1 $50 to $600 annually, after the age E I ,. . go, Sam. Thompson, No. 449; cbap� CO� 1� ­�_ ­ '. C Stop I I . . . . he following persono, Mud% the of 60 years. There 14 no danger of - When you can so easily I , �, I Rosorve . , . $6, 00,000 lain, Rev. T. Hick,, No-Ul k record� T I 01:,_ . ip, _, - loss of deposit by lapse of Mont , 9 . irk declaration of offiep and '0----O �, I . � Mot Ing secretary, ,To A. Johnston, I'To. neces"t . Illy - It with 0, few 40seslof our We I '000t000 $24; financial seer6tary, Jas. Elf PrOloertY Uallfications.- 1, / / 1�% / '5, /" Payments.. for whatever is invested I K a Kare. . I * ," �. -Reeve. I - ARRI 3 r, - Assofs - , - - $95 Samuel . turdy GOEXRicli =LSORNE �, bearg interest fronli thd day It is I (I I , llott, No. 1052; tro�'asurer, W. ,To NVilliam n.,.Lobb-Coancillor. , I 0 � i paid in, and any sums may be:pald -1. re . - IN . 5%110�" InuASCIAS into , ' �, ,AL Black, No. $24 �,, Do of 'C.,, Thos.76r , � . 4 )6- Canada at " f HEAD OfFICEt - X(YNTIM I OBENMILLM It has cured and is curing and ) I 1% / any postoffice In' . _. � . gusoft, No. 449; lecturers, LW, Mo. George Rudle-Councillor. . I *%', I , . , 3 � I John Rath,well-Councillor. '* % /. , any time, . ,.- will cure the severlse Cough 6.r I . Ilwaln, No, 1052 ancl. Alex. Duruln, 11 /1, . G R F -Y, 0: . . John W. Yeo -Councillor .. - ­ % , 01oonat4bo,o�-�'*` The follo)w;ng is a, sy , . . No. 324, - I I "I IW % I nopools of J ' Cold in a very short time. Buy 5 11 hrougbout tbe.wo.rld. Minutes of last weeting res.4 and .. %4 , obvm�c�t ... t "". � / 0 1 , his speech.- � i .. I . - Correepouden�v t . !:,a i a "I I - * bottle today we guarantee li. " . . B I . . .1 The Dungannon Gun Cla held 4 ved. (Z . 4e�� , 0 Da....0'.1 6 _� . i . � . AN N lihe speaker said that the Annul-, % . . Xneeting and elected, thel following P1900 following township. ',officers: 0 , ,�R H U�L 1� E T T .1 " , I I I , , ties Act was conceiveil.and carer 3- I �, c counts of floors. --*Captain C. Elliott " , see.. were appointed.- (� I POFtT S I I oterest allo wed on Savings ac ps "14% / 11 . olit 'by S* -r 'Richard J. S , , I . � � at bigbast-current rates. To Go Allen; treasurer, Jollu John- ' Treasurer' -.T. E. Whitby, silary I . . oc,* Ls N ". 11�, � . . ;� I I ) ooDeRIC . - 11" "', artwright in the% Sena�;. 'While Z - 115 . . �. stou.;. committee of management, $05. ( � �� I � ONTON / owinthooft * . t ... . � .1 I - 'all �, . .� ,Uourtaque, treatment V,qcordedto all R. Duff, M. Campbell and David Clerk -N, W. Trewavtha, $105 � . % / was a (ko vernment measure , . I ' ; . : I - I . I . � 4 . . . . I I- I I � Treleaven. I - It Assissor-John Thompson, $60. , . �, ' Wo Ado. MtConhd . I I;e L � , - * * Mc K I L L,O P .. 1. .- I ellst4iners... , 5,4 .1 Ills involving money, expendituire ' ., Glenn; auditors, Alex. Durnin. and Collector -G. W. Andrews, $80,, vplet.b I . I 1%, / . I . . . . I I , must be, yet It has the endorsation ' I .­- I Bert wastlecided to I N% . of both partlesand is non-partisan " . I . I Z . han Yge the date of the we,ekly - Auditors -Geo. Holland, $5, � I ,�% . I I I , I . I V 1, - . . . I . . S . "in � . � froii� every standpoint, - : I . . il R- E. MANNINCk MXr, c . �4 � . E I.m No" & 165. t A F a 2r 4 . . I . shoof from Wedliesday tol Friday , Geo. Gould -$5. , NA a_ . "do I 9 . � � - c. � . . . . . � on., All memberg of the -appointed o . '_ e'votTiQ1.1 'o'do At the outset the speaker gave a ' �. I I . . . 0 � 'celtmebr%ore requested to( make note Jas . Johnston was -o riT k � VCKERSMITK N%,-. I $ . brief alpetch ot the various old age a I -1 I . S 1. of t to the Board of. Health. . -pension schemes in other countries $ � . J . I I '�� � I ) I.".. �. OLINTON BRAN H he change. W- Reid haw.been Di% Whitely Was appointed medl. " 11� . STANLEY , I 1. I -, .. � . Z I ` I . . . . . . I � I J -o, Great Britain aj:4 New ealand * Plim. B. : 11 I It'. . the silecessfull competitor for(, the calHealth. Officer. . . � L � I i I . 1. 7 � . I . � . .­= Mitchell Cup and H.'Bellamy. won . ers-Isaae Salkeld. t',) 0 0 0 - . I . I I the scheme is wholly( supTiorted ` . O.P.R. Telegraph Agency - I , . . I . . 2. , ri ' I . . . tvom the public revenue, luvranes 1 1 , I .. �. ­ . I . I : . . the fishing rod donateolf by L - ierby, George Lalthwaite,. , . I . � � J . . I . . . i I ? . �. � I. . . Tuill -, . . . I . . . � -ad Germany the,governmentf the . N . : .. Johnston, of London. -' W, 0 . a I 1. . I , ,.Hick, Jas q . I ­ -0..- - - -q-, � ? . I cp1borne I � . . 'Johil Sturdy, I .. - N . era - ' I I V � . I I � . . . . � . , Aftred Naftel, Alex�- - . 0 . ployer and the pensionvd joint . 0o, ..... o.1NN11...NoVN^N - 11 Hall Ruti . I . R P 0 c','4 . . I ly contribute. The Canadian prop- "'..M.I.W.-NoWN ........ .... !Noo .......... ! . ­ . � . e H A -Y, , � I � -Mr. and Mrs,,"o. R. 'Forsteld spent I . � . I - . I '. ;' ,.. .- ! . I Sunday in th( U. I - � ­ 1_11.1-- - . I I osition differs from* all these. What ' . -1 , . 11 11 Godchrich . . Noon, Ge on, John Lo- � I . I ie Government proposes tot do -is % , . I I I y "o%,ftV*o%,%7*o%r%A%,`ftA0,%qW I . . ti � . .� Win. Stevens 'wears! d� fine dratle" 06. . . '1�1.. I - - I I I 110 . - courityLtow --.-'- I __ - --'-- . . .ander Welds9,.holward Wise, John / I I N orge AltehPli 4 , I V Z(Villiams,-Th Churoll- . . J NON NOR I . - I to rece!Ve�, deposita from, an ' " � 11. 00. these da. I ,-O- - _9RCT r " 0 SL 5, oJR P4, E 4 y per- � .$ , . . ys, consequently upon the The Grand Trunk atation,, which - yett-C 'V . . I __Q.0 - - . . . I I arrival of a.1brand. 'ne)v boy On ,was destroyed by -fire recently,will ill. � . -Isaac Balk:61d�X. --' . . . ...-No,�- .�.0 "�b . . I . Sotpkif any age between 5-anole:95 , ­� , - L .. , :; � Wednesday of last wee. i pouTid-Xeepers ore, G O. I - - A., 11 a . , '00 . � I . I years and convert them Into- an- 11 1111%of cc . . . . Ve be 0 pen ayid, ready' for business in F Hick. Andrew McGul 'h;�Cou- . rd"i . il-�� . . I .. . o. - pay prodpa 11 I . . I Wesley Fisher was thk ciplent abo,W a.Week. The Interior is now" . I J6 I L - I , �ulties , able, at age 55 or later . I L . b07�0 In the ha:nds of the decorato5rs,thp Cooper, George Huller, . Oi � . I $ - t Of A pair" of bouncing baby , r . . ph DtCd;TQ0D`Z""`4 * . 3pL life as the applicant desires. The . . ' I . -this weeli. Conkratulations I rapidly. ne.11- .1 I � Lvoy . . .56. 110 . ..I . . I . . I I I cost of Pk?mlot � L . � . . , , In n(' Ynanagbiag . . les is g t -haK hadt a Nnunlei-. patb,nasters-Michael. Me) .- ,,a . ---I- I . Stephen But installed in III despite bad weather, WheA' -the LMV, Herbert Burki,Walter . � :5.TtPHF_N;' I ., k the annuLt n by the . S , Dal telephone house building Is completed It proWses V1109. A rkf�oq . I . . . . . ­1� � 1. . . . I 11 ernmeALf. . , L I . . 0 ., j. joilustol, . ThOS . . . ,$ . $`L I .- -Phais week. There1 nothins somest sta" 'V Woods George Tho Government pays 4 per vent. . � t I . 0 lik'P to be one Oft the hand vaills, I - I . . . up-to-date. . I . , e'rn Ontario. sowerby, John I THE BUSINESS'MEN'S ASSOCIATION BELIEVES THAT CLINTON IS THE I Is a necessity if you will make ... ! bein I tions in West . . 11ontgoroery-jW111. * . . I 1, I compound interest on all premiums .� I I � eat o�'life, this, is also true I � A gelegation from Colborne town ,ts of thd Chapr . -Al- Hastings.. HenrY Tolin . I -Y,YOUR SUPPLIES ANDSELL YOUR PRODUCE - '. orJuvestments fixinp-the annuities _.. the b best of A .- .ship, representing the Colboinei i The e1fec lian Johnston. Geo. Vanderburgh, L -PLACE TOW � ' , if you I will have *the $ . . . I , stnrdy� 'NelVilleL . '. . .1 � . . 1. t an that basis, In case of death be - L municipal telephone system, 'was In exander revival rdeetings are ! -Burtbri, G. M - . Robert . � -11. . 1. �, . . L - . � . . . I . for theannulty becomes due a re- 4. 'Health. . - . I . I I . - . St oider,___ . . .. . . Goderl& on Widnesday. to confer . r6aching God6rl6h. The other day uridy, johA Aley-al . r evening over'05 of to4�--Ma . I pald f. t .. I'll. I ,with -Mr. Gibson,.-generalL -contract - 'Et business mani reeelved�a - letter L -NelsOX1,11erboiri Treivairtha,Hanlev Last PrIda3 . yor Taylor, J. B. Hoover, turn li made! of all moneys . During the .winter months, . . L ell Telb . phone CO -,JA . I - Steep� Hart our business. men' sat! dbw.n Ili the ,T. ..A. Irwin, To Jackson, jr., A.. -'^T, , v, ith 3 per feent. compound interest -you are alm'oit.sure'to have at, . 1. 1. �. I - Council Chai � heits. The lowest annultv is I � - agent of the B from Toronto, cofit'lillihg', WtY Canteloill John' G ,illlp,Rundle. mbbr 'to theiJlrat Bus- Cooper, R. E. Manning, D.'CAn6lon to the. , - $ least due cold, 76ii olan� not do $ , ` L 1, e connection Was re- eents-11conscielicb, moneyX -'Tbla '[1eks,J",Gr-aham,P1 r, of t S50 per annum and the highest $600; . . . 1. Goderich. Th -this would'I - n, ' 13 "_ ohnston. 11. iness' Men's Suppe . he ,seAi6n. .. W. J. Tozer; Rev, Ford, J). So Cluff, I 'forf elb . # better than- have a bottle -of # fused, ,but that pirevent naM6 of thei ,writer' or the reaso john McGlbbon,.-Thd?, 'R�v. J. E. Ford, was �called,upon to are% oyLlapgeg lung Toniol in th houpe . 11' Colborne system fronni Instal- for whiell the Imoney was gent was- osbaldeston? DQLvld Lindsay, - - 09- aud,Z. M., Mdl,ean� who spoke. on There are no. * Holmes 1 e 0 - - . t e I 6v1s b.inn.. C. William day grace.after ,which'_ Caterer - - . I 1. it is the best Koff .Cure made' it .. � . ling an instrumefit In Gpdarich and not ivep.. The merchan-t-happell- wald Glenn, Le, I Jarvis,-(: Bartliff was called Upor� theL "f,ill . b-pineBs affairs ancl'the great need The appbcant gets bredit for all that ' '. . .. is paid in, . Dep6Sit#L May bei made , heals -the. Lungs. - .. I . organizing a messenger servico-fg,r . ed -to mentiorr the(inefdeilt.-to ah- ji,, jos. Colclough, Oliver � . : . v V ' L '. , � . -is town. Whether,lappli- other business man, anc L 1. made the C111ton, Jas. Rapson, Thos. Mair, E. I the plates of all those.present of loyalty to viffr t6wn. We think .Weekly, monthly, quarterly, half- � L ' ' . . ." $ . , --calls to th . , -- lien, excellelit supper was seirvea these meetings should be. continu- yearly +h alnoulits 125C. I.. L � I . . . .. . . . I : . , I n N y a ' las`ix . . , . . � . . ,,catlon will be lonade to the Ontario ',sur irlsing discovery that he, too, Pickard, Alex. Cox, BertlLindsay, after. which Chairman. C4 � . Dowd- ea. at least once a month, a d vith . e rly ol . rRallway and Municipal Boaid' tq hawreeeived such a letter contain- Clias,.Undgay, vnibort'Huck,. 'Jas, R . . .1 and.'upwar ,A a,r,,.Yl ne I . . . I I I Lindsay, John Bea- ' foll t I d work ' )wn �an be one of' V. - 0. IW. Canada. .. .. 1, . I 0 . � . Lug called upon the W* .. I .: ... . ,. .� � L 'Bell ing $2. -enclosed for. cpns.ciece�siike Switzer, Joill "i'llIfffe"; If "' t(illowhig is a ' if the amount paid in With Inter- . . . o1erride the refusal of. the ell to give thbir i4as in tow -lMest. The fo good , .1 tly. - in, Toronto, but the d(ym. jas. Steep, W.H. Elliott, Ad- lem .. - I? I - , I . ve6ple has eviden n6t1bieen de 4 by someone . . usiness anil PsK . . est compounded. at 4 percent Is -not , . 4 L. . � I ___ , . , . . � L, plumber liv , . - __�__ ji, '- jillity of $60, ,all payinents with 3- . I � . � . , . - "I'belleve bX th stuff I nau haudlng 6ut, liA t e fIrm,I ro% working -s I i. - , cided. ' . ... , name was withheld here also. am Scott, David Churchill, David of b . . progr . of Clin- Yeat's Creed for- Every Man.- - -ve, the lowest an. :� .. I . . . ' , W. N. Munn. 4 -- sutficle�qt.to g! $ W 9S , R, . I I 4 I . . ;, '_L - 'Win, Arynstrohg,.- a - -Deaves, A�thur..Currlv, - . - . . � , , I H91m.e 1. . , u , L ' I . . I I - .2 - and In, -L rbsiiits,' , . - - of. ­ . � L . o 11 o, a6c' Tits ' for, � r Auburn, a 11C Lings. Daniel Rug6r. . Illy*. WIRY to ret 1. . I .. . I _11 Dungannog - " - �- , [Ing A . tle village 121- T Olu wereL or- � I L. I ­ , .­ . . .1 ... 3er cent. compound interest are re- I .. .. Phr� 33. - , , . � . ' � .1 I . . �es froi .rhe following. . . . I believe that h ­3t-§U-ft� passed out. to -honest!. nien by I 'turued to the annuity age of 50 $ * I " ' .0 , � . . " . mil A here( fell from the. top d6red paid.-' .. one -a ,daii bfi . . L - 11 . . L . ... , i '. The anital'L. eeting of:thelbun_�of,the Western Canada AFlour Mills - , and .hon6st men 'by honest methods. . - '. I . I I r years. 'The am6unt laid aside for 'L I .- 0 . I L lturaLAua-_..-.�,Dr!%rIng 'Com L morningi G. W_rAndrcws�-postagei I I I believe in Woikinj .. a.d_ , t A Hanufaiduring.Cheralm � I rid,ril _ wny.el�iatot this not'- twOefiing in b6astiug, not 1rhockil-ig I annuities.. is immune - , taking a,drop1loiV-about 130 feet. stationary, $2.00- 1 2 , . ItL.IS . L � . . . . . . "jA�-en�t for debt. payable 6511 1. � . Wsbociation was held, and..the old A�._ J L Courtice-Expreis�, $85. in the pleasure of my, job� I I . L . . 71*%Vd&V,,W,4~*+1W%,fto% - 4 - . John an4 still lives to tell the tale. Arm- . L I . I 1. . - to the. ADI . - - , . L L . . . . � . . . �. )JIcant, he receiving It. I I .� . .. . I L. . � .! .. . , directors were. re-elected Wdorld.,SUPI)1108`43-22� .. 1,.believe' -what he goes after, that one deed done ' ' . --i. . McLean; J. M. Roberts, and James strong was Working with, a roof- - - Municipal -�-posflng.statcment� thit-.a man gets ' ,very three _iraoxitlis .-as long as he, .� I . _. . . . . . I Whyard. A. small dividend' was'. Ang gang on the n6W building. He . Hpury PlIller . . . . . . to -day is worth'two, deeds to-mcir - lves.. .. . . . � � .. I .. . . ­ 1. . o, . . ... I . row, a;Rd that no mail Is'.46wu and ._ I' The .6pplicant. .May by . I N.-."� I . . . . not 1 accustomed -to -working at $J.501 � .1 - I. . Galt until he( has 19st fait4 in himself. -1. . . . .. . L - gUL I I - .. . I . . . I . .- 1. was . .� J. ,NeWcombe-gravel' $1 96 - I &1IL - " - . . _.jZg ari additl6nal sum, arantbi? I " . I , I .1 ­­ - --- - 1. an �gteat height.and probably be-, Is jJO spitil,.oro- . -I b OVG in tO-dAY and the Wbrk I L'a'A dollig, in to -morrow and"tRie- - Tlis annuity for �'10. 15 or 20 y* I I I. I I . L . . I I I The Sick Children .. 0 _ears : . . . I . I L . . ".. . catae 'dizzy. ,The fo6tiIfg1_oriL. top I.. f%oxk:."Ope_te, do, aiiid in -the. sure 'reward that futur holds. 36'that itwbuldlbe .paid to hisheilos ,. :A, . . . Prepare, for -a Position of Trust ronto was donated $5. - . . . . I e. I I o. . . I ... L . . . wao also -very'slippery' as -there 'L L ted for use of Hall for . - I belj&3�e in,tourtesy, -in. kindness in eneroiity, in. good cheer f6dth -dur!31 L- . . I . . h L $40 wa,s VO I I . L 9 7 .�in tn.the. event'Of his � 9 1. . ( . I q 1. and Responsibility by attending. Was -a light -rain, .falling. 1W ell- mallip-plirposds. , I friendship, and 1lihonest cor,apptitio . I .. I ... .. I .. I ,the guarAntele�d--,,pe.r.!Gd�,.,a,nd"'§Irould . ' _­!­�=�_ . I ... 1. picked up after his: di -O ,Arm- Tov � . n. _. � . m . : . the guaranteel I . - I I 01 . . . ..'.. . .1 -strong was conkc ' - .I It an' d 'll.be condiiiied to him . . . . .. . I I . I' 38 4dincthing doing ,somewhere for e'veki_ outd, sti F TT- . 1' -16us ang, - spo e ..Council adjou.rned'to meelt. . the L 'b6lleve'therev ' . � ­ .. . . he'survive -1 period. . C'" INA' . I ' - .. . . ELL I . 1. I frequently on the wayi.to .,1st Alonday in F-ebtuaty .at.1,3-0.,p,.. V - lit , .. . �. 1. . . . I . L, It -%v ' I . �� ... 1. . . ­ . . . I . I .. � _. . _�__ �Vlong a h I 1. ., . .1 I Alexaft- � . . .. I 1. � qady�to do " L . . . . -,.* !�, er lived 'ivithout addl-- . .. I I I es' Ino. . � tional cha� - . . . I- . VMgQfl1MV . , . I , dra. hospital, whore . , TREWARTHA. .- . 1 .believe I am. zeady,j:ight no w., - L . . " . J" ' ' . , L . ,. I � -.:.his Injuri . I . ... � , w I" N . , I were IN I V_ . . . L I I . . . ge.. I . ' . � . ,FL , ' attended. His 1eTt Arml. 'as . .., . . 1. . . I � , Clerk: . . I �. . . . ­ , Rxilinfole-A mah ' aged 20 1 . pur- .,. � .. . .... ... . I I . - l . . . . Iractuted alid he* had selvieral min4 . .144--'1N_.t �_ __-,�Ivl�.Iv�� . ! , el . . . I I . . I . I . ... or Injuries. but tho-.130-foot fall On Tuesday bviening tl�e'17th inst., . . . . . . . L I I .. - . 1; .. iasifikan,an�a it)rguaram.teed for,. . '_' 'l L . . . -04P . ' . I.. . I L L . . .. I . .1 L . 'jO .. y6ar u . I Toronto, Ont. - . ' L ' ,the frien,ols of Cold's churchi of the L here at piea" t , - L - . 1. . L - LL I s bf.$106 to.be�rjn at 60. ,. For a .few "days on y. , , . . . . . seemed -to have 'done libn no - . . on . \. L Tualierstnith * ' - ' ' CL ,- , , W I � . .The Sunday. school c6nvon'titih is L - ., wo-iild -pay in M2 a week br $11.11 q; while they as.. *!,� This' school enjoys a wide-spreAd 1. f Bay�field. circuit, ga'�c -to their tms I I I -t 'e, wl I I... . greater harm., alid'his . physicians . 16' the .' Presbyterian ,, - he, fl ex, on i 'of t . I � . L . tor, Rev. Ali. Laws, a, beautiful sur- * * the casket I year for 40 years Old a total of $445., ' . I . .1 - to, -be,' held I' 6w .. ., . I .. sell our'eatire- Importa . latalogue � pride by. bringingi hlnCFq' load of Y' L late Frank Ple-wes were many; In- 60. - Ao p-atronage Enter now. C Teport him a�s havingk L excellent I � riebruir I �, Free. � n y. C1 - . 'T church here on -the ath of* . ' ' , ' . . . IL - I .. L. . . . . ,,� . L .oats. After a, good program 10 R,bVL Mr. Baird of, Lond�n' is ex-,-. eluding a spray from Tqj�nevs Ep- . . IV lie should dlo?� anv time before; I . tion Of $20' Aust'ria''Ohina - . ' . . L . � ' 1. I . . L .. .. . ... . . . _. ... . speech -making, singing and other ec�ed to �e one of'the spe L worth LeaRue'CrPss, from the fam- * theannuity- fell due,*,'all that he a' ' ' e . L . I . =__ - 1 - - ­ _�:_��. ___.___ --- ... . 13 ­ akerS . COM Dinner nd, 'T'a Sets. ' - I - _. ___ . 1 _.7.`_=�_'=__1.__-_­__ . . b t 20 6at dowa-to a lorlell � ,.; . . tly ' and . wreath from Turner's had.pald .in: wlth� 3 per cent - � - L . . I . . - . musle.. a ou , dd L ' - - . . � . I . TiLrovided 'by - f ­1L(J()U,,l,t,(' . I L .q � . . . . . . . the,' litdies. . The N6 '6 33,," . ,1.(.. )%;no. 6flurth. - .� .. . . . . pound interest',Nvoulolba return coiftbined for $13 a -Set. - I .: . L . *++ . . " I qt,111,111e�i jamt Lots'Of 0n6*,!n.tbe.countryt4dse'. to . his, helrs4' . . I . I . . � . . . ­ . . . I . ++4 ........... 4 ......... *++4-+++4:++ fridids -were Nvell entertainedL' by.' i-i'eiL1:llQ ui�111�11V,11�1.� a 6 , . . I . � . I . . ..,. . . . I . ' . I I I . . .. L' - . , . . . .. - I t Pulpit Agiiill �a . I I . . ... � I . .. . . , + .. . ^ who %are'noted as' Sunday, w1h (_ccupy lie . a 1�6 1 ' ., L'. I.. . ..'. If ' Th se, S'6ts - are, �e I . . . .. ; , � , . I . the Law fainfly. . . .. . , ll�,: shoula ale aftef the + last I . . I I . . . ... . L I I ]do . I ,d, (I L ' §t + e autifully pal ail L , )U . � ..., I .0 . '. . � : I . . . .. . L * iti 6i,�ji.iyu.A, uburt;1I vu bu"uay.next, - premium had been. " desigued and dec"rated in . . I s a I .. . I . i g.L _ "o itertaixiers, Bveiyome went home' at 3,I). ill, I .. I . . . . . '.. I . I Is hoping.th+at otir -.'�Tte e v'o dj1eL,:.; . 0 .1 . h' I . - � _ � - o' . . .. "O' � g. thht.'thpy i;jtA. a, pleaTsani . I .. I I . 1. :, . in Y ys wit . Jo 11 . - e ofrikh ChAh _?"� . + it be the'-waroll6ii, for � 1011. ' : , befo .Aity( fell' the ": VioWt and, floral §pra I - Th M . *;` , '. I., , Ill io . L . feeli ... � � . .. . L. . . � 1. ­ - I .. .. . 11 L L � . re,'fl�e.ann �.1 L: n 'the L'flne§t I . I . . . .. . . tirile otincR,---,oThe - council "elect for - ' Government Would rctilrn 'toi' his . Gold fini , O I L . - . �. . I . . . ... � .. . � . + � . 1 � . L 1. . ­ . -C . I I A . . ' . all I. ­ : , . . .. - � � ." .. I . _L + � . . . . . . . . 'r , '. " - . I . . .%Vifc r heirs tho .sum of $865.17 ;L ,* . + � . . I ... .. % ,. L. �.­ , �_ .. . .- .1 L � ". . . et in Seaforth +on Monday 0 �-'4, 011ina. - Ave n Ot k,ee oa 't I � . . I .. 'I in ilftell.'reee, M, - One Ilern tit +this P . liv up - - . . . .. I . _. _ . , 11 .Vin :0 I + . .. . . L , I.. .1, I , . 'o' - . I - , . . I . ; . . . . . - ! .. � . .. . . .. " L"I. . . 11 . .L - . �. . . 11. Ada3 fl.eht I , . .. - .. sall..'etli. All the members preseni ..It lie olled t rice ' . I + . � I . ; -, �,.., . . : 1. . .17114allik,m. .. . `0 . I . . . � . . I ut of annultv*--'t1lbr'. Govern- 1. ... for your ffiotherl t' ,1&bo. , I � . L .., . . . �' . . subscribed t the declaration: of - ,qgyme 21 I L+ . , L. .. . .+ � ,. .. I ... - I . C�pt­ John Ve.rgllSbuL 4a� � to re- - _. 0,1 office an. 0 -'qualification' t woulol. pay to lils wife-orheirs . . . , . . ..1. a., . I . . I . . . . 1, '+ Rentember onr Sa1c, I , , ' � lte,neinDet our ;Sale aiadle , d proper . men __.........�, - ..'' ... . . . I . . . I - - man, -future, owing to The' trewsurer,. owink to ill I I . . , , L , . - . ­ _ . .. I A short, stout,:h .-:aged side. in ."the If. S. in . -0 every..yearAintil the -whole of ­ . * 11 . - .1 : I . I . � L . I ­ . I lipsw wag $10 � ; I I . . . : . . ; -With chubby-cheeks,-atkalght black R.1changg in the iiarSne� I s;of . -, R -. conse ,�.tly Luc, ac_.. � eL $1,000 'inarantedd. hadL,. '�'C.bn . , . , , - � C6LUU I PAY, . reaint -clue th . I . , . . ' . . I . � � . � hair, and a shart. d ark+ ,mu stacho,. I I . . . no -t-1 ;� - . * - . � . . . I counts.,wel!e paia. Mr. Wm,Ches- 1) . � . :, - -registered .a 'Mek ­Lllarry'Little,'who has b -L r f or 1910. Was , re-ap- + 0 0 . I I . 11 You,r, Opportunity : who t th& �Bruris Jhat try., een ve . ry � . aid. ___ � � e ten years, the, . .. . O'NEIL . � . Ithe.survivedth* ' I W T . . , , . - '. . .;, . . . ,:� -aey AsseSS9 . I .L . I , I - L I hotel her-eJast Thur0aynlght.' t _- * ul� Of quinsey is slowly Tecovering�. � �,JoD,a year. whichistheannualln- - 1. I . .: . . , . . You know otir policy. youknow,that whcn- January comes we . � hibited aL good. deal of nerv� bv.g.0- The 4ishermen and citizens point6d for the present year at a com . G Oil a deposit of $3.3�3.Wi'3 . � I . � . , I . . the hotels and steal- now biipy tqking in -their supply of , Th.66 Forsythe were xe-app6lnted it, the' Post Office' Savings . : : - . '"'T' let gol Right away we start, Ili cuttbig-prices on all oar lines . ing through arel., 'salary of $75. Andre -w'. Scot - -and. . . Bank. . THE 41U B G90CER. ,, I . _ _ . . I . L . of Clothing. Men's, Boy'e and Cbif.drerl-;Su1t;s Overdoais and Trousers. . . ag Whatever lie thought was - ice Wliieh h'o,s comcf. to a, suitable . . 78 No. -1 -W O'hfini; as ,�, *' I ,.*. - . � Phone. 48 - . - , . ' I � � . I V ould be paid t elf so long I I . must go. The best Clo.thes we haye w,.'Jl go. r . lit into-tbislaale,'no -NVorth whild id money, or Jewelry. . . . . . auditors for 19�1.' By-4av , .. . . �. . .. I- I � . � , I . . . . . thickness. . ., ... I - issed aiithorliing the lib miglit li�re ff he. should liv . e to . .. . , . I I . Olothing reserved, eithel? Ordered or Ready maTel. I .. . : ': I . - The same man stole(L-6everal �artic- - - A. in eeting of the 'cernetery, off' - gild..2,weie pi . L I extending- be 100 or lo . ver. - 'L. - I . 'a- -_-*_-_'NN -_.W__ -__-_n_ L . . _-LL- I ­ _ � ' . 1 bor'ro,wint . aw . I . '­ ... ­ . I ­ in. the iBr�iuswl a year ago. lidd oll,,M63id g of money E - the To give- thet above, advantages. : I I . I . . I L . . .. . .+. les.fro t6li cials was ca ay : - last, - the payinent ;bj ' . I .. . . . .. eo he wlis -icarefully ON-vira ed herd I .the time'lor considerable; ed information can get it ,upon ap.a . ,� Men's $10 000vercoats Sale- Price _....,....-.....1.,....,.... SOP(J. -when "Eill officel-s werel. .reinstated ' already borr6wed. for the the system involves � .. . I -4. . . . . I . I .. I . this time, and -did not succeed in' without any ell money vernment outlay. in''the cost 6f plicatim - t . 1200 '.' I ., .. �. I ... I ............ 700 .. - anges.- , . e - p o. their- local -post offf'oe + ...... . ampletion. of Ahe Stanley, exteh v or'LUPOA writing to the alit 11 - , ge%ting hii)-rthing there� but he did. The Methodis � 'vedi more - mandgement and promotion' and-ls horities - I 18 . 00 ' ' ' . I *�� .............. 1,;. . , t.entertainment will . I . . J- + . . ......... 13.PO L an I .tiou until June., This 19 . + do , - get quite a surd, of 1110330YI d oli-Thursday Uth, wheika ..good re for ail In. d rather? Jargeir. %t Ottawa. Persons - desiring of I + 1800ovekoats.Muto8ale priob .,-, ............... i ..... 12.90 . . . time- to secure new subscribe terest charge . if . 22.00 and -24.00 Overcoats Sale price ..................... � 15.9-0 . some valuable jewelry; from 06 ,programme of lo�ai* talentL will be. the Lt'elephone s�sternl In Stanley than thb'(7x6v&rnment( payrLon 'its keeping themselves out of need.lu . . . t . . -Y COATS .. .11 . National. During the day he w�s furnished.' . . . I 1. ped there *111 be many. its other borrowifigai This repre- their old days should look into tho ­ I E!qYS', 0 . PR L . - L L L I . . + I . I � . . . L. � I . . I ,around the stored advocatlng�.I)ar-' . ­ . . . .. ,. I : nts -the Government colitribun. ,' annuities plan. '. . +. . I � - I % . . '. N...... � , LL + . . ' . I . . . more- added by that time, so that, se . . �ayloi occulpled-tlie chal . . I I Boy's $6;50. Overenats Sale prIce's.4--,..........d. . . ...$4.90.. .col deliveryI bu� he didn't ,do any �- ., . L I . . I on the in- bution towards. a schemeCf`Qr the i Mayor I IV . ' I... . . I 130.60 st . + L . . . L. . I . business in that Ifue. .,T e loe'gypoo� . . .�. I I � . . . 1, th werec,' L. " ' .. I Yout ............. ?, . .,.....N .... I ...... ,--"O h ' # .- ' 1. [ LA� ' cost may'be lo,% e . I .1 - . 9fik"Weiv ,sdriber. Th . council 0'ep�ral benefit. , , dhol at thd end of the addiess a. - - .6 - - , . I dividi4al sul M : I , "' d 6ral ,vote of thanks wasLmoved '.'by , I , . 8.00 and 9.0 Ov'ercoats Sale price.,. . . 6 .............. !.....6 Q) lice are.,in search of him, but so ..75, ­ L )rth, Ole It the , scheme .was. ma b..,gefi left) sale price.. *IMDO Mt. R. Franks, of Tuxford,Bask.,. 9 I - - f, c1c, .' and - Open to�,'all, 6apital6ts to pur-' Councillor D. Cantelon, .,seconded ,. * '. Boy's 7.60 Overcoats, Scotch Tweeds,(4 oilli, _ 3 far have got noi clue -to his )vhare- . . . . . . � . a Mourilo'd to .eeti 113 . .,Seaf I . _ . . . . -1 aboalits. . 1. � I . . ' . * aturday,'. Feb.. , t 4 0,010 . . . I I . . - - . -owe - . oha� - a, . . . . Boy's 5.00 and -6 50 Overcoats, 'broken lines, Sale price . -9 . 1. _- l&,0f..the h - annuities of, any mount,. It by � Mr., C. C.'Ralice. "' . �� I . . Sale+ P1,10i � .1: * I ... 1.90 - . . : . .. I . I - 7�a at preserrit Vis#iX , McGregor Clerk. . . . . .� I e aek, lapgeL . 1; L . ! _ I L '_ . Boy's 2 50 Overcoati Blue Nap, .... N ............. L 6q. L . -, . I L I A hoxfipson,' L p.. � would attr investors and _�- - a.-__- . 'L . - ­ . I - of -Mr. A. T 1. 1. + � 1. . ' ' '�� + =. -,,----.------- - . . , idowalm I I . . . . . . . I . . I 'La grippe. has Wade it -Is appear- .i an. . interfere., with __ � � .... � . � 'i � � , L I Children's 6.00031anket Coats, Bark- ppice..'.. .".....4 ... 3 . 90 " ,,T I . . . . I . I d, " 14suianci6. cor.� "r � , " ' I + ' -� . . .- �. . , . I % . . __ ', I ­­ ---' ­­ ,aM;A,Zo,v0,o0MNNXxmNmVENNod"" _ , IL I � MEN'S READY MXDE SUlig, , - I - . . . . L -it -�_:_ � ince * on the�- line and irivad6d t$Y --- I `_ L I !MrueWle''d ,, ' * � por tions. These'car - .. . . .. 1. . . . " . .. I . ige, orth I . If I ifiotdo busin . ..' . . . . 11. � ., . . . + I . - � ' I . . _.... . � � . + .11. � : + + .1 I : I I .1 I ; I . to . 1 9W W. , , -6 -, 4 `_ , F " -, "M Ne w. Be ''r "� , * � I 'i I I I k - I C it I b I 'I . I I I i 'I. __ i , I hel I + + : - : + + + : It + : + , I + . : I + + I. I : 4o I � 4 $10.00 Suits, 'Sale -pirce-. _....a.,..o...i.-.ii.i.-. $7�901 . � ... .--- - - _. . . . , . '. . I L I . I � . . I I I -.6-- - .!..-.,.,.. .... 1. ........ 6 ... . - . ' .The iltiarteilyboard'of tlieMeth- 'home of Mr. X. XoEWen. . . ' Mr. Goo. Kem`P, 'Of Mitchel I is , ess on terms givingt them nothin&� ,.. . [a ko . Id .. . _L .. ...'.. I I 12-60 and 18.50 Suits; Sale-ptiee ....; -1... . 8 00 0 Mr. W. no Johnston and'-Xri..Geo 1, ,- . - for salaries and expenses, no divi,- i - � L I . . . ' 1-11� 15 W. Suits, Sale prices ....... I .................. i. 4-10190 L , 191ting relatives -here, , . - a no,. . . . � I do , I I.- 111. � . . . I - dist chilreb.. haer-extelided ali invi�!", Bairdare the. auditortk this year v wke, -ton, occli- dends for stock holdet4 nd . % . I . .. � - I , ..."o. , a.......'e..'.:.I.............. 13,09 1 I . I . "A L . . . . 1. � . , / . 1.00 . - � " , ,.., "..'... 1"o I plod the pulpit oil sunda� . . . . % . , I. , V� of Comber, Onto, to becolno their' ,,Jor'the township of Stanley.- 'I ' L . . L . � :: J8X tation to Rev. A.`W. Bitiker. R. D,,1 Sr. V. S. Ha , Clin � evenlrg....�prospect for .gahi. - I X . . . ­­ ' . � SUITS, , , ­ 4 , " , 6, ". , * .., . , . .. . : ,�6astor at the ,Close( OfL th ' -Miss Irene D6uglAs arid Miss . I I sa- � - Mlss.Emmi Lavis,Clintc i _.. - But, the Government-, ov Canada - . . I I . .. I . -boy's , * * . ' L e confer- , in, ia v s I ;Iduot gol etition with ' Cure your cold Iii 0, day" anda . . . I I -1 .Boy's $2 508nits, Sal -a price. -.i i ............. I . � ........ � . ..... $V ce Fear, Aublect. ol cours;e, to Die bel ,Manson, of 'Blake,' are Visiting' jug at Mr. Wm,o Jenkins. .:* .1 nq into c. 030 night by using Nyals Laxacold , 1, . 64 3.75 ­ " . . . � . of nmIt- it the home, bi,.M.r. Mex, §park7s , tt a visitor ovo� , companies in thd sal�'6f large or it, is a pleasan� and.'aafe tatlet . . � a pro ar- . . '0 . -'I :n Val '. the statlohiiig�cot Ed, Fisher, *a13 �., ....... N .......... . 2 1) a . ..; ........ " )( I . I . . I I A. - I .4 6,15 It ! I .. , . I p this week. - ' -11 - . Mr. 0. I . speculative �annuitles. The L idea is , I ... I . I ............... N� ........ I ..... 52) tee . mt­ In- --j -3 �1� -.-L.- or! Sunday a , �"____ "nf invaa+mo�n+ ,'hiif .-nrn+.P(-f.16ro_ I . . y ' - ! . .. . I '' ­ - ' - 111r__ . . . witlx rel tives( here. treatment. I .. 1, . _ . , .1 .. MULF . ". - I ... . .I.uu town council, ,mayor ivicuanum I W�-- ---z,---- - _ - ____ .are Visiting WIL12 LIA.0, AM'- - ­ - . . . . km ., ...'...'! ". . , ... Tues ay attending' thO, funeral . . + � I I NIS ODD .TR6T'JS*jlVj * " * ... � - - presiding, the - eldrk was instructed I . Ili . " . Men's $1 50 Tiousers td clear tit ........ No.. 6 ...... �' q .......... $I-10 to write to\AhoLX6ctt1c Light Co., of their sister Mrs..McLaln. ' ter at Suns Ine- . , -2 L, - ' Mr. James Jenkins hild daughter) ; . . . it. ., 1.75 4. . I :..-L...._'.... .4'.... � 1*29 asking them td put a price on their I Mt. Frank Creswell6r anol'Mr. it. ;.MlBs Sara, - of Brie) N - D .' ar is. 69 . :4 ' iting at the home f %myePo . 4V � ... No. 4 ... ; ........ # .:,.. L....... I.49 - price is tol be nard- ,Douglas,.Were Vig. itilig at the . � . 2.00 , tulidin.g. The . L homet, of L the � . . .4 2.50 ' 11 "'. - A ............ I ..:I le....*.., 1.89. s I of XT. A. ftarks last Week. They , Will Jenkins. I � Is ,.d L . I , - ed in a tOWnunicatlon. in the hand I AlaoL . e ' brotlibr, Mr. 3.50* 1 I . I ....... 0.1 ......... '. . , ., 290 - of the clerk b. calledo at th�L, hoin of Georget .4 64 - .� . . ,� v January 20. . eit Douglas is TIOW ,,The Canadian Order of� , (!hoseh . . I - . 5.00 . * ...... i ........... :::..: -..::.: ,� 3 96 Rev. Da:vid Rogers, the prdae�lt Baird., Mr., Rob I 4 riendo of this place, and,d few -of I � I I MEN'S OVE RALLS ,,,,,,.,, .......... L . ptistor,whb Is finish' ' Ill , fourth. 'working at Sitskatoorio Bask. . Mro - their trlends� assembled atJ - the . . Mbn's 75c Overalls, with, or without bibs, to year,, has been i ,r In ome hould Olf Mrs, Georgel,11olland, oil . 1 ..''590 Witek to's be)c Crestweller was. fortrierly. a teacher do .00 46 . � . . �. ., ,_'......., 790 . . -nastdr of Central Methodist Chur�� 1xi'Wese'lluron",but left twenty- evening of this week. The 1,25 it . I I . .. O'. 1� � ;. do. .. .two years ago and(Is now-practis- Tue- I y and 1P . L ..* goo it St. Thomas. �. - . . I *i - ... was 4pojitin Music . :: - Odds Tweeds Vests, regular IA a�d 1,25 to clear at ...... 70c I . , � . iug. law in Mluth, , ove,1111i:0 L MEN'S MADE TO ORIM.111-SUITS, OVIDRCOATS - AND TP.OUSIMRS .L. . � .. L . ... I .. I I � L The, s4d cews reachek'.. Mrs, "Kames after. W - hich iuPPei! M�40 ,. � L . . Men's $22.00.Suits or Overc6att; .................. ;..'--...o,.. $17,90 .. . . . rV,vaser last Weeld oly, the death served to. all, � -_ I 11 . to 25:00 it .No.. ­#. .. ....'s , ,­ ...... No. 20.90 . . Ruburn, " of, her, daughter, Mrs."hieffialn,.-of While driving fvom Clinton., * *0 . � I � ? ::.::.; ........ L ...... 11 A- " Friday afternoon last, One Of JnO- . I 1 28.00 I :.:. �,;­ OLO. 98.w, Charles X. Art)Lur,, ofl. ' Varry Denver, Coloradof who dled�'after . . I , ,.: 80.00 :1 , . . . . 4 - - 1. . I ....... i ... � . .. 1� 24.Oi Sound, Is visiting'L ill this locality a few days illness of la - P6rd's teams Of hOVses - - &S , of - � . i�i ippe, fol- with inflamation, lot the I and L f� 5.(*. .. ........... ...46 ... 6 ...... :::.I':. AAJ) � at presdnt.- 'lie spent tb* greater L lowed -by. pneumonia. S e WadL41 Mits., it ... .6 7.00 . to .. I :.,. vas unable to, be taken h .. 1. ... ..... W I I ....... 10 , I 5,4i) vart of the, past' subimer in L the vedrs of age, and leaves two elill., �.HarVey,Tenkinlq LL .. so . 8.00 so .,�.. . .N..�k . a . . .*$go......#. . .­:h1:t 6.W goith West and 'Pur Oses. "going dron, Masters Donald and Xenneth wag taken ilito,9 tt at pres,Ort. It . ., . ' � . �out there agaliv.14, ar4h.L L stable where, it i � . . 21 ' and lk rcsPoetivOlY. The. . I � ­ . . . . . ea 1, I ; . a y -will likely recover. , . , , The recent hard. fr6sts, haVe bigid Was takep[L't0j"HarriSton _ " barlo and . 'The'!badles' Aid andf ' WbMln�s - " .. . lffipt'Snap Ill Sweaters, 20 pereent at , Well harcl on thd,telophone 'wires d 'Ov Tneiclay.lot'thia Week, Missionary Socjety�-hcld ti, seowing '­ . . . I t � L . . I _ . � . � � . a larger numbbi, of thera . being beside her husbaud,*L The. loah3 Dr. meeting tit thei'1101110t.0 Xr,8:G#(d',- M I , In I L Ot 11 .. . broken. Men are b' sy� . tepwring McLain. Her-, br het�' � spice Will Hot pol It of a fiall Iis't 'of baregalus - .them thfi week. . Thomas Tebutt, on Thursdayl last, A� ItOn .. . I 1. . ytaser and . sisteri ,,Mrs.�, J. I out tea Was; served( at CIOBOC . . I . . . . Frank Munro, of WInuipek, Visit- Ch4pmany atte:qded"the ; f6eval. � . - I.. I 11 . . .1 I . .. L . I I 11 . . ­­ i . . . . IL ­­ . . ed his Mofher(an& other relations Much sympathy to extended to the . I . . . . . here the lattei� paR.Of last Weiek, bereaved friends, and .1 ' ' L ' I . I . C ' t , 'etLV thildmi THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT' . ­ ' " " "' i --silo left to Mourn, the 10611 of ANNUITIES. ,' , _' - . . . . .h,b ng CL ._�Pt, for his home the boginnitr who . of t1lis week. * . 1W I !a good rnother, Dr. McLain died Ing, Mr. A. D. , I . . The-M-ornsh to i o. .1 C. Howson's baublill to ThUrtl tour years at 'Battleford. ftlle L;; 'L,Aht Thursday ,oven ; . . . . I + � .1 ng C 11MOW, IIPOkb be - operations this week.. '110 -has over a trllp,to the West... ,. I �. � ...... ­­.­ ­.­ Agieron, of- Lui - ftV Ad1he ! '.. ­­.- .... . � - 44 1 1. � I 560,00 feet Of inap --dAiV*reA-thlJ; L I I- . it-q,-�­S­vqy, all idlo.nb6' I'll �� ��� I . _ - ,&; Square beal Por Overy Man" ' _Ie, 11.4 � I . I '01 � I I � � 12 I . � .., . I f I winter, which hainteads cutting . otmail, Cham er-ou the Dominloh ' ;1*1� I . 11 . . I into r0lors #ndbobbin wood. CORRESPONDENCE 'ON PAGE$"* Government Old Age Annaultlea.: . ++"+++++ +++++++ 4 i 4 0, 4 044 .............. , Skating on tho, rivoXis all the Mr. Nmeron. 19 iL spotik6r,of Very I � . . I I .. I I . , . �. . .�. I I .. . A . . + . I �. I I I . . . .1. . . . ,. � . 11. � 0 L .. .- I � ­ ­ . ^4 ?.� I I 1. . I . I 1� I 11 I P r '. 11 . " I I . . I i I I , I . � . . . . 01 . I � � 1,7 . I I . I . � I I . I I . 4 Ir . I . I I ", I . .1 I . �, 06- I . --,--�l-.,.,--�-��.--"-,-,..,.-�,--,--- ­ -_ - Ill, . - . I ki- . _.1____..11._1_.__ I ... � t4oab of -Moderate �nean� and do' .. -� yc;.,�&WOWW i�_-m_a_o_mb-_er_ _h__61w .'- .*- . '� ulot provide more("than a SUM re, . quickly Nyals Ls;xacold cure' + quired for the necessaries of life; you. r5eper box: of 85 TAblots.' � . 4fhe la�gest anyaWtyl.' thaft can be I . - . . I . I bought Is $600 ge yeqr. - Ho 'who . �. I. . � I I 1. . , I I . Wished to -,pro5vide, f6r'a -larger lu­* . - . � 11 . I � I I . . . ,come must go elatwheret and -pay . . I . . . for the accommodationgiveA,hIm. , . I , , i I Those .,who, want -to -be sure of an Jr. U. 1_140_V�O'V . � income'from 450 to $606, a, year, caii - .. .. I � I � 1. � Make their arran eiients 'with tht I I I , ,T government whic is looklngt,for .. Dispensing ,Chemist, . - . �,_ I no prof It and, is taking no Pay for .. .. . . " . � . 1. transacting the business. . � . � I L � . . . -- . All interested in obtaining prmt7 J _ � � I � . I 0.01WMENO";, ._..._.._..!--,�-o , I I ­ 1. : '11.1 1,� 6- I I . - . I ' ' ' . ' ' - . . ' ' . .1 � . I The- M.61son's'. Ban. ".... . . I � � . . . I ... � 1. lrfteorporat�d IW I I.. . 1, � . I I I . . . I I . I - - ' $4, . � . �. I � 4;;!apital, PAw uP 000t000 - - I . ' . I I . Rest Pubdi * $440Z,000 - . . �_ I . . . . I I I gas 80 -Aranthes in Cailadni ond Ageiits atlid correspondeats Ift all I . I . tho PrilielpAl Cities in the NOW, I . 11 I I .. . , I . I A, 61GNZ9AZ.A.ANK1bf4 111TSINVAS TUANSUT180i . I . . . I . . - . X. -F, --A-R-T:wM�E-WT ­­ -:- S AY-fN - G-8 -B-ArK _0 _ P I . ­Oatauaran,eliefu XbtetestaHoWed,Utlfth�AteUtrCht*Ot& - v . - L' ­ . -01,�Intoa Brakh.' . .,-. -'. C211 Fit DOWDING, wan -10t, I I . ., . . I . � . - . .1 . I . . .. .. .0 . . � I 'I L � . � P � I 0