HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-01-12, Page 2VPRMW--. -77- -r 11 I - I ,�. I ,. I'll, -, ,7,-"w .. ,
I T:-Fq51wF 71v� . - � - I 4 `"�'Wr "0r5"P"TMW.1w,! .-_V7 . . _,,�'," qWw" 1, 1. I . 11 I . �
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I .
. TUB CLINTON XXW IRA. I I Thursdars January 12, 1011.
rsga S. , % I - -
I 1, k0110 I I I 1� ... � . 1. ;,� M, = ! 1, I. . I I I : M w0i, 0 0 iiii'l " Nlliplllil 1: 1111:,v1q:0-1,0::NM1"1 , r;, � I .
I � = - 110pp"o- - - . . . I � _ � M '. . . ____ ,__ �r _� I mel Ir 11==
� - _ -7 � . -!-7----- � I I . .
I . . � . I—— , , - , ;�-o , ".; " , , " it, should grow untilit told* rela- SIX CANADIANS HONORED. - WOOPI, !171101110.000100� , get a doctor to come out IrdW La- I ` ""
. The Now tively as important .4 position here 11 I chuto to see you, whereas you can PRO %H:nJONAL
I Bearing Down ___ 11 get six boxes of Dr. William's Pink �
� , Is publiShed,eve, .. Qfj ji the United States. We h*Vo 1. "I 0 I 11111a for $2.50.11 She followed ",Z :;T,-- �_--------- --- - L--- - --- - - - - , ,
, . ryT
. � bursday, at
the NEW ua& Print , 1P , 9 Ifoueep i . . 0 mea,I, ore coal, limestone and QAPI- Much surprise will be occasioned in
. � . Pain s taX and it will be our Ownt fault it by , the absence froto the New,yetar L a � . advices took Dr. Williams' P wo "IM)ONVOI, '
I I I � .. . ^ Pille and when some time later I 'R ,
I ISAACOTAEBT 0 , . R CTAIMON4 I ___ wet do not ,14 a tow ,years become bonors Issued of any new peeragre. ., 1� I . 1. - I sv*,Nv her W Lachute.. she was as SA;,RIST114 130YACITOR VOTARY I
his as In other llne%. wauutact- The political prophets bad predict- .11 I well as ever and Dr. Willia'vast Pink Pul3blo, ET0. .
T(. itsure publication in current What woman, at somet-me Or Other IA t� � , I'll
I ous Copy of advertlsenle�nto s ea uren for other lands as,well as our �I:X an ,unusually large list of peor- .. . . C, [Villsi did it all. IMINTOIN
I , . hould be does not experience tht,se dr , dful xy be observed that kI
own.. it Ol, � I Iihave given you the facts -of
en b6aring dOWn'Painfl- 31rs. E. Orif rst gnd capital last,but a r&�B. HaIdarlb., secretry 4)
t in eowly. . �r1celsia'tho names of the Right'lloong theset three cases ,which came to
rates - The tollo�vingtabltl fith, Main street. Hepworth, OUL., Pug men fi I 4UHRLES 18. RRIAP.
0onfract is the or er In which they ,war, and' others having been mon- in tea waY, mean � Y per,5onal notice aud�l think RHAL ESTATE' AND INSURANCE.
. armg-down pain that ,
bowpour ,�Ate.o for speclfi?ld periods says, ,,A boavy bea - should come. 14 Our early days '
. a had settled avroas, nv Isack and W' tioned. Some Conservative papers 0 fi.64luat to other sufferers that I Ruron St,, Clinton, I
. ad space. I 6mo. 3mo. Inio I % put these requisitles the otber wav havelt t appo ritment of u flavor r ,
sides. was often unable to stoop alked of he I to yo hose a-ures qhould be- given the �
� Alany ,When !wo had foutiol the capital 'we aa many as twenty or thirty new wideft',,publicity. if' L�ou wish me , , -- - ----- ---�
, _y.,r, , V)00 25 W $10 W ()r Eltaighten nivsvli� kul). ,s were at an � . forO, I
. I I 0olumn $7500 $ $, - - veers. I ,a . , - to go antagistrate and take �H
i 0oluma 41)(10 Z 110 1500 t1mosr , I t1iought our dif f Icultle 'list I trength or fragrant, .
6 Qff. ;;�ch night I would have to . T. RANOE - _
, , :- 00 lis oo 8 W 3011 J.,ave my boil with the Irregular and eild, but they were reallY I .'e- The Canadians honored re.- * oath to the truthfulness of the -
a 20 .. ancer,
� I A 0olum 10 W Secretions, fit the kid- ginning and we thereby courted % Hon. A. B. Avlosworth, minister richness. Recl ROSPW things. mentioned above, I am pro- Notary Public, Convvy,
: J Oolurun 1900. 5 50 2 (H) &equeni at OIL - . anchdand Iteal,,R,State.
6 01) 3 50 2 W. I UL just as done out in the beavA I)Iow and gre, iscourage .Df Justice is Made X111ght COM- pared to do so. I am at present Fin.
I . I Inch neys and on rctirlwr. - I was lang moixt 7 All that Is fortunately 1�"t �jandert of St. 'Michael.nad St. Tea is blencEecE with engaged in evangelistic 'work, and I.NSVIIANCE AGLINT-11cpresentine, 14 Viro in.
,,, Oc per morning .is I . . .. an(t ilia outlook is satisfactory in Ge, . tinran(-v Qbnivanies. I
oontract clisplay advertising I I .TgE,.. #I
inch, per ISSUe. � uld and would every respect." , - I , Is have therefore -,not at the present 0tV181011 Court Office.
� I have to Iet niv � 11 Clilefi Justice Townshend, of:No- ! such nicety that it time a permanent address. I -can I __------r._
� 1. W. 1:1. KvRn & SON I . housq �atand . I I v,,u iScotia. 11 however,refer You to the Canadian I .
I staad . No- : A .. ENJOYED BY ALL Williani'McKenzic., president of the combination of al Baptist. i � I
.. .
� - I - thin I bad . I . I Frow: reports of Farmers or tho Canadian. Nortlivrn. �--- - - - - '" ' ee points -of rnerit. - T. C, SOWTE R. M, odi"Fll , , , I
. I t'-wif would I Women's Institute =eetings., we -Thomas Tait. former cb-lirman. of tbx . . 140 L,Ilwl, ctr. TH(WIPRON
. , I CLINTON NJEW ERA . clip the following extracts which the railway commisslon. of Austral- I ., I
I . . � litniefit Me. 1, . r . i , ,WiU you try a package. I ilcian. Surgeon. We
I 1,=nod of refers to a! Vell-3010wn, Clinton Ia- . -- i5reelpi atwntion given taflipewien cttbo .
. .� . BoothYs kidney lady. (131rs ,Watts gave a most In- Donald. 1) Mann,. vice -President . I IM-1gr.-4 .-(- Tlye, k -lar. Throat. and Nom
Thursday, January 12,1911. Vills and con- teresting.talk and handled her Sub- oA the Canadian Nortliprn. . . -.-:-, _-�;. � 1_.� , , Z---.-, ,� , Eyescarefully cxan;inca, ana suitable slasorl - I.. %
- I ��, . I
. I -Col. 11. IT. Smith,of the House - � � I— ,�_ . . 1pre.,;vYibed.
. -- civaea I wouici . �ect kn, a moit happy manner. The Lt. ,,, I ,.1... ",'. .1 I I'll I � 1.11, R. McLean spent the holidays at . .
. . � _ as Still lbolind and ot Commona, Ottawa, is made a 0. � , , �,%:J W) I , � ;�, , Ills home here, - . .
� - . I ��, I
� I - try them .1 auft,Q�lca' I%v, '', 0 .. - I f. Office, and Resiacnee.
. t . , I , I - edo, I wo doorn ,pent of die C000mewcIat. N@tel
I I . ,��
, whicK I did, and soon found the, would haye enjoyed another hour, Nk G. , � 9.11 I.. I I or. 13. F. Henderson, of Tol I 1� ,
- of such talk.-AYton Advance. Mrt George Gibbins is honored I ,. I .''. ,;,. , ,.,.t, \ I � � .� � 011togwas a holiday visitor at the. i - nuron tit. I. - I
C : -,L�-- " � - I .;111i,-,� I ' I I I'— var tal home. _ � . -_ . -
Local News ,on sougfit relief- M.y back , AIrs. Watt's ' address was so foi� Ills *%i�ork as chairman of the M_ .-,�. ;,"."'..", .;i� , I
- - I _�o - �
I gthened.and I began to feel,. 1, ,:�... I
. � i ,� - ,. .-, �
St g - water t I " - . lunn
11 ran fulk of -ood things that it is quite Canadiant section of the r� V' Mrs. A. Brooks and family, of I 4hr. W. G
. -ongrer -111"y �ction . 7�.". i � __ _ qd�, " !" Ith -i 'Guan, L I .. 1Z C ,V I .0 J�6- N.V. S.. Vdln-
I � I better and sti - - I now C imposs0ke to summar'lze. ways 00mmission, in conno. . .. --.-.; ,.! , Centralia, spent,the holidays w 40r. W.
.,;, ___ . , I __ I .
11. -1
I MY sleep without being d1sturbea: Thare.was advice on choica ul with the treaty on the boundary NI - . - - - her parelits, 10, and Mrs. F. An- Wi-e 4)nvnrio,4trvet,('J1intQn. Vi calla 11�
1. I and'fbel grateful to ,6,00tlOs Kid- I lite partner, the question of, an al- wateis! of Canada and the United. NaVVR SOLD IN QULK . !deT,son. . ,�-ont dof,r of office or residence, 11NIttenbury . '
� ".. � . ' I 1`111", . � h
. . ',t! 14ROYAL TREATY) , uoy pills % wILi ' wancetto the. wife., the big part States. . . I '' I The mercantile business of Sproat , * . - I
- . ' th ,an �;t they did for me lo . � I I
!� . the 1300 111111s are a boo� . 11 .
: .. I -playedkby little things; economy. * ',Your Grocer Will � * �*& Whaley. will soon change liands -,Alvollollrsa� sVltal-.-;I to 3 p.m., V to 0 ]P,M.
I �
I , Through the enterprise 6f would know i !
* �
,.1.. I list I)ooh to women, She in 11e, home, etc. .< . -44 It - 81 Mr. Andrew Taylor being the pur- I _ .... .-
� I Choir of the Ontario St. methoe f backaches. if she took more � children �d full of. FAMER'S BANK OUTLOOK '- rzecorntnav I . Taylor has sold WE; .,
�;, I "Townspeople will en, less 0 . ' chaser. Mr -1 y I 10 , S ,
1,�, Church our df these wonderful pills. They are I ,lTlic, address 'was pack I - I %1, tL �,'m " w. �
�;. joy v, ireat Musical treat on, (Feb. ps !a for. all I Useful Information, suggestions -.1 farm in, Morris to John Watson, for PHYSICIAN, it RQRON. .� .. .
, , . nature's greatest ci - -,:'Luc ------ --- - - � - . . I I I U . .
�, , qth�by a concert under theiii9pices speci from, -beginning to end. know GROWS DARKER AS THE $5,700.
. diseases of the kidneys and'blad I . I evei cl vv), etc., offlee and residence on
I oyal Welsh Sentinel, % . . . . .
! �. � : given by the R Ladies . I LOQUIDATOR PROBES ON. favor of Vvol,utloe, He -was - the - I tenbuity 1%. nVoosite W. Farran's residence.,
;.. ", . programme der. .All druggists. 0c. box, or Post . . . . . -student to take this ground - -_ 11 I 1.
� Cardiff Wales. The . I I � first � . I
widef1eid ofmuii- paid from The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd. . - - - - O-__- �___ A�X.U;;=-, - . * .. - - - I *
,:� : , - . will cover a very . . I . there. and his position was a shook ., . I I OR, V. A. AXON ,
' - . .
t : " _ Ic from Grand Opera Selections as Fort Brie, Qht, Sold and guaranter , () ry - Wher< W, R, Travers was called- to the., conservatives. I . .1 I ROCNTMAT . I -
. . . -
�, Tro- eed by W. S. R, Holmes, I . Children - Then callie a Vusilade of ques.- . .
,,,, "The Prison Scene" from the I I � - Ul?on� in the Police'Court Saturday " . I . I vronn and 111141ge'll'iii-11,; a Spedully. . ,
1, � . PlantWon. - i, �! I A
. . � I FOR FLETCHER'S r4ornia&A to anewer to the charge tiond about ii ,in and moinkeys for _ . . . " 'Graduate of C.C.D.B., Chicago, ana R,OX-F%
�. . : I vatore to a medley of , . _r 0 R I A . : of Makin lie Go v- three, hours. which Mr. F' - �4%_ 1 � . . ' Toronto. . . .
's. A popular music program it false returns to t loody all �
: ,�,� 1, song appeal to all classes � WERE- GLD FRIENDS. . OAS . I ernment, In connectioti. with swered in such d manner'that sev- � 1. 1$tLyflelft on,Axondays, Nay Ist 6) Decclubev .
�,: i". I to . . '. . � the ' I , I I I
, � . I
�� and a '(Royal" treat in every.wey. Mr.'Vord. brother of Mr. Jas. A. � . Farmer's *13ank, the Crown Attqr W
I _�--o- . - eral of those present advanced and I 1.0� I 1,0N.- ----�-,k - . . I � I . I
. . I J; 6ymo.ur, Corley, s toldi him they had been convee I . .. .. - .
;:" Ford�.whb. is spending the winter ueyik I aid'that I I 11'' . . � I I
..i. 1. REV� . ODON.' Ud i,�as n9t ready to proceed. The to'th 11y"f'- 0 t - . . Iion. Ia. VoWLE% , �
" . I '.
; 'PERSONALS. here' icceived a -1clegram, last MR. GUNNF,.A;FLN . a evolution. tb eory. . � Flo ly's Elk K,t.-� - ^. " ) - - . . . I .
, '
11;� weel--,' froin Kemloops. B. C., to get r, rom the London Free Presd' we defenco did not press for spee�(Iy Tha publicatibil of Air. 01 � %Uw.";U0,.X0 . ,- - - . .
. �,��. Ltellings of Norfolk.* 'the f lowers for the latc., F rod BradL. - . :; Scientific basis of'the Sub- I . . . .. I ;OENTIST. . . . 11
, ,� .;, Mr. P. W. Hu his sister, Mrs. 1CAm_ alip'the following item, -('as 11, H. Dewar't, K. C., Mr. 'booli I . "I ;�'4:, � . . I .
� . I , which re- actloq I offioeg ovec OINEIVE ktore. . .
': , was the guest of -win,�,\vho .died suddenly.in late rector at St. PdUl's Traver Vi Counsel, could 'not be bath and 8,undxy, brought him . I
. . I I
; "'.1 over the holiday, . hristmas Day and who fers� to the .1 . . . -esent. The case was adjourned many praises. The book -brought Resid -.III ar I i- - - `�i ;','� .-. _.- .--.-. :iPHOLIXI "re taken to makii dentslVeM..' . .
r . G. E. Hall, loops. C pi .ef:
,�'. Church.-, , Oth, a -ad Mr., Orpen, another shock to theologians as it Clz.-iuvu,� 1.,la , . Y�., uninless ikei-oon-dbfe - .
.. Mrs. 'Robert Cole, of Waterloo 'is .would; be -burip,Ll Ili Paris. It 'was I I . f, t Gunne until Januar� I � . t
_ . n d M_. indee4' The induc ion of RPV.C. I - . . .
,'.�, a -surprise to Mr, Ford, and -Anglican whq was present renewed'his bail yan counter to the popular concep- � . +
.". ending a month 'with frie tho new pastor. of Christ I J. W. vl�atetv..It, J� N'v' Vr-s.��.;, 1. I.' _% . .. .
,,,, . . sp � -he retalled,to our -rePreseatative, of_$20,000 for Mr. Traverls� appeal-- tionsq, of the origin of the Sabbath I,* I. .
: !,� town. Church will take place at . Christ fizw�V_1. , . _-'ll . ... .. � '.
'.1 I and Sunday. . -THOMAS GUNDRY -
"7. . Fas, Cole, of Water- that Mr. Bradwin was the- ]list , anceL at that time. . . . .
, . I Mr. and Mrs..' � � Churelk on.. Wednesday evening. SUBUVDRSZ%U,=11=1!��r'='.':Mre.,-,r��-."�%;"."Jlo:m I .
,�, �I vas the guest of friends over .man he said g6od-bye to5o, 'When Ilig Lordship. Bishop Williams *111 Mr. Corley said later that �,ha The�*book placed -Mr.-FloodY I?e- . � . Live �toek and genlaral Auction �e" 11
,,, � . 1. �-
, �.., 100.1 � � . , ' ' ...... . . . _ ' GO . I I
,��`: I I I olidays�. I I : leaving; for the East, The late 11r. . proside - " . wb,ald be r6ady to go ahead'when fore, scholars as .'a thlukeri and ___ ., . I
,j�. the h � . Brad,win' ,was ona off 'the best Dry I Rev �r..' GunnQ preached his first theicave -was called next time, and although� it changed inuch1brinef . . � . DER10H ONT .
. . @0S0VE)QG40G0 L 4AXA034 61110A A spe(as.1%; 01dett At At
I .�,'.� Mr. Geo. Phalen spent the holl- Goods'blerk inthatcitv.', Mr. Brad-� i is'filr, Dewailt 1�ai; save' ,oncluslon on the iiiLibiect.it receiv- - Nmnv P.iii orace, Clinton, prcm i v aaenasd qq -W,
�11 . I sermon yesierdisy morning in the ral times ex- (
" .
Z��k . c days with friends in Hamilton. Wirt was also ._a 'fireien and I I ,esse,d his desire to proceed forth- ed the indorsement of Dr.. ITranklin. 0 � . . � W ,,�,-
_ . .".ih chut-cill. He Vas welcomerl by-, it Pr - . , , Teruiq rausonibIly.'' Favmeps, trale note .
f ,ig, of Seiforth,was -n lie fell ,with the taking of evidence �would A. A. Hamiltoh,.- chancelor of� 0- , '' 0 ih-icounted .. .. . . .
a I . .
,.., . Mr. J. C. Gre *64 answerl g a call, wIiE large( congregation, which. .nearly 10 - , (is . .�. � 0 w � I -_ . -_ ..
,� elected reeve orSeaforth,on Mon- from t1!ie upstairs to the - groland, f liled the church. � . .. I � bq begun: in the preliminary hear- George Washington uniVorsity; Dr Is , I I .
�. . Ing ii: wedik froul to -day - . . William, Warren; president of Bos- LO' 0, . 11 ..
�,�,, , day. Mr. Greig -was a former citi- floor, as he luis.sed tile polo to slide -In the afternoon the new pastor ton,. univ&rsity;. Dr. C. N. Richell 10. . . o *Q, D. MeTaggart, .M. 1). moTaggav . .
I I'd � - betfig .9 .
I id is a brother- down. He died almostli`nsiintly., was ysellool , . ,a I . .0 -
. '
'n1r, . zerk of this town ELT . 1. ,_1__pK6sent at the Sunda As�to What ilia ev. .;ice . ool of theology. . I . .
�,, " to Mr. T. Greig, and Mrs.To Jalcic- . - � I meeting --A-41 1hree o1cIock-Mffd'M0'6- -PrePamlz:L-y-t-lia-CroAvn-IN*q]L.-,,�-di�;-- aeting'-deall of sell I 10' , .
, I
��_ - . I S, cloac,Mr Corlov, was Silent. Ile al- .B IV . Stanley a . . . , - ...,
.., son - ir. His old friends extend con IlEi, PAIAS ,0D so refused to -commit himself as to Hall . , I ZANNERS - � - " , .
� . . . AV a short address to the PifVll , president a ' f - Clark uni verslt� :.W A_N PF ED '6 kva(�' ' , " BIF050 - -
- . , bston uni .ersitv; -Dr. 0 0 . ,. m . "a A," a q ? c . . �
. I ratulations. . . �1' the ev6ning he again occupled . . a . � "
1�:. 9 . , n whetheir or not any further action Car011 ,E). Wright. late Tiresident. 0 1 0 . . "I
.� , I �
, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MeMurchie and th o pulpit and gave. a strong ad-
,, "UHATISH 9 .. o -% L B E .RT IS T , CLINTON . -,
; . New Year�s gu[ePts I . : _.R1113 . would b6 taken by tile. Crown - ill of dlarjc .College, Rev-. Edward Ev- � Is' 0 . . .
*;.. 1. children ,.were . I . . I . . I dross on "New Year7s Res * olutions ' � Ila] a, all d -Rev, Dr. . . AD . AT 0 . .. .
1w Mr. and Mrs. W. Brydone. . ___ . I The church -waswell filled at thL -c6karctto the -winding up o.t ,'the ciett Ge6rgd. 0 41102 a .
1. . . � I . � A' 111ankinfg Buslnei�m ,
,: ith ' 1. I . I . I banki .� . I . . . I..". . x, Gordon, p.astor,.' Old South: 0 I . 0 . tra"m4ated . . I
I I , for bar .hoT_ - Zam I�uk - W111'Clive-Y&I.I. Ease. _. ,evening. Service. I ' � ' . church.,. l3ostari...o.. . : a I � r . I I a . . . . . __
11 Mrs. BoLker left Shortage� illion, . I . . . . I . .
. a Is a* Aordeful -of half -m . . . , . -----? . �� . . I - I. . / d
� . _.
in . . I J1 I ,
- -Saturday. . , . Rev. Mr. Gunn , 16" PLE * ON -SALT FED a
�, _-Walkertan p,n . . . . I .. � I .1 . 1 speak0,and made a deep. imprets- . Thos6'wfio- have, studied the: bank - Mr. Froody told a reporter that I a, , .140TES DISCOUNTED -, i
� _ - . . �
Me-kay-of Blyth, w . . , mts to .the Government say.. he hars alluo�t reiidv for publication a : . I *
!; Mrs .R. M, . sfoi� on'his new coudiegatjgl!� stat�mL - . .. I 0 Dr.oAs -166adr Xwerest. allowerd on . , � .
I., e guest. of -'Mrs. J. Leslie'Kerr last I . til6t th4 shortage will omnunUto, oth,c..Ll works whicli have been fav- : , . ., . .11h - - . , �. .
I... . th Have youa(b%dattack of ogener- " � . Highf,st prices"paid 0 .. dtpost P. - . . .. .1 1.
, � week. ENJOY IT STILL-. - : ". . �.. .. ! . � som6thino Iii.the'neighbor)'o.00l.-of orablyreornhientedAipon �b,y men e I . . I .. 0 , . . . I . I . . I
- . al aching ? );on. kno.Nvl- the feeling . � .. - ft'at&-� ,,wba -have exatnined tbo nio(nit- ID ... . I . . . �, I � . a . . .. . ,. 'IF . I I
I ' 0 - $500,000. -The lto�m in th'a4i s . . C i 'ouirtt
g. I ough. of MitChell,lv Limbs ache, muscles -seom*to b , A!'nob 't�om:Fiflmore'. SjLsk., on- -, .00i ITOA; s ,d,
, � - � Aliss Mccull ave* , , - I : its . . I The McKillop M.
.. -the Assembly last Friday. becolud tired. out "yotir back aches. closing $,i * -Although it is a mentunder 'which thiOv Id come .scripts. Thesq,,works incl.tide i,e . .. .1 , utuai � ,,,4� ,
, , .. 0
��: I _. here. for .ag I � . oo. says.� 10 -v�oulO�_be that ,In tlieJ1. 'of assebi scarche'&'on the actentifiPbasis . .Fire, I ViD. - -
;�, . returned I ri�ow, and ga;�i a 'twinge of rheu- long, time, since I left. Wilton we. Of 6666999006(6*666686896006*6 .
- . *hiel; �, hol . . ... - .
, , . miss,' fffeten( ff,Nord ' I ., -.4t tile. ,oankls ioI.d!ngs.'of,- ftugless heaflrtg� and tbe phy.s -:.. - � . . . , . . � .
t., Kingston, on We rnatism strIk6s ydii her:e,ar�d-there. � still enjoy the pa�er vo,ry-much" . .0 __ - . . I ... I -_ .. : . . ....�' I .
rl � Queen)!;, College. . ,� . Yourr, chest- f eels tight, there is. a . . . . � . . . . .. - � ,her OU-pray-er. I . -arm �Alld laol4ted Town.,Vropu - .
. . - cailway bonds and st - ocks I a,.ft.d of. I 1. I as.an organ.lz-'. 'I Li, : Ir . .
I., nesday. � I . I se(!UTMOS� at $650"o-16. . . %y1r. Flood?s ability �
- - . Mr -Lew Mannfng. - Toront pain, between your sh6ulderi;, and - ". *� . . a I .�. � .. � . . . I . � . . . I - ' EIDA11 POSTS Dilt SA arty Only Insured.4, . - ...
I ... .. ... I . -, � ,. Ankinteresting development in Z%.Tf- has bcon .-howndn* Ills folind- ' � I . ... I - �� 1. I - '. .
14., ling on ol- ___ a s c . . , � - two- garole� ctt4es in V'or- - � , , --
- ,
. as �aili 111' )'ver Ne altogether you need toning lip � . ''. ,=z ... r ..N f, the bank. which ha -s I - quantity -o I - Mcjeari, OFF,ICERS. � - --- \, "
I rW - I ; , ^.\ - fil , - thef af fairs. 0 Ln g( o f h. it is. estimated that The urd . f
1,1; . Coldl is responsible for flils v.on . I ,�! r 'ester, in"whic ersigned bas a j. 13, , -President, -Seaforth
. - '
�;-*.. Y e ar's. . . . � I . . .�. � I comia-toL light from a.closer stud� . r . . - :cbbice Cedar P O*sts for sale, � Jasi Connolly, Vim .Pret.; Godevich' .
�,� ' 1, -_ ditionh and a Vigorous application � ��. .A ty A 1-T." � c ,,,, ran linve been 'fific ested .. � . . . . .
,r Mr, Jack Wiseman. of Guelwl, . . has . - Do --a ld ,
� ok Z -Am: Duk 'will .'put you right, . �: I . t . I., ,of the staterotdrits aiidwhich, z � .
.; holidaying, in town. . ' I .._ ti's id -13111 -rd -ren . ep deal of,'nteiest a- SIil,Fd,ad cat dump -in the I Thos. H. Hays, Sec..Treas,, .8eaforth. ..
Take&u, h6t bath if -po-Asible. ' ajid ,. . . .used -a. gooc � .
. I . . � I - .1 J Island- IPILKC, S R.V ASONAB110, . . . . " -
. .
I .
..�� -ill &ori�ester. of , A ',"g,jahl 'Are follow alstrict- W"' -cleared for tb6 �Irat . I . - .* . .
. i . . . I .
Mr. ,�v PAitchell, then rub Your'client and the aching . . . .� L . � - � . - :, ... DIRECTORS. . . I . ... I �
I . . - I . . .. *1 , jr,. ,,� p 1, mong, the bankbis who . . . I 1'. I
,was a holiday - . . , . . U Lt _� . . . .1
. visitor in town. . . . . .. , ;A1 , , I 'I, C y'S . air with, Much. interest. :experiment.. * " ' - - ILS 1111111I , .
. limbEr,wet! with Zani. Buk. - - . -il. 11 ingAllb. affi He took .'his first do, JA_1 . TON . . I : Jat.- Connelly, - Holmes,rhile;. . John .
'. . . �.. I I - I I .. I . . , . �
... Mr. and Mrs. Andiew Forrester Mrs, B. Gorie,: 71.Berkely St., To- .' ' : , . -....--..c I&, that .the: Trust and - Guarantee ,gree. bach .1 . I . . . ,... . .. . .. . I.. i Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinibii,�. M, . I . . .
' *
� . � .Companyi.is 4 .secuiled'dreditor to elor �f Science III Albionvollege-in � . � I .. I . � . .
t X0 holiday visito ronto[writes.' "I ehnnot apeakto6 , - ' ,,,�fl I- . 11 . a the, � . . . � I . . . .
Hamilton. Xvie . . the extent,of.aboutfa quarter of I I I . I ;.Chesney,' Seafoith; J. -Evans,. Beech. -
�` � - .11:_-*-��Z��, , " � a t890,aHe. has also take , degree . � . ' *-4-0 - i::
.:, or's parelits rA c 'hjghly�. of Za-m Ruk. A few Voeks - . . . - - __
.;, . 1%0th,,thv,f6rm .. . . - I . . I . I . � 1. ..., . - --:- - i � ,million. ThI4 it idunderstood i5 � 04 oilielor of sacred . theology ., . I . :. W.0011;4. G.-Grievir, 'Winthrop, � I. 'Ben.. I � ..
�,� New', Years. . . ago; I. was Miffering from a . bald . . from -Bostdii uni'vdi-sity, . ... I.— , ' A16EW&D, . - �
I , my, - 4 . � .. .. . . I . k I - I � _1 ... tieweis, Brodh4gen, , AT.
I - . ' �., ., . .
, Spendler, of Lopd( cbld,'%'�hich had : Wettled in - I for Money 4dvanced to the ban . fie is a . , ,.� . _.' , , _
. � _. -1 ' ddp ' � Ira . in(- I �; 00 � A 1 ... , .
. �- Miss Lillian 1-hroat, chest and limbs. '-I tried. . I I .. � . . - . a:ndL..1E; secured by. asgets o6ited 6raber, of the"A ricanjissocia- I , .".-ft�. � . Clinton.. - . ': , . .. . .. . I �
. lWas lin town ,for th,e New Year' all with. th6 Trust C 0 . . tioit for -the advancement of spi-, . . I . . I * ' , .,
,1: . ItInds of remedies, Ilaw and*old,and ROBLEN : May(.N ompany. .. d I ' ' , I Est& Director ii inspectoeof losses. Ita . . i
holidays. THE GRAIN; ELEVATOR P . 0 t 316: 125 Per Cent. . en&'.aii . the Sea' t for' physic I - rd ' - . - . � I . 1 . . ,: �
, . I .
�y found very. little rellef,until lused . . � . . - ' I . Before placing your d ers-fo,. his own localit.y..*', .. . _ .
� Mr. M. C. Kaufman and famll�,'- . .. . . . . I Thisi secured indebtedness , Is a rcse4rcl� for N * . orl,.. . . . � I .
Zam Duk. -Oj4 applying this -to, my I I . ,___ . . � ..a . yourseasouls.supply of 06al, . . 1. AGENTS. . . I .
. I .. I
. . olida . .. . � . . . .- . . I . . 11 . I .
I Drumbo,,were spending the h at skill Ili un�avel" ver)6 s6loiis Ynattei for the bank7s. . . . . . � our prices. The vi�y best goge'r .
", thr6at and cliest'l f ofund su'ch'&,ase - , Wit'b, his , usil . I . ' - I . - � , od, I .Robt. Smith, Harloc . - .
� tahgles� Sir - `I
.; . . 'With his, mother and sister. and( relief from the,tightness. and. . g,political . I wilfricl.: breditor7sl* as a. qua�ter of a. " �n - : . .k; 'Ed, 'Hinchity I . I
I . . I I carried in sth6k an sold'at the . .
I . - I . .. . . Seaforth; James Cum , , , Egmoada , ,
, ; I .., � * . I olved. the grain eleva-- . lionj is going. to make a.. big, lible. An OD -L 'tter 'I lo*6st possible �rlce., . , � I I - Mingo . �
. . ,
soreness' -I determined � I .. en C , . .1 . . I � V - W. tdo, Holmesville , - - .� '
�, - _. to iTse only ' ' Laurier ias s .�. AL I . .. . - ,. 1. ille; 1.
. y tor prob] m Its ftvailable-for c' I .� . .� � . I - �__,
CANADA'S PROGRESS Buk -I Also rubbed It on �h �e .' in.0 wjy t..,osatisf y-Ahe ,iru the as'se .11 � .. . I . f
.. I . strib- .. . . . _�_*�' . . .: . . :, - I ,. . i . I I � 1. I
�, , . Britain sent $200,000 . irb�, Where, Ifelt the rheumatic. demand4Lbf the.Western- .g . .� I . . . I. *. Orders MAY be left at Davis, . 11�, I
GreatJ ,000. to , a j= %ution! among deliositors tand'Oither ' . � . Payments may be made at;* -Tozer'& .. I I
. .
. I
.. �. . for' investment. . I b" 6 - growerok and Aeale�s for th creditors. Twenty-five cents on , F row a Baptist clergynaan tollnig . &-Rowland's.liardwebre store, or Br6wn's, Olinton, or. to R. .H. outt,: .. .
,.� I I . . ; . .
Canada, in 1910 1 ,DaIns. In three dav§ from t e tim . ought.by -br. Williams' .. With . . � . . . . . ., . .. 11
1- -Immigration amounted to over 32 11. .first began .applying Zam Buk I The bill to be introduced after Par- the dollar was spoken of, soinei 'of cures wr I . . . . . Goderich ., . . . .. . .
. � . ,Pink. Pillff. ' ', � . . I . . .. .. .7, � . I I ... . �-L_Ow___�__Z,��". . I
. No. during the past year.. . ,%vas, free frona .tlie.,cold - in \. the. Iianient v6sumes *.ill provide for days,*agd as a possible settlement.A. � � 1. . I .. . . .. " I . . - . 4- I � I . . . I . . .
. . . . 'Now. some who � clabW to be well irx-� * . I �._�_ .. " . , I . t .
. Commercial loans by the banks in throat and ch6s*t:.and- also the rhen- Panagement, df the -elevators -by EL . . � . Wi J. Stevenson, . . 1. . .
. . . � I
I �
. .. I
. , ` � ' � c,,ominission'of Small membership. 'f ormed as to the bank7s affairs de..; Tlfb `Dr.'Wi . I J A 0.0 B: T A Y,L.0 R ' . I . _.
, . creased "twenty millions during 1910 nriatism in my Ifthbg. � . , . ' Iflams' Medicine ..Co.-. � . .1
.1, . . BanIQ clearings grew about one bit Zam 'Buk 'will . �It -,�Yiil be the[ business of this I?ody ejaKe that th� dividend.will not a- ' I�rockville.,Ont .1 .. . ... . . At, Meettic Mahl FlanL. r.. .. � . I . . I ... . . I
.." .also be f ound a sure, , ' I .. � . I ,:� . � 00N"N, ' . .
. .
I .
, e . ' Gentlem-Z-4% h a's been.My in�- - I � �. ,
. I . Ilan dollars. cut .for cold sores. -chapped -hands, to, ptit-a stop(to the frauds;�(on the* mount to. that. As' * to whatthe ei- . . 1. -_ . : . . 1...�__' � .� . ., �k . .. . .
,e�- Lmbia produced 26 fro bite r isonvar- "rower by th4Mixing of the act position is. must remaift largely . .. s . , .
. . British Colu at .. iilc6s bloQd',,p6; grain. Ig . ., tentloA to wilte to you for some . . . . . r , - . � I r r.
��1: . 6, to the small loss lof a Matter of -surmise until the inter� I 1 ."__�:.� �. r J ' 'Fitie, rr , ixident I . �. .
. I Million dollars worth of minerals jeose�sores.. piles, scalp sores,ring- sortat of �ral . I time jut' being busy.1 have neg-. , � . . . �- ; * e --and - A . ... . -
1. Y, and the lois'of the�.re do.,until now. .. - ) - . . r . .. r � I
4� during 1910 and Cobalt -fourteen mil- worms,infla4ied patches,'. �babies the - farmer,. , - daitor makes -his statement- ____ ,�I.ko . - V, I . ; , 0
�. .
11, I c Uniation of: 'Canadian ' mean- I-bb3fal3alptistbilnister, 'Was rr' . . or D6& - ins'.u�rance , . I ,,,,, t
�. "Lli For Sale. Ev.- . . .
the r' '�'e hoeholders. In the 0 . . I
, . r't 8 . ,;
F, lions. eruptions.. andcliagped places, uts . E46 he 0 . . . . . . � - . . , I
1- - ib M4111taining.absohite sil-' r- . . _, . I I 1. _"-, . . . . . �
I While the Western grain crop de �burns.��brdtsad.an skin - Injuries wheat. Should the commission suc- exice r . . '. . . - . .dained, Junet 14th, , 1887, in Cramahe __ - I - . . . ., r. , .. :
. � I .
; . clined by nearly thirty millions.'of e:e nerallY. All druggists And ermanent. . , . . . ! . . Baptistchurch, Northumberland .. � ... Real istateboughtand.sold ,. .. . 1;1.
. .. I .
. . �.r
1, ceed it may become P May. T6�fi Much to Farmers. - Co, Ont. I ,want io tell you in as ' � Fam U'ReM . I -
.'�. dollars in 1910, thei acreage rea4y f i storeff sell at 60c. boX, or post free . Thet propose'd bill jar qUI tp .. justi-w . I . .
.. . .
i�. - IAC Toronto where7ihere are few. � I . . . . .1 r . filoney.to loan. ' ,. . :
I crop' 1911, has 'vastly �ncre(als�e;d from Zaal: Buk Co.,.Torori[W; upon from eVerv. -DoInt of view - It few.'%vordSr as Possible what I know -.- , . . . , . r . . '... -�
The price of ' MfUI. ,,ra good step forwa .Dr r Williami-Pink Pills, I: The 0stre.ik farm, Lot 28,9tb Con. o . . . I . . . . .
� land h rin a%out- recgX�t of price. . Avoid . .bar fia:ble rd in -provid- shareholders and comparativel,,� aboti3O . f Goderich � � . . : - . . . . I �
. I
� . fdw, - ,depositors the true slgnifi-e Tp.. 80 acres is offered to rint; Apply to I I
� . � . r I .
$3.00, peir acre. lInilations and substitutes. I . Ing protection 1or the grain grow- carice'of the ,ban . kl,s faillute Is waS4,phstor of, the Pales.ville, Qii. I MRS. J. HAT Office IssiLe Stroet, next door :tb Nbw . - - -
I I S,STIIAD � ; �
. . a. - - � .
* I
. o . . . rfeb. .. . . .1 . . , Bra , �
The lumber cut Increased four hu _- __ ____ , ill'also educate the whole not r'Baptist churchIr in 1891 atid.,-6L,M'�' "SH COOK' " t' * .
.. - . I - . '. er. � It( W tho ieal .value of realized. For the Most part the 10 �1894-5. �W ClintoA - . ta I I . � - . .1 . : . I
11 . dred million feet for the year. . countr�Lto know shareholders are fairmersi Men hilo 0astor In 1891,the . � 41 - . . , ,�, . � . � �
I I Confidenco in Canada's future i BLYTH . .. . Ttev, John Xidg,i a former Pastor - . . . L Oran Tr,UnkRaJ1wqj oystel�l..- �.� .
; . , � . . . . � Canadiad hard wheet, ,� " - I , whosek sarings werle. not large. In 'Se nd Lot I I i Sil., .. .4 .
I creased about ' twenty-five Per ,COUNCIL. The(following is the The twestern farmers ,who werO' . aged' -.74. was stricken with p&raly-' ' ' HOU a or e. _ . . . ..
I ". many. cases they. Put all the'y had sisi so th'%*he could n6i heIV him- . . . _ - . . - . . . I
� , tent. . . . I " . ver�% insistant- on having themiei- into stock i 't � . . Railway Time -Table .
'I, . . I . ,esult -of.municilial 61ection,.-ReevIa I n. the bank and illen f . . . � � .. , I � A .
.�. .. . fraud�- 0 - sell. E61 hid to,- ov! did, take a tea ' The tonvLniently6located house. next I * � L - . I I ..1. . , .
" __ Li UHL, acclamatilon.. Councillors, J, v6s protected against the aid an institution hin -which , Ithby 'spoonful, of rhubarb .every. da -containinqw.uL, .
,� � OLD ELECTIONS RECALLED ' . ulentl ' practices of . y to Murphpls,'Rattenpury.stre6t. � ondo ' .
, J I . . n,:Hurog,and ]Bruce.' , . .
�� ClItt. poiled, 137 o4eph Carter, 129 �niddlemen. * wexe('ther,aselves infiesested ' �d`�_ . . .
I While th6 New Eta represdnta-. W (H .McElroy,_119 Iln_ should now bring the'taMe detP"rM- . irpelyhigbowelsregular, Ithbught. rooms.- 1b, house is a receialy re -built .Qme,.� I . .�
I .
"', . A� _; Allah B.,Bi I Posited all the rest bf their sav- , _ Vr- WilliarAls. an.&Jn excellent repair. A goo , now. stable on ' North . FissIiaiger, - ..,.,:,., , � .
�� tiver Was polling his vote on Men- Inationi-to bear,on,the probloin of , 'Pink Pills. He be-. the preiiiises. Apply -to A.- BE LBY. . ; � . .
� ton,, -168 -, Thas. Cb&6, 94.- 1V irst 4 ' `Lnglg-there. Now theii. addIt I �, , , .
�� .. . Officer - I . . . . ' up .the stande -d of 04ilad- . Vhigrf are pr . ional -it was . na � . _. � .11 `_ . I - Lohdiin, depart..... . 8.80 a M 4.50 P M: I
. day. Deputy Returning ate elected. . . . �'. I keeping Lr � as if . �01'n1aklng Hiem and I t . '. I . I
. � . , ketically . . . . .
Tom, Johnston. -beg-an recalling-. � _ '.. .. . I � . an'wheat, Which May ,easil3F be. art . . gone. jong� lbef ore he ,could walk.' aga:ln .. , . 06fitralia ... i�.� .... *., 9.40' 5.43, . - :�, .
. -
: ! ., , some old time elections,in Clinton . . -1 ..1. . . . . . loweredr by the - gillin g&roW4rs0-fl- a regular. --- -The-.: -7 __'.. .- _7� -I Exeter ;-. i i ...... � , .1 9 53 � ii.rA � - - . - .� - .. % , . , . .:
, 1, IdOX .1 , d they will be- called'upon to P47 and-his'bowels wer rM ode, . -4
I By IN ;POULTRY, , . . Up their double liabilily - paralysIA*never rot .Fa '-for s .. I Hen6ill.,.'.' .....'.,-. 10.08 ., .5.06 . I
-_ turning Officer Iff has beou eistiniated ffhat' rin I . For many I - , I 7 I. �;.. . -
for which fie Was -Re -thehf ,9wp farms. Two- thing', are uined apol his '. - . , � . .
, it may Mesh - tho- loss of home and' 'bowels remained ne ,Xlppen-. ** ..' ... 10.16 . 61117 � - . I
4 and Many Incidents relative to the � necessary. �good seed and go�d cul- abSolutely everything tbev tiVe. 'He died Ia . C$,.ntre: 'part'Lot'35.-containing 48' ' ,
� Canada this, year, the total p lire- . . ,possess. lew�y�arsago, prfttctf�ally fr9m. �
election. Mr. Johnston has .held .roc ,tivation.. If either of. these� is ne- . I . � I I I . I. . , . old acres and North.00 acreR 'on Lot 36; 10 Brucefield:: .. ..... 10.30 61191. , . , . �
. tiorif of poultry .will be * '�,%'10_00 000 - - .� W., .. .-I. age,. .. . . . . . - Olintom"...;.: ..... 11.05 6.85
I thIE( responsible position as Depu- hp.8 a of this ;�G�er glected,the'reiijlt will -have the ef . . : . . . acres or more gboLl hard wood bu,4h I - .
. tyl Returning Officer. for PA -great .d. ..Twd' third fect of lowering the standva�d. - . . . � I� went from, DoIleav'Ille -Qud.k to I.,ond.esVbro..-....,... 11.18 6 5t
I ' 17,000Iif'00 -would be. laying 'hens good Barn", stabling underneath, Blyth,. -6..; ......... �. 11.27 '. ' 7.W, . I .
� lonany years and was also . or The seed question is j',qst now the . .R. J. FLOODY IS HONORED ' Groton i Vermont, 4s,.pastor of the good Rog Pen and driving shiad small J3,Ig � I � I .
ibeen Returning Officer in the last arldl.at. the sam6 rate of le�ying- . ' . I , . . .7. - -1 rave. , *�;, � , . * , 11.401- I.IS. . I .. .
, More !I�nportant of the two,'f or the -_ Baptist, t�urch .in that place. � Orcliard, Frame floUse cellar under Win
�, I .. ;'ho*n by bL,Oiensus taken EL few . - . .. .1 gh4m, rive... 11.50 _7.35 . .
,�. . O-ntario Election for Centre Hur- ad i . wulcl produce.120. Fifo sl�Yring� wheat hag been almost . . .." I There lived, a wav ajbout- two gnd gbod well wa�er at ROiisO and Spring . '.. . I �
,�o on. I . vdarEf QZ hopelessly hiixed'With other virle�' Voctor of Divi67 Degree -Given llim� onelialf miles frorri Groton,, by the Creek r1unning through Lot .85.'For South . I Pispenger . .
I - . . � 000*0,00,000 dozen eggs,,wbich at 20c . . I I . ... . . 'naraw of Nell - McCrea,r a Can- price, apply -to R. SCOTT. . Box ! , a I I . ....
.11 m dozen �vould be worth $24,000,000. ties. It is. the lonly,grain' that. - . I I .. K WIb-glLam epart.. 6.43 a m,3.,33 P M I . . .
. . . . . est of - all I 11 ___716 .
- -,. ., , � . - _ - --------- measureK.up to -the high . . . ! . � . . . adlaft. 1h,eatol. -hewas ill� andbe- Blyth. or on Lot,'85,Uan. 13 Hullett. 2m Belgrave.........'... .6.64 8.44 :;
�', . . . tt is', genbkall)r considered by autb- gr des the"Manitoba iffaxIII. In -Froin'the Worc6ster.Daily Tel,e�, ing a Canadian, J went' to-seo him. I - ... - . . , . . ;.. �.,... 1,08 � 3.56 - - -
� I . orities, -that ihe *value of pobltry . I . -im I I .,In b d.- Ile said he . I " 7. "Y
11 or3er t6 replace the mixture with .graph_of Dee ',26th, we take -the lound h y 1:19 a I 1,2& 6 4.04 '
I I 'we rlety.. some one should fbilowing which refers tol a former had'no pain,but was too Weak taI ,. . Tarm, for "a . 1.50 . 1. 4128. - � .
woul&have therefore 8"'OON000'a6 ' . . * I . blinton ............ .1 . . '.
equils'that of eggs, so that .thet r(eal va KS le
� 14 11 -0- . . .
I Hea"rt Trouble, - havo'enterprisIi enough to'go Into , Blyth -boy and well,,known to Many alti ,up. 'Ills lips wore bloodless, in ,efleld..'....;;... 8,12. . C'so
1 . . Brno . .
I , I
the'value, of po iltry an(I eggs in .. ! . 12.Q acres, In good sthfa 9f cult1li- ", .
I the. work of producing Unmixed .of ouri.old. readers.-. I . f acti If a was ab white ,as chalk. I . .=.: .�'. I 1.4. 8.23 .1 4,47' '.
. Canadik.this year., Poultry 'well seed.'of the true kind, Rm Robert J, 'Ploody. SuPerin- recommended. Dr. Williams' Pink .atioii, being,lot 24 and 251 con 5 a 4.62 1 .
aea Exet"'.... � ......... $.32 . .
Caused Dizziness. Weakness looked after will pay you a :good The tulture problem Is not likely tendent of the social Pills tknd gu've ililn,sonle. Ile be- 'Goderich Tp., all ' fre.!;h gee 8.48. 6.05
,,, '
�, � settleme�at . .... 6'. t. i ....
�' , and Smothering Spells. return. They�t�iire,tbe most, prof it- torThe solved for some time. The ana the garden"cItY movement,has gall -taking thein, h1nd -in a short down, lead ten actes wh�ch le.plow- Centralia .; ..... 000 5.15 11
�. - � . . able stock on the farfd fo-day. presbnt- �ystem of free homestead- received notice from President ,,,r4. , time 1c,ould see blood4n tho- veins of. ed. On. the propertv is a concrete London, arrive,.. - - 10 00 6.10
1 . . Suielyrthere is money in the bbs- . ing U I ob,�ectlonable from 'this, -Dlekl�t of Albion'college that lit, 'his hands and in ilia course of a few house, a barn 55 by 80, good stab- - . 1�uffalo and Goderich .�. .. I
.. . I Through one eause or �nother a large iness.* -!The ,wholesale price, 'for 6tandpoint, that it allowg'a loose the semi-annual meeting of tru twook,iliewas out �watchlng man lin't well watered. Apply to. , . . .
; majority of the people are troubled, more eggiP right, now is 4, - 0 tients a dov- method of cultivation'. it is useless teef( was corif erred oiy him the d buildinN A.nL-W'barn -for him, and . .� JAS. HAMILTON, . �Jlllnton. . i West � . � , Passenger 1.
. Can you af f ord to koeT) out 9; . . P" am pm pm .pm
I ; . or less, with some form of heart trouble. an. . contiriud pro-, greA ot doctor. of -divinity. - shortlyi after that lip ca6lic to Gro- --- -.I,--- 10.OQ 12.20 5 2ry 10.20' - .
;�. I on -r ducing a good sample, of grain uft. A letter from PreRideni - Dickle. ton to church. Now,. r tight.to tell Girl Watift,d - �Mitchell .......
� Wherever there are sieldy people with of the eMnk business, Killiffif , Stratford ......
I -orices are hiLrb, It Pays to rear for * a . . 1. ::10.22 12.45 5,55 10.47 �
� 1. weak he%rts, Milburn'ff Heart �nd Rerve , lesk steps -be taken to ,maintain Its which has reablied-Mr. , V16ody yo"iat thedoctor atiGroton had . , , , Seaforth ... i...10,45 1.10 6.18 11,12 ,�,-
, , .. � . The Ryegate doe- '14"or gener1l,l -bous(-work, duties . 6 Olinton,: .... 11.01 1.26 0.40 11.28 � .
. Pills will be found to be I he most effpetive' themarket. Get.sotne pure:�bred � fertility., and along this lifte therd stateat tho membo�s of the boara� (g!venQiirn up. I I X
.. I .1 mediCiDe on the marlwt. ., ,litilityi fowls frbm a good layin� . is''v,ery little doing any, where in of trustees wel-0 slinflarily united tor. q doctor Ili all adjoininiZ vi la columence 8 Doe. 1010. App1V to 8
; . � I Holtile Alle...4,.11.16 1.83 640 I1.38. ' . ia
. I Strain, Go In for I'viorepoultry and tho wett. For these rean i. ITHe .. Al, ).Mv,TA(4GA11T I .
: " ��. Mrs. .F. Leglie Cridg, 114 Erie Ave., OnA tfild in Voting to grant It. , . could not lioll) hiluand said go mitti. . .1 . Godorleh.,'.....,11.35 1.50 7.0.5,11,55. ".-
.: - Brantford, Ont., writes,- -"It IS with the 1)etter( poultry. and you,will never WosOrv. farmer.$ who have shown Tb6 hohorary degree comes. to � bcs*lloctor In. tile hospital of l3url . . . . � �. I East I. Passengor .
I . . ..
1� I , thelA �dxtraordinary energy -in 'a Dr., Floody in recognition of hiA I inrtoll', NE.�: oalno' and s&X,'. xp�. 71. � I
ebLtest of plew;urc I w'dte you st�ting re=eb lit. The next few years we " . . I
I EY benefit I have received by us . will s6e.,a great boom $n the poul- ,,in done but Said lie nld not hol-Dhim, , "
i� thr . . good tause, should work together abilityt and the work he h 'Cie . Pump tor "'le � Goderich ............ 7,10 2.4o * _160
� . . . �
I Milburn's Ileart and Nerve AIIS71 trp �buslness. I o a greatreform in grain grow- since,graduating'from Albion, His 110NhOtIrctalkV el0tIl1'Dv-WIr . ..'...... 7.26.. 2.57 5.06 .
i:o . suffered greatly'from lipart trouble which . . I . . r Wathod. � I. . . - - - . . Hoiniesville. ,. .7-35 8 07 ' 5. 15 , -
I MEXYTRST-CAPITAL, SECOND. 0 .. I Olinton ......... I V I
I carcer.has been -watched by can. , liams' Pink Mid i)�It him on'his feet 'public School offers 1ron'pnmp, 00 .....
. . .
I . I . I . .1 ' I f windn-i'll at, Seatorth ........... h 7.52 - 3.25 ,, - S. W . I
" caused dizziness, weakness and smother- Mr�( 1. ,H. Plummor., Prefildent of . � I . � . eators) 11ast abd 'Went, special -in. aq,ilfi I . 'feet long�. suitAblo .
�. ing Epells. I use,l a great deal of Dr.'a contriblitorle to tfieGlobe1B An- � . . . terest being stirred by evidences of Latcr ,trotarned t(I .nf, svj 0 yard 'A I to)J. ('1()1VI,M;,- Mitchell 6 ...... ...... 8.16 -848 ,5.65
. medi�ine but reveived no 'benefit. A the - r 1�1 I _pump. lip y I ......_.. 8;40 , 4.15 6.20 .
nual Tpinarleial Survey pliblished on �� Mental poWer shown as an author, .Qn,e.!�.aE;DoF;tol�,Ayolitio,ld y.w o Ongirman bf Property, "Inimittee Stratfora... .
�Ik' � me to buy a box of your Every Woman Ix Miles went of Dale, - . . I .1
��, . friend advisett Tweachdr. lecturer, organizer and lived about sl .; _ -.- _.______, _ _ _ -...- .-. . .
. pills which I di 1, and before I hmi tho first business day of.the year, . � Is lAterested iqnd Aould know aociakworker villk 4t a plabe called Vina sent . I , - I
sava�_ � 11 . tlu�, wanderrol , ... Zu I
. - ch batter I 4Tliervonviiinption of iron and 111 Duringf.his jot.)no to come and aeO 'Or. as Shol M1411te'd -. W L R4 .
I .
. , fillishe� one box* I felt so mu , VA6 Whirling. SPW - 6afflination for the LOO F. T .
I I . I continued their use by taking two -boos, -steel in 'Canada ia growing rapidly "I I .. �, 'The vtow Weilial S ringc. Ilest, degr'eo, Master of ,sdlenee, ,before hadoboon ame.mbor of my, vono-re- . ?" VaInter mind Paper 11ekbier., .. , I.., � .. ..
- I highly reconlinen(i theso pills to I -hfostconvbnient Itel" ' � ,ghost. pplee paid for LoPrs 11*�SF"- -___'_'4- _-All'*6A; gua�iLntoeil. . - -..-,
I '"E"11 A5kAJr'05Ue, � tUa faculty and StUdelltfl of Albion Oratl0n, in my form6r pastorate, I , Ia, _ ' 46
. one suffering from heart and ze'by ThcA plants are lbtilng largely o.x- I .... 'I
rve - d,I.JV st r I lollege, and citivens Of Albion. wettl to Set, her -and fonyid a sim- W06.*d, Soft HIm,,Ror.k,,8qm Ana Rok . ,
.. .. 11 . ,t, jl&l� Case to that Of MrL, N .
I troub . tonded.,but thev Will seareely Over- . ,,eh , ' % of . !?ticeg lreiiieonab�k# i _-i � ..
le." It hm ti,mt oltppfy.� tho . he'eaUsed considerable ,Fjtlr . �60rac Ma 10 especially wonted, but all k1odo � ..�
I � tak6 the domand ,and so far you MARVIO�aCcePt660th6t, bv t�o expronslon of his Views. �Jqis G� wto so Weak W11 t)a,*urj3lj&Ae.d. . I .
. I Milbilft0s Heart alld Xervo.pillg ard call judge. wo are Merely at the bt-. .1 ... t oeidGmi) to nittatrateA I .10 Voton. -Vt, This girl I It fI � .1 "., Restcle' -, neewly dpPooite-the I..
- I , , ', I (Q, I -
11, I I
'b(,, I'
a ,� ,
.%x, I (
I �olof
- I
.1 �,`,".i
� 'I .
I )6dk-qeAI,d, RXIV04611mfld. . wits "Tho evolution of man, Sh -ot set up, ShO, np- W, D0HBRTXjPTANO 'and dC( r _
0 cents per box or 3 foe $1.25 Win a4d,limetions Invaltia to to llt�146. thositi.. . I it - I v could in � 'O,U(*AN CO., Limited
. surrLy I which 'he IOWA I�Irl 6n, in
� 1burn Co., Limited, Toronto, OAu Out., GC;d"r0AAAX"tNt0a1rCA a 6ut ilat Ooted, ilk her I I . .
. vou eafionablo tariff tooditiono I ft�R " " . I . -
i1eil direct by The Rinning, Of things so far as thk and-Its.bearing in tel J)elbtred, to be bloodless, I 'a I CollegiAtt, Ift6iiNtel " ,
dealers, or frimi ITR.vdl! I 10e,aff, asle Industry In eone6rrked : 0., " If "It Will cost you'six dollars to, . .1 . 0
. a, r I I
. . � I . I I I I . . I . 1,
. . � . I .. I I . ., � � .
� � I . " I " 1� . I . . I
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,� 1 � - � -"- �_ _ �
I. - --------