HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-01-05, Page 8r
For a Greatj'anuary IgIean�upa
And r. member this is not a cleala�up of undesirables—•even garment and
every articl mentioned in the following`' list are the very best values obtain-
able at reg lar prices. Every article must go yours the profit. This ,will be
greatest : • .. port u>sity ever offered men, women' andchildren of Clinton and
theg l? °
*.vicinity to 'g t acquainted with the high' class of merchandise which we •carry.
driving file knife in deep, and prices will be chopped off in big chunks.
'tie 'are g .. •
• o great slau hter sale is the fact that we make each season'
The reason .for this g
clean up its own stock.
e at -Our Store. During January and Save Money.
Purchase •
• 25 Ladies Waterproof Coats special $5.•
25 Ladies' Waterproof -Coats '' of eravenette and
tweeds, full length, good style, all sizes, regutar7:5( t'o
12.00, sale p'ice 6.00.
Tell Mens Waterproof Cat *S pecial $'1
10 only, Men's Waterproof Cloth Coats, dark, grey
all sizes, regular $10 sale rice OOU
29 Ladies' Astrachan Ftjr9Coats q
29 Ladies Black Astrachan Fur Coats, silk quilted
linin with timber sable collars and silk: collars, three
goods tyles to choose from,' sizes 34 to 40, regular $45'
$50: and $60, sale price .: 3111,1141
3 only, Bocharan 'Fur Coats, Alaska -sable .collar
regular $75 sale price.. 1 55,00
3 on)y, Astrachan Coats, reg, $25, sale price .15.00
55c and 6oc Dress Goods 39c
500ards all pure wool Dress •Goods in Plain'. .
colors stripes and checks,black, blue, red,
brown, rose, wine, green, grey, etc.. in serge,
fancy worsteds, tweeds, venetians, box cloth,
etc„ splendid wearing qualities, suitable for
all classes of wear, evening, street or school,
• reg. 50e and 60c, sale price
Special Dress Goods 25c
Ten pieces Dress Goods; just 'a clean-up lot
from the dept. Good colors and strong wearing
qualities. reg. 85c and Mc,• while they last your
choice for .
--$15o Corsets $1 for Saturday only
D. and A. Corset specialdaintily rammed,
white batiste, all sizes, very 1.00
25c Ladies Belts 19c Christmas.
Clearing out the balance. of our' Christmas
and silk,
elastic leather, e
Belts, 1 ,
red, grey, blue, eto., regular 25 and 35c,.for i..9e•'
5oc Ladies,Belts 39c •
Ladies Fancy Belts in leather, elastic and
silk, fancy buckles, in all the popclar colors,
the balance of our Christmas buying, reg. 500
sale price
35'c Children's Underwear 25c
Five dozen. Children's Wool Underwear, vests
ane drawers, well made add trimmed with in•
sertion and ribbon,.. splendid value at reg`ullar
price 35c, gale price'
1 o Black Sateen Waists $1` g,5.
Ladies Black `Sateen Waists, good ,quality
fast black, . latest style, •all sizes, regular
sale price. .;. .,'+ <.
Ladies Coats' Half. Priced
2,5 -Ladies Winter Coats, , made .of, heaver and';
rough tweed@,. col ors n
etc., very newest styles, 'reg.11M1Li,' I2.50. 15.00
and 1$.00, sale price _ • • .. • .114.1.11F
; PlitICEt
'50 per cent. ot Children's Coats
5 Children's Winter *Coats, mostly.
. . r ne
' fancy tweed's,: •blanket cloth and braVer • •
styles, sale price:.., : , • :50 p er rcent of
5bc Td'ques • 25c.
About two dozen Children's Toques, assorted
colors, honeycorabeweave,. double, regular 50c
sale price ' 25c .
15c Wrapyerette loc'
Tei pieces Fany.Waapperette, n'
and ood colorings, suitable for home gowns,
dee ing sac nes etc. 27 inches wide, reg 15e
sale price. ............. '
Remnants of 4s
Manufacturer's remnants'' of white .and pink
Flannelette, qnds run from 2 to lO yards, worth .
regularly 10c find 12c, clearing. them up at- 7e
emnants of Cotton
Manufacturer's remnants of White 'Cotton
'good width, splendid quality, •ends run from 2
to. 10 yards, worth 121o;15c, I8c, clearing them
out at uneP rice 8c
Remnants of Apron Ginghams •
Apron Gingham
iat • . splendid widths and qualities, worth 12 c 150
Clearing out the balance ot our Millinery • �
hats.' • and 18e, clearing them out at.: ' • �' 8c',
half price, some good stylish
per cent,
'‘Millinery 5 Manufacsurer s ends of
hi Cotton'.' Shirting, -Etc.
..Cuts �n Toweling,
Don't forget the fact that all tines of staples are advancing in price, and lay1n.a gocd stock 'for -spring
g llc I5c;Ginghams: 11c 15c Prints ' ilc " 15c Factory Cot ton • t Ile
12 c Gi hams .... .. , 100 121c Prints . 10c . 124c Factory Cotton 10c
`'• 8o l0c Prints.. ... ..,. 84 10c Factory Cotton .•, 8c
6c 150
•8c 50 Shirting Ginghamp • M ; Tlc 12 'e Flannelette "lOc 10c Flannelette 8e
" ..
15c Toweling
12-ic Toweling
10e Toweling
8c Toweling
Men S Furnishings, Clothing, : Fur . Coats
5oc Underwear 39c
Men's and Boys' Fleece Lined • Under rear -
shirts and drawers; all sizes, reg 50e for....39c
$I.00 WOof Underwear 75c
Men's all pure wool unshrinkable. Underwear
shirts and drawers,.all sizes,. reg $1 for.... 75c
75 F Shirts 59c
soc Silk Ties 39c • Boys' Overcoats
We are clearing out the balance of our Boys
-Overcoats..at.the .following deep cuts
• 3.75 Boys Overcoats ... •;: . .. 3.03
Men's Four•iu-hand. Puff and Bow Ties, in
newest colorings and. designs; reg -50e for.. -390
Boys' Bow Ties 5c
5 dozen only, Boys Bow Ties, ..assorted colors.
nicely made and good shape, while they last
the price will be . ,
c Fancy
full size opo- Snmoking Coats , •
Men's Soft Front Shirts, good , p
Men's Fancy Smoking .or -house Coats; 'sizes
86 and 38 only, reg $10 for • 6.50
Regular 6.50 for ..... ,.. ..,:.....:94.00
lar colors, all rizes, reg 750 for,. . .. 59c
$1 Soft Shirts 79C
Mems Soft Front Shirts, ill all the popular vc. ...Leavy Mitts 3.9c
makers wash
colors,all sizes,' reg $1 for ....790 5 y,
• Men's !levy Working Mitts, knitted top
25c Rubber Collars .15c and will stand lots of good bard wear, reg 50c q,
•• 5.50 ••.•
I)11. OVENS, London, Surgeon, (leu.
list. Specialist. will he at W. S. R,
31st Glasses property fitted, deafness.
t catarrh and f,tuting eyesight treated
,(I,ilolniesday' U, rug store, on Tuesday, Jan.
The Dominion Government has
appointed Mr. R. D. Cameron, of
Lucknaw as a lecturer tin corner-
tion with the Canadian Government
Old Age Annuituies recently inaug-
urated. Mr. Cameron will address
a public meeting in the Town Hall
on Thursday, January 12th, at 8 0'..
clock. p. nn., explaining the provis-
ions of the Act by 'which you can
get an animity(of from $50.to•$600a
year ,for life at age of. 55 years
and upwards from the Canadian.
Government and thus make ProVi
for your old age. The sub.ejet is an
important one and in the hands. of
Mr. Cameron will be made hinter -
eating and instructive as he has as
reputation as enable nd attractive
speaker. The chair,wili be taken by
Mayor Taylor. Everybody wel-.
,fume : ladies specially invited. Ad-
mission free, 'The Huron Expositor
says,- "Mr. Camerou'e addresses on
this sublect have been highly spok-
en. of by the Press. He throws a
flood of light on a subject that
of the utmost importance to all.
The Weekly Sino, of Torronto,
sent to they Editor of the; Ne'w Era
a large photo of 'Goldwitt 'Smith.
who wrote fors many years under
the name of Bystander. The ,late
Goldwin Smith°was•.an honorary
metinber of the Press 'Association;
We return our thanks to the Week-
ly Sun for the gift. �- --
0.50 .. 5.00
8,00 • • , 0.25
Men's Overcoats
8.00'Men's Overcoats 6.25.
10.00 .t.• . .........
13.00" • „ .
• 14 00 . "
17.00 •' .:.13.00,.
Men's Snits.
. x•41.25-
10.00 Men's Suits..: 7.75
1240.•. �. .•„' 9.00 Ft
X1,00 . 11.00
sale price:.-. ... .:.. . .... „ ... 39c' •, Boys' Clothing
the styles, ai :..
three y , 1 sizes . .
Men's Rubber Collars in 15c
reg 25c sale price •
25c •Silk Ties 19c
--•dMen''s four•in-band Silk Ties, balance of our
Christman buying, reg 25c -sale price 19e
'r5c Heavy Mitts 59c
Men's Heavy, Working Mitts; knitted
Will stand the wet weather, all sizes,
sale price ......: ,
During January we : will otter a straight dia.-
count off all Boys, Suits. We are carrying a,.
top and splendid range ar.d this will.,be a great oppor.
reg 750 tunity for mothers to clothe the boys- for
590 • spring During Jant. 20 per cent. off
• Out Go the , Men's Fur Coats
Men's Fur Coats for.good and intend taking the first foss as the best loss. we don't
are,going out
want to take one into stock ist February. if you want a Fur roar cheap come in anct talk the ,hatter over with us
•- .
Men's Coon Coats ' $2o Black'Dog Coats $17 ' m.A.
$E Coon Coats r• 2 only Men's black Deg Coats sizes 40 ands
55 55 00 2;� Reg. 20.00 .sale price ..
•. ++
49.00 • -'
65.00 �yy�.� y/, d,j,•"
., . ' - .i. , .. • AV, ... e . •0 00
85.00 :.- $2.5d Dosgow Lamb boats $25
$25 Alaska Leaver ,Coats $tg
8 only dark brown Alaska Beaver Fur (10 ,423 one Reg k32.Ga0 marnarptcuerley Dog . • .. • s•. sizes
sizes 42 44 4f1 Reg. 25.00 sale price419
$35 Gallowayy,Coat $28
Men's black'G},tlloway Coats with”sealor as-
trachan rollers rubber lined •sizes 42 44.46 Reg.
85:00 sale price $28
:$25 Calf Coats $15
3 only brown Calf skin Coats sizes 40 42'44
Reg. 25.00 sale price ,$l.g•
KED A DIARY it Helps to
.Overcome the Forget Ulabltt
Lets you know where you were a year ago,
the kind and duration ot the season, . gives
you a systematic record of daily events and
matters of it•portance you'll want'to "Keep"
one of our'diaries after you have seen there
and their prices.
The Gist of the
Sunday Schon Lesson.
is invaluable to the scholar as a lesson help
" size is small 2,a- to 5iinches three pages to
each lesson. a .model of condensation and
suggestion, the comments. are short but
• every word counts.
C Iw191,#DIA,N •tLMANAC co-ltains about 500 pages -
of general inforrnation in its 64th year of
publication Does it not wear- well ?
ThCW D. Faireo.
erten the Cheapest—always the Best
.trent of,the votes polled by the var- s .
ions c:rndidates in the four wards.
The different rocs of Noires cones.
'Hund with St. Andrews; St. James' St.
YOU PAY TO SIGN, }" . Jot,n'a and St Geot••ge's wards respect -
.A. novel petition campaign in, Division 1 2 3 4 The great pr,totteal training
-fever of Legislation allowing muni- IBeacotn' -47 62 57 50-222 The
of Western Ontario. Oor
cipalitiee to tax buildings incomes. Oantelon - 58 72. 04 .61-255 courses practical, our teachers
and business assessmentaut a lotiv� Cooper -01 80 60 40 -.T,47 am yes arerienced instructora, the'
et rate than land values is lbeiiig . I+'ord 50,: 41 54 46 195 demand upon us for help during the
inaugurated throughout the' prow- Gibbings -59 90 57 45 251. Fall teras was.. sevbn times the sup-
ince 'by the.'Tax Reform League, Jackson -lit , .70,„ 58 42- 228 ' ply, Our graduates• are in demand
The unusual feature of this peti- Mat -on -.25 24 29 21-98 'as business Ootlege teaeherb. Our •
tion is thaif each signer' is asked to McLennan -31)•.44 33. 27,=-134 graduates succeed. Three depart
contribute ten cents to cover the Paibley 33 30 .56 33-154 •ntents Vormetcial, 'rhortland. and
cost of circid ting the petition and Wiltae 52 4$ 47 35-182 Tehgrapho, Get our free catalogue
of literature given a 'way; Mr. School 'Trustee-
,Joseph Fels :the Naptha soap roil- Collyer- 21
of the Tax Refnrm,League snatches 'I�he Coancillors -elected will therefore -I _..- _
D. A. McLachlin
l` Haire who isi honorary president Could •- 108 • �' PRINCIPAL
every dollar raised in this way, be Beacom. •Cantelon, Cooper, Jack ; an informal service was held in the
.whir enables the league to. pay,son and G•bbings. ! school room where a number of
the .canvassers for their work. MINOR'LOCALS , hymns were sung and Mr. Robert
Each canvasser is supplied With Holmes gave a short tally •The
leaflets. giving; besides newspaper TheMolsons bank last week es- ;meetin 'was a new idea of the` pas
comments. on the League's propos= tabiished a branch at Dahwood to tor a`hdwascertainly a success.
al, a monthly* statement showing a,'take the place of the Farmer sBank ,n Miss Lila Hoover will take . the
number of signatures received and which suspends payment. . ' organ next Sunday in the: absence
how the money' was expended; Mr.. In Canada last year there were of Prof. Brown, -
Z.W. Cutler is circulating• the pe- 615 fatalaties and 2,138' persons
tion in Clinton. were injured on'Canadian railways. , .ST. PAUL'S' -CHURCH:
w 1•
WEDDING Ii1 LLS. Cone Aaasenger in ewerP,598243tivas Mr. Clarence Johnston..of Edrans
killed, and one trainman in every > home on a visit and occupied
• A wed.iing bf pinch interest toAClin- 199'was killed:- At highway cross- the pulpit• both' morning and even-
ings: 63 were' killed and 61 injured. ,mg and •his_. old: friends were glad
ce of Mr.; ,find Mrs. .lohn Wiseman, : '" • to welcome hien again.. 'He. Will be
d'� k umonth. • 'FOUND -M, E. Pickar plc -ed p down - east for abouta Aa n
a kid glove on'Ontario street on •
Thursday. The loser;= �'an thrive The evangelistic committeec ..of
same by proving property at the the London Conference' of ;she •M� Mei-
Era Office, tbndist Church met' in London last
LITERARY,'....: T.:. G Friday: The field was thoroughly
The first meetingg of the Literarysurveyed and'plans formed which'
, when fully 2natured •will. result in
Club will be`held next Tuesday ev• vigorous things in the evangelistic
ening in the Hall over the Public activities of the conference. Rev.
library.". Mr. Thomas McMillan Will D. •N..' •McCatnus. of St. Marys; (was
will address the audiencef on "The appointed chairman kidney: Dr.;; '
Tariff Reform !from the Farmers ,, oaten, of Brussels; secretary. • •
Stand 'Point." Address commences.
Princess- street,,.•,_when�- their eldest
daughter, Clara. L,'Kiltough was. L. at,
ried'to John G. Robertson, of Letli-
bridge, Alta. The ceremony was per
formed by the ttev.' Alex Stewart, D
D;, in the presence of immediate
friends• and relatives, The bride were
white satire and carried a shows& ho-
quet of lilies of'ihe alley and'bridal
roses. and was assisted4hy Miss Annie
Mc0orvie who was gowned in pinta
ninor de soie over•silk.. Mr.. John
Crocks supported the. groom. Mende.
Issohu's wedding march' was played by
Miss Helen Doherty and • during the
' register, Miss Kate
f thi, r t
signing uin o ,
g g :.,
Scott: a, ng, •'B•2loved it is Morn." Af-
ter.a daintyd.•jnener was served. The
bride down 'd. her travelling suit which
,• match
was brawn ,h, viot,_with hat to
and mink film' Later Mr. •and. Mrs'
Robertson left I or 'Toronto,: Hamilton
:,nd Ottawa, and thence for their home
in Lethbridge, Ah.a:. Out of town
git sea were -kr. and Mrs. Connolly,
Seatt:IP. Wash , Jack :Wiseman.Guer.
Iph, Mr. and :111,. and Kenneth Rob.
Prt$Vn. Haruiion, and Miss' Georgia
Mies 5 ophia J. Williamson, of
Clinton' Ontario, was married in St:
Louis, on T'hursda9' last to:Edward
M.. Guiteau;_ of Detroit..
The editor of the Newt Era! is a-
gain indebted to the Andrew Usher
Co., of Edinburgh, for one of their
annual blottering dairies, which
have .. day and dafte and' is
most 'complete' fora 'business man:
;p his office work It also has some
fine .pictures illustrating the life of
the king_ and records .of sporting
Following will constitute the
County Council- of Huron for this
year* and will compare very, faivor.
ably With their predecesaors.- . .
• Ashfield -=Thos. •l5tothers, Wm..
Bayfield -Dr. Smith.
Blyth:-L.'Hill. • •
Brussels -John Leckie.
= :'°Clinton -W. G. Sinyth�e.;-.
Colborne -.N, Kcrnaghan.
Exeter John Taylor.•.
Goderich-Chas. A. Reid.' B. b.
1VIunnings• .
Goderich Twp. --S. Sturdy.
Greyer -R. W. Livingstone,:. John
BroWn. •
Hay P. Lamont.
Ilensall-O. Geiger. -•.-
ilowick , 'T. 3. Winter, J. Downey.
Hullett--Jas. Leiper.
McKillop -Jho. M. Govenlock.
Morris. -John Shortreed.
Seaforth-J. C. Greig. 0
Stanley -W. Glenn.
Stephen -S. Sweitzer, 'W..
Tuekersmith--R. McKay.
Turnberry-T. K. Powell. •
Usborne-F. Huukln,
, Wawanosh East -John "'Gillespie.
Wawanosh West -W. Bailie.
Wingham-D. E. McDonald. ;
Wroxeter• -C Reis. •
For the Ws�rdefiship'it looks like
a • run between Reeves Govenlock
,McKay and Geiger.
We want the news from ever►
nook and corner in this distric
Who will aeceptthe task ascorres-
ponde t• in the places now unrepre-
sented? Let us hear from yon
stationary .etc., supplied. Correa-
pondents are 'asked • to have their
letters reach here not later than
, Tuesdays.
Monday was quietly spent in town
I,and the munlotpal election ' barely.
ofihedpoll.tp:ReturningaOfficer Mac
Pherson gave out 'the following state
at 8 o'clock and is free to 'every%
MBLY. • • '
The ladies and 'Gentlemen of
sm s'As-:
h t
Clinton, held their C ri a
.sexmbly In the Town, Hall last Fri-
day evening and was - one . of . - the
mostsuccessfiil functions. of its
kind that .has ever taken plabe in r
Clinton. Thhe '.'Hall was prettily
decorated. The program consisted l
of 24 dances •with four .extras: The'
►Tony, Vita, Orchestra of London. ' ,
supplied the music, AA very tasty
lunch was provided.. • . I
O•• S•••••S•A••••s•••
Mr. Moore, of Londopp-who preached
with such acceptance on Sunday last
will occupy the pulpit again on Sun-
da next both morning, and evening.
ast Sunday morning ReV. J. .E.:
-To preached a. New Year's ser-
Hao . In the evening_ Mr. I, A. Ir
Win, son of Mr. W. H. Irwin, and
student at - VictoriaCollege. He
*took his sermons from John 1-16.
'And From 'His•Fullness Have .All
We Received; After the. .serviee•
The hockey season opened. at
Seaforth last Thursday night,when
St., Marys met Seaforth in the jun-
ler series.; the game•resulting in • a••
h bya Score of
Seaforth ' forS
' for
vis y
5 to 1. The score at half timewas
3. to lin favor ofSeaforth.' Referee
Walley: 'Horn, of Stratford, gave
general satisfaction:
Perhaps; a rain' is justified ' in
spending a'dollar to save a dime.-
just. once for the experience.
e se••••••O•••••••I• •
Winter' Term
' • In the centralBnsiness Collage •
of Toronto begins. Jan B. ' The •
• -business world is never crowded
with competent help. If you -
possess a 0. B. 0 training and •
• graduate. from• our school, we
.� guarantee td please you in a: •
position or refund your. tuition,
• Everything is. in your favor.
• Send for• new Catalogue today •'
and learn more about our plan• •
• to help ,you. •
• W. IL. SII%W. President , 's
• •
• 295 i onge'St., Toronto:
•t1•••••••a••. '•aseese•coes
• .v, i.. s:`.1..;,1.aa.i.++++•II•+4•++�i•4••1••l�•1�•�+++++•t•+++++++•1•+�3'+++++
1••x••1 �• . 3 . b.4 0
.II,- +
,l, •�' , �' - :. .SII,'
+.1* SII-
Fiends pan
auappY and °- *.
I Prosperous New Year. I
,1. r 1'
Our.Store is Open every Evening.
Repairs' While You Wait.
+41++++++ t'+4 ++++**+4+4+t44;d•+++4 i * l+M +$