HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-01-05, Page 6I nliwoftr. istavorr outi, nu. ,� .
I ..
- I
4 "M CLINTON XXW 3" 1 � 0 . I
111-� �
. I 11 - I 11 . ... ..1, - � 1-11.. .. 1. .1, '�; � � _____ � . __ � �
. I I . I .11 . . . I'll." ... .. 1. - i i -_ I
� , * , , , � . � . I . . � � . , "". - - � 1 1 � � Z ." _ - - Won"
� T—"% V. - �. . I , , � - I , -
� I Kead,'i n .f Avft& . . 1, 4i - H ONE � OF- MY
� 9., or, the Farmersi ,I ,_AD
I . -,
. _
daity of Jt. writm a Correspondent of
the Rural New Yorker. These cattl*
have proved good ,for br��Ivx pur.
poses. Tbey aro hardy, good,growem
-4 -----,--------- , - I make bewry 'beef Iii:ul are exteneat
. — __.
. -_ . 0 . . !!!ft . Vailkers.
I ' Ron, Mr, Vochraxte. in 41w" Inter. ' - , " �� There are it number of good Short., ,
. � . - view, pointed out tbat the Vorcu- CUM"Irtat on Occualonat spot or molij I G born J1Qr40 In Now Xilgland, and the
I LUCHER's ' as 444rin. pros� SHEEP PROFITABLE . aoea not get into the ' all"ge! wbieWis M ING HEADACHES ... . 1. o.
'Ptne ' 11M often occur I I . to
'. Veets-g?b'ucU"e4'o's'uWed a a iiing , a. . In the silage ere, 'v pi . .
I 'ed' as small mold.
OAS '_ T 0 R 1- A , gamat i$1vild-catting') I, In the center.of the 't .
. . .-
� . .: . . I . ,,;�:%,,y
I � . .. $110 and tire frequent near the e4ges, , 4 -
I � I 1p--. _____!_,.t I I I I- I, FDR,,EVERY MOW R(irses -ire partictil.-irly subject to the . . � ... I I
. ,o I
I . . 1. § 11 . I I � - -_-.-.-F, I I , - ___�_ , . : :41110 - Ill k�lrpctt4 of !Inv 41.1.1 -pp; who I ri.r.0fARAd "Fruit.a.flulne . i _-, .1. I
. —
. I I -.0 -�"V- � VU �
- stative In if)(. ,feed. and their high vs 0
A gray whIskereti farmer stood ad� ae�-promjjt caution, .j. � . I
wiring the sfi(TV that were exhibited - -.--- . SHA4MV,OXT-S1CPT 21 V
.f 41 .h � . ,
- 11 e state Mirs, After awbile,
.be �vRs Imoved to this remark. yjow
, inuch 00allor Would be the farms 11,
every farmer. had at least a,407en or' '
4ft"n of those things! They would
eat up the trasli every farm ought to
get via of, and It -would be Converted
into. a p1pot Instead of -iemain'lil- its -a
I 2:1
Curse oil the tarm.'IjEjvery farmer ex,
pressed those- AS his sentiments, but
every farmer went howti With --no more
Idea of goiting sheep thali bebad b�.
- fore, says the Iowa Homestead. ,
We are often ixt a loss to understand
why so many farniers talk Sheep, but,
do nott.keep file,,,. �jentjo,n $beep to
(LIDJOst 114Y Man and he!]) say, ,,lye all*
()light to keep some to clean up tb6
Weeds," but when it come$ to,gotting
and keeping them scarcely any one
61alies that ki'ad .of a move'. ,The PCO.
-:;;,:,,,i' ... . I P
,�;ie �:�:'�:,:-.;�j �'��;
�..i::., ..... ,;..:,.;;:::;, �:::... - 70n certainly have the Greatesl
: ..: I
- .
�� :::::��:
.. .
: ,X:::::�� .
, . f'. , , �.
, , X�., ..
.. - ".i�'..;,.:.".;;;;;..4:.��.*�:��.� 4.11
,� .,..��f".
�"',��i..�;�--'�,:� I
:�.:._,:;:::8,*.'i-'-`.- IscOvereg �UMNC140_ C?Wofia the world.
: -11. . . �x'E"'i':..'.., .i.;:.1 i�
, , "I�ruit-a.tivesll came bcfpre the
I 113efore
... . :., ..... .,.. .;: I
I : _ N, ....
I . :, �1'1.
... . ... . ". pubtici I surferecL tortures frorn �
., :,�. � JACa(lactiest Caused Wo4tty from stomacil
:,` ;
, .." , ... disorders.
'm .. �: %: 1 Tried Many different
,:_ : :
,: � �
.. ..:: �� " 11. 1. I - . remedies Without ally' relief,
.� ,1. : -.1
.?. ; �::, � ":,
� ;,,
-:N1 " 1: One Of Your travellers called on �tne
.. .., .
,,, shortly after 7011 started selling 4 111ritit.
I .� - . a-tives", and on that day I had one.
. Of Iny raging headache, and; bad my
. "". head alra0st in araw sore from eXternal
1. �
.. I applications, Iliated to see any perSotj
..:... '......, coming into the store
'... 1:..:.:.. . (I am a geuer4
11. , . Store lEeei5er itt the above add- .4
� �� I — �14
11, Z
: have, been in -the Same Store 25 years)
breed Is groivIng more popular there..
rauch,Ae�,s a commercial trAveller, and
� , �
1 told him,, very'ciirtly, that I bad
, The cows of a milking strain. give a'
��� . .1 . I . a
. headache and I 'want none Of his Patent
good mess of milk, -whilo the Calves;
� ,
Wm. PITT . Zedicine", but lie very kood-patured. ly
grow fast and make good beef, Thicre
. offered we a .
and insisted- on my trying thew, I. didso, w . s4wplge of "Fruit-a-tives",
", I ith what I w6uld call a,viaoijig
re0dis, - They
is now In P4rtS,of New )�Rngland a
. good local demand for fresh beef, par-
completely cured me and since then Inearly si- - I :
ticularly In summer from the hotel -
pie Reem to be gre r!t on talk.Ing'the
virtueS of sheep, but the talk is Sol. �,
don! It ever followed '
_1_1__� .
.. Irresular Milk Flow.
. .
Some cows
. necessar �y � - ago) t a only
. y for we to take one ocqa$jonajjytO preserve me it, my �reseat good health,
---'- "
6, yea d , � _��""ny I`re�et
as' so o$te *" - - '-'-"' " 4 '
rdey' b
Iw 7 r ra I I y p
1. I
04 40 t I 7 th 9 6 �
Z to U I r 4
I* I 1 "
' my boto�lgbed)
and boarding houses. The Shorthorn
cattle �hus have a double value,' .."
Out In pra�tjee.
will start out with a big
p you '
think it wafild -
m e aom
4U e eo e to
ra Use 0 rap d e
y u Ion r
6 o
At the- last dairy Show In R,nglaud,
There are' two roa�aous ,,vby robeep
are not more, ' pJentifUl on, the Averggne
now of [hill; and tbon.,dry up In four
or live mOtitils- .Others will M114 the
� y .
�. . WZ11. PITT. , �
.�,Ilit a e �c h a
' _ � "_ U' a
e 4 C boca 3 t Is e God purifyin 'by
in a e, e j tb te t III
e in � I
es ��
the mlll� and butter prizes were wou
Shorthorns. One cow gave Jig .
Carib -fences are not good. onoijig'to,
. I � .
. I I I I
I 1-1 .
Year. round, Weighing every wilking
nod testing the 11111 k from
gedi. � it -.a_ 1,
. made qf frur-t
' �d ' e $4 be on y rem e I
11 a
,j,es_ Dealers overywher sell , � it-a-tiv", I a� r 0,
� O" in I" t Soc box' 6 or $2.5o or trial
Volta& 6 ounces of, milk in two�
4ays. This I
___ 1 . � - _ . -
,;. -:
A �.... i.� . 1. � 1,�;;�I;;.:::
.. ., �.: ..
;;M1. -
;!.1. :.'�.:�� ;'��:�M-
.i ., L�`.'��;,�Iw,j.�
_ j �'_
. ���.-�-..%--�i'�t;�1--i��,...,i,--�.,�-,;*!�,".,��;;', ,-g�l � .. --- .. -
� , �,;; - I.
1�11... ..��Ir� :w;_- -
.; ,:i`.Q,�!��rn
each cow
- '
once a wont or oft" . will ,
nor not only
. 2 - 0 deale d es Ua e 0 0$ , se tc
0 � I I ..... no n e - iVCS
54 If = r 0 , �l " Mit a.tivcs U4
t ot enel ' . 0 U to Vruit-a-tivei '
. . no . , �. .., _ .
�� _
i t otta y I in 1
, wa .l �
. g regula i pr e,
Cow gave la� one day �S. �,
pounds of milk, from which 2 pounds. '. *
.. . . . I..
_1_h-2.! TM
:�� .. 4: . . - ..�;t�,_RA` - _
1 -:2.%!%-.-Oil. ..:ii .:I. _0,-.-..- �
, - .... . i� �. .4
.. !�IM 'I. .. ,.."-7--�--l�-it7,��r%�-'�'�'�I
It 7 � j.glt:;:�iZ.
- .1. - - �,
-�4 .1:0 . - ; .-.-.;. !
t* -o
fUruiall, the dairy ,'
Parmer .with the
: �'
. . . _r
. I
I I . .
. .
I ____ .
01/1, -
I ounces of butter were made, An
�! �Jr.. . _E_
�t .5;__0 I.—T-111
. . 1; ....... . 1. 'd. M.:A"_��.�V-
� : I , � �-�:.'��"f���.-�.�..Tm��;;t-,:I !:I!��,- ';�5
..�� �:-,:T.7nt -
facts that are necessary in his bust-
. I
other Shorthorn gave 40 poun4a 13 ,
I — —!-.--. - -
I �!
� .1 . ;. ,-; % .
I � �,-.. ... _.. .
I - � . .,� � ;.; I � �
. - �� � ,.)R.
�� ... �,. �.�- i
q . . . . . . I
�'. of
.ill.t. .
ness. but will It?Rd to an invostIg
, ,tition
the causes' of Ittregularfty in mjji�
I . . I . .
. .
amount of ,- .
O.Ilmeal to the co KI -, I
ril Wild oats wK 9na 13eenllu y-wirnout: !ttl'5� k; volt
. -
ounces of milk and 2 pounds 14%
. .
ounces. of butter In one'da&,.- The ))Pat
!,J �:� ,
;.;r . flow
.-.--.�.,��,, f I
as well as to better Caro of the
� .
ration. ration Of One-f6urth ghts after leaving tho,cow is doubtless in-,
" -
'Or of o0o-fifth bran mixed w1th the .fested with Some Arm of bacteria.
jersey I, -
I tbfs'coutQst gave 35 pol-tuds-_
N�: ��:� I cattle.
��11,�: ��--_!; � . .
� _____� I .
corn proved more econgthical,thau'ala Let the milk Pall.and all utensils that �
ounces, of milk and 2 pounds 5i/.- * ,
.� .,
7..�:��-.',.i�:�,� , . I—
. ..0:* �!*�-�.
m,:.,*I.._..:�J_�*;�i,,E I
::�. " I - 1 .
. F
. Banish the Oepdhea'
all- corn ration, it wa ,I
� a -found easily . come In c4n4 ct �wltb tile milk ,be
Possible to feed too much bran lif epa- Scalded additional care '
ounces of butter, while a Devon cow -
gave 0?. pounds 13 ounces of milk, but '-
;.. �. � i,
lt !�% .
I,, ii:lt � , ii% ,.: ,
_�, ,.: , . fore
Ret.rid of your dea4bead ,cattle be.
th '
e winter �et
,With and set
DeCt3cin with clover It' . ,. ln'thti stin eaeli. day I
. ay. .. ' . h ey 'w 'I--
only I pound 13% ounces of butter, It
The largor
IN .
;;;, .1 I
IM . Uot'pay
. months In- It does
to Carry -them over. Only the -
- The largest gains w r ade 6y-jhe be weir heated; also Col.
,, e 0 in a Week or
'lot -r�celving ,the r9eSt amOunt t*O let the milk be� heated to
breed* are still most pO
' pu-
tar in Euglj�d. _, , . I .
1. .
- , producers
should be Winitted'to stay
the farm. * '.. , I
of 145 de-
digestible .pkoiein, while the �tiext ;10 grees at Once 'after. leaving the cow
, ..
. . I I � � .
. . . I .. I � "*
.. . .
, .1 . - '. . , , ,..
. .
the. smallest gains were, and chilled as sft"n
made by the.. ,eafter as . pos.
� . . . I
THE 'M7A8KtT*1 I
I .
. I
. I I - .
'lot which celved the larwes+ a -u- -sll:I16, . � . 1
I . I T . rainine : 1. : .
the colt, - I
Of digestible carbohydrates, This. re,
I . . �
I .1 . __ . . .
Liverpool . . . a . V,
and Chicago Wheat Future
Never tease'or toach the y6ing colt
, 'tits
suit Is also considerably at'variance,
with Idea's of
. U se Care I . h Milking. -
close High9r-Live Stock -'
tricks or frig4ten-tilib. ctions
.. a
06 -such oceagiOus may tie -funny atthe
p6pular feedJud. _Tho,
kesult of exercising the anlw�j was'also-
. The warm milk a- It comes from the
COW oJTers a sple' 8
udi(I medium for the
I ... I I
Latest Quotations.
1. � I . . .1 � . I . .
. time, but the at'
. ter re ults are Usually
. I
sGJ3WeWbAt.:surprWng.. Those which
favorable. gro Wtll Of'all Lind% of bac,
Winnipea aptiol'15,, .
far from turwY4 - For tPotanc.e I kno, W
of,a case wbore a farmer Ind thought
. .1 dtiljy� Walk, of 2.8, in
were given , I . fle$
per day mhde".?4 per. cent lesi gain
terla whicli'may.gain acCoSS to it," 111 1%c
order to I ' , 0�ts;
Men t1ils.development
At W,innj�eg, 1)aeombei;t. jiq�ertt .
highell tbau yesterday; Decem
nridhanged. - -.
. Ild Woilld scitie the wits out -of a polt
AbAn thoSe'Which wereViven-fio 6xe
. r . I . it�.
I . .
Ing .sbOU1 .*be done. as otj�ej ildy and-
I .11 . I I
. Close . ... I . r . �
�y 3imping gut . "
at"tt just as JI: 'was
c1se, 'r . L
. I . . I I .
; L .Aside from the greatei safety of b0x''
. .
quIck , .
I 4%As possible and
. _11V I I the. mille
.. - . en. 1119b, LGw_Cjos0,'- �
Wilent- . - -Dec. 2s: bp . 11
I . .. � .�
Dm -
stable door.
. He accqmo' .
. .
. r ..
�tdjfg there was n I 0 91 -4.1,1- A-
� through .1 motalile, strainer., .
0.�&-- '901(t. Pon ql� 90,V4 6, ..
.%,r_;.. . . � 9154
i . M_ � - I .. i ... . . I � JJUStloti his purpoia all ri t_- � tlltl�� . - LPG not list, a cloth straiii�Ar, for.ev . . .. wt'/ft U57/8 967 MqA qj,T4
I � — — I =--= ..I. JLJLRV ,&TAU _ , , ,
, . M1 N-2 . a t . . , .. ] 'I ' ' ' " ' " M L d.� ' . ' . �.. . I.. - - ght., but it.,. lvantage'o-�er , nary single stall., nder good. co *111"a , ' this 01) - 94% 95r/4 ... 7/1 9676
� =� , : 14, , , I Old Sheep, find.the U Isifrequenty, was worAbs after� hat before -the -colt . the ordi ti n eU Jul . ,fi
11 . . . - . - . . - .1 ( rary, Me horses fed fn.�box �owes a. I O"S - Pats! " ... 95"� � Z . I
,i� . � , . .1 . . I . ' ' . 0.1i tile co�t . - , - � I I
,� , . I � — , . � . . I fata I at .1ambing, time, There are many could be Ind . .W , S n. be , Dec.. .. ".. 32% �. - . -
%. . : jarms, or coUrs64jvb .. . need hgalm. to 6ter. tbat I I . _ . . bed for b.acterla. ,-' - . . . I , , .. I,%
. I . . .as b h . . .
. - ,(� I - - , � . . . W I 0 door' f I' " . 8 per cent: l * ' t . .1 I way .,... 36% - ii�,� �j.jj ,
� 7: — — . 11 ere there Is n ts own free will. to 0talls. gained ' . I - I _ . . . I . 36%_ 301,k '
� . ' horses It - ,4",��.', . . � I . .
In single stalls. ,The kind of ,."" . , ..,,;�; � I n-
,� " I - q Po�tilglr, '. ., - . .. Mud. erd If the soil is of.that nature jej�h 0 the �. Colt' cust6mar Begin ' ' . __. . . � Toro to.Grain Miarket, * , - '
. I +," .
., I I . "', itill;,01 !I! ' . .. .
I . . I I , I . r . I - I., I I that makes mud wbenevep.it ,rains, y words. 'of , Wili, pay t6 fe64 depends upon the .^ , " , I , 4 �.*.-I-.*-.%�"41i 'Wheat, buMini . + � . , �
� ., I command w yet young. - , I . . � $0 85 to $0 N . ,
- , I -rhe .try or rocl4*kholl makes the -season of the year.when th . 14.0 . + -Wheat, goose . ............... #
� . ... - � bile be 14 it. 1 .�t 1 sh .. i.. �. a 119)
. ,,-- -
1, . Ideal sheep .1 . 0 . I. I . usll�j ............. :...". O'G7 .-O,b I
i% ..gravie . . . � am . � . , i .-ar'-i,b " .
I . Py are to RSE LORE, .
. � , . YOU -SPend time enough. -with him tie - 6e marketed In geli6ral, heavy horses I ..
. I NwopAper ;,., I , ' - Yard. and -here- the I . bs will lear ' . ones and I . , - � � . bushej.:,4 .
= a . .. ____ 0 60
� �
I ), � . - . can -be taken. care- of *very 'well.' As; to -Alwayt; speak to him In -a - I DoZin � t take -thb chill off 7the 'T. , - - swheat, bushel .......... . .11.
I, 4 . - I I . - . � . � � '' . .. .. , � n WhOtt. WCV, gee. baw, etO. 0a . g6od, 1 - . . I iluct 0 48 , 11
11 , .. . . .. . I � - I . fetices. they,'can �b6'iqade, ' ' . plain, nat- _J* of tb�- approved .type * - .1.0 .,, kleas,"bushel , - . ..,.o 78 080
In" _ — I& - J- - , . and More. Ural tone;- be distinct In � ex sound anima I wat�r' YOU give tile horses When j 04tA' bushel --------- .,
'� . . . I fifirms gre bein - h6gr tight every, . . pressions better -than thos6 of lower grade. - .. '----'
. .,g fenced . � I ' ---- - - .'.'. ..-, 0 37 ..'.j - -
I . .
� . . 0 - Dalry Market.- - .
" , the . , ' - the weatbor gets C91(j. You Chn , . �
, . . �
"� .. . � I . ,and never-yeill or Scream at him. This --- - I . . . T ronto
I.. � . . , I � � �� �. -�' I rear b6ep tight. I . I- I - I- . - . beat. It I aper oij tb I . .. I . I
:::= I - Whrdtl Also nic-ans, S, :, � only scares him and makes him nerv-r : , . . . I c ie. I
""; - R - M� ; I - . I . . e stove. I -.BnQ�Lr; separator, dalry, lb. .0 0 - O'tt � ' -
��: I . . I . �. 24� .
. . - - - I , ! : . . kfter 11 tim& W,0-mity be-ralst - ' FOOT,"OF THE . HORSE. �' than. You Can in -the stomach of Puttet7�stq% 1
. - � . ng MOL*e Oil$, thus'doing. a great deal'of ba in 1 So, SaLyS,t1ke�t - OU ... % ..... 001
, -1 :_��f � W6 r . ;* I . t � . .022.,
' *
,��, I .. . . ;beep than now, ,Sheep vdislat ,is ..,& co . I ' . . . . . .. . .. 1% I . . i1je-h6r. 'arm Journal. ,- �, 1�utter, cr6i e;'Y, lb, rolls.,O 2ii, 0 28 : -
, � . I I men isthe , I . . riew tiling . to . L . .a I It can be spoiled -by yelif I' . I I , I .. .. ". I � , , solids
, ". . I . . I . . . - I I ., I . almost 6ver-y prairie.. JuSf as quICkIj as , . rigat b in Proper reathlefit. of - the H6*f to ; K.e r ' hOfses doing some.; * T r ... 0 25 ....1. I � �.
. I . . . . , by using a - whip I T . eV the - - 1'399s, 111-m.,,fald ........... ... 045 , _..
.1 �. I �. . . . . . I . .. , Stilte farmer, and, as long its cattle�-and. r L., .. %.. 'Avoid InjuringAi. - ' T" tbing-rel-er --da.v- An idle, horse, tj P -99s.. call .storage __ ...,.0.7 .. 028 ,
�11;, , � � too freely. , Spoal� quietl . . - , � Y .. #,,41 Cheese, 'Ib . ....... : _ . . .
41, . . f 1 * .. - en 9 _40 I s� � Stel, horse fiefor.e � .... ::.." 0 Ill " " A.. .. .
��, . 7be Ch I . ----��-7:",� ' . r the,febt are gone -there i you . ,
:1 :. ho -s prove money makers and furnish- .. . I T, but firmly4 "d . " will 66 .a , ! Zioneycombs, dove f,
!, , . I
-1 . . all . orring the avera e man cares . . . . . 1. , I yy7h j . ,+ . I t, 2 66' . 2 T
4 ' DAIL ' " . � 9 . . . - . borse ,left. Is *an old a.dage the truth �fzl. knoxv- it. . � f . Honey, extrac
,� .TORONTO. r T STA R I . . ..�+ 0 .. - I . eg, lb ; ...... 0 ID
� it 6S Sornany special . . I . __ It: Is - - _1 . Yet no. t . -1 . . ,� r r . et. . . .
1�� L . .e , t,ln I I r_1 I + Oil '
I to 40 tfier� -181no likelibood'of any rad-, ' of which Js Incontrovertible.,. , it . e and nerve by get. . X
. . k�,av N4V Y, brk )b4ii*y M4,k
I Because .... . (cal change. IiZvery farmer. rei3ognizeg Miserable': - I) r'. 6 . ov
!,.. .. � features for'women, : ... , I . - 8 h kil "
.. . . . . r . . , . part, of th6�-borse's anatomy -1 T til"r farm hot' es't at ow how � , jer"W YOM<, r e .-Butter-7-jasy ; re, I- -
� . . I - -
.1 , -. habits of sbbep,,hoW � . I . I ' f ceipts, 60 - .,. _
� The woman who wants. to keep'imited on the wor1cral ... Ili$ weed killin* e .` . 4out I j. g � � I., crearnery, ecials, .30"ic. .- � - - -
., - � . � IT .
. - . fised than the fe t; iiiid:there are. im 0, it -Vot -, , xg
,Ii- " *V' a "Worse _' I t,
'. - ' ' _-., - to "Wilk an& �will d' .. ,
' I �, Z6 to 29%6; t Ird to - first 2%
. ay Presented in a" . ..W8 t'It WbUld be bet- . � . '' - bif _ ;to �c t
happenings froM d ' to aay.will .�find the news. -. . �vor,'and,kj3o ' 'tha . I +: I � �.o -Be . , . .. . more frequent' diaiea�es to. which i the : eilig.urged all tile time I . . �� , � . . I .
r I � .
:�.. most readable way. . .. . .L � . � I". . r ; � .. . . . I . ter for his farm on" this acCoun to __ , , r , , .. I , - . 1� SOMO well star for th . o -do . etor Z, o_ eady,'. . . uneban.-W. .recelpt!14 I .
, . . L� � . . I ... . ., k - + .. t, . T, I ;
r . . . :. . 'It round, . I . � u6tice�' bf'the veterin ow s * - . . r t:
. I r yet rt . � , ary surge . 1, J,1 , .
, __ - . ,
I I ", �. I Then there are.'the most; r e.ep a f6w'-of the . At b . � . , br the fe6t T�Is- .�$Z When tile , 11 - a , v . e , : a �, .. ,k hor , se. A M48., - . . . . "'t I., I �
.. intpreafini, of Home Pages -the . -' brought thAn.those' 'y - sic - , I..
a . ,U itir ' , . ' �;, n' 99$,-Ea01 ;'reeelpts, 10,11 - e, Penn-' . * -
I I . b9ther of keepingarew at times r Dy ' tic* comes,. of th '
+ . r tller§ ,fQ6a+ Well, eire. well T ,
I daily chapters Of an entertaining. serial story -,!-columns of -bright' . e I r *01pp. - . . - � . , dwi6e:* yet obstinately': ' f 0 a and + . .
. . I . 0, Ul . kiylv.tnta aifcl nearby'hennervo+ white fa
1. - i I . . when . . . � . " . . r4cyl�
r drive. Well,, SO.- they 400 to 0q, do�; gatber'ed..wh!.te,'.16c_to 4W -,.
. � : social aizd personal n year jboy must'be Sheltered and, . I -- - .. r . . ' 1 .1inallitained'fashlob. of rasp cutonat - ,? - . , . .
. . I ,::, - � � . � . ueKer have 11,*
, - ' ' I . I . . -1 . . . g, . , . . .1 .X do,, henik;ry.*brown fancy, 33C to 406, d
. . , . (Not,.
, ews-Madge Merton's po'ge-afid MUStritted , , . rea seeins'jo keel) �3dan'y from, e � - � . I I burning in. , to go ,to itte 404tot - . , gathered .
. r, - . . . . . . .. . - mbark; . - 1. �..�arring, 'and , gToasing r the. .
� r � � daily fashion'bints. , � . . � . . . I I + . r brown,'Sic t�,Sgc, . I I ..
r . . . rig in this yofifable.line of:$t' .19 one of h r '�. I . . .
I " � . . .. . oofs. + . , I+ I . . � .1 I . f � lotting .up of' J* .. # - - 1 1. . I I... I
; I 'inf' . trou Aes of -civilized life, and t ougands * � .
. Rvery line sparkling with intojeit ' ' I I ; .P . . ock,rals. I I . t e most revalent .b 3. With 'tte, fall I.
; I and otmation--�not nj ,! ' Ing. � . . � ZlTaepsla ;� � .
. thi � -, I . . , . .. 4 . � . I Whenr + Worki let,uploll thp heav -_ - - - CATTLE MARKETS: r . .�
1, : : .! _ . � - silffer Unt6ld ajony after every- meal. tar.. Is: applied to. the. hoof the . y �eed; f , .k.
. .
� S*nsatiOnal-cle2n-WholesoML-L-;tnd relishable +Vda.ding about i . I. r ; F . - �-_ I '. . + . . . ' � ilield 4c,ts Chemically upon thp. " .t 'Llkq. ,men... horses. I . - . - I , r. . I . . . I..
. .. . r . . M A *eak I r . ' ,, ' r I
. � I . . . . I .. � '�vetjthing that onto ' horn, T r . doing little. 441 T' - —
i most everything that appeals ior women + . .: gila � ror�.Hq dy!"aptt']yje and"hardens or ',digintegrutes, it; and -- -work should ellt little " ' + � � *1 ract .. I
. r Seems. probtible+t1i Mess � . I stomach, acts as. an iiritani- . � . Ing
;r,/ - . r !�- . . _ . � .9. . I . � r . I Generally Dull -H -0g6. L6wef� ::
, , ,
. . . � . .. rr
� .1 , It "Ir r
1 " + . I at deaths report-. - e tie ' i�Aporatirlg, leavei -a .space -be- ,� I., on Air Markets. .
I , Send y�mr tu , h X : .k,g6od .
.:. lim to -da .. ! r � great -difficulty 'Of - effecting a the oil, c � '. . . currying occgi3jolially 1,
� . b8crip y . . ?d from feeding 'Silage to, horses. have cure. ��+ -1 � . . . 3, . Toronto Live Stock. .': , ,
I 1. I . . . �, I . . . . I r, . tween tho* fibers filled With the hard- y, doei� not make a sleek, horse... It. � �- .
, . ' , ... . ... '11el-1111Y-If not always, been citiused. . . r . - takes every � - - .. o
.. + I . .. 0 + .The long trainof distressing symptoms, .. etied resid[tie. � As 'With tar, so- with � . .day 'grooming --to 1, I , I Re'Ceipts of'
.1 . open the p rea, soften ihe*skin -
I.. I I . 24- Y6ar r ' . � � .�y woldy $flage. Those who have .bad which render life iL burden to the Victim - gr - ease. Both ,these sitbstaud-is drive 4 : r 10, - *e live Stock At tbo'City Market .,iiere 15
� $1.50. ' . . . ' ' _ . .
1 . I I . . � eneouraging' results -with ;ft bayd ,al� of 0 . . and pro 'earl6ada,
;` 21i� . tgs�epsia, -waj be �,,ronxOtly relie d' -out'tlie water from the born -and oc. I duce a 'good, beillthy, consisting . of 170 tattle,' 36V � -
I paper and the. Toronto Ddily.Sbr. - . ' wa.rs fed gooa.swe6t: sila by . , 4 use of Murdock lood Bitters. ve . Sleek Coat r *.', . � . ' ' I f bogs,' 21, Sheep , and lambs,'. "d 3-, - '
. Q .. . I . . I ft ge made. from , � .. . � Cu*py, Its .placq, in time hardening aiid .V 4041V ' .
r' . � . . . '-Sherrett 'Fortier, 'Man.-, . � * + _ea. r .. I . . . I "I.
. . . _ I fir one. �_ea*r' $R. ,00. . fairly -wature potti, in ome 0?, . Mrs. * hn I.... * - - ,'I
. . , a the Jo , - acidify ng. the � substance of the' hoof &-�+.s�,64.01AIC.e �4&"AI&4-13#41W 14'*"N&!j Trade wa.s steady.for ,,
. . I . . . Ir I . fatal cases -it is known tbat�tbe-sllage VyTitosi�-�"1was trou0d with dysoepsj� crust� rend - riji, r . ' . � .k -_ - -4 - r. C -19, at un6bang- 1�'
- __ . I . I + . . . . I �.. . "Is 7 . . ed .quotations, � ., � att .
1, - . - __ I- � I I I .1ontained so � troub16 Is - for years.' A :friend of Mine told me Ing it, cring It b 0 "d contract. . I I . . �. . I. .., ,"�
__ . .we mold, The � '. I � . Gee. Rowntree boll I. � tile Hamit"A.. -
:o � . __------ - __ � I - . I . . .. 1. . I ... . . 1. I - __ ght I fat
'. . 7. . thof. it is. next to Impossiblb to�bg Blood Bitters, so I got a . . . I .
I , . . . 1. . _0 + I about -Burdock . . I Abattoir co., 215 c�Lttle'at follow -Ing pirlqes-,
. - . . . . .1 .
, .
:. - . . . . " I . . I . I eer- bottle .to *try, - +and', before I waj half , .. The substdfice of'the fvog is he=, . __ - . - . � . � . � ' . r � -Butchers, s5.1.1y, t6 $5.,-,5;, cows, $2 to $&.15; , , ,
r . . ____��____________,_-_ - :.- , -:_ . .11 . 1. . . . finisbb& I' could eat anything Without but It Is of fi�softqf and more'00eu, - I - ' ' 10 I r � . . bulls, at $4 to_$4.90. . . ; I ... .. I
__ .. �
I �
.. . - I . I --- . . . .
. . _. .. 1. . .1 .t. ... . .. . I I - . r I , � DO - I . Wesley Dunn. bought on Wednesday %
I . . I .. . , . . a r . � r . . I r r And Thurs
r,. . � 11"I 0 . . . � I 11 . . suffering, - ih,d when r I bad' used two textbrO than the:gq'le and Crust: of � ' CA 9%42 - � . 1. day as fbllOVVS: IM lambs at- :
. . I .. I . . - Sua JMd _a Silo AP I r . . , . �. 'r 130ttles -1 was sound and well. Now 1. �he boof. It Is therefore more easily I . E. � . . $5.50 to $5.80; ,* sheep at $4.25 to $4,6o; .and . A
.". . Aninking of di . - I : feel.'just fine; indeed. I tian't.sp,y. too - affected by dnjurJous -Cond tI na, and ITTLE 10 calves at $3.50 to $8.25 per cvrL -
i - . I I � I . . .. I . . . IN 6'. . . . .1.0
i. I - � . � . . I ,. I . . I X L. XtOwntree bought I load of blrtch.
2111 . . . . I '. . - --- I . . UlUch in favor'of Your ined6ine.".. ' when It beco . era, 9415 lbs. ealch, 4t $5,70 per evrt,, lesd -
I . . I. , � . o_ I . I 11 . . - . mes deprl*ed of -its W.ater
. . . I . I I . -
I I � *
,.1. I I I . � 1B r I 0 I . I . 1) . . . . Burdock. B166d Bitters is..matinflic.; .Shrlriks more than the.inore aolld . 1VER . 1$5'on Nis lot. - .., - � I I . I
it I - - .� . ,
0 0 . � ,* � . . . . I � . � .. r , ,� , I . . � tured only by The T. Milburn Co., 11miA, I'Arn. When a shoo '-ttf6d the LL . I Maybee & wijson sold I load of oovVA.
,, .
,; I . _ etter- - Bul d ", - '_ . . . . I . . ho I Is'to 'be , S. ;.1 _ , .
.�: - . . . . . .1 .1 . ,. r .. _____ - . ;.. . I ed' Toronto* ont' r , . � . '. . edge should be prop .- I . , . .. . low lbs. -each,.- at r $3,80. ,,,,, ,r
I., ��� ii �ii I I.... . I . . I I .. . . � I I I I - . . ared by, Cutting ,dr . A. W, McDonald bought
''I ", . . . I . .. r . . I for ..Gun - -,
, . � . . � . I . I I . . . . ns
. . , . , r. - 11 __: , IASP - not by. burning. Jit . rs 'at
:. - . , . � I - . . . .1 . I . . � . .. ,�� .Ipg and deed, . . � loads of .butcher- steers and heir4 'L
T , I . . . ,. .. , 1. .fitted to -the, febt �'. . K90 to- $5,50; IO'balls at $4.% 'to, $4._,76"�-,
. . . , . r I . . . . . Feed Sheep V'rdrn,.Racks. .� th.a sboo shpUJQ be - ....
, , -
I . i'� , ... r .. . . dfConcrete - , 1, , the o. 'r r Ur I gs were light, 361 all tol ..
I . . - .� . I r 1: ." I I - . . . . The. d4ly of febdIng stock Of any and not Itet to the sho . . r Prdecs uvre. tirm, it $t for'hogs . r fed a
.:,. 14! . I., 3
; � I., I 11 I � __ . .. . � A . I I � . 'watered at tho-niarket, and $0.65 to droV . _
� . kind, and especially *sliee '- Q thb Wh - �� r
I . I . . . . .� en from bad man gement the RE 1`30elptso"ho
� . . . . I I . I . . . . P,r n .r a ' -
. . . . . � 19 I
. , .. 11. . . I " � . , . I �� . ground hits gdne - by. It r most Solo , I� � drs! f0r-hogs to.b, cars at couritry P
I I . �
. er!
1p.. . . ... � . I , and frog ,become �I&H he and relieve alltlio troublealtict. -oluts., - -
. . � .. . , .4 I . r I . . dry and con- ,nt to it hilious state of the oyatent, such an A little,more money Was Paid for a 'row I
� � .. . .. I . . I : aL . Vnall .10ts"In one or Instanc wherd
" I . rno grease. or.,t". should be Dizziness, Nausea, Droll-tinegs Distress after theY� hv�d td' be had for I lei 1% I
.= � : "'. .11 I . . .. . . * I waiteful way. Sheep will drag more trAfted . two
� . _. 4 I , � , I . .
I . ,.," -_ _ - P: . used, but Watee should be used freely,-'
I ". ...Z:- I . . __ ___ , , . hay Out on the ground and spoil It for - ofting., Fain Ja the Sic1go. NV6110theltraost po$w. r coal ki 9 pur.
.. - � .. ====== . r I � . '� � .1. -
I I I .,. - .-- � ,_� . F. . . . = . I their own. eating or tbit..' nd theii.the hoof'should be dressedr rawarkabiesucceis has coriahowalnearLaS ' .
. -, *
. V * . . . � . I .. of any other a . r -
; �.
. 1. - . . I � East suffaid 'battle Market. �:, "'
. .. . . .
� I .. . . 1. ., .., � . I ,� , . � .1 I
; I . . .1. . le . anlibal than;. any other, farm. antmal.. - With .'glycerin, which will mix with . ' . , - .
.. -1 I M . . � EAAT -BU:V,VAT,0, b6e. 2q,-C4tt1e-_Pte,,
r __ . � I Racks are Cheaper thant. bay, water and doe n . .
. I � � .
*�- 1. 1. .f What,the . . 4IS-R000iPts, - L60 heaT, : slow and ,
I ... . -construction r�' . � * , ,-;-It. 'Glyc-�. celpts, none; niarket, dull.
: - . r. 1. . I r_ __ - . . 11M of 4.Silo affords r . . a ot dispitic I. .
�.: 4 :L ! ::..`__ I . . Tj an excellent e:tgLnjple 9 eilit .6ontains 3PO acid or acdf prop� '351sidathe, gpcalq,jetrt�� Ktivtf pi,;6'. I Vc-
, . . . - r . 'FATTENING HORS.B. - ' . C(iVullyValuabi Ili Voristipation, tar Stcody, $0.76 to $10,60.. . � �r . � .
. -1 . ertles, but Is soft, bland, emol ,andpro jQs�Recelpts, 3�," hm(I
r, 1. 't 10met can do with 'C ' I . lient and I 111� r
I I . .. . .. . . onerete . , -11 .. . . I . .. . � .— � � I. I I ' . venting this annoyin complaintv�All theyalso -'fair
�� L ' I 4008 not evaporate It ffie correct all disorders a the sloalich, stilanigtotbw , ' r , Is-a-ett
I . . reforo sof� I -to -$O; mix ,
. 'and of the superiority- of, d6ndreto over. L F 3155c, to Zc-lower- ��
. I- . . . . ELI I I . I I L JlJvbr and regulate the bowels. Evenifthe.youlp Yorkers ana,pigS, t - , ; t ;
.. I , ... I other r:rig,torlal for varlounwatructural L . All C , or OgF ' . 0 1 . heavy, $ .00 �
1� - . n .Ration Not So'Efficaclous, 'tons -the,librii. and'allows, the c . $8 a $3.10 rpug)ti. $7 4
t, . .Z. . . I r. . . bers to out d . K V-ZI; stags, smia to $6,25, , .. � .
... . '. I tins.
. U -1. ..., .1 work about ihs farm. ' . . .1 . . Diet of Mixed Gr r . ;�, -expan'd, Conirae'tion, Is thus prevent- - . She6P'tind Lamba-nccetpj�, 0000 headi ,
, I . I . .. �
. . . . . . An experimelif Irk fattehing horses ed or overe6we wit ' . .. Slow; w0thOrSe 15c; -�'e'arlln ' o- I
I . - . , r r . ou It has actually' ., .
11 I Ill � , 9,14 3)(! ,,, .
. . Ilarnbs, Ze to 40a lower; lambs, tic, , . ,
. . � , I Acliethoywonldl Itndy, $5 to $6.50, yo,%rjjjjg_ ,,,
, I . T-116-0311al wooden silo,'behides being. eipansiv,4; is far . I dithlod on by the Inoli ex drIment OccUrred, 11 � I ptl�e,D, .�eg
I . V. r, . - :from satisfaetorz In the Afat* . P I �. r I . 1900.6 At eostotbosowbd " to $6,
. , Place, it does not olidure; . r . I suffer froju this d., ,h�: h, r .,,., .,, $4.jg
� . . . ,.station disi5rovea popular Ideas- Ili B"Ot9karla in . . stressingcOreplaint, luo' to $G;. '�VLOthbrs , 15 to'$4; ewes, .V
� . ..., - . . and, more Impori4tilt- stIlImm!-being fat ftojAl WoatherTpedof, ' �,` t 11 It - ,'. . i, Ilat43)Yttlilir'9000ncs6dot,snottn , butter, . q to $1, 1
. matter. T,tvenly-four b d 6 . ore,and those +X50 tt
...... ... . t Milk. 1. ., . V11001100trYthealUillikildtheso Ittlopills $2.Z; -sheep, Mixed, U .
� . I . , ' . i
. . ca f b4t)rses,,. - It, valu� I .
. L - I I ,Tlid, milk that.loppors.-WI able in so innny %1g.0 that they ,wjjI not be w �
.� .. . - . --�-Itg contents bedome, Watet-lolw9ed—ptoducing aii.unsan. -varying from .four to .0 . kbout sour, ','Ing todl) witijoutt cre, Dutaffcf4l W . . New York,Llve $toek.' . . .
.. .. - itary condition, -, - . .. t I . :, . . . clgbt years I. . . � . .. . .
I N 1._� I . � I � . I . I .. I . agi, were .. . . . I silk OX4 xn* 'romc, Dec. 0.—Ilpev4s�vwclvt
._, . . . Used. These. Were djvl(jcd� r. . . . . I . . . , I . *
� _. F4�_L�:;: . I . I , L -4 . L I . . .. 2'430, No trtullug, feeling,, ste,tdy; dresse �
.. , . 1, A Silo built -of Co , SIM r .
I, � . . .1 I
" I . - . nerato, .on tho Other hamd, is Into,, lots oral.t horis _ . I t .. .
. - . r es each and � .. . . . .1 � . b�Of, Blow at Slic to 10a persib. .
M. , I I ".. I . Y.-_ I., Practically eyerlasting -It'la Proof against heat, cold I Ilarl,V ked. 'The feeding po' -Xten4t . � . � . calvo-&—neceipts, r&); p,ellng. steady; *..
: . .. .r- Mod c ' .
. . ... .- .. k I I A.nd molsturoaA4, it, has the morIt of comparative ed over 112 days, the obJect boink .to - ..rr$.t I '"he ha Adia.pny lives fia Is #here veals,$7.to $IO.ib.,.Culls,$5.5O to 1,tj, NVPqt,0%rn .
, I Ca arrh 0184 Oi 00 Cured � welualto our great beast, out
I -..-- 1___- , economy. . . I . I I . . , L out It while calves', $5-50 to V4,city dressed veal.,4,114f
r .
�. I r . O., I I 1, r j ��" . . _ � . I . . . . L others do riot, I to 160�, country (1ros
� . , I I . secure evIdeiiee, upon the i0sult,of mfx� ,sea ealvep, q,, to I,qc,. .
. . r t;lth,Loeal Applicatfons, as, they cartOr',sLittle I,tvpr pills are very small ana Sboz,v and Lambs,-j1eqcIptjq, ,,),,I�; $qll(,pp
. . feattire I *ry easy to take. Onear WDSIllsin4ka a dos#. , Uhthanged:. Jamb,4, 8low, to ,-)v
, r I . This 000110MY 14 lurther ox. . Ing oato afid-bra-A -with corn its tow- Cannot reach the ,seat of the diseave, I 'They ure i3tric, � I,w(.r :
� � - . . . vegetahle till do, n I eat � shetp, V.,.50 t,o $.,_�5,, _lamjA 0
1 . � . 141ned In our ,free book"" Whatjjt� patp$o - 1 Pared With an all corn ratl6n, Clover Cgktarth is a blood dr eon U, ., 1. Purge, but bytgait ge to hotioAL .,, A6j) to $8.90 ,
� r �,�� , . � I . . I r . . it tion ; tit 111-90=1140 culls. $5 to 0,755,
. r bay L Wftsr the rojIghago given to all In' disease, and in,'brder to 0 it yow 00 MOM., . � . I
�,� I LL dt wital ihe Par#ler. - . e4n.00,10& ane.-a-.,"�-W-hlch tialb how- to I r : . . - . . ndgA-R0v01t1t0. U70 he":L lnlkrRL%t 1')W(§yj',#V;
# Can DO '. raust take intor.lal reme 11 I . , 0423mit-blamm 00.6 UZV,242L � .
. � I thls oxperlmonL . " ' ' ' I. lal reme ie ,: a I state and Vennsylv ..
I . X11114ud Ume,Ooftclrete for the m@Lklfig of L . I� . a L ' .
� WIM conorem. " .. I Catarrh Cure is taken 0 � - . anla liogs, " to $8.31
� L 11 . I I Tells you how to use Cohertta in con§tfueflng tarm. ., ._,-, . �. . , . -�-h4 SN % ., ' � 'Chicago* Live Stock. -, L. , ,
. I silon and . I The genor4l result. t at ,,
\ . othet' building# on ,,N� � ,�f the�e expert. and aotaL dircatly LOU the I A W IL bi kii ,
1� tlaerfikv f4ttefifil t ' . . 'YOU may lncn6 allow that 6 Infibd grain kritfull TnU4OUA sqttltdob. Hall)$ Catarrh . - 1.1 . OTITCIA(R) IL)(,(,. A-C'Ittic-ttervipu
, ., �JoPa* S L . I .
I � clatat"s . . * Horse ekli r I . I � I � �. 'r " Of corn and oats fed 'with clover tiny Cure to not a quaelt anotlielne, It I — . 760', tnarki,lt steady ,to strong.," beevos,
. ___ IL . $4 -MG to $',.I,-- T(txag, stve", $f.w to $5.3r);
. . ." . . 041106M Hougas StStll,ir I . I . Aend me it � t�rOduce,l better gains thall n single was prescribed by' ant- of the beat . . . . .. . western ste�'r&,, '$4 tfy $5,00; Rtoekt.tS tttid
. . . �0'1;il)lna Tohka Poultry Hati4e* stips 10111 out -the oupon, . copy of book Corn rlition. 11le I - nereaf, Riefaxts-In thlseountr� for year4, SH L I . foe.der.4, $'.t.,10 fi% $1.30, V11W-q and,-holfer� .
Poundatfoho - Root OellsM - Tank# . And send for t e I jed-, gains with 0 A $2.60 to $0,25. valves, $7.25 to $9.25.
Fonds pottA , book to-daV. , Snell feeding are more than. ofJoUgh to 11119 I
Shelter , entitled OwIlditho an Isf4r6gulfirlp.rose'ription. -It Is ORTHORN QATTLE '
Pbedirig F164PS $1103 Wall$ - - %Ttbuahs . ' In Oded -of the best tonics kjjo�Vn r , T(r1g8"1lev0VLs :11,*,0h); Inark(It 'dull, 10(,# ,
alks I . M -set the Incroase(l price of this ,ration co 9 ined Wirth the boat I 'ZO Ize Idwer thall ,V�1114U.M.1y,i4 averagei
� , . I dutt6ti 1W I . a0vPhOe C41t DO WiAt � oft " ,
': , , . tth Wolf curbi� , � , , . I 001"K1,01C." I over cotill nlojj6, e blood purl- Ight $,.411 tti $14.1i",, jhj1�,'(!jl, $,,.�,,,, to $1.75,
1 , " Herldt Nostt , stalot,411-11 . ttoks 6t4-0 atok . . .1,111117 feOflers 'ha�6 tiers adting d1rocti* on the Mucous beav�� $7.40 tt) �,7.1; rolmh,,$17.41 to $7.55q, '.
. 4 � .. .. . I Always 111sl8tt'd Upon using thriodly- surfacea. The 1�orjeet eomblUation Alond to 1-holve 11t., . .
. Xamo ....6*V*Nh4&#-Ak-#,..0.. %. IN NEW ENGLAND ' .11,.V, $,-55 ta.$7.7j. Itigai
. # S� L. , . I � . . bay When fleshing their horses. Con. of thO tVVO ingredients Ju What �'pro. ., , :,, L I I . VA.) to $7.115. lVillk of <Altls; s7:41) to K-70.
. Canada Cey�ent'Co L trAry" sljeep�-fi(""Alllft L'),vvo- inurkot stoady
0 1j= ' to thIS Ile*ted Idea. the best duces 8110h Wonderful .tesulta -1*1 � I . I � I ,
. Z10 I A I AddrOft .*.###.#4*##*#'4-r.�. - -A I nAtive, 0".0 to $1.;r); N�v;,14.111 &2,',,, t(I V.t,o
.. �, si-00, 14sm-tial 0awl, Buliatig, moritimhL I I r . . * � r I result s bY 69 Ver cent *Pra obtained euring dataprh.- -Sohd for t'ostimon- "' ' The. Shortborn cattle tire boginift", yearlings, sc,,6 t,) $.,,.N,: ,11:.tjj:t� l,hj)).,;, $1.21 �
I . I r *..#*4.0&&Otd,**iiait*st'oob*od* frot', Clover hay, -fed with corn and JOLIS Vaq. - '" to $6,30. wu!�tern, �'"L I I ""'I'
. I I . . 1. . I I � ., 1 . ,,,, r . to nidim Moro to the Malito farmet , 1. .11 I � 1. I I I I
4 I . _'_1j1j1jjj"_ . 'L. . r W L I , - , , " - ' r.. " _, _, . . ... A O . It, however, It 114 desired to feed V" X. Chonot & Co.j Props') L I . I
� - ''r ... L I 1. ''. 11 timothy It<011tchme 0- jroledo' thtA oWr before. This is it brded thitt ' , -10 40 1 �
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