HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-01-05, Page 3N U jp It _-W I . . 1b.- - t 0 LZ 0* ____1"F"171- . '�, , 11 ...... 117­­r­Wq---WWW__ -1-7 -,j --T---,1 " _�-­__ I � . � 11: I I . . I - I . . � . � � . I I .1 %%Avadwy. January oth,1911. I . ,. � . � I I I __ -- , - . - . .1 I I I I 11 I.... - . - - 1-11 � . �­_ _..:,� . 11_1_5�_._7 1 �,, ". �___ A I _11____1_________=�_____�__ /I 10_,:;�$`. _N I //" .-,, _-, , COWAN15". 1tv, : -�. .3, - 4 ­,­... . MAtPLE . , I ,,�'.­'� BUDS - . � 1.�, Themost delicious of a chocolate confections. They stand alone in 0 ) their smoothness, richness and unique 0 flavor. insist on havingCOWANIS. Nameand 0 design patented and registered. . 0 I �54 THE COWAN CO. LIMITED,TOILONTO. . - .- . ­ � . - I .- - m,warla (Juilli lv) null litterward I inatly others, i),in was file nurtberD SUNDAY 'SCHOOL, bonii(lary of tit(, htntl,.and Bethel was ___ it, flit. south of file ton tribes, so that I Jeroboam might Iw Sal(i to have fill. Lesson II. -First Quarter, For -1 file land Nvith Idolatry froul north to South. Ilow fenrful and horrible! Jan. 8, 191 1. (Jer. v, 30, 31.) 'I'lic, prophet AhIjab ___ - Nvns voininisSionvil to tell Jeroboam by tho motitit (if I&N wife that hecause THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. (if his sin Me Lord would root up Is- __ raol k,tit of tit(, laild and ,,.(-:tlt(,r them beyon-I the rivi-t- (olialiter xiv. 12-10). Text of the Lesson, I Kings xii, 25, to If :tit vxpre,sion (-;in lie it key to a ' xiii, 6 -Memory Verses, 28 -30 -Golden I ehapi�,r, then chapter slit I-.; the great - Text, Ex. xx, 4 -Commentary Pre- est ­nmii of (.od" chapter in the Bible, pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. f,ir (lie Jitle is found there fifteen times. though the it , .1 , tile of the man of All the predit-ti,ms :ill([ foreshadow- God Is not given. � ings of Scripture mid their fultillnit.-nis I It Is a inarvclou,� record and a most I should be tif the greatost possible In- solenju wurning not to believe even tin terest to every child Pf (,od, and be- angel nor a prophet, however vener- fore -,ve It-IlNe flit. story of 1whoboam able, it tit- tostlinony 14 contrary to we silollitl noti,.(. flint it, file fifth year the word of God. It may Ile that"the of Ills rvign. or jii�t about thirty-four Apostle I'mil liod it tit mind ,tvhen be, veai-., after (lie tellilfle Nva.-,; completed, by ill(, Spirit. wrote Gal. 1, 8. Tn chill). It was plundcred 11Y SI-ishak, king of ter xill, 2. Y, -*p linve Josiah. the king, 1�,gylit. compare I [�Inirs %-I, 38, and nionfloned by. name about 300 years 11 Chron. xii, 2, 1). lit j,)hri it, 19-21, tile before lie was born. and the fulfill. 1,ord Jesils i;poke of Ililliself IIS 1110 ment of thiS predfution concerning him ivinjilk, and of Ills (IQ:ith nuA resurree- ]it rpeorded lit 11 Kings xxilt, I. -i-17, tion, and Ili, Inust have beell abolit 1%1,iy ti&, predit-tion nud fulfillment thirty-four yc�n-4 of age when Ile was strongthen us to belleve firmly that criwitiod. I every prediellon In Scripture shall be - -.11 tile les-oll of today %ve are in- ns liternily fuitilled. Read carefully troijilt-od to Jeroboam, son of Net I thl-, �%ondevriil chapter. flit, fir�t king (if tit(, ten tribes, and i - itifterivard Spoken of over twvnt.Y times it%, (110 ,n!In vi -ho jjjn(](� ISr:ivI lo sin, I nna this , ., It(, did (jeli1wrntoly. tilthough lie had been told thilt (tic kingdom had been divided and I)aVt of it glvvll I() I A BAD COLD hini bkv.j . � liso of till-; v(-ry sin of idoln- Iry oil tile p�lrt ,if .soloinon (chapter Developed Into I M, 11-3sl. Ile 11:1(1 also heen told that i if lie would do right !it the sight of the Lord the Lord wou.itl Ito will' him and . BRO.N.CHITIS. ' build hini a Sure houSo. , I ilk, seen)s, ho,n-vver, to litive hqd no ecillf1donce ill tl!e assurt"llce of tile -Neglected Brotichitis I-,, very often the Lord, but was art-nid Itl-it if tile PCO- Llirect calise of Consumption, a.ild oil the ple went to jerusnIvin to offer savri- first syniptorn appearing Dr. Wood's liet, ill tile holige of the Lord the king- Norway Pine Syrup should be used and doin woiil(l return to ill(, house of I)a- the Bronchitis cure 1. vid. .14o he took (-ounsel and ninde two calves of goill. phivill." one it) Bethel The symptains are, lightness ,across it it (I oil(, fit Dan, for tile people to wor- the chest, sharp pains tWd a difficulty in still-) and said, ­Be�lo!d Illy go&, 0 Is- breathing, it secretion of thick phli-gril, rnel, which brought ill(,(- 111) out of tile -,-it first NNIlitc, all(l,later o n Inii(I of Egypt" ivi-rSv 2S). Thert, is -tit velloivish color, cuming from tile bron- evil one. the devil, "Olo llateS Ille liv. . Ilig tti,ti trite c,od ond Ilk, word and chial tubcs whim cooghing, especially the Ills people and ever Seeks to have first thing ill the inorning, lleople xvor�41iiji litill ill�tvztd of Cod. I Mrs. Dan. J. McCormack, Cleveland, 1%,11:10�v(.1. IS not tile worship of Cod I,., � 'si.S., writes: "MY little boy two years ill(' Nvor�'lllp of the dovil and of do: o](I caught a ba,l Pol(l which devei0ped inollS. nil(I ;ill idoinlry Is of the devil into Bri.richilis. lie %vasso choked lip he iDom. -�.,;xll. 101. 17: 1 Cor. -,, 20: I's. could harily 117C.11le. Reading about evi. :1.5 37i. '1*1te grent derviver and vour wondlerful rne,.:icinc, Dr. Wood's olivilly fit' Cod :1;1(1 1111111 Sought to 1mve . Norway Pi.ic S.yrup, I (1ceik!v,l to try a even file �',011 of (;o(I worSidl) him and . lo flint vild offer -d Ilhil :ill ill(, hingl- bottle :111(t with such gnod re,mlt I got doills of illi-, worl(l :11111 ill(, glory of anuther v-hich conq,10ely cured him, them (--Nf.ltt. ly, S-im, lie will ere this without havin" nt (',ovlor. I cannot say ­ rige (-Ioses, but after the ehurch has too 11111vil ill its pn:ise; I would not be been caught away, posgess a man withotit it ill file hol;�-c' as I con.,ider it a -whom all tile world will worship ex- Sure curc for Colds and 13totic1litisill cept those whnSP iianies .ire Ili the The price of '-Dr. Wood's 'I Norway book of life (I,ev, xiii. 4-8). Tills Jero- bonni ,in(] nll othvr� front Cnin onw,ird Pille SvrAll) is '2.-)(-. It IS put up in a to the antichrist or flit, last days. who veilow Wraliper. Tirre pine tree,., is tile (10 not believe God nod therefore do tradle iii.irk. Be ,�uic and acc-ept rlo belleve tile devil, "Ire -.!I one family sub-Ait Ute ior Dr. Wklod'q. all(] oil their way to file place prepared Munitfoctureil wl.v by"The T. Milburn for tile devit ind his ungels (Matt. Co., Limile,1, Toronto, Ont. I xxv, 41). In verse 28 we roml that the king took counsel. lint It wits certainly not I of Cot], rerninding it,, of Isa. xxv, 'I '). vill, 9, 10, for It Is only The coullsel VEHNATILE YOUNG MAN of the Lord that �falld­, (Ps. Xxxilt, 10. .11), The whole Ming, wits n device of - , - - MS owl) heart, IiRf- Illp f"llso prophets, of Jer. xxill, Ifl, 26, whorn flip Lord (IN W. M. AITKEN HAS SURPRISED liot send, .,in(] therefore tit(, devil did. MONTREAL FRIENDS AGAIN. Three of tit(! 1)1:i, -(,s nivritionod in our .---- - - lesson were plaveS (if Ilie groMest pos- s 'od, nnd it The Canadian Who Is Now Member sible Interest to n child of C Jeroboam flit(] livol) ,oich Ile could not for . Ashton- U nder- Lyne Is Just bot Il.tvc profit(,(] grently Ili, tile revol- Over Thirty and Hails From Nova lvcllon of whot tuld happened there. � ,rxN,o or them. 14hocheni and Bethel, Scotia -Had His Start as Secretary Nvolll(l llallo vvyllinded 111111 of iin nitar to the Late John F. Stairs and Has uwo Ifie I,ord wid uf Ihe Lord's nfy- Put Through Some Big Dea , Is. lie:irhiL- ., to Abl*.jjj!jTlj !ill(] 10 JaC011 0:,�ri. .%it .ind xxviii). At I'viluel or Writ. Aitken. the TWw niernber for . Penfe] (fie Lord wroStiod with Ja cot), As.1iton-under-Lviii-, is thi- birgost sur- Imnibled hini iind gavv hini his new priso packet in thi, now British flous,c-especially to Canadians. Five winie of 1,,r-i(,I, :in(] .Invol) wild, "I yi-an, ago Aitkon %%,;IS �1,n unknown luive Seen Cod faco to fare" (Gon. quantity outsido, of Nova Scotia. -ixxil). To -day hn I,,; arnow-, thA, front -bench. , At Shvi-livni Joshua delivered ))IS fill-OWV11 :111(11-11S.14 10 ISrael. which (,rs of finUnCO in Nlontiroill, where he - iniplit liqve (Tone Jorohoam good if he lias lived just tlirr(� Yvar,. Not merc- eould liqvo rend It, for lie grently need- I.v tile. unvxpect,441 but tliv hftihly im- ed Such words. . probablei svoins t,o litivo hoon the riil(, Then, illso flip holly of Jo,;eph wall I wiLh Aitken, who is jit .--t into his buried, which tile children of Israel thirti" and in it litin-lY . fill;Lnvial broutzlit out of Egypt (Josh. xxiv). wity has a,QN)nipljAK,,l inori, at that iwo than perhalis nny ollier Cima- And there the Lord desus Sat on Ja- I alan. Ile w" born Ili Nvweastlo nn coh'S well and rived tile woninn of . - __ __ - - e­_ - , - � - -__ _. - ___ ____ _________ ""Eat and Be Merry199 Stop starving yourself -stop suffering the pangs of Indigestion-Mopi worrying about what you dare and dare not ent. Eat hearty meals of wholesome food, take A � --Oomm '"01111111111 � __�R� I and you'll feel like a new person. Sour stomacb-heartburn- occasional Indigestion -chronic dyspepsia -all yield quickly to NA -DRU -CO Dyspepsia Tablets. The properly digested food restores your strength, your stomach regains Its tone. and soon * requires no further aid. 50c. a box. If your druggist has not stocked them yet send 50c. and we will mail them. 37 i ]NATIONAL DRUG AND C14CMICAL CO. OF CANADA LimtTED. M(?NTREAL. � � , I . ,,:�.s��.-.�"...It�.�,,�-��c,�,�L�'.,"�..,-..,..-... ) -, , X- ­ .1�-­ ­ . "I l. .1 � . I . -.$" .1 I . Qr I -ras mifinox XXW X94,77w1wWw", .. . . I I � __ � � � 11 -.1. 11 I . I L t __1 9 I I � . , , ow � - -4. � j 9 ,i�j im jj&W�_m �4,0 W - I � I M I 'M - ­ ' L ,'...,V#'VM1 is little truprolul; or nukw�rxvy. � r _. " , E L 411t is diffloult on- We continent to PREVENTING MILLET SMUT* Woo $o Had Wit�' � , I , It " I resist the titream, of Americaill tou� --1- I . � , I dellojes, and orIjaps it is remarU- Saosking, Used In Solution of Formalist Heart ond Norvow­ - '. ., �, R . . able, in all g circumstances, that Proyonts, ths Plislossit. 9 0 British institutions and British ideaa puring the past year 4 tunlous dw . . 9 � still aa profoundly r influt,mce tile -ease of millet appeared at various*, Could Not 051-00P I! . � 11 I I �E , N ,� Canadl4a pqople." . � I places In Iowa. The botanjelti 0 r ectiont I At Night. ,F� R1, Or - . /I , I � r . - - of the Iowa, experiment station, f=4 1 .9 M SM . . Newspaper Errbrs. 9 .1 opon investilgatiou that the disease WAS, I . - . . 10-P, , , L I � 19 %'inniflog Town Topics cays: I millet smut, A trouble iery .Common 14 X%ny me -it antl womea 0as pight after ­\,)\\ I TEXTV .11 In "Aly Lady Nicotine," it Ave re- I r I . � night up,aa a sleapitis bel. 80me Von- �#Rutioaal distur,owlea, worry *r diFoase has (so (Isibititate I wid irritatol the hairt and nervou-3 systern that they Cannot I 001joy., �he refreilli'l.; sleep which Comes o th-3se wh�se heart anti nerves are right. 11 Mrs, John Cray,-Ume Lake, Ont wrItei:-'1La4 summer I waii so bal - 1 with, my he!xrt iinit nerves that Lcouliin't ,leep ai ni,ght. There waa such a pain . , - arl heivy fe4lng iti my chest t4at I (10111:1 riot stool), atilt at at times V, vionlo 1,e�o:ne (tizzy and ll,Lve to grilsp, acim I � A. . I L:411'�, W 10er;frOM fIllill,1,1. I triett�diffoi, I e it things but never got arlything to da - Ifle any ffood until I tr1eJ Kilburn's - iIleart an Nerve I'dIs and I can nove recommend. thera to all troulAel as, I 1 I was." , . I Afilbuirtia Ilmrtr & Nerve Pills are.50 . coats pet' box, or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or maile I dirept by The'T. KilburA Co., Litialte.1,.Toronto, bnt, ' ' Q � . . 1. i . . . . I 11 I11-- I - I .1 .. I . - I - . , -_-_-1.._ � - ­­­­ -, -, - - ,: Great Removal Salfi I . I . of a $6,000 Stocic I , I . I . I O'S . blues . � . I . �. j . o . Cuba, and the Port,i) Rico RailwaY 1�)i 1. . JR&Oug d � ecided to vacate . . ­ . �� �­ .. - . . � . . � . I.. I Sorghum. For Hoge. . , : I . . . I . . - . , I - I ,� riembor rightly, Barrie tells tile story � ,)I a lelv,,raph editor oil. one of the '; Jj]&AT:Tjl7 1ALLET HKAD AND OSH 4F]?�Im our Prese.nt stand a-t.the end . . . rl) .11Y SUM. - of .Our lease we will start a � 41'�) (., A 1;� ,Montreal. lit tile big hub of finance ceration, displacements,fibrdid.tumors, ', It is proved that., Kle red (leer will ' .1 I I. � I f4nd-ni papers, who, finding, the soil- , ,�"* , irregularities, perlodiopains, backache, thrive in the climate of t1lat ,�octior - I Cored by Lydia E. Pink$ tenw 'Thei Zillu-i bilve taRell UW- * u�," Ill a desp"Itpli oilp (lay wlivil � bra , t I , ham's VegetWeCompouud.. tit(, tilabreah All Vio Zalu war was im. i fixel 111) r. Ileadirim, annoull-, t . ' . . . � . . 1�t&RLTOX N -J. feelthatLydiaE. alinvilt, I lligp tilitit tile Zt,',n-i flavo Capturi-it , atill ' I PffikhaWs Vegetable Ompotind has 1.1,11)", tit Poslzioil ­­ I 11"y 0 -curly. I 11 . ".;-:1 i :­:..., .. I - . ­'�, ­ "I ._ - , . , given me Ilew me. .... _ " ,�,� : . ..... :i M . .. �:]��'..i��; , �::: I I staered for ten ,� : i'.: i 1"br!" - V 4' - -t ln..�,�� ,vas a, i-no0t to this rei nitly ! .. / - -. : .::��,,, i�.­ �.��,,�!, �:;;:�:i�:;; ., ea,rs with �seriow , I ;;. - ".". i��!.,r!�:�:,�, 10 l two Ilvw:4j,;;Ij-W­ I-i"11PYrd not .1 it . ". Iroat vi..�. . . . I male troubles, In- thcjwkfv�,l ruil-,11.-;4 ... I.. . ; �,�-,;;-;:l , Aammation, ulcer. �,: 'I,, ' - 41 val)le d­sj-�&,I, v� ---k '.', -.-Ived an. . Lynn, Mass. Her advice is fre . I West Up to Date, el Vor the first time i4i tile history'of .. " 1. . &fjont, indigestion, � : 1- :'Q 7:' . : I ,:. 1, noutit-jilg! tji(� &-.,i�l i;i ,.,, ,.I w, fruill, 'Vitizen. �V, MAXN% MLL ALTKEN. : � �­ ::::: I .. . � - , '.... nerVOU.Sae,513, a,114 I I . 'I �:.��:::4." I ; � Syncol4l, Of a V.t'!',-'-i.-)%-U � . .,. of the Mirtunichi uniong the lumber : _. � .I,. �*.-',. ��., .. 1 could not sleep.' .­. , , � V� rci.routo. . . �t piles. C<)11( -,,e training lip bad itione, . ; � 1. ,- : ." �:: .. Doctors gave rae _ . , . I - ():Ie luiper Im, ,: - I it Vm;-I . though liv il.t in a short while at .:.-..,::.­ u ,as ey said my . - . .,:: , 1'I,aT1,!-)u, jji:.' l'. J., :,� _1%4:�, , law and broke into insurance about . ...:., were i_. I . tr u� les .. .., I of Tovoi&,). (14"i 7' � Y "it tile da". . 11 the time fie began to shave. At the I C 0 0, As iU- aftcr libi arrival �,' - 1 , , .*11.ka on the, age of twenty lie invt the man whom " . . de air, o, . I not r8yineops.." I I he credits with '.'making" him, the I ca. het erIliTed .. � The other I'll", ; it V!II.- I lale Jobn F. Stairs, of Halifax, then or died, when I read about :�,ycu,a E, � I "I")ndoll, J Ill v , -, � . . 1. 1� .I� 0 president ,of tho Nova Scotia FA -eel and Coal Co., who�ke secretary he Pinkham!s Vegetable Compound-, so 1 began to takeit, -and ara. well agaiitand_ Df Toronto, di -I. - . .1 t'.1- dav ,,,I - 1r,.A.,l. , "I ol� _tCr_,lj,l,,_ -a-r,il��.,j,,,_ ,.,.,.I 'i - the . was, all(] in whose offict, he got h relieved of all ray suffering. ",!-Mrs. 8'. $. 411COIX1,11 . . ;­ I I first inside look at finance. He hel's p- GEORGE JORDY Box 40 Marlton, WJ. Lydia :E. FinKhamlsiregetAblecom. . . . I I � ­­ .- ­ I ' . � * ed in the rearganizatiun of the oomt- ound, made from native roots and Imoort Now Zcnl:tiid Deer. . . . party and soon afterwards ILmalga. Eerbs, contains no narcotics or harm. Vancouver spilrt.�,nteu ere going tc, I niated a couple of banks in Halifax, ful drugs, and to -day holds the record make ondeavom to bring red decit , whicli, was the springboard that gave for the largest number of actual cures, New Zealail,l. wtjielt. are to I),,, - him tit(, long leap ijit,o t� number of of female disepes, we know of, and ,from jocatek.1 ill tllt� nlotuAt-iiii,jus- dis-tricti! I promotions buch as the. Trinidad tho.usaudsofvoluntaryteiitimoni4bare of Valicouver islano. unou arrival. Ali Electric Co,, the Carnapiloy Co" in on file in the PiPJ am laboratory at attempt was start(a fast year. to im- �#Rutioaal distur,owlea, worry *r diFoase has (so (Isibititate I wid irritatol the hairt and nervou-3 systern that they Cannot I 001joy., �he refreilli'l.; sleep which Comes o th-3se wh�se heart anti nerves are right. 11 Mrs, John Cray,-Ume Lake, Ont wrItei:-'1La4 summer I waii so bal - 1 with, my he!xrt iinit nerves that Lcouliin't ,leep ai ni,ght. There waa such a pain . , - arl heivy fe4lng iti my chest t4at I (10111:1 riot stool), atilt at at times V, vionlo 1,e�o:ne (tizzy and ll,Lve to grilsp, acim I � A. . I L:411'�, W 10er;frOM fIllill,1,1. I triett�diffoi, I e it things but never got arlything to da - Ifle any ffood until I tr1eJ Kilburn's - iIleart an Nerve I'dIs and I can nove recommend. thera to all troulAel as, I 1 I was." , . I Afilbuirtia Ilmrtr & Nerve Pills are.50 . coats pet' box, or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or maile I dirept by The'T. KilburA Co., Litialte.1,.Toronto, bnt, ' ' Q � . . 1. i . . . . I 11 I11-- I - I .1 .. I . - I - . , -_-_-1.._ � - ­­­­ -, -, - - ,: Great Removal Salfi I . I . of a $6,000 Stocic I , I . I . I O'S . blues . � . I . �. j . o . Cuba, and the Port,i) Rico RailwaY Lynn, Mass., from women who have port sonle of the tleor species front 1. . JR&Oug d � ecided to vacate . . ­ . �� �­ .. - . . � . . � . I.. I Sorghum. For Hoge. . , : I . . . I . . C,o. By this tinio lip* was t�ventY- ' seven and he decide,il to break into beell, cured fropeAlmost every formt of Englaxid, but . mving te) -tile heavv I female complaints, inflammation, ul. freight rates the plan. f6l. through. Jj]&AT:Tjl7 1ALLET HKAD AND OSH 4F]?�Im our Prese.nt stand a-t.the end . . . rl) .11Y SUM. - of .Our lease we will start a � - ' ,Montreal. lit tile big hub of finance ceration, displacements,fibrdid.tumors, ', It is proved that., Kle red (leer will ' (Pholograph, by Iowa State college ag.rf- . gro;it Slaughtpr sale on, Sat - . I he soon became a spoke. In d' r('* 0 p irregularities, perlodiopains, backache, thrive in the climate of t1lat ,�octior I. . cultural stati6nj I � urday Dec. Iftbe �. . -eted to ability he never expt do h .If the things lie accompliqlied. Finance - - coa, .the on, ap -t Indigestion and nervous prostration� of the I sti ly handle, a Every suffering woulan owes it to her. their -life Wing the ugual necessity of . . . . . . . � ­ , . � . . . . the millIet growing sections of Europe. We witnt4o elean out e#ety ' . ' is second nature to Aitken, though he self to give Lydia E. Finkham's Vege- . having to graze in shoop country, tho � . It was probably Imported to, tilts coun-i Dollars worth of stock before - 'time. - ' has usually managed to set his brain table Compound a trial. . iheep making slaort work of the.grass ' tiiy In sedd brought froini'cvnialiy. . moving . 11 I . on projects that have an industrial I If you would Me spechil advl.oe availablo. L . . I . . . . � . I Professor Paminel fluft- tbilt- ibe�?dls, . Uvery Shoe and Rubbers . side. Merely as it player of stocks he . about.Xgur case write a eonfideli- . tial letter to Mrs. Pinkhaw, at. . ease'caa b(;. pre�ented by �soaklu�, thii I Trunks, Suit Oases and Mites. � . has not madc a reputation: the Can- ada Cement Co., the Rhodes -Curry . Lynn, Mass. Her advice is fre . I West Up to Date, el Vor the first time i4i tile history'of seed for -two. -hours in a solution of inourstock Will be reduted one, pound of formatin - to�. forty-five in piIce, � ilild carried "to the sorg clit, . s Car Co., at Amherst, the Standard ., Mud alWaYS MIX" L this district pot.6to biigs have mad � , I .� . . gallons of N�,dtq.r, - . I Ideal Co., the Western Power Co., at Stave Lake, B.C., to furnish light and - I their appearance., They have been . . . . discovered fields in . 'tile clal'tris of millet as. an Impor- Thefe ls'n6thing nIcex:for- Xmas Presetits than Shoes or . .1. power to Vancouver, and the Cidga I ry have been on many -towr Annapolis, do thy,fluods yet feel and district,: and'there .is no� �mi-- Faint memories of Champlain's keO, ' 11 taut sollfu� fod'd rest upon the fact Slippersconie early and- get is . that It a good milk:.produelp- food, the best.Bargians, - " . I � I � Power Co. -all . . made pos- sible by the org nizing genius of taken identity. Many of .those wlit Thy, pulses yet tile deed repeat - - ' ' discovered the are from 'nd .� � . . . � that, it yields well on good land, that . . I , . � . W. M. Aitken. ll'tt- is now president Of Poutrincourt d'Iberville? .have �pe�st a . � eastern Canada, aud. now ".call the Term Cash, no Gbods on It. -Way bo'grown nd � . . I . approv al.. .. ! . of the Royal Securities Co.. which he himself created. Latterly lie took a - � dava when father itsod to maYo. them . And thou far tide, � whose plains now _ p!oW'-'Vhe bugs, � Thpie is likely #4 lia.hot w6ather In some instances after . . . . . . . . I � another crop has beeti harvested. . . . . - .� . � . , 1, 1. I - . .t trip to England to float the big Que- -Bros., beat . . I be 4 6j demand- for tile. old reliable With of myriad westering feet, .Its weak point as it soiling crop Is vy ,us. for itt,pair in- . . � � � e'. I bee timber proposition of Price to the vxteint of a five -million dollar march, P . n .ind . spinilding cans ­ - -gin sod J;ai? ree T , Saskatchewan, whose xth . .7 ; . I . I . y, Saek_Nvv.va. . , ) V 0 o .the short season during whi I ­ ­ _ . I . . � 11, . . . � ". . . - - - � - --I be -.fed. . ­. . I . . 7� .. I . sale of bonds over -subscribed twenty . � So late Canadian'blood made sweet? I I . . . I . I � . . . � . . . . I . . . . I I I . .. . � � . � I 0 . . . .. : . � I . .. . � I ­ . I per cent. and more. And suddenly - . .. . - , , ic,,;, apti Y . he broke Into British polit _ ,our bulwark hills, your valleys . . . tuch, for which he had ii(,v(,r displayed broad, I Providing Early Greens. in Canada. When it ,was cabled that Streams where de Salaberry trod,. .,, Turnips If 'left in. the ground will Where Wolfe achieved, where Brock produce . early greensin spring. and -so, he might ck)ntA­t a seat. ill the Un- I was slainj- . .. will the stillks'of cabbage it they arc. ionist cause -it was pointed out that ,- Their voices are tjie voice of God! left 1vith'the roots in the ground.. , he would bc at probabIL winner; ;. . 11 _. .- 'A i. ,though in Lunca,hirc, where he took 0 sacred waters! noE in vain, � . 1, -*: ! " up the Cud,_,vIs, lie lia(l considerable . I � Live Stock .Notes.. - '- "' 1 - Across Canadian height and . plain, - I., .., I . . � . ;1 I opl>osifion front the cotton forces who . Ye sound ips in . trfurrivilant tone .. . : .. ..� I knew him. Af Some of Ili., nivetings - -, . . Protection from sto .1 The�turamonts of your'llig-h refrain. I '�lllther i6ll ,,,,, rmy.and Incjem:" he had, lively ho -tits with the li(eklers, . . ent'w ke few go f urthen I �� ­ .. � I . . . Q. C. Rathwel I. 1 4.; . ... P . � � . - . o I I .. .1 . I . . I . . I ­ . . . . . I . I . . I . .. . . I., .. . � I � Rf4iab1e..Fo_otw6ar fo r, - - . . I -1 _f ' Alh.he.a,mily,.. 11 . . .. 1. . . . . ", .. ­ . . .112110INT110101"Misal �. . I I I who threw Ilini till s,)rt,s of ritist,les abol , it wollion votes, abolition of bar- I ­ _7 - -BEAUTIES OF -TORONTO. . . . I 11. - I . . . . I .. Clover, and'sk 1. -: , dirtmilk arelalmost In dispensable -in the raffo,n.o,f the krow- . . ­ . �� �­ .. - . . � . . � . I.. I Sorghum. For Hoge. . , : I . . . I . . v I I I I . . . � ­�­- --­-� . . . . .-. . . . I . . . � . . . . . . .. .. midds. Canntlian Irtisis., tariff ri�­ . . . � . . I Ing pig. . t - The ,&IabainA experimep station, . I forril and unvi%loyink-lit, taxes on , London times Has Boucloets for the � ,. finds. tbat. sorglium. pasture forlat - . . . I . . I . - . . .. I � ) t,obacco wil Wer, lind Clitholic Mo�t h:.; livelders lit, � . Queen City. , -ana xiever, . Piovi(lpa clean, ' dry. WO allow ahors�e to lie oii bare bQardsl or , : tenflig Ilogw has* very little to � recom" .1 It I . . . . � , , - Schools. ol, silenevd by a n-odt. Canadian wit. s . Writing to his paper a correspon- . . . .- . . I stand �4 wet. manure. I . I meiid it. - When used with eorn guye better gains than corn alone, but. . I . BEH.09 & I He NjUeezvil into a �-�-w by it majority dent of Tin- London, Efigland, Ti&ids'�, . . Save fill of. the,garden beets that ake � . . ille ghins, were not pr fitab e w en the . ­ . L�9YTR .* . of 190. size,; ill) Toronto's attractions� in, . I ntot-niiedi�d'for- -f-he table .and for cah- . ' . ilild carried "to the sorg clit, . s . 11 .1�1 . I . � . � . . __ --- _ , . I these words: �, . . ning-to feed �our.plgs and dairy cows'. . . . ,Iium�was. hug.q, Thej mildv better. gains w1hen . I I I . . . . I � . . iw- 1. � . Be Good to "Ili the short course of1wenty-five years Toronto has grown from a town The Ideal sheep pastiare Is blue ,grass andwhiteclovet. it. makes the drleii;4. . ralawed to - &aze It. LD ellent gains . . I , 'Ve . wero. made wben 'Juice was ex-, . . . . 1. I . - I ­ . . I i . � I -I I themes . Ye lack to fire your pa4iot dreamsf tion itself, unlike McGill, receives liew considerable private benefactions. closest. sod. d la Is best for ,the . . - � I 4vi'ng'bo,ug*b t., .che Gro�' ' . , of 100,000 to a city of 325,000 people. Society is brolton - into The and . ,!Y lid. - .' I. - .. �_ tracted and fed, but for,-lLhis. p urpose. .. . � "" ' a � cory and China Business, of �. groups. sheep. - . .. __ 4 ' . t.lig price Nvils Worth -but 1.8 cents . I I I . Yourself .sliburbs have become fine residential � I It'neverva7s to starve a �64. 'thle- gallon. Theexponse*ofextractiug:_lbe7 B� A. M 6 Ewen. we arelti a. - . areas. Bklarding_fious�.s intrude into the (')Ill neighborhoods.' Jar- ' . It I y bushels' of *Oats 'Will dost about $10 . . .1 1 I .. . I I every ch -se juice 15rollibits its use. . n � . , - - i � r6sidoft to roo& T gtve You ­g . , and the world will be good to you. . I lgentvel vi 'trevi. is not so exclusivo. St. s t, and bi� w9rth twice tbat:much to any . 'sni,ghuni -.yaj illuch infe&r to the . - - I . . I , .- . I Tho title of RoberviiI reveal, The way is to kccl) yQur stomach, . � . . George street sbecumbs-to the'Tesir well bred:qolt In the winter,. � ., . I . � I 1. loguaie.s,. and'since .It Jeft the filud- I I . . . . values., . . I . .1. 1. . � . I . * . .. .. I ' - The liver, kidneys and bowels 'right; - . . � dvritial attractions of, Rosedale. ' A . . So*s that -come from prollfie fnmt-� . Ito rer,its use for hogs'.was. diseour . () . � � . I . . . .. ,. . I. . . . . .. . . . . . And 'you'U find great help in -B this is if ever there city of )forn( wds I I lies' or6 _'6rtaln to Inherit those�_ . are m - C Lag�,Fw here legiiales could be - - I - � . .1 grown, I ­ 17 1 1. .­ . . I � . . . It '100c"MAMS ne, .in(] in the eyei; of visitors who , , ` qualltl6s ,6:nd "become good' mothers . I I � . , I , . .. . I . . . � .. I.. - I I ,!* .. .. , I . . . We. purpose.� edrrryffig� all . I ' � explore it thoroughly thil.t. Tnustbe, its. than*:tbose that de scend fro m families ­. - * I . �_. . . - . - I fiv�s ke here formi�rly', " .J[A- JC4%6 . chief beauty and glory. It is said . ...�.. I � that are les�.-'brpllflc. A .- - ' . . . , . . ,.­ .: �. .�.. . . . . ... . pt . . .. ,; . I flow that while 'Motitreal has. more , I . . Here Is. � an e%bellefit . - reelpe for a . I . � . . . . . . . � . . : . . I . . . . . I .. I".. . . I .1 I I . . PILLS I splendid mansions and more men of wealth, in fortunes of from . thoroughly good-' distinf0dtant -:white- � I I . I. . 1. .uoph Fodder For Dairy cows. , I . ­ . . . e � . 1 .. . . I I . who rgv­ I "Thaliki � n � gold Everywhere. 1W boxes. 28a, great t $500,000 to , ,$3,000,000; . Toron o wasti .for,,tbe stable� Crude' citirbolle . . . -to '-. The feedLp- of late 601!u fodder to I, continued just g..tfit)s . I 1. . . Gred U's vith their"' ionage. . hitj& pelipses all Canadian commu . aeld'in.tbe proportion of -one pound � . � lalry enw.q. should'b6. . I � . Pat I � _10" "Cobalt, despite what has been. flve� gallons',of fresh wat4dr sla.kpq jiltirle I . ' as long' :41, the corn ls,at all green.*- It . . � 'feed .,' of the past -and ask -for a lost in mere pqper ppeculation, ..has Wash. � If .possilble apply With a SI)Vlay-. . :.. I ' Is a.$)lendid supplementary with .1 . I . , "auturan., .. . I dontinuance,, and' Wilf,assure Canadian Verse- given us a new group of millionaires., .,. ing,ftvparatutil.. , , ., . � . I , - � . I I the short . .astute 9r.;Lss. .: ., P .1 .. . I . . . , . � -will . During thwlast few years.thes6 have I -Az- �.­�.­'­ �- .---,. - - ­ --.- ,1 - . . .. . . . �. . . . I I I . . .all �w4o` ,trade,with 0 ' ' added to the more imposing. ' ,resii . .. ' ' receive -the bes't, valtles'and __ - . - - I . - .. I � . I I . . . ------ - . - donces of Vronto -as the mining ac.- tivity in the north country has great--, . . . . . . I . ' I .� . �- . . . . . I . � . � . `�ttentibh' possible for us to, CANADIAN STREAMS. - , ly stimulated trade and- manufac- ' � , ..- . � I give, .­_._�_ I .. I . .. . . . . By C. G. D. Roberts. �ures. But the chief glory of the eft -7 ... .. -1, " I � ( . . .. .. . � . � . . . is Ws many long streets of attractive . . . .. - . I . [Charles GeorgL Douglas Roberts, and comfortable middle-class homes, � I � . . . � ­ . . one of the Dominiou's foremost .-Ing- ers, is a resi1ent if Fredericton, N.B., and the hardly less' attractive honjes , , its I . � A ... � I I 11 . . . .. . I � . I -_ . I r. . . . I and is now fifty years of age. Theo- of prosperous working popula- tion. Nowhere in the world, perbidpa, .... 1". I t� - . . � I MIR. I A -H & . dore Roberts and William Carman is theta a higher average of comfort . ­ . - . !. Roberts, both authors, are his broth. ers and Bliss Carman and Barry and prosperity, less poverty, or a I '_ . .. . . . .. I I I . . - -­ . � ... � � . .. I ; . ,. . I . . . - . � i I Straton are coulains. Mr. Roberts b-- smaller criminal population. vve-b - gin, of course, to get a f toreign- popu- I came a professor in King's College, lation and to hear strange languages Windsor, N.S., in tile eighties, and bas . in the. more congested contres, Bilit nartow irrinjority, 0ter the proposal',. since that time been a prolific pro,, ducer of literilture of high quality. the. change comes,slowly, while, -from. :fetimd . In addition to his nature sketches for �rit- all, over the province cor&s farmers to spend- their declining days, , which lie is best known, he has to educate their children in the city. A 0 0 1 ten several sheafs of verse.] , . . "The Provincial University'. .. has � 0 rivers rolling to the sea over 4,000 students and g�ouped around it in affiliti,tion with it are - From lands that bear the ma�le tree, How the 'Methodist, An4lican, Presbyterian, I., .1 swell your voices with strain - and Roman Catholic colleges. Fat-.' Eng,huid Of loyalty and liberty! midablo 4s is the xivalry_ol McGill,. �� . Tbronto aspires to be.the uni'Versity' . A holy music, heard in vain . centre of Canada, and'at least in dignity, efficiency, and vijor thi pro - 0 : By coward heart and sordid brain, vincial university, now amply .sup, . To whom this strenuous being ported by the, state, is equal to an. ' seems Naugbt but a greedy race for gain. * honorable rivalry with the bi�iit uni- I . *of :ae . � 1_ versitiei the continent. The . 'fibefall� - 0 unsung streams -not splendid porninational . Colleges .ar�' endowed, but thp,155rovincill.l. institu.. � I themes . Ye lack to fire your pa4iot dreamsf tion itself, unlike McGill, receives liew considerable private benefactions. art, all rigidly , �. bath, So till Miops and cigar stores I ' Annals of glory,gild your waves, Hope freights ftur tides, Canadian "This, moreover, is a Sabbffth- . - streams I k eeping and church -going cAy.' So " rn dosed,' and we bave no forms of 4tinday aminsornont. Tho - golfers, much is this tbe* case that. it iii St. Lawrence. whose wido waterlaves -ounted as a roproach by many American foreign v'i%itots. It The shores that ne'er have nourished ,find was not.iintil fifteen or sixteen yqo,rs slaves I . Swift lti6heliou of lilied farnel ago that the street -tail way, --Was per- -it+(,d to run oil Sunday P,ven then . old , .9tis nV1lEjj,, .are)j�."J(fnd Pe4ft lVditep, DM4- �, . . . . . . . . � . . . . � I . I I + . . �'. " . � - I . . - ­ ­ -1 I . I ; 1. ­ I 1 . . � . " .- . . :,, _�. .1 I I . . ... . _ � . . � . � . , . . I :, __�_"­ . . . I . o . . .. . ­­ . .... ­ , I I � .. . I - - I I I I . , ___ . _ _. __ - , I �- .S--_-.. - - . �11 . . � - . ... I . I . I I. � � . . .. � � . . I - �� � � � . . . . __ . '; I _. - I - , - , - I., . .... - ... �� .- . -1 I I __ - - " . . ... - - I - - ; .. , _ I - ..: .. . . . , . . � � �� .. ... ­ -;, . .... . .. .. �- - ... ... � . ._ _�, . I , . , - ­ _! -.1. .- I'll, 11 �� I - I - ­ .. . , , ,. �c . - ... . , .. - .- , "I - 41 - . . � 11 - �. - '.... . ___5__ ­ I - - .. I .. _ I.. . 4--' - , __ . . ,­.. . I I � I . _.;� 1:;:51 I . � .: . . . I .. . I . . . � . I I � . . , . : , . I � I .. . . . . I � . . I I., We:'WAtit to Land � I I . ... your first ordei�,Jbecause we know thatr tho batisfAction.you 'will derive friom, thatwill.open "ur eyes to tne faeb 11 .rh4tyon cannot do better anywhere . 61se that you can with -us, - You will find th&C we Are nof -,all at sea�' in our . ., iness, bitl , . busi ,.t tborou I -- to - bhO . ,qh)Y "Up mihutelland-atollf" of +ha fint-resta Niagara of gloriouF3 gravest I the privilege Avfis only secured by li � 11 I .. ___ ...... _. I - -)f our clakomersi knowlink thatj by so � I . nartow irrinjority, 0ter the proposal',. -_ . loing,ill we Ave realisr acting fol 'tur Thy rapids, Ottawa, proclaim lind been twice doleated by a vote of - A 0 0 1 I � OW12 111timato bopefit, ., 1, I . Where Daulac+ and his heroes camel - Thy tides, St. John, declare La sht, citizens. 'There 7-hri, over WO �llurches in tbe city. This W'thq - . . 1. I., .1 . . - , Q 'A. V DOWNS110. Tour, . Eng,huid �� 0 I And, later, many a loyal � name I Rtrongrhold ol the. Ctittr6h of in Canada, but Mothodists,. ,Prvsby� 0 : 11 10, � � I . .. � , . I rd orchant lrailor,. -� 0011too Thou iribind stream, whose vales, tvitiana and Bapti4i4 constituto a (71,011,11 element of IIIIA. population. �,* A � �. .'i � . Aertire , '� Teetimsell's (I Frarn Sto *rn eath mWe poor! , Thvre aro only 1 25 licensed saloons- Ili this city of 32.5,000 people, and they closed on the SO). - to . � IL I 10 I I . I � . 1 14 1000ft 111104hodim. I And Iliou , Smail water, red with art, all rigidly , �. bath, So till Miops and cigar stores I ' . -1 �11 . - - 1� -0 I'Ad - G)404 'PligU94 Jh'i.M-i'daMe war. 'Tuixt Bvnnhn�in nnd Betinsojourl " rn dosed,' and we bave no forms of 4tinday aminsornont. Tho - golfers, & Tones and Invi. ",I-ates t nervoust Fivideta, raAkes lidW Blood In VoIna, Cufta Xplivo alone, by an isolat-od Judgrriont of the " 11 � 11 . old , .9tis nV1lEjj,, .are)j�."J(fnd Pe4ft lVditep, DM4- I)Tond Snonenny. where PrigleR soar bastione4 courts, are alloVed to -play on Sun � . . I I .. I � pandenry, auall reakneitit B141spitofts, gpdrw owtort,11(ow, af?,41"trfag OfNWO M' F1'iMM4 What volop. shidl from tile � . shore day, but only a few devotees, of the Ira tako advantntgo of the pyiviloge. -Me * I . ... ... "I - . I Prim $1 per, bnv,�sllx for * i .5. ofle"INpam Ar. I , Tho title of RoberviiI reveal, And yet Toronto his by no means a ,�,. I ' - The Or his inyFierious late de plore? . r1nomy 8unday, spid th the narnes ---- . I ' ':8 A " A, ' � P09 SA41� y . W C P', W Pli, N - I , lit It iv,; 4*OdM6dftt1ft4S_G6m' 0a t f UftallIftoolillf, ),If rl.r ,V 4 80,7 ; ) ­ - : ­ . . I - - . .--.-..- I . . , I � I I . � I . . I I � I . , , L__­� .. ... .......... __­._�__, _­­ - '--1-111--1--- """" 2, -61- _�__.� - , ,,� I , . . ., . � I I . 11 � . I . . I . . � _11s__1 ­­'­­­­­_­­: ....... �­­- ­­-______.. . . . 1. - � � k . . , I 0 1. . � . I I I ___- 6-1 ------- ____ I I I I I w � � . . . I � ____ �� . . . . . . . � . I . � I . ._ -1 . - . .. � . __