HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-14, Page 8WING TAM'S T „"'' Ureas Goods an Trimmings House LOVELY DRESS FABRICS Of SUMER ELEGANCE Our Dress Goods section is especially rich this season - in those lovely summer fabrics that are so popular this season. There are the pretty and serviceable Briltiantines, French Delaines, Bengalines, elegant Crepe de Paris, rich - looking German Box Cloths. They are all regally hand- some in design and patterns. They are of the finest wool, but if there are any that are not all wool they are wool'` improved by a mixture of silk, Colorer: Brilliantine Lustros in venue now for Shirt Waist Suits and Blouses; best fabric for clothing eosturnes, per yard ..................... .25 td' i 5 Crepe de Paris, silk and wool, light weight dress fabrics, fashionable for street costumes; clines, and has n shimmering effect; beautiful shades, per yard .05 to .85 Parisian Voiles, in small, neat checks, the style for Shirt Waist Suits, sheer, light fabrics, fine bauosonie weave, soft new tones, in pretty shades; per yard ;111.25 to $1.45 1 SHOES Aline of Shoes rang- ing in prices from $1 to $2.00; your choice tor__ ........ .50 OSLINS LAWNS A table of Muslius to choose from ; regular 15c to 30c a yd; your choice for - .10 50 yards nice Lawn, regular prices from 10e to 1234c, to clear out at 08 We pay 1166 per dozen for Eggs. Ale itcie. Oainty Chhiawaii Makes Sultan PToscot for all Occasions We have a splendid assortment of Freugh China decorated by the famous H:aviland and Elite decora- tors. (.Turman, Austrian, and Eng- lish'were. Alst) the tritest selection of, Japanese ware a:( of which we import at :.peeial proves. • Come and see What we have for gifts of all kinds. COEPER C (Successors to Alex. Ross.) MINOR LOCALS. —Many of the stores were very hand. so hely and appropriately decorated for Tuesday. —Tho G. T. E. wi'.I build a new pas- senger station at Walkerton. —Four rinks of the local bowlers will go to Lneknow to -day to have a friendly game with the bowlers in that place. —W. F. VanStone shipped a car load of cattle and a car load of hogs from Winghain, to Toronto on Monday. ----A. number of Wingham Orangemen attended divine service with their breth- ren at Belgrave on Sunday afternoon. •---The regular meeting of Camp Cale- donia, Sons of Scotland, will be held on Monday evening next. All meinbers are requested to attend. —Mrs. Robt. Knox has sold his jewel- ry business in Gerrie to Mr. J. W. War- wick, of Smith's Falls. Mr. Knox will devote all his time to his Teeswater badness. —Mr. John W. Dodd, D. D. G. M., of the Independent Oddfellows was in Brussels on Thursday evening of last week installing the officers of the lodge 3.n that place. —The Inspector of the Provincial Board of llealth, who is now in the Jaaaiskaming, reports that there have teen to date about sixty eases of Small• pox hi thattlietrict. �-.Mr. 'gym. Watters has completed 11r& year as editor of the Fordwich Sword. Mr. Watters says he finds the Its of a newspaperman a very busy one. Wel wish our friend continued success. --Canadian postal notes are now taken lllist'oughout the United States. This Ow make it very hand' for the people of 01011 t wantry who wish to send money to i ipa,t l Ialid. —Mitchell's tax rate for this year will be 221 mills on the i., —Man -new names were added to the Totes subntri tio list daring the past week. Only 41 cents till end of 1904. Also see special clubbing offers on last page. —judge Doyle „ oy a h (Id court at Bluevale yesterday to hear the appeal of the Town of Wingham against the assessment of the town's electric light plant, which is. located in the Township of Turnberry, —Mr. and Mrs. James Bryan, of Luekuow recently celebrated their silver wedding. Mr. Bryan has been publish- er of the Sentinel in that village for twenty-five years. The TIMES wishes Mr. and Mrs. Bryan many happy returns of their wedding day. — Mr. .7bhu Leathern, of Diagonal street has a pear tree in his garden that has fully developed pears on it, and is also out in blossom. We have seen similar to this in the fall of the year, but blossoms and fruit at the sauce time ' in early summer ie, out of the ordinary. — Word has been received from Mr. John Stewart, who recently left Wing - ham for Cape Noam, Alaska. Mr. Stewart had a very pleasant trip and was surprised to find a city of some 13,- 000 people. At the time of writing bis letter, the rivers were not yet all freed of last winter's ice. — Mr. Chas. Campbell of East Wawa - nosh, on Monday morning captured a red fox which has been playing havoc with his hens for some time. Mr. Campbell caught Reynard in the act, and procuring his gun succeeded in bringing down his game. — Two thunderstorms of unusual severity visited Wingham during the past week. One on Saturday morning and the other early Tuesday morning, and they were accompanied by heavy rains. Much damage is reported from lightning in different parts of the pro- vince, though no damage is reported in this section. — The Teeswater News in reporting the 1st of July demonstration in that place, speaks thus of the Wingham citizens' band :—"The excellent music abundantly supplied by Wingham's splendid band was a delightful feature of the day and all look forward with pleasure to the time when they shall again hear their stirring selections." Here's Your Money. The annual blue book issued by the Department of Finance, showing un- paid dividends and unclaimed balances lying in the chartered banks of the Dominion, contains the following names and amounts in banks in this county: BANK 05' MONTREAL. Berry, Thos $ 5.02 Goderich Ont. Hillard. Geo 7.88 Porter, John 88.51 • ++ + Shaw, F. C 0.20 London, Ont. Pickering, Robt 1600.00 Lucknow, Ont. 3tOLSON'S BANK. Mountain, W. E. 1520.00 (Trd, i'orks,S.D Robinson, A. M 800.00 Wingham, Ont. Obyrne& Co 7.10 Exeter, Ont. CANADIAN BANK 05' COMMENCE. Huron Salt Well 20.227 CToderich, Ont. BANK OF HASMILTON. Mc Kenzie, F. A, 12.45 I.ochlash, Ont. McKeuzie,na se- Paybee, Win 5.50 Wingham,' (hit. Fraser, 11 10.70 McIndoo, It. trees 2.74 Robertson, .r 27.10 " " Stilt Wells Co 58.61 - Mills, T. A., trustee:10.30 Union Furniture CO, Cell, sect 50 21 ,20 HYeWart, Maggie, MeL C n t 413 Davidson, Siren 871.:14 Sadler, Martha, 8(1,51 ., ol Io lo If THE WIBGIIAM TIMES JUIY PIRSONAt,• Miss Scott, of Listo eel has been the gnet•t of Mos. 41,. E. Smith for serve days bir, J. B. Elliott, of Wiseonsn), is spending his holidays at his home in town. Mr„T. G. Ward, J. P . of Dnnq tnnon ie spending. a few days with Wiugham friends, Mr. sad Mrs. J. E. Swarte and Miss May Swnrts are visiting relatives in Goderich. Mian Annie W. Stewart left lest week for Wiunipeg, where she has secured a gond situation. Mr. Samuel Gracey, of St. Marys was calling nn Winghani friends for a few days last week. Mies Lillie Smith of Atwood is spend- ing her holidays at the home of Miss Hattie Campbell, et Miss C. Carruthers, of Berlin is Vigil.. ing at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thes. Carruthers. Miss Minnie and Miss Lottie Guest of Wingham, visited Huron friends on Sunday.—Ripley Exjxt•'y . .i.4,., Messrs. Walter and0;4lvisdon. u. pH- tisoit were visiting with 'Old friends in Ingham for a few days. • $2787,84 'Ir, Thos, McClyinont, of Gneloli has , bejei visiting with friends in Wingham Addresp and Presentation, and IVhiirlia fos or a few clays. At the meeti.,a Mr. and Mrs:. T. Elliott, of Inger- , of the Ladies, Aid soil were visiting at til +home of Mr. H. Society of the Wine ham Presbyterian B• Elliott for the past weel'':,- Church on Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Mrs. W. T. A. Fishleigh lefterllaty John Adair, who has loft Dawn to reside ou a few weeks' visit to friendItt n Mito /at Lacombe. Alta., was presented with i purse and gold piece. The fon:ming obeli, Stratford and Hagersville. Mr, and Mrs. HenryThomson, of Zet- add%�ss was read:— land visited wiler'the former's parents at Wiugham, July (i 1904 To MRS. JOHN ADAIR:— Goderich fen' a few days last week. Dear M\;s. Adair,—Your friends on the Mr. Alex. M. Stewart left on Friday last for the old Country, where he will spend two mouths of the vacation. Mies Arlie Hill, of Walkerton was visiting with her brother, Mr. Percy Hill and Winghaut friends during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McDougall, of Wiugham, are here visiting Mrs. Mo- Dougall's sister, Mr. A. G. McDonald.— Goderich Signal. Mr. D. E. McDonald is v)siting with his mother who is seriously i11 at her Customs Collections. The following are the Customs col. l('otions for Goderich and outports of G t(iertoh for the year end.ieg June 30, 1904: Godertoh customs........ $4031 27 Clinton, customs..., 10184 89 Chntou, carnal 0 00 S etforrh, cnstnm;t . ,.... , .. , 12850 74 Seaforrh, warehouse fees. , 3.00 Wingham, evatotns .. 9290 87 Ktncar(line, customs 5500.20 Suuthanipton, customs—3881.4(1 Total 461$47.49 Compared with the previous year there is an increase of $8800.84, as, will be seen by the figures: 1902 3. Goderich.. , ... ........,..$12073 54 Milton 12914.50 Seafortli 10749 63 VI'inghatn , 91305 70 Kincardine 3938 20 Scut hawpton .. 3994.54 Luekuow ., -4.46 $52980 05 The following is the statement of re- ceipts in the out port of Gcderieh. I. R Diviston of Stratford, lion, July 1st, 1903, to June 30th, 1001: Ou Liceeees.. , .. $ 145M0 On Spirits 1207.84 On Malt 135() 00 Electric Light Iaspt 21.00 Ladies Aiaiaud W, F M. Societies regret to learn thatr.you are soon going to re- move from amongst us. You have a.l- waya takeu a most kindly interest in the welfare of our two Societies and ever ready with a willing ha.ud to aid in the work During your stay in our midst you have gained the sincere love and esteem of every member. We shall ani; ways eemember with pleasure your.{;om- panioni.bip and assistance in ou.c meet - rugs both missionary and Ladies' Aid. Before parting, we wish totake this opportunity of expresst our high esteem of your person a✓v,orth and our appreciation of you hearty services in home in Ashfield. Mrs. McDonald ie ► the �.•-o ,both societies. Though re- new ii. ow in her SBth year. f' •` ' moving to the far West, we can assure Mr. W. F. Dulnage, ;formerly of the you, that you will be followed by our best wishes and by our prayers for your BruhBs¢ick Hotel wRs3`in town this week future happiness. We beg of you to shaking hands with old friends, prior to accept this small token, not on account leaving ou a business trip to'13ritish'Col- of its value, neither as a reward for umbia. fidelity, but as something to recall to mind the pleasant hours spent with the members of the Ladies' Aid and W. F. M. Societies of the Wiugham Presby• teriau Church. In bidding you good- bye, it is our earnest prayer, that in your new home you may enjoy abund- antly the blessing and goodness of our Heavenly Father. For, "The Blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He arldetli no sorrow with it," Signed on behalf of the Ladies' Aid and W. F. M. Societies of Wiugham Presbyterian Church. The newspaper men in town on Tues- day were A. M. Todd. Goderich Star; John Thompson, Fergus News -Record; Wm. Watters, Fordwich Record; W. J. Sharpin, Gorrie Vidette. Mr. J. A. McCulloch was in Toronto for a few days.this week with his wife, w ho had an operation preformed upon her. We are pleased to Iearn that since the operation Mrs. McCulloch is doing nicely and we hope she may soon return home fully restored to good health. CHURCH NOTES. Rev, M. L. Leitch of Knox Church, Stratford, is resigniug on account of ill - health. Rev. Father O'Neil, parish priest of Kinkora, died Friday evening. He was born, educated and ordained in Ireland, and for 83 years ministered to the parish of Kinkora. He was 74 years of age. Rev. Dr. Griffith, ttte finance minister of the Methodist Church states that this year the revenue of the Methodist Church in Canada will show an increase of $18,000 to $20,000. The amount paid ont this year on account of superannua- tion to widows and orphans was $113,180 against 2113,280 last year. Rev. D. Perrie's special sermon on Sunday evening on "Sabbath Observ- ance" was well to the point and was listened to by alarge congregation. The speaker cited a number of instances of Sabbath desecration in Canada and the United States. The collection taken, $17.30 is slightly in advance to that of last year. A special meeting will be held iu. the Salvation Army Hall on Friday eveuing, July 15th. The District Officers of this district along with Capt. Parker of Goderich and Capt. Pickle and Capt. Cook of Listowel will be with us. A special nightPgis x So expected. Sol o% o and songs froin different ones' and also speeches from others. Do not forget to come along and also bring your friends. All are cordially invited.—Com. "Twenty years ago this week we be- gan to do the work of evangelists, and ever since we have worked side by side, united in heart as David and Jonathan. We have never heard of•auy other two evangelists working together so long." This is an extract from a letter addressed by Rev. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, through the press to the tens of thou- sands from the Atlantic to the Pacific with whom they have become acquaint- ed during this long period. Bev. D. Perris, pastor of the Wing - ham Presbyterian Church will be absent for the next seven Sabbaths. Mr, Perrie and family will spend the holidays at his brother's home, near Cranbrook, The many friends of Mr. Petrie will wish himself and family a pleasant holi- day and hope he may return in the enjoy- ment of good health. Next Sunday Rev, L. Perrin, B. A., of Wroxeter Will take the services in the Presbyterian Church. For the two following Sun- days Rev. A. MaNab, .' i..A., Walton; Rev, D, B. McCrea, of Cranbrook will take the services, Rev. Mr. Aitchison, of Darnoob, Grey Presbytery will take Mr. Perrie's work for the first twb Sun- days of August. ANNIE PERRIE, Pr(sident NELLIE J, MACDONALD, Secretary S?jT• A, CURRIE, Wingham, •Ont. 11 vv •THE PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER. Why go outside for a good matt when you can get one at home ? Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. • 1 Photographing And Picture Framing For a. good Photo or Family Group, a Crayon or 'Watercolor Portrait, or may he a copy, you should visit Zurbrigg's Studio. And that Photo you. have which needs n frame, have it framed at once. We have a nice line of ▪ Moulding to choose from. • M. E. ZUBBRIGG. FOR SALE ! The Residence of C. P. Smith ON DIAGONLL ST. 'The residence of W. J. Chapman ON VICTORIA ST. Immediate possession given. Also a number of other houses for sale at right prices. ABNER COSENS, WINGHAM ONT. Well Drilling I • Farmers and others wanting wells drilled should not fail to see me before placing their orders. I have all the modern appli- ances, and am prepared to guarantee satisfaction. Will be pleased to hear from anyone requiring anything in this line. W. C. PATON Victoria St, west WINGHAM. 14, 1904 1 r11r111016 N'N'N'K1W6'N16ti'N N~64116/1►1!Ori /SAte41v41✓K'v!,'N110~1 *-16 BEE HIVE• STORE NEWS. WE'RE GOING TO MAKE JULY A Business Record -Breaker Since the first day of opening "The Bee Hive" to the people of Wingham and surround- ing country, a steady growth of business has marked THIS STORE'S PROUR1 SS, and we are determined to keep the record growing and make this month of July show a large increase in sales in every department. The goods and prices will do it. DRESS GOODS Special attrantious are here this week in new rulers of Voiles, Eoliennes, Lustres, Flake Tweeds, Flake Linens, and many other leading materials— all at prices away below what yon are in the habit of paying for them. We easily save you from 10 to 20 cents en every dollar spent in this department, Ready-to-wear Dress Skirts 1 There are five only in the lot, which is the last of nur stock of Dress Skirts. They are ,Wade of spleudid Cheviot in navy bine, nicely trimmed, and good value at $4.00: our price to clear, each - $2.50 New Lines for Men and Boys New lines this week in Men's Fanny Shirts and Neckwear. Also Boys' Shirt Waists. THE K� 7LER CO. MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING We put on sale this weelc all our Men's and Boys' Suits at prices that will make a big stir in the Clothing department. One lot Men's good Tweed Suits, per suit ,13.5() One lot Youths' Tweed Suits, sizes 32 to 35, 2.50 One lot Children's navy blue Blouse Snits, 1.25 One lot Men's Cottou•Tweed Overalls, a pair, .80 This is only a few of the bargains, REMNANT SALE There'll be a busy time at our Remnant Counter —all the rernaants and odd lots of Dress Goods, Prints. Wrapperettes, Shirtings, Cottonades, etc., are piled up and underpriced for quick selling. We Sell Groceries Great money -saving valnes in Groceries. We pay the highest prices for Bntter and Eggs. IT 1'AYS T() 3)EAL AT v Phone No. 96 . WINGHAM, Ont. wti" wN► wit.4, ®r0 .4:vvi'l'!�1►"4� QddY ®4�e.,i1.4,4ww1®m tit,•w 46.1 Ov l .1 . Br.Ain—In East Wawnuosh, on June 28th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Blair; of a son. - Dow—In East Wawan)osh, on June 14th, the wife of Mr. John Low ; of a Nen. Nonr.n—In East Wawmtosh, on Tuly 15th, the wife of Mr. James Noble; of twins—sons. KnAtneE—On (id con. Howick, on Tuly lard, the wife of Mr. Adolph D. Branick ; a daughter. MAP.ILI.EI) Sni1rH—SANnrusox--At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. John Sanderson, ou Juno 22nd, by Rev, J. Holmes, Mr. James Smith, of Morris, to ('lora, daughter of Mr. wan. San- derson, of Hallett. MCEEN7.r1-RonaBT.,ON—At the residence of 1 byRev. J. L. • on Jena -8t i the bride's father, Small, Mr. .Tames 7, McKenzie, of North Dum- fries, to Tillie, second daughter of Mr. Robert Robertson, of Hallett. Norr—Ytr.tnnrvt—At the residence of the bride's father, on June 29th, by Rev. J. L. Small, Mr. John Nott to Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr. Jacob Yungblui, all of Hallett, DlEn McKENlax--In Culross, on .Tuly Oth, Alexan- der McKenzie, aged 09 months. BALLANTYNE--In Blyth, on July 1st, Eliza- beth Hislop, beloved wife of Thomas Ballan- tyne, aged 04 years and 1 month. METCALF—In Blyth, on Juni; :0th, Elizabeth Jackson, relict of the late Henry Metcalf, in her 83rd year. WAttD—In Blyth, on July 5th, Mr, Wm. .7. Ward, aged 36 years. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchio's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. NOTICE TOCONTRACT Tenders for the n trete sidewalks ar Sidewalks commit Council. Tenders, velopes and to be i man, D. Bell, not 1 at 4 p.m. Forms of tender lars on application • ntructlon of lent mi - celled for by ie Road and ee of th . ngham Town o be en ed in staled mi - 1 the hi nds of the chair - ter than Wednesday next, specifications and particu- at the clerk's office, J. B. FERG)USON, Clerk, c FARM FOR SALE. $5,000.00 t zwnshipbest of Turnberry, being the south part • of Lots 28 and 29, Concession one, Turnbe y, and. con- tainingi)1 acres -84 acres clear. , balancenrin- cipally hardwood bush. Th e isalarge frame dwelling house -with all n .cern conveniences on the premises. iso • urge bank barn with never -failing sprit g ell and pump in barn- yard. Also a n r -failing spring well in orchard. This fa lies immediately west of the Village of Bl ovale and is convenient to School, Churches. Stores and Post office. Terms of sale will be made known on application to Henry Diment, who will show the premises, or to JOHN DrnEN,. 119 Borden St„ Toronto. CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Camp National, No, 189 HOLD their regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. MAXWELL, C. C. R. H. CRownau, Clerk. C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT.e, Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected, Con- veyancing done. OFFICE—In'Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. DR. OVENS, of London, SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Wingham monthly. Glasses properly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. *Win Rhein Office--W.MeKibbon's Drug Store. London Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours : 11 to 8 p.m. Dates' of visits—Mondays, July 25, Sept. 8, Oat. 8, Oct. 81, Nov. 28. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We the undersigned lawyers agree to close oar offices during the months of .July and Aug- ust as folloWs •--On Saturdays at 2 tier., and on Other days at 41'..i. It, VANSTONE, J. A. MORTON, DICKINSON & TtOL1l5S, 130f/MES, CLAII1C1 & FTOLMAt1. Wim,,..®.,. c.-•04a,,,5'kt. rn.v:. a..n.• 11:"•47i+L<riP. �1n ' 139 r�M1L'OLUMio.•ititif For the next 30 Days We will allow on all lines of Ready-to-wear Clothing and Boots and Shoes a clean cut of 2O' off— Twenty Gents Off everyDollar's Worth of the above lines that we sell. There are no better values in Wingham than the goods we offer here at our regular prices. Then with twenty cents off every dollar, see what bargaius we offer for the next 30 days. EGGS: 140 cash, lac trade. DIRECT IMPORTER. D. Ma GORDON. 111190F0 AC IN THE DEVIL'S LAKE RESERVATION OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT in the heart of the finest farming country in North Dakota. Registration and entry for these lands must be made at the United States Land Office at DEVIL'S LAKE, NORTH DAKOTA Registration for the lands open for settlement begins at the Devil's Lake, North Dakota, Land Office August Sth and. continues until August 20th Drawings for these lands are also made at Devil's Lake Laud Office, Ante. 24, and continues for 60 days, Lands must be located by September 0th, ' Applicants must be presents in person, and the only railway to Devil's Lake, where the Laud Office is located, is the CREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Send 2 cents postage for folder giving detailed information with map of reservation, what the government regniremeuts are, etc. For further information and railway rates address ��+ MAX BASS F. I WHITNEY General Immigration Agent General Passenger and Ticket Agent 220 So. Clark St., Chicago, I11. St. Paul, Minn. BALANCE OF 1904 a.rll■.., CLUBBING RATES: For the balance of this year we are prepared to give the following low clubbing rates to new subscribers :— Times to January 1st, 1905 - Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star to January Tst, 1905, - Times and Weekly Globe to Jan. Ist, .1905, • Times and Weekly Sun to Jan: 1st, 1905, Wingbann, 6 Assaaga THE TIMES, 40c 65c 65c 6bc Ontario