HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-14, Page 7A Tangled 1 .e * BY MRS. ALEXANDER Author of "Beaton's Bargain," "His Perfect Tru.t " r "By Another Narne," " Her Hea is Idol," "Half a Truth," `f H s Rival." •••••0•4.0,0000000Mirmaloseeed000000009 Bothers. What would she herself base , been, had she been reduced to a . single-lutuded struggle with such dif- ticulties-us existence would have :presented itvelf without Vett n? flow much 'of youth would she neve en- joyed? IIow much of education, tie pleasure, or freedom from the stunt- ing effect of cure too heave for her years? Yes! She saw it all Mealy. Helen had been more than a mother tto her, for site had no cluing to such tender, discriminating care. "And if 1 can repot• her I will," thoucht Nora, , her heart g10s\•ing, wnrrlt and strong, "Nothing shall stand be- tweentend woman n a a\ c11 t o arbor t n to t I owe so much, Thank k (l0 ! 1 an d. she Is brighter and stronger now than I ev- er remember her. I do hope Ilea will grow up a tender, loving daughter! .Shu 'hos a flush of ilia• father's tem- per! 'But why -why did Bolen send Mark Winton away? I can fancy their _r. whole story -growing into love wit h each other, almost from their sellout - days -then his going away t0 seek }is fortune, some misunderstanding separating them probably. 11 +n a left a penniless orphan, with no hope in the future, tr t+d by the chance c of a settled home with my father. It is a sad enough story, and I suppose et common one. Well! she shall have peace now if x can secure it. Ilut- why did she send Mark Winton .away? I ant sure she slid: 1 must not ask her; I must not. seem intrus- ive, :Will she ever tell Ole?" That evening Nora was more than usually kind and cheerful; she insist- ed on Mrs, L'Estrange tying . down where her eyes were shaded from the alight, and she rend aloud from a picturesque hook Of travels. When bed -tittle came and they part- eod for the night, Mrs. L'I'7,;trange t • m her i arra! around Nora, n - t c c a d h' •.• g u lbs ;ing her gently, said: _ "You are a good dear daughter, r.or I should say younger s:sler, to me; you made my life happier then I ever expected it to hc•." She went quickly upstairs. leaving Nora touch- ed and surprised. for neither were demonstrative women and rarely ex- chunged caret•'see. The days went hy. however, and. Mrs. L'Estrange did not show any inclination to tell Nora the story she Itad promised; still, her step -daugh- ter waited with loyally suppressed ir curiosity, ,1os' ty, and tidings reached them that :Winton hnd ;;one as fru' as Florence with some Indian friends outward bound to liotuhax, (tad had enissed t1n•oui:h London without, call- ing to see thein. Meantime, !.adv Dorrington flatter- ed himself that her piens were matur- ing successfully. The day after Sits. 11uthten had leen installed In the principal guest -chamber at Ched- north, Marsden arrived front town, and made himself charmingly agree- _ able to every one, especially to Mrs. Ituthven. The pretty little widow visibly revived after his arrival, and lost something of the pained, strain- ed look in her eyes, which had given .Lady Dorrington such uneasiness. "you ought to go out more, my dear Mfrs. Ituthven," she ssajd, as that lady was bid- ding' her hostess good -night. a th'rst." "Tltere are lots of pretty drives 1 about, and I have a capital pair of i "Too true! So I have always ponies," I thought. Ina, dear Mrs. Uuthven, "To say nothing* of an excellent 1 •)f You knew how painful the very •charioteer, in the shape of an un- 1 mention of those unfortunate jewels worthy brother. Pray allow me tois, to me,1' an sure you would avoid show you the neighborhood. I ant 1 the subject, 1f you had not put duly qualified for the task of cice- 1 them on with the gracious intention .zone," said Marsden. 1 of doing honor to my ball, they "'thank yeti," and Mrs. Ituthven would he now safely reposing in .raised her eyes to his with a long;, 1 your jewel -cast+•" :.Near<:hing; look. "If you really don't i "Perhaps so, t}eoegl' 7 ant inclined vdncl losing a day's lutttng! It is in think that so ingenious and dar- n tremendous sacrifice! ' 1ing a thief would have got at these "Sacrifice!" cried Marsden, laugh- 1 anywhere." ing. "if merino* and permutes al- "'Le might. Now try and adopt took such a form, what- a pini- my philosophy, 'let the dead least tent I'd be! Then, it 1100, we will bury its dead,' and enjoy the living take our first tour of inspection im- mediately present.1 think we shall have a tines '!.'he weather was all after luncheon." n." that could he day to -marrow, and, for toy pert, I look forward to 0111' little r::peditioti desired, 11101'0 Iike late September with the keenest pleasure," *than eul'ly November; and the ex- i eine Ituthven smiled graciously, attrition was so successful that trnoth' 1 and they tallied nnc! laughed gayly er teas arranged for the fgllotvingr , for the remainder of their drive. d pulled in the ponies to make thein walk quietly up a long hill, "I have been thinking that Dorrington would not Itittke a bad trustee for you. Ho 18 realty an excellent old fellow, and not at all a bad ratan of business, though tt boving air° hangs round him still." Ile might not like the trouble, and I am really 1n no hurry," "Ilut it i$ quite necehsary that you should have another trustee. I begin to feel the responsibility rath- er' too much for tae. I should prefer , a colleague, 'c - ) because -Oh! arise (h, for several reasons," "Dons he wish this matter to be settled tl .d bef rr he offers •s tintse] nct f 1 to nue?" thought Mt a Ituthven, looking into the (lark -blue eyes aftntieingly Peed upon her; and smiling responsive- ly, she Bald , "11 tent think well, pray (,sr: lord Itorrinj;ton." bettor "Ll would ) tot ld ce nu from your- self. You know my brother -hi -law is one of your tunny' devoted admirers, ile will be flattered by the request." "As 1 shall• •r its .. nl be If he acs t ''Which, 1 •ft c of cerise he will.I e ,often tt'sl e better st t l were n be to utan of hues- :s for k• 1 rator have nc o your sake. z 3 t 1 , r•• been, too great it rover of pleasure. 1 suppose 1 )oust turn to gravity • and ambition some day." I "Were 1 a man, I should certainly be ambitious. I ehould not like to be second to any one," "What an awful vista of tail and trouble you conjure a ,; still,you j I. make int aehumed of myself. It I had some one near to inspire tae, I might du something. I began to think I have drifted about long enough," "Is it coming?" thought Mrs. Ituthven for the twentieth time, as she twistedthe tassel of her para- sol .h t t t l painful mi - 1 ro dhandle in u t un its T !xiety. "Will you drive with rase to -mor- row?" resented Marsden earnestly, "I want you to trust yourself to nue for a longer expedition than usual; to a chaining village about ten or 1 twelve miles elf, Let us start early 1 and have luncheon at n primitive lit- tie hostelry called "She Three Pig- eons. We'll let the pt» )its rest, and be haek in time for afternoon tea." To thite arrung 'tient. Airs. Ruth - von Agreed, and, after a pause, said suddenly,as if speaking out of her thoughts. -Do you remember that evening, r six years ago, when we were all in the veranda of my father's bunga- low,J and my husband brought you 1, in, and said, 'This will be z'i ;eosin of yours to -morrow." "Yes, I do -well. What a lucky beggar I thought poor Charlie!" "•Anel ego you remember illy father showing my ruby and diamond neck- lace and ear -rings, and saying it IVOtI1d puzzle any jeweler in London or Paris to show the like?" "I do, indeed. They were sutierh." "Ho little thought," she said, with an hysterical laugh. "that I should bring thent to Christian, law-abid- ing, well -ordered England, only to be robbed of them. Ab! \rr, Mars- den, there is little to choose be- tween the idolatrous East and the. truth -telling, spiritually minded ay. ' "I have been thinking, my time ,'she morrow rose bright and clear, Mrs. l.utltven," said Marsden, its ho but the penitence] excursion never came oil. A telegram ant from his latwyer arrived in the forenoon for Marsden, and 11 ht n he ought to have been entertathitlg; Mrs, Ituthven at a ■ try i1 rty Years p -s ®' ' • tE't C' -A 1'tr 101011)000, 11C Was steam. ■ iidEl3 444 i vsa.,ru ing At.ate. to London. 1 Nile Torture floctOrs failed acid Mrs. Row - don never e:cpected to bo well i a„ain -» Or. Chase's Obit - Merit cured MaS. W. lhownotr, North St., 5t. Catharines, One, states :•--" For thirty years I was severely Afflicted with pales which gave me such pro- longed torture that I did not expect to ever tie well again. I have been treated by physicians who have grown gray in the pri ties of meds. cine without obtaining relief. I don't suppose there ever nes a more discouraged sufre r e r than I was. Finally I was,fartun. ate enough to tome across Dr. Chase's Ointment and after us- ' leg it few loxes my ri' 14t t. t;g long-standing coni' plaint departed and 1 t 1 , am free front every I rimy s'n 1• v symptom. nm ., t g .y ted 1 yy 1 I that if this ointment Mltg, ttOWDblf could not be got for less than ten dollars a box I would not be with. out it," 17r, Chase's Ointment is the only guaranteed cure for pilee 60 cents a box, at all dealers, er Bdranson, Bates er Co., Toronto, Portrait end signature of Dr. At W. Chase,, on everyalieti 1 Marsd•`n's summons was peretu}r• tory. lle could 01iiy 8,11(1 a ule8Saglt) of farewell to Mrs. Hullo en, who usually breakfasted in her own trout, (tnci assure his si;ter that he shotl1d ' ret Urn the first i11otnent he (0111d, With this glimmer of hope she was forced to he content. "If he finds tui;:thing more interest- ing or alnusittg in or near London, we shall see 00 more of him, for many n (illy. 1 1}n0w Whitt Cliff ord is," said Lady Dorrington to her httshen(1, "1 beget' to suspect he tlae, net intend to merry Mies t.uth- d testi, or tn(Ltters would nof drag b a8 th(y do." "Then he is it bit of a black- giiuu•d, though he is your brother; every one betimes he is paying his addresses to her; I do 1101 8e, how they could think otherwise; and he i t; in - r •. •• her t lit , 1 give l 1 !4 bound t6 i d b (la etl'••-'" "Nonsense, I•ord Ilorrington: mw brother is no worse than other men; tried by Bout' elanteu•cl. there at • few who, ut one tinge or another, do i not deeerve the tory corse&u appella- tiin you are ::leased to confer oft 1 Still I Wish he had Moro filter c . ‹., T111.( \\'IN1.11Ii1j INS JULY 14, IVO had been one of irritating a}►xlety, 1 there wan a gauss; then Avora said n<rw lir. h:td contrived to Clem• lliiese1f. ! gtAd(lrnly: , Sunlight Soap will notlittera, Clt•ftot• d Menden rolled Ile could defy Mr*. Iiuthven, her hero toil •ii" burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. SUNLIGHT SOAP R EZ►VsG'FrS EXPENSE Ark for the octagon Rae 2;11 sense and taste: Mrs, ilutliven ie a very charming woman in Any opine ion." . "And in mine, too; why, it is ex- traordinary luck to find money and fascination joined together. The man who gels Mrs. Ituthven will be a lucky beggar --a deuced lucky beg- grtirt" "Why, Dorrington! I 1)111010 You are capable of giving ate tt cup of 'cold poison,' and trying y<>ur own luck in that quarter!" cried his wife, care tor I 1 CLC ! AU llltl"However, a l ( l 6 n is, t0 see her s(.felyntarried to my brother." "Yes; it would be a capital thing sure , how 't for him. ] to not too U t t tt a would answer for her. Marsden t would never be constant to any wo- men." "You judge hint severely; at any tate, Mrs. But lien is a woman of the worldand uceusttinted to men who are snot saint:. rhe• Ida, t tun much some, to be ferociously ]eal- eeDon't be too sure; I fancy she is tlbv as far gone after your brother that •+8 la 1 C 1 saw ) i n eau > . as a 1t'f, n n long age :.,and 1 ant a tetekrabb1Y shrewd nhsert o..t• t•otl', "Yon clear thing!! you are not blinder than ' neighbors, cer- tainly; I shall write eeer t' day to Clifford, till I make hire ri!ttaurn•'+ "Well, you can try." The evening of the day on tett r ) r this T Lord and Lady Dorrington held conversation, Mrs. L'F'strunge and Nora had settled themselves, one to. her needle -work, the other to a new book. The clay bad been wet and stormy, in spite of which they had been obliged to go through a long afternoon of shopping, chiefly com- missions ''e •' •t cis a t 1 1 (iss s for ft•x , t 1 lou 6 and both were glace to rest. had quite recov- ered }Ell ( e Mrs. 1 ;1t s. 1 the fit of depression which had exer•cist'd Nora's imagination a week before, and had, indeed, been more quietly than was her wont, since she had had a letter with a foreign stamp, which Nora shrewdly sus-' pe'cted stone from Winton. She was a little creamy that evening, and found it difficult to fix her mind on what she was reading. "1 suppose we shall have rain and fogs, now that the fine weather huts broken tip. 1 really think x should prefer coun- try to town, in rain and storm," she said, laying down her book, "I feel quite tired out." "Yes," returned Mrs. L'Estrange, shet contract some stitches; when hal "but then there are fewer resources i than in town. Vert' one can turn - into a picture -gallery, and find sum- mer or autumnal sunshine for a shilling; besidets " •'Mr, Marsden," announced the ex - butler, in his hest style. "1 thought you were at Ched- tvorth!" "Oh! I nm so glad to see you!" were the exclamations which greeted hiji,. "Obliged to come up to town on nosiness," was his vague explana- tion. -Arrived yesterday, !lave been torn to pieces by lawyers all due', and am come to lay my man- gled remains at your fret." He drew a chair to the cozy fireside as he spoke. "And do you go back to -morrow?" nskrd Nora, who was reused and pleased by his sudden appearance. •"1'o -morrow? Nor to -morrow, nor to -morrow!" cried Marsden. "It is dull at ('hedwortll, desperately dull. The hunting no great things, the shooting no better; but the house is crammed with bucolic chums of that excellent fellow 1lorrhtg;ton, and. in short, hero I ton, and here I shall stay." "Lady Dorrington will he very vexed. I lad a letter from her yes- ter(iny. saying how much better everything went singe you had join- ed them." "1 ant glad she knows my value.". "And how is !itrs. Ituthven?:' re- turned Nora. "Oh! quite well and blooming. She is fast recovering het. Wise) tines."" "Captain Shirley was }u're on Sunday," remarked Mrs. l.'Est'nng'', "and wits saying he had never teen her loo!( so ill and depressed sifter he had known her." "Shh•ley? How did that felioW come to cal} upon you'?" asked Mars- den. "1 don't !.now why it. is, but I can't stand Shirley," ha folded thoughtfully. "And Vinton. whore is lee?" ''111 Florence.'' "Florence. lie is not the sort of tnttn I Should icunit'!ue %toted like ' "I don't think he dies," :it'd No.it. "He went there to set some` Indian friends so fe' no their' way." "1 did nil think i.e would have been so reedy to leave 1 anion just now." and he grave 1111 Peril', s %i\ 0 gtattcr 10 3(rtt, L'e'st range shish 81u• did 11(11 see. het Nora did. 'Then he asked fee 1'e.ee ant} tntked of the r}tild in terms that delighted the mother. Nora 1hongiht Marsh•o hart never .' •r• ( i • Il' st•rtnc(1 xv Hire UurT s3•tn%.tilt t c,. c wits Quieter and b'r'at• -e 'thtat doll.".!., and site felt the relief h's p1101) eel ),uotigill t0 the monotony of lie.' thoughts 120)81 welc'nnu'. At length, with apologies for hating kept then up so late•, he bid them good -night, r •R ',• 3 •I. tolel, hotel d t straight rt hue n the .t n without evetl an attempt to find if there wits 1uty one et his rltll) to play a game of cards or lrillat'de With hint. His spirit's lord eat 1:„h ey on his throne. Mat.':den Wail- , atk , little given t(, think, or trouble lithe* volt about the tnture, but with all hits airy careiehrnless the last Sear' h X -e 3'A: solicits/1.s d Qti r('Ie w t C len d 1 ah flrl beef -captain Shirley. Ile owed heir nothing. A. little los! making, More or less slid not count with so expel., lenved a coquette. lie was perfectly free to shako her oft if let chase, and he died chose, flood heas't'ns! Conte pare her with the fresh, natural, girl - tech alc anccafW ►a tkbt tinge- The arch, delicete animation of the one, the udit)El es,he veiled yet - ct'ptihl0stpassigracon oftthe other•, Anperd Nora had been unaffectedly glad to ser him. How sweet the (•1:ndid wel- come of her oyes, hew unconscious her frank, gracious pleesure. Yes, it would be his delightful lot to waken her from the slumber of childhood to the fullness of wi ntenhood-the pow- er of loving! Yet there was a certain strength and individuality about his young kinswoman, that warned him she was no mere waxen doll, to be hent as he chose according. to his still. Site had ideas of her ow#( -tel- t'i'nbly clear and defined, This would but give pl4e tency and variety to their intercourse, 'leavens! how love- ly those eyes of hers would 1)e WW1 the light of lute beaming frons emelt' 1111%0 depths. 'viten she would, •0ecAtl o - tent to wait, with hien, till- the levee sleigh estates 'Were free it'orn all Y in - the costly, sCterlIttrbd ItCqC before thetneennehed into heavy et see of existence 31154 •• position. Anel before the fearer q¢' anticipation let him sleep, 31a1:,lileit made more good re- s(lutioneetluul he had ever formed in ,. Whine Only give hili titin his hfr' tete.- fresh, delicate darling, and he ranger be a new ns u1n, with hop( end aspirations higher and better ' than. upon hadhadever before dawned t Ira bia )Hind. ••s) O F I have done my best to 'carry out your directions,” wrote' S 1itleY to his suzerain, Mrs. Ituthven, and lave even arrived at the distinction of being admitted to the drawing.. room of :Miss L'Estrange at after- noon tea -time. This enables me to assure you that .Marsden almost liven what you terga the 'shabby lodge ewe f his 1•elatives. I here not diet. bin, there certainly; but I can truce the he has always been there last night, and is expected this eve. ening, /ewe', igh, 1 fine!, too, le to by let for a tea "t of years -ore, A think, Old Shephe ' [, of Tcutta remember the you reit ( rah, i i rich P r T]e-is looking for acounti- has been offered to is agnea, and it 1 u. b h solicitor. It seems to me that this indicates intentions widely different lfOlti anything you anticipated, and points more to a nuu•riage for love, than one for, let us say money and love. I have met Marsden more than once lounging*, in :'all 'Mall and Re- gent street as if he had nothing on earth to do, which certainly dot's not look like the urgent business he as- serted called hint to town. However, 3'011, 110 d<tnbt have information which ivay thro\t a totally different light on these ambiguous proceed - ins. l can only give Sou the re - stilt. of 01y observations. Take it at what it is worth." This let der wOS the lust pebble on the cairn of hopes anti fears, desires, doubts, and silent, stinging angor ; "Yee., Ile said something 00ut coming }est night." I "Bet.. 'Helen! ITt'-••'etc-"•asked me • to marry hien! I setts. so. 01111zed!" f "Well, Nora, 1 *Lin surprised, too, 1 though not 80 amazed es von aro. I 1 have seen that he was fond of sou, a but 1 did not think he would marry n t ogre t, How st rl it i youou an -,j without steer hie), dear?" I "1 scarcely know, except that I certainly did not say 'yes.' " ! "It is minims," said Mrs. I,'Estrange. as if to herself. "I never ; thought Clifford :1Iarsden would tie i himself to any woman, unless for a large money bribe. Ile knows ex - 1 actiy how you are situated, and 1 think the hatter of him! He must love `you very much!" 1 "Ile says he does, I believe he does!" said Nora, sitting clown on her footstool agrriitg and clasping her hands rolu>(l her knee in n thoughtiu1 pose. "fn fact, 1 an) half frightened .S'tt the ideu of his raring so FetU' :( a111'iti{ rete. though that is, 1t(•al1 and silly. I never thought tteh squire could bo so intensely in ear n- eet about anything. I feel slux•h w • 1 to !Seine, J 1 for, ut 1 Helen, I i aurnot .1. )ire i bit hi •love with him. I told „Wm 1 8o 1i r hsaid i H il he knew 'sr it . t" r whetter you, aresnae-not! (T ilcr d"elYdr r child you Met )'ot know i Mar:seen is a ,ia(an who relight teach 1 any4vorunr'to love lti;n; and why I si'gyild 1 e not win you? lie shows t'itat' ie sincerely, disinterestedly J attar h to you. I Hurst nay 1 am • entire!, 'en his. side." "Are you?5'. said Nora dreamily, "I suppose so," isisv ,bib bed. It i •r' s a marriage that,. ge l ut,, sr0uld have ngsten 3 Oue father the kl•C3 s E pleas- ure." lc4-ure." Nora was silent. "Did you then reject him?" asked MIS L'Estrange. "IIe would not accept rejection." said Nora, with a grove smile, "Ire said I must hear hire; that I intist marry hint; he speared rather angry rend excited, but we parted good • friends. 1 promised to think of all he had said, and speak to you, who would' be his friend he wits sort'. 1 art astonished he should care for me so much! lee has seen such quant - Mee of charming, 'beautiful people - but he does! Olt! Helen. lie 18 wonderfully fond of me! 1 could hear it In his,.,.roice. 1 urn very migrate- . •-+,. sal. 1 w•}shese were not. I nett afraid cern ). I were .O marry him het0 would be dis(tppoiuted'•(1) find that T missiles not. love hint mossn, '-st'ix-1 mean it must be -so wretched not to re- ceive as much as one gives." "M3• deer•, you could not fail to love hint heartily! You are per- fectly heart-tthole, and yours is a kindly nature, not likely to harden itself against the tenderness of a true lover." "No; perhaps not. 1 wish I slid love hint. Ilow happy and light- hearted I should be! Now I am Un- certain and miserable. I ant so im- epatirnt, Helen! 1 can not rest if I ani unhappy. 1 must get light and • freedom, or I should beat me self to pieces against my prison burs! You aro ever so ranch braver and nobl- er." 'e hilt had been gradually accutnul- "You have never enrage in contact at ing over the bright anticipations zwl'th a r'i'ng necessity, Nora. You can of -a few months ago, a 'continued not cottce!t a base inexorably subniis state of agitation and disappoint- Sion is forced upon one sometimes," nu•nt had strained endurance beyond There was a short pause. the utmost, and the passionate, self- ' ,T Should ba glad, I contras," )' - wined woman gate way uncia it. A •sumed Mrs. l:l:strange, "to see you raid, raughl, during long drive with • well and happily married. You would,, I a Lord llarington in the east wind, am sure, hr always a kind sister obliged Mrs. Ituthven to keep her to n3' 1)oor litter lira; 11s (0 mys01f. room. After a day or two of anxi- ' it is not impussihle shat 1 may-" 011s attendance on the part of the 10- ; she stopped• cal doctor high fever set in and it ' "C'ertnirtly not: why should you was evident that Airs. RuthVt'n was dangerously ill. A great physician and a couple of trained mimes were summoned from London, all the pomp and circumstances of serious sickness were Cat ablished itt Lady Igorrington's pleasant house. and for the time sporting mets and' dancing women knew it no more. CITAI"EEtt XI. It was some litter time before the evil tidings reached 'MI s. 1: Estrange and Nora, as their correspondence with I.adv 1>ot'rington wits nut fre- quent, ro-quent, and she sous too mach takes up, and too entry with hint, to con- tinue her diurnal letters to her brother. Meanwhile Nora and her step- mother went on the even tenor of their tray. We. 1.'l'"st rouge had gone to Noe - wood to luncheon with tin old lady, a distant cousin of her mother, ttno had only remembered her existence after she had made what was consid- ered a good marriage. and had more than en c' invited her. Airs. Live_ alwns'Il 1011114 it hard to say no, 1111(1, Senn+\dust to Nora's indite - tint ion, had consented; but went atone, as her step -slaughter refused to ricc•anlpnn3 1101', ft. was dusk when rhe returned, for her hostess had indulged herself in endless }moil ire and fault-finding re- si>ect1ng their mutual relations. lite. lelestrnngr• was wearied. told Longed t0 st e `ore's i.incl, height face, to (('scribe the pe,ulilt(•itie8 of her testy kinssvommi while lelinYing a rel) Of fresh, learnt ten. Nota was sitting; on a. foot -stool 1•y the lire -light when het• step -another came he and the little tea-tnhlr teas Matto near the hearth, the ten -pot sewn:m.11in under its cozy, a piateful of thin bread and butter, temptingly de?i:'ttt1', beside it. "l low late 3011 are, iielen," cried N'nt@t. stea'11)115 up lttttl venting 05 et ,.,.:. to in inkfr:(r oil' her cloak, }., .1 1 soSome- . . you long?" 01no- 'tCh• la:. keit u lc i "'What!, thing; in 1:ertone stt'uek Hers, i.tI":' tea:,;.ce it teas not iu,g•utience exact- ly. it 55110 a sort .of a:tthdurti excite- ment. -It nes not the rimer ns of t11v ho'.Ies;8. teat' the delighl31 of 1111' I .t'tttc ecru," end tr trdt ct c ' v • ttes. t iLr file bitterness of her e nter- tango• •a t111 rarer 1 quiet dt•o}lt'r;y, while Nora poured otel the tea. "\ ou don't want the 1111)21) vet?" tstee asked, after laughing at her Step -mother's etet•onnt. "It is 80 nice to sit by the, fire." "It Is," said 'Arks. Li arrange, and not?" put in Nora. eagerly. "\'ou are young and fair enough to marry some good, delightful 1erson." "My dear Nora!" interrupting in her turn. "What can have suggested so 'Ibsen! an idea'? 1 was about to touch 011 it very different topic, but I will not now. Tell me, slid els. 1fat:sden say he would come again?" "Yes -go. I tun not sure what he (To be continued) BABY LAUGHS. Bally laugh.; when mother wives hie) 13ahy's Own Tahletc; they taste gens and make him well and happy. They arta nintht'r's help and b•thy's every stay friend O•naranteed to contain un opiate or halrntttil drag. The tablets aid diger, tion, cure colic, prevent dinrr1, t•Te 11454 the bowelet, Talley teething irritn tion, and Oar0 n11 1110 cnmtnin ills of •hillhond. No armee sleepless children in houue's where Heby'a Own Tin,lets era uS$rl Mrs 71. Reedy. Denhiptl, Ont -'nye: "I don't kensr what hig:bor p+•n*S* t 4'157) tritest Rnbv's Own Tnb'nts than to -ev titer I vnnid not hs• witltent thorn it the Imre* 1 h•tvn found then n'1 *bet 'R claimed and been them on beard to •Hopi ratty antare•r'nno. Sold hV (Lit nte(i 41770 tloal.•rs everywhere. or sort 1.0 %%trail rat er emits by writitur The Dr. Williamh' \i.e•dijinti Co., i3rer`1v111n, oat. Pointed Paragraphs. 'N' 0'1) thec'hienao Nerve. 'Pe per es hn'nttn and the abi'its' N title it divine, Merino RrtejPty t.:'ntnelt neve bet<er i elnthes than tnnflaters. Some teen are freo thinners and some' tin rs Are married, I r'eeehars et pewnrnahip amorally fin I 'L flnnriehulw ttttsi'teee. :1 t tin iL man hras nrtrnttnn altnnt 8s If I '10 things he knew a+. nn. When a +'T,1 Miele Int hos heart tronbte ! t'a et tet, plateair brawl, 1 I •s P lin ) lea 11F+A q of . ': me men 11 st t y t 1 w -taper- whin 11,011' 0`1V014 fern 0118000 1 110-ol tro of keyholes, We wee 1?trr's ire/Ting, that enmity+ 1 \ il:•lm'e den -'fall. I)•ttt't forget tltn"'Tone neiehbor1( 01(11 Amen fried °Mans fut'tber then toast turkey. nut.it-om nimiquemillo itti No ttim/A. .n'mugoe,n --*.) i- VegetabtePreparatioutorAs- simiic"ltillg 4e/bad cn!i uta- tuft the Stat:te.chs and$owe;s{of . , ' ( i iE' .• r . •k 4r•,,M , Promotes Digestion Cheerful- nessandltest.Containsneither Opzufn.Morpleille nor Mai rai. iOTNA= COMIC, .4;4 . ' , tlE • .t ktrac 0,01d II"6;fle '.,'"a:grra.Z f 161.6, .fwcl - .QLt.•t"aFtxa . 11,406 s - 1 grins Sona . I?ogra,;aer• - I/ease" Jerd- r rr :Gr ? J s e AgcrfcctRemedy forConstip<'t- tion, Sour stoluach,riiarrt'ufca, J " li ail t.al lS FC 4>.1 tVar . e] 5 ness cfld Loss OF Sr, '' ei ' t' ,) i 1'ac,r)Ini1e Sr<rnturc. < NEW 'YORK. c 1 . c +t. EXACT COPY Cr, 'WRAPPER. ittlYEMEIMITittiErs CASIO I For Wants anti Childrt j e Kind You Have Arrays Bought Bears the ,. r Signature of la USB For AVEC Thirty Years !A r IMO ;'x t r,44%}4,0> yer§Pills Act directly on the liver. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick -headache. ll. 'LW aerce., Sold for 60 years. I, lde%ci. Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE abeantiful brown or rich black? Use serer CL's. ornrioc,aulugas. P,a.),r..co..x.r)(t>..N.14. Couldn't Get Away. "My dear," said the physician's wife, "why dou't you take it good Iong rest? Go away somewhere and enjoy your- self. You're working yourself into the grave. Yon haven't been out of town for tive years." "Sly dear," the celebrated practition- er said, "I dare not leave. If I did so most of my patients would discover thnt they could get on just as well without me, and my practice would be ruined." Sometime. the Light Is Good. "But you are not always bothered with poor light, are you?" inquired the complaint clerk at the gas office. "Oh, no, not always," replied the quiet citizen. "Ab, I thought so• It's only at cer- tain times tbat you notice it, eh?" "Yes; only After dark." Vexing Delay. "Our new company Is capitalized at $40,000,000." "Great! Let me see your pros- pectns," "Oil, we haven't got out a prospectus yet. The-er--the darned printer wants his pay in advance." An Alphabetic Menu. Apples, bantams, coffee. dumplings, eggs fried, grape fruit, halibut, Italian jain. Knickerbocker, lamb, mince, nou- gat. orange pie. quails roasted, stewed tomatoes, underdone veal, waffles, ex- traordinary yams from Zululand. Good sailing. Jack -Once more, dolly, will you marry me? Village Belle -For the thir- teenth time this hour I tell you I will not, ;lack -Well. thirteen knots an hour ain't bad sailin' for a little craft like you. -Loudon Tit -Bits. A Sparklintg (knout Mrs. Chic - Isn't Min Patterson a rather dull girl? Mrs. Ate I'alt-I)ttll? She's got a pedigree rlgttt straight back to u rent English Lord. • One may ruin himself by frankness, but 0110 surely dishonors himself by duplicity.-Vieillard. Fust when the undertaker gets- ready, t,) give a man the earth he doesn't want it. Unless a man is willing to confess hill ignerantr: he will newer b t to a pusttfeit,t to learn. Fewer marriages would be faitare it the contracting partied would act after marriage us they did before. As the bride never marries the beet man at her wedding, ilat:rally mar maniawes are faituree. A young man thinks ho is un eeoarth? of the girl durtug courtship, but after marriage be stem dist: )Fess his error. A busy wan doesn't object to a wntnane with a bietory provided bite doesn't come tutu his office and try to ee11 it to hits.. MOTSER OF FOUR carLam The trustees, secretary, and othe officers of the Free Hospital for Consump- tives at Muskoka are daily in receipt of many *tons letters. A few days since Mr, W. J. Gage, of Toronto, Chairman of the Executive Comtnitteo of the National Sanitarium Association, received a letter from a resident of Quebec, pleading for the ad- mission of a victim of the dread white' plague, living' a ,bout a hundred miles. south-east of l*lontreal, and asking if its were not possible to admit her into the. Free Hospital. The writer says: "The applicant is a Mrs. Wm. Paterson, the mother of four children and the wife of a. farmer in a place called Goshen, in the township of Windsor, The doctor stye. that her left lung only is troubled. She is able to go about, but .her appetite in very bad. I believe if he could be ad- mitted into the Free Hospital for Con- sumptives she might he cured. She oould not pay much, if anything. Rindly let me know if you could receive her." We are told by Mr. Gage that applica- tions for admission to the Free Hospital reach the secretary from alt point.•% in the Dominion, and patients have been re- ceived from Prince Edward Island on the east to Alberta on the west. Two, lrnndred and twenty-five patients have been admitted in eighteen months, and not a siugle patient leas keen refused because of his or ber poverty. Wu can hardly thunk of any charity that appeals more pathetically for the support of the Canadian people. Sub-rriptiuns may bo seri to Sir Wntt., It. Meredith, Et., Vice -President of the Natilnial Sanitarium Assueiatiun, or to Mr. tt'. a7. Gage. HEADACHE. ITeatlaihe that i:% vele 1 g estive, l:catlae'ite th:.t set t•i'.- ie.ua. 1Te"adaelee that 1,1 nen. rel Je. ilceluarl)C L:).:t i+ err- y°:go, 'i'hese ce)nditittta 1111 14crt:010c 1.: tine t'';' "f ' 11r '..r'•.-.. cr1:'u A•;3 -1'::i 1 thre;:tr :r i'e71)tt%: 1 the enn,e. '11,ot rho b.nt' *,t1I tl spells of ht•:ad:tt•be, assneiatot1 with mettle. 0203'. ne t^r01(4 dett11ity„ nenkue'.L 01' tretublit;g" lit the i.,,:. :t : , 1 1' 11)1(+11- tsi:t. she::'.,::,::.)- nettle its(' of i -•r. -:''.I °nee to tnn'e a w(•, is for a fein Wails oat r the trouble See la; t::t'yvrtltt4atl. !ilk emits e t eh•ut,r•iets, or by ,t li• cold/ ,t,hv sItt.st Fella, Ont. ( nal s, Co.. , Nee VIVO teats le to any ae1" dress. AN I tAP I ter FOR SAT.,11 IN WING ILIJl Iff 'WALTON McRIBBON. 1