HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-14, Page 6mels from the Sanctus Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Paisley citiz-us offer $100 in cash to Grey House of Refuge hire cost *25.001+
- tatty P' •sett w ha v'jfl m dertulte to build t,f winch the Ontario Legislature WU-
* skating rink in that village. I tl'ibnt.d $4,(•0t) and W. J. ltilcl{ailaad
lower"al:•7.(1'CiseT.lead)DisinfeetantSn f''�)' leaving the county 20,500 as its
Powder is a boon to any home. It disin. shote.
Noche and ()leans ut the sara;t time. _.,
''Tile 4th of July celebrations across
the line show the usuut list of fatalities.
'.Twenty-five people were lcilkd and 1,384
The G. T R shops it) Stratford are to
be enlarged and the company is asking;
'fora fixed assessment of ,,8,000 yearly
for a period of twenty-five years
Dean's Kidney Pills sot on the kid
afeys, bladdsr and urinary organs only.
They cure back at•hes weak beck. rheum-
atism. diabetes. congestion, ivlflamation,
gravel, Bright's rst• 4 a arid all other
arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
Mr. Daniel Mclutosh, of Brnee, de•
livered a few days ago to Mr. W. A.
Quimi, of Kincardine. a sow that tipped
the beam at (i50 pounds. int three years
titin ptg raised $020 worth of hogs and
inaddi•iori brought when sold $22.
•iC 'e c 3C .
`41L.Ikszathe The Kind You Have Ahvays Bought
That the automobile is increasing in
popularity is sho,.o by the register in
the Department of rh'b provincial Secre-
tasy. Last year the number ,f pormits
,granted was. 1I0, whale this ezeir 289
licenses have been issued en far. 'The
• great majority of the machines are in
The essential lung healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfullyMr. Duncan Marshall, formerly o
(separated and refined into a uerfeet i'Elderslie, well known as an active Pat
cough medicine—Dr Wood's Norway ;
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on n } ron organizer and later as Liberal organ
guarautee of satisfaction. Price 23
A. 1 Wenll & Co. will refund' you,
motley if vo • are UOtSatae,ilird after using
•'hitniberleiu's Colic, Cholera atm
Diarrhoea, ;Remedy. It is filistrywkwrt
admitted to he the most snecessful rent
adv in use for bowel complaints and tie
only one that never fails. It lepleasaut.
sere and reliable.
At the residence of Mr. Peter Cltlrk
on the Oih con. of Culross on Wednesday.
the (;th inst., his danglhterObristena was
marrit d to Mr Wm. Little of Teeswater.
Rev. James Malcolm officiated.
c,. ...Sserc, a ,a.
B The Kind You I ve e
Bears the I a AhNays Bought
The Canadian 1%•tnll of Commerce !;��p !�cede' Many people who read of au inch of
have pnrchased the Coleman property i1#11 1UUWl I UI Ui raiz) falling do not realize what a vas'
nn. Mein street, Se+torth. opposite the I Feverand Pn u quantity of writer it eproeeUts to an
C 1rdno block, and intend tneeetiuu on it t o�lla gore of surface. It iduued to figures,
a new built -hug for their bauktng put-•
afro dui111 of min means, 30,50110 gal
poses.`Thousands of S1ek People Seeking
10118 or 13,1 :d toi.s of water to the acre.
nuWednesda; evening, June 20 h, 1 Adtnittanee to OVei'CrQWdec ..Hos- Over one hundred] fiuests were invited
Miss 13eaie L. Pickard, youngste ' pitats. Take Warning and Keep to witness the werldiug of Mies Lorne
daughter of the Lite T. 0. Pickard, fuer• up Your Strength. McOreig't to John. Kenuedy, of Ash-
cbaut, of Flulmesvilte, was milted in A ti nr of the hospitals in the large field, which tool place at the residence
ktytnen'e bunds to Claude Liing Fisher, Ctltnttind& eitiee show a surprising of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs
13. A., late of Clinton, number'-ntlrriu; 111.11I dtffersiut Cont. Matthew DicCreight, of Hum' tow)'tenetsweer ier lit un by the prteeut uu• shd on `iVeduesday, Mane 2211d. Rev
A largo and pleasant getherine met't. at h«sally weedP,
the hoose of Mr tied Mrs, Ed. Good, The wiles ere fn11 of seerching dnntp, John Meli'arlune was the td11ciatiug
Colborne tow11stu on Juue 29(h. if fess sial lundrd with myriads of norms clergyman,
p' ;pee width g ti r a. levoreble opporturmy
being the occasioti of the wedding; of to iii doth your throat. Ifyour vituhty
their eldest dant:liter, Lillie, to Barry is low ill, toe tit rule ale sore to break Out
Brownlee, of the t) P. R. (iu., Sau,t Ste in N clic uiitilununt disease.
,M.1410. `1'o Hyoid stakueSS von must keep up
your srreuktli Increase your appetite.
This is a good season for the killing of 1T Its luuctt uollrINbnlellt into the
erulvr8. The raugersiu Algonquin Parti stood as possible. Store up a reserve ut
reserve have slain about 30 in the past Flow can it be done? Very easily with
few days. One shanty foreman wade Perri zone wheel revitalizes all the tune -
tin especially good 'nut, destroying a site. does of the body. stimulates the fortnf,
waif and eight cubs, for which he re- don of pure, rich blood, invigtorntrs
digestion Had renews the eiudot•ttuue of
eeived the Govere Cant bouuty of $15, tine is hole system.
t>a hong; ,x,135 in all. • Yee can wheel off si 'kuess anti fight
disease with Pommels, ca
hense it is •a
food tunic that 811141144s building meter.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Inlfor exhumes -el tissues. This •tISetlres
Diarrhoea ite,uetly `. Aral, hard, ti'Kll, strong. sinew and inns-
ul —te shirt Ferrota t
uildtup your
The uniform success of this renieldy system to retell a vigutous heeltltl srute
has made it the most popnlur prepares ghat eloklless is al intuit ]ulpos-ible•
tiin. use for bowel coanplaiuts. It is es.lf you. feel the ueert,llt a brachia ionto,
everywhere recognized as the 0110 rem soinetivai;' thin writ. aivakrlu your dor•
edy that can always be depeaded upu11 moot tletergies and send .a 8ti'eath of
end that is pleasant to take. Ir, is strove Healthy blood •(lancing through
especially valuable iursununerdiarruoen your i'eh,s,ltry Ferrozoipei and sec bow
to uhilydreu aun is undoubtedly the weans gaiekiy you vi• fl iii rove and grain in
of saving the lives lives of a event malty weight, heelt X .pints,
cnildreu each year. For sale by A. 1. ?Its P. 0. S • l'oo ii•,of Beverly, P. O.,
ttie0all & Co. wines: "Aloof it year ago I was greatly
run down I suffered ftow severo liean-
ee les anti felt so coni,iletely''.worrl out
There diad at his home near
T. and depressed (bar a thought'tI must
h :rye walking tvphout�. M,Y apPe►%'te was
gussie, Iuveraess, Shire, Scotland, on poor stud my color w'ps pallid, inch t' * i,lg
Thursday, June 9th, Mr. John McBain that my blood was/too thin. 1' four)
in his 78th year. Deceased was for Nelrozotte wee.,j�mewhat 1 needed, It
IncreaNei'. t3i'i a rti'P as "F merle me feel
nearly thirty years book-keeper fere the, ., P
strnger. The feeliii en f .
late Mr. Malcolm Campbell, wind was disappeared. After ut="g,ts for ,rrozoue Ma
highly esteemed and greatly respected few weeks I felt lice ill s fo
not ouly by the citizens of Lucknow, but made me strong. and he
Felt Bats for
of the surrounding country.
Keyes Bros., of Kincardine secured
the contract for the cement abutments
of the new bridge Greenock council as
building over the Teeswater river a
Stark 's mill near Paisley. The price to
be paid is $912.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worriers
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve furce to shattered nervous
The Godr rich Cement Brick C'ompanv,
lttnited, has been organized with a capi
tel of 840,000, and is expected to be in
full gunning order next week. as the
machine i@ already in position on the
harbor beech.
There has been an amendment in the
statute with reguard to the law govern-
ing noxious weeds. The old law regard-
ing noxious weeds gave municipal coun-
cils power to pass a by-law compelling
owners or occupants to cut weeds on
their premises but the statutes of 1904
.}''(t father, and allow COlrtl rigs t0 compel Lexi -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
'•'the destruction of noxious weeds on the i medicine. They Cure Constipation, Sick
I Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
highway next premises. without griping, purging or sickening.
No man or woman will hesitate to —+---
speak well of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets after Duce trying them. A St. Louis telegram, received at
They always produce a pleasant move- 'Winnipeg, announces the death at the
rnent cifsthe bowels, improve the appetite World's Exhibition of Edward Beaupre
and stren_then the digestion. For sales'
by A. 1. McCall & Co. " the young giant of Willow Bunch, Assa.
who was well-known throughout west -
Winnipeg has now a population of ern Canada. Beaupre was only 22 years
67,000, an assessment of $41,101,400 over old, was 8 feet 21_ inches tall, and
70 f -
weighed miles n sewers, 790 miles of sidewalks elghed 378 pounds. His last wish was
IIS utiles of paved street, and SO miles of that his remains should be embalmed
izer, bus been chosen as the first Libera
candidate for the new Dominion coned
tuency of Muskoka. Mr. Marshall has
been living in Muskoka since last Sep
temher, when he became publisher o:
the Bracebridge Gazette.
'water mains. It is noticeable that while
]its population bas increased from. 20,C00
to 76,000 since 1882, it assessment has
xisen ouly from $22,883,200 to a little
over $41,000,000. That is accounted for
by the disastrous boom of the early per-
aod, when everything was pumped full
of wind till it burst.
CS:, TA.
]Rears theThe Kind You Have Always Boui'i
°f C�t��'/
Sorrow was caused at Lakelet on Sat-
urday by the death of Miss Etta Scott,
There is a peculiar epidemic in King- teacher in S.S. No. 3, Howiek. She
Ston, chiefly among children, of whum ! taught school on Thursday, was advised
some hundards have been affected dur- i to not try it on Friday, and died Satur-
ing the past few weeks. The trouble day, July 2nd. In childhood she was
consists of pain in the bowels or chest, ; severely attacked with spinal trouble,
In the former, the symptoms are pleurisy
or pneumonia; in the latter diarrhoea
for dysentery. A fever accompanies it.
Just exactly what the causes is the doc-
tors have not been able to determine,
.bat it is surmised that it results from
a toxina strawberries. So far no fatal
eases have occurred.
and placed on exhibition.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps;
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
We do hot publish testimonials
within 30 minutes
stir error eY refunded
lit Druggists
Sample and Booklet Free.
25h a< bo21
and sudden recrudescence of the disease
now killed her. She was an estimable
and particularly bright young lady.
The family, who in recent years have
been sorely bereaved, have the sympathy
of all.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Hullett township lost a very highly
esteemed resident on June 23rd, by the
death Mr. Henry Warren, at the age of
58 years. His death 'was not unexpect-
ed, as he had been ailing for some time,
but is none the less deeply regretted.
For a considerable time Mr. Warren
lived on the 6th con., but several months
ago he went to live with Mr. S. McCool,
who is a relative, at which place his death
occurred. From a man of more than
average weight; he had gradually failed
until he had became a mere shadow at
the time of his death. He was a quiet,
unostentatious man, was for a couple of
years a member of the township council
and enjoyed the confidence and eeteem
of all.
Trustwar h
t lad
or gentleman
y y to manage
business in this county and adjoining territory
for well and favorably known honse of solid
financial standing. *22000 straight cailh salary
and Expensees, paid each Monday by check
direet from headqu afters. Expenses money
advanced. Position permanent. Address.
Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago Illink's
'Whiskey as au alternative to wine may
undoubtedly be employed mediciuiilly
with advantage in certain cases, both
for men and for women. But this is
very different from the constant recom-
mendation which is suggested, as if,
indeed, doctors regard whiskey as a sort
of panacea for every disease under the
sun and take aperfeot delight in urging
its consumption upon their patients. As
a matter of fact, their never was a time
when medicatmen were more slow to
prescribe the use of alcohol in any form
than they are in the present day, nor a
time when so many refrained from ad-
vising its use 'at all.—The Hospital.
.For Oaotr Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrnp has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children whae teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the chili+
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its
value is inealcnlable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
According to the latest and most au-
thoritative reports the total nnrnber of
Japanese Christians in 1902 was 129,134,
of whom 46,000 were Protestants, 20,680
Greek Catholics and 55,82-1 Roman
Catholics. In addition to these are
thousands of children who are not in-
cluded in the report of the Protestaut
churches, so that the total number will
easily be 200,000 for the whole empire.
This, indeed, is only a small percentage
10 a population of 45,000,000; yet it re-
presents a great achievement when it is
remembered that it is the work of a
single generation. It is barely thirty
years since the law punished persons for
becoming Christians was abrogated, and
the public warnings against Christianity
as the "wicked sect" were taken down
from the bulletin boards. --New York
No Tire
The question
of tires is the
alt importaat
item in bicycledom. Tires that are
reliable or can be quickly repaired,
if necessary, making wheeling plea-
sant and comfortable, are the
They can be removed or replaced
with the two hands --a twelve months
guarantee with each pair.
Th. Denise Tire C.'y
*Horn tar rise t rein.
54100 Reward, aloe.
The readers of tide paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease shut science bas been able
to cure in all its stages, and that is ca-
tarrh. Hall's Catarrh (jure is the ouly
positive cure now known tri the medical
ti•aternity. Catarrh thing a coustitn
iroual disease, requires a cunstiiutionul
treatulent. Hall's Catarrh Cure js
taken internally, acting directly npou
tee blood anti mucous surfaces of the sys
tent, thereby denrroyiog the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by, building up the constitu-
tion and nssdsting nature in doing its
wont;. The proprietors have so ]ouch
] r t
faith iu 1 v curative putit•er:f that they (AS
ler Oite Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send fur list of
Address: F. J. OltrNi••.Y b; Co., Toledo,
Sold by rlrngeists, 75o.
Take 11all's Family Pills for constipa-
Mr. Liu Kuox has resigned as teacher
in Dunlop school. The seep was neces-
sary because of his recent illness and he
will refrain from any active work for a
tome. The trustees have since engaged
Miss Winnie Shaw as teacher for the
bY'-winces . year, Miss Shaw is a
fern* •Jliool.
(t _ Qgmplates estab-
+� .,..cry on an extensive
eine dirt the Hp much Planters for
Far bitter to take 13 sane port on the lake at either
vont health run downs Goderich, Owen Sound or Col-
lingwood. A representative of the fish-
eries department will shortly visit these
places to decide where it shall be located
and R. Holmes, M. P., is making ae
effort to have Goderich chosen.
Look out for substitute-, `4 . insist on
having nothing but Fetroznne, Price
50c per box or six boxes for $2 50, tit all
druggists or by mei], from N. C Polson
& Co ,. Kingston, Ont., and Hartford,
Conn„ YJ,S.A.
The deteth occurred in Detroit on ,Fri-
day, July 12th, of Mr. Hugh Kay at the
ripe old agelof 78 years. Mr. Kay was
for twenty years or more a respected
citizen of Listowel, removing eleven
years, ago to Detroit where he has since
resided. He had been confined to his
bed for the past few months and his
death was therefore not entirely unex-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The voters' list for Goderich township,
for the year 1904, was posted iu the
clerk's office last week. From it we
gather the following statistics: The
number of persons eligible to vote at
both municipal elections and elections to
the Legislative Assembly is 650; persons
eligible to vote at municipal elections
only, 152; persous eligible to vote at elec-
tions for the Legislative Assembly only,
42. There are 470 persous eutitled to
serve as jurors. •
His Last hope Realized,
(Frons the Sentinel, Gebo, Mont.)
In the first opening of Oklahama to
setters in 1889, the editor of this paper
was among the many seekers after for-
tune who made the big race one fine (lay
in April. During his travelling about
and afterwards his camping upou his
claim, he encountered much bad water,
which, together with the severe heat,
gave him a very severe diarrhoea which
it seemed almost impossible to check,
and along in June the case became so bad
he expected to die. One day one of his
neighbors brought him one small bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope. A big
dose was given him while be was rolling
about on the ground in great agony, and
in a few minutes the dose was repeated.
The good effect of the medicine was soon
noticed and within an hour the patient
was taking his first sound sleep for a
fortnight. That one little bottle worked
a complete cure and he cannot help but
feel grateful. The season for bowel
disorder being at hand suggests this
item. For sale by A. L McCall & Co.
Mr john Webster of the 12th concess-
ion of Ashfield, last spring, lost a gander
and two geese. It was thought they
had been carried under the ice by the
flood in the creek and they were given
up as dead. On Friday last, however
when the chaff house was being cleaned
out the three birds were found under-
neath the straw, alive and well, after
their three monhs fast without either
food or water.—Lucknow Sentinel.
The death of Robert N. Brett occurred
on Wednsday, June 29th at his residence
on High street, Seaforth, at the ripe old
age of seventy years. The deceased was
one of the pioneers of Seaforth and
Egmondville having conducted a tannery
at the latter place many years ago. He
was a man of sterling character and abil.
ity and took a great interest in public
affairs and was well versed in matters
relating to the welfare of the eommuni•
DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25
Is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the improved Blown,.
,Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantiv cures
Catarrh and Iiay Fever, Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
Cupid scored another victory on Wed-
nesday, June 29th, when at high noon,
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Robertou, Auburn, their second daughter
Miss Tillie, was joined in wedlock to
James McKenzie, a prosperous farmer
of Galt. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. J. L. Small, of Kuox church,
Auburn, in the presence of only immed-
iate relatives.
There died in Clinton on Wednesday,
July 6th, a saintly old lady in the person
of Elizabeth Yuille, relict of• the late
Thomas Thomson at the ripe age of 88
years. She was of Scottish birth and
came to this country forty years ago
with her husband, settling in Hullett,
first on the gravel road and later on the
10th, from which place the deceased,
with her two daughters, moved to Clin-
276 Brunswick Ave., Teronto, Can.
Toronto, Canada.
Gentlemen,—I am most pleased to certify to
the curative properties of " Oxygenator. ' I first
began using it for Catarrh in the head. having
subdued this loathsome disease I then turned my
attention to a large Polypus that existed in my
right nostril, which was successfully removed by
the local application of " Oxygenator" thereby
saving much pain, danger and expense had it been
removed by surgical process.
I have used your remedy in my family (of 8) for
a number of years, and can highly recommend it
for fevers, colds and throat troubles—as a gargle,
whoa warmed, it is invaluable,
I remain, yours truly,
Bold by-
22 Harbord St. - Toronto
A man to represent "Canada's Great-
est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham
and surrounding country, and take
orders for
in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits
Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses,
Vines, Seed Potatoes, die.
Stock true to name and free from San
Jose Seale. A permanent position for
the right man on either salary or Com-
over 800 Acres
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans. Tabules. Theyare easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people --but :o the
plain. every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fain': remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est 1- m9dy •with a long and successful record, to
c•'rf; 'a•ilgest+tin, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
..o• ..Llpation, G .:•fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
• oil .Loon of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
t: • ,atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver coin-
,- , .'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
t ' I-,wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
r ' . ^ .1d sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
.:ofd tp, nt benefit from a regular use of Ripans
T,bt,iles. Your drl'ggist sells them. The five-
c.;nt packet is en .;h for an ordinary occasion.
• rsupply
contains a u
The Family Lott.t. 5o cent's, pp y
for a year.
Specialists In the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases of
lien and Women. 25 Years In Detroit.
ear•No Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed.
Thousands of young and ,piddle -aged men are annually swept
to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas.
Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued in time. He
says: "I learned an evil habit. A change soon caste over sic.
I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon-
dent, gloomy, bad no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings,
poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drains
at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make
rnatters worse, I became reckless and contracted a blood disease.
I tried many doctors and medical firma—all failed till Drs. Ken-
nedy & Kergan took my case. In one week I felt better, and in a
few weeka was entirely cured. They are the only reliable and
honest Specialist. in the country.'
READER—We guarantee t cure you or no pay. You run no
risk. we have a reputation and business at stake. Beware of
frauds and impostors. We will pay 51.000 for any case we take that our NEW
METHOD TRRATMENT will not cure.
We treat and cure Nervous Debility. Varlcocele, Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney
and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books f ree. Call or write fur Question
List for Home Treatment.
DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor. Mi Det o'it,,Mi hheIbySt.
Diseased Men Cured
Founder of
Dr. Spinney & Co.
We make no misleading statements or unbuei.
nesslike propositions to the afflicted in order to se-
cure their patronage. We cure to stay cured.
Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility, nlooil Diseases,
Weakness, Kidney and Urinary Diseases ancl.all diseases due
to inheritance, habits, excesses, or the results of specific dis-
The many years of our successful practice in Detroit proves
that our special treatment tot men is safe and certain. You do
not want to be mutilated and maimed for life in trying to be
cured of Varicocele, Stricture and kindred troubles by surgical
procedures. We Guarantee a SAFE AND POSITIVE CURE in the
shortest possible time without injurious after-effects. Our
charges will be as low as possible for conscientious, skill-
ful and successful services.
For Patients Who Cannot Call. Question Blank tient Free.
Consultation Free. Cures Guaranteed.
290 Wood-
ward Ave.,
'V Detroit. Mioh.
Largest Established, Most Successful, Reliable Specialists in Diseases of Men,
Clubbing Offors - 1903-04'
THE TIMES announces the following low -rate -
Clubbing Offers for 1903-04:—
Times till Jan, 1At, 1905
Times and Weekly Globe with 8.page illustrated
supplement .. 1 60
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and
the Province of Ontario 1 75
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75
Times and Weekly Witness 1 60
Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50
Times and Weekly Sun. 1 i5
Times and Daily Globe 4 35
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25
Tithes and Toronto Daily Star 1 80
Si 00
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald
Times and Toronto Daily News
Times and Toronto Saturday Night
1 15
1 85
2 30
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We cant
give you clubbing rates. for any newspaper or magazine.
published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down
so as to ' admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use •
asking for cheaper rates.
In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new
subscribers for the BALANCE ►SF 1903 FREE. The rates quoted!
are for either new or renewal. snbscriptions. All subscribers,
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