HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-14, Page 4f: 4 THE WINGHAM TIMES, JULY 14, 1904, "IO ADVLRTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this o 'ioe not niter than Saturnay noun. The copy for changes Must be left Suit later than Mouths) evening. Casual advertisements. accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. EaTABLissaba1 ;n72 TUE W1NOuuiui TIMES. $.It ELL[QTT,PoarssnSeANT. Pre WRIw•r..R THURSDAY , JULY 14. 1904. Seven Years as Publisher. Last week the TIMES entered on its eighth year under the matatz tit ut of the present publisher. The TIMES is today in a more nourishing condition than ever ever before in its history. The present proprietor has seen the TIMES in its ups and downs for sixteen and a half years. Today we have a much larger subscrip- tion list and larger .advertising and job printing patronage than ever in the past. We appreciate the ;oauy favors and kind- nesses shown us during the past seven years and wilt coutiune to give our patrons one of the b+ st local papers pub• fished in Huron county, and hope we may continue to have our fair share of the patronage of the publie. FITTINGLY CELEBRATED. Orangemen in Large Numbers Com- memorate the Victory of William, Prince of Orange. MAGNIFICENT TURNOUT IN PROCESSION. Stirring ddresses—Spiend Id a[asic— Abo 10,000 in A.tteudduwe. u. The 214th anniversary of the victory of William, Prince of Orange, over King James, at the Boyne, was fittingly com- memorated in Wingham on Tuesday, and a large gathering of the Orange bre- thren, splendid weather for the after- noon, 'excellent addresses and good music, contributed to make the celebra- tion a decidedly successful one. During the earlier hours of the morn- ing a rather severe electric storm set in accompanied by a downpour of rain, which excited the fears of the committee in charge. By ten o'clock, however, the clouds began to disperse, Old Sol shone forth in all his brilliancy, and the remainder of the day was fine and clear. The first special train to arrive was from Goderich, bringing about 500 peo- ple, and was met at the station by mem- bers of the Wingham Lodge. headed by the Wingham Citizens' Band, and escort- ed to the town. During the forenoon the local lodge and the band were kept busy meeting the trains and welcoming the visitors. The Palmerston and Dur- ham train brought about 800, the first special from Kincardine a little over that number, the Stratford and Cliutou traiu nearly 600, the second train from Kiu- cardine about 150, while the early nioru- ing train from that place brought iu about lob. Nearly 200 came in from the south with Conductor McCallum. The last special to arrive by G.T R., came in at five miuntes after one o'clock. The C. P. R. special from Orangeville contained upwards of 90C passengers, while the regulars brought in over 300 from Teeswater. The attendauce from Young Britons and True Blues, in liue. The followiug comprised the 'pro- ceseiou Carriage containing lileyor 'Vaustoue tied speakers. Wingham llinzens' Band, MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT. 0, Y 11 No. 49. Conn L 0. L No. ((17, McFarland's L. 0, L No. 633, Mt. Forest L 0. 14 No 777. Farewell L 0. L. No. 936. Conn L 0 L No 1066. Arthur's Corners L. 0 1.. No. 1152, Harristou L 0 L. No. 1.58. Cedarville L U L No. 302. Hethertuu (West Wellingtoi') KINCARDINE DISTRICT L. U L No. 498, Bt rvie L. 0, L. No, 7(15, Kincardine L 0 L No. 856, Tiv,rtou L. 0 L No. 12.16, Bethel L. 0. L. No 1328, Amberley 0. Y. B. No. 30, Bervie Ii11LOSS DISTIIICT Lncknow Brass Band. L. 0. L. No. 43, Lackuow L 0. L. No. 790, Ripley L. 0 L No. 898, Kinloss L. O. L No. 978, Culross L 0. L No. 1044, Maple Grove L. 0. L. No. 1139, Kiulough GODERiCH DISTRICT. L. 0. L. No. 145, Tiverton L. 0. L No. 153, Cedar Valley L 0 L No. 182, Goderich L 0. L. No 189, Sharon L 0. L No. 306, Bayfield Line L. 0 L No. 710, Clinton STANLEY DISTRICT. L. 0. L. No. 24. Bayfield L U. L. No. 1055, Varna L. O L. No.—Goshen HL'LLETT DISTRICT. L. 0 L. No. 728, Seaforth L. 0 L. No 813. MoKillnp L. 0 L No. 928, Summerhill nowton DISTRICT. 0. Y. B No. 4, Fnrdwich L Y 13 No. 11, Beluiore 0. Y B. No 78, Orange Hill L 0 L No. 575. Orange Hill L 0. L No. 642, Fordwich L. 0. L No. 775. Newbridge L. 0. L. No. 767, Gerrie L 0. L No,.1030, Lekelet L. 0. L. No. 1219. Zion GREY DISTRICT. L. 0 L. No, 774. Brussels L. 0 L No. 252, Walton L. 0. L. No. 633, Ethel. MORRIS DISTRICT. L 0 L. No. 4(12, Belgrave L. 0. L. No 863, Loudesboro Auburn Brass Band L 0 L No. 9112. Auburu L. 0. L. No. 903, Blych WAWANOSH DISTRICT. L. 0. L No. 324. Dungannon L 0 L No 499, Belfast L 0 L. No. 1052. Nile TURNBERRY DISTRICT. L. 0 L. No 766, Bluevale L. 0 L. No. 873, Morris L. 0. L. Nu. 794, Wingham. When the march had been completed andtall returned to the park, a program of excellent and appropriate addresses, interspersed with music by the bands was given. Mr. A. H. Musgrove was chosen as chairman for the occasion, and first in- troduced Mayor Vanstone, who in a few well-chosen remarks welcomed the bre- thren to Wingham, and exteaded to them the unqualified freedom of the town. Dr. Thos Bradley, Bervie, 'vas next called upon, and emphasized the princi- ple of freedom, for which the Orange order stood. He referred to the gratify- ing prosperity of the Order during the past ten or fifteen years, and during the course of his address stated that Ripley intended to hold a celebration next year. Rev. Jos. Philp, B. D., of Kincardine, outlined the events preceeding the Bs ttle of Waterloo and gave a historical ac - the neighboring district was unusually count of that fatuous engagement. large, and during the hours of the fore., Rev. R. Hobbs, of Stratluoy, stated noon rigs poured into town from all di-; that the gathering far exceeded that of rectione. A. conservative estimate ;five years ago. Proceeding, be em- places the number who spent the day in I phusized in vigorous and forceful town at about 10.000. i lain• .age the necessity for the existence of the Orauge Order at the present day, About 2 o'clock the lodges formed in ; and fur the proclaiming of the principles the park and under the superintendence of liberty which Orangemen uphold. At County Direotor of Ceremonies John- kReterriug to the recent Sturgeon False Ston, assisted by T. J. McLean of Wing• school case, he characterized it as the ham, the procession proceed- j mere appearing office more of the along Shuter to Diagonal, on Diagonal i century guise. There was a greater to Victoria, then to Josephine street and ;butte to be fought than Waterloo, and bank to the park, entering by Albert , tuat was between Protestant liberty and street west. When the head of the pro lou again reached the pails there' ed by way of Albert street to Sharer, enemy under the beginning of the 20th Rowan tyranny. He exhorted the cess i Orangeman to keep up their banners were some ten lodges wh`ch had not :kith grand motto, "Liberty to all, and yet left. The procession extended over 1 persecntiou to none." a.mile in length and there was upwards; Rev. Wm. Lowe, Grand Chaplain of of 2000 Orangemen, including Orange Ontario West, uu rising, once put his hearers in good humor, and created con- } siderable mirth. Continuing, he be- lieved that no organization on earth had a better right to commemorate what their forefathers had done for them and el ncladed with an appeal to his hearers to begin in the home and instill in the minds of their children the principled for which the blood of our forefathers had been so freely shed. • This concluded the speaking, and the singing of the National Anthem brought to a close what has been prouonnced by many to be the most successful celebra- ever held in this part. NOTES BY THE WAY. The most successful yet, Londesboro Lodge turned out 100 s•roug. The masic of fife and dram prevailed throughout the day. Congratulation to the local celebra- tun committee. No serious accilent to mar the pleas- ure* of the day. 1 Lticknow junior "Kilties" band Was very much admired. 4y? rs Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If • you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured ,.. ilair Vigor the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it, t bats nIed Ayet'i U tr 71got for over 40 1amaotds yelar.oidan ha,e.he►vT tb of rich brown bate. 40e4 1 think, An• y to A er't Rwir YtiCoriiuT." )IsS. M. A, >ft, BelNr111e, nl. v.r4 a bbttti, .8.0. AYR* CO., Afdrttftrl4tt for Goodi.air IThere was a good representation Of the brethren from all directions. IT pale TO It does not pay to attend tiny thing but a first lass Business or Shorthand hehuol, The Canada Business College, l:1IATi1AA[, ONT. Established 1h70 is Canada's gi'eateat sehoul of Business, Short- hand and Penmanship. 'P1, enty,-eight years without change of numn- ngenleut 1s our record. It 18 not one of the hero to day a0(1 away to -morrow class. lo 10 mos. ending June 80 1t 00,230 were placed " 12 80, 11)01, 8(14 „ 12 " " " 80, 11)02, 8tH) " 11 „ " " 1, 1803, 810 " No other business school in Canada gets such results. Notice how the average per month Las increased each year. Whenyou are graduated from an institu- tion with un estabished standing. such as this institution has, your servieesare in demand by the business public, You got the preparation and you get the position when yon are ready. Fall terns opens Tuesday, Sept, 0. We have a superior Mail Course Department for Book-keeping, bhoi thane an(. oil open the entireSear for tliu benefit of those who cannot attend College, For catalogue of either department address. ll. IncLACHLAN .C' CO., Chatham, (b,t. Luokuow, Auburn and Wiughaita bands furnished pleuty of music. '. ''The largest and finest 12th of Alas, procession I ever saw."—Rev. W. Lowe. The ladies of the Methodist Church had a very successful day, the receipts being about $240. The committee promptly "squelched" a gambling fakir who attempted to do business in town. The special trains were a little late in arriving, but it was not the fault of the celebration committee. Mt. Forest and 'Wingham clubs played a friendly game of lacrosse, the visitors being defeated by 2 to 1. r,,. • •+r Who said the Wiugham Citizens' Baud could not play appropriate 12th of July music? Wingham has an excelleut band. The decorations were most complete and elaborate, consisting of arches upon which banners containing these mottoes were placed :—"Der'ry Walls," "Ennis- killen," "No Surrender," "British C011- nection," "1690, Boyne, 1904," "Wel- come," eto. The committee d( sire to extend their hearty thanks to the brethren from Bruce, Grey and Wellington counties, who came long distances to the celebra- bration; to the citizens of Wingham, an all who in any way contributed to the success of the gathering. The of 1' ers of the Salvation Army will meet next' week to determine the place of meeting of the Congress in 1905. Changes are to be made in the Canadian branch, Commissioner Evangeline Booth will be transferred. , tAve Stock Markets., Toronto, July 12.—The run at the city cattle market to -day was 74 loads, with 1,034 head of cattle, 1,445 sheep an d lambs, 1,028 hogs and 140 calves. There was a good demand for good butchers' cattle at high prices, but for the rest of the market it was dull and draggy, though at the close there was not much left over. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. heavy $5 00 $5 25 Light 4 90 5 00 Bulls 4 00 4 20 do., light 2 75 3 00 Feeders light,800 pounds and up- wards 3 00 Stockers -... 2 50 900 lbs 2 75 Butchers'— Choice 4 25 Medium 4 75 . Picked 4 50 Bulls 3 00 Rough 2 00 Light stock bulls 2 25 Milk cows 30 00 Hogs— Best . 5 15 Lights 500 Sheep— Export 365 Bucks,,.. 3 00 Culls 3 50 Spring Lambe 3 25 Calves, each . , . 2 00 3 25 3 l2.i 3 50 4 50 5 00 4 85 3 50 2 50 2 75 5000 3 85 3 25 4 50 4 25 10 00 w1NGHA1tt MARKET REPORTS Wingham, July 13th, 1904 Flour per 100 lbs.... 2 00 to 2 50 Fall Wheat .... 0 88 to 088 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 29 to 0 110 Barley 040 to 0 45 Peas 0 55 to 0 60 Turkeys, drawn 0 12 to 0 13 Geese, " d 0 08 to 0 08 Ducks, per pair ... 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 60 Butter 0 13 to 0 13 Eggs per doz 0 17 to 0 17 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 50 Hay,. per.ton 7 00 to 7 60 Potatoes, per bushel 0 60 to 0 60 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Lard„ 013to013 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 04 Wool 0 18 to 0 20 Live Hogs, per owt , 4 90 to 4 90 FINE PHOTOGRAPHS Ceiebrate alae Gtorlous 12th by having your Photo taken. The kind that please are done at Armstrong & Co's Studio WINGHAM ne tells the other We use the newspaper to tell about our Clothing; don't think we could get along without it in this progressive age. But there is another channel through which we get a lot of' our trade, and one that we always try to keep open — and that is through pleased customers. One tells the other if he has been well treated with bargains—and . ' re no better judges than the public. If lank buys a good $5.00, $5.00 or $lo s hat he knows from comparison with st value in the trade, he is going bout it. Do you see the point ? 11 Joh suit Irom others i• .he b to tell s friends One Os the other. Bargain in Gents' Furnishings still continue. .„s n c.4.a Shirts, worth •ti,�i.,,1 00, for - 50 cents 2 Linen tilers for 2 Hats for .a Hard Veit Hats for Soft Planters for e • 15 cents 15 cents 25 cents 40 cents A. R. 51'1 I T hi CHISHOLM BLOCK, WINGHAM. AAAAA / AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 For Honest Prices, we lead. 444, 4 For Values, we give the best, c< Where does honesty come in by trying to get 8125 00 for goods worth `` only $75.00 ? We are not guilty of makiug a charge of $267 or thereabouts < for goods worth only $75 or $90. If we were we Tonin feel like going to Cour customer and giving it back, and then talk anent honesty and truth. 1 If some people would do as they advertise, there would have to be a lot of 4 money given back and a big drop in prices. ` ` When yon DEAL WITH US you are used right. The troth will C soon be found out. ` For the next 60 days conte and see what value is i and what satisfaction is. ) c WALKER BROS. ,& BUTTON. 7 1AAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAA YVVYWYVVVWV1/VWVVWVVVW ;GRAND -TRUNK 'SYS EM: World's Fair, St. Louis, Apr. 30•Dec. 1, 1904 Reproduction Robert Burns Cottage at Ayr- shire. Reproduction of Jerusalem, the Holy City. Through to the World's. Fair, St. Louis Fast Express Trtiins leave for St. Louis twice daily carrying through Pullman Sleepers. Ydmr local Agent will make reservations. 19113,30 Round Trip with an opportunity of visiting in Chicago, Detroit and at intermediate Canndian stations. NoTE—On application to J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto, enclosing 4 cents in stanips, handsome illustrated booklet will be furnished. Spend your. vacation in Highland of Ontario. Muskoka Express trains make direct connec- tion for all parts on Georgian Bay, Muskoka Lakes and Lake of Bays. Tourist tickets on ante daily. Home -Seekers' Excursions to points in Canadian North-west. $30 to #40.50. (food going July 18, returning until Sept. '20. For tickets, illustrated literature regarding World's Fair, and full information, apply to .7. D. MoDON'ALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, or L. HAROLD, Agent,Winghatn. NORTH END BUTCHER SHOP. A PRIME SELECTION OF BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON FOR THE 12th OF JULY Also a large stock of Cured Meats of the finest selection. Also Boiled hams, Bolougna, and Davis' celebrated Pork Pies. Leave your orders early. Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins. THOS. FELLS. Opposite Skating Rink.. CANADIAN PAC, F 1 C: $19.2° T. LOUIS AND RETURN From Wingham. Good for lb days. Stop -diver at Canadian points, Detroit and Chicago. Proportionate rates front other points. Through sleeper for St. Louis leaves Streets - villa Jct. at 8.48 1'. M. daily. Full particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or A. H. Notman, .Asst. General Pas- senger Agent Toronto. ” Hi OUR INTENTION is to please ...the determination is to satisfy, yes, to gratify. Some things you may be care of—always. These for instance—you benefit by all the "know hows" that compe- tent tailoring has at its fingers ends. You benefit by having loads of var. ,iety to make yonr choosing easy. You have our promise that the fa- brics are fashionable --the pattern correct. • And if you're acquainted with clothing ,values--you'11 know we aren't charging you too much. R. MAXWELL. Titan AUT TAILOR. t••••••••N•••••••••••••.N N••!N••••••••N•s•NiN!• !John & Jas. II, Kerr • •!•!N!••ti•!N!N•••NN! i0!••!••••!NN•11Mo•••tIIN• This Big Store• • • IS NEVER ANYWHERE WEPT • • • • • •IntheLeadj 1 We pay 14c cash or 16c trade for fresh eggs. • inaware • • • Fancy Gh = • Here's the Biggest Bargain in Fancy Chinaware that was ever offered • in Wiugham or elsewhere ! We're always on the Inokout for b'argaius for = • our customers. This time we have succeeded beyon3 any past effort. See a • the goods iu our wiudow. •• •• Imported direct, one package " Franconia " assortment Fancy China M 50 doz. Pieces. - Six HunGred. - 50 doz. Pieces e some worth 25c each, some 20c each, some 150 each. But for Two Weeks �, • only you may have your choice of this very pretty Chinaware at 10e each. • • This is a ridiculously low price, bat we never were good at charging big • • prices. This is the assortment : Salad Bowls, Fruit Saucers, Chips and IS • Saucers, Vases, Sugars, Creams, Svrnps, Teapot Tiles. Jugs, Plates, • • Bread Plates, Oatmeal Bowls, Cake Plates, Spoon Trays, Mugs, Ash Trays, • •Toothpick Holdors, etc. •- • • • Two Cars Rutter wanted • • News from the Boot and Shoe Department Fresh Eggs 14c cash, laie trade • • a • • • • • • We're doing a brisk business in this department in the " Big Store.'' 0 • We're looking for exceptionally good trade this month, having just put into t • stock a shipment of Mtrl Summer Styles in Women's, Misses' and Children's a • Shoes and Slippers. Also Men's and Buys' Piue Shoes. Inspectiou invited. Farmers' Harvest Boots at Bargain Prices eA soft, medians heavy, tau calor, solid leather laced Boot. very comfort- • • able, just the thing for the harvest field. Regular $1 50 for $1.25 • • • 7 • • Women's Oxford Ties, Dongola Kid Slippers, Patent Leather Slippers, • • light and medium heavy solea. military and Cuban heels ; perfect fitting •• • shoes, $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 a w Women's Fine Kid Boots, patent leather foxing, dull kid top, G'iv(lyear 0 • welt soles. The best boot on the market for the mouey, $2.50 and $2.75. • • And they're made iu Canaoa. •• • We show the most fashionable and serviceable Slloes •for Misses' and o • Ohildren's wear: Foie Dongola Kid, patent toe cap, medium heavy, eaten- • • sion sole, spring heel, solid leather—no shoddy; all sizes.• i For .Fresh Eggs Ivo pay 14e cash or 16c trade. it • • • We want 2 carloads good freest packets Tab Ratter • • • • EARNERS—Your Rap and Butter will buy more goods at this store • p than you're getting, if you are taking then[ elsewhere, • a •0O0006•111••••••A••••0Yewa0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0.116 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVYVYVVVVVV YVVVYVVYVVVYVVIMIVVVVVVVV' D. CLEARING SALE OF J ► 4 rummer foods. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ► C LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS Ladies' elegant circular Underskirts, of black sateen, v. v. heautifully flounced and frilled, at different prices but all special value, WRAPPERS r. Ladies' Ready-made Wrappers, a nice assortmen t at very reasonable prices. a.► LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SUMMER VESTS. EA full assortment of Ladies' and Children's Summer C Vests, seamless, short and long sleeves,' 5c to COTTON HOSIERY a. Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hosiery, seamless foot and guaranteed fast black. The Puritan brand 0- is especially recommended for wear and general Esatisfaction. Per pair - - lOc to CASHMERE HOSE Good Cashmere Hose, all grades, plain and ribbed. C SUMMER DRESS GOODS C Pretty Summer Fabrics for Dresses and Waists, in C Organdie, Madras, Dimity, Linen, Swiss, Lawn, etc., etc., to be cleared out at bargain prices. PRINTS ! PRINTS ! ! Prints Galore ! English, American and Canadian— OP: a large array of Prints, all colors, sure to please you. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S OXFORD SHOES About 3 dozen pairs Ladies' and Children's Oxford Shoes to' be sold at less than cost. These are real bargains. Come and see them. AAAAAAAAAAAA T • r • 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 3 4 4 .75 4 1 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 .40 = 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 1 s MILLS] LAAAAALIAAAAALAAAAAAII•AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. AIlAA/1A111t