HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-14, Page 3BRITISH
Sorains, Strains, Con, Woernds, j7h.trs,
'Open Sures, Bruises, Stiff joints, Bites and
tiogs of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted
Cors, Rheumatism, Neura'gia, Bronchitis,
*roup, Sore Throat, Quincy, 't7lloopwg
dough and alt Painful Sweltthtgs.
Vire Iiavo Borrowed It irons 1n41*,
Its Native Home.
1'he sugar cane and its uses have
Leen known in India, its native home,
Vont time immemorial. It is perhaps
the earliest source from which sugar
las produced, and all other nodes of
manufacture have been borrowed from
or based on it. The early classical
'writers knew sugar vaguely as "honey
of canes." To the Greco-Roman world
tate sugar cane was the reed which the
alrvrartty Indians delighted to chew and
trona which they extracted a mysteri-
ous sweetmeat.
It was the Arabs—those great car-
ders between the east and west—who
Introduced the cane in the middle ages
Into Egypt, Sicily and the south of
$pain, where it flourished abundantly
alntii West Indian slavery drove it out
of the field for a time and sent the
trade in sugar to Jamaica and Cuba.
1':aatly in the sixteenth century the
came was taken from Sicily to Madeira
and the Canaries. Thence it found its
enn to Brazil and Alex1eo, to Jamaica
and Haiti. Cane sugar was well
known in Italy about the second cen-
tury and has been common in England
mince the Tudor period. The strenuous
,days of great Elizabeth bed sugar for
their sack, and ginger 'was hot i' the
mouth, too, as we all well remember.—
Cornhiil Magazine.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac-Slanaro Wrapper Below.
fart small and as east
tlo take as augur.
OBAVI II rtI TWas 4,i.vws,
as�'lesoalti f »1r oeretsDle. t ..,.e
We Contempt Per (reset Alen Wolf
$$Meet to $odilicatto*.
Carlyle's opinion of Herbert Speucer
Ila "the most Intending use. in Christen-
dom" must, of course, he read in con-
junetien with (.'nrIyie's derision ter
Mankind in general. "Mostly tools," he
e eer ' lthought
h iul o! 1
y us all. Durtvin,
we know, he would not have at any
price --not a word of him, Cardinal
Newman, he estimated, had, "the brain
of a Medium sized rabbit." Ruskin
Wait a bottle of soda Water. ['A bad
young titan" was his saw up of aeons,
er eminent writer,
But these hostile phrases were sub-
ject to considerable modification if the
man against whom they were tainted
came near enough to Carlyle to do hiin.
a personal favor, even to pay hire a
personal compliment. Disraeli, whom
be had described us a mountebank
dancing upon John Bull's stomach, of.
fered Carlyle it baronetcy and elicited
from him, together with a refusal of
the title, many tributes to his mag-
nanimity. Ile said very little about
Disraeli henceforth in print, and in
private he spoke of him only as "a very
tragical comical fellow." — London
A Beme4y Which Is Claimed to Be
Infallible In Pneumonia.
This remedy, which is claimed to be
int'allible, was formulated ruauy years
ago by a well known physician in New
England, who never lost a patient by
this scourge: Take six or ten onions,
I according to size, and chop fine. Put
in a large spider over a hot fire, add-
Ing about the same quantity of rye
heal and vinegar to form u stiff paste.
Stir thoroughly and simmer five or
,ten 'minutes. I'ut into n cotton bag
large enough to cover the lungs and
I apply to the chest just as hot as the
!patient can hear it. In about ten min-
utes change the poultice, and thus eon -
few hours the patient will be out of
danger. And just here a word of cau-
tion. In applying this or any other hot
poultice care must be exercised not to
let the patient get chilled during the
changing process, Have the hot ono
all ready to go on before the cooling
one is removed, and make the ex-
changes so swiftly and deftly that
there is not a moment's exposure of
the body surface, which becomes ex-
ceedingly sensitive to a chill,
J tinue reheats andapplying, :
ng andIn a
Slightly liaise the Head and Lie on
the Right Side.
The main object of sleep is that every
organ of the body should have perfeet
rest. The brain, the lungs and the
heart have been, not inappropriately,
called the "tripod• of life," as upon
them b the bangsprosperity
6 of the whole
frame; bence we slightly raise the
bead to check the flow of blood to the
brain and more or less quickly find out
the position of greatest -ease for lungs
ea t
This will be founde
bysleeping in for
P g
the greater part of the
time on the
right side. for nearly two-thirds of the
heart Is on the left of the medial line,
and the apex points closely to the
smaller left lung; hence the fullest and
freest play possible should be given to
the left side.
A quiet pulse, diminished respira-
tion and refreshing rest are all com-
bined when open windows, moderate
warmth and uuchnflng heart work to-
gether. It is often best to court sleep
on the left side and turn to the right
before going off.
A Philanthropist.
Modern advertising can cope even
with the etiquette of courts, A Lon-
don journal tells us that .a young
American woman wished to be pre-
Sented at the court of the king of
Saxony. The high ofcials, having in-
quired into her social standing at home,
objected. They represented to her that
the king could scarcely receive the
daughter of a retail bootmaker. The
young woman cabled home and told
her father the situation. The next
morning she received his answer:
"Can't call it selling. Practically
giving them away. See advertise-
ment "
That solved the difficulty. She was
presented as the daughter of an emi-
nent philanthropist.
A Doctor's Visit.
More patients become dissatisfied be-
cause they are not visited often enough
than because they are required to pay
for excess of services. One of the most
grateful families that I ever knew was
one that had just paid a young medical
grafter for fourteen visits Made be-
tween it and 11 p. in. of a single day,
when two visits would have been am-
ply sufficient. Small wonder that some
of the younger men yield to this temp-
tation and shortly become known to
the profession as repeaters. But these
soon lose caste.
Lesson In Modern F1nanee.
"Pa," said the son of the captain o!
Industry, "what is being recreant to
one's trust?"
"Not increasing the capital stock ser.
ery time the public can be hypnotized
Into buying a few more shares for the
benefit of the people who hold the
De Garry—As you intend t4 mar*
her, Why did you consent to her tiding
t bicycle wheat your are is opposed to
It? Merritt—Well, I knew she Would
Rave her 'way in the end, and I eaten -
lilted thatby giving in now her father
*Quid hate to pay for the bicycle.
Nothing le farther from the earth
then heaved; nothing is nearer to hear.
Oa that MOIL—Him .... - . .... .
i iese;r" the spiv. Beer edea t0 R* Gane
*revise I/ livers** low.
It is one of the most extraordinary
thtngs in thla extraordlnary world,
writes henry l►.lartfu Ilairt in the Out-
look, that water should be the sole.ex-
septiuu to the otherwise universal law
than allcoQligg bodies contract and,
therefore Increase In density,
Water contracts as its temperature
falls and therefore becomes heavier
and sinks until it reaches 50 degrees,
At this temperature water Is the heav-
iest. This is the point of its maximum
density, From title. point It begins to
expand. Therefore in winter, although
the Outface may be freezing at tem.
peraturo of 33 .degrees, the water at
thti bottom of the pool is six or seven
degrees wanner,
Suppose that water, like everything
else, had gone on contracting 58 it
cooled until it reached the freezing
point. The heaviest Water would have
sunk to the lowest place and there be-
come ice, Although It is true that
eight pints of water become nine pints
of lee, and therefore icebergs font,
showing above the streace an eighth
of their bulk, still had the water when
at the bottom turned into leo the
s}ones would have locked It In their
interstices and held it there, and before
the winter was over the whole pool
would become solid ice, and all the poor
Ash would be &itonzbed in clear, beau-
tiful crystal!.
flaehiman, Strange to Say, Is a hover
of the Peneetnl Doh..
Ilaehhhmtn, the god of war in Japan,
strange to say, loves n dove, a bird
symbolicaal in the west of peace and
not of war. Go to any temple or shrine
where Ilachlinan is worshiped, and
you will and a great many doves coo-
ing either on the roof of the temple or
on the ground below. The tablet on
which the name of the god is inscribed
begins with the idlograph of "Hecht,"
the two strokes of which are intendet;�
to picture a pair of doves, the femnje
on the right and the male on the left -
Doves are Hachiman's favorite birds,
messengers by which he sends good
tidings of peace and love.
I3achiman never fights merely to sa-
tiate his thirst for blood. He fights
battles for peace, He never makes
sacrifices of lives so that be may glory
over the conquered. IIe is a great en-
emy of tyrants and oppressors. He is
ever ready to help those who are op-
pressed and persecuted. He fights
wars of justice. He wishes to see jus-
tice done on all sides. His banners
bear inscriptions conveying the thought
of righteousness and justice.
Miserable will be the fate of any
Who venture to violate the peace and
welfare of the world, for Hachtman in
his righteous wrath will crush down
such a one under his mighty feet h
t ,
Polar Plants.
Climate affects the inhabitants of
the seaust
j as It does those of the
laud. As arctic land plants cannot
flourish at the equator, so in the Arc-
tic anti Antarctic oceans marine pinnts
are found which are unable to survive
in warm water. Among the most re-
markable of these cold water plants
are the laminariaceae, a kind of sea -
weeds which sometimes attain a gi-
gnntic sire, exceeding in length the
longest climbing plants of the tropical
forests and developing huge stems like
the trunks of trees. Investigations
have shown that these plants flourish
In the coldest waters of the polar seas
and that they never advance farther
from their frigid homes than to the
limits of "summer temperature" in the
ocean. The genial warmth destroys
them, just as a polar blast shrivels the
(lowers of a tropical garden.
A Compromise.
Young Matron (with theories on the
care of children, to nurse)—Jane. Nurse
Yes -sum. Young Matron—When the
baby has finished his bottle, lay' Mtn in
the cradle on his right side. After eat-
ing a child should always Ile on the
right side; that relieves the pressure ori
the heart. Still (reflectively) the liver
is on the right side; perhaps, after all,
you had better lay him on the left
side. No, I am sure the treatise on
infant digestion said right side. On
the whole, Jane, you may lay the baby
on bis back until I have looked up the
matter more thoroughly."
The Only Obligation.
A story that comes from a country
region not fair from New York concerns
a native who Was seen stolidly plow-
ing a field with a team of weary and
dejected horses. As they approached
the observer of rural lite remarked
sympathetically that the horses "didn't
seem to like the Work."
"Um," commented the fainter briefly,
"they don't have to like it, They only
have to do it,"
Pair of Plaintiffs. aM
"See here," exclaimed the angry man,
"I wish you would muzzle that dog of
yours at night. His barking keeps my
baby awake."
"I Wast just going to request you to
muzZle yout baby," rejoined the neigh-
bor. "His nightly howling annoys my
Ne Common Hired Hand.
Agent of Apartment House—When
can you go to work? Dignified Person
(who hail accepted position as j ilitor
of building)—I Can enter upon the du-
ties of my office at once, sir.
A it tecoirsreadatlon.
Mrs. barley—Why do you have Mrs.
Gabb to sew for you? She is not a
good dressmaker. tare. Canker -4
know that, but she knows all the gossip
114 the commutaty.--LOndon TwItits,,
puRii3 iY.
, wase.01 a Reddish nue better Then
the Pete Tolle`.
There is most probably an important
dietetic difference between two eggs
the yolk of one of which $s a very pale
yellow color and that of the other S.
rich, almost reddish color. It is a nae
torlous. fact that the eounti7 produced
egg may usuelty be placed Mader the
latter description, while the egg pro,
dined by the hen that Is under en nn,
healthy and limited environment sheave
au anaemic color, generally a very pale
yellow. The eggs of wild birds—as,
for example, the plover ---show a yolk of
a Melt reddish color.
The substance which contributes col.
or to the yolk of the egg is iron, just as
it le iron which gives color to the
blood, anti there seems to be little
doubt that the iron compound in the
yolk of the egg is of a similar nature
to that of the blood. It is easily as-
similated. and eggs are regarded as a
suitable food for the anaemic person,
As they preseztt a ooncentrated and
generally easily digested form of nu-
triment rich in iron. The iron cozn-
peund of the egg has, inject, been
termed a "haeumtogezi," because it is
probable that from it the blood of the
chick is derived. The amount of iron
in the yolk of an egg would appear to
increase with the intensity of its color,
and there can be little doubt that the
maximum is reaelied to the richly col,
orad yolk of the egg produced by a
fowl existing in healthy suvoundings,
for then its processes of nutrition would
be Working under very favorable con-
ditions. As an article of diet, there-
fore, the egg should be judged not by
the color of its shell, but of the yolk,
which should be of a rich reddish rath-
er than of a pale yellow color.—Lancet:
Kidney Troubles, no mutter of what
kind or whet stage of the disease, ran.
be quickly and permanently cured by the
ute of these wonderful pills. 11Ir, Joseph
Leland, Alma, N,W.T., recommends them!
to all kidney trouble sufferers, when he
eays;—I was troubled with dull head-
aches, had frightful dreams, terrible
rains 14 my legs and a frequent desire to
urinate. Noticing DOAN'S KIDNEY
PILLS recommended for just such annei-
anees es bine, it occurred to mo to genre
them a trial, so I procured a box of
them, and was very much surprised at
the effectual cure they made. I take a
great deal of pleasure in recommending
them to all kidney trouble 4ufierera.
Pries 50e. per box, or 3 for $125; an.
dealers or The Doan Kidney 1?i11 Co.,
Toronto, Out,
Chinese Baths.
Mongolia writes:
[' t springs by the
r miles north of
C place is named Tang-
a arrangements for those'
by their healing
Primitive,. A row
ofefelen boxes the
sl packing case are
r ad. In these sit
b and both sexes,
w �r otruding. Atten-
dants wa.ith buckets outinuously refill
the be es from tho g[ll•tligs For less ! THE ENGLISH TAILOR.
A traveler in D
There are some ho
road about twenty
hina;Peng, The
Lan. The arrange
anxious to benefit
properties are very p
twenty or thirty �
size of an oidivary
ranged beside t1'a' road.
others of e,,•'i`eay aCe
Ith thea `P treads b
luxulv'ious bathers thvie is accommoda-
tion "gym a pool which as been dug out
c se by. In this theysquat, scooping
rp the water a eteriiij it over tt•'tr,
beads with �/b'{ys basins, it Is t carious
, O +, fleet' hat establishments like
Hombarg and Aix -les -Rains have had
their origin in such beginnings."
Beetle Soldiers and Sailors.
There are beetles in England, of the
family known.ito scientists as telephor-
idae, that are popularly called soldiers
and sailors, the 'red species being called
by the former name and the blue spe-
cies by the latter. These beetles are
among the most quarrelsome of insects
and fight to the death on the least
provocation. It has long been the cus-
tom among English boys to catch and
set them fighting with each other.
They are as ready for battle as game-
cocks, and the victor will both kill and
eat his antagonist.—St. Nicholas.
Looking 'on the Bright Side.
The lesson which I have learned in
life, which is impressed on Inc daily
and more deeply as I grow old. Is the
lesson of good will and good hope. I
believe that today Is better than yes-
terday and that tomorrow will be bet-
ter than twiny. I believe that in spite
of so many errors anti wrongs and even
crimes my countrymen of all classes
desire what ;is good and not what is
evil.—Senator IIoar's "Autobiography."
Social Advance.
Mother — Are you getting on any,
Gertrude? Daughter --Oh, yes, moth-
er. We used to be lumped In with
"and others," but tiow we have climb-
ed up into "some of those present"
Oee upatton.
"Miss Carnival! complains that she
bas too much leisure."
"Well, why doesn't she take ua some-
"She tines. She takes up other pea
When n than has his picture taken
with Isis f:amily be shows on his pho-
tographic face that he was forced into
it.—Atchison Globe.
Is n spring medicine it bas no equal.
It purifies and enriches the
blood. .Acts on the kidneys, Liver,
Stomach and Bowels. Cleanses
and invigorates the entire system
from the crown of the head to the
soles of the feet.
Don't be sick, weak, tired, 'worn
and Weary.
He '11aed to Be Humble, but Now He
Is a Haughty Vampire.
Of late, be it noted, the tailor has be-
• come quite an unreaasonnblo and gratui-
tous drahn.on all men's purses.
I'ormerly you _were his patron. He
was very civil and gave you uninter-
mittent opportunities for seeing the top
of his head and the back of his neck.
He rubbed his hands and crawled be-
fore you for 5 guineas a suit. If you
paid any time before the death of the
senior partner in his business he
bowed you to your equipage and said
in his heart that you were a great gen-
1 Today he is a vampire, he sucks your
blood, he walks erect, he chooses cloth
for you, you must have what he tells
you to have, his terms are cash on de-
livery, his credit will last you six
months. and as often as not he is a
jalennber of your friend's club.
IIe is the person who makes you or
mar's you. With his bit of soapstone
he can turn you out just so or not just
so. lie' i
uh l to him I
adjure you. You
are only a poor, soppy. brainless, driv-
eling rascal of a num. If you be not
well dressed you will become a wreck.
a hulk, a derelict, a castaway on the
misty shores of business and society.—
London Gentlewoman.
The Telltale.
That was an embarrassing position
in which a fashionable New York wom-
an found herself recently. She was
invited to a wedding, but dad not think
either of her hats was good enough for
the occasion. So she visited her mil -
1 liner's and had an exceedingly costly
I affair sent home on trial. She wore it
'at the wedding and the next day drove
to the milliner's and returned it, saying
it did not suit. It happened that the
batmakor, who quite understood the
situation, had been similarly tried sev-
eral times of late. "Did you not wear
this hat at the Blink wedding yester-
day?" she asked bluntly. Taken by
!surprise, the society women owned up,
but asked, "Ilow did you know?" "Oh,
• it was quite easy. I see several grains
of rice in the folds of the lace."
A Grewsome Kaffir Custom,
A writer on the ICaffirs of South Af-
rica says: "A. rondo chief in very old-
en days on accession to the throne
Wonid kill one of his brothers and
Wash in his blood to strengthen him-
self and then would keep his medicines
in the skull of the dead brother, a
practice which raised the power Of the
medicine to the 'nth,' as mathemati-
cians would say. If a warrior of con-
spicuous bravery is kliled in war his
body is made into medicine and admin-
istered to the young men to make them
brave, a practice which may well have
been the basis of cannibalism"
The Dog WhIpper.
An old church official in England
was the dog whipper, who was em-
ployed in driving or removing dogs
from the various churches and who is
often alluded to in vestry accounts, as,
for example, "paid the dog whipper 10
shillings;" "to \Viddow Sandys the
year's saliery for (dog) whipping 5 shit-
Mtgs." Implements known as dog
tongs were also used by these dog
whippers, many of them being spiked
at the end and capable of giving a
cruel grip. They are still preserved in
tonne of the old churches.
The Contlnslon.
"What conclusion did yout literary
snd debating society resell last night?"
"Oh, " answered Miss Cayenne, "the
conclusion was as nsual—chicken sided,
lee cream and 'Good night.' Had a
perfectly lovely time.' "
Of More intermit
Nell—rack is always talking to me
tbout the depth ot his love. Belie --Tho
iept(r wouldn't interest me so much as
the length.
Burdock Blood Bitters Mat thou lore life? Then de not
squander tale, for that is the stuff life
le made of,
Why /fOine 1"er..os, Raaore Aareetit
lees With. eerie. $ixerre*Me.
Breathing cenobite of two rhythmical
alternating proeesscs-.Iubreathlug, is
Whieh the muscles of the chest play
their part, .and outbreatbing, in which
the1 s t
easti lt,y of the lungs said the
weight ot the chest force out air. The
number of breaths, which varies with.
the age, is one to every three or four
pulse beats. In ordinary breathing on.
ly about one-sixth of tbe air in the
lungs is renewed, but in exercise the
amount is considerably increased and
the number of breaths multiplied.
In disease such n$ reduction of Juni;
area the blood 18 in danger of beeoul-
lilg overclar ed with carbonic acid,
end the lungsstruggle to get rid of thle
anti to bring in more oxygen. Exercise
causes a similar change, and if of the
right sort and not too long continued
the circulation and breathing araat.
quickened, and the result is good.
in severe exercise, such as long con•
tinued speed trials, the quickened
breathing can no longer cope with its
task, $o carbonic acid accumulates
faster than the heart and the lungs
can deal with it, mid breathlessness re.
Tile Word 1s Supposed to Meats
Thing of Little Value.
The word haberdasher first appears
in the language as coming from haper-
tas, the name of a fabrie mentioned in
the Liber Albus along with wool, can-
vas and felt, as subject to customs
duty, about 1419. A parallel and al-
most contemporary list has Naber-
The word is supposed to mean things
of little value—small wares such as
buttons and tapes. Skeet derives it
from the Icelandic haperbask—trum-
pery, pedlars' wares. In a register of
burials of Ware In 1053 we have one
entry; "Melted Watkins, London,
haberdasher of harts," probably this
being the first material of which hats
were made.
Clambers gives another meaning to
the word. He says• it is derived from
the ancient name for a neck cloth,
berdash, which is derived from beard,
and tache, a covering.
Hapertas was originally a cloth ot
a particular kind, the width of which
was settled by Magna Cllarta. Hence
a haberdasher was the seller of haper-
tasserle.—London Answers.
Authors of the Famous Stocking
Frame Riots In England.
Early in 1511 bands of distressed
stocking knitters in Nottinghamshire
began a long series of rlots, marked by
most wauton mischief. Assembling in
Parties of
from six to sixty v under
leader styled general or Ned Lucid, dis-
guised and armed with swords, pistols,
hammers and axes and bound together
by illegal oaths, they succeeded in
smashing stocking [nr frames in
all parts
of England, and their daring outrages
continued even when a large military
force was brought into the neighbor-
hood and two London police magis-
trates came down to assist the civil
To such a pitch had this dangerous
disturbance grown that a royal procla-
mation was issued offering a reward of
150 for the apprehension of any of the
offenders. • Not until October, 1516, did
this wholesale destruction and vio-
lence cense, by which time more than
a thousand frames and many lace ma-
chines had been broken up and the
mischief bad spread into neighboring
counties.—London Chronicle.
Five Thousand Distinct Languages.
Mr, J. Collier, writing on the subject,
says that over 5.000 distinct languages
are spoken by mankind. The number
of separate dialects is enormous. There
are more than sixty vocabularies in
Brazil, and in Mexico the Nahua lan-
guage has broken up into 700 dialects.
There are hundreds in Borneo. In
Australia there is no classifying the
complexities, and generally the num-
ber of dialects is in inverse proportion
to the intellectual culture of the popu-
lation. Assume that only fifty dialects
on an average belong to every lan-
guage and we have the colossal total
of 2230,000 linguistic varieties.
African Road Breakers.
Engineering feats by big game in
Africa are thus described by a recent
explorer: "Elephant and rhinoceros
tracks were ubiquitous. These mon-
sters are certainly the best road break-
ers in Africa. Among the hills some of
the rhinoceros paths were extraordi-
narily well graded. Unfortunately the
rhinoceros has a hide three-quarters of
an inch thick and so does not see the
necessity of clearing the thorn bush
from over his road. An elephant is
more considerate—he makes a clean
sweep of everything."
A Hint.
Borem (11 p. m.)—Yes, I'm a perfect
tnartyr to insomnia, I've tried every-
thing I ever heard of, but I simply
can't get to sleep at night, Miss Cut-
ting (suppressing a 'yawn)—Did you
ever try talking to yourself after going
to bed?
Carie Per meet/einem..
Cranky Husband (at a reception)—I
Wish you were as lively as that woman
over there. Wife -Humph! No `Yonder
she's jolly. She's a rich Widow.
Served Theta night.
Ile—They have dropped their anchor.
She (ori her first trip) -.Serves theta
right it has been Imaging over the
side alt day long.
An men ere equal the day they ate
Worn and the dal' they ere burled:
Pew Tbiziese That Grow Ctilleatt
So Many Marl 8 +t 11141.
Vrobab}y taw things that grow
capable of so many nese or are as aiuno
pletely used as corn. The grain .*
used for food both for human beiz
u while and cattle i h le # he
steno; aro need at
cattle feed. The pita of the cornstallaa.
Is used in the manufacture ot awoke -
!esti powder, in the manufacture (af
high grade varnish anti 114 the More-
facture of paper. The woody portion!,
are used in the Manufacture of s eheayp
quality of paper.
As a food corn. Is auplllied In many
forma. The most fa.-ziilur are rt►oal,
hominy and grits. Practically all the
starch that Is used In the •United. Staten
is. ;nude from corn. ituruense quanti-
ties are 5h=10 used in the manufacture
of glucose, which, among other things,
enters largely into the manufacture Qt
beer as a substitute for tualt,
A large quantity of corn Is used an-
nually in the manufacture of whisky,
and nearly 15,000,000 bushels are used
every year in the manufacture of co.
logne spirits anti elegize!. Even in the
manufacture Of these products nothing
is lost, The glutinous and other rest-
estdues in the manufacture of stareht.
glucose, whisky and alcohol are used
as cattle feed.
It Is the Strongest Muscle In tine $1}•
news Body.
The strongest muscle in the bureau
body is the gluteus maximus. hardly
a Movement of the lower extremltles
can be made without bringing it into
play, but its chief duty Is to balance
the pelvis on the head of the thigh
bone. It assists in carrying the leg for-
ward and outward in walking, and
without its aid any movement of the
body from the bips would be Impossi-
As it is the strongest, so is it also the
largest muscle we possess. In the full
grown man it can exert a force of 110
pounds to the square inch of its section
in the thickest part.
Another strong muscle, which is sit..
noted in the calf of the leg, is capa-
ble of sustaining seven times the"
weight of the body, The great tendon
which is inserted in the heel bone, call.
ed tendon achilles, is also of singular
strength. When removed from the
body, it bas sustained a weight of
2,000 pounds, yet sometimes by the
sudden action of the muscles of the
calf, to which it belongs, it has been
snapped across.
The Simpleit Way of Magnetising a
Bar of Steel.
The simplest way of magnetizing a,
bar of steel is that known as "single
touch. Ile•
bar to be
laid on the table and the pole of a pow-
erful magnet is rubbed from ten to.
twenty times along its length, always`
In the same direction. If tbe north
f the magnet i
semployed the
of the bar first touched *III also be-
come a north pole, while the opposite
end, at which the magnet is lifted be-
fore returning, will be a south pole.
There are other and more complicated
Methods, known as "divided touch"
hnd "double touch." in which two and
even four magnets are employed.
A. steel bar can also be magnetized
by placing it within a coil of insulated
`vire, through which a galvanic current
Is circulating. The magnetism induced
In this. way, however, is weak com-
pared with that which can be procured
If the same strength of current is em-
ployed through the intervention of an
electro -magnet,
"Hamlet" at Elsinore.
Shakespearean commentators have
i wondered why the poet placed the
scenes of "Hamlet" at Elsinore, in the
island of Zealand, whereas the Danish
prince lived and died In Jutland. But
the municipal authorities at • Elsinore
discovered In their archives tbat an
English company was acting in their
town in 1387 or 1388, and among the
names of the actors are several of those
who were acting with Shakespeare in
London in 1380, Obviously these ac -
•tors must have talked about their ad-
ventures in Denmark, and so Shaker
speare became well acquainted with
Elsinore and when he wrote "hamlet"
naturally placed the scene in a place
which be knew by description rather
than in a place of which he knew noth-
The General Utility Conenl.
In those larger towns in Turkey
where England 1s represented by a
consul that official is looked upon as a
sort of court of appeal by Christians.
Atntenians, Bulgarians, Jlacedottians
and even Jews, who have probably
never heard an English word spoken,
will appeal to the British eonsul when
in difficulties, and he rarely refuses
his khul offices. In ordinary cases his
unofficial backing of the "glnours" is
"Professor." said Mrs. Xoozey to the
cranky old professor of archaeology,
"what do you consider the most curt -
ons thing you ever saw?"
"Woman unquestionably," he replied.
An old lady, having been told of the
theory of the moon being Inhabited,
remarked, with emphasis: "Nonsense!
What becomes of the people when
there is nothing but a little streak of
It left?"
A ('hieago girl wrote the benuty de-
i)nrtinent of a !oral paper and iteked,.
"What Is loot for big feet?" Promptly
the reply appeared. "Big shoes,".
Ctoustoti Post.