HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-14, Page 1• WINGHA1vI TIMES.
VOL XXXII1,--NO. 1692.
No Tailoring
Better Than Ours
and our prices
begin at $12,00
The man who needs a new
suit; whether for daily, business
wear a for dress, can do no
better than leave his order here.
He will save a great deal in
first cost; he will get his clothes
quickly; and he will get them as
well made and stylishly fashioned
as it is possible to make them; he
will have hundreds of fabrices to
choose from; and he will be saved
the doubtful economy and un.
certain satisfaction of ready-made.
Suits—made to order—made
to measure—made to fit --made
to satisfy.
No fit, no pay;
You know, of course.
• that's our way
Summery Toggery is now
on the bill. We have lots of cool
comtort in store for our patrons.
Make your selections now,
Don't wait until the thermometer
says 99° and `then r'tlsh in madly
fir Summer Duds. Now if you
need anything in summer plum•
We're Yours for Comfort
Summer Hats (Straw and
otherwise)—Our Neglige shirts—
Our. Breezy Underwear -- Our
Summer Neckwear --there's oceans
of comfort.
It will take but little of the
"wherewith" to buy the outfit,
and just think how contented
you'll be after we have togged
you •outfor the summer campaign.
IIoIllllth Bros.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
Issued by FneNii PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $3,000,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,474,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
;the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $i and upwards,
and added to prineipa130th June and 31st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
21. Vanstone. Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,229,980,00.
Reserve Ftmd, $2,000,000.00.
Total Assets, $24,718,013.07.
President— Rosa War. GinsoK.
Vice -President and
General Manager —d. TuiwmrLt.
Cyrus A. }Urge, .tohn Proctor, A, B. Lee,
John S, H.endrie, Geo, Rutherford.
Inspector—HAL WArsoN.
Earrings Bank --Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10
;to 11. Deposita of $1 and upwards received. In-
'teriat allowed, and computed en the 80th No-
vember And 81st Mar each year and added to
j InotpaL
Special Deposits also received et current
Drafts on treat Britain and th v ted
voted Bbnght and bold.
Travellers are notified that the Bank '-
Ilton and its- Branches issue Circular
National Provincial Bank of England, Li
which stn be coshed without charge or t
#iIb In any part of the world.
0013B01ILD, Agdt16
IDIO11j.1Nt10N M 8,OLVIES, 8o11altore.
do so this week; you'll make no
We will have an unusually large
every day this week, Don't buy
Berries that are peddled all over
town. The sooner you get them
aftl3r being picked the better; you
are sure to get that here. We
get them fresh from the patch,
Your telephone orders will be as
carefully filled as if personally
ordered. - - Phone 59.
A1 Hutchison
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59
Who Wants a Farm ?
Ihvve over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
.Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashaeld Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cont. For further par-
ticulars apply to
3. A. MacKENZIE,
Insurance Arent, Holyrood.
If you want to buy any Icind of property in
any part of the country tell me just what you
want. I believe I can fill your requirements
very promptly and save you some money at
the same time. For good bargains in Farm or
Town Property, come to me.
Beal Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
VA a'1'oNE BLOCK. • WINGHAM, 01\r.
The Leading Real Estate Agent
of Huron County
$35,000 in Prizes.
This year the Ca adian National Ex-
hibition of Toron , to be held from
August 29th to eptember 10th, will
give premiums to e extent of thirty-
five thousand doll s in specie, besides
some three thousa d dollars in medals
and cups, of which twenty-seven thou-
sand dollars will be evoted to live stock.
Particulars of comp tition for this hand-
some gift of move and trophies are
given 'in the good looking prize list,
which can be ha on application to
Manager J. Orr, 70 King Street East,
Fon SALE—A fine 100 a e farm, be-
ing n3; of lot 13, co 2 Morris, good
buildings, good locat o . .Apply at once
to C. J. MAGUIRE, R 1 Estate Agent.
The most pros
where there is t
loyal pride. It
and great lawn
wealth to make
city, but order,
dance of civic p
tials. The nes
with the evident
clean streets and
rubbish, the thin
by all save the r
the things which
and upon which,
prosperity depen
rous Town.
erous town is the one
greatest evidence of
oesn't require mansions
and the trappings of
a prosperous town or
eauliness and the evi-
ide are absolute essen-
clean, wellkept home,
of personal interest,
ack-alleys free from
that may be possessed
Ily unfortunate, are
ake a town inviting
a large measure, its
Dr. Sutler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St, Andrew's Churoh.
Glasses supplied. Will be at Queen's
Hotel, Wingham, Wednesday July 27th.
Death of
The following
dard of last week r
Wm. J. Ward, a s
Minnie street; ---M
at his residence f
afternoon. Tube
of death. Owing
his terra in East
and moved to Bl
rest from active
his health. All t
loving hearts souls
p . checking the
waves a widow am
have the sincere'
Mende in their be
/m. J. Ward.
om the BIyth Stan-
fern to the death of
n of Mrs, Ward, of
Wm. J. Ward died
Blyth on Tuesday
oulosis was the cause
to ill -health, he sold
wrawanotih last winter
h in the hope that a
pork would improve
at kind hands and
doproved of no avail
dread disease, He
one little son, who
sympathy of many
Wear Greer's Shoes, and Rubbers
Will Attend lurch.
The members of Court Maitland,
Canadian Order of F resters and visit-
ing members will att nd divine service
in the Methodist C uruh on Sunday
evening next, The p stor of the Church,
Rev, Dr. Gundy wi preach the annual
sermon embers e requested to meet
at the ourt Room at 6 15 o'clock p. m,
WANTED—A gond general servant.
Apply to Mrs. It, Vanstone.
Wingham S$It Works.
The Wingham Sa
one of the busiest
some time past. Dt
June an average of
day was shipped fro
July the average h
The works are ru
capacity and Mr.
sistants are kept v
Works has been
laces in town for
ring the month of
le car of salt per
hereand thus for in
been a little higher.
ning to their full
marling and his ee-
ry busy filling the
Go to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate
Ageut, if you want to buy a house in
town, he has just what you want,
The Kincardi
The committee b
union Sunday Soho
(sardine on Wingha
Tuesday, August 2
arrangements as
The excursion tra
Mitchell, via Clin
Wingham is 70 ce
oents for children.
in a few days, giv
e Excursion.
ping charge of the
excursion to Kin-
u's Civic Holiday,
d, • are completing
apidly as possible.
1 will be run from
ou. The fare from
is for adults and 35
Bills will be i::. ed
ng full partic
Start your fires with
at Fishleigh's Hardwai
coal, Sold
t 15c a sack.
Lawn Tem
Last Friday nfi
the Wingham L
the competition
Mr. Chas, Knee
afternoon and et
contested and a 1
tors were present
between Miss Gr
Maggie Macdonal
the winner by a f
is Tournament.
,noon the members of
wn Tennis Club held
r the suit case given by
tel. The games in the
ning were very keenly
rge number of speota-
The final game was
a Corbonld and Miss
Miss Corbould was
Moving to Owen sound.
Mr. Robert Sturdy ]est 'eek purchas-
ed the bus business at Ow n Sound and
will take pnssessiou en I+ day of this
week. The bus busine s iu Owen
Sound has for some time eels divided
among the hotels, but to f tura a union
bus will he run by Mr. ` urdy. Mr.
Sturdy had arranged to mo e to Souris,
Man., but the deal fell tl engin
wish him every success in h s ne
Twice a pay to St.
The Grand Trunk offer a
through car service direct t
Fair City --St. Louis, Mo.
Montreal morning and ev
four cents in stamps to J. D
D. P. A, Toronto for the
publication yet issued on
Fair, and consult Grand Tr
for further particulars.
ouble daily
the World'
rains lea
Mc nald
he World's
nk Ageuts
Had Successful Ye
On June 30th last, Malt
Independent Oddfellows, cl
most successful years in
During the year the to
amounted to $1072.98, arad i
$652.71 was paid out in si
The lodge now has assets a
$3909.61. Tweutyfive ne
have joined the lodge duri
year. Mr. John Elder, w
Noble Grand for the past t
the members to ice cream a
the meeting last Thursday
Elder has the honor of oc
chair during what was the 1
prosperous term. He is an
36 years standing, having
Order in Seaforth when th
started in that plane. All
should attend the regular me
lodge this (Thursday) evenin
nd Lodge,
ed one of
s history.
1 receipts
this sum
k benefits.,
minting to
g the past
has beeu
rnl treated
the close of
ight. Mr.
pying the
dge's most
dfellow of
'lined the
lodge was
tiug of the
A Loss to Wingha
4 B the removal'of Mr. Ro
who with Mrs. Molndoo, leas
for Fresno, California, to
residence, the town loses
teemed and useful citizen
has been a resident of Pug
wards of twenty-five years,
that time has made many'
For two years in successio
the head of the civte giver
town. besides for several y
a seat at the council boa
public and private life his
been characterized by the
rity and straightforward')
won for him the esteem of
ity. Mr. and Mrs. Melnd
missed in social circles, an
odist Church, and their m
this section will join in
thein an abundance of'hea
perity in their new home
Miss May Pow
Theory examinat
servatory of M
Miss Lillian Kerr
honors she Junior
Theory examinati
Mary. Miss Haz
Primary Rudim
London Conservet
young ladies
p upils of Miss Co
0. M.
sful Pu ils.
11, passed the Junior
on at' Torouto Con-
e, very creditably.
assed with first class
Piano and Primary
at London Conserv-
!Brandon, passed the
nts examination at
fry of Music. All the
Ove mentioned are
della Sperling, A. T.
CLEARING SALE.—On Friday, July 8,
we will commence a clearing cash sale
of dress goods and light summer fabrics.
Eggs, 17c trade; 150. cash.
New Post
Mr. S. S. Coope
the contract for th
Wingham post offi
week making arran
the work. Mr. Oo
of the material Ord
now on the road t
here he closed
Eli Elliott to suppl
the brick. It is ex
will be commence
favorable weather
have the roof on tl
bad fall weather.
ffice Building.
of Clinton, who has
building of the new
t. Mclndoo
s this week
he up his
am for up-
nd during
rm friends.
he was at
nent of the
ars having
Beth in
ealings have
Wisest Wog-
s, which has
he commun-
e will also be
in the Meth -
y friends in
wishing for
th and pros -
the sunny
Increased Cost. Hig er Prices.
Publishers of county ewspapers all
over Ontario are feeling le effects of
the extra cost of all kind of priuting
material and higher wage .ills dud are
iucreasiug the prices f.: advertisiug
space and job printing. he TIMES has
felt for some -mouths that .ur prices for
advertising, under press t conditions,
are too low and we have .:en seriously
price as they
er five hund-
red less subscribers than rt : have to -day.
In former years advertise s were cot -
tent to change their advts ince in tour
ade weekly,
hey should be
the best re-
s doing four
k of former
rice. Many
es have ad-
TrnEs will
n order that
e was in town this considering an advance.
are to -day paying the sant
ements to commence did when the Times had o
er says he has much
ed and some of it is
Wingham. While weeks, now changes are
contract with Mr. and right and proper that
a large quantity of so the advertiser will get
cted that the work sults, but the poor printer
next week and with times the amount of w
Ir, Cooper expects to years, bat still at the old
P of our neighboriug exeha
e building before the vanced their rates and the
shortly have to follow suit
we may have a living profit
Huron Old toys and Girls.
Many of the for.. er residents of this I
section who aro n as' living in Toronto
took advantage o
excursion on Sett
few days with of
county. The sp
filled coaches art
o'clock on Satur
Lucknow. The
leaving TOront
divided into two
Goderich and on
bail olub acc
Wingham and
local boys by a
rain on Saturd
pleasure of th
fine weather o
fully made up f
weather. Am
train at Wing
Jas. Timmins
Peake, Lyon
and Miss Scot
Newton, Miss
J. Anderson,
Walker, Mfr.
Morris Ross,
Mitchell, Llo
son, Thos.
Leech, Dr, P.
Ohas. Black,
the Huron 010 Boys
day Last to spend a
friends in their native
eta train of six well-
ed shortly after one
ay and proceeded on to
train was well filled on
and at Guelph was
sections, one going to
to Lucknow. A base-
panied the party to
et defeat with our
core of 17 to 1. The
y rather spoiled the
excursionists, but the
Sunday and Monday
Saturday's disagreeable
ng those who left the
m were the following:—
Fred. MoLeau, C. N.
'ndlater, Walter Scott jr.
Chas. Moore, Mrs. G. A.
ade, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr, and Mrs. Jackson
and Mrs. P. S. Fisher,
fisc S. Stewart. Miss S.
d Sills, Utica Lexie Daw-
rehead, IteV, and Mrs.
H. Clarkson, A. Sperlieg,
r. and Mrs, R. A. Walker.
English Green
Try ns for Paris Green
and bo convinced that
the best is
Moo McKihhon, Phm,S,
Next door to Post Office,
Attractive S
Messrs. feeler
were very cicely d
hration on Tuesd
arraugement a rep
of rays of ligh
centre to the sides
of the north wind(
dow a very pret
colors was produc
placed at the side
tractive display.
the handiwork of
's by no means a n
Bee Hive windows
of attraction for t
Wingham, and m
beard as to the be
window display.
ow Windows.
Co's. store windows
corated for the cele-
. By an ingenious
eseutation was made
extending from the
and top and bottom
w, In the south win.
effect of different
, and a large mirror
effected a very at -
he decorating was
r. F. W. Stark, who
vice in the art. The
were a great centre
crowds who visited
y compliments were
ty of this np-to•date
Auction Sale of
and one good youn
market square on
at 3 o'clock p.m.
10 f niture
ill . held on
my 16th,
, auctioneer.
Dominion D
An incident which
eye of our reporter, t
ion Day, when Mr.
boot sign, the only r
of the early days of
for forty years has
and the breeze," c
lofty position, and
on the hard ground
tare of a couple of ri
it is under the oar
doctor and will no d
accustomed place as
The loyalty of th
establishment for
successfully spoken
cannot be question
took Canada's natal
.a daring feat remai
y Incident.
escaped the eagle
ok place on Domin-
Thos. Abraham's
veining landmark
iugham, and which
'braved the battle
e clown from its
its haste alighting
ustained the free-
s. We understand
of a skilful shoe
ubt soon resume its
esker of the house.
proprietor of the
hich this sign has
for so many years
, but just why it
ay to perform such
a mystery.,,µ~'
NOTICE—I have arranged wi . 'the
Dominion Bank to manage nay .usiness
any all owing me on note- or . ortgages,
can pay principal or in e •at at any
time after failing due. 3 • . ember you
need nut pay until you e requested to
do so by me. I thank all those who
have done business with me and wish
you all every prosperity.
ROIIT. Mclsroo.
A Golden
To spend fifty ye
nether is a privileg
such has been the
Mr. and Mrs. M.
whose golden wed
on Saturday after')
of their son, Mr.
Mr, and Mrs Wal
Wawanosh forty-fi
few years ago ')love
spend their remain
They had nine child
one daughter, all of
ing and were pres
namely :—Thos. E.
Riversdale; James
Wingham; Jackson
Toronto; Elisha Wal
Wawanosh; George
Brussels; R. A. Wall
to; Isaac Walker ant
rs of wedded life to -
enjoyed by few, yet
happy privilege of
lker of :Teen street,
ing was celebrated
n last at the home
esley W. Walker.
r settled in East
years ago and a
to Winghata to
ng days in ease.
n, eight boys and
hom are still liv-
ut on Saturday,
alker and wife,
alker and wife, of
Walker and wife,
er and wife, East
alker and wife,
and wife, Toren -
wife, East Wawa -
nosh ; Wesley W.
Toronto, Mr. and IS
thirty-three grandehil
grandchild, nearly al
present, as well as br
of Mrs. Walker, A
East Warifanosh neje
Mr. and Mrs. Welke
lents of a compliment
purse of gold from th
family, the presentati
E. 3. Anderson and
6 o'clock the party sa
laden table and it was
union. After lunch a
were spent together in
the local ministers,
Rev. D. Perrie and Re
were present and mad
dresses. Miss Edith
very appropriate recite
bers of the flintily gay
and all wished Mr.
mabY happy returns
day. It gives the TIN
to join in the heart,
and to exprees the hop
still continue to deal
theirs gently during tl
On Sunday morning
Walker, with their
their wives and their
husband attended s
family church (Brick
alker and wife,
rs. Walker have
ren and one great i
of whom were
thers and sisters
mbar of the old
bons were present.
were the recip-
ty address and a
members of the
n being made by
W. Walker. At
down to a well -I
appy few hours
social chat and
days. Three of '
appropriate ad -
siker aloe gave a
ion. The mem-
short addresses,
el Mrs. Walker
their wedding
s great pleasure
that time may
with them and
ir fleeting years.
Mr. and Mrs.
eight sons with
daughter. and her
vice in the old
`Much) in East
S30.00 to Colorado And Return
Via Chicago, Union Pacific & North.
Western Line, °Wog° to Denver,
Colorado Springs and Pueblo, daily
throughout the sntnmer. Correspond.
ingly low rates from all points east.
Only one night to Denvet from Chicago.
Two feet trains daily. B. BENNETT.,
2 East King St. Toronto, Ont.
1 Events of Local Interest on the
Field of Sport During
the Past Week.
Wingham owlers Win.
An interestieg bowling game was
played on the Wi ham green of Friday
afternoon of last week between three
Clinton and three ocal rinks, The lei al
players were play ng their best and won
from the visitor by nine shots. The
following were he players and the
Dr. j. R, IVIacdon Id J. Hunter
0. Dallas J. Spalding
Fred Orr J. Johnston
0. Kuechtel JOB. Fair
W. Holmes, skip 24 J. Ransford skip—
Tilos King E. Hilton
B. Cochrane Dr. Shaw
Dr. Holloway sk- 16 Dr. Agnew skip -23
Majority for ingham, 9.
The Clinton la
crossed sticks w
with Mr. Brown
referee. The firs
was rather slow,
concl was there a
which the visitor
placiag the ball i
the third quarter t
locating the net, a
end of the game st
tors' favor. The
deuce of a good d
home players espe
very fine combine
Leafs were some
the absence of so
se Notes.
of their supporters,
on Friday' last and
h the Maple Leafs,
ckson of Seaforth as'
quarter of the game
not until the se -
goal scored, during
succeeded in twice
the desired spot, In
ey succeeded in again
id the score at the
linton Club gives evi-
al of practice, their
jelly getting in some
on work, The Maple
hat haudicapped by
of the regular play -
The Executive
A. has ordered the
match to be Played
will be done if it b
order to decide th
omraittee of the C. L.'
over again, and this
comes necessary, in
championship of the
Here's Bargain !
One of the mos popular papers in the
country is The Family Herald and
Weekly Star, of Montreal. It has al-
ready a large nu I, ber of subscribers in
this district, but o increase its circula-
tiou throughout his section it has made
arrangements r ith The TIMES for a
clubbing offer r the balance of the
year. The two ape's', The TIMES and
Family Herald nd Weekly Star, will
be sent to new ubscribers to jaunary
1st, 1905, for o y 65 cents. Subscribe
at once and get he full benefit of the
Put up in any quantity you wish.
In buying it from Ds yen are sure
of the best—it's pure.
We also have
• Insect Powder
Blue Stone
and Bug Death
Try ns for your Poiaons.
Fall Term
Opens Sejpt.6
IT PAYS to get a business educe-
tiou and it pays to get it in our
school. Our attendance this year has
been the largest in the history of this
college. We have placed more stud•
ents iu positions this year than
any previous year.
'Write to the college for a naagnifl-
cent Catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, President.
D. A. MeLACHLAN, PrinCipal.
$50.00 to Callicrnia and Return.
Via th e Chicago, talon Pacific nd
Western Line, hem Chicago, Au 5th
to Sept. 10th. Choice of rout ,oing and
returning. Corres y low rates
from all points in da.. Two trains
a day from Chicago through without
change. Daily and persouatly eenclacted
tourist car excursions. Write for
itinerary and full partieulars legarding
special train leaving Chivago Aug. 18th
and With. B. H. BENNETT, 2 East King
St., Toronto, Oen
—nuns and Family Herald and Week-
ly Star till end of 1904 for 05 cents. New
subscribers should take advantage of this
low rate.
There's a whole Summer's comfort ahead for the Man
or Woman who buys Oxfords now.
Furthermore, they're the stylish caper.
More Oxfords will be worn this season than ever before.
No matter what the price—no matter what the style --
we're ready for you with the laTest, finest and swell -
est stock of Men s and Women's -'0xfords and Slippers
in Wingham.
For Ladies and Misses we have Oxford.: at $r co, $ t.25
Plenty of styles at every price to select from.
See Them, and you'll see the Oxford and Slipper display
of the town.
Buy Them, and you'll buy at right prices.
See us for Trunks arid Valises. "<cl:
Tommonsoor imismolmoni....T Taoism small
The Shoe Man.