HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-07, Page 8a TILE TIMES HU 7, 1904 . Missea M. hila and M. E. Scott, of Loudon visited fora few clays with.. Mrs, ti "'""" WINGaTIAM' S .'-• '"---' , K. D. Elliott, Mrs. Zurbrigg, of Listowel spent a DressOoosn Tnmmwgs����I Mr, and Mrs. A. Champion of New York city are visiting their mice, Mrs. Ken. Paterson. LOVELY DRESS FABRICS OF SUMMER ELEGANCE Our Dress Goods section is especially rich this season in those lovely summer fabrics th'lt are so popular this season. There are the pretty and serviceable Brilliantines, French Delaines, Reng,alines, elegant Crepe de Paris, rich - looking German l3ox Cloths. They are all regally hand- some in design and patterns. They are of the finest wool, but if there are any that are not all wool they are wool improved by a mixture of silk. Colored Brilliantine Lustros in vogue now for Shirt Waist Snits and Blouses; best fabric for clothing costumes, per yard ............ .25 to .75 Crepe de Paris, silk and wool, light weight dress fabrics, fashionable for street costumes; clines, and has a shimmeriug effect; beautiful shades, per yard .65 to .85 Parisian Voiles, in small, neat cheeks, the style for Shirt Waist Suits. sheer, light fabrics. tine handsome weave, soft new tones, in pretty shades; per yard $1.25 to $1.45 SHOES A lino of Shoes rang- ing in prices from $1 to v$2.00; year choice for,.., .50 MUSLIMS LAWNS Astable of Musl4ns to choose froth; regular lye to 30c a yd; your choice for - .10 50 yards nice Lawn, regular prices from 10o to 121 c, to clear out at,..... 08 We pray 16e per dozen for Eggs. Alex. 1Zitchie. Dainty Chinaware Makes Suitable Presents for all 'Occasions We have a splendid assortment of French China decorated by the famous Haviland and Elite decora- tors. German, Austrian, and Eng- lish ware. Also the chicest selection of Japanese ware all of which we ighort at special prices. Come and see what we have for ,igiftei of all kinds. COOPER & CO. (Successors to Alex. Ross.) MINOR LOCALS. --July 12th—next Tuesday. Decorate Jnr business.places and residences. --The farmers in this section are now asy at the hay, and it is a very heayy —Dominion Number and also TIMES end of 1904 for 40 cents. Subscribe vr- -The regular monthly meeting of the hool Board will the held on Tuesday ening next. The bricklayers have commenced k on MayorVanstone's new house on inose street, —The regular meeting of Court Mait- d, Canadian 'Foresters will be held on 'day evening of this week. Toronto Seniors and Wingham base - cub Will play a game on the park on turday afternoon. The first load of new bay was cle- ared into Wingham on Monday, by A. Kelly, of Tnrnberry. neral people have this week taken tage of our end of year clubbing . See advt. on last page for parti= Mr. W. J. McGregor, of the London Advertiser staff spent part of the hull• days at his home iu town. Mr. A- h McCall, of A. 1. McCall cos Oo.,Chatbam, spent a few days ia Wing - ham during the past week. Mrs. D. A. Soroggie and son Arthur of Guelph were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo C. Hanna this week. Mrs. lien. Patterson and sou, Frank, spent a few days with their relatives iu Clinton, Goderich and Exeter. • Mrs. D McCormick, and daughter. of Hamiltou were visiting with her sister, Mrs. L. W. Honsuir for a few days. Dr. Bethune was in Torouto for a few days of the past week, and while there attended the Ontario MedionI Council. Dr. Agnew returned hone on Wednes- day evening from Chicago, where he has spent a number of weeks in post gradu- ate work in the hospitals. Mrs. P. Morrison and daughter, of Walkerville, and Mrs. David Weir, of Crumlin, were visiting last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich Arm- stroug. Mr. and Mrs John Paterson jr., of Glenmorris, have returned home after speudiug a time with their uncle, Mr. Frank Paterson, and other relatives iu the vicinity. ;, Mrs. J. H. Lind, Mrs. W. Allison and Mr. Harry Brandon returned home on Thursday last from the Northwest to visit with their father, Mr. J. H, Bran- don, of Morris, who has been ill. --Make the town look her best on Tuesday next. —Mr.sold his Gracey, whorecentl S. G ace y Y interest in a business at St. Marys has purchased a furniture and undertaking business at Aylmer. Mr. Gracey's many old friends in this section will wish him success in his new home. —Wingham Oddfellows will observe Thursday, August lith as Deooration Day. Arrangements are being made so that the members will leave their lodge room at 4 o'clock p.ni. The Wingham citizens band will head the procession. —The Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star and TIMES to end of .1904 for 65c to new subscribers. Old subscri- bers can have the Family Herald sent to their address for 30c for the balance of the year. Ton may have the Weekly Globe or Weekly Sun at the same rate. —The Keeler Oo's. change of advt. came to hand to late for this issue. T hey are offering great value in Dress Goods, Men's and Boys' CIothing, and a line of ready to wear skirts worth $4.00 which they are selling at $2.00. Special bargains iu everg department. Visit the store and get prices. —Mr. W. J. Elliott, of the Central Business College, Stratford, has ad- mitted Mr. D. A. McLachlan to part- nership with him, and will open a business college in Toronto in the near future, removing to that city. Mr. McLachlan will have charge of the Stratford college. Belgrave L. O. L. will attend divine e in the English church at that on Sunday next at 2.30 o'clock The junior and Senior Leaving ex - are being held at the Wing - 0°1001 this week, under the super. or Principal Canieron,of Brussels. Mu'itgrove is doing similar duty Myth. Cook has accepted a as foreman blacksmith in a oaar'wake at Chatham and i t place last week. He will ilistreily in the eotune of a few` PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note tc that effect. Mr. L. McLean spent a few days visit- ing with his daughter, Mrs. Jas. Carruth at Hepworth. Mrs. Wm Crowston, who has been visiting in Hepworth for some time, returned home with him on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Keeling and child- ren, Lorne and Gladys Keeling, of Car - 1 Messrs. E. of Car- gill visitedthe homes g Zat H. Kaiser and Arthur Helm. Lorne and Gladys will remain in Wingham for a couple of weeks. Mrs. John Adair and family left this morning for their new home in Lacombe, Alberta, where Mr. Adair has been for some weeks. Mrs. Adair was presented with a purse of money by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon. This family will carry with them to their home the best wishes of many friends. RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS. Form Ii.—Test examinations. Sub- jects—Arithmetic, Grammar, Algebra, Geometry, Physics and Latin. Maxi- mum, 700.— Mr. Frank Paterson spent Monday in Goderich. M iss E. Matheson is spending the summer vacation at Ayr. Mr. Jas. Walker spent a few days in Toronto during the hast week. Mrs. D. McGregor was visiting with friends in Chatham for a few days. Mrs. Welsh, of Exeter is visiting with her daughter, Mrs., (Dr.) W. T. Hollo- way. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCulloch were visiting with Toronto friends for a few days. Mrs. F. W. Galbraith of Guelph spent the holidays at the home of Postmaster Fisher. Miss Eva Gracey, of St. Marys was visiting with Wingham friends for a few days. Miss McLean, of the teaching staff is spending the holidays at her home in Beadford. Laura Nay ........ 525 Ben. Higgins . 521 Jno. Hutton 494 Wm. Linklater 494 Annie Law 492 Geo. Gregory 490 Cora Sheriff 432 Janis. Perrie 405 Alf. Posliff 376 *Merton Hart 360 *Geo. Elliott. 344 *Lillisu Deyell 323 *May Swarts 310 'Vera Holmes 220 *Hattie Campbell 165 "Maggie Stewart 148 *Did not take all the examinations. Forne I. Subjects: Grammer, Book-keeping, Arithmetic, Geography,History, Euclid, Algebra. Total 700 marks. Tom Wilson 622 Ethel Davidson 606 Clare Adams 578 Pearl McPherson 574 Bessie Marsales 527 Fay Patterson 488 Everett Glenn 461 May Lamont 459 Earnscliffe Musgrove, 459 Florence Vannorman. 458 Olive Manners 446 Clarence Wilson. 445 Vera Knechtei 443 Bob Cruickshank 442 May Fry. 435 Frank Howson 434 Ernest Aitcheson 432 George Tees 431 Carroll Hele 429 May Mason 426 Robt, Brooks. ,424 John Mason 407 Edith Johnston 402 Duncan McGillivray 401 Minnie Armour 381 Kathleen Lowe . . - 381 Howard Campbell 377 Bob. King 360 Rich. Howson 345 Fred. Homuth 343 Elliott Fleming. 341 Pearl Davidson334 322 Percy Kerr 317 Mr. T. A. Netterfield, of Kincardine was visiting at his home in town for the holidays. Miss A. Stewart, of Toronto spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Stewatt. Mr. James Cummings of St. Marys is spending a few holidays at his parental home in town. Mrs. Vincent, of Owen Sound, bas been visiting With her patents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bosman. Alice Coad 6•••• •• SR, I1I TO JR. IV—DEP. III TO II. Pass 495. May Moore 738 Emily Mann 717 Mamie Flood 715 Willie Galbraith 712 May Williamson 708 Ruby Kerr , .. 708 Maud Fry 682 Sadie Davidson 679 Ena Lang 062 Alvin Hart.. , 661 'Fina Davidson... 0600 Irene Vannorman, . „654 Een fe Robertson ..... 648 Minnie Sherk .....,..,, 040 Jennie Bowman... , , ..... 63$ Lois Henry 688 John Gnest.,:' 041 Hector Mutton... . 112'1 Errold Drummond 614 Tillie Paterson.. 614 L'zzie Green Clarence 131ackhan 594 595 Mary McGregor. „ , 990 Una Robertson..........986 Edna Gannett.. 583 Enima•Aituisou...... ..... 577 Willie Simmons . , , . ,..,,, 965 Mabel Macdouald. 565 Winks Bordeu . 559 Nettie Vanalstine...... 555 Olive Cartwright.... 550 Esther Wiley 521 Charlie Webb 518 '1 airy Aitchison .,., 518 Ohrissy Riutoui,.. : 499 FROM JR. TO : R III—DEF? Iv TO III. to pass 375. Meldrum Cook • ,,,, 623 Maggie Vannorman;:, 546 Russ Maxwell 543 Harry Dore . 587 Cassie Mullin , . . 527 Gladys Matthews .... 507 Haroid Whyte 490 Ethel Tipliug 4119 Joey Harold ... 469 Simpson Orr 409 Milton Henry Fred Johustou..449 Fred Guest •1'25 . 41.1 Recommended, Edith Buohauau DEPT V t0 DEPT IV—SR. lI To JR. m Pass 297. John Mitchell .. 524' Frank Gillespie 478 Lillian Ross .. , . , .. , ... . 468 Jennie Armour . 461 Walter Johnston 446 Razel Worth 481 Flossie Orr 421 Normau Watson 418 Clara Mitchell 416 Stanley Small... , 411 Hazel Vanalstine..-. 398 Tom Hicks 394 Robbie Welsh,... 394 Lizzie Sturdy 388 Archie Simmons 375 Azalea Sanderson 337 Recommended, Edwin Elliott, Bessie Stapleton, Annie Walker. FRO.1L•JR. II TO SR, II—DEPT VI TO V. Pass 260 George Sehaefer 390 Menthe Kerr 389 Mary Currie 376 Milton Coote , . 867. Mabel 67- Mabel Swarts 364 Brownie S warts . , , ... 352 George O'Brieu .. - . 348 Eddie McLennan 344 Effie Bowers 336 Maggie Williamson. 881 Stella McMannns... 326 Edna Jenkins 323 Lloyd Hewer 314 Freddie Groves 312 Violet Miller 302 Leslie Grisdale 293 Nelson Reid 271 Recommended, Eva Fitzsimmons, Arthur Wilson, Locks, Aitcheson. FROM DEPT VII TO VI To remaiu in Part Second Names in order of merit. 'e Percy Andrews, Jean Vannorman, Alba Elliott, Jennie Stapleton, Lnella McCool. Lorne Aitcheson, tunnel You - hill, Marion Allen, Fred Manuel, Hazel Elliott, Reeta Walker, Lilly Small, Heide Buchanan, Irene Bottrell, Jean Blackhall. Hettie Matthews, Charlotte Henry, Lillian Longman, Harold Hins- cliffe, Gorden Small, Edith Campbell, Russell Bloomfield. John Rogers, Conrad Ard, Harold Drummond. PART I TO PART II-11ooM VIII TO VII Names given iu order of merit. Lepua Elliott, Florence Barber, Ora Kaiser, Wenowae Holmes, Vance San- derson, Edna Smith, Fred Constable, Alice Simmons, Lloyd Hingston, Mar- garet Perrie. Annie Welsh, Loura David- son, Rubina Hardy, Edna Davidson, Alice Reading. Alice Crowder, Mamie Cartwright, Ella Mitchell, Richard Gra- ham. Does This Fit You. One step won't take you far, You've got to keep on walking; One word won't tell folks what you are You've got to keep on talking. One Inch won't make you very tall. You've got to keep on growing; One little "ad" won't do at all, You've got to keep 'em going. 1141'1v01A."�+1''N'�ti1•i 77'11!��ti11'r'►'N�'�'!''�''�'�''r►A'� CLEARING TUE DECKS ser ti, aigeimmeal 1 Odd Lots AT O and Remnants THE BEE HIVE. Active selling has left many odd lots and remnants in all depai tments of our business which must be cleared out without any regard. The policy of This Store is to never allow this kind of stock to accumulate, but underprice it so as to move it out at a rapid pace. There will be a dollars - and -cents saving time for purchasers at the Bee Hive this week. Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Prints, Towelling, Towels, Lace Curtains, Clothing, Shirtings, Cottonades, Flannellettes, Wrapperettes, Men's Furnishings, Ladies' Vests, Corsets, Hosiery, Corset Covers, Parasols ---in fact all over the store bargains this week. Special Grocery bargains Butter and Eggs wanted. IT PAYS TO DEAL AT $ The Bee ive. THE KEELER CO. Phone No. 96 WING -HAM, Ont. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. TXT A. CURRIE, Wingham, Ont. �1 . THE PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER. Why go outside for a good man when you can get ono at home ? Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Camp National, No. 139 HOLD their regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. MAXWELL, C. C. R. H. CRowDER, Clerk. C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing alone. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights front 7 to 9 o'clock. DR. OVENS, of London, • SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Wingham monthly. Glasses properly fltted. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Wingham Office --W. McKibbon's Drug Store. London Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours : 11 to 8 p.m. Dates cf visits—Mondays, Feb. 1, Feb. 20; Marchi 28, May 2, May 30, June 27, July 25, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 81, Nov. 28. HORN. BALL.—On C. Line Howick, of Saturday,June 25th the wife of Mr. Wm. Ball; a son. DUNCAN.—In Morris, on June 27t1i, the wife of Mr. Henry Duncan; a son. Lociu enGE.—In Brussels, on Jnne 23rd, the wife of Wm. Lockridge; a daughter. BAILER.—In Culross, on the 20th June, the wife of Win. Baker; n son. WTLLSON.—In Roland, Man.. on ,Tule 25th, the wife ofC.K. Willson, formerly of Wing - ham ; a daughter. MARRIED DEsntAN—YE0.—At the Methodist parsonage, Wingltain, on June 30th, by Rev. Dr. Gandy, Mr. J. J. Denman. of Bluevale. to Miss Frances Ann, daughter of Mr. Robert Yeo, of Turn - berry. Jove s—MAnsn: -At the residence of the bride's fattier, on June 22nd, by Rev. J. L. Small, Mr' Wm. Albert Jones, of West Wawa - nosh to Minnie, second daughter of Mr. George Marsh, of Hallett. POLLARD---BOLOEs.--At the residence of the bride's father, by Bev. I. M. Webb, of Brtwels, Mr. Chas, Pollard to Miss Emily, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bolger, alI of Morris. MCQUAIo—MCDONALD.—At Senforth, on June ' Mr. Angus McQuaig, of Morris to Miss Grace McDonald, of Grey. DIED LAEONT.--In Grey, on June 28, Jno. C. Lamont, aged 91 years, 1 month and 21 days. ScarT.—In Hawick, on June 25, Sarah Letitia Scott, aged 28 years. 1dr drelnlaJrddeh reebe6ritiebotnerbttobtot6ii Leola teloabob� Photographing And Picture Framing y For, a good Photo or Family (Group,a Crayon or Watercolor Portrait, or may be a copy, You Should visit Zarbrigg'r Studio. And that Photo you have which needs a frame, have it framed et once. We have a nice line of Moulding to choose from, M. E. ZURBRItsG. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We the undersigned lawyers agree to close our offices during the months of July and Aug- ust as follows :--On Saturdays at 2 P.M., and on other days at 4 P.m. R. VANSTONE, J. A. MORTON, DICKINSON & HOLMES, HOLMES, CLARKE & BOLMES. SHEEP IMPOUNDED. VpHERE have been 1 ises, Lot 30, Co nosh, Five Sheep—tip and also Four Lambs same by proving prop mounded on my prem - cession 1:1 Bait Wawa - black and three white; `` The owner can have brty and paying expenses. 111111 DAVID CLOW, Poundkeeper, Whitechurch P.O. TEACHER WANTED. APPLICATIONS x undersigned up position of teacher f• East Wawanosh. Du Monday in August. P ferred. Apply, statin 1904, to 11 be received by the July 9th, 1004, for the School Section No. 9, es to commence third rsonal applications pre - salary for balance of JOHN ELLIOTT, Sec_'y-Treasurer, ox 182, Wingham, Ont. • 1 Binde swine We are sole : ents in Wingham for the Ont rio Government Twines. Pure Manilla, 650 Manilla, 800 feet Farmers' Special Farmers' Special Each packa Twine, with bag and thre snaps and rin anteed. Freig est station. June 15th. Fish Hum the lb he lb 11gio 550 feet to the lbitc 500 feet to the 1b.103¢c contains 60 lbs. of two -bushel grain rope halters with , Every ball gnar- t paid to your near- rdere must be in by leigh's l4, WINGtU M. amomummai For the next 30 Days We will allow on all lines of Ready-to-wear Clo Shoes a clean 'cut of 20°x; off— ling and Boots and Twenty Gents off every Dollar'. Borth of the above lines That we sell. There are no better values in Wingham than the goods we offer here at our regular prices. Then with twenty cents off every dollar, see what bargains we otter for the next 30 days. EGGS: 14c cash, 16c trade. DIRECT IMPORTER. D. M. GORDON. 110,000 ACRES IN THE DEVIL'S LAKE RESETiON OPEN FOR SETTLE NT in the heart of the finest farming country in No i Dakota. Registration and entry for these lands must be made at the d nited States Land Office at DEVIL'S LAKE, '( tTH DAKOTA Registration for the lands open for s. ement begins at the Devil's Lake, North Dakota, Land Office August Sts► and continues until August 20th Drawings for these lands are also made at Devil's Lake Land Office, Aug. 24, and continues for 60 days. Lands must be located by September 6th. Applicants must be present in person, and the only railway to Devil's Lake, where the Land Office is located, is the CREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Send 2 cents postage for folder giving detailed information with map of reservation, what the government requiremeuts are, etc. oma. For further information and railway rates address MAX BASS F. I WHITNEY General Immigration Agent General Passenger and Ticket Agent 220 So. Clark St., Chicago, I11. St. Paul, Minn. les lEllaill1111111111101111111MINEll BALANCE OF. 1904 CLUBBING RATES: For the balance of this year we are prepared to givd the following low clubbing rates to new subscribers Times to January ist, 1905 - Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star to January 1st, 1905, - Times and Weekly Globe to Jan. last, 1905, Times and Weekly Sun to Jan. xst, 1905, Wingham, THE TIMES, 40c 65c 65c 6bc Ontario