HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-07, Page 7000011141100000110011090114104111011•“000000100•011100011
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Audio- of "Beaton's Bargain," "His Perfect Tru
"By Another Name," "Her Hea t's
"Half a Truth," "H s Rival."
A Iittie Sunlight Soap will clean
64 cut glass and other articles until
they thine and sparld,e. Sunlight
Soap will wash other things than
es. AA
ably be but short-liVed passion. I
suspect he is colistant only to Moon,
etoney—still, tomporatilY, he likes
nte. Now if, AR 1 haVe sometimes
thought, Ito ken W
is taken Nora
L'retrango, In. will be gadding to
and fro, and spending a, lot of time
at their mieorablo lodgings. I wient
yon to op no. informed of tide. I
aut not going to let that girl inter-.
Imo with my plans, cost what it moot
to cot 1 yr out!" She spoko with
t ong 10('1.01051)4.hasit4.
1.(10171t and," said Shirley, who
had thaened sulkily to this long
•spoech. "If you have SA NOM' mind,
on Marsthot or Elvosloigh, n'., v1
000000000VagteeettaeGiVe0e001004inegM0000etr ' 11111st glvt' WitY. "S 11"1.
nett, I am stwo 1 hopo not." cried
Ray Dorrington, with a searehiree
'look, "I bog your pardmo but I come
foss I hoot. boon 'forcibly uneasy sire%)
you paid off that mortgagc. of firma- I
wood's, in May."
" ! ems. I was wondyrfully
lucky last goring. I won a fow thou-
.stouls et Monaco, and Do llettdon's
brolwr numaged to (1001)10 thont soy
oral tinws (woe; in Moat, I never
had stroll a champ le•foro, so I wits
• able to elem. Oroonwood and ono
• or two °Owl' small things. You may
volt bog nty pardon. If you boliovecl
• me to ho such a blackguard, how 1
vould you can, onough ubout 1110 10 !
WiS11 nto inarriod to any wounin—to
sacrifico ony woman to me?"
"Clifford." eriod Lady Dorrington,
"I know that you havo very Milo I
prineiplo., vol. 1 atu fond of vou.
Itave soon you grow up. You havo
always boon nico and kind 10 me, ,
and you Srt. the last of outfamily.
I want to sec! you well ntarriod and
Imo from tho owful Immo at 100 of
money los. lf T havo done
aoou injoet lee I ton vete. sorry."
"I can afford to forgivo you, Ise-
. bolle, but If yon know how much I
valtto your good opinioo you would
not have wounchol ino as you have
Lady Dorrirurton, mato meItod, hold
tout hor hoed, and • Marecion ruse,
took it, ond kiesod hor brow.
"Now," eho resumed elworfully, af-
or a momont 's oilonce, li t us talk
soehrusly of your marringo."
"Mt11.t I marry?"
"Why, yes; of coto•vo. 11 is a !mo-
rel/Il. in '(1' 1)1 ion of j)eovid,..nee that
.sprif '''•1•14, 1'0,1.4 MI 111 Y0111' 1.VI1Y—ttad
' such an ail votive. woman too."
"vso, ate. cloos hor best ea that
• eeirl to italtro by your condiest, os-
roompo1 ho oight of 1 tat onlooky
bar, mioontly eoccoreftil. You
roony tom 1 ot play fol vita louee
'with a a owun's 0170(1 ions."
",\ rect. b.r,! You don't moon to
soy you testi, V0 111 S 1 1101.v..11 1 pi u!,y
'1.1('ti()(8, ,!-114.) hag 1 unity if you
like, amf oriorte s
they tood to tt 11 flatus. o• o.ee,
op in 11' 1 oleo
"Still, Cenord, I tit,
sincotoly 011 (11,1), to sem: itod toot
1:011841ov Ni hat hot. mem y V. ould es)
for you mid your ystaty!"
"1. doft't flint. you M,ow t"a*0
frioodship for hop by 1,•‘ to n000
.ry hor lo au iliipectu.iJuz cote/or:1
'Notts:moo! You only wont a lit110
• !ready motivy to put you wool:Al-A
again, laid the (+totes woutd toroot
. recover t bootee) 114. '
• "(live hor allot hor chance, " yotos
sealed Marsden, "Ask ow. or two mop
trimonially eieposod pool's to wove
aeo, nod soo if my faseinal ions
coun1yr4010uce 0 coronet."
"1 shun do nothing of the Irine,',1
<cried Ludy Dorringt on impation".e,
"I dare say you are talking in Cole
.strain just to worry no. I dare soyes
you have outdo 01) your raind
marry Imo all tiro flaw. If so, do
not ho too sure of your gaine—are
-ware of that Captain Shh•ley. Tie
a rival. 0 111081.i00 liV111; is aiWaYtg
hanging about, 1001 acting ae if leo
were r host friond."
• 'Ire is docidocily objectionable;
I do not fear him."
'Yon aro wrong, Cliffordl t! f:
not to he dospiei d! am going to
persuade Mrs. 1 luthot 11 to ecase
-down with mo to Chedworth. It wig
draw hor away from hor porpoteeil
fretting about thoso jewolo; thy are
porloct crave; and I think thou/0
horrid dotoct hes are 1 Ittyilq, 1210(33
. her erontility; it, is a game that poen
them tv(.11.''
t "I. don't believe she is the sort oil
'woman to waste hor Intower in crier
elirection. But 5110 IN a lit th. gotta
off uhout this unluyky rohlwry. DO
you know 5110 5001111.11 C111,1,101411att
S110P001 ; hisea itimsolf!"
: "Is it poesiolo? eho lotrooto
111111 hotter than wo mt. I do
likt. his countonance!"
"Novortholose, I do not suppoae eSo
being ohjoetionahle to you is roof
• proof that ja, wood ho guilty 041
felony," said lIal•stlen laughing.
'Of yours,. not. T am .not sto elro
as to think any etu•li immensel lame,
seriously, Clifford, I wont 7100
come (town 10 t'hodwort h and helot
;Was hi Dread of
t Heart Disease
tBut by enriching the bleed and
hooding up the; sootern with on
i Ohearnvielfg.rdtro Le:racotrigeo,sykraptorno
I Many who are going through life in tonstant
? horror of Iteart disease can take 110W courage in
- the fact that by supplying the bent with tr. !mei-
' cieney of rich red bloodby the use of 1 .r. ('hos-.
' Nerve Food they can newt e tho ntamataetion et
•thoheart and evercolne the dist rew.tng synxicmo.
1 MR. PAIS J. Doeovee, 17; fet. teem,.
tenet, Moeutol, (et .,
'.•'..' • "1 V -i ' Ili 1tl,1
(Iowa in health, vao
. 1,1
very pervoto ((((1toi moo
ered IL lot W,1.11, 1: 1 ilia
• , " 1 • in tit: )eztion ct ni,/
Lean el- coa..cd 11:.1
to ativo quts.yr 1,el'n44
crane 1 Net 11'.0, '1 he
re1.1ltotic,11 1:11/111 Dr.
......eay, Citeses Nervo Cool het
-e •Oo au a tosesta aloha.? anti •
,•.31.{ nerve rote/et/the led me
to t' 111 a tetattereet
vete t..:1, t.' it 01:,..414)1.....-,
. f;..., '41 i '.'' t czal asm,,,,:..,..,,r,211. ro,
fa'. 7601.T01A1t tults. 1!".. ,....-oe,tooloo•
strong and oteady, the. pains in tity oe..e. lowo tot
me and 1 feet better 111 every way, t tie tot ;
hesitote to tecommeod Dr. 'atiee*s Nerve Food .
it to protest 10" )4110t irtlitaii0TO fie portrait ;
ift the hightst toms,"
. and signoture oS Dr. A. W. •Chase, tho Lauf as i
receipt booe
ok .thor, are oa evety box of his
tno to (limo- up poor dear Mrs. Buttie
von—there is very good shooting, you
know how strictly „I n gt on PrOe
Nerves 1118 gaine—and if you de
woke. up your mind to marry Mose,
itutly,•en—which I hopo and pray you
will—overything might be settled.
and 1110 corounney (mold take) plaoo
varly 10 the new yotto!"
"Not so fast, my door sister. 11
will do my host to oblige you; butt
netke 00 positive promise. Do
be too 5111•0 OP your little gaMel
lltiwovote I will so far oblige you, en
to bestow Oat delights of my society
on you for alow days; then 1 may'
bo 0W11,4% for I have some
business in hand which requirea
porsoual 1I1101111011, So I will leave
1 ho final obvert/1g up ot our fait!
friend to
More than this he would not pro.
mise, Ludy Dorringt 00 wits therefotts
forocel to bo content. "I hear Mra.
L'Estrango and Nora teee in town?
1) hat to Du. world are they dotes;
hone? Wasting their nomoy?"
'I suppose, t boy got -bored and
norvous at Drooltdale. Why should
tho' not ho comfortable and happy?
It can cost nod to nothing, livines
us Uwe. do.'
"Oh! you think people are strictiee
oconoinical whi'11 thoy don't drive
four-in-hand uncl sit down to trui-
ties, pincomples and pato de foi gros
came" clay. Howevor, thoy have a
right to ploaso thentsolves, 1 wisL
\Vin1zi would mako haste to marry
Nora, it is time she were settled."
"Aro you sure he intends to marry
"He is bohaving very badly if ho
doos not, Why, he almost livod ii
ltor house all the summer, they tell
Is it not just possible he moor
marry Mrs, L'Estrange, who was his
name long ago? It looks to rIV
vory like 0 cotse of rettn•ning to Lis -
first love."
cried Lady Thierington, "Ie
it poseildo? That uovor struck me,
1 don't soy why it might not turn
out vory well, and then Nora need
not mako any provision for her lita
th. sistor; 10 sides, I have oftest
thought, what a nice match ehe
would bo for Dorrington's nophow,
Charlie Dyson. You know Charlie? a .
very good follow, and rooting on
very troll indoect at the bar. •ITo
woold bo tho voter thing for Nora.
If 'Mos. L'Esteange goos to India, wa
1111181. 111111'1W N01.11 lo some one, silo
can not livt. alone."
'•Certainly llot, we must marry hes
10 ecnno wee" agroed Marsden, with
theorful olatrity,
"I will osk tluon all down to Ched-
wot•th for luestmas. It would be
oldie exiting if the triple even.t
camo ori not thy house!"
"It would, holt eta Now," addod
5Tared, n, tilling and swallowing a
loroo goo s of 24101 ry, "I 11111et leave
you, ha vo ono or two people to
• 1 e 1 lotil e to rest; so good-.
ng! t, s'e mime try and believe
j r brother is not a felon!"
"My (It ar blood, haw can you
Say such things'? Do sure that you
do n .1 loso moiroy at ottrds or any-.
i Ling i1 tent I incl. Lot me 51.0 you
to -tion row, and nonomber. you have
promison to come down no wock to
The morning 1111 00 Lady Ilorrington
told her lo other had dined together,
:ors, 11(14 111(11 rovolvod a socond visit
froto. Waite. Me was got up in a
y'e of tho st rospeetability,
and mieet from his appearancy have
1 eon the et e rot ury of o iwnevolent
ios itution, 1!' poosod in the middle
of 111. room. and mod,. a low bow. .
:Mrs, 1hrt111 lookod at hi112, so tedily
botoro sped:dog, thou a smile crept ;
rot•nd Hos.
" I think We 111110 succossfully
di -
8112141 toty 24)48141)' (11(14 or loans Caro
41 11 1o71 owe- ha% htul." she
:aid. 'I can ;Ilford to wait. You '
to dont. your work well, it only
rt nothts to gi1o. ertri yota. toward."
Slit. oponocl 1,or ('0811-1 (0i. which
etotol on 22, 1E1100 11014/(10 lune nod
counted riot some woos. '1114' man's ,
• s spore hot no Wati.l.ed her.
!.tr.,t1 11 d ca,t ho ireo cs, •
lot el :the 111.1a loc sely, -ho oleo In .
booed low. •!
"*1 ea.: been a difficult businees,"
I:04 slid, ta"..ing "porhaps the
in Jet ditEcult I ever toolortook, nor
(mind any WY' haey vocre,ded but for
cl-w "Volt 111414'
reWal <lp1 nuk pp.:yew:sly, and you
o tOwnys find mo a(1y to do your
"I :hall 1.e ItiOre gc.11i.1•01)S," $411111
1(1114. 1111111- 41 oagorly. "If a oleo.
pusses without a whistror. 11 snsPie
00 11 of . 111 . truth 1 111101. uhroad.
If lIlo yoarte fifty; cater that all will
Ito Foto. lItot no lotto. crouton. be-
yond you tool na.,ham tho faintest
iflkliiig Of la' fart. 11;,-12i:ore Should
11 114. 1,110Wii, it Will in. through you.,
llut," ette (14%01 011 OW WO1A, 111111
11101 71'1t118041. "should 1 ho disposed
to opott tho cost., o punish the—the
folon•'—her 0110111 baler 11 11171' on
110 labile t.11,1,•111.c1 itsolf tightly.
"your evidyncy fruihyouling',1"
\laity 1)02104.1. -Mars vou htonaht Ina
the 1)11P(14'71 01)1' 11,111. 111 a vomit of
your seemly)"
"1 have," He drow a long, won.
etiyolotto 'from his ilivast-poc-
Lrt , and ;now il to itor.
'el hat 11 well.'' Sit. to•aoped it rage
erty. -Of cootie..." she! torntintwil, in
Nolro, "of connee .oh-
joet io to got hook toy jowols. If 1
eau do -that , I do not wish to do -
stem. into otto, 'mut, v. mad do tiny
no ;mod."
...• ertuuttt
y not, madame, it ittgave
vott im• part ir ular grat ideation."
"V.G0 haV0 Wid0 experh me, Mr.
Waite. I suppose 1ok11:10 tiratire
dove riAt 8120111 very estimable to
"We know nothing better, and core
tolely nothing worse," he returnod
ithilosophically. "At any rate this
espoctal culprit has boon fortunate.
ITad you loft him to the regular po-
lice, nothing would have saved him
from public trial; but, even with
yota belp, I doubt if they would ever
11011? tracked 111111. Englishmen aro
clumsy in such inattere, and 1 found
my nationality, my Itouiliarity with
my fathet"s longtotge, of important
assistance in my rosettrolies. As I
said, it is well for—"
"CaPtAtin ShirleY!" cried a waiter
throwing 011011 the door to its fullest
Mrs. Patthvon ond Waite exchanged
0, look, and a elight tootle passed
oeor the lips of the latter, while
Mom, Ituthven rapidly thrust th.e par-
1.ot sho had just newt orl into her
eash-box and locked it, boforo she
rose to receive the newcomer tvith a
sweet stuilm.of welcome.
• Waite stood back with an air of
extreme cloference.
"Very glad to find you are looking
so mud1 bot•ttr," said Shirley, who
was ueator, kooner than ever.
'1 ant almost's' myself again," she
replied; then turning to Waite she
said graciously: "I need not detain
you longer."
"I wish you good -morning, ma-
dame, 11.11(1 cleoply regret I could not
do you better service."
"I con quite sore you have done
your bvst. 1 have your address if I
need your assistance further. Good-
51ilookecj gator him.
'"rhon lee has given up, has he?'he
asked .cotiokly.
"Fop tho presont, yes. Thor°, don't
lot us talk any mo)0 ttbout my mis-
fortanes. I ton going to take your
advice, throw the load 011 rely mind,
and try what a chauge of scone will
do for mo. 1 have mminised dear
Lady Ilorring ton to go clown and
stay with het. (or a osook or two. Slut
says she will get a few ploasant
10.01114. togother to moot rue. It, will
be much butter than going away by
mysc'I." doubt," ret urned Shirley.
drawing* 0 chair near tile tablo, be-
sido which Airs. Ilutliven sat. "You
look cheerod up already."
Ile gluncyd at the cash -box.
-Well, if 1 do, it is no ordinctrv
proof of resignation.. I have just had
the eatisfactioit of paying heavily
for my agent's failure."
"Oh! that's What brought Waite
hen.? What a villainous countenance
the fellow has."
'I th) not think so. In fact, the
advant ago of his fact. is that it is
absolutely expressionloss; 0111y I foar
if he has not suceveded, no ono else
Ivi'1•11:' suppose you will have Lady
Dorringt cm's cacl of a brother at --
what do yott con hor place?"
"Chedwortit? I'es, it is highly
"1 t., not important onough to be
askod," said Captain' Shirley in all
injuted tono.
"Noiteenste pry dt.ar friend. Dot if
you aro. 1 tun going to beo you not
to Immo."
'Wile'? I am sorts you would not
lot me or airy one interfere with
"Cote tt MIN. not," said Mrs. Ruth -
yen, with swoot coinpoeure. •••..ele. ))'a
241)17 for askime this favor is that I
want you to tell me what goes on
iti totott.''
"olt! 1 hutso to play the honerable
part of smbase l'?"
"You can do exactly as you like.
If you choose to disoblige me, and
break with 100. 71011 van, Only—"
An oxpressiee pause.
"You know very well T don't want
to do anything of the soil.. T con-
fcss . to emt out of lenmer -Mum 1
see yOu clyterminyd 4o throw voursolf
away op midi 0 (pilaw as Marsden,
whoa you might do so ortioh hotter."
-1 <on not so eon. I could. Mr,
Marscleo is or.itlently not the eoend-
Oslo you matte ont. Th., looney
eou inrimintod ho had made • awaY
with for his own 1'11"1.119011, 111115 101'l 11-
('010112g n 1 noteled it. I prefer,
too, ieting high 1111 11111011g t111. 111111i0t1
r.g1t171'. to %vire (q Howe
' new-matio, ineign Meant. le Pr."
"1111.71• 1101 on old hope:toot our?"
"rt cause- at this ir Gnu *a Usti tt is
scarce one 1.1111.11111 '11 0 Peet'ago
gi es valuably infot mat ion."'
' "And hocres.• Go. ftweinafing Itats-
tor or Et•t.Fit.igit happet,s to please
your fancy 1
"What is it to you if ho doom?" she
eritol, with emelt n liercattoos.
"it ie groat (fool to lit', I hate
the, idea," II 1111110d '51)i. ler bitterly.
-You don't wally teet'n to say eott
still earo who or tolmt 1 likt.?" she
exclaimed with a Slight, 110t 1111 -
.smile, "that is too Idol'
isit. A strict alliance for our mmitai !
leowlit is torso and rotoionable, but 1
think We brew •exlmustod sontimotet.
Tho fact is you hate' earstItn. 1 cm)
your ontaity t ilriihg 3 (m)ld
n11t:eornpis ofsour mouth0 unit gloo:t-
ig through the glattets you c110')')'e7111trt4vtIai<)t1
1111111 gtts11,ti1:104t:xgpiTa i on
4)1'pro,itttlice.1 ott nut): have 7m11a:0
to report. Mittsolt.ti 34,0Y aelt 114e 1-0
11110`1 11110 'Shaba; that Visit, 1 latiev
Lady Dorrington ospoate it. If ea.
tear notidi as, 1(114 •lo ht.lieve tliat
te 1 weep eiateo thou 1 am000eti
me et to any woman unless- she
(,:ltoesits--he *would not tie himself to
"etaild VIA.3 1100 rit•LtS0r01 It will prob.
marriage for you, and thore 04111
be only ono 1')114101114t 1(10 for it. Still,
Maystion can not lto Lis heavily .eux-
barraesod as 71 was led tO bellove. 71
was rather surprisod to find he was
roady with tilt? mouoy for your new
"What!" cried Mrs. Ituthven. "You
imagine Clifford Marsdon would be
faithless to his trust? Inuit a bate)
"I see nothing to olovate hi(11 above
it• ," said Shirloy wi'tlt a, sneer.
"Howet•er„ I will ondeavor to curry
out your WiSiii.S, SS 1 110VO tilWaYS
done. but not for nothing."
Mrs. Ieuthvon lookod at him—
curious evarchlog look.
"You shall havo emu. pay," she
said, "ia any way you like except
'Yon need not have mentioned tho
exception, 3,am Wen 0W1.1r0 Of
:11101'0 WUS a pause. Then Mrs,
ituthvon said in an' Shored tone:
"Lady Dorrington goes down to
Chedworth to -day and „1. follow 'to-.
"And how long do you rontain.i'
"Ten days, possibly a fortnight.
Now, my dear Shirley, 1 am going
to be rather busy, anti mast hid you
underet and," he. said, "and
* * * * *
Lady Dorrington had written a few
lines to her god -daughter, excusing
herself for not, baying culled on or
sent for her. Time was too ehort,
she said. It was of the otoloat nu-
portaoce to get poor dear Mrs. Huth -
yen away to 0 totally new scope,
and among fresh facts.
Mrs. L'Estrange smiled as she
road the noto.
'TS/most Ulifford 'Marsden Will be
her best comfortor," slut said.
"Do you know," rottunt cl Nora in
O wise relloctive tone, ''I begin to
doubt if Clifford can's as notch for
her as I thonght he did."
"Do you?" said Mrs, I.:Estrange.
nevor WIRE. sharycl your opalon
on that subject., though I think it
likely enough thoy will marry. Mark
Winton was saying yostorday that
thoro was an :flea at ono thee aniong
her Iato husharid's brother officers
that Mrs. 11.lithv4.i would. marry Cap-
tain Shirloy. It is curious that he
should still Ito so mach with her,
hen a man is rejected, communica-
tions aro gonerally brokon off."
"It 11118 111010 gossip, probably—the
report, I mean. Why should not men
and women be dear friends and noth-
ing more?"
"I am sure 71 do not know; but you
don't often see
"As odueation and common sonee
incroaso, friendship botweon mon and
1Will, I suppose, be mrore fe-
"Postutos so," said 'Mrs. L'Estrange
doubtfully. "Mr Winton was talking -
of roturning to India yostordate His
kare of absonco has not expired vet,
hot ho mous anxious to got back to
his work. -1710 says ht. teals ho is
wavting his thne• here, and that, for
1, man of his (1isi)osit ion, tbe only
charlll life possossos is work."
-That is rathor a dreasy doctrine,
is it not?"
"I told him so. Ile 1108 very nice
and pleasant veeterclay, but I fancied
thore was an motor -tone of Oepres-
sion in all he eaid."
"Why. Mr. Winton is the last man
.1" shook1 suspect of sontiment al 11101-
)11wholy," criod Nora. "Perhaps he
has lost mew money."
'I don't think you do Mark Win-
ton lostire, Nora. I have known him
sine,. he was a lad of St.Velltetil, 411141,
1110, lit' has a good, true
°If yoo otev so, I am (mite willing
to helmet. it," then. breakinir off sud-
donly. exclaitoode "Listen to this,
Tislen. "I ire enterprising nutnagor of
Primo Lone bas in melioration one
of .111. reost brilliant pantomimes ev-
(kr prl .!'.•t. (0 a Lonthor audionee.
'nu? Frotlir Virt.ris Will 1*A of SO ovine-
oal nod oxteacireinary char/neer, and
the ballot ono of tho mos gorgeous
cool' soo°•' 'I'llilt is sonlothing, for
11')'!raldlires Ole will be in!
pro. ^O win be such fun going With
Ity thy livo, 1 1 elen, don't you think
Cilia it.Lt. Vratiltiiii Sellriglf`r 04
011'1141110, ti/lit'? She is not harm,
el 1174' eolood, and SS she has even
noto'' ste. is going to loavo, they
will lo cross and disagrovable."
"Yes, I base no doubt Wti 0.(10
1111571:if;;;11.11.:i. v.(1)::;(1(.‘.t,I.,(1,.111,s1t)ttitiT0i,::::ligtlittirtit'(0:1110
l'es;, alio was far front
244 1,12(11., • had token cold, and was
4'asiI3,- persuaded to keep in -doors.
The do. no;ng dry and crisp, Nora
t ook t 1i»ii 1 0 a , Wat son. an olderly,
stool 111.l oe, 14110 had beeu 111
Mrs. L'Ies I range's 1401'\ 1(0 •0‘ or 8111.112
she was rourriod, to boar hor cono-
paw . mot wulloel acmes the 'park
i1iti1111.t. for Mrs. ll.taltvenand bid .
her gootaliva.
ran against sortie one on ihe first
' g your partren," said Wia-k
tOL whose voice she instantly recog-
nised, '11 14 So dark."
"Yrs, the evenings draw in so mop:
liv,iyi:die replied, with 001110 con-
, "I am glad to have an opportuaitv
• of wishing you good -byte. I eon go-
, n't g't. S) :1 bfy) ttift'ewntilge)-41.11°(7a°n11: 11())1rte' 4tk. 71'
8111411 have made up env nlind ‘thet14-
' or I shall return to Italia at, olive
or stay to the fall extent of irlY
1v4"Nill'a:s' the oia country so Tittle a.tt.
; traction for you, Mr. Winton, that
, yott are ready to leavo it?"
'Plenty of attract ion; 1112t-.4 'need
not trouble you with my 1,1211501124,
tiood-bye for the present. I hopo to
00 omo)
thefo,rit long, either r
He hold bet' bond for a int:anent
• a»d was gone.
; Nora ascended slowly, thought-
, fully, to 11)0 drawing -room, whore
! she found Mrs. L'Estrango lchlning
leek in an easy -chair, her 1101141kue-
chief to her eyes, 'beside a bteglit
liattl::ancea t oward her, Mrta
' lIelent" (Tirol Nor, as she
• I:Et-Orange started and unemmred
bor ht: to the strong light of the
flames showed that she had, been. Ulla
118 ' eti/o111:1;; "PorHelen, what is
"Do not ask toe now. I will tell
you all one cloy, but not now," said
• ;Mrs. 111'2strange. 'Rising, she rtone
cpt e ly toward her -stop-dattgliter,
prossed her Iiirs for an instant to.
• Nora's rhook, and left the room.
• ood lootoc ns!" ojacti lot ed Nora.
to Iteroolf, "ehe has riqosed him„
• lint *1171."?" Ovyrconie with surpriee,
silo sat clown, .all dressed as she
111184 to ponder this unexpeCted 0(11-
('01110 of their ploosant intimacy with
Winton. Hp, too, seemed cloprossed
and unlike hinisolf, Why—why had
Helen rejected him? tome:101y as seat
had evidently felt doing so very keen-
Could it have boon because she
. knew that shy and hor little g•irl
• were unprovided for, and that she
did not liko Nang a burden on a
husband? Winton was fairly well olT,
. and mit likely to lot such an
12111014' 141011(1 stand in the way of his own
or her happinoss. Could it be any
I:omit at ion about leaving Iwo (Nora)
alone, ..vith somo more hired struiy-
got. for a, companion'? No; Helen
WaS too 8011Sible lOr such an oyer-
24t1aint.0 seuse ot duty or friendship.
. Then, as shcgazed into flu. red mass
1 which glowed in the grate memory
.unrolled !tor long rocord of paste bene-
fits and gonorous acts. The quiet,
Moody kindliness, which had won tier
hyart, in spite of her natur-
al prejudice against a stop -mother,
the perpotual shield she interposed
betwoon Out irritable, exaeting, ty-
rannical fathor raid his daughter.
Now that N'orit was a woman—a,
thoughtful, observant woman—how
many instances of her stop -mother's
I patience, her core for every ono's
, comfort, hr entire self -forgetfulness,
came back to her mind frcon dim, by-
gone days. Hor own vaguo wonder
that Ilelon never wanted to go any-
whene nover sought release from the
wearying attendance on lu•r otteru-
: loos; suspicious, inValid husband, her
undefined inipression that somehow
. life was over for Iwo young step-
mother—that sho had nothing lore
but endurance and kindly thought for
It lien they reach( d 1110 hotel, Mrs.
7111l21.1011wag ma. and 'Nora 1)4,0-
1(:,. (1 1,,e, we. to 121101071 &
o ,s 11.11000 0:10 111 11 1101' 111 1011110111
SO.lit 31 dolightful horne tool, evveral
tl 0 lime she roacien her tern -
novelty home. Nora fele retro:lull ar.d
no.ip.ottatttl by air oral oxorcisce '111e
silt:the; of owning hod- begun to gath-
er, anti she platmo(1 ft) borsolf tbot.
tia! mould read atom! to Voter( nticr
(Vatter, lo atone for 'her long 1i.11,
• t.
The gas had not been lit, and go -
)ng upstairs in semi -darkness, she
• tTo be con(inued)
Y.00 e710i014 3001" littls OW'S 400
e14r,1 uffs dating the Jut, 1'.wher. At
1 IRS 1 010 K141 1104111 04112248 RW1111 111113. 1110
s todsof the lit 11. !in. are apt to glide
,t1W0V 10111. 1-C tr-fot," 71' 0 ktitiy47 it. Dy -
• t3', diarrhoem elutiera 101011' 4101, aod
g Iugun trout)lee tla ettlarmingIy frequent
moo042 hot weer her. At the first shot
Or :toy of do so troubles. Bala 's Own
al& ts eimuld he p:veu -better Alin all
occssioml doss old pro 0714 41 est. trout).
!les ot•iinflg. 0101 'he Tit Wets ehould
thereloro ho kept in every luaneP2om pt.
ees rutty save On 1' eh ilti's hit' Mrs.
11, Founder), Wayburn, N. 1.V. T.,
viys: "lieby's Own Tablets ont val n able
i/1 00505 01 &art 114 24)1 oottsopation, hives,
told when teotiong. I have never used
41 medicine that givoe saoh good Kitts
merlon " This is -he exilerteatoe ot
411 mothors who hovo used the Tahlots
If pax oo not tool the Tablets at your
•Irugoists seed 25 tomts to Tito Dr 'Wil-
liams' Med cino Oa. rr).kvit;„ Out
od a bo X will be hear, you by 111411 p.rst•
INsictorao Tom -ten.
There is certainly mo accounting for
tastes, and surely the strangost 15 that
of the Eskimos. Taliew is their candy.
It is put to) in bri. lit rod packages
made out of the feel 1:1 waterfowl, The
W01001.1 cut off the rtql foot of teht bird,
'width le called tile ewe:tie, draw out
the bones and blow up the skin sto as to
make pottolies, width ;hey 1111 with the
reindeer te.lhav for thtir little folk.
None of Ow 1(041 cult the Eskimos
oat events wry inviting 10 1124; hilt they
are extromoly fond of it and are very
apt to overeat. It is saki by explorors
who hoot. gone Into'Groottland that it
Is no unouninton Kola to see an Eskimo
1%'i10 71104 r110O0 all -enormous moat
of tile raw, froxon tioell of the reindeer,
s1.e.1 or wahme lyittts on his bitok and
rating blubbor until ho oannot moVe.
A Love clirerni.
A. young woman who thonght she
was losing her hush:Ours offeetion
• wont to a sevonth darightor of 0 sev-
enth daughter for a love pirWiltit. The
myetery menuan told her:
"Got a raW pitwe of, heo, vui rat,
1211(1)14 (11) inch thiolt. Sfitoenti •oittOlnht
tit() and rith the Ineat on both sidett
with it. Pot tut popper and ealt hod
. toast it on molt shit. orer a trod 1001
Drop 00 it Dam 11111)1)4 of
tor and tw-o epeigs Of Pereley and get
him to cat it."
The young wife did se. -atd her hns.
band loved her .cter after. .
*SZNI SN's. 'Ir.\ %.
The Kind Yon Ifavo A;wc,ws 13ougLt, atul web bas beat
in uso for over 30 years, as home the signature of
and has becu tualle under Ills per.
• sonalsuperviston sineo its infancy.
• AllOW110 0110t() tleecive you. in this,
AU Counterfeits, lmitotions and “Just -as -good." are Indi
Y.Perintents -that trifle with mut endanger the bealth of
Iujitnt l(341(13..031---xper71e1ie-o agaials& Ithcperlineut,
What is CASTOR1A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
goric, Dirops anal Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains zioither Opium, ItioE71ihhtO *nor other Narcotic
Substance,. Its ago is its guarantee, 11 destreyS Wornts
find allays Fevoris71tne3s. It cures Diarriu.va and Wind
Celic. It relieveS Teething Troubles, tures CoUstlitatiozz
rand Flatulency. It Llssinalates the -'064, reerulateS tlite
1401/wore Elnd Bowels, healthy and natural sleep.
The. CL.Ildreu's Panacea—The Motlie4.'S Frieud,
e 'KUM rt:
30ars ezo Slcaatztre al
Pave fittly8y0 BoLovat
En Use For Over 30 Years.
1,40 CCNTAUA COMPALNY, VT MUMMY EI014.. 8421 4414* GITY,
itrdeQ-bi w Kenewer
Is it true you Wain to look old? Then keep your gray hair, if not,
then use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color.
of early life restored to your hair.
Tabloid Philosophy.
[Philadelphia, Reert1.1
It's early worm that catches the fish.
Pros/ e-ity makes more fools than ad-
IEven a repatetion may be cast ia the
He scoffs a dentist who never had a
The more temper a man has the of.
tenu he looses it.
Cherish no ideals if you would not be
A barefaced lie is often old enough to
have whiskers. .
Parrots and imitators are not all as
green as they look.
It's hard to he popular and economical
at the same time,
It is generally the sure thing on which
a man goes broke.
In the race for happiuess, marriege
naturally results ha a tie.
. .
A little change will vary the monotony
of even un empty pocket.
The girl who craves excitement should
marry a man to reform him.
The undertakor sill tell you that some
mon die hard, and others are dead easy.
Queer Advertisements.
The following copies of queer adver.
tisaments have been collected and print-
ed. by club Wutueu:
"Bulldog fcr sal - will oat any.
thing; very fond of children."
"Waittetl—A boy to he part lo ontsido
and partly behiud the counter."
"Widow in coarfortfthhe eireUmetatlats
wishes to »tarry t‘vo sons."
"Annual sale now en; don't go else.
where to be cheated; (2.1400 i11 here."
'A lady wants to 71211 1711' piano, ae she
is going abroad in a strong item frame." '
L Wanted- By a respectable girl, her
iptssage tO New YOrk; Willing to tali
01701) 4)1 children and a good sador."
"Lost-1ie:1r Hiehgate archway fill
! tulabrella bolotteire• to it gentloman with
a bent rib 011(1 41 bone handle."
"Mr. Brown, furrier, begs to announce
I, The P.!risinel joorooje boss lotto
Ioutsido Prautto-olto Ptgont awe Tem
1 —1111V0 11. etrOUlati011 Or ‘,111S0(4104136.
071011, Wlaie le• Journal Itas 7:34', 004).
i Petit 3 ar(lal ant) ote), tool Le Petit J.
! !Mao 1,4)0.',001) claffe.
I' ES*Autiae ;Ili the li.ing Edward Si!.
1 12011.5 you 0..1!. )'S3) '02112' 25o MO
1 pieers. A goo); strielt 11.1111'11ton roce
ly and soa r a t red tile o,,miterfeit rod
right and left. Tiwro aot 00713 b.11
23,t niece:. t 1101 any (neer elins. T
Iodic liw.e. tae goattitte ((('7) 1113 ;tad 411
have tilt. viola Ong Ism :hey are so et
th it a pors 111 whafl go ei toet1 mood le'
theta in Ewe.
that 110 vytti make up mootte. motes, 44)
fue ladies out of them won "
"Au /dry both -non) for a gentletnan
feet ioug tool 11 feet w;cle,',
The trustees, secretary, and oth
officers of tho Free Hospital for Gottsuta
ti•ves at Muskoka are daily in receipt
many piteous letters.
A few days since Mr. W. .1. Gage,
Toronto, Chairman of the Bxecuti
Committee of the Xational Sanitari
Association, received a letter front.
resident of Quebec, pleading for the
mission of a •victini of the dread whi
plague, living about a hultdred.'niii
south-east of Montreal, and asking if
were not possible to admit. her iztta t
Free Hospital. The writer says: " T
applicant is a Mrs. Wm. Paterson,
mother of four chitlren and the wife o
farmer' in a plaee called Goshen, ix&
township of Windsor. The doctor as
that her left lung only is troubled.
is able to go about, but her appetite
very bad, 1 boliove if she could be
=Med into the Free Hospital. for C
sumptives she might 1e cured. She co
not pay much, if anything. itindly
mo know if you-col:Id rt'0f.'11/0 her."
We are by Mr. Gage that appl
tions for admission to the Free Hospi
reach the secretary from all points in
Dominion, tind pa,tionts have been
eeived from Prince Edward Island on
vest to Alberta cm the west. T
'surtaxe,1 and twenty-five patients it
boun a.dmitted. in eightee11 months,
not a single patient Iles been ref
LcenuSe Of his or her 'poverty.
We eltn barmy think of any char
that aPiS.0314 111010 pailletieanY
SUIrp11rt (1 tho Canadian peoplo.
Subseriptione may to sent to Sir IV
IL Monolith, Et., Vice•Prosident of
Natioeal Stinitationa Association, Or
1,Ir. W. ,T. Gage.
*There is a E.treat deal of
poin and ache termea Ilhou-
matle—stanetimes 011)10(1
Kidney pain. The bask
shoultlers, Side, awl
hips. A cold mill otiose
pain and distross in the
back, Iliducy nna Intuldor
rouble.. CaSeti Or this
Ind use Atiti•Pilt and sec
now toiteltly you alit
Irelief. It. Item un all
Mtge textile of the lex)
Any one Who 1100111.5 $110
Mit 11 ftee canal
Witsos-lo:er Co., Niagti
11.1114, not.
10. Ialmhardra
Se a pt!rfcet System
meat. Priee, 170 coda,