HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-07, Page 6TUE W11G11AM TIMES ELY i, 1904
Mr. J I`. Torraree, who has hem) 1
�It a prirew,„ ttf Gerrie resat. seen, 1 .or the ap oak wo {�y r iire Sanctum(1r 111Ul froirrihe `nation anti intenlia gninl„ into a)uiiller t
n1ere5ting Paragraphs freed our Exchanges.
podassue4044146414,131I .444.444n•4444-44114.144
II. Rot*•tahntonttttrp esneettes submit -
01, the 11 nee tit t'om cepa l ast as et k
EIn tut to n, of e I,(;t't11m' the I - men-
to the smolt pier at Das 11. 1.1, to
U1t•it• ]rite Melts.
flyler permit, Fat they are ''nil nrIces,"
*quitter( ter upset, .a�lty wt,rritel
titre „tori. 5/labium's lit art anti
e Fills alae atter the. Ielnedy t•uch
e Ireton, 'I't,ea• riett"re pertetet
of the net ye eetitr •r: and give
ve teve to btbLLeti netvouram Connte lIespit•tl eln.el its
-.ever at it h a. Wilmette in the hank or
46. The receipts auto nut -d to .,i18, -
it 95. The Annual Aep ort f; a very
factory ono.
'rile, freeness revoritTfi:,
Et—Liver Pills ars t let :mites' favnrite
(vine. They cure Constipation, Sit'k
•s r
e P t t• )..t
and ,. t
'nnsr'esa p
ch Bill 1
N i
hi)uC;;ripHlg, puran.,, nr sickening.
r. Jas. Forester off Vest Wawaunsh
e )sole his fine team of heavy draught
'sets last week to Mr John :Iloyse, of
)anipt•g, Mauitoba, for the sum of
hraueh of business. We nte'er•toesel
that Mr ('has. Is ppard, of hloetaworth 1
• has been eng,iged to f.1: the vacancy. I
palmi *vine Methodist church avos
the sveo' of a pretty wedding on Rred-
m'sday, June *Ind. when Miss Ede the
May 'l'tbhutt, of H.'IInesville, was united
in morntnony to Win, E. Sheppard, Of
Stove holm, Assa. T e ceremony was
pertormed by Rev. J. /fusser.
Doan's Kidney Pills net on the kid
neve, b]ttldtr and urinary organs oitty.
They cure backaehes weak t•aek. regain•
atisnt, diabetes, congestion, ittflamation,
`ritel, Blight's distaste and all other
Mt diseases rising from wrong action of the
Sadie ye and bladder.
"Rev John McLennan of Ashfield
Township ;vent down to the lake to
bathe, and ehortly after, was found dead
by his brother Malcolm. His deathiltvas
caused by heart failure. Although styl-
ed " Rev.," he was not a minister. He
was a bachelor and was well knowu
around Autberley.
As a spring ntedicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and relieves all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeliug so prevalent in the spring.
c . ' ceZet 7741. = - - . fit. Joseph's church, Clinton, was the
tretµ0 The Kir,J Yet time hleaie DEP.
scene of aa very pretty he wedding on of
:I • day, June 21st, when Thos. Lane, of
.tr. Thomas L gen, an uncle of Mrs.
iue, S:tuth Line Kincardine, died last
eL• aged 100 years, 9 ;months, and 13
re. IIe was a native of Port Patrick,
)eland, and was never married.
Brucefield, was united itt the holy bonds
of matritnony to Elizabeth McGuire,
eldest daughter of Andrew McGuire, of
Goderich township. Rev. Father P.n-
sonneanit officiated.
iretko The Kiri Y:i lira 0-av3 Bought cA TOR
mature , For Infants and Children.
dr. J. G. Skene, of Brussels, has sent The Kind You Have Always Bought
Toronto some full blown sweet l elm
ey were sown last gall, aol have been
blossom since the 20th of Jane.
'.ifebuoy ^cap—disinfcetan t—ia strongly
°emended by the ma,1i: al profession as
eft gu.ird against infectious (I:seas:et.
•et the residence of the bride's father
the 22nd ,Tune, by that Rev, 1'. A.
Lennan, Angus McIntosh of the 5th
t, of Huron, was marrie.1 to Catherine,
p daughter of Mr. Donald. McLeod
tea'" the Oth concession of Harcm
s.uunx)IE;\lY ATTACKie1).
.sears tiie
Signature of
4 �, Ttia K,ri You Hee A, a:, .r,.cgIe
Boars tee
3ignstaro , ise
,t /,,I .,
rake NEW Hcipe
Tt Bern is a remedy for all your
troubles. Thousands have been Church?' :' eat in 'reit as well
Cured. Why not get back your go tochurch rtrld hs donew thit,"—Chi
Steaagth and Viler by Using the cage Record•Hsre111.
Afttr a ling* ring Rite se of r ver tarn food -Tonic Fert'(Zone. The Prodi'gnl Son was eating of tet
years, the spirit of henry Taylor peeeed liver sieve the world began woman hheks, 't why do yotl do So?'
iImo tren
to its rt ward lest Semi day afters •nn, !Wei eerie' more t tout her share of suffer- his father, who had coma all ten way to
• to ;. ;se reit trouhkaa nnderminn
Juan ':,:,til, at tl'e ht lou c•f his sou Wil- str+n tt, y'•r ,lr) seitintnct)uiplains Bat loolt hire no. "Because it'•t just hitt
Ham, esti eon., Stanley. Mr Toa ler tuns because she has stliiert•ti in the pest is brealtfast fo )d," was the respouso.—New
horn 114 years ago this nio db. in Stirling tin r.'.est .t by tale should forever be Orleans Tones -Democrat.
dragged fit/Wit i1* misery and sleop'ees-
The Sunny Side cf Life.
First Stu font—I get a]1 n'y eeereise
tanning to t+trteel i , the tiewitin e. See.
cud Student—.Ah. 1 tete. A sort of re,
igions exe::ise —Princeton Tiger.
"Have yin hien reading any of these
nrtioles o f ' \'V ly \1: el Do 1't G) to t
shire, Scotland, and eatne to this eonutry
nearly sixty years ago He tools up
land on eon 10, Hallett. where he helped
to make a comfortable homeofor
and falni:y.
lies, Mrs. Utttnore—"How is ynur exp I•i
There ie a remedy, one that will lift tient of living in the oonntry s1*)ceed-
that toe tut harden and remove the ills i,lt;y> A7rs. Ilyems—"It isn't so bathes
from wheel wine n suffer. The mime vote might expect. It costs us more, of
of this rent iffy 1s ].�. r'rox ole which to -day a p
is a household name throughout the course, to have our butter tied fresh
length tool breadth of the American vegetables brought to us from the city,
63100 Itewarat, $toe). c:tnttittent Nrw hope has been brou_'ht but we d in' t h tv,i to eaterrain nearly so
into ono life of many a downcast women, „
The readers of this paper Still be anew era of health has dawn for much Company.—Cuicagu Tribune.
pleased to learn that there la at least one thnns'terie wit) have tried and proved I suppose yon will merry when you
dreaded disease that science, has been thele I tate merit of Ft -rezone. grow up;" stir( the vieitor pleasantly.
to cure in all its stages, and runt is ea- t `Mien- is no girl or woman who eau „No," replied the thoughtful little •i' 1
tart h. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only afford to mitis the benefit that is sure to p
innocently, "If turn t soya p'tpt, is more
positive cure now known to the menicai
fraternity. Catarrh beetle' a coustltu-
tional disease, requires a cOIlStitutiotlat
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cnrt, is
taken internal!", acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the s, s
tem, thereby destroying the fountlatiou
of the disease, awl giviug the parteut
strength by building up the constitu-
tion and assisting nature (1.1 rioitlg (ire
wet k. The proprietors have so [*1001*
faith in its curative powers that they ot-
ter One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Seed tor list of
Address: F. J. CUEREY & Co., Toledo,
Sold by clrngeists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Geo. McEwen, M. P., of Hensall, had
a uarrow escape recently. When get-
ting on the trate at Hensel( while in
motion he was thrown under the rear
end of the hind car, across the track,
but was not seriously hurt. Fortunate-
��--�- ! ly for Mr. McEwen it was the last ear
' or a terrible accident would have been
the result.
Avery quiet wedding took place Tues At half past six o'clock last Monday
day, June 2Sth at St. Paul's cathedral, morning, June 28th, the large stables of
London, when Miss Olive Williamson, of Beuj. Williams, Ltsborne, were burned
1 Chatham, became the bride of Geo. F. down. Three horses were burned to a
Emerson, of the Nurdheimer Piano and crisp, and three others badly burned, also
1 Music Company, formerly of Goderich. thirteen pigs. The origin of the fire is
Rev. Canon Downey, of Watford, con- unknowu. Loss nearly covered by in -
'sin of the bride, performed the Gere• suranee.
1 mouy before a few iutimate friends.
children are often 11ttat•ked suddenly
painful and ilanserou. Cole,. ('.ramps,
uurhoen, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
olertt Infautern, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Aram', of Wild Strawberry is 0 J'rnutpt
bene cure which should always be
)tin the house.
1Vednesday evening, June 22nd the
]dena'l at Mr Wesley Henderson,
• c.knoty, was the scene of a very pleas-
, gathering when a large number of
Ends assembled to witness the alar-
oee of Mr. Henderson's tiau'ehter, Ida,
yir. James Stnuley of Kiulough.
`Fie essential lung healing princips-1 of
pine tree has finally been snccessf •ily
itrated and refined. into a perfect
uh medicine—Dr Wood's Norway
to Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
nrantee of satisfaction. Price 25
woman ewiudler is going about the
ntry pretending to be a canvasser for
tenthly paper which is giving a set of
ies with every $1 subscription. Wben
gets the money she gives receipts
led "t' -R. Dnnagan." That's right.
1 are done again, sure.
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improv,:d lilowe.
Fleal; the ulcers, clears the for
passages, stops droppings In the
throat and perma*antly cue•.
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blowier
free. . Alt dealer:,, or Dr, A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto, and Buffalo.
he wedding of Miss Agnes Washiugt
younger daughter of the late John
thington, to Capt. Wm. H. Gundry,
of K imasie, British West Africa,
place on Tuesday, June 28th, at
't, at the Washington family resid-
', East street, Goderich.
We do not publish testimonials
hitt 30 minutes
money' ;refunded
25e a burl
ate and Booklet gree.
ecu _...:
For Sixty rears, ton and was formerly a well-known per -
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used souage about town. He had almost
for over sixty years bymillionsofmothers persuasive way of saying, "Lend one
for their children wh'.i' teething, with ten cents, please," and generally got it.
Good-natured, open-hearted, easy-going,
h e let to -morrow take care of itself, and
the cares of this world never worried
Sold by druggists in every part of the him.
world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask The East Huron License comtnission-
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind. ers met in lite Queen's Hotel, Brussels,
recently. Transfers of Hotel licenses
Harry Knott died at the House of
Refuge last week. He belonged to Clin-
perfect success. It soothes the chilli.
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarnccea. It is pleasant to the taste.
The marriage of Miss Jennie Harron,
daughter of Mrs. Wm. Harron of the 7th
concession Carrich to Mr. John McBur-
nig of Toronto Junction, took place
Wednesday evening, Julie 29th. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr.
Crowle of Harriston.
Mr. John S. Clapp of Bette, Montana,
is visiting with his brother, Dr, R. E.
Clapp at Mildmay. He left the old
homestead in Prince Edward County in
1869, and went to California, by way of
the isthmus of Panama. This is his first
visit to Ontario since that year. Mr.
Clapp is engaged in the mining industry
in Butte.
No man or woman will hesitate to
speak well of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets after once trying them.
They always produce a pleasant move-
ment of the bowels, improve the appetite
and' strengthen the digestion. For sale
by A. I. McCall & Co.
It falls to our lot this week to chronicle
another very sad death of a loving wife,
and mother. We speak of Rhoda
Henrietta Asquith, beloved wife of Elias
Ball, of the Base Line, Hallett, and
daughter of Geo. Asquith, of Auburn.
She was 31 years, 6 months and 5 days
old, and had been married about nine
Kept Poor by Doctor's mils.
Many a family is kept poor by doctor's
bila when just as good and oftentimes
better could be obtained by the use of
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills dvhich
sell at 25 cents a box of Twenty-five
doses. .As one pill a day is the most
frequent dose under any circumstances
there is treatment obtainable which costs
so little and at the same time brings
about such excellent results in derange-
ments of the kidneys, liver and bowels.
.4.44 444,44441111.-
cotie from the regular Use Of this grand
remedy. It acts directly on all the organs
toot benr,s function/11 activity upon
which health so 1.rgely depends. Your
dale: of weal; nem furl headache, your
hours of rtetvousltecs and despondency
will ell depart. Lire wilt hold for you
many new joys as it does for everyoue
thin Uses Terra :one regularly.
Your whole holy will feel the quick-
ening influence of Ferrozoue. The
blood will be purified and enriched. You
will 110 lunger suffer from supressiou and
iuterterei ee with the menstrual fano•
tions. Ferrez ore cures all such ailments
and prevetutstheir return.
Mrs. Mary E. Cowan, of Hilsboro,
writes: "If half the ailing women i1*
this tvorlrt would only use Ferrozoue
relevantly they would save a great deal
of sickness. Before using Ferrozoue 1
w:ta fatigued and tweed out with the
least exertion. I spent half my time in
bed and was forever bothered with some
trouble or another. After using a few
boxes of Ferrezone I been me more robust,
my strength increased and the irregular-
ities I foruierlyhad have disappeared.
Ferrozoue is a grand medicine for
This is the experience of thousands,
Yon really ought to use Ferrozone,—it
will do you so touch good. Don't list•
en to the druggist who urges something
just as good. No substitute compares
with Ferrozoue, which does all that is
claimed of it. Price 50c per box or six
boxes for $2 50, at druggists or by mei(
from The Ferrozoue Company, KiugstoL,
Ont. •
were made from W. Bashill to W.
Emigh at Walton; and A. Orr to W.
I Glebe, at Fordwich, Before adjourniug,
1 the following resolution was passed;
"Hereafter any hotell:eeperfound guilty
of selling to minors or during prohibited
hours Heed expect no leniency."
The following postoffices, thirty-two
in all, are situated in the west riding of
Huron, showing that postal facilities are
Fall Fairs, staid Thursday morning that
the list of fall fairs was almost complete.
He expects that at least 25 more fairs
will be held this year than last, and the
number which will have the services of
The marriage act is amended by add-
ing thereto the following section: In
case the usual place of residence of
either of the parties is situated out of
the Dominion of Canada, the affidavit
shall further state that notice of the in-
tended marriage has been duly published
no less than seven days previously in at
least two issues of some newspaper pub-
lished in the municipality i1* which the
license is to be issued.
Early on Tuesday morning, June 2Sth,
the death took place at J Exeter of Miss
Anna Louisa Hyndman, sister of the of olitiolan is as remote•
late Dr. John Hyudnlau, at the age of pollThea p
77 years. The deceased had been a resi- less as that cf a r eatist.
dtu.t of Exeter for over forty years, dur- A girl hasn't much ase for a yrnmg
ing which time she bad resided at the men woo attempts to kiss her and then
home of her late brother, on Huron quits.
street. She was a lady of kindly dispo-
sition and of exceptional intelligence, When a tvnmrn cleans a room she
both of which she used to good purpose knocks the dust orf the door on to the
is her prominent connection with church furniture.
and Sunday school work. Courtship is the enchanting vie.v frrm
Mr. H. B. Cowan, superintendent of a safe distance, and marriage is climbing
the renentein.
cave than tie) ohildreuSO I gages the care
be ,10n't for elle
of mychlIran wille �1
wttliont the cars of a hu3b.taa,"—Chi-
c•tgo Evening Post.
"When I wts a bay," said the gray-
haired physician, wito happened to be in
a reminiscent mood, "I wanted to be e
soldier, but my payouts persuaded lee to
study medicine." "Oh, well," rejoined
the sympathetic druaeiet, "such is life.
Matiy a man with wholesale aspirations
has to content himself with a retail busi-
ness,"—Chicago Deily News.
Pointed Paragraphs.
Piort the Chicago News.
After a man runs Lito debt he either
walks out or stays in.
A distant relation is one who is rich
and doesn't recognize you.
The wise man who has anything to
say to a mule says it to his face.
It's a smart baby that understands the
baby taut its mother in Bulges in.
There may be people smarter than you
alae, but of course they dodge you.
Quarrels of women seldom last very
long. They understand the art of mak-
ing up.'
Preachers who marry for money ere
the only ones who get as much as they
Sober second thoughts of a man are
usually accompanied by a dark -brown
taste and a headache.
One ceded rose is better than a do^en
fresh -thorns.
No. Cordelia. cuteness seldom abides
with homely girls.
Fortunately we seldom hear what
other people say about ns.
pretty general: Goderich, Clinton,
Holmesville, Porter's Hill, in Goderich
township. Londeshoro, Constance,
Summerhill, Hemlock in Hulett. Ben -
miller, Saltford, Carlow, Dunlop, Nile, !expert judges will be larger than ever
Sheppardton, Loyal, in Colborne. St, I before. There has been a chorus of ap-
Helens, Auburn, Fordyce, St. Augustine, Proval from the various Boards of Direc-
Prosperity, i1* West Wawanosh. Port I tors concerning the project to insure the
Albert, Dungannon, Kingsville, Crewe, !fairs against rainy weather, and it is pro-
Belfast, Lanes, Kintail, Lochalsh, Ant -1 bable that such a scheme will be put in
berley, Mafeking, Laurier and Lothain II operation before long.
(this last about to be opened), in Ash- i I1* the Court of Appeal, re McCrae and
field. --New Era. I Village of Brussels.—Judgment (R.) on
appeal by McRae and Dumford; from
order of Boyd, C. (3 O. W, R. 233,) dis-
missing their applications to quash a
local improvement by-law for the con-
i struction of a sewer in the village of
Brussels. Held, that the appellants
were entitled to the statutory notice and
1 were not bound by theaRsessment. Ap-
peal alolwed with costs and by-law
quashed with costs. W. Proudf(Dot, K. C.
for app€llants. W. M. Sinclair (Brun•
`sell) for village corporation.
The following we take from the Oak
Lake (Man.) News of June 22nd: "Tho
funeral of Mrs. Mary Donahoe took
place to the Roman Catholic cemetery
on Monday last. Mrs. Donahoe had
'reached the age of four score years.
She was born near the city of Limerick,
Ireland, and emigrated to Canada in the
year 1848. After a seven weeks voyage
she and her husband, then recently mar-
ried, got wrecked on the banks of New-
foundland. The vessel was dashed to
pieces on the rocks, and what passengers
were saved were taken ashore with a
lifeline which landed them on that bar-
ren coast without either food or water.
Word being sent to St. Johns, the Gov-
overnment despatched a rescuing party and
took the survivors to that city, After
settling in the County of Peterborough
fer live years they moved to Detroit for
a short time and from there to Teeswator
in Brace Ceunty, finally coming to
Manitoba in 1887 and settling in Lenore
district, where she resided till her death.
On Wednesday, June 15th, at 3 p.
Miss Annie Maud Pritchard of Minto
and Mr. Fred. C. Mahood of Howick
were united in the bonds of matrimony
at the Congregational church, Howick,
by Rev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A., B. D.,
of Granby, Que., n brother of the bride.
rrruatwbrth;♦' lady or gentleman to manage
bnsinecs in this county and adjoining territory
for well and taverabli, known house of solid
finaneial standing. $4000 straight cash salary
and Expensces, paid each Monday by cheek
direct from headquarters. Expenses money
advanced. Position permanent. Address.
Manager, 810 Como Bloek, Chicsgo Minim
Known in every quarter of the
globe for reliability and dura-
stand the test—can be removed
or replaced with the two hands.
A twelve months' guarantee
goes with each pair.
The Dunlop Tire C
& Minister of the Gospel Recommends
"Foe several years I have been In herr poor
health. Last Falil was advised by Rev. J, 5. Allen,
of Murray Harbor, P.E,I., to try 'Oxygenator.'
Before trying it I had no faith in it, but last Octo-
ber I began its use and can truly gay that before
using one Jug I had wonderfully improved in my
rgeneral health. Since then I have used several
iuga, as a result have never spent Such a healthy
inter or Spring as I did this year. • Oxygenator'
for Throat Trouble, Catarrh, Purifying the Blood,
and for Building up the System, I believe is not
equalled to -day by any other remedy,
Several of my congregation have also used It
with blessed results. I take great interest in
Oxygenator; having given jogs of it away, and
mast say it is A WONDERFUL REMEDY.
In regard to my eyes, ' Oxygenator' has done
them mere good than the Oculists or the treatment
Execeived in the Hospital.
For Earache, I think it peerless. For pains in
the chest, lungs or side, indeed anywhere, it
work, wonders."
Mount Stewart, P.E.L
Per Sale by -
is Harbord 8t. t• Toronto
A man to represent "Canada's Great-
est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham
and surrounding country, and take
orders for
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. Theyare easy, to take, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they arc a veritable. friend
in need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fam. _i remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est ' -tm':dy 'vith a long and successful record, to
c 'rt.• 'a• ilgest'rin, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
.a .Llpation, r aensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
' 'ii' tion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
'- .•'.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
l , i-,wn systems, restore pure hlood, good appe-
t ' -.id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
,:on rant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
`/','Ties. Your dri ggist sells them, The five -
cm;: packet is eh ,gh for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottlk 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
i.. ...:'ton.•,,.rap,*'ett'S9�59•FMM:T'eul%; -t, 7a 4,{4,'"'. 1454610
in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits
Ornamentals,' hrubs, Roses,
Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e.
Stock true to name and free from San
«Tose Scale. A permanent position for
the right man on either salary or com-
over 800 Acres BEAVER BLOCK
rt�4. i
FAMILY Doctors are all right as general practitioners,
but they are not spectalists. The sexual organs cont -
prise the moat intricate and important system in the
human body and require the most skillful treatment.
You might as well expect a blacksmith to repai•• your
watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complaints.
We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30
years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have
every facility known to medical science to cure tlient.
Every case is taken with a positive guarantee of
]sto Cure—No Pay.
BLOOD POISON—Whether inherited or acquired,
is positively cured forever. The virus is a/iminated front
the system so no danger of return. hundreds of cases
cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a
1tJERVOUS MOBILITY -and oilier complications,
such as emissions, drains itt the uriue,O,aricocele, sexual
weakness, etc., arc cured by our New Method Treat-
ment under a positive guarantee—NO CURE -410 PAY.
Consultation Free. Books Free. Write for question blame for
private Home Treatment. Everything confidential.
WARNING SIGNALS—Nervousness, bashfulness, poor mem-
ory, pimples on the face, aching back, cold feet and hands, no
ambition or energy, tired mornings, poor appetite, sympathetic
dreams at night, fits of depression, inorose and sullen temper,
restless and suspicions, specks before the eyes, desire for soli-
tude, inability to fix the attention, etc., YOU I1AVE NERVOt:S
DEBILITY. Don't neglect it. It is only a step to paralysis or
complete loss of manhood. No matter the cause—whether indis-
creetness in youth, excesses in manhood or business worries—
Founder of
Dr. Spinney & Co.
'We Cure Varicocele, Strictures, Blood and Skin Diseases, Prostatic Troub-
les, Urinary, Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Consultation Free. Question List Sent Free For Home Treatment.
Clubbing Offers - 1903-04
4-14+41++++++++++++ ++++++++
THE TIi1Es announces the following low -rate -
Clubbing Offers for 1903-04:—
Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 S1 00
Times and Weekly Globe with 8.page illustrated
supplement .... , 1 60
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and
the Province of Ontario 1 75
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75
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