HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-07, Page 5THE MEN'S BARGAIN LIST !
Surprise Special Sale
O. 5.
Friday, July 8th to 14th
11 Only Boys' two piece Tweed Snits, sizes 22 to 28, sale 1$1,65
17 Duly Boys' three-piece Tweed Suits, sizes 27 to 33, regular
price $4.75 and $5,00, sale - - • . $3,25
12 Only Youths' Lone Pants Tweed Suits, sizes 3t to 83, regular
price $5.50, $11.00, $6 50, sale - • - - $4,25
14 Only Men's Blue Serge Snits, sizes 84 to 44, regular price
$a 50, $6.00, sale - - - $4.54
19 Only Mn'es Black or Blue Woreted Serge Suits, sizes 35 to 44,
regular price $.3.75, sale - - - $0.75
20 Pairs' Boys Tweed Pants, sizes 22 to 32, regular 00c and 75c,
Surprise sale - - -
29 Pairs' Boys Moleskin Pants, sizes 22 to 33, regular 50c and 60o,
sale - - - - - • - .39
23 Pairs' Man's Tweed Pants, all sizes, regular price $1,50, $1.75,
sale • $11.25
28 Pairs Men's Shoes, Broken Lines, sizes 0 to 10, regular 9',2,50;
$2.75, Sala $1.90
12 Pairs Men's Heavy Blucher L'toe Shoes, sizes 6 to 11, regular
price. $t.50, sale - - - • - '81.19
10 Pairs Men's Patent Colt. Shoes, regular $5.00, sizes 5}H to 9h,
sale -
White, Black and White, or fancy colored vests, 'sizes 34 to 46,
$1.25 to $2.50
We have the new King William Orange and Blue Bow -
Orange and Purple Four.iu-bancl's and knots, •Also new strings, new techs, eto.
EIard and Sift Felt Harts, all latest styles, • $1.09 to $3.09
Wo have the guaranteed Selene brand, in hard or soft bosoms,
separate cuffs, sizes 12S to 18} - - $1.00, $1.25
The R. 11. 612.0WDLI2 Go.
Men's Outfitters. WINUHAJ'I.
• ++4 ++4.4eete++++-I-d-•e•< a i•-: +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++.!-+
' .4.
-1e I.
4.00 .4.4,4++.11.{"1.,1..;..1.4•.1'..{.,t,,`t.4"1.4-.)•
Fancy Back Chairs, comfortable, at per half dozen, $3.25
Fancy High Back, .regular $5 25, at -
Regular $0 25 line for - -
- 4.50
High Back Nurse Rocker, .with small arms, at, each 81.25
3 dozen of those Fanny Rockers which have become
so popular; regular $2 25, for - 1,75
Oar low-priced Bedroom Suites are fast seliers. For
oheap Suits they cari't be beaten. 811.50 $14.50 $.16
Six golden oak finish Sideboards, regular $13, for $11.50
The People's
Furniture Store,
Rrie)t residence, 5th )longe west
from IB,unittna's Corner Drug
Store, where night calla will
receive prompt attentio,,.
a, OYGRO i
, daughter, Mary Euphenlit, to mourn
News from Our Neighbors
What WideawOkei 'Tepees
Correspondents Ooxnmuruoate^-- Other
Zteels Clipped F'ror Our Exchanges,
A very nice home wedding was cele•
brated at the home oi'. Mr. Geo. John-
stou, Jatuestown, on Wednesday, June
20th, when his daughter, Aliso Martha,
was married to Mr. Udward JaCklin, of
Grey Tp. Rev, Mr. Johnston, of Grand
Valley, a cousin of tate bride, performed
the ceremony in the preseuee of about
200 guests. The bride was dressed in
cream lastere, trimmed with chiffon
and tele lace, looked elegaut, as she ap-
peared on the verandah for the ceremony.
Friends from Brussels, Luckuow, Wing -
ham, Wroxeter, Stratford and elsewhere
were present. The wedding feast was
out of sight, and muoh enjoyed by the
large number of guests. The presents
were beyond thf3 ordinary both in value
and number,
A. Focally Necessity
Is a remedy capable of affording inn -
mediate relief to the hundred and oue
ailmeuts that constantly arise, It may
be a cold, perhaps toot•haohe, neuralgia,
pain in the baok,--use Nerviliue, it's
more penetrating, pain subduing and
powerful than any other liniment. Ner-
viline is at least five times stronger thau
ordinary remedies and its worth in any
household cau't be overestimated. For
man or beast Nerviline is a panacea for
all pain and cost only g5c per bottle.
Buy Nerviline to -day.
Mies M. Glazeir has resigned her posi-
tion as teacher at U.S S., No. 11, Hal-
lett and East Wawaeosh.
Blyth's former crack base -ball pitcher,
Mr. P. H. Douglas, is now a member of
the Britannia club of the Hamilton city
The Epworth League of the Blyth
Methodist church will hold their annual
picnic ou July 22nd. Mr. N. B. Gerry
has kindly offered his fine grounds for
the occasion.
Mr. Norman Murch, of Clinton, has
been engaged to teach in U.S.S. No. 12,
Mullett and Morris. His duties will
commence after the summer vacation
and the salary will be $:i50 per annum.
The annual sermon to the Orangemen
of Blyth and vicinity will be preached
in Trinity church ou Sunday evening,
July 10th, by the rector, Rev. J. Ed-
Many Sudden Deaths
Are traced to a heart that was neglect-
ed. If your heart is weak or bears two
rapidly ynn need Ferroznne to streuthen
the heart's mueeles, regulate its action
and stop smothering spasms. Ferroznne
always cures weak heart and restores
this organ to a strong healthy state. 9 he
best heart medicine in the world is Per -
rezone which beats any substitute.
Widely u:etrl by doctors and sold at
500 per box by all druggists.
john McKenzie, who for many years
has lived on the 5th cou. of Culross a
short distance out of Tees water died snd-
denlr about 10 o'clock in the forenoon
on Wednesday, 29th ult. For a few
days previous to his death he had not
been feeling quite as well as usual, but
on Wednesday morning felt somewhat
better and after breakfast having taken
a look abort the barns walked to about
the middle of his farm on the south side
of the road where Tom Ross and a num-
ber of men were engaged in cutting wood
with a steam engine and drag saw.
After spending about 5 minutes there
in conversation with the men and (with-
out giving any sign of ill -feeling he and-
denly dropped and expired almost in-
stantly. Mr. McKenzie was highly re-
speoted and trusted by all who knew
him and though en old man will be
greatly missed from the neighborhood.
He was at the time of his death 73 years
aticl 5 mouths old. Fre leaves a widow,
e one son , oho and
Ai:ary Gilchrist, and T ,
Canned Apples
At this season of the year, when green apples cannot
be got, Clothing will take their place so well as the canned e
ones for making pies. We - have them in gallon cans. a
Per can - - - - .25 1
1iE °tw' s• a(Cii i 42 d Feads 4
We keep all the latest Breakfast Foods for hot
weather. Orange Meat, Malta Vita, Vim, Life Chips, 4
Strength nide, -Force, Shredded Wheat, Triscott, Grape 1
.i5 t
,ryIIrCIs6#�l.r�iA ° 4
Imported Picklt.s, grown and bottled in England. 1
Put up in la -g, bottles weighing three-'nd-a-half pounds, 1
will hold as much as two ordinary b'o'ttles. Chow Chow,
WhiteOnions IJriS
and n
cfiis(d. Per
Nuts. Per package,
his death.
Lowtot tl IN(irl.tlt,
S. S. No. 11, Turnberry, report for
Sr. IV -Georgina I'Itippen, Charlie
Johnston, Frault Calhoun.
Jr. IV -Lulu Currie -and Ernest Link -
later (equal), Emily Furby tit, Fred John -
sten, Eat1 Reid.
Sr. Ht -Annie le uuteu.:il:tiziP I.e(liet,
Roy Nettertield, Willie Loekeridge.
Jr. 3 -• L.tura Claiborne Earl Groves,
Ethel Ranson, Mary .0nriie, Lizzie
1 Lnckeridgc, Anna Itlel)onatd, Maggie
i tie II -Maio Lnci:eotidgtP, Edna Finlay,
1 T'+nnie McLean, Aggio Finnen, Albert
Jr. II --Iva Linkl.tter, Ruby Isorsyth,
Fret* Lediet, Carrie Weeks, Roy Kien-
: man, Willie Srigley, France Locheridg;e.
Pt. Il--lethel Free, l ltal ►lr Weeks,
Susie Welsh, Minnie S nunders.
I Sr. and Pt. I --Alvin Gloves, Beatrice
Johnston, (:;r we Foe t, Mass Forsyth,
Salinity Styles.
{ NtuneS are in order of merit.
1X. D. I!`Iauiin, Teacher.
Airs. Will Meaning of Alinneapolis is
visiting her perauts, Mr. add Airs.
Muster Fred Burgess of Owon Sound
is visiting his auut, Mrs, George MoDau•
Mr, John Scott of Clinton, was visit-
ing his uncle, Mr. Frank Scott over Sun-
Mr. P{Ikie of Wexford has been visit-
ing at Wm. Messer's.
Mies Belle Henderson of Brussels was
visiting Miss Olive Scott this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Ashtou Mason and child
ren of Stratford are visiting relatives in
Blnevale and vicinity.
Miss Mary and Jean Black spent the
holidays with friends at ',Cara.
Miss Isabel Sanderson of Toronto is
visiting in Biuevale•
Mr. Gorden Hay, of Listowel was
visiting Will Elliott over Sunday,
Miss Mary Thorutou of Wiugham has
been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John
Mr. James Gray of Listowel spent the
istof July at his home here.
Master James Masters is home from
Acton where he has been attending
Rev. John Ross of Brussels and Rev.
W. J. West exchanged pulpits last Sab-
A goodly number of Orangemen at-
tended service in the Methodist church
last Sabbath -morning when Rev. Mr
Barber preached to them,
The mtrriage took place at the Meth•
odist parsonage, W ingham, June 30th,
when Mr, J. 7, Denman, commercial
traveller of Biuevale wee united in
marriage to Miss Frances Yeo, daughter
of Mr. Robert Yeo of Tarab trey. Mr.
and Mrs, Denman left the next afternoon
for Niagara Falls, Hamilton and other
OW .,Police Can't Stand
Harsh, purging medicine. but invari-
ably find Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man-
drake and Butternut the mildest care
for constipation and sick headache. No
griping pains, sure cure, price 25o. Use
only Dr. Hatnilton's Pills.
We iilte best to call
a food because it stands so em-
phatically for perfect nutrition. 4,
And yet in the matter of restor--
appetite, .of giving new (!•
strength to the tissues, especinlly f
tothe nerves, its action is that f
of a medicine,
scO7•'T�& now fre�'):,nChen9s'.,
Torino), unto
sec, aneSeeo; sU 4ruggetn.
Geo. W. Proctor, repairing bridge, $10;
Geo. Taylor, gravel, $1.26; Adam Shol-
dice, gravel, $4,83; Thos. McCall, re-
pairing culvert, $3; Dr. Toole, profes-
sional fees, 50 cents; Milton Watson,
gravel and damage, $8,17; Brussels Her-
ald, advertising, 00 cents; R. B. AIcoek,
tile ditch, $4; Jamas Marshall, surveying
and assistance, $13; Chas Wilkinson,
grave), $5 22; W. H. Knox, gravel, $•i 15;
Jas. Nicholson, covering culvert, $2;
Robert Young, work on grader, $2;
Alex. Cloakey. gravel, $8,88; Municipal
World, debenture register book, $1 37;
John Watson, equalizing uniou school
sections, $12; Chas. Pollard, gravel,
$5.88; Dr, Motesh• serviees re small pox
outbreak, $55; Edward Irvine, services
re swill pox outbreak, $30; John Wat-
son, postage and errttionery, $5. On
motion of Shaw and Jackson, the coun-
eiI then adjourueri to meet again ou the
1st of August nexr•.
W. CLARK, Clerk.
A number of the pupils and residents
of S. S. No. 9. gathered at the school
house ou Weduesdey evening to bid
good -by to their teacher, Miss Alien Duff.
who is leaving to attend the Normal
School. Gauges were played and a
short programme was given, atter which
alias Duff was Pt esenteel with a leather
writing case. Miss Mageie McDougall
made the preseutatiou while Miss Mabel
Shiell read the following address:
DEAR Fuluxn Ai,n TEACH/tit-During
your stay among us you have made
many friends who deeply regret your
departure from their midst and em-
brace this opportunity of expressing to
yon their hearty appreciation of your
triendship and service's. By your active
and couaeientious efforts to advance the
,utereets of the school. and by rhe cheer -
tut rtadiuet•s in which ynu took part in
the social parts of our work, by the kind.
line ss and courtesy wbien have ever
marked your tmereourae with pupils
and fri'•nds you have een(tearett yourselt
to all who knew you anti lead ns to hope
that you may long be stared to con tome
in the work whlett you nave so faith tnlly
and creditably carried on while bore.
But, dear frieud, we wt.ih to express
our appreeiatann of your work iu a mere
lasting way than iu mere words, so we
ask you to accent this v. route ,:ase, not
for ttte value at it, but as a token of the
love anti esiteetU iu whlt:ll ynu are held
by vuur papi,s .ul.l tr)t,ods hero.
We all wi,h von sueeess au.t pr.aspnti-
ty wherever your lot luny be (sits; iu the
Stewed, on behalf of the pupils and
MA(i(;IE Mr.DotniALt.
Miss Duff exneessed her thanks for the
pretty and useful gift and her gratitude
for the kindness of her friends as well
as her regret at parting fiwm them. Af-
ter lunch was served a very pleasant
evening was brought to a close by sing-
ing "God be with you till we meet
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 9, East Wawauush for the ntunth of
V -Bella McDoug•tll.
Sr. VI -Stanley Elliott, Ella Walker,
Willie Shoebottotu.
Jr IV -Annie Leaver, Katie Shiell,
Laura Currie, Harvey Liuklater, :1\ 1lfrtci
Sr. III -James Ferguson and Garfield
Shoebottom (equal). Magx;ie Shiell,
Herbie Burchill, Tohn Derr.
Jr. III --Gordon Riutoul, Earl Elliott,
Walter Po,•oek, Mary Elliott and Gwen-
doilne Currie (equal), Georgy Walker,
George Gerrie.
Sr. II -Pearl Deaeot'.
Jr. II -Verna Taylor.
Part II -Richard 1 teaeon, Bernice
Shiell and Daniel Fergueon (equale,
Harold Walker, Beanie Currie.
Part I-BBalla F ergnsau, Charlie Tay-
lor, Franklin 'Wohin,on, Maggie Pot•nt•k,
Ernest Shiell, Katie Cueriee, Nellie Dea-
con, Bessie feerchell, Viola Deacon.
Average attendance :.:;.
Mrs. D. 0. Pope and children, of
Wroxeter were visiting at the home of
her brother, Mr. J. D. McEwen, fur a
few days.
John Manning left Inst week to visit
his son and other friends in Manitoba,
hopiog to benefit his health by the
Miss Nettie Davis, of Alpena, Mich-
igan, is here for a visit with her parents
5th line. It is some years since she went
to live in Uncle Sam's possessions.
The comfortable residence of James
and Mrs. Bolger, 8th line, Morris, was
the scene of a very happy gathering of
50 or more guests on Tuesday afteruoo u
June 28th at 4 o'clock when Rev L M.
Webb, Incumbent of St. John's church, I
Brussels, tied the nuptial knot between
Chas.Pollard, a well- to-do youug farmer
of this township, and Miss Mary Emily,
oue of the estimable daughters of the
host and hostess.
The ;Overt of Revisiou met according
to adjournment ou June :37tH; members I
all p-esent. The followingeutrtes were
made ou the assesstueut roll, viz ;-Geo.
Headman, entered tenant, 3814 S7, con,
7 ; Geo. Ilest,entered owner, n1,• •24,
I cou. t9; 1'. Atnent, entered owner, at_ 27,
con. 5; Samuel Fells, M. F. sla 37, cou 1; i
Leonard Brown, M. F.11,,, 53, con. 1; j
Wesley Cornell, M. F. n1, 11, cou, 2;
Robt. Carrick, tenant, pt. n',a 1, con. 6;
Prank 6A heeler, tenant, 2tt and 89, Bel -
grave; Jane Parker, owner, n. w. pt. 11,
con. u; Wm. Emigh, entered owner,
lot 1, Walton, in place ofeWtn. Blashill.
Shaw-Jucksou-That the Court of
Revision be note closed and that the as-
sebbwent rtili as now revised and correct-
e(t be confirmed and established. as the'
assessment roll tor the Township of
Morris toe the current year.•-t',irrie'd. i
:Shaw - .lackaon -Thea atter ineariag
coon. 'iaylt,r's report re condition of
siders td between lots 2:) ant: 'ne, con. 1,
this coutivit pat in the nt eeee try eulvt'rts
and be at half the expense of (tragi on
sidt-ruad.-Carl it (1.
Taylor -Shaw -That $S0 be expett(led
itt gravelling; opposite lots .1 and 4 on sill
eon. ',_- ;(•d.
itis-lintcs'» t-tTilylotrrir---chat w2:) be expend.
ed (u r, pairing sideline between lots 1,)
and 11, tem. t;. •--t"arr;t:•i, :tiny t'd by
Taylor, seconded by (lode, that tilt' Reeve
- be intra: teed to have the road opposite
lot :,, eon. 8. east of bridge put it1 a p.tss•
ttblt' suite cel repair. -- ('•trrie•d.
On merlon of Code and Jackson, t'te
following RaLcnitts Were ordered tn be
girl. viz ,�: So wart repairing
F ,
brill;;' s, •:t,s3; \'VW•e,t/au Founery Co.,
\Vingham, grinding grader ltnlfe. $2.50;
Wm. Fi milater, lumber for cnlvett t' ;
Win Salter. gravel, $3.'%4; A. Hughes,
gravel, $1.05; Alex. 'ten wen, ;;navel,
$1.75; Geo. W. Proctor, gravel, 0.30; •30,
Slim Prices
Stout Values
The Leading Store
Quick re
l y
Red cti:on
Bring in. your Eggs. We are paying
16 cents.
H. E. ISARD & Go
im Opposite Rank of Hamilton. -Right goods at right prices.
HN/�A/iM/�/�Al)M/eeMtt!)AJ�r1I�/er�thA i+A�R/lAhOaJV�.�,/ehA/Ii�HAMMKik
For Honest rflC S; 19ati
For Valli33, give th3 hasty
Where does honesty come in by trying to get $125 00 for goode worth.
only $75 00 2 We are not guilty of ,waking a charge of 5207 or tbereabouta
for goods worth only $75 or K0. If we were we would feel like going to
our customer and giving it luck,' and Then talk about h•mesty and truth.
If some people would d•, as they a Ivertise, there would have to be a lot of
money given back and a bin :dr ,o in prtees.
When you DEAL WITH US you are used right. The truthwillsoon be found out.
For the next EO days come and see what value is
and what satisfaction is.
4•••,• ,,,O+obmb,4•,••••• • .000,0044+A64••.s.+ s44i4.440,
• t
N hh'
�-• O
-The Tntt;,s to end '.1 i'('1 for cents
and also a copy of our i'-,nliniun Nutn-
ort•. 4
Itching Skin
Distress by day and n ht -•-
That's the coml,l:tient of those who
are so unfortunate es to be afflicted
with Eczema or Salt Ida um --and ot.t
ward applications tl0 nut cure.
1`I:ev coil t.
The :ounce of the tumble is in the
1),e4ee1--•make that pure ;tt:d this seal-
ing, burning, itching skin disease will
"1 was taken frit), an aching en my
etrnts ui.iAl PrOVVili %e'ry llis.ti rleeah4'. 1
it was s.l;t nce,nn and bongld a
' u w drive
vii In two of Het 1
bottle 1
u,ner S began takiue it I fall better and it
was tat long before I was carred. Bare
neer had any Ada vieelt•e vit,cc.' ;dives,
les E. \retro, cove leu: lt, Aid.
Sa'apaf ill,
tills the t,looti of all impurities and
cures All eruptions.
\Vo ere sole agents here for the Scranton Coal.nnd will every
delivery to be (3, K. Just ask any person who hes used same and hear what
they say about it. The toliowiug prices will not rai•.e for 1.2 mouths.
July deliveryper 1,111 lots and over, $(; ,4)
1a n.t delivery,• ••• •; i;0
14.1)t;•11t1),-r ;tui 7 following months " " " $4 00
'1'e) take advantage of the above pricete,nr:Iers must be in by the fifth of
e'+tolt tn,of h roe unnu',ii ,t,..telive•ry or they well rake+ the n.xr tultntll's pones.
Partners twhinc to In „d an,i ,,raw their owe, C )at will have 21pertou reoate.
10. 1 ---gleet 11 )(Iv Hera wend, per Cord $'I 00
No. 2 - Uirdw,lod, front Smaller Timbor per ;lord ..... ::...
No. :; _..{{;tt•tlttnnd, and A'.h. mix. -,l, r,.'r Co.,} .... .... 2.5(1
No. 4-- ,l+h and Lan, mixed, per(' Ord 2 "1
NO. es -S;:the and soft 'I'itnh.er, p "• t't'-.l. •11)
Rough wood, ehnttha, et.•., for fertrt-.•4:trrl bila, etut•,oj.... '2 tt0
I Ni,4. 1 rt11-1 2 eat: fiord „r•'0'j (int t
Our terms for' Co'll and Wool are strictly cash.
D• crnl Pfeil , )t'ti'• e. ru•xt l'►rhrictss't. I Soto c r.,(IServ: Phone tit
li1.tIL'et 11.;i'e• of .t E 1 110111'$ n,(nit.; Phone (I. 1;t'D•0ant'e Thune :ie.
etoet4)0400lett eA#i•*****6eDb44l+ eetse eleba?4Pe4ste044Cm++444-4
A Mere llsnt's Creed.
'rho proald"nr an.l t •etet;ll nisnag•er
..1 the Iare••st dep:1111mint store at In-
di:In:twit. hits 1' •,t'ly mud.• "the beg -
e, 3-t eontraet for n•ew.pnn.er space ever
ut de in the, Mu oil e W. eq.' In 37.11 inter-
vt.•ty hit :end: t lvetelte 11, the heat'
i. my spoil. :1tt a t ,n, ut .. p
t, 4• •) t o and clic v. t l ft to t
1 vii tl t t
.$ ,. „ r
n(ett.l t1.r, will ,( react attention
-foots r and hold it long, r than Wil? orclin-
%ti't clews matter."
---TIMES and Weekly Ginhe till f lid of
tient for 65 cents. (:()t.d eletnee for new
subscribers to get cheap rcarltng matter.
d';(ta)•r,,. ,'nennuxtia, Consumption
lh'atll's t'at,'ful trinity they are oft
e:til,•d. (',ttnrrh is ,he 1i^st stege, pet'
monist l,t•n'n fnilows, and to n ous:I ti
finally (1..t,-tu p,'n(ity. Tuiet•'
all to nvt•1•tt'el by mitig Ate oiitrg,"t beisail
3 ('e.tal'Ah• ::ane, an tititiat•,tt1C that pen
oleo the nem t. t•,•1»4 ,ef *Se len
ttr1/,111.4loveliesh snore mato
tatrlat•t 01• the rlti(Itt and hreatinng a
tlartttn0: it t•arriee health tth.-re•sss. ,
gees, brings instant relief awl is a -.
i hn,oy vermin t,) curt. Don't delay,
..ttturrli(••�.t)ntt td ties-. It
,un all,4 1;h,l
1 efttnin ('tire. Two lae'►yhn 11`i -it/
0.t10, trial Pi& 24e, Catatritczetie
1 guaranteed.