HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-07, Page 2I e� '(MA ATLY 7. 004. . 4$1 2 . THE NkIN, I .11 TIMEN'il .1 ----2 ­­­__._ �­­ ­ ­­_- -­_­­.­­_­ -- , -­ c-­­:­,�._­­ -1. I.." 'I., . . _,� —, ,-��."-�.—�.--------"-.—,-�-,---.---��..�--�-�—.—..:� ­... - ..- I.. I ,,,, - � I I I � — � _ - ".. -_ — ­! � � _ , - - - - I - __ � '__ .., __ _", - I---- _­�­__ ­� -,q, ­ ­ - - - . 10 AUVERTISF,RS (11 I limply farmt-ra were fortntiato stiongla V. WESTERN fAIR, L,QNDON. It . AST"g6w) 1072 Drom0orles; $mw4e 0wirso* ' se -ure. Eugli,Nh itivil ScorOv, torm ln'tvrols. — TOWN 1D1RE'CTORY# , There Is Ito I'vilsou wily it drolucdarY -b-Inges mill4t be left at, . whou)4 p . Natice of 1, thial of I bllutgepp� Lappool ivmohadQ,)tuetoU4ua,dr., Ili sparc4 Of TPE WINQUO Tows lot be p4jrtlal to ;I good cigar office not, later than Satur, Ity uvou. Aetive propitrationa are unotior way for' �,t ,, . The e I I . work. BAnIST Ontruarx—SobbAtIv. sorvicor, 4 is PUBLISIfED ,ost (iroulvdarles, aceor4log to it triel, ,,!.Ip -,r for ella! wltltlulast bl. left, 0116year's Rshitlidoll, tobe b0olsep. 11 it 01, atta 7 p III.. E.:illnday School at IvAgerle proprietor, are, partIcularix l',, t-bau .�T — 'Ilia, Perth—The day N gone vvhoil tetnWr 14h to 170t. The Prize List bits 2 :1$0 P in. General prayer meeting E fond of tobacive sinoke and (!till be mailts pot 0 11% .4+1#111g. f L 1. VERY THURSDAY MORNINQ Casilul %vivortiselut-lits at-l-elti'd ap, I lghreco I V s Rev. J. X. MO, 41jr— tit not'll, Wod)lo�dav of oal-li wpol, i PHYSICIAN TO' THE POPE PRAI1,59S th" hvIP W`rkeli sixt"'en I ) ' Juh, b"ea is-med and Is viow ill course of OANVOil"islif-70 eni'49 - — to do alinost Anythlug u4ifer Aw 11111111111- -, K w4s, I 14011176 daily Ott t Ito farin, Wilore thtrt�- Leau,B.A.,past:or. Abnor0osents, S.S, flia TImets, Offlee, 1$04ver lWelc tT.!ot --­�­"__-_"� �, . , I , DR. WLLLIA,U PIN P virvalation. Tilt) 8ocretary isiforms us , I cow, . . - ls� . 6 u, tiysteul of work, ill W11101 1`110 )1010 that hiA will be pleasod to illoil one to Superintendent. I WTOQUAN, jONAIRIO, ItTruvelers in Egypt," be asserts, 'IT#,- ) 0STARLD41IND Nli i call got his ia,Aails, proitiptiv h"d J�J- ijiqv who liav(3 twoll overlookod, ou re. Mr.TnowisT Onuitou—Sabbath services ly worol oft tobacco soloke (or their cowr I 4. tiv . f IU F41111- Vttlik'S lit An3eltda, Their 1`ffi- 'ft' 1 day'�- work dolie at % o'Okw4-, %% it It I 1w 'It, at 11 a m and 7 p lit, Sunday School at , . I over these Ouge beasts thati, apy� Tilf It �%k!j..O.,.,(A.,%aLti�tit(.ttlr3 'Kt%,.t Ile Will Uol 1 2-sopull )�pworrhLeagoe�veryMon- TE'Rvis or 8VSao`ftrPT1QN—$l '4 Per annum 11) thing else, wbelt, travellU4 oil long I �11,1 I N1 G, �' 1 4 ff i0tigtist-iraddrves. Lthera0prOlulalus I 1, Tflalrls. I �asatllruurisle of lieces'Zory dlttitt-, (it'll . advaiici,, $1A)dviototolittid. Zqolvapprdipeoni- , ,, .y dis, da'; - ,,. Givi-eral I)rayer ineeting tinuedtill. all, areears art. poia I Ult t'hing Thvill. a employer can ail %va.4,kgpit lielpreawmishle '*rl� I Ir"rl'oll opt -11 to all' and foirl evenut� I ,. exeept (it t4o, journeys the 4roinedsirles tire to, niany H. 14. ELLIOTT. Pirut-t-if Fit %N'rik'"'IT-Wilt": Dr. La,ppuui. whole sLill priservelil *La I rila ted nitiong ovintiv,fielifirtivients, cont- on Wedues(lity evenings, U o -v. J. R, OPOOlis of th,e Pithu"her- cases require(! to travel night .ant! 4air , �_- - I � I � I � I � , t�% st; o vt wo tut., ki,.W L, u X41 to tile , Imilligration laborli unt, very sat ir;fav pt-JI,ift., about every Go 'i eivaliteitiolustry Gandy, DID I pastor. Dr.. Towler, S. S. AuievatTisivo Pwqm - Legal and ntlitir : gVetLi, age tj� W', �1 nti, it) WhobV, Care tile, tory, but tivi So � itc , casual advertiliumouts 8c Pei, N"Oulariel Itnu Ior without rest, and the bensts are kept , l,VRJJRAD&Y. JI -1,Y 7. I--4 !otq)i nxo prefern d. It. ltoge portion going, - to tbo live stoc� Superintendent, I tirstinjortion,46perline for eAcieubf;equent lip to their #9ks by Smoking elgarts. , 11V1011 tit It," pirm-isr, ri-PP, kils fiLmilli0ib � Mouck, Aloslookil —Vory few birin .Q Is insertion. I � - I . I � L pi elissses. Tile conditinivs. rules and regu. PiwsBYTEmAN Caulton-Sabbath ser- .ktIvortisoultinto. in localcoluraus harged The driver carries a triangular plece ot __ I .,--- - - ­ - - - �i'xuo .�L I IN vkfl,ti,lett, Ilah %% ritteltl tile re- 1 -, NI t,-koha hire help. They m6t) Ill . ets. per line for first insertion,42114115cenT18 Wood in. a t�i V I that vice$ at 1 1 a M, and 7 p DA Sunday 10 , I which Is pierced. lit one point � .­494.14wu �vl,,t 4 ol. �Vlklku Law wilt.twitur, I 4AEUMS 116170 0011vetlielIttv orratiged so I per line for each isub.ioquent intsortion. SIR WILFRID'S G.1 -ITA -i S?_`___Z; I ; ovi-it bovs. . - $04001 at, 2; 80 p in. General prayer like it cigar holder, Tills is Insertell Im 1, is III Liallbu-1 1�,,.. - l I allyolle (-till easily I ralld thern. meeting on Weduesday evenings. Rev. Advertisements Of Lost, round, Stra--*Pd I � — — I * I Uri. lll� i rim, I nav" trit ol Dr. Wit, 1 — - - _____ , -,— __ _ __ Parms for titale or to Hent, ind atinflAr $I 06 r, � tile wouth oftbe beast, the elgar being .Zp,T-g lew of ,.It- To. i Jillutt" Pilo, P..." lit lutir cases Ot tile Thnintproved entry wbiell. was D.Pervie,pastor andS S.. Superbit(in- first month and .50, eants for each s;b`,wIuont lit and pressed, into the bole iu_tlleS40i0 Thei OttawtL noirre j­tu,,i,1AlI,;ejj,*4p,u& (leveaupineur. Alter I BE OYAL. ori,�itlittvd by tile `W,11t-u.rdrA1i,'1rsF air will be dent, P. S. Lhiklater and L. Harold, month fashion followed by man. rolito Criolto writes ,hill p-ttior rs-!oril, 19, 1 1 usod 119ditt this year. ! Ic is much up. assistant S. S. Soperintoudeurs. CONTRACIL R,wzs-ThefoIloi;v,iag,tab1e RiverlYr, I to i k L%, -A Mukko Ul Eltaku,ICL�, L4104 IVbulLI . car rates for file insertion of a4vertisetuents "The drothellary lutincollately dose% I In is ammon, F Sir Wilflitl Lunriei's slit -eh oil tile Ditil. otiiluu fatly till to Uly eXpe0thLiotiti. Rur I Remember Ili �,tores at horool-tilA preciaredby the exhiivitors,ills it"veil ST. PAUI� ,pISCOpAZ,_Sab_ for sVuLIf1edper1ods:- its eyes a na Purilsoway throw0i Its nos-, ) donald charges tit; f, llntws: : -ma rrabou I sonli itot rai) in tile futaLe I grocer, the dry gmiods inan, tho bwelt.4r. dine ikad avoids ralsta�ea, bath services lit I I a in and 7 p ra. Sun- SPACIR. I ra. f; Mo. AVO (I . V; Im trils until the tigar is Ijurtiml. awaY-. 9. Vkht I (0 t�Xildllll this, aNti ol this, laudable pre. - - , - day School lit, 2:30t)m. General r One Cotumiu.-._ .... $W.00 $M.00 W44 W -PfrPgh It,' . "Everybody is Miki,ig t.bjut fliv, er, tile priliter, allit, tit. the rt!.-� 0outracts have born let for a new , proye Atiffoohimm..'.. 85,GQ Ik,00 li).00 4.kKt The In4ulgeoce jq)pears to I , pKiatiou. not, only in the treatment of I the bait meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Q%artercoliarnil :::" 18-W 10.00 6.00 2.00 and the keeper bas UG diflicultY In per - speech made by 0- Prittie Nivister on I otlwr aittruLd tio;lud of tile cutogury ut 1, wito do business here. Thay fire, iwt Ili Dairy Hall, which will be completed it, Win. Lowe, ReoLor and S. 8. Saporta- Arlyortisoments without Ppecifte. directions suadlug the aniuval tOL J)loa ollwltbout ' Friday night lr wits a masto-riliece of i Atilvalu'u, Or Ublux-is, but alho in ellses burduess for fun. They tire ovit ior the t1ale for the opening 'Pf tile Ftlir. The t�udovit. John Taylor and Ell. Ifash, will be inskirtod till forbid and olnrged "t -cord. logic and of oratory, Its offpct 111)011 I of Nourastheuilt, atiq wo like." money to help push thei town q1titig. baildinor will cost $lb,000, find will be assistatiCS. S. Superintendents, ingly. Transient advertWoments niust bu paid . further rest." -Pon tilsouls. I DR GILIS13PP4 LAPPDXII I for in advanes). I - . the Ministerialis-, %vita elef-trifying i , -I . I Bay 0,walliall. gonts. UJ j,)v,.,LI to of llet-o elass constrodtion throughout, SALvATiow ARxy--Sc-.rv1ee Tar JOB Dr,P*RT=VIP 14 StOoked 14111711.11a rwrors and Lxetlmert- . g ivitig Tivei at 7 and 11 extensive assortment of all requipitesfor prjrt� " The constitntim-1 pl, ise of the sul i (It I '.. i yourself. a flot r space ot 8,500 feet. a yu and 8 And 8 p ill on Sunday, and i4g, affording filCilltiCH 116t OCILILKIled in the Emperor Sigisinuti.d of OtIrulanY, Who . In 1, under debate tl-ve uttlitit figo wits hal)d , Denionbtrating I 11 Witt 11MVP 9, Willing every evening during tile week at 8 coinut.v for ttirtituir out firsit class -,vork- J'arge reigned lit the fifteentil century, In the Be loyltl to your churclT, yotir pastor type and ptipropriate cuts for AllstyleS of Post., . ledbySirWitevtt %vitheovisnuirrate.,kill. � . .. adpa(,ity of 8t)o ti) I,()00, eqnipped with o'clock at the lim-laolka. ers, Hand Sills, etc., and the late,4t styles tit speech in which Ile opptivil till- councilt I il and your home. 4 � but in the i-. -oration tbi4 magic of his � I � - I ilp-to-d,ito appliances fA)r dt-mounrathig choice fatter ty-pe ker the fluor chi -sea of print, of Coustan" uttered till expression, i .. � 1p� I Be loyal to good cleatl t�port, Fivend a PO%T Orptiors-In Afacdonidd Block, ing. El. S. ELLJOTT, whIch Cardinal Placentintis corrected. elollnenco, s, vavv,1 Avery listelli r. The. - I I the itiounraccare of bAtter aud cheese. offic; hours from 8 it m to 6: 30 p m. ' Prourietar and Pilblishfl' The emperor replled, 'lPlaccutillus, Consorv,tuves mlild uut help but feel the i . I �, " shilling or two to help it along. Batter niaHmig comptOrione, for both Peter Fisher, postmaster. . , , . be to oth- ­ however agreeable yen may spell; the M.ii.,6terialists were sitaply do; ­ A sound wind ill a Foaad b,.)d.y is good proft�.q:,Ioulll and non-pr9fFssional butter PUBLIC LmR.kRy-L,dbrary and free J *P KHNNEDT, M, V.. X,C.P. S. 0 erst you please via not when you assert carried away by it. They mout,ted reasoning. iyushc-rs, wilibe held daily during tile res,Wng room in tdio lltowii Hall, wiu tie,. ituber of tile British ILI 11,mi k i4n -,i,% . Gold Mottalli-f ill Medicine, SiZrial that we have less tilithol-IQ than the I .1 eltairsand waved hats and hatiliker- I -.-- , Be loyal. kind ard Oriritable. and (it) Fair, Tile TMT -0011 Of thti 1101-1419813t tie open livery afternoon from 2 to attention puld to dfseae.L�$ (it Woollen and Child. gtammarlan Prischinus, whoult you. say chiefs, they rit is, d cheer after cheer, I not look for perfecti, ALL this side of Jor� itpurt for cx1illits will �eauitobly fitted 5,30 o'elook, aild overy evening from, 7 ran. 011ie* hours -1 to 4 p, m.: 7 to 11 p. in I have offeuded.11 , I to 9:30 O'clock. Mrs. Orletodo G, Craig, I and, pouring out into th� corridors, I x- . 1 401). up with rofiigorator caseti tor battfir aut librarian, R. MAC -DONALD, Napoleon used to excuse Ill,, orrors It& I r citedly disonseAd one with another thi- , , I 0. che� So, atill 'platforms :foid ar"'lids for D Orthography with the sityltur "A man i , I " I r, Be loyal to your friends and kind t '6 cannot ; 10 , ,reoui sepa. Towx CouNorE,-X. Vanstone, Mayor; Centre Streos ,occupied with public buslive svIendid address to which they lind just I //1? , - . �r your enetuit s. dairy 111"whitt'.rj, it.olladilig c Tuna. Bell, Will. Holuies, W. JT Grecr, . 0,t,, aphy." -oh I - I rators, c1mrsis, pro. In, AAcr., everything Millikill. vy ulu""J", .I,. attend to orthogm listened. The Prime Minister's spot , I Boss, doulo klive"r. if yon Oa.1% get . Thos. Armstrong, G a. 0 . Voltaire Illicit receipt of Ills first let - was the cliniax of a di-bato ia which tit, - , ,, d I , -e - tile postoffice don't � eep another good 111 On u 1,icotion wit It I his department Will 0 -will 4-11, 0,)ancillorm; J. B. Per- ter in French front Frederlek the Great honom rostod completely with thp G. v " �", � lV � o(A in keeping with tile ituportatice of gnson, Clerk and Tromuror; William DR. AGNEW, told Frederick that be Wits .1 better I , " . eminent, the Opoo,aition's poor emse bp- - I Inall Trom holding it, . London vs tho coutre of lono or [lie best Olegg, Asgetisor, Win. Huburtson, Col- Physician, 8urgetiu, etc. French Scholar than. Louls XIV., who . Be kind. loctar. Board meets first Monday even. ing completely riddled. Any further at- ' dair3 ing, socticus in 010talla. ing in each mouth at 8 o'clook, Office-Maeolonald Block,*,vter W.MqXLbibon's commItted niuny wist,t1tvs. Prederldc , tempt to cvritiM20 the Administration J Dr- G'usc-ppu L:tppoul, Physicistu to Be kind to the boss. He may wear The removal of tile D.iiry Department . Drugstore. HiglitcaUstsxwwerWatt,)Aeot)i,leI replied that I.ouls was ,,I great mon- for vindication in the right of constit'n- I the Pope, who bits written a letter better clothes and have shorter hours, from rhe oild Dairy, AgAeWinral and SCHOOL BOARD, -X. J, Romuth, (chair. arch Ill mally respects, '11)(I a Illigtake tional governmf.nt can only excite ridi. I in praise of De. Williams Pink brit. often when yon'ro sleeplug he's lit) ,Rvnicillturni Rall prilvi(fes vrry nittell "all), Tbos. A-brallavil, J. D Lonir, Ell T. ORDsHOLM, J. 8, C-1:118FI014M in spolling could not tarnish tile bril- eule.il Ko", Will. Moore, A. B. Lloyd. Dr. A. x.a.,A1.D,I0-AL-*M-QP-s.0. v,t.0.AfDXM.,Jd(JQ90. liancy of his repatirtiou. . 11 I Pills for Pate People. against the bills payable. wore routu fut agric-alto rii L and horticuI7 X. Irwin, 0. X. Grifti. Secretary. John n � . I ­�­­­ � I Wrall proaliew, und wilillead to botter F, Groves; Trenaurer, J. B. Ferguson. DRS. UISHOLM 9 CHISHOLM ROTTEN OANT. ; It would be impossililo to exaggerate I So be kind, be chavitable, tile i,�xcolleott (;i.iplays of imit years. Meetings secouct TnisAdKy evening in each PHYSIOIANS, SURGEONS, LVO The Clever Drahnian. I Don't knonk the chap in tho lodge Or - oloath. I Spealdtift­ of We greitt power the . the importance of this ot)iuion. Dr ho rec(Aved mora votf-S It is uUnfidoutly expouted that the 01PPIOE-Chisholm Block, Joseptlino street, Lttpouoi's high ofrlt.ittl position places ill tile charf.:ft W 2 13U r. �t., Brahmans Ili India po-4sysq Ili localizing It I% the rtittr-nost sort of catit to SaY his protessional cumpt-texic" above ques than yon did. Perbaps lie was elvctl�d Xfktiufacturufs and Arts Bitilding �vill bo PUBLIC SonooL. TEACHnIts.-A. H. Rugimmola-tu rear of block, ou triel � lar-a-ly filled with ii-xhibits of processes 'Iduggrove, Pritiolpat, Miss Brock,, where nighb calls wiii be anowered. thought, a prominent Bralimau said that politics have been tutrodne,-d into tiou, and it is cerriiiii that he die! not b,cause he was the better man. . 0 'MissRayflolds. Mise Parql1harson, Miss recently: "We won)(] cousilder it gante wriro as above without weiviling hi-, of mutinf,it-turo of gapdamade ititiou. C yn, Miss Molleall, Mis. f theso R. BROITN', L� R. 4- P. London, Englitild. of chess as plaTud lit this vountry "aiem tile militia to a greater extent liv tile ock is like it chicken, it will come orn ,4 a a n DGradvLato of London, kuw York and Qhi- child's play. Ali ordlnttry� Brahmart, , - words, or without a full Rouse of thd ef- A ku douI Leadiag artists will be represented Miss Reid. and Mist; Cummings. Caro. present GovArsionerit than by thpir pre I fret Ilia opinion, wou;d have. home. � DiseaSAS Of Eye Far Nose arid Threat. deoessors. Tito "sillipieltuapnim of flevolopittont" . ; t Will be ut tho �nceals flotel"Wilighatil, 4th . The militirt, bits gradwi,14 f I in the Art, GaRcry-ti, lie vur display Dh�tu eltess player could carry oil ilirve or been improved and Canada is prourl of! referred to by Dr. Lupponi is of course � So just. be kind. . ever is autivipated. BOARD or HrALTIT-Mayor Vanstone, Taesdaytil-eachniontil. Hoursfrum2tullpau. four games at it fluve without hicouven- thar, tired, languid condition of youn-, When father doos not have much to Tito libo 01 attraction's is about com- (chairman), O. X. Rea,ding, Thos Greg, lence. Tile usual gailip phiyed by the it, and the chief offlInco to ttip OrPlisi P I,,') ,� ins whose, developmenr to woninnhood . t is the bebt cry, Dr. Agnew, ,T,. B. Perglison See- I . VANSTON-0, Brallinalls colls!sts in cliecictiizltltig with has been that the inilitia is no loneor a I-, tardy, allot whoNe health, ar tile period 1 say in the house, perhaps lie is troubled plete, and WO L1176 assrtt�d i retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Me'dical I'll one pawu del;!guated whou the Oily be - Tory preserve. I . We are not livi,ig, (if that dev--lopull-at, is llo often ituperil- ' about- his business, When mothpr wits yt­t. Tile speediag in the ring, always a Health Officer BAR14%TS11, SK)LIOrf0ft, STC - *. I hay.a seeti, u olan perform .I long . . rn* Fair, will t - hit. . I . Privaceltim Compally,foonote to loaa Ito, lowilet gills as Lord Dandolvald hinted, on the tor. xed� A girl, bright and iner ry� em,ugh cross, perhaps she was tireA out. When feat -are of the, Weste , rate otiut(ir(igt.NocoiAini!Hsi(�tAviLal.gocI 5(,,,,,,. problein Ili multiplication nvid division, � ill chilitIviind, will in her teens L'rnw by the youngsters fight, let iia remetabor year, Nvith evilaegvd. purses, be wory 14 g -F bearance of our neighborq individually ,offs, town and farm r( I e � L,ouglit anti ,it the saitiot flitie noting tit(, various and nationally we fire living, a' dogrees pule and langui(l. Frt-quent they are just Immature bits of bunianity attractive than ever. . .1 THE OLD FARM, I 0111".13t,aver MeT =1071tim. sounds and dist-lisslolis going oil about , � I - - nd living I headaches, slid a peu�e of uneasinetis . heavy with iuexperl�lice. The people of 00firio have always him In tit(! roow, I have seell u man, A in a simple way, because we see fit to do I which she camlot ulderbtand, m%ke tier i - I i A. MORTON, collipwe it tril)4- derostic 11) Sanskrit lit so. We way be wrong, but. fhA fnnAral I miserable Just wtoin it is time for her Be charitable. shown the highest, applewation for tile (Quincy Whig.) . . BARRISTER, &a. a ,given tu(iter, tit the Sallie tiltiv havio.- is ours. It soiews to ma that Lord Dan � to leave off being a1girl and become a d what, if some are nmrrow and Western Fair, and we feel thitt, Ill wish- three well vvi-itod tiien tv;yIng to over- woulati-a change which comes to differ. An Ill., them a prosperous future we but The old farmhouse 1 a is agrain: Winilhoint. Ont. douald's method of procedure tends to �ut individuals at different aves-hor de- some are broad, What if SOMO see tile � - Ili its low, dark eaves the twittering throw hlxu in his arguilient on red - teach insubordination, and will do the velopment, lingers -why? B�icause she infinite in the srream, in tile cloud a,ld express the sentlineuts of everyotto in wr(In, B. L.WaKissoN E)l1v)T,VV"l1oLMk,S glou.1V I . militia force moire harm than good. An has too littl" blood. That is what Dr Dtals section of tile Province. It neareil )ong agi); "I . 'i ,� in the voice of the wind, whar if some he , It wind"s DICI 11 01 & HOLM ELS A Ort -at Otd Mark. aristocrat by birth and instinct, though Lapponi means when tie spi3aks, in the AndIbrent oncomorethesout J 4ciendficlauguage natural to him, of behold Hi,n in the simplest, services, be . �: balm, O116, Ste. One 1-leury ,Wnklus died lit Ell-lawl, personally amiable, is naturally an the anaemia of developmetit.11 Dr. still, hash, remember that thore is that CURIOUS FACTS And sit arid v atch in the twilight's calm. Doc. 6, 1670. tit the alleged age o`f log autocrat; trained as a s-Adier, petted Williams' Pink Pills for P.de People i there in that great circle of which We — The bat flit to aua fro, XONVY To Loi,kv, yetirs, Ile Is said to have bven a tisher- as % hero, he tipsoines ten times more so,, have the power of trinkiner new blood ' ' Orricla: Meyer 81001t, Nvilitzhom. . itian fbr 140 years. Thougli he could and while Cana -la as a whn1n regrets i They cure anaercia just as' food cares i are Ignorant. L A large proportion of the cookitle, in ThA whitol nows lle�at the pasture bars, ticitliep r(.jt(I no,, write, his rcaell or 11junuer. That is how they help --retwing - So be kind slid charitable. Parts rustaurauts is done in sigat; oi�th. ,M)d the oi,xiry coril, with irr, tills and jttrs, RTHUR .1. IRWIN, U. [),I4., L. D. 9. the unhappy incidevib which his friends I girls, who, for want of thiv; npw blood, A L, MQ111ory WuS sL_ ell thut he JVOUld Cain . Ts stored wit h cord.4 and oream, Doctor of Dental Surg,­ry of the Pen w4ylvalih, ly ­ivc, .1 . 1 - at first tried to conceal, and which be I oftpu drifr into chronic ill-hAahh, or "go I . & customers. There's somebody batting Tito things to 1,)"nt'ftl cjollege and Livenditte of tho Rova, � evIcenco fir court Ili matters oa has now tried to explain, at heart the 1 ")to ill liveline"-whieh means c onsunip- A street Ili Germany has been p%ved right., Oollpg of Dental Survons of Ontario. 01,11m, wl-A,leb his iiieuiory went ij-,Wl� 120 anill , , i over o%t Office, WbiR wit. ri,in-atid die. Dr. Williams' Pills could A. 1. McCall & On. will rpfnn(l your , . 1 140 years. As a boy Le IS said to have � whole country feels. with Nip Premitir, a money if vo i are vot,satisilipol a ftt,r uslog with. ludia rubber. The result, iti s,id And thronvi) tha vAndow Isee a. light OIRce elrxqed evory Wvd,nwvlay arternotiii I. save them. (1hamberlain's ri rom tile. tallow candle gleam, ditrinur June, July atid AugnRt� faken a borse load of arrow,, to North- � distinct hat -red of being It dragolonpel . The value of Dr Williams' Pink Pills 0(ilic, Oholera and - to lie inosc sutisfactury. Gen. Hutton is about to bo given the act a nervo touio, referred to by Dr, Lap- Diar-bova. Remedy. It is ev,%r * ywitpre Japanese actors The Fardan i -a rich with its old-time blooizi T. HOLLOWMIL, mms., L.D.S. allerton to Lie forwarded north to time I , admitto-d to be ths4 most soncassf I r,,vn- Sevoral prominent in Alld I (..atc Wit . for the battle of Flooldon. ,At the age ' - 11 hunch 11 o-& of Australia; Sir P -rev pont, makes them valuable to men as u ,11, ill f;ju(,v, the faint perfuine wt.'] lis women. They ant on the nerves'edy in use for Ilmol. coulpInintA and tile have gone to Korea to stUdY reulisla :' Of lilospoitim olaljl� .v�ith dew; DEXTIST. of 100 years ho used to swim it wide Gironard, a Canadian, has been toM to through thp. bl)od anti thus once Olseases I only One tbat never failS. Itlsl)10asttllt� the portrayal of military scenes. Arid olver it ill I ir thr starlit (tome, Beaver Block, Wilighain strealiv In Yorkshire with case. He quit South Afriert. mid it would appear like St Vims danee, neuralpria, paraly. I sute and rt-liat'de. . At a roueliv; gabhering, of old rulkes iu And ronvid about it tho pelice of home- D, 1). 1S.-Toronbn 11alvorsitr. lived until four years after the great T.I. D.S.-ROY10 Coiltoko tie D�nttil sal-goollp, . that th,� day isi pn-t for those whose Isis and locomotor ataxia Wben buy. _ Metbourno, too united a6e of 1,700 guests Howitailoomosimektoviewl ' Oillee elo-ed every � WellnepoLay attoriioon fit,(.% of London, was poor all his llfe�_ sympat',Ac--a ar-, viol, born of the %zoil ell. i ing thes,, pills it is important to title that . dixving Sune, July aftil. Augn-4. but subsist,ed cheerffilly by thatching ' I the full nainti Dr. Wil-viams' Pink Pills aggregnEed Lieurly 160,000 years. Tilt- night wind stirs in elm and nalr, and million fisblvtg� I deavorint., to tPaill the nativps bnw to! for Pale Pe( ple, is priticod tin the wrap-l"ATE' - FOR A ^ Queen Htqf.tua of Ituly is an untiritig And up froin tae atillpond comes the J S� JER0510, 1'. D S. I I 1. M� � 21, . wear c�irs,ts,-Tvrontn SvitutdaY ni:-1it. � -i"r itround tatih bux. Xevo,,rtakea h,ub- I F 'A I T ZINI I N G C H I 10 K E1.3, S , wulker. Swi was accastotued to take ortink �Ls n new method f or -painless � ... . Sandly1m IleaXoning. . . : �;'il we, as it is wort,�; thall a Nvuste of Of the bullfrog's rich bassoon -, extraction. No nocalfte. - � - __; ­­ __ - ­­ - -.-- � I - lul)g trallips with her fil.ther end brother Alid I cutcli the Rloartt, nq over the brink 9ne-clal attention to Athe care of childrea's A lady mulitlag tier gardener In the � 111011IT-ii­ iQ a; triptiapp. to liptilth. If I . tpvti�.' grounds saloi to I)IM: "Saudy, I arn Sur- ; voll o'nTIvint get tbP genuitis pills from t rnarm-3rs, who intend to try' 1-lic, Oil the hills of her iiadve country, There peeps, with tremillous, Shivering 'tin, prised that you do not marry. , Yott . r ' blink. NOTaS AND COMMENTS. ! v!iu deali-r write the Dr. Williarnsl I tills fict"_ Montenegro. . � lerate prineq, and fill work gartrauft-o-A I . OFriou.— Ili OhlRbohn block, next door to , N1k!di(J!le Co I B,vckvillo, Out., and the I Clate E0 1011111Z Of' OhL(�L"�'ns Tile rim of the crescent woon, Elawilton's.Drug itoro. have got li. free house, coal* ivild gas., P.-em"Pr P.-)-34 h va g-3ne 0 a Virgttlin . mil -I will K. svl�t. � ou lv�)st PDR at Go issa,a I&Iicald b,,� think:ng of buildinz Milk, wine, ox blood, ean do cologne, . Illso .1 NNovkly wa�,!.(i of I10 shillings, so cei.tsa box, vr,six boxes for C-2,50. div,ir crates. Thoq,a in use at the ,*I- strawberries, violets and rosf5 leaves are lt.ttlleomeqbn.okf.romtlxedugkotTin�e. roEtNuIT(IIIIE, I think till Yon want to complete your health rpstirr for a f*Ii.v -%vefli.s' roFt : i , With the mouruf6l. cadence and swell ol V ; � GENERAL INSURANCE AGEIM. happiness is a wife." Helinsbpc--iki�l)relnqiltnwrir',- fiwnvtr, !lu,s,rkAtl:ora I.culirvi Stations are 6 uniong tile tbiligs ut-ed by woll known rhy111A 1 laeolicate aud And to lend welght to tier argument ay4ar p;tqt, nn.1 1, fullh- Pnt:tle.,l f I - I i ft. -et laing, 16 inchos, iv:d2 and '40 inch- European 0,�00ssev to That ii'balf relvptoriberptl still-- Wingham. Ont, . SOLUTION OF THE FARV LABOR I � . *ke a measure 'frout Some forgotten ­­— - the added, **Adalu, wbo was the first . I es,. Ii'gh, ix,,�s:oI3 m.�a�suremints. -0, ich perfume their battle. L- holilay. Aftllr-d a% he h.ls bppll .1 W , Strait), � gardoiner. Nvittv given a wife." - . , I ' . I er to !Xbe ps Wee reaetit; of Bavaria collec',ts That haniningly comes avid flees again, LICENSED AUCTIONSER `17l'ue for Ye, ina'ain," replied San- rheivinvatis li. the conflupinpilt muss: -d b-. PROBLEM, I a its, divided by two tight woi�dvu ALB�X- XELL�rt Wt"hat"'Out" the ext !par' tit*o.is into t1irct-, c.-niptirtments, dT. "but lie hadn't her Ictig till lie lost r.t, eenmidtq uprin biq ti -lie ind , beetles, but he o;),::s uot 1-111 thetti. He And tirder st dusky twiliobt sky . ar.d ,�jch compartnimt hol Jr.. Ynjugliug, firniti;,with tit(, plaintive or3F rf or the. County of Huron. Sales of (ill kin . de four 7'rindUcted . " Lis Job,"-tondeii Tit-Bitt;. energies during tho past, ypar 11iti-A ng- R%,eps them. all-ve avid stadit�s theitt tit iiii-asonahlo, rates. Ortiortz lort "it Farmers Should Raise Their Own'vh1ck,,-rs. The fra=� plt-ws ."M 2 . Of Oe desolate whip poor -will. Ell Tut(vis ofileti will recolve prom* attentiou. I L . Arrivated tile c,,,inTvlai tit from wHA) lip I . closely. lie Says tliat they are gi.1ted, . � I Help, inclws, w'd,�I and kt,vea-eightl S OL 111 I � ­ . I � I civilized ItIld urtlightelled. suffers, and rpsort to vurativp Fliting, i . I n with great intelligetiole. _______� I � . . hasbeon doettitrel aelviartMe. We trtiki ! I . n0h th'xk. Thi -i �ra= is cov(�rvd . i AS. . HEND9118014i Wtntfliara, out. Tcavhci--(1v1l yet] tell tile tile, differ- ! witill sijits, pl.�ce.�d I:,n.­fh%v1S2 ori Including the �jightir oft,bals, London LIOEXARD AUCTIONEPM Mice (10tWooll elvilizod wid enlightened . � , that tit,- Pmwik-r wilt find rpq wid rp- I List ni on its police W-Dodlfa Ph.osp'hodlne, 10nr the Counties of I-Ektrou and Bruce. sales notiona? Putffl-My dad says civillved newc-d bi-:04han,l vl.vtr dtirivv� Itiq vn­i The lac�t crop bulletin isoned b:v thp thr­ ts,'d-s - bo,i.jom. back -and top bas over 16,00Y P of Farin Atoick itnd Implotnont-t a -411eitialt-r. 33110011% tilaitage to get along all right , , " I I& i, Onturin Dt-part7neut of Agrioulturo con. I _c,ntl up., and dqwn in. front. The force. A, potiopinauls pay is au first I - Tile artat Entligh Realoty. All order.4 left at blie Trulis office proraptt.r Z,` tion, wid I ho r !i,: ,1 i,-t,i,n ,,I,; r,olingt, . ..... ,.,, ,. 1i tit' ary IX Movie. but that enlighten - I tain, furrh­r lar ..I. ,� is ail old, well estatu rittevidt-d to, VY nentatinns nn the smrci- I , L I lished and reliable TormA "aRonable. andfulltiffil,lit st�.�.i.ilil,t,.y-friend!4.1.'I(I, t . lats f,r tl�e bor�* to su are s,. ven-cighth,3 oulY $Ott ,Iveisk, littil,g tu$8 Ill6P-0i3Or!i I , , . I I ed 11IM0118 IMM 4,111011,ii UOt to,,ict the tyoflf,irml�O,oin,rs. Most of the reports 0 and fivo-eightlisof an get$1,0JO a y;-;tr.. ef!A0 COLRUJILAS101tut"S , = ptopardtiou. Has been ailmirers eould w ­h to seeliiin. I o. an incl: w:d�3 I 1 40 prescribed and used S. KCIOTT, brustiolpt ()tit, civilized natioug '110110. statk� that farmers he've been coinpolled Ilnel. lli:ak; the bick, lot) and front salary Is $12.501 I A' over4l)�-ooirs, All drug. V. V!!�� I - . I I. . 11 . :1�i I ... . � .. _.,�e.t�=tn. . � gists In the Dominion TACOX991D AXIOTIOXEUR . . L ________ - I .1 - . - I to change th-ir system 0" f11rIIIi"g,;sLtts cro th�� sa,m,t w',d-,b, but Only - =Itt_ . ; . 1. of Canada sell and I � _____ recommend ail be "11*4 Otho -Ir Cheek. I niany allowing the land to lie MIS and I I lm��-eilg,b ths cl an inch: thick, The only ftiedid0r.l "W"i'll Un, entsmy .41111tvS IT10,11 said ran to seed. 'Somo tire lixtroducinty larg ! JR7efbOe aft the ""o"4""� "r� ft 'hi� - of ' a'os � "' '1' � ' I "I P�o "red 0 c"'I"Ro", : � b_,rw�,e-i th3 sl;ts in frant , its kiwl that cures and 1111ch, -'e"". 0 val : . L It 11, -1w. . spacz�s —A— faction, it ptomptl� and 131-1 T-1111;,111- -1.1 ,.it h r be itrrilugodat the, 1110114 looking hypocrite, 'It alwaysk U, . I I �.,. t . ninvonal satils Us,!11) er implem,-uts. such asa four h,)r.,e cul- ; . -ibB the �;ivor oft ure aill rag f Xervous Weak- � a HOW8193n a and t h - I r... P: -, - 11 nl= sw i - L, � i�e two inches. -,v*,d, to en �orvian tly o s or 0 .--.-. . . _____11.. tufIl tt)(W otlim. Olvelt." It, I 1ch*c.k_,uq 10 r,:1,d fro., gol.qs, Bm.pkei7q, k4pernzataili'l-Z, Xift-Potenclf, I ,vator, etc. DArying is being affeutpi . in tile[ frx,agh, 13RECHZ A MANON . � . 1. a - �; I 1-2 inches use of Toboteeo, Opium or to,limulaws, J*W46 gVr4y by the scarcity of couip,itent help fOr � , and till effects of abuse or exce38es; the 0-0801? I "Why." 11%!wd MO '' - - - 0 wini who knew if or-pid L r4y I TL to. tmn slat I s a,r;, 1.'ut LADY and Brain Wbrrp. a 11 of which lead W lidlirraitYj A R M E IRE-)' I him, "do yoll w-allit 'Voill, onevily to go �_ linill-Augn There,iortfrcm Storringtom.aptrt and tha slat :a�arvst tit&, 1%-�ok P i Gtave. II'Vound Willi both lutuas dimabledlit I I TELts 0:9 Ift IftiftrElfft . Insanity,cousumptionand all 'Bat . a $11(l ittly.oub h4ving 71VO 0*jok or other , f . Frantenae, Pays "fartners. cannot pay, as I ot., %li,3 crat-,� is 2 1-12 inchos from I lie WIT11 Price $1 per paekaot or 9 . one toil& rticles they Wish. to ditsposo of, shouill. advill I ,D7p*Xe, 81,,r Ne-,ndacho and 4tomach . i , ,,,ill t,jtre. malied provillity on re- biaothosaluorormAlolin theTlgPA. O%1rinrgj- . , . . i gooa wages as rallway enntraetors, R% tor- .r 1..*,!c,-. Tit,, bottqm slats are - &I�661prioo. Bond for frea pamphlot. Address c . - I ,irculation tells avid it will lin strwigo indON) it The W."A Coti-P - 11,11yo . oudonotit"tammomer. NV0e6nit.g1lRrant(,p Ag Vnr ilts li6 Unow. troublol are thot-aughly I wegt1not.olmses.11 ALineolnougges-1 * I'll P1 Windsor, ont , Canadoll, That I I r,j,,,,. -d itvio 'Inchis from t1w bAtoc; of! -roil W, I Boll b(oullao YOU may lit"Ic njutp tion i�4 for th­ i-virortation of Chiar,sp I , HATS KIDNE"! -L. Us "Onc. of tho, contpollotut lmrt,4 of,sug- bUr6d bY Or. Chnad - 'ii-'� (,,r�'.n. t,,il 1�r��vent th3 chickins'i for the urtie,lp or mWek than It is worth. Seto illol tllo p aS,vvt L Lfdb i I . wf)()Wq pho%ollorlble iq sol(I ill Whig. your adver0somont to the an,mvil and try this Ar", a .rcr(,8Sor. ","4 till c, � L tat lKildhoy-Livor Pilles. . la%orers. Only Muskoka apems. satit-fied t f,� 'It fr'4&'n b­irv,,�; bru:srd wh-it, flix-i The Grdt and veillgow tid � POO& hatu by A. L. Hamilton, W, TucHibbod plan of diftpowrig of Your L4tcch slid otllt,'r In the totuposition of tile litullan body, � . I with tile, situation, and there I(they I cr,ita is lalc-ul al, th.� ground. The I Of all Xt 9 aud A, 1. McCall L& 0c., Druggists. w-de.16.q. . I- I . I ­ � What Is It?, . VIZ. ROGF115 CLANOT, farmer, Cbepstp I sli,,tF; 4�.re .1 iuelj,,.4 ar;,4 rt and th-� b ,ck 'i e .40 -t "I know!" shouted the grocet's; boy. ,we,: raise titeir own boys." Other reports for tho ca ..... - . ____________ , . , _ - — ,_ "I'l .'' ,f 64 Ismee County, ont" stl4te-4:-I It kava used 1)t. are: � Slats I 1_3 IwIL. s. lrlx� toy Slais are and Bladder Trontl6a. h� t. i. Z L � 1 11 . " it X P el ril I 1Z N a C.: SandP-D, xchango. Chase's Kidnev-Liver 11ii1a, and would my that Grc-�-, Tluron-Yc u cannot got men to; tu, .:;bcva. tach.par.':t On and s��x sti ips I 14 , I " , ' L, '' L 'L , , , I -1 I - . . I L . , � t I" there is two itiedkine tLat eritials them as rL ture g L � "I k . V# Ailvlec6 Not Pirco, (or stoynach lroublec;, Vtoiibnp.�,s, torp.,.,a livoif�Lwirkou farms in this neighborho(id; i tx-,.:,, itch, & w'd4t are, nlile,-I. under I -villageg itil.Lln. Tl�_" Ttbr,�c d,okyrs, oqd form -3d �Otte�, writtst-I think 4t nothing but .1i.ndLeadache. I wagtroulilrdagreadeal v4ith, ther all go to tho towns and Mrs. P. Bertrand, DvI64(- A Afart6h, PIAILWAY T1,1Z TA L9S, 3 I - Lft"or-well. roil have fit tn8t de� them ailments ber,)re using Dr. citac Is Kiallo-Y., I , �Ilt for Told to )(It you know what, I ,&XD "PRIMIK ttAI11'9.&'r SYSTEM, A dded to tAlce my ,tdvioo and par thial Liver P41% and they have proven Nvand u ork in a livery barn " .-Ar.- 1, *n,,n�ol ioy Ow. rAir t,.om,,,r pieco. TiP , VVI 4, Successful i it my cam bOANIS XIDXP,y riftshave (Iono f0f ',A .11 bill lot mine? Clivilt-Itc,p.q, I.,awy6el I for nothing thaa: on afarin at excellent The vy�il-,_.Iit urit placwl citt 8tantlii LwAva irol% . -'Ver OL - ,Y well. William. Just- odd 16 iii) ft'nit.... 8.10i..la. ,,I w6uld not thinh of be;ng %vitholut it I -,-,x of' wagea. I bie. For five- moijiflis I fts badly, troblelt. Londo'd ..... �!�!!!.... . . I i 10 I li..-s frdin thel' grotuld. Tlw I Ivith it Acre baek; tind gueli severe pailut Totonto & BMt ­ 0 Al'ok. I 11AI 116.1h .... 8.03p.bl. Shiliffigg to ur, smith!S bill rcr fur;, 1XIC � A 11 ti,oseliflis in the house, nril w1u-'never I P0 -,fly � Bleifthpirli, Oxforil-Thero tire several 1 dr,,)�,p:u,gts� from tll-P 1VIJ',c,k'Q:na Ore IV.- i in nly kidapya Jbit I J�Oald Seareel wdlIC, Wiltardifte.-II-10 A.m. ... 1,40 P�m,.,. 8.08fi,ift. LLLL 11 0:31,20419 ther advict. . . V. mptonts of tliew disorders I take ono of these ARIOV11 V, Lou 66OV1011601ft &C. ­ L � I . fills, and they set ine all rirlit again. I cao houses 1%l)0ut hero vacant for da�y labor. I eom.,ol V,i sand or otlwr absorboiat' at timt1a. I got a box of 130AW9 XID- 1.15 naft. 8.06 P'iw A.'Ovolin sonaing h 00-tolk taid dMeriptiTt thh'? I I I . strongly recommend Dr. Clid,els Kidney-Uvet � era. Someof my mighbots eonld gret j Wat,.Ti.L1I, r, ,�,,Ilt. V trou�411, Z I..). VEY PILLS, and bpforA§ I had them balt Loftdon� ....... . ....... 1.1.10, A�m.::: MIS pxa, 4111oklf W"Irtitlil r Olftiffil, rtfill lk%l lot ter All � I 111VIVItion ig orobliv,140,1"ItAlilly, iroinatile.1, Clitio* & e1j.4e. 1,illn for tbe tmiUes mebtioned tibav&" __ ' takett I wad greatly relieved, find .%vith ftlmetfitonI .............. $1 M AIM twiloistrld ittint1dotittal, And k6ft IttAntA , t, I I I I � I I I � li, V Toronto &Zut .......... 1440 J).;�_ I 8Jt8 OL.M. L ii,.fit friiet c1lifilest * eho for mem q. ontrints, Iffs. netIVOCIII-We never kilow who � no hire,l h0p 16t thiq year, alill fewale I inv.') S -"InS1112" 15 pIkeed ill front of ,anottlier box I Wn's eiviaplttol turot .., I L. AAROLV..Ag PAttints 00con tiroliph Alun ce; r"ai** Dr. ("Inse'.1 Kidory.tivor Piril, ore p'If *1* L two ftvin6t b,* ant. whigim.d. § but beat frlotulg fted, 1TtillpN,l;:_ll'hlAr# dusie, Z cente: a box, at all dpalera, Or Valmap. '11) bUt &P� t�'M W ad .t!yii, In a) ' ill a help oil f,trn:s for 1101190work is very � p',cl. er.,,^ ond is e-aritid on, -4 1 pral __ spetim notwid, Wittiolit t1h d ,saa. Mates and Cmp;iay, T&rtinta. To prot(%t 1 Intich, uo.4144. 81:une favillo f IAXADI" PACIPW UAMWAV. - ,. . 90, My dear, Now, tllprpla t1lat fellow 't and ­(l.lat sow rs Intend lbravl:�Atl% tti'l,!Dd to ftb,-_- end% of ttItL3 T itan, and �will never fall to reeoramdua C V"1144 J�91% V61t # N yon alainst imitttion�,, man rottra. - � f them to 411 kidady sivAerers, 'A Too* Js " kwo" r4c'e*;14� ing lantl in praPs six belp cannot ,*I ('T-�tto. Tito ll,ott Did �)f tiv� trough Toronto and Soilt..... V A.m_, 11"M t.t, 1 $C16% fit M I 0 you.111ted Wholl v.011 nJ!Jrrl(,dL tfl& He'L .. 1 1Z A. W. C' & maliou Al!r tirdr*rsitod troo'kit", , , t I, P - bit% UeVor 61DOliell to Ille slne(�. . , . *m , I MAIrs qw1m M8, Tdisivilliter .....'Wawi;ii 1.17 #"ffi­­llJ"1# 'LM' A b 4h 100 r, '! got, t floor, ond VIIIAMOVAN Mile Adth'idA J.pu�,t,fl. 'it till, :P I I My rour Invh��4 alh,we the Vlox ' r Ill I I 0 �" I& 9MIOWNW111044*111111"V9,10111*11WAS"*1 T',allthopo, X., P.-Ith-.-Therlit w I 'i #Ago is two inches � no 1566.10%. or 9, 6W.116 omvotter_ � ......... _11P.M._1 1.41 0.1n, ' "! .I)Vt Mo f)q* $1. Roill t'rJ4.I "I IV (9-111 I Xono ktiows tile Wei 419 A I tli,� upp-r ilbov�:d, '. itit And'ers or - it L, . ght. eit,linoth6k"o 1 14t,01*0 Ir.l., fl, ANJ grost'llit*, . I I % tv.110 � a . ... I amt ocamity of Imm bolo, bst, a ­ .. Q4 TMUW) O" 14"irturld,14 A�i= . , I I I I "I WLW ww& I i ' b0rdoa.�Rerbort. . . I _.,,, ._.._ L - - -d . . - . goo,, 'r*=LI:1*_qSr1&..U,, .-,� , ,.Wi�_ - 6-1%- _1� . . i � ­_ L, , 'i. .:­ ,;iL I � 1. Wir-J.