HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-07-07, Page 1THS WINGHAM FI'I11"IES. VOL XXXIII,NO. 1691. \1INGHAM, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. JULY 7. t!►04, SI A YEAR IN ADVANCE Ili' TOU HAVE NOT ALREADY BOUGHT YOUR Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Strawberries No Tailoring Better than Ours and aur prices begin at $12.00 The mangy who n needs a new snit; whether for daily, business wear or for dress, can do no better than leave his order here. He will save a great deal in first cost; he will get his clothes quickly; and be will get them as well made and stylishly fashioned as it is possible to make them; be will bave hundreds of fabrices to eboose from; and he will be saved the doubtful economy and an. certain satisfaction of ready-made. Suits --made to order—made to measure—made to fit—made to satisfy. No fit, no pay; You know, of course, that's our way SUMMERY THINGS Summery Toggery is now on the bill. We have lots of' cool comfort in store for our patrons. Make your selections now, Don't wait until the thermometer says 99° and then rush in madly for Summer Duds. Now if you need anything in summer plum- age. We're Yours for Comfort Summer Hats (Straw and otherwise)—Our Neglige shirts— Our Breezy Underwear --- Our Summer Neckwear- there's oceans of comfort. It will take but little of the "wherewith" to buy the outfit, and Just think bow contented yoit,,'ll be after we have togged you out for the summer campaign. llomllth Bros: Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by PRANK PATEns0N, No. 29 Victoria . street, Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. T DOMINION BANK WINOHAM Capita[ paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,474,000 FOR PRESERVING do so this week; you'll make no mistake, We will have an unusually large supply of THE FINEST BERRIES every day this week. Dou't buy Berries that are peddled all over town. The sooner you get them after being picked the better ; you are sure to get that here. We get them fresh fromthe patch. Your telephone orders will be as carefully filled as if personally. ordered. - - Phone 09. R. A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Goods delivered promptly, Phone ee Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 60, 75, 100, 160 and 200 acres, Lots in Kinloss, Greenock. Brace, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a rod blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hots doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagons -hop. A general store with large trade, live villa{le. Also a large amount of money to loan at a per cont. For further par- ticulars apply to J, A. MacKENZIE, Insurance Aeent, Holyrood. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, tie United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 3lst December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. Vsnstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON wixcxam. Ospital paid Yip, $2,220,980.00. leserve Fund, $2,000,000.00. Total Assets, $24,71$,613.07. President-- Sox. first. GIBBON. roe -President and General Manager .l. TtIENhULt,. 1itM100'1'O10 DYrua A. 4elui lt.tHend Proctor,rre,1e,, Geo. Sutherferd. ![*speetor S. M, W TsoN. tints Bolak—Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 sole Deposita of 81 and upwards reeetved. 1n• 1 Unit allowed, had obmputed on the 80th No. weather and Blot May each year end added to I Bpeoisl, I opoefta also reoetved at Current trots of intercet. brash► ori [Great Stitttii slid the United ,motes Bought and cold. Ittirrellerii are notified that the Bank of lilm- 41Nta eta BranttheM issue Circular Rateoof 1fNlstsel Protineisl Ronk of Enitlend, Limited, +whisk cam be embed without chimp or trta. 1* way port fifths world. 'W. COMMOUi`.D, Ages, �tialti:l;11IlCi►1P aOLlill us, Solicitors. REAL ESTATE ! Why 1 am Successful in this Line of Business. I nn malting a specialty of this business. I know my business. I am aggressive and progressive. I never show parties my investments unless I nm satisfied they have the money and meal business. All matters are strictly confidential. I have been here for years and believe that I h ave the confidence of the people. There io a buyer for every business some- where in the country. I have sold property in a very short time that the owner has tried to dispose of for years—and some good ones at that. It's my specialty and I know it. Yours for quick sales, C. J. MAGUIRE ew Potatoes an 'be TIMES man wa of new potatoes and g Rich. Armstrong on week, for which he has thanks. These are the toes and green peas w seaeou, tlieugh green market later in the stroug has au oxcell Green Peas. treated to a mess eau peas by Mr. Monday of this our very hearty first new pota- have seen this eas were an the eek. r. Arco- t pa of potatoes. Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VAxsToxaBLoox. • WI1 GRAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Stock Shi Export cattle are c� in this section. On D. E. McDonald, of three choice expor water and on Tied shipped a car load W. F. VanStone s Saturday, and Mr, on Monday. WANTED—A g orl general servant. Apply to Mrs. R. ' austone. Expert Jud>es at Fall Fairs. The Ontario De, artnieut of Agricul- ture has arranged i •s list of expert judges who will visit t,hdifferent fall fairs during this year. xpert judges will be at Windham fal fair to be held on September 20th ud 30th. Mr. Geo. Grey, of Newcestlwill be the judge on horses; Mr. Win. eidlaw, of Wilton Grove, on dairy ca the and sheep; Mr. J. M. McCallum, of hakespeare, on beef cattle and swiue. bments. mmencing to move Saturday last Mr. own, shipped forty - cattle from Tees- ;aday of this week ora Wingham. Mr. pped a car load on olth' Shiell a car load Nov Sil H s at Crowder's. Go to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, if you want to buy a house in town, he has just what you want. The Best Gui 'e to World's Fair. The handsome Grand Trunk issued descripti St. Louis, Mo. mired by all w Company are d copies of the p very useful on though compr $50,000,000 Fa of the World' of St. Louis a tem showing v the "Ivory Cit securing a cop ceipt of four ce Donald. Distri ronto, Ont. ublication w Railway 8 of the W as been ve have se luged w' blicati givi en ich the stein has id's Fair, much ed- it, and the requests for . The book is a as it does a brief, ve description of the chiding the best maps Fair Grounds, the City d the Grand Railway Sys- riable routes to and from ." No one sliiuld miss which will be sent on re- ts in stamps. J. D. Me - Passenger Agent, 1'0- We are paying the highest cash price for wool, delivered at our tannery on Victoria street PRINGLE & GROVES. A Drain A case of much payers of the Tow Grey was heard in here on Monday a week. Mr. Isaac F asking for compensa water privelege, by the townships. 3, B Chatham, Drainage E. L. Dickinson, Go Wm. Proudfoot, K. Grey Township; hare, for Morns To nesses were examin further adjourned u ge Case. interest to the rate - hips of Morris and e Council Chamber d Tuesday of this rand, of Morris is on for the loss of a ditch being dug by Raultip, K. C., of Referee, presided. erich for plaintiff; C., Goderiob, for Vanetone, Wing. nship. Many wit- . aid the case was til August 30th. Comet fence at Clinton. Daring the n ontlis of July and August the call wicket of the post office will be kept open till the convenient who are unabl count of harte but fee), that part of Postnii conitnendefl f New Era, MI order in Win WM. In 01ii the post off 0' block each look boxes. 7.8g p. m. ar kept open ti 'We bre sure prostate it these price hats? .80 Saturday evenings for of farriers and others, to get in sooner, on so- t, etc. We cannot help his is a sacrifice on the ster Scott, who Is to be this liberal act,—Clinton wy have thought a similar tram would be an bdvnn- on and many other places tee are open until nine 'vetting for the holders of f the mail now arriving at re ditribnted and the Office ii 8.30 for look box holders ur btteinesg men would ap. Many. other towns have gee and [thy not in lWUittg• $30.00 to Colorado and Ret rn Via Chicago, Union Pacific & North- Western Line. Chicago fo Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, daily throughout the summer. Correspond- ingly low rates from all points east. Ouly one night to Denver from Chicago. Two fast trains daily. B H. BENNETT, 2 East King St. Toronto, Out. Dominion Friday last, Domi disagreeable for the was pretty geuerall ham, but the town many of our townsp in neighboring plac held. Teeswater w tion for Winghnmit citizens band furn that place. The their old rivals fro the best games of t in which Winghaui by a score of 4 to 2. for Wingham, and A for Cargill, were Wingham lacrosse el water by a score of 8 of the Wingham bow 'in Clinton and Gode they were easy Winne lost by eleven points. y Sports. ion Day, was very holiday. The day obrerved in Wing - as very quiet as ople spent the day where sports were s the main attrac- s. The Wingham shed the music iu baseball boys met Cargill and ono of season was played carne out winners Doyle and Daum, derson and Powers batteries. The b won from Tees- () 2. Three rinks rs spent the day ich. At Clinton , but at Goderich Wingha M, G Cameron West Huron will week with his Li ham, In the e gathering of the will be held in t All Liberals and Laurier Governm tend the meetiug. Liberals. .IC. O. M. P. P. for pend Friday of this ral friends in Wing euiug au informal berab of this district e Connell Chamber. "ends of the Ross and t are invited to at• PASTURE --Good for cattle or horde Mon, Victoria str pasture to let; either Apply to 11. Ham - et. Change Mr. W. G. Pa shop ani busines Mr. John Mrpon Mt Donald, is a f a practical man ence. He shoal wish him every continue his See his advt. in CLEARING SALE,—On Friay, July 8, we will commence a lea ng cash sale of dress goods and ligtgammer fabrics. Eggs, 17c trade; 15c. sh. Guo. E. Kiwi. County to B .A special meetin oil was held Wed last week, comae the members bein Councillor Patter cathed to take int law for borrowi the amount to be the addition to tl the balance to pr on new bridges 1 law has to be ad before its final p ing was called n possible to have the December se limit that can be rote of the peopl per cent. interes but it was felt th be difficult to lis at par and that be required for Hence the rate cent. with the ex bentnres would currency of the bears and the by raising by special during that term $1,200 to create oent. ie th• rat. issued bear. n Business. has sold his machine on Victoria street to ld, of Goderich. Mr. rmer Winghamite and f many years experi- do well here and we ccess. Mr. Paton will ell- drilling business. nother column. Coal an As will be se iu t his issue, his coal, wood Mr. J. A. McL of the sante. Lean every s business. H milling busi lath, shingles, yet decided on row $20,000. of the county coun- esday afternoon of cine at 1 o'clock, all in attendance except . n. The meeting was consideration a by - $20,000, $10,000 of pplied in paying for hoes° of refnge and .vide for expenditures :ing erected. The by- ertiscd three months ssing, hence the meet - w in order to make it he matter closed up at sion. $20,000 is the .orrowed Without the , Three and a half was at first suggested t tit that rate it might •ose of the debentures he fall $20,000 would the purposes named. s finally fixed at 4 per oration that the de- ing a pretniun. Tire debentures is fifteen ai► protides for the rate Of $2,000 yearly $800 for interest, And sinking fund. 4 per e debentures already Wood Change. n from notices elsewhere . W. H. Green has sold and gravel business to an, who now bas control he nuns wishes Mr. Mo. cess in bis new lines of will continue the saw ess and de 1 in ]umber, to. M : Green has not are course. Orange an • .:hue Bows at Crowder's. Mr. Shaw, pian tuner for Heintztnan & Co., will visiWingham iu a few days. Parties wi, bine pianos tuned will leave orders at 1). Bell's music store. Huro Old Boys. The Huron O . Boys of Toronto will rn n their anon excursion on Friday of this week. Tb terminal points will be Goderich and cknow, and no doubt a I large number ,f former Winghamites will spend a fe days in town. The Toronto Senior i' aseball club will play a gaiue with the " ingba ui boys on the park on Saturdl • afternoon and the game will he a goo one. Game called at 4.30 o'clock. , Wingham's Ci is Holiday. Mayor Vanatolle b matiou declaring Tue Wingham's Civic Hol date of the Union San Won to Ktnoardine, a holiday will give man opportunity of spendi lake. Full particular he given in a later issn issued a Arocla- av,August and as !Chis is the ohool exeur d 1t being civic more people an the day at the f excursion will of this paper. ay. av✓ H. E. Isard & Co. largo stock of Boy's an wear clothing at surpri are showing a Men's ready -to - big values, A Dominion The Teams has issue which is designed to illustration and Ietter commercially and indt tains about forty page will be found of much diaus. The plates o buildings at Ottawa an provincial capitals ar only needs to be seen All subscribers who I can secure a copy Number by calling new subscribers ca paying for TIMES s to scribers at a distant by sending 4 cents i mailing. To non - 01 10 cents will be BUSINES CHANGE. Having sold our business to Mr. J. contracts that we will be carried out that we have recei livery will be filled aI, wood and gravel McLean; also all de with the people y him and orders d for nture d 80. e e - e are pleased of have placed r bands than with will be no change to state that we cot Id the business in b-ttc Mr. 2fcLean, T.er• in prise of coal published and the dant. We again t their liberal patrona our highest expect increasing, We fee get equal good servi He will treat von ri Yours r umber. a speoial number, resent Canada in ress--scenically. �trieliy It con - and the contorts nterest to Cando. - the parliament at the several a feature that o be appreciated.ve paid for 19C4 1 this Dominion at the office. All secure a copy by ori of 1904. Sub - can seoure a copy stamps to pay for ubsoribers a charge ade. ext Tuesda Ere another weal July, 1904, will ha and from present i bration will ba, to ly successful one. upwards of sevent seated. The local ly engaged in comp arches are being er ants and business Borate their places special railway ser been arranged, s Orangeville on the Kincardiue, Durha the G. T. R., being Wingham during ti ing in the evening form in the to rill pa march will be front along Alfred scree Shuter to Diagona Josephine streets where the speakin s Celebration. has passed, the 12th e come and gone. dications the cele - ay the least, a high - It is expected that lodges will be repre- omunttee are active- eting arrangements; cted and the merch- en are asked to de - of business. The e for the 12th has offal trains from P. R., and from and Stratford on timed to arrive in e forenoon, retnrn- ON THE P ,AYG1►(J ND S Events of Loc Field of the P I interest on the Pert During at Week. Brussels A Brussels, iatertn pious, and cup hot and Platteville, in football teams, pl Brussels on Mond largest and mos that ever witnesse The Plattsviliti rte towu by a epeci with one hundred face of the+ good have the neceeear lish their purpos were determined championship fr The game from th Whistle Wila exceed places ruu:;h, but o judgtneut of Refer Seatorth tile rough much iu the back has a fast team, wit ale° fast men on eac be stud of the Brass cord shows they ha game for two years been two goals soor team ill all games Brussels won from ter place on July 1st in Champions firma W 13'. A. Cham ere for 1903 and 1904. erreediate W F. A Yeti a craw gams at S night, before the cnthnstastic crowd a game in Drnsseis. m were brou ht to train, accompanied upporters, but in the aoking they 441 not "go fast" to aceemp- , inasmuch as they i lift the onp and p the "Indians." Scat How of the ugly fast, in Moine %leg to the splendid e Brown Jecksou of lay was kept pretty 'round, Plattevihle splendid defence; wing. Little need 1s team, as their re - nut lost a league There have only on the Brussels layed this season. latteville at the lac- y a score of 2 to 1. Wingham and Vii will cross sticks at t on Friday evening o Wingham boys visi weeks ago they wer then they have been tables may be turne 6.15 o'clock sharp. ,ton lacrosse clubs e Wingham park this week, When d Clinton a few defeated. but since practicing and the Game called at In a ten innings g July 1st, the Union the Browns of Harr me at Wroxeter on of Gorrie won from tou by 8 to 7. The lodges will i At Kineart]ine on k, and the line of lacrosse club won fr he park eastward +score of 6 to 3. to Shuter, south on and by Victoria and back to the park will take place„`"' The Ladies Ai.' Society will serve meals in the base ent of the Methodist Church on July 12 . Tell your friends tbat this will be th place to get good meals. Exciting On Saturday aft m what we have ITaylor, jr. of East W pply will be abnn• l ing with his team of auk the people fora democrat H agon e. It far exceeded Hutchison's grocer ions and was still start for home. Th sure that von will and the strap bold from Mr. McLean. ht. Having purchased t gravel business from together with his all orders whicl ve him will be fill and prompt attention as he them, with no Wien have a very large stock wood and can assure y fro shortage of fuel this ing you, one and all, patronage we have rec and soliciting a cont Yours rola( teen placed with eceive the same onld have given in price. We of both coal and n there will be for the liberal ived in the past nuance of the A. MaLtaN. PARIS GREEN WE HANDLE BEER'S English Green Try us for Paris Green and be cottvincod that THE CHEAPEST. Walton Wino% Plat Next doer to Poet Office. cut about the fac cared for and take Hotel and later in to her home, wher be about, but will accident for some very badly emits Miss Gill was fatal very narrow escape unaway. noon Mr. Thos. wanosh was stand - front of R. A. store, preparing to horses took freight ng the bit in the horses broke and ol of them They uddenly, and Miss pants of the rig was orce on her face to young son of Mr. /37 cut aud bruised.. y stunned and also She was tenderly into the Brunswick the evening moved ebe is now able to el the effects of the time. The rig was ed. Many thought injured. It was a Sermon t6 Orangemen. The members of ingham L. O. L. No. 794, together w th visiting brethern from adjacent lodge , to the number of nearly one hundr d all, attended divine service in St Pauls' Church, on Sunday evening las when the rector, Rev. Wm. Lowe, ho is Grand Chap- ' lain of the Order for Ontario West, delivered a very app Opriate and timely discourse. Taking I' r his text, a part of the 13th verse of the fourth chanter of the First Book ot Sat mil, "Eli sat upon a Feat by the waysid Watching; for his heart tretnbled for the ark of God." The speaker outlined he condition into which the people ha sunk Eli'S dint!, and referring to rem events in history shOwed why it wa netiessary in the present day to "treat ble for the ark of Odd." 1Ie condom d the granting a coneeesions to Roma Catholics', think - Mg to setisify thein, and inetanced the effort to change the coronation oath of Great Britain. Ma y other points were toliched upon, and e Sermon was roost fitting for the OCCa on. La* of space prevents us giving more extended re- port. On returni g to the ball, the brethern passed earty vote of thanks to Rev. Win. tow fel. his excellent dis- eoutse; to the ch ch Wardens for the useof the Church, nd to the (Obit for the suitable %tele proided. of July Clinton m Kincardine by a You Shoul Not Miss. Spending a few cl ys at the great $50 • 000 000 Exposition, St. Louis. A • t Sleepers leave dad for St. ouis via Grand Trunk and ur ..•kg t will make reservations and e 1 information regarding couue 0- with through traius, from this a ion. Low rate of $18 30 is in effect for round trip and allce, e stop over at Chi- cago, Detroit and ieterniediate Cana- dian Stations, call any Grand Trunk Agent for tickets, i lustrated literature Dr. Butler, Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, Brd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Will be at Queen's Hotel, Whigharn, Wednesday July 27th. Pure Paris Green Put up in any quantity you wish. buying it from us- you are sure of the best—it's pure. We also .have Bellebore Insect Powder Blue Stone and Bug Death Try us for your Poisons. Al 11 McLCall8b Col ONT. Many Calls are received from business firms and Many Students are placed in good positions each year by the famous CENTRAL Adfradi STRATFORD. ONT. This school stands for the highest and best in business education in Canada to -day. Mauy busiuees col- leges employ our graduates as teach- ers, We have scores of applications troua other colleges. Ask to see them the day you enter. Clonimense course now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL, Notice to Advertisers. We must ask our advertisers to be earlier with t e r copy for changes of advts. Duri g he past few weeks our rule has been b kisn many times. and we shall in future ave to strictly adhere to . it. Notice of c tinge of advt. and copy for same moist b iu office uot hater than Monday at 6 p.m Copy for change of advt. coming to and on Tuesday or Wednesday cann t be handled to good advautage and we annot insure insertion in current issue. Merchants kindly have copy in early nd for next week have copy in offiee on S turday, if possible. It's Oxford Time There's a whole Summer's comfort ahead for the Man or Woman who buys Oxfords now. Furthermore, they're the stylish caper, More Oxfords will be worn this season than ever before. No matter what the price --no matter what the style -- we're ready for you with the largest. finest and swell - est stock of Men's and Women's Oxfords and Slippers in Wingharn. For Ladies awl Misses we have Oxfords at $I.00, $1.25 For Men's and Boys our prices are $1.25, $2.00 to $3.00. Plenty of styles at every price to select from, See Them, and you'll see the Oxford and Slipper display of the town. Buy Them, and you'll buy at right prices. Etatr See us for Trunks ar,c1 Valises. W. J. GREER The Shoe Man, 1