HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-30, Page 5'ItROWDER FOR CLOTHING ' CROWDER FOR CLOTHING
The easiest way to .earn a dollar Is Jo save it.
The (uiettest way to save a, dollar Is to buy tit ceowder's.
Hot Weather
We are ready to supply all demands
for light -weight Clothing- Two'.piece
Suits, Wash Vests, Outing Trousers
and Summer Coats are here in all styles
and sizes, and at a range of prices that
meets every purse. Whether you pay
much or little, we guarantee to give you
the greatest possible return for your
` Piece Neglige Snits, $9 $7 $B
Big assortment of stripes at each
price. Sires 34 to 44.
White Duck Trousers, - $1.25 $1.50
Black Alpaca Coats, - .$1.25 $1.50
Ministerial Coats, - $3.00 $3.50
Wash, Vests, white, $1.25
Wash Vests, black & white, $2.25 $2.50
Surprise Sale No. 4
31 pairs Men's Black Worsted Serge Pants, all sizes, worth $2.26
Surprise sale $1.50
26 pairs Boys' Tweed Knteker Pants, sizes 22 to 33, regular
50c, 650 and 750. Suspriee sale price .39
16 Men's Tweed Suits, sizes 83 to44,regular $6.50, $7.00. Sar-
- prise sale price $+1.00
19 pairs Boys',Bnston Calf Shoes, sizes 11 to 5, regular price
$1.15 and 1.25. Surprise sale price . .90
28 pairs Men's Shoes, sizes 6 to 10, regular price $2,50, $2.75,
and $3.00. Surprise sale . . $1.90
Holiday Neckwear in all latest styles, .25 and .50
Men's Soft Felt Bats. to greys, browns, and blacks, sizes 674
to 73!, regular price $1 00, $1.50, $1.75. Surprise sale
.n.,.......� .�..,..:.....IW. �..,•••..,MOOMMa...d.......
The R. 1. GROWDELI Go.
Men's Outfitters. WINUHAI1.
News From Our Neighbors
What Wicieawalze Tiraee Qoxrespor dents taaxnmutegclate -- Other
Items ,Clipped Whom• Qixr Exolianges.
an.eirsT rwN,
Dir. Wm, 14c1;Calvey is not enjoying
very robust•bealth this spring, Ile still
coutiuttes the satire. We hope the waren
days of summer will make a change for
the better.
The Union Sunday School of Victoria
Hall will hold tiem annual pioitito this
year on July 1st, AIex. Bryan's grave.
Aiesailder WrightatutElijah Jacklin
returued .tome last week from Muskoka,
where they were out on a business trip.
(Merles Iaeppard of Molesworth took
charge of the service iu Victoria 11a11
last Sabbath evening.
every Physician Knows
About the great merit of Dr. Iiamil-
ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut
which cleanse thti system, Cure eoustipa-
tion and piles. Use only Dr. Hamilton's
PLlis. Price 25e.
+++++++4,4 4 ++++t-++ 4-te:•i' .- :•,✓, - .4-e-4-e-+-1-4.+444-44+44++++++4-e-+-1-4.+444-44+44++++++++++,144-e-+-1-4.+444-44+44++++++++++,14++44++4-e-+-1-4.+444-44+44++++++++++,14s 4.
I Of interesito iu � Dose Furnis se
I rsg
'1' .ron�._...w--.ten •t
Would you like to know how cheaply you can commence house-
+ keeping during this month ? +
1 What $62.45 will do here : +
A good Bedroom Suite, Mattress and Z'i?ire, Table, Couple
Chairs, Rucker -•$19.30. +
^� tim
Where you spend one-third of your e.
A Fancy Extension Table, Six. Diningroom Chairs, Oak-
ae finisbed Sideboard ---e 20,50,
z• Where you are three times a day.
Two Kitchen Chrtirs and Table -$.3.25.
Where your- wife spends half her time.
A Comfortable Conch, 2 Leather Seated Rockers, Oak
Table, Big Upholstered Chair, 4 Window Shades,
4 Curtain Poles -$1 9.40.
, Where you take your evening comfort.
_: tr We'll be pleased to show you what can be had for less money. w^•s•�
[[y People's
'„1.,• Briek rt-.iflrno., Cilli Ions,. %rest
from }Iarttiatnn. Cuenca. Lan••
.a Store, where night calls will
• • twelve prompt attention.
1• v;aAa.•..aoYn w 'E1EPiOVE 51 4-
•.4..;..1.•II"'€•'i'•,P+€•'ri•4+ •€•+LG•(••'r ;• .e,;,r.1.4,.I„p.y..g, oI„1. +++4-44444-14444444444-444-4.e.
A pretty house wedding took place at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Scott on the 8th con. ou Wednesday,
June 15th, when their only daughter,
Miss Lottie, was married to Mr. John
Murray of Laugside in the preseuce of a
few frieuds. The ceremony was con-
ducted by Rev. G. M. Dunn of White-
church while the bridal pair stood under
a splendid arch of ferns and evergreens
in the centre of which was suspended a
large bell of suo vball't. The bride, who
was unattended, was given away by her
father. She was prettily gowned in
white and earned a beautiful boquet of
white .lowers. After the ceremony the
company sat down to a grand. weddiug
dinner, which being over air. and Mrs.
Murray left for their home at Langside.
A uumber of beautiful •presents from
friends in various parts of the proviuoe
attested the esteem iu which the bride is
Failure Sin .,;.
Just opened up pit package of
Dinner I)innef Sets ; gold Titles
and nicely shaded colors,
in brown, blue, green, pink, grey, white and di
tr�ninety-seven piece's each, Per set ...
gold, i
A Printed
inted Ioilet Set
of ten setseito
pieces, consisting of Ewer
Basin, Covered Chamber,
Pitcher, Brush Holder, Mug and Covered"
e colors. Per set st t1
Soap Dish, in three
Canadian i3erries are now
IES,- on the Ittarket. Leave
your orders with us. We will be receiving them daily,
and you will be sure of getting the best.
A new set of it'.iirbanlrs scales have
been placed in the Blyth f} cur till.
• Ur. G. B. Long went m Ii•Lrrietou on
Saturday. June lSth, tun' during the day
was married to ll'fiss Miehie, an astitri'
able young lady of that town.
• Dir. T. B. D;oArter, vc ho bat; bad
charge of Mr. II. R. Brewer's photo
gallery in Blyth for the past year, hes
resigned his position and will shortly
leave for Manitoba.
Mr. N. J3. Gerry has purchased the
residenee and grounds belonging to rhe
estate of the late Mrs. John Buie. The
price paid was $2,500. Mr. Gerry has
secured a desirable hotne at &low figure,
Owing to counter attaaetious being
held so near Blyth, it was deemed ad-
visable by the managing committee to
postpone the Dominion day celebration
in Blyth until civic holiday iu August or
Labor day.
The directors of Blyth fair met last
week and completed the revision of the
prize list for the cotniog fall fair. Sev-
eral additions were made to last year's
list and in tuauy instances the prizes
were made larger.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson have
established a knitting industry iu Blyth.
They came from Wentworth and are
people of long experience and carry the
highest recommendations. They will
manufacture fine and coarse hosiery for
If Yon Don't ,slecti,'.Vetx
It's because your nerves are in a weak
irritable condition. Z' errozoue will make
them strong anti correct the trouble eaus-
iug your iusomnia. "I fell iuto a state
of nervous exhaustion last fats," writes
airs. J. Stroud of Dexter. "I was ruu
down, couldn't sleets and felt perfectly
miserable, --tried Ferrozone and was
quickly benefitted. I can reoounneuci
Ferrozone to anyone suffering from over.
wrought nerves and sleeplessness." No
torte is better, try F errozono. Price 50c
at druggists.
11tilttISy t L .
Hien, women and children.
hump beck straight,neither wdl it make
e short leg long, tut It feeds soft bone
and heals diseased bone and is among
the few genuine means of recovery In i1
rickets and bone consumption. y,
and for free (=ample.
SCOTT 3( 1)OwNIe., 1„trenate
Toronto. taperer.
Soc, and $neer a3 dru;;giats.
cnn. 10, 62 50; Wm. James, drawing
tile and building culvert, sideline 60 and
31, cou. 8, $5; P. Porterfield, part ex-
penses taking Railway by-law vote,
June 4, 1904, $20.25; BF;tate of the late
Mrs. George Reid, rent of road allow -
awe south end of lot 84, con. 9, to Jane
81. 1905, $2.
Resolved, chat the council now ad-
journ till Tburaday, 2tss Juiy next, to
meet at 2 o'clook in the afternoon.
John Lamont, a highly -respected
young farmer living near here, was ac•
cidentaily killed on Tuesday,while work-
ing in the bush. Lenient, is company
with his father and three other wen,
were using a large spriug pole, which
was overhead, when the pole gave way
and fell full weight ou the back of La-
mout's nook causing iastaut death. He
was thirty years old and unmarried.
DET. Sit) ttD
Mr. W. Chittick has purchased a pair
of drivers from a Listowel man.
Rev. Mr, Stewart left for Torouto lest
week followed by the best wishes of the
congregation and citizens,
We miss the familiar face of J. T.
Cures Cocas In Otto flour. Latnonby sines his removal to Wiughatu.
Many cold Dares are dangerons boon use Rev. M. McKelvey preached his fere-
composed of deadening opiates. But well sermon it, the Methodist Church on
fragrant healing Catarrhozoue cures doll Sinaloa, =niftier last.
in one hour and is both harmless and
delightful to u•te. Even the worst colds,
sneezing, sufliiing colds with ruunin;;
eyes are stopped very quickly when the
balsamic vapor of Catarrhozoue ig iu•
haled. Cararrbozoue acts like a cilnrut
ou colds, kills them outright, ureveurs
their reurn a few hours later. For code,
catarrh and throat trouble use only Ltt- ; pr, sents for the popular yonuglaciy were 1 -_. -. .
r,uwerons and valued at well on to $100.
There was a graud time at the hone of
Mr. John Marshall, of the 10th con.
Tornberry on Friday eveuing, Jane t7th
the occasion being a birthday party for Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Bight goods at right prices.
Miss Margaret Marshall. A.boat 160M -
vim]. friends were preseut and the birth1°`,1='" `- 7 "t' vr'I:•M''r:..a;"''ar1 ` =lea , as: 3w io •' cal
Slim Prices .
Stout Values nn ..nun WI Or [maliprofits uick return
L,'Ve quote below Reduced Prices of Summer
Goods to clear, Looking is fres', B.lyiug i cheap.
There's little profit for us, and a big one fur you.
5 pieces extra wide Silk Voile. fine
weaves, new colorings, worth
61.25 and $1 50, to clear at .91
Ladies' Undervests, while tliey
last, - - -
3 pieces fancy black Grenadine,
doable width, reg. 75e, to clear .50
A tine of Men's or Boys' Straw
Hats at price; were 50e, uow .25
Ladies' Tan Oxford Shoes,ture sole,
price was 61 25, clearing price .05
Ladies' fine white Cambric Under-
skirts, with deep frill, regular�,.
value $1.25, e1- artug at - .:J5
2 pieces fancy figured Snatch Ging-
ham, good value at laic, for .10
Sampler Corsets, worth 350, must
go at - - - .25
Boys' Lncrnsse Shoes, to clear,
fin" Silk Liaeii, double width, reg-
ular prices 591t, to Clear at - .35
Special line fancy colored Unsling,
choice patterns, reg; 12tr, 15e, .10
A few 11h -et -is TO t•lear, fluesiik Crepe
de Chine. n•ieia, new goods. r(+tr-
ular 81.50, sale price • -$1.00
A lino of Lettit's' Waists to clear,
regular value $1, tale price .50
A. Iine of Ladies' Trimmed Linen
Skirts to clear. (Choice for .75
Well made Wrata•er,, gond strong
print, worth $1.25, sale price $1.00
Children's fancy figured Parasols .25
Pretty pattern•t iu hiten of'blue, fast
colors, reg 20c, to clear at .12Ie
Something new iu washable Under.
waists for cllildreu, special clear
.35 ing price - - - - .25
Bring along your Butter an:1 Eggs an i share in the
saving made by buying at the One -price Store.
WANTED -A carload of Butter by First July.
H. E. TSAR =& Co.
tarrhnzono. Complete outfit $1.00; trial
size 25e at all druggists.
I Registration of (Births, Deaths and
The council met ou June 20th, pe rsu- I
ent to adinnrnnu'nt. Present. Connell- 1 The Division R.'gtetars throughout
/ors Ellis, Baeero ft, Nilson and Menzies. i Ontario have been notified. by the Pru-
itt the abseue s of the Reeve, John E. , vinei,il authorities to make fall and cow-
Ei1is was ou motion of alessrs. Wilson ' giote returns of all birth, deaths and
• and 13ttecrofe and agreed to by 14ir, 1 marriages itI their respective divisions
`Menzie, appointed chairman. ! and to strictly euforce the law for failure
• Minutes of last meeting; read and j oa tit+ part of parents, doctors and
Janes Bolger and wife, of Belmont, I passed. i nit rgywen to matte the returns as re-
Mauitoba, arrived here last week for a Court of Revision re -opened. Appliea- quired by law
visit of a few mouths.
A. large straw shed with stone stablingP
tion of Wm. Emo, laborer, lot 31, con. 4.1 Tho ttenalty for negi'�/'ting to regime:
received, a 1dug that his
Warne be laced I la lt) 00 and the center of couvietion.
under it is being built on.Tanes Nicholas, on tate Roil as M. I+`. voter; Granted. The parties required by law to register
farm, n11" lot 17, con. 7, Morris.
There beingno other complaints made, • in f'a••h ease, are: For baths --the father
Mrs. Jas. Oleunau and Mies Clennau or any changes asked for, it was moved; of the child, nr in his dicer ace the nurse,
left for Detroit on Tuesday of last week. by Messrs. Beet -raft, and Menzies;, that { or the physician in ata lettuce.
itirs. Clrnwut has gone ill elle interest of the 1t,t11 as ttow revised end corrected ; 1 or nturr i!g es the ganis.ttx celehrat-
her health while Miss Clennan is coax. I co f:tr a.a .his council is cone•'rn.•d 1•e iu;t t1:e uu,e..
bitting business and pleasure.
passrd, stud the Coui t t lusecl for the j For t1, a the -Tse d'; enn=t'r of the bongo
Andrew McNay, who has been attend- Present year.-L'atrrieri in which the death took lilace or sotntt of
ing the llorologteal (o11('ge iu Torouto I Acc.m,Lt of S,Lwy er-Ilais('y Co., IT..tuail- { the persons r' -siding in t,e, house,
passed his ex:Lutinatious exceptionally tort, also that of George White, lilytli, i No reutoval for th.' t>°,r!al at the dead
^A4RIOVI. AAA AR" AA ft AA ot.'1" AA t.F. (TA .1.A.' A Root AtWoreSSAA,A,A,AAAAA,kA
For Florist
and is visiting at his bro- ordered to lie l:llid• ; bn•!y of any person s'rt:i tike plica and
titer's, II. Jackson, for a short time be The clerk reported that. aeo'r ing to : no undertaker or cl,-r,iy'rt in shall .'x t.t
fore going WVest.room'sre•.•..1%, td l'y t,itu from the 1l. 11. ',in theburial of the de
burial unless a
The 15th day of June will be a red let- ()'s nn It•tliway se•0tienttl vote, :Ph Jane ; c.'rti!1eate of Deets:ration has b:iett t'r;'-
lust, it bite.! tie follows: -Polfiag Div. ' vinusty obtained.
ter day in the history of %Yui. R. I%f•ratcy,
4th line, Morris, its that was the ditto of No. 1, --Nur the by -lav, 77; ag;atinst. 37. I
iho eW11• r or caretak r of any come.
his marriage to Miss Nettie, daughter of I':tit P'blic:; 1)i '.Igo. d,-1'err tht+ by-la:NI:it,
ten- or burial ground !drill nt'rinir the
John Lawson, lith line. Rev. A. Mac- =3; nrttiust :.�;. I'.trt I'el;i••g I)iv. NOiutet moot of the tI' a l !,n•ly of airy t'• r
Nab, M.A., of ,Walton, tied the unttri•-I'uriticbe-lacy,f;ugnittst;,,Iu
sen tL,Itebslie h.ts rt e'eic..1 a buri:ll pt'r
menial bow at the manse. In the even- 12i votes cur, end �0 t,gzu}nst. Majority suit.
is For Va $ 3
lug a reception •vl,a held for Mr. Kerney for the by-law, 4.1. The by-law was
Where0-».- lir.:..•t� t•.,:u•+ntu; ftVir-r•••t?; ;ti: urLtn+itlacvorth
, only :t,5 txt i Wo ar.' -t',t• „u ;ry t. r m -t,;: •r_• a �•ii.r.'- nt' •'r tot.rc'abouts
tor go ,•Is worth Doll ;', or -0 I: 'v-- w •re syr. w- nt.t f.- .} like going to +E.
. 4 n'lr c'tl�,tutu-r an't ,:.yt.t� it beak, •tit t t 1••it t t:t. .1''-. 1.- 11 ,n•'>,ty and truth.
C I1 some people woe;•i •10 as rt•.•f a iv'r*:. , t•.'t•" w U1d h syr. to he a lut of
ment'y given trick :i',.1 .. h1•• •Ir rt) Irr .,f:. . , '
r •u yon . )r,.11. W Il'il lee y .- it r, -•l .!sit. 'fisc truth will
& , j 4ir :i. ii11-42,�p,
F7 A iin�,t `
� ii• n lr � �-� b SS y7 a � O� �.- a .�., �: '. •.r.. 1, iv U a n
f."Air.o AAAP AA6t�3AAAARAA etst. A Q Q. v4P`, t.
4�,Q0aa000s'o00000004v^>•r�0044 e0<,. 44(,,ye'+4e.c•cc: ^04.or. 0004 a .
4 r' ''a., y �•�r, r.j r f trf tr,
for tii3 ll::vi GO 1Njt: C,3::I3 =L' s.1J It•:E)t V utile is
(n.1 what C"f6 �.',"::a•- 1..
what ...'o.)i•Y u�a Dd 1. li .t t.:..
• 0
. 4
` ' ` 1e i The a lurk of cvnry rr mnTip,tilty le by
then read 11. s•�.:t.uti ntt.t third time and
uud his bride. 'i virtue of his office -1.1 register a
• ---�- passed.
The clerk was iastructe i t• 1 have saidwell.
by-law registrr.•cl forthwith. The mess.
l'Acrn Dates xtltnseif
When he wakes op with headache and
.bad taste in the mouth. Something is
needed to settle the stomnoh, clear away
the dull heavy feeling uud create a.little
appetite. Just get a tumbler of , Water,
some sagest, anti Boor in it stiff dose of
Nerviline. You'll oleic up hum, diately
and feel tip-top in a tew minutes.
Nerviline luisu't an equal for a conclitou
of this kiud. It stituniates, euros the
' headache, relieves the sick feeling and
fits yon for a hard day's work. Try
Nerviline. Large bottles costs 25e, ing snow on gravel road porch of Blyth
last whit'. mei freight on grader bits, i
urer reported cash ou hair 1 at date
Barry McGee, lot 34, con, 13, was ap-
pointed pi-undkaept'r for that district in i
piaci of Andrew Shiell, Sr.
Ilolu'nt-n es were pass •d and signed i
in favor of Sawyer -Massey Co..traniiltou
for two new grader tits and bolts,
$17; George Whire, plougihing and disc-
etc ,
u). James .
•ou Monday of this week Diary i and building enivt'rr, lot 3;, eons, 10 Sud':
Adeline, wife of Mr. Malcolm Ross, 11 $1; Hugh ilyl3nruey, drawing tile,
r ,
r 3 and 31,1
passed Irway, its Lor 30th year. The be � and buiidtttg
c uivcrt std hitt 0 •
reeved husband and relatives will have -•
the sympathy of the Community iu their }
1 affliction. I Aching joints i
I The 'Young People's Society' of the ,and other (Thumb held a successful In the fingers, toes, army
1 I the M grounds ou pr
Tuesday evening. The Ater am Doti- that acid condition of the blood which seven years past ou the Loa lou 'clocks Columbia ex .insive+ of Pan caeca u< , ' ` "' "` °" ' "te "•
4` r•7 '
t et d t i vied
i:t' ll
1 I
I There are 109 slain, 84 marble and 20. 'L'rrtas combined. Three high lei•'tt'>f,t=e• • *irs ; t•,• . <•;' i.t • _:".,.tl:.c�
clay quarries in this eturttry, and the, ranges cross the repo t:n' roll: itr.r 1 r, _: L+iittaP.•Il rrr) ,,#ra"•i Ianc;, vile,
recitations etc., was rendered. y condition is Comtuenly wow
lir ttCM :
vacua of .their combined products is • Fettlt malting high tuba doers t. ,wear.
enjoyable evening's a tertaiunient is 1 1 •, 1• the rt
rleflections of a eacfrelor.
veno the Nee. °.,.rt:
Often you eau t.11 a worthless till -g
easier thou you cnn gir.• it away.
It's a mighty (•nlnf( rt tb'e thing to be
very fat when you sit down too suddeu-
It makes a woman feel very despond •
ent when her husband stops drinking to
salve money, to think li nv ucurh more he
would save if he had been twice us 41ard '
a drinker •
When a woman is sure a burglar is
down stairs she is al wept 14rave enough
to gat up and arrange the clothes elle
took off the night before so that they,;
will not mortify her.
a of the body, are joints that are 1
tt 1
•'•1 tE'lt.
t., t w+ , 7t1
NVe ::re pt.o i._,, -'$ �'.,. t..," r:.' .. . . t .. ..;l i •..: _ • .p.±itr,e every
drlivt•ry to le• t ). h.. Thar .- t .. ,c i .. ,. 'rici hoar what
trioy s.ty etho.t 1t. `i''r+' '.._.:St•r'4': 1•. • ... .. ,' r" ^t' t,•r S- t ratYt .tlr.
.•, t• • . 1 etaei
,. gJ
take la•/L•+ua:• of •-be i;+,. r ' t,,. ;,t ,,t• tit., fifth tui
•'i: to metric Sri li:::rt•-tt.t ' -1: V: 1 V :'P '•• ". . n,,, ,,t %°•a LLL•tti.
1',Lrtti.•rt; wlaa'u.; r.t 1.1 t i.L,rl .l:.L y i:,• ,: ,t v... • •; :t•?' r:1.• • .. •:.•.roti.„.bate.
Nn. -lirbt B•'rly ILt' l c; n, ... ; 110
00' \'r, -t.I ti•.ity. nal. from :• n ,._ .� ! . gn•r ('.)rel .. ... . :.75
:; Il trrl•.t'rs'�1, and A-u.:u i, . per cella .... . 51)
C. tn. 4 -Ash :(11.1 lei leis•'.3, g,- t•• ' :5
0' \e.:e--- :a!,+ a.,- :n: C 1't tit:,•r, p •, , i. i - - , • Oq
Q Ituu..t wood, t h .,.t., . t ,<: 1 1• r t .� ,r..v,•� -,. tit)
Y -
NOW FOR rl' ` _. €,' N,F C' ).
4 «`nod reel c`nal t1C'i'•' x► '!. ° '+ri 'r". r. (1,ti'nry: More 64
• l A. I' }' d 1 I'' t' I' F
rN !;.11 i..'t:e t •„r,..•,r,
Our terms f,>' Coal and t.` ;'ci are sl:'iv.,a t.. sit
iraueit l )111a•N at . i Smith's s t:, t; t,t R:•' W. -- :f nee ltni+•.t 41 .. 4'
Orea4>lr4RCra•04" 44,0.04,4. 4+4'4'4+8 tee('mGdreeear4'GOC 2tffic44.44eaesee.ib
awit social ou ., o ansa inflamed and swollen by rheumatient-- t The average number employed fur - w..
* ,•tl b r,
r Methodist , c r. 1 . .
a3 tat e t ,t ! i..t .S
• 7 baud and the d.e w p 1:' R i:). ,' wo t,L tt•s t !. c
.ens ba 1 affects the muscles also. j and wharfs has bean , large as the t a t ':1 ty •� �.c•at l••it • 't •• > lots 1+c•f:ic tts0<%
I choir furnished the musical part of Sufferers dread to move, especially
after sitting er lx'itr lane, arc1 ttu'i iI t ' Y t1 r ' 1 ' th
11 ver 1 I l r r,.•.. It ••.t."'s tt'c clot•
Ithe program, and a program of addresses I
-['t•. ti ! .. 1- - al: ,•.:. el: pair:, run%
u went let•, thirteen million dollars. w.tt:rt the days t sf y•.tr retaila :,
T striicred dreadfully from rheumatism, l hotter tli to thin' vt is t mp rate :,...".1X,11“:' l';';,.. i t b: i -t rt-nttttly fur
Whitechurch Cream -
cry an error appeared. The nrtfcle ;tut" riltss 1''1tANtEB Surra, Prescott, (it. t F 1 , !,,r t". co ,:+. t•y. • "� ;t 1•l.t+It', I+tlr
h t 13 have said between 700 and X00 ' "Thad an attack of the) rip tvblcil lett me employer having grant' c] the demands tt' At rico birth of n T tt 'llrr-„' tact* . ct't rtrb• is t t'..+,1 :.t:. t'• "ti"t= vont a 1
i of t
inches of cream aro delivered deify from #Weak and helpless anti suffnr}ng frtrul rhru- :rho '"."ors for ib dollar -- week ----- its ; i„ pttntt',t, w4ti'•h 1i,FYat r!'nt t:t, r,1tr.l+t f ,r i t'Y 't.i1 w :.::.•'r rrxug, 5ytup, earl
ntatfant. T began taking lined et fiuraupn• I , , , 1);•• nontbel kiwi.
one route. The ittitn Mead rice though i stilt ctnd this medicine Etas entirely eurcd arages. .'t, until the marriage ti:sy of the chip !
1 me. T Iravb no hesitation in saying it saved a 'aet"r . 'Nen ' 1 `
this was the total amount of Dream ro• 1 my Wet, a J. McDosnarl n n, saying
iTrenton, ()tit. ; ,r., WereI41 l k (xerivalt t,ona t . f t r- tett rt tht tr• P ty ent t r.`a at b tal•p 1
Ceiyed rti0lt day, if that were the total . vents last year who tveret iatyttr.ircl the cabinet ut,tkt'r transforms tl.,• wool r.•t i , Ail tit. .'c.t:un 1)c•t :itrtts filed after
t , r ,
yy.. fGl!"r... ,,3' a �,si Jrn �,. es r'Ir wI1' l.%'l 1 ,,•.......:.....,. ...x....la .� ems:tiered 1.Es tic. ♦ t.r . lit. _ r .i x• L . iallitt,t.6 have.
t 't would u
Iu our item re the iVhit
but have been completely cured by Iloutre Tho strike of the piano ttictv0t$ of ar.itee y e 1, r,.. at to f .er tttstal,
Sarsaparilla, for which 1 am (leeply grate- r . ..,•tlo, ` '!•. r •r d. u:r,•irr«c in • , , t;v tract of the
]i , •ta 1 was cfllt.iit,ly ilc'atarctt eft, every ' •
•Ar• Miles -. '•�- servants' golden. vae•o.O for , w. ..... __.___ _ _ -
Y.l M
1 ,v tK+
dL )a91• i
i V
creuxn'reeelp s 1 tar
'f be Vega- i � t '
bio to realm 2070 pounds of butter in ono t Removes the ea -us of rl)eunlatism ne ' forty nears with one family. Only one yot11I0 couch(. as the utumt l,eau:i:tt. of tt:i : t'c�,'a wir l lraw)L i'y bee') sides, a sa -oil
iitotorssestorisioesisto day.
1 outward application tan. Take it. I w
as found bi Berlin, 1 oho ornaments of the house. 1 ltavtug oars nrr.l:li'.i.