HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-30, Page 1THEWINGHAM. VOL XNXIIL.---NO. 100, No Tailoring Better Than Ours and our prices 0 begin at $12,00 The mangy who needs a new suit; whether for daily, business wear or tor dress, can do no better than leave his order here. He will save a great deal in first cost; he will get his clothes quickly; and be will get them as well mane and stylishly fashioned as it is possible to make them; be will have hundreds of fabrices to choose from; and he will be saved the doubtful economy and un- certain satisfaction of ready -trade. Suits --made to order—made to measure—made to fit—made to satisfy. No fit, no pay; 'You know. of course, that's our way SUMMERY THINGS Summery Toggery is now son tbe bill. We have lots of cool comfort in store for our patrons. Make your selections now. Don't wait nntll the thermometer says 99° and then rush in madly for Summer Duds. Now if you need anything in summer plum- age. We're Yours for Comfort Summer Hats (Straw and otherwise)—Our Neglige shirts— Our Breezy Underwear -- Our Summer Neckwear there's oceans ot comfort. It will take but little of the "wherewith" to buy the outfit. and Just think bow contented you'll be after we have togged you out for the summer campaign. Homllth Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by F1tANx PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria street. Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,00 01000 Reserve Fund and )undivided profits $ 31474,000 numeral Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the 'United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. IHEPBURN, Manager. 8. Vanstoue, Solicitor. BANK or HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,249S0.00. Iteserve'Futid, :$2,000,000.00. Total Assets, $24,713,013,07. President-- Max. Weir. GIaso1. Vice -President and General Manager »- J. TtT.Rllnirr.L. DIRECTORS 'Gyrus A. Dirge, John Proctor, A.B. Leo, John S. Hondrie, Geo. Rutherford. Inspector—II. M. Weesoer. tleta ags Sauk—)'fours 10 to 0; Saturday, 10 to 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received. In- terest allowed, and computed on the ilOth No - "'ember and nit May ench year rand added to principal. Special Deposita also reeetved at ct rrent Antes of interest. Drafts on ttrt,at Britain and the United Staten Bought and sold. Travellers are notified that the Banker Ham- ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, Which Can be cashed without charge or tron- "ple is any part 4fthe world. W. CO11,11t t)'r•D, Agent DIDarl )SON & Y.lOLMES, Solicitors. WINGIIAii, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JUNE 30..1904, Ti • efret $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY BOUGHT YOUR Strawberries FOR PRESERVING do so this week; you'll make no mistake. We will have an unusually large' supply of THE FINEST BERRIES every day this week. Don't buy Berries that are peddled all over town. The sooner you get them after being picked the better; you are sure to get that here. We get them, fresh from the patch. Your telephone p ono orders will be as carefully filled as if personally ordered. - - Phone 59. R. A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND Citoorizav Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres ot choice farm Janda for sale, in 50, 70, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a Large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to J. A. MacKENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyrood. REAL ESTATE Why I am Successful in this Line of Business. 1 em making a specialty of this business. I know nay business. I am aggressive and progressive. I never show parties my investments unless I an satisfied they have the money and mean business. All matters are strictly confidential. I have been here for years and believe that I have the confidence of the people. There is a buyer for every business some- where in the country. I have sold property in a very short time that the owner has tried to dispose of for years—and some good ones at that. It's any specialty and I know it. Yours for'quick sales, C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOCK. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. District Lodge The annual meet: Lodge, Independent; was held on Wedn last week.r' a Various to Oddfellows were o ommendations Swill Lodge. Mr. John F D. D. G. M., and 111) trict Secretary. Oddfellows. ng of the District rderof OddfelIows sday afternoon of titters of interest dtsscussed and re - e made to Gran Groves was elected . J. W. Dodd, Dis- House .'maid wanted. Good wages. Apply to Orr Bros., King Edward hotel. Pr yterian Chu he managers of t terian Church held and decided to pros provements to the cl front fence will be granolithic walk centro of the lot fr the church Steps steps will be built. church will be re terior will be re -d ed that this work at once and comp new pipe organ i be in September. ch Imatovements. e Wingham Presby - meeting last week ed with several im- urch property. The emoved and a new vill be built in the street sidewalk to nd new granolithic The exterior of the paitlted and the in- oratedt is expect -1 ill be oceeded with I eted by the time the installed, which alit No. 9 Coil S hundred, every rISIILEIG ing wire at 1$2.70 per ole guaranteed, at 's HARDWARE STORE. The For and Movement. Tuesday ever ing of last week Rev. J. E. Hunter co' .leted the campaigning of Wingham Dl trict Epworth Leagues in the interes, of the Forward Move- ment for Miss ons, He had a most suc- cessful and nteresting series and the outlook is mo.t hopeful. In 41., weeks he addressed 5 meeting and attended 30 Committee . eetings in connection with his tour. $ 15.00 has been expended in Miseionary literature in the various Leagues wh ch will no doubt greatly aid ill impartin , valuable imformation and instruction The Forward Movement is now being worked in every Lefitgae in the Distric and the prospective funds for Missio cry tuiwaneement will bo largely in c -cess of last year. Wear Greer's Shoes an d' Rubbers Tennis T ei tennis tonrnaln by the ladies of Wi court in the park ou For the first prize, has very generously travelliug snit case, rnamont. nt will be played ham on the local Friday, July 8th. r. Chas. Kneohtel onated a handsome WANTED ' A gond general servant. Apply to Mrs, R. Vanstoue. L. O. L. Div The members of No. 794, are requee lodge room on Sum/ o'clock, for the par Paul's Church at 7 rector, Rev. Win. the brethren. All to be present on t ing brethren will ne Service. iugham L. O. L. d to meet ee in the +y evening at 6.15 tse of attending St. o'clock, when the owe, will preach to membere are asked !s occasion, c on, and visit• o cordially welcomed. WANTED—Car of batter, 350 tubs by June 10th, Eggs, 16c trade; 14ccash. GEO. E. Kmo Enema pm At the regular Encampment, Indy on Monday evenin facers were electe term:—O. P., H. Lougheed; H. P., W. W. Walker; S Treas., J. W. Dod elected representat meat. t Officers. eeting of Minerva endent Oddfellows , the following of - for the ensuing Elliott; S. W., D. `. J. Elliott; J. W., rtbe, A. J. Alderson; , J. A. Morton was e to Grand Encamp. We are paying the highest Dash price for wool, delivered at our tannery on Victoria street. PRINGLE & GROVES. Wingham' The Directors of cultural Society he day night and mads additions to the pr creased the prize m tbe classes. The 1 make this year's history of the soot tractions this year ahead of any pr jaunted meeting I ing of July 14th S finally revised. 1 fair are September Fall Fair. he Turnberry Agri - 1 a meeting on Tues• several changes and e list, and also in. nay in a number of erectors are trying to 'air the best in the tee The special at- roncise to be away Mous year. An ad - 11 be held on the even• hen the prize list will lie dates for the fall 29th and 30th. Go to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, if you want to buy a house in town, be bas just what you want. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queeu'a Avenue, London, 3rd door Enst St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Will be at Queen's Hotel, Wingham, Wednesday July 27th. oe5th Annivers v. Mr. and le braced the 25th ann riage on Saturday' present from Bel Erin. A very plea reviewing the past R ogers received m on having attained of their wedding di their many friends. feliciations and ho celebrate their G Fordwich Record formerly statione well-known to ma will wish himself more years of hal ry Celebrated. rs. D. Rogers eele- versary of their mar• ast. Relatives were ore, Wingham and nt time was spent and Mr. and Mrs.{ ny congratulations he 25th anniversary r. The Record joins u these parts in these es they be spared tnI den Wedding Day.— r. Rogers was at Bluevale and is y of our readers, who nd Mrs. Rogers many w wedded life. WANTED --Eggs, 16c trade, 14c cash,' commencing May 25th. Treat those peel. tars fair; snake them them take your but- ter, pork, etc., with the eggs. same as your general merchant noes. Potatoes wanted. GED. E. KING. The Syno Rev. Wm. Low week attending a Synod tend we are he has again been the Executive C shows total reeei poses, exclusive c be $11,785.21; an i last year. The r mission fund wer • • of Huron. was in Louden last eeting of the Huron lensed to note that 'lected a Inember of nmittee. The report is for diocesan pur- j debt subscriptions, to crease of :$45.49 over gular collections for $4,407.20, a decrease of .201.21), while ,. 0717.71 was paid in 1 grants for assisti , g mission parishes. The credit balanc has been increased. to $1,040.78. Sine May 1st one parish, t St. John's, Sarnia, cas become self-sup- portiug. The wid• ws and orphans of 28 clergyman are not on the fund. The Synod now holds . s capital for various trust purposes $72 ,855.79. Of this $71P, 0311.77 forms the s'nsolidated capital ac- count, and e3,81 02, consisting of the See House debt, ud a mortgage on a 1 church farm, is held on a temporary in- I vestiuent account. • As Seen In Go The Goderioh Star of to the Wingham 1211a of tion as fellows: ---The Goderioh District, compr 145, 168, 182, 189 and 300 the coming 12th of July' have already iieoured aingl good going on. lith and 121 on 1311e. A special train h for to leave G4derich on t the 12th at t# o'clock re Wingham at 6 or 7 p. m. doubtless be one of the gra to Huron, and it is expect r a very lathe crowd presen ioli and neighborhood. erich. t week refers my oolebra. rangemen of ing L. O. L. ill celebrate t Wingham fare tickets, and return s also asked morning of ruing leave he day will test ever held tbere will be from m Goder• Sudden Death at alkerton. The many friends in ' iugham heard with deep regret on Mon ay of the sud- den death at Walkerton, or. Sunday of Mrs. Gilbert Prince, tee Miss Lena Hill,) eldest daughter o the late Robt. Hill, for many years a r sident of Wing' ham. Deceased was 22 ears of age and lived in Wingham up to the time of her family's removal to lkerton a few years ago. Mts. Pace as i11 for only a few days, having only ;.ur days before her demise given birth t•. twins, and her suddeu death will be ase ere blow to her bereaved husband, moth: , brother and sister. The bereaved wi have the syth- pathy of many friend in Wingham. The funeral took place a• Walkerton on Tuesday afternoon. Look Her: 1 Just as we told you we S at our bins of coal at the are now full and runn still there is more comin about one car per day. any person who wants i treated alike. No fear o now. Look at our advt. for terms and prices, wh' ed plainly and which w to. We have an abunda all kinds in good shap cheap light wood, for sur If you \vela any of our had better place your o secure it. Look at sa delivered. We have 12 stock now. nuld dol Look tatious. They ug over, and at the rate of oal for sale to All part':s a fuel fa rte in is .aper •h a , : ; • lisle stri y adhere be • wood of now. Some mer, very dry. o. 1 wood you er at once to le now being• inch, w G1IEEoodICin Celebration on e 12th. Reports continue to c a in of mem. 'aril of Lodges which : ve derided to celebrate the 12th of Ju y in Wingham this year. Goderich to vnship Orange- men are expected in fu . force and there will also be a large • umber from the county town as well a the surrounding district. Indeed, frm all directions come reports which ead to the belief that the celebration t as year will by far surpass in point of : tendance, enthus- iasm and interest an ' previous gathering of the kind in the • may. We under- stand thatatrange..-nts are being per - I fected for the briong of a number of I brass bands to \Vii gham on that day, am ongst those whi. h are expected being Goderich, Ktncard" e, Lucknow, Ripley, r I i11 Harriston, ss, Summer Mount Forest and Mitche, and fife and drum bands from Brusss and other places. Piper John McDot ald of Seaforth has been engaged by t e Wingham Lodge. The Wingham cit zens' band bas also been engaged for tl a day. Special trains have been arrange. for July 12th as fol. lows r o in D rham, Kincardine, Stratford, Goderi ,h and immediate points on the G. T. ' ., and from Orange- ville and leeswatou the C. P. R. Times and fares i11 be given later. We may again state that no efforts are being spared by the ommittee and the local brethern to ent rtain all visitors in a fitting manner and make the day one long to be remembe :d in the history of Orangeistn. ANTISEPTIC Fool Powder What Is It? It is a'discovery which ewes sore, tired, tender, aching, sweating or swollen feet. It is prepared by the Premier Medical Co., of New York and Chicago, and FOR A LIMITI;I) TIME ONLY RETAILS AT IS cents per box. Try a box and find relief. Sold in Wingham by altonMcKibhon, Nal, Next door to Post Mee. ON THE P AYGRC)UNI)S. Events of I_oc Field of S the Pa Interest/on the ort During Week, Wingham Lo The manager and ham Baseball Olub those who helped b the baseball game o the good order wh receipts were $42 $01.00. Although t tised to take place Nine of Lucan and t at the llth hour, for reasou, the Irishmen put the manager to t another team which not dissappoiut outsi hesitating the man team cousented to game. The specta with the home team game of baseball was town and gocd pea could be marked, showed themselves g ball players in that ti team by a score of 10 Loudou'umpired the faction of everyone. t to Berlin. fltcers of the Wing - wish to thank all their attendance at 24th just; also for ch prevailed. The 2 and expenditure game was after - between the Irish to Monte team, yet, ugh some unknown refused to come and e trouble of getting was done, so as to ers. Without any ger of the BBorliu me and give the re can say along hat a more friendly never plat ed in the ing on both aides The Berlin team ntlewon as web as ey beat the home to 3. Mr. Sippi of ame to the satis- Kincardine vs. Wingham. An interesting an exciting lacrosse match took place on t e park on Thurs- day evening last, :tween the above clubs. From the sty t it was evident that both clubs were u the field to play the game for all they vere worth. Con• siderable roughness characterized the game throughout, id many of the players on both si+es were "slightly disfigured." Refere Watson, of Luck - now, had his hands 11, and there was scarcely five miuute• during the whole game that there wer not two or more players decorating t fence for their "unbecoming cond ct." After the whistle bad blown at he end of the first quarter, the visitors s ored a goal, but it was not connted, and will likely be de- cided by the C. L. A. executive. In the third quarter Wiugbam scored one,— thus mating the score 1 to 0, providing the goal claimed by Kincardine is not allowed—and we are informed that this will m all probabil' y be the decision. The defence of • th visitors proved a veritable stonewall •r the locals, while the home players at t • os exhibited some very fair eombivatio • work. Our boys are improving very ch in team play, and will no doubt be able to hold their own with Kincardi - on August 2nd. The following are t s names and posi- tion of the players:— Kincardine. Wingham Johnston. goal Moore poen Barlow Cuyler Telford Thompson... 1st delel ce Vanstoue Wylie ........2nd defe ce Kruse Fyfe 3rd defe ce.... Wightman Mitchell ..centra Cody Carson . ...1st ho 1e. Johnston Jennings 2nd h0 Goodwin 3rd 110 e. ,..McGillivray , ne,.. Elliott i Burleigh..... outside once..... Fleming i Secord ........inside 1 emeDinsley ! p i Fruit C Reports receive Proviuoial Superb tura! Societies, eb will be very Itght vine, and in so have been so ba that they are beim promise to be a although some of have suffered sev Strawberries wilt 1 damage in the nor+ cenutry is greater thought. Peaches crop. In Essex, Kt les there will be pr a11, while in Well crop will be very ul op Light, by Mr, H. B. Cowan, endent of Horticul- w that the Blum exam 11 through the 'Pro- o sections the trees !y injured by frosts taken out. Apples ood crop generally, the tender varieties rely by the frosts. a light crop. The ern section of the than was at first ill be a very light t and Brant count- ctioally no yield at d and Linooln the uch reduced. PAsauRE—Good pasture to let; either for cattle or horses. Apply to H. Ham- ilton, Victoria street. County Co Warden Bowmat ty Clerk Lane to c the Co. Council in neaday of this wee necessary to enable pared and read for $10,000 of the amo paying for addttion and furnishings, bridges being exec may not be inarea diture this year. vertitied three in passing, hence meeting so that t up at the Decem Council, the de funds disburse for the work t ncil Meeting has instructed Coun- t a special session of oderich for Wed- This is rendered by-law to be pre - borrowing $20,000, ut to be appl"std in o House of Refuge nd $10,000 on new d so that Co. rate d by the large expeu- ealaw has to be ad- tthe before its final e necessity of the e matter Inay be closed er session of the Co. eutures sold and the One day will suffice e done. Double Track The Grand double daily t ding sleeping c the World's most interestin ed at Chicago, assured patrons Trnuk .regents f Route to World's air. nk have ivaw' ough car sere rs and a ac air Cit: rated a 0, inclu- s, direct to Fast trains, route :top over allow - excelled road-bed—are 1 this line. Ask Grand full information. 1 Story The first app ca were import ment at New were also know at Jamestown, Until withiu 111 were grown atm ing, as at the cas hard cider will and a horrible k Penn advised th vania to cultivate as apples were t sively for makin of the Apple. trees planted in Ameri d by the Dutch settle- rk in 1714 Apple trees to have been growing a., as early as 1622, last half century apples st solely for cider -mak - to -day in France, As produce drunkenuese tzenjammer, William colonists in Pennsyl- ndigenous fruits alone, en used almost exela- cider or apple jacks. H. E. Isard & Co., are showing'a large stock of Boy's and Men's re y -to - wear clothing at surprising val s. Mr. Shaw, pian tame foe Aeintzman & Co., will visi Wi m in a few days, Parties wi sing ianos tuued will leave orders at 13. Bell's music store. Dampo A FOOT POWDER A Foot Powder that cures sweating, swollen, scald ed, tired feet, A Foot Powder that stands on its merit, 'laving been on the market Ave years. A Foot Powder with our guarantee of entire Bathe. faction or money refund. ed. Buy a box, use it, and if it does not do the work, return the empty and get your 25e, Ai LIMBO& Col LizairaD. Sole Agents WINGHAM, ONT. Many Calls are received from business firms and Many Students are placed in good positrons each year by the famous CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This schooi stands for the highest and best in business sducatiou itt Canada to -day. Many business col- leges employ our graduates as teach- ers. We have scores of applications teem other colleges. Ask to see them the day you enter. Commence course now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL. Fon SALE—Furniture and household goods; one Grand Jewel cook stove, coal or wood, pearly new; a fine toned up. right piano, nearly new—all at abargain R. :woo. The Ladies .Aid Soca= .y will serve meals in the has e • of the Methodist Church ou July 1 ' . Tell yonr friends that this will be to place to get good meals. 530.00 to Colorado and Return Via Chicago, Union Pacific & North- Western Line. Chicago to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, daily throughout the summer. Correspond- ingly points east. • rates from a 1 low in Only one night to Denver from Chicago. Two fast trains daily. B. H. BENNETT, 2 East King St. Toronto, Ont. Clinton bowlers IN n from Goderich on Saturday by 18 s •ts, At Clinton on el .• day evening, the Clinton junior lame se club won from Seafrth juniors by score of 9 to 1. + three rinks of 'iugham bowlers,l skipped by Dudley olmes, Dr. Hollo- way and D. T. Hepbru wept to Brussels on Monday afternou and won by 12 shots. , Thmanager of ti o Wingliam base• ba11 club as arrant, a Toronto team ou Saturday, July Oth Old Boys excursion of game tine other given in next week for a game with the park here on the date of Huron ram Toronto. Hour particulars will be issue. Brussels intermed ates, Western Foot I Ball Association hampious, defeated ; i Woodstock at Brus.els on Monday night I in a semi-final gain - by a snore oft to 0 The game was fast both teams contest— ing ing closely. This -ame admits Brussels to the final game i the W. F..2.. in de- fence of the Hougl cup and champion- ship won in 1003. Listowel won on of the fastest games of football played Listowel this season in the junior seri.s of the W. le, A. j Listowel won from Mildtuay by a score' of 2 to 0, on I'rida and, thus winning the rounds by 3 .oats, and aro now champions of di tricts No. 1 incl 5. + Listowel won in 11 limey the previous Monday by 3 to 2. A contingent of . lr bowling club went to Wingham on Th arsday of last week. and had a game wiit the sphere trend- lers of that town. Wingham won. We have not the scorn t our disposal, how- ever.--frussels Po .. The score was 84 Hanson was the andb r. 1',. toliI skip for the 'Wing;] au rink. This was? Mr. Ilauson's firs experience as skip i against an out of t vn rink. Hispltyers were O.1)allas and T. 3, Ilornuth. —i7 WAY, JULY I sL, 1904 °•"""- D OI'l I N I O N DAY Shoes for The Glorious First I1ow can you enjoy the First in heavy. uncomfort- able Shoes ? Von can't. \\'c have light weights and easy Summer Shoes for men, women and children. Full of style, and not expensive. Street Shoes, Oxfords and Colonial Ties Made from Patent Calf, Patent and Vici lsid, Canvas and Coolie Cloth - - with a price range from $1,00 to $3.00. This is the comfortable Footwear for Summer, Come, see what We have to show you. See us for 'l'rinlcs arid Valises, W. J. GREER The Shoe Mann. 'fi