HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-23, Page 44 TILE WINGIIAth TIMES, JUN 2vt i904. TO ADVERTISERS Notice iaf i?hanges must be left at this omce not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday everting. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week;. ESTABLISHED rS7 4. TII WINtir1A TIMES. H. le. EI4I.IQTT, Pt7nntsnnu Ara) P1tOP UETOR THURSDAY, JITNE 23, 1904, NOTES AND OOMMENTS, In Brantford since 1890 the number of factory hands has increased from 2,926 to 4,570, and the wages paid from $002,- 412 to $1,742,000. Against facts like these. Mr. B arden's t.triff theories count for very little. The financial statement made by Mr. Fielding on Tuesday night was his eighth budget speech. When he made the first he was a comparative stranger to the House of Centimes, having made hit parliamentary reputation to the Nova Scotia Assembly. Hs has grown stead- ily in the estimation of the H eine since he entered it, and this is true also of his reputation with the general public. -To- ronto Globe. In connection with the reported ap- pointment of Earl Grey as Governor- General of Canada, The Torouto News says: "A striking coincidence in counec- tion with the appointment is that the townships of Grey and Howick in Huron county, were called after a distinguished predecessor of the new G tvernor• Gener- al." The present Berl Grey is the fourth of that ill:, the first having beeu created Earl Gray and Viscount Howick iu 180G. The Standard Oil Co. has declared a dividend of $8 a share, payable the 15th instant to stockholders of record ou May 20, This Divideu:l compares with $16 a share declared last February and $7 a share paid for the corresponding quarter of last year. In 1903 stockhold- ers of the Standard Oil Co. received in dividends $14 a share; in 1902, $45 a share ; in 1901 and 1900, $48 a share each ; in 1899, $33 a share. The Dividend de- clared last week makes the total of such payments since and including the year 1897 over $200,000,000. DOMINION GOVERNMENT'S IM- MIGRATION POLICY. eeet]y or indirectly to immigrants of anyhie r i of s as , which aro denied to Canadi- ans. To the Editor of the WiNGnAat TIMEn:- A few days ago I received a petition from the Wingham post office, couched in the folloee ing words : - "To the Honorable "The House of Commons "Dominion ot Canada: "We, the undersigned, your peti- tioners humbly pray that one hun- dred or more Canadiaus mostly resi- dent in the County of Huron are prepared to go to the Canadian North West as settlers provided the Goverument of the Domiuiou of Canada will give then the same privileges, rights, and financial ad- vantages and spend as much per head upon them as they do for for- eigners like the Doukhobors and Galieians. "And. we humbly pray that all benefits and rights to the said foreig- ners be given to Canadians as well. "And your petitioners will ever pray." This petition was signed by 133 rate- payers. As this petition was praying for what Canadians at present possess, I conclu- ded that signatures were obtained by wrong representation of the actual facts of the case or in absence of information of the Government's immigration policy. In order to correct a false impression which the signatures to this petition would seem to indicate, I secured the opinion of the Department of Immigra• tion upon the prayer of the petitioners which I herewith enclose and would be pleased if yon can find room for it in your valuable paper. My object in sending these few lines and the enclosed letter from J. A. Smart, Esq., Deputy Minister of the Interior, is simply to disabuse the public mind of the impression that any rights, privi- leges. financial or otherwise are given di. Yours truly, P. MACDONALD. dR. SMART'S LETTER Ottawa, 16th Juue, 1904. MY DEAR SIR -Referring to the peti- tiou which you have presented to this De- partment, setting out that one huudred or more Canadians, mostly resident in the County of Hurou, are prepared to go to the Canadian North West provided the Government of Canada will give them the same privileges, rights and fin. aneial advantages, and spend as much per head upon them as upon the Douk. hobors and Galieians, I beg to say that the same laws, rights and privileges, and financial advantages as are given to the Doukhobors and Galieians are, and have always been accorded to any Canadians who may desire to settle in the Canadian North West. You will quite understand that the Government of Canada is unable to un- dertake any active propaganda to induce people to leave one Province and settle in another. This is not immigration at all. The work of immigration devol- ving upon the Departmerit of the Inter- ior of Canada only means the promotion of emigration iu foreign countries to iu. duce a desirable class of people to leave their old homes and settle in the Domin- ion of Canada. It is not the pokey of the Governtneut to grant financial assis• tauce, either iu the way of transporta• tiou or otherwise, to any persous com- ing to this country, but it has been for years the policy to pay commissions to steamship booking ageuts, who act as Agents of Canada in the distribution of. literature aud sell tickets to the peo- ple who are leaving for Canada. The only exception iu connection with the payment of these bouuees was in the case of the immigration of the Doultho- born. In this connection the Depart- ment, in view of the fact that it was not required to pay any commissions to book- ing agents, agreed to pay commissions to a committee representing the Doukho- hors who would spend the money in their interest. This, however, had no connection whatever with the transpor- tation of these people, and the money was not expended until some tiuie after they had arrived in the country, aud a great deal of it was used for providing food for them duriug the time they were located in the immigratiou buildings. You are, perhaps, aware that nearly all of these people arrived in winter. It is quite true that at times small amounts in food have been advanced to numbers of foreign and ether colonists and also seed -grain, where it was an ab- solute uecessity, but no distinction was made as to whom any little help of this kind should be grauted, be they British isettlers, Canadians, or otherwise. The ) Department has always tried to prevent ' part suggestion of destitution ou the p t of auy persons who may settle iu Mani- toba or the North West Territories, but even iu the case referred to, the amount so advanced, which is comparatively small, is held as a lieu against the laud and must be repaid before patent is is- sued. Tbere is evidently an impression amongst many Oanadians who have not looked very closely into the subject of the immigration of persons from the Bri- tish Isles, as well as from the Can tir'8nt of Europe, that this Governmeiit provides in whole or in part for tickets to bring them from their homes on the other side, to Canada. This impression, I may say, is an entirely erroneous one. No advan- ces of auy kind are given by the Govern- ment to induce persons to move from countries outside of Canada to this country, nor are any special privileges accorded one class which are withheld from auy others. The expenditure of the Gavernment in this service, there- • fore, applies altogether to means of ad- vertising Canada and securing the inter- est of persous who cau be of assistance iu procuring good settlers, but no moneys are paid either directly or iudirectly to the settlers, with the simple exception to which I have alluded. All classes of persons locating in Western Canada are given every possible help and advice by experienced uflf.:ers aud no oue class re- ceives any privileges which are not given to all. Ayers Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Bair Vigor not be pleased? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. "t hart used Ayer's mar 'Vigor for a long time. it Is. indeed, a wonderful hair tonic, reacting heath to the hair and scalp, and, at the sauna time. proving Tan MC, splendid Ind. T. .55 x bdtf& J. 0. Arta Co.,. r Brit *t•. . for rr..•• �eak Hair Yours very truly, JAS. A. SMART, Deputy Minister of the Iuterior. CANADIAN FORESTERS in. 1002, when it was 14 per out, Death losses were actually less in amount than 1902 by $3,503.30. In 1902 the death rate was 5 M2; in 1902, 5.18. The receipts from interest for 1903 amounted to $52,224.40, as coutpared with $44,353.00, the previous year, an increase of $7,071.40, aud suflioieut to pay 19 per cent. of the liabilities arising front d. eitth claims. • s The surplus moneys of the Insurance Vaud are invested as shown in the fol- lowing table. Municipal and school debentures, $1,170,742.26. Deposited in chartered banks, $100,- 224 97. I)omiuieu of Canada stooks, $150,- 009. Lean company debentures, $40,000, The Sick and Funeral. Benefit Branch of the business is shown also to be iu a most flourishing condition. On the 1st of January, 1903, the balance at the credit of the fund in this branch was :$23,027.80; the receipts during the year ainuuuted to $109,493.76; making a tutal of $132.121.05. Out of this sum were paid claims of $9.4,351.00, leaviug at the eud of the year a credit balauoe of $38,. 770.95. The net gain for the twelve months was $15,142 76. The expenses of management and orgauizatwu iu 1903 amounted to $05,- S15 00 ur,1.'20, per member Altogether the record of this popular Canadian society for the past year is olio of marked progress, and the manage- ment and membership are entitled to unqualified cougratutations. The delegates were highly entertained by the Toronto Members Ou Tuesday evening, athree hours trip ou the lake was much enjoyed by the delegates. Ou Wednesday evening, an exrelleut con cert was•held in Massey Hall at which Mr. Alex. Muir, author of our National song, "The Maple Leaf for Ever" was presented with an aclddress from. the ].sigh Court and made a life honorary member of the Order. At Thursday evening's session, the following uflicers were elected for the sussing year: - High Chief Ranger, J. A. Stewart, Perth; High Vice Chief Ranger, Thos. W Gibsou, Toronto; Htgh Secretary, Geo. Faulkner, Brantford; High Treas- urer John Neelauds, Brantford; High Aerator, W. L. Roberts, Horning's Mills; High R•-gistrar, D. R. Keu.tedy, Montreal; High Cuaplain. A R. Galpw, Loudon Executive Coniutittee-li.. Elliott, Ingersoll; 51. E, Carroll, Mon- treal; D. Allan. Grimsby; A. E. J. Btssouette, M.mtreat; JI. Muudy, Galt. Mr. John Burgess, of Blnevale was re- appointed High Auditor by High Chief Ranger Stewart. Gauanoque was selected as the next place of meeting. Successful High Court Meeting held in Toronto. The meeting of the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters, held in Toronto last week was the most success- ful in the history ot the Order. Over four hundard delegates were present. It is interesting to note the growth of this society, especially siuce 1881. The membership then was bat 3,500 and the surplus in the insurance branch was $0.952 87,while on the 31st December, 1963, the meembership had reached 52,100, and the surplus $1,526,957.23. There was 7,439 members admitted to the Or- der daring last year. The year opened with a balance ou band of $1,310,159 70. The receipts for the twelve months from insurance pre. minms were $433,210 43 and from in- terest on investmeuts $52.224 46, making a total of , $485,434 89 receipts ofor an P aggregate of $1,795,591.68. Oat of this sum was paid for death claims $208,027,. 45, leaving a surplus at the end of the year Of $1,520,0117.23--a net inbrease for the twelve mouths of $216,807.44. The rate of which the surplus funds increased during the year was 16,5 per cent„ whioh is somewhat greater than COUNTY JUDGE'S COURT. The general session of the County Court opened on Tuesday afternoon of lust week before Judge D Tyle, with four jury and two non jury civil cases on the list. A grand jury was summoned to report ou two cases for assault resultiug iu bodily harm. The jury consists of Robert Huston, of Calborne' (who was chosen foreman); Samuel Calbeek, of Morris; Louis Eckmire, Morris; Jas. Grieve, Tuckesmith; Marshall Hard - sou. Grey; Charles Marks, Bayfield;Jas. Murray, Exeter; Thomas Richardson, Ashfield; Thomas Styles, Ashfield; Robt. Turner, Stanley: Samuel Wise, Tucker - smith, aud Hugh MauDouald, Goderich There was also one Surrogate Court case set down for trial. Barber v. Barber. -This was the Surro- gate Oourt action, to prove the will of the late William Barber, of West Wawa- anosh, who died the 4th of March last, in solemn form. Jas Barber, son of the deceased and oue of the executors, was the plaintiff, his brother's cliildreu being the defendant. W. Prnudtoot, K. 0. for plaiutiff. E L Dickinson for de. feudauts. At the opening of the case Mr. Dickiusou took exception to the framing of the action, as all the legatees were not made parties to it. His Honor, however,. decided to go on with the case, which was heard on Tuesday afternoon, jadt:meut beiug reserved. Webb v. Menzies. -Au action to re. , cover the price of a horse alleged to have been misrepresented. H. Morrison for plaiutifi, R. Vanstone for defendant The defeudaut, Menzies, is a horse deal• er who purchased a horse from W m. Webb, and subsequently the plaintiff's son F. Webb, got another horse in its place i'rom Mr. Menzies, paying the difference between the prices of the two autmals in cash in tltiug the arrangetueut that if it did not satisfy his father the horse was to be replaced by another oue. After trying the animal Mr. Webb sent it back aud broueht the action to re• cover its Arica. The defendant claims he kept his contract aud the horse that was returned is their for the plaintiff whenever he wants it. The actiou took all day Wednesday up to 3.30 p.m , when the jury retired. They returned itt 0.10 with a verdict for the platntilf for $149. His Houor directed, iu accordauce with the jury's verdict, that judgment be entered for $149 for the plaiutiff after thirty days with costs of the action on the County Court scale. King vs. Thos. Sherritt.-This is the action for the assault committed by Sherritt on his wife, which has been be- fore the courts on several previous oc- castons. The graud jury returned a true bill and the prisoner pleaded guilty be- fore His Honor Judge Doyle. In addess- ing the judge Orowu Attorney Seager asked that the prisoner be required to. furnish secueity to keep ,the peace, as although his wife had forgiven him his couduct was the culmination of years of harsh treatment of his family. Owing to Mr. Sherritt's flight to Miuneapohs after committing the brutal assault the expenses of the case were heavy,amount- ing to $435, and iu consideration of their amount Judge Doyle imposed an additional fine of only $100, the fine aud costs to be paid within twenty-four hours, or intprisoumeut until they were paid. The prisoner was also hound to keep the peace for two years on his own boud for $10,000 and two sureties for o $1,000 each. (slug vs. McLean. -This is the action for assault alleged to have been coin - mated by the architect who has been overseeing the building going on at St, Joseph on one of the officers of the new eotnpauy which recently took over the work The officer got into 'trouble with his architect by complaining that the work was not progressing faste soli h and the assault was the outcome, The jury brought iet n verdict of cornuion tissitult and His Worship directed judg. inent to be entered against the defendant for $75, to be applied to Wards the costs of the action. E. L. Dickinson conu9el for the defendant, the Crown Attorney prosecuting, - lsMJLSYaL$. Fred Johnston is home from Brant- ford. Mrs. MnLeau aud Mies Maggie Mo. Leau of Wiugham have beeu visiting Mrs. J. Johnston. (hiss Burdetta Geddes of Brussels vis. ited her aunt, Mrd, fleury pimeut last week Mr. Charles Coultes of Listowel spent Suuiay at home, Mrs. Robert Musgrove attended the funeral of a relative at Guelph last week. Mrs. Wtn. Gillespie of Toronto is visit- ing her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. John Burgess. An interesting and entertaining de- scriptive account of the Biuevale vs. Wingham School clubs football match is crowded out of this Issue, Look for it next week. Mr. Emerald Anderson of East Wawa. nosh spout Sunday with his grand. mother, Mrs. Anderson. Mr, and Mrs, Denuie and children are visiting Mrs. Dennis' parents, Mr. and Win. Smith.. Miss Aggte Smillie has finished her course at Loudou Normal School, and is home for vacation. Mr. R. N. Duff, and Miss Eva Daff were at Listowel ou Monday. Miss Ethel Kiug of Wingham was visiting her aunt, Mrs. George McDon- ald this week. Quite a number of peoplo took advan- tages of the cheap exclusion to Guelph nu Monday, eighty tickets being sold here. Mrs. Sanderson aud Mies Harriet San- dersou of Toronto are visitors in Blue• vale. Miss Janet Hood of Sunshine was visiting friends in the village this week. Will Elliott is spending a few days at Listowel. Miss Mabel Geddes was a visitor at Biuevale hist week. Miss Annie Howe of Clinton and Mrs. M. H. Elliott and children of Wutgharn were visiting Mrs. Hobert Mises re- cently. ■4ve Stock Markets. Toronto, June 21. -There was quite a break in prices at the city cattle market to •day from last week's quotations. For very choice cattle prices are still about steady, hut there are very few extra c'hoioe stall fed cattle now in the market. Nearly the whole of to•day's offerings were cattle bought off the grass, though including some good lots in part stall -fed. The demand, however, was vary slow, and even the good cattle did not seem to be badly wanted, and a good many loads of rnedintn cattle were left over. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle - heavy Light Bulls do, light Feeders light,800 pounds and up- wards 3 00 3 25 Stockers 2 50 3 12e 900 lbs 2 75 3 50 Butchers'- , Choice 4 25 Medium 4 00 Picked 4 50 Bulls 3 00 Rough 2 00 Light stock bulls 2 25 Milk cows :..30 00 Hogs- Best5 10 Lights 4 85 Sheep - Export 400 Bucks 3 00 Culls 3 50 Spring Lambs 2 50 Calves, each ... 2 00 Per 100 lbs. $5 OG $5 25 4 90 5 00 400 425 275 300 4 50 4 25 485 3 50 2 50 2 75 50 00 420 3 75 4 50 4 25 1000 tVIN(uAaL MARKET REPORTS Wingham, June 22th, 1904 Flour per 100 lbs.......... 2 00 to 2 Fall Wheat 0 88 to 0 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 Oats, 0 29 to 0 Barley .... ..... •..-0 40 to 0 Peas 0 55 to 0 Turkeys, drawn ...... 0 12 to 0 Geese, " 0 08 to 0 Ducks, per pair . , 0 60 to 0 Chickens 0 30 to 0 Butter 0 13 to 0 Eggs per doz• . 0 13 to 0 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 Hay , per ton.. . 7 00 to 7 Potatoes, per bushel 0 GO to 0 Tallow per 1b 0 05 to 0 Lard ,. 0 13 to 0 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 Wool 0 lei to 0 Live Hoga, per cwt. 4 90 to 4 50 88 00 30 45 60 13 08 75 60 13 13 50 GO GO 05 13 0.4 20 90 WINGHAM Machine Shop We are prepared to do all kinds of Machinery Repairing, and respectfully solicit your trade. Fanners, do not wait until you want to use your implements that need re- pairs, but bring them in and have them put iu good working order, so that they will be ready for use. Lawn ittowers, tricycles, etc., repaired. All work promptly attended to arid guaranteed to give satisfaction. W. O. PATON ler rAls 7'0 lits ootrro t talk throughout he country 9 that the student who intends to take a business or shorthand course, and wants to be placed in a paying place when graduated, should attend The Canada Business College, CiHATIl&111, ONT. $lStudonts of last year already earning over 000 per annum, 310 placed in 11 months. Do you know of any other business school getting such results? We pay your railway fare. Have you ever seen our catalogue ? If not, write for it andonter now. Address D, MoLACIILAN & CO., Cltatharn, Ont. Machinist and General Repair Shop, Victoria Street, Wingham . NORTH END BUTCHER SHOP. FOR SALE ! The residence of W. J. Chapman ON VICTORIA ST. This is one of the most cosy and desirable homes in Wingham. .i.pply to Having purchased Mr. Mitchell's in• terests in the Butchering business, I will continue the same iu the old stand, and solicit a continuance of the liberal pat- ronage of the past, and guarantee the P quality in best o q y Roasts of Beef, Veal, Lamb and Pork. Steaks, Chops, Soup Bones, Boiling Pieces. All orders delivered promptly to any part ofthe t h town: Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins. THOS. FELLS. Opposite Skating Rink. ABNER COSENS, WINGHAM ONT. A number of other houses for sale. C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyanoing done OFFICE -In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'clock. ItffgftWg WItg:ggl FINEPHOTOS ?A y1 CLEAR AND BRIGHT EGWe are now doing a nice line at )�fI j.1,25 a dozen. �lJ Call see .Iitem ati ff Armstron & Ca's Studio t ggMgM1rt NG' -IAM GRAND,TRU RAILWAY: $ll'�.-r'• E Nle World's Fair, St. Louis, Apr.: O•oee. 1, 1904 Intramural railway to all parts of the. groaud:, Floral Clock, dial 100 feet in diameter. $1.5.30 for round trip to the Great World's Fair, St. Louis with Ston -over privileges at Chicago, Detroit and Canadian stations. ' NoTE-On application to J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto, encloang 4 cents in stamps, Handsome illustrated booklet will be furnisher(. Through Palhnan Sleepers and Vestibule Coaches to St. Louis, running daily. DOMINION DAY Single face for round trip. Good going Juno 30 and. July 1, returning until Monday, July 4. Nome -Seekers' Excursions to points in Collodion North-west. $30 to $40.50. Good going June 23, returning until Aug. 20. Good going .Tuly 19, returning until Sept. 20. For tickets, illustrated literature regarding •Worltl'c•Fair, and full information, apply to 3. D. McDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, or L. HAROLD, Agent,Wingham. X89.'° ST. LOUIS AND RET URN From Winglmm. Good for 15 days. Stop -over at Canadian points, Detroit and Chicago. Proportionate rates from other points. Through sleeper for St. Louts leaves Streets- ville Jet. at 8.43e M. daily. Full particulars from. any Canadian Pacific Agent, or A, 11. Nutui.ni, Asst. Goneral Pas- senger aysenger Agent Toronto. esee OUR INTENTION . ••••••••..•••••••••N••••• 9••••••••••P••••••••••S1N I I Jas1 ' ilerr • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• When you want the best goods for the least amount • it of money, you'll finis this desirable combination:LC •• • the "BIM STORE." This is why TILLS STORE i • is so popular. • • • o • your• .... lAre • i• • • eath�er Warm O • • • 1 Clothes Ready• • o is to please -the determination is to satisfy, yes, to gratify. Some - things you may he sure of -always. aye. These for instance -yon benefit by all the 'know hews" that compe- tent tailoring has at its fingers ends. You benefit by having loads of var- iety to make your choosing easy. You have our promise that the fa- brics are fashionable -the pattern correct. And if you're acgnainted with clothigg values -you'll kuow we aren't charging you too niuoh. R. MAXWELL. LUGO Anli TAILOR. • • A man or boy to be cool needs a light weight snit that fits perfectly. • Iu our Clothing department we do just this thing -we mike von 110 t • and feel coutforteble, wails looking sm-trt awl wall dressed. W.ty • • not feel right and be comfortable this summer ? ® litre will be fen'il the NSW.EiT STYGE3 in Ol•ithi'ig, awl at a MONEY -SAVING PRICES. Your inspection invited,. • We show a splendid assortment of Men's and B tvs' Readv-to•wear • Clothing in plaiu and fancy all -wool worsteds, Imported and Cana- •• diau all -wool tweeds and flannels. We guarantee glality. M • • Try TIIE BIG STORE for YOUR NEXT SUIT • •• • • • • • • A If you prefer a TAILOR -HIDE siJir, then most decidedly this " Big • Store" is the pia •'a t i ger s ttisfaction. Hire can be seen a good • rave of Black W irsteds, Fancy Worsteds, Sages mei 'P,vialr, • We guarantee cloth, trimmings, workmanship au 1 at • Prices .... $10.00 to $125.00 j • • • • • • • • O • O • • • t Ordarei Clothing Dapartm3nt. • • ! • • • • • • e • O • • `•• O,nts' Furnishing Divartm,nt. •• • • In our Gents' Famishing Dapertmeut yon will find the very latest 2 • styles in Shirts, Cellars, Ties, etc. In this department oar high qualities O • and low prices are a combination hard to beat. 0 • Men's Underwear, per suit, from - - .CO to $2.00 r • Meu's flue m.rrino and. fancy cottan •H iia, a pr, .1 1 to .25 • • .... • •0 • BOYS' SHORT PANTS, all -wool Tweed, lined, all sizes •• • from 22 iu. to 32 ill. waist measure. Prices, .40 to .00 • • BOYS' SPRII'ED DIULE3I�IN PANE'S, lined, 22 to 32, •• Prices, - - .40 to .G,i • • • • BOYS' BfOWAtE�, bine denin, , 0 a e •Youths' and ban's fine all -wool Pants at money -saving pros • el Youths' and M-is'sStriped ?dileskiu Pa'ttsa'id Ore. ilk, bet cljgim s • • and black denim, with and without bib, at same price as b-ifore th i tt•lv,tnce • • iu material, R stn iotber, we carry in stock all sizes from the sin tllest to the • • largest. We hetet extra sizes in waist and leg measure in t le t.i oar order. 1 • No extra charge for special sizes. • • 0 •000e0•e0•e000e0o00o•eemes s•e•w••••was••s*s*aso*o•w• •vvvvvvvvvvvavvvvvvvvvvvvv YVYVVVvvvvvvvevvvvvvvrvvvv 4 4 s 4 4 41 pg 1® h•e:.a C,n:: �u.: . �•,.6' 611 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 '4 4 -4 4 4 4 SEEDS ! T. A. MILLS HAS JUST COMPLETED HIS STOCK OF 1 GardeH and field Seeds 1 0- ID- • ► ► ► - 4 Common Beed Clover -Mammoth Alsike 4 1' 4 -Crimson, Lucerne and White • i Timothy 4 -Orchard Grass =gentuck Blue Grass -Meadow Fescue, Red Top 10. -Lawn. Grasses, in paci ages of the finest mixtures. ► D• ► i r ILAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAA*iAAAAAAA AAAAAAhAAAALAAA,►Aa,LIAAAAA, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -Mangolds-Intermediate, Long Red, -Giant Sugar Beets -Goose Wheat. Call and see them i 4 4 i a 4 4 4.4 4 4 1 1 T. . MILLS1 1 4