HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-23, Page 3'FJIE 4VMMGJJA TIMES, JUNE '23 1904 Vete hertienete SYRUP Reals and Soothes the Lungs aad. Bronchial Tubes. Cures COUG$S, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HO,9R,SE- NESS, eto,, siuicker than any rem ayknow.,If you have that irri. tating OcIgh that keeps you, awake at night, a dose of the Syrup -wilt stop it at once, VOLD EOR EIG:I;T YEARS. I have used DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINES IIITP for every Cold I have had. for the past eight years, with wonder- ful success. I never see a friend with t1 eough or cold but that I recommend itr-• ¥. 211. Ellsworth, Jacksoevi]le, N.B. PRICE 25 CENTS, • INTENDED AS A BRIBE. Shutttco hood's Findings to the Bribery Charges Against Dr. Montaguo-Tho Launch of the Canada. London, ,June 15.-(e).A.1'.)-Jus- tice Hood of the Victorian Bribery Cotinnission, has found that Dr. Mon- tague gave money to Sir Alexander Seeacock, with the object of corruptly 'and improperly influencing him in the performance of his puhllc duties, but Sir A. I. Peacock had not received the said money with. any corrupt in- tent; also that Dr. Montague had offered money to George Mitchell, with the object of corruptly influence. lag him and Sir A. 1, Peacock, but that Mitchell had not accepted the Money. 'With Cann t;an tie. London, June 15.-(C. A. P.) -- A largo gathering yesterday wit- nessed the launching of the new Canadian cruiser Canada at Vickers -Sons -Maxim's yard at Barrow-in-Furness. Tho christening ceremony was perforiued by Lady Strathcona, Mrs. Howard being un- able to be present owi[1g to a severe cold. A bottle of Canadian wine was used in the christening. Tho principal dimensions of the vessel are: Length between perpen- diculars 200 feet, breadth moulded 25 feet i dept t 1 4 f c t. She has a ram stein and is fitted with two decks, and is armed. with four porn - porn guns, two forward and two aft. She is rigged as a fore and aft schooner. Her speed will be sixteen knots. Canadian Government lnspee- 1 tor Mooney expressed himself very much satisfied with the construction of the vessel. After the launch Lord Strathcona was permitted to descend into the interior. usually this privilege is on- iy accorded to the principal officials of the Admiralty. , At luncheon Mr. Douglas Vickers thanked Lacey Strathcona for per- forming the ceremony, presenting her with a handsome diamond and sap- phire brooch. Lord Strathcona, re- plying for Lady Strathcona, said he hoped that the new cruiser was but a starter of a Canadian fleet. Proposed Sugar Surtax. London, Juno 15.--(C.A,P.)--Earl Percy, answering- Mr. Gibson Bow- les, M.2'., said the question of a sur- tax leviable by the contracting Stat- es on sugar products is still before the permanent commission. The dis- cussion has been adjourned until next meeting. The sugar convention was `ratified under tine explicit declara- tion that His Majesty's Government would not consent under any cir- cumstances to be bound to penalize bounty -fed sugar imported into Bri- tain from any of the self-governing colonies. Money Letters Still Coming. London, June 15.-(0.A.P.)-Let- tors addressed to Williams, the Lon- don emigration crook, are still cora- Mg in batches every day from Cana- dian farmers asking that domestics be sent out and enclosing the tea shillini postal order fee. Misery is about the only real enjoy- ment a pessimist has. A1t, TE SEC�: y Y):Fj. ,,.ITY. Genuine arter's Little Laver fills. r.,..,r Must bestir Citenatur© of See Pae-S}n)1fo Wrapper t5etow. 4.03110 Teas boned end as easy *Eo take tats attdalr. FOR HEADACHE:, FOR DIZZINESS. FOR SiLiOOSNESS. FOR TORPID UvEE FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TEE COMPLEXION ttmsuroirtetnr MuITPotrt wA,u 114 7' Testable, rde CARTES ITtLE lvEa PILLSt 1 CURE SICK HEADACHE» justify the steps taken by Mr. 1l jsher deem it well to state that cacti explants.. �1�Y?� :N '�h1 C � (\��j o h 4t �11� �✓ 1J V�f„],4 tl it is not ti, neeessaxy i>:►xt oI t e re* cord. Even. if Mr..b'lshnr'rt :action had keen feta orrcneously stated there would steel ave beenytttictu n o to hna u io for course pursued by LortDund"nadrL Lore Dundonald is an ofileer of the Canadian government, a nigh officer, it is trite, but still an officer of the government,: tlubject to all the limitations which are usually Imposed upon nubile oflicilne in regard to the action cf their superior officers, roil AN OFFICIAL TO MAKE A PUBLIC ATTACK TJ10 MINISTERS Ole THE, GOVERNMENT UNDI'IR WHICF1: IIIc SEI;VIiS IS A PROCI41+IDING SO. TOTALLY .e.ee VARIANCE WITH THE PRINCIPLt WHIICH MUST NECESSARILY 0Ii- TAIN IN THE ADMINISTRATION' OE MILITARY, AS WI.11'.L AS CIVIL AFFAIRS, TFIAT IT CANNOT WI'L'H PROPRIETY BY OVERLOOKED. t'L' IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO OTITR1 VIS?tl THAN CHARACTERIZE THE SPEECH OP LORD DLINI)ONALD A GRAVE ACT OF INDISCRETION' AND INSUI30RDINANCE. In the sub- sequent proceedings further evidenoo has been afforded of Lora Dundonald's failure to appreciate the position he oc- cupies as a public official. It appears that he desired to make a further com- munication on the subject. Instead ref sending the communication to his mlui- ster he sent It to an opposition member of parliament and then forwarded a copy to the minister to whom It was delivered at the very moment when, as previously announeed, a statement was to be made in parliament. Regret 1•',xpr•estretl. "The sub -committee deeply regret that an officer of Lord Dundonald's high rank should have been tie misguided aq to fall into thee grave errors and to pursue a course which. if ignored, would be fatal to that discipline and insubordination to constituteel authority" which are essential in both civil gov- ernment and military service. For the reasons herein set forth. the sub -come mittee nclviee that the Right Bon, the Earl of Dundonald he fo;:tewtth relieve3 of hie poeitinn as treneral officer rem, mantling the militia in Canada. The committee of the privy council Concur in the foreeMng and submit the sante for approval." (S1eprd) T, J. McGee, Clerk of the privy council. alas Formed \e 'Plans. London, Ont., June 15. --.Lord Dun- donald, interviewed at 2 o'clock this morning, said he had received a tele- gram at 11.30 p.nt, yesterday con- veying an intimation that an Order - in -Council had been passed dismissing hits from office. lie said he did not wish to discuss the subject at pre- sent. He could not say what he would do. He had not formed any 1 plans for future action. Lord Dandenaid at London. London, June 15. -Lord Dundon- ald, accompanied by his aide-de- camp, Capt. Newton, arrived in this city at noon yesterday. Lord Dun- donald's entering into London was veryquiet,and a d that ho felt the then uncertainty of his position was evi- denced by the fact that he wired ahead to this city to make no dis- t play of any kind and to not provide the usual guard of honor. The G. 0. C. visited Carling's ITci,ghts during the afternoon and in- spected the second brigade, which was put through the Dundonald drill, and he appeared to be satisfied with the officers and risen. He did not, however, hold a general review. The Niagara. Militia Camp. Niagara -on -the -Lake, June 15• -In almost perfect weather the Niagara camp was opened yesterday. By nightfall from 400 to 500 tents dotted the plain, and everything is now in readiness for the opening of routine to -day. The camp con- sists of the 8rd, 4th and 5th Bri- gades of Infantry, the Cavalry Bri- gade, the 4th, 7th and 9th Field Bat- teries, Army Service Corps, 4th and 7th Field hospital Corps and a squad of Royal Engineers. The 3rd Brigade, commanded by Lieut. -Col. Delamere, is made up of the 37th, :39th, 44th and 77th Regiments; the 4th I3rigade, by Lieut. -Col, Mason, is made up of the 12th, 31st, 34th and 36th; the 5th Brigade, by Lieut.- Col. ieut:Col. Cruikshank, is made up of the 23rd, 20th and 35th. In the Cavalry Brigade are the lst hussars, 0.0.13. 0., 2nd Dragoons, Toronto Light Horse. The only new regiment this year at camp is the 2:3rd of Parry Sound. The 97th, of last year, is at the Ottawa camp. 0.0.0.Rel d l v e s of Command by an Order.in-Ooungil, HON MR, FISHER ,JUSTIFIED Lora Dundonald Guilty of own, insultor. rilnution-Be Ilad Every Oi)portuglty to Appeal to the Mlnietre Defoe') $laking Hid endiser4ut Speech at Mont;•eal-.Rias Formed No Flame Ottawa, June 15, -An Order -in. Council sanctioned by the Governor- General yesterday relieves Lord Durr- donald of his duties as 0.0,C, of the Canadian militia. The Order -in - Council as handed out late last night is as follows: EXTRACT FROM A REPORT OP THE COMMITTEE OF THE HON- ORABLE THD PRIVY COUNCIL APPROVED BY HIS F"XCEI.LENCY THE. GOVERNOR-GENERAL ON THE 14TH DAY Ole JUNE, 1904: The sub -committee of council having had under consideration . certain re- cent public utterances of the Earl of Dundonald, 0.0.0„ on the Canadian militia and a report in relation there- to by the minister of militia, report as follows: "On the 8th day of June, 1904, the attention of the minister of militia was drawn to a despatch in one of the newspapers of Ottawa purport- ing to give a report of a speech made by Lord ] undoneed at a dinner in Montreal in which hd assailed the gov- ernment and particularly the Hon. Mr. Fisher, minister of agriculture, in relation, to their action in militia af- fairs. On the same day the minister of militia addressed a letter to Lord Dundonald calling his attention to the report and enquiring whether it cor- rectly stated his utterances, and the attendant circumstances. To this a reply wars received from Lord Dun- donald admitting the substantial cor- rectness of the report in question. Lord Dundonald's general remarks on what he calls political interference. ate well as those in relations to the particular case, which he mentions indicates on his part a regrettable failure to appreciate the principles oe British constitutional government, Lord Dundonald's recommendation of any gentleman's appointment as an officer of the militia would in itself have no force or effect. et could only become effective atter receiving (1) the approval of the minister of milit'a; (2) the approval of his excellency the governor-general in council. The power of approval on the part of ehcl; of those authorities must of necessity carry with it the right of enquiry and rejection. In the case of members of the cabinet, while all have an equal degree of responsibility in a constitutional sense, yet in the pt•'u' neib'.e gov- tical w'otltilig - ernment in a country of such vast ex- tent as Canada, it is found n"eeeasary to attach a spocini reepensibility to each minister for the public affairs of the province or db trict with wise* he has close political connection, ane with whim- itis colleagues may not be so welt acquainted. Mt. L+'iMber'n Pax]tton. "Mr. Fisher, while sharing with his colleagues that general responsibility alrectey referred to, represents in a particular manner the eastern town- ships of tke Proves( e of Quebec. If, when it was propcsel to forth a new regiment in that diarist. he interests -t himself in the wore: and £'ought to make the organizetlon effective, he was not merely exereisleg a right; he was discharging a duty due the people of the district and to his colleagues in the cabinet, who w.oulti expect Hint to in- form himself of all the facts and :ui- vise them before approval by the cabi- net of the proposed arrangements. Mr. Fisher states that so far as his inter- ference related in any way to politics It was not to give the new regiment a political color, but to guard against that very evil, which he had reason to be•'-• was one of the causes of fail- ure of some previous efforts to main- tain efficient military organizations in the eastern townships. He interfered no:: to have the regiment officered 1,y hix awn particular friends, but to see that capable military men of all poli- tical colors received ar; far as possible equal consideration. That he did not seek to,give his own political color to the regiment is abundantly evident by the fact that of eight names subrnittee In the list, only one was struck out by him, and by the further fact that a majority of the gentlemen of the corps given commissions with his approval are his political opponents. "In the ease of the gentleman par- ticularly mentioned by Lord Deaden - aid as having been objected to, it Inas been shown that he had never been in any way connected with the militia and therefore was not regarded as a suitable person to have the rank of Me or, and that Mr. Fishersher recommend- ed for the place anotherentleman who was also a political opponent, but who was well qualified by military service for a position of command. "It should be added that at the time of dealing with that particular case, as set forth by Lord Dundonald, Mr. Fish- er was not acting merely as a minister specially interesttd in the easteen township affairs, altho such position would have given him an undoubted right to advise; he was acting for and witrt the authority of the minister of militia, who was absent from the city, and therefore his action had all the force and authority of action by the responsible head of the department of militia and defence. In view of these gets It is difficult to reach any other conclusion than that the action taken by Mr. Fisher •tvae entirely within his right and duty as a cabinet minister and entirely In the interest of a none partisan militia service. "It is of importance to observe that the liet from which one name was struck was completed by the approval Of his excellency the governor-general on the 31st of May. At that time the minister of militia had returned to the capital and was In daily attendance In his office, while Lord Dundonald Was In similar attendance in his office in the same building. It Lord Dundonald had any reason to be dissatisfied With the list in rte attended forret, his ob- vious duty Was' to call on the respon- elble minister and invite a discussion of the subject. This he did not do. He made 116 relireeentations whatever til his minister, but proceeded to mention and make his speech attacking the &d - ministration under which he was serv- ing. • 1 incontrlrt*t01 t'ositlon. "The sub eonnmlttee, while drawing attention .tq the reasons :which fully, GREAT LAKE TIE-UP ENDED. More Than 100,000 Men Idle For Six Weeks Go to Work. Cleveland, 0., June 15. -After six weeks of a tie-up on the great lakes that has directly involved a couple of thousand men, but indirectly more than a hundred thousand, who have been idle, because of its existence, a cessation was brought to the strike Last night by the surrender of the masters, who, with the pilots, have been holding out for a more uniform scale of wages this season than was offered by the Lake Carriers' As- sociation. s- setLion whose boatstS were most affected by the difficulty between the vessel owners and their employes. The strike was declared off last night by Paul Rowell, district captain of the Masters' and Pilots' Associa- tion. PPRDiCARIS STiLL HELD. The 1`cgotletions With Bandit Chief liaisnli Drag. Tangier, June 15.-A courier tram Ilaisuli, the bandit chief who kidnap- ped Messrs. Perdicaris and Variey, arrived hero during Monday night. , United States Consul -General Gunn. Mere and the British Minister sub- sequently visited :Mohammed El Tor- res, the representative of the Sule tan of Morocco, to discuss the con- tents of Ttaisuli's message. The dis- tance of Ttaisuli's headquarters mate - es the negotiations drag. it is now thought possible that the captives will not be released this week. hectors Wore ftp tarty, Toronto, Julie 15.• -One hundred doctors assennbled and began went: at (3.30 yesterday morning in the University Medical Building, 'Teehui- cal papers were read and nomina- tions for ofdiee made. The annual dinner will take place at 1.30 this 1 afternoofA . 1 Auk 511,>fj HAVE TO STOP HER cailaed the light craft WORK AND SIT DOWN,L �.t LOST WQaft to upset. `Tr. d HOW MANY WOMEN HAVE TO DO THIS FROM DAY TO DAY? MIILI3L'HN'S HEART AND NI:1l'.'J PILLS aro a biassing to women ill this condition. They cure Nervousness, ieol1>lossness, Palpitation or the heart, Faint and Dizzy Spells, V1'uakness, Listlessness, and all troubles peculiar to the female sex. Mrs. James Taylor, Salisbury, N,B.,In recent- mending thein says • About eight months ago Iwas very badly ruridow•n.was trnublerlgreatly with palpitation of the heart and would get so dizzy I would have to leave my work and sit down, I seemed, to be getting worse all the tune, until a friend advised ino to try MIL - MIEN'S HEART AND NII1tVE PILLH, I for them,tand I cans eeuxuymendlthyeta -claim o allll run-down wotnen. Priue 60c. )tor box, or3boxes for $1.25; all deal - ere, or The Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Qnt. LOST $5'030 IN TEN MINUTES. New Ycrk, June 1.1, -'That it is nese v'ble t'a lees $.i tele int tent minuiee by pdo3'ina "Engine' fere" in New Vorlt, that tit's •vises do Tyn ,f know; where the game tt•ts played. an -e that the victim nil)" it-tvt nu 1^.g:il r'r.tcdy, v:ere stti tit., fset:; beetteht. out to- ddy in ucass heard b•.fa0rit M gis- tr'ite clover in the w•., site' ee•urt. I'r.•d rick lehirr••n, c•'; Illi El'e0:t shalt, JJu.fel:r, wan tea. carbt:l'in-1.nt anti the pr.sneer was 1'eter Ferrestel, of 1;3 tee ecu 51 ret, I3u.f 110, The Jae- '• r had a bidly cat 11 eel which, h staled, the rumpl'titntn i 11'td can't' i bti' sir:kin; hint witl•j a ein'. Warren ;old the atta;;i:;,trete 'that' lrorrestcl hid told pim fleet a friend of .1.1e had m de 82:1009,6e0 in Mali s; rac•t' zit t tut a (.;rant; (hal of, money acini lr_, won fr'trt 11t s. GOen)tat :nn et Inch Iles , rep rigneti :•d pray:tid rcu li neo'x'y wee is' s'ght t > i:l u coanbinntion against. them crrJ' Ira- i tort. iJi•ot t li s rt prestent. it i..n, ar- ren sty,, ha drew i,i.Otltl-the s-tv'n;^, of a I:fet'm•e- flr,r:t a b t k ' r ur Dai- ren), f fele, and cams 10 ties c:tv. When he r..a(tbrd New• "Yuri: 10s, eve:lin, , 1;" 5,•tys, Fcrrr',tt'1 '.>'k h':n to o peace and intrc.'u.sd him to Alyea al her1 ' inetubrrs al it:c• (".r; lra1ian, Almn.,t ititin,d:at:•}y n gam whirls he :cfler-' w'arrds 1t;•trna 1 wt 0111'1 '•la: rli.at fa NI." WAS 1:-r.i1)1t4 1. all 1 WIlrr,•n wafs as-ur•4 11 .t 11.' ca -:1.1 Its: 1 se. Tee. a'.vs int.• itee ;&'r, he toll tiir tt.c1•,is:r1L.i les tc,is)b7 1:;:•1 reni.a:us,t Itamsclen of 1 tshei'ntan's Island .an James Cockerill, 411 Pape avenue, went to their assistance. They auc. ceetled in rescuing Bell, 1ut before Richelieu Liner Canada Sunk in they could veldt J)ougiass lie sank $t, and did not come to the surface I.awrenoe Colllion, t again. Jumped Overboard. I Kingston, .Tune 1;3. ---Gertrude I''ee WASSTRUCKBYCOALCARRIER govis, aged 113, who bas been visit- Ife l,brs, or threw }ail r, lf2eSince ovrrl,nnt' from The Coder Caps Isteton Made a IIolo la the or American at 1 a.m., the Canada 3i Feet Wide acrd Went about 'two utiles front this Through xor 1G Feet -Inside of 1 city, returning from a trip to ('lay Ten Minutes the ter. otl �"os- ton, N.Y. She had gone over with a party composed of ?lire. Kimball, rel Hank in Party .1t'uut 13fary Brooks and Fred Dailey o! Kingston. She and haste • had a till: of Water. ) 3 . on hoard boat and Ire had just left Sorel, Que , .Tune 13. -The steamer her, according to the account given Crepe Breton, a cooler, anchored in by Mrs. Kimball. i4he was standing the port of Sorel, started. about 3.30 by the rail on the upper deck as the yesterday morning for Quebec, male- • boat turned around Leader Island. ing a long curve and then entered • The boat lurched and she wont overs the St. Lawrence River to follow the board, though a gentleman standing channel. Ten minutes later she ran by her side tried to save her. The into the R. & 0. N. Co, steamer Ca- captain was told, but he did not bee nada, three miles below Sorel, strik- limas the story, thinking that it was ing her amidships, retaking a hole ov- but a rumor, and being considerably er 35 feet wide. and going through engrossed with troubles of his own, her about 15 fret, almost cutting the There were five free fights on board Canada in half, Inside of ten min- ; and he had all he could do to keep Ines the steamer Canada sank in for- , order, When the boat was about 600 ty feet of ;eater, yards from this city she gave fire The pressure of the water lifted the = whistles, the signal for the police, upper deck, giving a chance to all } and they put aft and arrested five the passengers to climb up the deck men. One man had been stabbed in of the wrecked boat and transfer on the lip. They will, all be given a board the steamer ('ape Breton. . hearing to -morrow. Miss . Some of the fifty passengers threw was it native of (antiage, N.ee themselves with life preservers into i the river, where letter on they were ..— Y. picked up by small boats. VICTIMS OF RUNAWAY. So far as known five persons were drowned as follows: Mrd. Hamilton Will Die, Three Others M. Thibault, assistant agent It. & I;a,liy Kurt. O, N. Co,, Quebec, and his two sons. Trenton Juni! 13.-A bad accident Pursers Bonneterre and Brunette, ' employed by lift' Government at So- took Place here yesterday afternoon rel. about 4 o'clock. George Hamilton, All the passengers erre refonht to iris wife and daughter. Annie, F. G. Sorel by the steamer i'rmfon caws, Crowder and wife, Walter Young and which was on her way from tlueheewife and daughter, Violet, were out tied were taken care of by tete Meyer,rect, driving. Mr•, Hamilton, who is pro - C, C, ,Parades, one of the directors prietor of the Aberdeen ITotel, was of the It. & O, N. Co, About sixty driving then. all behind his spirited passengers lost all their clothing, team- The team, froth some cause, and were supplied by lar. Parades. took fright and ran away. In spite The body of Mr. Tlttbault was of the efforts of Mr. Hamilton, they found a couple of hours after the bolted toward the river and jumped collision. An inquest was held last in. In the scramble that ensued one night at 10 o'clock. of the horses was killed. Mrs, slam- Thousands of people from Sorel ilton was so badly hurt that she is i and other places came stere by excur- expected to die. Mr. Hamilton was ::r.ro>.3 iht' 6.411 ,1. 1t.e 111•71 1111•14!t ep on i'•orres, A, and :icon; ••l bun c.f r•t.b b.try and struck h.'attotal the head wi;b a e toe. Iiia w.ts tttrtbl s t is tell 111, unigistrat•. Where 1li.' g+urn' was play t.d, and la it+n F•emres,;ti 1•1,1:1 the your. that ha aly) had p}'1y' 1 :tat lea I eel SOU, the rvanplainnnt w -a•; inferne, o that 11 hid no redrr,s, and. the arie- er1 r was ci:scllarg.sti, "Vcu really dem s dawn from Buff tl:e for t h t per- l.w:e of betting selle*body e1 -s," .e•'1id eteetis,xttte 3Iayo to Warren, "and iu that u;, the law doge) not help you ever, in a civil way. Th•t.L' has, been deeiti,ad by the Court, of Appeals. '!'iters is ole evidence here. of a crime end 1 will !rive to discharge the Eris- oner," The latest thing in surgery is the making of voices by meals of au nrtifi.- , vial larinx and vocal c)rrls. Vona s thus produced are capable of infection, and the patients can talk so as to be un- derstood. The Brown six inch gun nearing com- pletion at the works of the Reading Iron Company, is designed to throw a project tile; thirty utiles. The taut is twenty-six feet long, wettths 20,0eu peun48 and is made v w u a ,• 1 e The inventor of this gun says it.; will built another of tett Melt More with a range of 51 miles. Are a Sure and permanent cure for all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. BACKACHE is the 'first sign of Kidney Trouble. Don't neglect it I Check it in time 1 Serious trouble will follow if you don't. Cure your Backache by taking DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Sion teams and went out on large stento yachts to the wreck. The value of the ('analla is over three hundred thousand dollars. She: is a total loss. Blames Capt. St. Louis. Quebec, June 13, -Tho steamer Cape Breton, which collided yester- day morning at Sorel with the C steamer m Canada > a a (fh It ofthe S: U. Navigation Co„ arrived in port at 1,30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Sergeant McCarthy, chief of the Pro- vincial Police, and Constable Thorn went on board immediately, accord- ing to orders from. the authorities to make arrests, because atomisers of the crew were accused of having com- mitted robs;cry at the scene of the wreck. They found nothing else than a few we preservers belonging to the Canada. and the Cape Breton was allowed to continue her trip to North ''N(. Capt. Reid of the Cape Breton, says that he was on the right course when his vessel struck the ('ur.ada. He says that the collision could Pave been easily avoided by the Canada if . Capt. St, Louis of the litter boat had taken notice of a signal of alarm which he had given. The Can- ada was struck on the starb(surc}, and in tett athletes her 11uIl. had sunk to the bottom, leaving part of her deck and cabin afloat. 'There were some sixty passengers on board outside the crew, fife salvage boats of the Cape Bre- ton sut•ceeed in taking on board most of thein, and the victims of the wreck were taken later on to Sorel by the steamer l'refouteine. Loos Only 58100.000. Montreal, June 1:3. -There were about 1111) people on board the ( an- ada, including passengers and crew, Col, Henshaw and H. Markland Mo} - son, directors of the company, being I of the number. There was no panic. The Canada was built in 1586, and • the loss is placed at 3190,000- The Cape Breton sustained little or no damage. Drowned at Toronto. Toronto, June 13. -It was a sad ending to a Sattu•day afternoon's outing which resulted in the drown- • ing of Llewellyn J. Poole. Mr. Poole and Miss Gladys 3teKibbon, SR Will- cocks street, had been canoeing on the Ilumber and were On their way Many Billed or injured :year the Depot homeabout,.30 when a gasoline at Msoma7, ils, launch, owned by T 7. Emory, over - St.. Paul, .Minn., ,lune 13. -An ex - took them. There was a picnic. party cursian train bearing 700 people was from (.race Hospital on the launch. run Otto by a switch engine in the They offered to tow the canoeists liinnoapolis yards about a. mile froth along. The assistance was accepted, the Union Depot last night, and it is and all went, well fora lr a tin reported many were killed and in - until the canoe shipped a little we- tenet. ter. 1'Itis, it is thought, made Miss The train was a Minneapolis and McT' ibbon nervous, St. Louis speciai, which loft St, :IIr, Poole attempted to move for- Paul yesterday morning on an ex - ward to unfasten the tow line, in the cursinn to Carver, Minn. It bore Arlington t s amp of the Modern evs drawn mer e ,eHe a d a L lit i th wet t. ed- \\',batmen and their friends. grabbed the young lad.- and sucrned- ed in keeping her above water until While returning, to this city last help reached them from the launch. night just• after passing through the She was lifted into the larger boat Minneapolis depot, the train ran and then Poole suddenly stint: and min a switch engine, and the first' did not rise again. two cars of the excursion train were The body was recovered ;undue at telescoped, and the occupants were noon by Alex. T3anckhatd of the It, either killed or injured. The reports. C. Yacht Club, and .1. i,i rummer- which have reached this city state ford, and removed to 1.s. W. .flat- that many were killed. thew's undertaking establishment. Mr. Poole teas ell years of age and Canada Rejects Immigrants. lived with his widowed mother at New York, Jane 13. -The French 808 ITnron street. Tee carried on streamer Malou arrived yesterday business as a mannfaetnrer's agent from Bordeaux, via Montreal and in the Manning Chambers. 'Ito was a Quebec, where she landed thirty cab - nephew e)f Dr. MMTeibbon. in and 417 steerage passengers. 1 Stood Fp In Canoe, 'Twenty-three steerage passengers,: 'i6rnnnto June 1 -Harold Doug. who had been rejected by the Cana - severely kicked by one of the horses. Walter Young had two ribs broken, and his wife was injured internally. Tho two children were rescued after - -- �-. they had been under water for some time, SIR 1 ILFRIA LAURIER. I'reenier's Stirring Speech la Aspiy is Oi Position Leader's Autendxteut it+ 1r1+e.>1- +r gat For "Adequate" r'reterttipds Ottawa, June 16.-"I do not en. peat that because 1't'ovidenco is with us the Canadian people will be against us, though that apparentlm is the reason why the Opposition should be against us," "Su'. I cure not what thooriee are, I want to be practical, and this country utast be ,practical, above all things." "toter being eight years in othee I think, 1 can say in the Itresence of friend* and adversaries that we have not been imitators; we have been ourselves. We have not walked merely ixt: beat- er) paths; we have hewed out our own way," "We iritroduced a pre- ferential tariff; We did not imitate any other elation; we originated it." "This year, again, in order to meet a modern evil which, has resulted from new methods in highly^ protect- ed countries, we have invented A policy which we have every reason tia believe will prove entirely ef'!ectual•'s 'these are the eloquent words in which Sir Wilfrid Laurier expresser the confidence, shared by his en, thusiastic and cheering supporters,; that when opportunity again offer$ tate prosperous and contented people, of the Dominion will sustain the Ade ministration under which the Domine iou has progressed as it never pro- gressed before. The occasion was SA amendment offered by Mr, 'R, I!.: Borden. reiterating the demand of the Opposition for "`adequate" protege tion, hi which the leader' of the Op- position again presented his polio upon the fiscal question. The debate was continued by, Messrs. Holmes of West Theron. Tirade er of Dundas, Ilughes of 'Icings, 1*,t L.T., and leriah Wilson. Business of the Session. Before the orders of the day were called, in reply to a question by Mr. R. L. Borden, Sir Wilfrid Laurier announeed that there aro one or two minor Government bills and a. measure to attend and improve the election law to be brought down. Mr. W. F. Maclean intimated that the arrangement made by the Rail- way Committee to consider his bill establishing a two -cent passenger rate on the 26th inst. would not pre- vent him shoving the same in the House in amenchnent to Mr. Fitz- nttt.rick's bill. C.P.R. Brakeman Killed. Ottawa, June 13, -Charles Stew- art,C.P.R.brakeman, A PP r Ill k' b a n a was killed in a wreck at Thistle siding, six miles east of Chalk River, on Satur- day. A sprite; on the front of a box car on the freight. train dropped and the car striking it, left the track. The cars following piled on it. Stew- art, who was an the seventh car, was badly mangled, and died a few hours later in the Pembroke Hospi- tal. He belonged to Carleton Place and was married. Fatally lilt By a Train. Port Arthur, June 13.-A Finland- er named Matt Anderson received in- juries yesterday morning- from which he is not likely to recover. He has been employed on the C.P.R. section at Mackenzie, and arrived in town Saturday night, It is believed 11•' got intoxicated and went to sleep on the. railway track. When tint east- bound express passed through here early yesterday morning it struck Anderson, knocking hirer into the ditch. His leg was shattered, an arm fractured and two large scalp wounds inflicted. Switchman Injured. Toronto. June 13. -Arthur Little- john, a switchman in the yards at Little York, was struck by a shunt- ing engine and thrown down an em- bankment, while at work yesterday morning. Ile was found to have sus- tained a fracture of the right Heigh, a fracture of the pelvic bon.' and some severe scalls wounds, Thrown From Rig. Dutton, ,Tune 13. -George H, Shea - herd, Councillor of Va•;nonth town- ship, was driving near his home in South Yarmouth Friday afternoon when his tenni ran away, throwing him out. He sustained a fracture of the right collar -bone, was bruised on the side and otherwise badly shaken up, BAD TRAIN ACCIDENT. western gap when the 0an00 upset or TT1i1 C lass. 20 years of age, who came froxt dian authorities as unfit to land, . Owen Sound si"c weeks ago, wan owing to traeoma, were brought here.: drowned in the bay opposite I"reden Ick street yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Tlougless and a companion William Bell, with whom he roma at 346 Berkeley street, engaged Cavae et Evans' boat house. Whet • nbOut a suarter of a anile from short These immigrants will probably be' returned to Bordeaux by the Ellis Island attthorities. Mod Ager? 110 Years. Washington, Pa,, June 1.3.-4.Irs, Maria Cooper. colored, barn a Slava j young Douglass stood up for the pun ret Winchester'. Va., died here yeStt to Diose of putting on his coat, W1Iicl tdAy, aged 110 youth ' t R a, D t %t F . Bicycle Tire .ltL Idea for an adverti,ement fon' i)unlop I)etaritrhie Sege 0 Tire, ,ugge,ted 1) Me. li. G Leonetti., .11111.r, .\•;.iniheiu, 4.fl1tc r of t1.n, price aw.+rood by situ 't•t7y for the best 43t4.eer 1u ell - i' tidle. "Why the Puller le, tt. 11 - able 1;:, tvie 1'irt;s , ih: J .p- ancoals ? :' !VS " To Arms," with the ,Lip, And 1112 l ntssihns retired. MAktr n t a It's " Two Hands," to itll Dunlop, i'aa,r are th,• .+t,ty eon n^ed And the bicycl's re -tired