The Wingham Times, 1904-06-23, Page 22
TO ADVERTISERS { BANISH THE WRINKLES, 'The report of the egetels ition earn- ;Miner, thee George Gibson be moannifrtrr w *s tole% up, Ni,.. '1tele nut Intended ae Inspector of concrete work ou
otteupylul; the +emir, nand pdssad burls lu 1 the new bridge to be erected ora the bor•
Office not later than aatur(ia,r reef!. '-' Committee acrd t:onucil. x ile s qulat'2ta• j (lacy of Grey and Howick townships.
The copy for Granges must be left In hlRny Cases They Are Merely tion remains the same as lase year, The( Carried,
not later than. Monday evening.
Notice of changes must be left at WS
Signs of the Alllnelttri Of aneersment is lay fo lewi , , Muted by 'Messrs. !miller and Spank-
Caaual advertiselue>xts rai a:apted til: To NSUIPS. i matt the( the wardeu, clerk and the
Women* Ashfield ,.... , ... $1 !(,)8,9:31t
to noon Wednesday of easel week. r i tt' a to l of the rand and bridge commits
.,.. ; ,- - ,- _,, , _.". Leilburne 1 (Web.) tee alums with Mr. Aueley open the tete
-v. _ _-... A women's f:lt'Q plainly indicates the farudetlea . lett,r.i,. dors and let the eoutruet tor the pro -
ESTABLISHED tele. of to r health. Wrinitles whi' It l;rey , '; Ott erect posed clew bridge in the south of the
• very tt ronin dreads. . ttr„ not ru ePn»ari)v Il ie, 1 7 74.ezel • et uuty. Scut to road mud bridge cow-
fiep Tins, la
: i;; , of t,d,,. Palm of ruse, wriut ar s Ilmvick , , ....... 2 215,690 wncee,
IIIE 3 ad a pr• ulatu'•P►y ng,'41 a.ppearanea nrF Hol t+tt .. 2 ! IG.liiO 3 second report of the colli laud bridge
rhe nee word int -tient ion of those filtufnrs !
ii. B.1FL`LIQT'1'.PUHr.Tsiten ANn Piemonte.' 4 Th„„ / f'1 et wnntnkl'td alone• and from
MCIf;illop•� 2 088,4111 %heahtttee wee passed, Ur. Ootittully iu
' Morris .... 1,re ees6 the chide.
wl+ich�' hP t• a often suffers. in uncmtl Stanley ..... 1,838,NOU The filiation committee reported pay-
i'1•n11t1t1R' nl'MI'(`e, rattle r than tr•,i1F11'lt 0 Stt•pllen. .... i,Jl•I,48t1 want Of a large lie Inkier of aiCuuuts aid
doctor. In this cin tition Dr, 'Williams' 'puckarswitli. 1,9113.214 recuwnteuded pey useut Of wauy More.
:Ptak Pals fl2 woolen's hast friend. ',I'ttrnberry .... . .... .. 1,110,357 They recowntellded that the matter re -
""Ii y act .ally molt' Z2.W tido rad t*ahorne 2,01.1,2'00 tenet; w the Logan and MiKULop bonne
.1 od, and tins blood Hating upon the
E. Wawanosh 1,294,931 dare, survey be lett over to the December
u(ry<b -:u _ ..1!,1 .�l) erg.ns ',f 1!,7 Ire.. W W0.lsauosh 1,428, it0 sesbiou ; that a !snit be placed to cost of
The county
council ()weed at 3 lenge new h , it n tie hap:au -Se to mea Y fun.imhings and reputes. The equ.thzed
Tu\res AND zLIAaEe, essrsemrnt the; fvuud to be $32,301,290
Bayfield,... • , , . , . , , , , • , $ S0,1180 and to 1 Oise $4$,068.81, the amount rta-
Bussels .... ... 221,000 quire., it would be necessary to impose
a rate of lee mills un the dollar. The
emu utittee advised the issuiug of deben-
tures for $25,000 for fifteen years at 806
to (:over .oust of, cunsrrnotiou of bridges
and addition to -house of refuge. The
report passed, Mr. Couuolly iu the chair.
.. The report of the execUtt1e committee
W08 theu taken up and passed, Mr. La.
wont presiding.
The executive committee recommend-
ed the acceptance 0t F. B. Holmes' tow
der for the coal for the court homes, re-
t;tstry office and jail, it beteg the loweet
of the four received,
THURSDAY. JXtNI: 21, 1904.
ti`, ata a '41 dt s.,0,I( +ut st rnnPtt. errs
o'clock on Taesday Jane ech all the I r the McK,•r". Chiokuev, N. W. T., tt4
members !.resent except !kit'. Ritter few the bent fit of other suffering tvonvan
how she fo•uir1 new health through the
eon'ase0of Dr. \FtIlirutt+t' Fink P011a. "Fur
A circular Pram tee calling of 0 t i s111areatigi1 year I
tarito relating to G lad Roads Ass0eia- ' all
•'ted wit11%11A
aihue+ts that
tion Was sent to road and bridge cow- make the liven of eo many of my sPx
miserable. Thesuffering I endured can
uli.ttee. wl a e. g
A letter from W. Prnsldfnnk. I%. C„ 4 milt be und,•rstan i by those similarly
i afiltatrd. I tried many tnedicines bnt
regarding washout at Putt Albert, was ! found none tll•it helped ate lentil i' hegee
sent to road and b idge committee. !rill, nos of Dr, Wtllianis' Pink Pills
Notice from the board of trustees of rhea' hive actnsily tnarle me feel like n
t p. •rc,n. »•Id the Fnti„ring I h:ad en
Blyth ..,.. .... .....
Gotlerloh .... 875,80U
Hensall ..... .... . 150,000
Seaforth ....... . ..... .... 512 900
Wiugham 354,700
Wruxuter t3U, i 50
. 541,880
Total $34,801,290
Tenders for coal were emit uu to exe-
ListOlvel hi:h school teas received, I ' v p cativo cutum►tteo.
,lured AUnosr 41301100 tnsly ban pflcs,ai The j slier reported tho following
stating that pupils front this county !,tw,ly. and life es nn longer the harden it prisuuera in the jail et present: li,.,b re
-will be admitted on same teruin M. i omc,N seemed. 1 think these pills worth Wallace, Win. eauthubuu, J. W. Gibson, Moved by Mr. Spackman, secouded by
', resideut pupils. Scut to eduautiml i the it \v 2rht in eokl to all wlln starer Samuel Tudd, tugrauoy ; George Mr. Lockhart, that the clerkbeutarrnct-
1 from female complaint or general pros. ychtueryers, Jae. Gnaw, \tra. Pulley, ed to write to the clerks of Middlesex,
committee, ; mitten." lusaenty; John Oliver Ours.,u, larceny. Welliugtan all(1 Waterloo uouuties. tor
Claims of high schools at Walkerton. I We ',Flt every enti•tring woman to give Ur. Grtfilu also expressed the W011 that, copies of bylaws relating to hawkers.
Dr. Wiliam' Punk Pills a fair trial. the euuueillune ell ,incl go down and ex- and pedlars' 'menses, and to report at
They will not clisnppniut ynn aud the awiue the jul, ug tht•re unci bleu a great ' the December eessiou. Also that the
benefit they will give in not for an
hour deal of wet k Gotta whew the last meeting. clerk ask the solicitor for his opiutuu re-
ly a day -It is permanent. lou can get The hot water syetepi put int by Mr. Lee eardiig the question, so that rhe neater
Thos. E Hays, ,,ported the tre,asilrer't the o pills from any dealer in medinine had been composted to the entire balls may be dealt with iu December. tC,ar-
accouuts correct. The receipts from or by mail from the Dr. Williams' Medi fact'uu of the committee. The report ried.
January lot, 1904, to February 29. b, eine 0.-), l'•ockville, Ont, at 50 cents a was bent on to toe county property cum- The fullowin 'by-laws were read three
1904, including the balance trout 1903. ling or boxes leer el 50.SFS that the mitten n times and passel : No. 3, to raise by tis
fell n»oresix. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for The buildiu„ committee of the house of sessmeue the sum of $43,06,1 31 tor geu-
were $32,448 87, and the exueuditnrer Pale P'np)e," is on the wrapper around refuge reported theta satisfet:toty agree- eral and other purposes; No. 4, to equal
$28,43t,6e. Referred to fluuuce commit- every box. !aerie between the eoutrauwr anti cue ize assesstneut of the various ntnuicipal-
couuty had beau signed and the sou- sties in the county.
The treasurer's estimate of the re-
ceipts and expenditures for the year 1904
was as tolluws:
Administration of justice $ 4,500 00
Jail expenditures
Scheele 2,200.00
Division court jury fund 50.00
8,000 00
School management .... 2,40J.00
Grunts ... .....
Municipal poverument
MiscellaneousllMiscellaneous•1,500 00
Stationery and priutiug . . 1,000 00
100 00
Enmities and charities 800.00
rudest red. home 4,500.00
Uonnty property 2.000.00
Roads and bridges ..... 7,884.91
Interest .... 100 00
Debentures. 5,500.00
Parkhill and Harriston were read and
referred to education committee.
The county auditors, H. W. 13111 and
tee. . _ ___.... tractor's cheque for $000 as eeourlty was
The road and bridge cowluissiouer, ou deposit its the efulbuns bank, Cliutou;
that Arehiteet McBride hail agreed to
visit mud inbpect trio building w hens re-
quired • by Mr. Ouuttluu, uutairuIau of
ntan roti Birks. tuwtuittee (each iuspeutioa would cost
Fur No. 5 divistee, T. (3. Morrison, clerk of $10 per tisk) ; that ntoathly payments
Of the Kirktou bridge; that the county .lieKelou, on notion ot .les,.ra. Gunn and Mc would be matte the coutraotor uu certifi•
caro ut the architect only; that Arthur
Oautelou, iltutott, had been appuiuted
iuspeu urot all stone work, brick,eewout
and piabteriug; Alex. McKeurte,Oliuton,
of all woodwork, painting aud giaziug
(Math iuspector to be paid $2 a day while
engaged ou the wotk); that the urehitect
was to be sole arbiter to case of dispute
between inspeutur and contractor (tile
party decided against paying his 0x -
the cost). Mr, Ansley advised a steel and filed. • peuses, that the clerk hat attended to
bridge ou coucrete abutments,seventythe h ehouse ;that the wort six mt's risk
A number of Accounts were sent to ou the house Hud contents cur six mouths
feet long (the old Duo being 100 feet) the finance uommittee.
and the balance of the diatauoe to be A ,notion by Mr. Hicks and Mr.
filled: that the old bridges would re- Spaekutau, that tenders be asked%y the
quire about the usual amount of repairs ervctiou of a bridge acrose the Stable
F river on the town line between the town -
and perhaps some of them rebuilt. The ships of Bay of Stephen, and that the
amount of costs for bridges and ap same be completed as speedily as possible,
preaches during 1004 Mr. Ansley esti- wassertt to road and bridge committee.
mated would not exceed $21,000. Mr. Reports loom ate Institutes
Seafottt Collegiate Iustituces showing
Ansley's report was sent to the road and the number of non-resident pupils in at -
bridge committee. rendauce at such institutes, were sent to
The amendment to the County Conn- On education committee.
The bonds of the Hunter Bridge Com -
Oil Act was read and filed. patty, of Kincardine, were placed before
The committee appointed to look into the council aud bent CO road and bridge
the claim of St. Mary's Collegiate Intl- committee.
tate reported having discussed the mat- flans of survey of town line between
ter with the Warden, county solicitor,
treasurer and clerk. They had decided
to pay $97,06, being the amount claimed
of 1903. They considered the county not
liable for the claim of $56 for 1902. The Mr. Dalton, reeve of Ashfield, and couucil-Messrs. Colborne, Saunders,
report was adopted. Mr. SchoenhaIs addressed the council iu Pridham, Hodgeus, McLean, Smith,
Air. reference to wash-out at Port Albert Martin, Hanna and McKinnon.
Moved by Mr. Gaon, seconded by and asked the council to assume some 1 Whenthe coaucil met on Friday all
Youug, that this council exceedingly re- share of the cost of damage doue. the members were present.
gret the reason that has prevented our The posse of refuge cotnmittee report. , A telegram from Lieut Crl. Young was
esteemed colleague, D. Patterson, being ed that they had met ou March 30tH and ' received inviting the council to lunch
resent and we hereby express our sin- made a careful inspection of the house with the 83rd regiment on the 10th, and
present,F and farm and were quite satisfied that the clerk was iustructed to reply thank-
oere sympathy with him and Its family the managetnent is good. Mrs. French I ing the colonel but saying it was impose•
in this their hour of bereavement iu the wished to withdraw her resignation as ible to accept the invitation at present.
death of a beloved daughter, and that matron till the end of this year at least. The county property committee re -
They recommeuded the removal of Jas. ported having visited the jail and fouud
the clerk be asked to forward a copy off Gunu, act Inmate of the house, to the t everything in good order. The hot
this resolution to Mr. Patterson. Car- . jell on account of the work going on on I water system had beeu pat in according
ried• the new building. The committee had ; to contract and the system tested and
On motion of Messrs. Miller and i fliadvised the keeper and inspector to pur- found satisfactory. They recommended
chase a cow and keep a aucieut supply that a linoleum be purchased for the
Spackman, the clerk was instructed to of milk for the inmates. On the 7th of ! registry office, not to exceed 50c. a square
ask for tenders for coal supply for conn- !June they had visited the premises and yard, and that the fence at the back be
Mr. Ansley, reported that bonds and r w .ht', on m=Fir3io•ss1:sciL.unuat Ta
agreements had been signed by the coo 2ie1angetan.
Fur ti e. 4 divisio", H. Either. clerk of Ste.
tractors for the bridges ordered or let at i'1' n taws hip, on Tuotiou of Messrs. specs -
the January sessiou, with the exception
of Petite had lintet accepted the tender L• n.
y F NurnNo G division, F S. Scott of Bras -
for a steel bridge, they apparently wcutt. srl"• eu mot+an of 31es rs. Kerr told Hicks.
• Nur Nu 7 dlvt,iuxt, Peter Porterflekt, clerk of
ing a concrete bridge: that the spring East Wawauosh, on motion et Messrs, Luck -
freshet had done more thau the usual (tart suet s .N.t 1 .
Fur No tf caviaion, Joseph Cowan, of Wroxe-
amount of damage -it had destroyed a ter, on mt.tiun ot ;Mese, s Ferguson uud Mit-
bridge on boundary of Grey and Elms A letter from A. Carman, of St.
which should be rebuilt as soon as possi- Mary's, relating to balance of claim for
ble (the et.unty of Perth would pay half pupils resident iu this county was read
Lad cost the county $60; that the builders'
as the wurk progresses must be paid by
the contractor. The committee bud met
ou May 8rd and found the excavating
done and eoueiderable material ou the
ground. Ou May 7th the architect made
an iuspectluu and gave 9 certificate for
payment to contractors of $1,000. Ou
May 26tH the oomuiittee met again and
conulneed it necessary to put in a 12 Men
x 24 iuch concrete footing ruder the
stone work in order to make the founda-
tiou substantial, and an agreement had
been made between the contractor and
council, whereby the former was to be
paid $125 extra for this work but no
extenetuu of time past the 1st of Novem-
ber meas given for the completion of the
the townships of MoKiIlop iu the county whole work.
of Huron and Logad iu the county of Iu conemittee Mr. Lockhart occupied
Perth, made by A. Bell, P L S., the chaireud the report was passed.
were placed before the council and able A deputation waited ore the connote
an account of expeuse of staking such regarding hawkers and peddlers, and
survey. Sent to finance committee. the folio.ring gentlemen addressed the
ty buildings for the next twelve months,
the tenders to be placed before the coun-
cil at its present session, the council be-
lieving it to be advantageous to purchase
found the farm lookiug exceedingly well ; repaired. The various rooms m the
and seventy eight inmates provided for. ; court house they reported in good order.
They recommeuded the purchasing of a! The report passed, with Mr. Miller in
scuiiitr. As Mrs. French had informed the chair.
the committee that she did not intend re- i The education committee recommend-
ed that no money be paid for pupils from
this county attending the Walkerton
high school previous to 1904, as noti-
fication was received by the clerk after
Feb. 18, 1904. The report of the Goder-
ich Collegiate Institute was not satis-
factory, as it did not include a state-
ment of receipts for non-resident pupils.
The Clinton 0. I. had also omitted a
statement of receipts. The Seaforth
Institute had made collections from other
couuties for non-renident pupils accord-
ing to the High Snhool Act. The coin•
mittee advised that the Council require
tete amonut of collections made by each
Collegiate as provided by the act; that
the% claim of Listowel Collegiate Iueti-
tute be paid; that in reference to Harris--
!Nu' June 11.-A remarkable
ton Collegiate account the clerk notify ,ori,s,t cR youthful depravity^ has coma
the board to send an account of claims t:> light herr, and has resulted in the
after the date of notification (which was pias;nes under arrest of Clinton Mal -
ten, the seventeen -year-old son of a
tviclr,w livizig'ittre. The memo alleged
against flim is that, wh lc tit play in
the; :w lads with a, lad named Ray
Lanny, right years of age, he threw
a rl-pe- around tit: little fellow's neck.
and, p, inir a inugcular youth, after
placing! •the rive nbaut the Lima/ of
a tree, hauled the child up some dis-
tance. tt wa.s score time: before the
yenth +could be rnado'to let the little
fellow down.
Nothing was said ribout the ins:dent
fir tkw0 weeks, the Lanny boy eaten -
!n earn], though complaining: of
ltcada3Ch s a geed deal. 1Ie was treat.
est fir a stbrnuncetrouble, but grew
wv:rpm, and now has. developed spinal
$250 to sestet it) repairing the washout at jtr+;uble, and has lapsed' into uneon-
Port Albert, Was sent to the road and keloosrlk`ssi '.Th,." medical ,nen in, 4.
bridge committee. tendarn°e at the bedside, of the little
' County engineer for au anal all to Over. On motion. of Messrs. Connolly and en feeler say there is no chance of hie
Dr. Chase's Ointment, genes Si boil The runty
the necessary work ad it progresses Spackman, it was decided torecommend reruvery, and the cause, of hie son-
rsrt and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, i Patterson t0 it Ansley i
for the balance of the current year; that D. t � y ab inspector dlt en is, ltttr buted to the terrible (•x.
thefamoti reeerpthook author, areta-every 11" no 410110n be taken with reference to the On the cement work at Westfield bridge.. pe'rieince ire had in' the wvao'Is. liioltott
Camel tattlaaalte Matto gttiokip irel.l cirentat from Ontario eountywvithrefer• Carried. !,t taaid 'ta hew beet an; inveterate
Otttss pains and *ones. 1 ent'e to a Good roads addooiation. Moved by Mr. IEert, Seconded by Mr. reader r.i dime novels. t .
as en rly (,e possible. maintng as matron longer thau the prali-
ne year they advised that applications
The followmr nominating alters for keeper and matron be advertised for
were appointed for the next election of and placed before the December meet-
coanty councillors: iug. With reference to the Dursley mat -
For No 1 division, Wm. Stothers, clerk of ter they aovfsed that he be discharged
Ashfield, on nlotfo.1 or Messrs. Young and and readmitted Duly as a paying patient,
For No. 2 divlson, Tat:. Campbell. clerk of
Hallett. on n odea of Messrs. tuunolly and
the keeper to be notified.
In committee Mr. Ferguson occupied
the chair and the report passed.
An invitation was then extended to
the council by Hie Honor Judge Doyle
to attend the turning of the first sod
Eczema: on Leg preparatory to the erection of the Alex.
Dreadful ltchi
andra General and Marine Hospital,
which was to take place that afternoon,
The report of the road and bridge
ng committee was presented, with Mr.
hicks in the chair, and adopted.
Raw Patch of flesh for twelve • Tae committee recommeuded that the
engineers report be adopted; with re•
years-Oure came with the ferenos to Kirkton bridge and all other
bridges between this comity and adjoin -
use of Dr. Ohase's Ointment ing counties that the matter be left to
the county engineer to make the best
The healing power of Dr. Chase's Ointrnent terms possible iu connection with the
is truly marvellous and many of the cures other counties interested: with reference
brought *bout by its use seem almost like to the bridge between the townships of
miracles. Grey and Biala, whioh had been spoiled
Raw, flaming, itching sores which stubbornly , by the spring freshet, that it be rebuilt
-refuse to yield to any other treatment are soon i in connection with the county of Perth,
healedand cured by this great ointment and the the bridge to be of steel with concrete
skin is left smooth, soft and natural without scar • abutments; that no action betaken with
or blemish. i reference to the motion of Meagre Young
Mit, Atex. MAciioL•GMA., postmaster, Broad !sod Dentin; that the request of Messrs.
' Cove, Marsb, b1.8., writes :-•' For ewetve.year, ? Miller and Spackman be granted; that
I was a great sufferer from eczema on the inside tenders be asked for the erection of a
of the leg. There was a raw patch of !flesh 1 bridge across the Sanble on the town
*bout three ,aches square, and the itching was line between the townships of Stephen
Something fearful, Dr. Chase's Ointment coin• n flay, the same to be of steel with
pietety cured ole, took away the itching and concrete abutment$: that the matter of
retemmenhealed upding it es the sore._ +IAha_ �,be he for
est hi ! the Port Albert bridge be referred back
Ache disease'- i to council; that $300 be granted the
1,500 00
$44,534 91
Surplus from 1903 $ 466 fro
Licenses 1,000.00
Leaving $13.068.$1 to be raised by tax-
BAPTIST OTSUltall-Sabbath aorvices a,t
11 to m sad 7 p 111, Monday School at
2180 p m. General prayer nieeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N. Mo•
laean,13.A., pastor. Abner Cusens, S.S.
1k11Tlt0D1$T O,RURO/I-Sabbath services
at 11 a ut and 7 p i,i. Sunday Snhool at
2:30 p lit. Epworth Teepee every Mon-
day evening. Gei ertl prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J R.
(*unit, ».D . pastor. Dr. Towler, S. 5.
P11;t.SBYTEit.1AN Gruner -.Sabbath tier -
vices at 11 a m and 7 p int. Sunday
School at 2:80 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wt+duesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perlis. pastor and 5 5, Superinten-
dent, P. $, Lialtlater mei L. Harold,
assistant 5.. S. Superiuteudeuts.
ST. PATIL'e Ogurton, EPISCOPAL -Sab-
bath services at 11 a ni and "r p nu. Sun-
day School at 2:30 p in. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday, evening. Rev.
Wm. Lowe, Reoror And 5, t4. Superin-
tendent. John 'Pa) lar and hid, Nash,
assistant S. S. Superintendents.
SALVATION ARMY --Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 8 p to on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'ciuok at the barracks,
POST OFFICn-In Macdonald Block.
Office hours frotu 8 a ni to 6:80 p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
PUBLIC LaiRARY-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:80 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Orl.tu.lo to Craig,
TOWN COUNCIL -R, Vanstnne. Mayor;
Thos. Bell, Wm Htrltuels, W. J !freer,
'rhos. Arin.trung, G 14. C. Miltikin.
Divi. 1;'11, Councillors; J. B. .Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Roht+rtson, Col-
lector. Board tweets first Monday even-
ing iu each mouth at 8 o'clock.
SCHOOL BOARD. --J. J. Homnth, (chair•
man), Thos. Abraham, J. D. Long, H.
Kerr, Wni, Moore, A. E. Lloyd. Dr A.
J, Irwin, C. N. !griffin. Seers+tarw. John
F. G .oval; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Taesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Mica Brock,
Miss Reyuolds. Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD, OF HEALTR-Mayor Vanstone,
(Chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer
The United States post office de-
palipent is to take steps to eliminate
objectionable patent medicine adver-
tisements from the newspapers. A
Washington despatch says
It wars announced to -day that plains
have buil completed fort denying the
use of the snails to tlewsp:lpers and
negaziues printing objectionable a,d-
vertiaumenis. All classes of sug-
gestive literature, with particular re-
ference to certain patent compounds,
will count, under 'the censorship of the
postal authorities. Postmasters all
over the country are to be instructed:
to forward to the poet -office depart-
ment without delay any advertise-
ment whit comes to their attention
which is even suggestively, obscene or
Judge R. Goodwin.. who succeeded
Assistant Attorney -General Robb as
attorney -general for the Aust -office
department, is to be. the censor who
will determine whether an advertise-
ment is fit tet appear in public.
An objectionable advertisement will
be forwarded to tho Association o:
American Publishers, and thtnugh
that association the newspapers will
be informed drat the advortieement
cannot appenr utter a given :tele.
Any newspaper, disregarding the
post -office depaitanent's injunat;on
will be held up 'Itis the poet -office
where it is ntall8d,,
P. was explained at the lost -office
department that each case µ•i11 be
dealt with aopirately, • both with re-
gard to the medicine. advertised and
the form of the advertisement.
Is is to b:. ,]toted that the C0llan
postal uutbor:ties ,may lake ,sinlil,tr
action, and that our! j,uriiuls wall scopadi
ba free of ;this abjectionable advertis-
dated June 10th, 1903), for which only
the county is liable; the committee con-
sidered the county not liable for Park -
hill's claim, as notification was not re-
ceived Until after Nov. 24th, 1903; they
recommended that the seat Of examina-
tion for entrance candidates be changed
from Bayfield to Varna in order better
to accommodate candidates for 1904.
In committee Mr. Spackman occupied
the chair and the report passed
The report of Messrs. Miller and Con-
nolly, delegates to Toronto, in reference
to the County Councils Aot before the
Legislature, was received and passed,
with Mr. Cantelon in the chair.
A motion be' Messrs, Young and Dim -
nit', that this county grant the sant of
"Tile common herd" -God bless us,
everyone 1-
,1r0 common folk who toil from sun. to
sun ;
We who our brother's hardships
Nor strive to hide: the callous on each
We who in countless thousands throng
the street-
OfI-silent, though in sympathy we
Without bur help what .grea..c thing
has beat done?
"Tire common herd" -God bless us
The comment herd" -that '1Iinetees
not m
Ti:r;uori, i.rl.uzingfrotoll. WYinters-when tt',e
summers broil ;
'that brevets' treads its. round from
d :y
A.ed cld ety ',Lto, a d feedsi i sett 0,1 .mea-
ger pay ;
That 00111e mora nears content than
( hey who boast
A daily inecm3 that would feed a
Io.t ; O
That sweetly steep when, each day's
WI is done -
"The common herd" --God bles its
Pointed Paragraphs.
From the Chicago ff'Tews.
It'e the lucky men who tells you there
iS no suclt thing as luck.
Most, teen would rather work for a
small salary than Lig wages.
Some men spent their money as fool-
ishly as others spen t their tiute.
Every time a widow looks at an un-
married woman the gossipit get busy.
hs7ABLiSREV 1872
The Tinges Mee, Beaver Block
Titus or SnaScaiSTtor--$1 al per annum ie
advent' 41.50 it not so Pohl. No paper discon-
tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
AnvsJtris1N9 RATES. - Legal and other
casual advertisements 8o per Dionpperiel hoe tow
first insertion, tie per line ler welt en lasequent
Advertisentents in local columns are chitrged
10 atm. per line for drat insertion, and 5 cents -
per lino for emit subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Stra ed,
Farms for Hale onto Bent, and sitnilnr, 41.00vfhr
first month and 50 Dents for ette1t subsequent
CoxesAos. Rams -The followingteble shows
our rates for the insertion of advia'tisementa
for specified periods: -
SPACE. 1 stn. 6 110, 5130. 1130
One Column $60.00 4135.00 815.11(4 se on
Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.U4I
Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 0.00 2.00
Advertisements without specific directions
will he inserted till forbid and ohnrced accent.
Ingle. Transient advertisements mast be paid
for fn advance.
TAE TOR DOPARTMIINT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites( for print-
ing, affording facilities not egra heti in the
county for tumble out first class work. Large
type and appropriate outss for all styles of Post-
ers, Hanel Bids, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of pr)ntr
ing. H. B. ELLIOTT.
Proprietor and Pnblinher
Wood's Phospltoaline,
The Great English Resale
18 an Old, well estab-
lished and reliable
preparation. Has been
prescribed and used
over 40 years: All drug-
gists in the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend as being
the only medicine of
its kiwi that cures and
gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and
permanently cures all forms of Nervous lVeak-
ness,'emi,isions, Sperinatorrhtra, impotency),
and ell effects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive
use of Tobacco, Opium Or Stimulants, .tienta1
and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity,
Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price SI per package or six for $5. One will
ptracc, Six wilt cure. Mailed prompty On re-
cant of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address
The Wood Company,
Windsor, Out', Canada,
Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Wing -
ham by A. L. Hamilton, W. McKibbon
and A. I. McCall & Cu., Druggists.
lP KENNEDY M. tt.. M C.P. S. (t
t . Member of chit British *Is he tt 4.419 113
tion. Gold Mourne* in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and C11tid
ren. Office hours -1 toe p. in.: 7 to 0 P. m
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Of$ce-Macdonald Block, over W.McKibbon's
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the Dunce.
11.0., M.n., C.M., 21.0 P.s.o tenement., est e b 0.
Oerten-Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
Ilasinrxoa-In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
DR. BROWN, L. R. V. P. London England.
Graduate of London, drew Yoric and Ulu•
Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Will beat the Queen's Hotel, Winghom, 4th
Tuesday in each month. Hours from 2 to Up.nn.
Privateanu Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charged Mere
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Winghanl.
London am a.m ... 8.10it.m.
Toronto &Enat ..An.xn43.63 a.m,... 8:03p.m.
)lincardine..11.10 a.m1.40 pen ... 8.880.1n.
AttntVE 1"11022
Kincardine ...6,,.11.15a.m.... 0.03 p.m.
Lowden.. 11.10 7.05 p.m.
Paiineraton 0.83 ie.m.
Toronto &gnat 1.40 p,m 8.89 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
'Toronto and Kest 6.57 turn.... 8.43 ,.tn.
Teeswater AniI1Vffi 1.17 p.m.
Teeswater... ,6,67tent ..., 1545 p.m.
Toronto S B )x 11, Agentpas 48 ,Wiitghais. r tn.
Winaltam, Ont.
OVISION: Meyer Block, Wingham.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during .Tune, July and August.
Beaver Block, Wingham.
D. D. 0. -Toronto University.
L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during Jure, July and August.
Has a new method for painless
extraction. No cocaine.
Special attention to the care of ehtldren's
Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed
OrermE.- In Chisholm block, next door to
Hamilton's Drug Store.
1jdA '• lA
Wingham. Ont.
ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. ,
For the County of Hnrorl. Sales of alt kinds
eondneted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the Totes office will receive prompt attention.
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales
of Farm Stock and Implement» a specialty.
All orders left at the Tines office promptly
attended to.
Terme reasonable.
F S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
ecrialsttte to
tales on fifarm section.
to k
and implements:
Dater and orders can always be arranged at
the Totes office. Wingham.
and anyone having live stock or othet
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver
tise the same for sale in this Imes. Our large
circulation tells and it will beetrange indeed if
you do not get a customer. Wecan'tguarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
tor the article or stock than it is worth. Bend
your advertisement to the Torous and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
tuf5 YEARS'
Taans. Mange
CoPYRic.H•ta &C.
Anyone sending a ekelrh and description imp
tedekl naeertatn our optnkm free whether at
h+vrntyfnn lsprotrel t �Rte"tehb' Comtuunie»
tlmtsstrleflymnadonllaL 1HandbookonI'atenti
sent free. oldest Agency for ee}'arhltl entente.,
Potents Taken thronah Mums itco. reeot,'d
tpeetal,totfoe, without than" In the
Scientific YIniericatt,
A V1101404,00 11Tirrttntat `rrrkty. tartest rte
ciliation of any settee Me. jun+int. 'senna. #s
ern,; Shur Menthe, $1. sold 1,7..24 wawitee,oem.
Mlra ciCol.8 $fit.,, 3Ne 11.0. k
Unfortunate Position in Wh1Ch
Kate A. $harp'Fincs Herself.
Lawyer lian„gs Tells the story of Row If,
renewed Wlleox's instructions fa
beaming Stettin ?Money and Destroy,.
Lu;r Inlpurtaat Evidence-11ow
WLicoxf (.lot ' he *envy--.
Crimea and Suicides.
Toronto, Juno 15. --Hato A. Sharp,
22 years of age, who has been board-
ing at 51. lrintcoe street, was locked
up last night on the charge et mur-
Detective Forrest has for is few
days been trying to discover the mo-
ther of the infant that was found in,
the water at the foot of )Jay street
last week. Ile thought he was on the
right trail yesterday, but he was
mistaken, although his efforts were
not wasted. While investigating the
ono case ho found another of a simi-
lar character.
A few weeks ago the body of a
child was found in the grounds of the
131shop Strachan School. • The clue
the officer was following led to the
mother of this infant. Sho is the
young woman whom he arrested last
night. IVhen taken to the station she
at first denied everything, but finally
broke down and confessed that she
was the mother.
It is the old, old, sad story over
again. She and a young man had
been living together as man and
wife. The child was born.
Detective Forrest has located the
young man. Itis story is that when
he came home one night the infant
was dead. She told hint that it had
died. He had no money to give It a
burial, so he wrapped the body in a
newspaper and deposited it in the
school grounds, where it was found..
It was not thought necessary to ar-
x-eat the young num, as the wottutn'1r
story agrees with his.
The coroner's jury who enquired
int; the death of the child brought
in a verdict of 113order against some
party or parties unknown. ,
Lawyer ,.ansa Teller the Story of Ow
1510,00) Mall Theft
Regina, N.W.T., June 15. -The WII-
cox trial opened here yesterday. Law-
yer clangs was in the box two hours,
lle related how, when Wilcox first
came to see blue he stated that he
had taken a package out of the Anil
bag containing $10,000, and request-
equested witness to defend hits. Wilcox
told the witness to secure abox con-
taining certain things which should
be destroyed.
Bangs then related how Wilcox
gave hint two keys, one of the golf
house at Calgary and the other to a.
locker in the house. In the locker her
found a telescope bag containing a.
tin box. Witness took this home, and
upon opening it found $7,000 in $'s
and $10 Dank of Hamilton bills.
There were also a number of mail
bag seals, scaling wax, rubber
stamps and a large metal stamp
"R." These Bangs destroyed in his
own furnace, Wilcox's instructions(
being to destroy all incriminating
evidence. Asked as to whether Wil-
cox had told him how he opened the
mail bag, witness said Wilcox had
stated that he beolce theseal and
took out the parcel and then sealed
the ha ren ngnin., using a seal which
accuses said he had made and which
was among the articles witness had
burnt in his furnace.
Witness told of his getting, the
money ehauged from Dank of Hamil-
ton notes to thoseS of other hanks,
and of supplying accused with money
from time to time. •
'true Linn Drought In.
Brantford, .luno 15. -At the coun-
ty court generaf sessions yesterday
afternoon, the grand Jury brought in
a true bill against Joseph Clayton
Drummond.. who is charged with per-
jury in connection with the famous(
Kennedy trial last February. Drum-
mond was the principal witness for
the defence duriang the trial. lie was
arrested shortly after Kennedy's re-
lease and has been in jail ever since.
He will be tried by jury. The only,
criminal case is against a man nam-
ed McDonald, charged with a breach
of the Charlton Act, Judge Hardy
IS presiding,
Court -Martial Reid,
London, June 15.-Vestorday morn-
orning the 26th Regiment court-martial
was held, Two members of one com-
pany were brought up on the charges
of stealing clothing belonging to
their comrades and selling them. It
is said that a keeper of the canteen
is involved, and that there will bet
trouble for hint. The prisoners will
likely be handed over to the Civic au-
thor1tien at oltce.
Robbery at Itrockville.
Brockville, June 15.-D. W. TDow-
ney's gents' furnishings and -*hoe
store was entered Monday by thieves,
who got away with about $600 in
cash and a box sof underwear and
some shoes. An entrance was made
through a second -story rear window
by means of a ladder. The safe was
opened, but bore no evidence of hnv-•
iug been forced, and it is believed it
was through oversight left open by
the proprietor.
Cama Proal Chatham.
Winnipeg, June 15. -Chas. Knight,
8013001 teacher at Innisfail, Alta.,,
who attempted to kill himself at
Olds, Monday, and who will not re-
cover, came front Chatham, Ont.
Drank rnattanunnt
Brandon, Juno '15.--W.t 0. Wait,
farmer, live miles north of Douglas,
committed suicide Monday by drink
Mg laudanum.
I'td'R Ad. Selierne.
Montreal, Jima 1i5: Pied Work
mon, clothier, offers $100 to any icer
stpectabie 'couple ,Who w)11 be war,
vied In lila lobo l wlndow4