HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-12-28, Page 9Murretwertiness Clefsloons armlet -eat* tianititeesSealdret Centenairee.s.Otintheeillataeraberr2lEiromet gemeeaggiuslstWatisteityytheyybeileaeaa2&r game twinietes tsteakIbyrybeatingithi't( Plei Jalalr 8.a Willltigifsgy pr, areahe6 re aaddcinnitifl obs thbegameehadtia a two'ugpattlleadr:.. The, Ceistersaatrmpustr playy witlekitheadreemani effattioepartrobtherariveratiliblayygolothent onrtirseseareleauniciwitte2f teiretinithiiiset- roan ciperierld.BlifirrRe anrrca• eiithet poilitiontitramartithlilditimWililltitierneetuari flfttp ida a pass sty )Bf.ntate ePbanonin )faint: PL* rto2 @tiep tosttobthesai ienridatr weenstttetelpp►asf dalrinelmindees'Segs. Men dettleften(thementad Rharet terandiRttiytn�.iNirra3 ,l y ttgat meaniedimi. at TIfilogametwrwsrsatekSsie:fdrx noatYefiifte. thinduperincici.andditttwasilo Mug live ethe • Cersten8ans svvripltidietsettitfiggfanran ithef tier TIfieramath Ili Yaltatpkdy. Make* were again await lithe deaddRey ylVidmayrstiaitthe games ualcatpprithrnrit'b0othecieritra d agaimbp)CarlierandcakiaRiaettost.illfithin, seitieristiefliinithegainnearteragaindased CH JJ! I 15 REDREPAMmant n.. G(YlY7[� N212"iTICC6arttlllnetteldatintSattztia ate;. atithebSestilitt ff tf L!h t ubes t diffelvietiuaetg .TItin?eeta cse • y4aaresblige erillleartab21panaaadlifiisfsr8tl7 3;p.pn: and ctilet:ei htltv4rars,yof,iagacaadtirpl clriidrBarrwi411bsghtrag8 'punnanddinisislatal a porthTftis4tnmgeaarnvitllbeg nrontSa , Jarman914,419 Rbgj tatatiandeeeaifllite oar cbfld,4,svkira familijiobthreeeninMar• a.afamilyftof,ffdee .Yriniins oa,rvaitlUbe Sherd emep,)If nptiighs kAtud setaew 1off) FGiyamattite.,.wecneeric4l 'dtstthis Progemt:.Fb magist9ratt4nnorririfternation ca11152L Other' ^ Witter'• R. (eons, iu P1- gpams.s to fn: the, Newt+ Year • arret '1WOD welch mill 1beinti llcatrthe Seaferetlasi set High lima( today e wpm= tram:mecca Min anrffant0we:tit, uep..,auu):_ 1 r.. :outlay ; JannataY•6.3Registra- ..on ieees,`K:ir:• ad yeanmstractarrstliasYev Itlirearruan. diAi,.LROOMIDIAMEIt - WFi::r: )mil .:be: held .rat tthe e5eeft»th head'Diteroat Community mnunity \Centre' it Atonal, owiT&arsday ementgasa rnatat?:M(inim:'TlliispnmArnm D IF Err tiL r 'Al Murry}etmtheelst,tMturayssl3ticaututaltatad l PasstoMortsPBeillarkeavashalithetsideofithe net, :and (Ball uo atimeitft)unto(thedaadam i carrierragettheignmearizmingigo,al. Theerimweatitetituteheteentertaineultave hadctincedearbc-atiWelit.Seq.wihOceraerit in 'Atter rfitst tgameeof tthe xis et..'Y'lhtir reee dtnewrvstsm3ctssatntwotwveirs, aoissett, , and cthreedips. '.V elie plistinrsmamruridast t p inithe/Weiitearathmimr"PrIeageepon- - lystiapaintaaheatietthereentenainesmadies the2eam4refmtt anllihaue tatbeatteugetsa spat imthe'p layoffs. uptvi *Marty will. begat on: Thursday, January 11 Registration') fee': will. i be e$4@,rper reatapte- Come(mattteriMot addieminradewwrewrdaace stepsfrannihndlitirellet. COMM ; I151N MABIICEE : the • a Recreation ation Dir t wdi: l iter: offering:, Adt ilt t Geld Lessens_ ;T is3t mttllbe th ddetiwin- ua: r), ..and ioutduns sowl the eGraf t Come. Plyase, • watch The-, lapositor • far. (Tore m•oilsmiartatrthfssietwereiting8tn tam Pleastca•111521882iMareggsorer.far aay:of theelaspeprngPdms- 1-1E3DIDAA'YPI313IiIC S :A.T''THE ABE 1,4.Wednesday,/ iybea^n.. 1 .ta pan: r(TDvfAI 1, ThersolawDeeemberf 9. 3 tagSaone. Friday33Db th-r81)s4lto;4 pun. FREEI).The t-sJ crgit wedtttpr,tile Sunday WitenringiFartyltinis. iirr 1w ram urrl IMPTGEBRIMMDIJE1 ThecBhre Jayrs co nnnueaacchmbmawantss f(ranptoes•err.•thesc:Jameeftewit o (League after a Eine- team effort' on IVireaday, Ill srher 19 w im:theeeiavriveddhed]iawtvs 74)- .1 un i Ilaatr!r note d t (the tB1ue J ay ssasmrntg tcitittY z t ' 2.216E8n:, fanned—Dieu 234;'12 91 Put 'Nhkaa',282434211r Conine --Mdrren•fL67-f,&1 a rMdrantl 23-5 4H.LZJIatrfieeeneeytes bed a nother f me aught t or:the ramie with 1291. SE4^dI[AR HEUIlf'FEEESDARD:sreorestfnmm lacm;weeleare 2D,, .. lly377,;S; dy1Pep- per• 4. StaatHlilent8&6ii uviti3lllil tlyl$f 6: i ' VV At`EILBTa4' , , FEBRUAId1Y ' 8, I98&•op n.tPians rretioucewviayslar thre.-Se- coad :Annual ,'M7E1 13E17'tDINNER.'.The pnrootolbefhomitilisteveningteillibetirmated to tttie.-SeaforthlHnspitHll$tiitiling f Commit- tee.4.ontiolosesdrupagaltaitheArena. RECREATION irnehida9 .01.1 (tango (things people rek e(tardo,inrthesr:freectime.caad from /which `they +get:renlcgyttzeat:aad :per- sawb's atf 5faetaum: ,Tlhe•Seaforth l Recreation Department . is . ply cto 'serve (.this :com- munity with 1 the best . of ` bemire oppor- tunities. and ;we hope -.you :have cenjgyed Meru. , Have a i -Happy and ten qy ble NEW YEAR! rm : .Lthrtres 2Q9tt'2511+9S8r„Joasnne t ancitKevirr Brvionre2lfil4va4i, - T&eEantinalslilmekedwffttherfirsnptriee Fhlcens 542 to tighten the • standings. RiCbarltLome ind the Can ntatsavtth280'i 4 Todd Caldwell 221-544h4r: Albert Boven 211 713:. aad:Saadyr)!3t>tudfuet24 (S3Q .'Mur- ray r Bisanerrias ;was thigh afar rthe -Fattens with2446r£rL,aadcCamit2d irons irl- In thetfinal :match,) of tthe revoi mg, the Ietnrrrataooal hookas, has come to The tiAmish thockey '.team1whichtisteem ustedlintheeleafortitiBisniturcteanthasarr ed tinharasr: TBedoralastafldhtcr;visitors 1Ibog) tagmpahem rfmit /Mlle wn• I'butx- aa; I3 rbe-fl..Totit 43,21dA close eantestis antitupatedaaaddhe•Drarssrteamossa ictal beoba ismitten catibne•taihanobthedocais_ • TreeeDanntir eaanmill.ilirastreaanmpton:ther reedit arrfruecgamealagamst,odur'humeral teams aeddiva] lbett/tekhfarra remotehlmI Seztoxttt:en Lle aumlv4 w 1 ur 0,3 •4 to1 Lia - f aantroae • •returnee . dra e: air Shredding, cn- ett atttm. ',mantra rotenergytfmD1' aor ! dndfrrrrepeating cutetwasteriatree ucerftte vaturaoef,wa-s"att mit ttumfitZegrtaaefrarstsa- tures aadfur Intpruatang warm • to make depara antooeff'ite rtlpreen:mini c. THE124trIvimmitY1 Fblitirrat,s.,r +revzesr„ef this 1ptutttrtmarq retrutt bt+ittegrtthht. aadct retraseat• ti Eagies:nipped (the tOroales: antitgemmg taxa 1 •otos : Os- a :mere -sewn [peas.; George Lave avastap-hawker svtthr238r6•1T:tMend—lure t 2Olfl554.lDon•Na?antall441.1aad'MariiyruDen t Hama 11 535. For •the,(moles .it awe t 2226461.Jae ityan3Mat; ami GetwArrn- - stroop 206513. Sfaarimfis fter'15 sv ., FALCONS,- 68: BLUE .1AYS • 63: CARDINALS' • • 551 EiAGI:EE - 58: OREGI1F.6.- 45:1 MIMES.- 34. . COUrinttf ullfAI:BEID GI t Mars 'Bats :a4.. Steatites :b2 .ISitisaLv:152. Nutttare•40.,•SmokersS2. Swee 0inreas22. TIW1Id6' IERIt&rte (:or'ix Corte twith:212:for:thetmm.;ami (+,ivea3 Htuatm,,,rvith1186r#ern the ladies. EuG.' .sfs'OE ` High •Shrgte : Cor ' I1:e Cotte - 314, . Carni .1ohm= 262. Efrgh'T"riots, c Cor, De Corte,E215.: Claudette F:11ott5t . eras, a 'final •ret tt twin :be—submitted to Huron` County+Cotgtrti 'f ar raertmance. If caeursidetidt •3ar}niia ltwititttttersnaly, the rrenatltinerwtfl:addr :tssutr'srrmbras and (eaatriattrx meta/Mut amas fat- ' iha'as .-vwrrssirtir sal,sttes.,anrd d rarmmpaaaapinul,a.utesrambiimttcm-of onttamafcmdealing tw•t; it rwaste. Tliesederisionswinialiseettpuithtonthe resale of an evaluation Questimmaire. %514 .9 FmCLL1tIEKTTfr?NAND DISPOSAL L FMPEINDITT NES Lamm mom swum sxmox saaJo S$tlzOor7 sit SA1(COaa Sa- 410 ',4:11f :4337 biviP CTI 1&MOTEIC-ffi ► SMD :aero I NW 5 O c I9' I99i 231 2010 232 WNW - ((stir( tri all, resuf s off the'rcrmty;wallbave 50 ro]x-pertamrtv f),cOmplete- T&efgn tum - name will asIc pecpte to Indicate the priorities thereeeitltorki'be mialaeeen en- serumIthat 1:of rulerea- vfrrinm tare oartecteddrvur rteatiablm- paebI of a ,o ore! de i Nystem. The remits will prrnv de an !wheat= •of tthe Vainet••h irhv•resu3esit!"a.rof,the•rounty as:aa wf tr3e. Copies-of,the•fall ,report anefavafiable.rat the town end .vWage inanteteaotthe/Him/3 County Library, Copsim:n4aysairahentaam- ed'hr ComitylDepart- meat r1 1t of,PI-i flowdaad,Dav1 lopir at, Public 'meetingshaverbeustoured[to demist Prrafit>z ;Repvart.tas follows: Thursday,.Janrrag,r19.119r'3fnt7fffo Pad . arthtg•BlythrMer mhlloll_.arnd..iMor- day, Jan/dery 50. i9auTIO pan..at tate Herasaltarem. ''opras of 'the eve an •qu tets,.,odne may beobtiOal At.theoulahorr e21it7 {7mT,tty t'Cztaettn®. Jo -Amts, ,ill Sitar rat !the Wrenn otnato Depend 'mot of Planning and i ewe -so a: t. Resideneareuriterita,tokeamaelisterate in Maiming for ftturreade.kimartaact .in Hamar Comae "THE M{tili lt1133 15751 4141; UnI145MBER90; (IAMB --y9tA 1 Trhe rl is ;.itliestw 5 `iii'BtiT4RQTf r AVOK OE: Okrannewitees Ott . -;ice yen War glianzer Austin Rianavat "rr7 tp�/nr,.vf 1U'a 1 a'I 01) IAF rC1,, Sealant* aha (Ruiner iiteciney Afiestaliatdbi0 Lweafi I likegteMutrikotheffellieviies fieratheivmjpnit ttthealmtt7 P 8t81iouse2t ;Iftnuw- nerin anarD r Mee. r71991B�. a=A rralUN St ttERMURRIWr/MSURAMMEa3r IXEERS SMEM T HIAMEtINASIVrr-L/NIC SMVIEITI FF1FadaA1Et41 LOTIAREES Warn r,ArrdIMEEtr AUCE 6rRCHIEs sU =egg ESETIMSWARIe L Y EAU SEMEEMIS /A DMfB tr3EtroSS;MAIM WarnMr COAUMES.MMECEEDIERSXFffilLUSEAVEMS Registration is•tow-bermgrpalcwnrtor,therfoltowangtReereatuonrWinter Pr•ogtasxis: n ANEW AHEM Milil-berttehi-atrttte stoOtt fDlstrtcc igh'&Mool on,Monday eeenmgs•trom,7?30rta,933D'prm .' for 1 O,weetts-begmnmgonrMon- day. ,Januar 9. Registration 530C1)1).ano Nour instructor is!+tawey Bsuemien . cfitiLLERDEEMfP3ANriV a.,Wathtrertreid•at ttin -t eatnrtvandiDestracr.Com- munrtyCentres (Arena on Thursdayeaenrnga-startmg:at.7:30rprm. Thsspro- gnrm waf t•begmvn Th ursriay. Jan ua W 11 2gfstrattomtse+waf irbe440CD0rner coupte., Come tout. ' nave --sanierfLitt 1311E1: loam :tew'newanae -steps tram. Lou :Moreau . - ®Frlllg. litis irtetATRIINAiplL..GYIl�fitilriS11 ilk :nwaU ttie rtietil Lon Saturday.-aearenoog-a h ttie*Lighq3Ptiool.ri'iaerjewrlhtde.2.rlitiferentagergroups. 3:to.7,years :of ,agw.wall,start at.2R)0,prm..and:trntst at. 3W0tprm.,andthe 8,_years:nndcuprdittdren,will rs tan at:DCODcprm.,arithfa fshrat,r4(DDtprm This program Nall •begm'onSaturday,. JanuaW •,14 IRegfstratronateewval l-be$t10030 perrchitd ±5ID0fforacfamtty•otBi n8TtDDCDDftorarfamrty•of 4 ' Your; instructor wrtt!be;Starr Jemmy (same:asdast,wmtaro fTCiMttafe 'nraiil'beta Term rprogram 'for ttie /Adults 'Ma twist) to cbegmrOdttirig .' We twill teat offering :Ail o tit teff I Lessons 'starting . was r•the end cofrMarut . There wail 'betcfassroom,wont . macron alit. arm! thecorogram writ rfrnisnron'ttre<(3bttrCourse . Please twatot •tnerEccsasftor'tor' Mrs !ezurtrno new rprngaim . ffrarnrelitheadmirectiregnarriserttereatufou tileSestarttifilatirantem rinpurtrnentrtarregfatent-tforano eadrftornrdtion.tttaemuuliiuttis 4f1382. grSlwill !tie fotosed Wlanday, January 2 le Thturnatay, .danuatty 15 ttD Ipre e'f r our vefy rtalTIEUls:sate. A \w ord :mitt tO.W b -;die... 'We tct 1lustone (major Sxitefeent }Attar.. no ;cum lversaity /sate...ire fsprrrfg.. summer Ci] `earl fsa ...141st stems form °sal -e. This ,is fprobably winy iptekaAte fianre !firm!' ,all aver SauttrieEn 10:h fill ito.,save. PPROMMaii islaturrptor tri INEREMTECK. CENTRE