HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-23, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES. VOL XXXIII,--NO, 1689. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. JUNE 23, 1904, Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE No Tailoring Better Than Ours and our prices begin at $12.00 The man who needs a new snit; whether for daily, business wear or for dress, can do no better than leave his order here. He will save a great deal in first cost; he will get bis clothes quickly; and he will get them as well made and stylishly fashioned as it is possible to make them; he 'will have hundreds of fabrices to choose from; and he will be saved the doubtful economy and un- certain satisfaction of ready-made. Suits—made to order—made to measure—made to fit—made to satisfy. No fit, no pay; You know, of course. that's our way SUMMERY THINGS Summery Toggery is now on the bill. We have Lots of cool comtort in store for our patrons. Make your selections now, Don't wait until the thermometer says 99` and then rush in madly for Summer Duds. Now if you need anything in summer plum- age. We're Yours for Comfort Summer Hats (Straw and otherwise)—Our Neglige shirts— Our I3reezy Underwear -- Our Summer Neckwear—there's oceans of comfort. It will take but little of the "wherewith" to buy the outfit, and just think how contented you'll be after we have togged you out for the summer campaign. Hoinuth Bros, I Clothiers and Gents'. Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRAME PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria street. Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINGHAM BERRIES Conte to Hutchison's for your Berries! We handle the best at the lowest prices. The best are the cheapest ! I have a nice line of BERRY SETTS Prices ranging from 50c Call and see for yourself R. A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 Capital paid up, $3,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,414,000 Who Wants a Farm ? I hare over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, Iots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands With good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to 7. A, b1acKENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyrood. Farmers' Notes discounted.' Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the limited States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT --Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th Jane and 31st December each, year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAMI ()spits' paid up, $2,0001000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— Hort. Wet. Grnsol'. Vice•Ptesident and General Manager J. TuttuhtJLL. DIRnOTOUS George JohnRoach, 11en'John Geo.eRuth rford. Inspector --H. M. WAtsoi. REAL ESTATE ! Why 1 am Successful in this Line of Business. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers 1 Dominion Day A good day's spc Teeswater on Domic auspices of the Pu The following ga during the day:— vs. Cargill; font Teeswater; lacross water. The Win will furnish the and t Teeswater. t will be held in on Day, under the lin Library Board, nes will be played Baseball, Wingham all, Pinkerton va. , Wingham vs. Tees - ham Citizens' Band sio during the day. House maid wanted. Good wages. Apply to Orr Bros., Ring Edward hotel. The New Factory, With favorable we Cher this week will see the roof on the main building of Messrs. Walker & Cle g's new furniture factory. The brick Si rk on the main building is now atmos complete. Two weeks will finish the b ick work the dry kilns and boiler roe . This firm has made good progress o their new build- ings and a few weeks ill see the new factory in full worki order. I am malting a specialty of this business. I know my business. I am aggressive and progressive. I never show parties my investments unless I am satisfied they have the money and mean business. All nutters are strictly confidential. I have been here for years and believe that I have the confidence of the people. There is a buyer for every business some. where in the country. I have sold property in a very short time that the owner has tried to dispose of for years—and some good ones at that. It's my specialty and I know it. Yours for quick sales, C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANsTONt BLoox. • WINGHAM, ONT. Saving6s Bank—Hours 10 *,e 5; Satnrdo, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In- terest allowed, and computed on the 30th No- vember and Silst May each year and added to principal. etieoitu Oepi Sita also reeeived at ohrrent room bt interest. Drafts on Gre,.1 Britain and the tinned States Bought and sold. • Travellers are notified that the 13ankof Rain - Mori and its Branches issue circular Rates of National Provincial Bank of Rngland, Limited, whleh can be cashed without charge or trou- ble Irt any part of the World. W. CO1tl10t71.,I1i Agent MOIt1NSON & H.OLM , Solicitors. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Died in Mr. and Mrs. J. 2nd line of Morris w thy of a large circle they have sustaine son, Clark Mills Br and 6 months. Tb his foot cut on a pi last week and bl causing his death week. hildhood. . Brandon, of the Il have the sympa- f friends in the loss in the death of their ndon, aged 12 years little fellow had e of glass one day d -poisoning set in, n Monday of this No. 9 Coil Spring wire at $2.70 per hundred, every roll guaranteed, at FISHLEIGII'S HARDWARE STORE. WANTED—A goo Apply to Mrs. R,'Va dl ge • oral servant. UtOne. Reduction i We are in receipt Queen City Oil Co., sequence of the dut and gasoline having gallon, that there accordingly, and fur trust dealers will ret snorers proportionall under which their r the same as that use ies in the United very shortly to be a ers high grade Am Canada. Director The Directors of cultural Society wi hotel, on Tuesday for the final revi The different coin work for some features and incr at -this pleating t a final revision. ing forth every e fair the best eve Agricultural Sec Oil Prices. of a letter Brom the Mating that in Con - on coal oil, benzine een reduced 2?c a ices have dropped er state that they uce prices to con- . As the process nery operates le in the best refiner- tates, they expect le to offer custom - man 011 made in Go to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, if you want to buy a house in town, he has just what you want. PASTURE—Good pasture to let; either for cattle or horses. Apply to H. Ham- ilton, Victoria street. Cut the Gras Some of the streets in a very dirty and On some streets the s' we usnaIly speak in b most hidden from vi weeds. Our town fat mittee, or who ever this matter should see weeds are cut and re of the va0atit lots, we grow, go to seed, and into adjoining lots to citizens who take p ' premises Olean and work for a few days matter and the tows 50 per Dent, better. W ould form a bad o our streets remain i dition Vet'y long. Inoue in this matt and Weeds. n Wingham are ntidy condition. ewalks (of which gh praise) are al - W by grass and ere, or street coin - responsible for that the grass and (ved. On some ds are allowed to hen seed is blown the annoyance of e in keeping their dy. Two men at would remedy this streets would look Visitors to the town inion of the place if their present con- onie person shetild Meeting. he Turnberry Agri - 1 sleet at the Queen's vening of next week on of the prize list. ittees Have been at eeks arranging new asing prize money and e directors will make The directors are putt - ort to make thisyear's held by the Turnberry y. Dr. Brown wi Hotel on Tuesday tation in 'eye, ear, Hours -11 a.1n. to be a June ose ai p.m. t e Queen's 8 , for consul - throat cases. Sermon to The brethren of 794, together with neighboring lodges, s ervice in St. Paul' evening, July 3rd, sermon will be preac Lowe, rector of St. Chaplain of the Gr Ontario West. 1' cordially invited t bers of the local l service. Membe lodge room at 6.15 rangemen. Ingham L.O.L. No: siting brethren from will attend divine Church, on Sunday 7 o'clock, when a ed by Rev. Bro Paul's, and Grand nd Orange Lodge of siting brethren are join with the mem- dge in attending this will meet at the p.m. Model. Farm Excu sion. The excursion to the G elph Model Farm over the W., G, & e• Branch of the G. T. R. on Monday w, = very large- ly attended. At Wingha • 134 tickets were sold as against 139 1 at year. It was necessary to make a and train at Brussels, one of which as a double header. The two trains carried over 1100 people into Guelph. his was one of the most successful ext• sinus held to the Model Farm this seaso Large stock of sample igbt up Io- date) ready -to -wears at re ted prices, at Mrs, Green's. Goderich-Detroit Exc rsion. The $1.00 round trip esc rsion from Goderieh to Detroit by boat was a good a ttraotion for many people n this sec- tion. Over sixty tiokets ere sold at Wingham station and also large num- ber at other places along t.: line. This is considered a good attdance from W ingham and it is ex oted that a similar excursion will be r n from here some time during Angus . Over 1,800 people took advantage of ie moonlight excursion at Goderich on onday night, WANTED—Oar of butter, 350 tubs by June 10th. Eggs, 16c trade; 140 cash. GEO. E. End Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, Loudon, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Will be at Queen's Hotel, Wingham, June 29th. Huron Id Boys. Mr. R. A. Welke , the genial secretary of the Huron Old oys' Association of Toronto, was in to n on Friday last on his way to Lucku , in connection with the arrangements or the anneal excur- sion of the Huron Old Boys' and girls of Toronto to their ative county, which will take place o July 9th, the objective points this year being Lucknow and Goderich. The fficertrof the Associa- tion are:—Presi ent, Mr. Gilbert Smith; vice-president, rof. S. T. Church; Secretary, Mr. . A. Walker; treasurer, Mr. W. 0. MCT ggart. We are paying the highest cash price for wool, delivered at our tannery on Victoria street. PRINGLE & GROVES. Post Offi Word was receiv Ottawa on Thursd Cooper, of Olinto the contract for t post office buildin tenders, one for $ and Mr. Cooper's is a wan who has perieuce in the the contract for t office at Clinton, Refuge at Clinto work on the new menced at once. Contract. d in Wingham from y last that J.1r. S. S. had been awarded erection of the new . There were three ,D65, one for $15,731 $15,500. Mr. Cooper had considerable ex- lding line. He had o building of the post nd also the House of . 10 is expected that building will be com- ON THE PLAYGROUNDS Events of Local Interest on the Field of Sport During the Past Week. Lacrosse Bo The Maple Leaf 1 ham went to Olinto last week, and eros club of that town. before Referee Jack during the first qua Clinton boys suttee goals, The play for more even than the cate, which at the e 10 to 4 in favor of tb Maple Leafs are get practice, and will no account of themse club comes here on J ing the game, the Cli says, "The Wingha gentlemanly player comed back any ti Suffer Defeat. orclase club of Wing. on Wednesday of ed sticks with the The teams lined, up on of Seaforth, and er of the game the d in scoring three the most part was score would indi- of'the game stood Clinton club. The ug in some good oubt give a better es when Clinton ly 8th. Tu report - ton News -Record team are a lot of and will be wel- Births, Marriages and eaths. The following circular has een issued to the Clerks of the different unicipali- ties by Registar-General of ntario:— Returns of births, marriages nd deaths are due to be received at this ffice on 1st July and not later than 15th July. Division -Registrars are speci ly request- ed before forwarding their •hedules to secure as complete a list as p ssible. As it may soon become neces ary in the Province of Ontario for the otection of children under the age of 4 years to make the production of a bir h certificate compulsory before employ et can be secured, the importance of a complete registration of births is o vions. We w ould suggest that you rrqu t the local press to draw the attention o the public to the necessity of complian e with the Act. a t Pon SALE—T gons, set bob sl nese. Apply t street. o black horses, two wa- ghs and set double hat - D. Showers, Edward Death of Mr. John C seriously ill at t in-law, Mr. Hen passed away on week, aged 66 ye ceased was a b years bad lived near Uxbridge, some five months ago to visit with his bhn Carruthers. tethers, who has been e home of his brother - y 13411 for some weeks, ursday evening of last re and 6 months. De- chelor and for many a farm at Eppsom, e came to Wingham sister, Mrs. Ea11, Wok i11 and was his bed. The re old Home on Fri ied by Mr. J'oh Ball, and inter Utica Cemetery and some weeks ago weer never able to leave aids were taken to his ay morning, accompan Ball and Is i5s tAbbie tint took place in the n Saturday afternoon. The Juniors o Judging by the w baseball team ran match with Lucke Friday evening, w hear of them iss Manager T. J. M little trouble the Superiority over t score on the side end of the nint that of a cricket ball. W. Pearso The players on t Bert Lang, c; Rice, 1 b; J. Loc 3b; A.Small, s W. Armour, c f; WANTED—Eggs, 1Gc trade, 14o cash, commencing May 25th. Treat those ped- lars fair; make them them take your but- ter, pork, etc., with the eggs. same as your general merchant does. Potatoes wanted. GEO. E. KlNG. Death of a Pic This week the Tnu:s a the death of one of the e Huron county, in the Robert Bloomfield, who p his home on the 2nd line Monday last, aged 79 yea was born in the north of came to Canada in 1848, a: worked at his trade of sh ferent towns in Canada. of 1854, fifty, ears ago, farm in Morris, where h the time of his death. was a man of many goo was a staunch Conserve enthusiastic Orangeman a prominent figure in ti celebrations in this septi field had for many year plied the wreaths used i of the arches at the 120 tions. The funeral too afternoon to the Wi and was attended by in the Orange Order. leer. ain announces ly pioneers of eraou of Mr. ssed away at f Morris on s. Deceased Ireland, and d for six years maker in dif- n the spring settled on his resided up to r. Bloomfield qualities. He eve and a very and was always 12th of July n, Mr. Bloom - made and sup - the decoration of July celebra- place yesterday gbam cemetery, ny members of ANTISEPTIC Poot Powder What Is It? Itis a discovery which cures sore, tired, tender, aching, sweating or swollen feet. It is prepared by the Premier Medical Co., of Neve York and Chicago, and FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY RETAILS AT 15 cents per box. Try a box and find relief. olionoommioffidnonftwOomlorannis Sold in Wingham by Walton McKibben, Phm8. Next door to Post Oflee. the Diamond. y the School Nine the score in the w on the park last may expect soon to ng a challenge to Lean's nine. With demonstrated their e visiting team, the of the locals at the innings resembling tch rather than base - umpired the game. e home team were: Fiudlay, p; Frank eridge, 2 b; J. Groves, ; J. Aitcheson, r f ; Ernest Greer, 1 f. Strawberry A. strawberry f auspices of the Brick will be held on Mr. 12th concession E. the let. t1 good pro pared. Refreshmen the grounds, Every vited. Admission 15 estiyal. tival nide • e ethodist r • n1'ch ohu R • "• 's lawn wet • .., on July rant is being pre - will be served on e is cordially in, ents, children 10c, Evening on The Epworth Leag Methodist Church he ful missionary meeti ening last. Rev. J present and delivere on the "Forward M stone," and Mr. K. J. ch arch gave a short and the Sommer meats were served d and all present had a League decided to pu library. Wedlock's Li • Contract. issions. e of the Wixgham d a very success- g on Monday ev- E. Hunter was a practical address vement for Mis- eaton, of White, alk on "Missions ohool." Refresh- ing the evening good time. The chase a missionary This week two of young people, Miss H. F. Hicks, were bonds of wediook,t performed by the R Wedieesday evening the bride's brother, A number of the re friends of the contr present, and the unattended. They ces street, and will wishes of a large n an abundance of h ty on their voyage 7'I\fEs extends eon Lacr sse Match. The Kincardi and Wingham lacrosse teams are billed o play a match on the town park thi: (Thursday) evening. The game is call :• for 6:15 o'clock, and will no doubt be ..e of the fastest games of the season, as ,oth teams are in the field to win. It hoped the citizens will liberally patro ize this exhibition of the national game, and encourage the boys. Admission :—Ladies, 10 cents; gentlemen, 15 cent "The Ir The event which traction to lovers o ball will take place on Friday afternoo tare famous "Irish the local baseball match. As this w'1 game to be played f petted there will be the citizens to witn at 4 p.m. Admiss' cents, sh Nine." honld prove an at - the game of base - n the local diamond of this week, when ine" of Lucas, and team will play a be the last home r some time, it is ex - a large turnout of ss it. Game called n 25 cents; ladies 10 The Wingham S club played a frie Bluevale club on winning by a score Wingham Junio to Wroxeter on Fri off for the tie f The game resulted by a score of 3 to 1 team the junior W of Huron district f Brussels interme pions defeated Mil tion game Friday n to 0 at Brussels. at Brussels in pla game with. Mildma defaulted to &us mediate teana hold Huron and Bruce Clinton lacrosse on Friday, 10th ins on the grounds at t be played, This is ship on the part of the Clinton boys g gotten their defeat weeks ago. Ilriday evening crowd that ever match at Seaforth, Hurons played a dr and Galt retains th Of the Western l'o another year. Th evenly matched, bu the extellent work mei junior football dly garae with the aturday, the latter of 2 to 1. football team went ay afternoon to play the championship. in favor of Brussels This gives Brussels ' F. A. championship r 1004. ingham's popular aisy Field and Mr. oined in the holy ceremony being v. Dr. Gundy, on at the residence of Mr. Thos. T. Field. tives and intimate cting parties were young couple were will reside on Fran - have the heartiest ober of friends for ppiness and prosperi- through life. The ratulations. FARM FOR SAL condition, splendi cleared. first cone ship. Write to E den street, Toron Brandon, Wingh 100 acres, 'u good buil. to ' 85 acres cion orris Town - W. i uce, 24G Bor- 0, or James Henry . P.O. The Glo Arrangements tion of the 12th being pe fected, is being consta side lodges, it i celebration will Ings in the hist ous Twelfth. July in Winghara, are nd from word which ly received from out - anticipated that this lipse all former gather - y of North Huron the speakers who present are: Rev. ntario West; Rev. , and others. Ar - u made with the R. for single fare h and good return - besides special train July 12th, partica- be found on small Highland pipers and the fyfe and drum dges will furnish earty welcome will who may co to erten in an exhibi- is game was played e of the scheduled , the latter having s. Brussels inter -1 he championship for trict for 1904. ye went to Listowel . to play a game and to put in appearance e hour game was to istowel, in allowing to unneccessary ex - ye have not yet for - in Winglutin some before the largest itnessed a football alt and the Seaforth semor championship tball.Association for teams 'weiti fairly Seaforth excelled in 6 result was due to f the Galt defense. $30.00 to COlOrado and Retuen Via Chicago, Union racitle So North. Western Line. Chicago to Denver, COloradO Springs and Pueblo, daily throughout the summer. Correspond- ingly Iow rates from all points east. Only one night to Denver from °bleep. Two fast trains daily. R. It BENNETT, Xa13t Xing St. Toronto, Ont. SUCTION SALE— Tuesday, June 280/1 acres hay, 00 acres Purvis, auctioneer. YOUR EYE Your best friend Take care of it. We are prepared to test eyes and fit glasses properly, hav- ing the best outfit made, including a Geneva Com- Opthalraoscope and, Retinoscope for the de- tection of astigmatism. We guarantee every pair we sell. If your eyes change so that you require a change of glasses within six months of titne of pur- chase, we exchauge them free of charge. AIIIPAcCa1186Cog Druggists and Opticians WINGRAM, ONT. 11161, at e o'clock. 20 as e land, 41 head an, proprietor ; Many Calls are received from business firms and Many Students are placed in good positions each year by the famous CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This school stands for the highest and best in business education in Canada to -day. Many business col- leges employ our graduates as teach- ers. We have scores of applications from other colleges. Ask to see them the day yon enter. Comniense course now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT Mrs. Tarte, wif of Hon. J. Isreal Tarte, is dead. —Secure the Trsi s till January lst,. 1905. Only 45 cent The village of akerfield uebeor was partly destroy by fire WANTED—Swart, Ile£11 y girl, to do general house.work, belp take care of child. Apply to ns. R. M. LIPSEY, An examination f the financial state - meats of the vari s fall fair as °ma - are most unequal y distribut large stock of Boy's en's reedy -to - wear clothing at surprising values. An Al upright piano, nearly new, at a. great bargain. Also an Al bike buggy and phaeton for sale. Apply to FRIDAY, JULY 1 st, 1904 Shoes for The Glorious First How call you enjoy the First in heavy. uncomfort- able Shoes ? You can't. We have light weights and easy Summer Shoes for men, women and children. Full of style, and not expensive. Street Shoes, Oxfords and Colonial Ties Made from Patent Calf, Patent and Vici Canvas and Coolie Cloth -- with a price range from $1‘00 to $3.00„ This is the comfortable Footwear for Summer. Come, see what we have to show you. OP See us for Trunks arid Valises. W. J. GREER The Shoe Matt,