HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-16, Page 741110114410001600040404,0041014.00110
Tangled Web
Author of "Eeaton's $argain," "His Perfect Tru t,"
By Another Name," " Her Hea is Idol,"
"Haff a 'Truth," r;i H s Rival."
maty? ' f4irall i r( tip it? Yes, it't:
• worth trying for."
'Arm ltuthvon was unusually partic'u-
htr in ordering' luncheon, t hough at
net time was rhe indifferent. as to
what she out and drank, and as to
what she put on. A very becoming
costume of elude blue' plush au(1 cash-
mere, made her fairly content with
herself, while her thick, shining, au-
burn -gold hair was crowned by a
dainty little lace cup, with pale
blue rihbons,
Marsden was delightfully punctual,
.and, in his nhnit•ably cut frock -coat,
with n delicate trate'
1 button -hole >
1 l
ten hui '
halo set,
his high -bred face and beautiful soft,
sleepy blue eyes, looked so hund-
Urate and
that 'Mrs
Ituthven thought a woeian might
bo excused for making 3' fool of her-
.soll' about hint.
"And how aro you, dour ;errs.
Rutht•en, after tiles(' long days? What
:sin did 1 commit that- you' forbid lilt'
your presence?" exclaimed Marsden,
holding her hand tenderly, a moment
• longer than oras quite conventional,
.and looking into her eaves.
"Forbid you my presence?" she re -
mated, laughing•, "Once VIll'31 you
called I was really out, and once' -I
was really engagocd!" •
o I "Ito you mean that is thi' beggarly
account of ea11 131y attempts to see
,you? Why, I was here four, five, six
tittles. rat least--"
t "when they omitted to tell rue!
1 Do not lot us quarrel about the ex-
keet number, Mr. 11111:i'(l(1)! tell the
• some 1':veslcigh news. How are your
charming relatives at 1lrclokdah'?"
".L rtaliy do not know. • I have
i never 1,'ned of th,'ut since we left my
•111 -fated 1104150, Do you know, I can
.not' heal' the idea of going there, and
Zhac intended tohnt •B[in ::
this winter'."
"You nowt not allow yourself to
,grow Morbid; 1 shall regret the loss
of my pretty rubies More than ever!
Conte, luucbeon is ready in the next
While the servants Were 111 the
Ann they talked of ordinary sub-
jects, but. firs. Ituthven soon nutmeg -
ed to get rid of thele. and resisting
the temptation of listening to Mars -
den's charming voice and fluttering
( speeches, she took tlu' direction en
t the conversation into her own ,
. ]rands.
c longshe
\ Un n111. t not be
isaid. "I shall want a tolerably
large strut of money soon," and pro -
;deeded to tell of the opportunity
which offered of purchasing the d;
t•sieahi. villa at Twickenham; after
L.enlul'ging on its merits, she con-
"I always wished for a place of
that sort. It is so nice for fetes
and pretty recherche parties. Be-
sides, I may as well lay out some 01
that money which is Lying idle in
the Thrt'e-per-Cents.. so you must
come back in time to pay it."
She looked up suddenly with a
Smile and en keen glance, and 'Mars -
,den net it with his usual lazy, good-
humored expression.
"Very well," he said, ''the cash
-shall be ready when 1uu1 w11('I'0 yon
willWhat aro you going to give
for this 'BOW
"'Thirty-three thousand five hun-
"That is a long price, my dear
Mrs. R
"Not too Igng, I think; there are
some fields attached which insure
privacy at present, and are worth R
•good deal Its building land. Then
,sos'' there is et good deal of handsome old-
fashioned furnitfire in the house."
"Oh! i( your solicitors are satisfied,
• ri'. 1i
say a a2 t:,t t
have nothing to {, t Y
business faculties are of the lowest.
order. I fear, however, that I can
3101, return before Saturday -week.
'10u will be sorry to hear that my
1 friend 11e Meudon has been (tenger-
o0sly ill. T will try to return by
I'ari+J, turd hove a look at hint."
"Yes, I aur sorry," said .Urs.
"Then, I stay onto get on the
track of your jewels, and have to go
further n -field to discover them. By
the way, have you. any note of their
Size and weight?"
I "Only of serol --•a few. But I wish)
1you would not go 011 on such a
' wild-goose' chase. As , for nue. 1' ,. ant
Weary of the subject and ,_,_ iii
k ouId only Walk
From Bed to Chair
.1 For years sufferer fromKid.
nay disease-bured by Dr.
Chase's Kidney.LIver Mlle.
Mn. Snitu>:r. Sr,tl,t.
iNo Ladysmith, Lad smith Pontine,
Co., Que., writes c—" 1 have used br. Chase's
t Kidney -Liver' Pills and believe there is no medi'
1 eine to equal them. I was troubled for years
with kidney disease and this treatment has carred
me. When I began w use these pills I could
only walk from my bed
to a chair. Now 1 can
go to the field and
work like any man.
They are on excellent
medicine. Dr. Chaster
Ointment is a perfect
cure for itching piles.
One box cured twc
s; members of my tangly
who had suffered frets
this wretched ailment
for four years."
to let thelia go! The whole affair
has depressed and exhausted sue. I
fool, pursued by an roll fat,' -us if cv-
erythbtg was Immune -I never feed
8ttfel "
"Merely morbid feeling, such as
you accuse[. me of indulging, anti
proves that you ought never to be
left alone! Why do you think of
going to so hl't)thellish a place as
I"etikestone? fly sister will' only be
the delighted, if you will go to
('hodworth, 1tot'rington'S place in
1i ----shire, 'L'hey will be there in
about. a fortnight, and get some
pleasant. people to meet you."
"You are very kind! But at pre-
sent I want to be quiet -and-"
Shirley,'announced a
"Captaint ,'
w uitt'r.
1larselen elevated his eyebrows fn-
terrogativOjy, and Airs. Ituthven re-
plied with a sable,
•'I beg a thousand pardons," said •
It -Wrier a sullen look of annoyance
clouding his face. "I thought you
were alone,"
"I assure. yon I am very glad to •
see you," cried Mrs, ltutllve•n, gay-
ly. "I have been trying to feed toy
inexorable trustee, here, into good -
humor, to get his consent to my new
purchase. tome and help m(.; and
' pray take some luncheon."
- "I have already lunched, thank
"A glass of Burgundy, then? This,
I assure you, is not to be despised."
Shirley condescended to take a
glass -and began to thaw.
"Come into the next room," said
Mrs. Ituthven, leading the way; and,
nestling into the col'lie'r of a large
sofa, she proceeded to coquette' with
both her visitor;.
"11r. Marsden is going all the way
e' c f find-
! he chance 1
Amsterdam, t n t
to Ani t m,
r mamma" 5 " 5he )'elna)'k(KI
find -
lug my pool tl c , ,
after a little disclnsive chatter. "Is
it not good of him?"
"Wo would all go further than Am-
sterdam, if we thought we could
find them„" said Shirley, gallantly.
"If? Yes, that is just it. But it
is too far for n mere chance. By
the way. how far is Amsterdam from
Ostend?" asked Mrs. Ituthven, in a
curiouslmocking tone.
"I really do not know," returned
Shirley, gravely, and .looking very
straight at her, his )'ace darkening.
"Why (lo you psi:?"
Airs. Ituthven was sated the dim -
AIIF, 1Irli,Ll+iA.ir TIMES .!UNE 16i. 11 04
The satisfaction of having the
washing done early in the day,
and well done, belongs to every
user of Sunlight Soap. lou
I acid Sl1il•ley, turning white. "]int as
you do not need me, 1 have business
to attend to in the city, alit{ will
bid you good -morning." Ile bowed
to Marsden and went away quickly.
I "flow cross he is," said Mt:3.
Ruthven,, as the door closed to ;,ion.
tees, poor dccil." retut'ncd Nnes-
den, carelessly', "you treat hint rath-
\thy dot's he court had treat-
ment? I do not "w• {rat him.'to i'ul>lo
"'!'here is a strong dash of cruelty
in you, eharminu though you are,"
"Do you think so?" looking down,
n' ( ^softly.es -
and s ftl Irl I( 1 1 cap
f,, et,am
+able of taking my revenge, believe
ale" her lips quivered as she spoke.
1 q 1
I con (Wile si re these pretty vel-
wc-vety little hands enuld strike, un-
flinchingly; but they could caress ten-
derly too."
" Clifford 1" she exclaiuu•d, wit11
sudden emotion, then, correcting her-
self -"1 mean nil'. litu'sth'n "
Id& 'OPAIILING Because of their die
[' sot and combined action on kidneys, liver nue!
bowels, Dr.^ Chase's Ikidnev-Liver Pills curt
t where ordinary medicines fail, one pill a dose,
Zee/ilea a box. The porttnit and signature of
Dr. A, W. Chase, on every box, ,
Dr. Chas's Eaolcaehe Trlrsrter promptly
rsllevba endue and Adele
of att`;wering as her courier
l l" ty •
came in bcfort' she could reply, and
handing a card to his mistress, ask-
"11111 you receive the gentleman,
"Oh, yes, show him up." Then,
with a little confidential nod to
Shirley, she added:
'fhis is n)y engineer!"
"Ile has lost no tine," he return-
"I shall not Jet him stay long. I
will tell you all about him after-
ward'' --to Marsden.
Shirley looked sharpli' at the door;
but Marsden seethed too 11111011 occu-
i,ied with his own thoughts to Ieed
what. Was going on.
L1 a few minutes a twiddle -aged
ratt111 of average
t height,
1t :
i iron -
way moustaches and whiskers, his
right arm in n sling, came into the
room, and made a deferential,
though clumsy, bow.
11r Colville," said
- O • t .Col U
(,oOd n)
) nln
who had r}son. and
t iron n h
Mrs. T3 t
was standing beside a table near one
of the. windows. "You have lost no
time in answering may' note."
"I was anxious to t hank you for
your kindness in Writing," ho 1•e -
turned, in n10)0, boors(' voice.
girl?" howis 'your itch' it 1. con -
'limed Mrs. Ituthven, "I et me see,
silo 1111181 be nearly eight?"
'•No, mu'nn', she is nl'nrly seven,
and honks less. She is n. delicate,
(weakly little creature, that's why I
ll am anxious to keep her away in the
"Very naturally. I ,un sorry I
Ma not attuld 10 you to -day, Mr.
Colville," graciously; "you sec I am
engaged with this gentleman, and
Captain Shirley," bending her head
in the direction of the latter. "Ilut
if you will cull to -morrow, I can
give you 114114' an hour; do not be
later than tool\e."
"1 ehall be punctual. and I thank
!Wait for a moment," said firs,
lluth'en. "i have a. little gift hero
for my goddaughter." She wont to
her writing -table, and took front a
drawer a small packet tied with
ribbon, Which she' placed in his
. "Yoe( are very good, madame," he
said, as with another clumsy boar
and a look ateach gentleman, he left
the room.
"]to ;you not rt'meniher hitt at
all?" asked Mrs. Ituthven,
"No," ret tinted Shirley. "I never
sa:v 111111 before, and I ran not tray
leo looks the sort of mein 1. should
be uterined to trust,"
"You are too suspicious. The poor
fellow has been unlucky, his arta
was broken in some machinery, and
he le out of work.,•
"I have a fellow -fooling with the
unlucky," said Marsden, rousing him-
self, "I've not haul much good luck
myself," Y
"Why yOu seem to 114e a romarkab-
ly lucky man." said Shirley.
"By the Way. Captain Shirley,"
began i11nv, Ituthven, in a languid
tone. "T hope you will excuse 4110
for breaking my eugagrlwent; but stly
head is quite too bad to drive tiown'
to Tw•iekenhaln. It would not be
worth while goillg-ih rt closed car-
riage, and tt ith my nelirnigia an Am-
en ono is nett to he thongltt'of."
"Pray do . not dreeni of income
needing .'ourself of my aecottr,ie,"
"No, no," he said, smiling on her,
"you have broken the ice, and I
will not have the colder appel-
"Not yet," she said softly, with-
drawing her hand which he had tak-
en. "1 may coil you Clifford one
day -but not now. '!'ell ate, when do
you go 011 this rather wild-goose
0111350 to Amsterdam?" •
"To -night. I cross to Calais, and
shall get to Amsterdam some Unto
to -morrow. I shall not write, as I
hope to see you soots again. I trust
you will go and amuse yourself
somewhere. I can't hear to t'hlink
of your moping in all hotel at Folke-
stone; do go to my sister."
"Wel, perhaps 1 may, but, I AM
anxious to settle about this place."
"We must also arrange about a
feel second trustee; rustee; 1 (( d
my n • res Isi ai -
ol I1
ales too hea'1y.
"Oh! We can sec all about that
when you conte back."
"Good-bye, then, my deny lf1's,
Ituthven. Wish axe success."
1•10 pressed her hand, and was gone.
Mrs. Ituthven grew very pale, as
she stood for a moment in thought,
and Dressed her handkerchief to her
• eyes, then she looked in the glees,
1 smiling at her own image.
"I should never be alone," rho
•t o are( "Does 1' mean
n) n 1. 1l to :n
1 ube me-
. constant companion? I am to select
another trustee. Ah! Marsden, if you
but loved me, I could forgive any-
thing. Sometimes I almost believe
you do. Be tial as it may*, you are
bound to Jit' -for love or for re-
venge -I will never let you go."
CI1AI'TEn. v1II. -
The result of Miss L'I?strange's
self -consume was very perceptible,
at least, to herself. The careful watch
she cstablishod over her own words
and 11a1u10r, however, was too deli-
cately exercised to be in any way re-
markable. She was bright and frank
its ewer, but she slid easily away
from any approach to sentimental
subjects, though talking readily on
other topics. The chief change was
an increase of animation and it tend -
enc to nock at what usedtouch
Y to
her. .iris. L'Estrange only noticed
that Nora was in remarkably good
Winton sometimes looked a little
1 w' r'
surprised, and 1, stowed d raw ( of his
,I,yd •r,
conversation on his ells acquain-
tance than he used. •
The quirt Weeks went by swiftly,
1hlir monotony broken by occasion-
al dinners at the ]louses of the ca-
thedral dignitnrios at OIdbridgo,
where Nora's songs and lively talk,
and D1 s. L -e
'S gentle tact
*incl ey11ipathetic "listening," made
both WeiCOme guests. •
oetoht'r Was more then half over,
and hunting had begun --n congenial
amusement which interfered a good
deal with \Vinton'k frequent visits to
Ilrookditle. The rapid falling of the
leaves, and a Succe:1410h Of stormy
nights, onade firs. L'hrstrange think
seriously of spending November and
December in town --a 1n•oposition
which ora originally urged.
Mrs. Httthven wrote at length, very
i;he Was detailed in town 1/y bus-
inns, She said, She was in treaty
for a pretty villa on the Thames,
nod would be delighted to have Miss
1eTeetrantie's counsel 11)1(1 risSLRtitlleb
twhe11 she set about. furnishing.
Mr. Marsden had been so good in
ttyitg to finch her jewels, told had
got,e to Alusteedam in search of
them. but all in vain. Wes he at
? e
eat .d t
.• ,. ' t c e b
'r • S1 1
Evesleigh? h. for no one f,
!•.now what had Recons' of him. •
"l)o you know T think it would bo
100y nic,c to help Mrs. Ituthven in
choosing her furniture? Shall I tell
her We nee thinking of going up to
town? Perhaps she Would take
rooms for us," said Nora, when 511e
had read this letter aloud at brcak-
f mt.
1f' dear Nora! she Would not cure
for the trouble; and what a price she
Would agree to give for roc» hs! WBC
must he'1017 prudent; my little sn0-
hnes during the hatter part of our
'stay in Germany will not go far."
"Oft, yes! 1 forget. •Vote Ave
really a wonderful woman, Mien; I
shall ))ewer 1•1.4 retch an economist;
but its to not c'a1'hlg for the trouble,
I do not think you W)1(t elo W1)s.
Ttnthwert iustico;
sou and Mr, Winton
are always of the sans' opinion, and
I think you have caught his pelle-
dlee against )ter."
"1 nun not as much fasclnil.t('cl AS
you are. 11.3311 1 1110141 5av, f ani a
good (hal infurnce'1 by Mark Wirt -
ton; When 1 look back" -she stop-
per. abruptly. Nora, Who • longed 1.0
hear her reminiscences, gazed earn-
' egtle( at her, and ltfrs. L'Lstrange,
raining her eyes etiddcnly, encount"r-
ed triose of., bet' etep•duughter nixed
111 on her, anti Colored through ler
d( Ile ate pare skirt, to Nora's great
surf)! lee, ":Sonic• day," 5334d bens.
I,'k: .range., t{ul"kla and with 84)71)0
Coufnsion, "I must till yeti my lit-
tle Li eery: leery one has some
touch 'sit 3paltutce is their liwea, even
Ito prosaic a person ea 1 nm."
"110, 414 or: tell it to 141e now."
"Now? -Oh, no, 1 must interview
cook, and plan the dinner; the ro-
tilttuce of the•pxtsl must give way to
ih(' needs of the 'mewed. vulgar
though they be: come evening. by
the the -light, 1 will prose about days
'front' by. it is fine an(i'iaitu to -clay:
let us give Beet u holiday, and walk
across 1 ho park. '1'}e meet is at
t'roWlautl (gate, and we will see the
hounds; throw off."
"By all means. 1 feel as if I
wanted to lie h1 the opl'n.ttir.,,
Liars. I: Pstrange. cot away to her
(To be continued)
Soothing medicinesopiates
and strong
drags should Clever be given to little
children, auy
doctor will telt yon
Baby'sU n Tablets should be used
cause they eauuot harm the smallest..,
weakest infant. These tablets iustantly
relieve and promptly erre all stomach
and boweLtronbles, break up colds, pre.
Vent croup, destroy worms, and allay
the irritation accompanying the tatting
of teeth. Thousands of mothers say they
are the best medktine in the world; one
of these, Mrs, R. Sonlland, Calab'gie,
Out., writes: -el have tried many reme-
dies to children, lint $aby's Own Tab.
lets is the best I have ever used.
I have been, giving then on
easionally to mel child since he was six
months old. TI ey have always kept
hien well, and het is a big healthy baby."
All iuedicitte dealers sell these tablets or
sou can get then} post paid at 25 cents a
box by writing to The Dr. Williams'
Medioiue Co., Brockville, Out.
To Lessen the Distance of Trans-
porting Logs.
A aural will b, co: uct..c ) the
a,u i nsr
Oatar:o Gov; r:meet to .torr ea l let d so.
tome of trensprrtiuz logs from, the
'amber limits in tis vicinity of the
head waters of tlta Sturgeon 'River.
The. canal will open a passage 11e•
I ween t11e head, waters of this river
awn Wnhantpitnc Lake, n distane t of
about one-third of n. mare. '['he les
cattle be teken'down the Walinapiiac
River instead of. down the Seurgeon
River to .Luke. Niptssing, and thence
through the .i roatch River, The sav-
ing would bat so great that tho lugs
could be taken out in one seaeoa,
wher.111s It now ,lakes teee season?.
• Lumbermen attempted to meko the
cutting sone yenrs w)go, hat the own -
ere of the land obtained an injunction
preventing it. The Government will
.:xptr✓Priett; thea land men' rad. teed will
operate the conal, charging the lum-
bermen a toll for the passage of the
togs sufficient to Pay the cost of mein-
tenance. W
A True Story.
A true story of a laughable net41re
comes from Shakespeare, where a citi-
zen is said to .h*uiwe had considerable
trouble with a neighbor's hens. which
wrested upon invading his • garden.
Finally t11^ Shakespeare anarx hit shell
an ingenious w'ay of conveying to the
owner of the liens a hint that the
Pleasure of their comp•eny was not
desired., Ili threw
some porn. The henforeseeing an
unexpected feast, left their work in
the girder' end mad' a bee (or hen)
line for the corn. jPttt tate grain of
corn had a string to it • and the
had a eard to itand h r,•
string' ( l ; n t the card
had a legend to it, which lust. was
this; "Keep your hens' at home.'' A
iter, swallowed the. corn and, fee: -
in;, somcwltiat mob trrasse.'l by being
"on a. string," rani off beano, tak'n"
with it the corn,. e113 string anal tnit.
.• 1
r... ,.inc3 ill•:t date; h' J
> the lens ate
said to have developed •a home -loving
is a spring molieine it bas no equal,
An Article on this Subject from the
Finance Chronicle. ---Some or
the Reasons Advanced,
I IIlll l 111 VIN VNNIIIII tlI,1lNpll 111 t 11/";' •11 ' 11111 YI I I' � f I' 11P OI''u'
The inereas'd rates to fire i,ns z'.
antic, is sorn:3tluxtg wlliclt a, great
many properly owners in Ingersoll
aro pretty deeply interested in
of the pros arca time and art 1401/010
on tills sub eel ream the Finan te
Chrrsuicld, one of the .most ihougbtr
tally etItte(T f'n'.netat journals on the
continent, will ix'. read with Profit
by all in.erelsted in this subject. It
is as follows:-
' h udy,l1tecs 111 rates or fire looser.
ante: which is being made in onse-
gu..ne(t of the ,heavy losses by the To-
ronto conflagration having demon.
titrated the nec'essiiY for more edit..
eluate provis'ons beim; nude for welt
disasters, has brought out wove
criticisms of 'insuennr,3 companies
.)Ld suogcstiosns to lwllicll we propose
to pray sttention; in a business 1pirit,
,Loth property owelees tend incur•
aregt coineetnies have rause for sllow-
4)g irritative under the provoking
circuennstances which have recently ext -
curved, but th.,
, interests of neither
eau b3 served by recri.mina,tions.
It is a1fir a
d thee, owing n
to t
ereas:1 ratmerchants
. es , . and on hors
wilt curry their Awn. insurance, and
further, that 'neer coln;punicsl will bo
ct:tablisltad W1104 will insula: Jt'ro-
pc'rtles at less r.:ttee than those which
have been estsblislled ,since the To -
route, confldgr41,tioe. As, to mer-
t:1,:ints .tad manufacturees carrying
there own insurance, it: is too im-
prudent a course. 1o1 be adopted bte
1.113' but very wealthy tires, 301)0
tare absolutely independent: of credit,
No banker would, extend accommoda-
tion b;' diecottnjs (or loads to custan-
crw Wlloss premises, and stooks ware
41np1ro eeted by insurrinrt',nor woaitl
any 'cider o! anon*, on mortgage
nec:.prt. reel estate as a seeurity un-
kss the, buildingsl w.ero insured in
1141• inter:et. Manufacturers here,
and in for,deen veinal01es 33'011131 de••
ohne to supply r;oa(ls to merrl)nnts
who carried their own insurance, and
our wholesale' merchants would ze
fuse credit to any retailer who, be
taking th's course, exposed himself
let rain Ind this creditors to serious
lets. Self insurance, or no insur-
r..nce is to reckless a. kle 9S 1 practice etr'
J ce t
tint. favour with bus.
1 nese nen.
Aa to now! companies being estab'•
liaised to sell insurance at "cut
rates," it ,mite. be rare. that 3):"(iel•i
is (2uite open for net. enterprises in
this as in other foetal of bueincs.,.
There have been 1, large. number of
companies founded here and in the
States whose object. ,:t tens to secure
r)1ks by loft; raters. These corn.
panics, as a rule, Have, had et short
career; they kept: i'n, operation white';!
,Fanditions wore favorable, but were
seesies aw;iy by a con:fingrntion, or by
a sucoessio>tx of adv,3rso' years.
panics of this( elese run the, grave
risk of being ruined by a lees' 'lis -
aster, astheir businees3i ie restricted
to a narrow area. se that they cohno',
I b: co;1z,p nsatcd for aj ruinous loss in
one distract by' t•hca more favourable
businese in other districts, Long
and wide cxeer'enc3 bas reeved "up
to the hilt" that et fi.ri irsteance
company fo' h^ pe.rminent•, treu:1d,
thoroughly relinbll, must dist'tibute
its risks over areas in. ' 30111th the
conditions vary, so that, year by
year, an average, loess ratio arty be
.ap:rien"e(t 33111 ps built 13
sufi}clent to put the nol'reversemany 11
in ;i
position to beat+ true( strain of any
1c'val 3Onfllgration. The benefit. cr
Ruth an average 1055 ratio, and the
protection o'f strong reservoe are en-
ju3•cci be every policyholder. Hke m .y
rete ;more for :absolute protectiot,
141n dor 1protovtion 'bought eheaply,
blot wilt fail sateen it is subjected to
an extra Stearn, bat common prud-
ence. ordinary business principles
teach that it is the worst kind' or
olio env to bu • t r-
tno: 1 ' n
>i' a -trek' serol it
cause of its low( price, without t
oa r
side.riner whether it will prove equtl
lo what it is rer;uircd for.
Tito rites for fire in,3tirance are
beiner raised for. itIte purpose of pro-
tecting policyholders, by, putting fire
companies on such; a 11111111::,1111 baei
as wilte a J '
r rade t u,at
strong enough
under any, conditions likely to arise
to ;meet ail ,their engugelu4nts.
It is interesting to .tote that the
.roilwey companies are; raising 'heir
freight rates in consequence of hearty
![„ors coaled by' the .snow blockades
last winter. Forme: compensation for
these losses they. nem at securing by
more 'ialtwme from freight charges.
They 43183) ar,+,1 actng on the businl,as
principle that adverse contingencies
must be provided; for.
It purifies and enriches the
blood. Acts on the Kidneys, Liver,
Stomach and Bowels. Cleanses
and invigorates the entire system
from the Brown of the head to the
soles of the feet.
Don't be sick, weak, tired, Worn
and weary.
--wa ne Ws r—www
A large nwnbee of fruit trop re-
ports from all parts of Canticle have
been received at the Fruit Division
Uttaw•a, duralg the; petst two weeks.
The estintttte•s given; therein are bns-
0rx 01110(ly- upon 111(1 appe.artince of the
fruit buds, and the general condition
of the trees and 'idents, as at the time
of writing anal tthetan
Was in most cases
little else: by' which to ju:dgo. In
lerince Edward Island the season was
not far enough: advanced to report in-
telligently, 'r13e severe Winter caus-
al extensive damage, especially )n On-
tario. Another report will Ire issued
ir. about ten; d)ys, when the. :Mount
Wf. blooan twill:bo known,
% PPLES; -
Ontario. - In the gout love -stern u0une
ICS, or eo-called "fruit belt," '1'ltrly,
TaIJ and winter apples ell promise n
nledittln to full crop. 'Western On-
toric, generally ,is expected to :live
n :medium to full trop of early varie-
ties, a medium eroel of Tall eplpk's, and
at least an) etverage yield of Russees,
Gteenings and Bette Davis. lni 1141
Georgian Pay district Ontevios, )earl.
wins and Spier all suffered badly trot.:
frost, and 'tender varieties are ntoetly
killed. In Central Onta.r'o, early var}.
once will probably: yield rt. ill crop;
tali. 'Varieties a medium trop., er-ce»t
l amettse, width is Very promiSing;
w•tntcr rsorts, a• medium to full drop.
Quebec and 1i tste''f Ontario. '- Bite
s(11'l1t}es grown pi500111e medium to
good [roils, largely: Vamoose. -
Ne)w li5131,S vi(k and lartatern Quebec.
similating IlleropdandRegula-
ling the Stomachs andBoweis of
Provo es'Pigestion,Cheerfu1-
ness,andRest.Contains neither
Opiuimi,Morphine nor Miers..
,e& i:-
Ald al
Aim Seed •
Ilypemant -
.na� .
rmL 8
,Lh ads
1 s
J&^>n ud -
4ia.11"y r.•
aowy rairlartn:
Aperfcct Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stontach,Diar'rhoca,
Worms,Convuts ions ,Feverish-
ness old Loss OF SLzE1?.
TarSimile Signature of
Jxfsnts and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
dor Over
Thrty Years
Ayer 1
Keep them in the house.
Take one when you feel bil-
ious or dizzy. They act di-
rectly on the liver. n,.,e1i! u3[..
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or richblack? Use run era, OF Malcom on./1.1.11/1&& co..21.1/111.1‘,P1.11.
-Not many grown, but a medium crap
expected. t
Bova Scotia. -Trees are reported in
splendid condition neerly all over the
province, with an abundance of fruit
buds . Although growers do not ex-
pect two bumper, crops in succession,
they rate very much pleased with the
outlook. A ,medium( to full erop is
tnittcltted everywhere.
British •Coluaub}a.-Crop promises to
i► excellent, better!titax4l last year.
Ontario, Quebec and New, -Bruns-
wick reports ipdieato s'vere injuries
by fr4_rt, :Early pears• in these pro-
vinces are likely( to be a. fair, :roe,
and the later varieties, ' though al.
first expected to be ligla are 34030
slowing heavy bloom. In Nova '-co-
tin indhcatiolls point ,to a full crop of
cal ly fruit, and: a medium to full cro-
of the late'vn,rieties. A full crop is
also expected in. British Coltunbia.
Last winter was a •disastrous one
to peach growers or all parts of C"'n-
aaas whole orchards havebeen
cd out by' the extreme: cola. Tho :rep
wilt be light this year, as the reports
from all the provinces are universal-
43- oaf avora blee.
l'hun .rocs also suffered
cred rom win-
ter killing, and even whore the trees
survived, the. fruit buds and spurs
were frequently killed. There are
prospects of to medium crop in West-
ern Ontario, but in' the rest of ,hc
province, only dative plums and such
hardy varietiesarad te*Burbanka
Abundance will yield a crop, Nova
Scotia and British Columbia. both re-
port prospects fair for a medium crop,
A fair crept of grapes seems to be
expected in ell section's where they are
grown to any eO.tent. Tender v'tr-
ieties, and in ;the. more northerly lati-
tudes s41115(3' all,vttrieties, were ;sadly
winter killed.
Cherries are promising' in Western
Ontario, but poor in !:astern Ontario
ntid Quehoo. Ing Novae Scotia and
llritisit Columbia stwdiuin crops are
exp> tied.r ,
.'XR,AW1h31:RRl1;:; AN'1). ltAS.13E1t
Strawberries killed out belly. 4"41(3-
cially in ,''' Nie ara and Essex dis-
tricts. Rnspb"rriee nl ,ta suffere 1,
hot i. from x
m . r frost and looheavy snow
which broke the, canes, .Toth rasp-
berries arul stralhc•rrle.4 ate likely to
bet light in the, Ontario fruit belt :and
medium in tho other provinces, except
]3ritisit Columbia, which premises
nearly a run 'crop.
Red currants are :rerorte'l gold ev-
eryW ;etre, The black verieties are
nearly a tailere in Southwestern On-
tario, tenet only, fair in the AnnepoJts
Valley. N ; c.• her reeves ind:ca(e an.
There are few complaints of insects
ori flLnry"i so far. especially where spray'
big Tina beer( done ieetui1rly for sev-
eral years The fent caterpillar, aye -
ter shell bark leas(' and green aphis
are reported bid in some parts of On-
tario where spraying is not done. The
bark lolly.', thea borer and the rear
leaf blight are mentioned in NOW'
Brunswick and in British Columbia,
the bark lour''', ;tphis, black spot and
canker. The first arp)"arnnce of ap-
ple tsoab in :the latter province is also
reported but ferthter observation may
not confirm this. t
Little Liver Pills.
Must Lear Ciorn,cturo of
See Paa$ia4113 Wrapper lJctow.
Very small and as east
to take ass raw.
... i'FTLt
PI H.Q.'S.
r1Jl& uEA ACHE.
FOR nazi REM
coraca1N>ta ycdvwu;o. CI:i'i.•f/I'W
When you get a Cold,
La Grippe, Influenza,clo not
bo latisfle(I w 1111 something
to check It.
The greatest danger is in
the lingering results of n
half ewe.
Miley it 11 to history would
read different to -clay it
that severe Attack of Vold
and La Griitpe had been
properly handled. A hard
cold 111 settle in the t.
_ est per
ANTI -Preen acts on the
entire mucous membrane
of the body •-relieves Can-
gestion ---cures t'0nstipa-
Bon,111110u1cness, and 1)s.
i'el)sla- every large giand
of the body is brought
under its Millie/um anti a•
(sear -cut ture established.
uith a medieinc l,erfeetty
harmless to man, aomein^
or e1a11d.`vel cents 0f
dealers or by sddressing
\Vn,cos-Vwt.r Co., Mager*
rails, Ontario. Free damn"
pato nay adldreeii.