The Wingham Times, 1904-06-16, Page 6els from the Sanctum MUl 'interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. tr i.. ire Ppite of tl e bat reception pcordt d i A levee emigration to Canada from P '`Blijah" Devic in. Australia, 11e met the Otkuey Islands is eredieted in the '+; dila some success, as sixty-two recent 1 near future. The people of Orkney be P.xtrnei of Wild Strawberry is a nrmmnt l tverted Zinnirts have arrived at Vans I fug essentially agriculturists, and not and sure cure which should always be kept in the house, THAI WINGGIUAM TRIES JUNE 16, 1964 Lest year there was an apple barrel famine. This year there prop ices to be n butter tub fail rue' Butter firkius for the most part conte from Quebec, hut something has goue wrong with the . factories and they cannot supply the de- maud. til E,nuNiI ATTACIcEn. The AwMei Distress of irritable. Nerves Can be Overcome by Enriching and Nourishing the Blood, Thereby 1 e - building the Nerve Cells. Any failure of the nervous system to Children are often attar keel sn�?r1 7)]y do its t, ork properly inevitably causes by painful and di nt;erons C•ntie-., C.:ramps, other troubles. Wrniteued nerve force Diarrhoea Dysentery, Choles 'Mort -ins, to Cholera Infitnhtin. i•to. Dr. Foeler's dealmost N saGnanr�iFelnEres tsattrtc�tiveuees wr,rry mud care quickly farrow the brow of the sufferer whn keeps in a heave heart es long as possible, and then breaks dmvn cotupl�tely. Nervous wrecks nee very Red. pitiful indeed. when a certain cure like Ferro - zone is within env reach. The success of this great nerve restorer has been demomstrnted in ninny cases where other treatments completely fared, so sufferers can with nnboundedcnufldenee rely on a lusting recovery if Ferrozone is silt of well known people have found hen th through Ieerrozole. Arno, et these rnight be mentioned Mrs. E. D. Emmerson of Centreville. who sees: "I am glad to think there is at least one honest remedy for nervous people. No cnn con intaciue what- I suffered with my nerves, and I sometimes wonder at the number of useless prescriptions and medicines I took. But Ferroznne acted differently from all the rest. It built up my system and gradnally the irritahility lett my nerves and I get we11. Fel!' o• zr,ne cured me by removing the cause of my trouble, and by giving me enough additional strength to overthrow the at- tack of nervousness. I eau recommend Ferrozone strotglrl" Nn expnntntinns are too high to be fulfilled if Ferrozone is used. Many others have been cured of troubles worse than yonrs. Try Ferrozone. It com- pletely rebuilds the nervous system and establishes n healthy condition through- out the entire body. Don't let any greedy dealer make you think there is anything so good es Fer- roznne. It nlnne can cure permanently. Insist on having nothing bot Ferroznne. Price 50c per box or six boxes for $2.50, An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs nt. all druggists or by mail from N. C. Winslow's SoothingSyrup leas bet'u usedI Polson & Co.. Kingston, Ont., and Hart - for over sixty years hynxilliousof mothers " ford, Conn., 'U.S.A. for their children whsle teething, with perfect success. It soothes the chile• softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy fair diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. "Oue thing I like about saran," said the old colored brother. "en dat is—he ain't never discouraged! Run him ont er one town, en de fust news you hear dat de dun invested iu real estate in de fleet settlement. He ez active ez a Georgia nigger runnln' ten yards ahead er de high sheriff ou a plank road." Waver from South Auetrai:ia bound for fishermen, are especially adapted fax Zion City, Canadian conditions. eel, reel 3:-. = -El.. iii! —� Novo rho. The Kind You Have Ahoy::Bou ht 1 TRH LADIES' F Ati'or.1T. . Signature /I, -,¢. _ 1 Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite of eGG ofc(/U' I medicine. They cure Consttpation, Stele ' Headache, P,illiousness, and Dyspepsia Mr. W. R. Elliott has disposed Of his i Without griping, purging or sickening. ' 'btwantiful home and nue-hundred and i fifty sentefarIn in the township of Ste- Mr. Ales. Armstrong, one of the Most lien beim; lot 5, concession '2, to Mr. B highly respected citizens of Clinton, Westley Jules of the saute township. , recently completed his 25th year of ser- The consideration was $11,000, j vice with the Doherty Crean Company. Lever's Y -Z (\vire Mead) Disinfectant i For the greater part of that time he has Seep Powder isbetter tlianother powders, been sups rintendeut of the Action Mak- aa it is both soap and disinfectant. 3: ing Department. Or, Tuesday, May '2 nth, the people of rG -A.:5 zit ® We. It -� 'W'est Wawanosh were startled to hear Bears the The Kind You HaralAI' Sys Bought of the stuldeu death of Mrs. Edward I eien faro �t/za -C1...-Wet Plowman. Mrs. Plowman had beeu en- 1 `' b. ,t An old man named Tilly, of Wiarton, had one of his hoots taken off by a holt of lightning last week. The old man was lighting the fire when the flash name. Feeling a strange sensation afterwards and looking down at his foot he found that the boot was gone. joying the best of health and had at -1 R Harrison oi' Walkerton, who was tended to tier Wolk all day and about 7 , fined $10 and costs ou a charge of shin - o'clock she fell over and expired in a der preferred against him by Levi few minutes, Good, appealed the case, and the High If it's hilirzns attack, take Chamber- I Court judges decided that Mr. Good rain's Stomach and Laver Tablets and a 1 should pay the costs, which amounted to quick rt emery is certain. Fur sale by I e2e0. A. I. McCall & Co. Ou June :hal, 100.1, Miss Rosalie The Wiarton sugar factory is adverti- Adelia Eruce.of Cnicago was married to ! sed for sale to take place on the 15th of :A.Iexaed-r W. Wi1;on,14I.D.,of Wilmont, ; July. The plant will likely be removed South Dakota. Dr, Wilson is a brother i from the town. The Dresden factory of Walter A. Wilsou, i2th (Jou. W. Wa- 1 was moved to Obio. Au exchange wanosh, aura has been in Chicago for the remarks that sugar factories don't seem to past ten years. Ha is now practicing in 1 flourish on Canadian soil. the above town. I Many people say they are "all nerves," The essential lung healing principal of ! easily startled cr upset, easily worried the pine tree has finally beensuccessfully and irritated. Milburn's Heart end separated and refined into a perfect ' Nerve Pills are jnet the remedy such conch medieme—Dr Wood's. Norway people require. They restore perfect Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers ou a harmony of the nerve centres and give guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 , new nerve force to shattered nervous cents. 1 systems. A wedding of peculiar interest was solemnized in the Methodist Church, Luolrnow, on Wednesday morning, June Sth, by the Rev. Mr. Millyard, pastor of the church, when Mr. T. S. Reid, Mana- ger of The Siddall Banking House, Has married to Llora Smith, youngest daugh- ter of bdrs. E. J. Smith, Campbell Sc., Lucknow. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They care backaches, weak back. rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's diseuse• and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. A pretty home wedding was celebra- ted at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Sohn Batton, Ross St , Lucknow, on Wednesday evening, Jane 9th, when their only child, Miss Ada, was married to Mr. Wilbert Webster. Precisely at Nothing Like Elperience• "One truth learned by actual experi- ence does more good than ten exper- 1 ie11CPR oue hears aborti Te 1 a man that Chamberlain's Colin, Cholera rind Diarrhoea Remedy will cure cholera morbus, and he will most likely forget It before the end of the day. Let him have a severe attack of that disease. feel that he is about to din, use this remedy, and learn from- his own experieucn how quickly it gives relief, and he will re- member it all his life. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. Seaforth and vicinity suffered the loss through death, of avery old resident, the past week, in the person of Francis Scott. He was born at Wroxborough Scotland, and has been in this country 70 years, 50 of which has been spent at Seaforth. His wife predeceased him a few years ago after being married GO years. SPRING MEDICINF. . As a spring medicince Burceock Blood Bitters has uo equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Farmers are reporting that the heavy downfall of rain during the past week is doing considerable damage. Potatoes that were planted in low lying fields are rotting, and the spring crops such as barley and oats are turning yellow in low places. In elevated fields no dam- age has been done. A Clinton Paper says: An unusual scene for the present generation was witnessed on the west side of the town ou Saturday last when a citizen hitched six o'clock. the bridal couple took their a cow to a stoneboat with which to draw places beneath the arch which divided manure for spreading over his garden. the parlor and dining room, and the Rev. The considerate citizen loaded lightly, Mr. Millvard, in the beautiful marriage he could have put as much on a wheel - service, made them husband and wife. barrow, and the cow yelled it as rapidly An .Aggravating Cough Cured. .A customer of oars who had been suf- fering from a severe cough for six Months, bought two bottles of Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy from us and was entirely cured by one and a half bottles of it. It gives perfect satisfaction with our trade.—Haynes•Parker & Uo., Line - vine, Ala. For sale by A. I. MoCall & Co. During the month of March, 1 sample of diphtheria exudate was sent down to the provincial laboratory for diagnosis. One case of diphtheria and death was re- ported for Clinton during that month; Seafortb, Brussels and Stephen had a death each from tuberculosis, and Wing - ham had a death from diphtheria. These were all the contagious diseases reported in Huron, which is the smallest for the province, and speaks well for the good old county of Huron. Deaths from smallpox and scarlatina have decreased, but diphtheritic carried off nearly 16 per cent of those afflicted: 561 nambers the 'victims of tuberculosis in the province. We do not publish testimonials SPEAKS FOR ITSELF CURES HEADACHE Within 30 minutes or sin Ora4O)'' refunded Ail 1>raggirts 2.5e a ba'baf li1np1e and Booklet Free. T > $1CILALD ItEiliMIAt CO, SiOntrosi as if it enjoyed its unusual task. .lo1FL ate. Bears the _ The Kind You Have Aiways Bought Signature of Al' pretty home wedding was solem- nized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cluff, Tuckersmith, on Wed- nesday, June 1st, when their second daughter, Maggie Maud. became the bride of Mr. Robert Robinson, one of Stanley's most popular and successful young farmers. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Shaw of Kippen circuit, assisted by Rev. R. A. Miller of Varna. For r Sixty Tears. Tho Sunny Side of Life. "I notice that the Turner decision shut the Anarehists nut " "The Anerohist'? Never even beard of ti e team '•--New Orleans Tithes Democrat. "Bobby, won't yon kiss me?" "Naw." "well, Bol'•hi", may I kiss yon?'' "Yes. if yeti kiss int' ensy on. top of my head." -Cinefnnaitt Commereiel•Tribu00. "I always pay as I go," remarked the *reformer. "Thnt's where you're foal ish," said the tweet teal politician. ''I always get a parts."—Philadell hie Re cord. The jest Liniment. "I have derived great benefit from the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism and lumbago," says Mrs. Hagelgans, of Tuckahoe, N.Y. "My husband used it for a sprained back and was also quickly relieved. In fact it is the best family liniment I have ever used. 1 would not think of being with- out it. I have recommended it to many and they always speak very highly of it and declare its merits are wonderful." For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. Too Great a Risk. In almost every neighborhood someone has died from an attack of colic or chol- era morbus, often before medicine could be procured or a physician summoned. A reliable remedy for these diseases should be kept at hand. The risk is too great for anyone to take. Chamber- lain's Uolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has undoubtedly sayed the lives of more people and relieved more pain and suffering than any other medicine in use. It can always be depeuded upou. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. At high noon 011 Tuesday, June 7th, were eousummated the espousals of one of Goderieh's fair ones, when Miss Peaxl, youngest daughter of Mrs. Geo. Evans, and Dr. Pallister, of Kennewick, Wash- ington State, plighted their troth to each other. The happy event took place at the residence of the bride's mother, Al- bert street, Goderich, Rev. James A. Anderson, B.A., assisted by Rev. Dr. Uro, tying the nuptial knot. A June wedding in which no small interest has been taken inasmuch as the families of the bride and groom are so well and widely known here, was that which was solemnized at St. George's church, Goderich, at 11:30 Wednesday morning June 8th,between Miss Frances Rutson, daughter of the late Thomas Butson, and Percy A. Malcomson, bar. ristcr,of Lucknow, formerly of Goderich, son of the late Sutherland Malcomson , master in Chancery. The beautiful floral decorations in the church were attended to by ladies of the congregation. As the wedding party entered the church the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march pealed from the organ played by organ. ist Cuff. Rev. M. Turnbull, rector of St. George's, conducted the marriage service of the church.. MANAGED WANTED, TrastWorthy lady or prentteman to manage busing -s in this county end adjoining territory for well and faverahi known house of solid financial standing. $'2000 straight cssh salary and Expeneete. paid each Monday by check direct front headquarters, Expenses money advanced. Petition permanent. Address, Meteger, 810 Como Block, Chiesgo Illiaies CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Pointed Paragraphs. From the Chicago News. A man whose wife calls him dear public usually looks cheap. The gossip is never so happy she is relating a tale of woe. Love is a great help to the girl who wants to make herself miserable. Modern health foods are all right if you are not hardened with an appetite. If a woman really loves a man she doesu't ask him to give up anything for her sake. Marriage is a failure only when the wedding altar isn't used as au altar for mutual sacrifice. Iu order to get the best of an argument all you have to do is to state your side —then walk away. When a young man finally gets mar- ried the girls who also ran are unanimous in condemning his choice. The trouble with the average roan who poses as the architect of his own fortune is that he revises the plans too often. Those who don't pay their money often take their choice. Love at first eight supplies a lot of work for divorce judges.. The moth hasn't much use for a luau who has but one suit of clothes. Real estate dealers wax fat at the ex- pense of people who want the earth. Time waits for no man, but men waste a lot of time waiting for women. Zhe average man seems to think it his duty to help the Lord punish sinners. Usually after marrying an earthly angel a man kicks himself because ha didn't marry a cook. Mrs. Wedderly—''Yes, we've been married five years, told ray husband is still in love." Miss 1eFlypp—"A"d aren't you jealous of her, dear?"—Ol i- Ingo Daily News. "Have yen laenrd rrbnnt the latest ir- surnace company?" "No, wbet is it?" "Why, it's one that promises to pay ali- mony to both parties, in ease the mar- rirgeproves a failure."—Detroit Free Press, "Would a newspaper corresprrndent accompanying a traelt team date his re• ports 'With the Fleet'?" "Well, he might, although most people who co to a truck meet expect to seo a squad run " —I3arvard Lampoon. Tit for Tat—Laboring Man—"I Waol to renew my lease." Landlord—"well, the new scale of rent for your net will be eighteen dollars instead of fifteeft fox a month of twenty-five days instead of the old number."—Judge. Hostess (to new cerate). ''We seem to be talking of nothing but horses, Dir. Soothem. Are you much of a Sports- man?" Curate—"Really, Lady Betty, I don't think I ought to say that I am; I usei to collect butterflies; but I have to give un even that now."—Punch. in as when Dr. W. N. Robertson, public school trustee, of Stratford, has under consi- deration a change, which he proposes in a matter of what is familiarly known as "school age." While he does not ob- ject to a child going to a kindergarten at a tender age, he thinks that a child of six is too young to be allowed to attend regular school classes, as the regulations now permit, and asks that the age be changed to seven. Dr. Robertson states that he has investigated the matter and finds that a child too early sent to school is apt to be stunted. There is more catarrh in this section of the country of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to b a incurable. For a great many years doctors pro - polluted it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to euro with local treatment pronounced it incurable, Science hasproveu catarrh to be a constitutional disease and there• fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, ie the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses froth. 10, drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer ono hundred dollars Mr anycase it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: P. J. CItnt nv & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, ' 5c. Take Halt's Family Pills for constipa- tion. • Effect of Sleeping Outdoors 1'ir. and sirs. Nell St,alk•'r, whip lire naar ties ilntrter Oak park entrance s1v':1• out of doors. Some time ; go Mrs. Stalker eels very low with. nir- sote_ prostration end s]re lost weight until she was reduced .t•o' 1'0 pounds. Shy want to a, resort for invalids tiler: the principal trnitment was sleeping eu.-doers. 'When' shit return - e 1 to thin est y, she eoniinu; d the, t;ron t- a1,e.nn at her hum. .at Charter Oak iiark, and now she, weighs 160 rounds. Mr. Stalker ims never been sick, bat he wanted t•o try this treatment toe. While he. has not tg:x ned in weight ies says Le f.eelsr better than he ever did bsfora, and neither! he nor his wife would sleep inside the louse for any- thing, They have -beds out on! The verandahs wh:clt is enclosed, with alvn- ings to kce.p one the, rain rend the sun. When the nights aro, deer, the ay. -n- il -4e are drawn in :and the fresh .air has a clean sweep around the veran- dah. They sleep with the saute am- ount of covering that, one needs in the house in winter, :with all the fires going. g r When it is twenty degrees 1r.lo'•,' zero Mrs. Stalker covers her fare sometimas, but Mr. Stalker' dose not think Inc gets the:, full benefit of the heather if his Lace is covered. ll says he Bleeps like t bop and he coal ti not b. induced to sleep inside a house again•—liar tford Courant. A girl may to able to pose as an angel during courtship but after marriage she sheds her wings. Any man who eau hold a baby for an hour without saying naughty words is in the same class with Job.—Chicago News. When a man gets a letter from his wife during his absence 'from home he simply reads the postscript and sends her a check. A BAD CASE OP KIDNEY TROUBLE • CURED BY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS' • The Rose That Was. (Sam Kiser.) He used to call her his June Rose, 'Twas June when they were wed; How soon the lovely glamor goes, How soon the joy is dead. They skimp and save in many ways To make an outward show; Beneath the pride that each displays There oft is hidden woe. Ho used to bring her gifts galore, As if he'd been a prince; Bat that, remember, was before, And she had faded since. " f what Kidney Troubles no matter 0 kind or What stage of the disease, can be quickly ani permanently cured by the use of these wonderful pills. Mr. Joseph Leland, .Alma, I+T,w.T,, recommends them to all kidney trouble sufferers, when he daysr—I was troubled with dull head- aches', had frightful dreams, terrible pains in my legs and a frequent desire to urinate. Noticing DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS recommended for just such anno% anees as mine, it occurred to ale to give them a trial, so I procured a box of them, and was verb much surprised at the effectual curt they, made. I take s gr ofp eat deal leasure in recommending them to all kidney trouble sufferers. Pries 50e,r box, or f for $1.t8;all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Ce., Torol*t01 Ohs, He scolds because the money goes When she gets hat or gown; He used to call her his June Rose, But now he calls her down. ti t Fr'^ GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They P ion ofmedicines approved are .made of a combination PP and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people --but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam. rremedy. They arc a dependable, hon- est l •:m•.dy •vith a long and successful record, to '.a. ttgest'r,n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn „o• ,t.ipation, t aensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • ni' .ttion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular 1r-• .atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn- ,- .•.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t :i-rwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- .id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives . an tans benefit from a regular use of Ripans `1' 1b'iles. Your druggist , sells them. The five- c...nt packet is en .i;h for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bott?t ho cents, contains a supply for a year. c• te . :0,16dtfr /',h'fk,,..:,.•m•`f,"l4. 'e t, ?,ft "+ j :.ri �'Y,,,j,..1 it[Mn r.. r�:. NO DIFFERENCE. No distinction is "lade as to the kind of Piles that Hem-Roid cures. The names Internal, External, Bleed- ing, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc., are simply names of the different stages through which every case will pass if it continues long enough. Piles aro caused by congestion or stag• nation of blood in the ]ower bowel, and it takes an internal remedy to remove the cause. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is a tablet taken internally. It is a permanent cure and no case of Piles has ever been rotted it failed to cure. Money back if it does. A guarantee with every package. WANTED K, K t& K • .5, . wars: , gK (Y DON'T BE AN ASS "'f}.,•qfi . ^'+„ If y0a are buying a pair of shoes or a suit of and reputatiothes on of thou are e merchant. toarticular as Your health is of ' c e moreitn ortanco than either,yet yon let quacks, y t P medical fakirs and other hmnbut:s deceive you by their deceptive offers of something for nothing. o�w After beiug defraude 1 by these medical sharks you .>;thinlcall doctors are rogues, whereas, you alone Vi,i' j, ,' w,e/n.• ``areto blame, Why not first demand front them evidences of their honesty and responsibility as specialists. We have been located in Detroit ?,5 years and can give beat of baulk references. READE M. Are you a victim? Have you lose hope? Are you contempla- ting marriage? Has your blond been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Trcntw. nt will cure you. What it has done for others It will do for eon. CONSULTATION FREE, No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinton free of charge. Charges reasonable., B001{S FREE. —"The Golden Monitor" (illustratetll, on Diseases of Dicer. Dar No Names used without writt.-n comment. Private. No Medicine sent C. O. 33. No names on 110=C0 or cnveiopes. lOverythine confidential. Question List and cost of Trzcat- meat ,Y•'REE. DRS. KENNEDY & KERUAN9 No. 148 SHELBY STREET. DETROIT, h44CH. K.. k.& K ,[V&F,Kw i 44.16+.14.1.+44.14++++.1.4.444.÷.14.1.+4.4. •h •I• •1' 4. at. 4. .y. .• d• .;. 4. •i• 0 Wood - Question List Sent Free for Home Treatment. CONSULTATION FREE. °DR SPINNEY & CO, w9ard Detroit, Mich. A man to represent "Canada's Great. " ` ham h town est Nurseries" in the ow of Winghain g and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man en either salary or com- mission. STONE & W ELL EV l TOUT roisT181I.T. ,1C1II13ERIES over 890 Acres MEN' 1 There is seldom a day that we are not consulted in regard to a coed lion that, if we were to have seen hitt its early stages, the sufferer would have been relieved, cured and saved considerable expense. This we consider is due to lack of knowledge on the part of the doctor who has previously treated'the case; therefore, we say to you, if you are suf- fering from any disease or condition peculiar to men, or if you ,have been a victim and been dissapointed in not getting a permanent cure elsewhere, we would ask that you conte to our office for personal examination or write us for a Question Blank for Horne Treatment. we will explain to you OUR SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. which we have originated and developed after our whole life's experience in the treatment of special diseases of men. We will give you, I+REE OF CHARGE, an honest and scientific opinion of your case. If we find you are Incurable we will honestly telt you so. If we find your case curable we will give you a written guarantee to cure you or refund you your motley. —YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED— Wo cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURES, BLOOD and SKIN diseases, PROSTATIC troubles, BLADDER, KiDNEY and URINARY diseases. .1. •i• 't S• 4. 4. 4* 4. 4'.�. 4. 4' o. •4.4.d•3•4-1.'F44••I 4.4.•I••i•4.4..1 i•3•d•3•d•444•4.4•d'd•3.3•dr4••i•''4.1.4-14.1• i••i d -1-14q..1.4 •Miy Clubbing Offers - 1903-04 THE TIMES announces. the following low -rate: Clubbing Offers for 1903-04 := Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 1 00 Times and Weekly Globe with 8 page illustrated supplement Times and Family Herald. and Weekly premium Maps of the Dominion of the Province of Ontario Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.. Times and Weekly Witness. Times and Western Advertiser.. ",Gimes and Weekly Stin. Times and Daily Globe Times and Farmers' Advocate Times and Toronto Daily Star. Times and Montreal Weekly Herald Times and Toronto Daily News Times and Toronto Saturday Night Star, with Canada and 1 60 1 75 1 75 1 60 1 50 1 15 4 85 2 25 1 80 1 15 1 85 2 30 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use • asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the BALANCE uF 1903 FREE. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers • will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. Call at the office, or address- THE TIMES OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK TORONTO, - ONTARIO ,'j Epti't%iE"' STREET'. WIN 4QIEAM.