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The Huron Expositor, 1988-12-14, Page 12
t2A — THE HWOt E BSdUt „ DECEMBER 14,, PEN E TC 111•GE GCE - A Perth pa'::vier pale ekelh 1I ➢wiltllt➢ liter Itresrott merle a Meth= nailer teed:m atr me titre Me mn to sect in :';'tes Ilzfmannitnalll on Wednesday might.. Ibis gene servo end to end slctiaam„ thud entaead is a GO die. Caked fi taein. VA ASTRA RECREATION CENTRE ((2"Yra nmtati Salutlt mtfl C1blrlumm C i'. ,;MSTYAS SWm 4:3m p.m member IS„ 2D, 2t,. 22„ a,. 29 a.20 - ;: tum po.mm.. Lenerra ter 1I Ras %gear Suairtml TOMS On Ere= 4 „Ber4a 11 December 3m (j11: 2 A➢.rt➢o J 24,. 25.. 3m.. 27,. 3@J, 314 ..IC; fl21 I, , MYNAS MEM ESI, 6 . Y ANY 3 MO MEtel GET AN EXTRA 1 MONTH Mur 'Encpcies December 2Ef/ pu.Ot Murchereltip brrekat s peek Einem mem 8, same torr vim bee tautly, env ilreafraitha1 nremberslemt NTER S P OG Stens s .lulu try 9 am MerTlto n: ,' :: Y CEO 482,•344 T® Register NAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS ➢I.s'. S,ECIeAYL' ERSHIEP ANI FREE Belles thump St. Mies itilage a sew mega game &navy migit a 'gated EL Maya. As atinuane dams,j';<tii l re:;;:i H . is a matt %dam Lem ;1:1': i;s;, Mattla i 2Saahltatitmanly gem andirmg„ Ida .anawrrtnPlttiln EL Marys las met Eteenned &tat. gat Dee 1Q (1;+li'LY& IdiN DI -add tithe *Maggie_ LLSt IllL1A:N gladewasa aid as itiinitscattI6 RI_ and few. SaidaraTnataraftediegafifis aN pedindwasY .u+ ssidsearLdam - a team fad ammo fie ,ate s dld>e game, -1 ��J1In ''s r'•anp ���.j��wanly 1 atatimsto..L^.4illt 'w�:h.Lb14m; l'+t'atti�1 A• was. trtitia aid dibey Adili Me game ended op s at& E.'6Si11dLL1aQm t Inagi4t p1��,* ':,Et II{ tpRylhi 1@r.., a samel TSAia`,fa!Inil1;4. L '.,i� 'sa, ll been mare named admit 11 'Race an farseniors de Mega sailedadadaiti '22 beat= gire- sentLIFieraisareiferanetentaffinstewwas fie Statham:ie IIIYL amgatiptiandefi it fie test fie n1111,:,^, syl;(of . m ld y,,., I�;�, ¢� uE'1W32=1 ies' Iga..'1.- �AaIL' : en the tffi ftaistt stiffs a t tits imrlin itsaaazen tilbw j s:. Wnlx i i$jptYt S I fi➢mTml- i ll nlr a. were really(1 au stem cage, Mfg zat sewer Lap as lei Vateig lifte gSiUtt a 's 1 efeanergeme- 17+410 moms liar Seetiettb mime :trey WandierAttternmol Sae, int Watt t Mead Meg fame. Itaitamy Nast toe, art diesdrtkEtp# twei�lsd'aw.mss, ndindI ttetttte a-Eviweamillseaceilattat anefeettitategaiile. ife (r�a�p�J�!...� d➢a 1y�� Nat�nr�m.i,.,ER , ewe- Easiffertins �tls:p1,se'i cam.ddireace game Memel diftt, Emile/ IRO aid Readier Iffiffarifeerlatt tt m -n 'albtC j . SilCmt. (Ciontaim tag tber csmyy��.�fig,,ntakiia' ds name - fisantE df attire de Ste_ Marys aentt ttih 'Maga par m wiling first plat twe wbase 28 eeks „;d�ffi,,a�.�a=at ➢ ;Regatta lY.'a"�•'•ts ®dMidis aieii m' tide t rr Larne' was ,t i s: 4.11ir ,i11( -A 'ls Thrilaseee '717 ; xu Santis (MT, Eimer Gnaw SEL 2tedielssen, (deem y„ - Mimeneer amit Edna Beret AND A JOYOUS NEW YEAR From Your Recreation Centre Staff SEAFORTH SEBRINGVILLE QPEri !loan dna Fes 83 a.m- - ?iP no® and 1 pin_ to S-r3D p_m Satinday S am. o IL D p m SALES ,POWER- THRU INNOVATION Mai POWER TOOLS Seaforth Atoms W a i Ilte &Band& Aterns tweed 1f1111 TjaatED ReielMkF leMladrg fear me adanbiliien game a➢lrtrsmt, A team Deo fie sarrimig wits was wanted b Zasain Lambs Ii,I I:seared Isllaaa•;gneism'nlibelant pada& Bat evr ild'111 sr a- eseradis:s$t.iti(dle perked, Pat ,Oritarat sewed a!n dradissisted STM trm Sesta the fast wife a 4-2 same ta- te ttl>e s There wasn't mamas a.n,.mI :sem lite sae dmatted fur isenTe t a1 F ev,ensewed fa amMattenitIIs$ Jams v➢nt�+ N lmm Zie fitted inernad sew Sys if. anti= with twai greats far latintan aortae gag fay .Lean Tie game erdied 14 far LII± AUG tile: Saartmlild team *wad av .. 1 wig and sites d be rengratafiajed anph1- tag we1I '•t:1;n1.Xr a team.cif awe specie- rabler,1 A carksinedt® delete C. Denereams was ger melted nal& a Leaden liteclay stunk prier tin the geese Mud cede Lenten team were Boyars s %lbw teammaes pest shy. ='Ihlalot :::v,mbr::Er :b1J11 ,pt�illb:.aJctcuf I era 1'- -ap!�{�.�' mo�i __ �����,upp My/1 ix""ies,ab.J11QJ!:i ill�:al' jjmr[etimpes matting Idegam&m+ fae first leatiked, sad(o • to dale fee brad sift a get l]j;i '�Qy�tizn,rn'�1w1r,, '.:..a-nn.,,11 (flit :Lfem: r MenOiraisildi and Pad �Mfsrailti'sIt111 ec .Sinfartat malt( mmu bar fear :slam stmt >m tie :ht:. lA a1m vittu.a rinds by. .&:sen Cs ;gam were arm Zatitall 1115 Main sm :awl .r7,a�r assisting ate and lkitie ITIdm .�;Im tided igierinditiew 1, i• as smart atm .e' ' net aim l::tn ' lr l le:vnenne v>, seal ban gelscliff Patt (Qedr% :sceredi 7y�, �dng. ,ass a 'lY lam, mem final mime was 8,1 far.t,&ee{treat. l�fteListanieleyelsmareaseinir,dilIA= 5.:Aw(mIr.ff_ Seatriti aped hose amen tem, a mm NLF times tits year and ft„„mareit fay. weld time CD atiefigam_ Lishearal armed tie anky gad dm fie first Efenalmadire steed aide Cast l:it1-:Icin fie seised leered 'tan mad Seitfanit an fie same fai_ ,:nl.l,,,l asaistell e gue game a{ Is .�If�pr�1l1lIUI biter, l add sawed RIM awe gad 42 tate game yat and 1«., , Ike zgais tam same ;;•+1 -:ll Heafattla hfeEs brew ftey III<:ai ttlm gaff ter socks ted, se Zama - - - sewed rase 1 t4lr:I1, file kiteAsniatts were lead at ithe ant ad dike ammail pada& A,,. ghee the 1Pat +e+�'+az'+�-�}' i t: nr d tittlineteraanon Listatwml tai. eat (meg rim it e fend twit] tate ll�/!WICSme !!n 1.:1.1 -;li tit was (ab same- Hag, ;laid as a meat SmeririE l�ettl'1� q(,q(,,���� in fie 11iVYIIVI ware Ed( fiefetkUmlitild '➢ig , MEM tCO7Yas aaaita>m•, Bradt ery, Des a¢J1:81 Q .JJamtiu::r!ui:�lla::•1!,1 a been dieing same glades Card lament and Seat Vexed '•arte imeAtiegitameamprestatesaraaireepandfre geed wait Ames! ire teamtdminnits the lirategiane,hllN+!' easing agiedinggansegif tlilre:;gber slick, fres bait again Sattunfay IL.osik cam! I'Ai:: IVi'trulta lw. i1) l;.11l'billlt is Dalai -Dy Petites win Mitchell ringette tournament S Feta .r” in tole Bm- 1i>reari➢i'I@ Etizagettes TburnsimPrel pat weekend. Tiey MEM hat w;' tile -A- Tresaly in than &seine_ On Friday 1401 fie pkiFeni agAirot St Marts anti wen by a 9-1 see_ Seaming fir tie Fomes wire Lisa ridAly 1ain Zen- > GEagedola, Kathy a Datedre andl21, ,tea asks weal to Lisa Gingairil tire; 8Lla y Rateltre„Damia3..1_a111, Fatly Dmmeamm and al Cainnarbas wit& rare east_ St. 11i&rfsgeal -scasttaZackcy Cal*_ Tielare OnSabuday, tie Pates went ant:m.tl tf1Smea?m ri by a 5-1 stare- <. •et Markmand Kolar ,Swnr s=td twee fimr 5.tk entn g r�. —QA - *alga sae EEStila. Crissy ��y� Firm mired T 'a (gaitiL Sail nL* to .aa 5.5 to with Gat& Tieegnal simmers were &near Marcie tannin tem Iy Ran and Nadu i..s1a7..EmlErm are �,(a ey,,r.,,, k Assists Yt'CJ1Gl1 YYP illgi' :;tt,:lily wiftb ...�. t��, Katy l 7YeIli".t+nr�.t aiwd I:�':;1,1•:l:tbT�:N. w '7tgn are mink Snaring au •Gmatulk were Jarksas lath tow., est Tara Limand witi Tle 'essmainininstt? game was itayed,mm fa Penes ..gni:1g against Wit - dell ti{; Gill ],di lull snare_ Smite& goat smears manual� :t: c, r ttbtea Meta Etna twa lr�yblC, tl(M1r., w ldl lrat_A. S - aa eel dam J ; v Meta DMZ Dated ac 82. Ude t `Ly Elm, lima Viimegerteln and Kadity asTidaniecian . idie(al11% Minden gnat was rimes lay Sraulty Binning. tg tpl1YrI'yys IIMICE233Mt, liftratarMarine ur.staeda 111 ln14' !DID IM,,tffte yt- mYd.1 Cluanffia grateirring MoSETE*ttarits,larigtairaikatinnszenflGaied Watt. Sea forth Novice win two games on weekend �Efie t b ' ay bays game and imainagid in same LI ama=weced Mat Van Dnican sewed fanr gam. Derek &Mb bad glee gazb and me ams it Seed Van D. Lne a sewed two gmia Zimed geal Fed Cape, (Modes Eabectsain and Ei) Craig each hal rpt Scti Zite frimi fie' u s Sealed& 13 8' 'Q ten. Pad 'C wj aw, aMateft G Maack Vain f:?uec ttaF.,, £ice$ taliwayi6rlr l ,,fte feat leaded aced Milractun came bait di© lore snare Fit 14 at tie catfi cif 'ale first waked_ tai EnardLin Fiats, stared 'a seising Ste dile seemed wend and a tie agarn Mikertan acne tat tin tie tttJ'!e snare at s2.2.StiZart& if= denied tatidentaraniseinalikilkm,ted osxqulikalkamidtkess EI; coin Id ttxy mast Van Damen. Tie Erdal ware was Sweretib 5 Mc -atonal iia came die deism m daa aribalitisen game_ 3m Tie s alnited wen bat !lit zit tie 'd0.R£ was Su:,fard (6 &admire III lionweditead tie Menne team 11u,:fawt Parietal Eir Flagnmasa : In ar Et& tea? wSmai fa= gedi hut dm all fair games! Snowmobiling responsible for 20 deaths last year seem tog in kadertsd 7ez a itiremiliri in az c-nT„1,1i6 wiser.ten 1961 tan I, $ms �t m_,T o tbme 3bas' i 811 Ennwanabildng 3 if mere L 1 MAO 5agr Zfrli' r kg Wit II' anal 0' .'+t;^i7x''i L3:fu:'u� �anan�7t`Ilr•!ruwla+A.l niera unite =Imam sammaciatirrig,dt is aiae3 s � g r -s-s %a• ties w l: 9n. rr,� 7 maw ate,, ♦ 2 T a, �.�pa,r, .nl> -sy ���T� :te II.I R+F` ' l� rf iR'L1k.i.1R��lklh•� 1'YA.Zy"+l t� tl ",,,.xil, YNR s+r list a�E ai 7m ISM id =az_ 15 as ly @fin�fl cA,tA s t FrarecandA , m Pall *Limb 2D p.grif4, a .311:( ,,la 1011 aalne Ifs W 1 1!1 ® W S WINTER BOOKING ON NOW OUR YARDS Ma BE CLOW SA 10 I� .., MOND" ANma QUALITY & SEPif CE MINCE 119x6 4 614 4$ S tea! l xi wrw Axl SM4MTial .a:'°'Bo SEAPOR1T i_ O,'1TaR1O NiDI( 'MD TELEPHONE E 5.-QTi910 SEAFORfiH RECREATION WINTER PROGRAMS senimmafedermAk,‘ Mil fain Me, cam cause 2$ %'sem_ Than,. as war eta . a trawnt arzars rrleadriffa' ire fM tatiTEr and gaissimger 15q tabs ' speed alt =- trail cif tie,I rlhac an matter wtisai 'marii••..e.. �?t=.ailrDEr as Regatcr tiros being ttimitri irate t. %War Ea •W000 REFINISHINGer a $,e ism a The Sear -alb Damns Wa i. SaStralml aa Misimeta s tam 7- b alt a naaa. tsar 94'eseeel beginning= 9Reg±mrs`ere ice M :33 and - aantsr f•' aa'eryl Easaaea+rsemr' paT+1 'J eGALLROOM DANCING *f5 be tett Emile &mg-maze:mg Efatara- Cal=as (Assess stn evenings stattinge 723 paaaa. TlitiM &i l ayrane maw:dl me aasi Ti dtaat��'..taTaaasn3t 12_�f•ss'er� i�'aa1t.ID�yier ca� ,�aGi, tame ate.[worm a feast raw 4leiAm a .;i/pa trarra Lam 110FITNESS IS FUN't'iC be tett sassy Tuesday 8, 1 Fse13034 a.> c8 d ?dmu yt tnlcuuni �s ', aID 4 n iO��?sa �1us!ti�.v!:nitgr C�-,...s �3e •apa-�1 the 1>fliy? t,jn G:1c y'PtCte eica• s z) asGd msr3& g,a➢4a:m Taal. Isatuersf 113, il' 2. Jew lama aaZ!take vtaw➢ tiraugh year aaean,NaTg wartliltent, arm ant and arrift. •> 'S RECREATIONAL GYMNASTICS w7.1 SzstifSaturday to ,altsnncunuav, sa tee tWawa. Thine WM be 2 iffinarragevat. 3%n 7 years al age is -M1 sett at nian. and finti man. arf tie PIZEI3 aid ad a:titianaaaar;5s ita trinMit 444011t} aa. Taiteirmeg twOl a,m'.Siti,- .Jemmy 14. Ragttratteat `tae asi:'+B be 30: pleas td 5:03 lair a limey ase 3 tarsi; Infra • al '(^�,II It�ei�raP CIMING IN MARCH vat bet tesw,(AdkJti mksW➢' ina kti i tistaifeb bets im . 94tta emiw`c' be eft iGivAlinit'C•a8 d 7m*.;:in Y'aeg Imairt ¢e B ¢t8i84Fa tt Thera a mrd the ➢ scat, , Endear ` and tie iattagare ea Afrzftte larifr Comae Famine aseZl.% tie Evaits. tsar Ws isionling anal tis a„m.nl➢. ff any cif Masbate penspeastdtmendline, call the Siestmetto Seminary= Derma- a 1 a a 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 GA a END OFLEASE I CLEARANCE 1111 1 1 1 1 1 a a 1 RM. NETICEMIL Mk Wend cif PrrrawasisPoi,� I OPEN 7 DAYS PER WEEK 1 `Jasi lSga 1 1 • f