HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-12-14, Page 11THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DE EMBER 14„ 1 — ➢ DA Starlight Lanes For Holiday ,: t kings CALL 8 527.0040 * • ::! or 522-0540 d Perth and Winthrop tie OM PABR: 1-QUEEals8. There were plenty of a egis for these hao hails toscore in this game. Unfor- tunately the Quos goalies et a Tillie larva gap and Parr Lane's Sandi Fremliu took advantage atthatfacitosome. She was assisted by Gl6mdathapntandDeailkomah. Tammy Nash gobbled up three points.ase this combust the and the Jenne e )Farmers. Linda Boyd surfed twice off great passing from Audimy Defenmeman Joan Flanegan also PERIAm all, mead �. WINTEIROPi) game Petah and ®Pntherp. Goad offensive and good defensive plays were in evidence. On December 14 at8p.m it's the can mEe analva. Wintrhop• at8:50p m. Parr Lyne vs. Death and at 9:40 p.m. Jr_ Farmers vs. Queens. MENtSMEtDftMBALL WINTBROPI This was a noteworthy game between Wi ethrep and the Royals. Virinthroph Brian McGavie picked off an open coroner to scare • the game's wily goat RAIDERS 1 - RIVER BATS 1 Blain Marks made a diving shot into the net. to score the Raiders' bast real. A assts came from Steve & Darnel Eckert. Tray Arts ti>d things up for the River Rats with a dap drat -at; teat gebybothte GRABS 3 -;• L,I, Remy ra for the Grads. Re Re �to get thew o Ane gottheirgoasloffa defection hemp an oppasing Dana Beans helplbyCraigSmith. The) helped gaal came from Craig Kerslake, off an emeelient pass by Teeny Vandenhevel. PAlRRILINE1- BUMPERS 4 Brett Finlayson asked on three goals this night by Frank Flanagan, Dale Ken - and John The Parr Line t;Y+®tie played admiralgy. Ms teammates were oermlale to capitalize on their or the score would have been better. - RIMERS 2 John Reclnaelt's shot did the trick for the Knights early in this game. Mark Louwagie also scared. For the Easy Riders it was Jim Nyeanhuis scaring from beyond the blue Tine„ to bring the scare dose. a Afteer pulling their goalie the Riders tied the game with only 22 seeonds left on the mock. Dave Rolle y, assisted by Rick Barris and Rob MtGreger scarred the goat In men's hrnomball on Tamsday at 7:30 p.m. Red Rustlers vs. River Rats; 8:20 pan Raiders vs. Knights; 9:10 pm. Parr Lime vs. Haw Riders; 10:03 p.m. Royals vs. Grads; and 10:59 pan. ,1 impels vs. Wintheep. Falcons extend first BY GEORGE LOVE The Faleazns enameled their first place lead in the St James Howling League when they blasted the hawks 7-0 at the Starligidt Lanes on Monday, December 5_ Murray Beranewies was the leader for the Falcons with excellent games of 353, 333 and 300 and a 986 triple. Carol Johnston also bowled well with 215, 214, 320 - 749, and John Suffer 288-653.Kevin Broome 256 -620, and Joanne Aubin 25 - 573 were high for the Hawks. The Faples knocked the Cardinals out of seeend place with a 5-2 victory aver the Car- dinals. George Love led the a'.aagies with 22 2,, 248 - 667, Ken Hunt 219 - 572, Dem Nolan 213 - 539, and Marilyn Den Haan 209 - 515. Cathy Broome was top bowler for the Cardinals with 303-652; Sandy BroaadfoutM7, 22S -627, Pat Ryan 209 - 598 and Todd Caldwell 217 - 557. The Blue Jays downed the Orioles a2 in their matchnp Ken Maran was high for the Slee Jays with 290-625; Connie Marion 208 - 571, Hoegy Ti -538, and m Dalrym- ple Gerry Armstrong was high for the Orioles with .261- 585; Reg Chappel 224 - 582 and Harry Den Haan 213 - 524. Team standings after 13 weeks are: Falcons - 64, Slue Jays - 49, Cardinals - 48, Eagles - 45, Orioles - 38 and Hawks - 29. place lead A C 1E'S SUNOCO WEEKLY !' R.AW WIN E S '...�,ase«:,,,,nis liilli L Gas Prete Willem Seg Ss taco T Gas Truck 527 EIGRLOW DOUBLES The final night of the Riram Walker's Special Old Doubles was cormted on Monday. Murray Berrnewies and Rom Rent howled a plus 290 for the night were the winners. Cathy Broome and Her Rant were pins 186 to finish setae& Connie Marion and Karen Homey howled plus 56 and Gerry night it ngrspg and Kevin Longhmane ended the aCongratulations to these eight bowlers, who all exceeded their averages for the sixth straight weeps of bowling. CLEING SHOT - A Junior Fanners player wands up to swat the ball out e9 her end as Commercial Rotel p*er Audrey Schenk tries to eget back dna play. Cnnu renew! beat the Junior Farmers 4-0 Wednesday night in Ladies br omtrsll action. Cabatt photo_ SCOREBOARD •TROUIERS CUTTERS Commercial Bowing e Mars Bar H-at Hats Smarties Nut Bars Snickers 47 45 43 30 Sweet Marries 20 2 Top 10 averages - Car De Carte 201, Gwen Hank= 187. High scores -Gold Murray 2.67, May Delayer 259_ High triple - Gord Mur- ray 654, Mary Deloyer 636. RECREATION PREVIEW by Marty edard LADIES BROOMBALL - Barb Flanagan dies to get a pass through a Jung Fanner defenceman and across to her Commercial Hotel teammate Heather htcilwraith in ladies broomball action Wednesday evening. Commercial won this contest 4-0. Corbett photo. idest ilodeas ire Stock carer Pares & se,mine nor Whin metwin �t. RQ SAWS C1JN1ON a eaforth eahawks Winter registration Registration is now being taken for the following Recreation WINTER PROGRAMS: WOOD REFINISHING: will be held at the Seaforth District High School on Monday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. for 1Q weeks beginning on Monday January 9. Registra- h$30. and the instructor is Harvey Seligman. BALLROOM DANCING: will be held at the Seafmth and District Cammnmity Cen- tres (Arena) an Thm/sday evenings starting at 7:30 pm. This program will begin on Thursday, January 12. Seg�tionn fee will be $40. per Male- Come out, have some fin and learn a few new dance steps from Lou Morello. FITNESS IS FUN: will be held every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9 to 10 a.m., at the Community Centres. Registra- tion fee will be $35 for the 20 sessions (10 weeks long) and will begin on Tuesday, January lq 1 n, Joy Lam will take year trough Your morning mahout, carne out and enjoy. CHILDREN'S RECREATIONAL GYM- NASTICS will be held on Saturday after nouns at the high school. There will be two different age groups - 3 to 7 years of age will start at 2 p.m. and finish at 3 p.m. and 8 years and up children will start at 3 p.m. and finish at 4 p.m. This program will begin on Saturday, January 14. Registtatian fee will S30 child, $75for afamlyof3or a Family of 4. Your instructor Will be Starr Josey (same as last Winter). COMING IN MARCH will be a new pro- gram for adults who wish to begin golfing. We will he afferthg adult golf lessons star- ting near the end of March. There will be classroom we*, indoor golf and tine gram will finish on the golf course. Y'� watch The Expositor for this exciting new tom. If any of the above programs interest Yon_ call the Seafmth Recreation Department to Ilegistee, or, for mo a information, the number is 527-068h: SENIOR SHUFFLEBOARD scares from Wednesday, December 7th are as follows: Men - Stan Hideo 361, Sandy Pepper 134 and Gordan Madierasje 301. Ladies - navel MeGonigle 2384, Helm MacKenzie 311 and Jean LuneThe Seafmth Library pmts a FREE CHILDREN'S MAGIC SHOW with Mert the Magnificent. This program is simmered by the local library and the Huron County Public Library. The stew will be held ora Saturday, December 1711t at 1:30 p.en in the lower- level of the library. Atter the show, all the cbildren will be able to tell Santa what they would like for Christmas, as he makes his final rounds before the big day. The show is free bntspace is limited, so get your ticket today. lima are available from your favorite librarian. The Seaftnth library will also be showing some Chrialmas Finis. The movies are call- ed "Christmas Lace" and "Cosmic Christmas". The films will be shown on Tuesday, December a/starlinng at 2:30 p.m. Admission freeand the recommunged age is 5 to 12 years old. (;Dae and enjoy!! ! Dent miss out on the FIRM' AID L now COURSE being offered in January. This course will be instructed by Art Me Naughture For mare information or registration call Art at 571335 after 6 per. The Seafmth BANTAM HOCKEY TEAM and parents will be host to a hockey team from Denmark cher the (mss holidays. Hockey games, bus toms de shopping will fill their agenda. This team from Denmark will play against our boys on Thursday, December 29 at 5:30 p.an.. and Saturdaty, Jar any 7 at 5:45 pan. Came out and watch what will prove to be good, exciting hockey. GI CERTIFICATES at NOBEL'S NURSERY Give a Flown, Lig shrub to someone who has everything 527-1n9S Ay AN EVENING WITH SANTA CLAUS r 1 1 GERARD RYAN Gerard is another graduate at Se Forth's championship junior tem of several seasons back. The rugged dafencaman to s favorite of Local fans and is in Ids second season with the Saatawks. Uses a hitter who from � team to keep their heads up. introduced by DON HAMILTON REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE LTo, -Wane& ne. n end tram write ea on nl- Seelndh Agent Kevin Vader &Mown -ora 221-3S00 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT requires a DRAINAGE SUPERINTENDENT This position is part-time and duties include reporting to council, conducting on-site meetings with landowners and providing knowledge and evertise in the work to be car- ried arried out in the area of newly constructed drainage works and repair and maintenance of existing municipal drains. Familiarity with the Drainage Act and procedures would be an asset. Willingness to complete erosion, survey and drainage courses necessary as required by the Ministry of Agriculture & Food. Individual should have good public relations skills as duties include working with the public, engineers and council. Applications marked 'Drainage Superintendent' will be received in the office of the Clerk until 4 p.m., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1988. B.M. Shaddick Acting Clerk -Treasurer Township of Hullett P.O, Box 228 Londesboro, Ont. NOM 2140 Municipal Offices located County Rd. #15, y4 mile East of Londesboro. GET YOUR PICTURE TAKEN WITH SANTA CLAUS THURSDAY, DEC. 15 15"`,20 7P.M.TO9PM. OFF ALL REMAINING TOYS IN STOCK 10% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE Excluding Items Already On Sale and DONUTS ARE SPECIALS JUST ARRIVED POINSETTIAS 4-5 BLOOM 6-7 BLOOM 3.99 4.99 WHILE STOCKS LAST SEAFORTH CO-OP MAIN Si•s SEAFORTH 527-0770 a