HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-12-14, Page 3THE HURON EKROSITOK EtBlIEMBEE i@:p,, (ABB — ::3Al6 NOVEL I ERIENCE nRyan Wilson, soner.,kahnmid Michelle ik{ Weser) ad Seetarthe'has found the lights and music of le Christmas season Cyt; edincg. This :t:ecaumicChristmas tree, Witt) its bright- lights and mitres, '6ias ; nartinatarly,attraciaci,h is ,�tlr urtien. teitmliviraith photo. HO HO FASCINATION - Pat O'Reilly watches as his eigh month- ald son Brett O'Reilly plays with this replies of Santa Claus. Brett and sister Katetyn have revived the spirit at Christmas for their parents. Mcltwraidr photo_ TRIMMING THE TREE - Despite same apprehension about the prickles' on this Christmas free, Katetyn O'Reilly was able to give a helping hand to the tree trimming this year. Mcllwrailh phi te. Christmas is a time for kids- -young parents youth reliving (�istmas is for kids - and for pats of young children - it's a chance to relive their own youth. ROBERT JOHNKTION At 16-mnnties of age Robert Johnston, son of Tom and Bonnie Jotmston of RR 1 Dublin, is stall too young to understand the eompleffi less of Oiristenas He is however, intrigued by the festive preparation for the sesasam "He loves the lights and the music," says his mother. -The first time he saw the Christmas tree his eyes lit up and he just kept saying `pry, pretty'," she wags. "And he loved the parade. He watched every single thing that went down the street He loved the horses and canldu't believe Ho He (that's what he calls Santa Claus). He almost primped out of Tom's arms when he saw bine" Aeeerding to bis mother, Robert is fascinated by SantaCtans-afadsheat- ttibades to the positive experiences he's had with the jolly old elf to date. 'The first Santa be saw was very gentle and nice.. He hugged him and talked to bins, and Robert liked that Now he sees Santa as that type really likes him," she says_ d I and "He has no fear of him at alt He cries when he has to get off his lap, not when he gets on. He knows' all the co mereiaps with Santa in therm and rims to the televi- sion when he bears them. It's just amazing that he (mows wino he (Santa) is." It's reactions like those that are making this Christmas a special one for Robert's Christmas bas always been a special time in our family, but it will be even more special this year because of Robert I think Tort and I are both a little more excited about Christmas this year, about Santa coming to the house," says Bonnie. "It was fun last Christmas, but Robert was stall very, very tiny and couldn't really do mach This year were looking fur tea: d to the magic of (Aristrnas morning, especially now because he imows what presents are. It brings back the exelte- Ianent of Christmas morning with Robert. 's special." RYAN WHSON Like his friend Robert, 15-mariold Ryan Wilson, me of John and Mahe& Wilson of Seaford), will also be observing Ws seed Christmas this year. This time hewerei, it'll be t reugb much mare ex- perienced eyes_ . "He was only thane months old oast year n through Christmas," says Ms nosing. -Re was tao and staff, hat t y� r s hoard the lights be birdies r. We can lsardly wait to get tbe free rap." Also like Robot, Ryan is fascinated by the image of Sam Claus, and las already made three togs to see him. "He ham Sam Gana He gives him candy," laughs bis mother. "And he knows who he is. If you say San- ta be looks ed the Sada 1 have in the house. And he koows wine be is when be carnes on television." int asirfitio5m to Santa Claus Ryas atm loves the lights, music and other "tics of the season. He loses the snow and was particularly intrigued by some artificial snowmen he saw recently because they moved. , Fos John and Michelle, )gig a chard tugs meant seeing Christmas in a different light- They attetaded their iirstSanta Claus parade this year, awl have visited a hit of toy stores, played a hot of Christmas mimic and read a hot ofardortnias books. `Ryan is the first ginadthald on either side, so this is the feast ttme we've est looked at toys. And it's so neat to go out and bey him Cis gifts that I've done my shopping already. It's the hist time PneerirbadjtdsiebyDe�ajber 1," says Beebe -Ile_ "at/hisses really is for keds. And it's a int more fan for as this year, because is so new and egg, for Ryan. John is just bike a kidMears elf and sametimesH don't know if Pm baying the toys for him or for Ryan- My mum and dad are going nuts They can't wait for Christmas, to see Ryan open bis presents, or rip them, awhdtevea he wants It's citing. It's going to be a wunderlul Christmas this year." KATIE NIGH Al and Mary Nigh of RR 4 Seaford] dnn't expect their daughter Katie to do much more than play with tbe abandmi wrap- " ping paper on Cirislmas day. Katie wall be just seven -maths -old on December 2:i. But that doesn't mean she basal been captivated by the sights and sounds of the "som She's noticed the excitement - the lights, the trees and the presents," says Mary, adding daughter Katie has even tried pulling down the C rristmas tree. "She fell asleep hal wey through tbe parade, but she hikes the lights and stuff like that Her second Comas will pro- bably be more exciting- She'll be walking by then and things will he a little name hec- tic. But she's getting to be a dot of fun naw. She squeals when she's excited. She makes funny anises and plays peek-a-boo." However limited Katie's reaction to the season, this, her first Christmas, has been an exciting one for ber parents, who get to go through the rihnaLs of Christmas shopp- ing and baby's first visit to Santa Glans Al told me I was going through my se- cond d ixrocl fs tbe fourth lima" sap May. `I lave Cls and having a chill l ba: brrought back the magic and make believe for me." Mary admits she's also had moan fun da ing her Christmas shopping this year. `Yon fuel sig educe -- time] - and foam - for them Buying Katie's first doll was an excel g die ne for me_ And buying clones is a dol of fmi too. All the clothes are red and green and come wither bats," she notes. This Christmas the ilirghs have also b� intent on edahlisling, or carrying on, Christmas tree lit, 'We tions in are her," the Vis. trade 'Both our families are strong on ta�- toms and we want to l� those on to Katie as shegromup- stuffdikeg the Christmas tree, baking " "We're pretty excited about (5hrhannas this year." KA�,YN AND Z TO'g ,Y Pat and Mary Margaret O'Reilly of RR 2 h oft are n,Mmonths,and about C this also.more exp year. 'It seems to mean mom to us now that we have cledre ," says Pat It's more fun - talking aboral Santa, stockings,making � shopping and adds Mary Margaret. Witty presents undemeath the tree," Bath say the cnldraa are too young to have an overall aandersta�uding of On -inn=s, but add they are dwmam that something is banniening ad "It's a dey- y forthe Ethel what basalens ��'" explain' s Mary Margaret 'They don't really when Santa is cemaug, or that be is coming. Birt they know who he is, They - � him by m and say ha, ho, be.' y that getbrhg the free was hTbe for � the Ms this year, and pig up t e mere se. better.fink K yn knows intisa are and can sae the But kids love the Christmas ligids, and were quite amazed when we stares pnttng up the ex- Christmas deearatimms,,' says Mary Margaret Another thing topes them of the O'Reilly children ttele om iheea the Christman -They're really into the Oiristmas teals, especially Rudolph. Every time his nese lit op it was a tag deal," says pat_ But the childien aren't the only ones:en- joying the Christmas season. Both Pat and Mary Margaret say they are enjoying the experience atheing young parents at this ,special time frd year. "It's fun - even shopping, because it's the only time of year when you realty go out and buy toys for them. Yon go out awl buy them clothes, but you dun't alien hey them toys,",lisps Mary Margaret "It's also fun dig the things any rant used to do at Christmas - nevi iug the traditions of our childhood - doing all tea staff we used to do at ham" An.�althnughthey are£a tgthisyeara 2 the Mess say they expert nest year to be even more sse. "This is jingle start basically. Neat year will be a Int more lull, because they'll bub be more into TYLERBILDEBRAND At three months of age, Tyler Htlds$ramnd is ell to be a relatively quiet baby at Comas. He has bowever, brought a rem sense of Christmas to mother Ruth and father Steve. "He's made us believe in Sada Clans again, says Steve, appg more ex- cited abou ms's retina than has 'Aced one nigbl, when I was ;r• r:rra read fnrthe open house, I put up the tam, blamed the lights m low then }met on the flasber lige, and Tyler just weal nuts." "He's reallatoo little to do arythiag she this yea,"says Rath, adoring they emeist amt year to be very exciting. "It will be gmeet Christmas," saysSteve, "Especially -when gncares u t uptbestintfor theopen k or this year however, the Billatramis are hated on maks this afristaxan a memorable one - Thad for Tyler,thein far They y expect to be a he bar in gel this yam, as MEET pea- pas posehle,andsi g uoff tbeir son. They anticipate mamas this year be minicially special for Ruth's side of the fannily, because Tyler grated/dead. is t first parents are pretty malted aB;o d having a gmaileted," says Rath As for anistmas taseilliaisa, Steve and naltplan tocarry innthe have also irk 'Ther awry tratillianbaying of an smaanzenitm Tyler's honor each Vis, latellhig it with his name and t�. dates and tarigiag it on the fee. When Tyler has bis oma aufertmas the d� �ta�heb to hire. Stere is enjoying a rem to the ley sen firm of area shares, and has even grim so far as to decorate a etaistmas nee with Mae sor*a in Ty*lea's bonus. He ova be, an - w wile,thMsag a 3dytophy ith "I's emiting. Bat nest year, when he's at the stage aevhaa ba ftem rip+PIPE;riZoGT- naments off 'Mabee aid rsun/elx Sartzes pietrare and say bis Rahn,itvallbeahit more fm," says s,,,, ► flat theoar m.cr erorannousreg to ewe, basing a ems, j at t"i time, '° vts as an manse to be a WV' CHILDHOOD FASCINATION - AY saaverr.rnwaat5ts of age Kath eiligh hsanneawanta as 'sbnwn'l isannatiun with the Clbnisoaraa tree. Here, will a tulle "help frau' 'mourn teary. she reaches for one of the cob/foil bulbs that artaarn this tree. Mcltwraitta .phone. LITTLE SANTA - No amount of coaxing multi get hoar- nunlirsrili Tyler HiL ,,kinJ to senile for tb3 p.°ctrre. Maybe the luekvaeh 01 iln yuuatg Samna ate it,a,ae excited a„hnul the CoeaS S 1111 then he C. MrJtwraaitr pts ,to. e Stymies asnmaginsaesonatallthaveleaffessonsinat:taran amanitas'', salons afaeliteetau7Es�at"�er Wed., Dec. 14 42D-531) p fir. - Tweet, Primerme 531) - 1130 pan - Basham & - t= pan. - armor Braurabao 8 - 11130 p -an. - flatus antertbell 1n30 pan. - Ceraeretbes t?saeniee MUM_ 9 Dec. 15 41$1 - 520 piaci - Pee Woe 7a T' s* 528 - 832 prom. - Pee wee '1 Practiee 1311 - 7331 pan. - Maar 8Etrornnt 3) 739 - 12 Midnight - Men% Bram rassD Fri., Dec. 16 4:29 - SIM pTr, - Jr. & Belie Prentire 534 - ray pun. - Jr. Nome League e s tt9 - 7'310 pap - Sr_ Wise Leregve 7319 - 8.9]9 pan_ - Petite Practine Sat_, Dec. 17 7341 - 83QD ears - Figure Stens aimaaa. - fangs vs. 10319 MUM- - OltriStriests vs tltuelb Stars 1121D arra. -':eels vas Fiesnes 1220 parr.-'lttbaiee vs Penguins 1341 - 293 Isms - Stites 139 pap -3111eganSbesrergerasent, y Feer k.sa 230 - 302 p.m. Treeknms va taastton 3-433pan. -I 9 438 - 538 pen. - Weise -sampan. pan.-t�sree�tt eee laanne ?�a` saM -1130 open - ternvestaa vs Pee Wee" Sun., Dec. 18 123at) - 1�t3 par. - acs Godatith Prnagette 130.430 }axe -Cent/mai-vs 019 - 530 pan. - t>rwine 518) - 8.111) p,aa. - 'Ftraeen a s Eirdelbti 93113 - 7319 pan. - 41r. ifs. testa 7319-819 pan. - egi o ;MIL - oiDER,21.ftS flutivas 930 pian. - iterate ens Ranters Mon., Dec. 19 032 - 839 ;Lot - i=agrnet-mg 8317 pan. - Beavers Tues.„ Dec. 20 2311 pm. - C3ttiama,cmt'atm etSerrtarth 'may- Ages 5 Is 12. 0032 - 033 ,pun. - Alban Prentine 8,351- 11:80 pan. - etentasrrs maGenterktb ems - law rpm— -'tl!< ,ret *ta Wed -,Dec_ 21 03,32 - 528 pia r. - Tessa 5"-31)' - ,52 1) pan. - Elen1aa fi39 - 8-30 parrs - Eanonteill 8319 - 1aa/ p, a. - n 102it - 42:119 eau,. - Cerat Prrmstre 1 •