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The Huron Expositor, 1988-12-07, Page 17
-1 1 36 SERVICE: t DIRECTORY THE HURON EXPOSITOR„ DECEMBER 7, 1968 — 17A Fuel ! oil ` Furnace a Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 315-2235 Call, Rick. Holland at 48Z-9651: Xook Early FM Interior Panting' *Neild ai4, Attie & agreement /5{s1eer •vnedow CO...ang ...Smell Jobs Friendly. Honest. RoIiable, iie©sonable 39..CARD OF THANK SCHWARZ We would like to thank our family, friends and neighbours for the lovely gifts and cards. we received on the occasion of our 25th anniver- sary. A sincere thank you to the Nigh family. A special thanks for the wonderful meal and evening we had out at Frank and Leona with the family, and Grace far • helpaig with it Special thanks to Michael, Patricia and Leona far making it a special night ft will always be remembered. Henry and Maty G. 39-49-x1 ST. JAMES C_W.L- St James C.W.f_ would like to thank everyone who supported their annual Christmas Bazaar and Tea Prize winners were lst prize - Mary Ryan; 2nd prize Frank Connolly 314 prize - Josie Nigh- 39-49-1 MURRAY Special thanks to all who ware so kind to me at church and fir the good care at Seaforth and Stratford Hospital Stephen Murray. 39-49-x9 SEAFOLTTH & DISTRICT PRESCHOOL LEARNING CENTRE RE We want to thank everyone who contributed to the success of our Christmas party. Special thanks to Marion Doucette and Michael Park for entertaining us; to Roger and Ann Adams of Canadian T-rre; Joanne Aubin of Inds IQoze, and Anita Lammerant for donating prizes and gifts: and to Santa for spending time with each one of us when he came to visit. The Children and Seaforth and District Preschool Learning Centre. 39-49-1 HODGERT The family of the late 83! Hodgert wish to ex- press thea most sincere appreciation and thanks to friends. relatives and neighbors for your love, prayers and support during the re- cent loss of a husband. father and grand- father. Memorial donations, cards, floral tributes, tetrad sent to the house and telephone carts were gratefully acknowledged_ A special thank you to Rev. Wm. Bartter, Dr. P. Salsbury, Dr. ,a Turnbull, stall of Clanton and University Hospitals and Friendship Circle of First Presbytenan Church. A warm thank you to the R bey Funeral Home. Lois•and Farrei;y. 39.49-x 1 CHE,SNEY We would like to thank our famdy. relatives. friends and neighbours who sent cards. limners and gifts on the occasion of our 50th wedding anniversary It was an much ap- preciated. Thank you_ Alex and Helen- 9.49-xl EG LIONDVILLE RIVER RATS BTtOOUBALL TEAM Thank you to an who hued - to 2,0 who donated food. to everyone who brought the food. you made our bake sale a success again. To Ken Smith Poats - Special Thanks far the use of your show room. Thanks Mary Jane. Seasons Greetings to everyone. Thanks. Egrroandville River Rats Broom Ball Team. 39.49-1 RIcEWLNG We t',:sh to thank our wonderful family for an the work. panning and arranging they tient to on the occasion of our 50th anniversary. Many thanks to our many friends and relatives for at- tentfmg - all the cards, gifts and flowers we received. Special thanks to Paul and Nita Carey for recording and vitteeo taping our evening - McKt bop ins. Directors and Staff - Our f-tappy Gang - T.D. Bank Manager and Staff - Walton Ladies far Providing the dinner for our family and the Wilbee Orchestra - and marry others who matte it the moa; five night of our fives. John and Janie hlintn frig 39-49-x1 40. IN MEMORIAM BUTT In Iovang mamary of a clear minter and grand - Ina ter. Edna M. Butt who passed away December 10, 1937. tf teardrops were a slalnaay, And memories were a tans. I would walk all the way to heaven. Main. Arid bring yen haute agent Sadly missed by daughter Linda. sari -in-law Wayne and grandsons Jamie and Jason. 40.49-1 BUTT In Loving memory at our parents, Edina Butt who passed away one year ago Dec. 10. 1987, and our father, Roy Bun. alto passed away 18 years ago Oct 15, 1970. Our hearts s1111 ache with sadness And silent tears sir] flow What it meant to tripe you both iso one w31 ever know When a day is sad and lonely Arid wary thing goes wrong, We seem to hear you whistler • Cheer up and carry on". Always remerpibererl and sadly int t7- Karen and Al and family. Brenda and Peter. 40-49-1 The War Ainpmtatioas of Canada.– Safety anada Safety Is No Accident CHAMP PLAYSAFE Program ONE OF ST. NICHOLAS' .`Elves". a friar from the order of the.Francuscaro Friars of Mary Immaculate from RR 2 Linin, presents a student from St Colurnban setttol with a gift after his visit with St. Nick. Corbett photo. PTA turkey bingo well attended St. Columban Correspondent MR& CECILL1 RYAN 345 -tin The Dublin - SL Columban Parent- Teacher Association ( PTA) held a very suo- cessful turkey bingo in the SL Cohimban aura hall an Tuesday, November 29 with a very large crowd in attendancee Winners of turkeys were: Mrs. Ken Mur- ray, urray, Jame Meagher, Karen Ryan, Donna Rose, Cool Ryan., Jeff Murray, Terry Smith, Cecilia Ryan, Jean Maloney, Nancy Ilo, Cecilia Ryan and Charles Roberton. Share the wealth for $50.25 was Mary Helen Van Leon, sed share the wealth for /5L50 was won by Steve Sheeran and third share the wealth far $50.50 was wan by Chad Verberne. Door prizes, all donated by local b>isnessm were wen by: framed picture. ma Horan; silk plant Tara Flanagan; glasses, Attie Made Rase; hats and ther- mos, Detente O'Rourke; gift certificate, Gregory Kroonen; gift certificate, Darrell Daigle; pizza, Liz Van Rake!: shampoo, Julie O'Rourke; smoke detector, Jayne Crowley; case of pop, Jeff Murray; hat, Steve Samplers. PEOPLE Vincent Murray, Louis Nnianapei Joe and Helen Milan were at !tel and Anne (Nolan ) Stockie, Kitchener on Sunday, November 27 far a family Christmas Dinner. Larry and Lina Murray of Branagan visited on the weekend with Steve and Agnes Murray. Gordon and Angus Moylan of St Marys visited an Saturday with Mary Moylan while Kate was shopping - Sharer Murray and family Dan and with Dan and Brenda Ryan and fami- ly of Leaden en Stmday. A VISiT FROM ST. NICHOLAS - The Franciscan Friars of Marry Inornacelate of RR 2 Luton. artd their friend St Nsih rias were in St- Cotumban ora Monday. They visited with the children from the SL Cclun tart settee], and gave therm each a Christmas gift artd a Christmas message. Corbett photo. Postmaster attends_ Conference MAIM Correspondent MRS. DON MACRAE 345-2842 or 345.2144 The animal Christmas Conference of the Associaliaan of the Postmasters, Directors and D recteas' Assistants to Canada Post was held hi Krngstaa on Satartlay. The executive was inn in- cluding Don MacRae and his wife Eileen of Dublin. Dan is the Diatt_itius' Assistant Ap. Staffa man soybean grand champion Staffa Correspondent MRS. JOHN T 24PiJ LAN 345-i3i6 The Tweedsmuir Meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute was held in the township hall an Wednesday afternoon, with Pedal guests, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott, Germany, and Alvin Barbour, Staffer The afternoon began with eve.yuue sing - Mg happy birthday to Two Scott who was celebratitg his ninety-first birthday that day and then everyone with birthdaycake and enjoying a cup of tee dainties, prior to the meeting. The Tater Curator, Esther Smale preeded for the afternoon opening with a poem, The Magic Gift, followed by the In- stitute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Esther introdncid Tom and Alvin who talk- ed about the early enmeshes and lodges -of Ribbed Tewnship, the begihaing of the telephone first town -hip fairs, the early elite factories and sawing bei Grace Kerslake thanked them both for riming and sharuig their trernnries and experiences with us. Everyone answered the roll call by telTmg 40. IN MEMORIAM BUTT In loving memory of a dear grandma-tiner. Ed- na Butt. who passed away one year ago. December 10. 1938. We are sad willlin our memory. Lonely are our hearts today: For the one we eared so dearly Has forever been caned away. We think of her in silence. No eye can see us weep. But many silent tears are shed When others are asleep. Sadly mMsed and lavirrgy remembered by grandson Dan and Rhonda and grand- daughter Lori and Keith. 40-49-nx BUTT In tov ng memory of a dear grandmother Edna Butt who passed away one year ago Dec. 10. 1997. There is a place set apart in the depths of our hearts, A place that is ats*ays your Iran. Na one can replace it. nor time erase 11. I keep it for you alone_ Levnigly remembered and saifly ms sed by Lori Raitt. 40-49-x9 a� hadthey learned thaom afternoon Freda Kerslake Cromarty same � appy thoughts on chidrea and a short reading "The Joy of Making Friends". Grace Kerslake read a paper an the early "Hibbert Pioneers." Roberta Templeman presided for the business when correspondeace and thank yons were read by secretary Verle Mahon Miller report by Kay Smale. Doris repeated cm the Perth south district executive banquet, which Staffa brand[ hosted, and the Critishnas gift she had mailed to the Weavering Woman's Institute m Kent, England- During the after- noon everyone contributed a short note to the Christer letter for the Weavering branch- Danalici were given to Optimist Place in Slea1fahl and to the Hunter Rnrxflr -3 Hanaatc,ad at St George_ The December meeting was reviewed and the date r banged to Tuesday evening Det mbe- 20 at 7:313 pin, when the 4-H dessert were Esther Smale acid Grace Kerslake_ PEOPLE Everyone was smiling at Temple' haven Farms this past week, when their five-year- old Holsteinwas classified Excellent Rory ilTistrens LOCAL CHAMPION Lorne and Helen Fell, have returned from a trip to Regtoa, Seek where Lamm was presented with awards at the Canadian Western Agribition. Lorne was Grand Champion ® Soybeans with the variety Maple Arnow, and Reserve Champion for his Maple Glee Soybeans. He also placed second in Sas-Rowed Barley witin a sample of OAC Kipper and seed the Soft. White Wheat class with the variety Hares. Larne and Helen were pasts at several luncheons and also armed the Rodeo while at the Agrnlaviticie SOCIETY CANVASS 5 thew mothers and l will b9. The Hiibbe2 Bible Society Canvass is COW uipleted and excel/ years. special guests of the Institute members. grand total of $733, thapnksr two A poet forget, each member is to ctintribinte taws. The Male Society will hold its an - one numbs- to tbe ttrugiane nnal meeting in Creinarty Chant in Planning the afternoon and serving February 19119. Looanng for effective ad's -tramp math Qaaaak rEsyits'a The CaaSiheM can, Whether you want to self Aunt Edna's old ser:wong basket or a use i car. yell can't do better roan atm venssang A an the Classofaeats Lookong for a rob or a car or a new hornet Hcy abTaat a hone improve- ment nandymant From norenes to net tar, the Clastrfoeij seg coon G T5 snoopng place of ma- roons with the best basys on tour proximately 39 people attended the conference_ Dom and Eileen MacRae called at nes Ran and Julia Davidsoa in Scar. - on Saturday en the way to Get well wishes are being sent to the hospitalized the village, which inclinte Mrs, Olga Eckert, Stratford Dorothy Dillon, London UniH e•: v Hospital; Matt Meer—eight Stratford wish year and ethers who might be 93 get wiShES. Visiting with Mrs. Mime Evans arse r a - last week was Mrs.. Rom Howey fret Mae also swot a few days earlier in the week with her daughter Marie and Jack Cleary in Lander Knight family holds early Christmas in Cranbrook O anbrook Carnsspondeut MRS- MAC E,tiGFL 887-6615 Ferry -o a members of the Knight firmly held their Christmas in the CYantarook Cam- trarnity Centre on Saturday, November 26. The Caaawale y Cooks catered to their supper and a surprise visit from Santa added to the evening enjaymint. The Country Cods of Ethel catered to a turkey stiper far the Q anbrook Women's Inetitate fancily and friends on November 38. Sheila ami Ralph Adams of Atwood con- ducted a shirt program of game; and con- tests and readings. Their daughters Flora aced Shirley sang a Ctristmas welcome mtg. Cathy Woman led a steg song ac- companied on her key -board - A short business meeting was conducted by the presided and plans were made far catering to the Grey Tp. dinner an Den 9. Clare Veiteh spent several days visiting with his sou -ata -law and daughter, Patrick and Mrs. Adams and family, Manrtdek_ Northcrest residents visited by grandchildren Bewail Correspondent SUSAN HART MAN -2449 Jake and Mary Jane Knuth/E'er of Lae LaBiLiffe e,Alberta are '`g a few days chair Babe 119 also her parents, Jim and Betty McGregor aral family. Jack McKnight of Ottawa qaent the weekend with his parte Glen and Pearl McKnight, Mary and Dem Graft 01 Sano, spent Sunday with the McR eight ; > In lin also - OP 06.